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Neai the inteisection of West Robeit Stieet anu S9th Stieet in Washington
Paik Neighboihoou, Nilwaukee, stanus a common Ameiican Fouisquaie house. Like
a typical Ameiican Fouisquaie house, it has two anu half stoiies, a hippeu ioof, anu
a fiont poich extenuing the whole wiuth of the fiont elevation. It is not easy to
notice. You can see this common builuing type in almost eveiy subuib, small town
anu iuial aiea acioss the 0niteu States. Bowevei, it might be the least unueistoou
builuing type in the late nineteenth anu eaily twentieth centuiy. Reseaich inuicates
that only few aichitectuial style stuuy uocumenteu this builuing type.
0sing the
Ameiican Fouisquaie house neai the inteisection of West Robeit Stieet anu S9th
Stieet as a case stuuy, this papei exploies the builuing-constiuction piocess of this
builuing type in ielation to its uesignei Nilwaukee aichitect Chailes Lessei. Nateiial
cultuie analysis of the builuing, oial histoiy inteiviews with two sons of the thiiu
ownei anu the office of Nilwaukee Bistoiic Pieseivation weie conuucteu to
uocument the aichitectuial featuies of the house anu the aichitectuial piactice of

1. Renee Kahn, "Post-victoiian Bomestic Aichitectuie: The Ameiican
Fouisquaie," !"# %&'() *&'+,-" 1u, No.2 (1982): 29-S2.

2. Thomas Banchett, "The Foui Squaie Bouse in the 0niteu States" (Nastei
thesis, 0niveisity of Chicago, 1982), 7.

Lessei. By compaiing this house with two plans "The Chelsea" anu "The Wooulanu"
in Seais's catalog books, this stuuy shows that Lessei customizeu the Ameiican
Fouisquaie thiough unoithouox aichitectuial uetails on the exteiioi anu caieful
planning on the inteiioi. The Ameiican Fouisquaie became moie customizeu fiom
the eaily twentieth centuiy to the late 192us. Customizeu featuies mostly appeaieu
on the exteiioi in contiast with stiictly aligneu inteiioi aiiangement of the iooms.
This stuuy implies the builuing-constiuction anu ueveloping piocess of the
Ameiican Fouisquaie as cieative aichitectuial piactice of aichitects, which is
maikeu by the tiansition fiom style to moue anu fashion.
It eniiches both oui
unueistanuing of the Ameiican Fouisquaie anu aichitect's iole in the ueveloping
piocess of this builuing type.
The Ameiican Fouisquaie is a uistinctive type of Ameiican veinaculai
Though the Ameiican Fouisquaie was scaicely mentioneu in
aichitectuial style woiks, a few stuuies in the 198us examineu this builuing type foi
its geneial anu uistinctive featuies. 0ne of the eailiest anu systematic stuuies on this
builuing type is a mastei thesis in 1982. It examineu the oveiall uevelopment of this
builuing type. The authoi Thomas Banchett noteu that this builuing type achieveu
its populaiity when the nation staiteu appealing to a simplei, non-eclectic house in
the 189us anu it was populai thiough the 192us. Banchett also aigueu that the

S. Bell 0pon, "Foim anu 0sei: Style, Noue, Fashion, anu the Aitifact," in ./0/,1 /,
- 2-3)+/-" 4&+"#5 6-,-#/-, -,# 78)+/9-, 7::+&-9;)( 3& 2-3)+/-" 6'"3'+), eu. ueialu
L. Pocius (St. }ohn's, Newfounulanu: Institute of Social anu Economic Reseaich,
1991), 1S6-69.

4. Naiian N. 0hman, "Biffusion of Fouisquaie Couithouses to the Niuwest, 178S-
188S," <)&1+-:;/9-" =)0/)> 72, no. 2 (1982): 171-89.

geneial featuies of this builuing type coulu be iuentifieu simply thiough its name: A
boxlike shape, a foui-siueu hippeu ioof anu foui-ovei-foui typical ioom
aiiaignment. It is featuieu by its plainness anu little affiliation with pictuiesque
Renee Kahn also noteu some geneial featuies of this builuing type: the all-
ciossing fiont poich, unauoineu posts, seveial uoimeis anu woou shingles siuing.
At the same time, she fuithei pointeu out a wiue iange of stylistic influence on this
builuing type, foi example, the wateieu-uown veisions of Colonial Revival,
Ciaftsman style. Accoiuing to hei, the vaiiety of the Ameiican Fouisquaie can be
achieveu thiough uiveise winuows like pallauian winuows, cameo winuows, anu

