7 Grammar

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Grammar: Conditional - if clause

Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th

(conditional sentence) n1unnn1u q x
nuw 2 u 1. n1w (conditional clause) uu 2.
un uuwNu n11 ( main clause)
"if clause" uu w Dun 3 D wxwnun11
Type 1 1 wu
Type 2 wn1unwn 1 w1 n1u1 xxu
Type 3 n 1nu1xnw uu w1 nu1wn

1. Type 1 1 wu (possible condition and probable
If + V1 (present simple), will + V. base infinitive (future simple)
- If it rains, I will stay home. n 1nnn uxu1 (un1n1u11nxnn)
- If you don't hurry, you will miss the train. n1uu xu1wnu q
2. Type 2 xx u wNunw1 w
w(unlikely condition)
If+ V2 (past simple), would +V. base infinitive (past future)
1. 1nuu x xxu un1x w
- I would visit him if I had time. ux1n1u1 1n1 xxu
u1 unun1x w (I haven't got time now, but I might have some
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
- If it rained now, I would stay home. n1nnn uxu1 (un1n1u
- Would you go to the concert if I bought you a ticket?
2. 1unun1n1u xx u w
- If I were you, I would forgive him. un1n1u u (T n1ux w)
- If I was a flower, I would love the rain. n1u wn uxnu1n (
u11n w )
n1unu w1 V. to be x1 were n unu u un F1 I, he, she u11n1
was were n w 11 n1unux (unreal)
n11 past simple u "if" unuuu 2 n1unnn1u xxu
x (unreality) type 2 conditional 1u11nn1w "but"
+ n n1uxw wn1nn1ux x1 tense uuu reality wun present
simple, future simple
- If I were a millionaire, I would buy a jet. (...but I'm not, so I
won't buy it.)
- If the weather wasn't so bad, we would play outside. (...but it is
bad, so we won't).
3. Type 3 1nu n 1nu1xwn (past unreal, counterfactual)
If had+V3 (past perfect), would have +V 3 (past future perfect)
- Last night, if I had gone home earlier, I would have met Bill.
n1 unuuu1 xwu Bill uu un1xwu
- If you had studied harder last semester , you would have
passed the final exam.
n1Fnn1 N11 FxuuN1uu (un1xuuunn)
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
- If I'd known you were sick, I would have visited you.
n1w1u1u1u unxuuu (1x x wu)
- If you had told me you were on the Internet last night, I'd have
sent you an e-mail.
n11 uunn unxuuuuu (1x xwu)
uuu 1u1nu1nwn wunw uuu11nnw
xwn (counterfactual in the past unreal past condition) 1x
n uuu 1 1x wn (hypothetical) x1nu1n
11qn11Nunw n1nuu 1n_ main clause
- If I had known you were coming I would have told my wife. (...but I
didn't know, and I haven't told her.)
- If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam. (... but I didn't
study harder, and I haven't passed.)
Formal conditional sentences
conditional 3 D u11n1n11 1u if n1wn1uuu
1 n11nuF1 (inversion between subject and helping verb) wn11
n111u if uuu 1D1u1T 1 1n1
Type 1 conditional: 1 should u if n1w F1 + base infinitive
- If I know her arrival time, I will tell you.
= Should I know her arrival time, I will tell you.
Type 2 conditional: 1n11 were u if n n1uuuF1-n11
- If I were younger, I would wear a swimsuit.
= Were I younger, I would wear a swimsuit.
- If I won the game, I would buy you a new car.
= Were I to win the game, .... ( were + F1 + to infinitive)
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
Type 3 conditional: 1n11 had 1u if nn1uuu F1-n11
- If we had had more money, we would buy a new car.
= Had we more money, we would buy a new car.
nx1n un 3 uuu q nu1unuu wun
1. The "zero" conditional (Reality)
If + V1 (preset simple), V1 (present simple)
- If water boils, it turns to vapor.
1 x1nn1u xu 1 x11n1un
2. Mixed conditional sentences. uuu Nu
wu1 u main clause uu conditional clause nu1n nn1u
1u1n1n 1n11 tense n1uuun11u1
- wn unNunw xxu (past condition, present result)
" If" had + V3 (past perfect) , would + V. base infinitive (past
If I had studied harder when I was young, I would have a better job
1nuwn 1 n xw1wq
If you hadn't spent so much money (when you were young), you
wouldn't be broke now.
n1n1w1x11n1w nwn1 xxu
3. n11 nu1u (imperative) unx1n1 base infinitive wu
F1 you
- If you see him, tell him to get in.
- Don't let the baby cry if he wakes up.
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
Unless 11 if... not except that.... = uun1....
n11n1 1 unless x1unuu1wnu if clause
Type 1 : nu1n nw x1 wu (likely, probable)
Unless + V1 (present simple) , will + V. base infinitive (future simple)
- I won't pay unless you provide the goods immediately. = If
you don't provide them, I won't pay
- You will be sick unless you stop working hard. = If you don't
stop working hard, you will be sick.
Type 2 : nu1n x xxu 1 wn 1 (unlikely,
Unless + V2 (past simple), would +V. base infinitive (past future)
- Unless he was very ill, he would come to work.
- She would be here unless she was seriously ill.
Type 3 : nu1n n1nu1xnw wn (counterfactual in the past)
Unless + had V3 (past perfect), would have + V3 (past future perfect )
- Yesterday, I wouldn't have called him unless you had reminded me.
1 Nwn11 n1uwnN

