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Pisces in 1st House | 1st House Pisces

By Hindu Astrology20. December 2011 11:42

A person with a first house isces tends to be sensiti!e" compassionate" empathic" wea#$willed" long$
suffering" day$dreamy" procrastinating" plastic" impressionable" impractical" indecisi!e" psychic" sentimental"
romantic" idealistic" affectionate" easy$going" la%y" not concerned with the practical day$to$day affairs of life
and absent$minded. &uch a person is usually too absent from the awareness of what's happening in the
present. A person with a first house isces is a day dreamer who dreams through life rather than li!e it.
&uch a person may be in!ol!ed in music" dance or drugs.
A person with a first house isces has a sense of loneliness that may not e!er lea!e him. &uch a person
wants to stay alone for most of the time. A person with a first house isces is usually !ery sensiti!e about
his surroundings and may absorb e!erything for good or bad. &uch a person is li#ed by almost e!eryone but
should learn to be practical and more down to earth. A person with a first house should try to focus his
energies on the present. &uch a person should wor# for others. But" he should also be careful that no one
ta#es ad!antage of him.
(he presence of a first house isces gi!es a personality that is idealistic" super sensiti!e" and usually a
person with much !ision. &uch a person is also a romantic who seems to be easy going. A person with a
first house isces often as#s for ad!ice as he lac#s confidence and is afraid to mo!e forward on his own.
But" the interesting thing is that such a person rarely ta#es the ad!ice that he recei!es. &uch a person is
!ery secreti!e and stays reser!ed when it comes to disclosing his thoughts and ideas.
A person with a first house isces does not draw attention to himself and thus" he may not recei!e the
attention that he deser!es. &uch a person has a need to ser!e others in life and feels happy if he can do so.
A person with a first house isces li#es to spend time alone as self reali%ation is !ery important for himself.
&uch a person sets high goals and e*pects a lot from himself and people around him. &uch a person is often
disappointed in the people around him as he e*pects them to be perfect. &uch a person usually has this
idea that he is right all the time. Hence" a person with a first house isces often find it difficult to accept that
he miscalculated something.
A person with a first house isces faces difficulty in ma#ing decisions. He is usually confused and sees two
options for e!erything. +onfrontations and clear cut decisions are not easy for such a person. A person with
a first house isces usually relies on his inner feelings and intuition. &uch a person should choose his
friends and surroundings carefully as he is highly sensiti!e to negati!e energies. An en!ironment with
constantly changing emotional stimuli gi!es such a person the opportunity to e*press himself through his
many facets.

Aquarius in 1st House | 1st House Aquarius
By Hindu Astrology1,. December 2011 1-:10
A person with a first house A.uarius tends to be altruistic" friendly" yet detached" impersonal" humanitarian"
sociable" intellectual" freedom$lo!ing" rebellious" independent" and unusual. &uch a person usually wor#s for
the benefit of e!eryone and forgetting about his own personal needs and desires. &uch a person always
wor#s for the sa#e of his friends and sometimes e!en strangers. A person with a first house A.uarius always
has a different point of !iew towards e!erything. &uch a person is usually !ery original and in!enti!e. He is
also prone to uncertain and sudden impulses.
A person with a first house A.uarius usually possesses a good mind and has a !ery good intuition. &uch a
person is practical and has a good organi%ational ability. &uch a person is !ery intelligent but he is cold and
calculating when it comes to feelings. A person with a first house A.uarius is usually detached from almost
e!erything. &uch a person re.uires freedom and can not stand possessi!eness. He can also not stand
/ealousy. A person with a first house A.uarius can sometimes e!en be selfish and cold. &uch a person
should try to e*hibit warmth and should use his heart more than his mind.
A person with a first house A.uarius has an uncon!entional approach to life. &uch a person !iews life from
intellectual stance. Beware of becoming too scathing of the intuiti!e and emotional side of life" and the
occasional need to follow rules. &uch a person is original" intuiti!e and wants to wor# for the common good.
A person with a first house A.uarius is also fun lo!ing and friendly in an impersonal way. &uch a person is
modest and he is not an attention see#er. A person with a first house A.uarius wants to be lo!ed rather than
be admired.
A person with a first house A.uarius produces a personality that is creati!e" independent and detached. 0t is
a sign that suggests many uni.ue .ualities. 1ften" an unusual personality which is different and ahead of its
time emerges. &uch a person can e!en be high strung and unpredictable. &uch a person always has a fear
of losing his indi!iduality. A person with a first house A.uarius remains totally independent e!en in a group.
But" such a person ma#es significant contributions to group acti!ities.
(he presence of a first house A.uarius e*presses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs" but it does so
in a !ery impersonal and detached manner. &uch a person cares about people in a !ery different way but
sometimes is accused of neglecting those around him. Being tolerant" broad$minded and curious" such a
person's interests may be !aried and may include many different areas of life. A person with a first house
A.uarius en/oys anything that in!ol!es helping some segment of society" or reforms for the benefit of

Capricorn in 1st House | 1st House Capricorn
By Hindu Astrology1,. December 2011 14:20
A person with a first house +apricorn tends to be sensiti!e" timid" business$li#e" ambitious" controlling"
reser!ed" practical" down$to$earth" duty$conscious" responsible" critical" and cold. &uch a person may e!en
face trouble while communicating in the early stages of his life. &uch a person may e!en suffer from feelings
of inade.uacy. A person with a first house +apricorn is determined towards his goals and ob/ecti!es. (his
determination usually helps such a person to o!ercome these problems easily. &uch a person is also
ambitious and does not settle down until he has achie!ed all his goals and ob/ecti!es.
2oney" position and power are !ery important to a person with a first house +apricorn. &uch a person is
usually reser!ed and this can be misunderstood as coldness. &uch a person simply belie!es that he is
responsible and is doing his duty. A person with a first house +apricorn may e!en face problems related to
his #nees. Any trouble with the #nees is the outer e!idence of an inner inability to be fle*ible. &uch a person
should also try to sociali%e rather than spending most of his time alone. Discipline" systematic endea!or"
hard wor#" and patience are the characteristics of a person with a first house +apricorn.
(he presence of a first house +apricorn states that a person comes across as restrained" conser!ati!e"
practical and reser!ed" and feels obliged to pro/ect and maintain a good image despite e*ternal
circumstances. Always ob/ecti!e" such a person presents himself as a sharp business and career person. 0t
hardly matters what particular difficulties life presents him with" for his biggest challenge is always he in
himself. A person with a first house +apricorn feels dissatisfaction with some aspect of his personality or
appearance and may de!elop conflicting beha!iour to deal with these feelings when they surface.
A person with a first house +apricorn is usually a wor#aholic. &uch a person also wants that his colleagues
and subordinates should also share the same #ind of dedication towards wor#. &uch a person can e!en be
/udgemental of others on !arious different issues. A person with a first house +apricorn may face some
problems in his personal relationships due to these characteristics.&uch a person is usually conser!ati!e in
his actions and habits. &uch a person is also !ery concerned with his status and prestige.
A person with a first house +apricorn climbs to the top in a !ery slow" sure$footed way" always staying on
solid ground and ta#ing his sweet time about it. (here is much stability in his ma#eup and he rarely becomes
discouraged" e!en when he is faced with fre.uent setbac#s and roadbloc#s. &uch a person has a great
organi%ational ability and determination. 3ery straight$laced and proper beha!ior is sometimes a facade
hiding a sense of insecurity or of feelings that such a person is unwanted or unappreciated.

