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by Charle !i"#en
Cha$ter I
%y &ather' &a(ily na(e bein) Pirri$* and (y Chritian na(e Phili$*
(y in&ant ton)+e "o+ld (a#e o& both na(e nothin) lon)er or (ore
e,$li"it than Pi$- So* I "alled (yel& Pi$* and "a(e to be "alled
I )i.e Pirri$ a (y &ather' &a(ily na(e* on the a+thority o& hi
to(btone and (y iter*//%r- 0oe Gar)ery* 1ho (arried the
bla"#(ith- A I a1 (y &ather or (y (other* and a1
any li#ene o& either o& the( 2&or their day 1ere lon) be&ore the
day o& $hoto)ra$h3* (y &irt &an"ie re)ardin) 1hat they 1ere
li#e 1ere +nreaonably deri.ed &ro( their to(btone- The ha$e o&
the letter on (y &ather'* )a.e (e an odd idea that he 1a a
4+are* to+t* dar# (an* 1ith "+rly bla"# hair- 5ro( the "hara"ter
and t+rn o& the in"ri$tion* 6Alo Geor)iana 7i&e o& the Abo.e*6 I
dre1 a "hildih "on"l+ion that (y (other 1a &re"#led and i"#ly-
To &i.e little tone lo8en)e* ea"h abo+t a &oot and a hal& lon)*
1hi"h 1ere arran)ed in a neat ro1 beide their )ra.e* and 1ere
a"red to the (e(ory o& &i.e little brother o& (ine*//1ho )a.e +$
tryin) to )et a* e,"eedin)ly early in that +ni.eral
tr+))le*//I a( indebted &or a belie& I reli)io+ly entertained
that they had all been born on their ba"# 1ith their hand in
their tro+er/$o"#et* and had ta#en the( o+t in thi tate
o& e,iten"e-
O+r 1a the (arh "o+ntry* do1n by the* 1ithin* a the
1o+nd* t1enty (ile o& the ea- %y &irt (ot and broad
i($reion o& the identity o& thin) ee( to (e to ha.e been
)ained on a (e(orable ra1 a&ternoon to1ard e.enin)- At +"h a ti(e
I &o+nd o+t &or "ertain that thi blea# $la"e 1ith
nettle 1a the "h+r"hyard9 and that Phili$ Pirri$* late o& thi
$arih* and alo Geor)iana 1i&e o& the abo.e* 1ere dead and b+ried9
and that Ale,ander* :artholo(e1* Abraha(* Tobia* and Ro)er* in&ant
"hildren o& the a&oreaid* 1ere alo dead and b+ried9 and that the
dar# &lat 1ilderne beyond the "h+r"hyard* intere"ted 1ith di#e
and (o+nd and )ate* 1ith "attered "attle &eedin) on it* 1a the
(arhe9 and that the lo1 leaden line beyond 1a the ri.er9 and
that the ditant a.a)e lair &ro( 1hi"h the 1ind 1a r+hin) 1a
the ea9 and that the (all b+ndle o& )ro1in) a&raid o& it
all and be)innin) to "ry* 1a Pi$-
6;old yo+r noie<6 "ried a terrible .oi"e* a a (an tarted +$ &ro(
a(on) the )ra.e at the ide o& the "h+r"h $or"h- 6=ee$ till* yo+
little* or I'll "+t yo+r throat<6
A &ear&+l (an* all in "oare )ray* 1ith a )reat iron on hi le)- A
(an 1ith no hat* and 1ith bro#en hoe* and 1ith an old ra) tied
ro+nd hi head- A (an 1ho had been oa#ed in 1ater* and (othered
in (+d* and la(ed by tone* and "+t by &lint* and t+n) by
nettle* and torn by briar9 1ho li($ed* and hi.ered* and )lared*
and )ro1led9 and 1hoe teeth "hattered in hi head a he ei8ed (e
by the "hin-
6Oh< !on't "+t (y throat* ir*6 I $leaded in terror- 6Pray don't do
it* ir-6
6Tell + yo+r na(e<6 aid the (an- 6>+i"#<6
6Pi$* ir-6
6On"e (ore*6 aid the (an* tarin) at (e- 6Gi.e it (o+th<6
6Pi$- Pi$* ir-6
6Sho1 + 1here yo+ li.e*6 aid the (an- 6Pint o+t the $la"e<6
I $ointed to 1here o+r .illa)e lay* on the &lat in/hore a(on) the
alder/tree and $ollard* a (ile or (ore &ro( the "h+r"h-
The (an* a&ter loo#in) at (e &or a (o(ent* t+rned (e +$ide do1n*
and e($tied (y $o"#et- There 1a nothin) in the( b+t a $ie"e o&
bread- 7hen the "h+r"h "a(e to itel&*//&or he 1a o +dden and
tron) that he (ade it )o head heel be&ore (e* and I a1 the
tee$le +nder (y &eet*//1hen the "h+r"h "a(e to itel&* I ay* I
1a eated on a hi)h to(btone* tre(blin) 1hile he ate the bread
6?o+ yo+n) do)*6 aid the (an* li"#in) hi li$* 61hat &at "hee#
yo+ ha' )ot-6
I belie.e they 1ere &at* tho+)h I 1a at that ti(e +nderi8ed &or
(y year* and not tron)-
6!arn (e i& I "o+ldn't eat e(*6 aid the (an* 1ith a threatenin)
ha#e o& hi head* 6and i& I han't hal& a (ind to't<6
I earnetly e,$reed (y ho$e that he 1o+ldn't* and held ti)hter to
the to(btone on 1hi"h he had $+t (e9 $artly* to #ee$ (yel& +$on
it9 $artly* to #ee$ (yel& &ro( "ryin)-
6No1 loo#ee here<6 aid the (an- 67here' yo+r (other@6
6There* ir<6 aid I-
;e tarted* (ade a hort r+n* and to$$ed and loo#ed hi
6There* ir<6 I ti(idly e,$lained- 6Alo Geor)iana- That' (y
6Oh<6 aid he* "o(in) ba"#- 6And i that yo+r &ather alon)er yo+r
6?e* ir*6 aid I9 6hi( too9 late o& thi $arih-6
6;a<6 he (+ttered then* "oniderin)- 67ho d'ye li.e 1ith*//
+$$oin' yo+'re #indly let to li.e* 1hi"h I han't (ade +$ (y (ind
6%y iter* ir*//%r- 0oe Gar)ery*//1i&e o& 0oe Gar)ery* the
bla"#(ith* ir-6
6:la"#(ith* eh@6 aid he- And loo#ed do1n at hi le)-
A&ter dar#ly loo#in) at hi le) and (e e.eral ti(e* he "a(e
"loer to (y to(btone* too# (e by both ar(* and tilted (e ba"# a
&ar a he "o+ld hold (e9 o that hi eye loo#ed (ot $o1er&+lly
do1n into (ine* and (ine loo#ed (ot hel$lely +$ into hi-
6No1 loo#ee here*6 he aid* 6the 4+etion bein) 1hether yo+'re to
be let to li.e- ?o+ #no1 1hat a &ile i@6
6?e* ir-6
6And yo+ #no1 1hat 1ittle i@6
6?e* ir-6
A&ter ea"h 4+etion he tilted (e a little (ore* o a to )i.e
(e a )reater ene o& hel$lene and dan)er-
6?o+ )et (e a &ile-6 ;e tilted (e a)ain- 6And yo+ )et (e 1ittle-6
;e tilted (e a)ain- 6?o+ brin) 'e( both to (e-6 ;e tilted (e a)ain-
6Or I'll ha.e yo+r heart and o+t-6 ;e tilted (e a)ain-
I 1a dread&+lly &ri)htened* and o )iddy that I "l+n) to hi( 1ith
both hand* and aid* 6I& yo+ 1o+ld #indly $leae to let (e #ee$
+$ri)ht* ir* $erha$ I ho+ldn't be i"#* and $erha$ I "o+ld
attend (ore-6
;e )a.e (e a (ot tre(endo+ di$ and roll* o that the "h+r"h
A+($ed it o1n 1eather"o"#- Then* he held (e by the ar(* in
an +$ri)ht $oition on the to$ o& the tone* and 1ent on in thee
&ear&+l ter(B//
6?o+ brin) (e* to/(orro1 (ornin) early* that &ile and the( 1ittle-
?o+ brin) the lot to (e* at that old :attery yonder- ?o+ do
it* and yo+ dare to ay a 1ord or dare to (a#e a i)n
"on"ernin) yo+r een +"h a $eron a (e* or any $eron
+(* and yo+ hall be let to li.e- ?o+ &ail* or yo+ )o &ro( (y
1ord in any $arti"#ler* no (atter ho1 (all it i* and yo+r heart
and yo+r hall be tore o+t* roated* and ate- No1* I ain't
alone* a yo+ (ay thin# I a(- There' a yo+n) (an hid 1ith (e* in
"o($arion 1ith 1hi"h yo+n) (an I a( a An)el- That yo+n) (an hear
the 1ord I $ea#- That yo+n) (an ha a e"ret 1ay $e"ooliar to
hi(el&* o& )ettin) at a boy* and at hi heart* and at hi
It i in 1ain &or a boy to atte($t to hide hi(el& &ro( that yo+n)
(an- A boy (ay lo"# hi door* (ay be 1ar( in bed* (ay t+"# hi(el&
+$* (ay dra1 the "lothe hi head* (ay thin# hi(el&
"o(&ortable and a&e* b+t that yo+n) (an 1ill o&tly "ree$ and
"ree$ hi 1ay to hi( and tear hi( o$en- I a( a #ee$in) that yo+n)
(an &ro( har(in) o& yo+ at the $reent (o(ent* 1ith )reat
di&&i"+lty- I &ind it 1ery hard to hold that yo+n) (an o&& o& yo+r
inide- No1* 1hat do yo+ ay@6
I aid that I 1o+ld )et hi( the &ile* and I 1o+ld )et hi( 1hat
bro#en bit o& &ood I "o+ld* and I 1o+ld "o(e to hi( at the
:attery* early in the (ornin)-
6Say Cord tri#e yo+ dead i& yo+ don't<6 aid the (an-
I aid o* and he too# (e do1n-
6No1*6 he $+r+ed* 6yo+ re(e(ber 1hat yo+'.e +ndertoo#* and yo+
re(e(ber that yo+n) (an* and yo+ )et ho(e<6
6Goo/)ood ni)ht* ir*6 I &altered-
6%+"h o& that<6 aid he* )lan"in) abo+t hi( the "old 1et &lat-
6I 1ih I 1a a &ro)- Or a eel<6
At the a(e ti(e* he h+))ed hi h+dderin) body in both hi ar(*//
"la$in) hi(el&* a i& to hold hi(el& to)ether*//and li($ed
to1ard the lo1 "h+r"h 1all- A I a1 hi( )o* $i"#in) hi 1ay a(on)
the nettle* and a(on) the bra(ble that bo+nd the )reen (o+nd* he
loo#ed in (y yo+n) eye a i& he 1ere el+din) the hand o& the dead
$eo$le* tret"hin) +$ "a+tio+ly o+t o& their )ra.e* to )et a
t1it +$on hi an#le and $+ll hi( in-
7hen he "a(e to the lo1 "h+r"h 1all* he )ot it* li#e a (an
1hoe le) 1ere n+(bed and ti&&* and then t+rned ro+nd to loo# &or
(e- 7hen I a1 hi( t+rnin)* I et (y &a"e to1ard ho(e* and (ade
the bet +e o& (y le)- :+t $reently I loo#ed (y ho+lder*
and a1 hi( )oin) on a)ain to1ard the* till h+))in) hi(el&
in both ar(* and $i"#in) hi 1ay 1ith hi ore &eet a(on) the
)reat tone dro$$ed into the (arhe here and there* &or
te$$in)/$la"e 1hen the rain 1ere hea.y or the tide 1a in-
The (arhe 1ere A+t a lon) bla"# hori8ontal line then* a I
to$$ed to loo# a&ter hi(9 and the 1a A+t another
hori8ontal line* not nearly o broad nor yet o bla"#9 and the #y
1a A+t a ro1 o& lon) an)ry red line and dene bla"# line
inter(i,ed- On the ed)e o& the I "o+ld &aintly (a#e o+t the
only t1o bla"# thin) in all the $ro$e"t that ee(ed to be
tandin) +$ri)ht9 one o& thee 1a the bea"on by 1hi"h the ailor
teered*//li#e an +nhoo$ed "a# +$on a $ole*//an +)ly thin) 1hen
yo+ 1ere near it9 the other* a )ibbet* 1ith o(e "hain han)in) to
it 1hi"h had on"e held a $irate- The (an 1a li($in) on to1ard
thi latter* a i& he 1ere the $irate "o(e to li&e* and "o(e do1n*
and )oin) ba"# to hoo# hi(el& +$ a)ain- It )a.e (e a terrible t+rn
1hen I tho+)ht o9 and a I a1 the "attle li&tin) their head to
)a8e a&ter hi(* I 1ondered 1hether they tho+)ht o too- I loo#ed
all ro+nd &or the horrible yo+n) (an* and "o+ld ee no i)n o&
hi(- :+t no1 I 1a &ri)htened a)ain* and ran ho(e 1itho+t
Cha$ter II
%y iter* %r- 0oe Gar)ery* 1a (ore than t1enty year older than
I* and had etablihed a )reat re$+tation 1ith herel& and the
nei)hbor be"a+e he had bro+)ht (e +$ 6by hand-6 ; at that
ti(e to &ind o+t &or (yel& 1hat the e,$reion (eant* and #no1in)
her to ha.e a hard and hea.y hand* and to be (+"h in the habit o&
layin) it +$on her h+band a 1ell a +$on (e* I +$$oed that 0oe
Gar)ery and I 1ere both bro+)ht +$ by hand-
She 1a not a )ood/loo#in) 1o(an* (y iter9 and I had a )eneral
i($reion that he (+t ha.e (ade 0oe Gar)ery (arry her by hand-
0oe 1a a &air (an* 1ith "+rl o& &la,en hair on ea"h ide o& hi
(ooth &a"e* and 1ith eye o& +"h a .ery +nde"ided bl+e that they
ee(ed to ha.e o(eho1 )ot (i,ed 1ith their o1n 1hite- ;e 1a a
(ild* )ood/nat+red* 1eet/te($ered* eay/)oin)* &oolih* dear
&ello1*//a ort o& ;er"+le in tren)th* and alo in 1ea#ne-
%y iter* %r- 0oe* 1ith bla"# hair and eye* had +"h a $re.ailin)
redne o& #in that I o(eti(e +ed to 1onder 1hether it 1a
$oible he 1ahed herel& 1ith a n+t(e)/)rater intead o& oa$-
She 1a tall and bony* and al(ot al1ay 1ore a "oare a$ron*
&atened her &i)+re behind 1ith t1o loo$* and a 4+are
i($re)nable bib in &ront* that 1a t+"# &+ll o& $in and needle-
She (ade it a $o1er&+l (erit in herel&* and a tron) re$roa"h
a)aint 0oe* that he 1ore thi a$ron o (+"h- Tho+)h I really ee
no reaon 1hy he ho+ld ha.e 1orn it at all9 or 1hy* i& he did
1ear it at all* he ho+ld not ha.e ta#en it o&&* e.ery day o& her
0oe' &or)e adAoined o+r ho+e* 1hi"h 1a a 1ooden ho+e* a (any
o& the d1ellin) in o+r "o+ntry 1ere*//(ot o& the(* at that ti(e-
7hen I ran ho(e &ro( the "h+r"hyard* the &or)e 1a h+t +$* and 0oe
1a ittin) alone in the #it"hen- 0oe and I bein) &ello1/+&&erer*
and "on&iden"e a +"h* 0oe i($arted a "on&iden"e to (e*
the (o(ent I raied the lat"h o& the door and $ee$ed in at hi(
o$$oite to it* ittin) in the "hi(ney "orner-
6%r- 0oe ha been o+t a do8en ti(e* loo#in) &or yo+* Pi$- And
he' o+t no1* (a#in) it a ba#er' do8en-6
6I he@6
6?e* Pi$*6 aid 0oe9 6and 1hat' 1ore* he' )ot Ti"#ler 1ith
At thi di(al intelli)en"e* I t1ited the only b+tton on (y
1ait"oat ro+nd and ro+nd* and loo#ed in )reat de$reion at the
&ire- Ti"#ler 1a a 1a,/ended $ie"e o& "ane* 1orn (ooth by
"olliion 1ith (y ti"#led &ra(e-
6She ot do1n*6 aid 0oe* 6and he )ot +$* and he (ade a )rab at
Ti"#ler* and he Ra(/$a)ed o+t- That' 1hat he did*6 aid 0oe*
lo1ly "learin) the &ire bet1een the lo1er bar 1ith the $o#er* and
loo#in) at it9 6he Ra(/$a)ed o+t* Pi$-6
6;a he been )one lon)* 0oe@6 I al1ay treated hi( a a lar)er
$e"ie o& "hild* and a no (ore than (y e4+al-
67ell*6 aid 0oe* )lan"in) +$ at the !+t"h "lo"#* 6he' been on
the Ra(/$a)e* thi lat $ell* abo+t &i.e (in+te* Pi$- She' a
"o(in)< Get behind the door* old "ha$* and ha.e the Aa"#/to1el
bet1i,t yo+-6
I too# the ad.i"e- %y iter* %r- 0oe* thro1in) the door 1ide o$en*
and &indin) an obtr+"tion behind it* i((ediately di.ined the
"a+e* and a$$lied Ti"#ler to it &+rther in.eti)ation- She
"on"l+ded by thro1in) (e//I o&ten er.ed a a "onn+bial (iile//
at 0oe* 1ho* )lad to )et hold o& (e on any ter(* $aed (e on into
the "hi(ney and 4+ietly &en"ed (e +$ there 1ith hi )reat le)-
67here ha.e yo+ been* yo+ yo+n) (on#ey@6 aid %r- 0oe* ta($in) her
&oot- 6Tell (e dire"tly 1hat yo+'.e been doin) to 1ear (e a1ay 1ith
&ret and &ri)ht and 1orrit* or I'd ha.e yo+ o+t o& that "orner i&
yo+ 1a &i&ty Pi$* and he 1a &i.e h+ndred Gar)ery-6
6I ha.e only been to the "h+r"hyard*6 aid I* &ro( (y tool* "ryin)
and r+bbin) (yel&-
6Ch+r"hyard<6 re$eated (y iter- 6I& it 1arn't &or (e yo+'d ha.e
been to the "h+r"hyard lon) a)o* and tayed there- 7ho bro+)ht yo+
+$ by hand@6
6?o+ did*6 aid I-
6And 1hy did I do it* I ho+ld li#e to #no1@6 e,"lai(ed (y iter-
I 1hi($ered* 6I don't #no1-6
6I don't<6 aid (y iter- 6I'd do it a)ain< I #no1 that- I
(ay tr+ly ay I'.e had thi a$ron o& (ine o&& in"e born yo+
1ere- It' bad eno+)h to be a bla"#(ith' 1i&e 2and hi( a Gar)ery3
1itho+t bein) yo+r (other-6
%y tho+)ht trayed &ro( that 4+etion a I loo#ed di"onolately
at the &ire- 5or the &+)iti.e o+t on the (arhe 1ith the ironed
le)* the (yterio+ yo+n) (an* the &ile* the &ood* and the dread&+l
$led)e I 1a +nder to "o((it a lar"eny on thoe helterin)
$re(ie* roe be&ore (e in the a.en)in) "oal-
6;ah<6 aid %r- 0oe* retorin) Ti"#ler to hi tation- 6Ch+r"hyard*
indeed< ?o+ (ay 1ell ay "h+r"hyard* yo+ t1o-6 One o& +*
by the by* had not aid it at all- 6?o+'ll dri.e (e to the
"h+r"hyard bet1i,t yo+* one o& thee day* and O* a $r/r/re"io+
$air yo+'d be 1itho+t (e<6
A he a$$lied herel& to et the tea/thin)* 0oe $ee$ed do1n at (e hi le)* a i& he 1ere (entally "atin) (e and hi(el& +$* and
"al"+latin) 1hat #ind o& $air 1e $ra"ti"ally ho+ld (a#e* +nder the
)rie.o+ "ir"+(tan"e &orehado1ed- A&ter that* he at &eelin) hi
ri)ht/ide &la,en "+rl and 1hi#er* and &ollo1in) %r- 0oe abo+t
1ith hi bl+e eye* a hi (anner al1ay 1a at 4+ally ti(e-
%y iter had a tren"hant 1ay o& "+ttin) o+r bread and b+tter &or
+* that .aried- 5irt* 1ith her le&t hand he Aa((ed the
loa& hard and &at a)aint her bib*//1here it o(eti(e )ot a $in
into it* and o(eti(e a needle* 1hi"h 1e a&ter1ard )ot into o+r
(o+th- Then he too# o(e b+tter 2not too (+"h3 on a #ni&e and
$read it on the loa&* in an a$othe"ary #ind o& 1ay* a i& he 1ere
(a#in) a $later*//+in) both ide o& the #ni&e 1ith a la$$in)
de,terity* and tri((in) and (o+ldin) the b+tter o&& ro+nd the
"r+t- Then* he )a.e the #ni&e a &inal (art 1i$e on the ed)e o&
the $later* and then a1ed a .ery thi"# ro+nd o&& the loa&B 1hi"h
he &inally* be&ore e$aratin) &ro( the loa&* he1ed into t1o
hal.e* o& 1hi"h 0oe )ot one* and I the other-
On the $reent o""aion* tho+)h I 1a h+n)ry* I dared not eat (y
li"e- I &elt that I (+t ha.e o(ethin) in reer.e &or (y dread&+l
a"4+aintan"e* and hi ally the till (ore dread&+l yo+n) (an- I
#ne1 %r- 0oe' ho+e#ee$in) to be o& the tri"tet #ind* and that
(y lar"eno+ reear"he (i)ht &ind nothin) a.ailable in the a&e-
There&ore I reol.ed to $+t (y h+n# o& bread and b+tter do1n the
le) o& (y tro+er-
The e&&ort o& reol+tion ne"eary to the a"hie.e(ent o& thi
$+r$oe I &o+nd to be 4+ite a1&+l- It 1a a i& I had to (a#e +$
(y (ind to lea$ &ro( the to$ o& a hi)h ho+e* or $l+n)e into a
)reat de$th o& 1ater- And it 1a (ade the (ore di&&i"+lt by the
+n"on"io+ 0oe- In o+r already/(entioned &ree(aonry a
&ello1/+&&erer* and in hi )ood/nat+red "o($anionhi$ 1ith (e* it
1a o+r e.enin) habit to "o($are the 1ay 1e bit thro+)h o+r li"e*
by ilently holdin) the( +$ to ea"h other' ad(iration no1 and then*
//1hi"h ti(+lated + to ne1 e,ertion- To/ni)ht* 0oe e.eral ti(e
in.ited (e* by the di$lay o& hi &at di(inihin) li"e* to enter
+$on o+r ++al &riendly "o($etition9 b+t he &o+nd (e* ea"h ti(e*
1ith (y yello1 (+) o& tea on one #nee* and (y +nto+"hed
bread and b+tter on the other- At lat* I de$erately "onidered
that the thin) I "onte($lated (+t be done* and that it had bet be
done in the leat i($robable (anner "onitent 1ith the
"ir"+(tan"e- I too# ad.anta)e o& a (o(ent 1hen 0oe had A+t
loo#ed at (e* and )ot (y bread and b+tter do1n (y le)-
0oe 1a e.idently (ade +n"o(&ortable by 1hat he +$$oed to be (y
lo o& a$$etite* and too# a tho+)ht&+l bite o+t o& hi li"e*
1hi"h he didn't ee( to enAoy- ;e t+rned it abo+t in hi (o+th (+"h
lon)er than ++al* $onderin) it a )ood deal* and a&ter all
)+l$ed it do1n li#e a $ill- ;e 1a abo+t to ta#e another bite* and
had A+t )ot hi head on one ide &or a )ood $+r"hae on it* 1hen
hi eye &ell on (e* and he a1 that (y bread and b+tter 1a )one-
The 1onder and "onternation 1ith 1hi"h 0oe to$$ed on the
threhold o& hi bite and tared at (e* 1ere too e.ident to e"a$e
(y iter' ober.ation-
67hat' the (atter no1@6 aid he* (artly* a he $+t do1n her
6I ay* yo+ #no1<6 (+ttered 0oe* ha#in) hi head at (e in .ery
erio+ re(ontran"e- 6Pi$* old "ha$< ?o+'ll do yo+rel& a
(i"hie&- It'll ti"# o(e1here- ?o+ "an't ha.e "ha1ed it* Pi$-6
67hat' the (atter no1@6 re$eated (y iter* (ore har$ly than
6I& yo+ "an "o+)h any tri&le on it +$* Pi$* I'd re"o((end yo+ to do
it*6 aid 0oe* all a)hat- 6%anner i (anner* b+t till yo+r
elth' yo+r elth-6
:y thi ti(e* (y iter 1a 4+ite de$erate* o he $o+n"ed on 0oe*
and* ta#in) hi( by the t1o 1hi#er* #no"#ed hi head &or a little
1hile a)aint the 1all behind hi(* 1hile I at in the "orner*
loo#in) )+iltily on-
6No1* $erha$ yo+'ll (ention 1hat' the (atter*6 aid (y iter*
o+t o& breath* 6yo+ tarin) )reat t+"# $i)-6
0oe loo#ed at her in a hel$le 1ay* then too# a hel$le bite* and
loo#ed at (e a)ain-
6?o+ #no1* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* ole(nly* 1ith hi lat bite in hi
"hee#* and $ea#in) in a "on&idential .oi"e* a i& 1e t1o 1ere 4+ite
alone* 6yo+ and (e i al1ay &riend* and I'd be the lat to tell
+$on yo+* any ti(e- :+t +"h a//6 he (o.ed hi "hair and loo#ed
abo+t the &loor bet1een +* and then a)ain at (e//6+"h a (ot
on"o((on :olt a that<6
6:een boltin) hi &ood* ha he@6 "ried (y iter-
6?o+ #no1* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* loo#in) at (e* and not at %r- 0oe*
1ith hi bite till in hi "hee#* 6I :olted* (yel&* 1hen I 1a
yo+r a)e//&re4+ent//and a a boy I'.e been a(on) a (any :olter9
b+t I ee yo+r :oltin) e4+al yet* Pi$* and it' a (er"y yo+
ain't :olted dead-6
%y iter (ade a di.e at (e* and &ihed (e +$ by the hair* ayin)
nothin) (ore than the a1&+l 1ord* 6?o+ "o(e alon) and be doed-6
So(e (edi"al beat had re.i.ed Tar/1ater in thoe day a a &ine
(edi"ine* and %r- 0oe al1ay #e$t a +$$ly o& it in the "+$board9 a belie& in it .irt+e "orre$ondent to it natine- At
the bet o& ti(e* o (+"h o& thi eli,ir 1a ad(initered to (e a
a "hoi"e retorati.e* that I 1a "on"io+ o& )oin) abo+t* (ellin)
li#e a ne1 &en"e- On thi $arti"+lar e.enin) the +r)en"y o& (y "ae
de(anded a $int o& thi (i,t+re* 1hi"h 1a $o+red do1n (y throat*
&or (y )reater "o(&ort* 1hile %r- 0oe held (y head +nder her ar(*
a a boot 1o+ld be held in a bootAa"#- 0oe )ot o&& 1ith hal& a
$int9 b+t 1a (ade to 1allo1 that 2(+"h to hi dit+rban"e* a he
at lo1ly (+n"hin) and (editatin) be&ore the &ire3* 6be"a+e he had
had a t+rn-6 0+d)in) &ro( (yel&* I ho+ld ay he "ertainly had a
t+rn a&ter1ard* i& he had had none be&ore-
Con"ien"e i a dread&+l thin) 1hen it a""+e (an or boy9 b+t
1hen* in the "ae o& a boy* that e"ret b+rden "o/o$erate 1ith
another e"ret b+rden do1n the le) o& hi tro+er* it i 2a I "an
teti&y3 a )reat $+nih(ent- The )+ilty #no1led)e that I 1a )oin)
to rob %r- 0oe//I tho+)ht I 1a )oin) to rob 0oe* &or I tho+)ht o& any o& the ho+e#ee$in) $ro$erty a hi//+nited
to the ne"eity o& al1ay #ee$in) one hand on (y bread and b+tter
a I at* or 1hen I 1a ordered abo+t the #it"hen on any (all
errand* al(ot dro.e (e o+t o& (y (ind- Then* a the (arh 1ind
(ade the &ire )lo1 and &lare* I tho+)ht I heard the .oi"e o+tide*
o& the (an 1ith the iron on hi le) 1ho had 1orn (e to e"re"y*
de"larin) that he "o+ldn't and 1o+ldn't tar.e +ntil to/(orro1* b+t
(+t be &ed no1- At other ti(e* I tho+)ht* 7hat i& the yo+n) (an
1ho 1a 1ith o (+"h di&&i"+lty retrained &ro( i(br+in) hi hand
in (e ho+ld yield to a "ontit+tional i($atien"e* or ho+ld
(ita#e the ti(e* and ho+ld thin# hi(el& a""redited to (y heart
and to/ni)ht* intead o& to/(orro1< I& anybody' hair
tood on end 1ith terror* (ine (+t ha.e done o then- :+t*
$erha$* nobody' did@
It 1a Chrit(a E.e* and I had to tir the $+ddin) &or ne,t day*
1ith a "o$$er/ti"#* &ro( e.en to ei)ht by the !+t"h "lo"#- I
tried it 1ith the load +$on (y le) 2and that (ade (e thin# a&reh
o& the (an 1ith the load on hi le)3* and &o+nd the tenden"y o&
e,er"ie to brin) the bread and b+tter o+t at (y an#le* 4+ite
+n(ana)eable- ;a$$ily I li$$ed a1ay* and de$oited that $art o&
(y "on"ien"e in (y )arret bedroo(-
6;ar#<6 aid I* 1hen I had done (y tirrin)* and 1a ta#in) a &inal
1ar( in the "hi(ney "orner be&ore bein) ent +$ to bed9 61a that
)reat )+n* 0oe@6
6Ah<6 aid 0oe- 6There' another "on1i"t o&&-6
67hat doe that (ean* 0oe@6 aid I-
%r- 0oe* 1ho al1ay too# e,$lanation +$on herel&* aid*
na$$ihly* 6E"a$ed- E"a$ed-6 Ad(initerin) the de&inition li#e
7hile %r- 0oe at 1ith her head bendin) her needle1or#* I $+t
(y (o+th into the &or( o& ayin) to 0oe* 67hat' a "on.i"t@6 0oe
$+t hi (o+th into the &or( o& ret+rnin) +"h a hi)hly elaborate
an1er* that I "o+ld (a#e o+t nothin) o& it b+t the in)le 1ord
6There 1a a "on1i"t o&& lat ni)ht*6 aid 0oe* alo+d* 6a&ter
+net/)+n- And they &ired 1arnin) o& hi(- And no1 it a$$ear
they're &irin) 1arnin) o& another-6
67ho' &irin)@6 aid I-
6!rat that boy*6 inter$oed (y iter* &ro1nin) at (e her
1or#* 61hat a 4+etioner he i- A# no 4+etion* and yo+'ll be
told no lie-6
It 1a not .ery $olite to herel&* I tho+)ht* to i($ly that I ho+ld
be told lie by her e.en i& I did a# 4+etion- :+t he 1a
$olite +nle there 1a "o($any-
At thi $oint 0oe )reatly a+)(ented (y "+rioity by ta#in) the
+t(ot $ain to o$en hi (o+th .ery 1ide* and to $+t it into the
&or( o& a 1ord that loo#ed to (e li#e 6+l#-6 There&ore* I
nat+rally $ointed to %r- 0oe* and $+t (y (o+th into the &or( o&
ayin)* 6her@6 :+t 0oe 1o+ldn't hear o& that* at all* and a)ain
o$ened hi (o+th .ery 1ide* and hoo# the &or( o& a (ot e($hati"
1ord o+t o& it- :+t I "o+ld (a#e nothin) o& the 1ord-
6%r- 0oe*6 aid I* a a lat reort* 6I ho+ld li#e to #no1//i&
yo+ 1o+ldn't (+"h (ind//1here the &irin) "o(e &ro(@6
6Cord ble the boy<6 e,"lai(ed (y iter* a i& he didn't 4+ite
(ean that b+t rather the "ontrary- 65ro( the ;+l#<6
6Oh/h<6 aid I* loo#in) at 0oe- 6;+l#<6
0oe )a.e a re$roa"h&+l "o+)h* a (+"h a to ay* 67ell* I told yo+
6And $leae* 1hat' ;+l#@6 aid I-
6That' the 1ay 1ith thi boy<6 e,"lai(ed (y iter* $ointin) (e
o+t 1ith her needle and thread* and ha#in) her head at (e- 6An1er
hi( one 4+etion* and he'll a# yo+ a do8en dire"tly- ;+l# are
$rion/hi$* ri)ht '"ro th' (ehe-6 7e al1ay +ed that na(e
&or (arhe* in o+r "o+ntry-
6I 1onder 1ho' $+t into $rion/hi$* and 1hy they're $+t there@6
aid I* in a )eneral 1ay* and 1ith 4+iet de$eration-
It 1a too (+"h &or %r- 0oe* 1ho i((ediately roe- 6I tell yo+
1hat* yo+n) &ello1*6 aid he* 6I didn't brin) yo+ +$ by hand to
bad)er $eo$le' li.e o+t- It 1o+ld be bla(e to (e and not $raie*
i& I had- Peo$le are $+t in the ;+l# be"a+e they (+rder* and
be"a+e they rob* and &or)e* and do all ort o& bad9 and they
al1ay be)in by a#in) 4+etion- No1* yo+ )et alon) to bed<6
I 1a allo1ed a "andle to li)ht (e to bed* and* a I 1ent
+$ tair in the dar#* 1ith (y head tin)lin)*//&ro( %r- 0oe'
thi(ble $layed the ta(bo+rine +$on it* to a""o($any her lat
1ord*//I &elt &ear&+lly enible o& the )reat "on.enien"e that the
h+l# 1ere handy &or (e- I 1a "learly on (y 1ay there- I had be)+n
by a#in) 4+etion* and I 1a )oin) to rob %r- 0oe-
Sin"e that ti(e* 1hi"h i &ar eno+)h a1ay no1* I ha.e o&ten tho+)ht
that &e1 $eo$le #no1 1hat e"re"y there i in the yo+n) +nder
terror- No (atter ho1 +nreaonable the terror* o that it be
terror- I 1a in (ortal terror o& the yo+n) (an 1ho 1anted (y heart
and li.er9 I 1a in (ortal terror o& (y interlo"+tor 1ith the
iron le)9 I 1a in (ortal terror o& (yel&* &ro( 1ho( an a1&+l
$ro(ie had been e,tra"ted9 I had no ho$e o& deli.eran"e thro+)h (y
all/$o1er&+l iter* 1ho re$+led (e at e.ery t+rn9 I a( a&raid to
thin# o& 1hat I (i)ht ha.e done on re4+ire(ent* in the e"re"y o&
(y terror-
I& I le$t at all that ni)ht* it 1a only to i(a)ine (yel&
dri&tin) do1n the on a tron) $rin)/tide* to the ;+l#9 a
)hotly $irate "allin) o+t to (e thro+)h a $ea#in)/tr+($et* a I
$aed the )ibbet/tation* that I had better "o(e ahore and be
han)ed there at on"e* and not $+t it o&&- I 1a a&raid to lee$*
e.en i& I had been in"lined* &or I #ne1 that at the &irt &aint
da1n o& (ornin) I (+t rob the $antry- There 1a no doin) it in the
ni)ht* &or there 1a no )ettin) a li)ht by eay &ri"tion then9 to
ha.e )ot one I (+t ha.e tr+"# it o+t o& &lint and teel* and
ha.e (ade a noie li#e the .ery $irate hi(el& rattlin) hi "hain-
A oon a the )reat bla"# $all o+tide (y little 1indo1 1a
hot 1ith )ray* I )ot +$ and 1ent do1n tair9 e.ery board +$on the
1ay* and e.ery "ra"# in e.ery board "allin) a&ter (e* 6Sto$
thie&<6 and 6Get +$* %r- 0oe<6 In the $antry* 1hi"h 1a &ar (ore
ab+ndantly +$$lied than ++al* o1in) to the eaon* I 1a .ery
(+"h alar(ed by a hare han)in) +$ by the heel* 1ho( I rather
tho+)ht I "a+)ht 1hen (y ba"# 1a hal& t+rned* 1in#in)- I had no
ti(e &or .eri&i"ation* no ti(e &or ele"tion* no ti(e &or anythin)*
&or I had no ti(e to $are- I tole o(e bread* o(e rind o&
"heee* abo+t hal& a Aar o& (in"e(eat 21hi"h I tied +$ in (y
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& 1ith (y lat ni)ht' li"e3* o(e brandy &ro( a
tone bottle 21hi"h I de"anted into a )la bottle I had e"retly
+ed &or (a#in) that into,i"atin) &l+id* S$anih/li4+ori"e/1ater*
+$ in (y roo(B dil+tin) the tone bottle &ro( a A+) in the #it"hen
"+$board3* a (eat bone 1ith .ery little on it* and a bea+ti&+l
ro+nd "o($a"t $or# $ie- I 1a nearly )oin) a1ay 1itho+t the $ie*
b+t I 1a te($ted to (o+nt +$on a hel&* to loo# 1hat it 1a that
1a $+t a1ay o "are&+lly in a "o.ered earthen 1are dih in a
"orner* and I &o+nd it 1a the $ie* and I too# it in the ho$e that
it 1a not intended &or early +e* and 1o+ld not be (ied &or o(e
There 1a a door in the #it"hen* "o((+ni"atin) 1ith the &or)e9 I
+nlo"#ed and +nbolted that door* and )ot a &ile &ro( a(on) 0oe'
tool- Then I $+t the &atenin) a I had &o+nd the(* o$ened the
door at 1hi"h I had entered 1hen I ran ho(e lat ni)ht* h+t it*
and ran &or the (ity (arhe-
Cha$ter III
It 1a a ri(y (ornin)* and .ery da($- I had een the da($ lyin) on
the o+tide o& (y little 1indo1* a i& o(e )oblin had been "ryin)
there all ni)ht* and +in) the 1indo1 &or a $o"#et/hand#er"hie&-
No1* I a1 the da($ lyin) on the bare hed)e and $are )ra* li#e
a "oarer ort o& $ider' 1eb9 han)in) itel& &ro( t1i) to t1i)
and blade to blade- On e.ery rail and )ate* 1et lay "la((y* and the
(arh (it 1a o thi"#* that the 1ooden &in)er on the $ot
dire"tin) $eo$le to o+r .illa)e//a dire"tion 1hi"h they
a""e$ted* &or they "a(e there//1a in.iible to (e +ntil I
1a 4+ite "loe +nder it- Then* a I loo#ed +$ at it* 1hile it
dri$$ed* it ee(ed to (y o$$reed "on"ien"e li#e a $hanto(
de.otin) (e to the ;+l#-
The (it 1a hea.ier yet 1hen I )ot o+t +$on the (arhe* o that
intead o& (y r+nnin) at e.erythin)* e.erythin) ee(ed to r+n at
(e- Thi 1a .ery dia)reeable to a )+ilty (ind- The )ate and
di#e and ban# "a(e b+rtin) at (e thro+)h the (it* a i& they
"ried a $lainly a "o+ld be* 6A boy 1ith So(ebody' ele' $or# $ie<
Sto$ hi(<6 The "attle "a(e +$on (e 1ith li#e +ddenne* tarin)
o+t o& their eye* and tea(in) o+t o& their notril* 6;alloa*
yo+n) thie&<6 One bla"# o,* 1ith a 1hite " on*//1ho e.en had
to (y a1a#ened "on"ien"e o(ethin) o& a "leri"al air*//&i,ed (e o
obtinately 1ith hi eye* and (o.ed hi bl+nt head ro+nd in +"h
an a""+atory (anner a I (o.ed ro+nd* that I bl+bbered o+t to hi(*
6I "o+ldn't hel$ it* ir< It 1an't &or (yel& I too# it<6 D$on
1hi"h he $+t do1n hi head* ble1 a "lo+d o& (o#e o+t o& hi noe*
and .anihed 1ith a #i"#/+$ o& hi hind/le) and a &lo+rih o& hi
All thi ti(e* I 1a )ettin) on to1ard the ri.er9 b+t &at
I 1ent* I "o+ldn't 1ar( (y &eet* to 1hi"h the da($ "old ee(ed
ri.eted* a the iron 1a ri.eted to the le) o& the (an I 1a
r+nnin) to (eet- I #ne1 (y 1ay to the :attery* $retty trai)ht* &or
I had been do1n there on a S+nday 1ith 0oe* and 0oe* ittin) on an
old )+n* had told (e that 1hen I 1a '$renti"e to hi(* re)+larly
bo+nd* 1e 1o+ld ha.e +"h Car# there< ;* in the "on&+ion o&
the (it* I &o+nd (yel& at lat too &ar to the ri)ht* and
"one4+ently had to try ba"# alon) the* on the ban# o&
looe tone abo.e the (+d and the ta#e that ta#ed the tide o+t-
%a#in) (y 1ay alon) here 1ith all de$at"h* I had A+t "roed a
dit"h 1hi"h I #ne1 to be .ery near the :attery* and had A+t
"ra(bled +$ the (o+nd beyond the dit"h* 1hen I a1 the (an ittin)
be&ore (e- ;i ba"# 1a to1ard (e* and he had hi ar( &olded* and
1a noddin) &or1ard* hea.y 1ith lee$-
I tho+)ht he 1o+ld be (ore )lad i& I "a(e +$on hi( 1ith hi
brea#&at* in that +ne,$e"ted (anner* o I 1ent &or1ard o&tly and
to+"hed hi( on the ho+lder- ;e intantly A+($ed +$* and it 1a not
the a(e (an* b+t another (an<
And yet thi (an 1a dreed in "oare )ray* too* and had a )reat
iron on hi le)* and 1a la(e* and hoare* and "old* and 1a
e.erythin) that the other (an 1a9 e,"e$t that he had not the a(e
&a"e* and had a &lat broad/bri((ed lo1/"ro1ned &elt that on- All
thi I a1 in a (o(ent* &or I had only a (o(ent to ee it inB he
1ore an oath at (e* (ade a hit at (e*//it 1a a ro+nd 1ea# blo1
that (ied (e and al(ot #no"#ed hi(el& do1n* &or it (ade hi(
t+(ble*//and then he ran into the (it* t+(blin) t1i"e a he 1ent*
and I lot hi(-
6It' the yo+n) (an<6 I tho+)ht* &eelin) (y heart hoot a I
identi&ied hi(- I dare ay I ho+ld ha.e &elt a $ain in (y*
too* i& I had #no1n 1here it 1a-
I 1a oon at the :attery a&ter that* and there 1a the ri)ht
%an*//h+))in) hi(el& and li($in) to and &ro* a i& he had all
ni)ht le&t o&& h+))in) and li($in)*//1aitin) &or (e- ;e 1a a1&+lly
"old* to be +re- I hal& e,$e"ted to ee hi( dro$ do1n be&ore (y
&a"e and die o& deadly "old- ;i eye loo#ed o a1&+lly h+n)ry
too* that 1hen I handed hi( the &ile and he laid it do1n on the
)ra* it o""+rred to (e he 1o+ld ha.e tried to eat it* i& he had
not een (y b+ndle- ;e did not t+rn (e +$ide do1n thi ti(e to
)et at 1hat I had* b+t le&t (e ri)ht ide +$1ard 1hile I o$ened
the b+ndle and e($tied (y $o"#et-
67hat' in the bottle* boy@6 aid he-
6:randy*6 aid I-
;e 1a already handin) (in"e(eat do1n hi throat in the (ot
"+rio+ (anner*//(ore li#e a (an 1ho 1a $+ttin) it a1ay o(e1here
in a .iolent h+rry* than a (an 1ho 1a eatin) it*//b+t he le&t o&&
to ta#e o(e o& the li4+or- ;e hi.ered all the 1hile o
.iolently* that it 1a 4+ite a (+"h a he "o+ld do to #ee$ the
ne"# o& the bottle bet1een hi teeth* 1itho+t bitin) it o&&-
6I thin# yo+ ha.e )ot the a)+e*6 aid I-
6I'( (+"h o& yo+r o$inion* boy*6 aid he-
6It' bad abo+t here*6 I told hi(- 6?o+'.e been lyin) o+t on the
(ehe* and they're dread&+l a)+ih- Rhe+(ati" too-6
6I'll eat (y brea#&at a&ore they're the death o& (e*6 aid he-
6I'd do that* i& I 1a )oin) to be tr+n) +$ to that there )allo1
a there i there* dire"tly a&ter1ard- I'll beat the
o &ar* I'll bet yo+-6
;e 1a )obblin) (in"e(eat* (eatbone* bread* "heee* and $or# $ie*
all at on"eB tarin) ditr+t&+lly 1hile he did o at the (it all
ro+nd +* and o&ten to$$in)//e.en to$$in) hi Aa1//to liten-
So(e real or &an"ied o+nd* o(e "lin# +$on the or breathin)
o& beat +$on the (arh* no1 )a.e hi( a tart* and he aid*
6?o+'re not a de" i($@ ?o+ bro+)ht no one 1ith yo+@6
6No* ir< No<6
6Nor )i.' no one the o&&i"e to &ollo1 yo+@6
67ell*6 aid he* 6I belie.e yo+- ?o+'d be b+t a &ier"e yo+n) ho+nd
indeed* i& at yo+r ti(e o& li&e yo+ "o+ld hel$ to h+nt a 1ret"hed
1ar(int h+nted a near death and d+n)hill a thi $oor 1ret"hed
1ar(int i<6
So(ethin) "li"#ed in hi throat a i& he had 1or# in hi( li#e a
"lo"#* and 1a )oin) to tri#e- And he (eared hi ra))ed ro+)h
lee.e hi eye-
Pityin) hi deolation* and 1at"hin) hi( a he )rad+ally ettled
do1n +$on the $ie* I (ade bold to ay* 6I a( )lad yo+ enAoy it-6
6!id yo+ $ea#@6
6I aid I 1a )lad yo+ enAoyed it-6
6Than#ee* (y boy- I do-6
I had o&ten 1at"hed a lar)e do) o& o+r eatin) hi &ood9 and I no1
noti"ed a de"ided i(ilarity bet1een the do)' 1ay o& eatin)* and
the (an'- The (an too# tron) har$ +dden bite* A+t li#e the
do)- ;e 1allo1ed* or rather na$$ed +$* e.ery (o+th&+l* too oon
and too &at9 and he loo#ed ide1ay here and there 1hile he ate*
a i& he tho+)ht there 1a dan)er in e.ery dire"tion o& o(ebody'
"o(in) to ta#e the $ie a1ay- ;e 1a alto)ether too +nettled in hi
(ind it* to a$$re"iate it "o(&ortably I tho+)ht* or to ha.e
anybody to dine 1ith hi(* 1itho+t (a#in) a "ho$ 1ith hi Aa1 at
the .iitor- In all o& 1hi"h $arti"+lar he 1a .ery li#e the do)-
6I a( a&raid yo+ 1on't lea.e any o& it &or hi(*6 aid I* ti(idly9
a&ter a ilen"e d+rin) 1hi"h I had heitated a to the $olitene
o& (a#in) the re(ar#- 6There' no (ore to be )ot 1here that "a(e
&ro(-6 It 1a the "ertainty o& thi &a"t that i($elled (e to o&&er
the hint-
6Cea.e any &or hi(@ 7ho' hi(@6 aid (y &riend* to$$in) in hi
"r+n"hin) o& $ie/"r+t-
6The yo+n) (an- That yo+ $o#e o&- That 1a hid 1ith yo+-6
6Oh ah<6 he ret+rned* 1ith o(ethin) li#e a )r+&& la+)h- 6;i(@ ?e*
ye< ;e don't 1ant no 1ittle-6
6I tho+)ht he loo#ed a i& he did*6 aid I-
The (an to$$ed eatin)* and re)arded (e 1ith the #eenet "r+tiny
and the )reatet +r$rie-
6Coo#ed@ 7hen@6
60+t no1-6
6?onder*6 aid I* $ointin)9 there* 1here I &o+nd hi( noddin)
alee$* and tho+)ht it 1a yo+-6
;e held (e by the "ollar and tared at (e o* that I be)an to thin#
hi &irt idea abo+t "+ttin) (y throat had re.i.ed-
6!reed li#e yo+* yo+ #no1* only 1ith a hat*6 I e,$lained*
tre(blin)9 6and//and6//I 1a .ery an,io+ to $+t thi deli"ately
//6and 1ith//the a(e reaon &or 1antin) to borro1 a &ile- !idn't
yo+ hear the "annon lat ni)ht@6
6Then there 1a &irin)<6 he aid to hi(el&-
6I 1onder yo+ ho+ldn't ha.e been +re o& that*6 I ret+rned* 6&or
1e heard it +$ at ho(e* and that' &arther a1ay* and 1e 1ere h+t
in beide-6
67hy* ee no1<6 aid he- 67hen a (an' alone on thee &lat* 1ith a
li)ht head and a li)ht to(a"h* $erihin) o& "old and 1ant* he
hear nothin' all ni)ht* b+t )+n &irin)* and .oi"e "allin)-
;ear@ ;e ee the oldier* 1ith their red "oat li)hted +$ by the
tor"he "arried a&ore* "loin) in ro+nd hi(- ;ear hi n+(ber
"alled* hear hi(el& "hallen)ed* hear the rattle o& the (+#et*
hear the order '%a#e ready< Preent< hi( teady* (en<' and
i laid hand on//and there' nothin'< 7hy* i& I ee one $+r+in)
$arty lat ni)ht//"o(in) +$ in order* !a(n 'e(* 1ith their tra($*
tra($//I ee a h+ndred- And a to &irin)< 7hy* I ee the (it
ha#e 1ith the "annon* arter it 1a broad day*//:+t thi (an69 he
had aid all the ret* a i& he had &or)otten (y bein) there9 6did
yo+ noti"e anythin) in hi(@6
6;e had a badly br+ied &a"e*6 aid I* re"allin) 1hat I hardly #ne1
I #ne1-
6Not here@6 e,"lai(ed the (an* tri#in) hi le&t "hee# (er"ilely*
1ith the &lat o& hi hand-
6?e* there<6
67here i he@6 ;e "ra((ed 1hat little &ood 1a le&t* into the
breat o& hi )ray Aa"#et- 6Sho1 (e the 1ay he 1ent- I'll $+ll hi(
do1n* li#e a bloodho+nd- C+re thi iron on (y ore le)< Gi.e +
hold o& the &ile* boy-6
I indi"ated in 1hat dire"tion the (it had hro+ded the other (an*
and he loo#ed +$ at it &or an intant- :+t he 1a do1n on the ran#
1et )ra* &ilin) at hi iron li#e a (ad(an* and not (indin) (e or
(indin) hi o1n le)* 1hi"h had an old "ha&e +$on it and 1a bloody*
b+t 1hi"h he handled a ro+)hly a i& it had no (ore &eelin) in it
than the &ile- I 1a .ery (+"h a&raid o& hi( a)ain* no1 that he had
1or#ed hi(el& into thi &ier"e h+rry* and I 1a li#e1ie .ery (+"h
a&raid o& #ee$in) a1ay &ro( ho(e any lon)er- I told hi( I (+t )o*
b+t he too# no noti"e* o I tho+)ht the bet thin) I "o+ld do 1a
to li$ o&&- The lat I a1 o& hi(* hi head 1a bent hi #nee
and he 1a 1or#in) hard at hi &etter* (+tterin) i($atient
i($re"ation at it and at hi le)- The lat I heard o& hi(* I
to$$ed in the (it to liten* and the &ile 1a till )oin)-
Cha$ter IE
I &+lly e,$e"ted to &ind a Contable in the #it"hen* 1aitin) to
ta#e (e +$- :+t not only 1a there no Contable there* b+t no
di"o.ery had yet been (ade o& the robbery- %r- 0oe 1a
$rodi)io+ly b+y in )ettin) the ho+e ready &or the &eti.itie o&
the day* and 0oe had been $+t +$on the #it"hen doorte$ to #ee$
hi( o+t o& the d+t/$an*//an arti"le into 1hi"h hi detiny al1ay
led hi(* ooner or later* 1hen (y iter 1a .i)oro+ly rea$in) the
&loor o& her etablih(ent-
6And 1here the de+"e ha' yo+ been@6 1a %r- 0oe' Chrit(a
al+tation* 1hen I and (y "on"ien"e ho1ed o+rel.e-
I aid I had been do1n to hear the Carol- 6Ah< 1ell<6 ober.ed %r-
0oe- 6?o+ (i)ht ha' done 1ore-6 Not a do+bt o& that I tho+)ht-
6Perha$ i& I 1arn't a bla"#(ith' 1i&e* and 21hat' the a(e
thin)3 a la.e 1ith her a$ron o&&* I ho+ld ha.e been to hear
the Carol*6 aid %r- 0oe- 6I'( rather $artial to Carol* (yel&*
and that' the bet o& reaon &or (y hearin) any-6
0oe* 1ho had .ent+red into the #it"hen a&ter (e a the d+t$an had
retired be&ore +* dre1 the ba"# o& hi hand a"ro hi noe 1ith a
"on"iliatory air* 1hen %r- 0oe darted a loo# at hi(* and* 1hen her
eye 1ere 1ithdra1n* e"retly "roed hi t1o &ore&in)er* and
e,hibited the( to (e* a o+r to#en that %r- 0oe 1a in a "ro
te($er- Thi 1a o (+"h her nor(al tate* that 0oe and I 1o+ld
o&ten* &or 1ee# to)ether* be* a to o+r &in)er* li#e (on+(ental
Cr+ader a to their le)-
7e 1ere to ha.e a +$erb dinner* "onitin) o& a le) o& $i"#led
$or# and )reen* and a $air o& roat t+&&ed &o1l- A hando(e
(in"e/$ie had been (ade yeterday (ornin) 21hi"h a""o+nted &or the
(in"e(eat not bein) (ied3* and the $+ddin) 1a already on the
boil- Thee e,teni.e arran)e(ent o""aioned + to be "+t o&&
+n"ere(onio+ly in re$e"t o& brea#&at9 6&or I ain't*6 aid %r-
0oe*//6I ain't a )oin) to ha.e no &or(al "ra((in) and b+tin) and
1ahin) +$ no1* 1ith 1hat I'.e )ot be&ore (e* I $ro(ie yo+<6
So* 1e had o+r li"e er.ed o+t* a i& 1e 1ere t1o tho+and troo$
on a &or"ed (ar"h intead o& a (an and boy at ho(e9 and 1e too#
)+l$ o& (il# and 1ater* 1ith a$olo)eti" "o+ntenan"e* &ro( a A+)
on the dreer- In the (eanti(e* %r- 0oe $+t "lean 1hite "+rtain
+$* and ta"#ed a ne1 &lo1ered &lo+n"e a"ro the 1ide "hi(ney to
re$la"e the old one* and +n"o.ered the little tate $arlor a"ro
the $aa)e* 1hi"h 1a +n"o.ered at any other ti(e* b+t
$aed the ret o& the year in a "ool ha8e o& $a$er* 1hi"h
e.en e,tended to the &o+r little 1hite "ro"#ery $oodle on the
(antel/hel&* ea"h 1ith a bla"# noe and a ba#et o& &lo1er in hi
(o+th* and ea"h the "o+nter$art o& the other- %r- 0oe 1a a .ery
"lean ho+e#ee$er* b+t had an e,4+iite art o& (a#in) her
"leanline (ore +n"o(&ortable and +na""e$table than dirt itel&-
Cleanline i ne,t to Godline* and o(e $eo$le do the a(e by
their reli)ion-
%y iter* o (+"h to do* 1a )oin) to "h+r"h .i"ario+ly*
that i to ay* 0oe and I 1ere )oin)- In hi 1or#in)//"lothe* 0oe
1a a 1ell/#nit "hara"teriti"/loo#in) bla"#(ith9 in hi holiday
"lothe* he 1a (ore li#e a "are"ro1 in )ood "ir"+(tan"e* than
anythin) ele- Nothin) that he 1ore then &itted hi( or ee(ed to
belon) to hi(9 and e.erythin) that he 1ore then )ra8ed hi(- On the
$reent &eti.e o""aion he e(er)ed &ro( hi roo(* 1hen the blithe
bell 1ere )oin)* the $i"t+re o& (iery* in a &+ll +it o& S+nday
$enitential- A to (e* I thin# (y iter (+t ha.e had o(e
)eneral idea that I 1a a yo+n) o&&ender 1ho( an A""o+"he+r
Poli"e(an had ta#en +$ 2on (y birthday3 and deli.ered to her*
to be dealt 1ith a""ordin) to the o+tra)ed (aAety o& the la1- I
1a al1ay treated a i& I had inited on bein) born in
o$$oition to the di"tate o& reaon* reli)ion* and (orality* and
a)aint the di+adin) ar)+(ent o& (y bet &riend- E.en 1hen I
1a ta#en to ha.e a ne1 +it o& "lothe* the tailor had order to
(a#e the( li#e a #ind o& Re&or(atory* and on no a""o+nt to let (e
ha.e the &ree +e o& (y li(b-
0oe and I )oin) to "h+r"h* there&ore* (+t ha.e been a (
$e"ta"le &or "o($aionate (ind- ?et* 1hat I +&&ered o+tide
1a nothin) to 1hat I +nder1ent 1ithin- The terror that had
aailed (e %r- 0oe had )one near the $antry* or o+t o&
the roo(* 1ere only to be e4+alled by the re(ore 1ith 1hi"h (y
(ind d1elt on 1hat (y hand had done- Dnder the 1ei)ht o& (y 1i"#ed
e"ret* I $ondered 1hether the Ch+r"h 1o+ld be $o1er&+l eno+)h to
hield (e &ro( the .en)ean"e o& the terrible yo+n) (an* i& I
di.+l)ed to that etablih(ent- I "on"ei.ed the idea that the ti(e
1hen the bann 1ere read and 1hen the "ler)y(an aid* 6?e are no1
to de"lare it<6 1o+ld be the ti(e &or (e to rie and $ro$oe a
$ri.ate "on&eren"e in the .etry- I a( &ar &ro( bein) +re that I
(i)ht not ha.e atonihed o+r (all "on)re)ation by reortin) to
thi e,tre(e (ea+re* b+t &or it bein) Chrit(a !ay and no
%r- 7o$le* the "ler# at "h+r"h* 1a to dine 1ith +9 and %r- ;+bble
the 1heel1ri)ht and %r- ;+bble9 and Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# 20oe' +n"le*
b+t %r- 0oe a$$ro$riated hi(3* 1ho 1a a 1ell/to/do "orn"handler
in the nearet to1n* and dro.e hi o1n "haie/"art- The dinner ho+r
1a hal&/$at one- 7hen 0oe and I )ot ho(e* 1e &o+nd the table
laid* and %r- 0oe dreed* and the dinner drein)* and the &ront
door +nlo"#ed 2it 1a at any other ti(e3 &or the "o($any to
enter by* and e.erythin) (ot $lendid- And till* not a 1ord o&
the robbery-
The ti(e "a(e* 1itho+t brin)in) 1ith it any relie& to (y &eelin)*
and the "o($any "a(e- %r- 7o$le* +nited to a Ro(an noe and a
lar)e hinin) bald &orehead* had a dee$ .oi"e 1hi"h he 1a
+n"o((only $ro+d o&9 indeed it 1a +ndertood a(on) hi
a"4+aintan"e that i& yo+ "o+ld only )i.e hi( hi head* he 1o+ld
read the "ler)y(an into &it9 he hi(el& "on&eed that i& the
Ch+r"h 1a 6thro1n o$en*6 (eanin) to "o($etition* he 1o+ld not
de$air o& (a#in) hi (ar# in it- The Ch+r"h not bein) 6thro1n
o$en*6 he 1a* a I ha.e aid* o+r "ler#- :+t he $+nihed the
A(en tre(endo+ly9 and 1hen he )a.e o+t the $al(*//al1ay )
the 1hole .ere*//he loo#ed all ro+nd the "on)re)ation &irt* a
(+"h a to ay* 6?o+ ha.e heard (y &riend o.erhead9 obli)e (e 1ith
yo+r o$inion o& thi tyle<6
I o$ened the door to the "o($any*//(a#in) belie.e that it 1a a
habit o& o+r to o$en that door*//and I o$ened it &irt to %r-
7o$le* ne,t to %r- and %r- ;+bble* and lat o& all to Dn"le
P+(ble"hoo#- N-:- I 1a not allo1ed to "all hi( +n"le* +nder the
e.eret $enaltie-
6%r- 0oe*6 aid Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#* a lar)e hard/breathin)
(iddle/a)ed lo1 (an* 1ith a (o+th li#e a &ih* d+ll tarin) eye*
and andy hair tandin) +$ri)ht on hi head* o that he loo#ed a
i& he had A+t been all b+t "ho#ed* and had that (o(ent "o(e to*
6I ha.e bro+)ht yo+ a the "o($li(ent o& the eaon//I ha.e
bro+)ht yo+* %+(* a bottle o& herry 1ine//and I ha.e bro+)ht yo+*
%+(* a bottle o& $ort 1ine-6
E.ery Chrit(a !ay he $reented hi(el&* a a $ro&o+nd no.elty*
1ith e,a"tly the a(e 1ord* and "arryin) the t1o bottle li#e
d+(b/bell- E.ery Chrit(a !ay* %r- 0oe re$lied* a he no1
re$lied* 6O* Dn//"le P+(/ble//"hoo#< Thi i #ind<6 E.ery
Chrit(a !ay* he retorted* a he no1 retorted* 6It' no (ore than
yo+r (erit- And no1 are yo+ all bobbih* and ho1' Si,$ennorth o&
hal&$en"e@6 (eanin) (e-
7e dined on thee o""aion in the #it"hen* and adAo+rned* &or the
n+t and oran)e and a$$le to the $arlor9 1hi"h 1a a "han)e
.ery li#e 0oe' "han)e &ro( hi 1or#in)/"lothe to hi S+nday
dre- %y iter 1a +n"o((only li.ely on the $reent o""aion* and
indeed 1a )enerally (ore )ra"io+ in the o"iety o& %r- ;+bble
than in other "o($any- I re(e(ber %r- ;+bble a a little "+rly
har$/ed)ed $eron in #y/bl+e* 1ho held a "on.entionally A+.enile
$oition* be"a+e he had (arried %r- ;+bble*//I don't #no1 at 1hat
re(ote $eriod*//1hen he 1a (+"h yo+n)er than he- I re(e(ber %r
;+bble a a to+)h* hi)h/ho+ldered* too$in) old (an* o& a a1d+ty
&ra)ran"e* 1ith hi le) e,traordinarily 1ide a$artB o that in (y
hort day I al1ay a1 o(e (ile o& o$en "o+ntry bet1een the(
1hen I (et hi( "o(in) +$ the lane-
A(on) thi )ood "o($any I ho+ld ha.e &elt (yel&* e.en i& I hadn't
robbed the $antry* in a &ale $oition- Not be"a+e I 1a 4+ee8ed
in at an a"+te an)le o& the table"loth* 1ith the table in (y
"het* and the P+(ble"hoo#ian elbo1 in (y eye* nor be"a+e I 1a
not allo1ed to $ea# 2I didn't 1ant to $ea#3* nor be"a+e I 1a
re)aled 1ith the "aly ti$ o& the dr+(ti"# o& the &o1l* and
1ith thoe ob"+re "orner o& $or# o& 1hi"h the $i)* 1hen*
had had the leat reaon to be .ain- No9 I ho+ld not ha.e (inded
that* i& they 1o+ld only ha.e le&t (e alone- :+t they 1o+ldn't
lea.e (e alone- They ee(ed to thin# the o$$ort+nity lot* i& they
&ailed to $oint the "on.eration at (e* e.ery no1 and then* and
ti"# the $oint into (e- I (i)ht ha.e been an +n&ort+nate little
b+ll in a S$anih arena* I )ot o (artin)ly to+"hed +$ by thee
(oral )oad-
It be)an the (o(ent 1e at do1n to dinner- %r- 7o$le aid )ra"e
1ith theatri"al de"la(ation*//a it no1 a$$ear to (e* o(ethin)
li#e a reli)io+ "ro o& the Ghot in ;a(let 1ith Ri"hard the
Third*//and ended 1ith the .ery $ro$er a$iration that 1e (i)ht be
tr+ly )rate&+l- D$on 1hi"h (y iter &i,ed (e 1ith her eye* and
aid* in a lo1 re$roa"h&+l .oi"e* 6!o yo+ hear that@ :e )rate&+l-6
6E$e"ially*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 6be )rate&+l* boy* to the( 1hi"h
bro+)ht yo+ +$ by hand-6
%r- ;+bble hoo# her head* and "onte($latin) (e 1ith a (o+rn&+l
$reenti(ent that I ho+ld "o(e to no )ood* a#ed* 67hy i it that
the yo+n) are )rate&+l@6 Thi (oral (ytery ee(ed too (+"h
&or the "o($any +ntil %r- ;+bble terely ol.ed it by ayin)*
6Naterally 1i"io+-6 E.erybody then (+r(+red 6Tr+e<6 and loo#ed at
(e in a $arti"+larly +n$leaant and $eronal (anner-
0oe' tation and in&l+en"e 1ere o(ethin) &eebler 2i& $oible3
1hen there 1a "o($any than 1hen there 1a none- :+t he al1ay
aided and "o(&orted (e 1hen he "o+ld* in o(e 1ay o& hi o1n* and
he al1ay did o at dinner/ti(e by ) (e )ra.y* i& there 1ere
any- There bein) $lenty o& )ra.y to/day* 0oe $ooned into (y $late*
at thi $oint* abo+t hal& a $int-
A little later on in the dinner* %r- 7o$le re.ie1ed the er(on 1ith
o(e e.erity* and inti(ated//in the ++al hy$otheti"al "ae o&
the Ch+r"h bein) 6thro1n o$en6//1hat #ind o& er(on he 1o+ld ha.e
)i.en the(- A&ter &a.orin) the( 1ith o(e head o& that di"o+re*
he re(ar#ed that he "onidered the +bAe"t o& the day' ho(ily*
ill "hoen9 1hi"h 1a the le e,"+able* he added* 1hen there 1ere
o (any +bAe"t 6)oin) abo+t-6
6Tr+e a)ain*6 aid Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#- 6?o+'.e hit it* ir< Plenty o&
+bAe"t )oin) abo+t* &or the( that #no1 ho1 to $+t alt +$on their
tail- That' 1hat' 1anted- A (an needn't )o &ar to &ind a
+bAe"t* i& he' ready 1ith hi alt/bo,-6 %r- P+(ble"hoo# added*
a&ter a hort o& re&le"tion* 6Coo# at Por# alone- There'
a +bAe"t< I& yo+ 1ant a +bAe"t* loo# at Por#<6
6Tr+e* ir- %any a (oral &or the yo+n)*6 ret+rned %r- 7o$le*//and I
#ne1 he 1a )oin) to l+) (e in* be&ore he aid it9 6(i)ht be
ded+"ed &ro( that te,t-6
26?o+ liten to thi*6 aid (y iter to (e* in a e.ere
0oe )a.e (e o(e (ore )ra.y-
6S1ine*6 $+r+ed %r- 7o$le* in hi dee$et .oi"e* and $ointin) hi
&or# at (y bl+he* a i& he 1ere (entionin) (y Chritian na(e*//
61ine 1ere the "o($anion o& the $rodi)al- The )l+ttony o& S1ine
i $+t be&ore +* a an e,a($le to the yo+n)-6 2I tho+)ht thi
$retty 1ell in hi( 1ho had been $raiin) +$ the $or# &or bein) o
$l+($ and A+i"y-3 67hat i detetable in a $i) i (ore detetable
in a boy-6
6Or )irl*6 +))eted %r- ;+bble-
6O& "o+re* or )irl* %r- ;+bble*6 aented %r- 7o$le* rather
irritably* 6b+t there i no )irl $reent-6
6:eide*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* t+rnin) har$ on (e* 6thin# 1hat
yo+'.e )ot to be )rate&+l &or- I& yo+'d been born a S4+ea#er//6
6;e 1a* i& a "hild 1a*6 aid (y iter* (ot e($hati"ally-
0oe )a.e (e o(e (ore )ra.y-
67ell* b+t I (ean a &o+r/&ooted S4+ea#er*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#- 6I&
yo+ had been born +"h* 1o+ld yo+ ha.e been here no1@ Not yo+//6
6Dnle in that &or(*6 aid %r- 7o$le* noddin) to1ard the dih-
6:+t I don't (ean in that &or(* ir*6 ret+rned %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 1ho
had an obAe"tion to bein) interr+$ted9 6I (ean* enAoyin) hi(el&
1ith hi elder and better* and i($ hi(el& 1ith their
"on.eration* and rollin) in the la$ o& l+,+ry- 7o+ld he ha.e been
doin) that@ No* he 1o+ldn't- And 1hat 1o+ld ha.e been yo+r
detination@6 t+rnin) on (e a)ain- 6?o+ 1o+ld ha.e been di$oed o&
&or o (any hillin) a""ordin) to the (ar#et $ri"e o& the arti"le*
and !+ntable the b+t"her 1o+ld ha.e "o(e +$ to yo+ a yo+ lay in
yo+r tra1* and he 1o+ld ha.e 1hi$$ed yo+ +nder hi le&t ar(* and
1ith hi ri)ht he 1o+ld ha.e t+"#ed +$ hi &ro"# to )et a $en#ni&e
&ro( o+t o& hi 1ait"oat/$o"#et* and he 1o+ld ha.e hed yo+r
blood and had yo+r li&e- No brin)in) +$ by hand then- Not a bit o&
0oe o&&ered (e (ore )ra.y* 1hi"h I 1a a&raid to ta#e-
6;e 1a a 1orld o& tro+ble to yo+* (a'a(*6 aid %r- ;+bble*
"o((ieratin) (y iter-
6Tro+ble@6 e"hoed (y iter9 6tro+ble@6 and then entered on a
&ear&+l "atalo)+e o& all the illnee I had been )+ilty o&* and
all the a"t o& lee$lene I had "o((itted* and all the hi)h
$la"e I had t+(bled &ro(* and all the lo1 $la"e I had t+(bled
into* and all the inA+rie I had done (yel&* and all the ti(e he
had 1ihed (e in (y )ra.e* and I had "ont+(a"io+ly re&+ed to )o
I thin# the Ro(an (+t ha.e a))ra.ated one another .ery (+"h* 1ith
their noe- Perha$* they be"a(e the retle $eo$le they 1ere* in
"one4+en"e- Anyho1* %r- 7o$le' Ro(an noe o a))ra.ated (e*
d+rin) the re"ital o& (y (ide(eano+r* that I ho+ld ha.e li#ed to
$+ll it +ntil he ho1led- :+t* all I had end+red +$ to thi ti(e
1a nothin) in "o($arion 1ith the a1&+l &eelin) that too#
$oeion o& (e 1hen the $a+e 1a bro#en 1hi"h en+ed +$on (y
iter' re"ital* and in 1hi"h $a+e e.erybody had loo#ed at (e 2a
I &elt $ain&+lly "on"io+3 1ith indi)nation and abhorren"e-
6?et*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* leadin) the "o($any )ently ba"# to the
the(e &ro( 1hi"h they had trayed* 6Por#//re)arded a biled //i
ri"h* too9 ain't it@6
6;a.e a little brandy* +n"le*6 aid (y iter-
O ;ea.en* it had "o(e at lat< ;e 1o+ld &ind it 1a 1ea#* he 1o+ld
ay it 1a 1ea#* and I 1a lot< I held ti)ht to the le) o& the
table +nder the "loth* 1ith both hand* and a1aited (y &ate-
%y iter 1ent &or the tone bottle* "a(e ba"# 1ith the tone
bottle* and $o+red hi brandy o+tB no one ele ta#in) any- The
1ret"hed (an tri&led 1ith hi )la*//too# it +$* loo#ed at it
thro+)h the li)ht* $+t it do1n*//$rolon)ed (y (iery- All thi
ti(e %r- 0oe and 0oe 1ere bri#ly "learin) the table &or the $ie
and $+ddin)-
I "o+ldn't #ee$ (y eye o&& hi(- Al1ay holdin) ti)ht by the le) o&
the table 1ith (y hand and &eet* I a1 the (ierable "reat+re
&in)er hi )la $lay&+lly* ta#e it +$* (ile* thro1 hi head ba"#*
and drin# the brandy o&&- Intantly a&ter1ard* the "o($any 1ere
ei8ed 1ith +n$ea#able "onternation* o1in) to hi $rin)in) to
hi &eet* t+rnin) ro+nd e.eral ti(e in an a$$allin) $a(odi"
1hoo$in)/"o+)h dan"e* and r+hin) o+t at the door9 he then be"a(e
.iible thro+)h the 1indo1* .iolently $l+n)in) and e,$e"toratin)*
(a#in) the (ot hideo+ &a"e* and a$$arently o+t o& hi (ind-
I held on ti)ht* 1hile %r- 0oe and 0oe ran to hi(- I didn't #no1
ho1 I had done it* b+t I had no do+bt I had (+rdered hi( o(eho1-
In (y dread&+l it+ation* it 1a a relie& 1hen he 1a bro+)ht ba"#*
and +r.eyin) the "o($any all ro+nd a i& they had dia)reed 1ith
hi(* an# do1n into hi "hair 1ith the one i)ni&i"ant )a$* 6Tar<6
I had &illed +$ the bottle &ro( the tar/1ater A+)- I #ne1 he 1o+ld
be 1ore by and by- I (o.ed the table* li#e a %edi+( o& the $reent
day* by the .i)or o& (y +neen hold +$on it-
6Tar<6 "ried (y iter* in a(a8e(ent- 67hy* ho1 "o+ld Tar "o(e
:+t* Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#* 1ho 1a o(ni$otent in that #it"hen*
1o+ldn't hear the 1ord* 1o+ldn't hear o& the +bAe"t* i($erio+ly
1a.ed it all a1ay 1ith hi hand* and a#ed &or hot )in and 1ater-
%y iter* 1ho had be)+n to be alar(in)ly (editati.e* had to e($loy
herel& a"ti.ely in )ettin) the )in the hot 1ater* the +)ar* and
the le(on/$eel* and (i,in) the(- 5or the ti(e bein) at leat* I 1a
a.ed- I till held on to the le) o& the table* b+t "l+t"hed it no1
1ith the &er.or o& )ratit+de-
:y de)ree* I be"a(e "al( eno+)h to releae (y )ra$ and $arta#e o&
$+ddin)- %r- P+(ble"hoo# $artoo# o& $+ddin)- All $artoo# o& $+ddin)-
The "o+re ter(inated* and %r- P+(ble"hoo# had be)+n to bea( +nder
the )enial in&l+en"e o& )in and 1ater- I be)an to thin# I ho+ld
)et the day* 1hen (y iter aid to 0oe* 6Clean $late*//
I "l+t"hed the le) o& the table a)ain i((ediately* and $reed it
to (y boo( a i& it had been the "o($anion o& (y yo+th and &riend
o& (y o+l- I &orea1 1hat 1a "o(in)* and I &elt that thi ti(e I
really 1a )one-
6?o+ (+t tate*6 aid (y iter* addrein) the )+et 1ith her
bet )ra"e//6yo+ (+t tate* to &inih 1ith* +"h a deli)ht&+l and
deli"io+ $reent o& Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#'<6
%+t they< Cet the( not ho$e to tate it<
6?o+ (+t #no1*6 aid (y iter* riin)* 6it' a $ie9 a a.ory
$or# $ie-6
The "o($any (+r(+red their "o($li(ent- Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#* enible
o& deer.ed 1ell o& hi &ello1/"reat+re* aid*//4+ite
.i.a"io+ly* all thin) "onidered*//67ell* %r- 0oe* 1e'll do o+r
bet endea.or9 let + ha.e a "+t at thi a(e $ie-6
%y iter 1ent o+t to )et it- I heard her te$ $ro"eed to the
$antry- I a1 %r- P+(ble"hoo# balan"e hi #ni&e- I a1 rea1a#enin)
a$$etite in the Ro(an notril o& %r- 7o$le- I heard %r- ;+bble
re(ar# that 6a bit o& a.ory $or# $ie 1o+ld lay ato$ o& anythin)
yo+ "o+ld (ention* and do no har(*6 and I heard 0oe ay* 6?o+ hall
ha.e o(e* Pi$-6 I ha.e been abol+tely "ertain 1hether I
+ttered a hrill yell o& terror* (erely in $irit* or in the bodily
hearin) o& the "o($any- I &elt that I "o+ld bear no (ore* and that
I (+t r+n a1ay- I releaed the le) o& the table* and ran &or (y
:+t I ran no &arther than the ho+e door* &or there I ran head/
&ore(ot into a $arty o& oldier 1ith their (+#et* one o& 1ho(
held o+t a $air o& hand"+&& to (e* ayin)* 6;ere yo+ are* loo#
har$* "o(e on<6
Cha$ter E
The a$$arition o& a &ile o& oldier rin)in) do1n the b+t/end o&
their loaded (+#et on o+r door/te$* "a+ed the dinner/$arty to
rie &ro( table in "on&+ion* and "a+ed %r- 0oe re/enterin) the
#it"hen e($ty/handed* to to$ hort and tare* in her 1onderin)
la(ent o& 6Gra"io+ )oodne )ra"io+ (e* 1hat' )one//1ith the//
The er)eant and I 1ere in the #it"hen 1hen %r- 0oe tood tarin)9
at 1hi"h "rii I $artially re"o.ered the +e o& (y ene- It 1a
the er)eant 1ho had $o#en to (e* and he 1a no1 loo#in) ro+nd at
the "o($any* 1ith hi hand"+&& in.itin)ly e,tended to1ard the( in
hi ri)ht hand* and hi le&t on (y ho+lder-
6E,"+e (e* ladie and )entle(an*6 aid the er)eant* 6b+t a I
ha.e (entioned at the door to thi (art yo+n)*6 21hi"h he
hadn't3* 6I a( on a "hae in the na(e o& the #in)* and I 1ant the
6And $ray 1hat (i)ht yo+ 1ant 1ith hi(@6 retorted (y iter* 4+i"#
to reent hi bein) 1anted at all-
6%ii*6 ret+rned the )allant er)eant* 6$ea#in) &or (yel&* I
ho+ld re$ly* the honor and $lea+re o& hi &ine 1i&e'
a"4+aintan"e9 $ea#in) &or the #in)* I an1er* a little Aob done-6
Thi 1a re"ei.ed a rather neat in the er)eant9 ino(+"h that %r-
P+(ble"hoo# "ried a+dibly* 6Good a)ain<6
6?o+ ee* bla"#(ith*6 aid the er)eant* 1ho had by thi ti(e
$i"#ed o+t 0oe 1ith hi eye* 61e ha.e had an a""ident 1ith thee*
and I &ind the lo"# o& one o& 'e( )oe 1ron)* and the "o+$lin)
don't a"t $retty- A they are 1anted &or i((ediate er.i"e* 1ill
yo+ thro1 yo+r eye the(@6
0oe thre1 hi eye the(* and $rono+n"ed that the Aob 1o+ld
ne"eitate the li)htin) o& hi &or)e &ire* and 1o+ld ta#e nearer
t1o ho+r than one* 67ill it@ Then 1ill yo+ et abo+t it at on"e*
bla"#(ith@6 aid the o&&/hand er)eant* 6a it' on hi %aAety'
er.i"e- And i& (y (en "an bear a hand any1here* they'll (a#e
the(el.e +e&+l-6 7ith that* he "alled to hi (en* 1ho "a(e
troo$in) into the #it"hen one a&ter another* and $iled their ar(
in a "orner- And then they tood abo+t* a oldier do9 no1* 1ith
their hand looely "la$ed be&ore the(9 no1* retin) a #nee or a
ho+lder9 no1* eain) a belt or a $o+"h9 no1* o$enin) the door to
$it ti&&ly their hi)h to"#* o+t into the yard-
All thee thin) I a1 1itho+t then #no1in) that I a1 the(* &or I
1a in an a)ony o& a$$rehenion- :+t be)innin) to $er"ei.e that
the hand"+&& 1ere not &or (e* and that the (ilitary had o &ar )ot
the better o& the $ie a to $+t it in the ba"#)ro+nd* I "olle"ted a
little (ore o& (y "attered 1it-
67o+ld yo+ )i.e (e the ti(e@6 aid the er)eant* addrein) hi(el&
to %r- P+(ble"hoo#* a to a (an 1hoe a$$re"iati.e $o1er A+ti&ied
the in&eren"e that he 1a e4+al to the ti(e-
6It' A+t )one hal& $at t1o-6
6That' not o bad*6 aid the er)eant* re&le"tin)9 6e.en i& I 1a
&or"ed to halt here ni)h t1o ho+r* that'll do- ;o1 &ar (i)ht yo+
"all yo+rel.e &ro( the (arhe* hereabo+t@ Not abo.e a (ile* I
60+t a (ile*6 aid %r- 0oe-
6That'll do- 7e be)in to "loe in +$on 'e( abo+t d+#- A little
be&ore d+#* (y order are- That'll do-6
6Con.i"t* er)eant@6 a#ed %r- 7o$le* in a (atter/o&/"o+re 1ay-
6Ay<6 ret+rned the er)eant* 6t1o- They're $retty 1ell #no1n to be
o+t on the (arhe till* and they 1on't try to )et "lear o& 'e(
be&ore d+#- Anybody here een anythin) o& any +"h )a(e@6
E.erybody* (yel& e,"e$ted* aid no* 1ith "on&iden"e- Nobody
tho+)ht o& (e-
67ell<6 aid the er)eant* 6they'll &ind the(el.e tra$$ed in a
"ir"le* I e,$e"t* ooner than they "o+nt on- No1* bla"#(ith< I&
yo+'re ready* hi %aAety the =in) i-6
0oe had )ot hi "oat and 1ait"oat and " o&&* and hi leather
a$ron on* and $aed into the &or)e- One o& the oldier o$ened it
1ooden 1indo1* another li)hted the &ire* another t+rned to at
the bello1* the ret tood ro+nd the bla8e* 1hi"h 1a oon
roarin)- Then 0oe be)an to ha((er and "lin#* ha((er and "lin#* and
1e all loo#ed on-
The interet o& the i($endin) $+r+it not only aborbed the )eneral
attention* b+t e.en (ade (y iter liberal- She dre1 a $it"her o&
beer &ro( the "a# &or the oldier* and in.ited the er)eant to
ta#e a )la o& brandy- :+t %r- P+(ble"hoo# aid* har$ly* 6Gi.e hi(
1ine* %+(- I'll en)a)e there' no Tar in thatB6 o* the er)eant
than#ed hi( and aid that a he $re&erred hi drin# 1itho+t tar* he
1o+ld ta#e 1ine* i& it 1a e4+ally "on.enient- 7hen it 1a )i.en
hi(* he dran# hi %aAety' health and "o($li(ent o& the eaon*
and too# it all at a (o+th&+l and (a"#ed hi li$-
6Good t+&&* eh* er)eant@6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#-
6I'll tell yo+ o(ethin)*6 ret+rned the er)eant9 6I +$e"t that
t+&&' o& yo+r $ro.idin)-6
%r- P+(ble"hoo#* 1ith a &at ort o& la+)h* aid* 6Ay* ay@ 7hy@6
6:e"a+e*6 ret+rned the er)eant* "la$$in) hi( on the ho+lder*
6yo+'re a (an that #no1 1hat' 1hat-6
6!'ye thin# o@6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 1ith hi &or(er la+)h- 6;a.e
another )la<6
67ith yo+- ;ob and nob*6 ret+rned the er)eant- 6The to$ o& (ine to
the &oot o& yo+r*//the &oot o& yo+r to the to$ o& (ine*//Rin)
on"e* rin) t1i"e*//the bet t+ne on the %+i"al Glae< ?o+r
health- %ay yo+ li.e a tho+and year* and be a 1ore A+d)e
o& the ri)ht ort than yo+ are at the $reent (o(ent o& yo+r li&e<6
The er)eant toed o&& hi )la a)ain and ee(ed 4+ite ready &or
another )la- I noti"ed that %r- P+(ble"hoo# in hi ho$itality
a$$eared to &or)et that he had (ade a $reent o& the 1ine* b+t too#
the bottle &ro( %r- 0oe and had all the "redit o& handin) it abo+t
in a )+h o& Ao.iality- E.en I )ot o(e- And he 1a o .ery &ree o&
the 1ine that he e.en "alled &or the other bottle* and handed that
abo+t 1ith the a(e liberality* 1hen the &irt 1a )one-
A I 1at"hed the( 1hile they all tood "l+terin) abo+t the &or)e*
enAoyin) the(el.e o (+"h* I tho+)ht 1hat terrible )ood a+"e &or
a dinner (y &+)iti.e &riend on the (arhe 1a- They had not
enAoyed the(el.e a 4+arter o (+"h* be&ore the entertain(ent 1a
bri)htened 1ith the e,"ite(ent he &+rnihed- And no1* 1hen they
1ere all in li.ely anti"i$ation o& 6the t1o .illain6 bein) ta#en*
and 1hen the bello1 ee(ed to roar &or the &+)iti.e* the &ire to
&lare &or the(* the (o#e to h+rry a1ay in $+r+it o& the(* 0oe to
ha((er and "lin# &or the(* and all the (+r#y hado1 on the 1all to
ha#e at the( in (ena"e a the bla8e roe and an#* and the red/hot
$ar# dro$$ed and died* the $ale a&ternoon o+tide al(ot ee(ed
in (y $ityin) yo+n) &an"y to ha.e t+rned $ale on their a""o+nt*
$oor 1ret"he-
At lat* 0oe' Aob 1a done* and the rin)in) and roarin) to$$ed-
A 0oe )ot on hi "oat* he (+tered "o+ra)e to $ro$oe that o(e o&
+ ho+ld )o do1n 1ith the oldier and ee 1hat "a(e o& the h+nt-
%r- P+(ble"hoo# and %r- ;+bble de"lined* on the $lea o& a $i$e and
ladie' o"iety9 b+t %r- 7o$le aid he 1o+ld )o* i& 0oe 1o+ld- 0oe
aid he 1a a)reeable* and 1o+ld ta#e (e* i& %r- 0oe a$$ro.ed- 7e ho+ld ha.e )ot lea.e to )o* I a( +re* b+t &or %r- 0oe'
"+rioity to #no1 all abo+t it and ho1 it ended- A it 1a* he
(erely ti$+lated* 6I& yo+ brin) the boy ba"# 1ith hi head blo1n
to bit by a (+#et* don't loo# to (e to $+t it to)ether a)ain-6
The er)eant too# a $olite lea.e o& the ladie* and $arted &ro( %r-
P+(ble"hoo# a &ro( a "o(rade9 tho+)h I do+bt i& he 1ere 4+ite a
&+lly enible o& that )entle(an' (erit +nder arid "ondition* a
1hen o(ethin) (oit 1a )oin)- ;i (en re+(ed their (+#et and
&ell in- %r- 7o$le* 0oe* and I* re"ei.ed tri"t "har)e to #ee$ in
the rear* and to $ea# no 1ord a&ter 1e rea"hed the (arhe- 7hen
1e 1ere all o+t in the ra1 air and 1ere teadily ( to1ard o+r
b+ine* I treaonably 1hi$ered to 0oe* 6I ho$e* 0oe* 1e han't
&ind the(-6 and 0oe 1hi$ered to (e* 6I'd )i.e a hillin) i& they
had "+t and r+n* Pi$-6
7e 1ere Aoined by no tra))ler &ro( the .illa)e* &or the 1eather
1a "old and threatenin)* the 1ay dreary* the &ootin) bad* dar#ne
"o(in) on* and the $eo$le had )ood &ire in/door and 1ere #ee$in)
the day- A &e1 &a"e h+rried to )lo1in) 1indo1 and loo#ed a&ter
+* b+t none "a(e o+t- 7e $aed the &in)er/$ot* and held trai)ht
on to the "h+r"hyard- There 1e 1ere to$$ed a &e1 (in+te by a
i)nal &ro( the er)eant' hand* 1hile t1o or three o& hi (en
di$ered the(el.e a(on) the )ra.e* and alo e,a(ined the $or"h-
They "a(e in a)ain 1itho+t &indin) anythin)* and then 1e tr+"# o+t
on the o$en (arhe* thro+)h the )ate at the ide o& the
"h+r"hyard- A bitter leet "a(e rattlin) a)aint + here on the
eat 1ind* and 0oe too# (e on hi ba"#-
No1 that 1e 1ere o+t +$on the di(al 1ilderne 1here they little
tho+)ht I had been 1ithin ei)ht or nine ho+r and had een both (en
hidin)* I "onidered &or the &irt ti(e* 1ith )reat dread* i& 1e
ho+ld "o(e +$on the(* 1o+ld (y $arti"+lar "on.i"t +$$oe that it
1a I 1ho had bro+)ht the oldier there@ ;e had a#ed (e i& I 1a
a de" i($* and he had aid I ho+ld be a &ier"e yo+n) ho+nd
i& I Aoined the h+nt a)aint hi(- 7o+ld he belie.e that I 1a both
i($ and ho+nd in trea"hero+ earnet* and had betrayed hi(@
It 1a o& no +e a#in) (yel& thi 4+etion no1- There I 1a* on
0oe' ba"#* and there 1a 0oe beneath (e* "har)in) at the dit"he
li#e a h+nter* and ti(+latin) %r- 7o$le not to t+(ble on hi Ro(an
noe* and to #ee$ +$ 1ith +- The oldier 1ere in &ront o& +*
e,tendin) into a $retty 1ide line 1ith an bet1een (an and
(an- 7e 1ere ta#in) the "o+re I had be)+n 1ith* and &ro( 1hi"h I
had in the (it- Either the (it 1a not o+t a)ain yet* or
the 1ind had di$elled it- Dnder the lo1 red )lare o& +net* the
bea"on* and the )ibbet* and the (o+nd o& the :attery* and the
o$$oite hore o& the* 1ere $lain* tho+)h all o& a 1atery
lead "olor-
7ith (y heart th+($in) li#e a bla"#(ith at 0oe' broad ho+lder* I
loo#ed all abo+t &or any i)n o& the "on.i"t- I "o+ld ee none* I
"o+ld hear none- %r- 7o$le had )reatly alar(ed (e (ore than on"e*
by hi blo1in) and hard breathin)9 b+t I #ne1 the o+nd by thi
ti(e* and "o+ld dio"iate the( &ro( the obAe"t o& $+r+it- I )ot a
dread&+l tart* 1hen I tho+)ht I heard the &ile till )oin)9 b+t it
1a only a hee$/bell- The hee$ to$$ed in their eatin) and loo#ed
ti(idly at +9 and the "attle* their head t+rned &ro( the 1ind and
leet* tared an)rily a i& they held + re$onible &or both
annoyan"e9 b+t* e,"e$t thee thin)* and the h+dder o& the dyin)
day in e.ery blade o& )ra* there 1a no brea# in the blea#
tillne o& the (arhe-
The oldier 1ere ( on in the dire"tion o& the old :attery*
and 1e 1ere ( on a little 1ay behind the(* 1hen* all o& a
+dden* 1e all to$$ed- 5or there had rea"hed + on the 1in) o&
the 1ind and rain* a lon) ho+t- It 1a re$eated- It 1a at a
ditan"e to1ard the eat* b+t it 1a lon) and lo+d- Nay* there
ee(ed to be t1o or (ore ho+t raied to)ether*//i& one (i)ht
A+d)e &ro( a "on&+ion in the o+nd-
To thi e&&e"t the er)eant and the nearet (en 1ere $ea#in) +nder
their breath* 1hen 0oe and I "a(e +$- A&ter another (o(ent'
litenin)* 0oe 21ho 1a a )ood A+d)e3 a)reed* and %r- 7o$le 21ho
1a a bad A+d)e3 a)reed- The er)eant* a de"ii.e (an* ordered that
the o+nd ho+ld not be an1ered* b+t that the "o+re ho+ld be
"han)ed* and that hi (en ho+ld (a#e to1ard it 6at the do+ble-6
So 1e lanted to the ri)ht 21here the Eat 1a3* and 0oe $o+nded
a1ay o 1onder&+lly* that I had to hold on ti)ht to #ee$ (y eat-
It 1a a r+n indeed no1* and 1hat 0oe "alled* in the only t1o 1ord
he $o#e all the ti(e* 6a 7inder-6 !o1n ban# and +$ ban#* and )ate* and $lahin) into di#e* and brea#in) a(on) "oare
r+heB no (an "ared 1here he 1ent- A 1e "a(e nearer to the
ho+tin)* it be"a(e (ore and (ore a$$arent that it 1a (ade by (ore
than one .oi"e- So(eti(e* it ee(ed to to$ alto)ether* and then
the oldier to$$ed- 7hen it bro#e o+t a)ain* the oldier (ade
&or it at a )reater rate than* and 1e a&ter the(- A&ter a
1hile* 1e had o r+n it do1n* that 1e "o+ld hear one .oi"e "allin)
6%+rder<6 and another .oi"e* 6Con.i"t< R+na1ay< G+ard< Thi 1ay
&or the r+na1ay "on.i"t<6 Then both .oi"e 1o+ld ee( to be
ti&led in a tr+))le* and then 1o+ld brea# o+t a)ain- And 1hen it
had "o(e to thi* the oldier ran li#e deer* and 0oe too-
The er)eant ran in &irt* 1hen 1e had r+n the noie 4+ite do1n*
and t1o o& hi (en ran in "loe +$on hi(- Their $ie"e 1ere "o"#ed
and le.elled 1hen 1e all ran in-
6;ere are both (en<6 $anted the er)eant* tr+))lin) at the botto(
o& a dit"h- 6S+rrender* yo+ t1o< and "on&o+nd yo+ &or t1o 1ild
beat< Co(e a+nder<6
7ater 1a $lahin)* and (+d 1a &lyin)* and oath 1ere bein)
1orn* and blo1 1ere bein) tr+"#* 1hen o(e (ore (en 1ent do1n
into the dit"h to hel$ the er)eant* and dra))ed o+t* e$arately*
(y "on.i"t and the other one- :oth 1ere bleedin) and $antin) and
e,e"ratin) and tr+))lin)9 b+t o& "o+re I #ne1 the( both dire"tly-
6%ind<6 aid (y "on.i"t* 1i$in) blood &ro( hi &a"e 1ith hi ra))ed
lee.e* and ha#in) torn hair &ro( hi &in)erB 6I too# hi(< I )i.e
hi( +$ to yo+< %ind that<6
6It' not (+"h to be $arti"+lar abo+t*6 aid the er)eant9 6it'll do
yo+ (all )ood* (y (an* bein) in the a(e $li)ht yo+rel&-
;and"+&& there<6
6I don't e,$e"t it to do (e any )ood- I don't 1ant it to do (e (ore
)ood than it doe no1*6 aid (y "on.i"t* 1ith a )reedy la+)h- 6I
too# hi(- ;e #no1 it- That' eno+)h &or (e-6
The other "on.i"t 1a to loo# at* and* in addition to the old
br+ied le&t ide o& hi &a"e* ee(ed to be br+ied and torn all ;e "o+ld not o (+"h a )et hi breath to $ea#* +ntil they
1ere both e$arately hand"+&&ed* b+t leaned +$on a oldier to #ee$
hi(el& &ro( &allin)-
6Ta#e noti"e* )+ard*//he tried to (+rder (e*6 1ere hi &irt 1ord-
6Tried to (+rder hi(@6 aid (y "on.i"t* didain&+lly- 6Try* and not
do it@ I too# hi(* and )i.' hi( +$9 that' 1hat I done- I not only
$re.ented hi( )ettin) o&& the (arhe* b+t I dra))ed hi( here*//
dra))ed hi( thi &ar on hi 1ay ba"#- ;e' a )entle(an* i& yo+
$leae* thi .illain- No1* the ;+l# ha )ot it )entle(an a)ain*
thro+)h (e- %+rder hi(@ 7orth (y 1hile* too* to (+rder hi(* 1hen I
"o+ld do 1ore and dra) hi( ba"#<6
The other one till )a$ed* 6;e tried//he tried/to//(+rder (e-
:ear//bear 1itne-6
6Coo#ee here<6 aid (y "on.i"t to the er)eant- 6Sin)le/handed I
)ot "lear o& the $rion/hi$9 I (ade a dah and I done it- I "o+ld
ha' )ot "lear o& thee death/"old &lat li#e1ie //loo# at (y le)B
yo+ 1on't &ind (+"h iron on it//i& I hadn't (ade the di"o.ery that
he 1a here- Cet hi( )o &ree@ Cet hi( $ro&it by the (ean a I &o+nd
o+t@ Cet hi( (a#e a tool o& (e a&reh and a)ain@ On"e (ore@ No* no*
no- I& I had died at the botto( there*6 and he (ade an e($hati"
1in) at the dit"h 1ith hi (ana"led hand* 6I'd ha.e held to hi(
1ith that )ri$* that yo+ ho+ld ha.e been a&e to &ind hi( in (y
The other &+)iti.e* 1ho 1a e.idently in e,tre(e horror o& hi
"o($anion* re$eated* 6;e tried to (+rder (e- I ho+ld ha.e been a
dead (an i& yo+ had not "o(e +$-6
6;e lie<6 aid (y "on.i"t* 1ith &ier"e ener)y- 6;e' a liar born*
and he'll die a liar- Coo# at hi &a"e9 ain't it 1ritten there@ Cet
hi( t+rn thoe eye o& hi on (e- I de&y hi( to do it-6
The other* 1ith an e&&ort at a "orn&+l (ile* 1hi"h "o+ld not** "olle"t the ner.o+ 1or#in) o& hi (o+th into any et
e,$reion* loo#ed at the oldier* and loo#ed abo+t at the
(arhe and at the #y* b+t "ertainly did not loo# at the $ea#er-
6!o yo+ ee hi(@6 $+r+ed (y "on.i"t- 6!o yo+ ee 1hat a .illain he
i@ !o yo+ ee thoe )ro.ellin) and 1anderin) eye@ That' ho1 he
loo#ed 1hen 1e 1ere tried to)ether- ;e loo#ed at (e-6
The other* al1ay 1or#in) and 1or#in) hi dry li$ and t+rnin) hi
eye retlely abo+t hi( &ar and near* did at lat t+rn the( &or a
(o(ent on the $ea#er* 1ith the 1ord* 6?o+ are not (+"h to loo#
at*6 and 1ith a hal&/ta+ntin) )lan"e at the bo+nd hand- At that
$oint* (y "on.i"t be"a(e o &ranti"ally e,a$erated* that he 1o+ld
ha.e r+hed +$on hi( b+t &or the inter$oition o& the oldier-
6!idn't I tell yo+*6 aid the other "on.i"t then* 6that he 1o+ld
(+rder (e* i& he "o+ld@6 And any one "o+ld ee that he hoo# 1ith
&ear* and that there bro#e o+t +$on hi li$ "+rio+ 1hite &la#e*
li#e thin no1-
6Eno+)h o& thi $arley*6 aid the er)eant- 6Ci)ht thoe tor"he-6
A one o& the oldier* 1ho "arried a ba#et in lie+ o& a )+n* 1ent
do1n on hi #nee to o$en it* (y "on.i"t loo#ed ro+nd hi( &or the
&irt ti(e* and a1 (e- I had ali)hted &ro( 0oe' ba"# on the brin#
o& the dit"h 1hen 1e "a(e +$* and had not (o.ed in"e- I loo#ed at
hi( ea)erly 1hen he loo#ed at (e* and li)htly (o.ed (y hand and
hoo# (y head- I had been 1aitin) &or hi( to ee (e that I (i)ht
try to a+re hi( o& (y inno"en"e- It 1a not at all e,$reed to
(e that he e.en "o($rehended (y intention* &or he )a.e (e a loo#
that I did not +ndertand* and it all $aed in a (o(ent- :+t i& he
had loo#ed at (e &or an ho+r or &or a day* I "o+ld not ha.e
re(e(bered hi &a"e a&ter1ard* a been (ore attenti.e-
The oldier 1ith the ba#et oon )ot a li)ht* and li)hted three or
&o+r tor"he* and too# one hi(el& and ditrib+ted the other- It
had been al(ot dar# be&ore* b+t no1 it ee(ed 4+ite dar#* and oon
a&ter1ard .ery dar#- :e&ore 1e de$arted &ro( that $ot* &o+r
oldier tandin) in a rin)* &ired t1i"e into the air- Preently 1e
a1 other tor"he #indled at o(e ditan"e behind +* and other on
the (arhe on the o$$oite ban# o& the 6All ri)ht*6 aid
the er)eant- 6%ar"h-6
7e had not )one &ar 1hen three "annon 1ere &ired ahead o& + 1ith a
o+nd that ee(ed to b+rt o(ethin) inide (y ear- 6?o+ are
e,$e"ted on board*6 aid the er)eant to (y "on.i"t9 6they #no1 yo+
are "o(in)- !on't tra))le* (y (an- Cloe +$ here-6
The t1o 1ere #e$t a$art* and ea"h 1al#ed +rro+nded by a e$arate
)+ard- I had hold o& 0oe' hand no1* and 0oe "arried one o& the
tor"he- %r- 7o$le had been &or )oin) ba"#* b+t 0oe 1a reol.ed to
ee it o+t* o 1e 1ent on 1ith the $arty- There 1a a reaonably
)ood $ath no1* (otly on the ed)e o& the* 1ith a"e
here and there 1here a di#e "a(e* 1ith a (iniat+re 1ind(ill on it
and a (+ddy l+i"e/)ate- 7hen I loo#ed ro+nd* I "o+ld ee the other
li)ht "o(in) in a&ter +- The tor"he 1e "arried dro$$ed )reat
blot"he o& &ire +$on the tra"#* and I "o+ld ee thoe* too* lyin)
(o#in) and &larin)- I "o+ld ee nothin) ele b+t bla"# dar#ne-
O+r li)ht 1ar(ed the air abo+t + 1ith their $it"hy bla8e* and the
t1o $rioner ee(ed rather to li#e that* a they li($ed alon) in
the (idt o& the (+#et- 7e "o+ld not )o &at* be"a+e o& their
la(ene9 and they 1ere o $ent* that t1o or three ti(e 1e had to
halt 1hile they reted-
A&ter an ho+r or o o& thi tra.ellin)* 1e "a(e to a ro+)h 1ooden
h+t and a landin)/$la"e- There 1a a )+ard in the h+t* and they
"hallen)ed* and the er)eant an1ered- Then* 1e 1ent into the h+t*
1here there 1a a (ell o& toba""o and 1hite1ah* and a bri)ht
&ire* and a la($* and a tand o& (+#et* and a dr+(* and a lo1
1ooden bedtead* li#e an (an)le 1itho+t the (a"hinery*
"a$able o& holdin) abo+t a do8en oldier all at on"e- Three or
&o+r oldier 1ho lay +$on it in their )reat/"oat 1ere not (+"h
intereted in +* b+t A+t li&ted their head and too# a lee$y
tare* and then lay do1n a)ain- The er)eant (ade o(e #ind o&
re$ort* and o(e entry in a boo#* and then the "on.i"t 1ho( I "all
the other "on.i"t 1a dra&ted o&& 1ith hi )+ard* to )o on board
%y "on.i"t loo#ed at (e* e,"e$t that on"e- 7hile 1e tood in
the h+t* he tood be&ore the &ire loo#in) tho+)ht&+lly at it* or
$+ttin) +$ hi &eet by t+rn +$on the hob* and loo#in) tho+)ht&+lly
at the( a i& he $itied the( &or their re"ent ad.ent+re- S+ddenly*
he t+rned to the er)eant* and re(ar#ed*//
6I 1ih to ay o(ethin) re$e"tin) thi e"a$e- It (ay $re.ent
o(e $eron layin) +nder +$i"ion alon)er (e-6
6?o+ "an ay 1hat yo+ li#e*6 ret+rned the er)eant* tandin) "oolly
loo#in) at hi( 1ith hi ar( &olded* 6b+t yo+ ha.e no "all to ay
it here- ?o+'ll ha.e o$$ort+nity eno+)h to ay abo+t it* and hear
abo+t it* be&ore it' done 1ith* yo+ #no1-6
6I #no1* b+t thi i another $int* a e$arate (atter- A (an "an't
tar.e9 at leat I "an't- I too# o(e 1ittle* +$ at the 1illa)e yonder*//1here the "h+r"h tand a'(ot o+t on the (arhe-6
6?o+ (ean tole*6 aid the er)eant-
6And I'll tell yo+ 1here &ro(- 5ro( the bla"#(ith'-6
6;alloa<6 aid the er)eant* tarin) at 0oe-
6;alloa* Pi$<6 aid 0oe* tarin) at (e-
6It 1a o(e bro#en 1ittle//that' 1hat it 1a//and a dra( o&
li4+or* and a $ie-6
6;a.e yo+ ha$$ened to (i +"h an arti"le a a $ie* bla"#(ith@6
a#ed the er)eant* "on&identially-
6%y 1i&e did* at the .ery (o(ent 1hen yo+ "a(e in- !on't yo+ #no1*
6So*6 aid (y "on.i"t* t+rnin) hi eye on 0oe in a (oody (anner*
and 1itho+t the leat )lan"e at (e*//6o yo+'re the bla"#(ith* are
yo+@ Than I'( orry to ay* I'.e eat yo+r $ie-6
6God #no1 yo+'re 1el"o(e to it*//o &ar a it 1a (ine*6
ret+rned 0oe* 1ith a re(e(bran"e o& %r- 0oe- 67e don't #no1
1hat yo+ ha.e done* b+t 1e 1o+ldn't ha.e yo+ tar.ed to death &or
it* $oor (ierable &ello1/"reat+r-//7o+ld +* Pi$@6
The o(ethin) that I had noti"ed be&ore* "li"#ed in the (an'
throat a)ain* and he t+rned hi ba"#- The boat had ret+rned* and
hi )+ard 1ere ready* o 1e &ollo1ed hi( to the landin)/$la"e (ade
o& ro+)h ta#e and tone* and a1 hi( $+t into the boat* 1hi"h
1a ro1ed by a "re1 o& "on.i"t li#e hi(el&- No one ee(ed
+r$ried to ee hi(* or intereted in eein) hi(* or )lad to ee
hi(* or orry to ee hi(* or $o#e a 1ord* e,"e$t that o(ebody in
the boat )ro1led a i& to do)* 6Gi.e 1ay* yo+<6 1hi"h 1a the
i)nal &or the di$ o& the oar- :y the li)ht o& the tor"he* 1e a1
the bla"# ;+l# lyin) o+t a little 1ay &ro( the (+d o& the hore* li#e
a 1i"#ed Noah' ar#- Cribbed and barred and (oored by (ai.e r+ty
"hain* the $rion/hi$ ee(ed in (y yo+n) eye to be ironed li#e
the $rioner- 7e a1 the boat )o alon)ide* and 1e a1 hi( ta#en
+$ the ide and dia$$ear- Then* the end o& the tor"he 1ere &l+n)
hiin) into the 1ater* and 1ent o+t* a i& it 1ere all 1ith
Cha$ter EI
%y tate o& (ind re)ardin) the $il&erin) &ro( 1hi"h I had been o
+ne,$e"tedly e,onerated did not i($el (e to &ran# di"lo+re9 b+t
I ho$e it had o(e dre) o& )ood at the botto( o& it-
I do not re"all that I &elt any tenderne o& "on"ien"e in
re&eren"e to %r- 0oe* 1hen the &ear o& bein) &o+nd o+t 1a li&ted
o&& (e- :+t I lo.ed 0oe*//$erha$ &or no better reaon in thoe
early day than be"a+e the dear &ello1 let (e lo.e hi(*//and* a
to hi(* (y inner el& 1a not o eaily "o($oed- It 1a (+"h +$on
(y (ind 2$arti"+larly 1hen I &irt a1 hi( loo#in) abo+t &or hi
&ile3 that I o+)ht to tell 0oe the 1hole tr+th- ?et I did not* and
&or the reaon that I (itr+ted that i& I did* he 1o+ld thin# (e
1ore than I 1a- The &ear o& loin) 0oe' "on&iden"e* and o&
then"e&orth ittin) in the "hi(ney "orner at ni)ht tarin) drearily
at (y & lot "o($anion and &riend* tied +$ (y ton)+e- I
(orbidly re$reented to (yel& that i& 0oe #ne1 it* I
a&ter1ard "o+ld ee hi( at the &ireide &eelin) hi &air 1hi#er*
1itho+t thin#in) that he 1a (editatin) on it- That* i& 0oe #ne1
it* I a&ter1ard "o+ld ee hi( )lan"e* "a+ally* at
yeterday' (eat or $+ddin) 1hen it "a(e on to/day' table* 1itho+t
thin#in) that he 1a debatin) 1hether I had been in the $antry-
That* i& 0oe #ne1 it* and at any +be4+ent $eriod o& o+r Aoint
do(eti" li&e re(ar#ed that hi beer 1a &lat or thi"#* the
"on.i"tion that he +$e"ted Tar in it* 1o+ld brin) a r+h o& blood
to (y &a"e- In a 1ord* I 1a too "o1ardly to do 1hat I #ne1 to be
ri)ht* a I had been too "o1ardly to a.oid doin) 1hat I #ne1 to be
1ron)- I had had no inter"o+re 1ith the 1orld at that ti(e* and I
i(itated none o& it (any inhabitant 1ho a"t in thi (anner- >+ite
an +nta+)ht )eni+* I (ade the di"o.ery o& the line o& a"tion &or
A I 1a lee$y be&ore 1e 1ere &ar a1ay &ro( the $rion/hi$* 0oe
too# (e on hi ba"# a)ain and "arried (e ho(e- ;e (+t ha.e had a
tireo(e Ao+rney o& it* &or %r- 7o$le* bein) #no"#ed +$* 1a in
+"h a .ery bad te($er that i& the Ch+r"h had been thro1n o$en* he
1o+ld $robably ha.e e,"o((+ni"ated the 1hole e,$edition* be)innin)
1ith 0oe and (yel&- In hi lay "a$a"ity* he $erited in ittin)
do1n in the da($ to +"h an inane e,tent* that 1hen hi "oat 1a
ta#en o&& to be dried at the #it"hen &ire* the "ir"+(tantial
e.iden"e on hi tro+er 1o+ld ha.e han)ed hi(* i& it had been a
"a$ital o&&en"e-
:y that ti(e* I 1a ta))erin) on the #it"hen &loor li#e a little
dr+n#ard* thro+)h been ne1ly et +$on (y &eet* and thro+)h been &at alee$* and thro+)h 1a#in) in the heat and li)ht
and noie o& ton)+e- A I "a(e to (yel& 21ith the aid o& a hea.y
th+($ bet1een the ho+lder* and the retorati.e e,"la(ation 6?ah<
7a there +"h a boy a thi<6 &ro( (y iter*3 I &o+nd 0oe
tellin) the( abo+t the "on.i"t' "on&eion* and all the .iitor
+))etin) di&&erent 1ay by 1hi"h he had )ot into the $antry- %r-
P+(ble"hoo# (ade o+t* a&ter "are&+lly +r.eyin) the $re(ie* that
he had &irt )ot +$on the roo& o& the &or)e* and had then )ot +$on
the roo& o& the ho+e* and had then let hi(el& do1n the #it"hen
"hi(ney by a ro$e (ade o& hi beddin) "+t into tri$9 and a %r-
P+(ble"hoo# 1a .ery $oiti.e and dro.e hi o1n "haie/"art//
E.erybody//it 1a a)reed that it (+t be o- %r- 7o$le* indeed*
1ildly "ried o+t* 6No<6 1ith the &eeble (ali"e o& a tired (an9 b+t*
a he had no theory* and no "oat on* he 1a +nani(o+ly et at
na+)ht*//not to (ention hi (o#in) hard behind* a he tood 1ith
hi ba"# to the #it"hen &ire to dra1 the da($ o+tB 1hi"h 1a not
"al"+lated to in$ire "on&iden"e-
Thi 1a all I heard that ni)ht be&ore (y iter "l+t"hed (e* a a
l+(bero+ o&&en"e to the "o($any' eyei)ht* and aited (e +$ to
bed 1ith +"h a tron) hand that I ee(ed to ha.e &i&ty boot on*
and to be dan)lin) the( all a)aint the ed)e o& the tair- %y
tate o& (ind* a I ha.e de"ribed it* be)an be&ore I 1a +$ in the
(ornin)* and lated lon) a&ter the +bAe"t had died o+t* and had
"eaed to be (entioned on e,"e$tional o""aion-
