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I like to eat ice-cream _____ I dislike

and but or
2. Have you heard _____ watched the latest
Transformers movie?
and but or
3. Amir wanted a blue hat _____ his father
bought him a red hat.
and but or
4. Siti wants to eat fish _____ chips for her
and but or
5. Are you going to Kuala Lumpur by train
_____ by bus?
and but or
6. The television is on, _____ we are not
watching it.
and but or
7. Keep the food covered _____ the flies will
contaminate it.
and but or

8. Father works by day _____ sleep at night.
and but or
9. Faiz bought a new shirt _____ a new pant.
and but or
10. I know the answer _____ I will not tell you.
and but or
11. Aunt Mariam is eighty years old _____ her
eyes are still sharp.
and but or
12. Jamal welcomed his guests _____ served
them drinks.
and but or
13. This Saturday we can go for a picnic _____
visit Uncle Ahmad.
and but or
14. The FIFA World Cup 2014 is in Brazil _____
in Germany?
and but or
15. Siti can dance _____ sing very well.
and but or
Conjunctions Test
Answer the following questions by circling the conjunctions and, but, or.
Faris went to Kedah _____ Perlis during the holidays.

and but or

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