Sagittarius in 1st House | 1st House Sagittarius
By Hindu Astrology1,. December 2011 12:04
A person with a first house &agittarius tends to be idealistic" aspiring" enthusiastic" religious or agnostic"
interested in far away places and cultures or ideas" physically acti!e" ris#$ta#ing" outgoing" bree%y"
e*tro!erted" philosophical" perhaps dogmatic" pre/udiced" superficial" loo#ing for greener pastures" and on$
the$go. A person with a first house &agittarius has high aspirations and yet he may ha!e a unruly desire
nature. &uch a person usually lo!es animals" outdoors" sports" gambling" ad!enture and tra!el. &uch a
person may e!en face lac# of any type of concentration.
A person with a first house &agittarius may ha!e many ac.uaintances. But" such a person has !ery few
close friends. &uch a person usually tends to ha!e casual contacts rather than ha!ing any sort of deep
relationships. A person with a first house &agittarius is always on the mo!e as he is usually restless. &uch a
person li#es rapid changes in life. &uch a person is usually !ery tal#ati!e and straight forward. A person with
a first house &agittarius lac#s in tact and diplomacy because of his fran#ness. 0deas are !ery important to a
person with a first house &agittarius. &uch a person has a problem of promising much more than what he
can actually deli!er.
A person with a first house &agittarius li!es life with both enthusiasm and idealism. &uch a person should
pay attention to the details rather than /ust loo#ing at the big picture. A person with a first house &agittarius
is usually optimistic. &uch a person is ambitious and has large scale goals. &uch a person usually ta#es
things for granted and wor#s for his own matters and perspecti!es. A person with a first house &agittarius
has the power to influence people around him in order to get all the ad!antages of life. &uch a person's
optimism is a source of inspiration to those who are in contact with him.
A person with a first house &agittarius is usually restless" independent and !ery out going. &uch a person is
always focused on his goals and ambitions. A person with a first house &agittarius has strong urges to co!er
!ast distances" both physically and mentally. 5sually" e!erything does turn out well for him. 0t produces a
personality characteri%ed by humor and a happy$go$luc#y disposition. &uch a person wants to e*perience
life in a !ariety of ways. A person with a first house &agittarius does not li#e dealing with pessimistic or
emotional people as he does not want to deal with their problems.
A person with a first house &agittarius is an e*cellent abstract thin#er" but he is also !ery much an outdoor
person. &uch a person lo!es nature. 0n this !ein" he is a !ery spiritual person who can tune in to the higher
forces in life simply by ta#ing a wal# in the woods. A person with a first house &agittarius wants to be
constantly challenged in life.

Scorpio in 1st House | 1st House Scorpio
By Hindu Astrology16. December 2011 1-:70
&corpio in the first house produces a nati!e who has a deeply reser!ed" secreti!e and determined
personality. (hey possess an intense" magnetic" and charismatic and powerful personality. 0t is hard to
understand them and their thoughts" and the fact is that they themsel!es do not li#e to be read by anyone. 0t
is a mysterious sign" and they li#e to be mysterious in e!ery way. (hey ha!e a hidden depth in their persona
and other's find it difficult to comprehend. (he eyes of a &corpion is !ery intense and can ma#e the other
person feel uncomfortable and uneasy. (hey are !ery attracti!e in loo#s"and hard to resist. eople are often
attracted towards their outspo#en nature.
eople with &corpio in the first house are !ery diplomatic and manipulati!e in their words. (hey are !ery
much will full and self reliant" but appear calm and composed on the surface. Being a water sign" these
people are !ery emotional and tends to hide it from coming out in the public. (he ha!e a controlled sense of
emotions and are determined in their relationships. Along with that they also possess a strength to
o!ercome the opponents.

(hese people are possessi!e" /ealous" and intense in relationship and general life aims. (hey ha!e the
ability to stand under hea!y strain" and still stay cool" e!en in the most serious emergency. (heir reactions
are logical and not ta#en in any haste. &corpions are flirtatious in nature and prefer to lead a life without
getting into any commitments in lo!e. But if they do" then they are fully dedicated and loyal to their partners.

8irst house &corpions are suspicious or s#eptical" and occasionally you can be 9stingingly 9 sarcastic. (hey
can be e*treme negati!e and e*tremely positi!e " depending upon the situation and their moods. :!erything
is blac# or white. ;ou can ma#e an instant diagnosis o!er any situation and it is usually the right one.
&corpions get what they want" when it wants it" most of time" since they e*actly #now how to hammer the
situation to mould in its fa!or.
&ometimes they can be !ery re!engeful and are considered to be o!er$se*ed" more on the e!il side. (heir
personality id dynamic and di!erse" and it is a waste of time and energy e!en to try understanding their state
of mind.

Libra in 1st House | 1st House Libra
By Hindu Astrology16. December 2011 14:20
<ibra rising in the first house ma#es a nati!e naturally diplomatic and sociable. (hey are gracious"
compatible and social in nature. <ibra is a sign of balance and /ustice" which ma#es them fair player of
strong sense. (hese people are able to see both sides of the issue and ma#e the right decision. (hereby"
ser!ing the /ustice. Being balanced in nature" these people tends to wear neutral colors. =ith <ibra in the
ascendant the nati!e is a good debator" but not argumentati!e. (hey always ha!e a !alid point to support
their content and ultimately is acceptable by all. (heir fi*ed nature is well hidden by their cooperati!e

eople with <ibra in the first house are peace lo!ers and harmonious in nature. (hey prefer top stay away
from discordant en!ironment. >eatness and order must be maintained to ma#e them comfortable in e!ery
situation. (hey need to read/ust themsel!es constantly to align themsel!es along with the forces around
them to get in inner sense of balance.
(hese people are e!en" charming and ha!e the ability to please e!eryone around. (hey always try to gi!e
their best shot. 1n the negati!e side of <ibra rising in the first house is that they are always try to maintain
the status .uotient. (hey a!oid the disruption and a!oid bringing any #ind of .change in life. (hey ha!e a
natural tendency to say what they thin# will please others" rather than saying what they actually feel. (he
hide their true feelings for the sa#e of winning the appro!al of others inorder to maintain order and harmony.
(hey are inborn peace$lo!ing and diplomatic in nature" due to this they many sometimes fail in the primary
/ob of ta#ing care of others. (hey are not !ery good at aggressi!ely ad!ancing themsel!es and need to
concentrate on learning how reali%e their own identity.
eople with <ibra in the first house are the lo!ers of beauty and see# harmony e!erywhere. (hey are natural
negotiator. (hey might adopt an opposing !iew to what might be their natural inclinations and ha!e strong
ability to maintain balance in the discussion. (hey are artistic" creati!e" ha!e a good color sense" and #now
are well #nown to bring beauty into the surroundings. (hese people are socially acti!e" ha!e many personal
contacts" and tend to see themsel!es through other's eyes and reactions. ;ou ha!e a natural ability to
reflect the identity of others as well. eople with <ibra rising in the ascendant can ma#e a good arguer"
lawyer" diplomat" and a natural matchma#er.

