Maher Zain's Biography

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One of song that is popular nowdays is religious songs. One of famous singer and
songwriter is Maher Zain. He becomes an icon to millions of fans worldwide. His songs became
fenomenal and inspiration to human being. Maher Zain was born on 16
March1981 in Libanon.
He was born from artist familly. His father is a musician and his mother is singer of Tripoli
Libanon. When he was eight years old he and his familly moved to Sweden. He really loved
music when he was a child and he started to learn music from his father. In 2007 Maher Zain
converted to Islam and brought religious song into modern music. Maher Zain is a multitallented
artist. Besides as a songwriter and singer he also a produced music in Sweden. He joined withe
RedOne producer music of Sweden that success produced popular singer such as: Lady Gaga,
Jenifer Lopez, etc. But in January 2009 moved to New York and decided to solo career he joined
with Awakening Records. The first album is Thank You Allah with the tittle is Insyaallah
released on 2009. Mostly, Maher Zains song talks about life, religion, love, and social theme.
Zain becomes a phenomenon in many countries, such as: Turkey, Egypt, the Arab region,
countries and Muslim communities in Europe, Indonesia, etc.

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