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The chief astrologer had already predicted that the Maharaja was born in hour of bull and that his
death would be caused by a tiger. The chief astrologer had specially warned the Maharaja to save
himself from the wrath of the hundredth tiger. Having killed ninty-nine tigers, the Maharajawas specially
anxious to kill the hundreath tiger. By killing the hundreath tiger he would totally eliminate all the
chances of his being killed by a tiger.

2.M. Hamel was taken as a strict teacher. Students were afraid of his iron ruler. He was very sincere and
dedicated teacher who served for forty long years in his service as a teacher to the village in Alsace City.
When he got the notice to vacant his place to make the space for new German teacher. He was totally
broken. He remained sad during his final class. This changed his behavior; he behaved rather very
politely and patiently. When Franz was not able to say his lesson correctly instead of scolding him he
just made him understand about the relevancy of learning the mother tongue. He preached everyone
presented in the class about that important things should never been postponed. Time flies very fast

4.Key Points to Answer
Bangle makers born in poverty, live in poverty, die in poverty.
There is possibility of skin burn too-- the chances of losing ones eye- sight
People have been engaged in this trade since generations.
Work in inhuman conditions. Although they work hard, their profit is small.
Their hovels have crumbing walls, wobbly doors and no windows.
They are overcrowded with humans and animals.
Social customs, traditions, stigma of caste and people in authority combine so that
they remain poor and uneducated
Money lenders, middlemen, politicians and policemen are all against them.
Unable to organize themselves into a co-operative unit due to lack of a leader.
A vicious circle of the middlemen, Sahukars, policemen, keepers of law, the bureaucrats and the
politicians exploit the bangle makers.
They have lost the ability to dream.
They can only talk but not act to improve their lot.

5.The sudden realization of being thrown into the pool did not make him lose his wits immediately.
Although frightened, he thought of a trick to come up to the surface but couldnt execute it successfully.
He panicked and felt suffocated by the water. His sense-perceptions gave way, his heart pounded loudly,
his limbs became paralyzed with fear, his mind became dizzy and his lungs ached as he gulped water
while making desperate attempts to come out of the water. Finally, he lost all his strength and
willingness to keep struggling and blacked out.
Douglas planned to allow himself to go down till his feet hit the bottom so that could make a big jump to
come back to the surface like a cork. Then, he would lie flat on the surface of water and paddle to the
edge of the pool.
7.College life is very important in every body's life because it not only determines the future of a person
but also is a time when most students understand the realities of life. But, do all students enjoy their
campus life? According to the Indian universities, none of the students enjoy their campus life at least
till the end of their first year. This is mainly because of ragging. What is ragging? Does it have any
advantages? Is it important to a freshmen student? Well, these are the questions to which the Sri
Lankan society is looking the answers for.

What is ragging? Ragging means causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of a
practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or isolates his person or
exposes him to ridicule or to forbear from doing any lawful act, by intimidating, wrongfully restraining,
confining or injuring him or by using criminal force to him or by holding out to him any threat of such
intimidation, wrongful restraint, confinement, injury or the use of criminal force. In plain English, it
means plain bullying a new student. There are two kinds of ragging, one is verbal and the other is
physical. Usually, the effect of verbal ragging is lesser than physical ragging and also it differs from
person-to-person, ethnic-to-ethnic, and male to female. In most cases, ragging is determined by the
behavior of a person before he or she comes to university. For example if a person has a big ego and
thinks that he knows everything then he will face many problems until he changes his way of thinking

9.Yesterday was a holiday, so our family planned to visit the nearest newly constructed Millennium
Mega Mall in Shivani Bagh. We parked our car at the third base as they had a three storied parking
lot.The security system and the arrangement of cars were noteworthy. The mall had 7 floors. We
wanted to shop a bit before moving to the INOX for our movie Ek Tha Tiger but we were amazed and
equally confused as to which brand to select for my denims as there were numerous international
brands available. The top-most floor was completely devoted to the grand food court that offered large
number of cuisine. The mall had a number of international coffee houses. Also, there were umpteen
number of game options for the kids and adults both.

8.Self Address


Address of the editor e.g.
The editor
The statesman

Frequent power cuts in our area have become a very big problem in our day to day life. There is hardly
any area which is not affected by this problem. The whole society and system are paralysed for the time
We are suffering from this problem from several days. We are not getting proper electric current for our
work. It has become a headache thereby obstructing our daily life routine. We are not able to use our
gadgets because of this load shedding and thus we have become digitally blind. In this hot and humid
summer we are frequently falling ill and also not getting a proper sleep. Students are the worst sufferers
of this problem. Our annual examination is knocking at the door we are not able to study properly and
also we are unable to prepare fully for coming examination.

I therefore request you to highlight this load shedding issue of our area so that the attention of the
authorities of our service station can be drawn up on this problem. I will be highly obliged.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully - See more at:

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