Virgo in 1st House | 1st House Virgo
By Hindu Astrology16. December 2011 10:10
3irgo in the first house ma#es the nati!e systematic and well organi%ed. (hey possess a great sense of
de!eloping ideas and e*ecuting them. (hey are suppose to be great obser!ers and notice e!en a minute
detail. =hen they underta#e a pro/ect" they intend to complete it with full perfection ta#ing care of each
details. (he .uality of their wor# supersedes the .uantity. 1ne might find difficulty in finding any #ind of
flaws in the wor# done by them. 3irgo in the ascendant symboli%es the de!elopments of efficient methods"
techni.ues" and s#ills. (hey always see perfection in e!erything" and can at times be self$critical.
eople with this combination ha!e a greater sense of power to e*press" arousing the feelings of inferiority.
(hey loo# a lot younger than their actual age. (heir appearance of refined and clean persona attracts
e!eryone around. (he nati!e with this combination ha!e practical mind" and is methodological and alert in
his approach. (hese people ha!e great !erbal s#ills which helps them to get they want in life. (hey are
careful" precise and responsible in nature.
eople with 3irgo in the first house ha!e a tendency to become wor#aholic" and might get habitual to going
o!er the same ground to be sure that they ha!en?t missed anything. (hey can be seen as a list$ma#er"
wanting to ha!e e!erything at hand as per the need. (hey feel comfortable when e!erything is well placed.
eople with 3irgo arising in the ascendant are !ery much modest and often do not get the credit that they
deser!e. (hey tend to remain off lime light and stay out of lead. (hey are best suited in the role of
researcher" obser!er" critic" or teacher. &ometimes they can become restless and ner!ous" and may ha!e
difficulty in rela*ing. (his is due to their critical nature. (hey can be fussy" mean or e!en ugly. (hey posses a
great tendency to critici%e others as a tool of self defense mechanism.
(hese people focus more on immediate present" and neglect the !ision for the future. (hey are comfortable
li!ing in a world of facts and prefers to li!e in an en!ironment of intellectual awareness to combat natural
feelings of insecurity.
Leo in 1st House | 1st House Leo
By Hindu Astrology1@. December 2011 1-:40
A person with a first house <eo has an urge to be noticed and appreciated. &uch a person is always wor#ing
to get some recognition among his friends and society. A person with a first house <eo usually ta#es great
pride in how they appear in front of the public. Hence" such a person is usually !ery fond of clothes"
/ewellery and accessories. (he presence of a first house <eo also bestows enormous creati!e potential"
what is often re.uired is the culti!ation of a clear direction for the e*pression of this potency. &uch a person
is strong" courageous and determined.
eople with a first house <eo tend to be generous" proud" emotional" romantic" e*tro!erted" !ain" egotistical"
courageous" sentimental" self$confident" showy" and want to shine and be successful in where!er they go
and whate!er they do. &uch people li#e to be leaders and rule their circle. A person with a first house <eo is
also a ris# ta#er. &uch a person ta#es ris# which can sometimes be harmful" but he still en/oys them. A
person with a first house <eo is e*tremely hurt if he does not get the appreciation for something that he
does. &uch a person is romantic at heart and wants a partner he can be proud of. &uch a person is also
faithful and also !ery protecti!e of the ones he lo!es.
A person with a first house <eo is .uic# tempered" but does not stay angry for long. &uch a person also li#es
dramatic situations and getting in!ol!ed in them. A person with a first house <eo li#es to be the centre of
attentions and usually grabs it. &uch a person is stubborn and his words can be more painful than his
actions. A person with a first house <eo forgi!es !ery easily. But" such a person ne!er forgets and this can
sometimes create serious problems. &uch a person li#es sports and other outdoor acti!ities. 0f frustrated" a
person with a first house <eo loses his desire for li!ing.
A person with a first house <eo is usually generous" warm hearted and forceful. &uch a person is a !ery
open and acti!e person" showing a !ery happy face when things are going well. 0ntegrity" courage" and
dignity are his chief !irtues. A person with a first house <eo is usually fond of power and command. &uch a
person also wants to be in$charge. &uch a person can sometimes be o!er confident and hence" can be a
little careless at times. &uch a person's personality is so engaging when e!erything is going well" but he is
less well e.uipped to handle ad!ersity.
A person with a first house <eo sometimes o!er does things. He can sometimes be too daring and too
e*tra!agant. A person with a first house <eo always remembers what people do for him and will repay them
in any means possible. &uch a person always loo#s for opportunities to release the flamboyant side of his
Gemini in 1st House | 1st House Gemini
By Hindu Astrology1@. December 2011 14:10
A person with a first house Aemini usually has an urge to rapidly change the surroundings and en!ironment
around him. (his gi!es rise to a!oidance of routine" a lo!e mo!ement and as a conse.uence" the culti!ation
of a !ariety of life e*periences. &uch a person is usually attached to a lot of people" places and belongings.
A person with a first house Aemini may e!en ha!e a superficial attitude towards life. &uch a person tends to
be slender" fleet$footed with a tendency to a ner!ous disposition. A person with a first house Aemini may
e!en fre.uently change his clothes throughout the day.
A person with a first house Aemini may be dual in nature with two different sides. &uch a person usually
tends to be friendly" communicati!e" fle*ible" indecisi!e" unsure" li#ing to do two or more things at once"
witty" cle!er" !ery acti!e mentally" high$strung" temperamental" ner!ous or an*ious" tal#ati!e" superficial" and
always ready for something different. A person with a first house Aemini has an urge to spea# about what
he #nows and learn e!en more. &uch a person en/oys reading and tra!elling. (his is because both of these
pro!ide plenty of scope for gaining #nowledge.
A person with a first house Aemini needs !ariety in life and can be a /ac# of all and master of none. &uch a
person wants .uantity and not .uality. &uch a person always seems to be !ery confident. But" a person with
a first house Aemini can lac# self confidence and can ha!e an inferiority comple*. &uch a person lo!es to
tal# a lot. He not only tal#s with his mouth but also with his body and hands. A person with a first house
Aemini is !ery easy to read on the basis of body language. &uch a person should learn to control his
energies and focus them in one direction.
A person with a first house Aemini is !ery witty and cle!er and hence" his life is ne!er dull or boring.
5nfortunately" the nature is also an*ious" high$strung and diffusi!e. &uch a person needs constant mental
stimulation. A person with a first house Aemini always wants to be surrounded with people" acti!ities and
other e*citing situations. &uch a person is most happy when he is engaged in a lot of different acti!ities.
&uch a person is friendly and adaptable. But" he can sometimes be temperamental and indecisi!e.
=ith the presence of a first house Aemini" many people become writers" reporters or acti!e in some phase
of communication. &uch a person can out tal#" out thin# and outsmart most people he meets. A person with
a first house Aemini is agile and well co$ordinated. >er!ous acti!ity #eeps such a person slender. &uch a
person's enthusiasm for change is a trait that ma#es him perpetually young and progressi!e of mind" e!en
as he grows older.

