Unit 1 The Model Millionaire

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Unit 1 The Model Millionaire

1. What was Hughies financial status?

Hughie was a young man of good profile. His financial status was very low as he had
no profession. He tried his hand in different profession to earn money but was not
successful. So the author referred him as
a delightful, ineffectual young man with a perfect profile and no profession
2. What was the condition laid down by the Colonel to allow Hughies engagement
to Laura?
Hughie wanted to marry Laura Merton, the daughter of retired Colonel. Although
the Colonel was very fond of Hughie, he didnt want his daughter to marry a poor
man. So he put a conditiono that Hughie had to bring him ten thousand pounds of
his own and he would see about the engagement.
3. Why was Hughie upset?
Hughie was upset because he felt it would not be possible to fulfil the condition of
the Colonel. The Colonel wanted a proof from Hughie that he could earn ten --
thousand pounds and not remain ineffectual.

4. What make you feel Allan was a good painter?
The author says that Alan Trevor was a real master when he took up the brush and
his pictures were eagerly sought after.
Also Baran Hausberg, one of the reichest man of Europe choose Alan Trevor to
get his portrait painted as a beggar. This shows that Alan was a good painter.
A good painter is to pain two main things, men and the working of mens mind
- -Leonardo da Vinci
5. What made the oldman look like a typical beggar?
The oldman displayed every quality of a beggar.
He looked weary, and miserable leaning on a rough stick for support. He wore
ragged clothes, had a brown tattered cloak over his shoulders and was wearing a
patched and cobbled thich boots. He stretched out his hand holding a battered hat
for alms.

A large income is the best recipe of happiness I ever heard of - Jane Austen
Money often costs too much Ralph Emerson
Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality - Niccolo
6. Why is the models face his fortune?
The performance of the painter depends on the expressive faces of the models. If a
person does not display the emotions exactly he cannot be hired as a model. In this
sense, the models face becomes his fortune as well as a fortune for the artist.

7. How many Shillings make a pound?
Shillings and pounds are units of currency used by former British Commonwealth
countries and twenty shillings make a pound.
8. In our country models pose for advertisements. How much do you think they are
In our country models are paid according to their popularity. Top models of India
get an average of rs. 50,000 to Rs.100000 per show. Indian sportsman and actors
are paid a huge amount when they model for advertisements.
9. What was the beggars true identity?
The beggar was Baron Hauseberg, one of the richest men in Europe. He came
there to be a model for Trevor because he was a good friend of Trevor.

10. Why did Hughie fear an adverse reaction from the Baropn?
Hughie had mistaken the Baron for a beggar and offered him a sovereign. He felt
very bad for treating a richman in that manner and feared that the Baron would
have taken his act as an insult.
Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality Nicolo Machiavelli

11. Why did Hughie wish to apologise to the Baron?
Hughie was basically a gentleman. He didnt want to hurt the feelings of an old
man. When the Baron had sent a oldman to meet Hughie with a sealed envelope,
Hughie thought he had indulted the Baron by mistaking him as a beggar and wished
to apologise.
First appearance deceives many. Ovid quotes

12. Why did Hughie grow angry with Trevor?
Hughie was angry with Trevor as he had revealed his private affairs to the model
who was a beggar. He felt that Trevor should not have told his private matters , his
life and his love affair to the model.
People do not wish to appear foolish Alice Walker
Beauty without expression is boring Ralph waldo Emerson .
Appearances are often deceiving - Aesop quotes.
13. Why did Trevor remark that such beggars as the model were not to be met
with everyday?
Hughie was not aware who the beggar model really was. But Trevorwho know this
said so. Rich men rarely come forward to pose as poor beggars. So this was a very
uncommon model.
All noble things are as difficult as they are rare. Baruch Spinoza
14. Why did Hughie grow offended at Trevors act of discussing his affairs with
some one?
Hughie was not pleased at Trevor and his revelaton about his private affairs to the
beggar model. It was not right to discuss his private matters to a stranger. In any
case a poor beggar would not be of any help to solve his problem.
People do not wish to appear foolish - Alice Walker
15. What was the Barons reaction to Hughies innocent act of rewarding him a
Baron Hausberg liked Hughie for his kind heartedness. Though Hughie himself was
poor, he generously offered a sovreign to a poor man. That act impressed the
Baron and he deceided to reward Hughie.
Kindness is always repaid with kindness.

