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Spirituality Book List

Table of Contents
Part 1 Historical Origins
1) Christianity Before Christ
John G. Jackson
American Atheist Press: TX, (193!19")
#) An$nian Theo%o&y
The 'ysteries of (a Theo%o&y an) the 'ystica% Tree of *ife
The +%)est (e%i&ion of the ,or%)
'$ata Ash-y
Cr$.ian 'ystic Books: /%, 1990
3) The 1istorica% +ri&in of Christianity
,a%ter ,i%%iams
'aatian Press: 2%%, 1993
3) The 1istorica% +ri&in of 2s%am
,a%ter ,i%%iams
'aatian Press: 2%%, #441
") T$tankhamen: Amenism, Atenism an) 5&y6tian 'onotheism
5rnest A. ,a%%is B$)&e
Be%% P$-%ishin&: 78, 19#3
Part 2 Spiritual Philosophy
9) 'em6hite Theo%o&y: Ancient 5&y6tian 'ystic ,is)om of Ptah an) the 'eta6hysics
of Creation, 'in) an) the Path of :e%f 'astery
'$ata Ash-y
:ema 2nstit$te: /%, #443
0) 'ysteries of 'in): 'em6hite Theo%o&y, the Phi%oso6hy of Ptah an) the Path to
'$ata Ash-y
:ema 2nstit$te: /%, #44#
) Ancient 5&y6tian Book of the ;ea)
Trans%ate) -y (aymon) +. /a$%kner
Barnes an) 7o-%e: 78, 190#!#44"
Spirituality Book List, cont!, pg 2
9) Ancient 5&y6tian Book of the ;ea)
Gera%) 'assey
A an) B Books: 78, 1940!1993
14) Afrikan Genesis: :tories of 'an<s Be&innin&s
2shakam$sa Barashan&o
/o$rth ;ynasty P$-%ishin&, ')., 1991

11) 'an, Go) an) Ci=i%i.ation
John G. Jackson
Caro% P$-%ishin&: 78, 190#
Part " # $e%etic Origins
1#) 5)en in 5&y6t: A Trans%ation of the Book of Genesis +$t of the +ri&ina% 5&y6tian
(a%6h 5%%is
5)f$ Books: 2%%, #443
13) Christianity: An Ancient 5&y6tian (e%i&ion
Ahme) +sman
Bear an) Com6any: (ochester, ?T, 199
Part 3 @ A :to%en *e&acy A Greece<s :6irit$a% Connection Bith Africa Cemet
(5&y6t)!7$-ia (:$)an!:oma%ia!5thio6ia)
13) The :ecret Books of the 5&y6tian Gnostics
Jean ;oresse
'J/ Books: 78, 19"
1") The Gnostics
To-ian Ch$rton
Barnes an) 7o-%e: 78, 190
19) The Gos6e% of J$)as
e). (o)o%6he Casser, 'ar=in 'eyer an) Gre&or ,$rst
7ationa% Geo&ra6hic: ,ash, ;C, #449
Spirituality Book List, cont!, pg "
10) The 7a& 1amma)i *i-rary: The ;efiniti=e Trans%ation of the Gnostic :cri6t$res
e). James '. (o-inson
1ar6er: :an /rancisco, 190
1) The 'ysteries of 'ithras: The Pa&an Be%ief that :ha6e) the Christian ,or%)
Payam 7a-ary
2nner Tra)itions:(ochester, ?T, #44"
Part & The Origins of 'u!ais% (nkhenaten an!
19) 5&y6t<s /a%se Pro6het: Ankhenaten
7icho%as (ee=es
Thames an) 1$)son:*on)on, #441
#4) Ankhenaten: Cin& of 5&y6t
Cyri% A%)re)
Thames an) 1$)son:+hio, 19
#1) The 'ystery of the Co66er :cro%% of D$mran: The 5ssene (ecor) of the Treas$re of
(o-ert /eather
Bear an) Com6any:(ochester,78, 1999
##) The 1e-reB Pharaohs of 5&y6t: The :ecret *inea&e of the Patriarch Jose6h
Ahme) +sman
Bear an) Com6any:(ochester, 78, 190
#3) 'oses an) Ankhenaten: The :ecret 1istory of 5&y6t at the Time of the 5>o)$s
Ahme) +sman
Bear an) Com6any:(ochester,78, 1994
Spirituality Book List, cont!, pg )
Part * The Origins of Christianity The Passions of
#3) The 1istorica% Jes$s an) the 'ythica% Christ or the 7at$ra% Genesis an) Ty6o%o&y of
5E$inoctia% Christianity
Gera%) 'assey
1ea%th (esearch Fni=ersa% Books, CA, 19
#") The :ecret 2nitiation of Jes$s at D$mran: The 5ssene 'ysteries of John the Ba6tist
(o-ert /eather
Bear an) Com6any:(ochester, ?t, #44"
#9) Jes$s, *ast of the Pharaohs
(a%6h 5%%is
5)f$ Books:2%%, 199

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