Cancer in 1st House | 1st House Cancer
By Hindu Astrology1@. December 2011 12:40
A person with a first house +ancer has a !ery strong sense of self$preser!ation. &uch a person is usually
e*tremely sympathetic and understanding. But" a person with a first house +ancer often ta#es things too
personally which can sometime create problems. &uch a person is at his best when he feels safe and
secure. A person with a first house +ancer tends to be less !ital than a!erage" sympathetic" compassionate"
passi!e" nurturing" recepti!e" protecti!e" retenti!e" changeable" psychic" sentimental" tenacious" timid" .uiet"
sensiti!e" ac.uisiti!e Bpac#$ratC" and moody.
A person with a first house +ancer has a tendency of loo# what the future holds for him. 2oreo!er" such a
person can not e!en stop thin#ing about the past. (his can sometimes create problems as such a person
may be distracted from his present. &uch a person is sensiti!e and therefore" retreats into his shell when he
senses some danger or when he is threatened. &uch a person en/oys tra!elling. A person with a first house
+ancer also understand that there is a home where he needs to go bac# to. Hence" such a person always
returns bac# no matters how long or how far he tra!els.
&ecurity is e!erything for a person with a first house +ancer. hysical security comes with a comfortable
base of operations and emotional security comes from all his possessions and attachments that ha!e
sentimental !alue to such a person. A person with a first house +ancer is e*tremely moody. &uch a person
should learn to !iew life with a little detachment. &uch a person e*pends his energy through his feelings and
is !ery romantic and dramatic in his emotional e*pressions.
A person with a first house +ancer is e*tremely recepti!e and maybe psychic or sensiti!e to his social and
personal en!ironment. &uch a person usually li#es to feel out a situation before getting in!ol!ed into it. A
person with a first house +ancer is e*tremely protecti!e of those who are close to him. &uch a person
becomes easily and upset and can stay li#e that for a long period of time. A person with a first house +ancer
can be a serious !ictim of his mood changes. &uch a person is also !ery compassionate.
A person with a first house +ancer identifies strongly with his family. (here is a !ery strong connection with
bac#ground and tradition" leaning toward a sense of heritage and warm" homey trappings. &uch a person is
!ery attached and sentimental about people" places and belongings. A person with a first house +ancer is
particularly affected by memorabilia that reminds him of good times and special people. &uch a person is
also !ery sensiti!e to negati!e energies around him. 0t?s important for a person with a first house +ancer to
a!oid people with problems because such a person is so recepti!e that he pic#s up his problems as his own.
Taurus in 1st House | 1st House Taurus
By Hindu Astrology1-. December 2011 1-:00
A person with a first house (aurus tends to be stable" stubborn" passi!e" practical" unassuming" patient and
long$suffering. &uch a person does not li#e to be pushed into or rushed into things. &uch a person is fi*ed to
his opinions and can be stubborn sometimes. A person with a first house (aurus is possessi!e of both
people and finances. &uch a person has a strong need to achie!e tangible success through his effect upon
his surroundings" and is aware of the possibilities of compensation for e!erything he does.
A person with a first house (aurus may face difficulties in studies because of his slow refle*es and mind.
&uch a person may e!en ha!e great magnetism in his personality. He may also possess artistic abilities. A
person with a first house (aurus e*presses himself as an indi!idual and is always aware about himself in
e!ery respect. &uch a person can e!en e*perience weight problems because of his lo!e for food. eople
with a first house (aurus tend to be strong" persistent" slow to change" determined" stable" .uiet" practical"
stubborn" non$aggressi!e" patient" affectionate" loyal" hard$wor#ing" passi!e and unassuming in general and
fi*ed in their con!ictions with a general slow pace of mind.
A person with a first house (aurus ma#es to grow and build things" but does not want to be hurried. &uch a
person usually wants to see the practical results of his own hard wor#. &uch a person is also at good at
ta#ing what others had started. A person with a first house (aurus achie!es success because of his will.
&uch a person should try to be less rigid in whate!er he does. He should also control any sort of /ealousy
and possessi!eness. A person with a first house (aurus hates sic#ness and pain.
A person with a first house (aurus is usually stable" gracious and harmonious. &uch a person's nature is
affectionate" steadfast and loyal. =hen pro!o#ed" a person with a first house (aurus is stubborn and rigid"
and can display an uncontrollable bull$li#e temper. &uch a person is usually slow and reser!ed. He is !ery
possessi!e and fi*ed in his con!ictions. A person with a first house (aurus is usually determined and
finishes what he starts. &uch a person has a strong appreciation for all the good things in life. A person with
a first house (aurus can also be related to diplomacy" tact and sociability.
>egati!ely" a person with a first house (aurus can also be related to la%iness and self indulgence. &uch a
person is tempted by pleasure. (hat can include pleasure of the sight" taste" touch" and feelings. (he
sensual nature is hyperacti!e. 8re.uently" there is talent or at least a strong interest in singing or spea#ing.
A person with a first house (aurus is usually hea!y and strong. (here is a natural #ind of endurance related
with such a person that can not be easily surpassed.