Who was Hughie? How had Hughie treated the model who posed for Trevor?
Hughie was a good looking young man who had no profession. Whatever he tried
doing to earn money did not bring him success. But he had all talents and was
friendly with everyone. He loved Laurra but had to wait to fulfill her fathers
condition that he should bring ten thousand pounds to marry his daughter.

Alan Trevor , an artist was his friend. One day he visited him at his studio. He was
amazed to see a model of a beggar who looked very realistic with a shabby
appearance. The model invoked pity that touched Hughie so much. He had only a
few copper coins and a sovereign. He was willing to part with his only soverign to
bring relief to the poor beggar.
Charity flows from one who loves his fellowmen
2. What was the result of Hughies mistaking the Baron for a beggar?
Out of kindnessanf pity Hughie had given a soverign to the miserable looking
beggar. He felt very embarassed when Trevor disclosed the truth about the beggar.
First appearance deceives many. Ovid quotes

A large income is the best recipe of happiness I ever heard of - Jane Austen
He was one of the richest men in Europe Baron Hausberg. Hughie expected a
different reaction from him. But the following day, a visitor from the Baron brought
a cheque for ten thousand pounds. It was the Barons wedding gift to Hughie and
Kindness is repaid with kindness

Unit II Music, The Hope Raiser
1. What was the authors choice of career?
The author Dr. Karl Paulnack chose to go to mucic school to be a professional
musician and later he became the pianist an Director of the music division at the
Boston Conservatory.
Music is enough for a life time but lifetime is not enough for music.

2. How was this against his parents wish?
The author scored good marks in Science and Maths and had a good grades in high
school. His parents thought that he might be more appreciated as a doctor or a
research chemist or an enginner.
Your work is to discover your work and give your whole heart to it. Buddha

3. Do you think music is different from entertainment?
Music can certainly entertain people.But it also kindles our hidden feelings,
stimulates our thoughts and emotions and brings tears to our eyes. Simple
entertainment is a time pass amusement but music is an art and a entertainment.
Music in the soul can be heard by the Universe.
4. Two sides of the same coin would mean
Similar in approach but different in aim.
5. How is music different from astronomy?
Greeks saw astromony as the study of relationship between observable,
permanent, external objects and music was seen as the study of relationship
between invisible, internal hidden objects.
Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and music washes away from the
soul the dust of every day life

6. How did Messiaen spend his time in prison?
Oliver Messiaen spend his time in prison by composing music. He was a prisoner of
war and there was a cellist, a violinist and a clarinetist in the camp and he
composed Quartet for the End of Time in 1940 which is today regarded as one of
the most famous masterpiece.
Where there is a will there is a way
Where there is a music there is a hope

7. Why did art find a place even in concentration camps?
There are two reasons for art to find a place in concentration camps. Art in the
form of music gace the prisoners hope to overcome physical and mental torture.
Also it gave them an outlet to their feelings and expressions.
Blessed is the man who has music as a creative outlet John Burroughs

8. What is the significance of Art?
Art is a part of human spirit and for artists it is the way of expressing their feelings.
Art is one of the ways we say, I am alive and my life has meaning
Art gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything. Plato

9. Why didnt the narrator play the piano after the terrible incident?
Everyone was shaken by the terrorists attack on the Twin towers at the World
Trade Centre on September 11
2001. This brought an inexpressible emptiness into
Dr. Karls mind. The sorrow within was so great that playing a piano seemed silly,
absurd, irreverent and pointless.
The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between. Mozart

10. How did peope express their grief?
People expressed their grief by singing. The first organised activity on the evening
of September 11
was singing. People sang We shall overcome and America the
Beautiful. An event Brahms Requiem was arranged at Lincoln centre with New
York Philharmonic and people started recovering through music.
Where words couldnt be expressed, music helps.

11. Why isnt music an extravagenza or a hobby?
Music is a basic need of human survival. Music is one of the ways we make sense
of our lives, one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no words,
a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we cant with our minds.
Music can chang the world because it can change people
12. What are the two incidents

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