Cha$ter EII
At the ti(e 1hen I tood in the "h+r"hyard readin) the &a(ily
to(btone* I had A+t eno+)h learnin) to be able to $ell the(
o+t- %y "ontr+"tion e.en o& their i($le (eanin) 1a not .ery
"orre"t* &or I read 61i&e o& the Abo.e6 a a "o($li(entary
re&eren"e to (y &ather' e,altation to a better 1orld9 and i& any
one o& (y de"eaed relation had been re&erred to a 6:elo1*6 I
ha.e no do+bt I ho+ld ha.e &or(ed the 1ort o$inion o& that
(e(ber o& the &a(ily- Neither 1ere (y notion o& the theolo)i"al
$oition to 1hi"h (y Cate"hi( bo+nd (e* at all a""+rate9 &or* I
ha.e a li.ely re(e(bran"e that I +$$oed (y de"laration that I 1a
to 61al# in the a(e all the day o& (y li&e*6 laid (e +nder an
obli)ation al1ay to )o thro+)h the .illa)e &ro( o+r ho+e in one
$arti"+lar dire"tion* and to .ary it by t+rnin) do1n by the
1heel1ri)ht' or +$ by the (ill-
7hen I 1a old eno+)h* I 1a to be a$$renti"ed to 0oe* and +ntil I
"o+ld a+(e that di)nity I 1a not to be 1hat %r- 0oe "alled
6Po($eyed*6 or 2a I render it3 $a($ered- There&ore* I 1a not only
odd/boy abo+t the &or)e* b+t i& any nei)hbor ha$$ened to 1ant an
e,tra boy to &ri)hten bird* or $i"# +$ tone* or do any +"h Aob*
I 1a &a.ored 1ith the e($loy(ent- In order** that o+r
+$erior $oition (i)ht not be "o($ro(ied thereby* a (oney/bo, 1a
#e$t on the #it"hen (antel/hel&* in to 1hi"h it 1a $+bli"ly (ade
#no1n that all (y earnin) 1ere dro$$ed- I ha.e an i($reion that
they 1ere to be "ontrib+ted e.ent+ally to1ard the li4+idation o&
the National !ebt* b+t I #no1 I had no ho$e o& any $eronal
$arti"i$ation in the trea+re-
%r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt #e$t an e.enin) "hool in the .illa)e9 that
i to ay* he 1a a ridi"+lo+ old 1o(an o& li(ited (ean and
+nli(ited in&ir(ity* 1ho +ed to )o to lee$ &ro( i, to e.en
e.ery e.enin)* in the o"iety o& yo+th 1ho $aid t1o $en"e $er 1ee#
ea"h* &or the i($ o$$ort+nity o& eein) her do it- She rented
a (all "otta)e* and %r- 7o$le had the roo( +$ tair* 1here 1e
t+dent +ed to o.erhear hi( readin) alo+d in a (ot di)ni&ied and
terri&i" (anner* and o""aionally b+($in) on the "eilin)- There 1a
a &i"tion that %r- 7o$le 6e,a(ined6 the "holar on"e a 4+arter-
7hat he did on thoe o""aion 1a to t+rn +$ hi "+&&* ti"# +$
hi hair* and )i.e + %ar# Antony' oration the body o&
Caear- Thi 1a al1ay &ollo1ed by Collin' Ode on the Paion*
1herein I $arti"+larly .enerated %r- 7o$le a Re.en)e thro1in) hi
blood/tained 1ord in th+nder do1n* and ta#in) the 7ar/deno+n"in)
tr+($et 1ith a 1itherin) loo#- It 1a not 1ith (e then* a it 1a
in later li&e* 1hen I &ell into the o"iety o& the Paion* and
"o($ared the( 1ith Collin and 7o$le* rather to the diad.anta)e
o& both )entle(en-
%r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt* beide #ee$in) thi Ed+"ational
Intit+tion* #e$t in the a(e roo(//a little )eneral ho$- She
had no idea 1hat to"# he had* or 1hat the $ri"e o& anythin) in it
1a9 b+t there 1a a little )reay (e(orand+(/boo# #e$t in a
dra1er* 1hi"h er.ed a a Catalo)+e o& Pri"e* and by thi ora"le
:iddy arran)ed all the ho$ trana"tion- :iddy 1a %r- 7o$le'
)reat/a+nt' )randda+)hter9 I "on&e (yel& 4+iet +ne4+al to the
1or#in) o+t o& the $roble(* 1hat relation he 1a to %r- 7o$le- She
1a an or$han li#e (yel&9 li#e (e* too* had been bro+)ht +$ by
hand- She 1a (ot noti"eable* I tho+)ht* in re$e"t o& her
e,tre(itie9 &or* her hair al1ay 1anted br+hin)* her hand al1ay
1anted 1ahin)* and her hoe al1ay 1anted (endin) and $+llin) +$
at heel- Thi de"ri$tion (+t be re"ei.ed 1ith a 1ee#/day
li(itation- On S+nday* he 1ent to "h+r"h elaborated-
%+"h o& (y +naited el&* and (ore by the hel$ o& :iddy than o&
%r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt* I tr+))led thro+)h the al$habet a i& it
had been a bra(ble/b+h9 )ettin) "oniderably 1orried and "rat"hed
by e.ery letter- A&ter that I &ell a(on) thoe thie.e* the nine
&i)+re* 1ho ee(ed e.ery e.enin) to do o(ethin) ne1 to di)+ie
the(el.e and ba&&le re"o)nition- :+t* at lat I be)an* in a
$+rblind )ro$in) 1ay* to read* 1rite* and "i$her* on the .ery
(allet "ale-
One ni)ht I 1a ittin) in the "hi(ney "orner 1ith (y late*
e,$endin) )reat e&&ort on the $rod+"tion o& a letter to 0oe- I
thin# it (+t ha.e been a &+ll year a&ter o+r h+nt +$on the
(arhe* &or it 1a a lon) ti(e a&ter* and it 1a 1inter and a hard
&rot- 7ith an al$habet on the hearth at (y &eet &or re&eren"e* I
"ontri.ed in an ho+r or t1o to $rint and (ear thi e$itleB//
6%I !EER 0O i OPE D R =R 7ITE 7ECC i OPE i S;AC SON : ;A:ECC F G
There 1a no indi$enable ne"eity &or (y "o((+ni"atin) 1ith 0oe
by letter* ina(+"h a he at beide (e and 1e 1ere alone- :+t I
deli.ered thi 1ritten "o((+ni"ation 2late and all3 1ith (y o1n
hand* and 0oe re"ei.ed it a a (ira"le o& er+dition-
6I ay* Pi$* old "ha$<6 "ried 0oe* o$enin) hi bl+e eye 1ide*
61hat a "holar yo+ are< An't yo+@6
6I ho+ld li#e to be*6 aid I* )lan"in) at the late a he held it9
1ith a (i) that the 1ritin) 1a rather hilly-
67hy* here' a 0*6 aid 0oe* 6and a O e4+al to anythin#< ;ere' a 0
and a O* Pi$* and a 0/O* 0oe-6
I had heard 0oe read alo+d to any )reater e,tent than thi
(onoyllable* and I had ober.ed at "h+r"h lat S+nday* 1hen I
a""identally held o+r Prayer/:oo# +$ide do1n* that it ee(ed to
+it hi "on.enien"e 4+ite a 1ell a i& it had been all ri)ht-
7ihin) to e(bra"e the $reent o""aion o& &indin) o+t 1hether in
tea"hin) 0oe* I ho+ld ha.e to be)in 4+ite at the be)innin)* I
aid* 6Ah< :+t read the ret* 0o-6
6The ret* eh* Pi$@6 aid 0oe* loo#in) at it 1ith a lo1*
ear"hin) eye* 6One* t1o* three- 7hy* here' three 0* and three
O* and three 0/O* 0oe in it* Pi$<6
I leaned 0oe* and* 1ith the aid o& (y &ore&in)er read hi( the
1hole letter-
6Atonihin)<6 aid 0oe* 1hen I had &inihed- 6?o+ ARE a "holar-6
6;o1 do yo+ $ell Gar)ery* 0oe@6 I a#ed hi(* 1ith a (odet
6I don't $ell it at all*6 aid 0oe-
6:+t +$$oin) yo+ did@6
6It "an't be +$$oed*6 aid 0oe- 6Tho' I'( +n"o((on &ond o&
readin)* too-6
6Are yo+* 0oe@6
6On/"o((on- Gi.e (e*6 aid 0oe* 6a )ood boo#* or a )ood ne1$a$er*
and it (e do1n a&ore a )ood &ire* and I a# no better- Cord<6 he
"ontin+ed* a&ter r+bbin) hi #nee a little* 61hen yo+ do "o(e to a
0 and a O* and ay yo+* 6;ere* at lat* i a 0/O* 0oe*6 ho1
interetin) readin) i<6
I deri.ed &ro( thi* that 0oe' ed+"ation* li#e Stea(* 1a yet
in it in&an"y* P+r+in) the +bAe"t* I in4+ired*//
6!idn't yo+ )o to "hool* 0oe* 1hen yo+ 1ere a little a (e@6
6No* Pi$-6
67hy didn't yo+ )o to "hool* 0oe* 1hen yo+ 1ere a little a
67ell* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* ta#in) +$ the $o#er* and ettlin) hi(el& to
hi ++al o""+$ation 1hen he 1a tho+)ht&+l* o& lo1ly ra#in) the
&ire bet1een the lo1er bar9 6I'll tell yo+- %y &ather* Pi$* he
1ere )i.en to drin#* and 1hen he 1ere o.ertoo# 1ith drin#* he
ha((ered a1ay at (y (other* (ot on(er"i&+l- It 1ere a'(ot the
only ha((erin) he did* indeed* ',"e$tin) at (yel&- And he ha((ered
at (e 1ith a 1i)or only to be e4+alled by the 1i)or 1ith 1hi"h he
didn't ha((er at hi an1il-//?o+'re a litenin) and +ndertandin)*
6?e* 0oe-6
6'Cone4+en"e* (y (other and (e 1e ran a1ay &ro( (y &ather
e.eral ti(e9 and then (y (other he'd )o o+t to 1or#* and he'd
ay* 60oe*6 he'd ay* 6no1* $leae God* yo+ hall ha.e o(e
"hoolin)* "hild*6 and he'd $+t (e to "hool- :+t (y &ather 1ere
that )ood in hi hart that he "o+ldn't abear to be 1itho+t +- So*
he'd "o(e 1ith a (ot tre(enAo+ "ro1d and (a#e +"h a ro1 at the
door o& the ho+e 1here 1e 1a* that they +ed to be obli)ated to
ha.e no (ore to do 1ith + and to )i.e + +$ to hi(- And then he
too# + ho(e and ha((ered +- 7hi"h* yo+ ee* Pi$*6 aid 0oe*
$a+in) in hi (editati.e ra#in) o& the &ire* and loo#in) at (e*
61ere a dra1ba"# on (y learnin)-6
6Certainly* $oor 0oe<6
6Tho+)h (ind yo+* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* 1ith a A+di"ial to+"h or t1o o&
the $o#er on the to$ bar* 6renderin) +nto all their doo* and
(aintainin) e4+al A+ti"e bet1i,t (an and (an* (y &ather 1ere that
)ood in hi hart* don't yo+ ee@6
I didn't ee9 b+t I didn't ay o-
67ell<6 0oe $+r+ed* 6o(ebody (+t #ee$ the $ot a bilin)* Pi$* or
the $ot 1on't bile* don't yo+ #no1@6
I a1 that* and aid o-
6'Cone4+en"e* (y &ather didn't (a#e obAe"tion to (y )oin) to
1or#9 o I 1ent to 1or# to 1or# at (y $reent "allin)* 1hi"h 1ere
hi too* i& he 1o+ld ha.e &ollo1ed it* and I 1or#ed tolerable hard*
I a+re yo+* Pi$- In ti(e I 1ere able to #ee$ hi(* and I #e$ hi(
till he 1ent o&& in a $+r$le le$ti" &it- And it 1ere (y intention
to ha.e had $+t +$on hi to(btone that* 7hat+(e'er the &ailin) on
hi $art* Re(e(ber reader he 1ere that )ood in hi heart-6
0oe re"ited thi "o+$let 1ith +"h (ani&et $ride and "are&+l
$er$i"+ity* that I a#ed hi( i& he had (ade it hi(el&-
6I (ade it*6 aid 0oe* 6(y o1n el&- I (ade it in a (o(ent- It 1a
li#e tri#in) o+t a horehoe "o($lete* in a in)le blo1- I
1a o (+"h +r$ried in all (y li&e*//"o+ldn't "redit (y o1n ed*//
to tell yo+ the tr+th* hardly belie.ed it 1ere (y o1n ed- A I 1a
ayin)* Pi$* it 1ere (y intention to ha.e had it "+t hi(9 b+t
$oetry "ot (oney* "+t it ho1 yo+ 1ill* (all or lar)e* and it
1ere not done- Not to (ention bearer* all the (oney that "o+ld be
$ared 1ere 1anted &or (y (other- She 1ere in $oor elth* and 4+ite
bro#e- She 1eren't lon) o& &ollo1in)* $oor o+l* and her hare o&
$ea"e "o(e ro+nd at lat-6
0oe' bl+e eye t+rned a little 1atery9 he r+bbed &irt one o&
the(* and then the other* in a (ot +n"on)enial and +n"o(&ortable
(anner* 1ith the ro+nd #nob on the to$ o& the $o#er-
6It 1ere b+t loneo(e then*6 aid 0oe* here alone* and I
)ot a"4+ainted 1ith yo+r iter- No1* Pi$*6//0oe loo#ed &ir(ly at
(e a i& he #ne1 I 1a not )oin) to a)ree 1ith hi(9//6yo+r iter
i a &ine &i)+re o& a 1o(an-6
I "o+ld not hel$ loo#in) at the &ire* in an tate o& do+bt- &a(ily o$inion* or the 1orld' o$inion* on
that +bAe"t (ay be* Pi$* yo+r iter i*6 0oe ta$$ed the to$ bar
1ith the $o#er a&ter e.ery 1ord &ollo1in)* 6a/&ine/&i)+re//o&
I "o+ld thin# o& nothin) better to ay than 6I a( )lad yo+ thin#
o* 0oe-6
6So a( I*6 ret+rned 0oe* "at"hin) (e +$- 6I a( )lad I thin# o*
Pi$- A little redne or a little (atter o& :one* here or there*
1hat doe it i)ni&y to %e@6
I a)a"io+ly ober.ed* i& it didn't i)ni&y to hi(* to 1ho( did it
6Certainly<6 aented 0oe- 6That' it- ?o+'re ri)ht* old "ha$< 7hen
I )ot a"4+ainted 1ith yo+r iter* it 1ere the tal# ho1 he 1a
brin)in) yo+ +$ by hand- Eery #ind o& her too* all the &ol# aid*
and I aid* alon) 1ith all the &ol#- A to yo+*6 0oe $+r+ed 1ith
a "o+ntenan"e e,$rei.e o& eein) o(ethin) .ery naty indeed* 6i&
yo+ "o+ld ha.e been a1are ho1 (all and &labby and (ean yo+ 1a*
dear (e* yo+'d ha.e &or(ed the (ot "onte($tible o$inion o&
Not e,a"tly relihin) thi* I aid* (ind (e* 0oe-6
6:+t I did (ind yo+* Pi$*6 he ret+rned 1ith tender i($li"ity-
67hen I o&&ered to yo+r iter to #ee$ "o($any* and to be a#ed in
"h+r"h at +"h ti(e a he 1a 1illin) and ready to "o(e to the
&or)e* I aid to her* 'And brin) the $oor little "hild- God ble
the $oor little "hild*' I aid to yo+r iter* 'there' roo( &or
hi( at the &or)e<'6
I bro#e o+t "ryin) and be))in) $ardon* and h+))ed 0oe ro+nd the
ne"#B 1ho dro$$ed the $o#er to h+) (e* and to ay* the bet
o& &riend9 an't +* Pi$@ !on't "ry* old "ha$<6
7hen thi little interr+$tion 1a* 0oe re+(edB//
67ell* yo+ ee* Pi$* and here 1e are< That' abo+t 1here it li)ht9
here 1e are< No1* 1hen yo+ ta#e (e in hand in (y learnin)* Pi$ 2and
I tell yo+ be&orehand I a( a1&+l d+ll* (ot a1&+l d+ll3* %r- 0oe
(+tn't ee too (+"h o& 1hat 1e're +$ to- It (+t be done* a I (ay
ay* on the ly- And 1hy on the ly@ I'll tell yo+ 1hy* Pi$-6
;e had ta#en +$ the $o#er a)ain9 1itho+t 1hi"h* I do+bt i& he "o+ld
ha.e $ro"eeded in hi de(ontration-
6?o+r iter i )i.en to )o.ern(ent-6
6Gi.en to )o.ern(ent* 0oe@6 I 1a tartled* &or I had o(e hado1y
idea 2and I a( a&raid I (+t add* ho$e3 that 0oe had di.or"ed her
in a &a.or o& the Cord o& the Ad(iralty* or Trea+ry-
6Gi.en to )o.ern(ent*6 aid 0oe- 67hi"h I (eanteray the )o.ern(ent
o& yo+ and (yel&-6
6And he an't $artial to "holar on the $re(ie*6 0oe
"ontin+ed* 6and in $arti"#ler 1o+ld not be $artial to (y bein)
a "holar* &or &ear a I (i)ht rie- Ci#e a ort or rebel* don't
yo+ ee@6
I 1a )oin) to retort 1ith an in4+iry* and had )ot a &ar a
67hy//6 1hen 0oe to$$ed (e-
6Stay a bit- I #no1 1hat yo+'re a )oin) to ay* Pi$9 tay a bit< I
don't deny that yo+r iter "o(e the %o/)+l +* no1 and
a)ain- I don't deny that he do thro1 + ba"#/&all* and that he
do dro$ do1n +$on + hea.y- At +"h ti(e a 1hen yo+r iter i on
the Ra(/$a)e* Pi$*6 0oe an# hi .oi"e to a 1hi$er and )lan"ed at
the door* 6"andor "o($el &+r to ad(it that he i a :+ter-6
0oe $rono+n"ed thi 1ord* a i& it be)an 1ith at leat t1el.e
"a$ital :-
67hy don't I rie@ That 1ere yo+r ober.ation 1hen I bro#e it o&&*
6?e* 0oe-6
67ell*6 aid 0oe* $ain) the $o#er into hi le&t hand* that he
(i)ht &eel hi 1hi#er9 and I had no ho$e o& hi( he too#
to that $la"id o""+$ation9 6yo+r iter' a (ater/(ind- A
67hat' that@6 I a#ed* in o(e ho$e o& brin)in) hi( to a tand-
:+t 0oe 1a readier 1ith hi de&inition than I had e,$e"ted* and
"o($letely to$$ed (e by ar)+in) "ir"+larly* and an1erin) 1ith a
&i,ed loo#* 6;er-6
6And I ain't a (ater/(ind*6 0oe re+(ed* 1hen he had +n&i,ed hi
loo#* and )ot ba"# to hi 1hi#er- 6And lat o& all* Pi$*//and thi
I 1ant to ay .ery erio+ to yo+* old "ha$*//I ee o (+"h in (y
$oor (other* o& a 1o(an dr+d)in) and and brea#in) her
honet hart and )ettin) no $ea"e in her (ortal day* that I'(
dead a&eerd o& )oin) 1ron) in the 1ay o& not doin) 1hat' ri)ht by
a 1o(an* and I'd &+r rather o& the t1o )o 1ron) the t'other 1ay*
and be a little ill/"on1enien"ed (yel&- I 1ih it 1a only (e that
)ot $+t o+t* Pi$9 I 1ih there 1arn't no Ti"#ler &or yo+* old "ha$9
I 1ih I "o+ld ta#e it all on (yel&9 b+t thi i the
+$/and/do1n/and/trai)ht on it* Pi$* and I ho$e yo+'ll o.erloo#
?o+n) a I 1a* I belie.e that I dated a ne1 ad(iration o& 0oe &ro(
that ni)ht- 7e 1ere e4+al a&ter1ard* a 1e had been be&ore9 b+t*
a&ter1ard at 4+iet ti(e 1hen I at loo#in) at 0oe and thin#in)
abo+t hi(* I had a ne1 enation o& &eelin) "on"io+ that I 1a
loo#in) +$ to 0oe in (y heart-
6;*6 aid 0oe* riin) to re$lenih the &ire9 6here' the
!+t"h/"lo"# a 1or#in) hi(el& +$ to bein) e4+al to tri#e Ei)ht o&
'e(* and he' not "o(e ho(e yet< I ho$e Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#' (are
(ayn't ha.e et a &ore&oot on a $ie"e o' i"e* and )one do1n-6
%r- 0oe (ade o""aional tri$ 1ith Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# on
(ar#et/day* to ait hi( in b+yin) +"h ho+ehold t+&& and
)ood a re4+ired a 1o(an' A+d)(ent9 Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# bein) a
ba"helor and re$oin) no "on&iden"e in hi do(eti" er.ant- Thi
1a (ar#et/day* and %r- 0oe 1a o+t on one o& thee e,$edition-
0oe (ade the &ire and 1e$t the hearth* and then 1e 1ent to the
door to liten &or the "haie/"art- It 1a a dry "old ni)ht* and
the 1ind ble1 #eenly* and the &rot 1a 1hite and hard- A (an 1o+ld
die to/ni)ht o& lyin) o+t on the (arhe* I tho+)ht- And then I
loo#ed at the tar* and "onidered ho1 a1&+l i& 1o+ld be &or a (an
to t+rn hi &a"e +$ to the( a he &ro8e to death* and ee no hel$
or $ity in all the )litterin) (+ltit+de-
6;ere "o(e the (are*6 aid 0oe* 6rin)in) li#e a $eal o& bell<6
The o+nd o& her iron hoe +$on the hard road 1a 4+ite (+i"al*
a he "a(e alon) at a (+"h bri#er trot than ++al- 7e )ot a "hair
o+t* ready &or %r- 0oe' ali)htin)* and tirred +$ the &ire that
they (i)ht ee a bri)ht 1indo1* and too# a &inal +r.ey o& the
#it"hen that nothin) (i)ht be o+t o& it $la"e- 7hen 1e had
"o($leted thee $re$aration* they dro.e +$* 1ra$$ed to the eye-
%r- 0oe 1a oon landed* and Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# 1a oon do1n too*
"o.erin) the (are 1ith a "loth* and 1e 1ere oon all in the
#it"hen* "arryin) o (+"h "old air in 1ith + that it ee(ed to
dri.e all the heat o+t o& the &ire-
6No1*6 aid %r- 0oe* +n1ra$$in) herel& 1ith hate and e,"ite(ent*
and thro1in) her bonnet ba"# on her ho+lder 1here it h+n) by the
trin)* 6i& thi boy ain't )rate&+l thi ni)ht* he 1ill be<6
I loo#ed a )rate&+l a any boy $oibly "o+ld* 1ho 1a 1holly
+nin&or(ed 1hy he o+)ht to a+(e that e,$reion-
6It' only to be ho$ed*6 aid (y iter* 6that he 1on't be
Po($eyed- :+t I ha.e (y &ear-6
6She ain't in that line* %+(*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#- 6She #no1
She@ I loo#ed at 0oe* (a#in) the (otion 1ith (y li$ and eyebro1*
6She@6 0oe loo#ed at (e* (a#in) the (otion 1ith hi li$ and
eyebro1* 6She@6 %y iter "at"hin) hi( in the a"t* he dre1 the
ba"# o& hi hand a"ro hi noe 1ith hi ++al "on"iliatory air on
+"h o""aion* and loo#ed at her-
67ell@6 aid (y iter* in her na$$ih 1ay- 67hat are yo+ tarin)
at@ I the ho+e a&ire@6
6//7hi"h o(e*6 0oe $olitely hinted* 6(entioned//he-6
6And he i a he* I +$$oe@6 aid (y iter- 6Dnle yo+ "all
%i ;a.iha( a he- And I do+bt i& e.en yo+'ll )o o &ar a that-6
6%i ;a.iha(* +$ to1n@6 aid 0oe-
6I there any %i ;a.iha( do1n to1n@6 ret+rned (y iter-
6She 1ant thi boy to )o and $lay there- And o& "o+re he' )oin)-
And he had better $lay there*6 aid (y iter* ha#in) her head at
(e a an en"o+ra)e(ent to be e,tre(ely li)ht and $orti.e* 6or I'll
1or# hi(-6
I had heard o& %i ;a.iha( +$ to1n*//e.erybody &or (ile ro+nd
had heard o& %i ;a.iha( +$ to1n*//a an i((enely ri"h and )ri(
lady 1ho li.ed in a lar)e and di(al ho+e barri"aded a)aint
robber* and 1ho led a li&e o& e"l+ion-
67ell to be +re<6 aid 0oe* ato+nded- 6I 1onder ho1 he "o(e to
#no1 Pi$<6
6Noodle<6 "ried (y iter- 67ho aid he #ne1 hi(@6
6//7hi"h o(e*6 0oe a)ain $olitely hinted* 6(entioned
that he 1anted hi( to )o and $lay there-6
6And "o+ldn't he a# Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# i& he #ne1 o& a boy to )o
and $lay there@ In't it A+t barely $oible that Dn"le
P+(ble"hoo# (ay be a tenant o& her* and that he (ay o(eti(e//1e
1on't ay 4+arterly or hal&/yearly* &or that 1o+ld be re4+irin) too
(+"h o& yo+//b+t o(eti(e//)o there to $ay hi rent@ And
"o+ldn't he then a# Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# i& he #ne1 o& a boy to )o
and $lay there@ And "o+ldn't Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#* bein) al1ay
"oniderate and tho+)ht&+l &or +//tho+)h yo+ (ay not thin# it*
0oe$h*6 in a tone o& the dee$et re$roa"h* a i& he 1ere the (ot
"allo+ o& ne$he1* 6then (ention thi boy* tandin) Pran"in) here6
//1hi"h I ole(nly de"lare I 1a not doin)//6that I ha.e &or
been a 1illin) la.e to@6
6Good a)ain<6 "ried Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#- 67ell $+t< Prettily $ointed<
Good indeed< No1 0oe$h* yo+ #no1 the "ae-6
6No* 0oe$h*6 aid (y iter* till in a re$roa"h&+l (anner* 1hile
0oe a$olo)eti"ally dre1 the ba"# o& hi hand a"ro and a"ro hi
noe* 6yo+ do not yet//tho+)h yo+ (ay not thin# it//#no1 the
"ae- ?o+ (ay "onider that yo+ do* b+t yo+ do not* 0oe$h- 5or yo+
do not #no1 that Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#* bein) enible that &or
anythin) 1e "an tell* thi boy' &ort+ne (ay be (ade by hi )oin)
to %i ;a.iha('* ha o&&ered to ta#e hi( into to1n to/ni)ht in
hi o1n "haie/"art* and to #ee$ hi( to/ni)ht* and to ta#e hi( 1ith
hi o1n hand to %i ;a.iha(' to/(orro1 (ornin)- And Cor/a/(+y
(e<6 "ried (y iter* "atin) o&& her bonnet in +dden de$eration*
6here I tand tal#in) to (ere %oon"al&* 1ith Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#
1aitin)* and the (are "at"hin) "old at the door* and the boy )ri(ed
1ith "ro"# and dirt &ro( the hair o& hi head to the ole o& hi
7ith that* he $o+n"ed +$on (e* li#e an ea)le on a la(b* and (y
&a"e 1a 4+ee8ed into 1ooden bo1l in in#* and (y head 1a $+t
+nder ta$ o& 1ater/b+tt* and I 1a oa$ed* and #neaded* and
to1elled* and th+($ed* and harro1ed* and ra$ed* +ntil I really 1a
4+ite beide (yel&- 2I (ay here re(ar# that I +$$oe (yel& to be
better a"4+ainted than any a+thority* 1ith the rid)y e&&e"t
o& a 1eddin)/rin)* $ain) +ny($atheti"ally the h+(an
7hen (y abl+tion 1ere "o($leted* I 1a $+t into "lean linen o& the
ti&&et "hara"ter* li#e a yo+n) $enitent into a"#"loth* and 1a
tr+ed +$ in (y ti)htet and &ear&+llet +it- I 1a then
deli.ered to %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 1ho &or(ally re"ei.ed (e a i& he
1ere the Sheri&&* and 1ho let o&& +$on (e the $ee"h that I #ne1 he
had been dyin) to (a#e all alon)B 6:oy* be & )rate&+l to all
&riend* b+t e$e"ially +nto the( 1hi"h bro+)ht yo+ +$ by hand<6
6Good/bye* 0oe<6
6God ble yo+* Pi$* old "ha$<6
I had $arted &ro( hi( be&ore* and 1hat 1ith (y &eelin) and
1hat 1ith oa$+d* I "o+ld at &irt ee no tar &ro( the
"haie/"art- :+t they t1in#led o+t one by one* 1itho+t thro1in) any
li)ht on the 4+etion 1hy on earth I 1a )oin) to $lay at %i
;a.iha('* and 1hat on earth I 1a e,$e"ted to $lay at-
Cha$ter EIII
%r- P+(ble"hoo#' $re(ie in the ;i)h Street o& the (ar#et to1n*
1ere o& a $e$$er"orny and &arina"eo+ "hara"ter* a the $re(ie o&
a "orn"handler and eed(an ho+ld be- It a$$eared to (e that he
(+t be a .ery ha$$y (an indeed* to ha.e o (any little dra1er in
hi ho$9 and I 1ondered 1hen I $ee$ed into one or t1o on the lo1er
tier* and a1 the tied/+$ bro1n $a$er $a"#et inide* 1hether the
&lo1er/eed and b+lb 1anted o& a &ine day to brea# o+t o&
thoe Aail* and bloo(-
It 1a in the early (ornin) a&ter (y that I entertained
thi $e"+lation- On the $ ni)ht* I had been ent trai)ht
to bed in an atti" 1ith a lo$in) roo&* 1hi"h 1a o lo1 in the
"orner 1here the bedtead 1a* that I "al"+lated the tile a bein)
1ithin a &oot o& (y eyebro1- In the a(e early (ornin)* I
di"o.ered a in)+lar a&&inity bet1een eed and "ord+roy- %r-
P+(ble"hoo# 1ore "ord+roy* and o did hi ho$(an9 and o(eho1*
there 1a a )eneral air and &la.or abo+t the "ord+roy* o (+"h in
the nat+re o& eed* and a )eneral air and &la.or abo+t the eed*
o (+"h in the nat+re o& "ord+roy* that I hardly #ne1 1hi"h 1a
1hi"h- The a(e o$$ort+nity er.ed (e &or noti"in) that %r-
P+(ble"hoo# a$$eared to "ond+"t hi b+ine by loo#in) a"ro the
treet at the addler* 1ho a$$eared to trana"t hi b+ine by
#ee$in) hi eye on the "oa"h(a#er* 1ho a$$eared to )et on in li&e
by $+ttin) hi hand in hi $o"#et and "onte($latin) the ba#er*
1ho in hi t+rn &olded hi ar( and tared at the )ro"er* 1ho tood
at hi door and ya1ned at the "he(it- The 1at"h(a#er* al1ay
$orin) a little de# 1ith a (a)ni&yin)/)la at hi eye* and
al1ay in$e"ted by a )ro+$ o& (o"#/&ro"# $orin) hi( thro+)h
the )la o& hi ho$/1indo1* ee(ed to be abo+t the only $eron in
the ;i)h Street 1hoe trade en)a)ed hi attention-
%r- P+(ble"hoo# and I brea#&ated at ei)ht o'"lo"# in the $arlor
behind the ho$* 1hile the ho$(an too# hi (+) o& tea and h+n"h o&
bread and b+tter on a a"# o& $ea in the &ront $re(ie- I
"onidered %r- P+(ble"hoo# 1ret"hed "o($any- :eide bein) $oeed
by (y iter' idea that a (orti&yin) and $enitential "hara"ter
o+)ht to be i($arted to (y diet*//beide ) (e a (+"h "r+(b
a $oible in "o(bination 1ith a little b+tter* and $+ttin) +"h
a 4+antity o& 1ar( 1ater into (y (il# that it 1o+ld ha.e been (ore
"andid to ha.e le&t the (il# o+t alto)ether*//hi "on.eration
"onited o& nothin) b+t arith(eti"- On (y $olitely biddin) hi(
Good (ornin)* he aid* $o($o+ly* 6Se.en ti(e nine* boy@6 And ho1
ho+ld I be able to an1er* dod)ed in that 1ay* in a tran)e $la"e*
on an e($ty to(a"h< I 1a h+n)ry* b+t be&ore I had 1allo1ed a
(orel* he be)an a r+nnin) +( that lated all thro+)h the
brea#&at- 6Se.en@6 6And &o+r@6 6And ei)ht@6 6And i,@6 6And t1o@6
6And ten@6 And o on- And a&ter ea"h &i)+re 1a di$oed o&* it 1a
a (+"h a I "o+ld do to )et a bite or a +$* be&ore the ne,t "a(e9
1hile he at at hi eae )+ein) nothin)* and eatin) ba"on and hot
roll* in 2i& I (ay be allo1ed the e,$reion3 a )or)in) and
)or(andi8in) (anner-
5or +"h reaon* I 1a .ery )lad 1hen ten o'"lo"# "a(e and 1e
tarted &or %i ;a.iha('9 tho+)h I 1a not at all at (y eae
re)ardin) the (anner in 1hi"h I ho+ld a"4+it (yel& +nder that
lady' roo&- 7ithin a 4+arter o& an ho+r 1e "a(e to %i ;a.iha('
ho+e* 1hi"h 1a o& old bri"#* and di(al* and had a )reat (any
iron bar to it- So(e o& the 1indo1 had been 1alled +$9 o& thoe
that re(ained* all the lo1er 1ere r+tily barred- There 1a a
"o+rtyard in &ront* and that 1a barred9 o 1e had to 1ait* a&ter
rin)in) the bell* +ntil o(e one ho+ld "o(e to o$en it- 7hile 1e
1aited at the )ate* I $ee$ed in 2e.en then %r- P+(ble"hoo# aid*
6And &o+rteen@6 b+t I $retended not to hear hi(3* and a1 that at
the ide o& the ho+e there 1a a lar)e bre1ery- No bre1in) 1a )oin)
on in it* and none ee(ed to ha.e )one on &or a lon) lon) ti(e-
A 1indo1 1a raied* and a "lear .oi"e de(anded 67hat na(e@6 To
1hi"h (y "ond+"tor re$lied* 6P+(ble"hoo#-6 The .oi"e ret+rned*
6>+ite ri)ht*6 and the 1indo1 1a h+t a)ain* and a yo+n) lady "a(e
a"ro the "o+rt/yard* 1ith #ey in her hand-
6Thi*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 6i Pi$-6
6Thi i Pi$* i it@6 ret+rned the yo+n) lady* 1ho 1a .ery $retty
and ee(ed .ery $ro+d9 6"o(e in* Pi$-6
%r- P+(ble"hoo# 1a "o(in) in alo* 1hen he to$$ed hi( 1ith the
6Oh<6 he aid- 6!id yo+ 1ih to ee %i ;a.iha(@6
6I& %i ;a.iha( 1ihed to ee (e*6 ret+rned %r- P+(ble"hoo#*
6Ah<6 aid the )irl9 6b+t yo+ ee he don't-6
She aid it o &inally* and in +"h an +ndi"+ible 1ay* that %r-
P+(ble"hoo#* tho+)h in a "ondition o& r+&&led di)nity* "o+ld not
$rotet- :+t he eyed (e e.erely*//a i& I had done anythin) to
hi(<//and de$arted 1ith the 1ord re$roa"h&+lly deli.eredB 6:oy<
Cet yo+r beha.ior here be a "redit +nto the( 1hi"h bro+)ht yo+ +$
by hand<6 I 1a not &ree &ro( a$$rehenion that he 1o+ld "o(e ba"#
to $ro$o+nd thro+)h the )ate* 6And i,teen@6 :+t he didn't-
%y yo+n) "ond+"tre lo"#ed the )ate* and 1e 1ent a"ro the
"o+rtyard- It 1a $a.ed and "lean* b+t )ra 1a )ro1in) in e.ery
"re.i"e- The bre1ery b+ildin) had a little lane o& "o((+ni"ation
1ith it* and the 1ooden )ate o& that lane tood o$en* and all the
bre1ery beyond tood o$en* a1ay to the hi)h en"loin) 1all9 and
all 1a e($ty and di+ed- The "old 1ind ee(ed to blo1 "older
there than o+tide the )ate9 and it (ade a hrill noie in ho1lin)
in and o+t at the o$en ide o& the bre1ery* li#e the noie o& 1ind
in the ri))in) o& a hi$ at ea-
She a1 (e loo#in) at it* and he aid* 6?o+ "o+ld drin# 1itho+t
h+rt all the tron) beer that' bre1ed there no1* boy-6
6I ho+ld thin# I "o+ld* (i*6 aid I* in a hy 1ay-
6:etter not try to bre1 beer there no1* or it 1o+ld t+rn o+t o+r*
boy9 don't yo+ thin# o@6
6It loo# li#e it* (i-6
6Not that anybody (ean to try*6 he added* 6&or that' all done
1ith* and the $la"e 1ill tand a idle a it i till it &all- A
to tron) beer* there' eno+)h o& it in the "ellar already* to
dro1n the %anor ;o+e-6
6I that the na(e o& thi ho+e* (i@6
6One o& it na(e* boy-6
6It ha (ore than one* then* (i@6
6One (ore- It other na(e 1a Sati9 1hi"h i Gree#* or Catin* or
;ebre1* or all three//or all one to (e//&or eno+)h-6
6Eno+)h ;o+e*6 aid I9 6that' a "+rio+ na(e* (i-6
6?e*6 he re$lied9 6b+t it (eant (ore than it aid- It (eant* 1hen
it 1a )i.en* that had thi ho+e "o+ld 1ant nothin) ele-
They (+t ha.e been eaily ati&ied in thoe day* I ho+ld thin#-
:+t don't loiter* boy-6
Tho+)h he "alled (e 6boy6 o o&ten* and 1ith a "arelene that
1a &ar &ro( "o($li(entary* he 1a o& abo+t (y o1n a)e- She ee(ed
(+"h older than I* o& "o+re* bein) a )irl* and bea+ti&+l and
el&/$oeed9 and he 1a a "orn&+l o& (e a i& he had been
one/and/t1enty* and a 4+een-
7e 1ent into the ho+e by a ide door* the )reat &ront entran"e
had t1o "hain a"ro it o+tide*//and the &irt thin) I noti"ed
1a* that the $aa)e 1ere all dar#* and that he had le&t a
"andle b+rnin) there- She too# it +$* and 1e 1ent thro+)h (ore
$aa)e and +$ a tair"ae* and till it 1a all dar#* and only
the "andle li)hted +-
At lat 1e "a(e to the door o& a roo(* and he aid* 6Go in-6
I an1ered* (ore in hyne than $olitene* 6A&ter yo+* (i-6
To thi he ret+rnedB 6!on't be ridi"+lo+* boy9 I a( not )oin)
in-6 And "orn&+lly 1al#ed a1ay* and//1hat 1a 1ore//too# the
"andle 1ith her-
Thi 1a .ery +n"o(&ortable* and I 1a hal& a&raid- ;* the
only thin) to be done bein) to #no"# at the door* I #no"#ed* and
1a told &ro( 1ithin to enter- I entered* there&ore* and &o+nd
(yel& in a $retty lar)e roo(* 1ell li)hted 1ith 1a, "andle- No
)li($e o& dayli)ht 1a to be een in it- It 1a a drein)/roo(*
a I +$$oed &ro( the &+rnit+re* tho+)h (+"h o& it 1a o& &or(
and +e then 4+ite +n#no1n to (e- :+t $ro(inent in it 1a a dra$ed
table 1ith a )ilded loo#in)/)la* and that I (ade o+t at &irt
i)ht to be a &ine lady' drein)/table-
7hether I ho+ld ha.e (ade o+t thi obAe"t o oon i& there had
been no &ine lady ittin) at it* I "annot ay- In an ar(/"hair*
1ith an elbo1 retin) on the table and her head leanin) on that
hand* at the tran)et lady I ha.e een* or hall ee-
She 1a dreed in ri"h (aterial*//atin* and la"e* and il#*//
all o& 1hite- ;er hoe 1ere 1hite- And he had a lon) 1hite .eil
de$endent &ro( her hair* and he had bridal &lo1er in her hair*
b+t her hair 1a 1hite- So(e bri)ht Ae1el $ar#led on her ne"# and
on her hand* and o(e other Ae1el lay $ar#lin) on the table-
!ree* le $lendid than the dre he 1ore* and hal&/$a"#ed
tr+n#* 1ere "attered abo+t- She had not 4+ite &inihed drein)*
&or he had b+t one hoe on*//the other 1a on the table near her
hand*//her .eil 1a b+t hal& arran)ed* her 1at"h and "hain 1ere not
$+t on* and o(e la"e &or her boo( lay 1ith thoe trin#et* and
1ith her hand#er"hie&* and )lo.e* and o(e &lo1er* and a
Prayer/:oo# all "on&+edly hea$ed abo+t the loo#in)/)la-
It 1a not in the &irt &e1 (o(ent that I a1 all thee thin)*
tho+)h I a1 (ore o& the( in the &irt (o(ent than (i)ht be
+$$oed- :+t I a1 that e.erythin) 1ithin (y .ie1 1hi"h o+)ht to
be 1hite* had been 1hite lon) a)o* and had lot it l+tre and 1a
&aded and yello1- I a1 that the bride 1ithin the bridal dre had
1ithered li#e the dre* and li#e the &lo1er* and had no
bri)htne le&t b+t the bri)htne o& her +n#en eye- I a1 that
the dre had been $+t +$on the ro+nded &i)+re o& a yo+n) 1o(an*
and that the &i)+re +$on 1hi"h it no1 h+n) looe had hr+n# to
#in and bone- On"e* I had been ta#en to ee o(e )hatly 1a,1or#
at the 5air* re$reentin) I #no1 not 1hat i($oible $erona)e
lyin) in tate- On"e* I had been ta#en to one o& o+r old (arh
"h+r"he to ee a #eleton in the ahe o& a ri"h dre that had
been d+) o+t o& a .a+lt +nder the "h+r"h $a.e(ent- No1* 1a,1or# and
#eleton ee(ed to ha.e dar# eye that (o.ed and loo#ed at (e- I
ho+ld ha.e "ried o+t* i& I "o+ld-
67ho i it@6 aid the lady at the table-
6Pi$* (a'a(-6
6%r- P+(ble"hoo#' boy* (a'a(- Co(e//to $lay-6
6Co(e nearer9 let (e loo# at yo+- Co(e "loe-6
It 1a 1hen I tood be&ore her* a.oidin) her eye* that I too# note
o& the +rro+ndin) obAe"t in detail* and a1 that her 1at"h had
to$$ed at t1enty (in+te to nine* and that a "lo"# in the roo( had
to$$ed at t1enty (in+te to nine-
6Coo# at (e*6 aid %i ;a.iha(- 6?o+ are not a&raid o& a 1o(an
1ho ha een the +n in"e yo+ 1ere born@6
I re)ret to tate that I 1a not a&raid o& tellin) the enor(o+ lie
"o($rehended in the an1er 6No-6
6!o yo+ #no1 1hat I to+"h here@6 he aid* layin) her hand* one
+$on the other* on her le&t ide-
6?e* (a'a(-6 2It (ade (e thin# o& the yo+n) (an-3
67hat do I to+"h@6
6?o+r heart-6
She +ttered the 1ord 1ith an ea)er loo#* and 1ith tron) e($hai*
and 1ith a 1eird (ile that had a #ind o& boat in it- A&ter1ard
he #e$t her hand there &or a little 1hile* and lo1ly too# the(
a1ay a i& they 1ere hea.y-
6I a( tired*6 aid %i ;a.iha(- 6I 1ant di.erion* and I ha.e
done 1ith (en and 1o(en- Play-6
I thin# it 1ill be "on"eded by (y (ot di$+tatio+ reader* that
he "o+ld hardly ha.e dire"ted an +n&ort+nate boy to do anythin) in
the 1ide 1orld (ore di&&i"+lt to be done +nder the "ir"+(tan"e-
6I o(eti(e ha.e i"# &an"ie*6 he 1ent on* 6and I ha.e a i"#
&an"y that I 1ant to ee o(e $lay- There* there<6 1ith an i($atient
(o.e(ent o& the &in)er o& her ri)ht hand9 6$lay* $lay* $lay<6
5or a (o(ent* 1ith the &ear o& (y iter' 1or#in) (e be&ore (y
eye* I had a de$erate idea o& tartin) ro+nd the roo( in the
a+(ed "hara"ter o& %r- P+(ble"hoo#' "haie/"art- :+t I &elt
(yel& o +ne4+al to the $er&or(an"e that I )a.e it +$* and tood
loo#in) at %i ;a.iha( in 1hat I +$$oe he too# &or a do))ed
(anner* ina(+"h a he aid* 1hen 1e had ta#en a )ood loo# at ea"h
6Are yo+ +llen and obtinate@6
6No* (a'a(* I a( .ery orry &or yo+* and .ery orry I "an't $lay
A+t no1- I& yo+ "o($lain o& (e I hall )et into tro+ble 1ith (y
iter* o I 1o+ld do it i& I "o+ld9 b+t it' o ne1 here* and o
tran)e* and o &ine*//and (elan"holy//-6 I to$$ed* &earin) I (i)ht
ay too (+"h* or had already aid it* and 1e too# another loo# at
ea"h other-
:e&ore he $o#e a)ain* he t+rned her eye &ro( (e* and loo#ed at
the dre he 1ore* and at the drein)/table* and &inally at
herel& in the loo#in)/)la-
6So ne1 to hi(*6 he (+ttered* 6o old to (e9 o tran)e to hi(* o
&a(iliar to (e9 o (elan"holy to both o& +< Call Etella-6
A he 1a till loo#in) at the re&le"tion o& herel&* I tho+)ht
he 1a till tal#in) to herel&* and #e$t 4+iet-
6Call Etella*6 he re$eated* &lahin) a loo# at (e- 6?o+ "an do
that- Call Etella- At the door-6
To tand in the dar# in a (yterio+ $aa)e o& an +n#no1n ho+e*
ba1lin) Etella to a "orn&+l yo+n) lady neither .iible nor
re$oni.e* and &eelin) it a dread&+l liberty o to roar o+t her
na(e* 1a al(ot a bad a $layin) to order- :+t he an1ered at
lat* and her li)ht "a(e alon) the dar# $aa)e li#e a tar-
%i ;a.iha( be"#oned her to "o(e "loe* and too# +$ a Ae1el &ro(
the table* and tried it e&&e"t +$on her &air yo+n) boo( and
a)aint her $retty bro1n hair- 6?o+r o1n* one day* (y dear* and yo+
1ill +e it 1ell- Cet (e ee yo+ $lay "ard 1ith thi boy-6
67ith thi boy@ 7hy* he i a "o((on laborin) boy<6
I tho+)ht I o.erheard %i ;a.iha( an1er*//only it ee(ed o
Dnli#ely*//67ell@ ?o+ "an brea# hi heart-6
67hat do yo+ $lay* boy@6 a#ed Etella o& (yel&* 1ith the )reatet
6Nothin) b+t be))ar (y nei)hbor* (i-6
6:e))ar hi(*6 aid %i ;a.iha( to Etella- So 1e at do1n to
It 1a then I be)an to +ndertand that e.erythin) in the roo( had
to$$ed* li#e the 1at"h and the "lo"#* a lon) ti(e a)o- I noti"ed
that %i ;a.iha( $+t do1n the Ae1el e,a"tly on the $ot &ro(
1hi"h he had ta#en it +$- A Etella dealt the "ard* I )lan"ed at
the drein)/table a)ain* and a1 that the hoe +$on it* on"e
1hite* no1 yello1* had been 1orn- I )lan"ed do1n at the &oot
&ro( 1hi"h the hoe 1a abent* and a1 that the il# to"#in) on
it* on"e 1hite* no1 yello1* had been trodden ra))ed- 7itho+t thi
arret o& e.erythin)* thi tandin) till o& all the $ale de"ayed
obAe"t* not e.en the 1ithered bridal dre on the "olla$ed &or(
"o+ld ha.e loo#ed o li#e )ra.e/"lothe* or the lon) .eil o li#e a
So he at* "or$e/li#e* a 1e $layed at "ard9 the &rillin) and
tri((in) on her bridal dre* loo#in) li#e earthy $a$er- I #ne1
nothin) then o& the di"o.erie that are o""aionally (ade o&
bodie b+ried in an"ient ti(e* 1hi"h &all to $o1der in the (o(ent
o& bein) ditin"tly een9 b+t* I ha.e o&ten tho+)ht in"e* that he
(+t ha.e loo#ed a i& the ad(iion o& the nat+ral li)ht o& day
1o+ld ha.e tr+"# her to d+t-
6;e "all the #na.e 0a"#* thi boy<6 aid Etella 1ith didain*
be&ore o+r &irt )a(e 1a o+t- 6And 1hat "oare hand he ha< And
1hat thi"# boot<6
I had tho+)ht o& bein) aha(ed o& (y hand be&ore9 b+t I
be)an to "onider the( a .ery indi&&erent $air- ;er "onte($t &or (e
1a o tron)* that it be"a(e in&e"tio+* and I "a+)ht it-
She 1on the )a(e* and I dealt- I (idealt* a 1a only nat+ral*
1hen I #ne1 he 1a lyin) in 1ait &or (e to do 1ron)9 and he
deno+n"ed (e &or a t+$id* "l+(y laborin)/boy-
6?o+ ay nothin) o& her*6 re(ar#ed %i ;a.iha( to (e* a he
loo#ed on- 6She ay (any hard thin) o& yo+* b+t yo+ ay nothin)
o& her- 7hat do yo+ thin# o& her@6
6I don't li#e to ay*6 I ta((ered-
6Tell (e in (y ear*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* bendin) do1n-
6I thin# he i .ery $ro+d*6 I re$lied* in a 1hi$er-
6Anythin) ele@6
6I thin# he i .ery $retty-6
6Anythin) ele@6
6I thin# he i .ery in+ltin)-6 2She 1a loo#in) at (e then 1ith a
loo# o& +$re(e a.erion-3
6Anythin) ele@6
6I thin# I ho+ld li#e to )o ho(e-6
6And ee her a)ain* tho+)h he i o $retty@6
6I a( not +re that I ho+ldn't li#e to ee her a)ain* b+t I ho+ld
li#e to )o ho(e no1-6
6?o+ hall )o oon*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* alo+d- 6Play the )a(e
o+t-6 &or the one 1eird (ile at &irt* I ho+ld ha.e &elt al(ot
+re that %i ;a.iha(' &a"e "o+ld not (ile- It had dro$$ed into
a 1at"h&+l and broodin) e,$reion*//(ot li#ely 1hen all the
thin) abo+t her had be"o(e tran&i,ed*//and it loo#ed a i&
nothin) "o+ld li&t it +$ a)ain- ;er "het had dro$$ed* o that
he too$ed9 and her .oi"e had dro$$ed* o that he $o#e lo1* and
1ith a dead l+ll +$on her9 alto)ether* he had the a$$earan"e o& dro$$ed body and o+l* 1ithin and 1itho+t* +nder the 1ei)ht
o& a "r+hin) blo1-
I $layed the )a(e to an end 1ith Etella* and he be))ared (e- She
thre1 the "ard do1n on the table 1hen he had 1on the( all* a i&
he de$ied the( &or been 1on o& (e-
67hen hall I ha.e yo+ here a)ain@6 aid %i ;a.iha(- 6Cet (e
I 1a be)innin) to re(ind her that to/day 1a 7edneday* 1hen he
"he"#ed (e 1ith her &or(er i($atient (o.e(ent o& the &in)er o& her
ri)ht hand-
6There* there< I #no1 nothin) o& day o& the 1ee#9 I #no1 nothin)
o& 1ee# o& the year- Co(e a)ain a&ter i, day- ?o+ hear@6
6?e* (a'a(-6
6Etella* ta#e hi( do1n- Cet hi( ha.e o(ethin) to eat* and let hi(
roa( and loo# abo+t hi( 1hile he eat- Go* Pi$-6
I &ollo1ed the "andle do1n* a I had &ollo1ed the "andle +$* and
he tood it in the $la"e 1here 1e had &o+nd it- Dntil he o$ened
the ide entran"e* I had &an"ied* 1itho+t thin#in) abo+t it* that
it (+t ne"earily be ni)ht/ti(e- The r+h o& the dayli)ht 4+ite
"on&o+nded (e* and (ade (e &eel a i& I had been in the "andleli)ht
o& the tran)e roo( (any ho+r-
6?o+ are to 1ait here* yo+ boy*6 aid Etella9 and dia$$eared and
"loed the door-
I too# the o$$ort+nity o& bein) alone in the "o+rtyard to loo# at
(y "oare hand and (y "o((on boot- %y o$inion o& thoe
a""eorie 1a not &a.orable- They had tro+bled (e be&ore*
b+t they tro+bled (e no1* a .+l)ar a$$enda)e- I deter(ined to a#
0oe 1hy he had ta+)ht (e to "all thoe $i"t+re/"ard 0a"#*
1hi"h o+)ht to be "alled #na.e- I 1ihed 0oe had been rather (ore
)enteelly bro+)ht +$* and then I ho+ld ha.e been o too-
She "a(e ba"#* 1ith o(e bread and (eat and a little (+) o& beer-
She $+t the (+) do1n on the tone o& the yard* and )a.e (e the
bread and (eat 1itho+t loo#in) at (e* a inolently a i& I 1ere a
do) in di)ra"e- I 1a o h+(iliated* h+rt* $+rned* o&&ended*
an)ry* orry*//I "annot hit +$on the ri)ht na(e &or the (art//God
#no1 1hat it na(e 1a*//that tear tarted to (y eye- The (o(ent
they $ran) there* the )irl loo#ed at (e 1ith a 4+i"# deli)ht in been the "a+e o& the(- Thi )a.e (e $o1er to #ee$ the( ba"#
and to loo# at herB o* he )a.e a "onte($t+o+ to//b+t 1ith a
ene* I tho+)ht* o& (ade too +re that I 1a o 1o+nded//
and le&t (e-
:+t 1hen he 1a )one* I loo#ed abo+t (e &or a $la"e to hide (y
&a"e in* and )ot behind one o& the )ate in the bre1ery/lane* and
leaned (y lee.e a)aint the 1all there* and leaned (y &orehead on
it and "ried- A I "ried* I #i"#ed the 1all* and too# a hard t1it
at (y hair9 o bitter 1ere (y &eelin)* and o har$ 1a the (art
1itho+t a na(e* that needed "o+ntera"tion-
%y iter' brin)in) +$ had (ade (e eniti.e- In the little 1orld
in 1hi"h "hildren ha.e their e,iten"e brin) the( +$*
there i nothin) o &inely $er"ei.ed and o &inely &elt a
inA+ti"e- It (ay be only (all inA+ti"e that the "hild "an be
e,$oed to9 b+t the "hild i (all* and it 1orld i (all* and it
ro"#in)/hore tand a (any hand hi)h* a""ordin) to "ale* a a
bi)/boned Irih h+nter- 7ithin (yel&* I had +tained* &ro( (y
babyhood* a $er$et+al "on&li"t 1ith inA+ti"e- I had #no1n* &ro(
the ti(e 1hen I "o+ld $ea#* that (y iter* in her "a$ri"io+ and
.iolent "oer"ion* 1a +nA+t to (e- I had "herihed a $ro&o+nd
"on.i"tion that her brin)in) (e +$ by hand )a.e her no ri)ht to
brin) (e +$ by Aer#- Thro+)h all (y $+nih(ent* di)ra"e* &at*
and .i)il* and other $enitential $er&or(an"e* I had n+red thi
a+ran"e9 and to (y "o((+nin) o (+"h 1ith it* in a olitary and
+n$rote"ted 1ay* I in )reat $art re&er the &a"t that I 1a (orally
ti(id and .ery eniti.e-
I )ot rid o& (y inA+red &eelin) &or the ti(e by #i"#in) the( into
the bre1ery 1all* and t1itin) the( o+t o& (y hair* and then I
(oothed (y &a"e 1ith (y lee.e* and "a(e &ro( behind the )ate- The
bread and (eat 1ere a""e$table* and the beer 1a 1ar(in) and
tin)lin)* and I 1a oon in $irit to loo# abo+t (e-
To be +re* it 1a a deerted $la"e* do1n to the $i)eon/ho+e in
the bre1ery/yard* 1hi"h had been blo1n "roo#ed on it $ole by o(e
hi)h 1ind* and 1o+ld ha.e (ade the $i)eon thin# the(el.e at ea*
i& there had been any $i)eon there to be ro"#ed by it- :+t there
1ere no $i)eon in the do.e/"ot* no hore in the table* no $i)
in the ty* no (alt in the toreho+e* no (ell o& )rain and
beer in the "o$$er or the .at- All the +e and "ent o& the
bre1ery (i)ht ha.e e.a$orated 1ith it lat ree# o& (o#e- In a
by/yard* there 1a a 1ilderne o& e($ty "a#* 1hi"h had a "ertain
o+r re(e(bran"e o& better day lin)erin) abo+t the(9 b+t it 1a
too o+r to be a""e$ted a a a($le o& the beer that 1a )one*//and
in thi re$e"t I re(e(ber thoe re"l+e a bein) li#e (ot
:ehind the &+rthet end o& the bre1ery* 1a a ran# )arden 1ith an
old 1all9 not o hi)h b+t that I "o+ld tr+))le +$ and hold on lon)
eno+)h to loo# it* and ee that the ran# )arden 1a the )arden
o& the ho+e* and that it 1a 1ith tan)led 1eed* b+t
that there 1a a tra"# +$on the )reen and yello1 $ath* a i& o(e
one o(eti(e 1al#ed there* and that Etella 1a 1al#in) a1ay &ro(
(e e.en then- :+t he ee(ed to be e.ery1here- 5or 1hen I yielded
to the te($tation $reented by the "a#* and be)an to 1al# on
the(* I a1 her 1al#in) on the( at the end o& the yard o& "a#-
She had her ba"# to1ard (e* and held her $retty bro1n hair $read
o+t in her t1o hand* and loo#ed ro+nd* and $aed o+t o& (y
.ie1 dire"tly- So* in the bre1ery itel&*//by 1hi"h I (ean the
lar)e $a.ed lo&ty $la"e in 1hi"h they +ed to (a#e the beer* and
1here the bre1in) +tenil till 1ere- 7hen I &irt 1ent into it*
and* rather o$$reed by it )loo(* tood near the door loo#in)
abo+t (e* I a1 her $a a(on) the e,tin)+ihed &ire* and a"end
o(e li)ht iron tair* and )o o+t by a )allery hi)h o.erhead* a
i& he 1ere )oin) o+t into the #y-
It 1a in thi $la"e* and at thi (o(ent* that a tran)e thin)
ha$$ened to (y &an"y- I tho+)ht it a tran)e thin) then* and I
tho+)ht it a tran)er thin) lon) a&ter1ard- I t+rned (y eye//a
little di((ed by loo#in) +$ at the &roty li)ht//to1ard a )reat
1ooden bea( in a lo1 noo# o& the b+ildin) near (e on (y ri)ht hand*
and I a1 a &i)+re han)in) there by the ne"#- A &i)+re all in
yello1 1hite* 1ith b+t one hoe to the &eet9 and it h+n) o* that I
"o+ld ee that the &aded tri((in) o& the dre 1ere li#e earthy
$a$er* and that the &a"e 1a %i ;a.iha('* 1ith a (o.e(ent )oin) the 1hole "o+ntenan"e a i& he 1ere tryin) to "all to (e- In
the terror o& eein) the &i)+re* and in the terror o& bein) "ertain
that it had not been there a (o(ent be&ore* I at &irt ran &ro( it*
and then ran to1ard it- And (y terror 1a )reatet o& all 1hen I
&o+nd no &i)+re there-
Nothin) le than the &roty li)ht o& the "heer&+l #y* the i)ht
o& $eo$le $ain) beyond the bar o& the "o+rt/yard )ate* and the in&l+en"e o& the ret o& the bread and (eat and beer*
1o+ld ha.e bro+)ht (e ro+nd- E.en 1ith thoe aid* I (i)ht not ha.e
"o(e to (yel& a oon a I did* b+t that I a1 Etella a$$roa"hin)
1ith the #ey* to let (e o+t- She 1o+ld ha.e o(e &air reaon &or
loo#in) do1n +$on (e* I tho+)ht* i& he a1 (e &ri)htened9 and he
1o+ld ha.e no &air reaon-
She )a.e (e a tri+($hant )lan"e in $ain) (e* a i& he reAoi"ed
that (y hand 1ere o "oare and (y boot 1ere o thi"#* and he
o$ened the )ate* and tood holdin) it- I 1a $ain) o+t 1itho+t
loo#in) at her* 1hen he to+"hed (e 1ith a ta+ntin) hand-
67hy don't yo+ "ry@6
6:e"a+e I don't 1ant to-6
6?o+ do*6 aid he- 6?o+ ha.e been "ryin) till yo+ are hal& blind*
and yo+ are near "ryin) a)ain no1-6
She la+)hed "onte($t+o+ly* $+hed (e o+t* and lo"#ed the )ate +$on
(e- I 1ent trai)ht to %r- P+(ble"hoo#'* and 1a i((enely relie.ed
to &ind hi( not at ho(e- So* 1ord 1ith the ho$(an on 1hat
day I 1a 1anted at %i ;a.iha(' a)ain* I et o&& on the
&o+r/(ile 1al# to o+r &or)e9 $onderin)* a I 1ent alon)* on all I
had een* and dee$ly that I 1a a "o((on laborin)/boy9
that (y hand 1ere "oare9 that (y boot 1ere thi"#9 that I had
&allen into a de$i"able habit o& "allin) #na.e 0a"#9 that I 1a
(+"h (ore i)norant than I had "onidered (yel& lat ni)ht* and
)enerally that I 1a in a lo1/li.ed bad 1ay-
Cha$ter IX
7hen I rea"hed ho(e* (y iter 1a .ery "+rio+ to #no1 all abo+t
%i ;a.iha('* and a#ed a n+(ber o& 4+etion- And I oon &o+nd
(yel& )ettin) hea.ily b+($ed &ro( behind in the na$e o& the ne"#
and the (all o& the ba"#* and (y &a"e i)no(inio+ly ho.ed
a)aint the #it"hen 1all* be"a+e I did not an1er thoe 4+etion
at +&&i"ient len)th-
I& a dread o& not bein) +ndertood be hidden in the breat o&
other yo+n) $eo$le to anythin) li#e the e,tent to 1hi"h it +ed to
be hidden in (ine*//1hi"h I "onider $robable* a I ha.e no
$arti"+lar reaon to +$e"t (yel& o& been a (ontroity*//
it i the #ey to (any reer.ation- I &elt ""ed that i& I
de"ribed %i ;a.iha(' a (y eye had een it* I ho+ld not be
+ndertood- Not only that* b+t I &elt ""ed that %i ;a.iha(
too 1o+ld not be +ndertood9 and altho+)h he 1a $er&e"tly
in"o($rehenible to (e* I entertained an i($reion that there
1o+ld be o(ethin) "oare and trea"hero+ in (y dra))in) her a he
really 1a 2to ay nothin) o& %i Etella3 be&ore the
"onte($lation o& %r- 0oe- Cone4+ently* I aid a little a I
"o+ld* and had (y &a"e ho.ed a)aint the #it"hen 1all-
The 1ort o& it 1a that that b+llyin) old P+(ble"hoo#* $reyed +$on
by a de.o+rin) "+rioity to be in&or(ed o& all I had een and
heard* "a(e )a$in) in hi "haie/"art at tea/ti(e* to ha.e the
detail di.+l)ed to hi(- And the (ere i)ht o& the tor(ent* 1ith
hi &ihy eye and (o+th o$en* hi andy hair in4+iiti.ely on end*
and hi 1ait"oat 1ith 1indy arith(eti"* (ade (e .i"io+ in
(y reti"en"e-
67ell* boy*6 Dn"le P+(ble"hoo# be)an* a oon a he 1a eated in
the "hair o& honor by the &ire- 6;o1 did yo+ )et on +$ to1n@6
I an1ered* 6Pretty 1ell* ir*6 and (y iter hoo# her &it at (e-
6Pretty 1ell@6 %r- P+(ble"hoo# re$eated- 6Pretty 1ell i no an1er-
Tell + 1hat yo+ (ean by $retty 1ell* boy@6
7hite1ah on the &orehead harden the brain into a tate o&
obtina"y $erha$- Anyho1* 1ith 1hite1ah &ro( the 1all on (y
&orehead* (y obtina"y 1a ada(antine- I re&le"ted &or o(e ti(e*
and then an1ered a i& I had di"o.ered a ne1 idea* 6I (ean $retty
%y iter 1ith an e,"la(ation o& i($atien"e 1a )oin) to &ly at (e*
//I had no hado1 o& de&en"e* &or 0oe 1a b+y in the &or)e*//1hen %r-
P+(ble"hoo# inter$oed 1ith 6No< !on't loe yo+r te($er- Cea.e thi
lad to (e* (a'a(9 lea.e thi lad to (e-6 %r- P+(ble"hoo# then t+rned
(e to1ard hi(* a i& he 1ere )oin) to "+t (y hair* and aid*//
65irt2to )et o+r tho+)ht in order3B 5orty/three $en"e@6
I "al"+lated the "one4+en"e o& re$lyin) 65o+r ;+ndred Po+nd*6 and
&indin) the( a)aint (e* 1ent a near the an1er a I "o+ld//1hi"h
1a o(e1here abo+t ei)ht$en"e o&&- %r- P+(ble"hoo# then $+t (e
thro+)h (y $en"e/table &ro( 6t1el.e $en"e (a#e one hillin)*6 +$ to
6&orty $en"e (a#e three and &o+r$en"e*6 and then tri+($hantly
de(anded* a i& he had done &or (e* 6No1< ;o1 (+"h i &orty/three
$en"e@6 To 1hi"h I re$lied* a&ter a lon) o& re&le"tion* 6I
don't #no1-6 And I 1a o a))ra.ated that I al(ot do+bt i& I did
%r- P+(ble"hoo# 1or#ed hi head li#e a "re1 to "re1 it o+t o& (e*
and aid* 6I &orty/three $en"e e.en and i,$en"e three &arden*
&or intan"e@6
6?e<6 aid I- And altho+)h (y iter intantly bo,ed (y ear* it
1a hi)hly )rati&yin) to (e to ee that the an1er $oilt hi Ao#e*
and bro+)ht hi( to a dead to$-
6:oy< 7hat li#e i %i ;a.iha(@6 %r- P+(ble"hoo# be)an a)ain 1hen
he had re"o.ered9 &oldin) hi ar( ti)ht on hi "het and a$$lyin)
the "re1-
6Eery tall and dar#*6 I told hi(-
6I he* +n"le@6 a#ed (y iter-
%r- P+(ble"hoo# 1in#ed aent9 &ro( 1hi"h I at on"e in&erred that he
had een %i ;a.iha(* &or he 1a nothin) o& the #ind-
6Good<6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo# "on"eitedly- 26Thi i the 1ay to ha.e
hi(< 7e are be)innin) to hold o+r o1n* I thin#* %+(@63
6I a( +re* +n"le*6 ret+rned %r- 0oe* 6I 1ih yo+ had hi( al1ay9
yo+ #no1 o 1ell ho1 to deal 1ith hi(-6
6No1* boy< 7hat 1a he a doin) o&* 1hen yo+ 1ent in today@6 a#ed
%r- P+(ble"hoo#-
6She 1a ittin)*6 I an1ered* 6in a bla"# "oa"h-6
%r- P+(ble"hoo# and %r- 0oe tared at one another//a they 1ell
%i)ht//and both re$eated* 6In a bla"# "oa"h@6
6?e*6 aid I- 6And %i Etella//that' her nie"e* I thin#//
handed her in "a#e and 1ine at the "oa"h/1indo1* on a )old $late-
And 1e all had "a#e and 1ine on )old $late- And I )ot +$ behind
the "oa"h to eat (ine* be"a+e he told (e to-6
67a anybody ele there@6 a#ed %r- P+(ble"hoo#-
65o+r do)*6 aid I-
6Car)e or (all@6
6I((ene*6 aid I- 6And they &o+)ht &or .eal/"+tlet o+t o& a ba#et-6
%r- P+(ble"hoo# and %r- 0oe tared at one another a)ain* in +tter
a(a8e(ent- I 1a $er&e"tly &ranti"*//a re"#le 1itne +nder the
tort+re*//and 1o+ld ha.e told the( anythin)-
67here 1a thi "oa"h* in the na(e o& )ra"io+@6 a#ed (y iter-
6In %i ;a.iha(' roo(-6 They tared a)ain- 6:+t there 1eren't
any hore to it-6 I added thi "la+e* in the (o(ent o&
reAe"tin) &o+r ri"hly "a$arioned "o+rer 1hi"h I had had 1ild
tho+)ht o& harnein)-
6Can thi be $oible* +n"le@6 a#ed %r- 0oe- 67hat "an the boy
6I'll tell yo+* %+(*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#- 6%y o$inion i* it' a
edan/"hair- She' &li)hty* yo+ #no1*//.ery &li)hty*//4+ite &li)hty
eno+)h to $a her day in a edan/"hair-6
6!id yo+ ee her in it* +n"le@6 a#ed %r- 0oe-
6;o1 "o+ld I*6 he ret+rned* &or"ed to the ad(iion* 61hen I
ee her in (y li&e@ "la$$ed eye +$on her<6
6Goodne* +n"le< And yet yo+ ha.e $o#en to her@6
67hy* don't yo+ #no1*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* tetily* 6that 1hen I
ha.e been there* I ha.e been too# +$ to the o+tide o& her door*
and the door ha tood aAar* and he ha $o#e to (e that 1ay-
!on't ay yo+ don't #no1 that* %+(- ;* the boy 1ent there to
$lay- 7hat did yo+ $lay at* boy@6
67e $layed 1ith &la)*6 I aid- 2I be) to ober.e that I thin# o&
(yel& 1ith a(a8e(ent* 1hen I re"all the lie I told on thi
65la)<6 e"hoed (y iter-
6?e*6 aid I- 6Etella 1a.ed a bl+e &la)* and I 1a.ed a red one*
and %i ;a.iha( 1a.ed one $rin#led all 1ith little )old
tar* o+t at the "oa"h/1indo1- And then 1e all 1a.ed o+r 1ord
and h+rrahed-6
6S1ord<6 re$eated (y iter- 67here did yo+ )et 1ord &ro(@6
6O+t o& a "+$board*6 aid I- 6And I a1 $itol in it*//and Aa(*//
and $ill- And there 1a no dayli)ht in the roo(* b+t it 1a all
li)hted +$ 1ith "andle-6
6That' tr+e* %+(*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 1ith a )ra.e nod- 6That'
the tate o& the "ae* &or that (+"h I'.e een (yel&-6 And then
they both tared at (e* and I* 1ith an obtr+i.e ho1 o&
artlene on (y "o+ntenan"e* tared at the(* and $laited the
ri)ht le) o& (y tro+er 1ith (y ri)ht hand-
I& they had a#ed (e any (ore 4+etion* I ho+ld +ndo+btedly ha.e
betrayed (yel&* &or I 1a e.en then on the $oint o& (entionin)
that there 1a a balloon in the yard* and ho+ld ha.e ha8arded the
tate(ent b+t &or (y in.ention bein) di.ided bet1een that
$heno(enon and a bear in the bre1ery- They 1ere o (+"h o""+$ied** in di"+in) the (ar.el I had already $reented &or
their "onideration* that I e"a$ed- The +bAe"t till held the(
1hen 0oe "a(e in &ro( hi 1or# to ha.e a "+$ o& tea- To 1ho( (y
iter* (ore &or the relie& o& her o1n (ind than &or the
)rati&i"ation o& hi* related (y $retended e,$erien"e-
No1* 1hen I a1 0oe o$en hi bl+e eye and roll the( all ro+nd the
#it"hen in hel$le a(a8e(ent* I 1a o.erta#en by $eniten"e9 b+t
only a re)arded hi(*//not in the leat a re)arded the other t1o-
To1ard 0oe* and 0oe only* I "onidered (yel& a yo+n) (onter*
1hile they at debatin) 1hat re+lt 1o+ld "o(e to (e &ro( %i
;a.iha(' a"4+aintan"e and &a.or- They had no do+bt that %i
;a.iha( 1o+ld 6do o(ethin)6 &or (e9 their do+bt related to the
&or( that o(ethin) 1o+ld ta#e- %y iter tood o+t &or 6$ro$erty-6
%r- P+(ble"hoo# 1a in &a.or o& a hando(e $re(i+( &or bindin) (e
a$$renti"e to o(e )enteel trade*//ay* the "orn and eed trade*
&or intan"e- 0oe &ell into the dee$et di)ra"e 1ith both* &or
o&&erin) the bri)ht +))etion that I (i)ht only be $reented 1ith
one o& the do) 1ho had &o+)ht &or the .eal/"+tlet- 6I& a &ool'
head "an't e,$re better o$inion than that*6 aid (y iter* 6and
yo+ ha.e )ot any 1or# to do* yo+ had better )o and do it-6 So he
A&ter %r- P+(ble"hoo# had dri.en o&&* and 1hen (y iter 1a 1ahin)
+$* I tole into the &or)e to 0oe* and re(ained by hi( +ntil he had
done &or the ni)ht- Then I aid* 6:e&ore the &ire )oe o+t* 0oe* I
ho+ld li#e to tell yo+ o(ethin)-6
6Sho+ld yo+* Pi$@6 aid 0oe* dra1in) hi hoein)/tool near the
&or)e- 6Then tell +- 7hat i it* Pi$@6
60oe*6 aid I* ta#in) hold o& hi rolled/+$ hirt lee.e* and
t1itin) it bet1een (y &in)er and th+(b* 6yo+ re(e(ber all that
abo+t %i ;a.iha('@6
6Re(e(ber@6 aid 0oe- 6I belie.e yo+< 7onder&+l<6
6It' a terrible thin)* 0oe9 it ain't tr+e-6
67hat are yo+ tellin) o&* Pi$@6 "ried 0oe* &allin) ba"# in the
)reatet a(a8e(ent- 6?o+ don't (ean to ay it'//6
6?e I do9 it' lie* 0oe-6
6:+t not all o& it@ 7hy +re yo+ don't (ean to ay* Pi$* that there
1a no bla"# 1el1et "o//"h@6 5or* I tood ha#in) (y head- 6:+t at
leat there 1a do)* Pi$@ Co(e* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* $er+ai.ely* 6i&
there 1arn't no 1eal/"+tlet* at leat there 1a do)@6
6No* 0oe-6
6A do)@6 aid 0oe- 6A $+$$y@ Co(e@6
6No* 0oe* there 1a nothin) at all o& the #ind-6
A I &i,ed (y eye ho$elely on 0oe* 0oe "onte($lated (e in
di(ay- 6Pi$* old "ha$< Thi 1on't do* old &ello1< I ay< 7here do
yo+ e,$e"t to )o to@6
6It' terrible* 0oe9 ain't it@6
6Terrible@6 "ried 0oe- 6A1&+l< 7hat $oeed yo+@6
6I don't #no1 1hat $oeed (e* 0oe*6 I re$lied* lettin) hi hirt
lee.e )o* and ittin) do1n in the ahe at hi &eet* han)in) (y
head9 6b+t I 1ih yo+ hadn't ta+)ht (e to "all =na.e at "ard
0a"#9 and I 1ih (y boot 1eren't o thi"# nor (y hand o
And then I told 0oe that I &elt .ery (ierable* and that I hadn't
been able to e,$lain (yel& to %r- 0oe and P+(ble"hoo#* 1ho 1ere o
r+de to (e* and that there had been a bea+ti&+l yo+n) lady at %i
;a.iha(' 1ho 1a dread&+lly $ro+d* and that he had aid I 1a
"o((on* and that I #ne1 I 1a "o((on* and that I 1ihed I 1a not
"o((on* and that the lie had "o(e o& it o(eho1* tho+)h I didn't
#no1 ho1-
Thi 1a a "ae o& (eta$hyi"* at leat a di&&i"+lt &or 0oe to
deal 1ith a &or (e- :+t 0oe too# the "ae alto)ether o+t o& the
re)ion o& (eta$hyi"* and by that (ean .an4+ihed it-
6There' one thin) yo+ (ay be +re o&* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* a&ter o(e
r+(ination* 6na(ely* that lie i lie- ; they "o(e* they
didn't o+)ht to "o(e* and they "o(e &ro( the &ather o& lie* and
1or# ro+nd to the a(e- !on't yo+ tell no (ore o& 'e(* Pi$- That
ain't the 1ay to )et o+t o& bein) "o((on* old "ha$- And a to bein)
"o((on* I don't (a#e it o+t at all "lear- ?o+ are on"o((on in o(e
thin)- ?o+'re on"o((on (all- Ci#e1ie yo+'re a on"o((on "holar-6
6No* I a( i)norant and ba"#1ard* 0oe-6
67hy* ee 1hat a letter yo+ 1rote lat ni)ht< 7rote in $rint e.en<
I'.e een letter//Ah< and &ro( )entle&ol#<//that I'll 1ear
1eren't 1rote in $rint*6 aid 0oe-
6I ha.e learnt ne,t to nothin)* 0oe- ?o+ thin# (+"h o& (e- It'
only that-6
67ell* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* 6be it o or be it on't* yo+ (+t be a
"o((on "holar a&ore yo+ "an be a on"o((on one* I ho+ld ho$e< The
#in) +$on hi throne* 1ith hi "ro1n +$on hi ed* "an't it and
1rite hi a"t o& Parlia(ent in $rint* 1itho+t be)+n* 1hen
he 1ere a +n$ro(oted Prin"e* 1ith the al$habet-//Ah<6 added 0oe*
1ith a ha#e o& the head that 1a &+ll o& (eanin)* 6and be)+n at A-
too* and 1or#ed hi 1ay to H- And I #no1 1hat that i to do* tho+)h
I "an't ay I'.e e,a"tly done it-6
There 1a o(e ho$e in thi $ie"e o& 1ido(* and it rather
en"o+ra)ed (e-
67hether "o((on one a to "allin) and earnin)*6 $+r+ed 0oe*
re&le"ti.ely* 6(i)htn't be the better o& "ontin+in) &or to #ee$
"o($any 1ith "o((on one* intead o& )oin) o+t to $lay 1ith
on"o((on one*//1hi"h re(ind (e to ho$e that there 1ere a &la)*
6No* 0oe-6
62I'( orry there 1eren't a &la)* Pi$3- 7hether that (i)ht be or
(i)htn't be* i a thin) a "an't be loo#ed into no1* 1itho+t
$+ttin) yo+r iter on the Ra($a)e9 and that' a thin) not to be
tho+)ht o& a bein) done intentional- Coo#ee here* Pi$* at 1hat i
aid to yo+ by a tr+e &riend- 7hi"h thi to yo+ the tr+e &riend
ay- I& yo+ "an't )et to be on"o((on thro+)h )oin) trai)ht* yo+'ll )et to do it thro+)h )oin) "roo#ed- So don't tell no (ore on
'e(* Pi$* and li.e 1ell and die ha$$y-6
6?o+ are not an)ry 1ith (e* 0oe@6
6No* old "ha$- :+t bearin) in (ind that the( 1ere 1hi"h I
(eanteray o& a t+nnin) and o+tda"io+ ort*//all+din) to the(
1hi"h bordered on 1eal/"+tlet and do)/&i)htin)*//a in"ere
1ell/1iher 1o+ld ad1ie* Pi$* their bein) dro$$ed into yo+r
(editation* 1hen yo+ )o +$ tair to bed- That' all* old "ha$*
and don't do it no (ore-6
7hen I )ot +$ to (y little roo( and aid (y $rayer* I did not
&or)et 0oe' re"o((endation* and yet (y yo+n) (ind 1a in that
dit+rbed and +nthan#&+l tate* that I tho+)ht lon) a&ter I laid (e
do1n* ho1 "o((on Etella 1o+ld "onider 0oe* a (ere bla"#(ith9 ho1
thi"# hi boot* and ho1 "oare hi hand- I tho+)ht ho1 0oe and (y
iter 1ere then ittin) in the #it"hen* and ho1 I had "o(e +$ to
bed &ro( the #it"hen* and ho1 %i ;a.iha( and Etella at
in a #it"hen* b+t 1ere &ar abo.e the le.el o& +"h "o((on doin)- I
&ell alee$ re"allin) 1hat I 6+ed to do6 1hen I 1a at %i
;a.iha('9 a tho+)h I had been there 1ee# or (onth* intead o&
ho+r9 and a tho+)h it 1ere 4+ite an old +bAe"t o& re(e(bran"e*
intead o& one that had arien only that day-
That 1a a (e(orable day to (e* &or it (ade )reat "han)e in (e-
:+t it i the a(e 1ith any li&e- I(a)ine one ele"ted day tr+"#
o+t o& it* and thin# ho1 di&&erent it "o+re 1o+ld ha.e been-
Pa+e yo+ 1ho read thi* and thin# &or a (o(ent o& the lon) "hain
o& iron or )old* o& thorn or &lo1er* that 1o+ld ha.e bo+nd
yo+* b+t &or the &or(ation o& the &irt lin# on one (e(orable day-
Cha$ter X
The &eli"ito+ idea o""+rred to (e a (ornin) or t1o later 1hen I
1o#e* that the bet te$ I "o+ld ta#e to1ard (a#in) (yel&
+n"o((on 1a to )et o+t o& :iddy e.erythin) he #ne1- In $+r+an"e
o& thi l+(ino+ "on"e$tion I (entioned to :iddy 1hen I 1ent to %r-
7o$le' )reat/a+nt' at ni)ht* that I had a $arti"+lar reaon &or
1ihin) to )et on in li&e* and that I ho+ld &eel .ery (+"h obli)ed
to her i& he 1o+ld i($art all her learnin) to (e- :iddy* 1ho 1a
the (ot obli)in) o& )irl* i((ediately aid he 1o+ld* and indeed
be)an to "arry o+t her $ro(ie 1ithin &i.e (in+te-
The Ed+"ational "he(e or Co+re etablihed by %r- 7o$le'
)reat/a+nt (ay be reol.ed into the &ollo1in) yno$i- The $+$il
ate a$$le and $+t tra1 do1n one another' ba"#* +ntil %r-
7o$le' )reat/a+nt "olle"ted her ener)ie* and (ade an
indi"ri(inate totter at the( 1ith a bir"h/rod- A&ter re" the
"har)e 1ith e.ery (ar# o& deriion* the $+$il &or(ed in line and
b+88in)ly $aed a ra))ed boo# &ro( hand to hand- The boo# had an
al$habet in it* o(e &i)+re and table* and a little $ellin)*//
that i to ay* it had had on"e- A oon a thi .ol+(e be)an to
"ir"+late* %r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt &ell into a tate o& "o(a*
ariin) either &ro( lee$ or a rhe+(ati" $aro,y(- The $+$il then
entered a(on) the(el.e +$on a "o($etiti.e e,a(ination on the
+bAe"t o& :oot* 1ith the .ie1 o& a"ertainin) 1ho "o+ld tread the
hardet +$on 1hoe toe- Thi (ental e,er"ie lated +ntil :iddy
(ade a r+h at the( and ditrib+ted three de&a"ed :ible 2ha$ed a
i& they had been +n#il&+lly "+t o&& the "h+($ end o& o(ethin)3*
(ore ille)ibly $rinted at the bet than any "+rioitie o&
literat+re I ha.e in"e (et 1ith* $e"#led all 1ith iron(o+ld*
and .ario+ $e"i(en o& the ine"t 1orld (ahed bet1een
their lea.e- Thi $art o& the Co+re 1a ++ally li)htened by
e.eral in)le "o(bat bet1een :iddy and re&ra"tory t+dent- 7hen
the &i)ht 1ere* :iddy )a.e o+t the n+(ber o& a $a)e* and then
1e all read alo+d 1hat 1e "o+ld*//or 1hat 1e "o+ldn't//in a
&ri)ht&+l "hor+9 :iddy leadin) 1ith a hi)h* hrill* (onotono+
.oi"e* and none o& + the leat notion o&* or re.eren"e &or*
1hat 1e 1ere readin) abo+t- 7hen thi horrible din had lated a
"ertain ti(e* it (e"hani"ally a1o#e %r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt* 1ho
ta))ered at a boy &ort+ito+ly* and $+lled hi ear- Thi 1a
+ndertood to ter(inate the Co+re &or the e.enin)* and 1e e(er)ed
into the air 1ith hrie# o& intelle"t+al .i"tory- It i &air to
re(ar# that there 1a no $rohibition a)aint any $+$il'
entertainin) hi(el& 1ith a late or e.en 1ith the in# 21hen there
1a any3* b+t that it 1a not eay to $+r+e that bran"h o& t+dy
in the 1inter eaon* on a""o+nt o& the little )eneral ho$ in
1hi"h the "lae 1ere holden//and 1hi"h 1a alo %r- 7o$le'
)reat/a+nt' ittin)/roo( and bed"ha(ber//bein) b+t &aintly
ill+(inated thro+)h the a)en"y o& one lo1/$irited di$/"andle and
no n+&&er-
It a$$eared to (e that it 1o+ld ta#e ti(e to be"o(e +n"o((on* +nder
thee "ir"+(tan"eB ne.erthele* I reol.ed to try it* and that
.ery e.enin) :iddy entered on o+r $e"ial a)ree(ent* by i($artin)
o(e in&or(ation &ro( her little "atalo)+e o& Pri"e* +nder the
head o& (oit +)ar* and lendin) (e* to "o$y at ho(e* a lar)e old
En)lih ! 1hi"h he had i(itated &ro( the headin) o& o(e
ne1$a$er* and 1hi"h I +$$oed* +ntil he told (e 1hat it 1a* to
be a dei)n &or a b+"#le-
O& "o+re there 1a a $+bli"/ho+e in the .illa)e* and o& "o+re
0oe li#ed o(eti(e to (o#e hi $i$e there- I had re"ei.ed tri"t
order &ro( (y iter to "all &or hi( at the Three 0olly :ar)e(en*
that e.enin)* on (y 1ay &ro( "hool* and brin) hi( ho(e at (y
$eril- To the Three 0olly :ar)e(en* there&ore* I dire"ted (y te$-
There 1a a bar at the 0olly :ar)e(en* 1ith o(e alar(in)ly lon)
"hal# "ore in it on the 1all at the ide o& the door* 1hi"h
ee(ed to (e to be $aid o&&- They had been there in"e I
"o+ld re(e(ber* and had )ro1n (ore than I had- :+t there 1a a
4+antity o& "hal# abo+t o+r "o+ntry* and $erha$ the $eo$le
ne)le"ted no o$$ort+nity o& t+rnin) it to a""o+nt-
It bein) Sat+rday ni)ht* I &o+nd the landlord loo#in) rather )ri(ly
at thee re"ord9 b+t a (y b+ine 1a 1ith 0oe and not 1ith hi(*
I (erely 1ihed hi( )ood e.enin)* and $aed into the "o((on roo(
at the end o& the $aa)e* 1here there 1a a bri)ht lar)e #it"hen
&ire* and 1here 0oe 1a (o#in) hi $i$e in "o($any 1ith %r- 7o$le
and a tran)er- 0oe )reeted (e a ++al 1ith 6;alloa* Pi$* old
"ha$<6 and the (o(ent he aid that* the tran)er t+rned hi head
and loo#ed at (e-
;e 1a a e"ret/loo#in) (an 1ho( I had een be&ore- ;i head
1a all on one ide* and one o& hi eye 1a hal& h+t +$* a i& he
1ere ta#in) ai( at o(ethin) 1ith an in.iible )+n- ;e had a $i$e
in hi (o+th* and he too# it o+t* and* a&ter lo1ly blo1in) all hi
(o#e a1ay and loo#in) hard at (e all the ti(e* nodded- So* I
nodded* and then he nodded a)ain* and (ade roo( on the ettle
beide hi( that I (i)ht it do1n there-
:+t a I 1a +ed to it beide 0oe I entered that $la"e
o& reort* I aid 6No* than# yo+* ir*6 and &ell into the $a"e 0oe
(ade &or (e on the o$$oite ettle- The tran)e (an* a&ter )lan"in)
at 0oe* and eein) that hi attention 1a other1ie en)a)ed* nodded
to (e a)ain 1hen I had ta#en (y eat* and then r+bbed hi le)//in
a .ery odd 1ay* a it tr+"# (e-
6?o+ 1a ayin)*6 aid the tran)e (an* t+rnin) to 0oe* 6that yo+
1a a bla"#(ith-6
6?e- I aid it* yo+ #no1*6 aid 0oe-
67hat'll yo+ drin#* %r-//@ ?o+ didn't (ention yo+r na(e*
by the bye-6
0oe (entioned it no1* and the tran)e (an "alled hi( by it-
67hat'll yo+ drin#* %r- Gar)ery@ At (y e,$ene@ To to$ +$ 1ith@6
67ell*6 aid 0oe* 6to tell yo+ the tr+th* I ain't (+"h in the habit
o& drin#in) at anybody' e,$ene b+t (y o1n-6
6;abit@ No*6 ret+rned the tran)er* 6b+t on"e and a1ay* and on a
Sat+rday ni)ht too- Co(e< P+t a na(e to it* %r- Gar)ery-6
6I 1o+ldn't 1ih to be ti&& "o($any*6 aid 0oe- 6R+(-6
6R+(*6 re$eated the tran)er- 6And 1ill the other )entle(an
ori)inate a enti(ent-6
6R+(*6 aid %r- 7o$le-
6Three R+(<6 "ried the tran)er* "allin) to the landlord- 6Glae
6Thi other )entle(an*6 ober.ed 0oe* by 1ay o& introd+"in) %r-
7o$le* 6i a )entle(an that yo+ 1o+ld li#e to hear )i.e it o+t-
O+r "ler# at "h+r"h-6
6Aha<6 aid the tran)er* 4+i"#ly* and "o"#in) hi eye at (e- 6The
lonely "h+r"h* ri)ht o+t on the (arhe* 1ith )ra.e ro+nd it<6
6That' it*6 aid 0oe-
The tran)er* 1ith a "o(&ortable #ind o& )r+nt hi $i$e* $+t
hi le) +$ on the ettle that he had to hi(el&- ;e 1ore a
&la$$in) broad/bri((ed tra.eller' hat* and +nder it a hand#er"hie&
tied hi head in the (anner o& a "a$B o that he ho1ed no
hair- A he loo#ed at the &ire* I tho+)ht I a1 a "+nnin)
e,$reion* &ollo1ed by a hal&/la+)h* "o(e into hi &a"e-
6I a( not a"4+ainted 1ith thi "o+ntry* )entle(en* b+t it ee( a
olitary "o+ntry to1ard the
6%ot (arhe i olitary*6 aid 0oe-
6No do+bt* no do+bt- !o yo+ &ind any )y$ie* no1* or tra($* or
.a)rant o& any ort* o+t there@6
6No*6 aid 0oe9 6none b+t a r+na1ay "on.i"t no1 and then- And 1e
don't &ind the(* eay- Eh* %r- 7o$le@6
%r- 7o$le* 1ith a (aAeti" re(e(bran"e o& old di"o(&it+re*
aented9 b+t not 1ar(ly-
6See( yo+ ha.e been o+t a&ter +"h@6 a#ed the tran)er-
6On"e*6 ret+rned 0oe- 6Not that 1e 1anted to ta#e the(* yo+
+ndertand9 1e 1ent o+t a loo#er on9 (e* and %r- 7o$le* and Pi$-
!idn't +* Pi$@6
6?e* 0oe-6
The tran)er loo#ed at (e a)ain*//till "o"#in) hi eye* a i& he
1ere e,$rely ta#in) ai( at (e 1ith hi in.iible )+n*//and aid*
6;e' a li#ely yo+n) $ar"el o& bone that- 7hat i it yo+ "all
6Pi$*6 aid 0oe-
6Chritened Pi$@6
6No* not "hritened Pi$-6
6S+rna(e Pi$@6
6No*6 aid 0oe* 6it' a #ind o& &a(ily na(e 1hat he )a.e hi(el&
1hen a in&ant* and i "alled by-6
6Son o& yo+r@6
67ell*6 aid 0oe* (editati.ely* not* o& "o+re* that it "o+ld be
in any1ie ne"eary to "onider abo+t it* b+t be"a+e it 1a the
1ay at the 0olly :ar)e(en to ee( to "onider dee$ly abo+t
e.erythin) that 1a di"+ed $i$e*//61ell//no- No* he
6Ne..y@6 aid the tran)e (an-
67ell*6 aid 0oe* 1ith the a(e a$$earan"e o& $ro&o+nd "o)itation*
6he i not//no* not to de"ei.e yo+* he i not//(y ne..y-6
67hat the :l+e :la8e i he@6 a#ed the tran)er- 7hi"h a$$eared to
(e to be an in4+iry o& +nne"eary tren)th-
%r- 7o$le tr+"# in +$on that9 a one 1ho #ne1 all abo+t
relationhi$* $ro&eional o""aion to bear in (ind 1hat
&e(ale relation a (an (i)ht not (arry9 and e,$o+nded the tie
bet1een (e and 0oe- ; hi hand in* %r- 7o$le &inihed o&& 1ith
a (ot terri&i"ally narlin) $aa)e &ro( Ri"hard the Third* and
ee(ed to thin# he had done 4+ite eno+)h to a""o+nt &or it 1hen he
added* 6//a the $oet ay-6
And here I (ay re(ar# that 1hen %r- 7o$le re&erred to (e* he
"onidered it a ne"eary $art o& +"h re&eren"e to r+($le (y hair
and $o#e it into (y eye- I "annot "on"ei.e 1hy e.erybody o& hi
tandin) 1ho .iited at o+r ho+e ho+ld al1ay ha.e $+t (e thro+)h
the a(e in&la((atory $ro"e +nder i(ilar "ir"+(tan"e- ?et I do
not "all to (ind that I 1a in (y earlier yo+th the +bAe"t o&
re(ar# in o+r o"ial &a(ily "ir"le* b+t o(e lar)e/handed $eron
too# o(e +"h o$hthal(i" te$ to $atroni8e (e-
All thi 1hile* the tran)e (an loo#ed at nobody b+t (e* and loo#ed
at (e a i& he 1ere deter(ined to ha.e a hot at (e at lat* and
brin) (e do1n- :+t he aid nothin) a&ter o&&erin) hi :l+e :la8e
ober.ation* +ntil the )lae o& r+( and 1ater 1ere bro+)ht9 and
then he (ade hi hot* and a (ot e,traordinary hot it 1a-
It 1a not a .erbal re(ar#* b+t a $ro"eedin) in d+(b/ho1* and 1a
$ointedly addreed to (e- ;e tirred hi r+( and 1ater $ointedly
at (e* and he tated hi r+( and 1ater $ointedly at (e- And he
tirred it and he tated it9 not 1ith a $oon that 1a bro+)ht to
hi(* b+t 1ith a &ile-
;e did thi o that nobody b+t I a1 the &ile9 and 1hen he had done
it he 1i$ed the &ile and $+t it in a breat/$o"#et- I #ne1 it to be
0oe' &ile* and I #ne1 that he #ne1 (y "on.i"t* the (o(ent I a1
the intr+(ent- I at )a8in) at hi(* $ell/bo+nd- :+t he no1
re"lined on hi ettle* ta#in) .ery little noti"e o& (e* and
tal#in) $rin"i$ally abo+t t+rni$-
There 1a a deli"io+ ene o& "leanin)/+$ and (a#in) a 4+iet $a+e
be&ore )oin) on in li&e a&reh* in o+r .illa)e on Sat+rday ni)ht*
1hi"h ti(+lated 0oe to dare to tay o+t hal& an ho+r lon)er on
Sat+rday than at other ti(e- The hal&/ho+r and the r+( and 1ater
r+nnin) o+t to)ether* 0oe )ot +$ to )o* and too# (e by the hand-
6Sto$ hal& a (o(ent* %r- Gar)ery*6 aid the tran)e (an- 6I thin#
I'.e )ot a bri)ht ne1 hillin) o(e1here in (y $o"#et* and i& I
ha.e* the boy hall ha.e it-6
;e loo#ed it o+t &ro( a hand&+l o& (all "han)e* &olded it in o(e
"r+($led $a$er* and )a.e it to (e- 6?o+r<6 aid he- 6%ind< ?o+r
I than#ed hi(* tarin) at hi( &ar beyond the bo+nd o& )ood
(anner* and holdin) ti)ht to 0oe- ;e )a.e 0oe )ood/ni)ht* and he
)a.e %r- 7o$le )ood/ni)ht 21ho 1ent o+t 1ith +3* and he )a.e (e
only a loo# 1ith hi ai(in) eye*//no* not a loo#* &or he h+t it
+$* b+t 1onder (ay be done 1ith an eye by hidin) it-
On the 1ay ho(e* i& I had been in a h+(or &or tal#in)* the tal#
(+t ha.e been all on (y ide* &or %r- 7o$le $arted &ro( + at the
door o& the 0olly :ar)e(en* and 0oe 1ent all the 1ay ho(e 1ith hi
(o+th 1ide o$en* to rine the r+( o+t 1ith a (+"h air a $oible-
:+t I 1a in a (anner t+$e&ied by thi t+rnin) +$ o& (y old
(ideed and old a"4+aintan"e* and "o+ld thin# o& nothin) ele-
%y iter 1a not in a .ery bad te($er 1hen 1e $reented o+rel.e
in the #it"hen* and 0oe 1a en"o+ra)ed by that +n++al "ir"+(tan"e
to tell her abo+t the bri)ht hillin)- 6A bad +n* I'll be bo+nd*6
aid %r- 0oe tri+($hantly* 6or he 1o+ldn't ha.e )i.en it to the
boy< Cet' loo# at it-6
I too# it o+t o& the $a$er* and it $ro.ed to be a )ood one- 6:+t
1hat' thi@6 aid %r- 0oe* thro1in) do1n the hillin) and "at"hin)
+$ the $a$er- 6T1o One/Po+nd note@6
Nothin) le than t1o &at 1elterin) one/$o+nd note that ee(ed to
ha.e been on ter( o& the 1ar(et inti(a"y 1ith all the "attle/
(ar#et in the "o+nty- 0oe "a+)ht +$ hi hat a)ain* and ran 1ith
the( to the 0olly :ar)e(en to retore the( to their o1ner- 7hile he
1a )one* I at do1n on (y ++al tool and loo#ed .a"antly at (y
iter* &eelin) $retty +re that the (an 1o+ld not be there-
Preently* 0oe "a(e ba"#* ayin) that the (an 1a )one* b+t that
he* 0oe* had le&t 1ord at the Three 0olly :ar)e(en "on"ernin) the
note- Then (y iter ealed the( +$ in a $ie"e o& $a$er* and $+t
the( +nder o(e dried roe/lea.e in an orna(ental tea$ot on the
to$ o& a $re in the tate $arlor- There they re(ained* a
ni)ht(are to (e* (any and (any a ni)ht and day-
I had adly bro#en lee$ 1hen I )ot to bed* thro+)h thin#in) o& the
tran)e (an ta#in) ai( at (e 1ith hi in.iible )+n* and o& the
)+iltily "oare and "o((on thin) it 1a* to be on e"ret ter( o&
"on$ira"y 1ith "on.i"t*//a &eat+re in (y lo1 "areer that I had
$ &or)otten- I 1a ha+nted by the &ile too- A dread
$oeed (e that 1hen I leat e,$e"ted it* the &ile 1o+ld
rea$$ear- I "oa,ed (yel& to lee$ by thin#in) o& %i ;a.iha('*
ne,t 7edneday9 and in (y lee$ I a1 the &ile "o(in) at (e o+t o&
a door* 1itho+t eein) 1ho held it* and I "rea(ed (yel& a1a#e-
Cha$ter XI
At the a$$ointed ti(e I ret+rned to %i ;a.iha('* and (y
heitatin) rin) at the )ate bro+)ht o+t Etella- She lo"#ed it
a&ter ad(ittin) (e* a he had done be&ore* and a)ain $re"eded (e
into the dar# $aa)e 1here her "andle tood- She too# no noti"e o&
(e +ntil he had the "andle in her hand* 1hen he loo#ed her
ho+lder* +$er"ilio+ly ayin)* 6?o+ are to "o(e thi 1ay to/day*6
and too# (e to 4+ite another $art o& the ho+e-
The $aa)e 1a a lon) one* and ee(ed to $er.ade the 1hole 4+are
bae(ent o& the %anor ;o+e- 7e tra.ered b+t one ide o& the
4+are** and at the end o& it he to$$ed* and $+t her
"andle do1n and o$ened a door- ;ere* the dayli)ht rea$$eared* and I
&o+nd (yel& in a (all $a.ed "o+rtyard* the o$$oite ide o&
1hi"h 1a &or(ed by a deta"hed d1ellin)/ho+e* that loo#ed a i& it
had on"e belon)ed to the (ana)er or head "ler# o& the e,tin"t
bre1ery- There 1a a "lo"# in the o+ter 1all o& thi ho+e- Ci#e
the "lo"# in %i ;a.iha(' roo(* and li#e %i ;a.iha(' 1at"h*
it had to$$ed at t1enty (in+te to nine-
7e 1ent in at the door* 1hi"h tood o$en* and into a )loo(y roo(
1ith a lo1 "eilin)* on the )ro+nd/&loor at the ba"#- There 1a o(e
"o($any in the roo(* and Etella aid to (e a he Aoined it* 6?o+
are to )o and tand there boy* till yo+ are 1anted-6 6There6*
bein) the 1indo1* I "roed to it* and tood 6there*6 in a .ery
+n"o(&ortable tate o& (ind* loo#in) o+t-
It o$ened to the )ro+nd* and loo#ed into a (ot (ierable "orner o&
the ne)le"ted )arden* +$on a ran# r+in o& "abba)e/tal#* and one
bo,/tree that had been "li$$ed ro+nd lon) a)o* li#e a $+ddin)* and
had a ne1 )ro1th at the to$ o& it* o+t o& ha$e and o& a di&&erent
"olor* a i& that $art o& the $+ddin) had t+"# to the a+"e$an
and )ot b+rnt- Thi 1a (y ho(ely tho+)ht* a I "onte($lated the
bo,/tree- There had been o(e li)ht no1** and it lay
no1here ele to (y #no1led)e9 b+t* it had not 4+ite (elted &ro( the
"old hado1 o& thi bit o& )arden* and the 1ind "a+)ht it +$ in
little eddie and thre1 it at the 1indo1* a i& it $elted (e &or
"o(in) there-
I di.ined that (y "o(in) had to$$ed "on.eration in the roo(* and
that it other o""+$ant 1ere loo#in) at (e- I "o+ld ee nothin) o&
the roo( e,"e$t the hinin) o& the &ire in the 1indo1/)la* b+t I
ti&&ened in all (y Aoint 1ith the "on"io+ne that I 1a +nder
"loe in$e"tion-
There 1ere three ladie in the roo( and one )entle(an- :e&ore I had
been tandin) at the 1indo1 &i.e (in+te* they o(eho1 "on.eyed to
(e that they 1ere all toadie and h+(b+)* b+t that ea"h o& the(
$retended not to #no1 that the other 1ere toadie and h+(b+)B
be"a+e the ad(iion that he or he did #no1 it* 1o+ld ha.e (ade
hi( or her o+t to be a toady and h+(b+)-
They all had a litle and dreary air o& 1aitin) o(ebody'
$lea+re* and the (ot tal#ati.e o& the ladie had to $ea# 4+ite
ri)idly to re$re a ya1n- Thi lady* 1hoe na(e 1a Ca(illa* .ery
(+"h re(inded (e o& (y iter* 1ith the di&&eren"e that he 1a
older* and 2a I &o+nd 1hen I "a+)ht i)ht o& her3 o& a bl+nter
"at o& &eat+re- Indeed* 1hen I #ne1 her better I be)an to thin#
it 1a a %er"y he had any &eat+re at all* o .ery blan# and hi)h
1a the dead 1all o& her &a"e-
6Poor dear o+l<6 aid thi lady* 1ith an abr+$tne o& (anner
4+ite (y iter'- 6Nobody' ene(y b+t hi o1n<6
6It 1o+ld be (+"h (ore "o((endable to be o(ebody ele' ene(y*6
aid the )entle(an9 6&ar (ore nat+ral-6
6Co+in Ray(ond*6 ober.ed another lady* 61e are to lo.e o+r
6Sarah Po"#et*6 ret+rned Co+in Ray(ond* 6i& a (an i not hi o1n
nei)hbor* 1ho i@6
%i Po"#et la+)hed* and Ca(illa la+)hed and aid 2"he"#in) a
ya1n3* 6The idea<6 :+t I tho+)ht they ee(ed to thin# it rather a
)ood idea too- The other lady* 1ho had not $o#en yet* aid )ra.ely
and e($hati"ally* 6Eery tr+e<6
6Poor o+l<6 Ca(illa $reently 1ent on 2I #ne1 they had all been
loo#in) at (e in the (ean ti(e3* 6he i o .ery tran)e< 7o+ld
anyone belie.e that 1hen To(' 1i&e died* he a"t+ally "o+ld not be
ind+"ed to ee the i($ortan"e o& the "hildren' the dee$et
o& tri((in) to their (o+rnin)@ 'Good Cord<' ay he* 'Ca(illa*
1hat "an it i)ni&y o lon) a the $oor berea.ed little thin) are
in bla"#@' So li#e %atthe1< The idea<6
6Good $oint in hi(* )ood $oint in hi(*6 aid Co+in Ray(ond9
6;ea.en &orbid I ho+ld deny )ood $oint in hi(9 b+t he had*
and he 1ill ha.e* any ene o& the $ro$rietie-6
6?o+ #no1 I 1a obli)ed*6 aid Ca(illa*//6I 1a obli)ed to be &ir(-
I aid* 'It 7ICC NOT !O* &or the "redit o& the &a(ily-' I told hi(
that* 1itho+t dee$ tri((in)* the &a(ily 1a di)ra"ed- I "ried
abo+t it &ro( brea#&at till dinner- I inA+red (y di)etion- And at
lat he &l+n) o+t in hi .iolent 1ay* and aid* 1ith a !* 'Then do
a yo+ li#e-' Than# Goodne it 1ill al1ay be a "onolation to (e
to #no1 that I intantly 1ent o+t in a $o+rin) rain and bo+)ht the
6;e $aid &or the(* did he not@6 a#ed Etella-
6It' not the 4+etion* (y dear "hild* 1ho $aid &or the(*6 ret+rned
Ca(illa- 6I bo+)ht the(- And I hall o&ten thin# o& that 1ith
$ea"e* 1hen I 1a#e +$ in the ni)ht-6
The rin)in) o& a ditant bell* "o(bined 1ith the e"hoin) o& o(e
"ry or "all alon) the $aa)e by 1hi"h I had "o(e* interr+$ted the
"on.eration and "a+ed Etella to ay to (e* 6No1* boy<6 On (y
t+rnin) ro+nd* they all loo#ed at (e 1ith the +t(ot "onte($t* and*
a I 1ent o+t* I heard Sarah Po"#et ay* 67ell I a( +re< 7hat
ne,t<6 and Ca(illa add* 1ith indi)nation* 67a there +"h a
&an"y< The i/de/a<6
A 1e 1ere )oin) 1ith o+r "andle alon) the dar# $aa)e* Etella
to$$ed all o& a +dden* and* &a"in) ro+nd* aid in her ta+ntin)
(anner* 1ith her &a"e 4+ite "loe to (ine*//
67ell* (i@6 I an1ered* al(ot &allin) her and "he"#in)
She tood loo#in) at (e* and* o& "o+re* I tood loo#in) at her-
6A( I $retty@6
6?e9 I thin# yo+ are .ery $retty-6
6A( I in+ltin)@6
6Not o (+"h o a yo+ 1ere lat ti(e*6 aid I-
6Not o (+"h o@6
She &ired 1hen he a#ed the lat 4+etion* and he la$$ed (y &a"e
1ith +"h &or"e a he had* 1hen I an1ered it-
6No1@6 aid he- 6?o+ little "oare (onter* 1hat do yo+ thin# o&
(e no1@6
6I hall not tell yo+-6
6:e"a+e yo+ are )oin) to tell +$ tair- I that it@6
6No*6 aid I* 6that' not it-6
67hy don't yo+ "ry a)ain* yo+ little 1ret"h@6
6:e"a+e I'll "ry &or yo+ a)ain*6 aid I- 7hi"h 1a* I
+$$oe* a &ale a de"laration a 1a (ade9 &or I 1a
in1ardly "ryin) &or her then* and I #no1 1hat I #no1 o& the $ain
he "ot (e a&ter1ard-
7e 1ent on o+r 1ay +$ tair a&ter thi e$iode9 and* a 1e 1ere
)oin) +$* 1e (et a )entle(an )ro$in) hi 1ay do1n-
67ho( ha.e 1e here@6 a#ed the )entle(an* to$$in) and loo#in) at
6A boy*6 aid Etella-
;e 1a a b+rly (an o& an e,"eedin)ly dar# "o($le,ion* 1ith an
e,"eedin)ly lar)e head* and a "orre$ondin) lar)e hand- ;e too# (y
"hin in hi lar)e hand and t+rned +$ (y &a"e to ha.e a loo# at (e
by the li)ht o& the "andle- ;e 1a $re(at+rely bald on the to$ o&
hi head* and had b+hy bla"# eyebro1 that 1o+ldn't lie do1n b+t
tood +$ britlin)- ;i eye 1ere et .ery dee$ in hi head* and
1ere dia)reeably har$ and +$i"io+- ;e had a lar)e 1at"h/"hain*
and tron) bla"# dot 1here hi beard and 1hi#er 1o+ld ha.e been
i& he had let the(- ;e 1a nothin) to (e* and I "o+ld ha.e had no
&orei)ht then* that he 1o+ld be anythin) to (e* b+t it
ha$$ened that I had thi o$$ort+nity o& hi( 1ell-
6:oy o& the nei)hborhood@ ;ey@6 aid he-
6?e* ir*6 aid I-
6;o1 do yo+ "o(e here@6
6%i ;a.iha( ent &or (e* ir*6 I e,$lained-
67ell< :eha.e yo+rel&- I ha.e a $retty lar)e e,$erien"e o& boy*
and yo+'re a bad et o& &ello1- No1 (ind<6 aid he* bitin) the
ide o& hi )reat &ore&in)er a he &ro1ned at (e* 6yo+ beha.e
7ith thoe 1ord* he releaed (e//1hi"h I 1a )lad o&* &or hi
hand (elt o& "ented oa$//and 1ent hi 1ay do1n tair- I
1ondered 1hether he "o+ld be a do"tor9 b+t no* I tho+)ht9 he
"o+ldn't be a do"tor* or he 1o+ld ha.e a 4+ieter and (ore
$er+ai.e (anner- There 1a not (+"h ti(e to "onider the +bAe"t*
&or 1e 1ere oon in %i ;a.iha(' roo(* 1here he and e.erythin)
ele 1ere A+t a I had le&t the(- Etella le&t (e tandin) near
the door* and I tood there +ntil %i ;a.iha( "at her eye +$on
(e &ro( the drein)/table-
6So<6 he aid* 1itho+t bein) tartled or +r$riedB 6the day ha.e
1orn a1ay* ha.e they@6
6?e* (a'a(- To/day i//6
6There* there* there<6 1ith the i($atient (o.e(ent o& her &in)er-
6I don't 1ant to #no1- Are yo+ ready to $lay@6
I 1a obli)ed to an1er in o(e "on&+ion* 6I don't thin# I a(*
6Not at "ard a)ain@6 he de(anded* 1ith a ear"hin) loo#-