ries in 1st House | 1st House Aries
By Hindu Astrology1-. December 2011 14:10
A person with a first house Aries is usually positi!e" aggressi!e and competiti!e. &uch a person is ne!er
tactical because of his aggressi!e and headstrong nature. &uch a person should learn to be diplomatic. A
person with a first house Aries is usually related to direct action and high energy. &uch a person suggests
that true decisi!eness allows a person to act on ideas the moment they are formed" without much hesitation.
A person with a first house Aries goes from ideas to actions !ery .uic#ly. &uch a person ne!er usually loo#s
bac# throughout his life and is focused on his goals.
A person with a first house Aries wants .uic# results. &uch a person gets bored and impatient if results do
not come as easily as e*pected. Hence" such a person abandons such a pro/ects and gets in!ol!ed in
something new. A person with a first house Aries usually has a desire to continuously pro!e himself through
a constant series of endea!ors" whether anything gets finished or not. &uch a person should always be
in!ol!ed in physical acti!ity. Absence of it can urge the person to !ent out his energy as anger or temper.
A person with a first house Aries is usually #een" alert and possesses .uic# refle*es. (he influence of 2ars
produces indi!iduals with abo!e a!erage athletic ability. (he sign combines outstanding physical
characteristics with competiti!e spirit. A person with a first house Aries is able to do anything if he is in
control. But" if such a person is out of control" he can easily become repulsi!e and self centred. &uch a
person is usually outspo#en and lo!es his freedom and independence.
(he aggressi!eness of this sign often e*tends to mental outloo#. (his means that a person with a first house
Aries will do e*ceptionally well in situations that re.uire mental dri!e" ambition or cunning. A person with a
first house Aries is usually bold and argumentati!e and ta#es in$charge of the argument by ta#ing it to the
other person. &uch a person has a great need to succeed at e!erything he does" and the ability to do it. A
person with a first house Aries appears to be single minded and daring.
A person with a first house Aries tends to be energetic" pioneering" rash" argumentati!e" selfish" impulsi!e"
.uic#$tempered" aggressi!e" asserti!e" headstrong" independent" alert" mechanically$inclined" physically
acti!e" self$promoting" self$centered in an unthin#ing way" and more thoughtless than mean. &uch a person
has a general disli#e for restraint of any #ind" don?t li#e to be told what to do" need to learn diplomacy and
tact" need to loo# before leaping" need to better learn how to channel your energies for more constructi!e
purposes and results.

Venus in 1st House | 1st House Venus
By Hindu Astrology14. December 2011 11:44
3enus in the first house ma#es a nati!e li#e$able by e!eryone around" magnetic" attracti!e" and charming
person. eople are easily drawn by their charm and unusual ways of approaching others. (hese people tend
to attract others to them .uite readily" and rarely get aggressi!e. (hey possess high degree of patience and
tolerance le!el. 1n the negati!e side they ha!e an e*pression of superficial charm" a tendency to 9play
dumb9 when in doubt or been challenged by others" two$faced and possess a passi!e$aggressi!e beha!ior.
0t is important for them to be li#ed by others and maintain peace. &ometimes" these people may feel
resentment or restless and can gi!e up !ery easily on others after a certain period of time. (heir head and
face are the most attracti!e features in their body. (his is because the 3enus is in the first house of Aries" i.e
a sign that rules these parts of the body.
eople with 3enus in the first house find difficulties in ta#ing solid decisions" especially those which are
related to them and their li!es. 1thers find their personal sense of style and manner !ery fascinating. (hese
people pay special attention to the things that can be beneficial for them and thus" are !ery opportunistic.
(he nati!es with this combination of planet and house ha!e a great tendency to win people o!er any
arguments. eople find difficulty in resisting them due to their natural charm and magnetic personality. (hey
are physically attracti!e and try to maintain their personality till the later years of their age.
3enus in the first house ma#es a nati!e a great admirer of art and beautiful things. (hey highly appreciate
the surroundings which is influenced by art and creati!ity. (hey are fond of purchasing beautiful clothes and
all the other things that can enhance their charming personality. (hese people may be talented in art"
music" or other forms of art. <o!e life plays an important role in the life of the nati!e" but feel a lac# if they do
not ha!e any partner. (heir appetite for life and for lo!e is hefty" and belie!es in ta#ing the initiati!e once
they get comfortable with their partner.
=ith 3enus in the 8irst House" the nati!e possess a personal grace" a pleasing personality" and a friendly
beha!ior. (hey are e*tro!ert in nature and socially outgoing. (hey ma#e friends !ery easily and are acti!e in
putting their efforts to de!elop friendship and romance. (heir natural ability to gel well socially is li#ely to gi!e
benefits in business" romantic" and marital opportunities.

Ketu in 1st House | 1st House Ketu
By Hindu Astrology14. December 2011 14:40
Detu represents son" grandson" ear" spine etc. 0ts colours are blac# and white. 3enus and Eahu are its
friends" whereas 2oon and 2ars are its enemies. Detu in the first house ma#e a person sharp minded. 0t
brings restlessness" discontentment and ha!e to struggle too much" to accumulate finances. 0f Fupiter or
2ercury doesn't aspect the planet" the full potential of a person may not come out. Detu tends to create
many problems when the position of +apricorn" &corpio" Aries and A.uarius is less detrimental. 0t affects
con/ugal happiness also and tends to be e*ploited by others. 0f Detu is aspected by a malefic planet there
will be mar#s on the face caused by some diseases or so.
Detu in the first house might affect the nati!e negati!ely in case of being 2alefic. (he nati!e will be
ungrateful unhappy" bac#biter" and li!e with undesirable people in the society. He will ha!e an afflicted body
and will be depri!ed of his position. (he nati!e will bring troubles to the members of his family and himself
will suffer from windy troubles.
0f Detu is benefic in the first house" then it ma#es the nati!e laborious" rich and happy. 1n the other hand"
the nati!e will also be concerned and troubled because of his progeny. He will go through constant fears of
transfers" but ultimately it would always be postponed. (ra!el is always on their cards" especially long
/ourneys. as a result they will be depri!e of the the pleasure of home.
(he person with Detu in 1st house will be blessed with a son or a nephew. (here may also be a long /ourney
concerning the health of a family. (he nati!e with Detu in 1st house is beneficial for his father or guru"
causing e*altation of &un. (he nati!e is #ind hearted and fond of en/oyment.
0f Detu in 1st house is malefic" the nati!e may suffer from headache. He will always be concerned about his
wife and children's health. 0f the 2nd and @th houses are empty" while Detu holds the position in the first
house" then 2ercury and 3enus may gi!e bad results. (here would be tra!els" transfers with no gain. 0f
&aturn is malefic it would harm father and guru. 0f &un is in @th or 6th house" along with Detu in the first
house" then after the birth of a grandson the health of the nati!e would suffer.

