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E-learning combined with Class Room Studies:

Module 1
Business combinations:
1. Business Combinations
2. Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
3. Consolidation Special Purpose Entities
4. Investments in Associates
5. Interests in Joint Ventures
Module 2
Financial Instruments:
1. Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
2. Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives
3. Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment
4. Financial Instruments: Presentation
5. Financial Instruments: Disclosures
Module 3
Investment Properties and Agriculture:
1. Investment Property
2. Agreement for Construction of Real Estate
3. Agriculture
Module 4
1. Revenue
2. Revenue-Barter Transactions involving advertising services
3. Customer Loyalty Programs
Module 5
1. Accounting Principles and Cash Flow:
1.1 Presentation of Financial Statements
1.2 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
1.3 Events After Balance Sheet Date
2. Capital Expenditure, Leases and Borrowing Costs, Impairment and Discontinuing Operations:
2.1 Construction Contracts
2.2 Property, Plant and Equipment
2.3 Leases
2.4 Determining whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease
2.5 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance
2.6 Borrowing Costs
2.7 Impairment of Assets
2.8 Non Current Assets held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
Module 6
1. Employee Benefits
1.1 Share Based Payments
1.2 Scope of Share Based Payments
1.3 Employee Benefits
1.4 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans
2. Intangible Assets
3. Insurance Contracts
Module 7
1. Types of Reporting:
1.1 Operating Segments
1.2 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
1.3 Interim Financial Reporting
2. Related Party Disclosures
3. Earnings Per Share
4. Inventories
Module 8
1. The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
2. Cash Flow Statements
3. Income Taxes
4. Provisions and Contingent Liabilities
5. General Overview of IFRICs and SICs
In addition to the above Modules, the Course would also include a comparison of IFRS with comparison of
IFRS with existing IGAAP, Issues in Changeover to IFRSs and Practical/hands on assignments on conversion
of Financial Statements prepared on the basis of IGAAP to IFRS based Financial Statements.

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