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The neighbourhood
I live in a flat, in Budapest, in the eighth district, between Blaha Lujza Square
and Rkczi Square !he h"use, which I live in, is an "ld building It has f"ur fl""rs
and there is n" lift
!he #"st "f the tenants are "ld pe"ple in this h"use !here are s"#e $"unger pe"ple
t"", but the$ w"rk "r learn in a c"llege "r universit$ I d"n%t speak a l"t t" the
I have been living in this h"use f"r &' $ears I kn"w the neighb"urs, I kn"w the
surr"undings, and I like this district, but it is a fact, that I like the c"untr$side better,
because the capital cit$ is ver$ p"lluted, and "vercr"wded, the transp"rt generall$
ver$ bad (e"ple are unfriendl$, and the$ d"n%t deal with each "ther In the
c"untr$side pe"ple are friendlier and helpful, and the$ like nature
I like t" living in the c"untr$side, because I like #"untains, and piping, and I
like ani#als, but the ani#als need a big garden, which is rare in Budapest
)e have a c"ttage in Biat"rbg$ near Budapest )hen I was a little child, we
went there a l"t I l"ve the neighb"urh""d and the pe"ple, wh" live there
*ne "f "ur neighb"urs has g"t f"ur little cats, and tw" adult cats, and "nl$ "ne
d"g !he$ had had tw" d"gs, but s"#eb"d$ killed "ne !his neighb"ur has a ver$
high h"use, it has tw" fl""rs
!he "ther neighb"ur has s"#e hens a c"ck and s"#e chickens. )e bu$ eggs
fr"# hi#
)hen I was a little girl, #$ br"ther and I went t" the "ther neighb"ur t" pla$
table+tennis )e went t" t"ur with the#, and we generall$ enj"$ed it

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