6?e* (a'a(9 I "o+ld do that* i& I 1a 1anted-6
6Sin"e thi ho+e tri#e yo+ old and )ra.e* boy*6 aid %i
;a.iha(* i($atiently* 6and yo+ are +n1illin) to $lay* are yo+
1illin) to 1or#@6
I "o+ld an1er thi in4+iry 1ith a better heart than I had been
able to &ind &or the other 4+etion* and I aid I 1a 4+ite
6Then )o into that o$$oite roo(*6 aid he* $ointin) at the door
behind (e 1ith her 1ithered hand* 6and 1ait there till I "o(e-6
I "roed the tair"ae landin)* and entered the roo( he
indi"ated- 5ro( that roo(* too* the dayli)ht 1a "o($letely
e,"l+ded* and it had an airle (ell that 1a o$$rei.e- A &ire
had been lately #indled in the da($ old/&ahioned )rate* and it 1a
(ore di$oed to )o o+t than to b+rn +$* and the rel+"tant (o#e
1hi"h h+n) in the roo( ee(ed "older than the "learer air*//li#e
o+r o1n (arh (it- Certain 1intry bran"he o& "andle on the hi)h
"hi(ney/$ie"e &aintly li)hted the "ha(ber9 or it 1o+ld be (ore
e,$rei.e to ay* &aintly tro+bled it dar#ne- It 1a $a"io+*
and I dare ay had on"e been hando(e* b+t e.ery di"ernible thin)
in it 1a "o.ered 1ith d+t and (o+ld* and dro$$in) to $ie"e- The
(ot $ro(inent obAe"t 1a a lon) table 1ith a table"loth $read on
it* a i& a &eat had been in $re$aration 1hen the ho+e and the
"lo"# all to$$ed to)ether- An e$er)ne or "entre/$ie"e o& o(e #ind
1a in the (iddle o& thi "loth9 it 1a o hea.ily o.erh+n) 1ith
"ob1eb that it &or( 1a 4+ite +nditin)+ihable9 and* a I loo#ed
alon) the yello1 e,$ane o+t o& 1hi"h I re(e(ber it ee(in) to
)ro1* li#e a bla"# &+n)+* I a1 $e"#le/le))ed $ider 1ith
blot"hy bodie r+nnin) ho(e to it* and r+nnin) o+t &ro( it* a i&
o(e "ir"+(tan"e o& the )reatet $+bli" i($ortan"e had A+t
tran$ired in the $ider "o((+nity-
I heard the (i"e too* rattlin) behind the $anel* a i& the a(e
o""+rren"e 1ere i($ortant to their interet- :+t the bla"# beetle
too# no noti"e o& the a)itation* and )ro$ed abo+t the hearth in a
$ondero+ elderly 1ay* a i& they 1ere hort/i)hted and hard o&
hearin)* and not on ter( 1ith one another-
Thee "ra1lin) thin) had &a"inated (y attention* and I 1a
1at"hin) the( &ro( a ditan"e* 1hen %i ;a.iha( laid a hand +$on
(y ho+lder- In her other hand he had a "r+t"h/headed ti"# on
1hi"h he leaned* and he loo#ed li#e the 7it"h o& the $la"e-
6Thi*6 aid he* $ointin) to the lon) table 1ith her ti"#* 6i
1here I 1ill be laid 1hen I a( dead- They hall "o(e and loo# at (e
7ith o(e .a)+e (i) that he (i)ht )et +$on the table then
and there and die at on"e* the "o($lete reali8ation o& the )hatly
1a,1or# at the 5air* I hran# +nder her to+"h-
67hat do yo+ thin# that i@6 he a#ed (e* a)ain $ointin) 1ith her
ti"#9 6that* 1here thoe "ob1eb are@6
6I "an't )+e 1hat it i* (a'a(-6
6It' a )reat "a#e- A bride/"a#e- %ine<6
She loo#ed all ro+nd the roo( in a )larin) (anner* and then aid*
leanin) on (e 1hile her hand t1it"hed (y ho+lder* 6Co(e* "o(e*
"o(e< 7al# (e* 1al# (e<6
I (ade o+t &ro( thi* that the 1or# I had to do* 1a to 1al# %i
;a.iha( ro+nd and ro+nd the roo(- A""ordin)ly* I tarted at on"e*
and he leaned +$on (y ho+lder* and 1e 1ent a1ay at a $a"e that
(i)ht ha.e been an i(itation 2&o+nded on (y &irt i($+le +nder
that roo&3 o& %r- P+(ble"hoo#' "haie/"art-
She 1a not $hyi"ally tron)* and a&ter a little ti(e aid*
6Slo1er<6 Still* 1e 1ent at an i($atient &it&+l $eed* and a 1e
1ent* he t1it"hed the hand +$on (y ho+lder* and 1or#ed her (o+th*
and led (e to belie.e that 1e 1ere )oin) &at be"a+e her tho+)ht
1ent &at- A&ter a 1hile he aid* 6Call Etella<6 o I 1ent o+t on
the landin) and roared that na(e a I had done on the $
o""aion- 7hen her li)ht a$$eared* I ret+rned to %i ;a.iha(* and
1e tarted a1ay a)ain ro+nd and ro+nd the roo(-
I& only Etella had "o(e to be a $e"tator o& o+r $ro"eedin)* I
ho+ld ha.e &elt +&&i"iently di"ontented9 b+t a he bro+)ht
1ith her the three ladie and the )entle(an 1ho( I had een belo1*
I didn't #no1 1hat to do- In (y $olitene* I 1o+ld ha.e to$$ed9
b+t %i ;a.iha( t1it"hed (y ho+lder* and 1e $oted on*//1ith a
ha(e/&a"ed "on"io+ne on (y $art that they 1o+ld thin# it 1a
all (y doin)-
6!ear %i ;a.iha(*6 aid %i Sarah Po"#et- 6;o1 1ell yo+ loo#<6
6I do not*6 ret+rned %i ;a.iha(- 6I a( yello1 #in and bone-6
Ca(illa bri)htened 1hen %i Po"#et (et 1ith thi reb+&&9 and he
(+r(+red* a he $lainti.ely "onte($lated %i ;a.iha(* 6Poor dear
o+l< Certainly not to be e,$e"ted to loo# 1ell* $oor thin)- The
6And ho1 are yo+@6 aid %i ;a.iha( to Ca(illa- A 1e 1ere "loe
to Ca(illa then* I 1o+ld ha.e to$$ed a a (atter o& "o+re* only
%i ;a.iha( 1o+ldn't to$- 7e 1e$t on* and I &elt that I 1a
hi)hly obno,io+ to Ca(illa-
6Than# yo+* %i ;a.iha(*6 he ret+rned* 6I a( a 1ell a "an be
67hy* 1hat' the (atter 1ith yo+@6 a#ed %i ;a.iha(* 1ith
e,"eedin) har$ne-
6Nothin) 1orth (entionin)*6 re$lied Ca(illa- 6I don't 1ih to (a#e
a di$lay o& (y &eelin)* b+t I ha.e habit+ally tho+)ht o& yo+ (ore
in the ni)ht than I a( 4+ite e4+al to-6
6Then don't thin# o& (e*6 retorted %i ;a.iha(-
6Eery eaily aid<6 re(ar#ed Ca(illa* a(iably re$rein) a ob*
1hile a hit"h "a(e into her +$$er li$* and her tear
6Ray(ond i a 1itne 1hat )in)er and al .olatile I a( obli)ed to
ta#e in the ni)ht- Ray(ond i a 1itne 1hat ner.o+ Aer#in) I
ha.e in (y le)- Cho#in) and ner.o+ Aer#in)** are
nothin) ne1 to (e 1hen I thin# 1ith an,iety o& thoe I lo.e- I& I
"o+ld be le a&&e"tionate and eniti.e* I ho+ld ha.e a better
di)etion and an iron et o& ner.e- I a( +re I 1ih it "o+ld be
o- :+t a to not thin#in) o& yo+ in the ni)ht//The idea<6 ;ere* a
b+rt o& tear-
The Ray(ond re&erred to* I +ndertood to be the )entle(an $reent*
and hi( I +ndertood to be %r- Ca(illa- ;e "a(e to the re"+e at
thi $oint* and aid in a "onolatory and "o($li(entary .oi"e*
6Ca(illa* (y dear* it i 1ell #no1n that yo+r &a(ily &eelin) are
)rad+ally +nder(inin) yo+ to the e,tent o& (a#in) one o& yo+r le)
horter than the other-6
6I a( not a1are*6 ober.ed the )ra.e lady 1hoe .oi"e I had heard
b+t on"e* 6that to thin# o& any $eron i to (a#e a )reat "lai(
+$on that $eron* (y dear-6
%i Sarah Po"#et* 1ho( I no1 a1 to be a little dry* bro1n*
"orr+)ated old 1o(an* 1ith a (all &a"e that (i)ht ha.e been (ade
o& 1aln+t/hell* and a lar)e (o+th li#e a "at' 1itho+t the
1hi#er* +$$orted thi $oition by ayin)* 6No* indeed* (y dear-
6Thin#in) i eay eno+)h*6 aid the )ra.e lady-
67hat i eaier* yo+ #no1@6 aented %i Sarah Po"#et-
6Oh* ye* ye<6 "ried Ca(illa* 1hoe &er(entin) &eelin) a$$eared
to rie &ro( her le) to her boo(- 6It' all .ery tr+e< It' a
1ea#ne to be o a&&e"tionate* b+t I "an't hel$ it- No do+bt (y
health 1o+ld be (+"h better i& it 1a other1ie* till I 1o+ldn't
"han)e (y di$oition i& I "o+ld- It' the "a+e o& (+"h +&&erin)*
b+t it' a "onolation to #no1 I $oe it* 1hen I 1a#e +$ in the
ni)ht-6 ;ere another b+rt o& &eelin)-
%i ;a.iha( and I had to$$ed all thi ti(e* b+t #e$t )oin)
ro+nd and ro+nd the roo(9 no1 br+hin) a)aint the #irt o& the
.iitor* no1 ) the( the 1hole len)th o& the di(al "ha(ber-
6There' %atthe1<6 aid Ca(illa- (i,in) 1ith any nat+ral
tie* "o(in) here to ee ho1 %i ;a.iha( i< I ha.e ta#en
to the o&a 1ith (y tayla"e "+t* and ha.e lain there ho+r
inenible* 1ith (y head the ide* and (y hair all do1n* and
(y &eet I don't #no1 1here//6
26%+"h hi)her than yo+r head* (y lo.e*6 aid %r- Ca(illa-3
6I ha.e )one o&& into that tate* ho+r and ho+r* on a""o+nt o&
%atthe1' tran)e and ine,$li"able "ond+"t* and nobody ha than#ed
6Really I (+t ay I ho+ld thin# not<6 inter$oed the )ra.e lady-
6?o+ ee* (y dear*6 added %i Sarah Po"#et 2a blandly .i"io+
$erona)e3* 6the 4+etion to $+t to yo+rel& i* 1ho did yo+ e,$e"t
to than# yo+* (y lo.e@6
67itho+t e,$e"tin) any than#* or anythin) o& the ort*6 re+(ed
Ca(illa* 6I ha.e re(ained in that tate* ho+r and ho+r* and
Ray(ond i a 1itne o& the e,tent to 1hi"h I ha.e "ho#ed* and 1hat
the total ine&&i"a"y o& )in)er ha been* and I ha.e been heard at
the $iano/&orte t+ner' a"ro the treet* 1here the $oor (ita#en
"hildren ha.e e.en +$$oed it to be $i)eon "ooin) at a
ditan"e*//and no1 to be told//6 ;ere Ca(illa $+t her hand to her
throat* and be)an to be 4+ite "he(i"al a to the &or(ation o& ne1
"o(bination there-
7hen thi a(e %atthe1 1a (entioned* %i ;a.iha( to$$ed (e and
herel&* and tood loo#in) at the $ea#er- Thi "han)e had a )reat
in&l+en"e in brin)in) Ca(illa' "he(itry to a +dden end-
6%atthe1 1ill "o(e and ee (e at lat*6 aid %i ;a.iha(*
ternly* 1hen I a( laid on that table- That 1ill be hi $la"e*//
there*6 tri#in) the table 1ith her ti"#* 6at (y head< And yo+r
1ill be there< And yo+r h+band' there< And Sarah Po"#et' there<
And Geor)iana' there< No1 yo+ all #no1 1here to ta#e yo+r tation
1hen yo+ "o(e to &eat +$on (e- And no1 )o<6
At the (ention o& ea"h na(e* he had tr+"# the table 1ith her
ti"# in a ne1 $la"e- She no1 aid* 67al# (e* 1al# (e<6 and 1e 1ent
on a)ain-
6I +$$oe there' nothin) to be done*6 e,"lai(ed Ca(illa* 6b+t
"o($ly and de$art- It' o(ethin) to ha.e een the obAe"t o& one'
lo.e and d+ty &or e.en o hort a ti(e- I hall thin# o& it 1ith a
(elan"holy ati&a"tion 1hen I 1a#e +$ in the ni)ht- I 1ih %atthe1
"o+ld ha.e that "o(&ort* b+t he et it at de&ian"e- I a(
deter(ined not to (a#e a di$lay o& (y &eelin)* b+t it' .ery hard
to be told one 1ant to &eat on one' relation*//a i& one 1a a
Giant*//and to be told to )o- The bare idea<6
%r- Ca(illa inter$oin)* a %r- Ca(illa laid her hand +$on her boo(* that lady a+(ed an +nnat+ral &ortit+de o& (anner
1hi"h I +$$oed to be e,$rei.e o& an intention to dro$ and "ho#e
1hen o+t o& .ie1* and #iin) her hand to %i ;a.iha(* 1a
e"orted &orth- Sarah Po"#et and Geor)iana "ontended 1ho ho+ld
re(ain lat9 b+t Sarah 1a too #no1in) to be o+tdone* and a(bled
ro+nd Geor)iana 1ith that art&+l li$$erine that the latter 1a
obli)ed to ta#e $re"eden"e- Sarah Po"#et then (ade her e$arate
e&&e"t o& de$artin) 1ith* 6:le yo+* %i ;a.iha( dear<6 and 1ith
a (ile o& &or) $ity on her 1aln+t/hell "o+ntenan"e &or the
1ea#nee o& the ret-
7hile Etella 1a a1ay li)htin) the( do1n* %i ;a.iha( till
1al#ed 1ith her hand on (y ho+lder* b+t (ore and (ore lo1ly- At
lat he to$$ed be&ore the &ire* and aid* a&ter (+tterin) and
loo#in) at it o(e e"ond*//
6Thi i (y birthday* Pi$-6
I 1a )oin) to 1ih her (any ha$$y ret+rn* 1hen he li&ted her
6I don't +&&er it to be $o#en o&- I don't +&&er thoe 1ho 1ere
here A+t no1* or any one to $ea# o& it- They "o(e here on the
day* b+t they dare not re&er to it-6
O& "o+re I (ade no &+rther e&&ort to re&er to it-
6On thi day o& the year* lon) be&ore yo+ 1ere born* thi hea$ o&
de"ay*6 tabbin) 1ith her "r+t"hed ti"# at the $ile o& "ob1eb on
the table* b+t not to+"hin) it* 61a bro+)ht here- It and I ha.e
1orn a1ay to)ether- The (i"e ha.e )na1ed at it* and har$er teeth
than teeth o& (i"e ha.e )na1ed at (e-6
She held the head o& her ti"# a)aint her heart a he tood
loo#in) at the table9 he in her on"e 1hite dre* all yello1 and
1ithered9 the on"e 1hite "loth all yello1 and 1ithered9 e.erythin)
aro+nd in a tate to "r+(ble +nder a to+"h-
67hen the r+in i "o($lete*6 aid he* 1ith a )hatly loo#* 6and
1hen they lay (e dead* in (y bride' dre on the bride' table*//
1hi"h hall be done* and 1hi"h 1ill be the &inihed "+re +$on hi(*
//o (+"h the better i& it i done on thi day<6
She tood loo#in) at the table a i& he tood loo#in) at her o1n
&i)+re lyin) there- I re(ained 4+iet- Etella ret+rned* and he too
re(ained 4+iet- It ee(ed to (e that 1e "ontin+ed th+ &or a lon)
ti(e- In the hea.y air o& the roo(* and the hea.y dar#ne that
brooded in it re(oter "orner* I e.en had an alar(in) &an"y that
Etella and I (i)ht $reently be)in to de"ay-
At len)th* not "o(in) o+t o& her ditra+)ht tate by de)ree* b+t
in an intant* %i ;a.iha( aid* 6Cet (e ee yo+ t1o $lay "ard9
1hy ha.e yo+ not be)+n@6 7ith that* 1e ret+rned to her roo(* and
at do1n a be&ore9 I 1a be))ared* a be&ore9 and a)ain* a
be&ore* %i ;a.iha( 1at"hed + all the ti(e* dire"ted (y
attention to Etella' bea+ty* and (ade (e noti"e it the (ore by
tryin) her Ae1el on Etella' breat and hair-
Etella* &or her $art* li#e1ie treated (e a be&ore* e,"e$t that
he did not "onde"end to $ea#- 7hen 1e had $layed o(e hal&/do8en
)a(e* a day 1a a$$ointed &or (y ret+rn* and I 1a ta#en do1n into
the yard to be &ed in the &or(er do)/li#e (anner- There* too* I 1a
a)ain le&t to 1ander abo+t a I li#ed-
It i not (+"h to the $+r$oe 1hether a )ate in that )arden 1all
1hi"h I had "ra(bled +$ to $ee$ on the lat o""aion 1a* on
that lat o""aion* o$en or h+t- Eno+)h that I a1 no )ate then*
and that I a1 one no1- A it tood o$en* and a I #ne1 that
Etella had let the .iitor o+t*//&or he had ret+rned 1ith the
#ey in her hand*//I trolled into the )arden* and trolled all
it- It 1a 4+ite a 1ilderne* and there 1ere old (elon/&ra(e and
"+"+(ber/&ra(e in it* 1hi"h ee(ed in their de"line to ha.e
$rod+"ed a $ontaneo+ )ro1th o& 1ea# atte($t at $ie"e o& old
hat and boot* 1ith no1 and then a 1eedy o&&hoot into the
li#ene o& a battered a+"e$an-
7hen I had e,ha+ted the )arden and a )reenho+e 1ith nothin) in
it b+t a &allen/do1n )ra$e/.ine and o(e bottle* I &o+nd (yel& in
the di(al "orner +$on 1hi"h I had loo#ed o+t o& the 1indo1-
4+etionin) &or a (o(ent that the ho+e 1a no1 e($ty* I loo#ed in
at another 1indo1* and &o+nd (yel&* to (y )reat +r$rie*
e,"han)in) a broad tare 1ith a $ale yo+n) )entle(an 1ith red
eyelid and li)ht hair-
Thi $ale yo+n) )entle(an 4+i"#ly dia$$eared* and rea$$eared
beide (e- ;e had been at hi boo# 1hen I had &o+nd (yel& tarin)
at hi(* and I no1 a1 that he 1a in#y-
6;alloa<6 aid he* 6yo+n) &ello1<6
;alloa bein) a )eneral ober.ation 1hi"h I had ++ally ober.ed to
be bet an1ered by itel&* I aid* 6;alloa<6 $olitely o(ittin)
yo+n) &ello1-
67ho let yo+ in@6 aid he-
6%i Etella-6
67ho )a.e yo+ lea.e to $ro1l abo+t@6
6%i Etella-6
6Co(e and &i)ht*6 aid the $ale yo+n) )entle(an-
7hat "o+ld I do b+t &ollo1 hi(@ I ha.e o&ten a#ed (yel& the
4+etion in"e9 b+t 1hat ele "o+ld I do@ ;i (anner 1a o &inal*
and I 1a o atonihed* that I &ollo1ed 1here he led* a i& I had
been +nder a $ell-
6Sto$ a (in+te* tho+)h*6 he aid* 1heelin) ro+nd be&ore 1e had )one
(any $a"e- 6I o+)ht to )i.e yo+ a reaon &or &i)htin)* too- There
it i<6 In a (ot irritatin) (anner he intantly la$$ed hi hand
a)aint one another* daintily &l+n) one o& hi le) +$ behind hi(*
$+lled (y hair* la$$ed hi hand a)ain* di$$ed hi head* and
b+tted it into (y to(a"h-
The b+ll/li#e $ro"eedin) lat (entioned* beide that it 1a
+n4+etionably to be re)arded in the li)ht o& a liberty* 1a
$arti"+larly dia)reeable A+t a&ter bread and (eat- I there&ore
hit o+t at hi( and 1a )oin) to hit o+t a)ain* 1hen he aid*
6Aha< 7o+ld yo+@6 and be)an dan"in) ba"#1ard and &or1ard in a
(anner 4+ite +n$aralleled 1ithin (y li(ited e,$erien"e-
6Ca1 o& the )a(e<6 aid he- ;ere* he #i$$ed &ro( hi le&t le) on
to hi ri)ht- 6Re)+lar r+le<6 ;ere* he #i$$ed &ro( hi ri)ht le)
on to hi le&t- 6Co(e to the )ro+nd* and )o thro+)h the
$reli(inarie<6 ;ere* he dod)ed ba"#1ard and &or1ard* and did all
ort o& thin) 1hile I loo#ed hel$lely at hi(-
I 1a e"retly a&raid o& hi( 1hen I a1 hi( o de,tero+9 b+t I
&elt (orally and $hyi"ally ""ed that hi li)ht head o& hair
"o+ld ha.e had no b+ine in the $it o& (y to(a"h* and that I had
a ri)ht to "onider it irrele.ant 1hen o obtr+ded on (y attention-
There&ore* I &ollo1ed hi( 1itho+t a 1ord* to a retired noo# o& the
)arden* &or(ed by the A+n"tion o& t1o 1all and "reened by o(e
r+bbih- On hi a#in) (e i& I 1a ati&ied 1ith the )ro+nd* and
on (y re$lyin) ?e* he be))ed (y lea.e to abent hi(el& &or a
(o(ent* and 4+i"#ly ret+rned 1ith a bottle o& 1ater and a $on)e
di$$ed in .ine)ar- 6A.ailable &or both*6 he aid* $la"in) thee
a)aint the 1all- And then &ell to $+llin) o&&* not only hi Aa"#et
and 1ait"oat* b+t hi hirt too* in a (anner at on"e
li)ht/hearted* b+ine/li#e* and bloodthirty-
Altho+)h he did not loo# .ery healthy*// $i($le on hi &a"e*
and a brea#in) o+t at hi (o+th*//thee dread&+l $re$aration 4+ite
a$$alled (e- I A+d)ed hi( to be abo+t (y o1n a)e* b+t he 1a (+"h
taller* and he had a 1ay o& $innin) hi(el& abo+t that 1a &+ll o&
a$$earan"e- 5or the ret* he 1a a yo+n) )entle(an in a )ray +it
21hen not den+ded &or battle3* 1ith hi elbo1* #nee* 1rit* and
heel "oniderably in"e o& the ret o& hi( a to
%y heart &ailed (e 1hen I a1 hi( 4+arin) at (e 1ith e.ery
de(ontration o& (e"hani"al ni"ety* and eyein) (y anato(y a i& he
1ere (in+tely "hooin) hi bone- I ha.e been o +r$ried in
(y li&e* a I 1a 1hen I let o+t the &irt blo1* and a1 hi( lyin)
on hi ba"#* loo#in) +$ at (e 1ith a bloody noe and hi &a"e
e,"eedin)ly &ore/hortened-
:+t* he 1a on hi &eet dire"tly* and a&ter $on)in) hi(el& 1ith a
)reat ho1 o& de,terity be)an 4+arin) a)ain- The e"ond )reatet
+r$rie I ha.e had in (y li&e 1a eein) hi( on hi ba"#
a)ain* loo#in) +$ at (e o+t o& a bla"# eye-
;i $irit in$ired (e 1ith )reat re$e"t- ;e ee(ed to ha.e no
tren)th* and he on"e hit (e hard* and he 1a al1ay #no"#ed
do1n9 b+t he 1o+ld be +$ a)ain in a (o(ent* $on)in) hi(el& or
drin#in) o+t o& the 1ater/bottle* 1ith the )reatet ati&a"tion in
e"ondin) hi(el& a""ordin) to &or(* and then "a(e at (e 1ith an
air and a ho1 that (ade (e belie.e he really 1a )oin) to do &or
(e at lat- ;e )ot hea.ily br+ied* &or I a( orry to re"ord that
the (ore I hit hi(* the harder I hit hi(9 b+t he "a(e +$ a)ain and
a)ain and a)ain* +ntil at lat he )ot a bad &all 1ith the ba"# o&
hi head a)aint the 1all- E.en a&ter that "rii in o+r a&&air*
he )ot +$ and t+rned ro+nd and ro+nd "on&+edly a &e1 ti(e* not
#no1in) 1here I 1a9 b+t &inally 1ent on hi #nee to hi $on)e
and thre1 it +$B at the a(e ti(e $antin) o+t* 6That (ean yo+ ha.e
;e ee(ed o bra.e and inno"ent* that altho+)h I had not $ro$oed
the "ontet* I &elt b+t a )loo(y ati&a"tion in (y .i"tory- Indeed*
I )o o &ar a to ho$e that I re)arded (yel& 1hile drein) a a
$e"ie o& a.a)e yo+n) 1ol& or other 1ild beat- ;* I )ot
dreed* dar#ly 1i$in) (y an)+inary &a"e at* and I aid*
6Can I hel$ yo+@6 and he aid 6No than#ee*6 and I aid 6Good
a&ternoon*6 and he aid 6Sa(e to yo+-6
7hen I )ot into the "o+rtyard* I &o+nd Etella 1aitin) 1ith the
#ey- :+t he neither a#ed (e 1here I had been* nor 1hy I had
#e$t her 1aitin)9 and there 1a a bri)ht &l+h +$on her &a"e* a
tho+)h o(ethin) had ha$$ened to deli)ht her- Intead o& )oin)
trai)ht to the )ate* too* he te$$ed ba"# into the $aa)e* and
be"#oned (e-
6Co(e here< ?o+ (ay #i (e* i& yo+ li#e-6
I #ied her "hee# a he t+rned it to (e- I thin# I 1o+ld ha.e
)one thro+)h a )reat deal to #i her "hee#- :+t I &elt that the
#i 1a )i.en to the "oare "o((on boy a a $ie"e o& (oney (i)ht
ha.e been* and that it 1a 1orth nothin)-
7hat 1ith the birthday .iitor* and 1hat 1ith the "ard* and 1hat
1ith the &i)ht* (y tay had lated o lon)* that 1hen I neared ho(e
the li)ht on the $it o& and o&& the $oint on the (arhe 1a
)lea(in) a)aint a bla"# ni)ht/#y* and 0oe' &+rna"e 1a &lin)in)
a $ath o& &ire a"ro the road-
Cha$ter XII
%y (ind )re1 .ery +neay on the +bAe"t o& the $ale yo+n)
)entle(an- The (ore I tho+)ht o& the &i)ht* and re"alled the $ale
yo+n) )entle(an on hi ba"# in .ario+ ta)e o& $+&&y and
in"ri(oned "o+ntenan"e* the (ore "ertain it a$$eared that
o(ethin) 1o+ld be done to (e- I &elt that the $ale yo+n)
)entle(an' blood 1a on (y head* and that the Ca1 1o+ld a.en)e it-
7itho+t any de&inite idea o& the $enaltie I had in"+rred*
it 1a "lear to (e that .illa)e boy "o+ld not )o tal#in) abo+t
the "o+ntry* ra.a)in) the ho+e o& )entle&ol# and $it"hin) into
the t+dio+ yo+th o& En)land* 1itho+t layin) the(el.e o$en to
e.ere $+nih(ent- 5or o(e day* I e.en #e$t "loe at ho(e* and
loo#ed o+t at the #it"hen door 1ith the )reatet "a+tion and
tre$idation be&ore )oin) on an errand* let the o&&i"er o& the
Co+nty 0ail ho+ld $o+n"e +$on (e- The $ale yo+n) )entle(an' noe
had tained (y tro+er* and I tried to 1ah o+t that e.iden"e o&
(y )+ilt in the dead o& ni)ht- I had "+t (y #n+"#le a)aint the
$ale yo+n) )entle(an' teeth* and I t1ited (y i(a)ination into a
tho+and tan)le* a I de.ied in"redible 1ay o& a""o+ntin) &or
that da(natory "ir"+(tan"e 1hen I ho+ld be haled be&ore the
7hen the day "a(e ro+nd &or (y ret+rn to the "ene o& the deed o&
.iolen"e* (y terror rea"hed their hei)ht- 7hether (yr(idon o&
0+ti"e* $e"ially ent do1n &ro( Condon* 1o+ld be lyin) in a(b+h
behind the )ate9//1hether %i ;a.iha(* $re&errin) to ta#e $eronal
.en)ean"e &or an o+tra)e done to her ho+e* (i)ht rie in thoe
)ra.e/"lothe o& her* dra1 a $itol* and hoot (e deadB//1hether
+borned boy//a n+(ero+ band o& (er"enarie//(i)ht be en)a)ed
to &all +$on (e in the bre1ery* and "+&& (e +ntil I 1a no (ore9//it
1a hi)h teti(ony to (y "on&iden"e in the $irit o& the $ale yo+n)
)entle(an* that I i(a)ined hi( a""eory to thee
retaliation9 they al1ay "a(e into (y (ind a the a"t o&
inA+di"io+ relati.e o& hi* )oaded on by the tate o& hi .ia)e
and an indi)nant y($athy 1ith the &a(ily &eat+re-
;* )o to %i ;a.iha(' I (+t* and )o I did- And behold<
nothin) "a(e o& the late tr+))le- It 1a not all+ded to in any
1ay* and no $ale yo+n) )entle(an 1a to be di"o.ered on the
$re(ie- I &o+nd the a(e )ate o$en* and I e,$lored the )arden*
and e.en loo#ed in at the 1indo1 o& the deta"hed ho+e9 b+t (y
.ie1 1a +ddenly to$$ed by the "loed h+tter 1ithin* and all
1a li&ele- Only in the "orner 1here the "o(bat had ta#en $la"e
"o+ld I dete"t any e.iden"e o& the yo+n) )entle(an' e,iten"e-
There 1ere tra"e o& hi )ore in that $ot* and I "o.ered the( 1ith
)arden/(o+ld &ro( the eye o& (an-
On the broad landin) bet1een %i ;a.iha(' o1n roo( and that
other roo( in 1hi"h the lon) table 1a laid o+t* I a1 a
)arden/"hair*//a li)ht "hair on 1heel* that yo+ $+hed &ro(
behind- It had been $la"ed there in"e (y lat .iit* and I
entered* that a(e day* on a re)+lar o""+$ation o& $+hin) %i
;a.iha( in thi "hair 21hen he 1a tired o& 1al#in) 1ith her hand
+$on (y ho+lder3 ro+nd her o1n roo(* and a"ro the landin)* and
ro+nd the other roo(- and and a)ain* 1e 1o+ld (a#e
thee Ao+rney* and o(eti(e they 1o+ld lat a lon) a three
ho+r at a tret"h- I inenibly &all into a )eneral (ention o&
thee Ao+rney a n+(ero+* be"a+e it 1a at on"e ettled that I
ho+ld ret+rn e.ery alternate day at noon &or thee $+r$oe* and
be"a+e I a( no1 )oin) to +( +$ a $eriod o& at leat ei)ht or ten
A 1e be)an to be (ore +ed to one another* %i ;a.iha( tal#ed
(ore to (e* and a#ed (e +"h 4+etion a 1hat had I learnt and
1hat 1a I )oin) to be@ I told her I 1a )oin) to be a$$renti"ed to
0oe* I belie.ed9 and I enlar)ed +$on (y #no1in) nothin) and 1antin)
to #no1 e.erythin)* in the ho$e that he (i)ht o&&er o(e hel$
to1ard that deirable end- :+t he did not9 on the "ontrary* he
ee(ed to $re&er (y bein) i)norant- Neither did he )i.e (e
any (oney*//or anythin) b+t (y daily dinner*//nor ti$+late
that I ho+ld be $aid &or (y er.i"e-
Etella 1a al1ay abo+t* and al1ay let (e in and o+t* b+t
told (e I (i)ht #i her a)ain- So(eti(e* he 1o+ld "oldly
tolerate (e9 o(eti(e* he 1o+ld "onde"end to (e9 o(eti(e* he
1o+ld be 4+ite &a(iliar 1ith (e9 o(eti(e* he 1o+ld tell (e
ener)eti"ally that he hated (e- %i ;a.iha( 1o+ld o&ten a# (e
in a 1hi$er* or 1hen 1e 1ere alone* 6!oe he )ro1 $rettier and
$rettier* Pi$@6 And 1hen I aid ye 2&or indeed he did3* 1o+ld
ee( to enAoy it )reedily- Alo* 1hen 1e $layed at "ard %i
;a.iha( 1o+ld loo# on* 1ith a (ierly relih o& Etella' (ood* they 1ere- And o(eti(e* 1hen her (ood 1ere o (any and
o "ontradi"tory o& one another that I 1a $+88led 1hat to ay or
do* %i ;a.iha( 1o+ld e(bra"e her 1ith la.ih &ondne* (+r(+rin)
o(ethin) in her ear that o+nded li#e 6:rea# their heart (y $ride
and ho$e* brea# their heart and ha.e no (er"y<6
There 1a a on) 0oe +ed to h+( &ra)(ent o& at the &or)e* o&
1hi"h the b+rden 1a Old Cle(- Thi 1a not a .ery "ere(onio+ 1ay
o& renderin) ho(a)e to a $atron aint* b+t I belie.e Old Cle(
tood in that relation to1ard (ith- It 1a a on) that i(itated
the (ea+re o& beatin) +$on iron* and 1a a (ere lyri"al e,"+e &or
the introd+"tion o& Old Cle(' re$e"ted na(e- Th+* yo+ 1ere to
ha((er boy ro+nd//Old Cle(< 7ith a th+($ and a o+nd//Old Cle(<
:eat it o+t* beat it o+t//Old Cle(< 7ith a "lin# &or the to+t//
Old Cle(< :lo1 the &ire* blo1 the &ire//Old Cle(< Roarin) dryer*
oarin) hi)her//Old Cle(< One day oon a&ter the a$$earan"e o& the
"hair* %i ;a.iha( +ddenly ayin) to (e* 1ith the i($atient
(o.e(ent o& her &in)er* 6There* there* there< Sin)<6 I 1a
+r$ried into "roonin) thi ditty a I $+hed her the &loor-
It ha$$ened o to "at"h her &an"y that he too# it +$ in a lo1
broodin) .oi"e a i& he 1ere in)in) in her lee$- A&ter that* it
be"a(e "+to(ary 1ith + to ha.e it a 1e (o.ed abo+t* and Etella
1o+ld o&ten Aoin in9 tho+)h the 1hole train 1a o +bd+ed* e.en
1hen there 1ere three o& +* that it (ade le noie in the )ri(
old ho+e than the li)htet breath o& 1ind-
7hat "o+ld I be"o(e 1ith thee +rro+ndin)@ ;o1 "o+ld (y "hara"ter
&ail to be in&l+en"ed by the(@ I it to be 1ondered at i& (y
tho+)ht 1ere da8ed* a (y eye 1ere* 1hen I "a(e o+t into the
nat+ral li)ht &ro( the (ity yello1 roo(@
Perha$ I (i)ht ha.e told 0oe abo+t the $ale yo+n) )entle(an* i& I
had not $ been betrayed into thoe enor(o+ in.ention to
1hi"h I had "on&eed- Dnder the "ir"+(tan"e* I &elt that 0oe
"o+ld hardly &ail to di"ern in the $ale yo+n) )entle(an* an
a$$ro$riate $aen)er to be $+t into the bla"# "oa"h9
there&ore* I aid nothin) o& hi(- :eide* that hrin#in) &ro( %i ;a.iha( and Etella di"+ed* 1hi"h had "o(e +$on (e
in the be)innin)* )re1 (+"h (ore $otent a ti(e 1ent on- I re$oed
"o($lete "on&iden"e in no one b+t :iddy9 b+t I told $oor :iddy
e.erythin)- 7hy it "a(e nat+ral to (e to do o* and 1hy :iddy had a
dee$ "on"ern in e.erythin) I told her* I did not #no1 then* tho+)h
I thin# I #no1 no1-
%ean1hile* "o+n"il 1ent on in the #it"hen at ho(e* &ra+)ht 1ith
al(ot in+$$ortable a))ra.ation to (y e,a$erated $irit- That
a* P+(ble"hoo#* +ed o&ten to "o(e o& a ni)ht &or the $+r$oe
o& di"+in) (y $ro$e"t 1ith (y iter9 and I really do belie.e
2to thi ho+r 1ith le $eniten"e than I o+)ht to &eel3* that i&
thee hand "o+ld ha.e ta#en a lin"h$in o+t o& hi "haie/"art*
they 1o+ld ha.e done it- The (ierable (an 1a a (an o& that
"on&ined tolidity o& (ind* that he "o+ld not di"+ (y $ro$e"t
1itho+t (e be&ore hi(*//a it 1ere* to o$erate +$on*//and he
1o+ld dra) (e +$ &ro( (y tool 2++ally by the "ollar3 1here I 1a
4+iet in a "orner* and* $+ttin) (e be&ore the &ire a i& I 1ere
)oin) to be "oo#ed* 1o+ld be)in by ayin)* 6No1* %+(* here i thi
boy< ;ere i thi boy 1hi"h yo+ bro+)ht +$ by hand- ;old +$ yo+r
head* boy* and be & )rate&+l +nto the( 1hi"h o did do- No1*
%+(* 1ith re$e"tion to thi boy<6 And then he 1o+ld r+($le (y
hair the 1ron) 1ay*//1hi"h &ro( (y earliet re(e(bran"e* a already
hinted* I ha.e in (y o+l denied the ri)ht o& any &ello1/"reat+re
to do*//and 1o+ld hold (e be&ore hi( by the lee.e*//a $e"ta"le o&
i(be"ility only to be e4+alled by hi(el&-
Then* he and (y iter 1o+ld $air o&& in +"h noneni"al
$e"+lation abo+t %i ;a.iha(* and abo+t 1hat he 1o+ld do 1ith
(e and &or (e* that I +ed to 1ant//4+ite $ain&+lly//to b+rt
into $ite&+l tear* &ly at P+(ble"hoo#* and $+((el hi( all
In thee dialo)+e* (y iter $o#e to (e a i& he 1ere (orally
1ren"hin) one o& (y teeth o+t at e.ery re&eren"e9 1hile P+(ble"hoo#
hi(el&* el&/"ontit+ted (y $atron* 1o+ld it +$er.iin) (e 1ith
a de$re"iatory eye* li#e the ar"hite"t o& (y &ort+ne 1ho tho+)ht
hi(el& en)a)ed on a .ery +nre(+nerati.e Aob-
In thee di"+ion* 0oe bore no $art- :+t he 1a o&ten tal#ed at*
1hile they 1ere in $ro)re* by reaon o& %r- 0oe' $er" that
he 1a not &a.orable to (y bein) ta#en &ro( the &or)e- I 1a &+lly
old eno+)h no1 to be a$$renti"ed to 0oe9 and 1hen 0oe at 1ith the
$o#er on hi #nee tho+)ht&+lly ra#in) o+t the ahe bet1een the
lo1er bar* (y iter 1o+ld o ditin"tly "ontr+e that inno"ent
a"tion into o$$oition on hi $art* that he 1o+ld di.e at hi(*
ta#e the $o#er o+t o& hi hand* ha#e hi(* and $+t it a1ay- There
1a a (ot irritatin) end to e.ery one o& thee debate- All in a
(o(ent* 1ith nothin) to lead +$ to it* (y iter 1o+ld to$ herel&
in a ya1n* and "at"hin) i)ht o& (e a it 1ere in"identally* 1o+ld
1oo$ +$on (e 1ith* 6Co(e< there' eno+)h o& yo+< ?o+ )et alon) to
bed9 yo+'.e )i.en tro+ble eno+)h &or one ni)ht* I ho$e<6 A i& I
had beo+)ht the( a a &a.or to bother (y li&e o+t-
7e 1ent on in thi 1ay &or a lon) ti(e* and it ee(ed li#ely that
1e ho+ld "ontin+e to )o on in thi 1ay &or a lon) ti(e* 1hen one
day %i ;a.iha( to$$ed hort a he and I 1ere 1al#in)* he
leanin) on (y ho+lder9 and aid 1ith o(e di$lea+re*//
6?o+ are )ro1in) tall* Pi$<6
I tho+)ht it bet to hint* thro+)h the (edi+( o& a (editati.e loo#*
that thi (i)ht be o""aioned by "ir"+(tan"e 1hi"h I had no
She aid no (ore at the ti(e9 b+t he $reently to$$ed and loo#ed
at (e a)ain9 and $reently a)ain9 and a&ter that* loo#ed &ro1nin)
and (oody- On the ne,t day o& (y attendan"e* 1hen o+r ++al e,er"ie
1a* and I had landed her at her drein)/table* he tayed (e
1ith a (o.e(ent o& her i($atient &in)erB//
6Tell (e the na(e a)ain o& that bla"#(ith o& yo+r-6
60oe Gar)ery* (a'a(-6
6%eanin) the (ater yo+ 1ere to be a$$renti"ed to@6
6?e* %i ;a.iha(-6
6?o+ had better be a$$renti"ed at on"e- 7o+ld Gar)ery "o(e here
1ith yo+* and brin) yo+r indent+re* do yo+ thin#@6
I i)ni&ied that I had no do+bt he 1o+ld ta#e it a an honor to be
6Then let hi( "o(e-6
6At any $arti"+lar ti(e* %i ;a.iha(@6
6There* there< I #no1 nothin) abo+t ti(e- Cet hi( "o(e oon* and
"o(e alon) 1ith yo+-6
7hen I )ot ho(e at ni)ht* and deli.ered thi (ea)e &or 0oe* (y
iter 61ent on the Ra($a)e*6 in a (ore alar(in) de)ree than at any
$ $eriod- She a#ed (e and 0oe 1hether 1e +$$oed he 1a
door/(at +nder o+r &eet* and ho1 1e dared to +e her o* and 1hat
"o($any 1e )ra"io+ly tho+)ht he 1a &it &or@ 7hen he had
e,ha+ted a torrent o& +"h in4+irie* he thre1 a "andleti"# at
0oe* b+rt into a lo+d obbin)* )ot o+t the d+t$an*//1hi"h 1a
al1ay a .ery bad i)n*//$+t on her "oare a$ron* and be)an
"leanin) +$ to a terrible e,tent- Not ati&ied 1ith a dry
"leanin)* he too# to a $ail and "r+bbin)/br+h* and "leaned +
o+t o& ho+e and ho(e* o that 1e tood hi.erin) in the ba"#/yard-
It 1a ten o'"lo"# at ni)ht be&ore 1e .ent+red to "ree$ in a)ain*
and then he a#ed 0oe 1hy he hadn't (arried a Ne)re Sla.e at
on"e@ 0oe o&&ered no an1er* $oor &ello1* b+t tood &eelin) hi
1hi#er and loo#in) deAe"tedly at (e* a i& he tho+)ht it really
(i)ht ha.e been a better $e"+lation-
Cha$ter XIII
It 1a a trial to (y &eelin)* on the ne,t day b+t one* to ee 0oe
arrayin) hi(el& in hi S+nday "lothe to a""o($any (e to %i
;a.iha('- ;* a he tho+)ht hi "o+rt/+it ne"eary to the
o""aion* it 1a not &or (e tell hi( that he loo#ed &ar better in
hi 1or#in)/dre9 the rather* be"a+e I #ne1 he (ade hi(el& o
dread&+lly +n"o(&ortable* entirely on (y a""o+nt* and that it 1a
&or (e he $+lled +$ hi hirt/"ollar o .ery hi)h behind* that it
(ade the hair on the "ro1n o& hi head tand +$ li#e a t+&t o&
At brea#&at/ti(e (y iter de"lared her intention o& )oin) to to1n
1ith +* and bein) le&t at Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#' and "alled &or 61hen
1e had done 1ith o+r &ine ladie6//a 1ay o& $+ttin) the "ae* &ro(
1hi"h 0oe a$$eared in"lined to a+)+r the 1ort- The &or)e 1a h+t
+$ &or the day* and 0oe in"ribed in "hal# +$on the door 2a it 1a
hi "+to( to do on the .ery rare o""aion 1hen he 1a not at
1or#3 the (onoyllable ;ODT* a""o($anied by a #et"h o& an arro1
+$$oed to be &lyin) in the dire"tion he had ta#en-
7e 1al#ed to to1n* (y iter leadin) the 1ay in a .ery lar)e
bonnet* and "arryin) a ba#et li#e the Great Seal o& En)land in
$laited Stra1* a $air o& $atten* a $are ha1l* and an +(brella*
tho+)h it 1a a &ine bri)ht day- I a( not 4+ite "lear 1hether thee
arti"le 1ere "arried $enitentially or otentatio+ly9 b+t I
rather thin# they 1ere di$layed a arti"le o& $ro$erty*//(+"h a
Cleo$atra or any other o.erei)n lady on the Ra($a)e (i)ht e,hibit
her 1ealth in a $a)eant or $ro"eion-
7hen 1e "a(e to P+(ble"hoo#'* (y iter bo+n"ed in and le&t +- A
it 1a al(ot noon* 0oe and I held trai)ht on to %i ;a.iha('
ho+e- Etella o$ened the )ate a ++al* and* the (o(ent he
a$$eared* 0oe too# hi hat o&& and tood 1ei)hin) it by the bri( in
both hi hand9 a i& he had o(e +r)ent reaon in hi (ind &or
bein) $arti"+lar to hal& a 4+arter o& an o+n"e-
Etella too# no noti"e o& either o& +* b+t led + the 1ay that I
#ne1 o 1ell- I &ollo1ed ne,t to her* and 0oe "a(e lat- 7hen I
loo#ed ba"# at 0oe in the lon) $aa)e* he 1a till 1ei)hin) hi
hat 1ith the )reatet "are* and 1a "o(in) a&ter + in lon) tride
on the ti$ o& hi toe-
Etella told (e 1e 1ere both to )o in* o I too# 0oe by the
"oat/"+&& and "ond+"ted hi( into %i ;a.iha(' $reen"e- She 1a
eated at her drein)/table* and loo#ed ro+nd at + i((ediately-
6Oh<6 aid he to 0oe- 6?o+ are the h+band o& the iter o& thi
I "o+ld hardly ha.e i(a)ined dear old 0oe loo#in) o +nli#e hi(el&
or o li#e o(e e,traordinary bird9 tandin) a he did
$ee"hle* 1ith hi t+&t o& &eather r+&&led* and hi (o+th o$en
a i& he 1anted a 1or(-
6?o+ are the h+band*6 re$eated %i ;a.iha(* 6o& the iter o&
thi boy@6
It 1a .ery a))ra.atin)9 b+t* thro+)ho+t the inter.ie1* 0oe
$erited in addrein) %e intead o& %i ;a.iha(-
67hi"h I (eanteray* Pi$*6 0oe no1 ober.ed in a (anner that 1a at
on"e e,$rei.e o& &or"ible ar)+(entation* tri"t "on&iden"e* and
)reat $olitene* 6a I h+$ and (arried yo+r iter* and I 1ere at
the ti(e 1hat yo+ (i)ht "all 2i& yo+ 1a any1ay in"lined3 a in)le
67ell<6 aid %i ;a.iha(- 6And yo+ ha.e reared the boy* 1ith the
intention o& ta#in) hi( &or yo+r a$$renti"e9 i that o* %r-
6?o+ #no1* Pi$*6 re$lied 0oe* 6a yo+ and (e 1ere &riend* and
it 1ere loo#ed &or'ard to bet1i,t +* a bein) "al"'lated to lead
to lar#- Not b+t 1hat* Pi$* i& yo+ had (ade obAe"tion to the
b+ine*//+"h a it bein) o$en to bla"# and +t* or +"h/li#e*//
not b+t 1hat they 1o+ld ha.e been attended to* don't yo+ ee@6
6;a the boy*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* (ade any obAe"tion@ !oe
he li#e the trade@6
67hi"h it i 1ell be#no1n to yo+rel&* Pi$*6 ret+rned 0oe*
tren)thenin) hi &or(er (i,t+re o& ar)+(entation* "on&iden"e* and
$olitene* 6that it 1ere the 1ih o& yo+r o1n hart-6 2I a1 the
idea +ddenly brea# +$on hi( that he 1o+ld ada$t hi e$ita$h to the
o""aion* be&ore he 1ent on to ay3 6And there 1eren't no obAe"tion
on yo+r $art* and Pi$ it 1ere the )reat 1ih o& yo+r hart<6
It 1a 4+ite in .ain &or (e to endea.or to (a#e hi( enible that
he o+)ht to $ea# to %i ;a.iha(- The (ore I (ade &a"e and
)et+re to hi( to do it* the (ore "on&idential* ar)+(entati.e* and
$olite* he $erited in bein) to %e-
6;a.e yo+ bro+)ht hi indent+re 1ith yo+@6 a#ed %i ;a.iha(-
67ell* Pi$* yo+ #no1*6 re$lied 0oe* a i& that 1ere a little
+nreaonable* 6yo+ yo+rel& ee (e $+t 'e( in (y 'at* and there&ore
yo+ #no1 a they are here-6 7ith 1hi"h he too# the( o+t* and )a.e
the(* not to %i ;a.iha(* b+t to (e- I a( a&raid I 1a aha(ed o&
the dear )ood &ello1*//I #no1 I 1a aha(ed o& hi(*//1hen I a1
that Etella tood at the ba"# o& %i ;a.iha(' "hair* and that
her eye la+)hed (i"hie.o+ly- I too# the indent+re o+t o& hi
hand and )a.e the( to %i ;a.iha(-
6?o+ e,$e"ted*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* a he loo#ed the(* 6no
$re(i+( 1ith the boy@6
60oe<6 I re(ontrated* &or he (ade no re$ly at all- 67hy don't yo+
6Pi$*6 ret+rned 0oe* "+ttin) (e hort a i& he 1ere h+rt* 61hi"h I
(eanteray that 1ere not a 4+etion re4+irin) a an1er bet1i,t
yo+rel& and (e* and 1hi"h yo+ #no1 the an1er to be &+ll 1ell No-
?o+ #no1 it to be No* Pi$* and 1here&ore ho+ld I ay it@6
%i ;a.iha( )lan"ed at hi( a i& he +ndertood 1hat he really
1a better than I had tho+)ht $oible* eein) 1hat he 1a there9
and too# +$ a little ba) &ro( the table beide her-
6Pi$ ha earned a $re(i+( here*6 he aid* 6and here it i- There
are &i.e/and/t1enty )+inea in thi ba)- Gi.e it to yo+r (ater*
A i& he 1ere abol+tely o+t o& hi (ind 1ith the 1onder a1a#ened
in hi( by her tran)e &i)+re and the tran)e roo(* 0oe* e.en at
thi $a* $erited in addrein) (e-
6Thi i 1ery liberal on yo+r $art* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* 6and it i a
+"h re"ei.ed and )rate&+l 1el"o(e* tho+)h loo#ed &or* &ar
nor near* nor no1here- And no1* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* "on.eyin) to
(e a enation* &irt o& b+rnin) and then o& &ree8in)* &or I &elt
a i& that &a(iliar e,$reion 1ere a$$lied to %i ;a.iha(*//6and
no1* old "ha$* (ay 1e do o+r d+ty< %ay yo+ and (e do o+r d+ty* both
on +* by one and another* and by the( 1hi"h yo+r liberal $reent//
ha.e/"on1eyed//to be//&or the ati&a"tion o& (ind/o&//the(
a here 0oe ho1ed that he &elt he had &allen into
&ri)ht&+l di&&i"+ltie* +ntil he tri+($hantly re"+ed hi(el& 1ith
the 1ord* 6and &ro( (yel& &ar be it<6 Thee 1ord had +"h a
ro+nd and ""in) o+nd &or hi( that he aid the( t1i"e-
6Good by* Pi$<6 aid %i ;a.iha(- 6Cet the( o+t* Etella-6
6A( I to "o(e a)ain* %i ;a.iha(@6 I a#ed-
6No- Gar)ery i yo+r (ater no1- Gar)ery< One 1ord<6
Th+ "allin) hi( ba"# a I 1ent o+t o& the door* I heard her ay to
0oe in a ditin"t e($hati" .oi"e* 6The boy ha been a )ood boy
here* and that i hi re1ard- O& "o+re* a an honet (an* yo+ 1ill
e,$e"t no other and no (ore-6
;o1 0oe )ot o+t o& the roo(* I ha.e been able to deter(ine9
b+t I #no1 that 1hen he did )et o+t he 1a teadily $ro"eedin)
+$ tair intead o& "o(in) do1n* and 1a dea& to all re(ontran"e
+ntil I 1ent a&ter hi( and laid hold o& hi(- In another (in+te 1e
1ere o+tide the )ate* and it 1a lo"#ed* and Etella 1a )one-
7hen 1e tood in the dayli)ht alone a)ain* 0oe ba"#ed +$ a)aint a
1all* and aid to (e* 6Atonihin)<6 And there he re(ained o lon)
ayin)* 6Atonihin)6 at* o o&ten* that I be)an to thin#
hi ene 1ere "o(in) ba"#- At len)th he $rolon)ed hi
re(ar# into 6Pi$* I do a+re yo+ thi i a/TON/ihin)<6 and o* by
de)ree* be"a(e "on.erational and able to 1al# a1ay-
I ha.e reaon to thin# that 0oe' intelle"t 1ere bri)htened by the
en"o+nter they had $aed thro+)h* and that on o+r 1ay to
P+(ble"hoo#' he in.ented a +btle and dee$ dei)n- %y reaon i to
be &o+nd in 1hat too# $la"e in %r- P+(ble"hoo#' $arlorB 1here* on
o+r $reentin) o+rel.e* (y iter at in "on&eren"e 1ith that
deteted eed(an-
67ell@6 "ried (y iter* addrein) + both at on"e- 6And 1hat'
ha$$ened to yo+@ I 1onder yo+ "onde"end to "o(e ba"# to +"h $oor
o"iety a thi* I a( +re I do<6
6%i ;a.iha(*6 aid 0oe* 1ith a &i,ed loo# at (e* li#e an e&&ort
o& re(e(bran"e* 6(ade it 1ery $arti"#'ler that 1e ho+ld )i.e her//
1ere it "o($li(ent or re$e"t* Pi$@6
6Co($li(ent*6 I aid-
67hi"h that 1ere (y o1n belie&*6 an1ered 0oe9 6her "o($li(ent to
%r- 0- Gar)ery//6
6%+"h )ood they'll do (e<6 ober.ed (y iter9 b+t rather )rati&ied
6And 1ihin)*6 $+r+ed 0oe* 1ith another &i,ed loo# at (e* li#e
another e&&ort o& re(e(bran"e* 6that the tate o& %i ;a.iha('
elth 1ere it"h a 1o+ld ha.e//allo1ed* 1ere it* Pi$@6
6O& her the $lea+re*6 I added-
6O& ladie' "o($any*6 aid 0oe- And dre1 a lon) breath-
67ell<6 "ried (y iter* 1ith a (olli&ied )lan"e at %r- P+(ble"hoo#-
6She (i)ht ha.e had the $olitene to end that (ea)e at &irt*
b+t it' better late than And 1hat did he )i.e yo+n)
Ranti$ole here@6
6She )i.' hi(*6 aid 0oe* 6nothin)-6
%r- 0oe 1a )oin) to brea# o+t* b+t 0oe 1ent on-
67hat he )i.'*6 aid 0oe* 6he )i.' to hi &riend- 'And by hi
&riend*' 1ere her e,$lanation* 'I (ean into the hand o& hi
iter %r- 0- Gar)ery-' The( 1ere her 1ord9 '%r- 0- Gar)ery-' She
(ayn't ha.e #no1'd*6 added 0oe* 1ith an a$$earan"e o& re&le"tion*
61hether it 1ere 0oe* or 0or)e-6
%y iter loo#ed at P+(ble"hoo#B 1ho (oothed the elbo1 o& hi
1ooden ar(/"hair* and nodded at her and at the &ire* a i& he had
#no1n all abo+t it be&orehand-
6And ho1 (+"h ha.e yo+ )ot@6 a#ed (y iter* la+)hin)- Poiti.ely
67hat 1o+ld $reent "o($any ay to ten $o+nd@6 de(anded 0oe-
6They'd ay*6 ret+rned (y iter* "+rtly* 6$retty 1ell- Not too
(+"h* b+t $retty 1ell-6
6It' (ore than that* then*6 aid 0oe-
That &ear&+l I($otor* P+(ble"hoo#* i((ediately nodded* and aid*
a he r+bbed the ar( o& hi "hair* 6It' (ore than that* %+(-6
67hy* yo+ don't (ean to ay//6 be)an (y iter-
6?e I do* %+(*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#9 6b+t 1ait a bit- Go on* 0oe$h-
Good in yo+< Go on<6
67hat 1o+ld $reent "o($any ay*6 $ro"eeded 0oe* 6to t1enty $o+nd@6
6;ando(e 1o+ld be the 1ord*6 ret+rned (y iter-
67ell* then*6 aid 0oe* 6It' (ore than t1enty $o+nd-6
That abAe"t hy$o"rite* P+(ble"hoo#* nodded a)ain* and aid* 1ith a
$atroni8in) la+)h* 6It' (ore than that* %+(- Good a)ain< 5ollo1 her
+$* 0oe$h<6
6Then to (a#e an end o& it*6 aid 0oe* deli)htedly handin) the ba)
to (y iter9 6it' &i.e/and/t1enty $o+nd-6
6It' &i.e/and/t1enty $o+nd* %+(*6 e"hoed that baet o& 1indler*
P+(ble"hoo#* riin) to ha#e hand 1ith her9 6and it' no (ore than
yo+r (erit 2a I aid 1hen (y o$inion 1a a#ed3* and I 1ih yo+
Aoy o& the (oney<6
I& the .illain had to$$ed here* hi "ae 1o+ld ha.e been
+&&i"iently a1&+l* b+t he bla"#ened hi )+ilt by $ro"eedin) to
ta#e (e into "+tody* 1ith a ri)ht o& $atrona)e that le&t all hi
&or(er "ri(inality &ar behind-
6No1 yo+ ee* 0oe$h and 1i&e*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#* a he too# (e by
the ar( abo.e the elbo1* 6I a( one o& the( that al1ay )o ri)ht
thro+)h 1ith 1hat they'.e be)+n- Thi boy (+t be bo+nd* o+t o&
hand- That' (y 1ay- :o+nd o+t o& hand-6
6Goodne #no1* Dn"le P+(ble"hoo#*6 aid (y iter 2)ra$in) the
(oney3* 61e're dee$ly beholden to yo+-6 (ind (e* %+(* ret+rned that diaboli"al "orn"handler- 6A
$lea+re' a $lea+re all the 1orld :+t thi boy* yo+ #no19
1e (+t ha.e hi( bo+nd- I aid I'd ee to it//to tell yo+ the
The 0+ti"e 1ere ittin) in the To1n ;all near at hand* and 1e at
on"e 1ent to ha.e (e bo+nd a$$renti"e to 0oe in the
%a)iterial $reen"e- I ay 1e 1ent* b+t I 1a $+hed by
P+(ble"hoo#* e,a"tly a i& I had that (o(ent $i"#ed a $o"#et or
&ired a ri"#9 indeed* it 1a the )eneral i($reion in Co+rt that I
had been ta#en red/handed9 &or* a P+(ble"hoo# ho.ed (e be&ore hi(
thro+)h the "ro1d* I heard o(e $eo$le ay* 67hat' he done@6 and
other* 6;e' a yo+n) '+n* too* b+t loo# bad* don't he@ One $eron
o& (ild and bene.olent a$e"t e.en )a.e (e a tra"t orna(ented 1ith
a 1ood"+t o& a (ale.olent yo+n) (an &itted +$ 1ith a $er&e"t
a+a)e/ho$ o& &etter* and entitled TO :E REA! IN %? CECC-
The ;all 1a a 4+eer $la"e* I tho+)ht* 1ith hi)her $e1 in it than
a "h+r"h*//and 1ith $eo$le han)in) the $e1 loo#in) on*//and
1ith (i)hty 0+ti"e 2one 1ith a $o1dered head3 leanin) ba"# in
"hair* 1ith &olded ar(* or ta#in) n+&&* or )oin) to lee$* or
1ritin)* or readin) the ne1$a$er*//and 1ith o(e hinin) bla"#
$ortrait on the 1all* 1hi"h (y +nartiti" eye re)arded a a
"o($oition o& hardba#e and ti"#in)/$later- ;ere* in a "orner
(y indent+re 1ere d+ly i)ned and atteted* and I 1a 6bo+nd69 %r-
P+(ble"hoo# holdin) (e all the 1hile a i& 1e had loo#ed in on o+r
1ay to the "a&&old* to ha.e thoe little $reli(inarie di$oed
7hen 1e had "o(e o+t a)ain* and had )ot rid o& the boy 1ho had
been $+t into )reat $irit by the e,$e"tation o& eein) (e
$+bli"ly tort+red* and 1ho 1ere (+"h dia$$ointed to &ind that (y
&riend 1ere (erely rallyin) ro+nd (e* 1e 1ent ba"# to
P+(ble"hoo#'- And there (y iter be"a(e o e,"ited by the
t1enty/&i.e )+inea* that nothin) 1o+ld er.e her b+t 1e (+t ha.e
a dinner o+t o& that 1ind&all at the :l+e :oar* and that
P+(ble"hoo# (+t )o in hi "haie/"art* and brin) the ;+bble
and %r- 7o$le-
It 1a a)reed to be done9 and a (ot (elan"holy day I $aed- 5or*
it in"r+tably a$$eared to tand to reaon* in the (ind o& the
1hole "o($any* that I 1a an e,"re"en"e on the entertain(ent- And
to (a#e it 1ore* they all a#ed (e &ro( ti(e to ti(e*//in hort* they had nothin) ele to do*//1hy I didn't enAoy (yel&@
And 1hat "o+ld I $oibly do then* b+t ay I 1a enAoyin) (yel&*//
1hen I 1an't<
;* they 1ere )ro1n +$ and had their o1n 1ay* and they (ade
the (ot o& it- That 1indlin) P+(ble"hoo#* e,alted into the
bene&i"ent " o& the 1hole o""aion* a"t+ally too# the to$
o& the table9 and* 1hen he addreed the( on the +bAe"t o& (y
bein) bo+nd* and had &iendihly "on)rat+lated the( on (y bein)
liable to i($rion(ent i& I $layed at "ard* dran# tron) li4+or*
#e$t late ho+r or bad "o($any* or ind+l)ed in other .a)arie 1hi"h
the &or( o& (y indent+re a$$eared to "onte($late a ne,t to
ine.itable* he $la"ed (e tandin) on a "hair beide hi( to
ill+trate hi re(ar#-
%y only other re(e(bran"e o& the )reat & are* That they
1o+ldn't let (e )o to lee$* b+t they a1 (e dro$$in) o&&*
1o#e (e +$ and told (e to enAoy (yel&- That* rather late in the
e.enin) %r- 7o$le )a.e + Collin' ode* and thre1 hi bloodtained
1ord in th+nder do1n* 1ith +"h e&&e"t* that a 1aiter "a(e in and
aid* 6The Co((er"ial +nderneath ent +$ their "o($li(ent* and it
1an't the T+(bler' Ar(-6 That* they 1ere all in e,"ellent
$irit on the road ho(e* and an)* O Cady 5air< %r- 7o$le ta#in)
the ba* and aertin) 1ith a tre(endo+ly tron) .oi"e 2in re$ly
to the in4+iiti.e bore 1ho lead that $ie"e o& (+i" in a (ot
i($ertinent (anner* by 1antin) to #no1 all abo+t e.erybody'
$ri.ate a&&air3 that he 1a the (an 1ith hi 1hite lo"# &lo1in)*
and that he 1a +$on the 1hole the 1ea#et $il)ri( )oin)-
5inally* I re(e(ber that 1hen I )ot into (y little bedroo(* I 1a
tr+ly 1ret"hed* and had a tron) "on.i"tion on (e that I ho+ld li#e 0oe' trade- I had li#ed it on"e* b+t on"e 1a not no1-
Cha$ter XIE
It i a (ot (ierable thin) to &eel aha(ed o& ho(e- There (ay be
bla"# in)ratit+de in the thin)* and the $+nih(ent (ay be
retrib+ti.e and 1ell deer.ed9 b+t that it i a (ierable thin)* I
"an teti&y-
;o(e had been a .ery $leaant $la"e to (e* be"a+e o& (y
iter' te($er- :+t* 0oe had an"ti&ied it* and I had belie.ed in
it- I had belie.ed in the bet $arlor a a (ot ele)ant aloon9 I
had belie.ed in the &ront door* a a (yterio+ $ortal o& the
Te($le o& State 1hoe ole(n o$enin) 1a attended 1ith a a"ri&i"e
o& roat &o1l9 I had belie.ed in the #it"hen a a "hate tho+)h
not (a)ni&i"ent a$art(ent9 I had belie.ed in the &or)e a the
)lo1in) road to (anhood and inde$enden"e- 7ithin a in)le year all
thi 1a "han)ed- No1 it 1a all "oare and "o((on* and I 1o+ld
not ha.e had %i ;a.iha( and Etella ee it on any a""o+nt-
;o1 (+"h o& (y +n)ra"io+ "ondition o& (ind (ay ha.e been (y o1n
&a+lt* ho1 (+"h %i ;a.iha('* ho1 (+"h (y iter'* i no1 o& no
(o(ent to (e or to any one- The "han)e 1a (ade in (e9 the thin)
1a done- 7ell or ill done* e,"+ably or ine,"+ably* it 1a done-
On"e* it had ee(ed to (e that 1hen I ho+ld at lat roll +$ (y
hirt/lee.e and )o into the &or)e* 0oe' '$renti"e* I ho+ld be
ditin)+ihed and ha$$y- No1 the reality 1a in (y hold* I only
&elt that I 1a d+ty 1ith the d+t o& (all/"oal* and that I had a
1ei)ht +$on (y daily re(e(bran"e to 1hi"h the 1a a &eather-
There ha.e been o""aion in (y later li&e 2I +$$oe a in (ot
li.e3 1hen I ha.e &elt &or a ti(e a i& a thi"# "+rtain had &allen
on all it interet and ro(an"e* to h+t (e o+t &ro( anythin) a.e
d+ll end+ran"e any (ore- ha that "+rtain dro$$ed o hea.y
and blan#* a 1hen (y 1ay in li&e lay tret"hed o+t trai)ht be&ore
(e thro+)h the ne1ly entered road o& a$$renti"ehi$ to 0oe-
I re(e(ber that at a later $eriod o& (y 6ti(e*6 I +ed to tand
abo+t the "h+r"hyard on S+nday e.enin) 1hen ni)ht 1a &allin)*
"o($arin) (y o1n $er$e"ti.e 1ith the 1indy (arh .ie1* and (a#in)
o+t o(e li#ene bet1een the( by thin#in) ho1 &lat and lo1 both
1ere* and ho1 on both there "a(e an +n#no1n 1ay and a dar# (it and
then the ea- I 1a 4+ite a deAe"ted on the &irt 1or#in)/day o&
(y a$$renti"ehi$ a in that a&ter/ti(e9 b+t I a( )lad to #no1 that
I breathed a (+r(+r to 0oe 1hile (y indent+re lated- It i
abo+t the only thin) I a( )lad to #no1 o& (yel& in that
5or* tho+)h it in"l+de 1hat I $ro"eed to add* all the (erit o&
1hat I $ro"eed to add 1a 0oe'- It 1a not be"a+e I 1a &aith&+l*
b+t be"a+e 0oe 1a &aith&+l* that I ran a1ay and 1ent &or a
oldier or a ailor- It 1a not be"a+e I had a tron) ene o& the
.irt+e o& ind+try* b+t be"a+e 0oe had a tron) ene o& the
.irt+e o& ind+try* that I 1or#ed 1ith tolerable 8eal a)aint the
)rain- It i not $oible to #no1 ho1 &ar the in&l+en"e o& any
a(iable honet/hearted d+ty/doin) (an &lie o+t into the 1orld9 b+t
it i .ery $oible to #no1 ho1 it ha to+"hed one' el& in )oin)
by* and I #no1 ri)ht 1ell that any )ood that inter(i,ed itel&
1ith (y a$$renti"ehi$ "a(e o& $lain "ontented 0oe* and not o&
retlely a$irin) di"ontented (e-
7hat I 1anted* 1ho "an ay@ ;o1 "an I ay* 1hen I #ne1@ 7hat
I dreaded 1a* that in o(e +nl+"#y ho+r I* bein) at (y )ri(iet
and "o((onet* ho+ld li&t +$ (y eye and ee Etella loo#in) in at
one o& the 1ooden 1indo1 o& the &or)e- I 1a ha+nted by the &ear
that he 1o+ld* ooner or later* &ind (e o+t* 1ith a bla"# &a"e and
hand* doin) the "oaret $art o& (y 1or#* and 1o+ld e,+lt (e
and de$ie (e- O&ten a&ter dar#* 1hen I 1a $+llin) the bello1
&or 0oe* and 1e 1ere in)in) Old Cle(* and 1hen the tho+)ht ho1 1e
+ed to in) it at %i ;a.iha(' 1o+ld ee( to ho1 (e Etella'
&a"e in the &ire* 1ith her $retty hair &l+tterin) in the 1ind and
her eye "ornin) (e*//o&ten at +"h a ti(e I 1o+ld loo# to1ard
thoe $anel o& bla"# ni)ht in the 1all 1hi"h the 1ooden 1indo1
then 1ere* and 1o+ld &an"y that I a1 her A+t dra1in) her &a"e
a1ay* and 1o+ld belie.e that he had "o(e at lat-
A&ter that* 1hen 1e 1ent in to +$$er* the $la"e and the (eal 1o+ld
ha.e a (ore ho(ely loo# than* and I 1o+ld &eel (ore aha(ed o&
ho(e than* in (y o1n +n)ra"io+ breat-
Cha$ter XE
A I 1a )ettin) too bi) &or %r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt' roo(* (y
ed+"ation +nder that $re$otero+ &e(ale ter(inated- Not**
+ntil :iddy had i($arted to (e e.erythin) he #ne1* &ro( the little
"atalo)+e o& $ri"e* to a "o(i" on) he had on"e bo+)ht &or a
hal&/$enny- Altho+)h the only "oherent $art o& the latter $ie"e o&
literat+re 1ere the o$enin) line*
7hen I 1ent to C+nnon to1n ir* Too r+l loo r+l Too r+l loo r+l
7an't I done .ery bro1n ir@ Too r+l loo r+l Too r+l loo r+l
//till* in (y deire to be 1ier* I )ot thi "o($oition by heart
1ith the +t(ot )ra.ity9 nor do I re"olle"t that I 4+etioned it
(erit* e,"e$t that I tho+)ht 2a I till do3 the a(o+nt o& Too r+l
o(e1hat in e,"e o& the $oetry- In (y h+n)er &or in&or(ation* I
(ade $ro$oal to %r- 7o$le to beto1 o(e intelle"t+al "r+(b +$on
(e* 1ith 1hi"h he #indly "o($lied- A it t+rned o+t** that
he only 1anted (e &or a dra(ati" lay/&i)+re* to be "ontradi"ted and
e(bra"ed and 1e$t and b+llied and "l+t"hed and tabbed and
#no"#ed abo+t in a .ariety o& 1ay* I oon de"lined that "o+re o&
intr+"tion9 tho+)h not +ntil %r- 7o$le in hi $oeti" &+ry had
e.erely (a+led (e- I a"4+ired* I tried to i($art to 0oe- Thi tate(ent
o+nd o 1ell* that I "annot in (y "on"ien"e let it $a
+ne,$lained- I 1anted to (a#e 0oe le i)norant and "o((on* that he
(i)ht be 1orthier o& (y o"iety and le o$en to Etella'
The old :attery o+t on the (arhe 1a o+r $la"e o& t+dy* and a
bro#en late and a hort $ie"e o& late/$en"il 1ere o+r ed+"ational
i($le(entB to 1hi"h 0oe al1ay added a $i$e o& toba""o- I
#ne1 0oe to re(e(ber anythin) &ro( one S+nday to another* or to
a"4+ire* +nder (y t+ition* any $ie"e o& in&or(ation ?et
he 1o+ld (o#e hi $i$e at the :attery 1ith a &ar (ore a)a"io+
air than any1here ele*//e.en 1ith a learned air*//a i& he
"onidered hi(el& to be"in) i((enely- !ear &ello1* I ho$e
he did-
It 1a $leaant and 4+iet* o+t there 1ith the ail on the
$ain) beyond the earth1or#* and o(eti(e* 1hen the tide 1a lo1*
loo#in) a i& they belon)ed to +n#en hi$ that 1ere till ailin)
on at the botto( o& the 1ater- I 1at"hed the .eel
tandin) o+t to ea 1ith their 1hite ail $read* I o(eho1
tho+)ht o& %i ;a.iha( and Etella9 and the li)ht tr+"#
alant* a&ar o&&* +$on a "lo+d or ail or )reen hillide or
1ater/line* it 1a A+t the a(e-//%i ;a.iha( and Etella and
the tran)e ho+e and the tran)e li&e a$$eared to ha.e o(ethin)
to do 1ith e.erythin) that 1a $i"t+re4+e-
One S+nday 1hen 0oe* )reatly enAoyin) hi $i$e* had o $l+(ed
hi(el& on bein) 6(ot a1&+l d+ll*6 that I had )i.en hi( +$ &or the
day* I lay on the earth1or# &or o(e ti(e 1ith (y "hin on (y hand*
de"ryin) tra"e o& %i ;a.iha( and Etella all the
$ro$e"t* in the #y and in the 1ater* +ntil at lat I reol.ed to
(ention a tho+)ht "on"ernin) the( that had been (+"h in (y head-
60oe*6 aid I9 6don't yo+ thin# I o+)ht to (a#e %i ;a.iha( a
67ell* Pi$*6 ret+rned 0oe* lo1ly "oniderin)- 67hat &or@6
67hat &or* 0oe@ 7hat i any .iit (ade &or@6
6There i o(e 1iit $'r'a$*6 aid 0oe* 6a &or re(ain
o$en to the 4+etion* Pi$- :+t in re)ard to 1iitin) %i ;a.iha(-
She (i)ht thin# yo+ 1anted o(ethin)*//e,$e"ted o(ethin) o& her-6
6!on't yo+ thin# I (i)ht ay that I did not* 0oe@6
6?o+ (i)ht* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe- 6And he (i)ht "redit it-
Si(ilarly he (i)htn't-6
0oe &elt* a I did* that he had (ade a $oint there* and he $+lled
hard at hi $i$e to #ee$ hi(el& &ro( 1ea#enin) it by re$etition-
6?o+ ee* Pi$*6 0oe $+r+ed* a oon a he 1a $at that dan)er*
6%i ;a.iha( done the hando(e thin) by yo+- 7hen %i ;a.iha(
done the hando(e thin) by yo+* he "alled (e ba"# to ay to (e a
that 1ere all-6
6?e* 0oe- I heard her-6
6ACC*6 0oe re$eated* .ery e($hati"ally-
6?e* 0oe- I tell yo+* I heard her-6
67hi"h I (eanteray* Pi$* it (i)ht be that her (eanin) 1ere*//%a#e
a end on it<//A yo+ 1a<//%e to the North* and yo+ to the So+th<
//=ee$ in +nder<6
I had tho+)ht o& that too* and it 1a .ery &ar &ro( "o(&ortin) to
(e to &ind that he had tho+)ht o& it9 &or it ee(ed to render it
(ore $robable-
6:+t* 0oe-6
6?e* old "ha$-6
6;ere a( I* )ettin) on in the &irt year o& (y ti(e* and* in"e the
day o& (y bein) bo+nd* I ha.e than#ed %i ;a.iha(* or a#ed
a&ter her* or ho1n that I re(e(ber her-6
6That' tr+e* Pi$9 and +nle yo+ 1a to t+rn her o+t a et o&
hoe all &o+r ro+nd*//and 1hi"h I (eanteray a e.en a et o&
hoe all &o+r ro+nd (i)ht not be a""e$table a a $reent* in a
total 1a"an"y o& hoo&//6
6I don't (ean that ort o& re(e(bran"e* 0oe9 I don't (ean a
:+t 0oe had )ot the idea o& a $reent in hi head and (+t har$
+$on it- 6Or e.en*6 aid he* 6i& yo+ 1a hel$ed to #no"#in) her +$
a ne1 "hain &or the &ront door*//or ay a )ro or t1o o&
har#/headed "re1 &or )eneral +e*//or o(e li)ht &an"y arti"le*
+"h a a toatin)/&or# 1hen he too# her (+&&in*//or a )ridiron
1hen he too# a $rat or +"h li#e//6
6I don't (ean any $reent at all* 0oe*6 I inter$oed-
67ell*6 aid 0oe* till har$in) on it a tho+)h I had $arti"+larly
$reed it* 6i& I 1a yo+rel&* Pi$* I 1o+ldn't- No* I 1o+ld not-
5or 1hat' a door/"hain 1hen he' )ot one al1ay +$@ And
har#/header i o$en to (ire$reentation- And i& it 1a a
toatin)/&or#* yo+'d )o into bra and do yo+rel& no "redit- And
the on"o((onet 1or#(an "an't ho1 hi(el& on"o((on in a )ridiron*//
&or a )ridiron IS a )ridiron*6 aid 0oe* tead&atly i($rein) it
+$on (e* a i& he 1ere endea.o+rin) to ro+e (e &ro( a &i,ed
del+ion* 6and yo+ (ay hai( at 1hat yo+ li#e* b+t a )ridiron it
1ill "o(e o+t* either by yo+r lea.e or a)ain yo+r lea.e* and yo+
"an't hel$ yo+rel&//6
6%y dear 0oe*6 I "ried* in de$eration* ta#in) hold o& hi "oat*
6don't )o on in that 1ay- I tho+)ht o& (a#in) %i ;a.iha(
any $reent-6
6No* Pi$*6 0oe aented* a i& he had been "ontendin) &or that* all
alon)9 6and 1hat I ay to yo+ i* yo+ are ri)ht* Pi$-6
6?e* 0oe9 b+t 1hat I 1anted to ay* 1a* that a 1e are rather
la"# A+t no1* i& yo+ 1o+ld )i.e (e a hal&/holiday to/(orro1* I
thin# I 1o+ld )o +$/to1n and (a#e a "all on %i Et//;a.iha(-6
67hi"h her na(e*6 aid 0oe* )ra.ely* 6ain't Eta.iha(* Pi$* +nle
he ha.e been re"hri'ened-6
6I #no1* 0oe* I #no1- It 1a a li$ o& (ine- 7hat do yo+ thin# o&
it* 0oe@6
In brie&* 0oe tho+)ht that i& I tho+)ht 1ell o& it* he tho+)ht 1ell
o& it- :+t* he 1a $arti"+lar in ti$+latin) that i& I 1ere not
re"ei.ed 1ith "ordiality* or i& I 1ere not en"o+ra)ed to re$eat (y
.iit a a .iit 1hi"h had no +lterior obAe"t b+t 1a i($ly one o&
)ratit+de &or a &a.or re"ei.ed* then thi e,$eri(ental tri$ ho+ld
ha.e no +""eor- :y thee "ondition I $ro(ied to abide-
No1* 0oe #e$t a Ao+rney(an at 1ee#ly 1a)e 1hoe na(e 1a Orli"#-
;e $retended that hi Chritian na(e 1a !ol)e*//a "lear
I($oibility*//b+t he 1a a &ello1 o& that obtinate di$oition
that I belie.e hi( to ha.e been the $rey o& no del+ion in thi
$arti"+lar* b+t 1il&+lly to ha.e i($oed that na(e +$on the .illa)e
a an a&&ront to it +ndertandin)- ;e 1a a broadho+ldered
looe/li(bed 1arthy &ello1 o& )reat tren)th* in a h+rry*
and al1ay lo+"hin)- ;e e.en ee(ed to "o(e to hi 1or# on
$+r$oe* b+t 1o+ld lo+"h in a i& by (ere a""ident9 and 1hen he
1ent to the 0olly :ar)e(en to eat hi dinner* or 1ent a1ay at
ni)ht* he 1o+ld lo+"h o+t* li#e Cain or the 7anderin) 0e1* a i&
he had no idea 1here he 1a )oin) and no intention o& "o(in)
ba"#- ;e lod)ed at a l+i"e/#ee$er' o+t on the (arhe* and on
1or#in)/day 1o+ld "o(e lo+"hin) &ro( hi her(ita)e* 1ith hi
hand in hi $o"#et and hi dinner looely tied in a b+ndle ro+nd
hi ne"# and dan)lin) on hi ba"#- On S+nday he (otly lay all day
on the l+i"e/)ate* or tood a)aint ri"# and barn- ;e al1ay
lo+"hed* lo"o(oti.ely* 1ith hi eye on the )ro+nd9 and* 1hen
a""oted or other1ie re4+ired to raie the(* he loo#ed +$ in a
hal&/reent&+l* hal&/$+88led 1ay* a tho+)h the only tho+)ht he had 1a* that it 1a rather an odd and inA+rio+ &a"t that he
ho+ld be thin#in)-
Thi (oroe Ao+rney(an had no li#in) &or (e- 7hen I 1a .ery (all
and ti(id* he )a.e (e to +ndertand that the ! li.ed in a bla"#
"orner o& the &or)e* and that he #ne1 the &iend .ery 1ellB alo
that it 1a ne"eary to (a#e +$ the &ire* on"e in e.en year*
1ith a li.e boy* and that I (i)ht "onider (yel& &+el- 7hen I
be"a(e 0oe' '$renti"e* Orli"# 1a $erha$ "on&ir(ed in o(e
+$i"ion that I ho+ld di$la"e hi(9 ho1beit* he li#ed (e till
le- Not that he aid anythin)* or did anythin)* o$enly
i($ortin) hotility9 I only noti"ed that he al1ay beat hi $ar#
in (y dire"tion* and that I an) Old Cle(* he "a(e in o+t
o& ti(e-
!ol)e Orli"# 1a at 1or# and $reent* ne,t day* 1hen I re(inded 0oe
o& (y hal&/holiday- ;e aid nothin) at the (o(ent* &or he and 0oe
had A+t )ot a $ie"e o& hot iron bet1een the(* and I 1a at the
bello19 b+t by and by he aid* leanin) on hi ha((er*//
6No1* (ater< S+re yo+'re not a )oin) to &a.or only one o& +- I&
?o+n) Pi$ ha a hal&/holiday* do a (+"h &or Old Orli"#-6 I +$$oe
he 1a abo+t &i.e/and/t1enty* b+t he ++ally $o#e o& hi(el& a an
an"ient $eron-
67hy* 1hat'll yo+ do 1ith a hal&/holiday* i& yo+ )et it@6 aid 0oe-
67hat'll I do 1ith it< 7hat'll he do 1ith it@ I'll do a (+"h 1ith
it a hi(*6 aid Orli"#-
6A to Pi$* he' )oin) +$ to1n*6 aid 0oe-
67ell then* a to Old Orli"#* he' a )oin) +$ to1n*6 retorted that
1orthy- 6T1o "an )o +$ to1n- Tain't only one 1ot "an )o +$ to1n-
6!on't loe yo+r te($er*6 aid 0oe-
6Shall i& I li#e*6 )ro1led Orli"#- 6So(e and their +$/to1nin)< No1*
(ater< Co(e- No &a.orin) in thi ho$- :e a (an<6
The (ater re&+in) to entertain the +bAe"t +ntil the Ao+rney(an
1a in a better te($er* Orli"# $l+n)ed at the &+rna"e* dre1 o+t a
red/hot bar* (ade at (e 1ith it a i& he 1ere )oin) to r+n it
thro+)h (y body* 1hi#ed it ro+nd (y head* laid it on the*
ha((ered it o+t*//a i& it 1ere I* I tho+)ht* and the $ar# 1ere
(y $irtin) blood*//and &inally aid* 1hen he had ha((ered hi(el&
hot and the iron "old* and he a)ain leaned on hi ha((er*//
6No1* (ater<6
6Are yo+ all ri)ht no1@6 de(anded 0oe-
6Ah< I a( all ri)ht*6 aid )r+&& Old Orli"#-
6Then* a in )eneral yo+ ti"# to yo+r 1or# a 1ell a (ot (en*6
aid 0oe* 6let it be a hal&/holiday &or all-6
%y iter had been tandin) ilent in the yard* 1ithin hearin)*//
he 1a a (ot +n"r+$+lo+ $y and litener*//and he intantly
loo#ed in at one o& the 1indo1-
6Ci#e yo+* yo+ &ool<6 aid he to 0oe* 6) holiday to )reat
idle h+l#er li#e that- ?o+ are a ri"h (an* +$on (y li&e* to 1ate
1a)e in that 1ay- I 1ih I 1a hi (ater<6
6?o+'d be e.erybody' (ater* i& yo+ d+rt*6 retorted Orli"#* 1ith
an ill/&a.ored )rin-
26Cet her alone*6 aid 0oe-3
6I'd be a (at"h &or all noodle and all ro)+e*6 ret+rned (y
iter* be)innin) to 1or# herel& into a (i)hty ra)e- 6And I
"o+ldn't be a (at"h &or the noodle* 1itho+t bein) a (at"h &or yo+r
(ater* 1ho' the d+nder/headed #in) o& the noodle- And I "o+ldn't
be a (at"h &or the ro)+e* 1itho+t bein) a (at"h &or yo+* 1ho are
the bla"#et/loo#in) and the 1ort ro)+e bet1een thi and 5ran"e-
6?o+'re a &o+l hre1* %other Gar)ery* )ro1led the Ao+rney(an- 6I&
that (a#e a A+d)e o& ro)+e* yo+ o+)ht to be a )ood'+n-6
26Cet her alone* 1ill yo+@6 aid 0oe-3
67hat did yo+ ay@6 "ried (y iter* be)innin) to "rea(- 67hat did
yo+ ay@ 7hat did that &ello1 Orli"# ay to (e* Pi$@ 7hat did he
"all (e* 1ith (y h+band tandin) by@ Oh< oh< oh<6 Ea"h o& thee
e,"la(ation 1a a hrie#9 and I (+t re(ar# o& (y iter* 1hat i
e4+ally tr+e o& all the .iolent 1o(en I ha.e een* that
$aion 1a no e,"+e &or her* be"a+e it i +ndeniable that
intead o& la$in) into $aion* he "on"io+ly and deliberately
too# e,traordinary $ain to &or"e herel& into it* and be"a(e
blindly &+rio+ by re)+lar ta)e9 61hat 1a the na(e he )a.e (e
be&ore the bae (an 1ho 1ore to de&end (e@ Oh< ;old (e< Oh<6
6Ah/h/h<6 )ro1led the Ao+rney(an* bet1een hi teeth* 6I'd hold yo+*
i& yo+ 1a (y 1i&e- I'd hold yo+ +nder the $+($* and "ho#e it o+t
o& yo+-6
26I tell yo+* let her alone*6 aid 0oe-3
6Oh< To hear hi(<6 "ried (y iter* 1ith a "la$ o& her hand and a
"rea( to)ether*//1hi"h 1a her ne,t ta)e- 6To hear the na(e he'
) (e< That Orli"#< In (y o1n ho+e< %e* a (arried 1o(an< 7ith
(y h+band tandin) by< Oh< Oh<6 ;ere (y iter* a&ter a &it o&
"la$$in) and "rea(in)* beat her hand +$on her boo( and +$on
her #nee* and thre1 her "a$ o&&* and $+lled her hair do1n*//1hi"h
1ere the lat ta)e on her road to &ren8y- :ein) by thi ti(e a
$er&e"t 5+ry and a "o($lete +""e* he (ade a dah at the door
1hi"h I had &ort+nately lo"#ed-
7hat "o+ld the 1ret"hed 0oe do no1* a&ter hi dire)arded
$arentheti"al interr+$tion* b+t tand +$ to hi Ao+rney(an* and
a# hi( 1hat he (eant by inter&erin) bet1i,t hi(el& and %r- 0oe9
and &+rther 1hether he 1a (an eno+)h to "o(e on@ Old Orli"# &elt
that the it+ation ad(itted o& nothin) le than "o(in) on* and 1a
on hi de&en"e trai)ht1ay9 o* 1itho+t o (+"h a $+llin) o&&
their in)ed and b+rnt a$ron* they 1ent at one another* li#e t1o
)iant- :+t* i& any (an in that nei)hborhood "o+ld tand +$lon)
a)aint 0oe* I a1 the (an- Orli"#* a i& he had been o& no
(ore a""o+nt than the $ale yo+n) )entle(an* 1a .ery oon a(on) the
"oal/d+t* and in no h+rry to "o(e o+t o& it- Then 0oe +nlo"#ed
the door and $i"#ed +$ (y iter* 1ho had dro$$ed inenible at the
1indo1 2b+t 1ho had een the &i)ht &irt* I thin#3* and 1ho 1a
"arried into the ho+e and laid do1n* and 1ho 1a re"o((ended to
re.i.e* and 1o+ld do nothin) b+t tr+))le and "len"h her hand in
0oe' hair- Then* "a(e that in)+lar "al( and ilen"e 1hi"h +""eed
all +$roar9 and then* 1ith the .a)+e enation 1hi"h I ha.e al1ay
"onne"ted 1ith +"h a l+ll*//na(ely* that it 1a S+nday* and
o(ebody 1a dead*//I 1ent +$ tair to dre (yel&-
7hen I "a(e do1n a)ain* I &o+nd 0oe and Orli"# 1ee$in) +$* 1itho+t
any other tra"e o& di"o($o+re than a lit in one o& Orli"#'
notril* 1hi"h 1a neither e,$rei.e nor orna(ental- A $ot o&
beer had a$$eared &ro( the 0olly :ar)e(en* and they 1ere harin) it
by t+rn in a $ea"eable (anner- The l+ll had a edati.e and
$hiloo$hi"al in&l+en"e on 0oe* 1ho &ollo1ed (e o+t into the road
to ay* a a $artin) ober.ation that (i)ht do (e )ood* 6On the
Ra($a)e* Pi$* and o&& the Ra($a)e* Pi$B//+"h i Ci&e<6
7ith 1hat ab+rd e(otion 2&or 1e thin# the &eelin) that are .ery
erio+ in a (an 4+ite "o(i"al in a boy3 I &o+nd (yel& a)ain )oin)
to %i ;a.iha('* (atter little here- Nor* ho1 I $aed and
re$aed the )ate (any ti(e be&ore I "o+ld (a#e +$ (y (ind to
rin)- Nor* ho1 I debated 1hether I ho+ld )o a1ay 1itho+t rin)in)9
nor* ho1 I ho+ld +ndo+btedly ha.e )one* i& (y ti(e had been (y
o1n* to "o(e ba"#-
%i Sarah Po"#et "a(e to the )ate- No Etella-
6;o1* then@ ?o+ here a)ain@6 aid %i Po"#et- 67hat do yo+ 1ant@6
7hen I aid that I only "a(e to ee ho1 %i ;a.iha( 1a* Sarah
e.idently deliberated 1hether or no he ho+ld end (e abo+t (y
b+ine- :+t +n1illin) to ha8ard the re$onibility* he let (e
in* and $reently bro+)ht the har$ (ea)e that I 1a to 6"o(e
E.erythin) 1a +n"han)ed* and %i ;a.iha( 1a alone-
67ell@6 aid he* &i,in) her eye +$on (e- 6I ho$e yo+ 1ant
nothin)@ ?o+'ll )et nothin)-6
6No indeed* %i ;a.iha(- I only 1anted yo+ to #no1 that I a(
doin) .ery 1ell in (y a$$renti"ehi$* and a( al1ay (+"h obli)ed to
6There* there<6 1ith the old retle &in)er- 6Co(e no1 and then9
"o(e on yo+r birthday-//Ay<6 he "ried +ddenly* t+rnin) herel&
and her "hair to1ard (e* 6?o+ are loo#in) ro+nd &or Etella@ ;ey@6
I had been loo#in) ro+nd*//in &a"t* &or Etella*//and I ta((ered
that I ho$ed he 1a 1ell-
6Abroad*6 aid %i ;a.iha(9 6ed+"atin) &or a lady9 &ar o+t o&
rea"h9 $rettier than e.er9 ad(ired by all 1ho ee her- !o yo+ &eel
that yo+ ha.e lot her@6
There 1a +"h a (ali)nant enAoy(ent in her +tteran"e o& the lat
1ord* and he bro#e into +"h a dia)reeable la+)h* that I 1a at
a lo 1hat to ay- She $ared (e the tro+ble o& "oniderin)* by
di(iin) (e- 7hen the )ate 1a "loed +$on (e by Sarah o& the
1aln+t/hell "o+ntenan"e* I &elt (ore than diati&ied 1ith
(y ho(e and 1ith (y trade and 1ith e.erythin)9 and that 1a all I
too# by that (otion-
A I 1a loiterin) alon) the ;i)h Street* loo#in) in di"onolately
at the ho$ 1indo1* and thin#in) 1hat I 1o+ld b+y i& I 1ere a
)entle(an* 1ho ho+ld "o(e o+t o& the boo#ho$ b+t %r- 7o$le- %r-
7o$le had in hi hand the a&&e"tin) tra)edy o& Geor)e :arn1ell* in
1hi"h he had that (o(ent in.eted i,$en"e* 1ith the .ie1 o&
hea$in) e.ery 1ord o& it on the head o& P+(ble"hoo#* 1ith 1ho( he
1a )oin) to drin# tea- No ooner did he ee (e* than he a$$eared
to "onider that a $e"ial Pro.iden"e had $+t a '$renti"e in hi
1ay to be read at9 and he laid hold o& (e* and inited on (y
a""o($anyin) hi( to the P+(ble"hoo#ian $arlor- A I #ne1 it 1o+ld
be (ierable at ho(e* and a the ni)ht 1ere dar# and the 1ay 1a
dreary* and al(ot any "o($anionhi$ on the road 1a better than
none* I (ade no )reat reitan"e9 "one4+ently* 1e t+rned into
P+(ble"hoo#' A+t a the treet and the ho$ 1ere li)htin) +$-
A I aited at any other re$reentation o& Geor)e :arn1ell*
I don't #no1 ho1 lon) it (ay ++ally ta#e9 b+t I #no1 .ery 1ell
that it too# +ntil hal&/$at nine o' "lo"# that ni)ht* and that
1hen %r- 7o$le )ot into Ne1)ate* I tho+)ht he 1o+ld )o to the
"a&&old* he be"a(e o (+"h lo1er than at any &or(er $eriod o& hi
di)ra"e&+l "areer- I tho+)ht it a little too (+"h that he ho+ld
"o($lain o& bein) "+t hort in hi &lo1er a&ter all* a i& he had
not been r+nnin) to eed* lea& a&ter lea&* in"e hi "o+re
be)an- Thi** 1a a (ere 4+etion o& len)th and
1eario(ene- 7hat t+n) (e* 1a the identi&i"ation o& the 1hole
a&&air 1ith (y +no&&endin) el&- 7hen :arn1ell be)an to )o 1ron)* I
de"lare that I &elt $oiti.ely a$olo)eti"* P+(ble"hoo#' indi)nant
tare o ta,ed (e 1ith it- 7o$le* too* too# $ain to $reent (e in
the 1ort li)ht- At on"e &ero"io+ and (a+dlin* I 1a (ade to
(+rder (y +n"le 1ith no e,ten+atin) "ir"+(tan"e 1hate.er9
%ill1ood $+t (e do1n in ar)+(ent* on e.ery o""aion9 it be"a(e
heer (ono(ania in (y (ater' da+)hter to "are a b+tton &or (e9
and all I "an ay &or (y )a$in) and $ro"ratinatin) "ond+"t on the
&atal (ornin)* i* that it 1a 1orthy o& the )eneral &eeblene o&
(y "hara"ter- E.en a&ter I 1a ha$$ily han)ed and 7o$le had "loed
the boo#* P+(ble"hoo# at tarin) at (e* and ha#in) hi head* and
ayin)* 6Ta#e 1arnin)* boy* ta#e 1arnin)<6 a i& it 1ere a
1ell/#no1n &a"t that I "onte($lated (+rderin) a near relation*
$ro.ided I "o+ld only ind+"e one to ha.e the 1ea#ne to be"o(e (y
It 1a a .ery dar# ni)ht 1hen it 1a all* and 1hen I et o+t
1ith %r- 7o$le on the 1al# ho(e- :eyond to1n* 1e &o+nd a hea.y
(it o+t* and it &ell 1et and thi"#- The t+rn$i#e la($ 1a a bl+r*
4+ite o+t o& the la($' ++al $la"e a$$arently* and it ray loo#ed
olid +btan"e on the &o)- 7e 1ere noti"in) thi* and ayin) ho1
that the (it roe 1ith a "han)e o& 1ind &ro( a "ertain 4+arter o&
o+r (arhe* 1hen 1e "a(e +$on a (an* lo+"hin) +nder the lee o&
the t+rn$i#e ho+e-
6;alloa<6 1e aid* to$$in)- 6Orli"# there@6
6Ah<6 he an1ered* lo+"hin) o+t- 6I 1a tandin) by a (in+te* on
the "han"e o& "o($any-6
6?o+ are late*6 I re(ar#ed-
Orli"# not +nnat+rally an1ered* 67ell@ And yo+'re late-6
67e ha.e been*6 aid %r- 7o$le* e,alted 1ith hi late $er&or(an"e*//
61e ha.e been ind+l)in)* %r- Orli"#* in an intelle"t+al e.enin)-6
Old Orli"# )ro1led* a i& he had nothin) to ay abo+t that* and 1e
all 1ent on to)ether- I a#ed hi( $reently 1hether he had been
$endin) hi hal&/holiday +$ and do1n to1n@
6?e*6 aid he* 6all o& it- I "o(e in behind yo+rel&- I didn't ee
yo+* b+t I (+t ha.e been $retty "loe behind yo+- :y the by* the
)+n i )oin) a)ain-6
6At the ;+l#@6 aid I-
6Ay< There' o(e o& the bird &lo1n &ro( the "a)e- The )+n ha.e
been )oin) in"e dar#* abo+t- ?o+'ll hear one $reently-6
In e&&e"t* 1e had not 1al#ed (any yard &+rther* 1hen the
1ell/re(e(bered boo( "a(e to1ard +* deadened by the (it* and
hea.ily rolled a1ay alon) the lo1 )ro+nd by the* a i& it
1ere $+r+in) and threatenin) the &+)iti.e-
6A )ood ni)ht &or "+ttin) o&& in*6 aid Orli"#- 67e'd be $+88led
ho1 to brin) do1n a Aail/bird on the 1in)* to/ni)ht-6
The +bAe"t 1a a +))eti.e one to (e* and I tho+)ht abo+t it in
ilen"e- %r- 7o$le* a the ill/re4+ited +n"le o& the e.enin)'
tra)edy* &ell to (editatin) alo+d in hi )arden at Ca(ber1ell-
Orli"#* 1ith hi hand in hi $o"#et* lo+"hed hea.ily at (y ide-
It 1a .ery dar#* .ery 1et* .ery (+ddy* and o 1e $lahed alon)-
No1 and then* the o+nd o& the i)nal "annon bro#e +$on + a)ain*
and a)ain rolled +l#ily alon) the "o+re o& the I #e$t
(yel& to (yel& and (y tho+)ht- %r- 7o$le died a(iably at
Ca(ber1ell* and e,"eedin)ly )a(e on :o1orth 5ield* and in the
)reatet a)onie at Glatonb+ry- Orli"# o(eti(e )ro1led* 6:eat it
o+t* beat it o+t*//Old Cle(< 7ith a "lin# &or the to+t*//Old
Cle(<6 I tho+)ht he had been drin#in)* b+t he 1a not dr+n#-
Th+* 1e "a(e to the .illa)e- The 1ay by 1hi"h 1e a$$roa"hed it
too# + $at the Three 0olly :ar)e(en* 1hi"h 1e 1ere +r$ried to
&ind//it bein) ele.en o'"lo"# //in a tate o& "o((otion* 1ith the
door 1ide o$en* and +n1onted li)ht that had been hatily "a+)ht +$
and $+t do1n "attered abo+t- %r- 7o$le dro$$ed in to a# 1hat 1a
the (atter 2+r(iin) that a "on.i"t had been ta#en3* b+t "a(e
r+nnin) o+t in a )reat h+rry-
6There' o(ethin) 1ron)*6 aid he* 1itho+t to$$in)* 6+$ at yo+r
$la"e* Pi$- R+n all<6
67hat i it@6 I a#ed* #ee$in) +$ 1ith hi(- So did Orli"#* at (y
6I "an't 4+ite +ndertand- The ho+e ee( to ha.e been .iolently
entered 1hen 0oe Gar)ery 1a o+t- S+$$oed by "on.i"t- So(ebody
ha been atta"#ed and h+rt-6
7e 1ere r+nnin) too &at to ad(it o& (ore bein) aid* and 1e (ade
no to$ +ntil 1e )ot into o+r #it"hen- It 1a &+ll o& $eo$le9 the
1hole .illa)e 1a there* or in the yard9 and there 1a a +r)eon*
and there 1a 0oe* and there 1ere a )ro+$ o& 1o(en* all on the &loor
in the (idt o& the #it"hen- The +ne($loyed bytander dre1 ba"#
1hen they a1 (e* and o I be"a(e a1are o& (y iter*//lyin)
1itho+t ene or (o.e(ent on the bare board 1here he had been
#no"#ed do1n by a tre(endo+ blo1 on the ba"# o& the head* dealt by
o(e +n#no1n hand 1hen her &a"e 1a t+rned to1ard the &ire*//
detined to be on the Ra($a)e a)ain* 1hile he 1a the 1i&e
o& 0oe-
Cha$ter XEI
7ith (y head &+ll o& Geor)e :arn1ell* I 1a at &irt di$oed to
belie.e that I (+t ha.e had o(e hand in the atta"# +$on (y
iter* or at all e.ent that a her near relation* $o$+larly #no1n
to be +nder obli)ation to her* I 1a a (ore le)iti(ate obAe"t o&
+$i"ion than any one ele- :+t 1hen* in the "learer li)ht o& ne,t
(ornin)* I be)an to re"onider the (atter and to hear it di"+ed
aro+nd (e on all ide* I too# another .ie1 o& the "ae* 1hi"h 1a
(ore reaonable-
0oe had been at the Three 0olly :ar)e(en* (o#in) hi $i$e* &ro( a
4+arter a&ter ei)ht o'"lo"# to a 4+arter be&ore ten- 7hile he 1a
there* (y iter had been een tandin) at the #it"hen door* and
had e,"han)ed Good Ni)ht 1ith a &ar(/laborer )oin) ho(e- The (an
"o+ld not be (ore $arti"+lar a to the ti(e at 1hi"h he a1 her 2he
)ot into dene "on&+ion 1hen he tried to be3* than that it (+t
ha.e been be&ore nine- 7hen 0oe 1ent ho(e at &i.e (in+te be&ore
ten* he &o+nd her tr+"# do1n on the &loor* and $ro($tly "alled in
aitan"e- The &ire had not then b+rnt +n++ally lo1* nor 1a the
n+&& o& the "andle .ery lon)9 the "andle** had been blo1n
Nothin) had been ta#en a1ay &ro( any $art o& the ho+e- Neither*
beyond the blo1in) o+t o& the "andle*//1hi"h tood on a table
bet1een the door and (y iter* and 1a behind her 1hen he tood
&a"in) the &ire and 1a tr+"#*//1a there any diarran)e(ent o&
the #it"hen* e,"e$tin) +"h a he herel& had (ade* in &allin) and
bleedin)- :+t* there 1a one re(ar#able $ie"e o& e.iden"e on the
$ot- She had been tr+"# 1ith o(ethin) bl+nt and hea.y* on the
head and $ine9 a&ter the blo1 1ere dealt* o(ethin) hea.y had
been thro1n do1n at her 1ith "oniderable .iolen"e* a he lay on
her &a"e- And on the )ro+nd beide her* 1hen 0oe $i"#ed her +$* 1a
a "on.i"t' le)/iron 1hi"h had been &iled a+nder-
No1* 0oe* e,a(inin) thi iron 1ith a (ith' eye* de"lared it to
ha.e been &iled a+nder o(e ti(e a)o- The h+e and "ry )oin) o&& to
the ;+l#* and $eo$le "o(in) then"e to e,a(ine the iron* 0oe'
o$inion 1a "orroborated- They did not +nderta#e to ay 1hen it had
le&t the $rion/hi$ to 1hi"h it +ndo+btedly had on"e belon)ed9
b+t they "lai(ed to #no1 &or "ertain that that $arti"+lar (ana"le
had not been 1orn by either o& the t1o "on.i"t 1ho had e"a$ed lat
ni)ht- 5+rther* one o& thoe t1o 1a already reta#en* and had not
&reed hi(el& o& hi iron-
=no1in) 1hat I #ne1* I et +$ an in&eren"e o& (y o1n here- I
belie.ed the iron to be (y "on.i"t' iron*//the iron I had een and
heard hi( &ilin) at* on the (arhe*//b+t (y (ind did not a""+e
hi( o& $+t it to it latet +e- 5or I belie.ed one o& t1o
other $eron to ha.e be"o(e $oeed o& it* and to ha.e t+rned it
to thi "r+el a""o+nt- Either Orli"#* or the tran)e (an 1ho had
ho1n (e the &ile-
No1* a to Orli"#9 he had )one to to1n e,a"tly a he told + 1hen
1e $i"#ed hi( +$ at the t+rn$i#e* he had been een abo+t to1n all
the e.enin)* he had been in "o($anie in e.eral
$+bli"/ho+e* and he had "o(e ba"# 1ith (yel& and %r- 7o$le-
There 1a nothin) a)aint hi(* a.e the 4+arrel9 and (y iter had
4+arrelled 1ith hi(* and 1ith e.erybody ele abo+t her* ten
tho+and ti(e- A to the tran)e (an9 i& he had "o(e ba"# &or hi
t1o ban#/note there "o+ld ha.e been no di$+te abo+t the(* be"a+e
(y iter 1a &+lly $re$ared to retore the(- :eide* there had
been no alter"ation9 the aailant had "o(e in o ilently and
+ddenly* that he had been &elled be&ore he "o+ld loo# ro+nd-
It 1a horrible to thin# that I had $ro.ided the 1ea$on*
+ndei)nedly* b+t I "o+ld hardly thin# other1ie- I +&&ered
+n$ea#able tro+ble 1hile I "onidered and re"onidered 1hether I
ho+ld at lat diol.e that $ell o& (y "hildhood and tell 0oe
all the tory- 5or (onth a&ter1ard* I e.ery day ettled the
4+etion &inally in the ne)ati.e* and reo$ened and rear)+ed it ne,t
(ornin)- The "ontention "a(e* a&ter all* to thi9//the e"ret 1a
+"h an old one no1* had o )ro1n into (e and be"o(e a $art o&
(yel&* that I "o+ld not tear it a1ay- In addition to the dread
that* led +$ to o (+"h (i"hie&* it 1o+ld be no1 (ore
li#ely than to alienate 0oe &ro( (e i& he belie.ed it* I had a
&+rther retrainin) dread that he 1o+ld not belie.e it* b+t 1o+ld
aort it 1ith the &ab+lo+ do) and .eal/"+tlet a a (ontro+
in.ention- ;* I te($ori8ed 1ith (yel&* o& "o+re//&or* 1a
I not 1a.erin) bet1een ri)ht and 1ron)* 1hen the thin) i al1ay
done@//and reol.ed to (a#e a &+ll di"lo+re i& I ho+ld ee any
+"h ne1 o""aion a a ne1 "han"e o& hel$in) in the di"o.ery o&
the aailant-
The Contable and the :o1 Street (en &ro( Condon//&or* thi
ha$$ened in the day o& the e,tin"t red/1ait"oated $oli"e//1ere
abo+t the ho+e &or a 1ee# or t1o* and did $retty (+"h 1hat I ha.e
heard and read o& li#e a+thoritie doin) in other +"h "ae- They
too# +$ e.eral 1ron) $eo$le* and they ran their head
.ery hard a)aint 1ron) idea* and $erited in tryin) to &it the
"ir"+(tan"e to the idea* intead o& tryin) to e,tra"t idea &ro(
the "ir"+(tan"e- Alo* they tood abo+t the door o& the 0olly
:ar)e(en* 1ith #no1in) and reer.ed loo# that &illed the 1hole
nei)hborhood 1ith ad(iration9 and they had a (yterio+ (anner o&
ta#in) their drin#* that 1a al(ot a )ood a ta#in) the "+l$rit-
:+t not 4+ite* &or they did it-
Con) a&ter thee "ontit+tional $o1er had di$ered* (y iter lay
.ery ill in bed- ;er i)ht 1a dit+rbed* o that he a1 obAe"t
(+lti$lied* and )ra$ed at .iionary tea"+$ and 1ine)lae
intead o& the realitie9 her hearin) 1a )reatly i($aired9 her
(e(ory alo9 and her $ee"h 1a +nintelli)ible- 7hen* at lat* he
"a(e ro+nd o &ar a to be hel$ed do1n tair* it 1a till
ne"eary to #ee$ (y late al1ay by her* that he (i)ht indi"ate
in 1ritin) 1hat he "o+ld not indi"ate in $ee"h- A he 1a 2.ery
bad hand1ritin) a$art3 a (ore than indi&&erent $eller* and a 0oe
1a a (ore than indi&&erent reader* e,traordinary "o($li"ation
aroe bet1een the( 1hi"h I 1a al1ay "alled in to ol.e- The
ad(initration o& (+tton intead o& (edi"ine* the +btit+tion o&
Tea &or 0oe* and the ba#er &or ba"on* 1ere a(on) the (ildet o& (y
o1n (ita#e-
;* her te($er 1a )reatly i($ro.ed* and he 1a $atient- A
tre(+lo+ +n"ertainty o& the a"tion o& all her li(b oon be"a(e a
$art o& her re)+lar tate* and a&ter1ard* at o& t1o or
three (onth* he 1o+ld o&ten $+t her hand to her head* and 1o+ld
then re(ain &or abo+t a 1ee# at a ti(e in o(e )loo(y aberration o&
(ind- 7e 1ere at a lo to &ind a +itable attendant &or her* +ntil
a "ir"+(tan"e ha$$ened "on.eniently to relie.e +- %r- 7o$le'
)reat/a+nt "on4+ered a "on&ir(ed habit o& into 1hi"h he had
&allen* and :iddy be"a(e a $art o& o+r etablih(ent-
It (ay ha.e been abo+t a (onth a&ter (y iter' rea$$earan"e in
the #it"hen* 1hen :iddy "a(e to + 1ith a (all $e"#led bo,
"ontainin) the 1hole o& her 1orldly e&&e"t* and be"a(e a blein)
to the ho+ehold- Abo.e all* he 1a a blein) to 0oe* &or the
dear old &ello1 1a adly "+t +$ by the "ontant "onte($lation o&
the 1re"# o& hi 1i&e* and had been a""+to(ed* 1hile attendin) on
her o& an e.enin)* to t+rn to (e e.ery no1 and then and ay* 1ith
hi bl+e eye (oitened* 6S+"h a &ine &i)+re o& a 1o(an a he on"e
1ere* Pi$<6 :iddy intantly ta#in) the "le.eret "har)e o& her a
tho+)h he had t+died her &ro( in&an"y9 0oe be"a(e able in o(e
ort to a$$re"iate the )reater 4+iet o& hi li&e* and to )et do1n
to the 0olly :ar)e(en no1 and then &or a "han)e that did hi( )ood-
It 1a "hara"teriti" o& the $oli"e $eo$le that they had all (ore
or le +$e"ted $oor 0oe 2tho+)h he #ne1 it3* and that they
had to a (an "on"+rred in re)ardin) hi( a one o& the dee$et
$irit they had en"o+ntered-
:iddy' &irt tri+($h in her ne1 o&&i"e* 1a to ol.e a di&&i"+lty
that had "o($letely .an4+ihed (e- I had tried hard at it* b+t had
(ade nothin) o& it- Th+ it 1aB//
A)ain and a)ain and a)ain* (y iter had tra"ed +$on the late* a
"hara"ter that loo#ed li#e a "+rio+ T* and then 1ith the +t(ot
ea)erne had "alled o+r attention to it a o(ethin) he
$arti"+larly 1anted- I had in .ain tried e.erythin) $rod+"ible that
be)an 1ith a T* &ro( tar to toat and t+b- At len)th it had "o(e
into (y head that the i)n loo#ed li#e a ha((er* and on (y l+tily
"allin) that 1ord in (y iter' ear* he had be)+n to ha((er on
the table and had e,$reed a 4+ali&ied aent- There+$on* I had
bro+)ht in all o+r ha((er* one a&ter another* b+t 1itho+t a.ail-
Then I betho+)ht (e o& a "r+t"h* the ha$e bein) (+"h the a(e* and
I borro1ed one in the .illa)e* and di$layed it to (y iter 1ith
"oniderable "on&iden"e- :+t he hoo# her head to that e,tent 1hen
