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Khalifman, A (2660) - Shaposhnikov, E (2415)

St. Petersburg-ch (1), 07.04.1998

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 b6 4.Nc3 Bb7 5.3 d5 6.c!d5 e!d5 7.g3 Be7 8."4# c6 9.Bg2 0-
0 10.0-0 Nbd7 11.Bf4 $e8 12.$d1 Nh5 13.Bc1 Bd6 14.e4 d!e4 15.Ng5 Ndf6
16.Ng!e4 Nd5 17.$fe1 Be7 18.N!d5 c!d5 19.Nc3 Nf6 20.Bf4 "c8 21.Be5 $d8 22.$c1
"f5 23.Bc7 $d7 24.Bf4 Bd6 25.B!d6 $!d6
White has a positional advantage. His Knight and Bishop
are pressuring d5, while their Black counterparts are forced
to defend passively. White also controls the e-file. 26.e5!"
looks sensi#le and strong, however, $le%ander saw a
te&pting &aneuver. 26.Nb5 $c6 27.Nc7% 'ntended to force
2(...c) 2*.c) c* 2+.,a(, and Black-s position goes to
pieces. 'n confir&ation of the inevita#le ' shook &y head
when the grand&aster was a#out to &ove his Knight to c(.
.he ca&e/ 27..."d7& and suddenly 2*.0a* loses to
2*...c). 1ther &oves do not save the ga&e either. 28.Nb5
$!c1 29.$!c1 Bc6 30.Bf1 6 31.$!c6 White is forced to
give up an e%change. $ 2ueen trade is also in &y favor.
31..."!c6 32.Nc3 "!4 33.N!4 b5 0-1

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