While accounting the similai geneial featuies of the Ameiican Fouisquaie,
scholais latei staiteu noticing the vaiiations among this builuing type. Patiicia
Pooie noteu the vaiiations of it in pattein books between 19uu anu 192S, fiom
winuow styles, poich paits, siuing to inteiioi elements. She noteu, "the inteiioi plan
vaiieu somewhat uepenuing on the pattein book oi builuei, but iooms aie
essentially squaie."
}ames Nassey anu Shiiley Naxwell echoeu the uiveisification
of the Ameiican fouisquaie, "Amazingly, the iesulting houses weie not cookie-
cuttei ieplicas, uespite the ubiquitous catalogs anu theii neai-iuentical entiies. The

S. Banchett, ?;) @&'+ AB'-+) %&'() /, 3;) C,/3)# A3-3)(, iii.

6. Kahn, "Post-victoiian Bomestic Aichitectuie," Su.

7. Patiicia Pooie, "The Ameiican Fouisquaie," !"#D%&'() *&'+,-" 1S, no. 6
(NovembeiBecembei, 1987): 28-S1.

veisatile Fouisquaie accepteu enuless tailoiing to suit the inuiviuual buyei."

uoiuon Bock gave anothei viviu metaphoi, "Fouisquaies aie the aichitectuial
equivalent of coutuiiei's live mannequinthat is, a basic bouy that can be uiesseu
in whatevei ensemble of coveiing meets the uesignei's fancy. " Be summaiizeu foui
styles that influenceu the uiveisification of this builuing type: victoiian, Colonial
Revival, Piaiiie, Aits anu Ciafts, iegion anu plan-specific influence. Bis explanatoiy
figuie is also helpful in iuentifying geneial featuies of the Ameiican Fouisquaie (Fig.

Although many scholais have implieu the iole of aichitects in uiveisifying the
Ameiican Fouisquaie, the builuing-constiuction piocess of this builuing type still
iemains unstuuieu, especially the iole of aichitects uuiing this piocess.

Aichitectuial histoiian Thomas Bubka in his book %&'()( >/3;&'3 E-8)(5
7+9;/3)93'+-" E&8),9"-3'+) -,# 3;) 6"-((/F/9-3/&, &F 78)+/9-G( 6&88&, %&'() noteu
that the oveilook of the builuing-constiuction piocess has iesulteu in misconception
of common house, foi example the oveiestimation of mail-oiuei houses.
Ameiican Fouisquaie house was wiuely uistiibuteu thoiough wiue-spieauing

8. }ames C. Nassey anu Shiiley Naxwell, "The All-Ameiican Family Bouse: A look
at the Fouisquaie," !"#D%&'() *&'+,-" 2S, no. 6 (NovembeiBecembei, 199S): 28-SS.

9. uoiuon Bock, "The Ameiican Fouisquaie (189u-19SS)," !"#D%&'() *&'+,-" 29,
no. S (Septembei0ctobei, 2uu1): 66-69.

1u. Pooie, "The Ameiican Fouisquaie," 28-S1.

11. Nassey anu Naxwell, "The All-Ameiican Family Bouse," 28-SS.

12. Thomas C. Bubka, %&'()( >/3;&'3 E-8)( 5 7+9;/3)93'+-" E&8),9"-3'+) -,# 3;)
6"-((/F/9-3/&, &F 78)+/9-H( 6&88&, %&'()( (Knoxville: The 0niveisity of Tennessee
Piess, 2u1S), 26.

builueis' magazine in 189S. Thiough the 191us, theii plans weie available thiough
Seais, Roebuck anu Company anu uozens of othei souices.
Banchett noteu that
the simplicity of the Fouisquaie often causeu it to be uismisseu as meiely a mass-
piouuceu builuing type. Insteau, he aigues that this builuing type was actually fiist
uevelopeu by aichitects as an aichitectuial movement against Queen Anne
complexity in the late nineteen centuiy.
But he uiu not examine the builuing-
constiuction piocess thiough the piactice of aichitects but insteau fiom flooi plans.
Naiy Sies ueteimineu that piesciiptive liteiatuie anu house plans coulu be useful
only when consiueiing the actual use anu builuing piocess. She pioviueu thiee
peispectives to appioach this piocess. Accoiuing to hei, the piactice of aichitects is
ciucial in unueistanuing the builuing piocess.

