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Barelas Wonderfully Special Classroom

Welcome to my classroom. I have enjoyed meeting all of you today and working together to create a
list of responsibilities and rewards. Today as a class we discussed the important difference between
what is fair and what is equal. Everyone has the same rules and the consequences for breaking the
rules are flexible and fair and depend upon the individual students needs.

As a class we have created a list of rules that we will feel is equal for everyone:
1. We will treat each other with respect. Respect looks like no hitting, no stealing, and not
destroying classroom and school property, and following the ABC ISD rules of conduct
2. We will follow classroom procedures. We have classroom procedures for talking, work time,
free time, getting on and off the bus, cafeteria, gym and hall behaviors,
3. We will be responsible. Responsible looks like bringing homework and paperwork back,
keeping our class and area clean and completing our classroom chores and most important
completing our work
4. We will follow the rules set out in the ABC ISDs Rules and Conduct Student Handbook.
5. We will be successful. Success looks like taking pride in ourselves and our work, not giving up
and knowing that progress at any pace is still progress

As a class we have created a list of consequences we feel are fair:
1. A warning. A warning looks like a verbal warning, a checkmark on our behavior chart
2. Loss of a privilege. Loss of a privilege can look like losing free time, cafeteria privileges,
classroom treats, field trips, independent travel and out of classroom privileges.
3. A letter or phone call to parents regarding behaviors
4. Meeting with parents
5. Referral to the Principals office

Parents please review the list of Rules and Consequences with your child and return a signed copy
back by Friday. I appreciate all of your hard work in helping make this school year a rewarding one
for our kids.
Ms. Barela

_________________________________ ___________________________________
Student Signature and Date Parent Signature and Date

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