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Re: Performance warning (incident and date of incident)
On [Date] an informal memo regarding [Performance Issue] was given to you [Outline all !revious
incidents " w#at$ w#en$ and w#ere] %ince t#ese !erformance issues continue to #ave negative effects
on t#is com!any$ I am reminding you of our em!loyment !olicy regarding [Performance Issue]
T#is issue must &e ta'en seriously (e #ave attem!ted over t#e !ast [Time Frame] to o&tain your
assistance wit# [Identify Pro&lems] If t#ere are issues outside of wor' t#at are causing t#ese
!erformance !ro&lems t#at you wis# to discuss$ I again offer my assistance
I will continue to monitor your !erformance over t#e ne)t [Time Frame] %#ould no im!rovement &e
s#own$ additional measures will &e ta'en
If you wis# to discuss t#is memo and t#e incident !lease contact me
%ign on t#e line &elow to ac'nowledge t#at you #ave received and read t#is memo
*anager %ignature:
I$ [+m!loyee,s -ame]$ #ere&y ac'nowledge t#at I #ave read and understand t#e contents of t#is memo
wit# regards to my .o& !erformance
+m!loyee,s %ignature:

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