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Julia Juska

!" $%&'&()&% *(&+,- Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

Phone: (732) 233-4029 E-Mail:

Boston College, Lynch School of Education Chestnut Hill, MA
Bachelor of Arts Degree: Elementary Education May 2011
Mathematics/Computer Science GPA: 3.8, cum laude
Minor: Special Education

New Jersey Standard Certificate, K-5
Massachusetts Initial License, 1-6
Monmouth County Substitute Certification

General Education Teacher-5
Grade Wall Township, NJ
Old Mill Elementary School Sept. 2011-present
Committees Served
Data Team (2012-present)
Teacher Website Pilot (2013-2014)
Spanish Committee (2014-present)

Substitute Teacher Little Silver, NJ
Little Silver Public Schools March 2011- June 2011

Mason Rice Elementary Newton, MA
Fifth Grade Full Practicum Student Teacher Sept. 2010 - Dec. 2010
Differentiated class work, homework, and instruction for a diverse range of learners including English
Language Learners and students on IEPs and 504s.
Designed and implemented math lessons with an emphasis on encouraging students to build a strong
foundation, explore the topics, and enjoy math.
Designed and implemented science weather unit based in scientific inquiry process.
Evaluated, adapted, and created assessments that students and teachers could learn from.
Collaborated with the fifth grade team and specialists to plan and implement meaningful lessons,
inside and outside of the classroom, that mey MA Curriculum Frameworks.
Took part in grade wide events including assemblies and field trips
Assumed full responsibility of the classroom for two weeks.

St. Columbkilles Brighton, MA
Second Grade Pre-Practicum Student Teacher Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2009

Gardner School Boston, MA
After School Science Teacher- Grade 2 Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2009
Collaborated with other teachers to create a meaningful curriculum to complement in-school science
instruction and meet the MA curriculum frameworks.
Planned and executed an interactive weather unit with small group.

Julia Juska
!" $%&'&()&% *(&+,- Shrewsbury, NJ 07702
Phone: (732) 233-4029 E-Mail:

Beethoven School Boston, MA
Fourth Grade Pre-Practicum Student Teacher Jan. 2009 - May 2009

Beal Early Childhood Center Shrewsbury, MA
Externship, Principal Shadow January 2009

Baker School Chestnut Hill, MA
Third Grade Pre-Practicum Student Teacher Sept. 2008 Dec. 2008

Boston College Bureau of Conferences 2008-2011
Administrative Assistant
Processed and organized reservations for campus spaces
Assisted event coordinators with planning and organizational tasks
Coordinated with various staff for operational support activities; served as a liaison between
departments and event coordinators
Provided administrative/secretarial support for office such as answering telephones, assisting visitors
and resolving a range of administrative problems and inquiries.
Operated desktop computer to compose and edit correspondence and memoranda

Private Tutor 2010-present

Participant/Videocoder in Teacher Development Study Sept. 2010 - Dec. 2010
Evaluated one of my mathematics lessons and lessons of my group mates using the Mathematical
Quality of Instruction Videocoding Protocol (e.g., looking at precision of mathematical language,
level of task cognitive demand, presence of student explanation)
Discussed my assessments in facilitated group sessions
Worked to notice salient features of quality math teaching practice and to improve my own teaching

Proficient with Interactive Whiteboard Technologies
Integrated Smart Technologies interactive white board software into lesson plans during Full
Practicum placement. Designed and executed interactive lessons in several subject areas, including
math, science, Social Studies.
Used interactive whiteboard for lessons during subbing placement.

Ultimate Frisbee
Boston College Womens Club, 2008-2011

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