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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology

Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena

Session V### $ Session #%#
1. ISDN channels
2. ISDN services
3. ISDN user Interface
4. ISDN Layers
ISDN channels
ISDN standard defines three types of channels.
They are
i. Bearer (B)
ii. Data (D)
iii. Hybrid (H)

i. Bearer (B)
This is known as basic user channel
This operates at 64 KBps
It carries any type of digital inforation.
It works in full duple! ode.
Se"eral transissions intended for a single recei"er can be ultiple!ed
into a single B#channel.
B channel allows only end to end transission.
Signals cannot be ultiple!ed.
ii. Data hannels (D)
This is known as data channel.
It can operate at $6 or 64 KBps.
It carries control inforation for the B channel.
%ontrol inforation can be
%all establishent
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
%all interrupt
It carries control signals using a ethod call Common Channel signaling
Subscriber uses D channel to connect to the network.
The subscriber then uses the B channel to send actual data to
another user.
(ll the user connected to a subscriber loop shares a coon D
)ach de"ice has dedicated B channel for data e!change.
*igure below shows the coparison of D channel operations and the +SI
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
The D channel perfors the function of physical, data link and network
layer of the +SI odel.
iii. H hannel (H)
This is known as hybrid channel .
Data rate -.4 Kbps is known as /0 channels
Data rate $1-6 Kbps is known as /$$
Data rate $230 Kbps is known as /$3
/ channel is suitable for high data rate applications such as "ideo and
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Data 5ink 5ayer
4hysical 4hysical interface
Switching ser"ices
+SI layer
D channel operations
Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
%%ITT defined they types of ISDN ser"ices.
They are
i. Bearer Services
ii. $ele Services
iii. Su%%le&entary Services
i. Bearer Services
This ser"ices allows transfer of inforation between users in real tie
without any alteration to the content.
The ser"ices correspond to lower three layers of the +SI odel.
Soe of the basic ser"ices are
%ircuit switching
4acket switching
*rae relay
%ell relay
ii. $ele Services
This cobine in'ormation trans'er process 'unction with the in'ormation
processing 'unction .
These uses bearer ser"ices to transport data.
It pro"ide soe functions which correspond to +SI 5ayer 4 to 6.
Tele ser"ices include terinal as well as network capabilities.
)!aples of teleser"ices are
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
4ro"ides end to end te!t counication.
It uses
o Standardised character set
o 4resentation forats
o %ounication protocols
/igher layers are based on %%ITT standardi'ed telete!
ser"ice *.300.
7ser inforation is pro"ided using B channel
Signaling is pro"ided using D channel.
4ro"ides end#to#end facsiile counication
It uses
o Standardi'ed picture coding
o &esolution
o %ounication protocols.
/igher layer attributes are based on the facsiile 8roup 9
&ecoendations of %%ITT.
7ser inforation is pro"ided using B channel
Signaling is pro"ided using D channel.
This is an enhanceent of e!isting "ideote!t ser"ices.
This includes
o &etrie"al
o :ail bo! functions for te!t and graphic inforation
This pro"ides interacti"e te!t counication.
7ser inforation is transferred o"er circuit switched or
packet#ode bearer channel.
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
Signaling is pro"ided o"er D channel.
iii. Su%%le&entary services
These ser"ices cannot be used alone.
It can be used along with one or ore bearer ser"ices or tele ser"ices.
o .e!erse charging/ # To re"erse charge on circuit# switched call or a
packet#switched "irtual call.
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
ISDN )S!" IN$!"*+!
ISDN pro"ides two types of interfaces to users.
They are
i. Basic "ate Interface (B"I)
ii. ,ri&ary "ate Interface (,"I)
i. Basic "ate Interface (B"I)
B"I specifies a digital pipe.
It has two 64Kbps B channels and one $6 Kbps D channel
( total of $44 Kbps.
*igure shows the structure of B&I
B&I ser"ices re;uire 4.Kbps operating o"erhead.
So B&I re;uires a digital pipe of $23 Kbps.
B&I ser"ice is like a large pipe that contains three saller pipes, two for B channels
and one for the D channel.
(ll $23 Kbps can be used to carry a single signal.
Twisted pair local loop can be used to carry digital transission.
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ISDN Basic
D channel (1- .B%s)
B1 B2 (B channels (-4 .b%s)
Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
ii. ,ri&ary "ate Interface (,"I)
This is for users with higher data rare re;uireents.
There are two data rates for 4&I
&.-,, M"ps/2
7sed in 7S, %anada and <apan.
It uses 3- B channels and one 64 Kbps D channel.
(.3,4 M"ps/2
7sed in )urope.
This uses -0 B channel and one 64 Kbps D channel.
*igure shows the structure of 4&I
,"I /ith H channels
4&I can be used to support / channels.
These structures include 64 Kbps channel for control signaling.
=hen no D channel is present, a D channel on another priary interface can be
The following structures are a"ailable.
PRI Ho channel structure:
This supports ultiple -.4 Kbps h0 channel.
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ISDN Basic
D channel (-4 .b%s)
B1 t( B23
0r B channels
B1 t( B31 -4 .b%s
Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
The structures are
-/0>D and 4/0 for $.144 :bps
1/0 >D for 3.04. :bps
PRI H11 and H12 structure:
/$$ channel structure consists of $,1-6 Kbps /$$
/$3 channel structure consists of one $.230Kbps
/$3 channel and one d channel.
PRI structure for mixtures of B and H0 channels:
This interface consists of 'ero or one d channel and
any possible cobination of B and /0 channels.
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
ISDN is defined in three separate planes.
User plane:
This defines the functionality of B channel and /
It defines user to user connection
Control plane:-
This defines the functionality of D channel.
Manaement Plane:-
This includes both the user and control plane.
This is used for anaging the whole network.
ISDN %r(t(c(l architecture
*igure shows the ISDN protocol copared with +SI layers.