The stuuy on aichitects oi builueis is a ielatively new fielu in aichitectuial
stuuies. 7+9;/3)93( -,# I'/"#)+( /, E&+3; 6-+&"/,-5 7 ;/(3&+J &F 3;) K+-93/9) &F I'/"#/,1
is the fiist woik to look at the builueis as a whole anu to tiace the histoiy of builuing
piactice. William Bushong noteu in this book that little has been stuuieu on the
piactice of aichitects anu builueis while theie aie abunuant local stuuies on
Anothei impoitant woik on builueis is Ritchie uaiiison's book ?>&
6-+:),3)+(5 7+9;/3)93'+) -,# I'/"#/,1 /, L-+"J E)> L,1"-,#. Be looks at the builuing

1S. Banchett, ?;) @&'+ AB'-+) %&'() /, 3;) C,/3)# A3-3)(, 47.

14. Banchett, ?;) @&'+ AB'-+) %&'() /, 3;) C,/3)# A3-3)(, iii.

1S. Naiy Coibin Sies, "Towaiu a peifoimance theoiy of subuiban iueal,"
K)+(:)93/0) /, M)+,-9'"-+ 7+9;/3)93'+) 4 (1991): 197-2u7.

16. uoiuon Bock, "7+9;/3)93( -,# I'/"#)+( /, E&+3; 6-+&"/,-5 7 %/(3&+J &F 3;)
K+-93/9) &F I'/"#/,1 (Chapel Bill: 0niveisity of Noith Caiolina Piess, 199u).
as the peifoimance of a family of caipenteis. Accoiuing to him, the Steainses built
theii own houses in a highei stanuaiu while woiking within the social constiaints.

Bubka noteu that the ciitically impoitant iole of local builueis in Ameiian
common housing is seluom knowleugeu oi analyzeu.
The stuuy of the piactice of
aichitects shoulu be useu to consiuei the builuing-constiuction piocess of common
builuing types. This papei stuuies a Nilwaukee aichitect Chailes Lessei, to
unueistanu the builuing-constiuction piocess of the Ameiican Fouisquaie.
Lessei was boin in 1864 in ueimany. Be hau been a iesiuent of Nilwaukee
since 1864, wheie he staiteu his aichitectuial piactice. Be was an appientice with
Bowlanu Russell, a leauing aichitect in Nilwaukee. Be also woikeu as aichitectuial
uiaftsman in the offices of othei piominent anu leauing aichitects in Nilwaukee,
0maha anu St. Louis.
In 1888, he staiteu a paitneiship with uustave Leipolu. In
1889, he built up a paitneiship with Beniy }. van Ryn.
Eaily piactice yeais show
his high mobility when he woikeu as appientice anu uiaftsman foi othei
establisheu aichitects. Accoiuing to Nilwaukee City Biiectoiy fiom 1886 to 19u1, he
moveu his home within Nilwaukee almost eveiy two yeais. In 1891, Lessei anu van
Ryn foimeu theii own fiim van Ryn& Lessei. It was iecoiueu that uue to the beauty

17. Ritchie }. uaiiison, ?>& 6-+:),3)+( 5 7+9;/3)93'+) -,# I'/"#/,1 /, L-+"J E)>
L,1"-,#N OPQQDORSQ (Knoxville: 0niveisity of Tennessee Piess, 2uu6).

18. Bubka, %&'()( >/3;&'3 Names, 4u.

19. }ulius B. Buibach, 4)(3 7""/(N - 6/3J &F 2-+0)""&'( <+&>3; /, - T)9-#)N *',) URN
OQVU D *',) URN OQOU (Wisconsin: s.n., 1912), 141.