Rahu in 1st House | 1st House Rahu
By Hindu Astrology14. December 2011 17:40
Eahu in the first House can ad!ersely affect the health of a nati!e. (he nati!e will be physically wea#. Eahu
in this position gi!es a serious" repressed and willful nature if malefic. (his combination also affects marriage
and married life. (he nati!e may suffer from disagreements and .uarrels in the married life. He will ha!e a
poor to fairly good married life" but not !ery fruitful.
(he nati!e with Eahu in the first house will achie!e a higher position" more than his .ualification . eople
with this combination benefit a lot from go!ernment and obtain good results from the wor#s related to the
go!ernmental. (he nati!e will be short li!ed" but will be e*tremely wealthy and powerful. He may suffer from
the disease in the upper part of his body. (he nati!e will ha!e the ability to destroy the power of his enemies.
He will come under the influence of anyone" !ery easily. (he nati!e may remain detached from his family
and marital life" in spite of ha!ing many wi!es. Disagreements and trust may be a matter of concern.
(he nati!e with Eahu in the first house will see li!e life to the fullest and see each phase as e*perience. He
is constantly loo#ing for opportunities to grow in e!ery aspect of life. =hen un$e!ol!ed in their own
thoughts" they ma#e for high le!els of egocentricity with high le!els of &pirituality. (hese people may ha!e
their indi!iduality suppressed early in life" but will e!entually find it at later phase of life.
Eahu in this house gi!es the result of e*alted &un" but spoils the fruits of the house in which &un is placed.
Eahu also gi!e bad results" 0f 2ars" &aturn and Detu are wea#" otherwise it gi!es good results when placed
in an ascendant.
0f Eahu is malefic the nati!e should resist from purchasing any electric e.uipments or blueGblac# clothes
from his in$laws" else his son could be affected ad!ersely. (he malefic result of this placement could lasts till
the age of 42 years. Eahu in Aries" (aurus or +ancer in the ascendant is considered auspicious and in <eo
gi!e financial success.

Saturn in 1st House | 1st House Saturn
By Hindu Astrology14. December 2011 12:20
&aturn in the first house brings ultimate success ultimate success in the life of a nati!e" irrespecti!e of the
wea#nesses in a person. (he nati!e achie!es assured success through the patience" persistence and self$
control. &uch people are !ery hard wor#ing and posses a wonderful capacity to wor#. (hey ne!er feel
fatigued or o!er burdened and ne!er gi!e up under any circumstances. (hey ha!e infinite confidence in
themsel!es and their ability to accomplish ma#es them a winner.
0f &aturn in the first house is wea# and afflicted" then it ma#es the person timid" subtle" secreti!e" and
distrustful of other people. (hey are always inclined towards isolation. (hey are easily shunned by others
and doomed to sorrow" disappointment" delay and general trouble throughout their life. (his affects their
health ad!ersely" particularly in the earlier years. 0n case &aturn is malefic" the nati!e has a hairy body" and
remains poor. +elebrating his birthday" will gi!e !ery bad results. Howe!er the nati!e will ha!e a long life.
eople with &aturn in the first house are goal oriented. (heir goals includes personal happiness" financial
security" general well$being and personal fulfilment. eriods of discontentment and hardships are certain
but e!entually brings success through their ability to manage others" and protracted effort. rogress may be
slow" but nati!e finds a way to achie!e good reputation" honour and credit through persistence" ac.uired
ability" worldly wisdom and continual effort at later phase of life.
Eesponsibility is a ma/or concern for the people with &aturn in the first house. Demanding people may
dominate their consciousness. (hese people find difficulties to place themsel!es ahead of others. Auilt and
an*iety might them and may create false sentimentality and attachment to surroundings to the point of
neurosis. (he nati!es are ad!ised to de!elop awareness about their guilt and an*iety attac#s.
0f &aturn is in the first house" the nati!e suffers from rheumatic and bilious diseases. 0f &aturn is in his sign of
e*altation" the nati!e will rule o!er a !illage or town and will ha!e financial and agricultural prosperity. 0f
&aturn is in his own sign" the father of the nati!e will be rich. 0f &aturn is in the ascendant in the sign of the
lord of the 4th or 10th house" the nati!e will be !ery fortunate and will en/oy name" fame and wealth
throughout his life.

upiter in 1st House | 1st House Jupiter
By Hindu Astrology17. December 2011 16:14
Fupiter in the first house brings good health and general fortune in life. 0t ma#es the nati!e good$natured"
broad minded" optimistic and spiritual in general form. (hese people lo!e pleasure" particularly e*tro!erts"
and are fond of tra!eling. Fupiter when positioned in the first house plays an important role in shaping up the
nati!e's personality. 0t can be both good or bad and depends on the e*periences of life and how they are
handled. (hey focus much on the positi!e side of life.
As far as positi!e traits are concerned" a person with Fupiter in its first house is honest" trustworthy" and
bene!olent" and well li#ed and popular among friends and relati!es. 1n the negati!e side they are self$
indulgent" e*tra!agant" or conceited. (hey ha!e considerable e*ecuti!e ability and are therefore sought for
positions of importance and responsibility. 0n the later years of their life" these people tend to become stout
and ha!e to deal with a weight problems. High positions brings self$confidence and gi!es them the sense of
dignity" especially in older age.
eople with Fupiter in their first house ha!e strong religious or moral con!ictions" that gi!es them the
capacity to become an authority or a leader in e!ery field. (his may be especially so in acti!ities relating to
religion" education or social de!elopment. >ati!e with Fupiter in the first house has a magnetic personality"
good grammarian" ma/estic appearance" highly educated" many children" learned" de*terous" long$li!ed"
respected by rulers" philologist political success" sagacious" stout body" able" influential leader.
2o!ing or tra!eling abroad is often the focus of their life" since they are too ad!entures. (he search for the
truth begins from within if Fupiter is on the ascendant. (hey ha!e a less serious and more light hearted
approach to life. 0f Fupiter is highly ele!ated" recei!ed or dignified" celebrity and fore#nown is possible" as a
result they ser!e ne*t to the throne. 0f Fupiter is out of sect" then the nati!e becomes a searcher for the truth
in unorthodo* places" fearing no taboo" constantly restless in faith.
8irst house Fupiter nati!es tend to be both energetically and physically large people. (he closer Fupiter is to
your ascendant" the more pronounced are the foregoing attributes. 0f Fupiter is afflicted" howe!er the nati!e
needs to be careful of s.uandering resources" hypocrisy and self$centeredness.