5ayer $?
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Data link
end user
@.2-$ %all
!.31 packet
*or further
5(4D A@.23$B
$.4-0 Basic interface $.4-$ 4riary Interface
*rae relay
C.31 packet
+SI D channel B D / channel
Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
defined in I.4-0 and I.4-$.
It specifies the physical interface for both basic and priary access.
B and D channels are ultiple!ed o"er the sae physical interface.
This standard apply to B and D channel.
Layer 23
The protocol structure differs for 3 channels.
*or D channel 5(4D A5ink (ccess 4rotocol, D channelB is defined.
Transission on D channel is in the for of 5(4D fraes
*or channel L+,B A5ink (ccess 4rotocol, B channelB is defined.
Layer 33
Three applications has been defined
(ntr(l si4nalin43
*or this a call control protocol I.41$E@.2-$ has been defined.
This is used to establish, aintain and terinate connection on B
,ac5et s/itchin43
The D channel pro"ides packet switching ser"ices to the
*or this C.31 le"el#- protocol is used.
C.31 packets are transitted in 5(4D fraes.
C.31 le"el - protocols is used to establish "irtual circuit on the D
This circuit is used by users to e!change packeti'ed data.
+b(ve Layer 3
(bo"e layer - there is a possibility for higer layer functions related to
user#user signaling.
This is under study.
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Study Material Computer Networks VSAT Technology
Prepared By Mrs. . Neema e! Bo"eena
Session V### $ Session #%#
B channel
B channel can be used for
Circuit switching/2
*or this a circuit is set up on B channel on deand.
D channel call control is used for this purpose.
+nce the circuit is set up, it ay be used for data transfer
between users.
The stations ha"e a direct, full duple! link.
Semi2permanent circuits/2
B channel circuit is setup by prior agreeent between the
connected users and the network.
It pro"ides a transparent path.
The stations ha"e a direct, full duple! link.
Packet switching ?#
(n B channel is setup between user and packet switched node.
*or this D channel control protocol is used.
+nce the circuit is setup o"er the B channel, user ay eploy
C.31 layers 3 and - to establish "irtual circuit to another user
o"er that channel to e!change data.
*ra&e relay can be used as an alternati"e o"er / channel and o"er D
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