he 1a ho1n it* that 1e 1ere terri&ied let in her 1ea# and
hattered tate he ho+ld dilo"ate her ne"#-
7hen (y iter &o+nd that :iddy 1a .ery 4+i"# to +ndertand her*
thi (yterio+ i)n rea$$eared on the late- :iddy loo#ed
tho+)ht&+lly at it* heard (y e,$lanation* loo#ed tho+)ht&+lly at (y
iter* loo#ed tho+)ht&+lly at 0oe 21ho 1a al1ay re$reented on
the late by hi initial letter3* and ran into the &or)e* &ollo1ed
by 0oe and (e-
67hy* o& "o+re<6 "ried :iddy* 1ith an e,+ltant &a"e- 6!on't yo+
ee@ It' hi(<6
Orli"#* 1itho+t a do+bt< She had lot hi na(e* and "o+ld only
i)ni&y hi( by hi ha((er- 7e told hi( 1hy 1e 1anted hi( to "o(e
into the #it"hen* and he lo1ly laid do1n hi ha((er* 1i$ed hi
bro1 1ith hi ar(* too# another 1i$e at it 1ith hi a$ron* and "a(e
lo+"hin) o+t* 1ith a "+rio+ looe .a)abond bend in the #nee that
tron)ly ditin)+ihed hi(-
I "on&e that I e,$e"ted to ee (y iter deno+n"e hi(* and that I
1a dia$$ointed by the di&&erent re+lt- She (ani&eted the
)reatet an,iety to be on )ood ter( 1ith hi(* 1a e.idently (+"h
$leaed by hi bein) at len)th $rod+"ed* and (otioned that he
1o+ld ha.e hi( )i.en o(ethin) to drin#- She 1at"hed hi
"o+ntenan"e a i& he 1ere $arti"+larly 1ih&+l to be a+red that
he too# #indly to hi re"e$tion* he ho1ed e.ery $oible deire
to "on"iliate hi(* and there 1a an air o& h+(ble $ro$itiation in
all he did* +"h a I ha.e een $er.ade the bearin) o& a "hild
to1ard a hard (ater- A&ter that day* a day rarely $aed 1itho+t
her dra1in) the ha((er on her late* and 1itho+t Orli"#' lo+"hin)
in and tandin) do))edly be&ore her* a i& he #ne1 no (ore than I
did 1hat to (a#e o& it-
Cha$ter XEII
I no1 &ell into a re)+lar ro+tine o& a$$renti"ehi$ li&e* 1hi"h 1a
.aried beyond the li(it o& the .illa)e and the (arhe* by no
(ore re(ar#able "ir"+(tan"e than the o& (y birthday and (y
$ayin) another .iit to %i ;a.iha(- I &o+nd %i Sarah Po"#et
till on d+ty at the )ate9 I &o+nd %i ;a.iha( A+t a I had le&t
her* and he $o#e o& Etella in the .ery a(e 1ay* i& not in the
.ery a(e 1ord- The inter.ie1 lated b+t a &e1 (in+te* and he
)a.e (e a )+inea 1hen I 1a )oin)* and told (e to "o(e a)ain on (y
ne,t birthday- I (ay (ention at on"e that thi be"a(e an ann+al
"+to(- I tried to de"line ta#in) the )+inea on the &irt o""aion*
b+t 1ith no better e&&e"t than "a+in) her to a# (e .ery an)rily*
i& I e,$e"ted (ore@ Then* and a&ter that* I too# it-
So +n"han)in) 1a the d+ll old ho+e* the yello1 li)ht in the
dar#ened roo(* the &aded $e"tre in the "hair by the drein)/table
)la* that I &elt a i& the to$$in) o& the "lo"# had to$$ed
Ti(e in that (yterio+ $la"e* and* 1hile I and e.erythin) ele
o+tide it )re1 older* it tood till- !ayli)ht entered the
ho+e a to (y tho+)ht and re(e(bran"e o& it* any (ore than a to
the a"t+al &a"t- It be1ildered (e* and +nder it in&l+en"e I
"ontin+ed at heart to hate (y trade and to be aha(ed o& ho(e-
I($er"e$tibly I be"a(e "on"io+ o& a "han)e in :iddy* ;er
hoe "a(e +$ at the heel* her hair )re1 bri)ht and neat* her hand
1ere al1ay "lean- She 1a not bea+ti&+l*//he 1a "o((on* and
"o+ld not be li#e Etella*//b+t he 1a $leaant and 1holeo(e and
1eet/te($ered- She had not been 1ith + (ore than a year 2I
re(e(ber her bein) ne1ly o+t o& (o+rnin) at the ti(e it tr+"# (e3*
1hen I ober.ed to (yel& one e.enin) that he had "+rio+ly
tho+)ht&+l and attenti.e eye9 eye that 1ere .ery $retty and .ery
It "a(e o& (y li&tin) +$ (y o1n eye &ro( a ta# I 1a $orin) at//
1ritin) o(e $aa)e &ro( a boo#* to i($ro.e (yel& in t1o 1ay at
on"e by a ort o& trata)e(//and eein) :iddy ober.ant o& 1hat I
1a abo+t- I laid do1n (y $en* and :iddy to$$ed in her needle1or#
1itho+t layin) it do1n-
6:iddy*6 aid I* 6ho1 do yo+ (ana)e it@ Either I a( .ery t+$id* or
yo+ are .ery "
67hat i it that I (ana)e@ I don't #no1*6 ret+rned :iddy* (ilin)-
She (ana)ed o+r 1hole do(eti" li&e* and 1onder&+lly too9 b+t I did
not (ean that* tho+)h that (ade 1hat I did (ean (ore +r$riin)-
6;o1 do yo+ (ana)e* :iddy*6 aid I* 6to learn e.erythin) that I
learn* and al1ay to #ee$ +$ 1ith (e@6 I 1a be)innin) to be rather
.ain o& (y #no1led)e* &or I $ent (y birthday )+inea on it* and
et aide the )reater $art o& (y $o"#et/(oney &or i(ilar tho+)h I ha.e no do+bt* no1* that the little I #ne1 1a
e,tre(ely dear at the $ri"e-
6I (i)ht a 1ell a# yo+*6 aid :iddy* 6ho1 yo+ (ana)e@6
6No9 be"a+e 1hen I "o(e in &ro( the &or)e o& a ni)ht* any one "an
ee (e t+rnin) to at it- :+t yo+ t+rn to at it* :iddy-6
6I +$$oe I (+t "at"h it li#e a "o+)h*6 aid :iddy* 4+ietly9
and 1ent on 1ith her e1in)-
P+r+in) (y idea a I leaned ba"# in (y 1ooden "hair* and loo#ed at
:iddy e1in) a1ay 1ith her head on one ide* I be)an to thin# her
rather an e,traordinary )irl- 5or I "alled to (ind no1* that he
1a e4+ally a""o($lihed in the ter( o& o+r trade* and the na(e
o& o+r di&&erent ort o& 1or#* and o+r .ario+ tool- In hort* I #ne1* :iddy #ne1- Theoreti"ally* he 1a already a )ood
a bla"#(ith a I* or better-
6?o+ are one o& thoe* :iddy*6 aid I* 61ho (a#e the (ot o& e.ery
"han"e- ?o+ had a "han"e be&ore yo+ "a(e here* and ee ho1
i($ro.ed yo+ are<6
:iddy loo#ed at (e &or an intant* and 1ent on 1ith her e1in)- 6I
1a yo+r &irt tea"her tho+)h9 1an't I@6 aid he* a he e1ed-
6:iddy<6 I e,"lai(ed* in a(a8e(ent- 67hy* yo+ are "ryin)<6
6No I a( not*6 aid :iddy* loo#in) +$ and la+)hin)- 67hat $+t that
in yo+r head@6
7hat "o+ld ha.e $+t it in (y head b+t the )litenin) o& a tear a
it dro$$ed on her 1or#@ I at ilent* re"allin) 1hat a dr+d)e he
had been +ntil %r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt +""e&+lly"a(e that
bad habit o&* o hi)hly deirable to be )ot rid o& by o(e
$eo$le- I re"alled the ho$ele "ir"+(tan"e by 1hi"h he had been
+rro+nded in the (ierable little ho$ and the (ierable little
noiy e.enin) "hool* 1ith that (ierable old b+ndle o&
in"o($eten"e al1ay to be dra))ed and ho+ldered- I re&le"ted that
e.en in thoe +nto1ard ti(e there (+t ha.e been latent in :iddy
1hat 1a no1 de.elo$in)* &or* in (y &irt +neaine and di"ontent
I had t+rned to her &or hel$* a a (atter o& "o+re- :iddy at
4+ietly e1in)* heddin) no (ore tear* and 1hile I loo#ed at her
and tho+)ht abo+t it all* it o""+rred to (e that $erha$ I had not
been +&&i"iently )rate&+l to :iddy- I (i)ht ha.e been too
reer.ed* and ho+ld ha.e $atroni8ed her (ore 2tho+)h I did not +e
that $re"ie 1ord in (y (editation3 1ith (y "on&iden"e-
6?e* :iddy*6 I ober.ed* 1hen I had done t+rnin) it* 6yo+
1ere (y &irt tea"her* and that at a ti(e 1hen 1e little tho+)ht o& bein) to)ether li#e thi* in thi #it"hen-6
6Ah* $oor thin)<6 re$lied :iddy- It 1a li#e her
el&/&or)et&+lne to tran&er the re(ar# to (y iter* and to )et
+$ and be b+y abo+t her* (a#in) her (ore "o(&ortable9 6that'
adly tr+e<6
67ell<6 aid I* 61e (+t tal# to)ether a little (ore* a 1e +ed to
do- And I (+t "on+lt yo+ a little (ore* a I +ed to do- Cet +
ha.e a 4+iet 1al# on the (arhe ne,t S+nday* :iddy* and a lon)
%y iter 1a le&t alone no19 b+t 0oe (ore than readily
+ndertoo# the "are o& her on that S+nday a&ternoon* and :iddy and I
1ent o+t to)ether- It 1a +((er/ti(e* and lo.ely 1eather- 7hen 1e
had $aed the .illa)e and the "h+r"h and the "h+r"hyard* and 1ere
o+t on the (arhe and be)an to ee the ail o& the hi$ a they
ailed on* I be)an to "o(bine %i ;a.iha( and Etella 1ith the
$ro$e"t* in (y ++al 1ay- 7hen 1e "a(e to the and at
do1n on the ban#* 1ith the 1ater ri$$lin) at o+r &eet* (a#in) it
all (ore 4+iet than it 1o+ld ha.e been 1itho+t that o+nd* I
reol.ed that it 1a a )ood ti(e and $la"e &or the ad(iion o&
:iddy into (y inner "on&iden"e-
6:iddy*6 aid I* a&ter bindin) her to e"re"y* 6I 1ant to be a
6O* I 1o+ldn't* i& I 1a yo+<6 he ret+rned- 6I don't thin# it
1o+ld an1er-6
6:iddy*6 aid I* 1ith o(e e.erity* 6I ha.e $arti"+lar reaon &or
1antin) to be a )entle(an-6
6?o+ #no1 bet* Pi$9 b+t don't yo+ thin# yo+ are ha$$ier a yo+
6:iddy*6 I e,"lai(ed* i($atiently* 6I a( not at all ha$$y a I a(-
I a( di)+ted 1ith (y "allin) and 1ith (y li&e- I ha.e ta#en
to either* in"e I 1a bo+nd- !on't be ab+rd-6
67a I ab+rd@6 aid :iddy* 4+ietly raiin) her eyebro19 6I a(
orry &or that9 I didn't (ean to be- I only 1ant yo+ to do 1ell*
and to be "o(&ortable-6
67ell* then* +ndertand on"e &or all that I hall or "an be
"o(&ortable//or anythin) b+t (ierable//there* :iddy<//+nle I
"an lead a .ery di&&erent ort o& li&e &ro( the li&e I lead no1-6
6That' a $ity<6 aid :iddy* ha#in) her head 1ith a orro1&+l air-
No1* I too had o o&ten tho+)ht it a $ity* that* in the in)+lar
#ind o& 4+arrel 1ith (yel& 1hi"h I 1a al1ay "arryin) on* I 1a
hal& in"lined to hed tear o& .e,ation and ditre 1hen :iddy
)a.e +tteran"e to her enti(ent and (y o1n- I told her he 1a
ri)ht* and I #ne1 it 1a (+"h to be re)retted* b+t till it 1a not
to be hel$ed-
6I& I "o+ld ha.e ettled do1n*6 I aid to :iddy* $l+"#in) +$ the
hort )ra 1ithin rea"h* (+"h a I had on"e +$on a ti(e $+lled (y
&eelin) o+t o& (y hair and #i"#ed the( into the bre1ery 1all*//6i&
I "o+ld ha.e ettled do1n and been b+t hal& a &ond o& the &or)e a
I 1a 1hen I 1a little* I #no1 it 1o+ld ha.e been (+"h better &or
(e- ?o+ and I and 0oe 1o+ld ha.e 1anted nothin) then* and 0oe and I
1o+ld $erha$ ha.e )one $artner 1hen I 1a o+t o& (y ti(e* and I
(i)ht e.en ha.e )ro1n +$ to #ee$ "o($any 1ith yo+* and 1e (i)ht
ha.e at on thi .ery ban# on a &ine S+nday* 4+ite di&&erent
$eo$le- I ho+ld ha.e been )ood eno+)h &or yo+9 ho+ldn't I*
:iddy i)hed a he loo#ed at the hi$ ailin) on* and ret+rned
&or an1er* 6?e9 I a( not$arti"+lar-6 It "ar"ely o+nded
&latterin)* b+t I #ne1 he (eant 1ell-
6Intead o& that*6 aid I* $l+"#in) +$ (ore )ra and "he1in) a
blade or t1o* 6ee ho1 I a( )oin) on- !iati&ied* and
+n"o(&ortable* and//1hat 1o+ld it i)ni&y to (e* bein) "oare and
"o((on* i& nobody had told (e o<6
:iddy t+rned her &a"e +ddenly to1ard (ine* and loo#ed &ar (ore
attenti.ely at (e than he had loo#ed at the ailin) hi$-
6It 1a neither a .ery tr+e nor a .ery $olite thin) to ay*6 he
re(ar#ed* dire"tin) her eye to the hi$ a)ain- 67ho aid it@6
I 1a di"on"erted* &or I had bro#en a1ay 1itho+t 4+ite eein)
1here I 1a )oin) to- It 1a not to be h+&&led o&& no1**
and I an1ered* 6The bea+ti&+l yo+n) lady at %i ;a.iha('* and
he' (ore bea+ti&+l than anybody 1a* and I ad(ire her
dread&+lly* and I 1ant to be a )entle(an on her a""o+nt-6 ;
(ade thi l+nati" "on&eion* I be)an to thro1 (y torn/+$ )ra
into the* a i& I had o(e tho+)ht o& &ollo1in) it-
6!o yo+ 1ant to be a )entle(an* to $ite her or to )ain her
:iddy 4+ietly a#ed (e* a&ter a $a+e-
6I don't #no1*6 I (oodily an1ered-
6:e"a+e* i& it i to $ite her*6 :iddy $+r+ed* 6I ho+ld thin#//
b+t yo+ #no1 bet//that (i)ht be better and (ore inde$endently
done by "arin) nothin) &or her 1ord- And i& it i to )ain her* I ho+ld thin#//b+t yo+ #no1 bet//he 1a not 1orth
E,a"tly 1hat I (yel& had tho+)ht* (any ti(e- E,a"tly 1hat 1a
$er&e"tly (ani&et to (e at the (o(ent- :+t ho1 "o+ld I* a $oor
da8ed .illa)e lad* a.oid that 1onder&+l in"oniten"y into 1hi"h
the bet and 1iet o& (en &all e.ery day@
6It (ay be all 4+ite tr+e*6 aid I to :iddy* 6b+t I ad(ire her
In hort* I t+rned on (y &a"e 1hen I "a(e to that* and )ot a
)ood )ra$ on the hair on ea"h ide o& (y head* and 1ren"hed it
1ell- All the 1hile #no1in) the (adne o& (y heart to be o .ery
(ad and (i$la"ed* that I 1a 4+ite "on"io+ it 1o+ld ha.e er.ed
(y &a"e ri)ht* i& I had li&ted it +$ by (y hair* and #no"#ed it
a)aint the $ebble a a $+nih(ent &or belon)in) to +"h an idiot-
:iddy 1a the 1iet o& )irl* and he tried to reaon no (ore 1ith
(e- She $+t her hand* 1hi"h 1a a "o(&ortable hand tho+)h ro+)hened
by 1or#* +$on (y hand* one a&ter another* and )ently too# the( o+t
o& (y hair- Then he o&tly $atted (y ho+lder in a oothin) 1ay*
1hile 1ith (y &a"e +$on (y lee.e I "ried a little*//e,a"tly a I
had done in the bre1ery yard*//and &elt .a)+ely ""ed that I
1a .ery (+"h ill/+ed by o(ebody* or by e.erybody9 I "an't ay
6I a( )lad o& one thin)*6 aid :iddy* 6and that i* that yo+ ha.e
&elt yo+ "o+ld )i.e (e yo+r "on&iden"e* Pi$- And I a( )lad o&
another thin)* and that i* that o& "o+re yo+ #no1 yo+ (ay de$end
+$on (y #ee$in) it and al1ay o &ar it- I& yo+r &irt
tea"her 2dear< +"h a $oor one* and o (+"h in need o& bein) ta+)ht
herel&<3 had been yo+r tea"her at the $reent ti(e* he thin# he
#no1 1hat leon he 1o+ld et- :+t it 1o+ld be a hard one to
learn* and yo+ ha.e )ot beyond her* and it' o& no +e no1-6 So*
1ith a 4+iet i)h &or (e* :iddy roe &ro( the ban#* and aid* 1ith
a &reh and $leaant "han)e o& .oi"e* 6Shall 1e 1al# a little
&arther* or )o ho(e@6
6:iddy*6 I "ried* )ettin) +$* $+ttin) (y ar( ro+nd her ne"#* and
) her a #i* 6I hall al1ay tell yo+ e.erythin)-6
6Till yo+'re a )entle(an*6 aid :iddy-
6?o+ #no1 I hall be* o that' al1ay- Not that I ha.e any
o""aion to tell yo+ anythin)* &or yo+ #no1 e.erythin) I #no1*//a
I told yo+ at ho(e the other ni)ht-6
6Ah<6 aid :iddy* 4+ite in a 1hi$er* a he loo#ed a1ay at the
hi$- And then re$eated* 1ith her &or(er $leaant "han)e* 6hall
1e 1al# a little &arther* or )o ho(e@6
I aid to :iddy 1e 1o+ld 1al# a little &arther* and 1e did o* and
the +((er a&ternoon toned do1n into the +((er e.enin)* and it 1a
.ery bea+ti&+l- I be)an to "onider 1hether I 1a not (ore
nat+rally and 1holeo(ely it+ated* a&ter all* in thee
"ir"+(tan"e* than $layin) be))ar (y nei)hbor by "andle/li)ht in
the roo( 1ith the to$$ed "lo"#* and bein) de$ied by Etella- I
tho+)ht it 1o+ld be .ery )ood &or (e i& I "o+ld )et her o+t o& (y
head* 1ith all the ret o& thoe re(e(bran"e and &an"ie* and
"o+ld )o to 1or# deter(ined to relih 1hat I had to do* and ti"#
to it* and (a#e the bet o& it- I a#ed (yel& the 4+etion 1hether
I did not +rely #no1 that i& Etella 1ere beide (e at that (o(ent
intead o& :iddy* he 1o+ld (a#e (e (ierable@ I 1a obli)ed to
ad(it that I did #no1 it &or a "ertainty* and I aid to (yel&*
6Pi$* 1hat a &ool yo+ are<6
7e tal#ed a )ood deal a 1e 1al#ed* and all that :iddy aid ee(ed
ri)ht- :iddy 1a in+ltin)* or "a$ri"io+* or :iddy to/day
and o(ebody ele to/(orro19 he 1o+ld ha.e deri.ed only $ain* and
no $lea+re* &ro( ) (e $ain9 he 1o+ld &ar rather ha.e 1o+nded
her o1n breat than (ine- ;o1 "o+ld it be* then* that I did not
li#e her (+"h the better o& the t1o@
6:iddy*6 aid I* 1hen 1e 1ere 1al#in) ho(e1ard* 6I 1ih yo+ "o+ld
$+t (e ri)ht-6
6I 1ih I "o+ld<6 aid :iddy-
6I& I "o+ld only )et (yel& to &all in lo.e 1ith yo+*//yo+ don't
(ind (y $ea#in) o o$enly to +"h an old a"4+aintan"e@6
6Oh dear* not at all<6 aid :iddy- 6!on't (ind (e-6
6I& I "o+ld only )et (yel& to do it* that 1o+ld be the thin) &or
6:+t yo+ 1ill* yo+ ee*6 aid :iddy-
It did not a$$ear 4+ite o +nli#ely to (e that e.enin)* a it 1o+ld
ha.e done i& 1e had di"+ed it a &e1 ho+r be&ore- I there&ore
ober.ed I 1a not 4+ite +re o& that- :+t :iddy aid he 1a* and
he aid it de"ii.ely- In (y heart I belie.ed her to be ri)ht9 and
yet I too# it rather ill* too* that he ho+ld be o $oiti.e on
the $oint-
7hen 1e "a(e near the "h+r"hyard* 1e had to "ro an e(ban#(ent*
and )et a tile near a l+i"e/)ate- There tarted +$* &ro( the
)ate* or &ro( the r+he* or &ro( the oo8e 21hi"h 1a 4+ite in hi
ta)nant 1ay3* Old Orli"#-
6;alloa<6 he )ro1led* 61here are yo+ t1o )oin)@6
67here ho+ld 1e be )oin)* b+t ho(e@6
67ell* then*6 aid he* 6I'( Ai))ered i& I don't ee yo+ ho(e<6
Thi $enalty o& bein) Ai))ered 1a a &a.orite +$$oititio+ "ae
o& hi- ;e atta"hed no de&inite (eanin) to the 1ord that I a( a1are
o&* b+t +ed it* li#e hi o1n $retended Chritian na(e* to a&&ront
(an#ind* and "on.ey an idea o& o(ethin) a.a)ely da(a)in)- 7hen I
1a yo+n)er* I had had a )eneral belie& that i& he had Ai))ered (e
$eronally* he 1o+ld ha.e done it 1ith a har$ and t1ited hoo#-
:iddy 1a (+"h a)aint hi )oin) 1ith +* and aid to (e in a
1hi$er* 6!on't let hi( "o(e9 I don't li#e hi(-6 A I did not li#e
hi( either* I too# the liberty o& ayin) that 1e than#ed hi(* b+t
1e didn't 1ant eein) ho(e- ;e re"ei.ed that $ie"e o& in&or(ation
1ith a yell o& la+)hter* and dro$$ed ba"#* b+t "a(e lo+"hin) a&ter
+ at a little ditan"e-
C+rio+ to #no1 1hether :iddy +$e"ted hi( o& had a hand in
that (+rdero+ atta"# o& 1hi"h (y iter had been able to
)i.e any a""o+nt* I a#ed her 1hy he did not li#e hi(-
6Oh<6 he re$lied* )lan"in) her ho+lder a he lo+"hed a&ter
+* 6be"a+e I//I a( a&raid he li#e (e-6
6!id he tell yo+ he li#ed yo+@6 I a#ed indi)nantly-
6No*6 aid :iddy* )lan"in) her ho+lder a)ain* 6he told
(e o9 b+t he dan"e at (e* he "an "at"h (y eye-6
; no.el and $e"+liar thi teti(ony o& atta"h(ent* I did not
do+bt the a""+ra"y o& the inter$retation- I 1a .ery hot indeed
+$on Old Orli"#' darin) to ad(ire her9 a hot a i& it 1ere an
o+tra)e on (yel&-
6:+t it (a#e no di&&eren"e to yo+* yo+ #no1*6 aid :iddy* "al(ly-
6No* :iddy* it (a#e no di&&eren"e to (e9 only I don't li#e it9 I
don't a$$ro.e o& it-6
6Nor I neither*6 aid :iddy- 6Tho+)h that (a#e no di&&eren"e to
6E,a"tly*6 aid I9 6b+t I (+t tell yo+ I ho+ld ha.e no o$inion o&
yo+* :iddy* i& he dan"ed at yo+ 1ith yo+r o1n "onent-6
I #e$t an eye on Orli"# a&ter that ni)ht* and*
"ir"+(tan"e 1ere &a.orable to hi dan"in) at :iddy* )ot be&ore
hi( to ob"+re that de(ontration- ;e had tr+"# root in 0oe'
etablih(ent* by reaon o& (y iter' +dden &an"y &or hi(* or I
ho+ld ha.e tried to )et hi( di(ied- ;e 4+ite +ndertood and
re"i$ro"ated (y )ood intention* a I had reaon to #no1
And no1* be"a+e (y (ind 1a not "on&+ed eno+)h be&ore* I
"o($li"ated it "on&+ion &i&ty tho+and/&old* by tate and
eaon 1hen I 1a "lear that :iddy 1a i((ea+rably better than
Etella* and that the $lain honet 1or#in) li&e to 1hi"h I 1a
born had nothin) in it to be aha(ed o&* b+t o&&ered (e +&&i"ient
(ean o& el&/re$e"t and ha$$ine- At thoe ti(e* I 1o+ld de"ide
"on"l+i.ely that (y dia&&e"tion to dear old 0oe and the &or)e
1a )one* and that I 1a )ro1in) +$ in a &air 1ay to be $artner
1ith 0oe and to #ee$ "o($any 1ith :iddy*//1hen all in a (o(ent o(e
"on&o+ndin) re(e(bran"e o& the ;a.iha( day 1o+ld &all +$on (e
li#e a detr+"ti.e (iile* and "atter (y 1it a)ain- S"attered
1it ta#e a lon) ti(e $i"#in) +$9 and o&ten be&ore I had )ot the(
1ell to)ether* they 1o+ld be di$ered in all dire"tion by one
tray tho+)ht* that $erha$ a&ter all %i ;a.iha( 1a )oin) to
(a#e (y &ort+ne 1hen (y ti(e 1a o+t-
I& (y ti(e had r+n o+t* it 1o+ld ha.e le&t (e till at the hei)ht
o& (y $er$le,itie* I dare ay- It did r+n o+t** b+t
1a bro+)ht to a $re(at+re end* a I $ro"eed to relate-
Cha$ter XEIII
It 1a in the &o+rth year o& (y a$$renti"ehi$ to 0oe* and it 1a a
Sat+rday ni)ht- There 1a a )ro+$ ae(bled ro+nd the &ire at the
Three 0olly :ar)e(en* attenti.e to %r- 7o$le a he read the
ne1$a$er alo+d- O& that )ro+$ I 1a one-
A hi)hly $o$+lar (+rder had been "o((itted* and %r- 7o$le 1a
i(br+ed in blood to the eyebro1- ;e )loated e.ery abhorrent
adAe"ti.e in the de"ri$tion* and identi&ied hi(el& 1ith e.ery
1itne at the In4+et- ;e &aintly (oaned* 6I a( done &or*6 a the
.i"ti(* and he barbaro+ly bello1ed* 6I'll er.e yo+ o+t*6 a the
(+rderer- ;e )a.e the (edi"al teti(ony* in $ointed i(itation o&
o+r lo"al $ra"titioner9 and he $i$ed and hoo#* a the a)ed
t+rn$i#e/#ee$er 1ho had heard blo1* to an e,tent o .ery $aralyti"
a to +))et a do+bt re)ardin) the (ental "o($eten"y o& that
1itne- The "oroner* in %r- 7o$le' hand* be"a(e Ti(on o& Athen9
the beadle* Coriolan+- ;e enAoyed hi(el& thoro+)hly* and 1e all
enAoyed o+rel.e* and 1ere deli)ht&+lly "o(&ortable- In thi "oey
tate o& (ind 1e "a(e to the .erdi"t 7il&+l %+rder-
Then* and not ooner* I be"a(e a1are o& a tran)e )entle(an leanin) the ba"# o& the ettle o$$oite (e* loo#in) on- There 1a an
e,$reion o& "onte($t on hi &a"e* and he bit the ide o& a )reat
&ore&in)er a he 1at"hed the )ro+$ o& &a"e-
67ell<6 aid the tran)er to %r- 7o$le* 1hen the readin) 1a done*
6yo+ ha.e ettled it all to yo+r o1n ati&a"tion* I ha.e no
E.erybody tarted and loo#ed +$* a i& it 1ere the (+rderer- ;e
loo#ed at e.erybody "oldly and ar"ati"ally-
6G+ilty* o& "o+re@6 aid he- 6O+t 1ith it- Co(e<6
6Sir*6 ret+rned %r- 7o$le* 61itho+t the honor o& yo+r
a"4+aintan"e* I do ay G+ilty-6 D$on thi 1e all too# "o+ra)e to
+nite in a "on&ir(atory (+r(+r-
6I #no1 yo+ do*6 aid the tran)er9 6I #ne1 yo+ 1o+ld- I told yo+
o- :+t no1 I'll a# yo+ a 4+etion- !o yo+ #no1* or do yo+ not
#no1* that the la1 o& En)land +$$oe e.ery (an to be inno"ent*
+ntil he i $ro.ed/$ro.ed//to be )+ilty@6
6Sir*6 %r- 7o$le be)an to re$ly* 6a an En)lih(an (yel&* I//6
6Co(e<6 aid the tran)er* bitin) hi &ore&in)er at hi(- 6!on't
e.ade the 4+etion- Either yo+ #no1 it* or yo+ don't #no1 it- 7hi"h
i it to be@6
;e tood 1ith hi head on one ide and hi(el& on one ide* in a
:+llyin)* interro)ati.e (anner* and he thre1 hi &ore&in)er at %r-
7o$le*//a it 1ere to (ar# hi( o+t//be&ore bitin) it a)ain-
6No1<6 aid he- 6!o yo+ #no1 it* or don't yo+ #no1 it@6
6Certainly I #no1 it*6 re$lied %r- 7o$le-
6Certainly yo+ #no1 it- Then 1hy didn't yo+ ay o at &irt@ No1*
I'll a# yo+ another 4+etion*6//ta#in) $oeion o& %r- 7o$le* a
i& he had a ri)ht to hi(*//6do yo+ #no1 that none o& thee 1itnee
ha.e yet been "ro/e,a(ined@6
%r- 7o$le 1a be)innin)* 6I "an only ay//6 1hen the tran)er
to$$ed hi(-
67hat@ ?o+ 1on't an1er the 4+etion* ye or no@ No1* I'll try yo+
a)ain-6 Thro1in) hi &in)er at hi( a)ain- 6Attend to (e- Are yo+
a1are* or are yo+ not a1are* that none o& thee 1itnee ha.e yet
been "ro/e,a(ined@ Co(e* I only 1ant one 1ord &ro( yo+- ?e* or
%r- 7o$le heitated* and 1e all be)an to "on"ei.e rather a $oor
o$inion o& hi(-
6Co(e<6 aid the tran)er* 6I'll hel$ yo+- ?o+ don't deer.e hel$*
b+t I'll hel$ yo+- Coo# at that $a$er yo+ hold in yo+r hand- 7hat
i it@6
67hat i it@6 re$eated %r- 7o$le* eyein) it* (+"h at a lo-
6I it*6 $+r+ed the tran)er in hi (ot ar"ati" and +$i"io+
(anner* 6the $rinted $a$er yo+ ha.e A+t been readin) &ro(@6
6Dndo+btedly- No1* t+rn to that $a$er* and tell (e 1hether it
ditin"tly tate that the $rioner e,$rely aid that hi le)al
ad.ier intr+"ted hi( alto)ether to reer.e hi de&en"e@6
6I read that A+t no1*6 %r- 7o$le $leaded- (ind 1hat yo+ read A+t no1* ir9 I don't a# yo+ 1hat yo+
read A+t no1- ?o+ (ay read the Cord' Prayer ba"#1ard* i& yo+
li#e*//and* $erha$* ha.e done it be&ore to/day- T+rn to the $a$er-
No* no* no (y &riend9 not to the to$ o& the "ol+(n9 yo+ #no1 better
than that9 to the botto(* to the botto(-6 27e all be)an to thin# %r-
7o$le &+ll o& +bter&+)e-3 67ell@ ;a.e yo+ &o+nd it@6
6;ere it i*6 aid %r- 7o$le-
6No1* &ollo1 that $aa)e 1ith yo+r eye* and tell (e 1hether it
ditin"tly tate that the $rioner e,$rely aid that he 1a
intr+"ted by hi le)al ad.ier 1holly to reer.e hi de&en"e@
Co(e< !o yo+ (a#e that o& it@6
%r- 7o$le an1ered* 6Thoe are not the e,a"t 1ord-6
6Not the e,a"t 1ord<6 re$eated the )entle(an bitterly- 6I that
the e,a"t +btan"e@6
6?e*6 aid %r- 7o$le-
6?e*6 re$eated the tran)er* loo#in) ro+nd at the ret o& the
"o($any 1ith hi ri)ht hand e,tended to1ard the 1itne* 7o$le-
6And no1 I a# yo+ 1hat yo+ ay to the "on"ien"e o& that (an 1ho*
1ith that $aa)e be&ore hi eye* "an lay hi head +$on hi $illo1
a&ter $rono+n"ed a &ello1/"reat+re )+ilty* +nheard@6
7e all be)an to +$e"t that %r- 7o$le 1a not the (an 1e had
tho+)ht hi(* and that he 1a be)innin) to be &o+nd o+t-
6And that a(e (an* re(e(ber*6 $+r+ed the )entle(an* thro1in) hi
&in)er at %r- 7o$le hea.ily*//6that a(e (an (i)ht be +((oned a a
A+ry(an +$on thi .ery trial* and* th+ dee$ly "o((itted
hi(el&* (i)ht ret+rn to the boo( o& hi &a(ily and lay hi head
+$on hi $illo1* a&ter deliberately 1earin) that he 1o+ld 1ell and
tr+ly try the i+e Aoined bet1een O+r So.erei)n Cord the =in) and
the $rioner at the bar* and 1o+ld a tr+e .erdi"t )i.e a""ordin) to
the e.iden"e* o hel$ hi( God<6
7e 1ere all dee$ly $er+aded that the +n&ort+nate 7o$le had )one
too &ar* and had better to$ in hi re"#le "areer 1hile there 1a
yet ti(e-
The tran)e )entle(an* 1ith an air o& a+thority not to be di$+ted*
and 1ith a (anner e,$rei.e o& #no1in) o(ethin) e"ret abo+t
e.ery one o& + that 1o+ld e&&e"t+ally do &or ea"h i& he
"hoe to di"loe it* le&t the ba"# o& the ettle* and "a(e into
the $a"e bet1een the t1o ettle* in &ront o& the &ire* 1here he
re(ained tandin)* hi le&t hand in hi $o"#et* and he bitin) the
&ore&in)er o& hi ri)ht-
65ro( in&or(ation I ha.e re"ei.ed*6 aid he* loo#in) ro+nd at + a
1e all 4+ailed be&ore hi(* 6I ha.e reaon to belie.e there i a
bla"#(ith a(on) yo+* by na(e 0oe$h//or 0oe//Gar)ery- 7hi"h i
the (an@6
6;ere i the (an*6 aid 0oe-
The tran)e )entle(an be"#oned hi( o+t o& hi $la"e* and 0oe 1ent-
6?o+ ha.e an a$$renti"e*6 $+r+ed the tran)er* 6"o((only #no1n a
Pi$@ I he here@6
6I a( here<6 I "ried-
The tran)er did not re"o)ni8e (e* b+t I re"o)ni8ed hi( a the
)entle(an I had (et on the tair* on the o""aion o& (y e"ond
.iit to %i ;a.iha(- I had #no1n hi( the (o(ent I a1 hi(
loo#in) the ettle* and no1 that I tood "on&rontin) hi( 1ith
hi hand +$on (y ho+lder* I "he"#ed o&& a)ain in detail hi lar)e
head* hi dar# "o($le,ion* hi dee$/et eye* hi b+hy bla"#
eyebro1* hi lar)e 1at"h/"hain* hi tron) bla"# dot o& beard and
1hi#er* and e.en the (ell o& "ented oa$ on hi )reat hand-
6I 1ih to ha.e a $ri.ate "on&eren"e 1ith yo+ t1o*6 aid he* 1hen
he had +r.eyed (e at hi lei+re- 6It 1ill ta#e a little ti(e-
Perha$ 1e had better )o to yo+r $la"e o& reiden"e- I $re&er not
to anti"i$ate (y "o((+ni"ation here9 yo+ 1ill i($art a (+"h or a
little o& it a yo+ $leae to yo+r &riend a&ter1ard9 I ha.e
nothin) to do 1ith that-6
A(idt a 1onderin) ilen"e* 1e three 1al#ed o+t o& the 0olly
:ar)e(en* and in a 1onderin) ilen"e 1al#ed ho(e- 7hile )oin)
alon)* the tran)e )entle(an o""aionally loo#ed at (e* and
o""aionally bit the ide o& hi &in)er- A 1e neared ho(e* 0oe
.a)+ely a"#no1led)in) the o""aion a an i($rei.e and "ere(onio+
one* 1ent on ahead to o$en the &ront door- O+r "on&eren"e 1a held
in the tate $arlor* 1hi"h 1a &eebly li)hted by one "andle-
It be)an 1ith the tran)e )entle(an' ittin) do1n at the table*
dra1in) the "andle to hi(* and loo#in) o(e entrie in hi
$o"#et/boo#- ;e then $+t +$ the $o"#et/boo# and et the "andle a
little aide* a&ter $eerin) ro+nd it into the dar#ne at 0oe and
(e* to a"ertain 1hi"h 1a 1hi"h-
6%y na(e*6 he aid* 6i 0a))er* and I a( a la1yer in Condon- I a(
$retty 1ell #no1n- I ha.e +n++al b+ine to trana"t 1ith yo+*
and I "o((en"e by e,$lainin) that it i not o& (y ori)inatin)- I&
(y ad.i"e had been a#ed* I ho+ld not ha.e been here- It 1a not
a#ed* and yo+ ee (e here- 7hat I ha.e to do a the "on&idential
a)ent o& another* I do- No le* no (ore-6
5indin) that he "o+ld not ee + .ery 1ell &ro( 1here he at* he
)ot +$* and thre1 one le) the ba"# o& a "hair and leaned +$on
it9 th+ one &oot on the eat o& the "hair* and one &oot on
the )ro+nd-
6No1* 0oe$h Gar)ery* I a( the bearer o& an o&&er to relie.e yo+ o&
thi yo+n) &ello1 yo+r a$$renti"e- ?o+ 1o+ld not obAe"t to "an"el
hi indent+re at hi re4+et and &or hi )ood@ ?o+ 1o+ld 1ant
nothin) &or o doin)@6
6Cord &orbid that I ho+ld 1ant anythin) &or not tandin) in Pi$'
1ay*6 aid 0oe* tarin)-
6Cord &orbiddin) i $io+* b+t not to the $+r$oe*6 ret+rned %r-
0a))er- 6The 4+etion i* 7o+ld yo+ 1ant anythin)@ !o yo+ 1ant
6The an1er i*6 ret+rned 0oe* ternly* 6No-6
I tho+)ht %r- 0a))er )lan"ed at 0oe* a i& he "onidered hi( a &ool
&or hi diinteretedne- :+t I 1a too (+"h be1ildered bet1een
breathle "+rioity and +r$rie* to be +re o& it-
6Eery 1ell*6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6Re"olle"t the ad(iion yo+ ha.e
(ade* and don't try to )o &ro( it $reently-6
67ho' a )oin) to try@6 retorted 0oe-
6I don't ay anybody i- !o yo+ #ee$ a do)@6
6?e* I do #ee$ a do)-6
6:ear in (ind then* that :ra) i a )ood do)* b+t ;old&at i a
better- :ear that in (ind* 1ill yo+@6 re$eated %r- 0a))er* h+ttin)
hi eye and noddin) hi head at 0oe* a i& he 1ere &or) hi(
o(ethin)- 6No1* I ret+rn to thi yo+n) &ello1- And the
"o((+ni"ation I ha.e )ot to (a#e i* that he ha Great
0oe and I )a$ed* and loo#ed at one another-
6I a( intr+"ted to "o((+ni"ate to hi(*6 aid %r- 0a))er* thro1in)
hi &in)er at (e ide1ay* 6that he 1ill "o(e into a hando(e
$ro$erty- 5+rther* that it i the deire o& the $reent $oeor
o& that $ro$erty* that he be i((ediately re(o.ed &ro( hi $reent
$here o& li&e and &ro( thi $la"e* and be bro+)ht +$ a a
)entle(an*//in a 1ord* a a yo+n) &ello1 o& )reat e,$e"tation-6
%y drea( 1a o+t9 (y 1ild &an"y 1a +r$aed by ober reality9
%i ;a.iha( 1a )oin) to (a#e (y &ort+ne on a )rand "ale-
6No1* %r- Pi$*6 $+r+ed the la1yer* 6I addre the ret o& 1hat I
ha.e to ay* to yo+- ?o+ are to +ndertand* &irt* that it i the
re4+et o& the $eron &ro( 1ho( I ta#e (y intr+"tion that yo+
al1ay bear the na(e o& Pi$- ?o+ 1ill ha.e no obAe"tion* I dare
ay* to yo+r )reat e,$e"tation bein) en"+(bered 1ith that eay
"ondition- :+t i& yo+ ha.e any obAe"tion* thi i the ti(e to
(ention it-6
%y heart 1a beatin) o &at* and there 1a +"h a in)in) in (y
ear* that I "o+ld "ar"ely ta((er I had no obAe"tion-
6I ho+ld thin# not< No1 yo+ are to +ndertand* e"ondly* %r- Pi$*
that the na(e o& the $eron 1ho i yo+r liberal bene&a"tor re(ain
a $ro&o+nd e"ret* +ntil the $eron "hooe to re.eal it- I a(
e($o1ered to (ention that it i the intention o& the $eron to
re.eal it at &irt hand by 1ord o& (o+th to yo+rel&- 7hen or 1here
that intention (ay be "arried o+t* I "annot ay9 no one "an ay- It
(ay be year hen"e- No1* yo+ are ditin"tly to +ndertand that yo+
are (ot $oiti.ely $rohibited &ro( (a#in) any in4+iry on thi
head* or any all+ion or re&eren"e* ditant* to any 1ho( a the* in all the "o((+ni"ation
yo+ (ay ha.e 1ith (e- I& yo+ ha.e a +$i"ion in yo+r o1n breat*
#ee$ that +$i"ion in yo+r o1n breat- It i not the leat to the
$+r$oe 1hat the reaon o& thi $rohibition are9 they (ay be the
tron)et and ) reaon* or they (ay be (ere 1hi(- Thi i
not &or yo+ to in4+ire into- The "ondition i laid do1n- ?o+r
a""e$tan"e o& it* and yo+r"e o& it a bindin)* i the only
re(ainin) "ondition that I a( "har)ed 1ith* by the $eron &ro( 1ho(
I ta#e (y intr+"tion* and &or 1ho( I a( not other1ie
re$onible- That $eron i the $eron &ro( 1ho( yo+ deri.e yo+r
e,$e"tation* and the e"ret i olely held by that $eron and by
(e- A)ain* not a .ery di&&i"+lt "ondition 1ith 1hi"h to en"+(ber
+"h a rie in &ort+ne9 b+t i& yo+ ha.e any obAe"tion to it* thi
i the ti(e to (ention it- S$ea# o+t-6
On"e (ore* I ta((ered 1ith di&&i"+lty that I had no obAe"tion-
6I ho+ld thin# not< No1* %r- Pi$* I ha.e done 1ith ti$+lation-6
Tho+)h he "alled (e %r- Pi$* and be)an rather to (a#e +$ to (e* he
till "o+ld not )et rid o& a "ertain air o& b+llyin) +$i"ion9 and
e.en no1 he o""aionally h+t hi eye and thre1 hi &in)er at (e
1hile he $o#e* a (+"h a to e,$re that he #ne1 all #ind o&
thin) to (y di$ara)e(ent* i& he only "hoe to (ention the(- 67e
"o(e ne,t* to (ere detail o& arran)e(ent- ?o+ (+t #no1 that*
altho+)h I ha.e +ed the ter( 6e,$e"tation6 (ore than on"e* yo+
are not endo1ed 1ith e,$e"tation only- There i already lod)ed in
(y hand a +( o& (oney a($ly +&&i"ient &or yo+r +itable
ed+"ation and (aintenan"e- ?o+ 1ill $leae "onider (e yo+r
)+ardian- Oh<6 &or I 1a )oin) to than# hi(* 6I tell yo+ at on"e* I
a( $aid &or (y er.i"e* or I ho+ldn't render the(- It i
"onidered that yo+ (+t be better ed+"ated* in a""ordan"e 1ith
yo+r altered $oition* and that yo+ 1ill be ali.e to the i($ortan"e
and ne"eity o& at on"e enterin) on that ad.anta)e-6
I aid I had al1ay lon)ed &or it- (ind 1hat yo+ ha.e al1ay lon)ed &or* %r- Pi$*6 he retorted9
6#ee$ to the re"ord- I& yo+ lon) &or it no1* that' eno+)h- A( I
an1ered that yo+ are ready to be $la"ed at on"e +nder o(e $ro$er
t+tor@ I that it@6
I ta((ered ye* that 1a it-
6Good- No1* yo+r in"lination are to be "on+lted- I don't thin#
that 1ie* (ind* b+t it' (y tr+t- ;a.e yo+ heard o& any
t+tor 1ho( yo+ 1o+ld $re&er to another@6
I had heard o& any t+tor b+t :iddy and %r- 7o$le' )reat/a+nt9
o* I re$lied in the ne)ati.e-
6There i a "ertain t+tor* o& 1ho( I ha.e o(e #no1led)e* 1ho I
thin# (i)ht +it the $+r$oe*6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6I don't re"o((end
hi(* ober.e9 be"a+e I re"o((end anybody- The )entle(an I
$ea# o& i one %r- %atthe1 Po"#et-6
Ah< I "a+)ht at the na(e dire"tly- %i ;a.iha(' relation- The
%atthe1 1ho( %r- and %r- Ca(illa had $o#en o&- The %atthe1 1hoe
$la"e 1a to be at %i ;a.iha(' head* 1hen he lay dead* in her
bride' dre on the bride' table-
6?o+ #no1 the na(e@6 aid %r- 0a))er* loo#in) hre1dly at (e* and
then h+ttin) +$ hi eye 1hile he 1aited &or (y an1er-
%y an1er 1a* that I had heard o& the na(e-
6Oh<6 aid he- 6?o+ ha.e heard o& the na(e- :+t the 4+etion i*
1hat do yo+ ay o& it@6
I aid* or tried to ay* that I 1a (+"h obli)ed to hi( &or hi
6No* (y yo+n) &riend<6 he interr+$ted* ha#in) hi )reat head .ery
lo1ly- 6Re"olle"t yo+rel&<6
Not re"olle"tin) (yel&* I be)an a)ain that I 1a (+"h obli)ed to
hi( &or hi re"o((endation//
6No* (y yo+n) &riend*6 he interr+$ted* ha#in) hi head and
&ro1nin) and (ilin) both at on"e*//6no* no* no9 it' .ery 1ell
done* b+t it 1on't do9 yo+ are too yo+n) to &i, (e 1ith it-
Re"o((endation i not the 1ord* %r- Pi$- Try another-6
Corre"tin) (yel&* I aid that I 1a (+"h obli)ed to hi( &or hi
(ention o& %r- %atthe1 Po"#et//
6That' (ore li#e it<6 "ried %r- 0a))er-
//And 2I added3* I 1o+ld )ladly try that )entle(an-
6Good- ?o+ had better try hi( in hi o1n ho+e- The 1ay hall be
$re$ared &or yo+* and yo+ "an ee hi on &irt* 1ho i in Condon-
7hen 1ill yo+ "o(e to Condon@6
I aid 2)lan"in) at 0oe* 1ho tood loo#in) on* (otionle3* that I
+$$oed I "o+ld "o(e dire"tly-
65irt*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6yo+ ho+ld ha.e o(e ne1 "lothe to "o(e
in* and they ho+ld not be 1or#in)/"lothe- Say thi day 1ee#-
?o+'ll 1ant o(e (oney- Shall I lea.e yo+ t1enty )+inea@6
;e $rod+"ed a lon) $+re* 1ith the )reatet "oolne* and "o+nted
the( o+t on the table and $+hed the( to (e- Thi 1a the
&irt ti(e he had ta#en hi le) &ro( the "hair- ;e at atride o&
the "hair 1hen he had $+hed the (oney* and at 1in)in) hi
$+re and eyein) 0oe-
67ell* 0oe$h Gar)ery@ ?o+ loo# d+(b&o+ndered@6
6I a(<6 aid 0oe* in a .ery de"ided (anner-
6It 1a +ndertood that yo+ 1anted nothin) &or yo+rel&* re(e(ber@6
6It 1ere +ndertood*6 aid 0oe- 6And it are +ndertood- And it
1ill be i(ilar a""ordin)-6
6:+t 1hat*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 1in)in) hi $+re*//61hat i& it 1a in
(y intr+"tion to (a#e yo+ a $reent* a "o($enation@6
6A "o($enation 1hat &or@6 0oe de(anded-
65or the lo o& hi er.i"e-6
0oe laid hi hand +$on (y ho+lder 1ith the to+"h o& a 1o(an- I
ha.e o&ten tho+)ht hi( in"e* li#e the tea(/ha((er that "an "r+h
a (an or $at an e))/hell* in hi "o(bination o& tren)th 1ith
)entlene- 6Pi$ i that hearty 1el"o(e*6 aid 0oe* 6to )o &ree
1ith hi er.i"e* to honor and &ort+n'* a no 1ord "an tell hi(-
:+t i& yo+ thin# a %oney "an (a#e "o($enation to (e &or the lo
o& the little "hild//1hat "o(e to the &or)e//and the bet o&
O dear )ood 0oe* 1ho( I 1a o ready to lea.e and o +nthan#&+l to*
I ee yo+ a)ain* 1ith yo+r (+"+lar bla"#(ith' ar( be&ore yo+r
eye* and yo+r broad "het* and yo+r .oi"e dyin) a1ay- O
dear )ood &aith&+l tender 0oe* I &eel the tre(ble o& yo+r
hand +$on (y ar(* a ole(nly thi day a i& it had been the r+tle
o& an an)el' 1in)<
:+t I en"o+ra)ed 0oe at the ti(e- I 1a lot in the (a8e o& (y
&+t+re &ort+ne* and "o+ld not retra"e the by/$ath 1e had trodden
to)ether- I be))ed 0oe to be "o(&orted* &or 2a he aid3 1e had been the bet o& &riend* and 2a I aid3 1e 1o+ld be o-
0oe "oo$ed hi eye 1ith hi dien)a)ed 1rit* a i& he 1ere bent
on )o+)in) hi(el&* b+t aid not another 1ord-
%r- 0a))er had loo#ed on at thi* a one 1ho re"o)ni8ed in 0oe the
.illa)e idiot* and in (e hi #ee$er- 7hen it 1a* he aid*
1ei)hin) in hi hand the $+re he had "eaed to 1in)B//
6No1* 0oe$h Gar)ery* I 1arn yo+ thi i yo+r lat "han"e- No hal&
(ea+re 1ith (e- I& yo+ (ean to ta#e a $reent that I ha.e it in
"har)e to (a#e yo+* $ea# o+t* and yo+ hall ha.e it- I& on the
"ontrary yo+ (ean to ay//6 ;ere* to hi )reat a(a8e(ent* he 1a
to$$ed by 0oe' +ddenly 1or#in) ro+nd hi( 1ith e.ery
de(ontration o& a &ell $+)iliti" $+r$oe-
67hi"h I (eanteray*6 "ried 0oe* 6that i& yo+ "o(e into (y $la"e
b+ll/baitin) and bad)erin) (e* "o(e o+t< 7hi"h I (eanteray a e"h
i& yo+'re a (an* "o(e on< 7hi"h I (eanteray that 1hat I ay* I
(eanteray and tand or &all by<6
I dre1 0oe a1ay* and he i((ediately be"a(e $la"able9 (erely tatin)
to (e* in an obli)in) (anner and a a $olite e,$ot+latory noti"e
to any one 1ho( it (i)ht ha$$en to "on"ern* that he 1ere not a
)oin) to be b+ll/baited and bad)ered in hi o1n $la"e- %r- 0a))er
had rien 1hen 0oe de(ontrated* and had ba"#ed near the door-
7itho+t"in) any in"lination to "o(e in a)ain* he there
deli.ered hi .aledi"tory re(ar#- They 1ere thee-
67ell* %r- Pi$* I thin# the ooner yo+ lea.e here//a yo+ are to be
a )entle(an//the better- Cet it tand &or thi day 1ee#* and yo+
hall re"ei.e (y $rinted addre in the (eanti(e- ?o+ "an ta#e a
ha"#ney/"oa"h at the ta)e/"oa"h o&&i"e in Condon* and "o(e
trai)ht to (e- Dndertand* that I e,$re no o$inion* one 1ay or
other* on the tr+t I +nderta#e- I a( $aid &or +nderta#in) it* and
I do o- No1* +ndertand that* &inally- Dndertand that<6
;e 1a thro1in) hi &in)er at both o& +* and I thin# 1o+ld ha.e
)one on* b+t &or hi ee(in) to thin# 0oe dan)ero+* and )oin) o&&-
So(ethin) "a(e into (y head 1hi"h ind+"ed (e to r+n a&ter hi(* a
he 1a )oin) do1n to the 0olly :ar)e(en* 1here he had le&t a hired
6I be) yo+r $ardon* %r- 0a))er-6
6;alloa<6 aid he* &a"in) ro+nd* 61hat' the (atter@6
6I 1ih to be 4+ite ri)ht* %r- 0a))er* and to #ee$ to yo+r
dire"tion9 o I tho+)ht I had better a#- 7o+ld there be any
obAe"tion to (y ta#in) lea.e o& any one I #no1* abo+t here* be&ore
I )o a1ay@6
6No*6 aid he* loo#in) a i& he hardly +ndertood (e-
6I don't (ean in the .illa)e only* b+t +$ to1n@6
6No*6 aid he- 6No obAe"tion-6
I than#ed hi( and ran ho(e a)ain* and there I &o+nd that 0oe had
already lo"#ed the &ront door and .a"ated the tate $arlor* and
1a eated by the #it"hen &ire 1ith a hand on ea"h #nee* )a8in)
intently at the b+rnin) "oal- I too at do1n be&ore the &ire and
)a8ed at the "oal* and nothin) 1a aid &or a lon) ti(e-
%y iter 1a in her "+hioned "hair in her "orner* and :iddy at
at her needle/1or# be&ore the &ire* and 0oe at ne,t :iddy* and I
at ne,t 0oe in the "orner o$$oite (y iter- The (ore I loo#ed
into the )lo1in) "oal* the (ore in"a$able I be"a(e o& loo#in) at
0oe9 the lon)er the ilen"e lated* the (ore +nable I &elt to
At len)th I )ot o+t* 60oe* ha.e yo+ told :iddy@6
6No* Pi$*6 ret+rned 0oe* till loo#in) at the &ire* and holdin) hi
#nee ti)ht* a i& he had $ri.ate in&or(ation that they intended to
(a#e o&& o(e1here* 61hi"h I le&t it to yo+rel&* Pi$-6
6I 1o+ld rather yo+ told* 0oe-6
6Pi$' a )entle(an o& &ort+n' then*6 aid 0oe* 6and God ble hi(
in it<6
:iddy dro$$ed her 1or#* and loo#ed at (e- 0oe held hi #nee and
loo#ed at (e- I loo#ed at both o& the(- A&ter a $a+e* they both
heartily "on)rat+lated (e9 b+t there 1a a "ertain to+"h o& adne
in their "on)rat+lation that I rather reented-
I too# it +$on (yel& to i($re :iddy 2and thro+)h :iddy* 0oe3
1ith the )ra.e obli)ation I "onidered (y &riend +nder* to #no1
nothin) and ay nothin) abo+t the (a#er o& (y &ort+ne- It 1o+ld all
"o(e o+t in )ood ti(e* I ober.ed* and in the (ean1hile nothin) 1a
to be aid* a.e that I had "o(e into )reat e,$e"tation &ro( a
(yterio+ $atron- :iddy nodded her head tho+)ht&+lly at the &ire
a he too# +$ her 1or# a)ain* and aid he 1o+ld be .ery
$arti"+lar9 and 0oe* till detainin) hi #nee* aid* 6Ay* ay* I'll
be $arti"#ler* Pi$96 and then they "on)rat+lated (e
a)ain* and 1ent on to e,$re o (+"h 1onder at the notion o& (y
bein) a )entle(an that I didn't hal& li#e it-
In&inite $ain 1ere then ta#en by :iddy to "on.ey to (y iter o(e
idea o& 1hat had ha$$ened- To the bet o& (y belie&* thoe e&&ort
entirely &ailed- She la+)hed and nodded her head a )reat (any
ti(e* and e.en re$eated a&ter :iddy* the 1ord 6Pi$6 and
6Pro$erty-6 :+t I do+bt i& they had (ore (eanin) in the( than an
ele"tion "ry* and I "annot +))et a dar#er $i"t+re o& her tate o&
I "o+ld ha.e belie.ed it 1itho+t e,$erien"e* b+t a 0oe and
:iddy be"a(e (ore at their "heer&+l eae a)ain* I be"a(e 4+ite
)loo(y- !iati&ied 1ith (y &ort+ne* o& "o+re I "o+ld not be9 b+t
it i $oible that I (ay ha.e been* 1itho+t 4+ite #no1in) it*
diati&ied 1ith (yel&-
Any ho1* I at 1ith (y elbo1 on (y #nee and (y &a"e +$on (y hand*
loo#in) into the &ire* a thoe t1o tal#ed abo+t (y )oin) a1ay* and
abo+t 1hat they ho+ld do 1itho+t (e* and all that- And I
"a+)ht one o& the( loo#in) at (e* tho+)h o $leaantly 2and
they o&ten loo#ed at (e*//$arti"+larly :iddy3* I &elt o&&endedB a
i& they 1ere e,$rein) o(e (itr+t o& (e- Tho+)h ;ea.en #no1
they did by 1ord or i)n-
At thoe ti(e I 1o+ld )et +$ and loo# o+t at the door9 &or o+r
#it"hen door o$ened at on"e +$on the ni)ht* and tood o$en on
+((er e.enin) to air the roo(- The .ery tar to 1hi"h I then
raied (y eye* I a( a&raid I too# to be b+t $oor and h+(ble tar
&or )litterin) on the r+ti" obAe"t a(on) 1hi"h I had $aed (y
6Sat+rday ni)ht*6 aid I* 1hen 1e at at o+r +$$er o&
bread and "heee and beer- 65i.e (ore day* and then the day be&ore
the day< They'll oon )o-6
6?e* Pi$*6 ober.ed 0oe* 1hoe .oi"e o+nded hollo1 in hi beer/
(+)- 6They'll oon )o-6
6Soon* oon )o*6 aid :iddy-
6I ha.e been thin#in)* 0oe* that 1hen I )o do1n to1n on %onday* and
order (y ne1 "lothe* I hall tell the tailor that I'll "o(e and
$+t the( on there* or that I'll ha.e the( ent to %r- P+(ble"hoo#'-
It 1o+ld be .ery dia)reeable to be tared at by all the $eo$le
6%r- and %r- ;+bble (i)ht li#e to ee yo+ in yo+r ne1 )en/teel &i)+re
too* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* ind+trio+ly "+ttin) hi bread* 1ith hi
"heee on it* in the $al( o& hi le&t hand* and )lan"in) at (y
+ntated +$$er a i& he tho+)ht o& the ti(e 1hen 1e +ed to
"o($are li"e- 6So (i)ht 7o$le- And the 0olly :ar)e(en (i)ht ta#e
it a a "o($li(ent-6
6That' A+t 1hat I don't 1ant* 0oe- They 1o+ld (a#e +"h a
b+ine o& it*//+"h a "oare and "o((on b+ine*//that I
"o+ldn't bear (yel&-6
6Ah* that indeed* Pi$<6 aid 0oe- 6I& yo+ "o+ldn't abear
:iddy a#ed (e here* a he at holdin) (y iter' $late* 6;a.e
yo+ tho+)ht abo+t 1hen yo+'ll ho1 yo+rel& to %r- Gar)ery* and yo+r
iter and (e@ ?o+ 1ill ho1 yo+rel& to +9 1on't yo+@6
6:iddy*6 I ret+rned 1ith o(e reent(ent* 6yo+ are o e,"eedin)ly
4+i"# that it' di&&i"+lt to #ee$ +$ 1ith yo+-6
26She al1ay 1ere 4+i"#*6 ober.ed 0oe-3
6I& yo+ had 1aited another (o(ent* :iddy* yo+ 1o+ld ha.e heard (e
ay that I hall brin) (y "lothe here in a b+ndle one e.enin)*//
(ot li#ely on the e.enin) be&ore I )o a1ay-6
:iddy aid no (ore- ;ando(ely &or) her* I oon e,"han)ed an
a&&e"tionate )ood ni)ht 1ith her and 0oe* and 1ent +$ to bed- 7hen
I )ot into (y little roo(* I at do1n and too# a lon) loo# at it*
a a (ean little roo( that I ho+ld oon be $arted &ro( and raied
abo.e* &or It 1a &+rnihed 1ith &reh yo+n) re(e(bran"e
too* and e.en at the a(e (o(ent I &ell into (+"h the a(e "on&+ed
di.iion o& (ind bet1een it and the better roo( to 1hi"h I 1a
)oin)* a I had been in o o&ten bet1een the &or)e and %i
;a.iha('* and :iddy and Etella-
The +n had been hinin) bri)htly all day on the roo& o& (y atti"*
and the roo( 1a 1ar(- A I $+t the 1indo1 o$en and tood loo#in)
o+t* I a1 0oe "o(e lo1ly &orth at the dar# door* belo1* and ta#e a
t+rn or t1o in the air9 and then I a1 :iddy "o(e* and brin) hi( a
$i$e and li)ht it &or hi(- ;e (o#ed o late* and it ee(ed
to hint to (e that he 1anted "o(&ortin)* &or o(e reaon or other-
;e $reently tood at the door i((ediately beneath (e* (o#in) hi
$i$e* and :iddy tood there too* 4+ietly tal#in) to hi(* and I #ne1
that they tal#ed o& (e* &or I heard (y na(e (entioned in an
endearin) tone by both o& the( (ore than on"e- I 1o+ld not ha.e
litened &or (ore* i& I "o+ld ha.e heard (ore9 o I dre1 a1ay &ro(
the 1indo1* and at do1n in (y one "hair by the bedide* &eelin) it
.ery orro1&+l and tran)e that thi &irt ni)ht o& (y bri)ht
&ort+ne ho+ld be the loneliet I had #no1n-
Coo#in) to1ard the o$en 1indo1* I a1 li)ht 1reath &ro( 0oe'
$i$e &loatin) there* and I &an"ied it 1a li#e a blein) &ro( 0oe*
//not obtr+ded on (e or $araded be&ore (e* b+t $er.adin) the air 1e
hared to)ether- I $+t (y li)ht o+t* and "re$t into bed9 and it 1a
an +neay bed no1* and I le$t the old o+nd lee$ in it any
Cha$ter XIX
%ornin) (ade a "oniderable di&&eren"e in (y )eneral $ro$e"t o&
Ci&e* and bri)htened it o (+"h that it "ar"ely ee(ed the a(e-
7hat lay hea.iet on (y (ind 1a* the "onideration that i, day
inter.ened bet1een (e and the day o& de$art+re9 &or I "o+ld not (yel& o& a (i) that o(ethin) (i)ht ha$$en to Condon
in the (ean1hile* and that* 1hen I )ot there* it 1o+ld be either
)reatly deteriorated or "lean )one-
0oe and :iddy 1ere .ery y($atheti" and $leaant 1hen I $o#e o&
o+r a$$roa"hin) e$aration9 b+t they only re&erred to it 1hen I
did- A&ter brea#&at* 0oe bro+)ht o+t (y indent+re &ro( the $re
in the bet $arlor* and 1e $+t the( in the &ire* and I &elt that I
1a &ree- 7ith all the no.elty o& (y e(an"i$ation on (e* I 1ent to
"h+r"h 1ith 0oe* and tho+)ht $erha$ the "ler)y(an 1o+ldn't ha.e
read that abo+t the ri"h (an and the #in)do( o& ;ea.en* i& he had
#no1n all-
A&ter o+r early dinner* I trolled o+t alone* $+r$oin) to &inih
o&& the (arhe at on"e* and )et the( done 1ith- A I $aed the
"h+r"h* I &elt 2a I had &elt d+rin) er.i"e in the (ornin)3 a
+bli(e "o($aion &or the $oor "reat+re 1ho 1ere detined to )o
there* S+nday a&ter S+nday* all their li.e thro+)h* and to lie
ob"+rely at lat a(on) the lo1 )reen (o+nd- I $ro(ied (yel&
that I 1o+ld do o(ethin) &or the( one o& thee day* and &or(ed a
$lan in o+tline &or beto1in) a dinner o& roat/bee& and
$l+(/$+ddin)* a $int o& ale* and a )allon o& "onde"enion* +$on
e.erybody in the .illa)e-
I& I had o&ten tho+)ht be&ore* 1ith o(ethin) allied to ha(e* o&
(y "o($anionhi$ 1ith the &+)iti.e 1ho( I had on"e een li($in)
a(on) thoe )ra.e* 1hat 1ere (y tho+)ht on thi S+nday* 1hen the
$la"e re"alled the 1ret"h* ra))ed and hi.erin)* 1ith hi &elon
iron and bad)e< %y "o(&ort 1a* that it ha$$ened a lon) ti(e a)o*
and that he had do+btle been tran$orted a lon) 1ay o&&* and that
he 1a dead to (e* and (i)ht be .eritably dead into the bar)ain-
No (ore lo1* 1et )ro+nd* no (ore di#e and l+i"e* no (ore o&
thee )ra8in) "attle*//tho+)h they ee(ed* in their d+ll (anner* to
1ear a (ore re$e"t&+l air no1* and to &a"e ro+nd* in order that
they (i)ht tare a lon) a $oible at the $oeor o& +"h )reat
e,$e"tation*//&are1ell* (onotono+ a"4+aintan"e o& (y "hildhood*
hen"e&orth I 1a &or Condon and )reatne9 not &or (ith' 1or# in
)eneral* and &or yo+< I (ade (y e,+ltant 1ay to the old :attery*
and* lyin) do1n there to "onider the 4+etion 1hether %i
;a.iha( intended (e &or Etella* &ell alee$-
7hen I a1o#e* I 1a (+"h +r$ried to &ind 0oe ittin) beide (e*
(o#in) hi $i$e- ;e )reeted (e 1ith a "heer&+l (ile on (y o$enin)
(y eye* and aid*//
6A bein) the lat ti(e* Pi$* I tho+)ht I'd &oller-6
6And 0oe* I a( .ery )lad yo+ did o-6
6Than#ee* Pi$-6
6?o+ (ay be +re* dear 0oe*6 I 1ent on* a&ter 1e had ha#en hand*
6that I hall &or)et yo+-6
6No* no* Pi$<6 aid 0oe* in a "o(&ortable tone* 6I'( +re o& that-
Ay* ay* old "ha$< :le yo+* it 1ere only ne"eary to )et it 1ell
ro+nd in a (an' (ind* to be "ertain on it- :+t it too# a bit o&
ti(e to )et it 1ell ro+nd* the "han)e "o(e o on"o((on $l+($9
didn't it@6
So(eho1* I 1a not bet $leaed 1ith 0oe' bein) o (i)htily e"+re
o& (e- I ho+ld ha.e li#ed hi( to ha.e betrayed e(otion* or to ha.e
aid* 6It doe yo+ "redit* Pi$*6 or o(ethin) o& that ort-
There&ore* I (ade no re(ar# on 0oe' &irt head9 (erely ayin) a
to hi e"ond* that the tidin) had indeed "o(e +ddenly* b+t that
I had al1ay 1anted to be a )entle(an* and had o&ten and o&ten
$e"+lated on 1hat I 1o+ld do* i& I 1ere one-
6;a.e yo+ tho+)h@6 aid 0oe- 6Atonihin)<6
6It' a $ity no1* 0oe*6 aid I* 6that yo+ did not )et on a little
(ore* 1hen 1e had o+r leon here9 in't it@6
67ell* I don't #no1*6 ret+rned 0oe- 6I'( o a1&+l d+ll- I'( only
(ater o& (y o1n trade- It 1ere al1ay a $ity a I 1a o a1&+l
d+ll9 b+t it' no (ore o& a $ity no1* than it 1a//thi day
t1el.e(onth//don't yo+ ee@6
7hat I had (eant 1a* that 1hen I "a(e into (y $ro$erty and 1a
able to do o(ethin) &or 0oe* it 1o+ld ha.e been (+"h (ore
a)reeable i& he had been better 4+ali&ied &or a rie in tation- ;e
1a o $er&e"tly inno"ent o& (y (eanin)** that I tho+)ht I
1o+ld (ention it to :iddy in $re&eren"e-
So* 1hen 1e had 1al#ed ho(e and had had tea* I too# :iddy into o+r
little )arden by the ide o& the lane* and* a&ter thro1in) o+t in a
)eneral 1ay &or the ele.ation o& her $irit* that I ho+ld
&or)et her* aid I had a &a.or to a# o& her-
6And it i* :iddy*6 aid I* 6that yo+ 1ill not o(it any o$$ort+nity
o& hel$in) 0oe on* a little-6
6;o1 hel$in) hi( on@6 a#ed :iddy* 1ith a teady ort o& )lan"e-
67ell< 0oe i a dear )ood &ello1*//in &a"t* I thin# he i the
dearet &ello1 that li.ed*//b+t he i rather ba"#1ard in o(e
thin)- 5or intan"e* :iddy* in hi learnin) and hi (anner-6
Altho+)h I 1a loo#in) at :iddy a I $o#e* and altho+)h he o$ened
her eye .ery 1ide 1hen I had $o#en* he did not loo# at (e-
6O* hi (anner< 1on't hi (anner do then@6 a#ed :iddy*
$l+"#in) a bla"#/"+rrant lea&-
6%y dear :iddy* they do .ery 1ell here//6
6O< they do .ery 1ell here@6 interr+$ted :iddy* loo#in) "loely at
the lea& in her hand-
6;ear (e o+t*//b+t i& I 1ere to re(o.e 0oe into a hi)her $here* a
I hall ho$e to re(o.e hi( 1hen I &+lly "o(e into (y $ro$erty* they
1o+ld hardly do hi( A+ti"e-6
6And don't yo+ thin# he #no1 that@6 a#ed :iddy-
It 1a +"h a .ery $ro.o#in) 4+etion 2&or it had in the (ot
ditant (anner o""+rred to (e3* that I aid* na$$ihly*//
6:iddy* 1hat do yo+ (ean@6
:iddy* r+bbed the lea& to $ie"e bet1een her hand*//and the
(ell o& a bla"#/"+rrant b+h ha in"e re"alled to (e that
e.enin) in the little )arden by the ide o& the lane*//aid* 6;a.e
yo+ "onidered that he (ay be $ro+d@6
6Pro+d@6 I re$eated* 1ith didain&+l e($hai-
6O< there are (any #ind o& $ride*6 aid :iddy* loo#in) &+ll at (e
and ha#in) her head9 6$ride i not all o& one #ind//6
67ell@ 7hat are yo+ to$$in) &or@6 aid I-
6Not all o& one #ind*6 re+(ed :iddy- 6;e (ay be too $ro+d to let
any one ta#e hi( o+t o& a $la"e that he i "o($etent to &ill* and
&ill 1ell and 1ith re$e"t- To tell yo+ the tr+th* I thin# he i9
tho+)h it o+nd bold in (e to ay o* &or yo+ (+t #no1 hi( &ar
better than I do-6
6No1* :iddy*6 aid I* 6I a( .ery orry to ee thi in yo+- I did
not e,$e"t to ee thi in yo+- ?o+ are* :iddy* and
)r+d)in)- ?o+ are diati&ied on a""o+nt o& (y rie in &ort+ne*
and yo+ "an't hel$ ho1in) it-6
6I& yo+ ha.e the heart to thin# o*6 ret+rned :iddy* 6ay o- Say
o and a)ain* i& yo+ ha.e the heart to thin# o-6
6I& yo+ ha.e the heart to be o* yo+ (ean* :iddy*6 aid I* in a
.irt+o+ and +$erior tone9 6don't $+t it o&& +$on (e- I a( .ery
orry to ee it* and it' a//it' a bad ide o& h+(an nat+re- I
did intend to a# yo+ to +e any little o$$ort+nitie yo+ (i)ht
ha.e a&ter I 1a )one* o& i($ dear 0oe- :+t a&ter thi I a#
yo+ nothin)- I a( e,tre(ely orry to ee thi in yo+* :iddy*6 I
re$eated- 6It' a//it' a bad ide o& h+(an nat+re-6
67hether yo+ "old (e or a$$ro.e o& (e*6 ret+rned $oor :iddy* 6yo+
(ay e4+ally de$end +$on (y tryin) to do all that lie in (y $o1er*
here* at all ti(e- And o$inion yo+ ta#e a1ay o& (e* hall
(a#e no di&&eren"e in (y re(e(bran"e o& yo+- ?et a )entle(an ho+ld
not be +nA+t neither*6 aid :iddy* t+rnin) a1ay her head-
I a)ain 1ar(ly re$eated that it 1a a bad ide o& h+(an nat+re 2in
1hi"h enti(ent* it a$$li"ation* I ha.e in"e een reaon
to thin# I 1a ri)ht3* and I 1al#ed do1n the little $ath a1ay &ro(
:iddy* and :iddy 1ent into the ho+e* and I 1ent o+t at the )arden
)ate and too# a deAe"ted troll +ntil +$$er/ti(e9 a)ain &eelin) it
.ery orro1&+l and tran)e that thi* the e"ond ni)ht o& (y bri)ht
&ort+ne* ho+ld be a lonely and +nati&a"tory a the &irt-
:+t* (ornin) on"e (ore bri)htened (y .ie1* and I e,tended (y
"le(en"y to :iddy* and 1e dro$$ed the +bAe"t- P+ttin) on the bet
"lothe I had* I 1ent into to1n a early a I "o+ld ho$e to &ind
the ho$ o$en* and $reented (yel& be&ore %r- Trabb* the tailor*
1ho 1a hi brea#&at in the $arlor behind hi ho$* and
1ho did not thin# it 1orth hi 1hile to "o(e o+t to (e* b+t "alled
(e in to hi(-
67ell<6 aid %r- Trabb* in a hail/&ello1/1ell/(et #ind o& 1ay- 6;o1
are yo+* and 1hat "an I do &or yo+@6
%r- Trabb had li"ed hi hot roll into three &eather/bed* and 1a
li$$in) b+tter in bet1een the blan#et* and "o.erin) it +$- ;e 1a
a $ro$ero+ old ba"helor* and hi o$en 1indo1 loo#ed into a
$ro$ero+ little )arden and or"hard* and there 1a a $ro$ero+
iron a&e let into the 1all at the ide o& hi &ire$la"e* and I did
not do+bt that hea$ o& hi $ro$erity 1ere $+t a1ay in it in ba)-
6%r- Trabb*6 aid I* 6it' an +n$leaant thin) to ha.e to (ention*
be"a+e it loo# li#e boatin)9 b+t I ha.e "o(e into a hando(e
A "han)e $aed %r- Trabb- ;e &or)ot the b+tter in bed* )ot +$
&ro( the bedide* and 1i$ed hi &in)er on the table"loth*
e,"lai(in)* 6Cord ble (y o+l<6
6I a( )oin) +$ to (y )+ardian in Condon*6 aid I* "a+ally dra1in)
o(e )+inea o+t o& (y $o"#et and loo#in) at the(9 6and I 1ant a
&ahionable +it o& "lothe to )o in- I 1ih to $ay &or the(*6 I
added//other1ie I tho+)ht he (i)ht only $retend to (a#e the(*
61ith ready (oney-6
6%y dear ir*6 aid %r- Trabb* a he re$e"t&+lly bent hi body*
o$ened hi ar(* and too# the liberty o& to+"hin) (e on the o+tide
o& ea"h elbo1* 6don't h+rt (e by (entionin) that- %ay I .ent+re to
"on)rat+late yo+@ 7o+ld yo+ do (e the &a.or o& te$$in) into the
%r- Trabb' boy 1a the (ot a+da"io+ boy in all that "o+ntry/ide-
7hen I had entered he 1a 1ee$in) the ho$* and he had 1eetened
hi labor by 1ee$in) (e- ;e 1a till 1ee$in) 1hen I "a(e
o+t into the ho$ 1ith %r- Trabb* and he #no"#ed the broo( a)aint
all $oible "orner and obta"le* to e,$re 2a I +ndertood it3
e4+ality 1ith any bla"#(ith* ali.e or dead-
6;old that noie*6 aid %r- Trabb* 1ith the )reatet ternne* 6or
I'll #no"# yo+r head o&&<//!o (e the &a.or to be eated* ir- No1*
thi*6 aid %r- Trabb* ta#in) do1n a roll o& "loth* and tidin) it
o+t in a &lo1in) (anner the "o+nter* $re$aratory to )ettin)
hi hand +nder it to ho1 the )lo* 6i a .ery 1eet arti"le- I
"an re"o((end it &or yo+r $+r$oe* ir* be"a+e it really i e,tra
+$er- :+t yo+ hall ee o(e other- Gi.e (e N+(ber 5o+r* yo+<6
2To the boy* and 1ith a dread&+lly e.ere tare9 &oreeein) the
dan)er o& that (i"reant' br+hin) (e 1ith it* or (a#in) o(e
other i)n o& &a(iliarity-3
%r- Trabb re(o.ed hi tern eye &ro( the boy +ntil he had
de$oited n+(ber &o+r on the "o+nter and 1a at a a&e ditan"e
a)ain- Then he "o((anded hi( to brin) n+(ber &i.e* and n+(ber
ei)ht- 6And let (e ha.e none o& yo+r tri"# here*6 aid %r- Trabb*
6or yo+ hall re$ent it* yo+ yo+n) "o+ndrel* the lon)et day yo+
ha.e to li.e-6
%r- Trabb then bent n+(ber &o+r* and in a ort o& de&erential
"on&iden"e re"o((ended it to (e a a li)ht arti"le &or +((er 1ear*
an arti"le (+"h in .o)+e a(on) the nobility and )entry* an arti"le
that it 1o+ld be an honor to hi( to re&le"t +$on a
ditin)+ihed &ello1/to1n(an' 2i& he (i)ht "lai( (e &or a
&ello1/to1n(an3 1orn- 6Are yo+ brin)in) n+(ber &i.e and
ei)ht* yo+ .a)abond*6 aid %r- Trabb to the boy a&ter that* 6or
hall I #i"# yo+ o+t o& the ho$ and brin) the( (yel&@6
I ele"ted the (aterial &or a +it* 1ith the aitan"e o& %r-
Trabb' A+d)(ent* and re/entered the $arlor to be (ea+red- 5or
altho+)h %r- Trabb had (y (ea+re already* and had $ been
4+ite "ontented 1ith it* he aid a$olo)eti"ally that it 61o+ldn't
do +nder e,itin) "ir"+(tan"e* ir*//1o+ldn't do at all-6 So* %r-
Trabb (ea+red and "al"+lated (e in the $arlor* a i& I 1ere an
etate and he the &inet $e"ie o& +r.eyor* and )a.e hi(el& +"h
a 1orld o& tro+ble that I &elt that no +it o& "lothe "o+ld
$oibly re(+nerate hi( &or hi $ain- 7hen he had at lat done and
had a$$ointed to end the arti"le to %r- P+(ble"hoo#' on the
Th+rday e.enin)* he aid* 1ith hi hand +$on the $arlor lo"#* 6I
#no1* ir* that Condon )entle(en "annot be e,$e"ted to $atroni8e
lo"al 1or#* a a r+le9 b+t i& yo+ 1o+ld )i.e (e a t+rn no1 and then
in the 4+ality o& a to1n(an* I ho+ld )reatly etee( it- Good
(ornin)* ir* (+"h obli)ed-//!oor<6
The lat 1ord 1a &l+n) at the boy* 1ho had not the leat notion
1hat it (eant- :+t I a1 hi( "olla$e a hi (ater r+bbed (e o+t
1ith hi hand* and (y &irt de"ided e,$erien"e o& the t+$endo+
$o1er o& (oney 1a* that it had (orally laid +$on hi ba"#
Trabb' boy-
A&ter thi (e(orable e.ent* I 1ent to the hatter'* and the
boot(a#er'* and the hoier'* and &elt rather li#e %other
;+bbard' do) 1hoe o+t&it re4+ired the er.i"e o& o (any trade-
I alo 1ent to the "oa"h/o&&i"e and too# (y $la"e &or e.en o'"lo"#
on Sat+rday (ornin)- It 1a not ne"eary to e,$lain e.ery1here
that I had "o(e into a hando(e $ro$erty9 b+t I aid
anythin) to that e&&e"t* it &ollo1ed that the o&&i"iatin) trade(an
"eaed to ha.e hi attention di.erted thro+)h the 1indo1 by the
;i)h Street* and "on"entrated hi (ind +$on (e- 7hen I had ordered
e.erythin) I 1anted* I dire"ted (y te$ to1ard P+(ble"hoo#'*
and* a I a$$roa"hed that )entle(an' $la"e o& b+ine* I a1 hi(
tandin) at hi door-
;e 1a 1aitin) &or (e 1ith )reat i($atien"e- ;e had been o+t early
1ith the "haie/"art* and had "alled at the &or)e and heard the
ne1- ;e had $re$ared a "ollation &or (e in the :arn1ell $arlor*
and he too ordered hi ho$(an to 6"o(e o+t o& the )an)1ay6 a (y
a"red $eron $aed-
6%y dear &riend*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* ta#in) (e by both hand*
1hen he and I and the "ollation 1ere alone* 6I )i.e yo+ Aoy o& yo+r
)ood &ort+ne- 7ell deer.ed* 1ell deer.ed<6
Thi 1a "o(in) to the $oint* and I tho+)ht it a enible 1ay o&
e,$rein) hi(el&-
6To thin#*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* a&ter nortin) ad(iration at (e
&or o(e (o(ent* 6that I ho+ld ha.e been the h+(ble intr+(ent o&
leadin) +$ to thi* i a $ro+d re1ard-6
I be))ed %r- P+(ble"hoo# to re(e(ber that nothin) 1a to be
aid or hinted* on that $oint-
6%y dear yo+n) &riend*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#9 6i& yo+ 1ill allo1 (e
to "all yo+ o//6
I (+r(+red 6Certainly*6 and %r- P+(ble"hoo# too# (e by both hand
a)ain* and "o((+ni"ated a (o.e(ent to hi 1ait"oat* 1hi"h had an
e(otional a$$earan"e* tho+)h it 1a rather lo1 do1n* 6%y dear yo+n)
&riend* rely +$on (y doin) (y little all in yo+r aben"e* by
#ee$in) the &a"t be&ore the (ind o& 0oe$h-//0oe$h<6 aid %r-
P+(ble"hoo#* in the 1ay o& a "o($aionate adA+ration- 60oe$h<<
0oe$h<<<6 There+$on he hoo# hi head and ta$$ed it* e,$rein)
hi ene o& de&i"ien"y in 0oe$h-
6:+t (y dear yo+n) &riend*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 6yo+ (+t be
h+n)ry* yo+ (+t be e,ha+ted- :e eated- ;ere i a "hi"#en had
ro+nd &ro( the :oar* here i a ton)+e had ro+nd &ro( the :oar*
here' one or t1o little thin) had ro+nd &ro( the :oar* that I
ho$e yo+ (ay not de$ie- :+t do I*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* )ettin)
+$ a)ain the (o(ent a&ter he had at do1n* 6ee a&ore (e* hi( a I $orted 1ith in hi ti(e o& ha$$y in&an"y@ And (ay I//(ay
Thi %ay I* (eant (i)ht he ha#e hand@ I "onented* and he 1a
&er.ent* and then at do1n a)ain-
6;ere i 1ine*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#- 6Cet + drin#* Than# to
5ort+ne* and (ay he $i"# o+t her &a.orite 1ith e4+al
A+d)(ent< And yet I "annot*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* )ettin) +$ a)ain*
6ee a&ore (e One//and li#e1ie drin# to One//1itho+t a)ain
e,$rein)//%ay I//(ay I//@6
I aid he (i)ht* and he hoo# hand 1ith (e a)ain* and e($tied hi
)la and t+rned it +$ide do1n- I did the a(e9 and i& I had
t+rned (yel& +$ide do1n be&ore drin#in)* the 1ine "o+ld not ha.e
)one (ore dire"t to (y head-
%r- P+(ble"hoo# hel$ed (e to the 1in)* and to the bet li"e
o& ton)+e 2none o& thoe o+t/o&/the/1ay No Thoro+)h&are o& Por#
no13* and too#* "o($arati.ely $ea#in)* no "are o& hi(el& at all-
6Ah< $o+ltry* $o+ltry< ?o+ little tho+)ht*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#*
a$otro$hi8in) the &o1l in the dih* 61hen yo+ 1a a yo+n)
&led)lin)* 1hat 1a in tore &or yo+- ?o+ little tho+)ht yo+ 1a to
be re&reh(ent beneath thi h+(ble roo& &or one a//Call it a
1ea#ne* i& yo+ 1ill*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* )ettin) +$ a)ain* 6b+t
(ay I@ (ay I//@6
It be)an to be +nne"eary to re$eat the &or( o& ayin) he (i)ht*
o he did it at on"e- ;o1 he did it o o&ten 1itho+t 1o+ndin)
hi(el& 1ith (y #ni&e* I don't #no1-
6And yo+r iter*6 he re+(ed* a&ter a little teady eatin)* 61hi"h
had the honor o& brin)in) yo+ +$ by hand< It' a ad $i"ter* to
re&le"t that he' no lon)er e4+al to &+lly +ndertandin) the
honor- %ay//6
I a1 he 1a abo+t to "o(e at (e a)ain* and I to$$ed hi(-
67e'll drin# her health*6 aid I-
6Ah<6 "ried %r- P+(ble"hoo#* leanin) ba"# in hi "hair* 4+ite
&la""id 1ith ad(iration* 6that' the 1ay yo+ #no1 'e(* ir<6 2I
don't #no1 1ho Sir 1a* b+t he "ertainly 1a not I* and there 1a
no third $eron $reent39 6that' the 1ay yo+ #no1 the noble/(inded*
ir< &or) and a&&able- It (i)ht*6 aid the er.ile
P+(ble"hoo#* $+ttin) do1n hi +ntated )la in a h+rry and )ettin)
+$ a)ain* 6to a "o((on $eron* ha.e the a$$earan"e o& re$eatin)//
b+t (ay I//@6
7hen he had done it* he re+(ed hi eat and dran# to (y iter-
6Cet + be blind*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* 6to her &a+lt o&
te($er* b+t it i to be ho$ed he (eant 1ell-6
At abo+t thi ti(e* I be)an to ober.e that he 1a )ettin) &l+hed
in the &a"e9 a to (yel&* I &elt all &a"e* tee$ed in 1ine and
I (entioned to %r- P+(ble"hoo# that I 1ihed to ha.e (y ne1 "lothe
ent to hi ho+e* and he 1a e"tati" on (y o ditin)+ihin) hi(-
I (entioned (y reaon &or deirin) to a.oid ober.ation in the
.illa)e* and he la+ded it to the #ie- There 1a nobody b+t
hi(el&* he inti(ated* 1orthy o& (y "on&iden"e* and//in hort*
(i)ht he@ Then he a#ed (e tenderly i& I re(e(bered o+r boyih
)a(e at +(* and ho1 1e had )one to)ether to ha.e (e bo+nd
a$$renti"e* and* in e&&e"t* ho1 he had been (y &a.orite &an"y
and (y "hoen &riend@ I& I had ta#en ten ti(e a (any )lae o&
1ine a I had* I ho+ld ha.e #no1n that he had tood in that
relation to1ard (e* and ho+ld in (y heart o& heart ha.e
re$+diated the idea- ?et &or all that* I re(e(ber &eelin) ""ed
that I had been (+"h (ita#en in hi(* and that he 1a a enible*
$ra"ti"al* )ood/hearted $ri(e &ello1-
:y de)ree he &ell to re$oin) +"h )reat "on&iden"e in (e* a to
a# (y ad.i"e in re&eren"e to hi o1n a&&air- ;e (entioned that
there 1a an o$$ort+nity &or a )reat a(al)a(ation and (ono$oly o&
the "orn and eed trade on thoe $re(ie* i& enlar)ed* +"h a had o""+rred be&ore in that or any other nei)hborhood- 7hat
alone 1a 1antin) to the reali8ation o& a .at &ort+ne* he
"onidered to be %ore Ca$ital- Thoe 1ere the t1o little 1ord*
(ore "a$ital- No1 it a$$eared to hi( 2P+(ble"hoo#3 that i& that
"a$ital 1ere )ot into the b+ine* thro+)h a lee$in) $artner* ir*
//1hi"h lee$in) $artner 1o+ld ha.e nothin) to do b+t 1al# in* by
el& or de$+ty* he $leaed* and e,a(ine the boo#*//and
1al# in t1i"e a year and ta#e hi $ro&it a1ay in hi $o"#et* to
the t+ne o& &i&ty $er "ent*//it a$$eared to hi( that that (i)ht be
an o$enin) &or a yo+n) )entle(an o& $irit "o(bined 1ith $ro$erty*
1hi"h 1o+ld be 1orthy o& hi attention- :+t 1hat did I thin#@ ;e
had )reat "on&iden"e in (y o$inion* and 1hat did I thin#@ I )a.e it
a (y o$inion- 67ait a bit<6 The +nited .atne and ditin"tne
o& thi .ie1 o tr+"# hi(* that he no lon)er a#ed i& he (i)ht
ha#e hand 1ith (e* b+t aid he really (+t*//and did-
7e dran# all the 1ine* and %r- P+(ble"hoo# $led)ed hi(el& and a)ain to #ee$ 0oe$h +$ to the (ar# 2I don't #no1 1hat (ar#3*
and to render (e e&&i"ient and "ontant er.i"e 2I don't #no1 1hat
er.i"e3- ;e alo (ade #no1n to (e &or the &irt ti(e in (y li&e*
and "ertainly a&ter #e$t hi e"ret 1onder&+lly 1ell* that
he had al1ay aid o& (e* 6That boy i no "o((on boy* and (ar# (e*
hi &ort+n' 1ill be no "o((on &ort+n'-6 ;e aid 1ith a tear&+l
(ile that it 1a a in)+lar thin) to thin# o& no1* and I aid o
too- 5inally* I 1ent o+t into the air* 1ith a di( $er"e$tion that
there 1a o(ethin) +n1onted in the "ond+"t o& the +nhine* and
&o+nd that I had l+(bero+ly )ot to the t+rn$i#e 1itho+t
ta#en any a""o+nt o& the road-
There* I 1a ro+ed by %r- P+(ble"hoo#' hailin) (e- ;e 1a a lon)
1ay do1n the +nny treet* and 1a (a#in) e,$rei.e )et+re &or
(e to to$- I to$$ed* and he "a(e +$ breathle-
6No* (y dear &riend*6 aid he* 1hen he had re"o.ered 1ind &or
$ee"h- 6Not i& I "an hel$ it- Thi o""aion hall not entirely
$a 1itho+t that a&&ability on yo+r $art-//%ay I* a an old
&riend and 1ell/1iher@ %ay I@6
7e hoo# hand &or the h+ndredth ti(e at leat* and he ordered a
yo+n) "arter o+t o& (y 1ay 1ith the )reatet indi)nation- Then* he
bleed (e and tood hi hand to (e +ntil I had $aed the
"roo# in the road9 and then I t+rned into a &ield and had a lon)
na$ +nder a hed)e be&ore I $+r+ed (y 1ay ho(e-
I had "ant l+))a)e to ta#e 1ith (e to Condon* &or little o& the
little I $oeed 1a ada$ted to (y ne1 tation- :+t I be)an
$a"#in) that a(e a&ternoon* and 1ildly $a"#ed +$ thin) that I
#ne1 I ho+ld 1ant ne,t (ornin)* in a &i"tion that there 1a not a
(o(ent to be lot-
So* T+eday* 7edneday* and Th+rday* $aed9 and on 5riday (ornin)
I 1ent to %r- P+(ble"hoo#'* to $+t on (y ne1 "lothe and $ay (y
.iit to %i ;a.iha(- %r- P+(ble"hoo#' o1n roo( 1a )i.en +$ to
(e to dre in* and 1a de"orated 1ith "lean to1el e,$rely &or
the e.ent- %y "lothe 1ere rather a dia$$oint(ent* o& "o+re-
Probably e.ery ne1 and ea)erly e,$e"ted )ar(ent $+t on in"e
"lothe "a(e in* &ell a tri&le hort o& the 1earer' e,$e"tation-
:+t a&ter I had had (y ne1 +it on o(e hal& an ho+r* and had )one
thro+)h an i((enity o& $ot+rin) 1ith %r- P+(ble"hoo#' .ery
li(ited drein)/)la* in the &+tile endea.or to ee (y le)* it
ee(ed to &it (e better- It bein) (ar#et (ornin) at a nei)hborin)
to1n o(e ten (ile o&&* %r- P+(ble"hoo# 1a not at ho(e- I had not
told hi( e,a"tly 1hen I (eant to lea.e* and 1a not li#ely to ha#e
hand 1ith hi( a)ain be&ore de$artin)- Thi 1a all a it ho+ld
be* and I 1ent o+t in (y ne1 array* &ear&+lly aha(ed o& to
$a the ho$(an* and +$i"io+ a&ter all that I 1a at a $eronal
diad.anta)e* o(ethin) li#e 0oe' in hi S+nday +it-
I 1ent "ir"+ito+ly to %i ;a.iha(' by all the ba"# 1ay* and
ran) at the bell "ontrainedly* on a""o+nt o& the ti&& lon)
&in)er o& (y )lo.e- Sarah Po"#et "a(e to the )ate* and $oiti.ely
reeled ba"# 1hen he a1 (e o "han)ed9 her 1aln+t/hell
"o+ntenan"e li#e1ie t+rned &ro( bro1n to )reen and yello1-
6?o+@6 aid he- 6?o+@ Good )ra"io+< 7hat do yo+ 1ant@6
6I a( )oin) to Condon* %i Po"#et*6 aid I* 6and 1ant to ay
)ood by to %i ;a.iha(-6
I 1a not e,$e"ted* &or he le&t (e lo"#ed in the yard* 1hile he
1ent to a# i& I 1ere to be ad(itted- A&ter a .ery hort delay* he
ret+rned and too# (e +$* tarin) at (e all the 1ay-
%i ;a.iha( 1a ta#in) e,er"ie in the roo( 1ith the lon) $read
table* leanin) on her "r+t"h ti"#- The roo( 1a li)hted a o&
yore* and at the o+nd o& o+r entran"e* he to$$ed and t+rned- She
1a then A+t abreat o& the rotted bride/"a#e-
6!on't )o* Sarah*6 he aid- 67ell* Pi$@6
6I tart &or Condon* %i ;a.iha(* to/(orro1*6 I 1a e,"eedin)ly
"are&+l 1hat I aid* 6and I tho+)ht yo+ 1o+ld #indly not (ind (y
ta#in) lea.e o& yo+-6
6Thi i a )ay &i)+re* Pi$*6 aid he* (a#in) her "r+t"h ti"# $lay
ro+nd (e* a i& he* the &airy )od(other 1ho had "han)ed (e* 1ere
beto1in) the &inihin) )i&t-
6I ha.e "o(e into +"h )ood &ort+ne in"e I a1 yo+ lat* %i
;a.iha(*6 I (+r(+red- 6And I a( o )rate&+l &or it* %i
6Ay* ay<6 aid he* loo#in) at the di"o(&ited and Sarah*
1ith deli)ht- 6I ha.e een %r- 0a))er- I ha.e heard abo+t it* Pi$-
So yo+ )o to/(orro1@6
6?e* %i ;a.iha(-6
6And yo+ are ado$ted by a ri"h $eron@6
6?e* %i ;a.iha(-6
6Not na(ed@6
6No* %i ;a.iha(-6
6And %r- 0a))er i (ade yo+r )+ardian@6
6?e* %i ;a.iha(-6
She 4+ite )loated on thee 4+etion and an1er* o #een 1a her
enAoy(ent o& Sarah Po"#et' Aealo+ di(ay- 67ell<6 he 1ent on9
6yo+ ha.e a $ro(iin) "areer be&ore yo+- :e )ood//deer.e it//and
abide by %r- 0a))er' intr+"tion-6 She loo#ed at (e* and loo#ed
at Sarah* and Sarah' "o+ntenan"e 1r+n) o+t o& her 1at"h&+l &a"e a
"r+el (ile- 6Good by* Pi$<//yo+ 1ill al1ay #ee$ the na(e o&
Pi$* yo+ #no1-6
6?e* %i ;a.iha(-6
6Good by* Pi$<6
She tret"hed o+t her hand* and I 1ent do1n on (y #nee and $+t it
to (y li$- I had not "onidered ho1 I ho+ld ta#e lea.e o& her9 it
"a(e nat+rally to (e at the (o(ent to do thi- She loo#ed at Sarah
Po"#et 1ith tri+($h in her 1eird eye* and o I le&t (y &airy
)od(other* 1ith both her hand on her "r+t"h ti"#* tandin) in the
(idt o& the di(ly li)hted roo( beide the rotten bride/"a#e that
1a hidden in "ob1eb-
Sarah Po"#et "ond+"ted (e do1n* a i& I 1ere a )hot 1ho (+t be
een o+t- She "o+ld not )et (y a$$earan"e* and 1a in the lat
de)ree "on&o+nded- I aid 6Good by* %i Po"#et96 b+t he (erely
tared* and did not ee( "olle"ted eno+)h to #no1 that I had
$o#en- Clear o& the ho+e* I (ade the bet o& (y 1ay ba"# to
P+(ble"hoo#'* too# o&& (y ne1 "lothe* (ade the( into a b+ndle*
and 1ent ba"# ho(e in (y older dre* "arryin) it//to $ea# the
tr+th//(+"h (ore at (y eae too* tho+)h I had the b+ndle to "arry-
And no1* thoe i, day 1hi"h 1ere to ha.e r+n o+t o lo1ly* had
r+n o+t &at and 1ere )one* and to/(orro1 loo#ed (e in the &a"e
(ore teadily than I "o+ld loo# at it- A the i, e.enin) had
d1indled a1ay* to &i.e* to &o+r* to three* to t1o* I had be"o(e
(ore and (ore a$$re"iati.e o& the o"iety o& 0oe and :iddy- On thi
lat e.enin)* I dreed (y el& o+t in (y ne1 "lothe &or their
deli)ht* and at in (y $lendor +ntil bedti(e- 7e had a hot +$$er
on the o""aion* )ra"ed by the ine.itable roat &o1l* and 1e had
o(e &li$ to &inih 1ith- 7e 1ere all .ery lo1* and none the hi)her
&or $retendin) to be in $irit-
I 1a to lea.e o+r .illa)e at &i.e in the (ornin)* "arryin) (y
little hand/$ort(antea+* and I had told 0oe that I 1ihed to 1al#
a1ay all alone- I a( a&raid//ore a&raid//that thi $+r$oe
ori)inated in (y ene o& the "ontrat there 1o+ld be bet1een (e
and 0oe* i& 1e 1ent to the "oa"h to)ether- I had $retended 1ith
(yel& that there 1a nothin) o& thi taint in the arran)e(ent9 b+t
1hen I 1ent +$ to (y little roo( on thi lat ni)ht* I &elt
"o($elled to ad(it that it (i)ht be o* and had an i($+le +$on (e
to )o do1n a)ain and entreat 0oe to 1al# 1ith (e in the (ornin)- I
did not-
All ni)ht there 1ere "oa"he in (y bro#en lee$* )oin) to 1ron)
$la"e intead o& to Condon* and in the tra"e* no1 do)*
no1 "at* no1 $i)* no1 (en*// hore- 5antati" &ail+re o&
Ao+rney o""+$ied (e +ntil the day da1ned and the bird 1ere
in)in)- Then* I )ot +$ and $artly dreed* and at at the 1indo1
to ta#e a lat loo# o+t* and in ta#in) it &ell alee$-
:iddy 1a atir o early to )et (y brea#&at* that* altho+)h I did
not lee$ at the 1indo1 an ho+r* I (elt the (o#e o& the #it"hen
&ire 1hen I tarted +$ 1ith a terrible idea that it (+t be late in
the a&ternoon- :+t lon) a&ter that* and lon) a&ter I had heard the
"lin#in) o& the tea"+$ and 1a 4+ite ready* I 1anted the
reol+tion to )o do1n tair- A&ter all* I re(ained +$ there*
re$eatedly +nlo"#in) and +ntra$$in) (y (all $ort(antea+ and
lo"#in) and tra$$in) it +$ a)ain* +ntil :iddy "alled to (e that I
1a late-
It 1a a h+rried brea#&at 1ith no tate in it- I )ot +$ &ro( the
(eal* ayin) 1ith a ort o& bri#ne* a i& it had only A+t
o""+rred to (e* 67ell< I +$$oe I (+t be o&&<6 and then I #ied
(y iter 1ho 1a la+)hin) and noddin) and ha#in) in her ++al
"hair* and #ied :iddy* and thre1 (y ar( aro+nd 0oe' ne"#- Then
I too# +$ (y little $ort(antea+ and 1al#ed o+t- The lat I a1 o&
the( 1a* 1hen I $reently heard a "+&&le behind (e* and loo#in)
ba"#* a1 0oe thro1in) an old hoe a&ter (e and :iddy thro1in)
another old hoe- I to$$ed then* to 1a.e (y hat* and dear old 0oe
1a.ed hi tron) ri)ht ar( abo.e hi head* "ryin) h+#ily
6;ooroar<6 and :iddy $+t her a$ron to her &a"e-
I 1al#ed a1ay at a )ood $a"e* thin#in) it 1a eaier to )o than I
had +$$oed it 1o+ld be* and re&le"tin) that it 1o+ld ha.e
done to ha.e had an old hoe thro1n a&ter the "oa"h* in i)ht o&
all the ;i)h Street- I 1hitled and (ade nothin) o& )oin)- :+t the
.illa)e 1a .ery $ea"e&+l and 4+iet* and the li)ht (it 1ere
ole(nly riin)* a i& to ho1 (e the 1orld* and I had been o
inno"ent and little there* and all beyond 1a o +n#no1n and )reat*
that in a (o(ent 1ith a tron) hea.e and ob I bro#e into tear- It
1a by the &in)er/$ot at the end o& the .illa)e* and I laid (y
hand +$on it* and aid* 6Good by* O (y dear* dear &riend<6
;ea.en #no1 1e need be aha(ed o& o+r tear* &or they are
rain +$on the blindin) d+t o& earth* o.erlyin) o+r hard heart- I
1a better a&ter I had "ried than be&ore*//(ore orry* (ore a1are
o& (y o1n in)ratit+de* (ore )entle- I& I had "ried be&ore* I ho+ld
ha.e had 0oe 1ith (e then-
So +bd+ed I 1a by thoe tear* and by their brea#in) o+t a)ain in
the "o+re o& the 4+iet 1al#* that 1hen I 1a on the "oa"h* and it
1a "lear o& the to1n* I deliberated 1ith an a"hin) heart 1hether I
1o+ld not )et do1n 1hen 1e "han)ed hore and 1al# ba"#* and ha.e
another e.enin) at ho(e* and a better $artin)- 7e "han)ed* and I
had not (ade +$ (y (ind* and till re&le"ted &or (y "o(&ort that it
1o+ld be 4+ite $ra"ti"able to )et do1n and 1al# ba"#* 1hen 1e
"han)ed a)ain- And 1hile I 1a o""+$ied 1ith thee deliberation* I
1o+ld &an"y an e,a"t ree(blan"e to 0oe in o(e (an "o(in) alon)
the road to1ard +* and (y heart 1o+ld beat hi)h-//A i& he "o+ld
$oibly be there<
7e "han)ed a)ain* and yet a)ain* and it 1a no1 too late and too
&ar to )o ba"#* and I 1ent on- And the (it had all ole(nly rien
no1* and the 1orld lay $read be&ore (e-
Thi i the end o& the &irt ta)e o& Pi$' e,$e"tation-
Cha$ter XX
The Ao+rney &ro( o+r to1n to the (etro$oli 1a a Ao+rney o& abo+t
&i.e ho+r- It 1a a little $at (idday 1hen the &o+r/hore
ta)e/"oa"h by 1hi"h I 1a a $aen)er* )ot into the ra.el o&
tra&&i" &rayed o+t abo+t the Cro =ey* 7ood Street* Chea$ide*
7e :riton had at that ti(e $arti"+larly ettled that it 1a
treaonable to do+bt o+r and o+r bein) the bet o&
e.erythin)B other1ie* 1hile I 1a "ared by the i((enity o&
Condon* I thin# I (i)ht ha.e had o(e &aint do+bt 1hether it 1a
not rather +)ly* "roo#ed* narro1* and dirty-
%r- 0a))er had d+ly ent (e hi addre9 it 1a* Cittle :ritain*
and he had 1ritten a&ter it on hi "ard* 6A+t o+t o& S(ith&ield*
and "loe by the "oa"h/o&&i"e-6 Ne.erthele* a ha"#ney/"oa"h(an*
1ho ee(ed to ha.e a (any "a$e to hi )reay )reat/"oat a he 1a
year old* $a"#ed (e +$ in hi "oa"h and he((ed (e in 1ith a
&oldin) and Ain)lin) barrier o& te$* a i& he 1ere )oin) to ta#e
(e &i&ty (ile- ;i )ettin) on hi bo,* 1hi"h I re(e(ber to ha.e
been de"orated 1ith an old 1eather/tained $ea/)reen ha((er"loth
(oth/eaten into ra)* 1a 4+ite a 1or# o& ti(e- It 1a a 1onder&+l
e4+i$a)e* 1ith i, )reat "oronet o+tide* and ra))ed thin) behind
&or I don't #no1 ho1 (any &oot(en to hold on by* and a harro1 belo1
the(* to $re.ent a(ate+r &oot(en &ro( yieldin) to the te($tation-
I had "ar"ely had ti(e to enAoy the "oa"h and to thin# ho1 li#e a
tra1/yard it 1a* and yet ho1 li#e a ra)/ho$* and to 1onder 1hy
the hore' noe/ba) 1ere #e$t inide* 1hen I ober.ed the
"oa"h(an be)innin) to )et do1n* a i& 1e 1ere )oin) to to$
$reently- And to$ 1e $reently did* in a )loo(y treet* at
"ertain o&&i"e 1ith an o$en door* 1hereon 1a $ainted %R- 0AGGERS-
6;o1 (+"h@6 I a#ed the "oa"h(an-
The "oa"h(an an1ered* 6A hillin)//+nle yo+ 1ih to (a#e it
I nat+rally aid I had no 1ih to (a#e it (ore-
6Then it (+t be a hillin)*6 ober.ed the "oa"h(an- 6I don't 1ant
to )et into tro+ble- I #no1 hi(<6 ;e dar#ly "loed an eye at %r-
0a))er' na(e* and hoo# hi head-
7hen he had )ot hi hillin)* and had in "o+re o& ti(e "o($leted
the a"ent to hi bo,* and had )ot a1ay 21hi"h a$$eared to relie.e
hi (ind3* I 1ent into the &ront o&&i"e 1ith (y little $ort(antea+
in (y hand and a#ed* 7a %r- 0a))er at ho(e@
6;e i not*6 ret+rned the "ler#- 6;e i in Co+rt at $reent- A( I
addrein) %r- Pi$@6
I i)ni&ied that he 1a addrein) %r- Pi$-
6%r- 0a))er le&t 1ord* 1o+ld yo+ 1ait in hi roo(- ;e "o+ldn't ay
ho1 lon) he (i)ht be* a "ae on- :+t it tand to reaon*
hi ti(e bein) .al+able* that he 1on't be lon)er than he "an hel$-6
7ith thoe 1ord* the "ler# o$ened a door* and +hered (e into an
inner "ha(ber at the ba"#- ;ere* 1e &o+nd a )entle(an 1ith one eye*
in a .el.eteen +it and #nee/bree"he* 1ho 1i$ed hi noe 1ith hi
lee.e on bein) interr+$ted in the $er+al o& the ne1$a$er-
6Go and 1ait o+tide* %i#e*6 aid the "ler#-
I be)an to ay that I ho$ed I 1a not interr+$tin)* 1hen the "ler#
ho.ed thi )entle(an o+t 1ith a little "ere(ony a I a1
+ed* and toin) hi &+r "a$ o+t a&ter hi(* le&t (e alone-
%r- 0a))er' roo( 1a li)hted by a #yli)ht only* and 1a a (ot
di(al $la"e9 the #yli)ht* e""entri"ally $it"hed li#e a bro#en
head* and the ditorted adAoinin) ho+e loo#in) a i& they had
t1ited the(el.e to $ee$ do1n at (e thro+)h it- There 1ere not o
(any $a$er abo+t* a I ho+ld ha.e e,$e"ted to ee9 and there 1ere
o(e odd obAe"t abo+t* that I ho+ld not ha.e e,$e"ted to ee*//
+"h a an old r+ty $itol* a 1ord in a "abbard* e.eral
tran)e/loo#in) bo,e and $a"#a)e* and t1o dread&+l "at on a
hel&* o& &a"e $e"+liarly 1ollen* and t1it"hy abo+t the noe- %r-
0a))er' o1n hi)h/ba"#ed "hair 1a o& deadly bla"# horehair*
1ith ro1 o& bra nail ro+nd it* li#e a "o&&in9 and I &an"ied I
"o+ld ee ho1 he leaned ba"# in it* and bit hi &ore&in)er at the
"lient- The roo( 1a b+t (all* and the "lient ee(ed to ha.e had
a habit o& ba"#in) +$ a)aint the 1all9 the 1all* e$e"ially
o$$oite to %r- 0a))er' "hair* bein) )reay 1ith ho+lder- I
re"alled* too* that the one/eyed )entle(an had h+&&led &orth
a)aint the 1all 1hen I 1a the inno"ent "a+e o& hi bein) t+rned
I at do1n in the "liental "hair $la"ed a)aint %r- 0a))er'
"hair* and be"a(e &a"inated by the di(al at(o$here o& the $la"e-
I "alled to (ind that the "ler# had the a(e air o& #no1in)
o(ethin) to e.erybody ele' diad.anta)e* a hi (ater had- I
1ondered ho1 (any other "ler# there 1ere +$/tair* and 1hether
they all "lai(ed to ha.e the a(e detri(ental (atery o& their
&ello1/"reat+re- I 1ondered 1hat 1a the hitory o& all the odd
litter abo+t the roo(* and ho1 it "a(e there- I 1ondered 1hether
the t1o 1ollen &a"e 1ere o& %r- 0a))er' &a(ily* and* i& he 1ere
o +n&ort+nate a to ha.e had a $air o& +"h ill/loo#in) relation*
1hy he t+"# the( on that d+ty $er"h &or the bla"# and &lie to
ettle on* intead o& ) the( a $la"e at ho(e- O& "o+re I had
no e,$erien"e o& a Condon +((er day* and (y $irit (ay ha.e been
o$$reed by the hot e,ha+ted air* and by the d+t and )rit that
lay thi"# on e.erythin)- :+t I at 1onderin) and 1aitin) in %r-
0a))er' "loe roo(* +ntil I really "o+ld not bear the t1o "at
on the hel& abo.e %r- 0a))er' "hair* and )ot +$ and 1ent o+t-
7hen I told the "ler# that I 1o+ld ta#e a t+rn in the air 1hile I
1aited* he ad.ied (e to )o ro+nd the "orner and I ho+ld "o(e into
S(ith&ield- So I "a(e into S(ith&ield9 and the ha(e&+l $la"e*
bein) all a(ear 1ith &ilth and &at and blood and &oa(* ee(ed to
ti"# to (e- So* I r+bbed it o&& 1ith all $oible $eed by t+rnin)
into a treet 1here I a1 the )reat bla"# do(e o& Saint Pa+l'
b+l)in) at (e &ro( behind a )ri( tone b+ildin) 1hi"h a bytander
aid 1a Ne1)ate Prion- 5ollo1in) the 1all o& the Aail* I &o+nd
the road1ay "o.ered 1ith tra1 to deaden the noie o& $ain)
.ehi"le9 and &ro( thi* and &ro( the 4+antity o& $eo$le tandin)
abo+t (ellin) tron)ly o& $irit and beer* I in&erred that the
trial 1ere on-