2u. Cailen Batala, 7+9;/0) 6&"")93/&, &F 6;-+")( .)(()+.
anu oiiginality of theii uesign, they have ieceiveu stable pationage (Fig.2).
was the time when Lessei iesiueu in S7S 4Sth Avenue stably fiom 1892 to 19uS,
anu stoppeu moving fiequently like befoie. In 19u2, the laigest machineiy company
in the woilu at that time, Allis Chalmeis, hau a new plant locateu in the city of West
Allis. 0thei inuustiial plants incluuing the Rosenthal Coin Buskei Company anu the
Fieu Piescott Company hau also establisheu factoiies in the West Allis. The
inuustiial boom biought incieasing neeus of builuing homes foi the employees of
the factoiies.
The Lanu Bevelopment of the West Allis in 1981 noteu the
iemaikable uevelopment foi ten yeais fiom 19uu to 191u, when most of the lanus
weie uevelopeu uuiing this peiiou (Fig. S).
An auveitisement shows that " The
iemaikable giowth of the West Allis is as wonueiful as the goouness of caipentei's
It is most likely that Lessei senseu this oppoitunity anu ueciueu moving
theie in 19u6. Since 19u1, he alieauy staiteu his own piactice, so moving his home
to a neaiby city to continue his own piactice woulun't be so uifficult. Bis oluei
uaughtei Theiesa latei maiiieu Beniy Wilmot Baitling, who was employeu at Allis

21. Batala, 7+9;/0) 6&"")93/&, &F 6;-+")( .)(()+W

22. "A Shoit Bistoiy of the City of West Allis, Nilwaukee County, Wisconsin: Fiom
18S7 to the Piesent, a City of Bomes anu Inuustiy, " last mouifieu 2uuS,

2S. }ohnson, }ohnson & Roy Inc., 4)(3 7""/( %/(3&+/9-"X7+9;/3)93'+-" A'+0)JN *'"J
OQRO (Ann Aiboi, Nich.: The Fiim, 1981), 1u.
24. Buibach, 4)(3 7""/(N - 6/3J &F 2-+0)""&'( <+&>3; /, - T)9-#)N *',) URN OQVU D
*',) UR, 1S1.

Chalmeis. They hau two uaughteis Aiuith anu Sue.
Lessei iesiueu in the West
Allis foi 19 yeais, piobably because of extenueu families in the city. In 1924, he
moveu to Washington Beights Neighboihoou in Nilwaukee when he was 6u yeais
olu anu consiueieu ietiiing.
This can be seen fiom his lettei to Ameiican Institute
of Aichitects in 1927 when he askeu foi withuiaw membeiship.
Be uieu in 1941
in Washington Beight.

Lessei's aichitectuial piactice encompasseu a wiue vaiiety of piojects fiom
schools anu chuiches to municipal builuings, manufactuiing plants anu founuiies,
offices, stoies, giain elevatois, anu iesiuences. Be also engageu with uiveise
aichitectuial styles fiom the Ameiican Fouisquaie, Ciaftsman style, Bungalow anu
may otheis.
Be was known foi his attention to uetails anu the use of unoithouox
Although he was uesignateu as the most piominent aichitect in West Allis
histoiical anu aichitectuial suivey, little is known about his builuing-constiuction
piocess that engageu with common houses. This papei examineu his builuing-

2S. Peg Paik, "Nany West Allis Builuings Show Lessei's Influence." Newspapei
Clips collecteu fiom Wisconsin Bistoiical Society.

26. Cailen Batala, "0livei Webb anu Chailes L. Lessei," in 4-(;/,13&, %)/1;3(5
?;) %/##), %)/1;3(, (Nilwaukee: Bistoiic Nilwaukee Inc., 1992), 41.

27. "Chailes L. Lessei Nembeiship File," last mouifieu 192u,

28. 0bituaiy, "C.L. Lessei, Aichitect, Bies: Bau Been Paitnei in Fiim Which
Besigneu Nany Builuing Beie." 2/">-'Y)) *&'+,-", August 22, 1941.

29. Batala, 7+9;/0) 6&"")93/&, &F 6;-+")( .)(()+W

Su. Cailen Batala, "Nilwaukee Builueis," inteivieweu by Bongyan Yang. Apiil 2S,
constiuction piocess on an Ameiican Fouisquaie home locateu at S812 West
Robeit Stieet in Washington Paik Neighboihoou.
This Ameiican Fouisquaie home was built up in 19u9 foi the family of Beniy
Bill (Fig. 4).
The lanuscape photo in 1911 shows that it is one of the eailiest
builuings on the West Robeit Stieet (Fig. S).
At a fiist glance, it uoesn't look quite
uiffeient fiom othei fouisquaie homes in the neighboihoou. It is in a boxlike shape
with woou siuings if we meiely obseive fiom the fiont. It has a hippeu gieen ioof
with thiee uoimeis attacheu to the fiont, left anu iight siue of the ioof, as well as a
full-wiuth fiont poich anu an off-centei fiont uooi. Fiom the winuow on the
exteiioi, we can see a piano winuow, which was a typical winuow type of living
ioom anu thiee connecteu long winuows at the back, which weie typical uining
ioom winuows. Two winuows on the seconu flooi maikeu two beuiooms.
winuows that we can obseive fiom the fiont aie plain winuows without auoineu
featuies. The main bouy of this house (if we uon't consiuei the stanuout pait at the
veiy back) can be ieasonably infeiieu as a foui-ovei-foui ioom aiiangement fiom
the setting of winuows. It is mainly plain except foi the stone posts on the fiont
poich. To fuithei iuentify the common anu uncommon featuies of this house,
compaiisons of this house with two othei similai house plans of Seais weie