ars in 1st House | 1st House ars
By Hindu Astrology17. December 2011 1-:40
2ars in the first house is a dominating and an aggressi!e location. 0t ma#es the person more !ocal" decisi!e"
self$centered and courageous. (he person has strong" rough malicious traits. He is stubborn and does what
he wants with a powerful desire to win something in life. (he person may lac# tact and diplomacy" creating
struggle in some areas. He is a ris# ta#er and may be rec#less in ta#ing decisions. &ometimes as a result of
his rec#lessness" he might face some une*pected dangers too and may ha!e ha!e a significant scar on his
face or head. 2ars in the first house often highlights the se*ual aspects in the personality. (he nati!e can
ha!e a reddish comple*ion. He is generally !ery positi!e in nature and try to dominate the en!ironment with
his recuperati!e .uality.
2ars in the 1st House ma#es the nati!e ad!enturous" strong" hot$tempered" cruel" fic#le" possessing mar#s
of in/uries. &pontaneous curses from the mouth of such a nati!e will ne!er go waste.
eople with 2ars in first house are generally acti!e" energetic" dynamic" enterprising" forceful" aggressi!e
and react to situations instantly without gi!ing it a second thought. &ome of them might be rash" rude"
inconsiderate and o!erly asserti!e in nature. (hese people are independent and prefers to be direct and
straightforward. &pontaneity is one characteristic feature. (hey need to control their temper" o!erblown ego"
accidents and !iolent beha!iour if the 2ars in the first house is afflicted. (hese people possess a strong
dri!e to be seen and #nown to communicate with others. (hey are highly conscious of the personal
appearance and self presentation" especially in public. (hey ha!e tremendous amount of energy and need
a constructi!e place to put it in.
2ars in the first house ma#es the nati!e good natured" truthful and richer from the 26th year of his age. (hey
benefit from the go!ernment and win against the enemies without putting in much efforts. (he nati!e earns
large profits from the business associated with &aturn items i.e." iron" wood" machinery etc. and from the
relati!es represented by &aturn i.e." nephews" grandsons" uncles etc.

ercur! in 1st House | 1st House ercur!
By Hindu Astrology17. December 2011 14:14
A person with a first house 2ercury is usually #ind" humorous and diplomatic. &uch a person also
possesses a special administrati!e s#ill. &uch a person can also be selfish at times. A person with a first
house 2ercury li!es a long life. He recei!es fa!our from the go!ernment and his daughters ha!e royal and
lu*urious li!es. A person with a first house 2ercury will be affected by an e!il 2ars. But" &un would ne!er
gi!e any bad effects in this position. A person with a first house 2ercury will be adept in the art of influencing
others and he will li!e li#e a #ing. 0n case 2ercury is malefic" such a person will be destroyed by into*ication.
A person with a first house 2ercury is also !ery tal#ati!e" social" witty and street smart. &uch a person
usually appears younger than his age. A person with a first house 2ercury has a charm about him as he is
always smiling. A person with a first house 2ercury has a !ery #een sense of presence of mind. He is
always curious about things around him" has a good analytical mind" and a good e*pressi!e power. 1ther
characteristics of such a person with a first house 2ercury ma#e him studious" sharp" political" diplomatic"
cle!er" cunning.
A person with a first house 2ercury is usually adaptable" cle!er" in.uisiti!e" elo.uent" witty" and perhaps
high$strung. &uch a person is always curious and wants to #now about new and different things. &uch a
person's speeches and opinions e*press his personal opinions. A person with a first house 2ercury may
ha!e /ittery ner!es which #eep his body slim" but which could cause ner!ous disorders. &uch a person also
lo!es tal#ing about his interests.
A person with a first house 2ercury suggests that such a person would be in.uiring and intellectual. He will
usually reflect these traits in his personality. A person with a first house 2ercury is !ery tal#ati!e and does
not face much problem in communicating his opinions. &uch a person always wants to ma#e connections
and wants to learn about many different sub/ects. &uch a person adapts .uic#ly to changing situations" and
the personality is !ery witty and .uic#. A person with a first house 2ercury is always restless and is usually
see#ing new and useful information.
Eemedies for a first house 2ercury are as follows :
Deep away from the things of green colour and sisters in law.
A!oid consumption of meet" eggs and li.uor.
Business that re.uires your sitting at one place would be more beneficial than the one that re.uires
running around.

Sun in 1st House | 1st House Sun
By Hindu Astrology17. December 2011 12:14
A person with a first house &un has a lot of presence where!er he is and the interesting fact is that such a
person also #nows this. &uch a person is always self$conscious. A person with a first house &un is at his
best when he lea!es a mar# on the world. &uch a person should not obsess o!er what others thin# of him. A
person with a first house &un should accept the fact that he is meant to be a leader or an inno!ator. &uch a
person's personality dri!e will find e*pression mainly through personal issues related to self$image" physical
appearance and personal interests. A person with a first house &un should ac.uire #nowledge about himself
in order to fulfill his purpose in life.
A person with a first house &un has a strong will power and self assurance. &uch a person is also !ery
bra!e" powerful and competiti!e. A person with a first house &un #nown how to sei%e opportunities. &uch a
person car!es his own path in life with his self determination. &uch a person's enthusiasm for life may
manifest as robust health and !itality. (here may be some tendency to pride and insolence at times. A
person with a first house &un has an enterprising nature and can easily o!ercome all sorts of obstacles in
A person with a first house &un is also usually interested in building religious places for the public. &uch a
person will ha!e a permanent source of li!elihood which will mostly be from the Ao!ernment. 2oney earned
from honest sources will always #eep increasing. &uch a person's father may die in childhood. (he presence
of a first house &un pro!ides a strong sense of identity" abundant !itality" and personal confidence. A first
house &un produces much initiati!e" self$assurance" and leadership s#ills that might not be otherwise
reflected in the chart.
A person with a first house &un is ne!er influenced by the opinions and desires of others. A first house &un
usually produces abundant energy and e*cellent recuperati!e powers which help you o!ercome physical
ailments that may come along. &uch a person is also !ery optimistic in life. A first house &un also signifies
progress and a !ery good fortune. &uch a person has a tall height" pleasant eyes" a pronounced nose and a
wide forehead.
A person with a first house &un will be strong and healthy with a tendency of ha!ing gastric problems. 1ne
may suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach. 1ne will be egoistic" confident" determined and may
ha!e high thoughts. 1ne will be liberal at heart" may discard low .uality wor#" be hard and /udicious. 1ne
will belie!e in proper proof. 1ne will be studious" intelligent" may not spea# a lot and may settle or tra!el
abroad. 1ne will be famous in all fields and will independently attain a high position.

