Chapter 19: The New West Essential Questions & Focus

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Chapter 19: The New West

Essential Questions & Focus

(Ch19 & Ch21 are mini-Units combined)
Essential Questions
Ch19 The New West
1. What made Indian tribes on the Great Plains unique (sec.1)
2. !o" did minin# and railroads chan#e the West (sec.2)
$. Wh% "as cattle ranchin# im&ortant to 'merica (sec.$)
(. Who "as at )ault in the con)lict bet"een "hites & *ati+e &eo&le (sec.()
,. Wh% did )armers see the West as a #ood o&&ortunit% (sec.,)
Section 1: Indian Peoples o the !reat Plains
Focus- !o" did the horse chan#e li)e )or nati+e &eo&le on the Great Plains
What "as the most im&ortant thin# to the sur+i+al o) nati+e &eo&le on the Great Plains
Great Plains
Section %: &inin' and (ailroadin'
Focus- !o" did the Comstoc/ 0ode attract "hite settles to the West
!o" did a transcontinental railroad chan#e the West
Comstoc/ 0ode
Ghost to"n
.ranscontinental 2ailroad
Section ): The Cattle *in'do+
Focus- Wh% did co"bo%s and cattle increase on the Great Plains
What "as a cattle dri+e

Cattle dri+e Co" to"ns
Section ,: Indian Peoples in (etreat
Focus- What did the U3 #o+ernment &romise in the 4t. 0aramie .reat%
What "ere causes o) the +iolence bet"een "hites and nati+e &eo&le
Where "ere Indians sent to li+e
What "as ha&&enin# to the bu))alo
!o" did Col. Custer and 22, soldiers o) the 5
Cal+ar% met there end at the 0ittle 1i#horn
What ha&&ened at Wounded 6nee (1798)
Wh% did the 9a"es 'ct )ail to hel& nati+e &eo&le
4t. 0aramie .reat%
1lac/ !ills
1attle o) the 0ittle 1i#horn
(Custer;s 0ast 3tand)
3ittin# 1ull & Cra<% !orse
Chie) =ose&h
Ghost 9ance
Wounded 6nee
9a"es 'ct
Section -: Far+in'
Focus- !o" did the !omestead 'ct (17>2) encoura#e settlers to mo+e "est
Wh% "ere ?@AodustersB mo+in# "est
Wh% is C/lahoma (Indian .erritor%) a #ood eAam&le o) ho" badl% the U3 #o+t. treated nati+es
Wh% "ere )armers called ?sodbustersB
!o" "as li)e di))icult )or sodbusters
!omestead 'ct @Aodusters 3odbusters
Chapter %1: . New /r#an Culture
Essential Questions & Focus
(Ch19 & Ch21 are mini-Units combined)
Essential Questions
Ch%1 Sec1 & Sec% . New /r#an Culture
10 What +ade lie diicult or 1new i++i'rants2 #ut also rewardin'3 4sec015
%0 6ow did reor+s help i+pro7e cities in the late 1899s3 4sec0%5
Section 1: New I++i'rants in a Pro+ised :and
Focus- What ?&ushedB or ?&ulledB immi#rants to the U3
What ha&&ened to immi#rants at @llis Island or 'n#le Island
Who "ere ?oldB and ?ne"B immi#rants
!o" did immi#rants recreate their homelands in the U3
What did nati+ists belie+e "ould ha&&en to 'merica because o) immi#rants
!o" did the U3 #o+t. tr% to restrict immi#ration
Push 4actor
Pull 4actor
Cld Immi#rants
*e" Immi#rants
@thnic nei#hborhoods
Chinese @Aclusion 'ct
Section %: .n .'e o Cities
Focus- What dre" &eo&le to cities in the late 1788s
Where did &oor li+e "ithin cities
What did =acob 2iis sho" in his &hotos and boo/
Who and "hat hel&ed to re)orm cities
How the Other Half Lives
1uildin# codes
3al+ation 'rm%
3ettlement houses (!ull !ouse)
=ane 'ddams

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