Essay About Mexican Food

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Topic: Delicious and Spicy Mexican Food

Date: 30 june 2014

Members: Braulio Molina Estrada
Rubn Isa Barrera Castaeda
Jehosafat Sotelo Rodrguez
Israel Lpez Lpez
Miguel Angel Cid Esquivel
Cecilia Cuautle Muoz

Delicious and Spicy Mexican Food

Mexican food represents all the Mexican history, since unmemorable times
Mexico has recognized for being one of the most delicious food around the
world and also for the service that we bring to the commensals.
Since prehispanic age Mexican people started to add different kind of
ingredients to their food, for example with ingredients as plants that they know
for the benefits that have to the digestive system an also for the amazing flavor
that they give.
During the colony, Mexican food suffered a big mix thanks to the new
ingredients as pork and chicken..
Since those times we start analther age in Mexican food to be the new and
revolutionary Mexican kitchen.
As the result of all of those changes with the pass of the years Mexico has one
of the richest kitchen in the hole world thanks to the variety of the ingredients
that we can find in our products as pozole, mole, enchiladas, tacos etc. These
are food that comes to the mix of Spain food and Mexican prehispanic food.

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