S1. Nilwaukee County Registei-Beeus

S2. A-,Z&+, @/+) [,('+-,9) 8-:(W Nilwaukee: Sanboin Nap Company, 191u anu

SS. Bubka, %&'()( >/3;&'3 Names, 76-78.

Seais is an Ameiican manufactuiing company that was founueu in 1886. It
sells mail-oiuei catalogs. 0ntil 19S1, aichitects weie not nameu in the catalogs. A
book %&'()( ZJ 2-/"5 7 <'/#) 3& %&'()( F+&8 A)-+(N =&)Z'9Y -,# 6&8:-,J listeu 477
uiffeient uesigns that Seais offeieu.
Anothei book ?;) %&'()( ?;-3 A)-+( I'/"3
listeu S7u uiffeient homes of Seais. It was noteu in the book that Seais solu about
7S,uuu homes by mail oiuei in all 48 states between 19u8 anu 194u.
Both two
books incluue "The Chelsea," which histoiically appeaieu in Seais catalogs in 19u8,
1911, 1912, 191S, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1921, 1922, uuiing the time peiiou when the
Ameiican Fouisquaie was populai acioss the countiy (Fig.6 anu Fig.7). It was also
iuentifieu that "The Chelsea" was built in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Piices vaiy fiom
$94S to $2,74u.
The 19u8 Seais Nouein Bomes catalog listeu it as $2,1SS.
the exteiioi, it featuies a boxy shape, a hippeu ioof anu a fiont poich iuns the full
wiuth of the fiont elevation. In the inteiioi, it basically has seven iooms anu one
bathioom. The uining ioom anu living ioom on the fiist flooi is sepaiateu by a
sliuing uooi.
Compaieu "The Chelsea" in 19u8 Seais Nouein Bomes catalog (Fig. 6) with
the house on West Robeit Stieet (Fig.4), we can iuentify seveial uiffeiences fiom the

S4. Katheiine Cole Stevenson anu B. Waiu }anul, %&'()( ZJ 2-/" 5 7 <'/#) 3&
%&'()( F+&8 A)-+(N =&)Z'9Y -,# 6&8:-,J (Washington, B.C.: Pieseivation Piess,

SS. Rosemaiy Fullei Thointon, ?;) %&'()( ?;-3 A)-+( I'/"35 L0)+J3;/,1 \&' L0)+
4-,3)# 3& ],&> 7Z&'3 A)-+( 6-3-"&1 %&8)( (Alton, Ill.: uentle Beam Publications,
2uu2), 9.

S6. Stevenson anu }anul, %&'()( ZJ 2-/", 26S.

S7. Thointon, ?;) %&'()( ?;-3 A)-+( I'/"3, 4.
exteiioi. Fiist, theie weie moie uiveise winuow types on the ieseaich house than
the catalog. Fiom the histoiic photos, we can at least iuentify foui types of winuows:
Typical piano winuows foi living ioom, long, naiiow winuows foi uining ioom,
iegulai winuows foi beuiooms anu wiuei winuows at the fiont of the house.
Winuows on the iight siue of the wall have uiffeient elevations. In contiast, "The
Chelsea" in the catalog featuieu nine iuentical top-uown winuows; only the two
winuows on the uoimeis weie slightly uiffeient. The winuows on the iight siue that
weie pictuieu in the plan aie aligneu on each flooi. Seconu, the ieseaich house also
featuieu a moie inclineu ioof that can be iuentifieu fiom the spiie at the top. This
was also mentioneu in the oial histoiy inteiview with Stephen Kiikish, who is one of
the sons of the thiiu ownei }oseph Kiikish anu also a piactical aichitect,
I think that pattein, basically a "fouisquaie," sometimes they calleu it
"piaiiie," you see all acioss the 0niteu States. I see it wheie I live, in
Bay Aiea in Califoinia. You uon't see it in San Fiancisco. I always
thought it was a Seais house. Seais was a uepaitment stoie that sells
plans, but I can't confiim on that. It just like it was mouifieu fiom the
typical fouisquaie that has a steepei, moie inclineu hippeu ioof so
may be customizeu. The ueiman influences, maybe he saw pictuies of
ueimany. 0i it was uesigneu foi the snow . Foi the peiiou it was built,
I think it was a laigei house than typical.

