Itec 7460 Coaching Journal - Herndon

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Running head: ITEC 7460 COACHING JOURNAL 1

ITEC 7460 Coaching Journal

Shannon Herndon
Kennesaw State University

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The reflections in the following journal entries describe one on one coaching experience
during the fall of 2013 at Harrison High School. Knight stated that working one on one,
listening, and honestly discussing issues are imperative to have a successful professional learning
session (2007, p. 8). The coach and the colleague have worked together in the Social Studies
department for the last six years and have developed a positive professional rapport. During the
sessions, the coach introduced several Web 2.0 tools to the colleague. The trainee had a basic
technology background and wished to update that knowledge. The coach selected several Web
2.0 tools and gave the trainee the option to choose which tools might be most useful in the
classroom. Each of the instructional coaching sessions included an introduction of each Web 2.0
tool, a brief tutorial, and several ways to utilize the web tool in the classroom with examples
from the coachs professional experiences. After each coaching session, the coach jotted down
what was discussed and attempted during the training. Later the coach was able to reflect on the
coaching experience. The coach followed up with the trainee several days after each session to
see how the Web 2.0 tool was utilized in class.
Session One Journal Reflection
After reviewing the LoTi questionnaire results and completing the initial technology
assessment, the coach decided to discuss the findings with the trainee. During the first session,
the coach asked what the colleagues main goals were for the coaching experience. The colleague
expressed her concern for a lack of innovative technology tools that students could easily access
to produce alternative summative assessments. The trainee wanted to give students new ways to
review and study for quizzes and tests. The coach decided to introduce many Web 2.0 tools and
give a brief description of how each one could be utilized in the classroom. After the
introduction of the tools, the coach asked the colleague to choose several Web 2.0 tools that
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seemed useful and interesting for the trainees particular needs. At first, the colleague was
overwhelmed with all of the choices. The coach reviewed the goals and helped the colleague
focus on the technologies that would most benefit the trainees students. The trainee wanted to
learn about ToonDoo, Flickr, Quizlet, and Voicethread. The coach and the colleague worked
together to create a collaborative peer coaching team. The coach had previously decided to use
the ISTE White Papers Model Three: Peer Coaching. According to the ISTE White Paper, this
particular model of peer coaching focuses on training teachers to help their colleagues integrate
technology into the collaborative online classroom of the future (ISTE, 2011). After the initial
coaching sessions, the coach plans to show the colleague how to use the new online tools to
create a modified hybrid face-to-face and online course. Since collaboration is the key to peer
coaching, this will be a good fit for the coaching pair. As mentioned in the introduction, the
coach and the trainee have worked together on projects for their department and have a solid
working rapport.
Session Two Journal Reflection
During this coaching session, the trainee chose to learn about ToonDoo. The coach used
the choice to build a connection with the trainee and technology, as discussed by Jim Knight
(2007, p. 24). ToonDoo is a fun and innovative tool for students to express their thoughts
visually. The coach explained that teachers and students can create cartoons for free. After
creating an account and exploring the site, the coach and the trainee discussed several lesson
ideas for a Social Studies classroom. Part of the discussion included using the cartoon maker
application to help students understand historical figures and events by visually representing the
important facts and a unique way to remember them. Creating visuals with informative captions
for historical primary sources could be an interesting way to interpret a document.
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The coach recommended that students should create the cartoons for the first time at
school, so the colleague could help troubleshoot any problems. After the initial lesson, students
could create any future cartoons at home. Another way to utilize ToonDoo could be for unit
reviews. The students could create a unit review cartoon. The coach and the colleague discussed
how the review cartoons could be a great way to summarize the major concepts of each unit
before taking the comprehensive final exam.
The coach checked in with the colleague a few days after the coaching session. The
trainee used ToonDoo to help on level United States History students to summarize the events of
major Civil War battles. The trainee expressed how the students embraced the new technology
and produced some useful products.
Session Three Journal Reflection
During this coaching session, the colleague chose to learn more about the uses of images
for online and hard copy projects. The trainee wanted to help students find appropriate and useful
images by following copyrights. The coach discussed how Flickr was overwhelming and
frustrating at first glance. Finding images that were not on copyright lockdown was difficult.
With time and patience, the coach discussed how they used Flickr and took the colleague through
the process of locating images that were licensed by Creative Commons, CC. While looking for
history images, the coach showed the trainee how it was much easier to search for images by
civilization, event, or historical figure. If a search is too broad, many random photos will appear
that are difficult to narrow down. Once the trainee knew how to search for images, the coach
discussed several ways to help students do the same. Flickr and CC will students legally use
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images in their final products. Learning how to cite resources will help prepare them for college
and their future careers.
Throughout the session, the coach paid attention to the use of facial expressions and
emotional connections as discussed in Jim Knights book (2007, p. 73). The coach found that
nonverbal communication played an integral part on how the trainee accepted the use of Flickr
and Creative Commons. The trainee was able to see how frustration with a program can be
overcome by practice and coaching.
A few days after the session, the coach visited the colleague to see if the students found
the site helpful. The colleague stated how some students liked the warehousing of photos and the
easy access to appropriately shared content. However, other students became frustrated and used
Google to find their images. The coach reassured the trainee to continue helping students find
their way through Flickr. The trainee planned to continue use of Flickr with students.
Session Four Journal Reflection
The coach introduced Quizlet to the colleague. The coach explained that students could
enter materials that they have to learn for class. The coach showed the trainee how students can
use different tools to learn the material. After creating innovative ways to study using the Quizlet
platform, teachers and students can share the material with each other. The coach initially chose
Quizlet because of its ease of use, sharing capabilities, and the printable flashcard study layout.
The trainee quickly saw the many possibilities of Quizlet. The trainee and coach discussed ideas
for student use in a United States History class. The students could use Quizlet to discover and
practice the meaning of the basic vocabulary and learn about the key historical figures of the
unit. Quizlet was the presentation format for the assignment.
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The coach continued to visit the trainee several days after each coaching session to
encourage and reinforce the information provided in the session. Following ISTEs idea of
ongoing coaching, support must be provided on a day-to-day basis where teachers can practice
newly learned skills and ensure the highest potential for success (ISTE, 2011). The trainee was
thankful for the follow-up visits, in order to discuss how the lesson turned out or to ask questions
about the technology.
Session Five Journal Reflection
For the last coaching session, Voicethread was introduced. The coach gave a brief
overview of the Web 2.0 tool to the trainee and showed the trainee a website link,, which was created by the coach.
The coach explained that teachers could create verbal interaction by uploading images, media,
and presentations. Voicethread works like a slideshow of pertinent information. The trainee
would then send a link to the students. The students would make comments on the information
and their comments would appear on the screen for all of the students to view. The trainee
discussed how the technology could be used for collaboration, reflection, and mini debates. The
coach discussed how Voicethread was used in World History classes.
Throughout the last coaching session, the coach concentrated on Jim Knights
maintenance stage of change with the trainee. In the maintenance stage, Knight discusses the
importance of supporting teachers so they do not return to their old ways (2011, p.88). Even
though the coaching sessions are officially over, the coach plans to continue working with the
colleague to maintain the progress made thus far. The trainee has become more willing to search
for technology tools for use in the classroom.
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Beglau, M., Craig-Hare, J., Foltos, L., Gann, K., James, J., Jobe, H., ... & Smith, B. (2011).
Technology, coaching, and community: Power partners for improved professional
development in primary and secondary education. An ISTE White Paper, Special
Conference Release. Retrieved from http://www. iste. org/learn/coaching-white-paper.

Knight, Jim. (2007). Instructional Coaching, A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction.
California: Corwin Press.

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