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Bachelor of Arts, Communicatons April 2014

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Public Relatons emphasis
Business Management minor
Director of Communicatons July 2013-Present
VolleyMetrics, Provo, UT
Collaborated in Internatonal Business Model Competton
presentaton that took 3rd place out of 2,418 teams from 209 universites
Presented to 8 judges in Shark Tank style investor pitch,
winning Miller New Venture Challenge
Helped company take 4th place out of 50 teams in
BYU Business Model Competton
Led and managed team of interns in market research
Oversee website content and design creaton
Advise founder in communicaton strategies
Media Relatons Intern June 2013-May 2014
BYU Athletc Communicatons, BYU, Provo, UT
Managed media relatons for mens and womens tennis teams
Updated tennis secton of with player informaton
Wrote 122 tennis stories in additon to game recaps and blog stories
for soccer, volleyball, football, sofball, baseball and gymnastcs
BYU Marriot PR Team Communicatons Consultant Jan-April 2014
Marriot Internatonal Caribbean & Latn America
Analyzed primary research data from on 78 hotels
Created research-based strategy to enhance hotel reputaton
Presented to Marriot Corporate fndings and recommendatons
Hotels switched goals based on our research
Public Relatons Representatve Sept 2012-Aug 2013
Constructon Management Program, BYU, Provo, UT
Produced 6 video profles of alumni to promote the
BYU Constructon Management major
Conducted qualitatve research about student perceptons to
promote the major because of low number of applicants
Communicatons Intern May-June 2013
Thatcher+Co., New York, NY
Assembled targeted media lists of journalists to pitch our clients stories
Helped create coverage reports to deliver to the client
Assisted in creatng a pitch presentaton for a new client
H. McKay Perry
718 N 800 E
Provo, UT 84606

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