n11 past tense , past perfect un1n1u x
n11 2 (past simple tense) u1un1n1u x1nuu un xxu u1
past tense w1 Type 2 conditional sentence
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
If it rained now, I would stay home. n1unnn1u T n1n u1
x xxu (present unreal) nx1n 1u11nun11 past simple tense
uuu present unreal wnuu1n1q wun
- supposing, what if....? + V2 = un1
- if only + V2 = 1n1
- 1uuw11n1 u to wish + V2 =ux....
- would rather + subject + V2 = 1nx....
- It's (high) time +V2 = n 1u1x...
- as if, as though.... = 1nu1
Supposing I were a millionaire,.... (but I am not)
What if we built another house? ( that would be very surprising)
If only I had 10 hands! ( but I haven't)
She wishes she had more money now! (but she hasn't)
I wish I knew the president! ( but I don't know him)
I'd rather my girlfriend called me now! (but she doesn't)
I'd rather he went! (but he stays)
It's (high) time I had a haircut!
It's time you paid the meal!
He acts as if he were a prince. ( but he is not)
u1u1 u11n1 1unnn1uw n 1x xw x1nnn1u
N1uu w1 past perfect tense (had + V3) T 11 past unreal
Supposing I had bought a new car last week! (I didn't really buy a car)
n1nw1NwT n 1nn ... (unNwT )
If only I had driven faster last night! (I didn't, so the accident didn't
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
n1nwNunn1 ... (unNwu unwunn )
I wish I hadn't bought that watch the previous month! (but I did buy
it already)
u1n11wT 1Wn11 wn (un1xwT 1uu)
Yesterday Tom cried loudly as though someone had beaten him.
1 1nun1
I would rather you had bought me a concert ticket last night.
u1nuT un11un (un1xuwT )

A. Fill wit !if! or !"nless!
1. ________ you don't mind, I'll sit here.
2. ________ you buy the tickets in advance, you won't be able to see
that concert.
3. I'll punish you ______ you copy the test.
4. Don't interrupt the meeting ________ it's an emergency.
5. ________ you need me, please give me a ring.
6. He shouldn't drive ________ he doesn't have a driver's license.
7. ________ you ask me to sit somewhere else, I'll sit here.
8. You won't be able to describe the topic ________ you read the text
9. ________ you don't understand the exercise, I'll try to help you.
10. ________ you work hard, you won't get a promotion.
11. I'll go to the beach with you ________ it rains this weekend.
12. Don't do it __________ you are asked to.
13. Don't do it ________ you're not sure of the consequences.
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
14. Don't sign the contract __________ you have read it carefully.
15. __________ I had time, I would visit you.
#. $resent and $ast Unreal% &ewrite '( s"ppl(in) te correct forms of
te *er's in parenteses.
1. Danai speaks English as if he __________ a native speaker.
1. is 2. was 3. be 4. had
2. Jenny wished she __________math better.
1. understands 2. understood 3. had understood 4.
3. It's time I (leave, left, had left) now.
1. leave 2. left 3. has left 4. had
4. Supposing I __________the first prize now!
1. win 2. won 3. am winning 4.
had won
5. If only I __________the items last night, I wouldn't have bought a
new one.
1. to find 2. find 3. found 4. had found
6. When I was young, I wished I __________big blue eyes and blonde
1. have 2. had 3. was having 4.
had had
7. Sarah wishes she __________her job next week.

