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Study Material Computer Networks Ethernet

Prepared By Mrs. D. Neema Dev Bobeena

Session I
The IEEE802.3 or CSMA /CD protocol is based on specification called Ethernet.
Working Principle:
The station willin to trans!it infor!ation listen the cable.
If b"s#$ the Station wait "ntil it is idle.
If idle$ the station will trans!it the infor!ation.
If two or !ore stations si!"ltaneo"sl# start the trans!ission$ the sinals collide each
So each station hears a collision !essae$ waits for a rando! period$ and repeats the
trans!ission process aain.
Cateories of Ethernet are
1. Thick Ethernet or 10base5
2. Cheaper Net or Thin Net (10 base 2
!. "tar#$N(10%aseT
&. 'ptical (ibre C")$*C+ #$N (10 %ase(
1. Thick Ethernet or 10base5
Trans!ission speed in%0Mbps.
The !a&i!"! lenth of the cable is 2.' !eters.
Characteristics of the thic( Ethernet)
i. Cable s"pports to a !a&i!"! of '00 !eters.
ii. Ma&i!"! of %02* Stations.
iii. Ma&i!"! distance co+ered is 2.'(!.
i+. Ethernet based networ( is shown below
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Study Material Computer Networks Ethernet
Prepared By Mrs. D. Neema Dev Bobeena
Session I

All stations are connected to coa&ial cable.
,ro"p of stations connected to a cable for! a se!ent.
Repeater )
-epeater is "sed to lin( two networ( se!ents.
Stations is connected to the Ethernet cable thro"h a transcei+er.
A transcei+er is a trans!itter.recei+er pair.
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(Twisted Pair)
Study Material Computer Networks Ethernet
Prepared By Mrs. D. Neema Dev Bobeena
Session I
-epeater has two transcei+ers.
.,ple,entation o/ Ethernet:
The two sinificant la#ers that are i!ple!ented are
i/0h#sical 1a#er and
ii/Data 1in( 1a#er.
i/ Physical Layer )
It has two i!portant f"nctions.
a Enco0ing the 0ata:
It enerates the s#nchroni2ation bits3prea!ble/ for the data at the trans!itter.
At the recei+er$ it re!o+es the prea!ble fro! the recei+ed.
It perfor!s the encodin and decodin.
b)e0i1, access )
It trans!its and recei+es data.
If collision occ"rs$ the ph#sical la#er identifies and tells this to the data lin( la#er.
ii)Data Link Layer:
The f"nctions of Data 1in( 1a#er are
a/Data encaps"lation) 4or!ation of fra!e$ addressin$ error detection.
b/1in( Manae!ent) Allocation of channels$ collision a+oidance$ error detection$
resol+in collision.
Ethernet /ra,e /or,at:
The fra!e for!at is shown below
Prea,ble )
5.b#te s#nchroni2ation pattern. It has alternati+e 0s and %s.
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#engt$ Frame
Pad &nfo
Study Material Computer Networks Ethernet
Prepared By Mrs. D. Neema Dev Bobeena
Session I
"tart o/ /ra,e:
A %.b#te word ends with two consec"ti+e % bits.
+estination a00ress:
A 6.b#te address of destination.
"o1rce a00ress:
This is 6.b#te so"rce address
#ength )
This is lenth of the act"al infor!ation.
Si2e of this field is 2 b#tes.
.n/or,ation /iel0:
The si2e of the infor!ation field is a +ariable.
Mini!"! si2e is of *6 b#tes.
If it is less than *6 b#tes$ d"!!# fra!es called 7pad8 is incl"ded.
9pper li!it for %'00b#tes.
(ra,e Check "e21ence:
A *.b#te code "sed for error.detection.
2. Cheaper Net or Thin Net (10 base2:
The difference between the Ethernet and the cheaper net are i+en below
Thick Ethernet Cheaper net or Thin net
Ma&i!"! se!ent lenth is '00 !eters 9pto a !a&i!"! of 200
Ma&i!"! n"!ber of nodes per se!ent is %00 Ma&i!"! n"!ber of nodes is 30.
Ma&i!"! n"!ber of stations per networ( is
Ma&i!"! stations per networ( is%02*
:ode spacin is 2.' !eters :ode spacin is 0.' !eters.
:etwor( cable dia!eter is 0.* inches Cable dia!eter is 0.2' inches
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Study Material Computer Networks Ethernet
Prepared By Mrs. D. Neema Dev Bobeena
Session I
Cable is connected thro"h a +a!pire tap ;:C.T connector is "sed to
Cables and :.series connector.
!. "tar #$N (10%aseT:
The third +ariation of IEEE802.3 standard was a Star 1A:.
It is proposed b# AT<T.
=perates at a data rate of % Mb per second.
Twisted >pair cable is "sed trans!ission !edia.
Tree topolo# is "sed.
,ro"p of stations is connected to h"b.
?"bs are connected in the for! of a tree.
The root of the tree is the header h"b.
If !a# contain "pto '"pward le+els of h"bs.
&. 'ptical (ibre C")$ *C+ #$N (10%ase(:
4eat"res are
o hih i!!"nit# to the electro!anetic interference
o low loss of power$
o hih bandwidth and
o less weiht$ and
o trans!ission sec"rit#.
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