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First day of school list

Is your room ready?

Organize and decorate!
Have a few things on bulletin boards, but save lots of space for student work to be added the first day
or two, to personalize the room. Have it appear welcoming. Have desks sorted and spaced
appropriately. Calendar.
Name tags on desks.
Preferably ones that include a number line, colors, and shapes.
Have etras
Assign cubbies or mail boxes in the classroom.
!veryone is assigned a cubbie"mailbo to put homework and completed work in. #ake home folders.
Extra sharpened pencil
Have etra ready in case students break their pencil and aren$t distracting others by sharpening their
pencil. #his is also beneficial when a student uses up their eraser.
Have aard system or token economy all set.
%hether it be a bag for money, red&yellow&green cards, tickets etc.
!esignate a spot here students can keep their "ackets# backpacks# and lunchboxes $if they do not
have lockers%
'tudents will keep their belonging in a spot in the classroom where it does not interfere with learning.
(t will be kept out of the way and untouched.
&no ho and here students ill spend their time before school.
(n the cafeteria )for breakfast*+ (f the school doesn$t provide breakfast and they come directly to class,
have activities"procedures they can use until the bell rings and it$s time for class to begin. Have some
games, puzzles, books and magazines, math manipulatives, etc., out and ready for the students to use as
they arrive in class. #hese items may be beneficial to have have free time to talk with parents and
handle paperwork.
&no ho students are getting to and from school.
(t is important to know who is getting picked up and by who. , parent must contact the school.
Only a parent can pick up their child.
'ook shelf full of books
%hen students finish their work early, they can read a book.
()etting to kno you( pro"ect material ready
-earn every students$ name and try to remember one personal interest, hobby or strength that defines
them. ( am going to be a mentor in the months to come and my influence is going to be considerably
stronger if ( can relate to a personal aspect of each child in my class.
Establish rules $introduce them to the class.%
Have a plan"some plans set in order to manage the classroom. Have a clear idea of what behavior you
epect from students. #he first day will place a large emphasis on what the epectations are and the
conse.uences for misbehavior. -et students establish rules they feel are important. #hey will be held
more accountable. /e familiar with school wide reward and discipline plan.
*et monthly goals. Have first month already planned. $+lan the rest ith the class.%
'et reachable goals that can be evaluated at the end of each month.
Have policy for excusing children to go to the restroom during instructional time
/athroom breaks will be right in the morning, after discussions and activities, before recess, lunch and
specials )art, gym, swimming etc+
Homeork +rocedures
%orksheets will be homework if they are not finished in class, or a student was absent during the day.
Homework will also be assigned to those who refuse to do it in class. (t will be completed during
recess or at home. Homework may be given daily. Homework will be due the net day. !very morning,
students will put their completed homework in a basket located on my desk. (t will be recorded the day
it$s due.
Have a signal to get students( attention
%hether it be flashing the lights or raising a hand and epecting them to do the same.
Establish daily helpers
(t will be alphabetical by first name. 0esponsibilities will include to do things like lead the flag salute,
take the attendance and lunch count folders to the office, help pass out papers and be the line leader.
+articipation and e,uality
(n order to make sure all students are given opportunities to respond, ( will have Popsicle sticks. 1ot
only does this make it fair for students, but it will keep me in line as to who has spoken and who has
-here ill your students line up after recess and lunch?
2epending on how behavior is presented in line formation, the line will be formed by who gets their
first )after the line leader.+ (f there is pushing, alphabetical line formation may be implemented.
-rite a letter to send home ith students.
#his letter will introduce myself and tell students as well as parents a bit about me and my plans and
goals for the year. #he letter will include what my approach to teaching is and what ( epect from
parents in assisting with this. ( will eplain my rules, procedures, and behavior management plan. (
will provide my phone number and email address if a parent wishes to speak with me or has any
.uestions. ( will ask that my students get the letter signed and return it so that parents have more reason
to read it.
-hat ill you do about students ho consistently don(t complete their ork?
#hey will lose all recess and free time. #hey complete work during that time. (f they continue to refuse
doing their work, then they will sit at their desk with their head down and do nothing.
Fire !rill +rocedures.
#his will be discussed on the first day. %e will practice where we meet )if they aren$t with you when
the bell goes off+ and line up during a fire drill.
What is a good learner? What doesn't a good learner look like?
This activity is done with the students, they describe what a good learner looks like. This
poster will displayed in the room for future reference.

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