7hile I loo#ed abo+t (e here* an e,"eedin)ly dirty and $artially
dr+n# (initer o& A+ti"e a#ed (e i& I 1o+ld li#e to te$ in and
hear a trial or oB in&or(in) (e that he "o+ld )i.e (e a &ront
$la"e &or hal& a "ro1n* 1hen"e I ho+ld "o((and a &+ll .ie1 o& the
Cord Chie& 0+ti"e in hi 1i) and robe*//(entionin) that a1&+l
$erona)e li#e 1a,1or#* and $reently o&&erin) hi( at the red+"ed
$ri"e o& ei)hteen/$en"e- A I de"lined the $ro$oal on the $lea o&
an a$$oint(ent* he 1a o )ood a to ta#e (e into a yard and ho1
(e 1here the )allo1 1a #e$t* and alo 1here $eo$le 1ere $+bli"ly
1hi$$ed* and then he ho1ed (e the !ebtor' !oor* o+t o& 1hi"h
"+l$rit "a(e to be han)ed9 hei)htenin) the interet o& that
dread&+l $ortal by ) (e to +ndertand that 6&o+r on 'e(6 1o+ld
"o(e o+t at that door the day a&ter to/(orro1 at ei)ht in the
(ornin)* to be #illed in a ro1- Thi 1a horrible* and )a.e (e a
i"#enin) idea o& Condon9 the (ore o a the Cord Chie& 0+ti"e'
$ro$rietor 1ore 2&ro( hi hat do1n to hi boot and +$ a)ain to hi
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& in"l+i.e3 (ilde1ed "lothe 1hi"h had
e.idently not belon)ed to hi( ori)inally* and 1hi"h I too# it into
(y head he had bo+)ht "hea$ o& the e,e"+tioner- Dnder thee
"ir"+(tan"e I tho+)ht (yel& 1ell rid o& hi( &or a hillin)-
I dro$$ed into the o&&i"e to a# i& %r- 0a))er had "o(e in yet* and
I &o+nd he had not* and I trolled o+t a)ain- Thi ti(e* I (ade the
to+r o& Cittle :ritain* and t+rned into :artholo(e1 Cloe9 and no1
I be"a(e a1are that other $eo$le 1ere 1aitin) abo+t &or %r- 0a))er*
a 1ell a I- There 1ere t1o (en o& e"ret a$$earan"e lo+n)in) in
:artholo(e1 Cloe* and tho+)ht&+lly &ittin) their &eet into the
"ra"# o& the $a.e(ent a they tal#ed to)ether* one o& 1ho( aid to
the other 1hen they &irt $aed (e* that 60a))er 1o+ld do it i&
it 1a to be done-6 There 1a a #not o& three (en and t1o 1o(en
tandin) at a "orner* and one o& the 1o(en 1a "ryin) on her dirty
ha1l* and the other "o(&orted her by ayin)* a he $+lled her o1n
ha1l her ho+lder* 60a))er i &or hi(* '%elia* and 1hat
(ore "o+ld yo+ ha.e@6 There 1a a red/eyed little 0e1 1ho "a(e into
the Cloe 1hile I 1a loiterin) there* in "o($any 1ith a e"ond
little 0e1 1ho( he ent +$on an errand9 and 1hile the (een)er 1a
)one* I re(ar#ed thi 0e1* 1ho 1a o& a hi)hly e,"itable
te($era(ent* $er&or(in) a Ai) o& an,iety +nder a la($/$ot and
a""o($anyin) hi(el&* in a #ind o& &ren8y* 1ith the 1ord* 6O
0a))erth* 0a))erth* 0a))erth< all otherth ith Ca)/%a))erth* )i.e (e
0a))erth<6 Thee teti(onie to the $o$+larity o& (y )+ardian (ade
a dee$ i($reion on (e* and I ad(ired and 1ondered (ore than
At len)th* a I 1a loo#in) o+t at the iron )ate o& :artholo(e1
Cloe into Cittle :ritain* I a1 %r- 0a))er "o(in) a"ro the road
to1ard (e- All the other 1ho 1ere 1aitin) a1 hi( at the a(e
ti(e* and there 1a 4+ite a r+h at hi(- %r- 0a))er* $+ttin) a hand
on (y ho+lder and 1al#in) (e on at hi ide 1itho+t ayin)
anythin) to (e* addreed hi(el& to hi &ollo1er-
5irt* he too# the t1o e"ret (en-
6No1* I ha.e nothin) to ay to yo+*6 aid %r- 0a))er* thro1in) hi
&in)er at the(- 6I 1ant to #no1 no (ore than I #no1- A to the
re+lt* it' a to/+$- I told yo+ &ro( the &irt it 1a a to/+$-
;a.e yo+ $aid 7e((i"#@6
67e (ade the (oney +$ thi (ornin)* ir*6 aid one o& the (en*
+b(ii.ely* 1hile the other $er+ed %r- 0a))er' &a"e-
6I don't a# yo+ 1hen yo+ (ade it +$* or 1here* or 1hether yo+ (ade
it +$ at all- ;a 7e((i"# )ot it@6
6?e* ir*6 aid both the (en to)ether-
6Eery 1ell9 then yo+ (ay )o- No1* I 1on't ha.e it<6 aid %r
0a))er* hi hand at the( to $+t the( behind hi(- 6I& yo+
ay a 1ord to (e* I'll thro1 +$ the "ae-6
67e tho+)ht* %r- 0a))er//6 one o& the (en be)an* $+llin) o&& hi
6That' 1hat I told yo+ not to do*6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6?o+ tho+)ht<
I thin# &or yo+9 that' eno+)h &or yo+- I& I 1ant yo+* I #no1 1here
to &ind yo+9 I don't 1ant yo+ to &ind (e- No1 I 1on't ha.e it- I
1on't hear a 1ord-6
The t1o (en loo#ed at one another a %r- 0a))er 1a.ed the( behind
a)ain* and h+(bly &ell ba"# and 1ere heard no (ore-
6And no1 yo+<6 aid %r- 0a))er* +ddenly to$$in)* and t+rnin) on
the t1o 1o(en 1ith the ha1l* &ro( 1ho( the three (en had (ee#ly
e$arated*//6Oh< A(elia* i it@6
6?e* %r- 0a))er-6
6And do yo+ re(e(ber*6 retorted %r- 0a))er* 6that b+t &or (e yo+
1o+ldn't be here and "o+ldn't be here@6
6O ye* ir<6 e,"lai(ed both 1o(en to)ether- 6Cord ble yo+* ir*
1ell 1e #no1 that<6
6Then 1hy*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6do yo+ "o(e here@6
6%y :ill* ir<6 the "ryin) 1o(an $leaded-
6No1* I tell yo+ 1hat<6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6On"e &or all- I& yo+
don't #no1 that yo+r :ill' in )ood hand* I #no1 it- And i& yo+
"o(e here botherin) abo+t yo+r :ill* I'll (a#e an e,a($le o& both
yo+r :ill and yo+* and let hi( li$ thro+)h (y &in)er- ;a.e yo+
$aid 7e((i"#@6
6O ye* ir< E.ery &arden-6
6Eery 1ell- Then yo+ ha.e done all yo+ ha.e )ot to do- Say another
1ord//one in)le 1ord//and 7e((i"# hall )i.e yo+ yo+r (oney
Thi terrible threat "a+ed the t1o 1o(en to &all o&& i((ediately-
No one re(ained no1 b+t the e,"itable 0e1* 1ho had already raied
the #irt o& %r- 0a))er' "oat to hi li$ e.eral ti(e-
6I don't #no1 thi (an<6 aid %r- 0a))er* in the a(e de.atatin)
trainB 67hat doe thi &ello1 1ant@6
6%a thear %ithter 0a))erth- ;o1n brother to ;abraha( Cathar+th@6
67ho' he@6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6Cet )o o& (y "oat-6
The +itor* #iin) the he( o& the )ar(ent a)ain be&ore
relin4+ihin) it* re$lied* 6;abraha( Cathar+th* on th+th$ithion o&
6?o+'re too late*6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6I a( the 1ay-6
6;oly &ather* %ithter 0a))erth<6 "ried (y e,"itable a"4+aintan"e*
t+rnin) 1hite* 6don't thay yo+'re a)ain ;abraha( Cathar+th<6
6I a(*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6and there' an end o& it- Get o+t o& the
6%ithter 0a))erth< ;al& a (o(ent< %y ho1n "+then'th )one to %ithter
7e((i"# at thith $rethent (in+te* to ho&&er hi( hany ter(th-
%ithter 0a))erth< ;al& a 4+arter o& a (o(ent< I& yo+'d ha.e the
"ondethenth+n to be bo+)ht o&& &ro( the t'other thide//at hany
th+$erior $rithe<//(oney no obAe"t<//%ithter 0a))erth//%ithter /
%y )+ardian thre1 hi +$$li"ant o&& 1ith +$re(e indi&&eren"e* and
le&t hi( dan"in) on the $a.e(ent a i& it 1ere red hot- 7itho+t
&+rther interr+$tion* 1e rea"hed the &ront o&&i"e* 1here 1e &o+nd
the "ler# and the (an in .el.eteen 1ith the &+r "a$-
6;ere' %i#e*6 aid the "ler#* )ettin) do1n &ro( hi tool* and
a$$roa"hin) %r- 0a))er "on&identially-
6Oh<6 aid %r- 0a))er* t+rnin) to the (an* 1ho 1a $+llin) a lo"#
o& hair in the (iddle o& hi &orehead* li#e the :+ll in Co"# Robin
$+llin) at the bell/ro$e9 6yo+r (an "o(e on thi a&ternoon- 7ell@6
67ell* %a'r 0a))er*6 ret+rned %i#e* in the .oi"e o& a +&&erer
&ro( a "ontit+tional "old9 6arter a deal o' tro+ble* I'.e &o+nd
one* ir* a (i)ht do-6
67hat i he $re$ared to 1ear@6
67ell* %a'r 0a))er*6 aid %i#e* 1i$in) hi noe on hi &+r "a$
thi ti(e9 6in a )eneral 1ay* anythin#-6
%r- 0a))er +ddenly be"a(e (ot irate- 6No1* I 1arned yo+ be&ore*6
aid he* thro1in) hi &ore&in)er at the terri&ied "lient* 6that i&
yo+ $re+(ed to tal# in that 1ay here* I'd (a#e an e,a($le o&
yo+- ?o+ in&ernal "o+ndrel* ho1 dare yo+ tell %E that@6
The "lient loo#ed "ared* b+t be1ildered too* a i& he 1ere
+n"on"io+ 1hat he had done-
6S$ooney<6 aid the "ler#* in a lo1 .oi"e* ) hi( a tir 1ith
hi elbo1- 6So&t ;ead< Need yo+ ay it &a"e to &a"e@6
6No1* I a# yo+* yo+ bl+nderin) booby*6 aid (y )+ardian* .ery
ternly* 6on"e (ore and &or the lat ti(e* 1hat the (an yo+ ha.e
bro+)ht here i $re$ared to 1ear@6
%i#e loo#ed hard at (y )+ardian* a i& he 1ere tryin) to learn a
leon &ro( hi &a"e* and lo1ly re$lied* 6Ayther to "hara"ter* or
to been in hi "o($any and le&t hi( all the ni)ht in
6No1* be "are&+l- In 1hat tation o& li&e i thi (an@6
%i#e loo#ed at hi "a$* and loo#ed at the &loor* and loo#ed at the
"eilin)* and loo#ed at the "ler#* and e.en loo#ed at (e* be&ore
be)innin) to re$ly in a ner.o+ (anner* 67e'.e dreed hi( +$
li#e//6 1hen (y )+ardian bl+tered o+t*//
67hat@ ?o+ 7ICC* 1ill yo+@6
26S$ooney<6 added the "ler# a)ain* 1ith another tir-3
A&ter o(e hel$le "atin) abo+t* %i#e bri)htened and be)an a)ainB//
6;e i dreed li#e a '$e"table $ie(an- A ort o& a $atry/"oo#-6
6I he here@6 a#ed (y )+ardian-
6I le&t hi(*6 aid %i#e* 6a ettin) on o(e doorte$ ro+nd the
6Ta#e hi( $at that 1indo1* and let (e ee hi(-6
The 1indo1 indi"ated 1a the o&&i"e 1indo1- 7e all three 1ent to
it* behind the 1ire blind* and $reently a1 the "lient )o by in an
a""idental (anner* 1ith a (+rdero+/loo#in) tall* in a
hort +it o& 1hite linen and a $a$er "a$- Thi )+ilele
"on&e"tioner 1a not by any (ean ober* and had a bla"# eye in the
)reen ta)e o& re"o.ery* 1hi"h 1a $ainted
6Tell hi( to ta#e hi 1itne a1ay dire"tly*6 aid (y )+ardian to
the "ler#* in e,tre(e di)+t* 6and a# hi( 1hat he (ean by
brin)in) +"h a &ello1 a that-6
%y )+ardian then too# (e into hi o1n roo(* and 1hile he l+n"hed*
tandin)* &ro( a and1i"h/bo, and a $o"#et/&la# o& herry 2he
ee(ed to b+lly hi .ery and1i"h a he ate it3* in&or(ed (e 1hat
arran)e(ent he had (ade &or (e- I 1a to )o to 6:arnard' Inn*6 to
yo+n) %r- Po"#et' roo(* 1here a bed had been ent in &or (y
a""o((odation9 I 1a to re(ain 1ith yo+n) %r- Po"#et +ntil %onday9
on %onday I 1a to )o 1ith hi( to hi &ather' ho+e on a .iit*
that I (i)ht try ho1 I li#ed it- Alo* I 1a told 1hat (y allo1an"e
1a to be*//it 1a a .ery liberal one*//and had handed to (e &ro(
one o& (y )+ardian' dra1er* the "ard o& "ertain trade(en 1ith
1ho( I 1a to deal &or all #ind o& "lothe* and +"h other thin)
a I "o+ld in reaon 1ant- 6?o+ 1ill &ind yo+r "redit )ood* %r-
Pi$*6 aid (y )+ardian* 1hoe &la# o& herry (elt li#e a 1hole
"a#&+l* a he hatily re&rehed hi(el&* 6b+t I hall by thi
(ean be able to "he"# yo+r bill* and to $+ll yo+ +$ i& I &ind yo+
o+tr+nnin) the "ontable- O& "o+re yo+'ll )o 1ron) o(eho1* b+t
that' no &a+lt o& (ine-6
A&ter I had $ondered a little thi en"o+ra)in) enti(ent* I
a#ed %r- 0a))er i& I "o+ld end &or a "oa"h@ ;e aid it 1a not
1orth 1hile* I 1a o near (y detination9 7e((i"# ho+ld 1al#
ro+nd 1ith (e* i& I $leaed-
I then &o+nd that 7e((i"# 1a the "ler# in the ne,t roo(- Another
"ler# 1a r+n) do1n &ro( +$ tair to ta#e hi $la"e 1hile he 1a
o+t* and I a""o($anied hi( into the treet* a&ter ha#in) hand
1ith (y )+ardian- 7e &o+nd a ne1 et o& $eo$le lin)erin) o+tide*
b+t 7e((i"# (ade a 1ay a(on) the( by ayin) "oolly yet de"ii.ely*
6I tell yo+ it' no +e9 he 1on't ha.e a 1ord to ay to one o&
yo+96 and 1e oon )ot "lear o& the(* and 1ent on ide by ide-
Cha$ter XXI
Catin) (y eye on %r- 7e((i"# a 1e 1ent alon)* to ee 1hat he 1a
li#e in the li)ht o& day* I &o+nd hi( to be a dry (an* rather hort
in tat+re* 1ith a 4+are 1ooden &a"e* 1hoe e,$reion ee(ed to
ha.e been i($er&e"tly "hi$$ed o+t 1ith a d+ll/ed)ed "hiel- There
1ere o(e (ar# in it that (i)ht ha.e been di($le* i& the (aterial
had been o&ter and the intr+(ent &iner* b+t 1hi"h* a it 1a*
1ere only dint- The "hiel had (ade three or &o+r o& thee
atte($t at e(bellih(ent hi noe* b+t had )i.en the( +$
1itho+t an e&&ort to (ooth the( o&&- I A+d)ed hi( to be a ba"helor
&ro( the &rayed "ondition o& hi linen* and he a$$eared to ha.e
+tained a )ood (any berea.e(ent9 &or he 1ore at leat &o+r
(o+rnin) rin)* beide a broo"h re$reentin) a lady and a 1ee$in)
1illo1 at a to(b 1ith an +rn on it- I noti"ed* too* that e.eral
rin) and eal h+n) at hi 1at"h/"hain* a i& he 1ere 4+ite laden
1ith re(e(bran"e o& de$arted &riend- ;e had )litterin) eye*//
(all* #een* and bla"#*//and thin 1ide (ottled li$- ;e had had
the(* to the bet o& (y belie&* &ro( &orty to &i&ty year-
6So yo+ 1ere in Condon be&ore@6 aid %r- 7e((i"# to (e-
6No*6 aid I-
6I 1a ne1 here on"e*6 aid %r- 7e((i"#- 6R+( to thin# o& no1<6
6?o+ are 1ell a"4+ainted 1ith it no1@6
67hy* ye*6 aid %r- 7e((i"#- 6I #no1 the (o.e o& it-6
6I it a .ery 1i"#ed $la"e@6 I a#ed* (ore &or the a#e o& ayin)
o(ethin) than &or in&or(ation-
6?o+ (ay )et "heated* robbed* and (+rdered in Condon- :+t there
are $lenty o& $eo$le any1here* 1ho'll do that &or yo+-6
6I& there i bad blood bet1een yo+ and the(*6 aid I* to o&ten it
o&& a little-
6O< I don't #no1 abo+t bad blood*6 ret+rned %r- 7e((i"#9 6there'
not (+"h bad blood abo+t- They'll do it* i& there' anythin) to be
)ot by it-6
6That (a#e it 1ore-6
6?o+ thin# o@6 ret+rned %r- 7e((i"#- 6%+"h abo+t the a(e* I ho+ld
;e 1ore hi hat on the ba"# o& hi head* and loo#ed trai)ht be&ore
hi(B 1al#in) in a el&/"ontained 1ay a i& there 1ere nothin) in
the treet to "lai( hi attention- ;i (o+th 1a +"h a $ot/o&&i"e
o& a (o+th that he had a (e"hani"al a$$earan"e o& (ilin)- 7e had
)ot to the to$ o& ;olborn ;ill be&ore I #ne1 that it 1a (erely a
(e"hani"al a$$earan"e* and that he 1a not (ilin) at all-
6!o yo+ #no1 1here %r- %atthe1 Po"#et li.e@6 I a#ed %r- 7e((i"#-
6?e*6 aid he* noddin) in the dire"tion- 6At ;a((er(ith* 1et o&
6I that &ar@6
67ell< Say &i.e (ile-6
6!o yo+ #no1 hi(@6
67hy* yo+'re a re)+lar "ro/e,a(iner<6 aid %r- 7e((i"#* loo#in) at
(e 1ith an a$$ air- 6?e* I #no1 hi(- I #no1 hi(<6
There 1a an air o& toleration or de$re"iation abo+t hi +tteran"e
o& thee 1ord that rather de$reed (e9 and I 1a till loo#in)
ide1ay at hi blo"# o& a &a"e in ear"h o& any en"o+ra)in) note
to the te,t* 1hen he aid here 1e 1ere at :arnard' Inn- %y
de$reion 1a not alle.iated by the anno+n"e(ent* &or* I had
+$$oed that etablih(ent to be an hotel #e$t by %r- :arnard* to
1hi"h the :l+e :oar in o+r to1n 1a a (ere $+bli"/ho+e- 7herea I
no1 &o+nd :arnard to be a die(bodied $irit* or a &i"tion* and hi
inn the din)iet "olle"tion o& habby b+ildin) 4+ee8ed
to)ether in a ran# "orner a a "l+b &or To(/"at-
7e entered thi ha.en thro+)h a 1i"#et/)ate* and 1ere di)or)ed by
an introd+"tory $aa)e into a (elan"holy little 4+are that loo#ed
to (e li#e a &lat b+ryin)/)ro+nd- I tho+)ht it had the (ot di(al
tree in it* and the (ot di(al $arro1* and the (ot di(al
"at* and the (ot di(al ho+e 2in n+(ber hal& a do8en or o3*
that I had een- I tho+)ht the 1indo1 o& the et o& "ha(ber
into 1hi"h thoe ho+e 1ere di.ided 1ere in e.ery ta)e o&
dila$idated blind and "+rtain* "ri$$led &lo1er/$ot* "ra"#ed )la*
d+ty de"ay* and (ierable (a#ehi&t9 1hile To Cet* To Cet* To Cet*
)lared at (e &ro( e($ty roo(* a i& no ne1 1ret"he "a(e
there* and the .en)ean"e o& the o+l o& :arnard 1ere bein) lo1ly
a$$eaed by the )rad+al +i"ide o& the $reent o""+$ant and their
+nholy inter(ent +nder the )ra.el- A &ro18y (o+rnin) o& oot and
(o#e attired thi &orlorn "reation o& :arnard* and it had tre1n
ahe on it head* and 1a +nder)oin) $enan"e and h+(iliation a a
(ere d+t/hole- Th+ &ar (y ene o& i)ht9 1hile dry rot and 1et
rot and all the ilent rot that rot in ne)le"ted roo& and "ellar*//
rot o& rat and (o+e and b+) and "oa"hin)/table near at hand
beide//addreed the(el.e &aintly to (y ene o& (ell* and
(oaned* 6Try :arnard' %i,t+re-6
So i($er&e"t 1a thi reali8ation o& the &irt o& (y )reat
e,$e"tation* that I loo#ed in di(ay at %r- 7e((i"#- 6Ah<6 aid he*
(ita#in) (e9 6the retire(ent re(ind yo+ o& the "o+ntry- So it
doe (e-6
;e led (e into a "orner and "ond+"ted (e +$ a &li)ht o& tair*//
1hi"h a$$eared to (e to be lo1ly "olla$in) into a1d+t* o that
one o& thoe day the +$$er lod)er 1o+ld loo# o+t at their door
and &ind the(el.e 1itho+t the (ean o& "o(in) do1n*//to a et o&
"ha(ber on the to$ &loor- %R- POC=ET* 0DN-* 1a $ainted on the
door* and there 1a a label on the letter/bo,* 6Ret+rn hortly-6
6;e hardly tho+)ht yo+'d "o(e o oon*6 %r- 7e((i"# e,$lained- 6?o+
don't 1ant (e any (ore@6
6No* than# yo+*6 aid I-
6A I #ee$ the "ah*6 %r- 7e((i"# ober.ed* 61e hall (ot li#ely
(eet $retty o&ten- Good day-6
6Good day-6
I $+t o+t (y hand* and %r- 7e((i"# at &irt loo#ed at it a i& he
tho+)ht I 1anted o(ethin)- Then he loo#ed at (e* and aid*
"orre"tin) hi(el&*//
6To be +re< ?e- ?o+'re in the habit o& ha#in) hand@6
I 1a rather "on&+ed* thin#in) it (+t be o+t o& the Condon
&ahion* b+t aid ye-
6I ha.e )ot o o+t o& it<6 aid %r- 7e((i"#*//6e,"e$t at lat- Eery
)lad* I'( +re* to (a#e yo+r a"4+aintan"e- Good day<6
7hen 1e had ha#en hand and he 1a )one* I o$ened the tair"ae
1indo1 and had nearly beheaded (yel&* &or* the line had rotted
a1ay* and it "a(e do1n li#e the )+illotine- ;a$$ily it 1a o 4+i"#
that I had not $+t (y head o+t- A&ter thi e"a$e* I 1a "ontent to
ta#e a &o))y .ie1 o& the Inn thro+)h the 1indo1' en"r+tin) dirt*
and to tand dole&+lly loo#in) o+t* ayin) to (yel& that Condon
1a de"idedly o.errated-
%r- Po"#et* 0+nior'* idea o& Shortly 1a not (ine* &or I had nearly
(addened (yel& 1ith loo#in) o+t &or hal& an ho+r* and had 1ritten
(y na(e 1ith (y &in)er e.eral ti(e in the dirt o& e.ery $ane in
the 1indo1* be&ore I heard &ootte$ on the tair- Grad+ally there
aroe be&ore (e the hat* head* ne"#"loth* 1ait"oat* tro+er*
boot* o& a (e(ber o& o"iety o& abo+t (y o1n tandin)- ;e had a
$a$er/ba) +nder ea"h ar( and a $ottle o& tra1berrie in one hand*
and 1a o+t o& breath-
6%r- Pi$@6 aid he-
6%r- Po"#et@6 aid I-
6!ear (e<6 he e,"lai(ed- 6I a( e,tre(ely orry9 b+t I #ne1 there
1a a "oa"h &ro( yo+r $art o& the "o+ntry at (idday* and I tho+)ht
yo+ 1o+ld "o(e by that one- The &a"t i* I ha.e been o+t on yo+r
a""o+nt*//not that that i any e,"+e*//&or I tho+)ht* "o(in) &ro(
the "o+ntry* yo+ (i)ht li#e a little &r+it a&ter dinner* and I 1ent
to Co.ent Garden %ar#et to )et it )ood-6
5or a reaon that I had* I &elt a i& (y eye 1o+ld tart o+t o& (y
head- I a"#no1led)ed hi attention in"oherently* and be)an to thin#
thi 1a a drea(-
6!ear (e<6 aid %r- Po"#et* 0+nior- 6Thi door ti"# o<6
A he 1a &at (a#in) Aa( o& hi &r+it by 1retlin) 1ith the door
1hile the $a$er/ba) 1ere +nder hi ar(* I be))ed hi( to allo1 (e
to hold the(- ;e relin4+ihed the( 1ith an a)reeable (ile* and
"o(bated 1ith the door a i& it 1ere a 1ild beat- It yielded o
+ddenly at lat* that he ta))ered ba"# +$on (e* and I ta))ered
ba"# +$on the o$$oite door* and 1e both la+)hed- :+t till I &elt
a i& (y eye (+t tart o+t o& (y head* and a i& thi (+t be a
6Pray "o(e in*6 aid %r- Po"#et* 0+nior- 6Allo1 (e to lead the 1ay-
I a( rather bare here* b+t I ho$e yo+'ll be able to (a#e o+t
tolerably 1ell till %onday- %y &ather tho+)ht yo+ 1o+ld )et on (ore
a)reeably thro+)h to/(orro1 1ith (e than 1ith hi(* and (i)ht li#e
to ta#e a 1al# abo+t Condon- I a( +re I hall be .ery ha$$y to
ho1 Condon to yo+- A to o+r table* yo+ 1on't &ind that bad* I
ho$e* &or it 1ill be +$$lied &ro( o+r "o&&ee/ho+e here* and 2it
i only ri)ht I ho+ld add3 at yo+r e,$ene* +"h bein) %r-
0a))er' dire"tion- A to o+r lod)in)* it' not by any (ean
$lendid* be"a+e I ha.e (y o1n bread to earn* and (y &ather han't
anythin) to )i.e (e* and I ho+ldn't be 1illin) to ta#e it* i& he
had- Thi i o+r ittin)/roo(*//A+t +"h "hair and table and
"ar$et and o &orth* yo+ ee* a they "o+ld $are &ro( ho(e- ?o+
(+tn't )i.e (e "redit &or the table"loth and $oon and "ator*
be"a+e they "o(e &or yo+ &ro( the "o&&ee/ho+e- Thi i (y little
bedroo(9 rather (+ty* b+t :arnard' i (+ty- Thi i yo+r
bedroo(9 the &+rnit+re' hired &or the o""aion* b+t I tr+t it
1ill an1er the $+r$oe9 i& yo+ ho+ld 1ant anythin)* I'll )o and
&et"h it- The "ha(ber are retired* and 1e hall be alone to)ether*
b+t 1e han't &i)ht* I dare ay- :+t dear (e* I be) yo+r $ardon*
yo+'re holdin) the &r+it all thi ti(e- Pray let (e ta#e thee ba)
&ro( yo+- I a( 4+ite aha(ed-6
A I tood o$$oite to %r- Po"#et* 0+nior* deli.erin) hi( the ba)*
One* T1o* I a1 the tartin) a$$earan"e "o(e into hi o1n eye that
I #ne1 to be in (ine* and he aid* &allin) ba"#*//
6Cord ble (e* yo+'re the $ro1lin) boy<6
6And yo+*6 aid I* 6are the $ale yo+n) )entle(an<6
Cha$ter XXII
The $ale yo+n) )entle(an and I tood "onte($latin) one another in
:arnard' Inn* +ntil 1e both b+rt o+t la+)hin)- 6The idea o& it
bein) yo+<6 aid he- 6The idea o& it bein) yo+<6 aid I- And then
1e "onte($lated one another a&reh* and la+)hed a)ain- 67ell<6 aid
the $ale yo+n) )entle(an* rea"hin) o+t hi hand )ood/h+(oredly*
6it' all no1* I ho$e* and it 1ill be (a)nani(o+ in yo+ i&
yo+'ll &or)i.e (e &or #no"#ed yo+ abo+t o-6
I deri.ed &ro( thi $ee"h that %r- ;erbert Po"#et 2&or ;erbert 1a
the $ale yo+n) )entle(an' na(e3 till rather "on&o+nded hi
intention 1ith hi e,e"+tion- :+t I (ade a (odet re$ly* and 1e
hoo# hand 1ar(ly-
6?o+ hadn't "o(e into yo+r )ood &ort+ne at that ti(e@6 aid ;erbert
6No*6 aid I-
6No*6 he a"4+ie"edB 6I heard it had ha$$ened .ery lately- I 1a
rather on the loo#o+t &or )ood &ort+ne then-6
6?e- %i ;a.iha( had ent &or (e* to ee i& he "o+ld ta#e a
&an"y to (e- :+t he "o+ldn't*//at all e.ent* he didn't-6
I tho+)ht it $olite to re(ar# that I 1a +r$ried to hear that-
6:ad tate*6 aid ;erbert* la+)hin)* 6b+t a &a"t- ?e* he had ent
&or (e on a trial .iit* and i& I had "o(e o+t o& it +""e&+lly*
I +$$oe I ho+ld ha.e been $ro.ided &or9 $erha$ I ho+ld ha.e
been 1hat/yo+/(ay/"alled it to Etella-6
67hat' that@6 I a#ed* 1ith +dden )ra.ity-
;e 1a arran)in) hi &r+it in $late 1hile 1e tal#ed* 1hi"h di.ided
hi attention* and 1a the "a+e o& hi (ade thi la$e o& a
1ord- 6A&&ian"ed*6 he e,$lained* till b+y 1ith the &r+it-
6:etrothed- En)a)ed- 7hat'/hi/na(ed- Any 1ord o& that ort-6
6;o1 did yo+ bear yo+r dia$$oint(ent@6 I a#ed-
6Pooh<6 aid he* 6I didn't "are (+"h &or it- She' a Tartar-6
6%i ;a.iha(@6
6I don't ay no to that* b+t I (eant Etella- That )irl' hard and
ha+)hty and "a$ri"io+ to the lat de)ree* and ha been bro+)ht +$
by %i ;a.iha( to 1rea# re.en)e on all the (ale e,-6
67hat relation i he to %i ;a.iha(@6
6None*6 aid he- 6Only ado$ted-6
67hy ho+ld he 1rea# re.en)e on all the (ale e,@ 7hat re.en)e@6
6Cord* %r- Pi$<6 aid he- 6!on't yo+ #no1@6
6No*6 aid I-
6!ear (e< It' 4+ite a tory* and hall be a.ed till dinner/ti(e-
And no1 let (e ta#e the liberty o& a#in) yo+ a 4+etion- ;o1 did
yo+ "o(e there* that day@6
I told hi(* and he 1a attenti.e +ntil I had &inihed* and then
b+rt o+t la+)hin) a)ain* and a#ed (e i& I 1a ore a&ter1ard@ I
didn't a# hi( i& he 1a* &or (y "on.i"tion on that $oint 1a
$er&e"tly etablihed-
6%r- 0a))er i yo+r )+ardian* I +ndertand@6 he 1ent on-
6?o+ #no1 he i %i ;a.iha(' (an o& b+ine and oli"itor* and
ha her "on&iden"e 1hen nobody ele ha@6
Thi 1a brin)in) (e 2I &elt3 to1ard dan)ero+ )ro+nd- I an1ered
1ith a "ontraint I (ade no atte($t to di)+ie* that I had een %r-
0a))er in %i ;a.iha(' ho+e on the .ery day o& o+r "o(bat* b+t at any other ti(e* and that I belie.ed he had no re"olle"tion
o& een (e there-
6;e 1a o obli)in) a to +))et (y &ather &or yo+r t+tor* and he
"alled on (y &ather to $ro$oe it- O& "o+re he #ne1 abo+t (y
&ather &ro( hi "onne"tion 1ith %i ;a.iha(- %y &ather i %i
;a.iha(' "o+in9 not that that i($lie &a(iliar inter"o+re
bet1een the(* &or he i a bad "o+rtier and 1ill not $ro$itiate
;erbert Po"#et had a &ran# and eay 1ay 1ith hi( that 1a .ery
ta#in)- I had een any one then* and I ha.e een any
one in"e* 1ho (ore tron)ly e,$reed to (e* in e.ery loo# and
tone* a nat+ral in"a$a"ity to do anythin) e"ret and (ean- There
1a o(ethin) 1onder&+lly ho$e&+l abo+t hi )eneral air* and
o(ethin) that at the a(e ti(e 1hi$ered to (e he 1o+ld be
.ery +""e&+l or ri"h- I don't #no1 ho1 thi 1a- I be"a(e i(b+ed
1ith the notion on that &irt o""aion be&ore 1e at do1n to
dinner* b+t I "annot de&ine by 1hat (ean-
;e 1a till a $ale yo+n) )entle(an* and had a "ertain "on4+ered
lan)+or abo+t hi( in the (idt o& hi $irit and bri#ne* that
did not ee( indi"ati.e o& nat+ral tren)th- ;e had not a hando(e
&a"e* b+t it 1a better than hando(eB bein) e,tre(ely a(iable and
"heer&+l- ;i &i)+re 1a a little +n)ainly* a in the day 1hen (y
#n+"#le had ta#en +"h libertie 1ith it* b+t it loo#ed a i& it
1o+ld al1ay be li)ht and yo+n)- 7hether %r- Trabb' lo"al 1or#
1o+ld ha.e at (ore )ra"e&+lly on hi( than on (e* (ay be a
4+etion9 b+t I a( "on"io+ that he "arried o&& hi rather old
"lothe (+"h better than I "arried o&& (y ne1 +it-
A he 1a o "o((+ni"ati.e* I &elt that reer.e on (y $art 1o+ld be
a bad ret+rn +n+ited to o+r year- I there&ore told hi( (y (all
tory* and laid tre on (y bein) &orbidden to in4+ire 1ho (y
bene&a"tor 1a- I &+rther (entioned that a I had been bro+)ht +$ a
bla"#(ith in a "o+ntry $la"e* and #ne1 .ery little o& the 1ay o&
$olitene* I 1o+ld ta#e it a a )reat #indne in hi( i& he 1o+ld
)i.e (e a hint he a1 (e at a lo or )oin) 1ron)-
67ith $lea+re*6 aid he* 6tho+)h I .ent+re to $ro$hey that yo+'ll
1ant .ery &e1 hint- I dare ay 1e hall be o&ten to)ether* and I
ho+ld li#e to banih any needle retraint bet1een +- 7ill yo+
do (e the &a.o+r to be)in at on"e to "all (e by (y Chritian na(e*
I than#ed hi( and aid I 1o+ld- I in&or(ed hi( in e,"han)e that (y
Chritian na(e 1a Phili$-
6I don't ta#e to Phili$*6 aid he* (ilin)* 6&or it o+nd li#e a
(oral boy o+t o& the $ellin)/boo#* 1ho 1a o la8y that he &ell
into a $ond* or o &at that he "o+ldn't ee o+t o& hi eye* or o
a.ari"io+ that he lo"#ed +$ hi "a#e till the (i"e ate it* or o
deter(ined to )o a bird'/netin) that he )ot hi(el& eaten by
bear 1ho li.ed handy in the nei)hborhood- I tell yo+ 1hat I
ho+ld li#e- 7e are o har(onio+* and yo+ ha.e been a bla"#(ith*///
1o+ld yo+ (ind it@6
6I ho+ldn't (ind anythin) that yo+ $ro$oe*6 I an1ered* 6b+t I
don't +ndertand yo+-6
67o+ld yo+ (ind ;andel &or a &a(iliar na(e@ There' a "har(in)
$ie"e o& (+i" by ;andel* "alled the ;ar(onio+ :la"#(ith-6
6I ho+ld li#e it .ery (+"h-6
6Then* (y dear ;andel*6 aid he* t+rnin) ro+nd a the door o$ened*
6here i the dinner* and I (+t be) o& yo+ to ta#e the to$ o& the
table* be"a+e the dinner i o& yo+r $ro.idin)-6
Thi I 1o+ld not hear o&* o he too# the to$* and I &a"ed hi(- It
1a a ni"e little dinner*//ee(ed to (e then a .ery Cord %ayor'
5eat*//and it a"4+ired additional relih &ro( bein) eaten +nder
thoe inde$endent "ir"+(tan"e* 1ith no old $eo$le by* and 1ith
Condon all aro+nd +- Thi a)ain 1a hei)htened by a "ertain )y$y
"hara"ter that et the ban4+et o&&9 &or 1hile the table 1a* a %r-
P+(ble"hoo# (i)ht ha.e aid* the la$ o& l+,+ry*//bein) entirely
&+rnihed &orth &ro( the "o&&ee/ho+e*//the "ir"+(Aa"ent re)ion o&
ittin)/roo( 1a o& a "o($arati.ely $at+rele and hi&ty
"hara"ter9 i($oin) on the 1aiter the 1anderin) habit o& $+ttin)
the " on the &loor 21here he &ell the(3* the (elted
b+tter in the ar(/"hair* the bread on the boo#hel.e* the "heee in
the "oal/"+ttle* and the boiled &o1l into (y bed in the ne,t roo(*//
1here I &o+nd (+"h o& it $arley and b+tter in a tate o&
"on)elation 1hen I retired &or the ni)ht- All thi (ade the &eat
deli)ht&+l* and 1hen the 1aiter 1a not there to 1at"h (e* (y
$lea+re 1a 1itho+t alloy-
7e had (ade o(e $ro)re in the dinner* 1hen I re(inded ;erbert o&
hi $ro(ie to tell (e abo+t %i ;a.iha(-
6Tr+e*6 he re$lied- 6I'll redee( it at on"e- Cet (e introd+"e the
to$i"* ;andel* by (entionin) that in Condon it i not the "+to( to
$+t the #ni&e in the (o+th*//&or &ear o& a""ident*//and that 1hile
the &or# i reer.ed &or that +e* it i not $+t &+rther in than
ne"eary- It i "ar"ely 1orth (entionin)* only it' a 1ell to do
a other $eo$le do- Alo* the $oon i not )enerally +ed* b+t +nder- Thi ha t1o ad.anta)e- ?o+ )et at yo+r
(o+th better 21hi"h a&ter all i the obAe"t3* and yo+ a.e a )ood
deal o& the attit+de o& o$enin) oyter* on the $art o& the ri)ht
;e o&&ered thee &riendly +))etion in +"h a li.ely 1ay* that 1e
both la+)hed and I "ar"ely bl+hed-
6No1*6 he $+r+ed* 6"on"ernin) %i ;a.iha(- %i ;a.iha(* yo+
(+t #no1* 1a a $oilt "hild- ;er (other died 1hen he 1a a baby*
and her &ather denied her nothin)- ;er &ather 1a a "o+ntry
)entle(an do1n in yo+r $art o& the 1orld* and 1a a bre1er- I don't
#no1 1hy it ho+ld be a "ra"# thin) to be a bre1er9 b+t it i
indi$+table that 1hile yo+ "annot $oibly be )enteel and ba#e*
yo+ (ay be a )enteel a 1a and bre1- ?o+ ee it e.ery day-6
6?et a )entle(an (ay not #ee$ a $+bli"/ho+e9 (ay he@6 aid I-
6Not on any a""o+nt*6 ret+rned ;erbert9 6b+t a $+bli"/ho+e (ay
#ee$ a )entle(an- 7ell< %r- ;a.iha( 1a .ery ri"h and .ery $ro+d-
So 1a hi da+)hter-6
6%i ;a.iha( 1a an only "hild@6 I ha8arded-
6Sto$ a (o(ent* I a( "o(in) to that- No* he 1a not an only "hild9
he had a hal&/brother- ;er &ather $ri.ately (arried a)ain//hi
"oo#* I rather thin#-6
6I tho+)ht he 1a $ro+d*6 aid I-
6%y )ood ;andel* o he 1a- ;e (arried hi e"ond 1i&e $ri.ately*
be"a+e he 1a $ro+d* and in "o+re o& ti(e he died- 7hen he 1a
dead* I a$$rehend he &irt told hi da+)hter 1hat he had done* and
then the on be"a(e a $art o& the &a(ily* reidin) in the ho+e yo+
are a"4+ainted 1ith- A the on )re1 a yo+n) (an* he t+rned o+t
rioto+* e,tra.a)ant* +nd+ti&+l*//alto)ether bad- At lat hi
&ather diinherited hi(9 b+t he o&tened 1hen he 1a dyin)* and
le&t hi( 1ell o&&* tho+)h not nearly o 1ell o&& a %i ;a.iha(-
//Ta#e another )la o& 1ine* and e,"+e (y (entionin) that o"iety
a a body doe not e,$e"t one to be o tri"tly "on"ientio+ in
e($tyin) one' )la* a to t+rn it botto( +$1ard 1ith the ri( on
one' noe-6
I had been doin) thi* in an e,"e o& attention to hi re"ital- I
than#ed hi(* and a$olo)i8ed- ;e aid* 6Not at all*6 and re+(ed-
6%i ;a.iha( 1a no1 an heire* and yo+ (ay +$$oe 1a loo#ed
a&ter a a )reat (at"h- ;er hal&/brother had no1 a($le (ean a)ain*
b+t 1hat 1ith debt and 1hat 1ith ne1 (adne 1ated the( (ot
&ear&+lly a)ain- There 1ere tron)er di&&eren"e bet1een hi( and
her than there had been bet1een hi( and hi &ather* and it i
+$e"ted that he "herihed a dee$ and (ortal )r+d)e a)aint her
a in&l+en"ed the &ather' an)er- No1* I "o(e to the "r+el
$art o& the tory*//(erely brea#in) o&&* (y dear ;andel* to re(ar#
that a dinner/na$#in 1ill not )o into a t+(bler-6
7hy I 1a tryin) to $a"# (ine into (y t+(bler* I a( 1holly +nable
to ay- I only #no1 that I &o+nd (yel&* 1ith a $ere.eran"e 1orthy
o& a (+"h better "a+e* (a#in) the (ot tren+o+ e,ertion to
"o($re it 1ithin thoe li(it- A)ain I than#ed hi( and
a$olo)i8ed* and a)ain he aid in the "heer&+llet (anner* 6Not at
all* I a( +re<6 and re+(ed-
6There a$$eared +$on the "ene//ay at the ra"e* or the $+bli"
ball* or any1here ele yo+ li#e//a "ertain (an* 1ho (ade lo.e to
%i ;a.iha(- I a1 hi( 2&or thi ha$$ened &i.e/and/t1enty
year a)o* be&ore yo+ and I 1ere* ;andel3* b+t I ha.e heard (y
&ather (ention that he 1a a ho1y (an* and the #ind o& (an &or the
$+r$oe- :+t that he 1a not to be* 1itho+t i)noran"e or $reA+di"e*
(ita#en &or a )entle(an* (y &ather (ot tron)ly ae.erate9
be"a+e it i a $rin"i$le o& hi that no (an 1ho 1a not a tr+e
)entle(an at heart 1a* in"e the 1orld be)an* a tr+e
)entle(an in (anner- ;e ay* no .arnih "an hide the )rain o& the
1ood9 and that the (ore .arnih yo+ $+t on* the (ore the )rain 1ill
e,$re itel&- 7ell< Thi (an $+r+ed %i ;a.iha( "loely* and
$ro&eed to be de.oted to her- I belie.e he had not ho1n (+"h
+"e$tibility +$ to that ti(e9 b+t all the +"e$tibility he
$oeed "ertainly "a(e o+t then* and he $aionately lo.ed hi(-
There i no do+bt that he $er&e"tly idoli8ed hi(- ;e $ra"tied on
her a&&e"tion in that yte(ati" 1ay* that he )ot )reat +( o&
(oney &ro( her* and he ind+"ed her to b+y her brother o+t o& a
hare in the bre1ery 21hi"h had been 1ea#ly le&t hi( by hi &ather3
at an i((ene $ri"e* on the $lea that 1hen he 1a her h+band he
(+t hold and (ana)e it all- ?o+r )+ardian 1a not at that ti(e in
%i ;a.iha(' "o+nel* and he 1a too ha+)hty and too (+"h in
lo.e to be ad.ied by any one- ;er relation 1ere $oor and
"he(in)* 1ith the e,"e$tion o& (y &ather9 he 1a $oor eno+)h* b+t
not ti(e/ or Aealo+- The only inde$endent one a(on) the(*
he 1arned her that he 1a doin) too (+"h &or thi (an* and 1a
$la"in) herel& too +nreer.edly in hi $o1er- She too# the &irt
o$$ort+nity o& an)rily orderin) (y &ather o+t o& the ho+e* in hi
$reen"e* and (y &ather ha een her in"e-6
I tho+)ht o& her aid* 6%atthe1 1ill "o(e and ee (e at lat
1hen I a( laid dead +$on that table96 and I a#ed ;erbert 1hether
hi &ather 1a o in.eterate a)aint her@
6It' not that*6 aid he* 6b+t he "har)ed hi(* in the $reen"e o&
her intended h+band* 1ith bein) dia$$ointed in the ho$e o&
&a1nin) +$on her &or hi o1n"e(ent* and* i& he 1ere to )o to
her no1* it 1o+ld loo# tr+e//e.en to hi(//and e.en to her- To
ret+rn to the (an and (a#e an end o& hi(- The (arria)e day 1a
&i,ed* the 1eddin) dree 1ere bo+)ht* the 1eddin) to+r 1a
$lanned o+t* the 1eddin) )+et 1ere in.ited- The day "a(e* b+t not
the bride)roo(- ;e 1rote her a letter//6
67hi"h he re"ei.ed*6 I tr+"# in* 61hen he 1a drein) &or her
(arria)e@ At t1enty (in+te to nine@6
6At the ho+r and (in+te*6 aid ;erbert* noddin)* 6at 1hi"h he
a&ter1ard to$$ed all the "lo"#- 7hat 1a in it* &+rther than
that it (ot heartlely bro#e the (arria)e o&&* I "an't tell yo+*
be"a+e I don't #no1- 7hen he re"o.ered &ro( a bad illne that
he had* he laid the 1hole $la"e 1ate* a yo+ ha.e een it* and
he ha in"e loo#ed +$on the li)ht o& day-6
6I that all the tory@6 I a#ed* a&ter "oniderin) it-
6All I #no1 o& it9 and indeed I only #no1 o (+"h* thro+)h $ie"in)
it o+t &or (yel&9 &or (y &ather al1ay a.oid it* and* e.en 1hen
%i ;a.iha( in.ited (e to )o there* told (e no (ore o& it than it
1a abol+tely re4+iite I ho+ld +ndertand- :+t I ha.e &or)otten
one thin)- It ha been +$$oed that the (an to 1ho( he )a.e her
(i$la"ed "on&iden"e a"ted thro+)ho+t in "on"ert 1ith her
hal&/brother9 that it 1a a "on$ira"y bet1een the(9 and that they
hared the $ro&it-6
6I 1onder he didn't (arry her and )et all the $ro$erty*6 aid I-
6;e (ay ha.e been (arried already* and her "r+el (orti&i"ation (ay
ha.e been a $art o& her hal&/brother' "he(e*6 aid ;erbert- 6%ind<
I don't #no1 that-6
67hat be"a(e o& the t1o (en@6 I a#ed* a&ter a)ain "oniderin) the
6They &ell into dee$er ha(e and de)radation//i& there "an be
dee$er//and r+in-6
6Are they ali.e no1@6
6I don't #no1-6
6?o+ aid A+t no1 that Etella 1a not related to %i ;a.iha(*
b+t ado$ted- 7hen ado$ted@6
;erbert hr+))ed hi ho+lder- 6There ha al1ay been an Etella*
in"e I ha.e heard o& a %i ;a.iha(- I #no1 no (ore- And no1*
;andel*6 aid he* &inally thro1in) o&& the tory a it 1ere* 6there
i a $er&e"tly o$en +ndertandin) bet1een +- All that I #no1 abo+t
%i ;a.iha(* yo+ #no1-6
6And all that I #no1*6 I retorted* 6yo+ #no1-6
6I &+lly belie.e it- So there "an be no "o($etition or $er$le,ity
bet1een yo+ and (e- And a to the "ondition on 1hi"h yo+ hold yo+r"e(ent in li&e*//na(ely* that yo+ are not to in4+ire or
di"+ to 1ho( yo+ o1e it*//yo+ (ay be .ery +re that it 1ill be en"roa"hed +$on* or e.en a$$roa"hed* by (e* or by any one
belon)in) to (e-6
In tr+th* he aid thi 1ith o (+"h deli"a"y* that I &elt the
+bAe"t done 1ith* e.en tho+)h I ho+ld be +nder hi &ather' roo&
&or year and year to "o(e- ?et he aid it 1ith o (+"h (eanin)*
too* that I &elt he a $er&e"tly +ndertood %i ;a.iha( to be (y
bene&a"tre* a I +ndertood the &a"t (yel&-
It had not o""+rred to (e be&ore* that he had led +$ to the the(e
&or the $+r$oe o& "learin) it o+t o& o+r 1ay9 b+t 1e 1ere o (+"h
the li)hter and eaier &or broa"hed it* that I no1 $er"ei.ed
thi to be the "ae- 7e 1ere .ery )ay and o"iable* and I a#ed
hi(* in the "o+re o& "on.eration* 1hat he 1a@ ;e re$lied* 6A
"a$italit*//an In+rer o& Shi$-6 I +$$oe he a1 (e )lan"in)
abo+t the roo( in ear"h o& o(e to#en o& Shi$$in)* or "a$ital*
&or he added* 6In the City-6
I had )rand idea o& the 1ealth and i($ortan"e o& In+rer o& Shi$
in the City* and I be)an to thin# 1ith a1e o& laid a yo+n)
In+rer on hi ba"#* bla"#ened hi enter$riin) eye* and "+t hi
re$onible head o$en- :+t a)ain there "a(e +$on (e* &or (y
relie&* that odd i($reion that ;erbert Po"#et 1o+ld be .ery
+""e&+l or ri"h-
6I hall not ret ati&ied 1ith (erely e($loyin) (y "a$ital in
in+rin) hi$- I hall b+y +$ o(e )ood Ci&e A+ran"e hare* and
"+t into the !ire"tion- I hall alo do a little in the (inin) 1ay-
None o& thee thin) 1ill inter&ere 1ith (y "harterin) a &e1
tho+and ton on (y o1n a""o+nt- I thin# I hall trade*6 aid he*
leanin) ba"# in hi "hair* 6to the Eat Indie* &or il#* ha1l*
$i"e* dye* dr+)* and $re"io+ 1ood- It' an interetin)
6And the $ro&it are lar)e@6 aid I-
6Tre(endo+<6 aid he-
I 1a.ered a)ain* and be)an to thin# here 1ere )reater e,$e"tation
than (y o1n-
6I thin# I hall trade* alo*6 aid he* $+ttin) hi th+(b in hi
"oat $o"#et* 6to the 7et Indie* &or +)ar* toba""o* and
r+(- Alo to Ceylon* $e"ially &or ele$hant' t+#-6
6?o+ 1ill 1ant a )ood (any hi$*6 aid I-
6A $er&e"t &leet*6 aid he-
>+ite$o1ered by the (a)ni&i"en"e o& thee trana"tion* I
a#ed hi( 1here the hi$ he in+red (otly traded to at $reent@
6I ha.en't be)+n in+rin) yet*6 he re$lied- 6I a( loo#in) abo+t
So(eho1* that $+r+it ee(ed (ore in #ee$in) 1ith :arnard' Inn- I
aid 2in a tone o& "on.i"tion3* 6Ah/h<6
6?e- I a( in a "o+ntin)/ho+e* and loo#in) abo+t (e-6
6I a "o+ntin)/ho+e $ro&itable@6 I a#ed-
6To//do yo+ (ean to the yo+n) &ello1 1ho' in it@6 he a#ed* in
6?e9 to yo+-6
67hy* n/no9 not to (e-6 ;e aid thi 1ith the air o& one "are&+lly
re"#onin) +$ and tri#in) a balan"e- 6Not dire"tly $ro&itable- That
i* it doen't $ay (e anythin)* and I ha.e to//#ee$ (yel&-6
Thi "ertainly had not a $ro&itable a$$earan"e* and I hoo# (y head
a i& I 1o+ld i($ly that it 1o+ld be di&&i"+lt to lay by (+"h
a""+(+lati.e "a$ital &ro( +"h a o+r"e o& in"o(e-
6:+t the thin) i*6 aid ;erbert Po"#et* 6that yo+ loo# abo+t yo+-
That' the )rand thin)- ?o+ are in a "o+ntin)/ho+e* yo+ #no1* and
yo+ loo# abo+t yo+-6
It tr+"# (e a a in)+lar i($li"ation that yo+ "o+ldn't be o+t o&
a "o+ntin)/ho+e* yo+ #no1* and loo# abo+t yo+9 b+t I ilently
de&erred to hi e,$erien"e-
6Then the ti(e "o(e*6 aid ;erbert* 61hen yo+ ee yo+r o$enin)-
And yo+ )o in* and yo+ 1oo$ +$on it and yo+ (a#e yo+r "a$ital* and
then there yo+ are< 7hen yo+ ha.e on"e (ade yo+r "a$ital* yo+ ha.e
nothin) to do b+t e($loy it-6
Thi 1a .ery li#e hi 1ay o& "ond+"tin) that en"o+nter in the
)arden9 .ery li#e- ;i (anner o& bearin) hi $o.erty* too* e,a"tly
"orre$onded to hi (anner o& bearin) that de&eat- It ee(ed to (e
that he too# all blo1 and b+&&et no1 1ith A+t the a(e air a
he had ta#en (ine then- It 1a e.ident that he had nothin) aro+nd
hi( b+t the i($let ne"earie* &or e.erythin) that I re(ar#ed
+$on t+rned o+t to ha.e been ent in on (y a""o+nt &ro( the
"o&&ee/ho+e or o(e1here ele-
?et* already (ade hi &ort+ne in hi o1n (ind* he 1a o
+na+(in) 1ith it that I &elt 4+ite )rate&+l to hi( &or not bein)
$+&&ed +$- It 1a a $leaant addition to hi nat+rally $leaant
1ay* and 1e )ot on &a(o+ly- In the e.enin) 1e 1ent o+t &or a 1al#
in the treet* and 1ent hal&/$ri"e to the Theatre9 and ne,t day 1e
1ent to "h+r"h at 7et(inter Abbey* and in the a&ternoon 1e 1al#ed
in the Par#9 and I 1ondered 1ho hod all the hore there* and
1ihed 0oe did-
On a (oderate "o($+tation* it 1a (any (onth* that S+nday* in"e I
had le&t 0oe and :iddy- The $a"e inter$oed bet1een (yel& and
the( $artoo# o& that e,$anion* and o+r (arhe 1ere any ditan"e
o&&- That I "o+ld ha.e been at o+r old "h+r"h in (y old
"h+r"h/)oin) "lothe* on the .ery lat S+nday that 1a* ee(ed
a "o(bination o& i($oibilitie* )eo)ra$hi"al and o"ial* olar
and l+nar- ?et in the Condon treet o "ro1ded 1ith $eo$le and o
brilliantly li)hted in the d+# o& e.enin)* there 1ere de$rein)
hint o& re$roa"he &or that I had $+t the $oor old #it"hen at ho(e
o &ar a1ay9 and in the dead o& ni)ht* the &ootte$ o& o(e
in"a$able i($otor o& a $orter (oonin) abo+t :arnard' Inn* +nder
$reten"e o& 1at"hin) it* &ell hollo1 on (y heart-
On the %onday (ornin) at a 4+arter be&ore nine* ;erbert 1ent to the
"o+ntin)/ho+e to re$ort hi(el&*//to loo# abo+t hi(* too* I
+$$oe*//and I bore hi( "o($any- ;e 1a to "o(e a1ay in an ho+r or
t1o to attend (e to ;a((er(ith* and I 1a to 1ait abo+t &or hi(-
It a$$eared to (e that the e)) &ro( 1hi"h yo+n) In+rer 1ere
hat"hed 1ere in"+bated in d+t and heat* li#e the e)) o&
otri"he* A+d)in) &ro( the $la"e to 1hi"h thoe in"i$ient )iant
re$aired on a %onday (ornin)- Nor did the "o+ntin)/ho+e 1here
;erbert aited* ho1 in (y eye a at all a )ood Ober.atory9
bein) a ba"# e"ond &loor +$ a yard* o& a )ri(y $reen"e in all
$arti"+lar* and 1ith a loo# into another ba"# e"ond &loor* rather
than a loo# o+t-
I 1aited abo+t +ntil it 1a noon* and I 1ent +$on 'Chan)e* and I
a1 &l+ey (en ittin) there +nder the bill abo+t hi$$in)* 1ho( I
too# to be )reat (er"hant* tho+)h I "o+ldn't +ndertand 1hy they
ho+ld all be o+t o& $irit- 7hen ;erbert "a(e* 1e 1ent and had
l+n"h at a "elebrated ho+e 1hi"h I then 4+ite .enerated* b+t no1
belie.e to ha.e been the (ot abAe"t +$ertition in E+ro$e* and
1here I "o+ld not hel$ noti"in)* e.en then* that there 1a (+"h
(ore )ra.y on the table"loth and #ni.e and 1aiter' "lothe* than
in the tea#- Thi "ollation di$oed o& at a (oderate $ri"e
2"oniderin) the )reae* 1hi"h 1a not "har)ed &or3* 1e 1ent ba"#
to :arnard' Inn and )ot (y little $ort(antea+* and then too# "oa"h
&or ;a((er(ith- 7e arri.ed there at t1o or three o'"lo"# in the
a&ternoon* and had .ery little 1ay to 1al# to %r- Po"#et' ho+e-
Ci&tin) the lat"h o& a )ate* 1e $aed dire"t into a little )arden
o.erloo#in) the* 1here %r- Po"#et' "hildren 1ere $layin)
abo+t- And +nle I de"ei.e (yel& on a $oint 1here (y interet or
$re$oeion are "ertainly not "on"erned* I a1 that %r- and %r-
Po"#et' "hildren 1ere not )ro1in) +$ or bein) bro+)ht +$* b+t 1ere
t+(blin) +$-
%r- Po"#et 1a ittin) on a )arden "hair +nder a tree* readin)*
1ith her le) +$on another )arden "hair9 and %r- Po"#et' t1o
n+re/(aid 1ere loo#in) abo+t the( 1hile the "hildren $layed-
6%a((a*6 aid ;erbert* 6thi i yo+n) %r- Pi$-6 D$on 1hi"h %r-
Po"#et re"ei.ed (e 1ith an a$$earan"e o& a(iable di)nity-
6%ater Ali"# and %i 0ane*6 "ried one o& the n+re to t1o o& the
"hildren* 6i& yo+ )o a bo+n"in) +$ a)aint the( b+he yo+'ll &all into the and be dro1nded* and 1hat'll yo+r $a ay then@6
At the a(e ti(e thi n+re $i"#ed +$ %r- Po"#et' hand#er"hie&*
and aid* 6I& that don't (a#e i, ti(e yo+'.e dro$$ed it* %+(<6
D$on 1hi"h %r- Po"#et la+)hed and aid* 6Than# yo+* 5lo$on*6 and
ettlin) herel& in one "hair only* re+(ed her boo#- ;er
"o+ntenan"e i((ediately a+(ed a #nitted and intent e,$reion a
i& he had been readin) &or a 1ee#* b+t be&ore he "o+ld ha.e read
hal& a do8en line* he &i,ed her eye +$on (e* and aid* 6I ho$e
yo+r (a((a i 4+ite 1ell@6 Thi +ne,$e"ted in4+iry $+t (e into +"h
a di&&i"+lty that I be)an ayin) in the ab+rdet 1ay that i& there
had been any +"h $eron I had no do+bt he 1o+ld ha.e been 4+ite
1ell and 1o+ld ha.e been .ery (+"h obli)ed and 1o+ld ha.e ent her
"o($li(ent* 1hen the n+re "a(e to (y re"+e-
67ell<6 he "ried* $i"#in) +$ the $o"#et/hand#er"hie&* 6i& that
don't (a#e e.en ti(e< 7hat ARE yo+ a doin) o& thi a&ternoon*
%+(<6 %r- Po"#et re"ei.ed her $ro$erty* at &irt 1ith a loo# o&
+n+tterable +r$rie a i& he had een it be&ore* and then
1ith a la+)h o& re"o)nition* and aid* 6Than# yo+* 5lo$on*6 and
&or)ot (e* and 1ent on readin)-
I &o+nd* no1 I had lei+re to "o+nt the(* that there 1ere no &e1er
than i, little Po"#et $reent* in .ario+ ta)e o& t+(blin) +$-
I had "ar"ely arri.ed at the total 1hen a e.enth 1a heard* a in
the re)ion o& air* 1ailin) dole&+lly-
6I& there ain't :aby<6 aid 5lo$on* a$$earin) to thin# it (ot
+r$riin)- 6%a#e hate +$* %iller-6
%iller* 1ho 1a the other n+re* retired into the ho+e* and by
de)ree the "hild' 1ailin) 1a h+hed and to$$ed* a i& it 1ere a
yo+n) .entrilo4+it 1ith o(ethin) in it (o+th- %r- Po"#et read
all the ti(e* and I 1a "+rio+ to #no1 1hat the boo# "o+ld be-
7e 1ere 1aitin)* I +$$oed* &or %r- Po"#et to "o(e o+t to +9 at
any rate 1e 1aited there* and o I had an o$$ort+nity o&
the re(ar#able &a(ily $heno(enon that any o& the "hildren
trayed near %r- Po"#et in their $lay* they al1ay tri$$ed
the(el.e +$ and t+(bled her*//al1ay .ery (+"h to her
(o(entary atonih(ent* and their o1n (ore end+rin) la(entation- I
1a at a lo to a""o+nt &or thi +r$riin) "ir"+(tan"e* and
"o+ld not hel$ ) (y (ind to $e"+lation abo+t it* +ntil
by and by %iller "a(e do1n 1ith the baby* 1hi"h baby 1a handed to
5lo$on* 1hi"h 5lo$on 1a handin) it to %r- Po"#et* 1hen he too
1ent &airly head &ore(ot %r- Po"#et* baby and all* and 1a
"a+)ht by ;erbert and (yel&-
6Gra"io+ (e* 5lo$on<6 aid %r- Po"#et* loo#in) o&& her boo# &or a
(o(ent* 6e.erybody' t+(blin)<6
6Gra"io+ yo+* indeed* %+(<6 ret+rned 5lo$on* .ery red in the
&a"e9 61hat ha.e yo+ )ot there@6
6I )ot here* 5lo$on@6 a#ed %r- Po"#et-
67hy* i& it ain't yo+r &oottool<6 "ried 5lo$on- 6And i& yo+ #ee$
it +nder yo+r #irt li#e that* 1ho' to hel$ t+(blin)@ ;ere< Ta#e
the baby* %+(* and )i.e (e yo+r boo#-6
%r- Po"#et a"ted on the ad.i"e* and ine,$ertly dan"ed the in&ant a
little in her la$* 1hile the other "hildren $layed abo+t it- Thi
had lated b+t a .ery hort ti(e* 1hen %r- Po"#et i+ed +((ary
order that they 1ere all to be ta#en into the ho+e &or a na$-
Th+ I (ade the e"ond di"o.ery on that &irt o""aion* that the
n+rt+re o& the little Po"#et "onited o& alternately t+(blin) +$
and lyin) do1n-
Dnder thee "ir"+(tan"e* 1hen 5lo$on and %iller had )ot the
"hildren into the ho+e* li#e a little &lo"# o& hee$* and %r-
Po"#et "a(e o+t o& it to (a#e (y a"4+aintan"e* I 1a not (+"h
+r$ried to &ind that %r- Po"#et 1a a )entle(an 1ith a rather
$er$le,ed e,$reion o& &a"e* and 1ith hi .ery )ray hair
diordered on hi head* a i& he didn't 4+ite ee hi 1ay to
$+ttin) anythin) trai)ht-
Cha$ter XXIII
%r- Po"#et aid he 1a )lad to ee (e* and he ho$ed I 1a not orry
to ee hi(- 65or* I really a( not*6 he added* 1ith hi on' (ile*
6an alar(in) $erona)e-6 ;e 1a a yo+n)/loo#in) (an* in $ite o&
hi $er$le,itie and hi .ery )ray hair* and hi (anner ee(ed
4+ite nat+ral- I +e the 1ord nat+ral* in the ene o& it bein)
+na&&e"ted9 there 1a o(ethin) "o(i" in hi ditra+)ht 1ay* a
tho+)h it 1o+ld ha.e been do1nri)ht l+di"ro+ b+t &or hi o1n
$er"e$tion that it 1a .ery near bein) o- 7hen he had tal#ed 1ith
(e a little* he aid to %r- Po"#et* 1ith a rather an,io+
"ontra"tion o& hi eyebro1* 1hi"h 1ere bla"# and hando(e*
6:elinda* I ho$e yo+ ha.e 1el"o(ed %r- Pi$@6 And he loo#ed +$ &ro(
her boo#* and aid* 6?e-6 She then (iled +$on (e in an abent
tate o& (ind* and a#ed (e i& I li#ed the tate o& oran)e/&lo1er
1ater@ A the 4+etion had no bearin)* near or re(ote* on any
&ore)one or +be4+ent trana"tion* I "onider it to ha.e been
thro1n o+t* li#e her $ a$$roa"he* in )eneral "on.erational
I &o+nd o+t 1ithin a &e1 ho+r* and (ay (ention at on"e* that %r-
Po"#et 1a the only da+)hter o& a "ertain 4+ite a""idental de"eaed
=ni)ht* 1ho had in.ented &or hi(el& a "on.i"tion that hi de"eaed
&ather 1o+ld ha.e been (ade a :aronet b+t &or o(ebody' deter(ined
o$$oition ariin) o+t o& entirely $eronal (oti.e*//I &or)et
1hoe* i& I #ne1*//the So.erei)n'* the Pri(e %initer'* the
Cord Chan"ellor'* the Ar"hbiho$ o& Canterb+ry'* anybody'*//and
had ta"#ed hi(el& on to the noble o& the earth in ri)ht o& thi
4+ite +$$oititio+ &a"t- I belie.e he had been #ni)hted hi(el&
&or tor(in) the En)lih )ra((ar at the $oint o& the $en* in a
de$erate addre en)roed on .ell+(* on the o""aion o& the
layin) o& the &irt tone o& o(e b+ildin) or other* and &or
handin) o(e Royal Perona)e either the tro1el or the (ortar- :e
that a it (ay* he had dire"ted %r- Po"#et to be bro+)ht +$ &ro(
her "radle a one 1ho in the nat+re o& thin) (+t (arry a title*
and 1ho 1a to be )+arded &ro( the a"4+iition o& $lebeian do(eti"
So +""e&+l a 1at"h and 1ard had been etablihed the yo+n)
lady by thi A+di"io+ $arent* that he had )ro1n +$ hi)hly
orna(ental* b+t $er&e"tly hel$le and +ele- 7ith her "hara"ter
th+ ha$$ily &or(ed* in the &irt bloo( o& her yo+th he had
en"o+ntered %r- Po"#etB 1ho 1a alo in the &irt bloo( o& yo+th*
and not 4+ite de"ided 1hether to (o+nt to the 7oola"#* or to roo&
hi(el& in 1ith a (itre- A hi doin) the one or the other 1a a
(ere 4+etion o& ti(e* he and %r- Po"#et had ta#en Ti(e by the
&orelo"# 21hen* to A+d)e &ro( it len)th* it 1o+ld ee( to ha.e
1anted "+ttin)3* and had (arried 1itho+t the #no1led)e o& the
A+di"io+ $arent- The A+di"io+ $arent* nothin) to beto1 or
1ithhold b+t hi blein)* had hando(ely ettled that do1er +$on
the( a&ter a hort tr+))le* and had in&or(ed %r- Po"#et that hi
1i&e 1a 6a trea+re &or a Prin"e-6 %r- Po"#et had in.eted the
Prin"e' trea+re in the 1ay o& the 1orld in"e* and it 1a
+$$oed to ha.e bro+)ht hi( in b+t indi&&erent interet- Still*
%r- Po"#et 1a in )eneral the obAe"t o& a 4+eer ort o& re$e"t&+l
$ity* be"a+e he had not (arried a title9 1hile %r- Po"#et 1a the
obAe"t o& a 4+eer ort o& &or) re$roa"h* be"a+e he had
)ot one-
%r- Po"#et too# (e into the ho+e and ho1ed (e (y roo(B 1hi"h 1a a
$leaant one* and o &+rnihed a that I "o+ld +e it 1ith "o(&ort
&or (y o1n $ri.ate ittin)/roo(- ;e then #no"#ed at the door o&
t1o other i(ilar roo(* and introd+"ed (e to their o""+$ant* by
na(e !r+((le and Starto$- !r+((le* an old/loo#in) yo+n) (an o& a
hea.y order o& ar"hite"t+re* 1a 1hitlin)- Starto$* yo+n)er in
year and a$$earan"e* 1a readin) and holdin) hi head* a i& he
tho+)ht hi(el& in dan)er o& e,$lodin) it 1ith too tron) a "har)e
o& #no1led)e-
:oth %r- and %r- Po"#et had +"h a noti"eable air o& bein) in
o(ebody ele' hand* that I 1ondered 1ho really 1a in $oeion
o& the ho+e and let the( li.e there* +ntil I &o+nd thi +n#no1n
$o1er to be the er.ant- It 1a a (ooth 1ay o& )oin) on* $erha$*
in re$e"t o& tro+ble9 b+t it had the a$$earan"e o& bein)
e,$eni.e* &or the er.ant &elt it a d+ty they o1ed to the(el.e
to be ni"e in their eatin) and drin#in)* and to #ee$ a deal o&
"o($any do1n tair- They allo1ed a .ery liberal table to %r- and
%r- Po"#et* yet it al1ay a$$eared to (e that by &ar the bet $art
o& the ho+e to ha.e boarded in 1o+ld ha.e been the #it"hen*//
al1ay +$$oin) the boarder "a$able o& el&/de&en"e* &or* be&ore I
had been there a 1ee#* a nei)hborin) lady 1ith 1ho( the &a(ily
1ere $eronally +na"4+ainted* 1rote in to ay that he had een
%iller la$$in) the baby- Thi )reatly ditreed %r- Po"#et* 1ho
b+rt into tear on re" the note* and aid that it 1a an
e,traordinary thin) that the nei)hbor "o+ldn't (ind their o1n
:y de)ree I learnt* and "hie&ly &ro( ;erbert* that %r- Po"#et had
been ed+"ated at ;arro1 and at Ca(brid)e* 1here he had
ditin)+ihed hi(el&9 b+t that 1hen he had had the ha$$ine o&
(arryin) %r- Po"#et .ery early in li&e* he had i($aired hi
$ro$e"t and ta#en +$ the "allin) o& a Grinder- A&ter )rindin) a
n+(ber o& d+ll blade*//o& 1ho( it 1a re(ar#able that their
&ather* 1hen in&l+ential* 1ere al1ay )oin) to hel$ hi( to
$re&er(ent* b+t al1ay &or)ot to do it 1hen the blade had le&t the
Grindtone*//he had 1earied o& that $oor 1or# and had "o(e to
Condon- ;ere* a&ter )rad+ally &ailin) in lo&tier ho$e* he had
6read6 1ith 1ho had la"#ed o$$ort+nitie or ne)le"ted the(*
and had re&+rbihed other &or $e"ial o""aion* and had
t+rned hi a"4+ire(ent to the a""o+nt o& literary "o($ilation and
"orre"tion* and on +"h (ean* added to o(e .ery (oderate $ri.ate
reo+r"e* till (aintained the ho+e I a1-
%r- and %r- Po"#et had a toady nei)hbor9 a 1ido1 lady o& that
hi)hly y($atheti" nat+re that he a)reed 1ith e.erybody* bleed
e.erybody* and hed (ile and tear on e.erybody* a""ordin) to
"ir"+(tan"e- Thi lady' na(e 1a %r- Coiler* and I had the
honor o& ta#in) her do1n to dinner on the day o& (y intallation-
She )a.e (e to +ndertand on the tair* that it 1a a blo1 to dear
%r- Po"#et that dear %r- Po"#et ho+ld be +nder the ne"eity o&
re" )entle(en to read 1ith hi(- That did not e,tend to (e*
he told (e in a )+h o& lo.e and "on&iden"e 2at that ti(e* I had
#no1n her o(ethin) le than &i.e (in+te39 i& they 1ere all li#e
%e* it 1o+ld be 4+ite another thin)-
6:+t dear %r- Po"#et*6 aid %r- Coiler* 6a&ter her early
dia$$oint(ent 2not that dear %r- Po"#et 1a to bla(e in that3*
re4+ire o (+"h l+,+ry and ele)an"e//6
6?e* (a'a(*6 I aid* to to$ her* &or I 1a a&raid he 1a )oin)
to "ry-
6And he i o& o arito"rati" a di$oition//6
6?e* (a'a(*6 I aid a)ain* 1ith the a(e obAe"t a be&ore-
6//That it i hard*6 aid %r- Coiler* 6to ha.e dear %r- Po"#et'
ti(e and attention di.erted &ro( dear %r- Po"#et-6
I "o+ld not hel$ thin#in) that it (i)ht be harder i& the b+t"her'
ti(e and attention 1ere di.erted &ro( dear %r- Po"#et9 b+t I aid
nothin)* and indeed had eno+)h to do in #ee$in) a bah&+l 1at"h
+$on (y "o($any (anner-
It "a(e to (y #no1led)e* thro+)h 1hat $aed bet1een %r- Po"#et and
!r+((le 1hile I 1a attenti.e to (y #ni&e and &or#* $oon* )lae*
and other intr+(ent o& el&/detr+"tion* that !r+((le* 1hoe
Chritian na(e 1a :entley* 1a a"t+ally the ne,t heir b+t one to a
baronet"y- It &+rther a$$eared that the boo# I had een %r- Po"#et
readin) in the )arden 1a all abo+t title* and that he #ne1 the
e,a"t date at 1hi"h her )rand$a$a 1o+ld ha.e "o(e into the boo#* i&
he had "o(e at all- !r+((le didn't ay (+"h* b+t in hi
li(ited 1ay 2he tr+"# (e a a +l#y #ind o& &ello13 he $o#e a
one o& the ele"t* and re"o)ni8ed %r- Po"#et a a 1o(an and a
iter- No one b+t the(el.e and %r- Coiler the toady nei)hbor
ho1ed any interet in thi $art o& the "on.eration* and it
a$$eared to (e that it 1a $ain&+l to ;erbert9 b+t it $ro(ied to
lat a lon) ti(e* 1hen the $a)e "a(e in 1ith the anno+n"e(ent o& a
do(eti" a&&li"tion- It 1a* in e&&e"t* that the "oo# had (ilaid
the bee&- To (y +n+tterable a(a8e(ent* I no1* &or the &irt ti(e*
a1 %r- Po"#et relie.e hi (ind by )oin) thro+)h a $er&or(an"e that
tr+"# (e a .ery e,traordinary* b+t 1hi"h (ade no i($reion on
anybody ele* and 1ith 1hi"h I oon be"a(e a &a(iliar a the ret-
;e laid do1n the " and &or#*//bein) en)a)ed in "*
at the (o(ent*//$+t hi t1o hand into hi dit+rbed hair* and
a$$eared to (a#e an e,traordinary e&&ort to li&t hi(el& +$ by it-
7hen he had done thi* and had not li&ted hi(el& +$ at all* he
4+ietly 1ent on 1ith 1hat he 1a abo+t-
%r- Coiler then "han)ed the +bAe"t and be)an to &latter (e- I
li#ed it &or a &e1 (o(ent* b+t he &lattered (e o .ery )roly
that the $lea+re 1a oon She had a er$entine 1ay o& "o(in)
"loe at (e 1hen he $retended to be .itally intereted in the
&riend and lo"alitie I had le&t* 1hi"h 1a alto)ether na#y and
&or#/ton)+ed9 and 1hen he (ade an o""aional bo+n"e +$on Starto$
21ho aid .ery little to her3* or +$on !r+((le 21ho aid le3* I
rather en.ied the( &or bein) on the o$$oite ide o& the table-
A&ter dinner the "hildren 1ere introd+"ed* and %r- Coiler (ade
ad(irin) "o((ent on their eye* noe* and le)*//a a)a"io+ 1ay
o& i($ their (ind- There 1ere &o+r little )irl* and t1o
little boy* beide the baby 1ho (i)ht ha.e been either* and the
baby' ne,t +""eor 1ho 1a a yet neither- They 1ere bro+)ht in
by 5lo$on and %iller* (+"h a tho+)h thoe t1o non/"o((iioned
o&&i"er had been re"r+itin) o(e1here &or "hildren and had
enlited thee* 1hile %r- Po"#et loo#ed at the yo+n) Noble that
o+)ht to ha.e been a i& he rather tho+)ht he had had the
$lea+re o& in$e"tin) the( be&ore* b+t didn't 4+ite #no1 1hat to
(a#e o& the(-
6;ere< Gi.e (e yo+r &or#* %+(* and ta#e the baby*6 aid 5lo$on-
6!on't ta#e it that 1ay* or yo+'ll )et it head +nder the table-6
Th+ ad.ied* %r- Po"#et too# it the other 1ay* and )ot it head
+$on the table9 1hi"h 1a anno+n"ed to all $reent by a $rodi)io+
6!ear* dear< Gi.e it (e ba"#* %+(*6 aid 5lo$on9 6and %i 0ane*
"o(e and dan"e to baby* do<6
One o& the little )irl* a (ere (ite 1ho ee(ed to ha.e $re(at+rely
ta#en +$on herel& o(e "har)e o& the other* te$$ed o+t o& her
$la"e by (e* and dan"ed to and &ro( the baby +ntil it le&t o&&
"ryin)* and la+)hed- Then* all the "hildren la+)hed* and %r- Po"#et
21ho in the (eanti(e had t1i"e endea.ored to li&t hi(el& +$ by
the hair3 la+)hed* and 1e all la+)hed and 1ere )lad-
5lo$on* by dint o& do+blin) the baby at the Aoint li#e a !+t"h
doll* then )ot it a&ely into %r- Po"#et' la$* and )a.e it the
n+t/"ra"#er to $lay 1ith9 at the a(e ti(e re"o((endin) %r- Po"#et
to ta#e noti"e that the handle o& that intr+(ent 1ere not li#ely
to a)ree 1ith it eye* and har$ly "har)in) %i 0ane to loo#
a&ter the a(e- Then* the t1o n+re le&t the roo(* and had a
li.ely "+&&le on the tair"ae 1ith a dii$ated $a)e 1ho had
1aited at dinner* and 1ho had "learly lot hal& hi b+tton at the
I 1a (ade .ery +neay in (y (ind by %r- Po"#et' &allin) into a
di"+ion 1ith !r+((le re$e"tin) t1o baronet"ie* 1hile he ate a
li"ed oran)e tee$ed in +)ar and 1ine* and* &or)ettin) all abo+t
the baby on her la$* 1ho did (ot a$$allin) thin) 1ith the
n+t/"ra"#er- At len)th little 0ane* $er" it yo+n) brain to
be i($erilled* o&tly le&t her $la"e* and 1ith (any (all arti&i"e
"oa,ed the dan)ero+ 1ea$on a1ay- %r- Po"#et &inihin) her oran)e
at abo+t the a(e ti(e* and not a$$ o& thi* aid to 0ane*//
6?o+ na+)hty "hild* ho1 dare yo+@ Go and it do1n thi intant<6
6%a((a dear*6 li$ed the little )irl* 6baby ood ha.e $+t hith eyeth
6;o1 dare yo+ tell (e o@6 retorted %r- Po"#et- 6Go and it do1n in
yo+r "hair thi (o(ent<6
%r- Po"#et' di)nity 1a o "r+hin)* that I &elt 4+ite abahed* a
i& I (yel& had done o(ethin) to ro+e it-
6:elinda*6 re(ontrated %r- Po"#et* &ro( the other end o& the table*
6ho1 "an yo+ be o +nreaonable@ 0ane only inter&ered &or the
$rote"tion o& baby-6
6I 1ill not allo1 anybody to inter&ere*6 aid %r- Po"#et- 6I a(
+r$ried* %atthe1* that yo+ ho+ld e,$oe (e to the a&&ront o&
6Good God<6 "ried %r- Po"#et* in an o+tbrea# o& deolate
de$eration- 6Are in&ant to be n+t/"ra"#ered into their to(b* and
i nobody to a.e the(@6
6I 1ill not be inter&ered 1ith by 0ane*6 aid %r- Po"#et* 1ith a
(aAeti" )lan"e at that inno"ent little o&&ender- 6I ho$e I #no1 (y
$oor )rand$a$a' $oition- 0ane* indeed<6
%r- Po"#et )ot hi hand in hi hair a)ain* and thi ti(e really did
li&t hi(el& o(e in"he o+t o& hi "hair- 6;ear thi<6 he
hel$lely e,"lai(ed to the ele(ent- 6:abie are to be
n+t/"ra"#ered dead* &or $eo$le' $oor )rand$a$a' $oition<6 Then
he let hi(el& do1n a)ain* and be"a(e ilent-
7e all loo#ed a1#1ardly at the table"loth 1hile thi 1a )oin) on-
A $a+e +""eeded* d+rin) 1hi"h the honet and irre$reible baby
(ade a erie o& lea$ and "ro1 at little 0ane* 1ho a$$eared to (e
to be the only (e(ber o& the &a(ily 2irre$e"ti.e o& er.ant3 1ith
1ho( it had any de"ided a"4+aintan"e-
6%r- !r+((le*6 aid %r- Po"#et* 61ill yo+ rin) &or 5lo$on@ 0ane*
yo+ +nd+ti&+l little thin)* )o and lie do1n- No1* baby darlin)*
"o(e 1ith (a<6
The baby 1a the o+l o& honor* and $roteted 1ith all it (i)ht-
It do+bled itel& +$ the 1ron) 1ay %r- Po"#et' ar(* e,hibited
a $air o& #nitted hoe and di($led an#le to the "o($any in lie+
o& it o&t &a"e* and 1a "arried o+t in the hi)het tate o&
(+tiny- And it )ained it $oint a&ter all* &or I a1 it thro+)h the
1indo1 1ithin a &e1 (in+te* bein) n+red by little 0ane-
It ha$$ened that the other &i.e "hildren 1ere le&t behind at the
dinner/table* thro+)h 5lo$on' o(e $ri.ate en)a)e(ent* and
their not bein) anybody ele' b+ine- I th+ be"a(e a1are o& the
(+t+al relation bet1een the( and %r- Po"#et* 1hi"h 1ere e,e($li&ied
in the &ollo1in) (anner- %r- Po"#et* 1ith the nor(al $er$le,ity o&
hi &a"e hei)htened and hi hair r+($led* loo#ed at the( &or o(e
(in+te* a i& he "o+ldn't (a#e o+t ho1 they "a(e to be boardin)
and lod)in) in that etablih(ent* and 1hy they hadn't been
billeted by Nat+re on o(ebody ele- Then* in a ditant %iionary
1ay he a#ed the( "ertain 4+etion*//a 1hy little 0oe had that
hole in hi &rill* 1ho aid* Pa* 5lo$on 1a )oin) to (end it 1hen
he had ti(e*//and ho1 little 5anny "a(e by that 1hitlo1* 1ho aid*
Pa* %iller 1a )oin) to $o+lti"e it 1hen he didn't &or)et- Then*
he (elted into $arental tenderne* and )a.e the( a hillin) a$ie"e
and told the( to )o and $lay9 and then a they 1ent o+t* 1ith one
.ery tron) e&&ort to li&t hi(el& +$ by the hair he di(ied the
ho$ele +bAe"t-
In the e.enin) there 1a ro1in) on the A !r+((le and
Starto$ had ea"h a boat* I reol.ed to et +$ (ine* and to "+t the(
both o+t- I 1a $retty )ood at (ot e,er"ie in 1hi"h "o+ntry boy
are ade$t* b+t a I 1a "on"io+ o& 1antin) ele)an"e o& tyle
&or the Tha(e*//not to ay &or other 1ater*//I at on"e en)a)ed to
$la"e (yel& +nder the t+ition o& the 1inner o& a $ri8e/1herry 1ho
$lied at o+r tair* and to 1ho( I 1a introd+"ed by (y ne1 allie-
Thi $ra"ti"al a+thority "on&+ed (e .ery (+"h by ayin) I had the
ar( o& a bla"#(ith- I& he "o+ld ha.e #no1n ho1 nearly the
"o($li(ent lot hi( hi $+$il* I do+bt i& he 1o+ld ha.e $aid it-
There 1a a +$$er/tray a&ter 1e )ot ho(e at ni)ht* and I thin# 1e
ho+ld all ha.e enAoyed o+rel.e* b+t &or a rather dia)reeable
do(eti" o""+rren"e- %r- Po"#et 1a in )ood $irit* 1hen a
ho+e(aid "a(e in* and aid* 6I& yo+ $leae* ir* I ho+ld 1ih to
$ea# to yo+-6
6S$ea# to yo+r (ater@6 aid %r- Po"#et* 1hoe di)nity 1a ro+ed
a)ain- 6;o1 "an yo+ thin# o& +"h a thin)@ Go and $ea# to 5lo$on-
Or $ea# to (e//at o(e other ti(e-6
6:e))in) yo+r $ardon* (a'a(*6 ret+rned the ho+e(aid* 6I ho+ld
1ih to $ea# at on"e* and to $ea# to (ater-6
;ere+$on* %r- Po"#et 1ent o+t o& the roo(* and 1e (ade the bet o&
o+rel.e +ntil he "a(e ba"#-
6Thi i a $retty thin)* :elinda<6 aid %r- Po"#et* ret+rnin) 1ith a
"o+ntenan"e e,$rei.e o& )rie& and de$air- 6;ere' the "oo# lyin)
inenibly dr+n# on the #it"hen &loor* 1ith a lar)e b+ndle o& &reh
b+tter (ade +$ in the "+$board ready to ell &or )reae<6
%r- Po"#et intantly ho1ed (+"h a(iable e(otion* and aid* 6Thi
i that odio+ So$hia' doin)<6
67hat do yo+ (ean* :elinda@6 de(anded %r- Po"#et-
6So$hia ha told yo+*6 aid %r- Po"#et- 6!id I not ee her 1ith (y
o1n eye and hear her 1ith (y o1n ear* "o(e into the roo( A+t no1
and a# to $ea# to yo+@6
6:+t ha he not ta#en (e do1n tair* :elinda*6 ret+rned %r-
Po"#et* 6and ho1n (e the 1o(an* and the b+ndle too@6
6And do yo+ de&end her* %atthe1*6 aid %r- Po"#et* 6&or (a#in)
%r- Po"#et +ttered a di(al )roan-
6A( I* )rand$a$a' )randda+)hter* to be nothin) in the ho+e@6 aid
%r- Po"#et- 6:eide* the "oo# ha al1ay been a .ery ni"e
re$e"t&+l 1o(an* and aid in the (ot nat+ral (anner 1hen he "a(e
to loo# a&ter the it+ation* that he &elt I 1a born to be a
There 1a a o&a 1here %r- Po"#et tood* and he dro$$ed +$on it in
the attit+de o& the !yin) Gladiator- Still in that attit+de he
aid* 1ith a hollo1 .oi"e* 6Good ni)ht* %r- Pi$*6 1hen I dee(ed it
ad.iable to )o to bed and lea.e hi(-
Cha$ter XXIE
A&ter t1o or three day* 1hen I had etablihed (yel& in (y roo(
and had )one ba"#1ard and &or1ard to Condon e.eral ti(e* and
had ordered all I 1anted o& (y trade(en* %r- Po"#et and I had a
lon) tal# to)ether- ;e #ne1 (ore o& (y intended "areer than I #ne1
(yel&* &or he re&erred to hi been told by %r- 0a))er that
I 1a not dei)ned &or any $ro&eion* and that I ho+ld be 1ell
eno+)h ed+"ated &or (y detiny i& I "o+ld 6hold (y o1n6 1ith the
a.era)e o& yo+n) (en in $ro$ero+ "ir"+(tan"e- I a"4+ie"ed* o&
"o+re* #no1in) nothin) to the "ontrary-
;e ad.ied (y attendin) "ertain $la"e in Condon* &or the
a"4+iition o& +"h (ere r+di(ent a I 1anted* and (y in.etin)
hi( 1ith the &+n"tion o& e,$lainer and dire"tor o& all (y t+die-
;e ho$ed that 1ith intelli)ent aitan"e I ho+ld (eet 1ith little
to di"o+ra)e (e* and ho+ld oon be able to di$ene 1ith any aid
b+t hi- Thro+)h hi 1ay o& ayin) thi* and (+"h (ore to i(ilar
$+r$oe* he $la"ed hi(el& on "on&idential ter( 1ith (e in an
ad(irable (anner9 and I (ay tate at on"e that he 1a al1ay o
8ealo+ and honorable in &+l&illin) hi "o($a"t 1ith (e* that he
(ade (e 8ealo+ and honorable in &+l&illin) (ine 1ith hi(- I& he
had ho1n indi&&eren"e a a (ater* I ha.e no do+bt I ho+ld ha.e
ret+rned the "o($li(ent a a $+$il9 he )a.e (e no +"h e,"+e* and
ea"h o& + did the other A+ti"e- Nor did I re)ard hi( a anythin) l+di"ro+ abo+t hi(//or anythin) b+t 1hat 1a
erio+* honet* and )ood//in hi t+tor "o((+ni"ation 1ith (e-
7hen thee $oint 1ere ettled* and o &ar "arried o+t a that I
had be)+n to 1or# in earnet* it o""+rred to (e that i& I "o+ld
retain (y bedroo( in :arnard' Inn* (y li&e 1o+ld be a)reeably
.aried* 1hile (y (anner 1o+ld be none the 1ore &or ;erbert'
o"iety- %r- Po"#et did not obAe"t to thi arran)e(ent* b+t +r)ed
that be&ore any te$ "o+ld $oibly be ta#en in it* it (+t be
+b(itted to (y )+ardian- I &elt that thi deli"a"y aroe o+t o&
the "onideration that the $lan 1o+ld a.e ;erbert o(e e,$ene* o
I 1ent o&& to Cittle :ritain and i($arted (y 1ih to %r- 0a))er-
6I& I "o+ld b+y the &+rnit+re no1 hired &or (e*6 aid I* 6and one
or t1o other little thin)* I ho+ld be 4+ite at ho(e there-6
6Go it<6 aid %r- 0a))er* 1ith a hort la+)h- 6I told yo+ yo+'d )et
on- 7ell< ;o1 (+"h do yo+ 1ant@6
I aid I didn't #no1 ho1 (+"h-
6Co(e<6 retorted %r- 0a))er- 6;o1 (+"h@ 5i&ty $o+nd@6
6O* not nearly o (+"h-6
65i.e $o+nd@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
Thi 1a +"h a )reat &all* that I aid in di"o(&it+re* 6O* (ore
than that-6
6%ore than that* eh<6 retorted %r- 0a))er* lyin) in 1ait &or (e*
1ith hi hand in hi $o"#et* hi head on one ide* and hi eye
on the 1all behind (e9 6ho1 (+"h (ore@6
6It i o di&&i"+lt to &i, a +(*6 aid I* heitatin)-
6Co(e<6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6Cet' )et at it- T1i"e &i.e9 1ill that
do@ Three ti(e &i.e9 1ill that do@ 5o+r ti(e &i.e9 1ill that do@6
I aid I tho+)ht that 1o+ld do hando(ely-
65o+r ti(e &i.e 1ill do hando(ely* 1ill it@6 aid %r- 0a))er*
#nittin) hi bro1- 6No1* 1hat do yo+ (a#e o& &o+r ti(e &i.e@6
67hat do I (a#e o& it@6
6Ah<6 aid %r- 0a))er9 6ho1 (+"h@6
6I +$$oe yo+ (a#e it t1enty $o+nd*6 aid I* (ilin)- (ind 1hat I (a#e it* (y &riend*6 ober.ed %r- 0a))er* 1ith a
#no1in) and "ontradi"tory to o& hi head- 6I 1ant to #no1 1hat
yo+ (a#e it-6
6T1enty $o+nd* o& "o+re-6
67e((i"#<6 aid %r- 0a))er* o$enin) hi o&&i"e door- 6Ta#e %r- Pi$'
1ritten order* and $ay hi( t1enty $o+nd-6
Thi tron)ly (ar#ed 1ay o& doin) b+ine (ade a tron)ly (ar#ed
i($reion on (e* and that not o& an a)reeable #ind- %r- 0a))er la+)hed9 b+t he 1ore )reat bri)ht "rea#in) boot* and* in
$oiin) hi(el& on thee boot* 1ith hi lar)e head bent do1n and
hi eyebro1 Aoined to)ether* a1aitin) an an1er* he o(eti(e
"a+ed the boot to "rea#* a i& they la+)hed in a dry and
+$i"io+ 1ay- A he ha$$ened to )o o+t no1* and a 7e((i"# 1a
bri# and tal#ati.e* I aid to 7e((i"# that I hardly #ne1 1hat to
(a#e o& %r- 0a))er' (anner-
6Tell hi( that* and he'll ta#e it a a "o($li(ent*6 an1ered
7e((i"#9 6he don't (ean that yo+ ho+ld #no1 1hat to (a#e o& it-//
Oh<6 &or I loo#ed +r$ried* 6it' not $eronal9 it' $ro&eionalB
only $ro&eional-6
7e((i"# 1a at hi de#* l+n"hin)//and "r+n"hin)//on a dry hard
bi"+it9 $ie"e o& 1hi"h he thre1 &ro( ti(e to ti(e into hi lit
o& a (o+th* a i& he 1ere $otin) the(-
6Al1ay ee( to (e*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6a i& he had et a (an/tra$ and
1a 1at"hin) it- S+ddenly/"li"#//yo+'re "a+)ht<6
7itho+t re(ar#in) that (an/tra$ 1ere not a(on) the a(enitie o&
li&e* I aid I +$$oed he 1a .ery #il&+l@
6!ee$*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6a A+tralia-6 Pointin) 1ith hi $en at the
o&&i"e &loor* to e,$re that A+tralia 1a +ndertood* &or the
$+r$oe o& the &i)+re* to be y((etri"ally on the o$$oite $ot o&
the )lobe- 6I& there 1a anythin) dee$er*6 added 7e((i"#* brin)in)
hi $en to $a$er* 6he'd be it-6
Then* I aid I +$$oed he had a &ine b+ine* and 7e((i"# aid*
6Ca/$i/tal<6 Then I a#ed i& there 1ere (any "ler#@ to 1hi"h he
67e don't r+n (+"h into "ler#* be"a+e there' only one 0a))er*
and $eo$le 1on't ha.e hi( at e"ond hand- There are only &o+r o&
+- 7o+ld yo+ li#e to ee 'e(@ ?o+ are one o& +* a I (ay ay-6
I a""e$ted the o&&er- 7hen %r- 7e((i"# had $+t all the bi"+it into
the $ot* and had $aid (e (y (oney &ro( a "ah/bo, in a a&e* the
#ey o& 1hi"h a&e he #e$t o(e1here do1n hi ba"# and $rod+"ed &ro(
hi "oat/"ollar li#e an iron/$i)tail* 1e 1ent +$ tair- The ho+e
1a dar# and habby* and the )reay ho+lder that had le&t their
(ar# in %r- 0a))er' roo( ee(ed to ha.e been h+&&lin) +$ and
do1n the tair"ae &or year- In the &ront &irt &loor* a "ler# 1ho
loo#ed o(ethin) bet1een a $+bli"an and a rat/"at"her//a lar)e
$ale* $+&&ed* 1ollen (an//1a attenti.ely en)a)ed 1ith three or
&o+r $eo$le o& habby a$$earan"e* 1ho( he treated a
+n"ere(onio+ly a e.erybody ee(ed to be treated 1ho "ontrib+ted
to %r- 0a))er' "o&&er- 6Gettin) e.iden"e to)ether*6 aid %r-
7e((i"#* a 1e "a(e o+t* 6&or the :ailey-6 In the roo( that* a
little &labby terrier o& a "ler# 1ith dan)lin) hair 2hi "ro$$in)
ee(ed to ha.e been &or)otten 1hen he 1a a $+$$y3 1a i(ilarly
en)a)ed 1ith a (an 1ith 1ea# eye* 1ho( %r- 7e((i"# $reented to (e
a a (elter 1ho #e$t hi $ot al1ay boilin)* and 1ho 1o+ld (elt (e
anythin) I $leaed*//and 1ho 1a in an e,"ei.e 1hite/$er$iration*
a i& he had been tryin) hi art on hi(el&- In a ba"# roo(* a
hi)h/ho+ldered (an 1ith a &a"e/a"he tied +$ in dirty &lannel* 1ho
1a dreed in old bla"# "lothe that bore the a$$earan"e o&
been 1a,ed* 1a too$in) hi 1or# o& (a#in) &air "o$ie o& the
note o& the other t1o )entle(en* &or %r- 0a))er' o1n +e-
Thi 1a all the etablih(ent- 7hen 1e 1ent do1n tair a)ain*
7e((i"# led (e into (y )+ardian' roo(* and aid* 6Thi yo+'.e een
6Pray*6 aid I* a the t1o odio+ "at 1ith the t1it"hy leer +$on
the( "a+)ht (y i)ht a)ain* 61hoe li#enee are thoe@6
6Thee@6 aid 7e((i"#* )ettin) +$on a "hair* and blo1in) the d+t
o&& the horrible head be&ore brin)in) the( do1n- 6Thee are t1o
"elebrated one- 5a(o+ "lient o& o+r that )ot + a 1orld o&
"redit- Thi "ha$ 21hy yo+ (+t ha.e "o(e do1n in the ni)ht and
been $ee$in) into the in#tand* to )et thi blot +$on yo+r eyebro1*
yo+ old ra"al<3 (+rdered hi (ater* and* "oniderin) that he
1an't bro+)ht +$ to e.iden"e* didn't $lan it badly-6
6I it li#e hi(@6 I a#ed* re"oilin) &ro( the br+te* a 7e((i"#
$at +$on hi eyebro1 and )a.e it a r+b 1ith hi lee.e-
6Ci#e hi(@ It' hi(el&* yo+ #no1- The "at 1a (ade in Ne1)ate*
dire"tly a&ter he 1a ta#en do1n- ?o+ had a $arti"+lar &an"y &or
(e* hadn't yo+* Old Art&+l@6 aid 7e((i"#- ;e then e,$lained thi
a&&e"tionate a$otro$he* by to+"hin) hi broo"h re$reentin) the
lady and the 1ee$in) 1illo1 at the to(b 1ith the +rn +$on it* and
ayin)* 6;ad it (ade &or (e* e,$re<6
6I the lady anybody@6 aid I-
6No*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#- 6Only hi )a(e- 2?o+ li#ed yo+r bit o&
)a(e* didn't yo+@3 No9 de+"e a bit o& a lady in the "ae* %r- Pi$*
e,"e$t one*//and he 1an't o& thi lender lady/li#e ort* and yo+
1o+ldn't ha.e "a+)ht her loo#in) a&ter thi +rn* +nle there 1a
o(ethin) to drin# in it-6 7e((i"#' attention bein) th+ dire"ted
to hi broo"h* he $+t do1n the "at* and $olihed the broo"h 1ith
hi $o"#et/hand#er"hie&-
6!id that other "reat+re "o(e to the a(e end@6 I a#ed- 6;e ha
the a(e loo#-6
6?o+'re ri)ht*6 aid 7e((i"#9 6it' the )en+ine loo#- %+"h a i&
one notril 1a "a+)ht +$ 1ith a hore/hair and a little &ih/hoo#-
?e* he "a(e to the a(e end9 4+ite the nat+ral end here* I a+re
yo+- ;e &or)ed 1ill* thi blade did* i& he didn't alo $+t the
+$$oed tetator to lee$ too- ?o+ 1ere a )entle(anly Co.e*
tho+)h6 2%r- 7e((i"# 1a a)ain a$otro$hi8in)3* 6and yo+ aid yo+
"o+ld 1rite Gree#- ?ah* :o+n"eable< 7hat a liar yo+ 1ere< I
(et +"h a liar a yo+<6 :e&ore $+ttin) hi late &riend on hi
hel& a)ain* 7e((i"# to+"hed the lar)et o& hi (o+rnin) rin) and
aid* 6Sent o+t to b+y it &or (e* only the day be&ore-6
7hile he 1a $+ttin) +$ the other "at and "o(in) do1n &ro( the
"hair* the tho+)ht "roed (y (ind that all hi $eronal Ae1elry
1a deri.ed &ro( li#e o+r"e- A he had ho1n no di&&iden"e on the
+bAe"t* I .ent+red on the liberty o& a#in) hi( the 4+etion* 1hen
he tood be&ore (e* d+tin) hi hand-
6O ye*6 he ret+rned* 6thee are all )i&t o& that #ind- One
brin) another* yo+ ee9 that' the 1ay o& it- I al1ay ta#e 'e(-
They're "+rioitie- And they're $ro$erty- They (ay not be 1orth
(+"h* b+t* a&ter all* they're $ro$erty and $ortable- It don't
i)ni&y to yo+ 1ith yo+r brilliant loo#o+t* b+t a to (yel&* (y
)+idin)/tar al1ay i* 6Get hold o& $ortable $ro$erty6-6
7hen I had rendered ho(a)e to thi li)ht* he 1ent on to ay* in a
&riendly (annerB//
6I& at any odd ti(e 1hen yo+ ha.e nothin) better to do* yo+
1o+ldn't (ind "o(in) to ee (e at 7al1orth* I "o+ld o&&er yo+
a bed* and I ho+ld "onider it an honor- I ha.e not (+"h to ho1
yo+9 b+t +"h t1o or three "+rioitie a I ha.e )ot yo+ (i)ht
li#e to loo# o.er9 and I a( &ond o& a bit o& )arden and a
I aid I ho+ld be deli)hted to a""e$t hi ho$itality-
6Than#ee*6 aid he9 6then 1e'll "onider that it' to "o(e o&&*
1hen "on.enient to yo+- ;a.e yo+ dined 1ith %r- 0a))er yet@6
6Not yet-6
67ell*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6he'll )i.e yo+ 1ine* and )ood 1ine- I'll
)i.e yo+ $+n"h* and not bad $+n"h- And no1 I'll tell yo+ o(ethin)-
7hen yo+ )o to dine 1ith %r- 0a))er* loo# at hi ho+e#ee$er-6
6Shall I ee o(ethin) .ery +n"o((on@6
67ell*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6yo+'ll ee a 1ild beat ta(ed- Not o .ery
+n"o((on* yo+'ll tell (e- I re$ly* that de$end on the ori)inal
1ildne o& the beat* and the a(o+nt o& ta(in)- It 1on't lo1er
yo+r o$inion o& %r- 0a))er' $o1er- =ee$ yo+r eye on it-6
I told hi( I 1o+ld do o* 1ith all the interet and "+rioity that
hi $re$aration a1a#ened- A I 1a ta#in) (y de$art+re* he a#ed (e
i& I 1o+ld li#e to de.ote &i.e (in+te to eein) %r- 0a))er 6at
5or e.eral reaon* and not leat be"a+e I didn't "learly #no1
1hat %r- 0a))er 1o+ld be &o+nd to be 6at*6 I re$lied in the
a&&ir(ati.e- 7e di.ed into the City* and "a(e +$ in a "ro1ded
$oli"e/"o+rt* 1here a blood/relation 2in the (+rdero+ ene3 o& the
de"eaed* 1ith the &an"i&+l tate in broo"he* 1a tandin) at the
bar* +n"o(&ortably "he1in) o(ethin)9 1hile (y )+ardian had a 1o(an
+nder e,a(ination or "ro/e,a(ination*//I don't #no1 1hi"h*//and
1a tri#in) her* and the ben"h* and e.erybody $reent* 1ith a1e-
I& anybody* o& de)ree* aid a 1ord that he didn't
a$$ro.e o&* he intantly re4+ired to ha.e it 6ta#en do1n-6 I&
anybody 1o+ldn't (a#e an ad(iion* he aid* 6I'll ha.e it o+t o&
yo+<6 and i& anybody (ade an ad(iion* he aid* 6No1 I ha.e )ot
yo+<6 The (a)itrate hi.ered +nder a in)le bite o& hi &in)er-
Thie.e and thie&/ta#er h+n) in dread ra$t+re on hi 1ord* and
hran# 1hen a hair o& hi eyebro1 t+rned in their dire"tion- 7hi"h
ide he 1a on I "o+ldn't (a#e o+t* &or he ee(ed to (e to be
)rindin) the 1hole $la"e in a (ill9 I only #no1 that 1hen I tole
o+t on ti$toe* he 1a not on the ide o& the ben"h9 &or* he 1a
(a#in) the le) o& the old )entle(an 1ho $reided* 4+ite "on.+li.e
+nder the table* by hi den+n"iation o& hi "ond+"t a the
re$reentati.e o& :ritih la1 and A+ti"e in that "hair that day-
Cha$ter XXE
:entley !r+((le* 1ho 1a o +l#y a &ello1 that he e.en too# +$ a
boo# a i& it 1riter had done hi( an inA+ry* did not ta#e +$ an
a"4+aintan"e in a (ore a)reeable $irit- ;ea.y in &i)+re* (o.e(ent*
and "o($rehenion*//in the l+))ih "o($le,ion o& hi &a"e* and in
the lar)e* a1#1ard ton)+e that ee(ed to loll abo+t in hi (o+th a
he hi(el& lolled abo+t in a roo(*//he 1a idle* $ro+d* ni))ardly*
reer.ed* and +$i"io+- ;e "a(e o& ri"h $eo$le do1n in
So(erethire* 1ho had n+red thi "o(bination o& 4+alitie +ntil
they (ade the di"o.ery that it 1a A+t o& a)e and a blo"#head-
Th+* :entley !r+((le had "o(e to %r- Po"#et 1hen he 1a a head
taller than that )entle(an* and hal& a do8en head thi"#er than
(ot )entle(en-
Starto$ had been $oilt by a 1ea# (other and #e$t at ho(e 1hen he
o+)ht to ha.e been at "hool* b+t he 1a de.otedly atta"hed to her*
and ad(ired her beyond (ea+re- ;e had a 1o(an' deli"a"y o&
&eat+re* and 1a//6a yo+ (ay ee* tho+)h yo+ a1 her*6 aid
;erbert to (e//6e,a"tly li#e hi (other- It 1a b+t nat+ral that I
ho+ld ta#e to hi( (+"h (ore #indly than to !r+((le* and that* e.en
in the earliet e.enin) o& o+r boatin)* he and I ho+ld $+ll
ho(e1ard abreat o& one another* "on.erin) &ro( boat to boat*
1hile :entley !r+((le "a(e +$ in o+r 1a#e alone* +nder the
o.erhan)in) ban# and a(on) the r+he- ;e 1o+ld al1ay "ree$
in/hore li#e o(e +n"o(&ortable a($hibio+ "reat+re* e.en 1hen the
tide 1o+ld ha.e ent hi( &at +$on hi 1ay9 and I al1ay thin# o&
hi( a "o(in) a&ter + in the dar# or by the ba"#/1ater* 1hen o+r
o1n t1o boat 1ere brea#in) the +net or the (oonli)ht in
;erbert 1a (y inti(ate "o($anion and &riend- I $reented hi( 1ith
a hal&/hare in (y boat* 1hi"h 1a the o""aion o& hi o&ten "o(in)
do1n to ;a((er(ith9 and (y $oeion o& a hal&/hare in hi
"ha(ber o&ten too# (e +$ to Condon- 7e +ed to 1al# bet1een the
t1o $la"e at all ho+r- I ha.e an a&&e"tion &or the road yet
2tho+)h it i not o $leaant a road a it 1a then3* &or(ed in the
i($reibility o& +ntried yo+th and ho$e-
7hen I had been in %r- Po"#et' &a(ily a (onth or t1o* %r- and %r-
Ca(illa t+rned +$- Ca(illa 1a %r- Po"#et' iter- Geor)iana* 1ho(
I had een at %i ;a.iha(' on the a(e o""aion* alo t+rned +$-
he 1a a "o+in*//an indi)eti.e in)le 1o(an* 1ho "alled her
ri)idity reli)ion* and her lo.e- Thee $eo$le hated (e 1ith
the hatred o& "+$idity and dia$$oint(ent- A a (atter o& "o+re*
they &a1ned +$on (e in (y $ro$erity 1ith the baet (eanne-
To1ard %r- Po"#et* a a )ro1n/+$ in&ant 1ith no notion o& hi o1n
interet* they ho1ed the "o($la"ent &orbearan"e I had heard the(
e,$re- %r- Po"#et they held in "onte($t9 b+t they allo1ed the
$oor o+l to ha.e been hea.ily dia$$ointed in li&e* be"a+e that
hed a &eeble re&le"ted li)ht +$on the(el.e-
Thee 1ere the +rro+ndin) a(on) 1hi"h I ettled do1n* and a$$lied
(yel& to (y ed+"ation- I oon "ontra"ted e,$eni.e habit* and
be)an to $end an a(o+nt o& (oney that 1ithin a &e1 hort (onth I
ho+ld ha.e tho+)ht al(ot &ab+lo+9 b+t thro+)h )ood and I
t+"# to (y boo#- There 1a no other (erit in thi* than (y
ene eno+)h to &eel (y de&i"ien"ie- :et1een %r- Po"#et and ;erbert
I )ot on &at9 and* 1ith one or the other al1ay at (y elbo1 to
)i.e (e the tart I 1anted* and "lear obtr+"tion o+t o& (y road*
I (+t ha.e been a )reat a dolt a !r+((le i& I had done le-
I had not een %r- 7e((i"# &or o(e 1ee#* 1hen I tho+)ht I 1o+ld
1rite hi( a note and $ro$oe to )o ho(e 1ith hi( on a "ertain
e.enin)- ;e re$lied that it 1o+ld )i.e hi( (+"h $lea+re* and that
he 1o+ld e,$e"t (e at the o&&i"e at i, o'"lo"#- Thither I 1ent*
and there I &o+nd hi(* $+ttin) the #ey o& hi a&e do1n hi ba"# a
the "lo"# tr+"#-
6!id yo+ thin# o& 1al#in) do1n to 7al1orth@6 aid he-
6Certainly*6 aid I* 6i& yo+ a$$ro.e-6
6Eery (+"h*6 1a 7e((i"#' re$ly* 6&or I ha.e had (y le) +nder the
de# all day* and hall be )lad to tret"h the(- No1* I'll tell yo+
1hat I ha.e )ot &or +$$er* %r- Pi$- I ha.e )ot a te1ed tea#*//
1hi"h i o& ho(e $re$aration*//and a "old roat &o1l*//1hi"h i
&ro( the "oo#'/ho$- I thin# it' tender* be"a+e the (ater o&
the ho$ 1a a 0+ry(an in o(e "ae o& o+r the other day* and 1e
let hi( do1n eay- I re(inded hi( o& it 1hen I bo+)ht the &o1l* and
I aid* 6Pi"# + o+t a )ood one* old :riton* be"a+e i& 1e had
"hoen to #ee$ yo+ in the bo, another day or t1o* 1e "o+ld eaily
ha.e done it-6 ;e aid to that* 6Cet (e (a#e yo+ a $reent o& the
bet &o1l in the ho$-6 I let hi(* o& "o+re- A &ar a it )oe*
it' $ro$erty and $ortable- ?o+ don't obAe"t to an a)ed $arent* I
I really tho+)ht he 1a till $ea#in) o& the &o1l* +ntil he added*
6:e"a+e I ha.e )ot an a)ed $arent at (y $la"e-6 I then aid 1hat
$olitene re4+ired-
6So* yo+ ha.en't dined 1ith %r- 0a))er yet@6 he $+r+ed* a 1e
1al#ed alon)-
6Not yet-6
6;e told (e o thi a&ternoon 1hen he heard yo+ 1ere "o(in)- I
e,$e"t yo+'ll ha.e an in.itation to/(orro1- ;e' )oin) to a# yo+r
$al* too- Three o& 'e(9 ain't there@6
Altho+)h I 1a not in the habit o& "o+ntin) !r+((le a one o& (y
inti(ate ao"iate* I an1ered* 6?e-6
67ell* he' )oin) to a# the 1hole )an)*6// I hardly &elt
"o($li(ented by the 1ord*//6and he )i.e yo+* he'll )i.e
yo+ )ood- !on't loo# &or1ard to .ariety* b+t yo+'ll ha.e
e,"ellen"e- And there'a nother r+( thin) in hi ho+e*6 $ro"eeded
7e((i"#* a&ter a (o(ent' $a+e* a i& the re(ar# &ollo1ed on the
ho+e#ee$er +ndertood9 6he let a door or 1indo1 be &atened
at ni)ht-6
