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LEADER: Let us pray

ALL: Lord, help us to see death for what it really is, the end of poverty and the
beginning of riches, the end of frustration and the beginning of fulfilment, the end
of fear and the beginning of tranquillity, the end of pain and the beginning of joy,
the end of weakness and the beginning of strength.
O Lord, whose rich and unforgettable life was lived in faith, we pray that the love
which surrounds us is as real and dependable as that of a Father.
Let the same sense of trust and hope steady us at this time, let not our grief
overwhelm us, nor a sense of loss embitter us. But out of our sadness let there
arise a new joy for so much is given to us.
elp us to see that our love becomes a part of us interfused within our lives,
blended with mind and memory, hallowed forever within our soul. Let not grief
take away our hope, or bereavement blind us to what always remains good, lively
and indestructible.
O gracious spirit of peace, come alive within our e!perience and hurt, within our
sorrow and isolation, within the sadness of today and the loneliness of tomorrow.
"ome alive as the peace and trust which nothing in life or death can kill. "ast
out our fears and let not our hearts be troubled, knowing that this world remains
our Father#s house.
O $od, the "reator and %edeemer of all the faithful, grant to the soul of thy
servant &'(")%* the remission of her sins, that through pious supplication, she
may obtain the pardon which she has always desired who lives and reigns with
$od the Father, in the unity of the oly &pirit world without end. *men.
+his we ask of you, O Lord ,esus "hrist and your loving Father and the oly
&pirit. *men.
LEADER: )ternal rest grant unto &'(")%*, O Lord.
ALL: *nd let perpetual light shine upon her.
LEADER: -ay she rest in peace.
ALL: *men.
LEADER: *nd may the soul of &'(")%* and the souls of all the faithful
departed through the mercy of $od, rest in peace.
ALL: *men.

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