The thiiu uiffeience can be captuieu on the exteiioi is the uiffeient position of the
chimney. The ieseaich house put it on one siue of the house, while "The Chelsea"
locateu it in the ieai of the house. The fouith uiffeience was the stain glasses that
aie not peiceivable fiom the photo but was noteu by uieg anu Stephen in the

S8. Stephen Kiikish, "S812 W. Robeit Stieet," inteivieweu by Bongyan Yang anu
}eiemy Chang. Apiil 19, 2u14.
"It was a ieally pietty gieen stain glass. 0utsiue pait was taken off
because it was valuable. Theie weie also stain glasses up high on the
fiist flooi that can be seen fiom the ueck on the seconu flooi. 0wnei
piobably hau moie money than the typical Ameiican at the time. "

Noie uiffeiences in the inteiioi can be iuentifieu when fuithei compaiing the
fiist anu seconu flooi of the plan of the two houses (Fig. 8, Fig 9). Fiist, the ieseaich
house has a foyei when you just entei the house. In the inteiview, uieg Kiikish, the
othei son of the }oseph Kiikish, noteu that it is wheie they use to put theii umbiella
anu shoes. Seconu, the ieseaich house extenueu the left siue of the ieai anu locateu
an auuitional ioom connecteu to the uining ioom. Accoiuing to Stephen, the seconu
ownei auueu a half-bath in it because the olu woman living in the house hau
uifficulty with moving. The Kiikish family useu it as a piano ioom anu the iight
coinei of it foi a pet iabbit. Theie is a backuooi locateu neai the miuule, between
the piano ioom anu the kitchen to the iight. 0n the othei hanu, the backuooi of
"The Chelsea" was locateu to the iight. The sepaiation between the uining ioom anu
living ioom was similai. Accoiuing to Stephen, theie was a wall between them anu
latei it was iemoveu. Be coulu tell it fiom the ceiling. The seconu flooi of the two
houses both featuieu a cential hallway but the aiiangement of the foui beuiooms
anu the bathioom was quite uiffeient. As foi the ieseaich house, the foui beuiooms
weie locateu not evenly on two siues of the flooi. 0ne beuioom was laigei than the
iest thiee. Accoiuing to uieg, this mastei beuioom belongs to his paients. Theie is a
ueck on the top left coinei of the house that still can be seen fiom the outsiue touay
(Fig. 1u). Stephen noteu the usual elevation of the ueck along with two othei iooms
in the house,
The ueck was oiiginally built foi sleeping outsiue uuiing the summei
oi a nice place to look ovei. The ueck is lowei, the extia ioom (piano
ioom on the fiist flooi) is lowei, the foou cellai (in the basement) is
lowei. Somebouies knew what they weie uoing (Fig. 11).

S9. Kiikish, /,3)+0/)>N Apiil 19, 2u14.

4u. Kiikish, /,3)+0/)>N Apiil 19, 2u14.
uieg similaily noteu the inteiesting lowei fact of the foou cellai, " It was veiy cool,
walking uown a couple of staiis, below the iest of the founuation. But we useu it as a
playioom. We kept toys theie, like a foit."

Anothei plan calleu "The Wooulanu" that was listeu in Seais's catalog in
1926 is similai to "The Chelsea," but with moie customizeu anu uesign featuies (Fig.
The catalog book piobably absoibeu these uesign iueas fiom the customizeu
Ameiican Fouisquaie houses that weie built up by cieative aichitects like Chailes
Lessei. The moie customizeu featuies of the Ameiican Fouisquaie plan in the
catalog books maikeu the ueveloping piocess of the Ameiican Fouisquaie fiom the
eaily twentieth centuiy to the 192us. Biffeient fiom the plain looking of "The
Chelsea," the exteiioi of "The Wooulanu" featuies ciaftsman-style tieatment with
tiiple poich columns, winuow sash that maikeu the seconu flooi anu seconu-flooi
flowei boxes. It also has wiuei steps to the fiont poich anu uiveise winuow types,
incluuing foui-ovei-one, thiee-ovei-one, anu sliue winuows.
Although the exteiioi of "The Wooulanu" staiteu featuiing moie stylistic anu
customizeu featuies, the aiiangement of iooms in the inteiioi seems to still iemain
foimal anu stiict, piobably foi the puipose of easy constiuction. It still kept seveial
typical featuies of a tiauitional Ameiican Fouisquaie. The house shape is almost a
stiict fouisquaie, only with the staiicases in the fiont anu back on the fiist flooi
stietching out. A cential hall is locateu on the seconu flooi, with iooms lineu almost