Sun in 1st House | 1st House Sun
By Hindu Astrology17. December 2011 12:14
A person with a first house &un has a lot of presence where!er he is and the interesting fact is that such a
person also #nows this. &uch a person is always self$conscious. A person with a first house &un is at his
best when he lea!es a mar# on the world. &uch a person should not obsess o!er what others thin# of him. A
person with a first house &un should accept the fact that he is meant to be a leader or an inno!ator. &uch a
person's personality dri!e will find e*pression mainly through personal issues related to self$image" physical
appearance and personal interests. A person with a first house &un should ac.uire #nowledge about himself
in order to fulfill his purpose in life.
A person with a first house &un has a strong will power and self assurance. &uch a person is also !ery
bra!e" powerful and competiti!e. A person with a first house &un #nown how to sei%e opportunities. &uch a
person car!es his own path in life with his self determination. &uch a person's enthusiasm for life may
manifest as robust health and !itality. (here may be some tendency to pride and insolence at times. A
person with a first house &un has an enterprising nature and can easily o!ercome all sorts of obstacles in
A person with a first house &un is also usually interested in building religious places for the public. &uch a
person will ha!e a permanent source of li!elihood which will mostly be from the Ao!ernment. 2oney earned
from honest sources will always #eep increasing. &uch a person's father may die in childhood. (he presence
of a first house &un pro!ides a strong sense of identity" abundant !itality" and personal confidence. A first
house &un produces much initiati!e" self$assurance" and leadership s#ills that might not be otherwise
reflected in the chart.
A person with a first house &un is ne!er influenced by the opinions and desires of others. A first house &un
usually produces abundant energy and e*cellent recuperati!e powers which help you o!ercome physical
ailments that may come along. &uch a person is also !ery optimistic in life. A first house &un also signifies
progress and a !ery good fortune. &uch a person has a tall height" pleasant eyes" a pronounced nose and a
wide forehead.
A person with a first house &un will be strong and healthy with a tendency of ha!ing gastric problems. 1ne
may suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach. 1ne will be egoistic" confident" determined and may
ha!e high thoughts. 1ne will be liberal at heart" may discard low .uality wor#" be hard and /udicious. 1ne
will belie!e in proper proof. 1ne will be studious" intelligent" may not spea# a lot and may settle or tra!el
abroad. 1ne will be famous in all fields and will independently attain a high position.

oon in 1st House | 1st House oon
By Hindu Astrology12. December 2011 1-:70
A person with a first house 2oon is usually a !ery sensiti!e and soft hearted person. &uch a person inherits
all the positi!e and negati!e .ualities of his mother. &uch a person is also !ery attached to his mother. A
person with a first house 2oon will be treated as an elder brother by the other members of his family. &uch a
person will #eep rising and prospering in life as long as he #eeps his mother happy and lo!es her. A person
with a first house 2oon will always be blessed by his mother. &uch a person will be easily harmed by his
wife's sister and the green colour. Hence" it is ad!ised that a person with a first house 2oon should stay
away from these.
A person with a first house 2oon should ne!er burn mil#. He should also not sell mil# for profit as this would
decrease the power of the first house 2oon. 0f such a person engages himself in such acti!ities" his life and
property will be harmed in one way or another. A person with a first house 2oon should ser!e others with
water and mil# freely for long life and all round prosperity. A person with a first house 2oon usually has a
long life. &uch a person li!es for about ,0 years. &uch a person will be bestowed with honours and fame by
the Ao!ernment.
A person with a first house 2oon is usually !ery sensiti!e and can be closely related to feelings" emotions
and instincts. (he person tends to ha!e an emotionally dominate" sub/ecti!e response" and they can pro/ect
their changeable moods out into the en!ironment" and sometimes this creates an impressionable
personality. A person with a first house 2oon is empathetic and understanding. &uch a person can also be
protecti!e" needy and emotional.
A person with a first house 2oon can appear moody" unstable" and o!erly Hdependent on others. Howe!er"
there is often a powerful hunger for personal e*pression" and there is great sensiti!ity to the people around
them. &uch a person is also imaginati!e and has a great intuition. (he placement of a first house 2oon is
important from the health's point of !iew" specially in a woman's horoscope. 0t is also a sign of success in
such occupations as bring the person in close touch with the public.

1st House | The "irst House in a Horoscope
By Hindu Astrology12. December 2011 14:10
(he first house in a horoscope is also #nown as ascendant" lagna" lagnesha etc.. 0t represents the birth"
body loo#s and soul" personality traits and inclinations" longe!ity" health" character" growth" health" agility
and nature of an indi!idual. 0t also rules the head" longe!ity" health" character and nature of the nati!e.
eople possess the .ualities of the signs they are born with in correspondence to the planets aspecting the
sign. &igns and the planets ha!e a great impact on the personality of an indi!idual. 0t is one of the most
important and auspicious house in the horoscope. .
(he first house of a horoscope influences the sense of personal image that others e*perience in a person"
through manners" beha!iour" style and attitude. (his house represents the physical attributes that shape
your sense of who you are including the health issues that impact the personal /ourney. (he 8irst house
holds #eys to your o!erall appearance along with grooming habits" and general sense of dressing and
carriage. (he characteristics of this house are health" longe!ity" happiness" physical te*ture" character"
height" nature" physical appearance" innate temperament" #nowledge" /oy"status" self$esteem" personality"
radiance" the beginning of life" childhood" children" age" en!ironment" physical body.
(he 8irst House associates with the childhood" and the e*periences that help in shaping the character of an
indi!idual. :*periences includes obstacles of life and parenting that impacts the self$image" and ability of a
person to act in the world. 8a!orable aspects lead to a strong foundation for later success in life. (ransits to
the 8irst House may cause changes to a person's self$image" and impact him on a personal le!el. (he
personality if a person gets altered" depending on the energies lighting up this house.
0f the <ord of the ascendant con/uncts with a malefic" physical felicity will diminish and if it is in debilitation"
combustion" or enemy EIJi" there will be diseases. A benefic in the first house will gi!e a pleasing
appearance" while a malefic will ma#e one bereft of good appearance.

1st House Astro#og!
By Hindu Astrology12. December 2011 17:20
(he 8irst House is ruled by Aries and the planet 2ars. 0t is #nown by many other names li#e lagana bha!a"
#endra bha!a" and tri#on bha!a and is considered to be the strength of horoscope. 0n a horoscope it
focuses on the personality and outward character traits of a indi!idual. (he person possess the traits of the
sign and the planet present in the first house. (he distinct .ualities that we possess are often referred to as
)personality'. (he 8irst House is commonly #nown as the House of &elf. 0t is all about the inner self and outer
body. (he thought of the first house conceptualises sunrise and new beginnings. 0t defines a person and
contributes greatly in the process of determining the approach of an indi!idual towards life. Basically it is the
sum total of one's being.
(he 8irst House represents the the physical body and the way in which we present oursel!es particularly"
the head and face. (his house also rules the early childhood and how a person emerges out in his life with
the e*periences of life. 0t determines what a person is becoming and will become in life" both internally and
e*ternally. 0t addresses our personality and presentation to the world" our essential .ualities" approach to
life" demeanor and basic sensibilities.
(he health of a person is affected if the first house is affected by Badh#esh lanet. Any strong planet in the
ascendant affects the normal growth and marriage of an indi!idual.
(he person tends to li!e longer if the rising ascendant is benefic. (his yoga helps the person to achie!e
happiness and respect in life. (he first house is wea# and is considered to be a !ictim" if it lies between two
malefic planets" or if malefic planets sits in the first house or malefic planets loo#s at first house" or if a
person is born in an inauspicious >a!ansh or drehstha#on.
(he first house is strong when it is located in its own signs" or if it lies with a friendly planet" or if <agnesh is
situated in ele!enth house or if <agnesh lies between two benefic planets and aspect benefic planets" or is
situated in e*alted sign.

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