6I he robbed@6
6That' it<6 ret+rned 7e((i"#- 6;e ay* and )i.e it o+t $+bli"ly*
6I 1ant to ee the (an 1ho'll rob (e-6 Cord ble yo+* I ha.e heard
hi(* a h+ndred ti(e* i& I ha.e heard hi( on"e* ay to re)+lar
"ra"#(en in o+r &ront o&&i"e* 6?o+ #no1 1here I li.e9 no1* no bolt
i dra1n there9 1hy don't yo+ do a tro#e o& b+ine 1ith (e@
Co(e9 "an't I te($t yo+@6 Not a (an o& the(* ir* 1o+ld be bold
eno+)h to try it on* &or lo.e or (oney-6
6They dread hi( o (+"h@6 aid I-
6!read hi(*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6I belie.e yo+ they dread hi(- Not b+t
1hat he' art&+l* e.en in hi de&ian"e o& the(- No* ir-
:ritannia (etal* e.ery $oon-6
6So they 1o+ldn't ha.e (+"h*6 I ober.ed* 6e.en i& they//6
6Ah< :+t he 1o+ld ha.e (+"h*6 aid 7e((i"#* "+ttin) (e hort* 6and
they #no1 it- ;e'd ha.e their li.e* and the li.e o& "ore o&
'e(- ;e'd ha.e all he "o+ld )et- And it' i($oible to ay 1hat he
"o+ldn't )et* i& he )a.e hi (ind to it-6
I 1a &allin) into (editation on (y )+ardian' )reatne* 1hen
7e((i"# re(ar#edB//
6A to the aben"e o& $late* that' only hi nat+ral de$th* yo+
#no1- A' it nat+ral de$th* and he' hi nat+ral de$th- Coo#
at hi 1at"h/"hain- That' real eno+)h-6
6It' .ery (ai.e*6 aid I-
6%ai.e@6 re$eated 7e((i"#- 6I thin# o- And hi 1at"h i a )old
re$eater* and 1orth a h+ndred $o+nd i& it' 1orth a $enny- %r- Pi$*
there are abo+t e.en h+ndred thie.e in thi to1n 1ho #no1 all
abo+t that 1at"h9 there' not a (an* a 1o(an* or a "hild* a(on)
the(* 1ho 1o+ldn't identi&y the (allet lin# in that "hain* and
dro$ it a i& it 1a red hot* i& in.ei)led into to+"hin) it-6
At &irt 1ith +"h di"o+re* and a&ter1ard 1ith "on.eration o& a
(ore )eneral nat+re* did %r- 7e((i"# and I be)+ile the ti(e and the
road* +ntil he )a.e (e to +ndertand that 1e had arri.ed in the
ditri"t o& 7al1orth-
It a$$eared to be a "olle"tion o& ba"# lane* dit"he* and little
)arden* and to $reent the a$e"t o& a rather d+ll retire(ent-
7e((i"#' ho+e 1a a little 1ooden "otta)e in the (idt o& $lot
o& )arden* and the to$ o& it 1a "+t o+t and $ainted li#e a battery
(o+nted 1ith )+n-
6%y o1n doin)*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6Coo# $retty9 don't it@6
I hi)hly "o((ended it* I thin# it 1a the (allet ho+e I
a19 1ith the 4+eeret )othi" 1indo1 2by &ar the )reater $art o&
the( ha(3* and a )othi" door al(ot too (all to )et in at-
6That' a real &la)ta&&* yo+ ee*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6and on S+nday I
r+n +$ a real &la)- Then loo# here- A&ter I ha.e "roed thi
brid)e* I hoit it +$/o//and "+t o&& the "o((+ni"ation-6
The brid)e 1a a $lan#* and it "roed a "ha( abo+t &o+r &eet 1ide
and t1o dee$- :+t it 1a .ery $leaant to ee the $ride 1ith 1hi"h
he hoited it +$ and (ade it &at9 (ilin) a he did o* 1ith a
relih and not (erely (e"hani"ally-
6At nine o'"lo"# e.ery ni)ht* Green1i"h ti(e*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6the
)+n &ire- There he i* yo+ ee< And 1hen yo+ hear hi( )o* I thin#
yo+'ll ay he' a Stin)er-6
The $ie"e o& ordnan"e re&erred to* 1a (o+nted in a e$arate
&ortre* "ontr+"ted o& latti"e/1or#- It 1a $rote"ted &ro( the
1eather by an in)enio+ little tar$a+lin ""e in the nat+re
o& an +(brella-
6Then* at the ba"#*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6o+t o& i)ht* o a not to
i($ede the idea o& &orti&i"ation*//&or it' a $rin"i$le 1ith (e*
i& yo+ ha.e an idea* "arry it o+t and #ee$ it +$*//I don't #no1
1hether that' yo+r o$inion//6
I aid* de"idedly-
6//At the ba"#* there' a $i)* and there are &o1l and rabbit9
then* I #no"# to)ether (y o1n little &ra(e* yo+ ee* and )ro1
"+"+(ber9 and yo+'ll A+d)e at +$$er 1hat ort o& a alad I "an
raie- So* ir*6 aid 7e((i"#* (ilin) a)ain* b+t erio+ly too* a
he hoo# hi head* 6i& yo+ "an +$$oe the little $la"e beie)ed*
it 1o+ld hold o+t a o& a ti(e in $oint o& $ro.iion-6
Then* he "ond+"ted (e to a bo1er abo+t a do8en yard o&&* b+t 1hi"h
1a a$$roa"hed by +"h in)enio+ t1it o& $ath that it too# 4+ite
a lon) ti(e to )et at9 and in thi retreat o+r )lae 1ere already
et &orth- O+r $+n"h 1a "oolin) in an orna(ental la#e* on 1hoe
(ar)in the bo1er 1a raied- Thi $ie"e o& 1ater 21ith an iland in
the (iddle 1hi"h (i)ht ha.e been the alad &or +$$er3 1a o& a
"ir"+lar &or(* and he had "ontr+"ted a &o+ntain in it* 1hi"h* 1hen
yo+ et a little (ill )oin) and too# a "or# o+t o& a $i$e* $layed
to that $o1er&+l e,tent that it (ade the ba"# o& yo+r hand 4+ite
6I a( (y o1n en)ineer* and (y o1n "ar$enter* and (y o1n $l+(ber*
and (y o1n )ardener* and (y o1n 0a"# o& all Trade*6 aid 7e((i"#*
in a"#no1led)in) (y "o($li(ent- 67ell9 it' a )ood thin)* yo+
#no1- It br+he the Ne1)ate "ob1eb a1ay* and $leae the A)ed-
?o+ 1o+ldn't (ind bein) at on"e introd+"ed to the A)ed* 1o+ld yo+@
It 1o+ldn't $+t yo+ o+t@6
I e,$reed the readine I &elt* and 1e 1ent into the "atle-
There 1e &o+nd* ittin) by a &ire* a .ery old (an in a &lannel
"oatB "lean* "heer&+l* "o(&ortable* and 1ell "ared &or* b+t
intenely dea&-
67ell a)ed $arent*6 aid 7e((i"#* ha#in) hand 1ith hi( in a
"ordial and Ao"oe 1ay* 6ho1 a( yo+@6
6All ri)ht* 0ohn9 all ri)ht<6 re$lied the old (an-
6;ere' %r- Pi$* a)ed $arent*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6and I 1ih yo+ "o+ld
hear hi na(e- Nod a1ay at hi(* %r- Pi$9 that' 1hat he li#e- Nod
a1ay at hi(* i& yo+ $leae* li#e 1in#in)<6
6Thi i a &ine $la"e o& (y on'* ir*6 "ried the old (an* 1hile I
nodded a hard a I $oibly "o+ld- 6Thi i a $retty
$lea+re/)ro+nd* ir- Thi $ot and thee bea+ti&+l 1or# +$on it
o+)ht to be #e$t to)ether by the Nation* a&ter (y on' ti(e* &or
the $eo$le' enAoy(ent-6
6?o+'re a $ro+d o& it a P+n"h9 ain't yo+* A)ed@6 aid 7e((i"#*
"onte($latin) the old (an* 1ith hi hard &a"e really o&tened9
6there' a nod &or yo+96 ) hi( a tre(endo+ one9 6there'
another &or yo+96 ) hi( a till (ore tre(endo+ one9 6yo+ li#e
that* don't yo+@ I& yo+'re not tired* %r- Pi$//tho+)h I #no1 it'
tirin) to tran)er//1ill yo+ ti$ hi( one (ore@ ?o+ "an't thin#
ho1 it $leae hi(-6
I ti$$ed hi( e.eral (ore* and he 1a in )reat $irit- 7e le&t hi(
betirrin) hi(el& to &eed the &o1l* and 1e at do1n to o+r $+n"h
in the arbor9 1here 7e((i"# told (e* a he (o#ed a $i$e* that it
had ta#en hi( a )ood (any year to brin) the $ro$erty +$ to it
$reent $it"h o& $er&e"tion-
6I it yo+r o1n* %r- 7e((i"#@6
6O ye*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6I ha.e )ot hold o& it* a bit at a ti(e-
It' a &reehold* by Geor)e<6
6I it indeed@ I ho$e %r- 0a))er ad(ire it@6 een it*6 aid 7e((i"#- heard o& it- een the
A)ed- heard o& hi(- No9 the o&&i"e i one thin)* and $ri.ate
li&e i another- 7hen I )o into the o&&i"e* I lea.e the Catle
behind (e* and 1hen I "o(e into the Catle* I lea.e the o&&i"e
behind (e- I& it' not in any 1ay dia)reeable to yo+* yo+'ll
obli)e (e by doin) the a(e- I don't 1ih it $ro&eionally $o#en
O& "o+re I &elt (y )ood &aith in.ol.ed in the"e o& hi
re4+et- The $+n"h bein) .ery ni"e* 1e at there drin#in) it and
tal#in)* +ntil it 1a al(ot nine o'"lo"#- 6Gettin) near )+n/&ire*6
aid 7e((i"# then* a he laid do1n hi $i$e9 6it' the A)ed'
Pro"eedin) into the Catle a)ain* 1e &o+nd the A)ed heatin) the
$o#er* 1ith e,$e"tant eye* a a $reli(inary to the $er&or(an"e o&
thi )reat ni)htly "ere(ony- 7e((i"# tood 1ith hi 1at"h in hi
hand +ntil the (o(ent 1a "o(e &or hi( to ta#e the red/hot $o#er
&ro( the A)ed* and re$air to the battery- ;e too# it* and 1ent o+t*
and $reently the Stin)er 1ent o&& 1ith a :an) that hoo# the "ra8y
little bo, o& a "otta)e a i& it (+t &all to $ie"e* and (ade
e.ery )la and tea"+$ in it rin)- D$on thi* the A)ed//1ho I
belie.e 1o+ld ha.e been blo1n o+t o& hi ar(/"hair b+t &or holdin)
on by the elbo1//"ried o+t e,+ltin)ly* 6;e' &ired< I heerd hi(<6
and I nodded at the old )entle(an +ntil it i no &i)+re o& $ee"h
to de"lare that I abol+tely "o+ld not ee hi(-
The bet1een that ti(e and +$$er 7e((i"# de.oted to
ho1in) (e hi "olle"tion o& "+rioitie- They 1ere (otly o& a
&elonio+ "hara"ter9 "o($riin) the $en 1ith 1hi"h a "elebrated
&or)ery had been "o((itted* a ditin)+ihed ra8or or t1o* o(e
lo"# o& hair* and e.eral (an+"ri$t "on&eion 1ritten +nder
"onde(nation*//+$on 1hi"h %r- 7e((i"# et $arti"+lar .al+e a bein)*
to +e hi o1n 1ord* 6e.ery one o& 'e( Cie* ir-6 Thee 1ere
a)reeably di$ered a(on) (all $e"i(en o& "hina and )la*
.ario+ neat tri&le (ade by the $ro$rietor o& the (+e+(* and o(e
toba""o/to$$er "ar.ed by the A)ed- They 1ere all di$layed in
that "ha(ber o& the Catle into 1hi"h I had been &irt ind+"ted*
and 1hi"h er.ed* not only a the )eneral ittin)/roo( b+t a the
#it"hen too* i& I (i)ht A+d)e &ro( a a+"e$an on the hob* and a
bra8en biAo+ the &ire$la"e dei)ned &or the +$enion o& a
There 1a a neat little )irl in attendan"e* 1ho loo#ed a&ter the
A)ed in the day- 7hen he had laid the +$$er/"loth* the brid)e 1a
lo1ered to )i.e her (ean o& e)re* and he 1ithdre1 &or the
ni)ht- The +$$er 1a e,"ellent9 and tho+)h the Catle 1a rather
+bAe"t to dry/rot ino(+"h that it tated li#e a bad n+t* and
tho+)h the $i) (i)ht ha.e been &arther o&&* I 1a heartily $leaed
1ith (y 1hole entertain(ent- Nor 1a there any dra1ba"# on (y
little t+rret bedroo(* beyond there bein) +"h a .ery thin "eilin)
bet1een (e and the &la)ta&&* that 1hen I lay do1n on (y ba"# in
bed* it ee(ed a i& I had to balan"e that $ole on (y &orehead all
7e((i"# 1a +$ early in the (ornin)* and I a( a&raid I heard hi(
"leanin) (y boot- A&ter that* he &ell to )ardenin)* and I a1 hi(
&ro( (y )othi" 1indo1 $retendin) to e($loy the A)ed* and noddin) at
hi( in a (ot de.oted (anner- O+r brea#&at 1a a )ood a the
+$$er* and at hal&/$at ei)ht $re"iely 1e tarted &or Cittle
:ritain- :y de)ree* 7e((i"# )ot dryer and harder a 1e 1ent alon)*
and hi (o+th ti)htened into a $ot/o&&i"e a)ain- At lat* 1hen 1e
)ot to hi $la"e o& b+ine and he $+lled o+t hi #ey &ro( hi
"oat/"ollar* he loo#ed a +n"on"io+ o& hi 7al1orth $ro$erty a
i& the Catle and the dra1brid)e and the arbor and the la#e and
the &o+ntain and the A)ed* had all been blo1n into $a"e to)ether
by the lat di"har)e o& the Stin)er-
Cha$ter XXEI
It &ell o+t a 7e((i"# had told (e it 1o+ld* that I had an early
o$$ort+nity o& "o($arin) (y )+ardian' etablih(ent 1ith that o&
hi "ahier and "ler#- %y )+ardian 1a in hi roo(* 1ahin) hi
hand 1ith hi "ented oa$* 1hen I 1ent into the o&&i"e &ro(
7al1orth9 and he "alled (e to hi(* and )a.e (e the in.itation &or
(yel& and &riend 1hi"h 7e((i"# had $re$ared (e to re"ei.e- 6No
"ere(ony*6 he ti$+lated* 6and no dinner dre* and ay to/(orro1-6
I a#ed hi( 1here 1e ho+ld "o(e to 2&or I had no idea 1here he
li.ed3* and I belie.e it 1a in hi )eneral obAe"tion to (a#e
anythin) li#e an ad(iion* that he re$lied* 6Co(e here* and I'll
ta#e yo+ ho(e 1ith (e-6 I e(bra"e thi o$$ort+nity o& re(ar#in)
that he 1ahed hi "lient o&&* a i& he 1ere a +r)eon or a
dentit- ;e had a "loet in hi roo(* &itted +$ &or the $+r$oe*
1hi"h (elt o& the "ented oa$ li#e a $er&+(er' ho$- It had an
+n++ally lar)e Aa"#/to1el on a roller inide the door* and he
1o+ld 1ah hi hand* and 1i$e the( and dry the( all thi
to1el* he "a(e in &ro( a $oli"e "o+rt or di(ied a
"lient &ro( hi roo(- 7hen I and (y &riend re$aired to hi( at i,
o'"lo"# ne,t day* he ee(ed to ha.e been en)a)ed on a "ae o& a
dar#er "o($le,ion than ++al* &or 1e &o+nd hi( 1ith hi head
b+tted into thi "loet* not only 1ahin) hi hand* b+t hi
&a"e and )ar)lin) hi throat- And e.en 1hen he had done all that*
and had )one all ro+nd the Aa"#/to1el* he too# o+t hi $en#ni&e and
"ra$ed the "ae o+t o& hi nail be&ore he $+t hi "oat on-
There 1ere o(e $eo$le lin#in) abo+t a ++al 1hen 1e $aed o+t
into the treet* 1ho 1ere e.idently an,io+ to $ea# 1ith hi(9 b+t
there 1a o(ethin) o "on"l+i.e in the halo o& "ented oa$ 1hi"h
en"ir"led hi $reen"e* that they )a.e it +$ &or that day- A 1e
1al#ed alon) 1et1ard* he 1a re"o)ni8ed and a)ain by o(e
&a"e in the "ro1d o& the treet* and that ha$$ened he
tal#ed lo+der to (e9 b+t he other1ie re"o)ni8ed anybody* or
too# noti"e that anybody re"o)ni8ed hi(-
;e "ond+"ted + to Gerrard Street* Soho* to a ho+e on the o+th
ide o& that treet- Rather a tately ho+e o& it #ind* b+t
dole&+lly in 1ant o& $aintin)* and 1ith dirty 1indo1- ;e too# o+t
hi #ey and o$ened the door* and 1e all 1ent into a tone hall*
bare* )loo(y* and little +ed- So* +$ a dar# bro1n tair"ae into a
erie o& three dar# bro1n roo( on the &irt &loor- There 1ere
"ar.ed )arland on the $anelled 1all* and a he tood a(on) the(
) + 1el"o(e* I #no1 1hat #ind o& loo$ I tho+)ht they loo#ed
!inner 1a laid in the bet o& thee roo(9 the e"ond 1a hi
drein)/roo(9 the third* hi bedroo(- ;e told + that he held the
1hole ho+e* b+t rarely +ed (ore o& it than 1e a1- The table 1a
"o(&ortably laid//no in the er.i"e* o& "o+re//and at the
ide o& hi "hair 1a a "a$a"io+ d+(b/1aiter* 1ith a .ariety o&
bottle and de"anter on it* and &o+r dihe o& &r+it &or deert-
I noti"ed thro+)ho+t* that he #e$t e.erythin) +nder hi o1n hand*
and ditrib+ted e.erythin) hi(el&-
There 1a a boo#"ae in the roo(9 I a1 &ro( the ba"# o& the
boo#* that they 1ere abo+t e.iden"e* "ri(inal la1* "ri(inal
bio)ra$hy* trial* a"t o& Parlia(ent* and +"h thin)- The
&+rnit+re 1a all .ery olid and )ood* li#e hi 1at"h/"hain- It had
an o&&i"ial loo#** and there 1a nothin) (erely orna(ental
to be een- In a "orner 1a a little table o& $a$er 1ith a haded
la($B o that he ee(ed to brin) the o&&i"e ho(e 1ith hi( in that
re$e"t too* and to 1heel it o+t o& an e.enin) and &all to 1or#-
A he had "ar"ely een (y three "o($anion +ntil no1*//&or he and
I had 1al#ed to)ether*//he tood on the hearth/r+)* a&ter rin)in)
the bell* and too# a ear"hin) loo# at the(- To (y +r$rie* he
ee(ed at on"e to be $rin"i$ally i& not olely intereted in
6Pi$*6 aid he* $+ttin) hi lar)e hand on (y ho+lder and ( (e
to the 1indo1* 6I don't #no1 one &ro( the other- 7ho' the S$ider@6
6The $ider@6 aid I-
6The blot"hy* $ra1ly* +l#y &ello1-6
6That' :entley !r+((le*6 I re$lied9 6the one 1ith the deli"ate
&a"e i Starto$-6
Not (a#in) the leat a""o+nt o& 6the one 1ith the deli"ate &a"e*6
he ret+rned* 6:entley !r+((le i hi na(e* i it@ I li#e the loo#
o& that &ello1-6
;e i((ediately be)an to tal# to !r+((leB not at all deterred by hi
re$lyin) in hi hea.y reti"ent 1ay* b+t a$$arently led on by it to
"re1 di"o+re o+t o& hi(- I 1a loo#in) at the t1o* 1hen there
"a(e bet1een (e and the( the ho+e#ee$er* 1ith the &irt dih &or
the table-
She 1a a 1o(an o& abo+t &orty* I +$$oed*//b+t I (ay ha.e tho+)ht
her yo+n)er than he 1a- Rather tall* o& a lithe ni(ble &i)+re*
e,tre(ely $ale* 1ith lar)e &aded eye* and a 4+antity o& trea(in)
hair- I "annot ay 1hether any dieaed a&&e"tion o& the heart
"a+ed her li$ to be $arted a i& he 1ere $antin)* and her &a"e
to bear a "+rio+ e,$reion o& +ddenne and &l+tter9 b+t I #no1
that I had been to ee %a"beth at the theatre* a ni)ht or t1o
be&ore* and that her &a"e loo#ed to (e a i& it 1ere all dit+rbed
by &iery air* li#e the &a"e I had een rie o+t o& the 7it"he'
She et the dih on* to+"hed (y )+ardian 4+ietly on the ar( 1ith a
&in)er to noti&y that dinner 1a ready* and .anihed- 7e too# o+r
eat at the ro+nd table* and (y )+ardian #e$t !r+((le on one ide
o& hi(* 1hile Starto$ at on the other- It 1a a noble dih o& &ih
that the ho+e#ee$er had $+t on table* and 1e had a Aoint o&
e4+ally "hoi"e (+tton a&ter1ard* and then an e4+ally "hoi"e bird-
Sa+"e* 1ine* all the a""eorie 1e 1anted* and all o& the bet*
1ere )i.en o+t by o+r hot &ro( hi d+(b/1aiter9 and 1hen they had
(ade the "ir"+it o& the table* he al1ay $+t the( ba"# a)ain-
Si(ilarly* he dealt + "lean $late and #ni.e and &or#* &or ea"h
"o+re* and dro$$ed thoe A+t di+ed into t1o ba#et on the
)ro+nd by hi "hair- No other attendant than the ho+e#ee$er
a$$eared- She et on e.ery dih9 and I al1ay a1 in her &a"e* a
&a"e riin) o+t o& the "aldron- ?ear a&ter1ard* I (ade a dread&+l
li#ene o& that 1o(an* by "a+in) a &a"e that had no other nat+ral
ree(blan"e to it than it deri.ed &ro( &lo1in) hair to $a behind
a bo1l o& &la(in) $irit in a dar# roo(-
Ind+"ed to ta#e $arti"+lar noti"e o& the ho+e#ee$er* both by her
o1n tri#in) a$$earan"e and by 7e((i"#' $re$aration* I ober.ed
that he 1a in the roo( he #e$t her eye attenti.ely on
(y )+ardian* and that he 1o+ld re(o.e her hand &ro( any dih he
$+t be&ore hi(* heitatin)ly* a i& he dreaded hi "allin) her
ba"#* and 1anted hi( to $ea# 1hen he 1a ni)h* i& he had anythin)
to ay- I &an"ied that I "o+ld dete"t in hi (anner a "on"io+ne
o& thi* and a $+r$oe o& al1ay holdin) her in +$ene-
!inner 1ent o&& )ayly* and altho+)h (y )+ardian ee(ed to &ollo1
rather than ori)inate +bAe"t* I #ne1 that he 1ren"hed the 1ea#et
$art o& o+r di$oition o+t o& +- 5or (yel&* I &o+nd that I 1a
e,$rein) (y tenden"y to la.ih e,$endit+re* and to $atroni8e
;erbert* and to boat o& (y )reat $ro$e"t* be&ore I 4+ite #ne1
that I had o$ened (y li$- It 1a o 1ith all o& +* b+t 1ith no
one (ore than !r+((leB the de.elo$(ent o& 1hoe in"lination to )ird
in a )r+d)in) and +$i"io+ 1ay at the ret* 1a "re1ed o+t o&
hi( be&ore the &ih 1a ta#en o&&-
It 1a not then* b+t 1hen 1e had )ot to the "heee* that o+r
"on.eration t+rned +$on o+r ro1in) &eat* and that !r+((le 1a
rallied &or "o(in) +$ behind o& a ni)ht in that lo1 a($hibio+ 1ay
o& hi- !r+((le +$on thi* in&or(ed o+r hot that he (+"h $re&erred
o+r roo( to o+r "o($any* and that a to #ill he 1a (ore than o+r
(ater* and that a to tren)th he "o+ld "atter + li#e "ha&&- :y
o(e in.iible a)en"y* (y )+ardian 1o+nd hi( +$ to a $it"h little
hort o& &ero"ity abo+t thi tri&le9 and he &ell to barin) and
$annin) hi ar( to ho1 ho1 (+"+lar it 1a* and 1e all &ell to
barin) and $annin) o+r ar( in a ridi"+lo+ (anner-
No1 the ho+e#ee$er 1a at that ti(e "learin) the table9 (y
)+ardian* ta#in) no heed o& her* b+t 1ith the ide o& hi &a"e
t+rned &ro( her* 1a leanin) ba"# in hi "hair bitin) the ide o&
hi &ore&in)er and ho1in) an interet in !r+((le* that* to (e* 1a
4+ite ine,$li"able- S+ddenly* he "la$$ed hi lar)e hand on the
ho+e#ee$er'* li#e a tra$* a he tret"hed it a"ro the table-
So +ddenly and (artly did he do thi* that 1e all to$$ed in o+r
&oolih "ontention-
6I& yo+ tal# o& tren)th*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6I'll ho1 yo+ a 1rit-
%olly* let the( ee yo+r 1rit-6
;er entra$$ed hand 1a on the table* b+t he had already $+t her
other hand behind her 1ait- 6%ater*6 he aid* in a lo1 .oi"e*
1ith her eye attenti.ely and entreatin)ly &i,ed +$on hi(- 6!on't-6
6I'll ho1 yo+ a 1rit*6 re$eated %r- 0a))er* 1ith an i((
deter(ination to ho1 it- 6%olly* let the( ee yo+r 1rit-6
6%ater*6 he a)ain (+r(+red- 6Pleae<6
6%olly*6 aid %r- 0a))er* not loo#in) at her* b+t obtinately
loo#in) at the o$$oite ide o& the roo(* 6let the( ee both yo+r
1rit- Sho1 the(- Co(e<6
;e too# hi hand &ro( her* and t+rned that 1rit +$ on the table-
She bro+)ht her other hand &ro( behind her* and held the t1o o+t
ide by ide- The lat 1rit 1a (+"h di&i)+red*//dee$ly "arred
and "arred a"ro and a"ro- 7hen he held her hand o+t he
too# her eye &ro( %r- 0a))er* and t+rned the( 1at"h&+lly on e.ery
one o& the ret o& + in +""eion-
6There' $o1er here*6 aid %r- 0a))er* "oolly tra"in) o+t the
ine1 1ith hi &ore&in)er- 6Eery &e1 (en ha.e the $o1er o& 1rit
that thi 1o(an ha- It' re(ar#able 1hat (ere &or"e o& )ri$ there
i in thee hand- I ha.e had o""aion to noti"e (any hand9 b+t I a1 tron)er in that re$e"t* (an' or 1o(an'* than thee-6
7hile he aid thee 1ord in a lei+rely* "riti"al tyle* he
"ontin+ed to loo# at e.ery one o& + in re)+lar +""eion a 1e
at- The (o(ent he "eaed* he loo#ed at hi( a)ain- 6That'll do*
%olly*6 aid %r- 0a))er* ) her a li)ht nod9 6yo+ ha.e been
ad(ired* and "an )o-6 She 1ithdre1 her hand and 1ent o+t o& the
roo(* and %r- 0a))er* $+ttin) the de"anter on &ro( hi d+(b/1aiter*
&illed hi )la and $aed ro+nd the 1ine-
6At hal&/$at nine* )entle(en*6 aid he* 61e (+t brea# +$- Pray
(a#e the bet +e o& yo+r ti(e- I a( )lad to ee yo+ all- %r-
!r+((le* I drin# to yo+-6
I& hi obAe"t in in)lin) o+t !r+((le 1ere to brin) hi( o+t till
(ore* it $er&e"tly +""eeded- In a +l#y tri+($h* !r+((le ho1ed
hi (oroe de$re"iation o& the ret o& +* in a (ore and (ore
o&&eni.e de)ree* +ntil he be"a(e do1nri)ht intolerable- Thro+)h all
hi ta)e* %r- 0a))er &ollo1ed hi( 1ith the a(e tran)e interet-
;e a"t+ally ee(ed to er.e a a 8et to %r- 0a))er' 1ine-
In o+r boyih 1ant o& di"retion I dare ay 1e too# too (+"h to
drin#* and I #no1 1e tal#ed too (+"h- 7e be"a(e $arti"+larly hot
+$on o(e boorih neer o& !r+((le'* to the e&&e"t that 1e 1ere
too &ree 1ith o+r (oney- It led to (y re(ar#in)* 1ith (ore 8eal
than di"retion* that it "a(e 1ith a bad )ra"e &ro( hi(* to 1ho(
Starto$ had lent (oney in (y $reen"e b+t a 1ee# or o be&ore-
67ell*6 retorted !r+((le9 6he'll be $aid-6
6I don't (ean to i($ly that he 1on't*6 aid I* 6b+t it (i)ht (a#e
yo+ hold yo+r ton)+e abo+t + and o+r (oney* I ho+ld thin#-6
6?o+ ho+ld thin#<6 retorted !r+((le- 6Oh Cord<6
6I dare ay*6 I 1ent on* (eanin) to be .ery e.ere* 6that yo+
1o+ldn't lend (oney to any o& + i& 1e 1anted it-6
6?o+ are ri)ht*6 aid !r+((le- 6I 1o+ldn't lend one o& yo+ a
i,$en"e- I 1o+ldn't lend anybody a i,$en"e-6
6Rather (ean to borro1 +nder thoe "ir"+(tan"e* I ho+ld ay-6
6?o+ ho+ld ay*6 re$eated !r+((le- 6Oh Cord<6
Thi 1a o .ery a))ra.atin)//the (ore e$e"ially a I &o+nd
(yel& (a#in) no 1ay a)aint hi +rly obt+ene//that I aid*
dire)ardin) ;erbert' e&&ort to "he"# (e*//
6Co(e* %r- !r+((le* in"e 1e are on the +bAe"t* I'll tell yo+ 1hat
$aed bet1een ;erbert here and (e* 1hen yo+ borro1ed that (oney-6
6I don't 1ant to #no1 1hat $aed bet1een ;erbert there and yo+*6
)ro1led !r+((le- And I thin# he added in a lo1er )ro1l* that 1e
(i)ht both )o to the and ha#e o+rel.e-
6I'll tell yo+**6 aid I* 61hether yo+ 1ant to #no1 or not-
7e aid that a yo+ $+t it in yo+r $o"#et .ery )lad to )et it* yo+
ee(ed to be i((enely a(+ed at hi bein) o 1ea# a to lend it-6
!r+((le la+)hed o+tri)ht* and at la+)hin) in o+r &a"e* 1ith hi
hand in hi $o"#et and hi ro+nd ho+lder raied9 $lainly
i)ni&yin) that it 1a 4+ite tr+e* and that he de$ied + a
ae all-
;ere+$on Starto$ too# hi( in hand* tho+)h 1ith a (+"h better )ra"e
than I had ho1n* and e,horted hi( to be a little (ore a)reeable-
Starto$* bein) a li.ely* bri)ht yo+n) &ello1* and !r+((le bein) the
e,a"t o$$oite* the latter 1a al1ay di$oed to reent hi( a a
dire"t $eronal a&&ront- ;e no1 retorted in a "oare* l+($ih 1ay*
and Starto$ tried to t+rn the di"+ion aide 1ith o(e (all
$leaantry that (ade + all la+)h- Reentin) thi little +""e
(ore than anythin)* !r+((le* 1itho+t any threat or 1arnin)* $+lled
hi hand o+t o& hi $o"#et* dro$$ed hi ro+nd ho+lder* 1ore*
too# +$ a lar)e )la* and 1o+ld ha.e &l+n) it at hi ad.erary'
head* b+t &or o+r entertainer' de,tero+ly ei8in) it at the
intant 1hen it 1a raied &or that $+r$oe-
6Gentle(en*6 aid %r- 0a))er* deliberately $+ttin) do1n the )la*
and ha+lin) o+t hi )old re$eater by it (ai.e "hain* 6I a(
e,"eedin)ly orry to anno+n"e that it' hal& $at nine-6
On thi hint 1e all roe to de$art- :e&ore 1e )ot to the treet
door* Starto$ 1a "heerily "allin) !r+((le 6old boy*6 a i& nothin)
had ha$$ened- :+t the old boy 1a o &ar &ro( re$ondin)* that he
1o+ld not e.en 1al# to ;a((er(ith on the a(e ide o& the 1ay9 o
;erbert and I* 1ho re(ained in to1n* a1 the( )oin) do1n the treet
on o$$oite ide9 Starto$ leadin)* and !r+((le la))in) behind in
the hado1 o& the ho+e* (+"h a he 1a 1ont to &ollo1 in hi
A the door 1a not yet h+t* I tho+)ht I 1o+ld lea.e ;erbert there
&or a (o(ent* and r+n +$ tair a)ain to ay a 1ord to (y )+ardian-
I &o+nd hi( in hi drein)/roo( +rro+nded by hi to"# o& boot*
already hard at it* 1ahin) hi hand o& +-
I told hi( I had "o(e +$ a)ain to ay ho1 orry I 1a that anythin)
dia)reeable ho+ld ha.e o""+rred* and that I ho$ed he 1o+ld not
bla(e (e (+"h-
6Pooh<6 aid he* l+i"in) hi &a"e* and $ea#in) thro+)h the
1ater/dro$9 6it' nothin)* Pi$- I li#e that S$ider tho+)h-6
;e had t+rned to1ard (e no1* and 1a ha#in) hi head* and
blo1in)* and to1ellin) hi(el&-
6I a( )lad yo+ li#e hi(* ir*6 aid I//6b+t I don't-6
6No* no*6 (y )+ardian aented9 6don't ha.e too (+"h to do 1ith
hi(- =ee$ a "lear o& hi( a yo+ "an- :+t I li#e the &ello1* Pi$9
he i one o& the tr+e ort- 7hy* i& I 1a a &ort+ne/teller//6
Coo#in) o+t o& the to1el* he "a+)ht (y eye-
6:+t I a( not a &ort+ne/teller*6 he aid* lettin) hi head dro$
into a &etoon o& to1el* and to1ellin) a1ay at hi t1o ear- 6?o+
#no1 1hat I a(* don't yo+@ Good ni)ht* Pi$-6
6Good ni)ht* ir-6
In abo+t a (onth a&ter that* the S$ider' ti(e 1ith %r- Po"#et 1a
+$ &or )ood* and* to the )reat relie& o& all the ho+e b+t %r-
Po"#et* he 1ent ho(e to the &a(ily hole-
Cha$ter XXEII
6%? !EAR %R PIPB//
6I 1rite thi by re4+et o& %r- Gar)ery* &or to let yo+ #no1 that he
i )oin) to Condon in "o($any 1ith %r- 7o$le and 1o+ld be )lad i&
a)reeable to be allo1ed to ee yo+- ;e 1o+ld "all at :arnard'
;otel T+eday (ornin) at nine o'"lo"#* 1hen i& not a)reeable $leae
lea.e 1ord- ?o+r $oor iter i (+"h the a(e a 1hen yo+ le&t- 7e
tal# o& yo+ in the #it"hen e.ery ni)ht* and 1onder 1hat yo+ are
ayin) and doin)- I& no1 "onidered in the li)ht o& a liberty*
e,"+e it &or the lo.e o& $oor old day- No (ore* dear %r- Pi$* &ro(
yo+r obli)ed* and a&&e"tionate er.ant*
6P-S- ;e 1ihe (e (ot $arti"+lar to 1rite 1hat lar#- ;e ay yo+
1ill +ndertand- I ho$e and do not do+bt it 1ill be a)reeable to
ee hi(* e.en tho+)h a )entle(an* &or yo+ had a )ood heart* and
he i a 1orthy* 1orthy (an- I ha.e read hi( all* e,"e$tin) only the
lat little enten"e* and he 1ihe (e (ot $arti"+lar to 1rite
a)ain 1hat lar#-6
I re"ei.ed thi letter by the $ot on %onday (ornin)* and there&ore
it a$$oint(ent 1a &or ne,t day- Cet (e "on&e e,a"tly 1ith 1hat
&eelin) I loo#ed &or1ard to 0oe' "o(in)-
Not 1ith $lea+re* tho+)h I 1a bo+nd to hi( by o (any tie9 no9
1ith "oniderable dit+rban"e* o(e (orti&i"ation* and a #een ene
o& in"on)r+ity- I& I "o+ld ha.e #e$t hi( a1ay by $ayin) (oney* I
"ertainly 1o+ld ha.e $aid (oney- %y )reatet rea+ran"e 1a that
he 1a "o(in) to :arnard' Inn* not to ;a((er(ith* and
"one4+ently 1o+ld not &all in :entley !r+((le' 1ay- I had little
obAe"tion to hi bein) een by ;erbert or hi &ather* &or both o&
1ho( I had a re$e"t9 b+t I had the har$et eniti.ene a to
hi bein) een by !r+((le* 1ho( I held in "onte($t- So* thro+)ho+t
li&e* o+r 1ort 1ea#nee and (eannee are ++ally "o((itted &or
the a#e o& the $eo$le 1ho( 1e (ot de$ie-
I had be)+n to be al1ay de"oratin) the "ha(ber in o(e 4+ite
+nne"eary and ina$$ro$riate 1ay or other* and .ery e,$eni.e
thoe 1retle 1ith :arnard $ro.ed to be- :y thi ti(e* the roo(
1ere .atly di&&erent &ro( 1hat I had &o+nd the(* and I enAoyed the
honor o& o""+$yin) a &e1 $ro(inent $a)e in the boo# o& a
nei)hborin) +$holterer- I had )ot on o &at o& late* that I had
e.en tarted a boy in boot*//to$ boot*//in bonda)e and la.ery to
1ho( I (i)ht ha.e been aid to $a (y day- 5or* a&ter I had (ade
the (onter 2o+t o& the re&+e o& (y 1aher1o(an' &a(ily3* and had
"lothed hi( 1ith a bl+e "oat* "anary 1ait"oat* 1hite "*
"rea(y bree"he* and the boot already (entioned* I had to &ind hi(
a little to do and a )reat deal to eat9 and 1ith both o& thoe
horrible re4+ire(ent he ha+nted (y e,iten"e-
Thi a.en)in) $hanto( 1a ordered to be on d+ty at ei)ht on T+eday
(ornin) in the hall* 2it 1a t1o &eet 4+are* a "har)ed &or
&loor"loth*3 and ;erbert +))eted "ertain thin) &or brea#&at
that he tho+)ht 0oe 1o+ld li#e- 7hile I &elt in"erely obli)ed to
hi( &or bein) o intereted and "oniderate* I had an odd
hal&/$ro.o#ed ene o& +$i"ion +$on (e* that i& 0oe had been
"o(in) to ee hi(* he 1o+ldn't ha.e been 4+ite o bri# abo+t it-
;* I "a(e into to1n on the %onday ni)ht to be ready &or 0oe*
and I )ot +$ early in the (ornin)* and "a+ed the ittin)/roo( and
brea#&at/table to a+(e their (ot $lendid a$$earan"e-
Dn&ort+nately the (ornin) 1a dri88ly* and an an)el "o+ld not ha.e
"on"ealed the &a"t that :arnard 1a heddin) ooty tear o+tide the
1indo1* li#e o(e 1ea# )iant o& a S1ee$-
A the ti(e a$$roa"hed I ho+ld ha.e li#ed to r+n a1ay* b+t the
A.en)er $+r+ant to order 1a in the hall* and $reently I heard
0oe on the tair"ae- I #ne1 it 1a 0oe* by hi "l+(y (anner o&
"o(in) +$ tair*//hi tate boot bein) al1ay too bi) &or hi(*//
and by the ti(e it too# hi( to read the na(e on the other &loor
in the "o+re o& hi a"ent- 7hen at lat he to$$ed o+tide o+r
door* I "o+ld hear hi &in)er tra"in) the $ainted letter o&
(y na(e* and I a&ter1ard ditin"tly heard hi( breathin) in at the
#eyhole- 5inally he )a.e a &aint in)le ra$* and Pe$$er//+"h 1a
the "o($ro(iin) na(e o& the a.en)in) boy//anno+n"ed 6%r- Gar)ery<6
I tho+)ht he 1o+ld ha.e done 1i$in) hi &eet* and that I (+t
ha.e )one o+t to li&t hi( o&& the (at* b+t at lat he "a(e in-
60oe* ho1 are yo+* 0oe@6
6Pi$* ho1 AIR yo+* Pi$@6
7ith hi )ood honet &a"e all )lo1in) and hinin)* and hi hat $+t
do1n on the &loor bet1een +* he "a+)ht both (y hand and 1or#ed
the( trai)ht +$ and do1n* a i& I had been the lat/$atented P+($-
6I a( )lad to ee yo+* 0oe- Gi.e (e yo+r hat-6
:+t 0oe* ta#in) it +$ "are&+lly 1ith both hand* li#e a bird'/net
1ith e)) in it* 1o+ldn't hear o& $artin) 1ith that $ie"e o&
$ro$erty* and $erited in tandin) tal#in) it in a (ot
+n"o(&ortable 1ay-
67hi"h yo+ ha.e that )ro1ed*6 aid 0oe* 6and that 1elled* and that
)entle/&ol#ed96 0oe "onidered a little be&ore he di"o.ered thi
1ord9 6a to be +re yo+ are a honor to yo+r #in) and "o+ntry-6
6And yo+* 0oe* loo# 1onder&+lly 1ell-6
6Than# God*6 aid 0oe* 6I'( to (ot- And yo+r iter* he'
no 1ore than he 1ere- And :iddy* he' ri)ht and ready- And
all &riend i no ba"#erder* i& not no &orarder- 'Ce$tin 7o$le9
he' had a dro$-6
All thi ti(e 2till 1ith both hand ta#in) )reat "are o& the
bird'/net3* 0oe 1a rollin) hi eye ro+nd and ro+nd the roo(*
and ro+nd and ro+nd the &lo1ered $attern o& (y drein)/)o1n-
6;ad a dro$* 0oe@6
67hy ye*6 aid 0oe* lo1erin) hi .oi"e* 6he' le&t the Ch+r"h and
1ent into the $laya"tin)- 7hi"h the $laya"tin) ha.e li#e1ay
bro+)ht hi( to Condon alon) 1ith (e- And hi 1ih 1ere*6 aid 0oe*
)ettin) the bird'/net +nder hi le&t ar( &or the (o(ent* and
)ro$in) in it &or an e)) 1ith hi ri)ht9 6i& no o&&en"e* a I 1o+ld
'and yo+ that-6
I too# 1hat 0oe )a.e (e* and &o+nd it to be the "r+($led $lay/bill
o& a (all (etro$olitan theatre* anno+n"in) the &irt a$$earan"e*
in that .ery 1ee#* o& 6the "elebrated"ial A(ate+r o& Ro"ian
reno1n* 1hoe +ni4+e $er&or(an"e in the hi)het tra)i" 1al# o& o+r
National :ard ha lately o""aioned o )reat a enation in lo"al
dra(ati" "ir"le-6
67ere yo+ at hi $er&or(an"e* 0oe@6 I in4+ired-
6I 1ere*6 aid 0oe* 1ith e($hai and ole(nity-
67a there a )reat enation@6
67hy*6 aid 0oe* 6ye* there "ertainly 1ere a $e"# o& oran)e/$eel-
Parti"#ler 1hen he ee the )hot- Tho+)h I $+t it to yo+rel&*
ir* 1hether it 1ere "al"'lated to #ee$ a (an +$ to hi 1or# 1ith a
)ood hart* to be "ontini1ally "+ttin) in bet1i,t hi( and the Ghot
1ith 6A(en<6 A (an (ay ha.e had a (i&ort+n' and been in the
Ch+r"h*6 aid 0oe* lo1erin) hi .oi"e to an ar)+(entati.e and
&eelin) tone* 6b+t that i no reaon 1hy yo+ ho+ld $+t hi( o+t at
+"h a ti(e- 7hi"h I (eanteray* i& the )hot o& a (an' o1n &ather
"annot be allo1ed to "lai( hi attention* 1hat "an* Sir@ Still
(ore* 1hen hi (o+rnin) 'at i +n&ort+nately (ade o (all a that
the 1ei)ht o& the bla"# &eather brin) it o&&* try to #ee$ it on
ho1 yo+ (ay-6
A )hot/eein) e&&e"t in 0oe' o1n "o+ntenan"e in&or(ed (e that
;erbert had entered the roo(- So* I $reented 0oe to ;erbert* 1ho
held o+t hi hand9 b+t 0oe ba"#ed &ro( it* and held on by the
6?o+r er.ant* Sir*6 aid 0oe* 61hi"h I ho$e a yo+ and Pi$6//here
hi eye &ell on the A.en)er* 1ho 1a $+ttin) o(e toat on table*
and o $lainly denoted an intention to (a#e that yo+n) )entle(an
one o& the &a(ily* that I &ro1ned it do1n and "on&+ed hi( (ore//
6I (eanteray* yo+ t1o )entle(en*//1hi"h I ho$e a yo+ )et yo+r
elth in thi "loe $ot@ 5or the $reent (ay be a 1erry )ood inn*
a""ordin) to Condon o$inion*6 aid 0oe* "on&identially* 6and I
belie.e it "hara"ter do tand i9 b+t I 1o+ldn't #ee$ a $i) in it
(yel&*//not in the "ae that I 1ihed hi( to &atten 1holeo(e and
to eat 1ith a (eller &la.or on hi(-6
; borne thi &latterin) teti(ony to the (erit o& o+r
d1ellin)/$la"e* and in"identally ho1n thi tenden"y to "all
(e 6ir*6 0oe* bein) in.ited to it do1n to table* loo#ed all ro+nd
the roo( &or a +itable $ot on 1hi"h to de$oit hi hat*//a i& it
1ere only on o(e .ery &e1 rare +btan"e in nat+re that it "o+ld
&ind a retin) $la"e*//and +lti(ately tood it on an e,tre(e "orner
o& the "hi(ney/$ie"e* &ro( 1hi"h it a&ter1ard &ell o&& at
6!o yo+ ta#e tea* or "o&&ee* %r- Gar)ery@6 a#ed ;erbert* 1ho al1ay
$reided o& a (ornin)-
6Than#ee* Sir*6 aid 0oe* ti&& &ro( head to &oot* 6I'll ta#e
1hi" i (ot a)reeable to yo+rel&-6
67hat do yo+ ay to "o&&ee@6
6Than#ee* Sir*6 ret+rned 0oe* e.idently di$irited by the $ro$oal*
6in"e yo+ are o #ind a (a#e "hi"e o& "o&&ee* I 1ill not r+n
"ontrairy to yo+r o1n o$inion- :+t don't yo+ &ind it a
little 'eatin)@6
6Say tea then*6 aid ;erbert* $o+rin) it o+t-
;ere 0oe' hat t+(bled o&& the (antel/$ie"e* and he tarted o+t o&
hi "hair and $i"#ed it +$* and &itted it to the a(e e,a"t $ot-
A i& it 1ere an abol+te $oint o& )ood breedin) that it ho+ld
t+(ble o&& a)ain oon-
67hen did yo+ "o(e to to1n* %r- Gar)ery@6
67ere it yeterday a&ternoon@6 aid 0oe* a&ter "o+)hin) behind hi
hand* a i& he had had ti(e to "at"h the 1hoo$in)/"o+)h in"e he
"a(e- 6No it 1ere not- ?e it 1ere- ?e- It 1ere yeterday
a&ternoon6 21ith an a$$earan"e o& (in)led 1ido(* relie&* and
tri"t i($artiality3-
6;a.e yo+ een anythin) o& Condon yet@6
67hy* ye* Sir*6 aid 0oe* 6(e and 7o$le 1ent o&& trai)ht to loo#
at the :la"#in) 7are'+- :+t 1e didn't &ind that it "o(e +$ to it
li#ene in the red bill at the ho$ door9 1hi"h I (eanteray*6
added 0oe* in an e,$lanatory (anner* 6a it i there dra1d too
I really belie.e 0oe 1o+ld ha.e $rolon)ed thi 1ord 2(i)htily
e,$rei.e to (y (ind o& o(e ar"hite"t+re that I #no13 into a
$er&e"t Chor+* b+t &or hi attention bein) $ro.identially
attra"ted by hi hat* 1hi"h 1a to$$lin)- Indeed* it de(anded &ro(
hi( a "ontant attention* and a 4+i"#ne o& eye and hand* .ery
li#e that e,a"ted by 1i"#et/#ee$in)- ;e (ade e,traordinary $lay
1ith it* and ho1ed the )reatet #ill9 no1* r+hin) at it and
"at"hin) it neatly a it dro$$ed9 no1* (erely to$$in) it (id1ay*
beatin) it +$* and h+(orin) it in .ario+ $art o& the roo( and
a)aint a )ood deal o& the $attern o& the $a$er on the 1all* be&ore
he &elt it a&e to "loe 1ith it9 &inally $lahin) it into the
lo$/bain* 1here I too# the liberty o& layin) hand +$on it-
A to hi hirt/"ollar* and hi "oat/"ollar* they 1ere $er$le,in)
to re&le"t +$on*//inol+ble (yterie both- 7hy ho+ld a (an "ra$e
hi(el& to that e,tent* be&ore he "o+ld "onider hi(el& &+ll
dreed@ 7hy ho+ld he +$$oe it ne"eary to be $+ri&ied by
+&&erin) &or hi holiday "lothe@ Then he &ell into +"h
+na""o+ntable &it o& (editation* 1ith hi &or# (id1ay bet1een hi
$late and hi (o+th9 had hi eye attra"ted in +"h tran)e
dire"tion9 1a a&&li"ted 1ith +"h re(ar#able "o+)h9 at o &ar
&ro( the table* and dro$$ed o (+"h (ore than he ate* and $retended
that he hadn't dro$$ed it9 that I 1a heartily )lad 1hen ;erbert
le&t + &or the City-
I had neither the )ood ene nor the )ood &eelin) to #no1 that thi
1a all (y &a+lt* and that i& I had been eaier 1ith 0oe* 0oe 1o+ld
ha.e been eaier 1ith (e- I &elt i($atient o& hi( and o+t o& te($er
1ith hi(9 in 1hi"h "ondition he hea$ed "oal o& &ire on (y head-
6D t1o bein) no1 alone* ir*6//be)an 0oe-
60oe*6 I interr+$ted* $ettihly* 6ho1 "an yo+ "all (e* ir@6
0oe loo#ed at (e &or a in)le intant 1ith o(ethin) &aintly li#e
re$roa"h- Dtterly $re$otero+ a hi " 1a* and a hi
"ollar 1ere* I 1a "on"io+ o& a ort o& di)nity in the loo#-
6D t1o bein) no1 alone*6 re+(ed 0oe* 6and (e the
intention and abilitie to tay not (any (in+te (ore* I 1ill no1
"on"l+de//leat1ay be)in//to (ention 1hat ha.e led to (y
had the $reent honor- 5or 1a it not*6 aid 0oe* 1ith hi old air
o& l+"id e,$oition* 6that (y only 1ih 1ere to be +e&+l to yo+* I
ho+ld not ha.e had the honor o& brea#in) 1ittle in the "o($any
and abode o& )entle(en-6
I 1a o +n1illin) to ee the loo# a)ain* that I (ade no
re(ontran"e a)aint thi tone-
67ell* ir*6 $+r+ed 0oe* 6thi i ho1 it 1ere- I 1ere at the
:ar)e(en t'other ni)ht* Pi$96// he +bided into a&&e"tion*
he "alled (e Pi$* and he rela$ed into $olitene he
"alled (e ir9 61hen there "o(e +$ in hi hay/"art* P+(ble"hoo#-
7hi"h that a(e identi"al*6 aid 0oe* )oin) do1n a ne1 tra"#* 6do
"o(b (y 'air the 1ron) 1ay o(eti(e* a1&+l* by ) o+t +$ and
do1n to1n a it 1ere hi( 1hi"h had yo+r in&ant "o($anionation
and 1ere loo#ed +$on a a $lay&ello1 by yo+rel&-6
6Nonene- It 1a yo+* 0oe-6
67hi"h I &+lly belie.ed it 1ere* Pi$*6 aid 0oe* li)htly toin)
hi head* 6tho+)h it i)ni&y little no1* ir- 7ell* Pi$9 thi a(e
identi"al* 1hi"h hi (anner i )i.en to bl+tero+* "o(e to (e at
the :ar)e(en 21ot a $i$e and a $int o& beer do )i.e re&reh(ent to
the 1or#in)(an* ir* and do not ti(ilate3* and hi 1ord
1ere* '0oe$h* %i ;a.iha( he 1ih to $ea# to yo+-'6
6%i ;a.iha(* 0oe@6
6'She 1ih*' 1ere P+(ble"hoo#' 1ord* 'to $ea# to yo+-'6 0oe at
and rolled hi eye at the "eilin)-
6?e* 0oe@ Go on* $leae-6
6Ne,t day* ir*6 aid 0oe* loo#in) at (e a i& I 1ere a lon) 1ay
o&&* "leaned (yel&* I )o and I ee %i A-6
6%i A-* 0oe@ %i ;a.iha(@6
67hi"h I ay* ir*6 re$lied 0oe* 1ith an air o& le)al &or(ality* a
i& he 1ere (a#in) hi 1ill* 6%i A-* or other1ay ;a.iha(- ;er
e,$reion air then a &ollerin)B '%r- Gar)ery- ?o+ air in
"orre$onden"e 1ith %r- Pi$@' ; had a letter &ro( yo+* I 1ere
able to ay 'I a(-' 27hen I (arried yo+r iter* ir* I aid 'I
1ill9' and 1hen I an1ered yo+r &riend* Pi$* I aid 'I a(-'3 '7o+ld
yo+ tell hi(* then*' aid he* 'that 1hi"h Etella ha "o(e ho(e
and 1o+ld be )lad to ee hi(-'6
I &elt (y &a"e &ire +$ a I loo#ed at 0oe- I ho$e one re(ote "a+e
o& it &irin) (ay ha.e been (y "on"io+ne that i& I had #no1n
hi errand* I ho+ld ha.e )i.en hi( (ore en"o+ra)e(ent-
6:iddy*6 $+r+ed 0oe* 61hen I )ot ho(e and a#ed her &+r to 1rite
the (ea)e to yo+* a little h+n) ba"#- :iddy ay* 6I #no1 he 1ill
be .ery )lad to ha.e it by 1ord o& (o+th* it i holiday ti(e* yo+
1ant to ee hi(* )o<6 I ha.e no1 "on"l+ded* ir*6 aid 0oe* riin)
&ro( hi "hair* 6and* Pi$* I 1ih yo+ 1ell and $ro$erin)
to a )reater and a )reater hei)ht-6
6:+t yo+ are not )oin) no1* 0oe@6
6?e I a(*6 aid 0oe-
6:+t yo+ are "o(in) ba"# to dinner* 0oe@6
6No I a( not*6 aid 0oe-
O+r eye (et* and all the 6ir6 (elted o+t o& that (anly heart a
he )a.e (e hi hand-
6Pi$* dear old "ha$* li&e i (ade o& o (any $artin) 1elded
to)ether* a I (ay ay* and one (an' a bla"#(ith* and one' a
1hite(ith* and one' a )old(ith* and one' a "o$$er(ith-
!i1iion a(on) +"h (+t "o(e* and (+t be (et a they "o(e- I&
there' been any &a+lt at all to/day* it' (ine- ?o+ and (e i not
t1o &i)+re to be to)ether in Condon9 nor yet any1here ele b+t
1hat i $ri.ate* and be#no1n* and +ndertood a(on) &riend- It
ain't that I a( $ro+d* b+t that I 1ant to be ri)ht* a yo+ hall ee (e no (ore in thee "lothe- I'( 1ron) in thee "lothe-
I'( 1ron) o+t o& the &or)e* the #it"hen* or o&& th' (ehe- ?o+
1on't &ind hal& o (+"h &a+lt in (e i& yo+ thin# o& (e in (y &or)e
dre* 1ith (y ha((er in (y hand* or e.en (y $i$e- ?o+ 1on't &ind
hal& o (+"h &a+lt in (e i&* +$$oin) a yo+ ho+ld 1ih to
ee (e* yo+ "o(e and $+t yo+r head in at the &or)e 1indo1 and ee
0oe the bla"#(ith* there* at the old* in the old b+rnt
a$ron* ti"#in) to the old 1or#- I'( a1&+l d+ll* b+t I ho$e I'.e
beat o+t o(ethin) ni)h the ri)ht o& thi at lat- And o GO!
ble yo+* dear old Pi$* old "ha$* GO! ble yo+<6
I had not been (ita#en in (y &an"y that there 1a a i($le di)nity
in hi(- The &ahion o& hi dre "o+ld no (ore "o(e in it 1ay 1hen
he $o#e thee 1ord than it "o+ld "o(e in it 1ay in ;ea.en- ;e
to+"hed (e )ently on the &orehead* and 1ent o+t- A oon a I "o+ld
re" (yel& +&&i"iently* I h+rried o+t a&ter hi( and loo#ed &or
hi( in the nei)hborin) treet9 b+t he 1a )one-
Cha$ter XXEIII
It 1a "lear that I (+t re$air to o+r to1n ne,t day* and in the
&irt &lo1 o& (y re$entan"e* it 1a e4+ally "lear that I (+t tay
at 0oe'- :+t* 1hen I had e"+red (y bo,/$la"e by to/(orro1' "oa"h*
and had been do1n to %r- Po"#et' and ba"#* I 1a not by any (ean
""ed on the lat $oint* and be)an to in.ent reaon and (a#e
e,"+e &or $+ttin) +$ at the :l+e :oar- I ho+ld be an
in"on.enien"e at 0oe'9 I 1a not e,$e"ted* and (y bed 1o+ld not be
ready9 I ho+ld be too &ar &ro( %i ;a.iha('* and he 1a
e,a"tin) and (i)htn't li#e it- All other 1indler +$on earth are
nothin) to the el&/1indler* and 1ith +"h $reten"e did I "heat
(yel&- S+rely a "+rio+ thin)- That I ho+ld inno"ently ta#e a bad
hal&/"ro1n o& o(ebody ele' (an+&a"t+re i reaonable eno+)h9
b+t that I ho+ld #no1in)ly re"#on the $+rio+ "oin o& (y o1n
(a#e a )ood (oney< An obli)in) tran)er* +nder $reten"e o&
"o($a"tly &oldin) +$ (y ban#/note &or e"+rity' a#e* abtra"t
the note and )i.e (e n+thell9 b+t 1hat i hi lei)ht o& hand
to (ine* 1hen I &old +$ (y o1n n+thell and $a the( on (yel& a
; ettled that I (+t )o to the :l+e :oar* (y (ind 1a (+"h
dit+rbed by inde"iion 1hether or not to ta#e the A.en)er- It 1a
te($tin) to thin# o& that e,$eni.e %er"enary $+bli"ly airin) hi
boot in the ar"h1ay o& the :l+e :oar' $otin)/yard9 it 1a al(ot
ole(n to i(a)ine hi( "a+ally $rod+"ed in the tailor' ho$* and
"on&o+ndin) the dire$e"t&+l ene o& Trabb' boy- On the other
hand* Trabb' boy (i)ht 1or( hi(el& into hi inti(a"y and tell hi(
thin)9 or* re"#le and de$erate 1ret"h a I #ne1 he "o+ld be*
(i)ht hoot hi( in the ;i)h Street* %y $atrone* too* (i)ht hear o&
hi(* and not a$$ro.e- On the 1hole* I reol.ed to lea.e the A.en)er
It 1a the a&ternoon "oa"h by 1hi"h I had ta#en (y $la"e* and* a
1inter had no1 "o(e ro+nd* I ho+ld not arri.e at (y detination
+ntil t1o or three ho+r a&ter dar#- O+r ti(e o& tartin) &ro( the
Cro =ey 1a t1o o'"lo"#- I arri.ed on the )ro+nd 1ith a 4+arter
o& an ho+r to $are* attended by the A.en)er*//i& I (ay "onne"t
that e,$reion 1ith one 1ho attended on (e i& he "o+ld
$oibly hel$ it-
At that ti(e it 1a "+to(ary to "arry Con.i"t do1n to the
do"#/yard by ta)e/"oa"h- A I had o&ten heard o& the( in the
"a$a"ity o& o+tide $aen)er* and had (ore than on"e een the( on
the hi)h road dan)lin) their ironed le) the "oa"h roo&* I had
no "a+e to be +r$ried 1hen ;erbert* (eetin) (e in the yard* "a(e
+$ and told (e there 1ere t1o "on.i"t )oin) do1n 1ith (e- :+t I
had a reaon that 1a an old reaon no1 &or "ontit+tionally
&alterin) I heard the 1ord 6"on.i"t-6
6?o+ don't (ind the(* ;andel@6 aid ;erbert-
6O no<6
6I tho+)ht yo+ ee(ed a i& yo+ didn't li#e the(@6
6I "an't $retend that I do li#e the(* and I +$$oe yo+ don't
$arti"+larly- :+t I don't (ind the(-6
6See< There they are*6 aid ;erbert* 6"o(in) o+t o& the Ta$- 7hat a
de)raded and .ile i)ht it i<6
They had been treatin) their )+ard* I +$$oe* &or they had a
)aoler 1ith the(* and all three "a(e o+t 1i$in) their (o+th on
their hand- The t1o "on.i"t 1ere hand"+&&ed to)ether* and had
iron on their le)*//iron o& a $attern that I #ne1 1ell- They
1ore the dre that I li#e1ie #ne1 1ell- Their #ee$er had a bra"e
o& $itol* and "arried a thi"#/#nobbed bl+d)eon +nder hi ar(9 b+t
he 1a on ter( o& )ood +ndertandin) 1ith the(* and tood 1ith
the( beide hi(* loo#in) on at the $+ttin)/to o& the hore* rather
1ith an air a i& the "on.i"t 1ere an interetin) E,hibition not
&or(ally o$en at the (o(ent* and he the C+rator- One 1a a taller
and to+ter (an than the other* and a$$eared a a (atter o& "o+re*
a""ordin) to the (yterio+ 1ay o& the 1orld* both "on.i"t and
&ree* to ha.e had allotted to hi( the (aller +it o& "lothe- ;i
ar( and le) 1ere li#e )reat $in"+hion o& thoe ha$e* and hi
attire di)+ied hi( ab+rdly9 b+t I #ne1 hi hal&/"loed eye at
one )lan"e- There tood the (an 1ho( I had een on the ettle at
the Three 0olly :ar)e(en on a Sat+rday ni)ht* and 1ho had bro+)ht
(e do1n 1ith hi in.iible )+n<
It 1a eay to (a#e +re that a yet he #ne1 (e no (ore than i& he
had een (e in hi li&e- ;e loo#ed a"ro at (e* and hi eye
a$$raied (y 1at"h/"hain* and then he in"identally $at and aid
o(ethin) to the other "on.i"t* and they la+)hed and l+ed
the(el.e ro+nd 1ith a "lin# o& their "o+$lin) (ana"le* and loo#ed
at o(ethin) ele- The )reat n+(ber on their ba"#* a i& they
1ere treet door9 their "oare (an)y +n)ainly o+ter +r&a"e* a i&
they 1ere lo1er ani(al9 their ironed le)* a$olo)eti"ally
)arlanded 1ith $o"#et/hand#er"hie&9 and the 1ay in 1hi"h all
$reent loo#ed at the( and #e$t &ro( the(9 (ade the( 2a ;erbert
had aid3 a (ot dia)reeable and de)raded $e"ta"le-
:+t thi 1a not the 1ort o& it- It "a(e o+t that the 1hole o& the
ba"# o& the "oa"h had been ta#en by a &a(ily re( &ro( Condon*
and that there 1ere no $la"e &or the t1o $rioner b+t on the eat
in &ront behind the "oa"h(an- ;ere+$on* a "holeri" )entle(an* 1ho
had ta#en the &o+rth $la"e on that eat* &le1 into a (ot .iolent
$aion* and aid that it 1a a brea"h o& "ontra"t to (i, hi( +$
1ith +"h .illaino+ "o($any* and that it 1a $oiono+* and
$erni"io+* and in&a(o+* and ha(e&+l* and I don't #no1 1hat ele-
At thi ti(e the "oa"h 1a ready and the "oa"h(an i($atient* and 1e
1ere all $re$arin) to )et +$* and the $rioner had "o(e 1ith
their #ee$er*//brin)in) 1ith the( that "+rio+ &la.or o&
bread/$o+lti"e* bai8e* ro$e/yarn* and hearthtone* 1hi"h attend
the "on.i"t $reen"e-
6!on't ta#e it o (+"h a(i* ir*6 $leaded the #ee$er to the an)ry
$aen)er9 6I'll it ne,t yo+ (yel&- I'll $+t 'e( on the o+tide
o& the ro1- They 1on't inter&ere 1ith yo+* ir- ?o+ needn't #no1
they're there-6
6And don't bla(e (e*6 )ro1led the "on.i"t I had re"o)ni8ed- 6I
don't 1ant to )o- I a( 4+ite ready to tay behind- A &+r a I a(
"on"erned any one' 1el"o(e to (y $la"e-6
6Or (ine*6 aid the other* )r+&&ly- 6I 1o+ldn't ha.e in"o((oded
none o& yo+* i& I'd had (y 1ay-6 Then they both la+)hed* and be)an
"ra"#in) n+t* and $ittin) the hell abo+t-//A I really thin# I
ho+ld ha.e li#ed to do (yel&* i& I had been in their $la"e and o
At len)th* it 1a .oted that there 1a no hel$ &or the an)ry
)entle(an* and that he (+t either )o in hi "han"e "o($any or
re(ain behind- So he )ot into hi $la"e* till (a#in) "o($laint*
and the #ee$er )ot into the $la"e ne,t hi(* and the "on.i"t ha+led
the(el.e +$ a 1ell a they "o+ld* and the "on.i"t I had
re"o)ni8ed at behind (e 1ith hi breath on the hair o& (y head-
6Good by* ;andel<6 ;erbert "alled o+t a 1e tarted- I tho+)ht
1hat a bleed &ort+ne it 1a* that he had &o+nd another na(e &or
(e than Pi$-
It i i($oible to e,$re 1ith 1hat a"+tene I &elt the
"on.i"t' breathin)* not only on the ba"# o& (y head* b+t all alon)
(y $ine- The enation 1a li#e bein) to+"hed in the (arro1 1ith
o(e $+n)ent and ear"hin) a"id* it et (y .ery teeth on ed)e- ;e
ee(ed to ha.e (ore breathin) b+ine to do than another (an* and
to (a#e (ore noie in doin) it9 and I 1a "on"io+ o& )ro1in)
hi)h/ho+ldered on one ide* in (y hrin#in) endea.or to &end hi(
The 1eather 1a (ierably ra1* and the t1o "+red the "old- It (ade
+ all lethar)i" be&ore 1e had )one &ar* and 1hen 1e had le&t the
;al&/1ay ;o+e behind* 1e habit+ally do8ed and hi.ered and 1ere
ilent- I do8ed o&&* (yel&* in "oniderin) the 4+etion 1hether I
o+)ht to retore a "o+$le o& $o+nd terlin) to thi "reat+re
be&ore loin) i)ht o& hi(* and ho1 it "o+ld bet be done- In the
a"t o& di$$in) &or1ard a i& I 1ere )oin) to bathe a(on) the
hore* I 1o#e in a &ri)ht and too# the 4+etion +$ a)ain-
:+t I (+t ha.e lot it lon)er than I had tho+)ht* in"e* altho+)h
I "o+ld re"o)ni8e nothin) in the dar#ne and the &it&+l li)ht and
hado1 o& o+r la($* I tra"ed (arh "o+ntry in the "old da($ 1ind
that ble1 at +- Co1erin) &or1ard &or 1ar(th and to (a#e (e a
"reen a)aint the 1ind* the "on.i"t 1ere "loer to (e than
be&ore- The .ery &irt 1ord I heard the( inter"han)e a I be"a(e
"on"io+* 1ere the 1ord o& (y o1n tho+)ht* 6T1o One Po+nd note-6
6;o1 did he )et 'e(@6 aid the "on.i"t I had een-
6;o1 ho+ld I #no1@6 ret+rned the other- 6;e had 'e( to1ed a1ay
o(eho1- Gi. hi( by &riend* I e,$e"t-6
6I 1ih*6 aid the other* 1ith a bitter "+re +$on the "old* 6that
I had 'e( here-6
6T1o one $o+nd note* or &riend@6
6T1o one $o+nd note- I'd ell all the &riend I had &or one*
and thin# it a bleed )ood bar)ain- 7ell@ So he ay//@6
6So he ay*6 re+(ed the "on.i"t I had re"o)ni8ed*//6it 1a all
aid and done in hal& a (in+te* behind a $ile o& ti(ber in the
!o"#/yard*//'?o+'re a )oin) to be di"har)ed@' ?e* I 1a- 7o+ld I
&ind o+t that boy that had &ed hi( and #e$ hi e"ret* and )i.e hi(
the( t1o one $o+nd note@ ?e* I 1o+ld- And I did-6
6%ore &ool yo+*6 )ro1led the other- 6I'd ha.e $ent 'e( on a %an*
in 1ittle and drin#- ;e (+t ha.e been a )reen one- %ean to ay he
#no1ed nothin) o& yo+@6
6Not a ha'$orth- !i&&erent )an) and di&&erent hi$- ;e 1a tried
a)ain &or $rion brea#in)* and )ot (ade a Ci&er-6
6And 1a that//;onor<//the only ti(e yo+ 1or#ed o+t* in thi
$art o& the "o+ntry@6
6The only ti(e-6
67hat (i)ht ha.e been yo+r o$inion o& the $la"e@6
6A (ot beatly $la"e- %+dban#* (it* 1a($* and 1or#9 1or#* 1a($*
(it* and (+dban#-6
They both e,e"rated the $la"e in .ery tron) lan)+a)e* and
)rad+ally )ro1led the(el.e o+t* and had nothin) le&t to ay-
A&ter o.erhearin) thi dialo)+e* I ho+ld a+redly ha.e )ot do1n
and been le&t in the olit+de and dar#ne o& the hi)h1ay* b+t &or
&eelin) "ertain that the (an had no +$i"ion o& (y identity-
Indeed* I 1a not only o "han)ed in the "o+re o& nat+re* b+t o
di&&erently dreed and o di&&erently "ir"+(tan"ed* that it 1a
not at all li#ely he "o+ld ha.e #no1n (e 1itho+t a""idental hel$-
Still* the "oin"iden"e o& o+r bein) to)ether on the "oa"h* 1a
+&&i"iently tran)e to &ill (e 1ith a dread that o(e other
"oin"iden"e (i)ht at any (o(ent "onne"t (e* in hi hearin)* 1ith (y
na(e- 5or thi reaon* I reol.ed to ali)ht a oon a 1e to+"hed
the to1n* and $+t (yel& o+t o& hi hearin)- Thi de.i"e I e,e"+ted
+""e&+lly- %y little $ort(antea+ 1a in the boot +nder (y &eet9
I had b+t to t+rn a hin)e to )et it o+t9 I thre1 it do1n be&ore (e*
)ot do1n a&ter it* and 1a le&t at the &irt la($ on the &irt
tone o& the to1n $a.e(ent- A to the "on.i"t* they 1ent their
1ay 1ith the "oa"h* and I #ne1 at 1hat $oint they 1o+ld be $irited
o&& to the In (y &an"y* I a1 the boat 1ith it "on.i"t "re1
1aitin) &or the( at the li(e/1ahed tair*//a)ain heard the
)r+&& 6Gi.e 1ay* yo+<6 li#e and order to do)*//a)ain a1 the
1i"#ed Noah' Ar# lyin) o+t on the bla"# 1ater-
I "o+ld not ha.e aid 1hat I 1a a&raid o&* &or (y &ear 1a
alto)ether +nde&ined and .a)+e* b+t there 1a )reat &ear +$on (e-
A I 1al#ed on to the hotel* I &elt that a dread* (+"h e,"eedin)
the (ere a$$rehenion o& a $ain&+l or dia)reeable re"o)nition*
(ade (e tre(ble- I a( "on&ident that it too# no ditin"tne o&
ha$e* and that it 1a the &or a &e1 (in+te o& the terror
o& "hildhood-
The "o&&ee/roo( at the :l+e :oar 1a e($ty* and I had not only
ordered (y dinner there* b+t had at do1n to it* be&ore the 1aiter
#ne1 (e- A oon a he had a$olo)i8ed &or the re(ine o& hi
(e(ory* he a#ed (e i& he ho+ld end :oot &or %r- P+(ble"hoo#@
6No*6 aid I* 6"ertainly not-6
The 1aiter 2it 1a he 1ho had bro+)ht +$ the Great Re(ontran"e
&ro( the Co((er"ial* on the day 1hen I 1a bo+nd3 a$$eared
+r$ried* and too# the earliet o$$ort+nity o& $+ttin) a dirty old
"o$y o& a lo"al ne1$a$er o dire"tly in (y 1ay* that I too# it +$
and read thi $ara)ra$hB//
O+r reader 1ill learn* not alto)ether 1itho+t interet* in
re&eren"e to the re"ent ro(anti" rie in &ort+ne o& a yo+n)
arti&i"er in iron o& thi nei)hborhood 21hat a the(e* by the 1ay*
&or the (a)i" $en o& o+r a yet not +ni.erally a"#no1led)ed
to1n(an TOO:?* the $oet o& o+r "ol+(n<3 that the yo+th' earliet
$atron* "o($anion* and &riend* 1a a hi)hly re$e"ted
not entirely +n"onne"ted 1ith the "orn and eed trade* and 1hoe
e(inently "on.enient and "o((odio+ b+ine $re(ie are it+ate
1ithin a h+ndred (ile o& the ;i)h Street- It i not 1holly
irre$e"ti.e o& o+r $eronal &eelin) that 1e re"ord ;I% a the
%entor o& o+r yo+n) Tele(a"h+* &or it i )ood to #no1 that o+r
to1n $rod+"ed the &o+nder o& the latter' &ort+ne- !oe the
tho+)ht/"ontra"ted bro1 o& the lo"al Sa)e or the l+tro+ eye o&
lo"al :ea+ty in4+ire 1hoe &ort+ne@ 7e belie.e that >+intin %aty
1a the :CAC=S%IT; o& Ant1er$- EER:- SAP-
I entertain a "on.i"tion* baed +$on lar)e e,$erien"e* that i& in
the day o& (y $ro$erity I had )one to the North Pole* I ho+ld
ha.e (et o(ebody there* 1anderin) E4+i(a+, or "i.ili8ed (an* 1ho
1o+ld ha.e told (e that P+(ble"hoo# 1a (y earliet $atron and the
&o+nder o& (y &ort+ne-
Cha$ter XXIX
:eti(e in the (ornin) I 1a +$ and o+t- It 1a too early yet to )o
to %i ;a.iha('* o I loitered into the "o+ntry on %i
;a.iha(' ide o& to1n*//1hi"h 1a not 0oe' ide9 I "o+ld )o
there to/(orro1*//thin#in) abo+t (y $atrone* and $aintin)
brilliant $i"t+re o& her $lan &or (e-
She had ado$ted Etella* he had a )ood a ado$ted (e* and it
"o+ld not &ail to be her intention to brin) + to)ether- She
reer.ed it &or (e to retore the deolate ho+e* ad(it the
+nhine into the dar# roo(* et the "lo"# a/)oin) and the "old
hearth a/bla8in)* tear do1n the "ob1eb* detroy the .er(in*//in
hort* do all the hinin) deed o& the yo+n) =ni)ht o& ro(an"e* and
(arry the Prin"e- I had to$$ed to loo# at the ho+e a I $aed9
and it eared red bri"# 1all* blo"#ed 1indo1* and tron) )reen
i.y "la$in) e.en the ta"# o& "hi(ney 1ith it t1i) and
tendon* a i& 1ith ine1y old ar(* had (ade +$ a ri"h attra"ti.e
(ytery* o& 1hi"h I 1a the hero- Etella 1a the in$iration o&
it* and the heart o& it* o& "o+re- :+t* tho+)h he had ta#en +"h
tron) $oeion o& (e* tho+)h (y &an"y and (y ho$e 1ere o et
+$on her* tho+)h her in&l+en"e on (y boyih li&e and "hara"ter had
been all/$o1er&+l* I did not* e.en that ro(anti" (ornin)*
her 1ith any attrib+te a.e thoe he $oeed- I (ention thi in
thi $la"e* o& a &i,ed $+r$oe* be"a+e it i the "le1 by 1hi"h I
a( to be &ollo1ed into (y $oor labyrinth- A""ordin) to (y
e,$erien"e* the "on.entional notion o& a "annot be al1ay
tr+e- The +n4+ali&ied tr+th i* that 1hen I lo.ed Etella 1ith the
lo.e o& a (an* I lo.ed her i($ly be"a+e I &o+nd her irreitible-
On"e &or all9 I #ne1 to (y orro1* o&ten and o&ten* i& not al1ay*
that I lo.ed her a)aint reaon* a)aint $ro(ie* a)aint $ea"e*
a)aint ho$e* a)aint ha$$ine* a)aint all di"o+ra)e(ent that
"o+ld be- On"e &or all9 I lo.ed her none the le be"a+e I #ne1
it* and it had no (ore in&l+en"e in retrainin) (e than i& I had
de.o+tly belie.ed her to be h+(an $er&e"tion-
I o ha$ed o+t (y 1al# a to arri.e at the )ate at (y old ti(e-
7hen I had r+n) at the bell 1ith an +nteady hand* I t+rned (y ba"#
+$on the )ate* 1hile I tried to )et (y breath and #ee$ the beatin)
o& (y heart (oderately 4+iet- I heard the ide/door o$en* and te$
"o(e a"ro the "o+rtyard9 b+t I $retended not to hear* e.en 1hen
the )ate 1+n) on it r+ty hin)e-
:ein) at lat to+"hed on the ho+lder* I tarted and t+rned- I
tarted (+"h (ore nat+rally then* to &ind (yel& "on&ronted by a
(an in a ober )ray dre- The lat (an I ho+ld ha.e e,$e"ted to
ee in that $la"e o& $orter at %i ;a.iha(' door-
6Ah* yo+n) (ater* there' (ore "han)e than yo+r- :+t "o(e in*
"o(e in- It' o$$oed to (y order to hold the )ate o$en-6
I entered and he 1+n) it* and lo"#ed it* and too# the #ey o+t-
6?e<6 aid he* &a"in) ro+nd* a&ter do))edly $re"edin) (e a &e1
te$ to1ard the ho+e- 6;ere I a(<6
6;o1 did yo+ "o(e here@6
6I "o(e her*6 he retorted* 6on (y le)- I had (y bo, bro+)ht
alon)ide (e in a barro1-6
6Are yo+ here &or )ood@6
6I ain't here &or har(* yo+n) (ater* I +$$oe@6
I 1a not o +re o& that- I had lei+re to entertain the retort in
(y (ind* 1hile he lo1ly li&ted hi hea.y )lan"e &ro( the $a.e(ent*
+$ (y le) and ar(* to (y &a"e-
6Then yo+ ha.e le&t the &or)e@6 I aid-
6!o thi loo# li#e a &or)e@6 re$lied Orli"#* endin) hi )lan"e all
ro+nd hi( 1ith an air o& inA+ry- 6No1* do it loo# li#e it@6
I a#ed hi( ho1 lon) he had le&t Gar)ery' &or)e@
6One day i o li#e another here*6 he re$lied* 6that I don't #no1
1itho+t "atin) it +$- ;* I "o(e here o(e ti(e in"e yo+
6I "o+ld ha.e told yo+ that* Orli"#-6
6Ah<6 aid he* dryly- 6:+t then yo+'.e )ot to be a "holar-6
:y thi ti(e 1e had "o(e to the ho+e* 1here I &o+nd hi roo( to be
one A+t 1ithin the ide/door* 1ith a little 1indo1 in it loo#in)
on the "o+rtyard- In it (all $ro$ortion* it 1a not +nli#e the
#ind o& $la"e ++ally ai)ned to a )ate/$orter in Pari- Certain
#ey 1ere han)in) on the 1all* to 1hi"h he no1 added the )ate #ey9
and hi $at"h1or#/"o.ered bed 1a in a little inner di.iion or
re"e- The 1hole had a lo.enly* "on&ined* and lee$y loo#* li#e a
"a)e &or a h+(an dor(o+e9 1hile he* loo(in) dar# and hea.y in the
hado1 o& a "orner by the 1indo1* loo#ed li#e the h+(an dor(o+e
&or 1ho( it 1a &itted +$*//a indeed he 1a-
6I a1 thi roo( be&ore*6 I re(ar#ed9 6b+t there +ed to be
no Porter here-6
6No*6 aid he9 6not till it )ot abo+t that there 1a no $rote"tion
on the $re(ie* and it "o(e to be "onidered dan)ero+* 1ith
"on.i"t and Ta) and Ra) and :obtail )oin) +$ and do1n- And then I
1a re"o((ended to the $la"e a a (an 1ho "o+ld )i.e another (an a
)ood a he bro+)ht* and I too# it- It' eaier than bello1in) and
ha((erin)-//That' loaded* that i-6
%y eye had been "a+)ht by a )+n 1ith a bra/bo+nd to"# the
"hi(ney/$ie"e* and hi eye had &ollo1ed (ine-
67ell*6 aid I* not deiro+ o& (ore "on.eration* 6hall I )o +$
to %i ;a.iha(@6
6:+rn (e* i& I #no1<6 he retorted* &irt tret"hin) hi(el& and
then ha#in) hi(el&9 6(y order end here* yo+n) (ater- I )i.e
thi here bell a ra$ 1ith thi here ha((er* and yo+ )o on alon) the
$aa)e till yo+ (eet o(ebody-6
6I a( e,$e"ted* I belie.e@6
6:+rn (e t1i"e* i& I "an ay<6 aid he-
D$on that* I t+rned do1n the lon) $aa)e 1hi"h I had &irt trodden
in (y thi"# boot* and he (ade hi bell o+nd- At the end o& the
$aa)e* 1hile the bell 1a till re.erberatin)* I &o+nd Sarah
Po"#et* 1ho a$$eared to ha.e no1 be"o(e "ontit+tionally )reen and
yello1 by reaon o& (e-
6Oh<6 aid he- 6?o+* i it* %r- Pi$@6
6It i* %i Po"#et- I a( )lad to tell yo+ that %r- Po"#et and
&a(ily are all 1ell-6
6Are they any 1ier@6 aid Sarah* 1ith a di(al ha#e o& the head9
6they had better be 1ier* than 1ell- Ah* %atthe1* %atthe1< ?o+ #no1
yo+r 1ay* ir@6
Tolerably* &or I had )one +$ the tair"ae in the dar#* (any a
ti(e- I a"ended it no1* in li)hter boot than o& yore* and ta$$ed
in (y old 1ay at the door o& %i ;a.iha(' roo(- 6Pi$' ra$*6 I
heard her ay* i((ediately9 6"o(e in* Pi$-6
She 1a in her "hair near the old table* in the old dre* 1ith her
t1o hand "roed on her ti"#* her "hin retin) on the(* and her
eye on the &ire- Sittin) near her* 1ith the 1hite hoe* that had been 1orn* in her hand* and her head bent a he loo#ed at
it* 1a an ele)ant lady 1ho( I had een-
6Co(e in* Pi$*6 %i ;a.iha( "ontin+ed to (+tter* 1itho+t loo#in)
ro+nd or +$9 6"o(e in* Pi$* ho1 do yo+ do* Pi$@ o yo+ #i (y hand
a i& I 1ere a 4+een* eh@//7ell@6
She loo#ed +$ at (e +ddenly* only ( her eye* and re$eated in
a )ri(ly $lay&+l (anner*//
6I heard* %i ;a.iha(*6 aid I* rather at a lo* 6that yo+ 1ere
o #ind a to 1ih (e to "o(e and ee yo+* and I "a(e dire"tly-6
The lady 1ho( I had een be&ore* li&ted +$ her eye and
loo#ed ar"hly at (e* and then I a1 that the eye 1ere Etella'
eye- :+t he 1a o (+"h "han)ed* 1a o (+"h (ore bea+ti&+l* o
(+"h (ore 1o(anly* in all thin) 1innin) ad(iration* had (ade +"h
1onder&+l"e* that I ee(ed to ha.e (ade none- I &an"ied* a I
loo#ed at her* that I li$$ed ho$elely ba"# into the "oare and
"o((on boy a)ain- O the ene o& ditan"e and di$arity that "a(e
+$on (e* and the ina""eibility that "a(e abo+t her<
She )a.e (e her hand- I ta((ered o(ethin) abo+t the $lea+re I
&elt in eein) her a)ain* and abo+t (y loo#ed &or1ard to it*
&or a lon)* lon) ti(e-
6!o yo+ &ind her (+"h "han)ed* Pi$@6 a#ed %i ;a.iha(* 1ith her
)reedy loo#* and tri#in) her ti"# +$on a "hair that tood bet1een
the(* a a i)n to (e to it do1n there-
67hen I "a(e in* %i ;a.iha(* I tho+)ht there 1a nothin) o&
Etella in the &a"e or &i)+re9 b+t no1 it all ettle do1n o
"+rio+ly into the old//6
67hat@ ?o+ are not )oin) to ay into the old Etella@6 %i
;a.iha( interr+$ted- 6She 1a $ro+d and in+ltin)* and yo+ 1anted
to )o a1ay &ro( her- !on't yo+ re(e(ber@6
I aid "on&+edly that that 1a lon) a)o* and that I #ne1 no better
then* and the li#e- Etella (iled 1ith $er&e"t "o($o+re* and aid
he had no do+bt o& (y been 4+ite ri)ht* and o& her
been .ery dia)reeable-
6I he "han)ed@6 %i ;a.iha( a#ed her-
6Eery (+"h*6 aid Etella* loo#in) at (e-
6Ce "oare and "o((on@6 aid %i ;a.iha(* $layin) 1ith
Etella' hair-
Etella la+)hed* and loo#ed at the hoe in her hand* and la+)hed
a)ain* and loo#ed at (e* and $+t the hoe do1n- She treated (e a a
boy till* b+t he l+red (e on-
7e at in the drea(y roo( a(on) the old tran)e in&l+en"e 1hi"h
had o 1ro+)ht +$on (e* and I learnt that he had b+t A+t "o(e
ho(e &ro( 5ran"e* and that he 1a )oin) to Condon- Pro+d and
1il&+l a o& old* he had bro+)ht thoe 4+alitie into +"h
+bAe"tion to her bea+ty that it 1a i($oible and o+t o& nat+re//
or I tho+)ht o//to e$arate the( &ro( her bea+ty- Tr+ly it 1a
i($oible to dio"iate her $reen"e &ro( all thoe 1ret"hed
han#erin) a&ter (oney and )entility that had dit+rbed (y boyhood*
//&ro( all thoe ill/re)+lated a$iration that had &irt (ade (e
aha(ed o& ho(e and 0oe*//&ro( all thoe .iion that had raied
her &a"e in the )lo1in) &ire* tr+"# it o+t o& the iron on the* e,tra"ted it &ro( the dar#ne o& ni)ht to loo# in at the
1ooden 1indo1 o& the &or)e* and &lit a1ay- In a 1ord* it 1a
i($oible &or (e to e$arate her* in the $at or in the $reent*
&ro( the inner(ot li&e o& (y li&e-
It 1a ettled that I ho+ld tay there all the ret o& the day*
and ret+rn to the hotel at ni)ht* and to Condon to/(orro1- 7hen 1e
had "on.ered &or a 1hile* %i ;a.iha( ent + t1o o+t to 1al# in
the ne)le"ted )ardenB on o+r "o(in) in by and by* he aid* I
ho+ld 1heel her abo+t a little* a in ti(e o& yore-
So* Etella and I 1ent o+t into the )arden by the )ate thro+)h
1hi"h I had trayed to (y en"o+nter 1ith the $ale yo+n) )entle(an*
no1 ;erbert9 I* tre(blin) in $irit and 1orhi$$in) the .ery he( o&
her dre9 he* 4+ite "o($oed and (ot de"idedly not 1orhi$$in)
the he( o& (ine- A 1e dre1 near to the $la"e o& en"o+nter* he
to$$ed and aid*//
6I (+t ha.e been a in)+lar little "reat+re to hide and ee that
&i)ht that day9 b+t I did* and I enAoyed it .ery (+"h-6
6?o+ re1arded (e .ery (+"h-6
6!id I@6 he re$lied* in an in"idental and &or)et&+l 1ay- 6I
re(e(ber I entertained a )reat obAe"tion to yo+r ad.erary* be"a+e
I too# it ill that he ho+ld be bro+)ht here to $eter (e 1ith hi
6;e and I are )reat &riend no1-6
6Are yo+@ I thin# I re"olle"t tho+)h* that yo+ read 1ith hi
I (ade the ad(iion 1ith rel+"tan"e* &or it ee(ed to ha.e a
boyih loo#* and he already treated (e (ore than eno+)h li#e a
6Sin"e yo+r "han)e o& &ort+ne and $ro$e"t* yo+ ha.e "han)ed yo+r
"o($anion*6 aid Etella-
6Nat+rally*6 aid I-
6And ne"earily*6 he added* in a ha+)hty tone9 61hat 1a &it
"o($any &or yo+ on"e* 1o+ld be 4+ite +n&it "o($any &or yo+ no1-6
In (y "on"ien"e* I do+bt .ery (+"h 1hether I had any lin)erin)
intention le&t o& )oin) to ee 0oe9 b+t i& I had* thi ober.ation
$+t it to &li)ht-
6?o+ had no idea o& yo+r i($endin) )ood &ort+ne* in thoe ti(e@6
aid Etella* 1ith a li)ht 1a.e o& her hand* i)ni&yin) in the
&i)htin) ti(e-
6Not the leat-6
The air o& "o($letene and +$eriority 1ith 1hi"h he 1al#ed at (y
ide* and the air o& yo+th&+lne and +b(iion 1ith 1hi"h I
1al#ed at her* (ade a "ontrat that I tron)ly &elt- It 1o+ld ha.e
ran#led in (e (ore than it did* i& I had not re)arded (yel& a
eli"itin) it by bein) o et a$art &or her and ai)ned to her-
The )arden 1a too and ran# &or 1al#in) in 1ith eae* and
a&ter 1e had (ade the ro+nd o& it t1i"e or thri"e* 1e "a(e o+t
a)ain into the bre1ery yard- I ho1ed her to a ni"ety 1here I had
een her 1al#in) on the "a#* that &irt old day* and he aid*
1ith a "old and "arele loo# in that dire"tion* 6!id I@6 I
re(inded her 1here he had "o(e o+t o& the ho+e and )i.en (e (y
(eat and drin#* and he aid* 6I don't re(e(ber-6 6Not re(e(ber
that yo+ (ade (e "ry@6 aid I- 6No*6 aid he* and hoo# her head
and loo#ed abo+t her- I .erily belie.e that her not re(e(berin) and
not (indin) in the leat* (ade (e "ry a)ain* in1ardly*//and that i
the har$et "ryin) o& all-
6?o+ (+t #no1*6 aid Etella* "onde"endin) to (e a a brilliant
and bea+ti&+l 1o(an (i)ht* 6that I ha.e no heart*//i& that ha
anythin) to do 1ith (y (e(ory-6
I )ot thro+)h o(e Aar)on to the e&&e"t that I too# the liberty o&
do+btin) that- That I #ne1 better- That there "o+ld be no +"h
bea+ty 1itho+t it-
6Oh< I ha.e a heart to be tabbed in or hot in* I ha.e no do+bt*6
aid Etella* 6and o& "o+re i& it "eaed to beat I ho+ld "eae
to be- :+t yo+ #no1 1hat I (ean- I ha.e no o&tne there* no//
7hat 1a it that 1a borne in +$on (y (ind 1hen he tood till and
loo#ed attenti.ely at (e@ Anythin) that I had een in %i
;a.iha(@ No- In o(e o& her loo# and )et+re there 1a that
tin)e o& ree(blan"e to %i ;a.iha( 1hi"h (ay o&ten be noti"ed to
ha.e been a"4+ired by "hildren* &ro( )ro1n $eron 1ith 1ho( they
ha.e been (+"h ao"iated and e"l+ded* and 1hi"h* 1hen "hildhood
i $aed* 1ill $rod+"e a re(ar#able o""aional li#ene o&
e,$reion bet1een &a"e that are other1ie 4+ite di&&erent- And
yet I "o+ld not tra"e thi to %i ;a.iha(- I loo#ed a)ain* and
tho+)h he 1a till loo#in) at (e* the +))etion 1a )one-
7hat 1a it@
6I a( erio+*6 aid Etella* not o (+"h 1ith a &ro1n 2&or her
bro1 1a (ooth3 a 1ith a dar#enin) o& her &a"e9 6i& 1e are to be
thro1n (+"h to)ether* yo+ had better belie.e it at on"e- No<6
i($erio+ly to$$in) (e a I o$ened (y li$- 6I ha.e not beto1ed
(y tenderne any1here- I ha.e had any +"h thin)-6
In another (o(ent 1e 1ere in the bre1ery* o lon) di+ed* and he
$ointed to the hi)h )allery 1here I had een her )oin) o+t on that
a(e &irt day* and told (e he re(e(bered to ha.e been +$ there*
and to ha.e een (e tandin) "ared belo1- A (y eye &ollo1ed her
1hite hand* a)ain the a(e di( +))etion that I "o+ld not $oibly
)ra$ "roed (e- %y in.ol+ntary tart o""aioned her to lay her
hand +$on (y ar(- Intantly the )hot $aed on"e (ore and 1a
7hat 1a it@
67hat i the (atter@6 a#ed Etella- 6Are yo+ "ared a)ain@6
6I ho+ld be* i& I belie.ed 1hat yo+ aid A+t no1*6 I re$lied* to
t+rn it o&&-
6Then yo+ don't@ Eery 1ell- It i aid* at any rate- %i ;a.iha(
1ill oon be e,$e"tin) yo+ at yo+r old $ot* tho+)h I thin# that
(i)ht be laid aide no1* 1ith other old belon)in)- Cet + (a#e one
(ore ro+nd o& the )arden* and then )o in- Co(e< ?o+ hall not hed
tear &or (y "r+elty to/day9 yo+ hall be (y Pa)e* and )i.e (e yo+r
;er hando(e dre had trailed +$on the )ro+nd- She held it in one
hand no1* and 1ith the other li)htly to+"hed (y ho+lder a 1e
1al#ed- 7e 1al#ed ro+nd the r+ined )arden t1i"e or thri"e (ore* and
it 1a all in bloo( &or (e- I& the )reen and yello1 )ro1th o& 1eed
in the "hin# o& the old 1all had been the (ot $re"io+ &lo1er
that ble1* it "o+ld not ha.e been (ore "herihed in (y
There 1a no di"re$an"y o& year bet1een + to re(o.e her &ar
&ro( (e9 1e 1ere o& nearly the a(e a)e* tho+)h o& "o+re the a)e
told &or (ore in her "ae than in (ine9 b+t the air o&
ina""eibility 1hi"h her bea+ty and her (anner )a.e her* tor(ented
(e in the (idt o& (y deli)ht* and at the hei)ht o& the a+ran"e I
&elt that o+r $atrone had "hoen + &or one another- 7ret"hed
At lat 1e 1ent ba"# into the ho+e* and there I heard* 1ith
+r$rie* that (y )+ardian had "o(e do1n to ee %i ;a.iha( on
b+ine* and 1o+ld "o(e ba"# to dinner- The old 1intry bran"he o&
"handelier in the roo( 1here the (o+lderin) table 1a $read had
been li)hted 1hile 1e 1ere o+t* and %i ;a.iha( 1a in her "hair
and 1aitin) &or (e-
It 1a li#e $+hin) the "hair itel& ba"# into the $at* 1hen 1e
be)an the old lo1 "ir"+it ro+nd abo+t the ahe o& the bridal
&eat- :+t* in the &+nereal roo(* 1ith that &i)+re o& the )ra.e
&allen ba"# in the "hair &i,in) it eye +$on her* Etella loo#ed
(ore bri)ht and bea+ti&+l than be&ore* and I 1a +nder tron)er
The ti(e o (elted a1ay* that o+r early dinner/ho+r dre1 "loe at
hand* and Etella le&t + to $re$are herel&- 7e had to$$ed near
the "entre o& the lon) table* and %i ;a.iha(* 1ith one o& her
1ithered ar( tret"hed o+t o& the "hair* reted that "len"hed hand
+$on the yello1 "loth- A Etella loo#ed ba"# her ho+lder
be&ore )oin) o+t at the door* %i ;a.iha( #ied that hand to
her* 1ith a ra.eno+ intenity that 1a o& it #ind 4+ite dread&+l-
Then* Etella bein) )one and 1e t1o le&t alone* he t+rned to (e*
and aid in a 1hi$er*//
6I he bea+ti&+l* )ra"e&+l* 1ell/)ro1n@ !o yo+ ad(ire her@6
6E.erybody (+t 1ho ee her* %i ;a.iha(-6
She dre1 an ar( ro+nd (y ne"#* and dre1 (y head "loe do1n to her
a he at in the "hair- 6Co.e her* lo.e her* lo.e her< ;o1 doe
he +e yo+@6
:e&ore I "o+ld an1er 2i& I "o+ld ha.e an1ered o di&&i"+lt a
4+etion at all3 he re$eated* 6Co.e her* lo.e her* lo.e her< I&
he &a.or yo+* lo.e her- I& he 1o+nd yo+* lo.e her- I& he
tear yo+r heart to $ie"e*//and a it )et older and tron)er it
1ill tear dee$er*//lo.e her* lo.e her* lo.e her<6 had I een +"h $aionate ea)erne a 1a Aoined to her
+tteran"e o& thee 1ord- I "o+ld &eel the (+"le o& the thin ar(
ro+nd (y ne"# 1ell 1ith the .ehe(en"e that $oeed her-
6;ear (e* Pi$< I ado$ted her* to be lo.ed- I bred her and ed+"ated
her* to be lo.ed- I de.elo$ed her into 1hat he i* that he (i)ht
be lo.ed- Co.e her<6
She aid the 1ord o&ten eno+)h* and there "o+ld be no do+bt that
he (eant to ay it9 b+t i& the o&ten re$eated 1ord had been hate
intead o& lo.e//de$air//re.en)e//dire death//it "o+ld not
ha.e o+nded &ro( her li$ (ore li#e a "+re-
6I'll tell yo+*6 aid he* in the a(e h+rried $aionate 1hi$er*
61hat real lo.e i- It i blind de.otion* +n4+etionin)
el&/h+(iliation* +tter +b(iion* tr+t and belie& a)aint
yo+rel& and a)aint the 1hole 1orld* ) +$ yo+r 1hole heart
and o+l to the (iter//a I did<6
7hen he "a(e to that* and to a 1ild "ry that &ollo1ed that* I
"a+)ht her ro+nd the 1ait- 5or he roe +$ in the "hair* in her
hro+d o& a dre* and tr+"# at the air a i& he 1o+ld a oon
ha.e tr+"# herel& a)aint the 1all and &allen dead-
All thi $aed in a &e1 e"ond- A I dre1 her do1n into her
"hair* I 1a "on"io+ o& a "ent that I #ne1* and t+rnin)* a1 (y
)+ardian in the roo(-
;e al1ay "arried 2I ha.e not yet (entioned it* I thin#3 a
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& o& ri"h il# and o& i($oin) $ro$ortion* 1hi"h
1a o& )reat .al+e to hi( in hi $ro&eion- I ha.e een hi( o
terri&y a "lient or a 1itne by "ere(onio+ly +n&oldin) thi
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& a i& he 1ere i((ediately )oin) to blo1 hi
noe* and then $a+in)* a i& he #ne1 he ho+ld not ha.e ti(e to do
it be&ore +"h "lient or 1itne "o((itted hi(el&* that the
el&/"o((ittal ha &ollo1ed dire"tly* 4+ite a a (atter o& "o+re-
7hen I a1 hi( in the roo( he had thi e,$rei.e
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& in both hand* and 1a loo#in) at +- On (eetin)
(y eye* he aid $lainly* by a (o(entary and ilent $a+e in that
attit+de* 6Indeed@ Sin)+lar<6 and then $+t the hand#er"hie& to it
ri)ht +e 1ith 1onder&+l e&&e"t-
%i ;a.iha( had een hi( a oon a I* and 1a 2li#e e.erybody
ele3 a&raid o& hi(- She (ade a tron) atte($t to "o($oe herel&*
and ta((ered that he 1a a $+n"t+al a
6A $+n"t+al a*6 he re$eated* "o(in) +$ to +- 62;o1 do yo+
do* Pi$@ Shall I )i.e yo+ a ride* %i ;a.iha(@ On"e ro+nd@3
And o yo+ are here* Pi$@6
I told hi( 1hen I had arri.ed* and ho1 %i ;a.iha( had 1ihed (e
to "o(e and ee Etella- To 1hi"h he re$lied* 6Ah< Eery &ine yo+n)
lady<6 Then he $+hed %i ;a.iha( in her "hair be&ore hi(* 1ith
one o& hi lar)e hand* and $+t the other in hi tro+er/$o"#et a
i& the $o"#et 1ere &+ll o& e"ret-
67ell* Pi$< ;o1 o&ten ha.e yo+ een %i Etella be&ore@6 aid he*
1hen he "a(e to a to$-
6;o1 o&ten@6
6Ah< ;o1 (any ti(e@ Ten tho+and ti(e@6
6Oh< Certainly not o (any-6
60a))er*6 inter$oed %i ;a.iha(* (+"h to (y relie&* 6lea.e (y
Pi$ alone* and )o 1ith hi( to yo+r dinner-6
;e "o($lied* and 1e )ro$ed o+r 1ay do1n the dar# tair to)ether-
7hile 1e 1ere till on o+r 1ay to thoe deta"hed a$art(ent a"ro
the $a.ed yard at the ba"#* he a#ed (e ho1 o&ten I had een %i
;a.iha( eat and drin#9 o&&erin) (e a breadth o& "hoi"e* a ++al*
bet1een a h+ndred ti(e and on"e-
I "onidered* and aid*
6And 1ill* Pi$*6 he retorted* 1ith a &ro1nin) (ile- 6She ha allo1ed herel& to be een doin) either* in"e he li.ed thi
$reent li&e o& her- She 1ander abo+t in the ni)ht* and then lay
hand on +"h &ood a he ta#e-6
6Pray* ir*6 aid I* 6(ay I a# yo+ a 4+etion@6
6?o+ (ay*6 aid he* 6and I (ay de"line to an1er it- P+t yo+r
6Etella' na(e- I it ;a.iha( or//@6 I had nothin) to add-
6Or 1hat@6 aid he-
6I it ;a.iha(@6
6It i ;a.iha(-6
Thi bro+)ht + to the dinner/table* 1here he and Sarah Po"#et
a1aited +- %r- 0a))er $reided* Etella at o$$oite to hi(* I
&a"ed (y )reen and yello1 &riend- 7e dined .ery 1ell* and 1ere
1aited on by a (aid/er.ant 1ho( I had een in all (y "o(in)
and )oin)* b+t 1ho* &or anythin) I #no1* had been in that
(yterio+ ho+e the 1hole ti(e- A&ter dinner a bottle o& "hoi"e
old $ort 1a $la"ed be&ore (y )+ardian 2he 1a e.idently 1ell
a"4+ainted 1ith the .inta)e3* and the t1o ladie le&t +-
Anythin) to e4+al the deter(ined reti"en"e o& %r- 0a))er +nder that
roo& I a1 ele1here* e.en in hi(- ;e #e$t hi .ery loo# to
hi(el&* and "ar"ely dire"ted hi eye to Etella' &a"e on"e
d+rin) dinner- 7hen he $o#e to hi(* he litened* and in d+e
"o+re an1ered* b+t loo#ed at her* that I "o+ld ee- On the
other hand* he o&ten loo#ed at hi(* 1ith interet and "+rioity*
i& not ditr+t* b+t hi &a"e* ho1ed the leat
"on"io+ne- Thro+)ho+t dinner he too# a dry deli)ht in (a#in)
Sarah Po"#et )reener and yello1er* by o&ten re&errin) in
"on.eration 1ith (e to (y e,$e"tation9 b+t here* a)ain* he ho1ed
no "on"io+ne* and e.en (ade it a$$ear that he e,torted//and
e.en did e,tort* tho+)h I don't #no1 ho1//thoe re&eren"e o+t o&
(y inno"ent el&-
And 1hen he and I 1ere le&t alone to)ether* he at 1ith an air +$on
hi( o& )eneral lyin) by in "one4+en"e o& in&or(ation he $oeed*
that really 1a too (+"h &or (e- ;e "ro/e,a(ined hi .ery 1ine
1hen he had nothin) ele in hand- ;e held it bet1een hi(el& and
the "andle* tated the $ort* rolled it in hi (o+th* 1allo1ed it*
loo#ed at hi )la a)ain* (elt the $ort* tried it* dran# it*
&illed a)ain* and "ro/e,a(ined the )la a)ain* +ntil I 1a a
ner.o+ a i& I had #no1n the 1ine to be tellin) hi( o(ethin) to
(y diad.anta)e- Three or &o+r ti(e I &eebly tho+)ht I 1o+ld tart
"on.eration9 b+t he a1 (e )oin) to a# hi( anythin)* he
loo#ed at (e 1ith hi )la in hi hand* and rollin) hi 1ine abo+t
in hi (o+th* a i& re4+etin) (e to ta#e noti"e that it 1a o& no
+e* &or he "o+ldn't an1er-
I thin# %i Po"#et 1a "on"io+ that the i)ht o& (e in.ol.ed her
in the dan)er o& bein) )oaded to (adne* and $erha$ tearin) o&&
her "a$*//1hi"h 1a a .ery hideo+ one* in the nat+re o& a (+lin
(o$*//and tre1in) the )ro+nd 1ith her hair*//1hi"h a+redly had )ro1n on her head- She did not a$$ear 1hen 1e a&ter1ard 1ent
+$ to %i ;a.iha(' roo(* and 1e &o+r $layed at 1hit- In the* %i ;a.iha(* in a &antati" 1ay* had $+t o(e o& the
(ot bea+ti&+l Ae1el &ro( her drein)/table into Etella' hair*
and abo+t her boo( and ar(9 and I a1 e.en (y )+ardian loo# at
her &ro( +nder hi thi"# eyebro1* and raie the( a little* 1hen
her lo.eline 1a be&ore hi(* 1ith thoe ri"h &l+he o& )litter
and "olor in it-
O& the (anner and e,tent to 1hi"h he too# o+r tr+($ into "+tody*
and "a(e o+t 1ith (ean little "ard at the end o& hand* be&ore
1hi"h the )lory o& o+r =in) and >+een 1a +tterly abaed* I ay
nothin)9 nor* o& the &eelin) that I had* re$e"tin) hi loo#in)
+$on + $eronally in the li)ht o& three .ery and $oor
riddle that he had &o+nd o+t lon) a)o- 7hat I +&&ered &ro(* 1a
the in"o($atibility bet1een hi "old $reen"e and (y &eelin)
to1ard Etella- It 1a not that I #ne1 I "o+ld bear to $ea#
to hi( abo+t her* that I #ne1 I "o+ld bear to hear hi( "rea#
hi boot at her* that I #ne1 I "o+ld bear to ee hi( 1ah
hi hand o& her9 it 1a* that (y ad(iration ho+ld be 1ithin a
&oot or t1o o& hi(*//it 1a* that (y &eelin) ho+ld be in the a(e
$la"e 1ith hi(*//that* 1a the a)oni8in) "ir"+(tan"e-
7e $layed +ntil nine o'"lo"#* and then it 1a arran)ed that 1hen
Etella "a(e to Condon I ho+ld be &ore1arned o& her "o(in) and
ho+ld (eet her at the "oa"h9 and then I too# lea.e o& her* and
to+"hed her and le&t her-
%y )+ardian lay at the :oar in the ne,t roo( to (ine- 5ar into the
ni)ht* %i ;a.iha(' 1ord* 6Co.e her* lo.e her* lo.e her<6
o+nded in (y ear- I ada$ted the( &or (y o1n re$etition* and aid
to (y $illo1* 6I lo.e her* I lo.e her* I lo.e her<6 h+ndred o&
ti(e- Then* a b+rt o& )ratit+de "a(e +$on (e* that he ho+ld be
detined &or (e* on"e the bla"#(ith' boy- Then I tho+)ht i& he
1ere* a I &eared* by no (ean ra$t+ro+ly )rate&+l &or that
detiny yet* 1hen 1o+ld he be)in to be intereted in (e@ 7hen
ho+ld I a1a#en the heart 1ithin her that 1a (+te and lee$in)
Ah (e< I tho+)ht thoe 1ere hi)h and )reat e(otion- :+t I
tho+)ht there 1a anythin) lo1 and (all in (y #ee$in) a1ay &ro(
0oe* be"a+e I #ne1 he 1o+ld be "onte($t+o+ o& hi(- It 1a b+t a
day )one* and 0oe had bro+)ht the tear into (y eye9 they had oon
dried* God &or)i.e (e< oon dried-
Cha$ter XXX
A&ter 1ell "oniderin) the (atter 1hile I 1a drein) at the :l+e
:oar in the (ornin)* I reol.ed to tell (y )+ardian that I do+bted
Orli"#' bein) the ri)ht ort o& (an to &ill a $ot o& tr+t at
%i ;a.iha('- 67hy o& "o+re he i not the ri)ht ort o& (an*
Pi$*6 aid (y )+ardian* "o(&ortably ati&ied be&orehand on the
)eneral head* 6be"a+e the (an 1ho &ill the $ot o& tr+t i
the ri)ht ort o& (an-6 It ee(ed 4+ite to $+t hi( into $irit to
&ind that thi $arti"+lar $ot 1a not e,"e$tionally held by the
ri)ht ort o& (an* and he litened in a ati&ied (anner 1hile I
told hi( 1hat #no1led)e I had o& Orli"#- 6Eery )ood* Pi$*6 he
ober.ed* 1hen I had "on"l+ded* 6I'll )o ro+nd $reently* and $ay
o+r &riend o&&-6 Rather alar(ed by thi +((ary a"tion* I 1a &or a
little delay* and e.en hinted that o+r &riend hi(el& (i)ht be
di&&i"+lt to deal 1ith- 6Oh no he 1on't*6 aid (y )+ardian* (a#in)
hi $o"#et/hand#er"hie&/$oint* 1ith $er&e"t "on&iden"e9 6I ho+ld
li#e to ee hi( ar)+e the 4+etion 1ith (e-6
A 1e 1ere )oin) ba"# to)ether to Condon by the (idday "oa"h* and
a I brea#&ated +nder +"h terror o& P+(ble"hoo# that I "o+ld
"ar"ely hold (y "+$* thi )a.e (e an o$$ort+nity o& ayin) that I
1anted a 1al#* and that I 1o+ld )o on alon) the Condon road 1hile
%r- 0a))er 1a o""+$ied* i& he 1o+ld let the "oa"h(an #no1 that I
1o+ld )et into (y $la"e 1hen o.erta#en- I 1a th+ enabled to &ly
&ro( the :l+e :oar i((ediately a&ter brea#&at- :y then (a#in) a
loo$ o& abo+t a "o+$le o& (ile into the o$en "o+ntry at the ba"#
o& P+(ble"hoo#' $re(ie* I )ot ro+nd into the ;i)h Street a)ain*
a little beyond that $it&all* and &elt (yel& in "o($arati.e
It 1a interetin) to be in the 4+iet old to1n on"e (ore* and it
1a not dia)reeable to be here and there +ddenly re"o)ni8ed and
tared a&ter- One or t1o o& the trade$eo$le e.en darted o+t o&
their ho$ and 1ent a little 1ay do1n the treet be&ore (e* that
they (i)ht t+rn* a i& they had &or)otten o(ethin)* and $a (e
&a"e to &a"e*//on 1hi"h o""aion I don't #no1 1hether they or I
(ade the 1ore $reten"e9 they o& not doin) it* or I o& not eein)
it- Still (y $oition 1a a ditin)+ihed one* and I 1a not at all
diati&ied 1ith it* +ntil 5ate thre1 (e in the 1ay o& that
+nli(ited (i"reant* Trabb' boy-
Catin) (y eye alon) the treet at a "ertain $oint o& (y $ro)re*
I beheld Trabb' boy a$$roa"hin)* lahin) hi(el& 1ith an e($ty