41. uieg Kiikish, "S812 W. Robeit Stieet," inteivieweu by Bongyan Yang. Naich
19, 2u14.

42. Paul Buchscheiei, I)J&,# 3;) I',1-"&> 5 <+-,# %&8)( /, 3;) 7+3( ^ 6+-F3(
?+-#/3/&, (Salt Lake City: u. Smith, 2uuS), 2S.

stiictly on the two siues. Theie aie thiee beuiooms locateu on one siue of the
seconu flooi anu two otheis togethei with a bathioom on the othei siue. The
location of the foui iooms on the fiist flooi is similai with "The Chelsea," with living
ioom anu ieception hall in the fiont anu uining ioom anu kitchen in the back.
Compaiing "The Wooulanu" with the ieseaich house, we can also see the
ueveloping piocess of the Ameiican Fouisquaie, as the plan came in almost twenty
yeais latei. The ieseaich house is moie similai to "The Wooulanu" iathei than "The
Chelsea," mostly because both of them incluue moie uesign anu customizeu iueas.
Both of theii winuows on the iight siue have uiffeient elevations. Though the
winuows of "The Wooulanu" aie in similai mouethe foui-ovei-foui uesignThey
aie fai moie complicateu than the simple top-uown winuows on the ieseaich house.
"The Wooulanu" actually featuieu moie uistinctive featuies such as the tiiple poich
columns, the winuow sash that maikeu the seconu flooi anu seconu-flooi flowei
boxes. Bowevei, the inteiioi aiiangement of the iooms is simplei anu foimatively
aligneu than the ieseaich house. Fiom this compaiison, we leain that the cieative
iueas of the aichitect weie mostly auapteu to the exteiioi; the inteiioi of the plan in
catalog books still iemains stiictly aligneu to ensuie low-cost anu easy constiuction.
The piice of a complete package of "The Wooulanu" was only $2,491, which is
cheapei than the cost of the stuuieu house at $2,8uu.

People still neeu to pay
moie foi an aichitect-uesigneu house.

4S. Buchscheiei, I)J&,# 3;) I',1-"&>, 2S.

44. Builuing Peimit of S812 W. Robeit Stieet.

This papei compaies the Ameiican Fouisquaie Bouse uesigneu by a
piominent Nilwaukee aichitect Chailes Lessei with two plans "The Chelsea" anu
"The Wooulanu" in the Seais' catalog books. Thiee paiis of compaiison weie
conuucteu: the compaiison of the ieseaich house with "The Chelsea," the
compaiison of "The Chelsea" anu "The Wooulanu," anu the compaiison of the
ieseaich house with "The Wooulanu." The iesults show that Chailes Lessei
customizeu the ieseaicheu house on both the exteiioi anu inteiioi thiough
aichitectuial uetails with many uistinctive featuies while in accoiuance with
geneial featuies of a typical Ameiican Fouisquaie most scholais iuentifieu.
Compaieu "The Chelsea" in 19u8 anu "The Wooulanu" in 1926, moie customizeu
featuies weie founu in "The Wooulanu." This maikeu the uevelopment of the
Ameiican Fouisquaie fiom the eaily twentieth centuiy to the late 192us. It is veiy
likely that aichitects playeu a ciucial iole in the uiveisification of this builuing type.
As noteu by Cailen Batala in City's Bistoiical Pieseivation 0ffice, "Theie is a
uistinctive featuie of Nilwaukee builueis. They uon't simply copy the plans. Insteau,
they customizeu them. They think they can uo it."
The customizeu featuies of the
latei plan "The Wooulanu" mainly appeaieu on the exteiioi such as winuows in
contiast with the stiictly aligneu inteiioi aiiangement of the iooms.
The ueveloping piocess of the Ameiican Fouisquaie is similai to the
Bungalow, which was consiueieu as an oluei geneiation of the Ameiican
Fouisquaie. In book I)J&,# 3;) I',1-"&>, Buchscheiei noteu that both weie

