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Company name :

Company Address :
Attn : HR Department
Date :
Dear Sir/Mdm,
Re : Application Of Vacancy
I was gien !nderstand t"at t"ere is a acancy in yo!r company# I $eliee t"e acancy
is an opport!nity to adance my career#
I am fres" grad!ate in %ac"elor Degree Of Commercial St!dies from &o'yo International
(niersity and c!rrently is !nemployed#
I am fast learner, independent, "ardwor'ing and ent"!siasm person# My career o$)ectie
is to see' f!lltime position w"ic" offers a professional wor'ing enironment and to gain
e*perience as lot as I can w"ile growing my tr!e potentials and capa$ilities#
I "ope t"at yo!r company wo!ld gie an opport!nity to me $eing part of yo!r organi+ation#
I enclosed "erewit" my details res!me and certificate for yo!r per!sal and consideration# I
eagerly loo' forward to a fao!ra$le response from yo!#
,o!rs &r!ly,

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