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The Turning Point 2014-2015 Registration Form

Please list all dancer's registering here:

Name: Birthday: Age:
Parent's Names:_____________________________________________________________________
Email Address:______________________________________________________________________
Full Address: City: Zip:_________
Phone Number: Cell:___________________________________
Emergency Contact: Phone: _________________________________
Allergies or medical conditions we should be aware o:______________________________________
!treet !hoe !i"e:
!hirt !i"e: Child #! ! $ % #% Adult #! ! $ % #%
&'ight !i"e:_________________________________________________________________________
&!ee website turningpointdancestudio(com or ront des) or pictures* pricing* and si"ing charts(
Please list the oldest child first. There is discount given for multile students !ithin one famil".
The first child#class is full rice$ the second recieves a %5 discount$ the third recieves a %10
discount and so on. There is a %20.00 registration fee er famil".
&ame: 'lass#(rs: 'ost: Total:
*u+total: %))))))))))
Registration Fee: %)))))))))
,*hoes$ *hirt$ Tights$ (oodie and#or Pants: %)))))))))
T-T./ 012: %))))))))))
There !ill +e no refunds for classes missed +" students.
%iability +elease
,n behal o my child and mysel* - assume the ris)s associated with dance training and the associated athletic
e.ercise( - agree that 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio management and aculty shall not be liable in any way or personal
in0uries or loss o or damage to personal property sustained during attendance at 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio acility* or
any related perormances* demonstrations* recitals* or e1ents(
Publicity +elease
- hearby authori"e 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio to record my child's picture on photographs* ilms* or tapes2
and to incorporate these recordings into material to be used or promotion* media* and ad1ertising( - also ac)nowledge that
no promise o compensation will be made by 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio or such use(
$edical +elease
-n the e1ent - cannot be reached* - hereby gi1e my permission to the management* aculty* and3or chaperones o
'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio to authori"e any emergency medical care that may be re4uired or my child during
participation in classes* perormances* recitals* or any other realted e1ents( - understand that - am responsible or any and all
charges as a result o such care or medical treatment(
By signing below* - ac)nowledge that - ha1e read and agree to abide by all 'he 'urning Point /ance !tudio
!ignature o parent or guardian:___________________________________________________/ate: __________________

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