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Philosophy of revenge

Quotes About Revenge

An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi
The best revenge is to be unlike him who erformed the in!ury.
Mar"us Aurelius# Meditations
$e should forgive our enemies# but not before they are hanged %einri"h %eine
Diego Frazo Torquato, 12 year old
Brazilian playing the violin at his teachers
funeral The teacher had helped hi! escape
poverty and violence through !usic
What can you say about the photo below?
Choose some photos to describe from here:,290!,"#$#220,00.html
%ere are some typical &uestions that people as' about photographs. Can you
complete the &uestions with the correct word? ()ore than one option may be
Who Where Where Whats What What What Who What When

1 _When/Where_ was it taken?
2 _____________ are they?
3 _____________ was it taken?
4 _____________ is this?
5 _____________ is she doing?
6 _____________ are they doing?
7 _____________ took the picture?
8 _____________ this?
9 _____________ do you keep the photo?
1 ____________ kind o! ca"era ha#e you got?
+isten to your teacher and correct the wrong information in your description.
, fa-ourite photo
$ne o! "y !a#ourite photos is o! "y nephew and his !riend in the snow in
(y cousin took the photo &ast (arch' (y nephew )anie& and his !riend are p&aying
in the park *e!ore schoo&' +t &ooks &ike they are "aking a snow"an' + re"e"*er
that it snowed a&& day that day' +t o!ten snows in %arce&ona,
(y sister said that she was rea&&y sad *ecause she wasnt wearing *oots' )anie&
and his !riend didnt want to go to schoo& *ecause they were ha#ing so "uch !un' +
think )anie& was a*out !i#e or si- when this photograph was taken'
+ keep this photo on "y &i#ing roo" wa&& in a !ra"e ca&&ed ./now in %arce&ona'
.* )atch the underlined sections of the te/t with the words and e/pression
that ha-e a similar meaning below
1' #ery
2' shows
is of
3' such a good ti"e
4' 0he photograph was taken *y "y
5' + think

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