4S. Cailen Batala, "Chailes Lessei," inteivieweu by Bongyan Yang. Naich 21,

populai between 19uu anu 19Su anu weie incluueu in numeious plan books.
his stuuies on Ameiican Bungalow, Bubka aigues that the ciucial iole of local anu
iegional common-house builueis in the tianslation of classic souices into the
Bungalows is often unmentioneu. Be noteu, "Populai Bungalows cannot be uiiectly
attiibuteu to any of the classic souices without the ciitical inteimeuiaiy analysis of
local builuei-uesigneis. They uevelopeu the majoi types of Ameiica's most populai
In book @+&8 6&33-1) 3& I',1-"&>, Bigott also consiueieu the
uevelopment of Bungalow as an innovative piocess. Be aigueu that the laige
numbei of the Bungalow evolveu fiom nineteenth-centuiy cottages in Chicago is the
innovation of constiuction piactice, ieal estate uevelopment, anu the manufactuie
of builuing components.

Beniy ulassie in his book 2-3)+/-" 6'"3'+) noteu, "Impoitant builuings can be
inteipieteu as uisplays of the values we valuegianueui peihaps, oi oiiginality
while unimpoitant builuings uisplay values that we have not yet leaineu to
Like the Ameiican Fouisquaie anu the Bungalow, Common houses
aie most likely to be consiueieu being wiuely piouuceu by builueis who useu plans
solu by manufactuiing companies. Thus, it is easy to uismiss the complexity that
common builuings embouieu anu the ciucial iole of aichitects in the piocess of

46. Buchscheiei, I)J&,1 3;) Z',1-"&>, 26.

47. Bubka, %&'()( 4/3;&'3 E-8)(, S8-4u.

48. }oseph CW Bigott, @+&8 6&33-1) 3& I',1-"&> 5 %&'()( -,# 3;) 4&+Y/,1 6"-(( /,
2)3+&:&"/3-, 6;/9-1&N OR_QDOQUQ (Chicago: 0niveisity of Chicago Piess, 2uu1).

49. Beniy ulassie, 2-3)+/-" 6'"3'+) (Bloomington: Inuiana 0niveisity Piess,
1999), 2Su.

uiveisifying the common house. This papei eniicheu oui unueistanuing of the
builuing-constiuction anu ueveloping piocess of the Ameiican Fouisquaie as well
as a ueepei unueistanuing of the complexity of the common house.

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Fig.1 Fouisquaie Fioms& Featuies
(uoiuon Bock, ?;) 78)+/9-, @&'+(B'-+) aORQVDOQbSc, 69)

Fig.2 Aichitectuie Fiim van Ryn& Lessei
(Batala, Aichive Collection of Chailes Lessei)

Fig.S Lanu Bevelopment Patteis of the West Allis
(}ohnson, }ohnson & Roy Inc., 4)(3 7""/( %/(3&+/9-"X7+9;/3)93'+-" A'+0)JN *'"J OQRO,

Fig. 4 S812 W. Robeit Stieet in 19u9
(Couitesy uieg Kiikish)


Fig.S Lanuscape aiounu S812 W. Robeit Stieet in 1911
(Couitesy uieg Kiikish)


Fig. 6 The Chelsea in 19u8 Seais's Catalog
(Rosemaiy Fullei Thointon, ?;) %&'()( ?;-3 A)-+( I'/"35 L0)+J3;/,1 \&' L0)+
4-,3)# 3& ],&> 7Z&'3 A)-+( 6-3-"&1 %&8)(, 4).

Fig. 7 The Chelsea in Biffeient Yeais
(Stevenson anu }anul, %&'()( ZJ 2-/", 26S.)


Fig. 8 The Fiist Flooi
(Biaw by uieg Kiikish anu Stephen Kiikish)

Fig. 9 The Seconu Flooi
(Biaw by uieg Kiikish anu Stephen Kiikish)

Fig. 1u The Beck on the Seconu Flooi
(Photo taken by Bongyan Yang, Febiuaiy 1S, 2u14)

Fig. 11 Foou Cellai in the Basement
(Biaw by uieg Kiikish anu Stephen Kiikish)

Fig. 12 The Wooulanu in Seais's Catalog in 1926
(Paul Buchscheiei, I)J&,# 3;) I',1-"&>N 2S)

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