bl+e ba)- !ee(in) that a erene and +n"on"io+ "onte($lation o&
hi( 1o+ld bet beee( (e* and 1o+ld be (ot li#ely to 4+ell hi (ind* I"ed 1ith that e,$reion o& "o+ntenan"e* and 1a
rather "on)rat+latin) (yel& on (y +""e* 1hen +ddenly the #nee
o& Trabb' boy (ote to)ether* hi hair +$roe* hi "a$ &ell o&&*
he tre(bled .iolently in e.ery li(b* ta))ered o+t into the road*
and "ryin) to the $o$+la"e* 6;old (e< I'( o &ri)htened<6 &ei)ned to
be in a $aro,y( o& terror and "ontrition* o""aioned by the
di)nity o& (y a$$earan"e- A I $aed hi(* hi teeth lo+dly
"hattered in hi head* and 1ith e.ery (ar# o& e,tre(e h+(iliation*
he $rotrated hi(el& in the d+t-
Thi 1a a hard thin) to bear* b+t thi 1a nothin)- I had not"ed another t1o h+ndred yard 1hen* to (y ine,$reible
terror* a(a8e(ent* and indi)nation* I a)ain beheld Trabb' boy
a$$roa"hin)- ;e 1a "o(in) ro+nd a narro1 "orner- ;i bl+e ba) 1a
l+n) hi ho+lder* honet ind+try bea(ed in hi eye* a
deter(ination to $ro"eed to Trabb' 1ith "heer&+l bri#ne 1a
indi"ated in hi )ait- 7ith a ho"# he be"a(e a1are o& (e* and 1a
e.erely .iited a be&ore9 b+t thi ti(e hi (otion 1a rotatory*
and he ta))ered ro+nd and ro+nd (e 1ith #nee (ore a&&li"ted* and
1ith +$li&ted hand a i& beee"hin) &or (er"y- ;i +&&erin) 1ere
hailed 1ith the )reatet Aoy by a #not o& $e"tator* and I &elt
+tterly "on&o+nded-
I had not )ot a (+"h &+rther do1n the treet a the $ot/o&&i"e*
1hen I a)ain beheld Trabb' boy hootin) ro+nd by a ba"# 1ay- Thi
ti(e* he 1a entirely "han)ed- ;e 1ore the bl+e ba) in the (anner
o& (y )reat/"oat* and 1a tr+ttin) alon) the $a.e(ent to1ard (e
on the o$$oite ide o& the treet* attended by a "o($any o&
deli)hted yo+n) &riend to 1ho( he &ro( ti(e to ti(e e,"lai(ed*
1ith a 1a.e o& hi hand* 6!on't #no1 yah<6 7ord "annot tate the
a(o+nt o& a))ra.ation and inA+ry 1rea#ed +$on (e by Trabb' boy*
1hen $ain) abreat o& (e* he $+lled +$ hi hirt/"ollar* t1ined
hi ide/hair* t+"# an ar( a#i(bo* and (ir#ed e,tra.a)antly by*
1ri))lin) hi elbo1 and body* and dra1lin) to hi attendant*
6!on't #no1 yah* don't #no1 yah* '$on (y o+l don't #no1 yah<6 The
di)ra"e attendant on hi i((ediately a&ter1ard ta#in) to "ro1in)
and $+r+in) (e a"ro the brid)e 1ith "ro1* a &ro( an
e,"eedin)ly deAe"ted &o1l 1ho had #no1n (e 1hen I 1a a bla"#(ith*
"+l(inated the di)ra"e 1ith 1hi"h I le&t the to1n* and 1a* o to
$ea#* eAe"ted by it into the o$en "o+ntry-
:+t +nle I had ta#en the li&e o& Trabb' boy on that o""aion* I
really do not e.en no1 ee 1hat I "o+ld ha.e done a.e end+re- To
ha.e tr+))led 1ith hi( in the treet* or to ha.e e,a"ted any lo1er
re"o($ene &ro( hi( than hi heart' bet blood* 1o+ld ha.e been
&+tile and de)radin)-* he 1a a boy 1ho( no (an "o+ld
h+rt9 an in.+lnerable and dod)in) er$ent 1ho* 1hen "haed into a
"orner* &le1 o+t a)ain bet1een hi "a$tor' le)* "orn&+lly
yel$in)- I 1rote** to %r- Trabb by ne,t day' $ot* to ay
that %r- Pi$ (+t de"line to deal &+rther 1ith one 1ho "o+ld o &ar
&or)et 1hat he o1ed to the bet interet o& o"iety* a to e($loy
a boy 1ho e,"ited Coathin) in e.ery re$e"table (ind-
The "oa"h* 1ith %r- 0a))er inide* "a(e +$ in d+e ti(e* and I too#
(y bo,/eat a)ain* and arri.ed in Condon a&e*//b+t not o+nd* &or
(y heart 1a )one- A oon a I arri.ed* I ent a $enitential
"od&ih and barrel o& oyter to 0oe 2a re$aration &or not
)one (yel&3* and then 1ent on to :arnard' Inn-
I &o+nd ;erbert dinin) on "old (eat* and deli)hted to 1el"o(e (e
ba"#- ; de$at"hed The A.en)er to the "o&&ee/ho+e &or an
addition to the dinner* I &elt that I (+t o$en (y breat that .ery
e.enin) to (y &riend and "h+(- A "on&iden"e 1a o+t o& the
4+etion 1ith The A.en)er in the hall* 1hi"h "o+ld (erely be
re)arded in the li)ht o& an ante"ha(ber to the #eyhole* I ent hi(
to the Play- A better $roo& o& the e.erity o& (y bonda)e to that
ta#(ater "o+ld "ar"ely be a&&orded* than the de)radin) hi&t to
1hi"h I 1a "ontantly dri.en to &ind hi( e($loy(ent- So (ean i
e,tre(ity* that I o(eti(e ent hi( to ;yde Par# "orner to ee
1hat o'"lo"# it 1a-
!inner done and 1e ittin) 1ith o+r &eet +$on the &ender* I aid to
;erbert* 6%y dear ;erbert* I ha.e o(ethin) .ery $arti"+lar to tell
6%y dear ;andel*6 he ret+rned* 6I hall etee( and re$e"t yo+r
6It "on"ern (yel&* ;erbert*6 aid I* 6and one other $eron-6
;erbert "roed hi &eet* loo#ed at the &ire 1ith hi head on one
ide* and loo#ed at it in .ain &or o(e ti(e* loo#ed at (e
be"a+e I didn't )o on-
6;erbert*6 aid I* layin) (y hand +$on hi #nee* 6I lo.e//I adore
Intead o& bein) tran&i,ed* ;erbert re$lied in an eay
(atter/o&"o+re 1ay* 6E,a"tly- 7ell@6
67ell* ;erbert@ I that all yo+ ay@ 7ell@6
67hat ne,t* I (ean@6 aid ;erbert- 6O& "o+re I #no1 that-6
6;o1 do yo+ #no1 it@6 aid I-
6;o1 do I #no1 it* ;andel@ 7hy* &ro( yo+-6
6I told yo+-6
6Told (e< ?o+ ha.e told (e 1hen yo+ ha.e )ot yo+r hair "+t*
b+t I ha.e had ene to $er"ei.e it- ?o+ ha.e al1ay adored her* in"e I ha.e #no1n yo+- ?o+ bro+)ht yo+r adoration and yo+r
$ort(antea+ here to)ether- Told (e< 7hy* yo+ ha.e al1ay told (e
all day lon)- 7hen yo+ told (e yo+r o1n tory* yo+ told (e $lainly
that yo+ be)an adorin) her the &irt ti(e yo+ a1 her* 1hen yo+
1ere .ery yo+n) indeed-6
6Eery 1ell* then*6 aid I* to 1ho( thi 1a a ne1 and not +n1el"o(e
li)ht* 6I ha.e le&t o&& adorin) her- And he ha "o(e ba"#* a
(ot bea+ti&+l and (ot ele)ant "reat+re- And I a1 her yeterday-
And i& I adored her be&ore* I no1 do+bly adore her-6
6C+"#y &or yo+ then* ;andel*6 aid ;erbert* 6that yo+ are $i"#ed
o+t &or her and allotted to her- 7itho+t en"roa"hin) on &orbidden
)ro+nd* 1e (ay .ent+re to ay that there "an be no do+bt bet1een
o+rel.e o& that &a"t- ;a.e yo+ any idea yet* o& Etella' .ie1
on the adoration 4+etion@6
I hoo# (y head )loo(ily- 6Oh< She i tho+and o& (ile a1ay* &ro(
(e*6 aid I-
6Patien"e* (y dear ;andelB ti(e eno+)h* ti(e eno+)h- :+t yo+ ha.e
o(ethin) (ore to ay@6
6I a( aha(ed to ay it*6 I ret+rned* 6and yet it' no 1ore to ay
it than to thin# it- ?o+ "all (e a l+"#y &ello1- O& "o+re* I a(- I
1a a bla"#(ith' boy b+t yeterday9 I a(//1hat hall I ay I a(
6Say a )ood &ello1* i& yo+ 1ant a $hrae*6 ret+rned ;erbert*
(ilin)* and "la$$in) hi hand on the ba"# o& (ine//6a )ood &ello1*
1ith i($et+oity and heitation* boldne and di&&iden"e* a"tion
and drea(in)* "+rio+ly (i,ed in hi(-6
I to$$ed &or a (o(ent to "onider 1hether there really 1a thi
(i,t+re in (y "hara"ter- On the 1hole* I by no (ean re"o)ni8ed the
analyi* b+t tho+)ht it not 1orth di$+tin)-
67hen I a# 1hat I a( to "all (yel& to/day* ;erbert*6 I 1ent on*
6I +))et 1hat I ha.e in (y tho+)ht- ?o+ ay I a( l+"#y- I #no1 I
ha.e done nothin) to raie (yel& in li&e* and that 5ort+ne alone
ha raied (e9 that i bein) .ery l+"#y- And yet* 1hen I thin# o&
26And 1hen don't yo+* yo+ #no1@6 ;erbert thre1 in* 1ith hi eye on
the &ire9 1hi"h I tho+)ht #ind and y($atheti" o& hi(-3
6//Then* (y dear ;erbert* I "annot tell yo+ ho1 de$endent and
+n"ertain I &eel* and ho1 e,$oed to h+ndred o& "han"e- A.oidin)
&orbidden )ro+nd* a yo+ did A+t no1* I (ay till ay that on the
"ontan"y o& one $eron 2na(in) no $eron3 all (y e,$e"tation
de$end- And at the bet* ho1 inde&inite and +nati&a"tory* only to
#no1 o .a)+ely 1hat they are<6 In ayin) thi* I relie.ed (y (ind
o& 1hat had al1ay been there* (ore or le* tho+)h no do+bt (ot
in"e yeterday-
6No1* ;andel*6 ;erbert re$lied* in hi )ay* ho$e&+l 1ay* 6it ee(
to (e that in the de$onden"y o& the tender $aion* 1e are loo#in)
into o+r )i&t/hore' (o+th 1ith a (a)ni&yin)/)la- Ci#e1ie* it
ee( to (e that* "on"entratin) o+r attention on the e,a(ination*
1e alto)ether o.erloo# one o& the bet $oint o& the ani(al- !idn't
yo+ tell (e that yo+r )+ardian* %r- 0a))er* told yo+ in the
be)innin)* that yo+ 1ere not endo1ed 1ith e,$e"tation only@ And
e.en i& he had not told yo+ o*//tho+)h that i a .ery lar)e I&* I
)rant*//"o+ld yo+ belie.e that o& all (en in Condon* %r- 0a))er i
the (an to hold hi $reent relation to1ard yo+ +nle he 1ere
+re o& hi )ro+nd@6
I aid I "o+ld not deny that thi 1a a tron) $oint- I aid it
2$eo$le o&ten do o* in +"h "ae3 li#e a rather rel+"tant
"on"eion to tr+th and A+ti"e9//a i& I 1anted to deny it<
6I ho+ld thin# it 1a a tron) $oint*6 aid ;erbert* 6and I ho+ld
thin# yo+ 1o+ld be $+88led to i(a)ine a tron)er9 a to the ret*
yo+ (+t bide yo+r )+ardian' ti(e* and he (+t bide hi "lient'
ti(e- ?o+'ll be one/and/t1enty be&ore yo+ #no1 1here yo+ are* and
then $erha$ yo+'ll )et o(e &+rther enli)hten(ent- At all e.ent*
yo+'ll be nearer )ettin) it* &or it (+t "o(e at lat-6
67hat a ho$e&+l di$oition yo+ ha.e<6 aid I* )rate&+lly ad(irin)
hi "heery 1ay-
6I o+)ht to ha.e*6 aid ;erbert* 6&or I ha.e not (+"h ele- I (+t
a"#no1led)e* by the by* that the )ood ene o& 1hat I ha.e A+t
aid i not (y o1n* b+t (y &ather'- The only re(ar# I heard
hi( (a#e on yo+r tory* 1a the &inal one* 6The thin) i ettled
and done* or %r- 0a))er 1o+ld not be in it-6 And no1 be&ore I ay
anythin) (ore abo+t (y &ather* or (y &ather' on* and re$ay
"on&iden"e 1ith "on&iden"e* I 1ant to (a#e (yel& erio+ly
dia)reeable to yo+ &or a (o(ent*//$oiti.ely re$+li.e-6
6?o+ 1on't +""eed*6 aid I-
6O ye I hall<6 aid he- 6One* t1o* three* and no1 I a( in &or
it- ;andel* (y )ood &ello196//tho+)h he $o#e in thi li)ht tone* he
1a .ery (+"h in earnet*//6I ha.e been thin#in) in"e 1e ha.e been
tal#in) 1ith o+r &eet on thi &ender* that Etella +rely "annot be
a "ondition o& yo+r inheritan"e* i& he 1a re&erred to by
yo+r )+ardian- A( I ri)ht in o +ndertandin) 1hat yo+ ha.e told
(e* a that he re&erred to her* dire"tly or indire"tly* in
any 1ay@ e.en hinted* &or intan"e* that yo+r $atron (i)ht
ha.e .ie1 a to yo+r (arria)e +lti(ately@6
6No1* ;andel* I a( 4+ite &ree &ro( the &la.or o& o+r )ra$e* +$on
(y o+l and honor< Not bein) bo+nd to her* "an yo+ not deta"h
yo+rel& &ro( her@//I told yo+ I ho+ld be dia)reeable-6
I t+rned (y head aide* &or* 1ith a r+h and a 1ee$* li#e the old
(arh 1ind "o(in) +$ &ro( the ea* a &eelin) li#e that 1hi"h had
+bd+ed (e on the (ornin) 1hen I le&t the &or)e* 1hen the (it
1ere ole(nly riin)* and 1hen I laid (y hand +$on the .illa)e
&in)er/$ot* (ote +$on (y heart a)ain- There 1a ilen"e bet1een
+ &or a little 1hile-
6?e9 b+t (y dear ;andel*6 ;erbert 1ent on* a i& 1e had been
tal#in)* intead o& ilent* 6it been o tron)ly rooted in
the breat o& a boy 1ho( nat+re and "ir"+(tan"e (ade o ro(anti"*
render it .ery erio+- Thin# o& her brin)in)/+$* and thin# o&
%i ;a.iha(- Thin# o& 1hat he i herel& 2no1 I a( re$+li.e and
yo+ abo(inate (e3- Thi (ay lead to (ierable thin)-6
6I #no1 it* ;erbert*6 aid I* 1ith (y head till t+rned a1ay* 6b+t
I "an't hel$ it-6
6?o+ "an't deta"h yo+rel&@6
6No- I($oible<6
6?o+ "an't try* ;andel@6
6No- I($oible<6
67ell<6 aid ;erbert* )ettin) +$ 1ith a li.ely ha#e a i& he had
been alee$* and tirrin) the &ire* 6no1 I'll endea.or to (a#e
(yel& a)reeable a)ain<6
So he 1ent ro+nd the roo( and hoo# the "+rtain o+t* $+t the
"hair in their $la"e* tidied the boo# and o &orth that 1ere
lyin) abo+t* loo#ed into the hall* $ee$ed into the letter/bo,* h+t
the door* and "a(e ba"# to hi "hair by the &ireB 1here he at
do1n* n+rin) hi le&t le) in both ar(-
6I 1a )oin) to ay a 1ord or t1o* ;andel* "on"ernin) (y &ather and
(y &ather' on- I a( a&raid it i "ar"ely ne"eary &or (y
&ather' on to re(ar# that (y &ather' etablih(ent i not
$arti"+larly brilliant in it ho+e#ee$in)-6
6There i al1ay $lenty* ;erbert*6 aid I* to ay o(ethin)
6O ye< and o the d+t(an ay* I belie.e* 1ith the tron)et
a$$* and o doe the (arine/tore ho$ in the ba"# treet-
Gra.ely* ;andel* &or the +bAe"t i )ra.e eno+)h* yo+ #no1 ho1 it
i a 1ell a I do- I +$$oe there 1a a ti(e on"e 1hen (y &ather
had not )i.en (atter +$9 b+t i& there 1a* the ti(e i )one-
%ay I a# yo+ i& yo+ ha.e had an o$$ort+nity o& re(ar#in)*
do1n in yo+r $art o& the "o+ntry* that the "hildren o& not e,a"tly
+itable (arria)e are al1ay (ot $arti"+larly an,io+ to be
Thi 1a +"h a in)+lar 4+etion* that I a#ed hi( in ret+rn* 6I
it o@6
6I don't #no1*6 aid ;erbert* 6that' 1hat I 1ant to #no1- :e"a+e
it i de"idedly the "ae 1ith +- %y $oor iter Charlotte* 1ho 1a
ne,t (e and died be&ore he 1a &o+rteen* 1a a tri#in) e,a($le-
Cittle 0ane i the a(e- In her deire to be (atri(onially
etablihed* yo+ (i)ht +$$oe her to ha.e $aed her hort
e,iten"e in the $er$et+al "onte($lation o& do(eti" bli- Cittle
Ali"# in a &ro"# ha already (ade arran)e(ent &or hi +nion 1ith a
+itable yo+n) $eron at =e1- And indeed* I thin# 1e are all
en)a)ed* e,"e$t the baby-6
6Then yo+ are@6 aid I-
6I a(*6 aid ;erbert9 6b+t it' a e"ret-6
I a+red hi( o& (y #ee$in) the e"ret* and be))ed to be &a.ored
1ith &+rther $arti"+lar- ;e had $o#en o enibly and &eelin)ly
o& (y 1ea#ne that I 1anted to #no1 o(ethin) abo+t hi tren)th-
6%ay I a# the na(e@6 I aid-
6Na(e o& Clara*6 aid ;erbert-
6Ci.e in Condon@6
6?e- $erha$ I o+)ht to (ention*6 aid ;erbert* 1ho had be"o(e
"+rio+ly "ret&allen and (ee#* in"e 1e entered on the interetin)
the(e* 6that he i rather belo1 (y (other' noneni"al &a(ily
notion- ;er &ather had to do 1ith the .i"t+allin) o&
$aen)er/hi$- I thin# he 1a a $e"ie o& $+rer-6
67hat i he no1@6 aid I-
6;e' an in.alid no1*6 re$lied ;erbert- on//@6
6On the &irt &loor*6 aid ;erbert- 7hi"h 1a not at all 1hat I
(eant* &or I had intended (y 4+etion to a$$ly to hi (ean- 6I
ha.e een hi(* &or he ha al1ay #e$t hi roo( o.erhead*
in"e I ha.e #no1n Clara- :+t I ha.e heard hi( "ontantly- ;e (a#e
tre(endo+ ro1*//roar* and $e) at the &loor 1ith o(e &ri)ht&+l
intr+(ent-6 In loo#in) at (e and then la+)hin) heartily* ;erbert
&or the ti(e re"o.ered hi ++al li.ely (anner-
6!on't yo+ e,$e"t to ee hi(@6 aid I-
6O ye* I "ontantly e,$e"t to ee hi(*6 ret+rned ;erbert*
6be"a+e I hear hi(* 1itho+t e,$e"tin) hi( to "o(e t+(blin)
thro+)h the "eilin)- :+t I don't #no1 ho1 lon) the ra&ter (ay
7hen he had on"e (ore la+)hed heartily* he be"a(e (ee# a)ain* and
told (e that the (o(ent he be)an to reali8e Ca$ital* it 1a hi
intention to (arry thi yo+n) lady- ;e added a a el&/e.ident
$ro$oition* en)enderin) lo1 $irit* 6:+t yo+ "an't (arry* yo+
#no1* 1hile yo+'re loo#in) abo+t yo+-6
A 1e "onte($lated the &ire* and a I tho+)ht 1hat a di&&i"+lt
.iion to reali8e thi a(e Ca$ital o(eti(e 1a* I $+t (y hand
in (y $o"#et- A &olded $ie"e o& $a$er in one o& the( attra"tin) (y
attention* I o$ened it and &o+nd it to be the $lay/bill I had
re"ei.ed &ro( 0oe* relati.e to the "elebrated $"ial a(ate+r o&
Ro"ian reno1n- 6And ble (y heart*6 I in.ol+ntarily added alo+d*
6it' to/ni)ht<6
Thi "han)ed the +bAe"t in an intant* and (ade + h+rriedly
reol.e to )o to the $lay- So* 1hen I had $led)ed (yel& to "o(&ort
and abet ;erbert in the a&&air o& hi heart by all $ra"ti"able and
i($ra"ti"able (ean* and 1hen ;erbert had told (e that hi
a&&ian"ed already #ne1 (e by re$+tation and that I ho+ld be
$reented to her* and 1hen 1e had 1ar(ly ha#en hand +$on o+r
(+t+al "on&iden"e* 1e ble1 o+t o+r "andle* (ade +$ o+r &ire*
lo"#ed o+r door* and i+ed &orth in 4+et o& %r- 7o$le and
Cha$ter XXXI
On o+r in !en(ar#* 1e &o+nd the #in) and 4+een o& that
"o+ntry ele.ated in t1o ar(/"hair on a #it"hen/table* holdin) a
Co+rt- The 1hole o& the !anih nobility 1ere in attendan"e9
"onitin) o& a noble boy in the 1ah/leather boot o& a )i)anti"
an"etor* a .enerable Peer 1ith a dirty &a"e 1ho ee(ed to ha.e
rien &ro( the $eo$le late in li&e* and the !anih "hi.alry 1ith a
"o(b in it hair and a $air o& 1hite il# le)* and $reentin) on
the 1hole a &e(inine a$$earan"e- %y )i&ted to1n(an tood )loo(ily
a$art* 1ith &olded ar(* and I "o+ld ha.e 1ihed that hi "+rl and
&orehead had been (ore $robable-
Se.eral "+rio+ little "ir"+(tan"e tran$ired a the a"tion
$ro"eeded- The late #in) o& the "o+ntry not only a$$eared to ha.e
been tro+bled 1ith a "o+)h at the ti(e o& hi de"eae* b+t to ha.e
ta#en it 1ith hi( to the to(b* and to ha.e bro+)ht it ba"#- The
royal $hanto( alo "arried a )hotly (an+"ri$t ro+nd it
tr+n"heon* to 1hi"h it had the a$$earan"e o& o""aionally
re&errin)* and that too* 1ith an air o& an,iety and a tenden"y to
loe the $la"e o& re&eren"e 1hi"h 1ere +))eti.e o& a tate o&
(ortality- It 1a thi* I "on"ei.e* 1hi"h led to the Shade' bein)
ad.ied by the )allery to 6t+rn<6//a re"o((endation 1hi"h it
too# e,tre(ely ill- It 1a li#e1ie to be noted o& thi (aAeti"
$irit* that 1herea it al1ay a$$eared 1ith an air o& been
o+t a lon) ti(e and 1al#ed an i((ene ditan"e* it $er"e$tibly "a(e
&ro( a "loely "onti)+o+ 1all- Thi o""aioned it terror to be
re"ei.ed derii.ely- The >+een o& !en(ar#* a .ery b+,o( lady*
tho+)h no do+bt hitori"ally bra8en* 1a "onidered by the $+bli"
to ha.e too (+"h bra abo+t her9 her "hin bein) atta"hed to her
diade( by a broad band o& that (etal 2a i& he had a )or)eo+
tootha"he3* her 1ait bein) en"ir"led by another* and ea"h o& her
ar( by another* o that he 1a o$enly (entioned a 6the
#ettle/dr+(-6 The noble boy in the an"etral boot 1a
in"onitent* re$reentin) hi(el&* a it 1ere in one breath* a an
able ea(an* a trollin) a"tor* a )ra.e/di))er* a "ler)y(an* and a
$eron o& the +t(ot i($ortan"e at a Co+rt &en"in)/(at"h* on the
a+thority o& 1hoe $ra"tied eye and ni"e di"ri(ination the &inet
tro#e 1ere A+d)ed- Thi )rad+ally led to a 1ant o& toleration &or
hi(* and e.en//on hi bein) dete"ted in holy order* and de"linin)
to $er&or( the &+neral er.i"e//to the )eneral indi)nation ta#in)
the &or( o& n+t- Catly* O$helia 1a a $rey to +"h lo1 (+i"al
(adne* that 1hen* in "o+re o& ti(e* he had ta#en o&& her 1hite
(+lin "ar&* &olded it +$* and b+ried it* a +l#y (an 1ho had been
lon) "oolin) hi i($atient noe a)aint an iron bar in the &ront
ro1 o& the )allery* )ro1led* 6No1 the baby' $+t to bed let' ha.e
+$$er<6 7hi"h* to ay the leat o& it* 1a o+t o& #ee$in)-
D$on (y +n&ort+nate to1n(an all thee in"ident a""+(+lated 1ith
$lay&+l e&&e"t- that +nde"ided Prin"e had to a# a
4+etion or tate a do+bt* the $+bli" hel$ed hi( o+t 1ith it- A
&or e,a($le9 on the 4+etion 1hether 't1a nobler in the (ind to
+&&er* o(e roared ye* and o(e no* and o(e in"linin) to both
o$inion aid 6To +$ &or it96 and 4+ite a !ebatin) So"iety aroe-
7hen he a#ed 1hat ho+ld +"h &ello1 a he do "ra1lin) bet1een
earth and hea.en* he 1a en"o+ra)ed 1ith lo+d "rie o& 6;ear*
hear<6 7hen he a$$eared 1ith hi to"#in) diordered 2it diorder
e,$reed* a""ordin) to +a)e* by one .ery neat &old in the to$*
1hi"h I +$$oe to be al1ay )ot +$ 1ith a &lat iron3* a
"on.eration too# $la"e in the )allery re$e"tin) the $alene o&
hi le)* and 1hether it 1a o""aioned by the t+rn the )hot had
)i.en hi(- On hi ta#in) the re"order*//.ery li#e a little bla"#
&l+te that had A+t been $layed in the or"hetra and handed o+t at
the door*//he 1a "alled +$on +nani(o+ly &or R+le :ritannia- 7hen
he re"o((ended the $layer not to a1 the air th+* the +l#y (an
aid* 6And don't yo+ do it* neither9 yo+'re a deal 1ore than hi(<6
And I )rie.e to add that $eal o& la+)hter )reeted %r- 7o$le on
e.ery one o& thee o""aion-
:+t hi )reatet trial 1ere in the "h+r"hyard* 1hi"h had the
a$$earan"e o& a $ri( &oret* 1ith a #ind o& (all
e""leiati"al 1ah/ho+e on one ide* and a t+rn$i#e )ate on the
other- %r- 7o$le in a "o($reheni.e bla"# "loa#* bein) de"ried
enterin) at the t+rn$i#e* the )ra.edi))er 1a ad(onihed in a
&riendly 1ay* 6Coo# o+t< ;ere' the +nderta#er a "o(in)* to ee ho1
yo+'re a )ettin) on 1ith yo+r 1or#<6 I belie.e it i 1ell #no1n in
a "ontit+tional "o+ntry that %r- 7o$le "o+ld not $oibly ha.e
ret+rned the #+ll* a&ter (orali8in) it* 1itho+t d+tin) hi
&in)er on a 1hite na$#in ta#en &ro( hi breat9 b+t e.en that
inno"ent and indi$enable a"tion did not $a 1itho+t the "o((ent*
67ai/ter<6 The o& the body &or inter(ent 2in an e($ty bla"#
bo, 1ith the lid t+(blin) o$en3* 1a the i)nal &or a )eneral Aoy*
1hi"h 1a (+"h enhan"ed by the di"o.ery* a(on) the bearer* o& an obno,io+ to identi&i"ation- The Aoy attended %r- 7o$le
thro+)h hi tr+))le 1ith Caerte on the brin# o& the or"hetra and
the )ra.e* and la"#ened no (ore +ntil he had t+(bled the #in) o&&
the #it"hen/table* and had died by in"he &ro( the an#le +$1ard-
7e had (ade o(e $ale e&&ort in the be)innin) to a$$la+d %r-
7o$le9 b+t they 1ere too ho$ele to be $erited in- There&ore 1e
had at* &eelin) #eenly &or hi(* b+t la+)hin)* ne.erthele* &ro(
ear to ear- I la+)hed in $ite o& (yel& all the ti(e* the 1hole
thin) 1a o droll9 and yet I had a latent i($reion that there
1a o(ethin) de"idedly &ine in %r- 7o$le' elo"+tion*//not &or old
ao"iation' a#e* I a( a&raid* b+t be"a+e it 1a .ery lo1* .ery
dreary* .ery +$/hill and do1n/hill* and .ery +nli#e any 1ay in
1hi"h any (an in any nat+ral "ir"+(tan"e o& li&e or death
e,$reed hi(el& abo+t anythin)- 7hen the tra)edy 1a* and he
had been "alled &or and hooted* I aid to ;erbert* 6Cet + )o at
on"e* or $erha$ 1e hall (eet hi(-6
7e (ade all the hate 1e "o+ld do1n tair* b+t 1e 1ere not 4+i"#
eno+)h either- Standin) at the door 1a a 0e1ih (an 1ith an
+nnat+ral hea.y (ear o& eyebro1* 1ho "a+)ht (y eye a 1e"ed* and aid* 1hen 1e "a(e +$ 1ith hi(*//
6%r- Pi$ and &riend@6
Identity o& %r- Pi$ and &riend "on&eed-
6%r- 7alden)*6 aid the (an* 61o+ld be )lad to ha.e the
67alden) I re$eated//1hen ;erbert (+r(+red in (y ear*
6Probably 7o$le-6
6Oh<6 aid I- 6?e- Shall 1e &ollo1 yo+@6
6A &e1 te$* $leae-6 7hen 1e 1ere in a ide alley* he t+rned and
a#ed* 6;o1 did yo+ thin# he loo#ed@//I dreed hi(-6
I don't #no1 1hat he had loo#ed li#e* e,"e$t a &+neral9 1ith the
addition o& a lar)e !anih +n or tar han)in) ro+nd hi ne"# by a
bl+e ribbon* that had )i.en hi( the a$$earan"e o& bein) in+red in
o(e e,traordinary 5ire O&&i"e- :+t I aid he had loo#ed .ery ni"e-
67hen he "o(e to the )ra.e*6 aid o+r "ond+"tor* 6he ho1ed hi
"loa# bea+ti&+l- :+t* A+d)in) &ro( the 1in)* it loo#ed to (e that
1hen he ee the )hot in the 4+een' a$art(ent* he (i)ht ha.e (ade
(ore o& hi to"#in)-6
I (odetly aented* and 1e all &ell thro+)h a little dirty 1in)
door* into a ort o& hot $a"#in)/"ae i((ediately behind it- ;ere
%r- 7o$le 1a di.etin) hi(el& o& hi !anih )ar(ent* and here
there 1a A+t roo( &or + to loo# at hi( one another'
ho+lder* by #ee$in) the $a"#in)/"ae door* or lid* 1ide o$en-
6Gentle(en*6 aid %r- 7o$le* 6I a( $ro+d to ee yo+- I ho$e* %r-
Pi$* yo+ 1ill e,"+e (y endin) ro+nd- I had the ha$$ine to #no1
yo+ in &or(er ti(e* and the !ra(a ha had a "lai( 1hi"h ha been a"#no1led)ed* on the noble and the a&&l+ent-6
%ean1hile* %r- 7alden)* in a &ri)ht&+l $er$iration* 1a tryin)
to )et hi(el& o+t o& hi $rin"ely able-
6S#in the to"#in) o&& %r- 7alden)*6 aid the o1ner o& that
$ro$erty* 6or yo+'ll b+t 'e(- :+t 'e(* and yo+'ll b+t
&i.e/and/thirty hillin)- Sha#$eare 1a "o($li(ented 1ith a
&iner $air- =ee$ 4+iet in yo+r "hair no1* and lea.e 'e( to (e-6
7ith that* he 1ent +$on hi #nee* and be)an to &lay hi .i"ti(9
1ho* on the &irt to"#in) "o(in) o&&* 1o+ld "ertainly ha.e &allen ba"#1ard 1ith hi "hair* b+t &or there bein) no roo( to &all
I had been a&raid +ntil then to ay a 1ord abo+t the $lay- :+t
then* %r- 7alden) loo#ed +$ at + "o($la"ently* and aid*//
6Gentle(en* ho1 did it ee( to yo+* to )o* in &ront@6
;erbert aid &ro( behind 2at the a(e ti(e $o#in) (e3* 6Ca$itally-6
So I aid 6Ca$itally-6
6;o1 did yo+ li#e (y readin) o& the "hara"ter* )entle(en@6 aid %r-
7alden)* al(ot* i& not 4+ite* 1ith $atrona)e-
;erbert aid &ro( behind 2a)ain $o#in) (e3* 6%ai.e and "on"rete-6
So I aid boldly* a i& I had ori)inated it* and (+t be) to init
+$on it* 6%ai.e and "on"rete-6
6I a( )lad to ha.e yo+r a$$robation* )entle(en*6 aid %r-
7alden)* 1ith an air o& di)nity* in $ite o& hi bein) )ro+nd
a)aint the 1all at the ti(e* and holdin) on by the eat o& the
6:+t I'll tell yo+ one thin)* %r- 7alden)*6 aid the (an 1ho
1a on hi #nee* 6in 1hi"h yo+'re o+t in yo+r readin)- No1 (ind< I
don't "are 1ho ay "ontrairy9 I tell yo+ o- ?o+'re o+t in yo+r
readin) o& ;a(let 1hen yo+ )et yo+r le) in $ro&ile- The lat
;a(let a I dreed* (ade the a(e (ita#e in hi readin) at
rehearal* till I )ot hi( to $+t a lar)e red 1a&er on ea"h o& hi
hin* and then at that rehearal 21hi"h 1a the lat3 I 1ent in
&ront* ir* to the ba"# o& the $it* and hi readin)
bro+)ht hi( into $ro&ile* I "alled o+t 6I don't ee no 1a&er<6 And
at ni)ht hi readin) 1a lo.ely-6
%r- 7alden) (iled at (e* a (+"h a to ay 6a &aith&+l
!e$endent//I o.erloo# hi &olly96 and then aid alo+d* 6%y .ie1 i
a little "lai" and tho+)ht&+l &or the( here9 b+t they 1ill
i($ro.e* they 1ill i($ro.e-6
;erbert and I aid to)ether* O* no do+bt they 1o+ld i($ro.e-
6!id yo+ ober.e* )entle(en*6 aid %r- 7alden)* 6that there 1a
a (an in the )allery 1ho endea.ored to "at deriion on the
er.i"e*//I (ean* the re$reentation@6
7e baely re$lied that 1e rather tho+)ht 1e had noti"ed +"h a (an-
I added* 6;e 1a dr+n#* no do+bt-6
6O dear no* ir*6 aid %r- 7o$le* 6not dr+n#- ;i e($loyer 1o+ld
ee to that* ir- ;i e($loyer 1o+ld not allo1 hi( to be dr+n#-6
6?o+ #no1 hi e($loyer@6 aid I-
%r- 7o$le h+t hi eye* and o$ened the( a)ain9 $er&or(in) both
"ere(onie .ery lo1ly- 6?o+ (+t ha.e ober.ed* )entle(en*6 aid
he* 6an i)norant and a blatant a* 1ith a ra$in) throat and a
"o+ntenan"e e,$rei.e o& lo1 (ali)nity* 1ho 1ent thro+)h//I 1ill
not ay +tained//the rIle 2i& I (ay +e a 5ren"h e,$reion3 o&
Cla+di+* =in) o& !en(ar#- That i hi e($loyer* )entle(en- S+"h i
the $ro&eion<6
7itho+t ditin"tly #no1in) 1hether I ho+ld ha.e been (ore orry
&or %r- 7o$le i& he had been in de$air* I 1a o orry &or hi( a
it 1a* that I too# the o$$ort+nity o& hi t+rnin) ro+nd to ha.e
hi bra"e $+t on*//1hi"h Aotled + o+t at the door1ay*//to a#
;erbert 1hat he tho+)ht o& hi( ho(e to +$$er@ ;erbert aid
he tho+)ht it 1o+ld be #ind to do o9 there&ore I in.ited hi(* and
he 1ent to :arnard' 1ith +* 1ra$$ed +$ to the eye* and 1e did
o+r bet &or hi(* and he at +ntil t1o o'"lo"# in the (ornin)*
re.ie1in) hi +""e and de.elo$in) hi $lan- I &or)et in detail
1hat they 1ere* b+t I ha.e a )eneral re"olle"tion that he 1a to
be)in 1ith the !ra(a* and to end 1ith "r+hin) it9
ina(+"h a hi de"eae 1o+ld lea.e it +tterly bere&t and 1itho+t a
"han"e or ho$e-
%ierably I 1ent to bed a&ter all* and (ierably tho+)ht o&
Etella* and (ierably drea(ed that (y e,$e"tation 1ere all
"an"elled* and that I had to )i.e (y hand in (arria)e to ;erbert'
Clara* or $lay ;a(let to %i ;a.iha(' Ghot* be&ore t1enty
tho+and $eo$le* 1itho+t #no1in) t1enty 1ord o& it-
Cha$ter XXXII
One day 1hen I 1a b+y 1ith (y boo# and %r- Po"#et* I re"ei.ed a
note by the $ot* the (ere o+tide o& 1hi"h thre1 (e into a )reat
&l+tter9 &or* tho+)h I had een the hand1ritin) in 1hi"h it
1a addreed* I di.ined 1hoe hand it 1a- It had no et
be)innin)* a !ear %r- Pi$* or !ear Pi$* or !ear Sir* or !ear
Anythin)* b+t ran th+B//
6I a( to "o(e to Condon the day a&ter to/(orro1 by the (idday
"oa"h- I belie.e it 1a ettled yo+ ho+ld (eet (e@ At all e.ent
%i ;a.iha( ha that i($reion* and I 1rite in obedien"e to it-
She end yo+ her re)ard-
?o+r* ESTECCA-6
I& there had been ti(e* I ho+ld $robably ha.e ordered e.eral
+it o& "lothe &or thi o""aion9 b+t a there 1a not* I 1a
&ain to be "ontent 1ith thoe I had- %y a$$etite .anihed
intantly* and I #ne1 no $ea"e or ret +ntil the day arri.ed- Not
that it bro+)ht (e either9 &or* then I 1a 1ore than*
and be)an ha+ntin) the "oa"h/o&&i"e in 7ood Street* Chea$ide*
be&ore the "oa"h had le&t the :l+e :oar in o+r to1n- 5or all that I
#ne1 thi $er&e"tly 1ell* I till &elt a i& it 1ere not a&e to
let the "oa"h/o&&i"e be o+t o& (y i)ht lon)er than &i.e (in+te at
a ti(e9 and in thi "ondition o& +nreaon I had $er&or(ed the &irt
hal&/ho+r o& a 1at"h o& &o+r or &i.e ho+r* 1hen 7e((i"# ran
a)aint (e-
6;alloa* %r- Pi$*6 aid he9 6ho1 do yo+ do@ I ho+ld hardly ha.e
tho+)ht thi 1a yo+r beat-6
I e,$lained that I 1a 1aitin) to (eet o(ebody 1ho 1a "o(in) +$
by "oa"h* and I in4+ired a&ter the Catle and the A)ed-
6:oth &lo+rihin) than#ye*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6and $arti"+larly the
A)ed- ;e' in 1onder&+l &eather- ;e'll be ei)hty/t1o ne,t birthday-
I ha.e a notion o& &irin) ei)hty/t1o ti(e* i& the nei)hborhood
ho+ldn't "o($lain* and that "annon o& (ine ho+ld $ro.e e4+al to
the $re+re- ;* thi i not Condon tal#- 7here do yo+ thin#
I a( )oin) to@6
6To the o&&i"e@6 aid I* &or he 1a tendin) in that dire"tion-
6Ne,t thin) to it*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#* 6I a( )oin) to Ne1)ate- 7e
are in a ban#er'/$ar"el "ae A+t at $reent* and I ha.e been do1n
the road ta#in) a 4+int at the "ene o& a"tion* and there+$on
(+t ha.e a 1ord or t1o 1ith o+r "lient-6
6!id yo+r "lient "o((it the robbery@6 I a#ed-
6:le yo+r o+l and body* no*6 an1ered 7e((i"#* .ery drily- 6:+t
he i a""+ed o& it- So (i)ht yo+ or I be- Either o& + (i)ht be
a""+ed o& it* yo+ #no1-6
6Only neither o& + i*6 I re(ar#ed-
6?ah<6 aid 7e((i"#* to+"hin) (e on the breat 1ith hi &ore&in)er9
6yo+'re a dee$ one* %r- Pi$< 7o+ld yo+ li#e to ha.e a loo# at
Ne1)ate@ ;a.e yo+ ti(e to $are@6
I had o (+"h ti(e to $are* that the $ro$oal "a(e a a relie&*
not1ithtandin) it irre"on"ilability 1ith (y latent deire to #ee$
(y eye on the "oa"h/o&&i"e- %+tterin) that I 1o+ld (a#e the in4+iry
1hether I had ti(e to 1al# 1ith hi(* I 1ent into the o&&i"e* and
a"ertained &ro( the "ler# 1ith the ni"et $re"iion and (+"h to
the tryin) o& hi te($er* the earliet (o(ent at 1hi"h the "oa"h
"o+ld be e,$e"ted*//1hi"h I #ne1 be&orehand* 4+ite a 1ell a he- I
then reAoined %r- 7e((i"#* and a&&e"tin) to "on+lt (y 1at"h* and to
be +r$ried by the in&or(ation I had re"ei.ed* a""e$ted hi o&&er-
7e 1ere at Ne1)ate in a &e1 (in+te* and 1e $aed thro+)h the
lod)e 1here o(e &etter 1ere han)in) +$ on the bare 1all a(on)
the $rion r+le* into the interior o& the Aail- At that ti(e
Aail 1ere (+"h ne)le"ted* and the $eriod o& e,a))erated rea"tion
"one4+ent on all $+bli" 1ron)doin)//and 1hi"h i al1ay it
hea.iet and lon)et $+nih(ent//1a till &ar o&&- So &elon
1ere not lod)ed and &ed better than oldier* 2to ay nothin) o&
$a+$er*3 and eldo( et &ire to their $rion 1ith the e,"+able
obAe"t o& i($ the &la.or o& their o+$- It 1a .iitin) ti(e
1hen 7e((i"# too# (e in* and a $ot(an 1a )oin) hi ro+nd 1ith
beer9 and the $rioner* behind bar in yard* 1ere b+yin) beer*
and tal#in) to &riend9 and a &ro18y* +)ly* diorderly* de$rein)
"ene it 1a-
It tr+"# (e that 7e((i"# 1al#ed a(on) the $rioner (+"h a a
)ardener (i)ht 1al# a(on) hi $lant- Thi 1a &irt $+t into (y
head by hi eein) a hoot that had "o(e +$ in the ni)ht* and
ayin)* 67hat* Ca$tain To(@ Are yo+ there@ Ah* indeed<6 and alo*
6I that :la"# :ill behind the "itern@ 7hy I didn't loo# &or yo+
thee t1o (onth9 ho1 do yo+ &ind yo+rel&@6 E4+ally in hi
to$$in) at the bar and attendin) to an,io+ 1hi$erer*//al1ay
in)ly*//7e((i"# 1ith hi $ot/o&&i"e in an i(( tate* loo#ed
at the( 1hile in "on&eren"e* a i& he 1ere ta#in) $arti"+lar noti"e
o& the"e they had (ade* in"e lat ober.ed* to1ard "o(in)
o+t in &+ll blo1 at their trial-
;e 1a hi)hly $o$+lar* and I &o+nd that he too# the &a(iliar
de$art(ent o& %r- 0a))er' b+ine9 tho+)h o(ethin) o& the tate
o& %r- 0a))er h+n) abo+t hi( too* &orbiddin) a$$roa"h beyond
"ertain li(it- ;i $eronal re"o)nition o& ea"h +""ei.e "lient
1a "o($ried in a nod* and in hi ettlin) hi hat a little eaier
on hi head 1ith both hand* and then ti)htenin) the $ot/o&&i"e*
and $+ttin) hi hand in hi $o"#et- In one or t1o intan"e
there 1a a di&&i"+lty re$e"tin) the raiin) o& &ee* and then %r-
7e((i"#* ba"#in) a &ar a $oible &ro( the in+&&i"ient (oney
$rod+"ed* aid* 6it' no +e* (y boy- I'( only a +bordinate- I
"an't ta#e it- !on't )o on in that 1ay 1ith a +bordinate- I& yo+
are +nable to (a#e +$ yo+r 4+ant+(* (y boy* yo+ had better addre
yo+rel& to a $rin"i$al9 there are $lenty o& $rin"i$al in the
$ro&eion* yo+ #no1* and 1hat i not 1orth the 1hile o& one* (ay
be 1orth the 1hile o& another9 that' (y re"o((endation to yo+*
$ea#in) a a +bordinate- !on't try on +ele (ea+re- 7hy
ho+ld yo+@ No1* 1ho' ne,t@6
Th+* 1e 1al#ed thro+)h 7e((i"#' )reenho+e* +ntil he t+rned to (e
and aid* 6Noti"e the (an I hall ha#e hand 1ith-6 I ho+ld ha.e
done o* 1itho+t the $re$aration* a he had ha#en hand 1ith no
one yet-
Al(ot a oon a he had $o#en* a $ortly +$ri)ht (an 21ho( I "an
ee no1* a I 1rite3 in a 1ell/1orn oli.e/"olored &ro"#/"oat* 1ith
a $e"+liar $allor$readin) the red in hi "o($le,ion* and
eye that 1ent 1anderin) abo+t 1hen he tried to &i, the(* "a(e +$
to a "orner o& the bar* and $+t hi hand to hi hat//1hi"h had a
)reay and &atty +r&a"e li#e "old broth//1ith a hal&/erio+ and
hal&/Ao"oe (ilitary al+te-
6Colonel* to yo+<6 aid 7e((i"#9 6ho1 are yo+* Colonel@6
6All ri)ht* %r- 7e((i"#-6
6E.erythin) 1a done that "o+ld be done* b+t the e.iden"e 1a too
tron) &or +* Colonel-6
6?e* it 1a too tron)* ir*//b+t I don't "are-6
6No* no*6 aid 7e((i"#* "oolly* 6yo+ don't "are-6 Then* t+rnin) to
(e* 6Ser.ed ;i %aAety thi (an- 7a a oldier in the line and
bo+)ht hi di"har)e-6
I aid* 6Indeed@6 and the (an' eye loo#ed at (e* and then loo#ed (y head* and then loo#ed all ro+nd (e* and then he dre1 hi
hand a"ro hi li$ and la+)hed-
6I thin# I hall be o+t o& thi on %onday* ir*6 he aid to
6Perha$*6 ret+rned (y &riend* 6b+t there' no #no1in)-6
6I a( )lad to ha.e the "han"e o& biddin) yo+ )ood by* %r- 7e((i"#*6
aid the (an* tret"hin) o+t hi hand bet1een t1o bar-
6Than#ye*6 aid 7e((i"#* ha#in) hand 1ith hi(- 6Sa(e to yo+*
6I& 1hat I had +$on (e 1hen ta#en had been real* %r- 7e((i"#*6 aid
the (an* +n1illin) to let hi hand )o* 6I ho+ld ha.e a#ed the
&a.or o& yo+r 1earin) another rin)//in a"#no1led)(ent o& yo+r
6I'll a""e$t the 1ill &or the deed*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6:y the by9 yo+
1ere 4+ite a $i)eon/&an"ier-6 The (an loo#ed +$ at the #y- 6I a(
told yo+ had a re(ar#able breed o& t+(bler- Co+ld yo+ "o((iion
any &riend o& yo+r to brin) (e a $air* o& yo+'.e no &+rther +e
&or 'e(@6
6It hall be done* ir@6
6All ri)ht*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6they hall be ta#en "are o&- Good
a&ternoon* Colonel- Good by<6 They hoo# hand a)ain* and a 1e
1al#ed a1ay 7e((i"# aid to (e* 6A Coiner* a .ery )ood 1or#(an- The
Re"order' re$ort i (ade to/day* and he i +re to be e,e"+ted on
%onday- Still yo+ ee* a &ar a it )oe* a $air o& $i)eon are
$ortable $ro$erty all the a(e-6 7ith that* he loo#ed ba"#* and
nodded at thi dead $lant* and then "at hi eye abo+t hi( in
1al#in) o+t o& the yard* a i& he 1ere "oniderin) 1hat other $ot
1o+ld )o bet in it $la"e-
A 1e "a(e o+t o& the $rion thro+)h the lod)e* I &o+nd that the
)reat i($ortan"e o& (y )+ardian 1a a$$re"iated by the t+rn#ey* no
le than by thoe 1ho( they held in "har)e- 67ell* %r- 7e((i"#*6
aid the t+rn#ey* 1ho #e$t + bet1een the t1o t+dded and $i#ed
lod)e )ate* and 1ho "are&+lly lo"#ed one be&ore he +nlo"#ed the
other* 61hat' %r- 0a))er )oin) to do 1ith that 1ater/ide (+rder@
I he )oin) to (a#e it (anla+)hter* or 1hat' he )oin) to (a#e o&
67hy don't yo+ a# hi(@6 ret+rned 7e((i"#-
6O ye* I dare ay<6 aid the t+rn#ey-
6No1* that' the 1ay 1ith the( here* %r- Pi$*6 re(ar#ed 7e((i"#*
t+rnin) to (e 1ith hi $ot/o&&i"e elon)ated- 6They don't (ind 1hat
they a# o& (e* the +bordinate9 b+t yo+'ll "at"h 'e( a#in)
any 4+etion o& (y $rin"i$al-6
6I thi yo+n) )entle(an one o& the '$renti"e or arti"led one o&
yo+r o&&i"e@6 a#ed the t+rn#ey* 1ith a )rin at %r- 7e((i"#'
6There he )oe a)ain* yo+ ee<6 "ried 7e((i"#* 6I told yo+ o< A#
another 4+etion o& the +bordinate be&ore hi &irt i dry< 7ell*
+$$oin) %r- Pi$ i one o& the(@6
67hy then*6 aid the t+rn#ey* )rinnin) a)ain* 6he #no1 1hat %r-
0a))er i-6
6?ah<6 "ried 7e((i"#* +ddenly hittin) o+t at the t+rn#ey in a
&a"etio+ 1ay* 6yo+'re d+(b a one o& yo+r o1n #ey 1hen yo+ ha.e
to do 1ith (y $rin"i$al* yo+ #no1 yo+ are- Cet + o+t* yo+ old &o,*
or I'll )et hi( to brin) an a"tion a)aint yo+ &or &ale
The t+rn#ey la+)hed* and )a.e + )ood day* and tood la+)hin) at + the $i#e o& the 1i"#et 1hen 1e de"ended the te$ into the
6%ind yo+* %r- Pi$*6 aid 7e((i"#* )ra.ely in (y ear* a he too# (y
ar( to be (ore "on&idential9 6I don't #no1 that %r- 0a))er doe a
better thin) than the 1ay in 1hi"h he #ee$ hi(el& o hi)h- ;e'
al1ay o hi)h- ;i "ontant hei)ht i o& a $ie"e 1ith hi i((ene
abilitie- That Colonel d+rt no (ore ta#e lea.e o& hi(* than that
t+rn#ey d+rt a# hi( hi intention re$e"tin) a "ae- Then*
bet1een hi hei)ht and the(* he li$ in hi +bordinate*//don't
yo+ ee@//and o he ha 'e(* o+l and body-6
I 1a .ery (+"h i($reed* and not &or the &irt ti(e* by (y
)+ardian' +btlety- To "on&e the tr+th* I .ery heartily 1ihed*
and not &or the &irt ti(e* that I had had o(e other )+ardian o&
(inor abilitie-
%r- 7e((i"# and I $arted at the o&&i"e in Cittle :ritain* 1here
+$$liant &or %r- 0a))er' noti"e 1ere lin)erin) abo+t a ++al*
and I ret+rned to (y 1at"h in the treet o& the "oa"h/o&&i"e* 1ith
o(e three ho+r on hand- I "on+(ed the 1hole ti(e in thin#in) ho1
tran)e it 1a that I ho+ld be en"o($aed by all thi taint o&
$rion and "ri(e9 that* in (y "hildhood o+t on o+r lonely (arhe
on a 1inter e.enin)* I ho+ld ha.e &irt en"o+ntered it9 that* it
ho+ld ha.e rea$$eared on t1o o""aion* tartin) o+t li#e a tain
that 1a &aded b+t not )one9 that* it ho+ld in thi ne1 1ay
$er.ade (y &ort+ne and"e(ent- 7hile (y (ind 1a th+ en)a)ed*
I tho+)ht o& the bea+ti&+l yo+n) Etella* $ro+d and re&ined* "o(in)
to1ard (e* and I tho+)ht 1ith abol+te abhorren"e o& the "ontrat
bet1een the Aail and her- I 1ihed that 7e((i"# had not (et (e* or
that I had not yielded to hi( and )one 1ith hi(* o that* o& all
day in the year on thi day* I (i)ht not ha.e had Ne1)ate in (y
breath and on (y "lothe- I beat the $rion d+t o&& (y &eet a I
a+ntered to and &ro* and I hoo# it o+t o& (y dre* and I e,haled
it air &ro( (y l+n)- So "onta(inated did I &eel* re(e(berin) 1ho
1a "o(in)* that the "oa"h "a(e 4+i"#ly a&ter all* and I 1a not
yet &ree &ro( the oilin) "on"io+ne o& %r- 7e((i"#'
"oner.atory* 1hen I a1 her &a"e at the "oa"h 1indo1 and her hand to (e-
7hat 1a the na(ele hado1 1hi"h a)ain in that one intant had
Cha$ter XXXIII
In her &+rred tra.ellin)/dre* Etella ee(ed (ore deli"ately
bea+ti&+l than he had ee(ed yet* e.en in (y eye- ;er (anner
1a (ore 1innin) than he had "ared to let it be to (e be&ore* and
I tho+)ht I a1 %i ;a.iha(' in&l+en"e in the "han)e-
7e tood in the Inn ?ard 1hile he $ointed o+t her l+))a)e to (e*
and 1hen it 1a all "olle"ted I re(e(bered// &or)otten
e.erythin) b+t herel& in the (ean1hile//that I #ne1 nothin) o&
her detination-
6I a( )oin) to Ri"h(ond*6 he told (e- 6O+r leon i* that there
are t1o Ri"h(ond* one in S+rrey and one in ?or#hire* and that (ine
i the S+rrey Ri"h(ond- The ditan"e i ten (ile- I a( to ha.e a
"arria)e* and yo+ are to ta#e (e- Thi i (y $+re* and yo+ are to
$ay (y "har)e o+t o& it- O* yo+ (+t ta#e the $+re< 7e ha.e no
"hoi"e* yo+ and I* b+t to obey o+r intr+"tion- 7e are not &ree to
&ollo1 o+r o1n de.i"e* yo+ and I-6
A he loo#ed at (e in ) (e the $+re* I ho$ed there 1a an
inner (eanin) in her 1ord- She aid the( li)htin)ly* b+t not 1ith
6A "arria)e 1ill ha.e to be ent &or* Etella- 7ill yo+ ret here a
6?e* I a( to ret here a little* and I a( to drin# o(e tea* and
yo+ are to ta#e "are o& (e the 1hile-6
She dre1 her ar( thro+)h (ine* a i& it (+t be done* and I
re4+eted a 1aiter 1ho had been tarin) at the "oa"h li#e a (an 1ho
had een +"h a thin) in hi li&e* to ho1 + a $ri.ate
ittin)/roo(- D$on that* he $+lled o+t a na$#in* a i& it 1ere a
(a)i" "le1 1itho+t 1hi"h he "o+ldn't &ind the 1ay +$ tair* and
led + to the bla"# hole o& the etablih(ent* &itted +$ 1ith a
di(inihin) (irror 24+ite a +$er&l+o+ arti"le* "oniderin) the
hole' $ro$ortion3* an an"ho.y a+"e/"r+et* and o(ebody'
$atten- On (y obAe"tin) to thi retreat* he too# + into another
roo( 1ith a dinner/table &or thirty* and in the )rate a "or"hed
lea& o& a "o$y/boo# +nder a b+hel o& "oal/d+t- ; loo#ed at
thi e,tin"t "on&la)ration and ha#en hi head* he too# (y order9
1hi"h* $ to be (erely* 6So(e tea &or the lady*6 ent hi( o+t
o& the roo( in a .ery lo1 tate o& (ind-
I 1a* and I a(* enible that the air o& thi "ha(ber* in it
tron) "o(bination o& table 1ith o+$/to"#* (i)ht ha.e led one to
in&er that the "oa"hin) de$art(ent 1a not doin) 1ell* and that the
enter$riin) $ro$rietor 1a boilin) do1n the hore &or the
re&reh(ent de$art(ent- ?et the roo( 1a all in all to (e* Etella
bein) in it- I tho+)ht that 1ith her I "o+ld ha.e been ha$$y there
&or li&e- 2I 1a not at all ha$$y there at the ti(e* ober.e* and I
#ne1 it 1ell-3
67here are yo+ )oin) to* at Ri"h(ond@6 I a#ed Etella-
6I a( )oin) to li.e*6 aid he* 6at a )reat e,$ene* 1ith a lady
there* 1ho ha the $o1er//or ay he ha//o& ta#in) (e abo+t*
and introd+"in) (e* and ho1in) $eo$le to (e and ho1in) (e to
6I +$$oe yo+ 1ill be )lad o& .ariety and ad(iration@6
6?e* I +$$oe o-6
She an1ered o "arelely* that I aid* 6?o+ $ea# o& yo+rel& a
i& yo+ 1ere o(e one ele-6
67here did yo+ learn ho1 I $ea# o& other@ Co(e* "o(e*6 aid
Etella* (ilin) deli)ht&+lly* 6yo+ (+t not e,$e"t (e to )o to
"hool to yo+9 I (+t tal# in (y o1n 1ay- ;o1 do yo+ thri.e 1ith
%r- Po"#et@6
6I li.e 4+ite $leaantly there9 at leat//6 It a$$eared to (e that
I 1a loin) a "han"e-
6At leat@6 re$eated Etella-
6A $leaantly a I "o+ld any1here* a1ay &ro( yo+-6
6?o+ illy boy*6 aid Etella* 4+ite "o($oedly* 6ho1 "an yo+ tal#
+"h nonene@ ?o+r &riend %r- %atthe1* I belie.e* i +$erior to
the ret o& hi &a(ily@6
6Eery +$erior indeed- ;e i nobody' ene(y//6
//6!on't add b+t hi o1n*6 inter$oed Etella* 6&or I hate that "la
o& (an- :+t he really i diintereted* and abo.e (all Aealo+y
and $ite* I ha.e heard@6
6I a( +re I ha.e e.ery reaon to ay o-6
6?o+ ha.e not e.ery reaon to ay o o& the ret o& hi $eo$le*6
aid Etella* noddin) at (e 1ith an e,$reion o& &a"e that 1a at
on"e )ra.e and rallyin)* 6&or they beet %i ;a.iha( 1ith re$ort
and inin+ation to yo+r diad.anta)e- They 1at"h yo+* (ire$reent
yo+* 1rite letter abo+t yo+ 2anony(o+ o(eti(e3* and yo+ are the
tor(ent and the o""+$ation o& their li.e- ?o+ "an "ar"ely reali8e
to yo+rel& the hatred thoe $eo$le &eel &or yo+-6
6They do (e no har(* I ho$e@6
Intead o& an1erin)* Etella b+rt o+t la+)hin)- Thi 1a .ery
in)+lar to (e* and I loo#ed at her in "oniderable $er$le,ity-
7hen he le&t o&&//and he had not la+)hed lan)+idly* b+t 1ith
real enAoy(ent//I aid* in (y di&&ident 1ay 1ith her*//
6I ho$e I (ay +$$oe that yo+ 1o+ld not be a(+ed i& they did (e
any har(-6
6No* no yo+ (ay be +re o& that*6 aid Etella- 6?o+ (ay be "ertain
that I la+)h be"a+e they &ail- O* thoe $eo$le 1ith %i
;a.iha(* and the tort+re they +nder)o<6 She la+)hed a)ain* and
e.en no1 1hen he had told (e 1hy* her la+)hter 1a .ery in)+lar
to (e* &or I "o+ld not do+bt it bein) )en+ine* and yet it ee(ed
too (+"h &or the o""aion- I tho+)ht there (+t really be o(ethin)
(ore here than I #ne19 he a1 the tho+)ht in (y (ind* and an1ered
6It i not eay &or e.en yo+-6 aid Etella* 6to #no1 1hat
ati&a"tion it )i.e (e to ee thoe $eo$le th1arted* or 1hat an
enAoyable ene o& the ridi"+lo+ I ha.e 1hen they are (ade
ridi"+lo+- 5or yo+ 1ere not bro+)ht +$ in that tran)e ho+e &ro(
a (ere baby- I 1a- ?o+ had not yo+r little 1it har$ened by
their intri)+in) a)aint yo+* +$$reed and de&en"ele* +nder the
(a# o& y($athy and $ity and 1hat not that i o&t and oothin)-
I had- ?o+ did not )rad+ally o$en yo+r ro+nd "hildih eye 1ider
and 1ider to the di"o.ery o& that i($otor o& a 1o(an 1ho
"al"+late her tore o& $ea"e o& (ind &or 1hen he 1a#e +$ in the
ni)ht- I did-6
It 1a no la+)hin) (atter 1ith Etella no1* nor 1a he +((onin)
thee re(e(bran"e &ro( any hallo1 $la"e- I 1o+ld not ha.e been
the "a+e o& that loo# o& her &or all (y e,$e"tation in a hea$-
6T1o thin) I "an tell yo+*6 aid Etella- 65irt* not1ithtandin)
the $ro.erb that "ontant dro$$in) 1ill 1ear a1ay a tone* yo+ (ay
et yo+r (ind at ret that thee $eo$le 1ill// 1o+ld*
in h+ndred year//i($air yo+r )ro+nd 1ith %i ;a.iha(* in any
$arti"+lar* )reat or (all- Se"ond* I a( beholden to yo+ a the
"a+e o& their bein) o b+y and o (ean in .ain* and there i (y
hand +$on it-6
A he )a.e it to (e $lay&+lly*//&or her dar#er (ood had been b+t
%o(entary*//I held it and $+t it to (y li$- 6?o+ ridi"+lo+ boy*6
aid Etella* 61ill yo+ ta#e 1arnin)@ Or do yo+ #i (y hand
in the a(e $irit in 1hi"h I on"e let yo+ #i (y "hee#@6
67hat $irit 1a that@6 aid I-
6I (+t thin# a (o(ent- A $irit o& "onte($t &or the &a1ner and
6I& I ay ye* (ay I #i the "hee# a)ain@6
6?o+ ho+ld ha.e a#ed be&ore yo+ to+"hed the hand- :+t* ye* i&
yo+ li#e-6
I leaned do1n* and her "al( &a"e 1a li#e a tat+e'- 6No1*6 aid
Etella* )lidin) a1ay the intant I to+"hed her "hee#* 6yo+ are to
ta#e "are that I ha.e o(e tea* and yo+ are to ta#e (e to
;er re.ertin) to thi tone a i& o+r ao"iation 1ere &or"ed +$on
+* and 1e 1ere (ere $+$$et* )a.e (e $ain9 b+t e.erythin) in o+r
inter"o+re did )i.e (e $ain- her tone 1ith (e ha$$ened to
be* I "o+ld $+t no tr+t in it* and b+ild no ho$e on it9 and yet I
1ent on a)aint tr+t and a)aint ho$e- 7hy re$eat it a tho+and
ti(e@ So it al1ay 1a-
I ran) &or the tea* and the 1aiter* rea$$earin) 1ith hi (a)i"
"le1* bro+)ht in by de)ree o(e &i&ty adA+n"t to that re&reh(ent*
b+t o& tea not a )li($e- A teaboard* "+$ and a+"er* $late*
#ni.e and &or# 2in"l+din) "ar.er3* $oon 2.ario+3*
alt"ellar* a (ee# little (+&&in "on&ined 1ith the +t(ot
$re"a+tion +nder a tron) iron "* %oe in the b+lr+he
ty$i&ied by a o&t bit o& b+tter in a 4+antity o& $arley* a $ale
loa& 1ith a $o1dered head* t1o $roo& i($reion o& the bar o& the
#it"hen &ire$la"e on trian)+lar bit o& bread* and +lti(ately a
&at &a(ily +rn9 1hi"h the 1aiter ta))ered in 1ith* e,$rein) in
hi "o+ntenan"e b+rden and +&&erin)- A&ter a $rolon)ed aben"e at
thi ta)e o& the entertain(ent* he at len)th "a(e ba"# 1ith a
"a#et o& $re"io+ a$$earan"e "ontainin) t1i)- Thee I tee$ed in
hot 1ater* and o &ro( the 1hole o& thee a$$lian"e e,tra"ted one
"+$ o& I don't #no1 1hat &or Etella-
The bill $aid* and the 1aiter re(e(bered* and the otler not
&or)otten* and the "ha(ber(aid ta#en into "onideration*//in a
1ord* the 1hole ho+e bribed into a tate o& "onte($t and
ani(oity* and Etella' $+re (+"h li)htened*//1e )ot into o+r
$ot/"oa"h and dro.e a1ay- T+rnin) into Chea$ide and rattlin) +$
Ne1)ate Street* 1e 1ere oon +nder the 1all o& 1hi"h I 1a o
67hat $la"e i that@6 Etella a#ed (e-
I (ade a &oolih $reten"e o& not at &irt re"o)ni8in) it* and then
told her- A he loo#ed at it* and dre1 in her head a)ain*
(+r(+rin)* 67ret"he<6 I 1o+ld not ha.e "on&eed to (y .iit &or
any "onideration-
6%r- 0a))er*6 aid I* by 1ay o& $+ttin) it neatly on o(ebody ele*
6ha the re$+tation o& bein) (ore in the e"ret o& that di(al
$la"e than any (an in Condon-6
6;e i (ore in the e"ret o& e.ery $la"e* I thin#*6 aid Etella*
in a lo1 .oi"e-
6?o+ ha.e been a""+to(ed to ee hi( o&ten* I +$$oe@6
6I ha.e been a""+to(ed to ee hi( at +n"ertain*
in"e I "an re(e(ber- :+t I #no1 hi( no better no1* than I did
be&ore I "o+ld $ea# $lainly- 7hat i yo+r o1n e,$erien"e o& hi(@
!o yo+"e 1ith hi(@6
6On"e habit+ated to hi ditr+t&+l (anner*6 aid I* 6I ha.e done
.ery 1ell-6
6Are yo+ inti(ate@6
6I ha.e dined 1ith hi( at hi $ri.ate ho+e-6
6I &an"y*6 aid Etella* hrin#in) 6that (+t be a "+rio+ $la"e-6
6It i a "+rio+ $la"e-6
I ho+ld ha.e been "hary o& di"+in) (y )+ardian too &reely e.en
1ith her9 b+t I ho+ld ha.e )one on 1ith the +bAe"t o &ar a to
de"ribe the dinner in Gerrard Street* i& 1e had not then "o(e into
a +dden )lare o& )a- It ee(ed* 1hile it lated* to be all ali)ht
and ali.e 1ith that ine,$li"able &eelin) I had had be&ore9 and 1hen
1e 1ere o+t o& it* I 1a a (+"h da8ed &or a &e1 (o(ent a i& I
had been in li)htnin)-
So 1e &ell into other tal#* and it 1a $rin"i$ally abo+t the 1ay
by 1hi"h 1e 1ere tra.ellin)* and abo+t 1hat $art o& Condon lay on
thi ide o& it* and 1hat on that- The )reat "ity 1a al(ot ne1 to
her* he told (e* &or he had le&t %i ;a.iha('
nei)hborhood +ntil he had )one to 5ran"e* and he had (erely
$aed thro+)h Condon then in )oin) and ret+rnin)- I a#ed her i&
(y )+ardian had any "har)e o& her 1hile he re(ained here@ To that
he e($hati"ally aid 6God &orbid<6 and no (ore-
It 1a i($oible &or (e to a.oid eein) that he "ared to attra"t
(e9 that he (ade herel& 1innin)* and 1o+ld ha.e 1on (e e.en i&
the ta# had needed $ain- ?et thi (ade (e none the ha$$ier* &or
e.en i& he had not ta#en that tone o& o+r bein) di$oed o& by
other* I ho+ld ha.e &elt that he held (y heart in her hand
be"a+e he 1il&+lly "hoe to do it* and not be"a+e it 1o+ld ha.e
1r+n) any tenderne in her to "r+h it and thro1 it a1ay-
7hen 1e $aed thro+)h ;a((er(ith* I ho1ed her 1here %r- %atthe1
Po"#et li.ed* and aid it 1a no )reat 1ay &ro( Ri"h(ond* and that
I ho$ed I ho+ld ee her o(eti(e-
6O ye* yo+ are to ee (e9 yo+ are to "o(e 1hen yo+ thin# $ro$er9
yo+ are to be (entioned to the &a(ily9 indeed yo+ are already
I in4+ired 1a it a lar)e ho+ehold he 1a )oin) to be a (e(ber
6No9 there are only t1o9 (other and da+)hter- The (other i a lady
o& o(e tation* tho+)h not a.ere to in"reain) her in"o(e-6
6I 1onder %i ;a.iha( "o+ld $art 1ith yo+ a)ain o oon-6
6It i a $art o& %i ;a.iha(' $lan &or (e* Pi$*6 aid Etella*
1ith a i)h* a i& he 1ere tired9 6I a( to 1rite to her "ontantly
and ee her re)+larly and re$ort ho1 I )o on*//I and the Ae1el*//
&or they are nearly all (ine no1-6
It 1a the &irt ti(e he had "alled (e by (y na(e- O& "o+re
he did o $+r$oely* and #ne1 that I ho+ld trea+re it +$-
7e "a(e to Ri"h(ond all too oon* and o+r detination there 1a a
ho+e by the )reen*//a taid old ho+e* 1here hoo$ and $o1der and
$at"he* e(broidered "oat* rolled to"#in)* r+&&le and 1ord* had
had their "o+rt day (any a ti(e- So(e an"ient tree be&ore the
ho+e 1ere till "+t into &ahion a &or(al and +nnat+ral a the
hoo$ and 1i) and ti&& #irt9 b+t their o1n allotted $la"e in
the )reat $ro"eion o& the dead 1ere not &ar o&&* and they 1o+ld
oon dro$ into the( and )o the ilent 1ay o& the ret-
A bell 1ith an old .oi"e//1hi"h I dare ay in it ti(e had o&ten
aid to the ho+e* ;ere i the )reen &arthin)ale* ;ere i the
dia(ond/hilted 1ord* ;ere are the hoe 1ith red heel and the bl+e
olitaire//o+nded )ra.ely in the (oonli)ht* and t1o
"herry/"olored (aid "a(e &l+tterin) o+t to re"ei.e Etella- The
door1ay oon aborbed her bo,e* and he )a.e (e her hand and a
(ile* and aid )ood ni)ht* and 1a aborbed li#e1ie- And till I
tood loo#in) at the ho+e* thin#in) ho1 ha$$y I ho+ld be i& I
li.ed there 1ith her* and #no1in) that I 1a ha$$y 1ith her*
b+t al1ay (ierable-
I )ot into the "arria)e to be ta#en ba"# to ;a((er(ith* and I )ot
in 1ith a bad heart/a"he* and I )ot o+t 1ith a 1ore heart/a"he- At
o+r o1n door* I &o+nd little 0ane Po"#et "o(in) ho(e &ro( a little
$arty e"orted by her little lo.er9 and I en.ied her little*
in $ite o& hi bein) +bAe"t to 5lo$on-
%r- Po"#et 1a o+t le"t+rin)9 &or* he 1a a (ot deli)ht&+l le"t+rer
on do(eti" e"ono(y* and hi treatie on the (ana)e(ent o&
"hildren and er.ant 1ere "onidered the .ery bet te,t/boo# on
thoe the(e- :+t %r- Po"#et 1a at ho(e* and 1a in a little
di&&i"+lty* on a""o+nt o& the baby' been a""o((odated 1ith
a needle/"ae to #ee$ hi( 4+iet d+rin) the +na""o+ntable aben"e
21ith a relati.e in the 5oot G+ard3 o& %iller- And (ore needle
1ere (iin) than it "o+ld be re)arded a 4+ite 1holeo(e &or a
$atient o& +"h tender year either to a$$ly e,ternally or to ta#e
a a toni"-
%r- Po"#et bein) A+tly "elebrated &or ) (ot e,"ellent
$ra"ti"al ad.i"e* and &or a "lear and o+nd $er"e$tion o&
thin) and a hi)hly A+di"io+ (ind* I had o(e notion in (y
heart/a"he o& be))in) hi( to a""e$t (y "on&iden"e- :+t ha$$enin) to
loo# +$ at %r- Po"#et a he at readin) her boo# o& di)nitie
a&ter $re"ribin) :ed a a o.erei)n re(edy &or baby* I tho+)ht//
7ell//No* I 1o+ldn't-
Cha$ter XXXIE
A I had )ro1n a""+to(ed to (y e,$e"tation* I had inenibly
be)+n to noti"e their e&&e"t +$on (yel& and thoe aro+nd (e- Their
in&l+en"e on (y o1n "hara"ter I di)+ied &ro( (y re"o)nition a
(+"h a $oible* b+t I #ne1 .ery 1ell that it 1a not all )ood- I
li.ed in a tate o& "hroni" +neaine re$e"tin) (y beha.ior to
0oe- %y "on"ien"e 1a not by any (ean "o(&ortable abo+t :iddy-
7hen I 1o#e +$ in the ni)ht*//li#e Ca(illa*//I +ed to thin#* 1ith
a 1earine on (y $irit* that I ho+ld ha.e been ha$$ier and
better i& I had een %i ;a.iha(' &a"e* and had rien to
(anhood "ontent to be $artner 1ith 0oe in the honet old &or)e-
%any a ti(e o& an e.enin)* 1hen I at alone loo#in) at the &ire* I
tho+)ht* a&ter all there 1a no &ire li#e the &or)e &ire and the
#it"hen &ire at ho(e-
?et Etella 1a o ine$arable &ro( all (y retlene and
di4+iet o& (ind* that I really &ell into "on&+ion a to the
li(it o& (y o1n $art in it $rod+"tion- That i to ay* +$$oin)
I had had no e,$e"tation* and yet had had Etella to thin# o&* I
"o+ld not (a#e o+t to (y ati&a"tion that I ho+ld ha.e done (+"h
better- No1* "on"ernin) the in&l+en"e o& (y $oition on other* I
1a in no +"h di&&i"+lty* and o I $er"ei.ed//tho+)h di(ly eno+)h
$erha$//that it 1a not bene&i"ial to anybody* and* abo.e all*
that it 1a not bene&i"ial to ;erbert- %y la.ih habit led hi
eay nat+re into e,$ene that he "o+ld not a&&ord* "orr+$ted the
i($li"ity o& hi li&e* and dit+rbed hi $ea"e 1ith an,ietie and
re)ret- I 1a not at all re(ore&+l &or +n1ittin)ly et
thoe other bran"he o& the Po"#et &a(ily to the $oor art they
$ra"tied9 be"a+e +"h littlenee 1ere their nat+ral bent* and
1o+ld ha.e been e.o#ed by anybody ele* i& I had le&t the(
l+(berin)- :+t ;erbert' 1a a .ery di&&erent "ae* and it o&ten
"a+ed (e a t1in)e to thin# that I had done hi( er.i"e in
"ro1din) hi $arely &+rnihed "ha(ber 1ith in"on)r+o+ +$holtery
1or#* and $la"in) the Canary/breated A.en)er at hi di$oal-
So no1* a an in&allible 1ay o& (a#in) little eae )reat eae* I
be)an to "ontra"t a 4+antity o& debt- I "o+ld hardly be)in b+t
;erbert (+t be)in too* o he oon &ollo1ed- At Starto$'
+))etion* 1e $+t o+rel.e do1n &or ele"tion into a "l+b "alled
The 5in"he o& the Gro.eB the obAe"t o& 1hi"h intit+tion I ha.e di.ined* i& it 1ere not that the (e(ber ho+ld dine
e,$eni.ely on"e a &ortni)ht* to 4+arrel a(on) the(el.e a (+"h
a $oible a&ter dinner* and to "a+e i, 1aiter to )et dr+n# on
the tair- I #no1 that thee )rati&yin) o"ial end 1ere o
in.ariably a""o($lihed* that ;erbert and I +ndertood nothin) ele
to be re&erred to in the &irt tandin) toat o& the o"ietyB 1hi"h
ran 6Gentle(en* (ay the $reent $ro(otion o& )ood &eelin)
rei)n $redo(inant a(on) the 5in"he o& the Gro.e-6
The 5in"he $ent their (oney &oolihly 2the ;otel 1e dined at 1a
in Co.ent Garden3* and the &irt 5in"h I a1 1hen I had the honor
o& Aoinin) the Gro.e 1a :entley !r+((le* at that ti(e &lo+nderin)
abo+t to1n in a "ab o& hi o1n* and doin) a )reat deal o& da(a)e to
the $ot at the treet "orner- O""aionally* he hot hi(el& o+t
o& hi e4+i$a)e head&ore(ot the a$ron9 and I a1 hi( on one
o""aion hi(el& at the door o& the Gro.e in thi
+nintentional 1ay//li#e "oal- :+t here I anti"i$ate a little* &or
I 1a not a 5in"h* and "o+ld not be* a""ordin) to the a"red la1
o& the o"iety* +ntil I "a(e o& a)e-
In (y "on&iden"e in (y o1n reo+r"e* I 1o+ld 1illin)ly ha.e ta#en
;erbert' e,$ene on (yel&9 b+t ;erbert 1a $ro+d* and I "o+ld
(a#e no +"h $ro$oal to hi(- So he )ot into di&&i"+ltie in e.ery
dire"tion* and "ontin+ed to loo# abo+t hi(- 7hen 1e )rad+ally &ell
into #ee$in) late ho+r and late "o($any* I noti"ed that he loo#ed
abo+t hi( 1ith a de$ondin) eye at brea#&at/ti(e9 that he be)an to
loo# abo+t hi( (ore ho$e&+lly abo+t (id/day9 that he droo$ed 1hen
he "a(e into dinner9 that he ee(ed to de"ry Ca$ital in the
ditan"e* rather "learly* a&ter dinner9 that he all b+t reali8ed
Ca$ital to1ard (idni)ht9 and that at abo+t t1o o'"lo"# in the
(ornin)* he be"a(e o dee$ly de$ondent a)ain a to tal# o& b+yin)
a ri&le and )oin) to A(eri"a* 1ith a )eneral $+r$oe o& "o($ellin)
b+&&aloe to (a#e hi &ort+ne-
I 1a ++ally at ;a((er(ith abo+t hal& the 1ee#* and 1hen I 1a at
;a((er(ith I ha+nted Ri"h(ond* 1hereo& e$arately by and by-
;erbert 1o+ld o&ten "o(e to ;a((er(ith 1hen I 1a there* and I
thin# at thoe eaon hi &ather 1o+ld o""aionally ha.e o(e
$ain) $er"e$tion that the o$enin) he 1a loo#in) &or* had not
a$$eared yet- :+t in the )eneral t+(blin) +$ o& the &a(ily* hi
t+(blin) o+t in li&e o(e1here* 1a a thin) to trana"t itel&
o(eho1- In the (eanti(e %r- Po"#et )re1 )rayer* and tried o&tener
to li&t hi(el& o+t o& hi $er$le,itie by the hair- 7hile %r-
Po"#et tri$$ed +$ the &a(ily 1ith her &oottool* read her boo# o&
di)nitie* lot her $o"#et/hand#er"hie&* told + abo+t her
)rand$a$a* and ta+)ht the yo+n) idea ho1 to hoot* by hootin) it
into bed it attra"ted her noti"e-
A I a( no1 )enerali8in) a $eriod o& (y li&e 1ith the obAe"t o&
"learin) (y 1ay be&ore (e* I "an "ar"ely do o better than by at
on"e "o($letin) the de"ri$tion o& o+r ++al (anner and "+to( at
:arnard' Inn-
7e $ent a (+"h (oney a 1e "o+ld* and )ot a little &or it a
$eo$le "o+ld (a#e +$ their (ind to )i.e +- 7e 1ere al1ay (ore or
le (ierable* and (ot o& o+r a"4+aintan"e 1ere in the a(e
"ondition- There 1a a )ay &i"tion a(on) + that 1e 1ere "ontantly
enAoyin) o+rel.e* and a #eleton tr+th that 1e did- To the
bet o& (y belie&* o+r "ae 1a in the lat a$e"t a rather "o((on
E.ery (ornin)* 1ith an air ne1* ;erbert 1ent into the City to
loo# abo+t hi(- I o&ten $aid hi( a .iit in the dar# ba"#/roo( in
1hi"h he "onorted 1ith an in#/Aar* a hat/$e)* a "oal/bo,* a
trin)/bo,* an al(ana"* a de# and tool* and a r+ler9 and I do
not re(e(ber that I a1 hi( do anythin) ele b+t loo# abo+t
hi(- I& 1e all did 1hat 1e +nderta#e to do* a &aith&+lly a
;erbert did* 1e (i)ht li.e in a Re$+bli" o& the Eirt+e- ;e had
nothin) ele to do* $oor &ello1* e,"e$t at a "ertain ho+r o& e.ery
a&ternoon to 6)o to Cloyd'6//in"e o& a "ere(ony o&
eein) hi $rin"i$al* I thin#- ;e did anythin) ele in
"onne"tion 1ith Cloyd' that I "o+ld &ind o+t* e,"e$t "o(e ba"#
a)ain- 7hen he &elt hi "ae +n++ally erio+* and that he
$oiti.ely (+t &ind an o$enin)* he 1o+ld )o on 'Chan)e at a b+y
ti(e* and 1al# in and o+t* in a #ind o& )loo(y "o+ntry dan"e
&i)+re* a(on) the ae(bled (a)nate- 65or*6 ay ;erbert to (e*
"o(in) ho(e to dinner on one o& thoe $e"ial o""aion* 6I &ind
the tr+th to be* ;andel* that an o$enin) 1on't "o(e to one* b+t one
(+t )o to it*//o I ha.e been-6
I& 1e had been le atta"hed to one another* I thin# 1e (+t ha.e
hated one another re)+larly e.ery (ornin)- I deteted the "ha(ber
beyond e,$reion at that $eriod o& re$entan"e* and "o+ld not
end+re the i)ht o& the A.en)er' li.ery9 1hi"h had a (ore
e,$eni.e and a le re(+nerati.e a$$earan"e then than at any
other ti(e in the &o+r/and/t1enty ho+r- A 1e )ot (ore and (ore
into debt* brea#&at be"a(e a hollo1er and hollo1er &or(* and* bein)
on one o""aion at brea#&at/ti(e threatened 2by letter3 1ith le)al
$ro"eedin)* 6not +n1holly +n"onne"ted*6 a (y lo"al $a$er (i)ht
$+t it* 61ith Ae1elery*6 I 1ent o &ar a to ei8e the A.en)er by
hi bl+e "ollar and ha#e hi( o&& hi &eet*//o that he 1a
a"t+ally in the air* li#e a booted C+$id*//&or $re+(in) to +$$oe
that 1e 1anted a roll-
At "ertain ti(e//(eanin) at +n"ertain ti(e* &or they de$ended on
o+r h+(or//I 1o+ld ay to ;erbert* a i& it 1ere a re(ar#able
6%y dear ;erbert* 1e are )ettin) on badly-6
6%y dear ;andel*6 ;erbert 1o+ld ay to (e* in all in"erity* i& yo+
1ill belie.e (e* thoe .ery 1ord 1ere on (y li$* by a tran)e
6Then* ;erbert*6 I 1o+ld re$ond* 6let + loo# into o+t a&&air-6
7e al1ay deri.ed $ro&o+nd ati&a"tion &ro( (a#in) an a$$oint(ent
&or thi $+r$oe- I al1ay tho+)ht thi 1a b+ine* thi 1a the
1ay to "on&ront the thin)* thi 1a the 1ay to ta#e the &oe by the
throat- And I #no1 ;erbert tho+)ht o too-
7e ordered o(ethin) rather $e"ial &or dinner* 1ith a bottle o&
o(ethin) i(ilarly o+t o& the "o((on 1ay* in order that o+r (ind
(i)ht be &orti&ied &or the o""aion* and 1e (i)ht "o(e 1ell +$ to
the (ar#- !inner* 1e $rod+"ed a b+ndle o& $en* a "o$io+
+$$ly o& in#* and a )oodly ho1 o& 1ritin) and blottin) $a$er-
5or there 1a o(ethin) .ery "o(&ortable in $lenty o&
I 1o+ld then ta#e a heet o& $a$er* and 1rite a"ro the to$ o& it*
in a neat hand* the headin)* 6%e(orand+( o& Pi$' debt69 1ith
:arnard' Inn and the date .ery "are&+lly added- ;erbert 1o+ld alo
ta#e a heet o& $a$er* and 1rite a"ro it 1ith i(ilar
&or(alitie* 6%e(orand+( o& ;erbert' debt-6
Ea"h o& + 1o+ld then re&er to a "on&+ed hea$ o& $a$er at hi
ide* 1hi"h had been thro1n into dra1er* 1orn into hole in
$o"#et* hal& b+rnt in li)htin) "andle* t+"# &or 1ee# into the
loo#in)/)la* and other1ie da(a)ed- The o+nd o& o+r $en )oin)
re&rehed + e,"eedin)ly* ino(+"h that I o(eti(e &o+nd it
di&&i"+lt to ditin)+ih bet1een thi edi&yin) b+ine $ro"eedin)
and a"t+ally $ayin) the (oney- In $oint o& (eritorio+ "hara"ter*
the t1o thin) ee(ed abo+t e4+al-
7hen 1e had 1ritten a little 1hile* I 1o+ld a# ;erbert ho1 he )ot
on@ ;erbert $robably 1o+ld ha.e been "rat"hin) hi head in a (ot
r+e&+l (anner at the i)ht o& hi a""+(+latin) &i)+re-
6They are (o+ntin) +$* ;andel*6 ;erbert 1o+ld ay9 6+$on (y li&e*
they are (o+ntin) +$-6
6:e &ir(* ;erbert*6 I 1o+ld retort* $lyin) (y o1n $en 1ith )reat
aid+ity- 6Coo# the thin) in the &a"e- Coo# into yo+r a&&air-
Stare the( o+t o& "o+ntenan"e-6
6So I 1o+ld* ;andel* only they are tarin) (e o+t o& "o+ntenan"e-6
;* (y deter(ined (anner 1o+ld ha.e it e&&e"t* and ;erbert
1o+ld &all to 1or# a)ain- A&ter a ti(e he 1o+ld )i.e +$ on"e (ore*
on the $lea that he had not )ot Cobb' bill* or Cobb'* or
Nobb'* a the "ae (i)ht be-
6Then* ;erbert* eti(ate9 eti(ate it in ro+nd n+(ber* and $+t it
67hat a &ello1 o& reo+r"e yo+ are<6 (y &riend 1o+ld re$ly* 1ith
ad(iration- 6Really yo+r b+ine $o1er are .ery re(ar#able-6
I tho+)ht o too- I etablihed 1ith (yel&* on thee o""aion* the
re$+tation o& a &irt/rate (an o& b+ine*//$ro($t* de"ii.e*
ener)eti"* "lear* "ool/headed- 7hen I had )ot all (y
re$onibilitie do1n +$on (y lit* I "o($ared ea"h 1ith the bill*
and ti"#ed it o&&- %y el&/a$$ 1hen I ti"#ed an entry 1a
4+ite a l+,+rio+ enation- 7hen I had no (ore ti"# to (a#e* I
&olded all (y bill +$ +ni&or(ly* do"#eted ea"h on the ba"#* and
tied the 1hole into a y((etri"al b+ndle- Then I did the a(e &or
;erbert 21ho (odetly aid he had not (y ad(initrati.e )eni+3*
and &elt that I had bro+)ht hi a&&air into a &o"+ &or hi(-
%y b+ine habit had one other bri)ht &eat+re* 1hi"h I "alled a %ar)in-6 5or e,a($le9 +$$oin) ;erbert' debt to be
one h+ndred and i,ty/&o+r $o+nd &o+r/and/t1o$en"e* I 1o+ld ay*
6Cea.e a (ar)in* and $+t the( do1n at t1o h+ndred-6 Or* +$$oin)
(y o1n to be &o+r ti(e a (+"h* I 1o+ld lea.e a (ar)in* and $+t
the( do1n at e.en h+ndred- I had the hi)het o$inion o& the 1ido(
o& thi a(e %ar)in* b+t I a( bo+nd to a"#no1led)e that on loo#in)
ba"#* I dee( it to ha.e been an e,$eni.e de.i"e- 5or* 1e al1ay
ran into ne1 debt i((ediately* to the &+ll e,tent o& the (ar)in*
and o(eti(e* in the ene o& &reedo( and ol.en"y it i($arted*
)ot $retty &ar on into another (ar)in-
:+t there 1a a "al(* a ret* a .irt+o+ h+h* "one4+ent on thee
e,a(ination o& o+r a&&air that )a.e (e* &or the ti(e* an
ad(irable o$inion o& (yel&- Soothed by (y e,ertion* (y (ethod*
and ;erbert' "o($li(ent* I 1o+ld it 1ith hi y((etri"al b+ndle
and (y o1n on the table be&ore (e a(on) the tationary* and &eel
li#e a :an# o& o(e ort* rather than a $ri.ate
7e h+t o+r o+ter door on thee ole(n o""aion* in order that 1e
(i)ht not be interr+$ted- I had &allen into (y erene tate one
e.enin)* 1hen 1e heard a letter dro$$ed thro+)h the lit in the
aid door* and &all on the )ro+nd- 6It' &or yo+* ;andel*6 aid
;erbert* )oin) o+t and "o(in) ba"# 1ith it* 6and I ho$e there i
nothin) the (atter-6 Thi 1a in all+ion to it hea.y bla"# eal
and border-
The letter 1a i)ned Trabb J Co-* and it "ontent 1ere i($ly*
that I 1a an honored ir* and that they be))ed to in&or( (e that
%r- 0- Gar)ery had de$arted thi li&e on %onday lat at t1enty
(in+te $at i, in the e.enin)* and that (y attendan"e 1a
re4+eted at the inter(ent on %onday ne,t at three o'"lo"# in the
Cha$ter XXXE
It 1a the &irt ti(e that a )ra.e had o$ened in (y road o& li&e*
and the )a$ it (ade in the (ooth )ro+nd 1a 1onder&+l- The &i)+re
o& (y iter in her "hair by the #it"hen &ire* ha+nted (e ni)ht and
day- That the $la"e "o+ld $oibly be* 1itho+t her* 1a o(ethin)
(y (ind ee(ed +nable to "o($a9 and 1herea he had eldo( or been in (y tho+)ht o& late* I had no1 the tran)et idea
that he 1a "o(in) to1ard (e in the treet* or that he 1o+ld
$reently #no"# at the door- In (y roo( too* 1ith 1hi"h he had been at all ao"iated* there 1a at on"e the blan#ne o&
death and a $er$et+al +))etion o& the o+nd o& her .oi"e or the
t+rn o& her &a"e or &i)+re* a i& he 1ere till ali.e and had been
o&ten there- (y &ort+ne (i)ht ha.e been* I "o+ld "ar"ely ha.e
re"alled (y iter 1ith (+"h tenderne- :+t I +$$oe there i a
ho"# o& re)ret 1hi"h (ay e,it 1itho+t (+"h tenderne- Dnder it
in&l+en"e 2and $erha$ to (a#e +$ &or the 1ant o& the o&ter
&eelin)3 I 1a ei8ed 1ith a .iolent indi)nation a)aint the
aailant &ro( 1ho( he had +&&ered o (+"h9 and I &elt that on
+&&i"ient $roo& I "o+ld ha.e re.en)e&+lly $+r+ed Orli"#* or any
one ele* to the lat e,tre(ity-
; 1ritten to 0oe* to o&&er hi( "onolation* and to a+re hi( that
I 1o+ld "o(e to the &+neral* I $aed the inter(ediate day in the
"+rio+ tate o& (ind I ha.e )lan"ed at- I 1ent do1n early in the
(ornin)* and ali)hted at the :l+e :oar in )ood ti(e to 1al# to
the &or)e-
It 1a &ine +((er 1eather a)ain* and* a I 1al#ed alon)* the ti(e
1hen I 1a a little hel$le "reat+re* and (y iter did not $are
(e* .i.idly ret+rned- :+t they ret+rned 1ith a )entle tone +$on
the( that o&tened e.en the ed)e o& Ti"#ler- 5or no1* the .ery
breath o& the bean and " 1hi$ered to (y heart that the day
(+t "o(e 1hen it 1o+ld be 1ell &or (y (e(ory that other 1al#in)
in the +nhine ho+ld be o&tened a they tho+)ht o& (e-
At lat I "a(e 1ithin i)ht o& the ho+e* and a1 that Trabb and
Co- had $+t in a &+nereal e,e"+tion and ta#en $oeion- T1o
di(ally ab+rd $eron* ea"h otentatio+ly e,hibitin) a "r+t"h
done +$ in a bla"# banda)e*//a i& that intr+(ent "o+ld $oibly
"o((+ni"ate any "o(&ort to anybody*//1ere $oted at the &ront door9
and in one o& the( I re"o)ni8ed a $otboy di"har)ed &ro( the :oar
&or t+rnin) a yo+n) "o+$le into a a1$it on their bridal (ornin)*
in "one4+en"e o& into,i"ation renderin) it ne"eary &or hi( to
ride hi hore "la$ed ro+nd the ne"# 1ith both ar(- All the
"hildren o& the .illa)e* and (ot o& the 1o(en* 1ere ad(irin) thee
able 1arder and the "loed 1indo1 o& the ho+e and &or)e9 and a
I "a(e +$* one o& the t1o 1arder 2the $otboy3 #no"#ed at the door*
//i($lyin) that I 1a &ar too (+"h e,ha+ted by )rie& to ha.e
tren)th re(ainin) to #no"# &or (yel&-
Another able 1arder 2a "ar$enter* 1ho had on"e eaten t1o )eee &or
a 1a)er3 o$ened the door* and ho1ed (e into the bet $arlor-
;ere* %r- Trabb had ta#en +nto hi(el& the bet table* and had )ot
all the lea.e +$* and 1a holdin) a #ind o& bla"# :a8aar* 1ith the
aid o& a 4+antity o& bla"# $in- At the (o(ent o& (y* he
had A+t &inihed $+ttin) o(ebody' hat into bla"# lon)/"lothe*
li#e an A&ri"an baby9 o he held o+t hi hand &or (ine- :+t I*
(iled by the a"tion* and "on&+ed by the o""aion* hoo# hand
1ith hi( 1ith e.ery teti(ony o& 1ar( a&&e"tion-
Poor dear 0oe* entan)led in a little bla"# "loa# tied in a lar)e
bo1 +nder hi "hin* 1a eated a$art at the +$$er end o& the roo(9
1here* a "hie& (o+rner* he had e.idently been tationed by Trabb-
7hen I bent do1n and aid to hi(* 6!ear 0oe* ho1 are yo+@6 he aid*
6Pi$* old "ha$* yo+ #no1ed her 1hen he 1ere a &ine &i)+re o& a//6
and "la$ed (y hand and aid no (ore-
:iddy* loo#in) .ery neat and (odet in her bla"# dre* 1ent
4+ietly here and there* and 1a .ery hel$&+l- 7hen I had $o#en to
:iddy* a I tho+)ht it not a ti(e &or tal#in) I 1ent and at do1n
near 0oe* and there be)an to 1onder in 1hat $art o& the ho+e it//
he//(y iter//1a- The air o& the $arlor bein) &aint 1ith the
(ell o& 1eet/"a#e* I loo#ed abo+t &or the table o& re&reh(ent9
it 1a "ar"ely .iible +ntil one had )ot a""+to(ed to the )loo(*
b+t there 1a a "+t/+$ $l+( "a#e +$on it* and there 1ere "+t/+$
oran)e* and and1i"he* and bi"+it* and t1o de"anter that I
#ne1 .ery 1ell a orna(ent* b+t had een +ed in all (y
li&e9 one &+ll o& $ort* and one o& herry- Standin) at thi table*
I be"a(e "on"io+ o& the er.ile P+(ble"hoo# in a bla"# "loa# and
e.eral yard o& hatband* 1ho 1a alternately t+&&in) hi(el&* and
(a#in) obe4+io+ (o.e(ent to "at"h (y attention- The (o(ent he
+""eeded* he "a(e to (e 2breathin) herry and "r+(b3* and
aid in a +bd+ed .oi"e* 6%ay I* dear ir@6 and did- I then
de"ried %r- and %r- ;+bble9 the lat/na(ed in a de"ent $ee"hle
$aro,y( in a "orner- 7e 1ere all )oin) to 6&ollo1*6 and 1ere all
in "o+re o& bein) tied +$ e$arately 2by Trabb3 into ridi"+lo+
67hi"h I (eanteray* Pi$*6 0oe 1hi$ered (e* a 1e 1ere bein) 1hat
%r- Trabb "alled 6&or(ed6 in the $arlor* t1o and t1o*//and it 1a
dread&+lly li#e a $re$aration &or o(e )ri( #ind o& dan"e9 61hi"h I
(eanteray* ir* a I 1o+ld in $re&eren"e ha.e "arried her to the
"h+r"h (yel&* alon) 1ith three or &o+r &riendly one 1ot "o(e to
it 1ith 1illin) hart and ar(* b+t it 1ere "onidered 1ot the
nei)hbor 1o+ld loo# do1n on +"h and 1o+ld be o& o$inion a it
1ere 1antin) in re$e"t-6
6Po"#et/hand#er"hie& o+t* all<6 "ried %r- Trabb at thi $oint* in a
de$reed b+ine/li#e .oi"e- 6Po"#et/hand#er"hie& o+t< 7e are
So 1e all $+t o+r $o"#et/hand#er"hie& to o+r &a"e* a i& o+r
noe 1ere bleedin)* and &iled o+t t1o and t1o9 0oe and I9 :iddy
and P+(ble"hoo#9 %r- and %r- ;+bble- The re(ain o& (y $oor iter
had been bro+)ht ro+nd by the #it"hen door* and* it bein) a $oint
o& Dnderta#in) "ere(ony that the i, bearer (+t be ti&led and
blinded +nder a horrible bla"# ho+in) 1ith a 1hite border*
the 1hole loo#ed li#e a blind (onter 1ith t1el.e h+(an le)*
h+&&lin) and bl+nderin) alon)* +nder the )+idan"e o& t1o #ee$er*//
the $otboy and hi "o(rade-
The nei)hborhood** hi)hly a$$ro.ed o& thee arran)e(ent*
and 1e 1ere (+"h ad(ired a 1e 1ent thro+)h the .illa)e9 the (ore
yo+th&+l and .i)oro+ $art o& the "o((+nity (a#in) dahe no1 and
then to "+t + o&&* and lyin) in 1ait to inter"e$t + at $oint o&
.anta)e- At +"h ti(e the (ore e,+berant a(on) the( "alled o+t in
an e,"ited (anner on o+r e(er)en"e ro+nd o(e "orner o& e,$e"tan"y*
6;ere they "o(e<6 6;ere they are<6 and 1e 1ere all b+t "heered- In
thi $ro)re I 1a (+"h annoyed by the abAe"t P+(ble"hoo#* 1ho*
bein) behind (e* $erited all the 1ay a a deli"ate attention in
arran)in) (y trea(in) hatband* and (oothin) (y "loa#- %y tho+)ht
1ere &+rther ditra"ted by the e,"ei.e $ride o& %r- and %r-
;+bble* 1ho 1ere +r$ain)ly "on"eited and .ain)lorio+ in bein)
(e(ber o& o ditin)+ihed a $ro"eion-
And no1 the ran)e o& (arhe lay "lear be&ore +* 1ith the ail
o& the hi$ on the )ro1in) o+t o& it9 and 1e 1ent into the
"h+r"hyard* "loe to the )ra.e o& (y +n#no1n $arent* Phili$
Pirri$* late o& thi $arih* and Alo Geor)iana* 7i&e o& the Abo.e-
And there* (y iter 1a laid 4+ietly in the earth* 1hile the lar#
an) hi)h abo.e it* and the li)ht 1ind tre1ed it 1ith bea+ti&+l
hado1 o& "lo+d and tree-
O& the "ond+"t o& the 1orldly (inded P+(ble"hoo# 1hile thi 1a
doin)* I deire to ay no (ore than it 1a all addreed to (e9 and
that e.en 1hen thoe noble $aa)e 1ere read 1hi"h re(ind h+(anity
ho1 it bro+)ht nothin) into the 1orld and "an ta#e nothin) o+t* and
ho1 it &leeth li#e a hado1 and "ontin+eth lon) in one tay*
I heard hi( "o+)h a reer.ation o& the "ae o& a yo+n) )entle(an
1ho "a(e +ne,$e"tedly into lar)e $ro$erty- 7hen 1e )ot ba"#* he had
the hardihood to tell (e that he 1ihed (y iter "o+ld ha.e #no1n
I had done her o (+"h honor* and to hint that he 1o+ld ha.e
"onidered it reaonably $+r"haed at the $ri"e o& her death- A&ter
that* he dran# all the ret o& the herry* and %r- ;+bble dran# the
$ort* and the t1o tal#ed 21hi"h I ha.e in"e ober.ed to be
"+to(ary in +"h "ae3 a i& they 1ere o& 4+ite another ra"e &ro(
the de"eaed* and 1ere notorio+ly i((ortal- 5inally* he 1ent a1ay
1ith %r- and %r- ;+bble*//to (a#e an e.enin) o& it* I &elt +re* and
to tell the 0olly :ar)e(en that he 1a the &o+nder o& (y &ort+ne
and (y earliet bene&a"tor-
7hen they 1ere all )one* and 1hen Trabb and hi (en//b+t not hi
:oy9 I loo#ed &or hi(//had "ra((ed their (+((ery into ba)* and
1ere )one too* the ho+e &elt 1holeo(er- Soon a&ter1ard* :iddy*
0oe* and I* had a "old dinner to)ether9 b+t 1e dined in the bet
$arlor* not in the old #it"hen* and 0oe 1a o e,"eedin)ly
$arti"+lar 1hat he did 1ith hi #ni&e and &or# and the alt"ellar
and 1hat not* that there 1a )reat retraint +$on +- :+t a&ter
dinner* 1hen I (ade hi( ta#e hi $i$e* and 1hen I had loitered 1ith
hi( abo+t the &or)e* and 1hen 1e at do1n to)ether on the )reat
blo"# o& tone o+tide it* 1e )ot on better- I noti"ed that a&ter
the &+neral 0oe "han)ed hi "lothe o &ar* a to (a#e a "o($ro(ie
bet1een hi S+nday dre and 1or#in) dre9 in 1hi"h the dear
&ello1 loo#ed nat+ral* and li#e the %an he 1a-
;e 1a .ery (+"h $leaed by (y a#in) i& I (i)ht lee$ in (y o1n
little roo(* and I 1a $leaed too9 &or I &elt that I had done
rather a )reat thin) in (a#in) the re4+et- 7hen the hado1 o&
e.enin) 1ere "loin) in* I too# an o$$ort+nity o& )ettin) into the
)arden 1ith :iddy &or a little tal#-
6:iddy*6 aid I* 6I thin# yo+ (i)ht ha.e 1ritten to (e abo+t thee
ad (atter-6
6!o yo+* %r- Pi$@6 aid :iddy- 6I ho+ld ha.e 1ritten i& I had
tho+)ht that-6
6!on't +$$oe that I (ean to be +n#ind* :iddy* 1hen I ay I
"onider that yo+ o+)ht to ha.e tho+)ht that-6
6!o yo+* %r- Pi$@6
She 1a o 4+iet* and had +"h an orderly* )ood* and $retty 1ay
1ith her* that I did not li#e the tho+)ht o& (a#in) her "ry a)ain-
A&ter loo#in) a little at her do1n"at eye a he 1al#ed beide
(e* I )a.e +$ that $oint-
6I +$$oe it 1ill be di&&i"+lt &or yo+ to re(ain here no1* :iddy
6Oh< I "an't do o* %r- Pi$*6 aid :iddy* in a tone o& re)ret b+t
till o& 4+iet "on.i"tion- 6I ha.e been $ea#in) to %r- ;+bble* and
I a( )oin) to her to/(orro1- I ho$e 1e hall be able to ta#e o(e
"are o& %r- Gar)ery* to)ether* +ntil he ettle do1n-6
6;o1 are yo+ )oin) to li.e* :iddy@ I& yo+ 1ant any (o//6
6;o1 a( I )oin) to li.e@6 re$eated :iddy* tri#in) in* 1ith a
(o(entary &l+h +$on her &a"e- 6I'll tell yo+* %r- Pi$- I a( )oin)
to try to )et the $la"e o& (itre in the ne1 "hool nearly
&inihed here- I "an be 1ell re"o((ended by all the nei)hbor* and
I ho$e I "an be ind+trio+ and $atient* and tea"h (yel& 1hile I
tea"h other- ?o+ #no1* %r- Pi$*6 $+r+ed :iddy* 1ith a (ile* a
he raied her eye to (y &a"e* 6the ne1 "hool are not li#e the
old* b+t I learnt a )ood deal &ro( yo+ a&ter that ti(e* and ha.e
had ti(e in"e then to i($ro.e-6
6I thin# yo+ 1o+ld al1ay i($ro.e* :iddy* +nder any "ir"+(tan"e-6
6Ah< E,"e$t in (y bad ide o& h+(an nat+re*6 (+r(+red :iddy-
It 1a not o (+"h a re$roa"h a an irreitible thin#in) alo+d-
7ell< I tho+)ht I 1o+ld )i.e +$ that $oint too- So* I 1al#ed a
little &+rther 1ith :iddy* loo#in) ilently at her do1n"at eye-
6I ha.e not heard the $arti"+lar o& (y iter' death* :iddy-6
6They are .ery li)ht* $oor thin)- She had been in one o& her bad
tate//tho+)h they had )ot better o& late* rather than 1ore//
&or &o+r day* 1hen he "a(e o+t o& it in the e.enin)* A+t at
tea/ti(e* and aid 4+ite $lainly* '0oe-' A he had aid any
1ord &or a lon) 1hile* I ran and &et"hed in %r- Gar)ery &ro( the
&or)e- She (ade i)n to (e that he 1anted hi( to it do1n "loe
to her* and 1anted (e to $+t her ar( ro+nd hi ne"#- So I $+t the(
ro+nd hi ne"#* and he laid her head do1n on hi ho+lder 4+ite
"ontent and ati&ied- And o he $reently aid '0oe' a)ain* and
on"e 'Pardon*' and on"e 'Pi$-' And o he li&ted her head +$
any (ore* and it 1a A+t an ho+r later 1hen 1e laid it do1n on her
o1n bed* be"a+e 1e &o+nd he 1a )one-6
:iddy "ried9 the dar#enin) )arden* and the lane* and the tar that
1ere "o(in) o+t* 1ere bl+rred in (y o1n i)ht-
6Nothin) 1a di"o.ered* :iddy@6
6!o yo+ #no1 1hat i be"o(e o& Orli"#@6
6I ho+ld thin# &ro( the "olor o& hi "lothe that he i 1or#in)
in the 4+arrie-6
6O& "o+re yo+ ha.e een hi( then@//7hy are yo+ loo#in) at that
dar# tree in the lane@6
6I a1 hi( there* on the ni)ht he died-6
6That 1a not the lat ti(e either* :iddy@6
6No9 I ha.e een hi( there* in"e 1e ha.e been 1al#in) here-//It
i o& no +e*6 aid :iddy* layin) her hand +$on (y ar(* a I 1a
&or r+nnin) o+t* 6yo+ #no1 I 1o+ld not de"ei.e yo+9 he 1a not
there a (in+te* and he i )one-6
It re.i.ed (y +t(ot indi)nation to &ind that he 1a till $+r+ed
by thi &ello1* and I &elt in.eterate a)aint hi(- I told her o*
and told her that I 1o+ld $end any (oney or ta#e any $ain to
dri.e hi( o+t o& that "o+ntry- :y de)ree he led (e into (ore
te($erate tal#* and he told (e ho1 0oe lo.ed (e* and ho1 0oe
"o($lained o& anythin)*//he didn't ay* o& (e9 he had no need9 I
#ne1 1hat he (eant*//b+t did hi d+ty in hi 1ay o& li&e*
1ith a tron) hand* a 4+iet ton)+e* and a )entle heart-
6Indeed* it 1o+ld be hard to ay too (+"h &or hi(*6 aid I9 6and
:iddy* 1e (+t o&ten $ea# o& thee thin)* &or o& "o+re I hall
be o&ten do1n here no1- I a( not )oin) to lea.e $oor 0oe alone-6
:iddy aid a in)le 1ord-
6:iddy* don't yo+ hear (e@6
6?e* %r- Pi$-6
6Not to (ention yo+r "allin) (e %r- Pi$*//1hi"h a$$ear to (e to be
in bad tate* :iddy*//1hat do yo+ (ean@6
67hat do I (ean@6 a#ed :iddy* ti(idly-
6:iddy*6 aid I* in a .irt+o+ly el&/aertin) (anner* 6I (+t
re4+et to #no1 1hat yo+ (ean by thi@6
6:y thi@6 aid :iddy-
6No1* don't e"ho*6 I retorted- 6?o+ +ed not to e"ho* :iddy-6
6Ded not<6 aid :iddy- 6O %r- Pi$< Ded<6
7ell< I rather tho+)ht I 1o+ld )i.e +$ that $oint too- A&ter
another ilent t+rn in the )arden* I &ell ba"# on the (ain
6:iddy*6 aid I* 6I (ade a re(ar# re$e"tin) (y "o(in) do1n here
o&ten* to ee 0oe* 1hi"h yo+ re"ei.ed 1ith a (ar#ed ilen"e- ;a.e
the )oodne* :iddy* to tell (e 1hy-6
6Are yo+ 4+ite +re* then* that yo+ 7ICC "o(e to ee hi( o&ten@6
a#ed :iddy* to$$in) in the narro1 )arden 1al#* and loo#in) at (e
+nder the tar 1ith a "lear and honet eye-
6O dear (e<6 aid I* a i& I &o+nd (yel& "o($elled to )i.e +$
:iddy in de$air- 6Thi really i a .ery bad ide o& h+(an
nat+re< !on't ay any (ore* i& yo+ $leae* :iddy- Thi ho"# (e
.ery (+"h-6
5or 1hi"h "o)ent reaon I #e$t :iddy at a ditan"e d+rin) +$$er*
and 1hen I 1ent +$ to (y o1n old little roo(* too# a tately a
lea.e o& her a I "o+ld* in (y (+r(+rin) o+l* dee( re"on"ilable
1ith the "h+r"hyard and the e.ent o& the day- A o&ten a I 1a
retle in the ni)ht* and that 1a e.ery 4+arter o& an ho+r* I
re&le"ted 1hat an +n#indne* 1hat an inA+ry* 1hat an inA+ti"e*
:iddy had done (e-
Early in the (ornin) I 1a to )o- Early in the (ornin) I 1a o+t*
and loo#in) in* +neen* at one o& the 1ooden 1indo1 o& the &or)e-
There I tood* &or (in+te* loo#in) at 0oe* already at 1or# 1ith a
)lo1 o& health and tren)th +$on hi &a"e that (ade it ho1 a i&
the bri)ht +n o& the li&e in tore &or hi( 1ere hinin) on it-
6Good by* dear 0oe<//No* don't 1i$e it o&&//&or God' a#e* )i.e
(e yo+r bla"#ened hand<//I hall be do1n oon and o&ten-6 too oon* ir*6 aid 0oe* 6and too o&ten* Pi$<6
:iddy 1a 1aitin) &or (e at the #it"hen door* 1ith a (+) o& ne1
(il# and a "r+t o& bread- 6:iddy*6 aid I* 1hen I )a.e her (y hand
at $artin)* 6I a( not an)ry* b+t I a( h+rt-6
6No* don't be h+rt*6 he $leaded 4+ite $atheti"ally9 6let only (e
be h+rt* i& I ha.e been +n)enero+-6
On"e (ore* the (it 1ere riin) a I 1al#ed a1ay- I& they
di"loed to (e* a I +$e"t they did* that I ho+ld not "o(e
ba"#* and that :iddy 1a 4+ite ri)ht* all I "an ay i*//they 1ere
4+ite ri)ht too-
Cha$ter XXXEI
;erbert and I 1ent on &ro( bad to 1ore* in the 1ay o& in"reain)
o+r debt* loo#in) into o+r a&&air* %ar)in* and the li#e
e,e($lary trana"tion9 and Ti(e 1ent on* 1hether or no* a he ha
a 1ay o& doin)9 and I "a(e o& a)e*//in &+l&il(ent o& ;erbert'