Grammar: Conditional - if clause

Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
1. finishes 2. will finish 3. would finish 4. had
8. I would rather Anne __________this dress.
1. take 2. takes 3. took 4.
has taken
9. Jim looked at Kate as though he __________ a ghost.
1. sees 2. saw 3. had seen 4.
was seeing
10. I'd rather you __________ now.
1. go 2. went 3. gone 4. are
C. +rite te correct form of *er'.
1. If the temperature rises to 100 degree Celsius, water (boil)
2. If we heat ice, it (turn) __________ into water.
3. If you (not take) __________ a lot of clothes at night, you will get
4. You (be punished) __________ it you tell me a lie.
5. If you (not finish) __________ your job in time, you will be in
6. I (lend) __________ you the money if I had it.
7. If you lost your purse, what (you do) ___________?
8. If I (be) __________ the Prime Minister, I (reduce) __________ the
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
9. What (you do) __________ if you (get) ___________the first prize
in lottery?
10. If I (can) __________ fly, I (fly) __________ to see you first.
11. Last year we (buy) _________ that car if the price (be)
__________ lower.
12. I (call) __________ you yesterday if I (have) __________ your
phone number.
13. He (come) __________ if he had had some spare time.
14. You (be) __________ free now if you had finished your work
15. If Max (be) _________ a horse, he could run faster.
D. &ewrite tese conditional sentences into formal form.
1. If you meet Jim, please send my hello to him.
2. If John were angry, he would be quiet.
3. If the condition were fine, I would accept it.
4. If it had not been so hot, our team would have won.
5. If the traffic had been worse, I would have arrived late.
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
E. Contin"e te sentence "sin) te conditional sentence.
1. Mary eats too much. She gains 10 pounds. (Use Type 2 conditional
If Mary didn't eat much,
2. John doesn't have a job. He doesn't earn money. (Use Type 2
conditional sentence)
If John had a job,
3. I didn't see the ghost last night. I didn't believe the story. (Use Type
3 conditional sentence)
If I had seen the ghost last night,
4. I didn't have a car. I didn't drive you home. (Use Type 3 conditional
I would have driven you home if
A. Fill wit !if! or !"nless!
1. If 2. Unless 3. if 4. unless 5. If
6. if 7. Unless 8. unless 9. If 10. unless
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
11. unless 12. unless 13. if 14.unless 15. If
#. $resent and $ast Unreal% &ewrite '( s"ppl(in) te correct forms of
te *er's in parenteses.
1. 2. was 1 as if + past simple 1n1nu1... present unreal
2. 3. had understood 1n1wn 1 past unreal past perfect
3. 2. left u1 It's time.....+ past simple nu1nu1 xxu
4. 2. won u1 supposing ....1unnn1uwnw x
5. 4. had found nn1u wn 1 past unreal past perfect
6. 4. had had uuw11n1w n T n1n u1 xnw
7. 3. would finish uuw11n11n 1 past unreal (past future:
would + V. base form)
8. 3. took u1 would rather + subject +past simple 1n uu1 xxu
9. 3. had seen n1uuwn as though + past perfect
10. 2. went

C. +rite te correct form of *er'.
1. boils zero conditional sentence 1nuu x 11n1un x
xT uuu
2. turns
3. didn't take
4. will be punished
5. don't finish
6. would lend
Grammar: Conditional - if clause
Mac Mattayom 4, Issue 7th
7. would you do
8. were, would reduce
9. would you do, got
10. could , would fly
11. would have bought, had been
12. would have called, had had
13. would haave come
14. would be
15. were

D. &ewrite tese conditional sentences into formal form.
1. Should you meet Jim, please send my hello to him.
2. Were John angry, he would be quiet.
3. Were the condition fine, I would accept it.
4. Had it not been so hot, our team would have won.
5. Had the traffic been worse, I would have arrived late.

E. Contin"e te sentence "sin) te conditional sentence.
1. If Mary didn't eat much, she wouldn't gain 10 pounds.
2. If John had a job, he would earn money.
3. If I had seen the ghost last night, I would have believed the story.
4. I would have driven you home if I had had a car.


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