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Aspartame is Safe. Here's a wall of text of references showing it.

23. prosinac 2013 u 21:05

Here is a list containing references and of over 100 studies investigating the s
afety of Aspartame and concluding that it's safe. If anyone tells you aspartame
is bad, just copy and paste this annoying wall of text at their face.
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Avi Bitterman Credit goes to:
Aspartame: A Safety Evaluation Based on Current Use Levels, Regulations, and
Toxicological...Vidi vie
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Avi Burstein Are aspartame based sweeteners recommended over sucralose-based
23. prosinac 2013 u 22:47 Svia mi se
Patrick Umphrey Thanks for this.
1. sijeanj u 16:35 Svia mi se
Ben Singh Yawnnn. You bore me. Do you even science?

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