$redi"tion* that I ho+ld do o be&ore I #ne1 1here I 1a-
;erbert hi(el& had "o(e o& a)e ei)ht (onth be&ore (e- A he had
nothin) ele than hi (aAority to "o(e into* the e.ent did not (a#e
a $ro&o+nd enation in :arnard' Inn- :+t 1e had loo#ed &or1ard to
(y one/and/t1entieth birthday* 1ith a "ro1d o& $e"+lation and
anti"i$ation* &or 1e had both "onidered that (y )+ardian "o+ld
hardly hel$ ayin) o(ethin) de&inite on that o""aion-
I had ta#en "are to ha.e it 1ell +ndertood in Cittle :ritain 1hen
(y birthday 1a- On the day be&ore it* I re"ei.ed an o&&i"ial note
&ro( 7e((i"#* in&or(in) (e that %r- 0a))er 1o+ld be )lad i& I 1o+ld
"all +$on hi( at &i.e in the a&ternoon o& the a+$i"io+ day- Thi
""ed + that o(ethin) )reat 1a to ha$$en* and thre1 (e into
an +n++al &l+tter 1hen I re$aired to (y )+ardian' o&&i"e* a (odel
o& $+n"t+ality-
In the o+ter o&&i"e 7e((i"# o&&ered (e hi "on)rat+lation* and
in"identally r+bbed the ide o& hi noe 1ith a &olded $ie"e o&
ti+e/$a$er that I li#ed the loo# o&- :+t he aid nothin)
re$e"tin) it* and (otioned (e 1ith a nod into (y )+ardian' roo(-
It 1a No.e(ber* and (y )+ardian 1a tandin) be&ore hi &ire
leanin) hi ba"# a)aint the "hi(ney/$ie"e* 1ith hi hand +nder
hi "oattail-
67ell* Pi$*6 aid he* 6I (+t "all yo+ %r- Pi$ to/day-
Con)rat+lation* %r- Pi$-6
7e hoo# hand*//he 1a al1ay a re(ar#ably hort ha#er*//and I
than#ed hi(-
6Ta#e a "hair* %r- Pi$*6 aid (y )+ardian-
A I at do1n* and he $reer.ed hi attit+de and bent hi bro1 at
hi boot* I &elt at a diad.anta)e* 1hi"h re(inded (e o& that old
ti(e 1hen I had been $+t +$on a to(btone- The t1o )hatly "at on
the hel& 1ere not &ar &ro( hi(* and their e,$reion 1a a i&
they 1ere (a#in) a t+$id a$o$le"ti" atte($t to attend to the
6No1 (y yo+n) &riend*6 (y )+ardian be)an* a i& I 1ere a 1itne in
the bo,* 6I a( )oin) to ha.e a 1ord or t1o 1ith yo+-6
6I& yo+ $leae* ir-6
67hat do yo+ +$$oe*6 aid %r- 0a))er* bendin) &or1ard to loo# at
the )ro+nd* and then thro1in) hi head ba"# to loo# at the "eilin)*//
61hat do yo+ +$$oe yo+ are at the rate o&@6
6At the rate o&* ir@6
6At*6 re$eated %r- 0a))er* till loo#in) at the "eilin)* 6the//
rate//o&@6 And then loo#ed all ro+nd the roo(* and $a+ed 1ith hi
$o"#et/hand#er"hie& in hi hand* hal&/1ay to hi noe-
I had loo#ed into (y a&&air o o&ten* that I had thoro+)hly
detroyed any li)ht notion I (i)ht ha.e had o& their
bearin)- Rel+"tantly* I "on&eed (yel& 4+ite +nable to an1er
the 4+etion- Thi re$ly ee(ed a)reeable to %r- 0a))er* 1ho aid*
6I tho+)ht o<6 and ble1 hi noe 1ith an air o& ati&a"tion-
6No1* I ha.e a#ed yo+ a 4+etion* (y &riend*6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6;a.e yo+ anythin) to a# (e@6
6O& "o+re it 1o+ld be a )reat relie& to (e to a# yo+ e.eral
4+etion* ir9 b+t I re(e(ber yo+r $rohibition-6
6A# one*6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6I (y bene&a"tor to be (ade #no1n to (e to/day@6
6No- A# another-6
6I that "on&iden"e to be i($arted to (e oon@6
67ai.e that* a (o(ent*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6and a# another-6
I loo#ed abo+t (e* b+t there a$$eared to be no1 no $oible e"a$e
&ro( the in4+iry* 6;a.e/I//anythin) to re"ei.e* ir@6 On that*
%r- 0a))er aid* tri+($hantly* 6I tho+)ht 1e ho+ld "o(e to it<6
and "alled to 7e((i"# to )i.e hi( that $ie"e o& $a$er- 7e((i"#
a$$eared* handed it in* and dia$$eared-
6No1* %r- Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6attend* i& yo+ $leae- ?o+ ha.e
been dra1in) $retty &reely here9 yo+r na(e o""+r $retty o&ten in
7e((i"#' "ah/boo#9 b+t yo+ are in debt* o& "o+re@6
6I a( a&raid I (+t ay ye* ir-6
6?o+ #no1 yo+ (+t ay ye9 don't yo+@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6?e* ir-6
6I don't a# yo+ 1hat yo+ o1e* be"a+e yo+ don't #no19 and i& yo+
did #no1* yo+ 1o+ldn't tell (e9 yo+ 1o+ld ay le- ?e* ye* (y
&riend*6 "ried %r- 0a))er* hi &ore&in)er to to$ (e a I
(ade a ho1 o& $rotetin)B 6it' li#ely eno+)h that yo+ thin# yo+
1o+ldn't* b+t yo+ 1o+ld- ?o+'ll e,"+e (e* b+t I #no1 better than
yo+- No1* ta#e thi $ie"e o& $a$er in yo+r hand- ?o+ ha.e )ot it@
Eery )ood- No1* +n&old it and tell (e 1hat it i-6
6Thi i a ban#/note*6 aid I* 6&or &i.e h+ndred $o+nd-6
6That i a ban#/note*6 re$eated %r- 0a))er* 6&or &i.e h+ndred
$o+nd- And a .ery hando(e +( o& (oney too* I thin#- ?o+ "onider
it o@6
6;o1 "o+ld I do other1ie<6
6Ah< :+t an1er the 4+etion*6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6?o+ "onider it* +ndo+btedly* a hando(e +( o& (oney- No1* that
hando(e +( o& (oney* Pi$* i yo+r o1n- It i a $reent to yo+ on
thi day* in earnet o& yo+r e,$e"tation- And at the rate o& that
hando(e +( o& (oney $er ann+(* and at no hi)her rate* yo+ are to
li.e +ntil the donor o& the 1hole a$$ear- That i to ay* yo+ 1ill
no1 ta#e yo+r (oney a&&air entirely into yo+r o1n hand* and yo+
1ill dra1 &ro( 7e((i"# one h+ndred and t1enty/&i.e $o+nd $er
4+arter* +ntil yo+ are in "o((+ni"ation 1ith the &o+ntain/head* and
no lon)er 1ith the (ere a)ent- A I ha.e told yo+ be&ore* I a( the
(ere a)ent- I e,e"+te (y intr+"tion* and I a( $aid &or doin) o-
I thin# the( inA+di"io+* b+t I a( not $aid &or ) any o$inion
on their (erit-6
I 1a be)innin) to e,$re (y )ratit+de to (y bene&a"tor &or the
)reat liberality 1ith 1hi"h I 1a treated* 1hen %r- 0a))er to$$ed
(e- 6I a( not $aid* Pi$*6 aid he* "oolly* 6to "arry yo+r 1ord to
any one96 and then )athered +$ hi "oat/tail* a he had )athered
+$ the +bAe"t* and tood &ro1nin) at hi boot a i& he +$e"ted
the( o& dei)n a)aint hi(-
A&ter a $a+e* I hinted*//
6There 1a a 4+etion A+t no1* %r- 0a))er* 1hi"h yo+ deired (e to
1ai.e &or a (o(ent- I ho$e I a( doin) nothin) 1ron) in a#in) it
67hat i it@6 aid he-
I (i)ht ha.e #no1n that he 1o+ld hel$ (e o+t9 b+t it too# (e
aba"# to ha.e to ha$e the 4+etion a&reh* a i& it 1ere 4+ite
ne1- 6I it li#ely*6 I aid* a&ter heitatin)* 6that (y $atron* the
&o+ntain/head yo+ ha.e $o#en o&* %r- 0a))er* 1ill oon//6 there I
deli"ately to$$ed-
67ill oon 1hat@6 a#ed %r- 0a))er- 6That' no 4+etion a it
tand* yo+ #no1-6
67ill oon "o(e to Condon*6 aid I* a&ter "atin) abo+t &or a
$re"ie &or( o& 1ord* 6or +((on (e any1here ele@6
6No1* here*6 re$lied %r- 0a))er* &i,in) (e &or the &irt ti(e 1ith
hi dar# dee$/et eye* 61e (+t re.ert to the e.enin) 1hen 1e
&irt en"o+ntered one another in yo+r .illa)e- 7hat did I tell yo+
then* Pi$@6
6?o+ told (e* %r- 0a))er* that it (i)ht be year hen"e 1hen that
$eron a$$eared-6
60+t o*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6that' (y an1er-6
A 1e loo#ed &+ll at one another* I &elt (y breath "o(e 4+i"#er in
(y tron) deire to )et o(ethin) o+t o& hi(- And a I &elt that it
"a(e 4+i"#er* and a I &elt that he a1 that it "a(e 4+i"#er* I
&elt that I had le "han"e than o& )ettin) anythin) o+t o&
6!o yo+ +$$oe it 1ill till be year hen"e* %r- 0a))er@6
%r- 0a))er hoo# hi head*//not in ne) the 4+etion* b+t in
alto)ether ne) the notion that he "o+ld anyho1 be )ot to
an1er it*//and the t1o horrible "at o& the t1it"hed &a"e
loo#ed* 1hen (y eye trayed +$ to the(* a i& they had "o(e to a
"rii in their +$ended attention* and 1ere )oin) to nee8e-
6Co(e<6 aid %r- 0a))er* 1ar(in) the ba"# o& hi le) 1ith the
ba"# o& hi 1ar(ed hand* 6I'll be $lain 1ith yo+* (y &riend Pi$-
That' a 4+etion I (+t not be a#ed- ?o+'ll +ndertand that
better* 1hen I tell yo+ it' a 4+etion that (i)ht "o($ro(ie (e-
Co(e< I'll )o a little &+rther 1ith yo+9 I'll ay o(ethin) (ore-6
;e bent do1n o lo1 to &ro1n at hi boot* that he 1a able to r+b
the "al.e o& hi le) in the $a+e he (ade-
67hen that $eron di"loe*6 aid %r- 0a))er* trai)htenin)
hi(el&* 6yo+ and that $eron 1ill ettle yo+r o1n a&&air- 7hen
that $eron di"loe* (y $art in thi b+ine 1ill "eae and
deter(ine- 7hen that $eron di"loe* it 1ill not be ne"eary &or
(e to #no1 anythin) abo+t it- And that' all I ha.e )ot to ay-6
7e loo#ed at one another +ntil I 1ithdre1 (y eye* and loo#ed
tho+)ht&+lly at the &loor- 5ro( thi lat $ee"h I deri.ed the
notion that %i ;a.iha(* &or o(e reaon or no reaon* had not
ta#en hi( into her "on&iden"e a to her dei)nin) (e &or Etella9
that he reented thi* and &elt a Aealo+y abo+t it9 or that he
really did obAe"t to that "he(e* and 1o+ld ha.e nothin) to do 1ith
it- 7hen I raied (y eye a)ain* I &o+nd that he had been hre1dly
loo#in) at (e all the ti(e* and 1a doin) o till-
6I& that i all yo+ ha.e to ay* ir*6 I re(ar#ed* 6there "an be
nothin) le&t &or (e to ay-6
;e nodded aent* and $+lled o+t hi thie&/dreaded 1at"h* and a#ed
(e 1here I 1a )oin) to dine@ I re$lied at (y o1n "ha(ber* 1ith
;erbert- A a ne"eary e4+en"e* I a#ed hi( i& he 1o+ld &a.or +
1ith hi "o($any* and he $ro($tly a""e$ted the in.itation- :+t he
inited on 1al#in) ho(e 1ith (e* in order that I (i)ht (a#e no
e,tra $re$aration &or hi(* and &irt he had a letter or t1o to
1rite* and 2o& "o+re3 had hi hand to 1ah- So I aid I 1o+ld )o
into the o+ter o&&i"e and tal# to 7e((i"#-
The &a"t 1a* that 1hen the &i.e h+ndred $o+nd had "o(e into (y
$o"#et* a tho+)ht had "o(e into (y head 1hi"h had been o&ten there
be&ore9 and it a$$eared to (e that 7e((i"# 1a a )ood $eron to 1ith "on"ernin) +"h tho+)ht-
;e had already lo"#ed +$ hi a&e* and (ade $re$aration &or )oin)
ho(e- ;e had le&t hi de#* bro+)ht o+t hi t1o )reay o&&i"e
"andleti"# and tood the( in line 1ith the n+&&er on a lab
near the door* ready to be e,tin)+ihed9 he had ra#ed hi &ire lo1*
$+t hi hat and )reat/"oat ready* and 1a beatin) hi(el& all
the "het 1ith hi a&e/#ey* a an athleti" e,er"ie a&ter
6%r- 7e((i"#*6 aid I* 6I 1ant to a# yo+r o$inion- I a( .ery
deiro+ to er.e a &riend-6
7e((i"# ti)htened hi $ot/o&&i"e and hoo# hi head* a i& hi
o$inion 1ere dead a)aint any &atal 1ea#ne o& that ort-
6Thi &riend*6 I $+r+ed* 6i tryin) to )et on in "o((er"ial li&e*
b+t ha no (oney* and &ind it di&&i"+lt and diheartenin) to (a#e
a be)innin)- No1 I 1ant o(eho1 to hel$ hi( to a be)innin)-6
67ith (oney do1n@6 aid 7e((i"#* in a tone drier than any a1d+t-
67ith o(e (oney do1n*6 I re$lied* &or an +neay re(e(bran"e hot
a"ro (e o& that y((etri"al b+ndle o& $a$er at ho(e//61ith o(e
(oney do1n* and $erha$ o(e anti"i$ation o& (y e,$e"tation-6
6%r- Pi$*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6I ho+ld li#e A+t to r+n 1ith yo+ on
(y &in)er* i& yo+ $leae* the na(e o& the .ario+ brid)e +$ a
hi)h a Chelea Rea"h- Cet' ee9 there' Condon* one9 So+th1ar#*
t1o9 :la"#&riar* three9 7aterloo* &o+r9 7et(inter* &i.e9
Ea+,hall* i,-6 ;e had "he"#ed o&& ea"h brid)e in it t+rn* 1ith
the handle o& hi a&e/#ey on the $al( o& hi hand- 6There' a
(any a i,* yo+ ee* to "hooe &ro(-6
6I don't +ndertand yo+*6 aid I-
6Chooe yo+r brid)e* %r- Pi$*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#* 6and ta#e a 1al#
+$on yo+r brid)e* and $it"h yo+r (oney into the Tha(e the
"entre ar"h o& yo+r brid)e* and yo+ #no1 the end o& it- Ser.e a
&riend 1ith it* and yo+ (ay #no1 the end o& it too*//b+t it' a
le $leaant and $ro&itable end-6
I "o+ld ha.e $oted a ne1$a$er in hi (o+th* he (ade it o 1ide
a&ter ayin) thi-
6Thi i .ery di"o+ra)in)*6 aid I-
6%eant to be o*6 aid 7e((i"#-
6Then i it yo+r o$inion*6 I in4+ired* 1ith o(e little
indi)nation* 6that a (an ho+ld
6// $ortable $ro$erty in a &riend@6 aid 7e((i"#- 6Certainly
he ho+ld not- Dnle he 1ant to )et rid o& the &riend*//and then
it be"o(e a 4+etion ho1 (+"h $ortable $ro$erty it (ay be 1orth to
)et rid o& hi(-6
6And that*6 aid I* 6i yo+r deliberate o$inion* %r- 7e((i"#@6
6That*6 he ret+rned* 6i (y deliberate o$inion in thi o&&i"e-6
6Ah<6 aid I* $rein) hi(* &or I tho+)ht I a1 hi( near a loo$hole
here9 6b+t 1o+ld that be yo+r o$inion at 7al1orth@6
6%r- Pi$*6 he re$lied* 1ith )ra.ity* 67al1orth i one $la"e* and
thi o&&i"e i another- %+"h a the A)ed i one $eron* and %r-
0a))er i another- They (+t not be "on&o+nded to)ether- %y
7al1orth enti(ent (+t be ta#en at 7al1orth9 none b+t (y o&&i"ial
enti(ent "an be ta#en in thi o&&i"e-6
6Eery 1ell*6 aid I* (+"h relie.ed* 6then I hall loo# yo+ +$ at
7al1orth* yo+ (ay de$end +$on it-6
6%r- Pi$*6 he ret+rned* 6yo+ 1ill be 1el"o(e there* in a $ri.ate and
$eronal "a$a"ity-6
7e had held thi "on.eration in a lo1 .oi"e* 1ell #no1in) (y
)+ardian' ear to be the har$et o& the har$- A he no1 a$$eared
in hi door1ay* to1ellin) hi hand* 7e((i"# )ot on hi )reat/"oat
and tood by to n+&& o+t the "andle- 7e all three 1ent into the
treet to)ether* and &ro( the door/te$ 7e((i"# t+rned hi 1ay* and
%r- 0a))er and I t+rned o+r-
I "o+ld not hel$ 1ihin) (ore than on"e that e.enin)* that %r-
0a))er had had an A)ed in Gerrard Street* or a Stin)er* or a
So(ethin)* or a So(ebody* to +nbend hi bro1 a little- It 1a an
+n"o(&ortable "onideration on a t1enty/&irt birthday* that "o(in)
o& a)e at all ee(ed hardly 1orth 1hile in +"h a )+arded and
+$i"io+ 1orld a he (ade o& it- ;e 1a a tho+and ti(e better
in&or(ed and "le.erer than 7e((i"#* and yet I 1o+ld a tho+and
ti(e rather ha.e had 7e((i"# to dinner- And %r- 0a))er (ade not (e
alone intenely (elan"holy* be"a+e* a&ter he 1a )one* ;erbert
aid o& hi(el&* 1ith hi eye &i,ed on the &ire* that he tho+)ht
he (+t ha.e "o((itted a &elony and &or)otten the detail o& it* he
&elt o deAe"ted and )+ilty-
Cha$ter XXXEII
!ee(in) S+nday the bet day &or ta#in) %r- 7e((i"#' 7al1orth
enti(ent* I de.oted the ne,t en+in) S+nday a&ternoon to a
$il)ri(a)e to the Catle- On be&ore the battle(ent* I
&o+nd the Dnion 0a"# &lyin) and the dra1brid)e +$9 b+t +ndeterred
by thi ho1 o& de&ian"e and reitan"e* I ran) at the )ate* and
1a ad(itted in a (ot $a"i&i" (anner by the A)ed-
6%y on* ir*6 aid the old (an* a&ter e"+rin) the dra1brid)e*
6rather had it in hi (ind that yo+ (i)ht ha$$en to dro$ in* and he
le&t 1ord that he 1o+ld oon be ho(e &ro( hi a&ternoon' 1al#- ;e
i .ery re)+lar in hi 1al#* i (y on- Eery re)+lar in
e.erythin)* i (y on-6
I nodded at the old )entle(an a 7e((i"# hi(el& (i)ht ha.e nodded*
and 1e 1ent in and at do1n by the &ireide-
6?o+ (ade a"4+aintan"e 1ith (y on* ir*6 aid the old (an* in hi
"hir$in) 1ay* 1hile he 1ar(ed hi hand at the bla8e* 6at hi
o&&i"e* I e,$e"t@6 I nodded- 6;ah< I ha.e heerd that (y on i a
1onder&+l hand at hi b+ine* ir@6 I nodded hard- 6?e9 o they
tell (e- ;i b+ine i the Ca1@6 I nodded harder- 67hi"h (a#e it
(ore +r$riin) in (y on*6 aid the old (an* 6&or he 1a not
bro+)ht +$ to the Ca1* b+t to the 7ine/Coo$erin)-6
C+rio+ to #no1 ho1 the old )entle(an tood in&or(ed "on"ernin) the
re$+tation o& %r- 0a))er* I roared that na(e at hi(- ;e thre1 (e
into the )reatet "on&+ion by la+)hin) heartily and re$lyin) in a
.ery $ri)htly (anner* 6No* to be +re9 yo+'re ri)ht-6 And to thi
ho+r I ha.e not the &aintet notion 1hat he (eant* or 1hat Ao#e he
tho+)ht I had (ade-
A I "o+ld not it there noddin) at hi( $er$et+ally* 1itho+t (a#in)
o(e other atte($t to interet hi(* I ho+ted at in4+iry 1hether
hi o1n "allin) in li&e had been 6the 7ine/Coo$erin)-6 :y dint o&
trainin) that ter( o+t o& (yel& e.eral ti(e and ta$$in) the old
)entle(an on the "het to ao"iate it 1ith hi(* I at lat
+""eeded in (a#in) (y (eanin) +ndertood-
6No*6 aid the old )entle(an9 6the 1areho+in)* the 1areho+in)-
5irt* yonder96 he a$$eared to (ean +$ the "hi(ney* b+t I
belie.e he intended to re&er (e to$ool9 6and then in the City
o& Condon here- ;* an in&ir(ity//&or I a( hard o&
hearin)* ir//6
I e,$reed in $anto(i(e the )reatet atonih(ent-
6//?e* hard o& hearin)9 that in&ir(ity "o(in) +$on (e* (y
on he 1ent into the Ca1* and he too# "har)e o& (e* and he by
little and little (ade o+t thi ele)ant and bea+ti&+l $ro$erty- :+t
ret+rnin) to 1hat yo+ aid* yo+ #no1*6 $+r+ed the old (an* a)ain
la+)hin) heartily* 61hat I ay i* No to be +re9 yo+'re ri)ht-6
I 1a (odetly 1onderin) 1hether (y +t(ot in)en+ity 1o+ld ha.e
enabled (e to ay anythin) that 1o+ld ha.e a(+ed hi( hal& a (+"h
a thi i(a)inary $leaantry* 1hen I 1a tartled by a +dden "li"#
in the 1all on one ide o& the "hi(ney* and the )hotly t+(blin)
o$en o& a little 1ooden &la$ 1ith 60O;N6 +$on it- The old (an*
&ollo1in) (y eye* "ried 1ith )reat tri+($h* 6%y on' "o(e ho(e<6
and 1e both 1ent o+t to the dra1brid)e-
It 1a 1orth any (oney to ee 7e((i"# a al+te to (e &ro(
the other ide o& the (oat* 1hen 1e (i)ht ha.e ha#en hand a"ro
it 1ith the )reatet eae- The A)ed 1a o deli)hted to 1or# the
dra1brid)e* that I (ade no o&&er to ait hi(* b+t tood 4+iet
+ntil 7e((i"# had "o(e a"ro* and had $reented (e to %i
S#i&&in9 a lady by 1ho( he 1a a""o($anied-
%i S#i&&in 1a o& a 1ooden a$$earan"e* and 1a* li#e her e"ort*
in the $ot/o&&i"e bran"h o& the er.i"e- She (i)ht ha.e been o(e
t1o or three year yo+n)er than 7e((i"#* and I A+d)ed her to tand
$oeed o& $ortable $ro$erty- The "+t o& her dre &ro( the 1ait
+$1ard* both be&ore and behind* (ade her &i)+re .ery li#e a boy'
#ite9 and I (i)ht ha.e $rono+n"ed her )o1n a little too de"idedly
oran)e* and her )lo.e a little too intenely )reen- :+t he ee(ed
to be a )ood ort o& &ello1* and ho1ed a hi)h re)ard &or the A)ed-
I 1a not lon) in di"o.erin) that he 1a a &re4+ent .iitor at
the Catle9 &or* on o+r )oin) in* and (y "o($li(entin) 7e((i"# on
hi in)enio+ ""e &or anno+n"in) hi(el& to the A)ed* he
be))ed (e to )i.e (y attention &or a (o(ent to the other ide o&
the "hi(ney* and dia$$eared- Preently another "li"# "a(e* and
another little door t+(bled o$en 1ith 6%i S#i&&in6 on it9 then
%i S#i&&in h+t +$ and 0ohn t+(bled o$en9 then %i S#i&&in and
0ohn both t+(bled o$en to)ether* and &inally h+t +$ to)ether- On
7e((i"#' ret+rn &ro( 1or#in) thee (e"hani"al a$$lian"e* I
e,$reed the )reat ad(iration 1ith 1hi"h I re)arded the(* and he
aid* 67ell* yo+ #no1* they're both $leaant and +e&+l to the
A)ed- And by Geor)e* ir* it' a thin) 1orth (entionin)* that o&
all the $eo$le 1ho "o(e to thi )ate* the e"ret o& thoe $+ll i
only #no1n to the A)ed* %i S#i&&in* and (e<6
6And %r- 7e((i"# (ade the(*6 added %i S#i&&in* 61ith hi o1n
hand o+t o& hi o1n head-6
7hile %i S#i&&in 1a ta#in) o&& her bonnet 2he retained her
)reen )lo.e d+rin) the e.enin) a an o+t1ard and .iible i)n that
there 1a "o($any3* 7e((i"# in.ited (e to ta#e a 1al# 1ith hi(
ro+nd the $ro$erty* and ee ho1 the iland loo#ed in 1interti(e-
Thin#in) that he did thi to )i.e (e an o$$ort+nity o& ta#in) hi
7al1orth enti(ent* I ei8ed the o$$ort+nity a oon a 1e 1ere
o+t o& the Catle-
; tho+)ht o& the (atter 1ith "are* I a$$roa"hed (y +bAe"t a
i& I had hinted at it be&ore- I in&or(ed 7e((i"# that I 1a
an,io+ in behal& o& ;erbert Po"#et* and I told hi( ho1 1e had
&irt (et* and ho1 1e had &o+)ht- I )lan"ed at ;erbert' ho(e* and
at hi "hara"ter* and at hi no (ean b+t +"h a he 1a
de$endent on hi &ather &or9 thoe* +n"ertain and +n$+n"t+al-
I all+ded to the ad.anta)e I had deri.ed in (y &irt ra1ne and
i)noran"e &ro( hi o"iety* and I "on&eed that I &eared I had b+t
ill re$aid the(* and that he (i)ht ha.e done better 1itho+t (e and
(y e,$e"tation- =ee$in) %i ;a.iha( in the ba"#)ro+nd at a )reat
ditan"e* I till hinted at the $oibility o& (y "o($eted
1ith hi( in hi $ro$e"t* and at the "ertainty o& hi $oein) a
)enero+ o+l* and bein) &ar abo.e any (ean ditr+t*
retaliation* or dei)n- 5or all thee reaon 2I told 7e((i"#3*
and be"a+e he 1a (y yo+n) "o($anion and &riend* and I had a )reat
a&&e"tion &or hi(* I 1ihed (y o1n )ood &ort+ne to re&le"t o(e
ray +$on hi(* and there&ore I o+)ht ad.i"e &ro( 7e((i"#'
e,$erien"e and #no1led)e o& (en and a&&air* ho1 I "o+ld bet try
1ith (y reo+r"e to hel$ ;erbert to o(e $reent in"o(e*//ay o& a
h+ndred a year* to #ee$ hi( in )ood ho$e and heart*//and )rad+ally
to b+y hi( on to o(e (all $artnerhi$- I be))ed 7e((i"#* in
"on"l+ion* to +ndertand that (y hel$ (+t al1ay be rendered
1itho+t ;erbert' #no1led)e or +$i"ion* and that there 1a no one
ele in the 1orld 1ith 1ho( I "o+ld I 1o+nd +$ by layin) (y
hand +$on hi ho+lder* and ayin)* 6I "an't hel$ "on&idin) in yo+*
tho+)h I #no1 it (+t be tro+bleo(e to yo+9 b+t that i yo+r
&a+lt* in bro+)ht (e here-6
7e((i"# 1a ilent &or a little 1hile* and then aid 1ith a #ind o&
tart* 67ell yo+ #no1* %r- Pi$* I (+t tell yo+ one thin)- Thi i
de.ilih )ood o& yo+-6
6Say yo+'ll hel$ (e to be )ood then*6 aid I-
6E"od*6 re$lied 7e((i"#* ha#in) hi head* 6that' not (y trade-6
6Nor i thi yo+r tradin)/$la"e*6 aid I-
6?o+ are ri)ht*6 he ret+rned- 6?o+ hit the nail on the head- %r-
Pi$* I'll $+t on (y "oniderin)/"a$* and I thin# all yo+ 1ant to
do (ay be done by de)ree- S#i&&in 2that' her brother3 i an
a""o+ntant and a)ent- I'll loo# hi( +$ and )o to 1or# &or yo+-6
6I than# yo+ ten tho+and ti(e-6
6On the "ontrary*6 aid he* 6I than# yo+* &or tho+)h 1e are
tri"tly in o+r $ri.ate and $eronal "a$a"ity* till it (ay be
(entioned that there are Ne1)ate "ob1eb abo+t* and it br+he the(
A&ter a little &+rther "on.eration to the a(e e&&e"t* 1e ret+rned
into the Catle 1here 1e &o+nd %i S#i&&in $re$arin) tea- The
re$onible d+ty o& (a#in) the toat 1a dele)ated to the A)ed* and
that e,"ellent old )entle(an 1a o intent +$on it that he ee(ed
to (e in o(e dan)er o& (eltin) hi eye- It 1a no no(inal (eal
that 1e 1ere )oin) to (a#e* b+t a .i)oro+ reality- The A)ed
$re$ared +"h a hay/ta"# o& b+ttered toat* that I "o+ld "ar"ely
ee hi( it a it i((ered on an iron tand hoo#ed on to the
to$/bar9 1hile %i S#i&&in bre1ed +"h a Aor+( o& tea* that the
$i) in the ba"# $re(ie be"a(e tron)ly e,"ited* and re$eatedly
e,$reed hi deire to $arti"i$ate in the entertain(ent-
The &la) had been tr+"#* and the )+n had been &ired* at the ri)ht
(o(ent o& ti(e* and I &elt a n+)ly "+t o&& &ro( the ret o&
7al1orth a i& the (oat 1ere thirty &eet 1ide by a (any dee$-
Nothin) dit+rbed the tran4+illity o& the Catle* b+t the
o""aional t+(blin) o$en o& 0ohn and %i S#i&&inB 1hi"h little
door 1ere a $rey to o(e $a(odi" in&ir(ity that (ade (e
y($atheti"ally +n"o(&ortable +ntil I )ot +ed to it- I in&erred
&ro( the (ethodi"al nat+re o& %i S#i&&in' arran)e(ent that he
(ade tea there e.ery S+nday ni)ht9 and I rather +$e"ted that a
"lai" broo"h he 1ore* re$reentin) the $ro&ile o& an +ndeirable
&e(ale 1ith a .ery trai)ht noe and a .ery ne1 (oon* 1a a $ie"e
o& $ortable $ro$erty that had been )i.en her by 7e((i"#-
7e ate the 1hole o& the toat* and dran# tea in $ro$ortion* and it
1a deli)ht&+l to ee ho1 1ar( and )reay 1e all )ot a&ter it- The
A)ed e$e"ially* (i)ht ha.e $aed &or o(e "lean old "hie& o& a
a.a)e tribe* A+t oiled- A&ter a hort $a+e o& re$oe* %i
S#i&&in//in the aben"e o& the little er.ant 1ho* it ee(ed*
retired to the boo( o& her &a(ily on S+nday a&ternoon//1ahed +$
the tea/thin)* in a tri&lin) lady/li#e a(ate+r (anner that
"o($ro(ied none o& +- Then* he $+t on her )lo.e a)ain* and 1e
dre1 ro+nd the &ire* and 7e((i"# aid* 6No1* A)ed Parent* ti$ + the
7e((i"# e,$lained to (e 1hile the A)ed )ot hi $e"ta"le o+t* that
thi 1a a""ordin) to "+to(* and that it )a.e the old )entle(an
in&inite ati&a"tion to read the ne1 alo+d- 6I 1on't o&&er an
a$olo)y*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6&or he in't "a$able o& (any $lea+re//
are yo+* A)ed P-@6
6All ri)ht* 0ohn* all ri)ht*6 ret+rned the old (an* eein) hi(el&
$o#en to-
6Only ti$ hi( a nod e.ery no1 and then 1hen he loo# o&& hi
$a$er*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6and he'll be a ha$$y a a #in)- 7e are all
attention* A)ed One-6
6All ri)ht* 0ohn* all ri)ht<6 ret+rned the "heer&+l old (an* o
b+y and o $leaed* that it really 1a 4+ite "har(in)-
The A)ed' readin) re(inded (e o& the "lae at %r- 7o$le'
)reat/a+nt'* 1ith the $leaanter $e"+liarity that it ee(ed to
"o(e thro+)h a #eyhole- A he 1anted the "andle "loe to hi(* and
a he 1a al1ay on the .er)e o& $+ttin) either hi head or the
ne1$a$er into the(* he re4+ired a (+"h 1at"hin) a a $o1der/(ill-
:+t 7e((i"# 1a e4+ally +ntirin) and )entle in hi .i)ilan"e* and
the A)ed read on* 4+ite +n"on"io+ o& hi (any re"+e-
he loo#ed at +* 1e all e,$reed the )reatet interet and
a(a8e(ent* and nodded +ntil he re+(ed a)ain-
A 7e((i"# and %i S#i&&in at ide by ide* and a I at in a
hado1y "orner* I ober.ed a lo1 and )rad+al elon)ation o& %r-
7e((i"#' (o+th* $o1er&+lly +))eti.e o& hi lo1ly and )rad+ally
tealin) hi ar( ro+nd %i S#i&&in' 1ait- In "o+re o& ti(e I
a1 hi hand a$$ear on the other ide o& %i S#i&&in9 b+t at that
(o(ent %i S#i&&in neatly to$$ed hi( 1ith the )reen )lo.e*
+n1o+nd hi ar( a)ain a i& it 1ere an arti"le o& dre* and 1ith
the )reatet deliberation laid it on the table be&ore her- %i
S#i&&in' "o($o+re 1hile he did thi 1a one o& the (ot
re(ar#able i)ht I ha.e een* and i& I "o+ld ha.e tho+)ht the
a"t "onitent 1ith abtra"tion o& (ind* I ho+ld ha.e dee(ed that
%i S#i&&in $er&or(ed it (e"hani"ally-
:y and by* I noti"ed 7e((i"#' ar( be)innin) to dia$$ear a)ain*
and )rad+ally &adin) o+t o& .ie1- Shortly a&ter1ard* hi (o+th
be)an to 1iden a)ain- A&ter an o& +$ene on (y $art that
1a 4+ite enthrallin) and al(ot $ain&+l* I a1 hi hand a$$ear on
the other ide o& %i S#i&&in- Intantly* %i S#i&&in to$$ed
it 1ith the neatne o& a $la"id bo,er* too# o&& that )irdle or
"et+ a be&ore* and laid it on the table- Ta#in) the table to
re$reent the $ath o& .irt+e* I a( A+ti&ied in tatin) that d+rin)
the 1hole ti(e o& the A)ed' readin)* 7e((i"#' ar( 1a trayin)
&ro( the $ath o& .irt+e and bein) re"alled to it by %i S#i&&in-
At lat* the A)ed read hi(el& into a li)ht l+(ber- Thi 1a the
ti(e &or 7e((i"# to $rod+"e a little #ettle* a tray o& )lae* and
a bla"# bottle 1ith a $or"elain/to$$ed "or#* re$reentin) o(e
"leri"al di)nitary o& a r+bi"+nd and o"ial a$e"t- 7ith the aid o&
thee a$$lian"e 1e all had o(ethin) 1ar( to drin#* in"l+din) the
A)ed* 1ho 1a oon a1a#e a)ain- %i S#i&&in (i,ed* and I ober.ed
that he and 7e((i"# dran# o+t o& one )la- O& "o+re I #ne1
better than to o&&er to ee %i S#i&&in ho(e* and +nder the
"ir"+(tan"e I tho+)ht I had bet )o &irt9 1hi"h I did* ta#in) a
"ordial lea.e o& the A)ed* and $aed a $leaant e.enin)-
:e&ore a 1ee# 1a o+t* I re"ei.ed a note &ro( 7e((i"#* dated
7al1orth* tatin) that he ho$ed he had (ade o(e"e in that
(atter a$$ertainin) to o+r $ri.ate and $eronal "a$a"itie* and
that he 1o+ld be )lad i& I "o+ld "o(e and ee hi( a)ain +$on it-
So* I 1ent o+t to 7al1orth a)ain* and yet a)ain* and yet a)ain* and
I a1 hi( by a$$oint(ent in the City e.eral ti(e* b+t held
any "o((+ni"ation 1ith hi( on the +bAe"t in or near Cittle
:ritain- The +$hot 1a* that 1e &o+nd a 1orthy yo+n) (er"hant or
hi$$in)/bro#er* not lon) etablihed in b+ine* 1ho 1anted
intelli)ent hel$* and 1ho 1anted "a$ital* and 1ho in d+e "o+re o&
ti(e and re"ei$t 1o+ld 1ant a $artner- :et1een hi( and (e* e"ret
arti"le 1ere i)ned o& 1hi"h ;erbert 1a the +bAe"t* and I $aid
hi( hal& o& (y &i.e h+ndred $o+nd do1n* and en)a)ed &or +ndry
other $ay(entB o(e* to &all d+e at "ertain date o+t o& (y
in"o(eB o(e* "ontin)ent on (y "o(in) into (y $ro$erty- %i
S#i&&in' brother "ond+"ted the ne)otiation- 7e((i"# $er.aded it
thro+)ho+t* b+t a$$eared in it-
The 1hole b+ine 1a o "le.erly (ana)ed* that ;erbert had not
the leat +$i"ion o& (y hand bein) in it- I hall &or)et
the radiant &a"e 1ith 1hi"h he "a(e ho(e one a&ternoon* and told
(e* a a (i)hty $ie"e o& ne1* o& hi &allen in 1ith one
Clarri#er 2the yo+n) (er"hant' na(e3* and o& Clarri#er'
ho1n an e,traordinary in"lination to1ard hi(* and o& hi belie&
that the o$enin) had "o(e at lat- !ay by day a hi ho$e )re1
tron)er and hi &a"e bri)hter* he (+t ha.e tho+)ht (e a (ore and
(ore a&&e"tionate &riend* &or I had the )reatet di&&i"+lty in
retrainin) (y tear o& tri+($h 1hen I a1 hi( o ha$$y- At len)th*
the thin) bein) done* and he that day entered Clarri#er'
;o+e* and he tal#ed to (e &or a 1hole e.enin) in a &l+h o&
$lea+re and +""e* I did really "ry in )ood earnet 1hen I 1ent
to bed* to thin# that (y e,$e"tation had done o(e )ood to
A )reat e.ent in (y li&e* the t+rnin) $oint o& (y li&e* no1 o$en
on (y .ie1- :+t* be&ore I $ro"eed to narrate it* and be&ore I $a
on to all the "han)e it in.ol.ed* I (+t )i.e one "ha$ter to
Etella- It i not (+"h to )i.e to the the(e that o lon) &illed
(y heart-
I& that taid old ho+e near the Green at Ri"h(ond ho+ld "o(e
to be ha+nted 1hen I a( dead* it 1ill be ha+nted* +rely* by (y
)hot- O the (any* (any ni)ht and day thro+)h 1hi"h the +n4+iet
$irit 1ithin (e ha+nted that ho+e 1hen Etella li.ed there< Cet
(y body be 1here it 1o+ld* (y $irit 1a al1ay 1anderin)*
1anderin)* 1anderin)* abo+t that ho+e-
The lady 1ith 1ho( Etella 1a $la"ed* %r- :randley by na(e* 1a a
1ido1* 1ith one da+)hter e.eral year older than Etella- The
(other loo#ed yo+n)* and the da+)hter loo#ed old9 the (other'
"o($le,ion 1a $in#* and the da+)hter' 1a yello19 the (other et
+$ &or &ri.olity* and the da+)hter &or theolo)y- They 1ere in 1hat
i "alled a )ood $oition* and .iited* and 1ere .iited by*
n+(ber o& $eo$le- Cittle* i& any* "o((+nity o& &eelin) +bited
bet1een the( and Etella* b+t the +ndertandin) 1a etablihed
that they 1ere ne"eary to her* and that he 1a ne"eary to
the(- %r- :randley had been a &riend o& %i ;a.iha(' be&ore the
ti(e o& her e"l+ion-
In %r- :randley' ho+e and o+t o& %r- :randley' ho+e* I +&&ered
e.ery #ind and de)ree o& tort+re that Etella "o+ld "a+e (e- The
nat+re o& (y relation 1ith her* 1hi"h $la"ed (e on ter( o&
&a(iliarity 1itho+t $la"in) (e on ter( o& &a.or* "ond+"ed to (y
ditra"tion- She (ade +e o& (e to teae other ad(irer* and he
t+rned the .ery &a(iliarity bet1een herel& and (e to the a""o+nt
o& $+ttin) a "ontant li)ht on (y de.otion to her- I& I had been
her e"retary* te1ard* hal&/brother* $oor relation*//i& I had been
a yo+n)er brother o& her a$$ointed h+band*//I "o+ld not ha.e
ee(ed to (yel& &+rther &ro( (y ho$e 1hen I 1a nearet to her-
The $ri.ile)e o& "allin) her by her na(e and hearin) her "all (e by
(ine be"a(e* +nder the "ir"+(tan"e an a))ra.ation o& (y trial9
and 1hile I thin# it li#ely that it al(ot (addened her other* I #no1 too "ertainly that it al(ot (addened (e-
She had ad(irer 1itho+t end- No do+bt (y Aealo+y (ade an ad(irer
o& e.ery one 1ho 1ent near her9 b+t there 1ere (ore than eno+)h o&
the( 1itho+t that-
I a1 her o&ten at Ri"h(ond* I heard o& her o&ten in to1n* and I
+ed o&ten to ta#e her and the :randley on the 1ater9 there 1ere
$i"ni"* &Kte day* $lay* o$era* "on"ert* $artie* all ort o&
$lea+re* thro+)h 1hi"h I $+r+ed her*//and they 1ere all (ierie
to (e- I had one ho+r' ha$$ine in her o"iety* and yet (y
(ind all ro+nd the &o+r/and/t1enty ho+r 1a har$in) on the
ha$$ine o& her 1ith (e +nto death-
Thro+)ho+t thi $art o& o+r inter"o+re*//and it lated* a 1ill
$reently be een* &or 1hat I then tho+)ht a lon) ti(e*//he
habit+ally re.erted to that tone 1hi"h e,$reed that o+r
ao"iation 1a &or"ed +$on +- There 1ere other ti(e 1hen he
1o+ld "o(e to a +dden "he"# in thi tone and in all her (any
tone* and 1o+ld ee( to $ity (e-
6Pi$* Pi$*6 he aid one e.enin)* "o(in) to +"h a "he"#* 1hen 1e
at a$art at a dar#enin) 1indo1 o& the ho+e in Ri"h(ond9 61ill yo+ ta#e 1arnin)@6
6O& 1hat@6
6O& (e-6
67arnin) not to be attra"ted by yo+* do yo+ (ean* Etella@6
6!o I (ean< I& yo+ don't #no1 1hat I (ean* yo+ are blind-6
I ho+ld ha.e re$lied that Co.e 1a "o((only re$+ted blind* b+t &or
the reaon that I al1ay 1a retrained//and thi 1a not the
leat o& (y (ierie//by a &eelin) that it 1a +n)enero+ to $re
(yel& +$on her* 1hen he #ne1 that he "o+ld not "hooe b+t obey
%i ;a.iha(- %y dread al1ay 1a* that thi #no1led)e on her $art
laid (e +nder a hea.y diad.anta)e 1ith her $ride* and (ade (e the
+bAe"t o& a rebellio+ tr+))le in her boo(-
6At any rate*6 aid I* 6I ha.e no 1arnin) )i.en (e A+t no1* &or
yo+ 1rote to (e to "o(e to yo+* thi ti(e-6
6That' tr+e*6 aid Etella* 1ith a "old "arele (ile that al1ay
"hilled (e-
A&ter loo#in) at the t1ili)ht 1itho+t* &or a little 1hile* he 1ent
on to ayB//
6The ti(e ha "o(e ro+nd 1hen %i ;a.iha( 1ihe to ha.e (e &or a
day at Sati- ?o+ are to ta#e (e there* and brin) (e ba"#* i& yo+
1ill- She 1o+ld rather I did not tra.el alone* and obAe"t to
re" (y (aid* &or he ha a eniti.e horror o& bein) tal#ed
o& by +"h $eo$le- Can yo+ ta#e (e@6
6Can I ta#e yo+* Etella<6
6?o+ "an then@ The day a&ter to/(orro1* i& yo+ $leae- ?o+ are to
$ay all "har)e o+t o& (y $+re* ?o+ hear the "ondition o& yo+r
6And (+t obey*6 aid I-
Thi 1a all the $re$aration I re"ei.ed &or that .iit* or &or
other li#e it9 %i ;a.iha( 1rote to (e* nor had I o
(+"h a een her hand1ritin)- 7e 1ent do1n on the ne,t day b+t one*
and 1e &o+nd her in the roo( 1here I had &irt beheld her* and it
i needle to add that there 1a no "han)e in Sati ;o+e-
She 1a e.en (ore dread&+lly &ond o& Etella than he had been 1hen
I lat a1 the( to)ether9 I re$eat the 1ord ad.iedly* &or there
1a o(ethin) $oiti.ely dread&+l in the ener)y o& her loo# and
e(bra"e- She h+n) +$on Etella' bea+ty* h+n) +$on her 1ord* h+n)
+$on her )et+re* and at (+(blin) her o1n tre(blin) &in)er 1hile
he loo#ed at her* a tho+)h he 1ere de.o+rin) the bea+ti&+l
"reat+re he had reared-
5ro( Etella he loo#ed at (e* 1ith a ear"hin) )lan"e that ee(ed
to $ry into (y heart and $robe it 1o+nd- 6;o1 doe he +e yo+*
Pi$9 ho1 doe he +e yo+@6 he a#ed (e a)ain* 1ith her 1it"h/li#e
ea)erne* e.en in Etella' hearin)- :+t* 1hen 1e at by her
&li"#erin) &ire at ni)ht* he 1a (ot 1eird9 &or then* #ee$in)
Etella' hand dra1n thro+)h her ar( and "l+t"hed in her o1n hand*
he e,torted &ro( her* by dint o& re&errin) ba"# to 1hat Etella
had told her in her re)+lar letter* the na(e and "ondition o&
the (en 1ho( he had &a"inated9 and a %i ;a.iha( d1elt +$on
thi roll* 1ith the intenity o& a (ind (ortally h+rt and dieaed*
he at 1ith her other hand on her "r+t"h ti"#* and her "hin on
that* and her 1an bri)ht eye )larin) at (e* a .ery $e"tre-
I a1 in thi* 1ret"hed tho+)h it (ade (e* and bitter the ene o&
de$enden"e and e.en o& de)radation that it a1a#ened*//I a1 in
thi that Etella 1a et to 1rea# %i ;a.iha(' re.en)e on (en*
and that he 1a not to be )i.en to (e +ntil he had )rati&ied it
&or a ter(- I a1 in thi* a reaon &or her bein) be&orehand
ai)ned to (e- Sendin) her o+t to attra"t and tor(ent and do
(i"hie&* %i ;a.iha( ent her 1ith the (ali"io+ a+ran"e that
he 1a beyond the rea"h o& all ad(irer* and that all 1ho ta#ed
+$on that "at 1ere e"+red to loe- I a1 in thi that I* too*
1a tor(ented by a $er.erion o& in)en+ity* e.en 1hile the $ri8e
1a reer.ed &or (e- I a1 in thi the reaon &or (y bein) ta.ed
o&& o lon) and the reaon &or (y late )+ardian' de"linin) to
"o((it hi(el& to the &or(al #no1led)e o& +"h a "he(e- In a 1ord*
I a1 in thi %i ;a.iha( a I had her then and there be&ore (y
eye* and al1ay had had her be&ore (y eye9 and I a1 in thi* the
ditin"t hado1 o& the dar#ened and +nhealthy ho+e in 1hi"h her
li&e 1a hidden &ro( the +n-
The "andle that li)hted that roo( o& her 1ere $la"ed in "on"e
on the 1all- They 1ere hi)h &ro( the )ro+nd* and they b+rnt 1ith
the teady d+lne o& arti&i"ial li)ht in air that i eldo(
rene1ed- A I loo#ed ro+nd at the(* and at the $ale )loo( they
(ade* and at the to$$ed "lo"#* and at the 1ithered arti"le o&
bridal dre +$on the table and the )ro+nd* and at her o1n a1&+l
&i)+re 1ith it )hotly re&le"tion thro1n lar)e by the &ire +$on
the "eilin) and the 1all* I a1 in e.erythin) the "ontr+"tion that
(y (ind had "o(e to* re$eated and thro1n ba"# to (e- %y tho+)ht
$aed into the )reat roo( a"ro the landin) 1here the table 1a
$read* and I a1 it 1ritten* a it 1ere* in the &all o& the
"ob1eb &ro( the "entre/$ie"e* in the "ra1lin) o& the $ider on
the "loth* in the tra"# o& the (i"e a they betoo# their little
4+i"#ened heart behind the $anel* and in the )ro$in) and
$a+in) o& the beetle on the &loor-
It ha$$ened on the o""aion o& thi .iit that o(e har$ 1ord
aroe bet1een Etella and %i ;a.iha(- It 1a the &irt ti(e I
had een the( o$$oed-
7e 1ere eated by the &ire* a A+t no1 de"ribed* and %i
;a.iha( till had Etella' ar( dra1n thro+)h her o1n* and till
"l+t"hed Etella' hand in her* 1hen Etella )rad+ally be)an to
deta"h herel&- She had ho1n a $ro+d i($atien"e (ore than on"e
be&ore* and had rather end+red that &ier"e a&&e"tion than a""e$ted
or ret+rned it-
67hat<6 aid %i ;a.iha(* &lahin) her eye +$on her* 6are yo+
tired o& (e@6
6Only a little tired o& (yel&*6 re$lied Etella* dien)a)in) her
ar(* and ( to the )reat "hi(ney/$ie"e* 1here he tood loo#in)
do1n at the &ire-
6S$ea# the tr+th* yo+ in)rate<6 "ried %i ;a.iha(* $aionately
tri#in) her ti"# +$on the &loor9 6yo+ are tired o& (e-6
Etella loo#ed at her 1ith $er&e"t "o($o+re* and a)ain loo#ed do1n
at the &ire- ;er )ra"e&+l &i)+re and her bea+ti&+l &a"e e,$reed a
el&/$oeed indi&&eren"e to the 1ild heat o& the other* that 1a
al(ot "r+el-
6?o+ to"# and tone<6 e,"lai(ed %i ;a.iha(- 6?o+ "old* "old
67hat@6 aid Etella* $ her attit+de o& indi&&eren"e a
he leaned a)aint the )reat "hi(ney/$ie"e and only ( her
eye9 6do yo+ re$roa"h (e &or bein) "old@ ?o+@6
6Are yo+ not@6 1a the &ier"e retort-
6?o+ ho+ld #no1*6 aid Etella- 6I a( 1hat yo+ ha.e (ade (e- Ta#e
all the $raie* ta#e all the bla(e9 ta#e all the +""e* ta#e all
the &ail+re9 in hort* ta#e (e-6
6O* loo# at her* loo# at her<6 "ried %i ;a.iha(* bitterly9 6Coo#
at her o hard and than#le* on the hearth 1here he 1a reared<
7here I too# her into thi 1ret"hed breat 1hen it 1a &irt
bleedin) &ro( it tab* and 1here I ha.e la.ihed year o&
tenderne +$on her<6
6At leat I 1a no $arty to the "o($a"t*6 aid Etella* 6&or i& I
"o+ld 1al# and $ea#* 1hen it 1a (ade* it 1a a (+"h a I "o+ld
do- :+t 1hat 1o+ld yo+ ha.e@ ?o+ ha.e been .ery )ood to (e* and I
o1e e.erythin) to yo+- 7hat 1o+ld yo+ ha.e@6
6Co.e*6 re$lied the other-
6?o+ ha.e it-6
6I ha.e not*6 aid %i ;a.iha(-
6%other by ado$tion*6 retorted Etella* de$artin) &ro( the
eay )ra"e o& her attit+de* raiin) her .oi"e a the other
did* yieldin) either to an)er or tenderne*//6(other by
ado$tion* I ha.e aid that I o1e e.erythin) to yo+- All I $oe
i &reely yo+r- All that yo+ ha.e )i.en (e* i at yo+r "o((and to
ha.e a)ain- :eyond that* I ha.e nothin)- And i& yo+ a# (e to )i.e
yo+* 1hat yo+ )a.e (e* (y )ratit+de and d+ty "annot do
6!id I )i.e her lo.e<6 "ried %i ;a.iha(* t+rnin) 1ildly to
(e- 6!id I )i.e her a b+rnin) lo.e* ine$arable &ro( Aealo+y
at all ti(e* and &ro( har$ $ain* 1hile he $ea# th+ to (e< Cet
her "all (e (ad* let her "all (e (ad<6
67hy ho+ld I "all yo+ (ad*6 ret+rned Etella* 6I* o& all $eo$le@
!oe any one li.e* 1ho #no1 1hat et $+r$oe yo+ ha.e* hal& a
1ell a I do@ !oe any one li.e* 1ho #no1 1hat a teady (e(ory yo+
ha.e* hal& a 1ell a I do@ I 1ho ha.e at on thi a(e hearth on
the little tool that i e.en no1 beide yo+ there* learnin) yo+r
leon and loo#in) +$ into yo+r &a"e* 1hen yo+r &a"e 1a tran)e
and &ri)htened (e<6
6Soon &or)otten<6 (oaned %i ;a.iha(- 6Ti(e oon &or)otten<6
6No* not &or)otten*6 retorted Etella*//6not &or)otten* b+t
trea+red +$ in (y (e(ory- 7hen ha.e yo+ &o+nd (e &ale to yo+r
tea"hin)@ 7hen ha.e yo+ &o+nd (e +n(ind&+l o& yo+r leon@ 7hen
ha.e yo+ &o+nd (e ) ad(iion here*6 he to+"hed her boo(
1ith her hand* 6to anythin) that yo+ e,"l+ded@ :e A+t to (e-6
6So $ro+d* o $ro+d<6 (oaned %i ;a.iha(* $+hin) a1ay her )ray
hair 1ith both her hand-
67ho ta+)ht (e to be $ro+d@6 ret+rned Etella- 67ho $raied (e 1hen
I learnt (y leon@6
6So hard* o hard<6 (oaned %i ;a.iha(* 1ith her &or(er a"tion-
67ho ta+)ht (e to be hard@6 ret+rned Etella- 67ho $raied (e 1hen
I learnt (y leon@6
6:+t to be $ro+d and hard to (e<6 %i ;a.iha( 4+ite hrie#ed* a
he tret"hed o+t her ar(- 6Etella* Etella* Etella* to be $ro+d
and hard to (e<6
Etella loo#ed at her &or a (o(ent 1ith a #ind o& "al( 1onder* b+t
1a not other1ie dit+rbed9 1hen the (o(ent 1a $at* he loo#ed
do1n at the &ire a)ain-
6I "annot thin#*6 aid Etella* raiin) her eye a&ter a ilen"e
61hy yo+ ho+ld be o +nreaonable 1hen I "o(e to ee yo+ a&ter a
e$aration- I ha.e &or)otten yo+r 1ron) and their "a+e- I
ha.e been +n&aith&+l to yo+ or yo+r "hoolin)- I ha.e
ho1n any 1ea#ne that I "an "har)e (yel& 1ith-6
67o+ld it be 1ea#ne to ret+rn (y lo.e@6 e,"lai(ed %i ;a.iha(-
6:+t ye* ye* he 1o+ld "all it o<6
6I be)in to thin#*6 aid Etella* in a (+in) 1ay* a&ter another
(o(ent o& "al( 1onder* 6that I al(ot +ndertand ho1 thi "o(e
abo+t- I& yo+ had bro+)ht +$ yo+r ado$ted da+)hter 1holly in the
dar# "on&ine(ent o& thee roo(* and had let her #no1 that
there 1a +"h a thin) a the dayli)ht by 1hi"h he had on"e
een yo+r &a"e*//i& yo+ had done that* and then* &or a $+r$oe had
1anted her to +ndertand the dayli)ht and #no1 all abo+t it* yo+
1o+ld ha.e been dia$$ointed and an)ry@6
%i ;a.iha(* 1ith her head in her hand* at (a#in) a lo1
(oanin)* and 1ayin) herel& on her "hair* b+t )a.e no an1er-
6Or*6 aid Etella*//61hi"h i a nearer "ae*//i& yo+ had ta+)ht
her* &ro( the da1n o& her intelli)en"e* 1ith yo+r +t(ot ener)y and
(i)ht* that there 1a +"h a thin) a dayli)ht* b+t that it 1a
(ade to be her ene(y and detroyer* and he (+t al1ay t+rn
a)aint it* &or it had bli)hted yo+ and 1o+ld ele bli)ht her9//i&
yo+ had done thi* and then* &or a $+r$oe* had 1anted her to ta#e
nat+rally to the dayli)ht and he "o+ld not do it* yo+ 1o+ld ha.e
been dia$$ointed and an)ry@6
%i ;a.iha( at litenin) 2or it ee(ed o* &or I "o+ld not ee
her &a"e3* b+t till (ade no an1er-
6So*6 aid Etella* 6I (+t be ta#en a I ha.e been (ade- The
+""e i not (ine* the &ail+re i not (ine* b+t the t1o to)ether
(a#e (e-6
%i ;a.iha( had ettled do1n* I hardly #ne1 ho1* +$on the &loor*
a(on) the &aded bridal reli" 1ith 1hi"h it 1a tre1n- I too#
ad.anta)e o& the (o(ent//I had o+)ht one &ro( the &irt//to
lea.e the roo(* a&ter beee"hin) Etella' attention to her* 1ith a
(o.e(ent o& (y hand- 7hen I le&t* Etella 1a yet tandin) by the
)reat "hi(ney/$ie"e* A+t a he had tood thro+)ho+t- %i
;a.iha(' )ray hair 1a all adri&t +$on the )ro+nd* a(on) the
other bridal 1re"#* and 1a a (ierable i)ht to ee-
It 1a 1ith a de$reed heart that I 1al#ed in the tarli)ht &or an
ho+r and (ore* abo+t the "o+rtyard* and abo+t the bre1ery* and
abo+t the r+ined )arden- 7hen I at lat too# "o+ra)e to ret+rn to
the roo(* I &o+nd Etella ittin) at %i ;a.iha(' #nee* ta#in)
+$ o(e tit"he in one o& thoe old arti"le o& dre that 1ere
dro$$in) to $ie"e* and o& 1hi"h I ha.e o&ten been re(inded in"e
by the &aded tatter o& old banner that I ha.e een han)in) +$ in
"athedral- A&ter1ard* Etella and I $layed at "ard* a o& yore*//
only 1e 1ere #il&+l no1* and $layed 5ren"h )a(e*//and o the
e.enin) 1ore a1ay* and I 1ent to bed-
I lay in that e$arate b+ildin) a"ro the "o+rtyard- It 1a the
&irt ti(e I had lain do1n to ret in Sati ;o+e* and lee$
re&+ed to "o(e near (e- A tho+and %i ;a.iha( ha+nted (e- She
1a on thi ide o& (y $illo1* on that* at the head o& the bed* at
the &oot* behind the hal&/o$ened door o& the drein)/roo(* in the
drein)/roo(* in the roo( o.erhead* in the roo( beneath*//
e.ery1here- At lat* 1hen the ni)ht 1a lo1 to "ree$ on to1ard
t1o o'"lo"#* I &elt that I abol+tely "o+ld no lon)er bear the
$la"e a a $la"e to lie do1n in* and that I (+t )et +$- I
there&ore )ot +$ and $+t on (y "lothe* and 1ent o+t a"ro the
yard into the lon) tone $aa)e* dei)nin) to )ain the o+ter
"o+rtyard and 1al# there &or the relie& o& (y (ind- :+t I 1a no
ooner in the $aa)e than I e,tin)+ihed (y "andle9 &or I a1
%i ;a.iha( )oin) alon) it in a )hotly (anner* (a#in) a lo1 "ry-
I &ollo1ed her at a ditan"e* and a1 her )o +$ the tair"ae- She
"arried a bare "andle in her hand* 1hi"h he had $robably ta#en
&ro( one o& the "on"e in her o1n roo(* and 1a a (ot +nearthly
obAe"t by it li)ht- Standin) at the botto( o& the tair"ae* I
&elt the (ilde1ed air o& the &eat/"ha(ber* 1itho+t eein) her o$en
the door* and I heard her 1al#in) there* and o a"ro into her o1n
roo(* and o a"ro a)ain into that* "eain) the lo1 "ry-
A&ter a ti(e* I tried in the dar# both to )et o+t* and to )o ba"#*
b+t I "o+ld do neither +ntil o(e trea# o& day trayed in and
ho1ed (e 1here to lay (y hand- !+rin) the 1hole* I 1ent to the botto( o& the tair"ae* I heard her
&ootte$* a1 her li)ht $a abo.e* and heard her "eaele lo1
:e&ore 1e le&t ne,t day* there 1a no o& the di&&eren"e
bet1een her and Etella* nor 1a it re.i.ed on any i(ilar
o""aion9 and there 1ere &o+r i(ilar o""aion* to the bet o& (y
re(e(bran"e- Nor* did %i ;a.iha(' (anner to1ard Etella in
any1ie "han)e* e,"e$t that I belie.ed it to ha.e o(ethin) li#e
&ear in&+ed a(on) it &or(er "hara"teriti"-
It i i($oible to t+rn thi lea& o& (y li&e* 1itho+t $+ttin)
:entley !r+((le' na(e +$on it9 or I 1o+ld* .ery )ladly-
On a "ertain o""aion 1hen the 5in"he 1ere ae(bled in &or"e* and
1hen )ood &eelin) 1a bein) $ro(oted in the ++al (anner by
nobody' a)reein) 1ith anybody ele* the $reidin) 5in"h "alled the
Gro.e to order* &ora(+"h a %r- !r+((le had not yet toated a lady9
1hi"h* a""ordin) to the ole(n "ontit+tion o& the o"iety* it 1a
the br+te' t+rn to do that day- I tho+)ht I a1 hi( leer in an
+)ly 1ay at (e 1hile the de"anter 1ere )oin) ro+nd* b+t a there
1a no lo.e lot bet1een +* that (i)ht eaily be- 7hat 1a (y
indi)nant +r$rie 1hen he "alled +$on the "o($any to $led)e hi( to
6Etella 1ho@6 aid I- yo+ (ind*6 retorted !r+((le-
6Etella o& 1here@6 aid I- 6?o+ are bo+nd to ay o& 1here-6 7hi"h
he 1a* a a 5in"h-
6O& Ri"h(ond* )entle(en*6 aid !r+((le* $+ttin) (e o+t o& the
4+etion* 6and a $eerle bea+ty-6
%+"h he #ne1 abo+t $eerle bea+tie* a (ean* (ierable idiot< I
1hi$ered ;erbert-
6I #no1 that lady*6 aid ;erbert* a"ro the table* 1hen the toat
had been honored-
6!o yo+@6 aid !r+((le-
6And o do I*6 I added* 1ith a "arlet &a"e-
6!o yo+@6 aid !r+((le- 6O* Cord<6
Thi 1a the only retort//e,"e$t )la or "ro"#ery//that the
hea.y "reat+re 1a "a$able o& (a#in)9 b+t* I be"a(e a hi)hly
in"ened by it a i& it had been barbed 1ith 1it* and I i((ediately
roe in (y $la"e and aid that I "o+ld not b+t re)ard it a bein)
li#e the honorable 5in"h' i($+den"e to "o(e do1n to that Gro.e*//
1e al1ay tal#ed abo+t "o(in) do1n to that Gro.e* a a neat
Parlia(entary t+rn o& e,$reion*//do1n to that Gro.e* $ro$oin) a
lady o& 1ho( he #ne1 nothin)- %r- !r+((le* +$on thi* tartin) +$*
de(anded 1hat I (eant by that@ 7here+$on I (ade hi( the e,tre(e
re$ly that I belie.ed he #ne1 1here I 1a to be &o+nd-
7hether it 1a $oible in a Chritian "o+ntry to )et on 1itho+t
blood* a&ter thi* 1a a 4+etion on 1hi"h the 5in"he 1ere
di.ided- The debate +$on it )re1 o li.ely* indeed* that at leat
i, (ore honorable (e(ber told i, (ore* d+rin) the di"+ion*
that they belie.ed they #ne1 1here they 1ere to be &o+nd- ;*
it 1a de"ided at lat 2the Gro.e bein) a Co+rt o& ;onor3 that i&
%r- !r+((le 1o+ld brin) o li)ht a "erti&i"ate &ro( the lady*
i($ortin) that he had the honor o& her a"4+aintan"e* %r- Pi$ (+t
e,$re hi re)ret* a a )entle(an and a 5in"h* &or been
betrayed into a 1ar(th 1hi"h-6 Ne,t day 1a a$$ointed &or the
$rod+"tion 2let o+r honor ho+ld ta#e "old &ro( delay3* and ne,t
day !r+((le a$$eared 1ith a $olite little a.o1al in Etella' hand*
that he had had the honor o& dan"in) 1ith hi( e.eral ti(e- Thi
le&t (e no "o+re b+t to re)ret that I had been 6betrayed into a
1ar(th 1hi"h*6 and on the 1hole to re$+diate* a +ntenable* the
idea that I 1a to be &o+nd any1here- !r+((le and I then at
nortin) at one another &or an ho+r* 1hile the Gro.e en)a)ed in
indi"ri(inate "ontradi"tion* and &inally the $ro(otion o& )ood
&eelin) 1a de"lared to ha.e )one ahead at an a(a8in) rate-
I tell thi li)htly* b+t it 1a no li)ht thin) to (e- 5or* I "annot
ade4+ately e,$re 1hat $ain it )a.e (e to thin# that Etella
ho+ld ho1 any &a.or to a "onte($tible* "l+(y* +l#y booby* o
.ery &ar belo1 the a.era)e- To the $reent (o(ent* I belie.e it to
ha.e been re&erable to o(e $+re &ire o& )eneroity and
diinteretedne in (y lo.e &or her* that I "o+ld not end+re the
tho+)ht o& her too$in) to that ho+nd- No do+bt I ho+ld ha.e been
(ierable 1ho( he had &a.ored9 b+t a 1orthier obAe"t 1o+ld
ha.e "a+ed (e a di&&erent #ind and de)ree o& ditre-
It 1a eay &or (e to &ind o+t* and I did oon &ind o+t* that
!r+((le had be)+n to &ollo1 her "loely* and that he allo1ed hi(
to do it- A little 1hile* and he 1a al1ay in $+r+it o& her* and
he and I "roed one another e.ery day- ;e held on* in a d+ll
$eritent 1ay* and Etella held hi( on9 no1 1ith en"o+ra)e(ent*
no1 1ith di"o+ra)e(ent* no1 al(ot &latterin) hi(* no1 o$enly
de$iin) hi(* no1 #no1in) hi( .ery 1ell* no1 "ar"ely re(e(berin)
1ho he 1a-
The S$ider* a %r- 0a))er had "alled hi(* 1a +ed to lyin) in
1ait** and had the $atien"e o& hi tribe- Added to that* he
had a blo"#head "on&iden"e in hi (oney and in hi &a(ily
)reatne* 1hi"h o(eti(e did hi( )ood er.i"e*//al(ot ta#in) the
$la"e o& "on"entration and deter(ined $+r$oe- So* the S$ider*
do))edly 1at"hin) Etella* o+t1at"hed (any bri)hter ine"t* and
1o+ld o&ten +n"oil hi(el& and dro$ at the ri)ht ni"# o& ti(e-
At a "ertain Ae(bly :all at Ri"h(ond 2there +ed to be Ae(bly
:all at (ot $la"e then3* 1here Etella had o+thone all other
bea+tie* thi bl+nderin) !r+((le o h+n) abo+t her* and 1ith o
(+"h toleration on her $art* that I reol.ed to $ea# to her
"on"ernin) hi(- I too# the ne,t o$$ort+nity9 1hi"h 1a 1hen he 1a
1aitin) &or %r- :landley to ta#e her ho(e* and 1a ittin) a$art
a(on) o(e &lo1er* ready to )o- I 1a 1ith her* &or I al(ot
al1ay a""o($anied the( to and &ro( +"h $la"e-
6Are yo+ tired* Etella@6
6Rather* Pi$-6
6?o+ ho+ld be-6
6Say rather* I ho+ld not be9 &or I ha.e (y letter to Sati ;o+e
to 1rite* be&ore I )o to lee$-6
6Re"o+ntin) to/ni)ht' tri+($h@6 aid I- 6S+rely a .ery $oor one*
67hat do yo+ (ean@ I didn't #no1 there had been any-6
6Etella*6 aid I* 6do loo# at that &ello1 in the "orner yonder*
1ho i loo#in) here at +-6
67hy ho+ld I loo# at hi(@6 ret+rned Etella* 1ith her eye on (e
intead- 67hat i there in that &ello1 in the "orner yonder*//to
+e yo+r 1ord*//that I need loo# at@6
6Indeed* that i the .ery 4+etion I 1ant to a# yo+*6 aid I- 65or
he ha been ho.erin) abo+t yo+ all ni)ht-6
6%oth* and all ort o& +)ly "reat+re*6 re$lied Etella* 1ith a
)lan"e to1ard hi(* abo+t a li)hted "andle- Can the "andle
hel$ it@6
6No*6 I ret+rned9 6b+t "annot the Etella hel$ it@6
67ell<6 aid he* la+)hin)* a&ter a (o(ent* 6$erha$- ?e- Anythin)
yo+ li#e-6
6:+t* Etella* do hear (e $ea#- It (a#e (e 1ret"hed that yo+
ho+ld en"o+ra)e a (an o )enerally de$ied a !r+((le- ?o+ #no1
he i de$ied-6
67ell@6 aid he-
6?o+ #no1 he i a +n)ainly 1ithin a 1itho+t- A de&i"ient*
ill/te($ered* lo1erin)* t+$id &ello1-6
67ell@6 aid he-
6?o+ #no1 he ha nothin) to re"o((end hi( b+t (oney and a
ridi"+lo+ roll o& addle/headed $rede"eor9 no1* don't yo+@6
67ell@6 aid he a)ain9 and ea"h ti(e he aid it* he o$ened her
lo.ely eye the 1ider-
To"o(e the di&&i"+lty o& )ettin) $at that (onoyllable* I
too# it &ro( her* and aid* re$eatin) it 1ith e($hai* 67ell< Then*
that i 1hy it (a#e (e 1ret"hed-6
No1* i& I "o+ld ha.e belie.ed that he &a.ored !r+((le 1ith any
idea o& (a#in) (e/(e//1ret"hed* I ho+ld ha.e been in better
heart abo+t it9 b+t in that habit+al 1ay o& her* he $+t (e o
entirely o+t o& the 4+etion* that I "o+ld belie.e nothin) o& the
6Pi$*6 aid Etella* "atin) her )lan"e the roo(* 6don't be
&oolih abo+t it e&&e"t on yo+- It (ay ha.e it e&&e"t on other*
and (ay be (eant to ha.e- It' not 1orth di"+in)-6
6?e it i*6 aid I* 6be"a+e I "annot bear that $eo$le ho+ld ay*
'he thro1 a1ay her )ra"e and attra"tion on a (ere boor* the
lo1et in the "ro1d-'6
6I "an bear it*6 aid Etella-
6Oh< don't be o $ro+d* Etella* and o in&le,ible-6
6Call (e $ro+d and in&le,ible in thi breath<6 aid Etella*
o$enin) her hand- 6And in hi lat breath re$roa"hed (e &or
too$in) to a boor<6
6There i no do+bt yo+ do*6 aid I* o(ethin) h+rriedly* 6&or I
ha.e een yo+ )i.e hi( loo# and (ile thi .ery ni)ht* +"h a
yo+ )i.e to//(e-6
6!o yo+ 1ant (e then*6 aid Etella* t+rnin) +ddenly 1ith a &i,ed
and erio+* i& not an)ry* loo#* 6to de"ei.e and entra$ yo+@6
6!o yo+ de"ei.e and entra$ hi(* Etella@6
6?e* and (any other*//all o& the( b+t yo+- ;ere i %r- :randley-
I'll ay no (ore-6
And no1 that I ha.e )i.en the one "ha$ter to the the(e that o
&illed (y heart* and o o&ten (ade it a"he and a"he a)ain* I $a
on +nhindered* to the e.ent that had i($ended (e lon)er yet9
the e.ent that had be)+n to be $re$ared &or* be&ore I #ne1 that the
1orld held Etella* and in the day 1hen her baby intelli)en"e 1a
re" it &irt ditortion &ro( %i ;a.iha(' 1atin) hand-
In the Eatern tory* the hea.y lab that 1a to &all on the bed o&
tate in the &l+h o& "on4+et 1a lo1ly 1ro+)ht o+t o& the
4+arry* the t+nnel &or the ro$e to hold it in it $la"e 1a lo1ly
"arried thro+)h the lea)+e o& ro"#* the lab 1a lo1ly raied and
&itted in the roo&* the ro$e 1a ro.e to it and lo1ly ta#en
thro+)h the (ile o& hollo1 to the )reat iron rin)- All bein) (ade
ready 1ith (+"h labor* and the ho+r "o(e* the +ltan 1a aro+ed
in the dead o& the ni)ht* and the har$ened a,e that 1a to
the ro$e &ro( the )reat iron rin) 1a $+t into hi hand* and he
tr+"# 1ith it* and the ro$e $arted and r+hed a1ay* and the
"eilin) &ell- So* in (y "ae9 all the 1or#* near and a&ar* that
tended to the end* had been a""o($lihed9 and in an intant the
blo1 1a tr+"#* and the roo& o& (y tron)hold dro$$ed +$on (e-
Cha$ter XXXIX
I 1a three/and/t1enty year o& a)e- Not another 1ord had I heard
to enli)hten (e on the +bAe"t o& (y e,$e"tation* and (y
t1enty/third birthday 1a a 1ee# )one- 7e had le&t :arnard' Inn
(ore than a year* and li.ed in the Te($le- O+r "ha(ber 1ere in
Garden/"o+rt* do1n by the
%r- Po"#et and I had &or o(e ti(e $arted "o($any a to o+r ori)inal
relation* tho+)h 1e "ontin+ed on the bet ter(- Not1ithtandin) (y
inability to ettle to anythin)*//1hi"h I ho$e aroe o+t o& the
retle and in"o($lete ten+re on 1hi"h I held (y (ean*//I had a
tate &or readin)* and read re)+larly o (any ho+r a day- That
(atter o& ;erbert' 1a till $ro)rein)* and e.erythin) 1ith (e
1a a I ha.e bro+)ht it do1n to the "loe o& the lat $re"edin)
:+ine had ta#en ;erbert on a Ao+rney to %areille- I 1a alone*
and had a d+ll ene o& bein) alone- !i$irited and an,io+* lon)
ho$in) that to/(orro1 or ne,t 1ee# 1o+ld "lear (y 1ay* and lon)
dia$$ointed* I adly (ied the "heer&+l &a"e and ready re$one
o& (y &riend-
It 1a 1ret"hed 1eather9 tor(y and 1et* tor(y and 1et9 and (+d*
(+d* (+d* dee$ in all the treet- !ay a&ter day* a .at hea.y .eil
had been Condon &ro( the Eat* and it dro.e till* a
i& in the Eat there 1ere an Eternity o& "lo+d and 1ind- So &+rio+
had been the )+t* that hi)h b+ildin) in to1n had had the lead
tri$$ed o&& their roo&9 and in the "o+ntry* tree had been torn
+$* and ail o& 1ind(ill "arried a1ay9 and )loo(y a""o+nt had
"o(e in &ro( the "oat* o& hi$1re"# and death- Eiolent blat o&
rain had a""o($anied thee ra)e o& 1ind* and the day A+t "loed
a I at do1n to read had been the 1ort o& all-
Alteration ha.e been (ade in that $art o& the Te($le in"e that
ti(e* and it ha not no1 o lonely a "hara"ter a it had then* nor
i it o e,$oed to the 7e li.ed at the to$ o& the lat
ho+e* and the 1ind r+hin) +$ the hoo# the ho+e that
ni)ht* li#e di"har)e o& "annon* or brea#in) o& a ea- 7hen the
rain "a(e 1ith it and dahed a)aint the 1indo1* I tho+)ht*
raiin) (y eye to the( a they ro"#ed* that I (i)ht ha.e &an"ied
(yel& in a tor(/beaten li)htho+e- O""aionally* the (o#e "a(e
rollin) do1n the "hi(ney a tho+)h it "o+ld not bear to )o o+t into
+"h a ni)ht9 and 1hen I et the door o$en and loo#ed do1n the
tair"ae* the tair"ae la($ 1ere blo1n o+t9 and 1hen I haded (y
&a"e 1ith (y hand and loo#ed thro+)h the bla"# 1indo1 2o$enin)
the( o little 1a o+t o& the 4+etion in the teeth o& +"h
1ind and rain3* I a1 that the la($ in the "o+rt 1ere blo1n o+t*
and that the la($ on the brid)e and the hore 1ere h+dderin)*
and that the "oal/&ire in bar)e on the 1ere bein) "arried
a1ay be&ore the 1ind li#e red/hot $lahe in the rain-
I read 1ith (y 1at"h +$on the table* $+r$oin) to "loe (y boo# at
ele.en o'"lo"#- A I h+t it* Saint Pa+l'* and all the (any
"h+r"h/"lo"# in the City//o(e leadin)* o(e a""o($anyin)* o(e
&ollo1in)//tr+"# that ho+r- The o+nd 1a "+rio+ly &la1ed by the
1ind9 and I 1a litenin)* and thin#in) ho1 the 1ind aailed and
tore it* 1hen I heard a &ootte$ on the tair-
7hat ner.o+ &olly (ade (e tart* and a1&+lly "onne"t it 1ith the
&ootte$ o& (y dead iter* (atter not- It 1a $at in a (o(ent*
and I litened a)ain* and heard the &ootte$ t+(ble in "o(in) on-
Re(e(berin) then* that the tair"ae/li)ht 1ere blo1n o+t* I too#
+$ (y readin)/la($ and 1ent o+t to the tair/head- 1a
belo1 had to$$ed on eein) (y la($* &or all 1a 4+iet-
6There i o(e one do1n there* i there not@6 I "alled o+t* loo#in)
6?e*6 aid a .oi"e &ro( the dar#ne beneath-
67hat &loor do yo+ 1ant@6
6The to$- %r- Pi$-6
6That i (y na(e-//There i nothin) the (atter@6
6Nothin) the (atter*6 ret+rned the .oi"e- And the (an "a(e on-
I tood 1ith (y la($ held o+t the tair/rail* and he "a(e
lo1ly 1ithin it li)ht- It 1a a haded la($* to hine +$on a
boo#* and it "ir"le o& li)ht 1a .ery "ontra"ted9 o that he 1a
in it &or a (ere intant* and then o+t o& it- In the intant* I had
een a &a"e that 1a tran)e to (e* loo#in) +$ 1ith an
in"o($rehenible air o& bein) to+"hed and $leaed by the i)ht o&
(e- the la($ a the (an (o.ed* I (ade o+t that he 1a
+btantially dreed* b+t ro+)hly* li#e a .oya)er by ea- That he
had lon) iron/)ray hair- That hi a)e 1a abo+t i,ty- That he 1a
a (+"+lar (an* tron) on hi le)* and that he 1a bro1ned and
hardened by e,$o+re to 1eather- A he a"ended the lat tair or
t1o* and the li)ht o& (y la($ in"l+ded + both* I a1* 1ith a
t+$id #ind o& a(a8e(ent* that he 1a holdin) o+t both hi hand to
6Pray 1hat i yo+r b+ine@6 I a#ed hi(-
6%y b+ine@6 he re$eated* $a+in)- 6Ah< ?e- I 1ill e,$lain (y
b+ine* by yo+r lea.e-6
6!o yo+ 1ih to "o(e in@6
6?e*6 he re$lied9 6I 1ih to "o(e in* (ater-6
I had a#ed hi( the 4+etion inho$itably eno+)h* &or I reented
the ort o& bri)ht and )rati&ied re"o)nition that till hone in
hi &a"e- I reented it* be"a+e it ee(ed to i($ly that he
e,$e"ted (e to re$ond to it- :+t I too# hi( into the roo( I had
A+t le&t* and* et the la($ on the table* a#ed hi( a
"i.illy a I "o+ld to e,$lain hi(el&-
;e loo#ed abo+t hi( 1ith the tran)et air*//an air o& 1onderin)
$lea+re* a i& he had o(e $art in the thin) he ad(ired*//and he
$+lled o&& a ro+)h o+ter "oat* and hi hat- Then* I a1 that hi
head 1a &+rro1ed and bald* and that the lon) iron/)ray hair )re1
only on it ide- :+t* I a1 nothin) that in the leat e,$lained
hi(- On the "ontrary* I a1 hi( ne,t (o(ent* on"e (ore holdin) o+t
both hi hand to (e-
67hat do yo+ (ean@6 aid I* hal& +$e"tin) hi( to be (ad-
;e to$$ed in hi loo#in) at (e* and lo1ly r+bbed hi ri)ht hand hi head- 6It' dia$intin) to a (an*6 he aid* in a "oare
bro#en .oi"e* 6arter loo#ed &or'ard o ditant* and "o(e o
&+r9 b+t yo+'re not to bla(e &or that*//neither on + i to bla(e
&or that- I'll $ea# in hal& a (in+te- Gi.e (e hal& a (in+te*
;e at do1n on a "hair that tood be&ore the &ire* and "o.ered hi
&orehead 1ith hi lar)e bro1n .eino+ hand- I loo#ed at hi(
attenti.ely then* and re"oiled a little &ro( hi(9 b+t I did not
#no1 hi(-
6There' no one ni)h*6 aid he* loo#in) hi ho+lder9 6i
67hy do yo+* a tran)er "o(in) into (y roo( at thi ti(e o& the
ni)ht* a# that 4+etion@6 aid I-
6?o+'re a )a(e one*6 he ret+rned* ha#in) hi head at (e 1ith a
deliberate a&&e"tion* at on"e (ot +nintelli)ible and (ot
e,a$eratin)9 6I'( )lad yo+'.e )ro1'd +$* a )a(e one< :+t don't
"at"h hold o& (e- ?o+'d be orry arter1ard to ha.e done it-6
I relin4+ihed the intention he had dete"ted* &or I #ne1 hi(< E.en
yet I "o+ld not re"all a in)le &eat+re* b+t I #ne1 hi(< I& the
1ind and the rain had dri.en a1ay the inter.enin) year* had
"attered all the inter.enin) obAe"t* had 1e$t + to the
"h+r"hyard 1here 1e &irt tood &a"e to &a"e on +"h di&&erent
le.el* I "o+ld not ha.e #no1n (y "on.i"t (ore ditin"tly than I
#ne1 hi( no1 a he at in the "hair be&ore the &ire- No need to
ta#e a &ile &ro( hi $o"#et and ho1 it to (e9 no need to ta#e the
hand#er"hie& &ro( hi ne"# and t1it it ro+nd hi head9 no need to
h+) hi(el& 1ith both hi ar(* and ta#e a hi.erin) t+rn a"ro
the roo(* loo#in) ba"# at (e &or re"o)nition- I #ne1 hi( be&ore he
)a.e (e one o& thoe aid* tho+)h* a (o(ent be&ore* I had not been
"on"io+ o& re(otely +$e"tin) hi identity-
;e "a(e ba"# to 1here I tood* and a)ain held o+t both hi hand-
Not #no1in) 1hat to do*//&or* in (y atonih(ent I had lot (y
el&/$oeion*//I rel+"tantly )a.e hi( (y hand- ;e )ra$ed the(
heartily* raied the( to hi li$* #ied the(* and till held
6?o+ a"ted noble* (y boy*6 aid he- 6Noble* Pi$< And I ha.e
&or)ot it<6
At a "han)e in hi (anner a i& he 1ere e.en )oin) to e(bra"e (e* I
laid a hand +$on hi breat and $+t hi( a1ay-
6Stay<6 aid I- 6=ee$ o&&< I& yo+ are )rate&+l to (e &or 1hat I did
1hen I 1a a little "hild* I ho$e yo+ ha.e ho1n yo+r )ratit+de by
(endin) yo+r 1ay o& li&e- I& yo+ ha.e "o(e here to than# (e* it 1a
not ne"eary- Still* yo+ ha.e &o+nd (e o+t* there (+t be
o(ethin) )ood in the &eelin) that ha bro+)ht yo+ here* and I 1ill
not re$+le yo+9 b+t +rely yo+ (+t +ndertand that//I//6
%y attention 1a o attra"ted by the in)+larity o& hi &i,ed loo#
at (e* that the 1ord died a1ay on (y ton)+e-
6?o+ 1a a ayin)*6 he ober.ed* 1hen 1e had "on&ronted one another
in ilen"e* 6that +rely I (+t +ndertand- 7hat* +rely (+t I
6That I "annot 1ih to rene1 that "han"e inter"o+re 1ith yo+ o&
lon) a)o* +nder thee di&&erent "ir"+(tan"e- I a( )lad to belie.e
yo+ ha.e re$ented and re"o.ered yo+rel&- I a( )lad to tell yo+ o-
I a( )lad that* thin#in) I deer.e to be than#ed* yo+ ha.e "o(e to
than# (e- :+t o+r 1ay are di&&erent 1ay* none the le- ?o+ are
1et* and yo+ loo# 1eary- 7ill yo+ drin# o(ethin) be&ore yo+ )o@6
;e had re$la"ed hi ne"#er"hie& looely* and had tood* #eenly
ober.ant o& (e* bitin) a lon) end o& it- 6I thin#*6 he an1ered*
till 1ith the end at hi (o+th and till ober.ant o& (e* 6that I
1ill drin# 2I than# yo+3 a&ore I )o-6
There 1a a tray ready on a ide/table- I bro+)ht it to the table
near the &ire* and a#ed hi( 1hat he 1o+ld ha.e@ ;e to+"hed one o&
the bottle 1itho+t loo#in) at it or $ea#in)* and I (ade hi( o(e
hot r+( and 1ater- I tried to #ee$ (y hand teady 1hile I did o*
b+t hi loo# at (e a he leaned ba"# in hi "hair 1ith the lon)
dra))led end o& hi ne"#er"hie& bet1een hi teeth//e.idently
&or)otten//(ade (y hand .ery di&&i"+lt to (ater- 7hen at lat I
$+t the )la to hi(* I a1 1ith a(a8e(ent that hi eye 1ere &+ll
o& tear-
D$ to thi ti(e I had re(ained tandin)* not to di)+ie that I
1ihed hi( )one- :+t I 1a o&tened by the o&tened a$e"t o& the
(an* and &elt a to+"h o& re$roa"h- 6I ho$e*6 aid I* h+rriedly
$+ttin) o(ethin) into a )la &or (yel&* and dra1in) a "hair to
the table* 6that yo+ 1ill not thin# I $o#e harhly to yo+ A+t
no1- I had no intention o& doin) it* and I a( orry &or it i& I
did- I 1ih yo+ 1ell and ha$$y<6
A I $+t (y )la to (y li$* he )lan"ed 1ith +r$rie at the end
o& hi ne"#er"hie&* dro$$in) &ro( hi (o+th 1hen he o$ened it* and
tret"hed o+t hi hand- I )a.e hi( (ine* and then he dran#* and
dre1 hi lee.e a"ro hi eye and &orehead-
6;o1 are yo+ I a#ed hi(-
6I'.e been a hee$/&ar(er* to"#/breeder* other trade beide*
a1ay in the ne1 1orld*6 aid he9 6(any a tho+and (ile o& tor(y
1ater o&& &ro( thi-6
6I ho$e yo+ ha.e done 1ell@6
6I'.e done 1onder&+lly 1ell- There' other 1ent o+t alon)er (e a
ha done 1ell too* b+t no (an ha done ni)h a 1ell a (e- I'(
&a(o+ &or it-6
6I a( )lad to hear it-6
6I ho$e to hear yo+ ay o* (y dear boy-6
7itho+t to$$in) to try to +ndertand thoe 1ord or the tone in
1hi"h they 1ere $o#en* I t+rned o&& to a $oint that had A+t "o(e
into (y (ind-
6;a.e yo+ een a (een)er yo+ on"e ent to (e*6 I in4+ired*
6in"e he +ndertoo# that tr+t@6 et eye +$on hi(- I 1arn't li#ely to it-6
6;e "a(e &aith&+lly* and he bro+)ht (e the t1o one/$o+nd note- I
1a a $oor boy then* a yo+ #no1* and to a $oor boy they 1ere a
little &ort+ne- :+t* li#e yo+* I ha.e done 1ell in"e* and yo+ (+t
let (e $ay the( ba"#- ?o+ "an $+t the( to o(e other $oor boy'
+e-6 I too# o+t (y $+re-
;e 1at"hed (e a I laid (y $+re +$on the table and o$ened it* and
he 1at"hed (e a I e$arated t1o one/$o+nd note &ro( it "ontent-
They 1ere "lean and ne1* and I $read the( o+t and handed the(
to hi(- Still 1at"hin) (e* he laid the( one +$on the other* &olded
the( lon)/1ie* )a.e the( a t1it* et &ire to the( at the la($*
and dro$$ed the ahe into the tray-
6%ay I (a#e o bold*6 he aid then* 1ith a (ile that 1a li#e a
&ro1n* and 1ith a &ro1n that 1a li#e a (ile* 6a a# yo+ ho1 yo+
ha.e done 1ell* in"e yo+ and (e 1a o+t on the( lone hi.erin)
;e e($tied hi )la* )ot +$* and tood at the ide o& the &ire*
1ith hi hea.y bro1n hand on the (antel/hel&- ;e $+t a &oot +$ to
the bar* to dry and 1ar( it* and the 1et boot be)an to tea(9 b+t*
he neither loo#ed at it* nor at the &ire* b+t teadily loo#ed at
(e- It 1a only no1 that I be)an to tre(ble-
7hen (y li$ had $arted* and had ha$ed o(e 1ord that 1ere
1itho+t o+nd* I &or"ed (yel& to tell hi( 2tho+)h I "o+ld not do
it ditin"tly3* that I had been "hoen to +""eed to o(e $ro$erty-
6%i)ht a (ere 1ar(int a# 1hat $ro$erty@6 aid he-
I &altered* 6I don't #no1-6
6%i)ht a (ere 1ar(int a# 1hoe $ro$erty@6 aid he-
I &altered a)ain* 6I don't #no1-6
6Co+ld I (a#e a )+e* I 1onder*6 aid the Con.i"t* 6at yo+r in"o(e
in"e yo+ "o(e o& a)e< A to the &irt &i)+re no1- 5i.e@6
7ith (y heart beatin) li#e a hea.y ha((er o& diordered a"tion* I
roe o+t o& (y "hair* and tood 1ith (y hand +$on the ba"# o& it*
loo#in) 1ildly at hi(-
6Con"ernin) a )+ardian*6 he 1ent on- 6There o+)ht to ha.e been o(e
)+ardian* or +"h/li#e* 1hile yo+ 1a a (inor- So(e la1yer* (aybe-
A to the &irt letter o& that la1yer' na(e no1- 7o+ld it be 0@6
All the tr+th o& (y $oition "a(e &lahin) on (e9 and it
dia$$oint(ent* dan)er* di)ra"e* "one4+en"e o& all #ind*
r+hed in in +"h a (+ltit+de that I 1a borne do1n by the( and had
to tr+))le &or e.ery breath I dre1-
6P+t it*6 he re+(ed* 6a the e($loyer o& that la1yer 1hoe na(e
be)+n 1ith a 0* and (i)ht be 0a))er*//$+t it a he had "o(e
ea to Port(o+th* and had landed there* and had 1anted to "o(e on
to yo+- ';* yo+ ha.e &o+nd (e o+t*' yo+ ay A+t no1- 7ell<
;* did I &ind yo+ o+t@ 7hy* I 1rote &ro( Port(o+th to a
$eron in Condon* &or $arti"+lar o& yo+r addre- That $eron'
na(e@ 7hy* 7e((i"#-6
I "o+ld not ha.e $o#en one 1ord* tho+)h it had been to a.e (y
li&e- I tood* 1ith a hand on the "hair/ba"# and a hand on (y
breat* 1here I ee(ed to be +&&o"atin)*//I tood o* loo#in)
1ildly at hi(* +ntil I )ra$ed at the "hair* 1hen the roo( be)an to
+r)e and t+rn- ;e "a+)ht (e* dre1 (e to the o&a* $+t (e +$
a)aint the "+hion* and bent on one #nee be&ore (e* brin)in) the
&a"e that I no1 1ell re(e(bered* and that I h+ddered at* .ery near
to (ine-
6?e* Pi$* dear boy* I'.e (ade a )entle(an on yo+< It' (e 1ot ha
done it< I 1ore that ti(e* +re a I earned a )+inea* that
)+inea ho+ld )o to yo+- I 1ore arter1ard* +re a I
$e"'lated and )ot ri"h* yo+ ho+ld )et ri"h- I li.ed ro+)h* that
yo+ ho+ld li.e (ooth9 I 1or#ed hard* that yo+ ho+ld be abo.e
1or#- 7hat odd* dear boy@ !o I tell it* &+r yo+ to &eel a
obli)ation@ Not a bit- I tell it* &+r yo+ to #no1 a that there
h+nted d+n)hill do) 1ot yo+ #e$ li&e in* )ot hi head o hi)h that
he "o+ld (a#e a )entle(an*//and* Pi$* yo+'re hi(<6
The abhorren"e in 1hi"h I held the (an* the dread I had o& hi(* the
re$+)nan"e 1ith 1hi"h I hran# &ro( hi(* "o+ld not ha.e been
e,"eeded i& he had been o(e terrible beat-
6Coo#'ee here* Pi$- I'( yo+r e"ond &ather- ?o+'re (y on*//(ore to
(e nor any on- I'.e $+t a1ay (oney* only &or yo+ to $end- 7hen I
1a a hired/o+t he$herd in a olitary h+t* not eein) no &a"e b+t
&a"e o& hee$ till I hal& &or)ot 1ot (en' and 1o(en' &a"e 1o
li#e* I ee yo+rn- I dro$ (y #ni&e (any a ti(e in that h+t 1hen I
1a a/eatin) (y dinner or (y +$$er* and I ay* ';ere' the boy
a)ain* a loo#in) at (e 1hile I eat and drin#<' I ee yo+ there a
(any ti(e* a $lain a I ee yo+ on the( (ity (arhe- 'Cord
tri#e (e dead<' I ay ea"h ti(e*//and I )oe o+t in the air to
ay it +nder the o$en hea.en*//'b+t 1ot* i& I )et liberty and
(oney* I'll (a#e that boy a )entle(an<' And I done it- 7hy* loo# at
yo+* dear boy< Coo# at thee here lod)in) o'yo+rn* &it &or a lord<
A lord@ Ah< ?o+ hall ho1 (oney 1ith lord &or 1a)er* and beat
In hi heat and tri+($h* and in hi #no1led)e that I had been
nearly &aintin)* he did not re(ar# on (y re"e$tion o& all thi- It
1a the one )rain o& relie& I had-
6Coo#'ee here<6 he 1ent on* ta#in) (y 1at"h o+t o& (y $o"#et* and
t+rnin) to1ard hi( a rin) on (y &in)er* 1hile I re"oiled &ro( hi
to+"h a i& he had been a na#e* 6a )old '+n and a bea+tyB that' a
)entle(an'* I ho$e< A dia(ond all et ro+nd 1ith r+bie9 that' a
)entle(an'* I ho$e< Coo# at yo+r linen9 &ine and bea+ti&+l< Coo#
at yo+r "lothe9 better ain't to be )ot< And yo+r boo# too*6
t+rnin) hi eye ro+nd the roo(* 6(o+ntin) +$* on their hel.e* by
h+ndred< And yo+ read 'e(9 don't yo+@ I ee yo+'d been a readin)
o& 'e( 1hen I "o(e in- ;a* ha* ha< ?o+ hall read 'e( to (e* dear
boy< And i& they're in &orei)n lan)+a)e 1ot I don't +ndertand* I
hall be A+t a $ro+d a i& I did-6
A)ain he too# both (y hand and $+t the( to hi li$* 1hile (y
blood ran "old 1ithin (e-
6!on't yo+ (ind tal#in)* Pi$*6 aid he* a&ter a)ain dra1in) hi
lee.e hi eye and &orehead* a the "li"# "a(e in hi throat
1hi"h I 1ell re(e(bered*//and he 1a all the (ore horrible to (e
that he 1a o (+"h in earnet9 6yo+ "an't do better nor #ee$
4+iet* dear boy- ?o+ ain't loo#ed lo1ly &or1ard to thi a I ha.e9
yo+ 1on't $re$ared &or thi a I 1o- :+t didn't yo+ thin#
it (i)ht be (e@6
6O no* no* no*6 I ret+rned**<6
67ell* yo+ ee it 1o (e* and in)le/handed- a o+l in it b+t
(y o1n el& and %r- 0a))er-6
67a there no one ele@6 I a#ed-
6No*6 aid he* 1ith a )lan"e o& +r$rieB 61ho ele ho+ld there
be@ And* dear boy* ho1 )ood loo#in) yo+ ha.e )ro1ed< There' bri)ht
eye o(e1here//eh@ In't there bri)ht eye o(e1here* 1ot yo+
lo.e the tho+)ht on@6
O Etella* Etella<
6They hall be yo+rn* dear boy* i& (oney "an b+y 'e(- Not that a
)entle(an li#e yo+* o 1ell et +$ a yo+* "an't 1in 'e( o&& o& hi
o1n )a(e9 b+t (oney hall ba"# yo+< Cet (e &inih 1ot I 1a a
tellin) yo+* dear boy- 5ro( that there h+t and that there
hirin)/o+t* I )ot (oney le&t (e by (y (ater 21hi"h died* and had
been the a(e a (e3* and )ot (y liberty and 1ent &or (yel&- In
e.ery in)le thin) I 1ent &or* I 1ent &or yo+- 'Cord tri#e a
bli)ht +$on it*' I ay* it 1a I 1ent &or* 'i& it ain't
&or hi(<' It all $ro$ered 1onder&+l- A I )i.' yo+ to +ndertand
A+t no1* I'( &a(o+ &or it- It 1a the (oney le&t (e* and the
)ain o& the &irt &e1 year 1ot I ent ho(e to %r- 0a))er//all &or
yo+//1hen he &irt "o(e arter yo+* a)reeable to (y letter-6
O that he had "o(e< That he had le&t (e at the &or)e*//&ar
&ro( "ontented* yet* by "o($arion ha$$y<
6And then* dear boy* it 1a a re"o($ene to (e* loo#'ee here* to
#no1 in e"ret that I 1a (a#in) a )entle(an- The blood hore o&
the( "olonit (i)ht &lin) +$ the d+t (e a I 1a 1al#in)9
1hat do I ay@ I ay to (yel&* 'I'( (a#in) a better )entle(an nor yo+'ll be<' 7hen one o& 'e( ay to another* ';e 1a a
"on.i"t* a &e1 year a)o* and i a i)norant "o((on &ello1 no1* &or
all he' l+"#y*' 1hat do I ay@ I ay to (yel&* 'I& I ain't a
)entle(an* nor yet ain't )ot no learnin)* I'( the o1ner o& +"h-
All on yo+ o1n to"# and land9 1hi"h on yo+ o1n a bro+)ht/+$
Condon )entle(an@' Thi 1ay I #e$ (yel& a )oin)- And thi 1ay I
held teady a&ore (y (ind that I 1o+ld &or "ertain "o(e one day and
ee (y boy* and (a#e (yel& #no1n to hi(* on hi o1n )ro+nd-6
;e laid hi hand on (y ho+lder- I h+ddered at the tho+)ht that
&or anythin) I #ne1* hi hand (i)ht be tained 1ith blood-
6It 1arn't eay* Pi$* &or (e to lea.e the( $art* nor yet it 1arn't
a&e- :+t I held to it* and the harder it 1a* the tron)er I held*
&or I 1a deter(ined* and (y (ind &ir( (ade +$- At lat I done it-
!ear boy* I done it<6
I tried to "olle"t (y tho+)ht* b+t I 1a t+nned- Thro+)ho+t* I
had ee(ed to (yel& to attend (ore to the 1ind and the rain than
to hi(9 e.en no1* I "o+ld not e$arate hi .oi"e &ro( thoe .oi"e*
tho+)h thoe 1ere lo+d and hi 1a ilent-
67here 1ill yo+ $+t (e@6 he a#ed* $reently- 6I (+t be $+t
o(e1here* dear boy-6
6To lee$@6 aid I-
6?e- And to lee$ lon) and o+nd*6 he an1ered9 6&or I'.e been
ea/toed and ea/1ahed* (onth and (onth-6
6%y &riend and "o($anion*6 aid I* riin) &ro( the o&a* 6i
abent9 yo+ (+t ha.e hi roo(-6
6;e 1on't "o(e ba"# to/(orro19 1ill he@6
6No*6 aid I* an1erin) al(ot (e"hani"ally* in $ite o& (y +t(ot
e&&ort9 6not to/(orro1-6
6:e"a+e* loo#'ee here* dear boy*6 he aid* dro$$in) hi .oi"e* and
layin) a lon) &in)er on (y breat in an i($rei.e (anner* 6"a+tion
i ne"eary-6
6;o1 do yo+ (ean@ Ca+tion@6
6:y G / * it' !eath<6
67hat' death@6
6I 1a ent &or li&e- It' death to "o(e ba"#- There' been"h "o(in) ba"# o& late year* and I ho+ld o& a "ertainty be
han)ed i& too#-6
Nothin) 1a needed b+t thi9 the 1ret"hed (an* a&ter loadin)
1ret"hed (e 1ith hi )old and "hain &or year* had ri#ed
hi li&e to "o(e to (e* and I held it there in (y #ee$in)< I& I had
lo.ed hi( intead o& abhorrin) hi(9 i& I had been attra"ted to hi(
by the tron)et ad(iration and a&&e"tion* intead o& hrin#in)
&ro( hi( 1ith the tron)et re$+)nan"e9 it "o+ld ha.e been no
1ore- On the "ontrary* it 1o+ld ha.e been better* &or hi
$reer.ation 1o+ld then ha.e nat+rally and tenderly addreed (y
%y &irt "are 1a to "loe the h+tter* o that no li)ht (i)ht be
een &ro( 1itho+t* and then to "loe and (a#e &at the door- 7hile
I did o* he tood at the table drin#in) r+( and eatin) bi"+it9
and 1hen I a1 hi( th+ en)a)ed* I a1 (y "on.i"t on the (arhe at
hi (eal a)ain- It al(ot ee(ed to (e a i& he (+t too$ do1n
$reently* to &ile at hi le)-
7hen I had )one into ;erbert' roo(* and had h+t o&& any other
"o((+ni"ation bet1een it and the tair"ae than thro+)h the roo( in
1hi"h o+r "on.eration had been held* I a#ed hi( i& he 1o+ld )o to
bed@ ;e aid ye* b+t a#ed (e &or o(e o& (y 6)entle(an' linen6
to $+t on in the (ornin)- I bro+)ht it o+t* and laid it ready &or
hi(* and (y blood a)ain ran "old 1hen he a)ain too# (e by both
hand to )i.e (e )ood ni)ht-
I )ot a1ay &ro( hi(* 1itho+t #no1in) ho1 I did it* and (ended the
&ire in the roo( 1here 1e had been to)ether* and at do1n by it*
a&raid to )o to bed- 5or an ho+r or (ore* I re(ained too t+nned to
thin#9 and it 1a not +ntil I be)an to thin#* that I be)an &+lly to
#no1 ho1 1re"#ed I 1a* and ho1 the hi$ in 1hi"h I had ailed 1a
)one to $ie"e-
%i ;a.iha(' intention to1ard (e* all a (ere drea(9 Etella
not dei)ned &or (e9 I only +&&ered in Sati ;o+e a a
"on.enien"e* a tin) &or the )reedy relation* a (odel 1ith a
(e"hani"al heart to $ra"tie on 1hen no other $ra"ti"e 1a at hand9
thoe 1ere the &irt (art I had- :+t* har$et and dee$et $ain
o& all*//it 1a &or the "on.i"t* )+ilty o& I #ne1 not 1hat "ri(e*
and liable to be ta#en o+t o& thoe roo( 1here I at thin#in)* and
han)ed at the Old :ailey door* that I had deerted 0oe-
I 1o+ld not ha.e )one ba"# to 0oe no1* I 1o+ld not ha.e )one ba"#
to :iddy no1* &or any "onideration9 i($ly* I +$$oe* be"a+e (y
ene o& (y o1n 1orthle "ond+"t to the( 1a )reater than e.ery
"onideration- No 1ido( on earth "o+ld ha.e )i.en (e the "o(&ort
that I ho+ld ha.e deri.ed &ro( their i($li"ity and &idelity9 b+t
I "o+ld** +ndo 1hat I had done-
In e.ery ra)e o& 1ind and r+h o& rain* I heard $+r+er- T1i"e* I
"o+ld ha.e 1orn there 1a a #no"#in) and 1hi$erin) at the o+ter
door- 7ith thee &ear +$on (e* I be)an either to i(a)ine or re"all
that I had had (yterio+ 1arnin) o& thi (an' a$$roa"h- That*
&or 1ee# )one by* I had $aed &a"e in the treet 1hi"h I had
tho+)ht li#e hi- That thee li#enee had )ro1n (ore n+(ero+*
a he* "o(in) the ea* had dra1n nearer- That hi 1i"#ed
$irit had o(eho1 ent thee (een)er to (ine* and that no1 on
thi tor(y ni)ht he 1a a )ood a hi 1ord* and 1ith (e-
Cro1din) +$ 1ith thee re&le"tion "a(e the re&le"tion that I had
een hi( 1ith (y "hildih eye to be a de$erately .iolent (an9
that I had heard that other "on.i"t reiterate that he had tried to
(+rder hi(9 that I had een hi( do1n in the dit"h tearin) and
&i)htin) li#e a 1ild beat- O+t o& +"h re(e(bran"e I bro+)ht into
the li)ht o& the &ire a hal&/&or(ed terror that it (i)ht not be
a&e to be h+t +$ there 1ith hi( in the dead o& the 1ild olitary
ni)ht- Thi dilated +ntil it &illed the roo(* and i($elled (e to
ta#e a "andle and )o in and loo# at (y dread&+l b+rden-
;e had rolled a hand#er"hie& ro+nd hi head* and hi &a"e 1a et
and lo1erin) in hi lee$- :+t he 1a alee$* and 4+ietly too*
tho+)h he had a $itol lyin) on the $illo1- A+red o& thi* I
o&tly re(o.ed the #ey to the o+tide o& hi door* and t+rned it on
hi( be&ore I a)ain at do1n by the &ire- Grad+ally I li$$ed &ro(
the "hair and lay on the &loor- 7hen I a1o#e 1itho+t $arted
in (y lee$ 1ith the $er"e$tion o& (y 1ret"hedne* the "lo"# o&
the Eat1ard "h+r"he 1ere tri#in) &i.e* the "andle 1ere 1ated
o+t* the &ire 1a dead* and the 1ind and rain inteni&ied the thi"#
bla"# dar#ne-
Cha$ter XC
It 1a &ort+nate &or (e that I had to ta#e $re"a+tion to en+re
2o &ar a I "o+ld3 the a&ety o& (y dreaded .iitor9 &or* thi
tho+)ht $rein) on (e 1hen I a1o#e* held other tho+)ht in a
"on&+ed "on"o+re at a ditan"e-
The i($oibility o& #ee$in) hi( "on"ealed in the "ha(ber 1a
el&/e.ident- It "o+ld not be done* and the atte($t to do it 1o+ld
ine.itably en)ender +$i"ion- Tr+e* I had no A.en)er in (y er.i"e
no1* b+t I 1a loo#ed a&ter by an in&la((atory old &e(ale* aited
by an ani(ated ra)/ba) 1ho( he "alled her nie"e* and to #ee$ a
roo( e"ret &ro( the( 1o+ld be to in.ite "+rioity and
e,a))eration- They both had 1ea# eye* 1hi"h I had lon) attrib+ted
to their "hroni"ally loo#in) in at #eyhole* and they 1ere al1ay
at hand 1hen not 1anted9 indeed that 1a their only reliable
4+ality beide lar"eny- Not to )et +$ a (ytery 1ith thee $eo$le*
I reol.ed to anno+n"e in the (ornin) that (y +n"le had
+ne,$e"tedly "o(e &ro( the "o+ntry-
Thi "o+re I de"ided on 1hile I 1a yet )ro$in) abo+t in the
dar#ne &or the (ean o& )ettin) a li)ht- Not t+(blin) on the
(ean a&ter all* I 1a &ain to )o o+t to the adAa"ent Cod)e and )et
the 1at"h(an there to "o(e 1ith hi lantern- No1* in )ro$in) (y 1ay
do1n the bla"# tair"ae I &ell o(ethin)* and that o(ethin)
1a a (an "ro+"hin) in a "orner-
A the (an (ade no an1er 1hen I a#ed hi( 1hat he did there* b+t
el+ded (y to+"h in ilen"e* I ran to the Cod)e and +r)ed the
1at"h(an to "o(e 4+i"#ly9 tellin) hi( o& the in"ident on the 1ay
ba"#- The 1ind bein) a &ier"e a* 1e did not "are to endan)er
the li)ht in the lantern by re#indlin) the e,tin)+ihed la($ on
the tair"ae* b+t 1e e,a(ined the tair"ae &ro( the botto( to the
to$ and &o+nd no one there- It then o""+rred to (e a $oible that
the (an (i)ht ha.e li$$ed into (y roo(9 o* li)htin) (y "andle at
the 1at"h(an'* and hi( tandin) at the door* I e,a(ined
the( "are&+lly* in"l+din) the roo( in 1hi"h (y dreaded )+et lay
alee$- All 1a 4+iet* and a+redly no other (an 1a in thoe
It tro+bled (e that there ho+ld ha.e been a l+r#er on the tair*
on that ni)ht o& all ni)ht in the year* and I a#ed the 1at"h(an*
on the "han"e o& eli"itin) o(e ho$e&+l e,$lanation a I handed hi(
a dra( at the door* 1hether he had ad(itted at hi )ate any
)entle(an 1ho had $er"e$tibly been dinin) o+t@ ?e* he aid9 at
di&&erent ti(e o& the ni)ht* three- One li.ed in 5o+ntain Co+rt*
and the other t1o li.ed in the Cane* and he had een the( all )o
ho(e- A)ain* the only other (an 1ho d1elt in the ho+e o& 1hi"h (y
"ha(ber &or(ed a $art had been in the "o+ntry &or o(e 1ee#* and
he "ertainly had not ret+rned in the ni)ht* be"a+e 1e had een hi
door 1ith hi eal on it a 1e "a(e +$/tair-
6The ni)ht bein) o bad* ir*6 aid the 1at"h(an* a he )a.e (e
ba"# (y )la* 6+n"o((on &e1 ha.e "o(e in at (y )ate- :eide the(
three )entle(en that I ha.e na(ed* I don't "all to (ind another
in"e abo+t ele.en o'"lo"#* 1hen a tran)er a#ed &or yo+-6
6%y +n"le*6 I (+ttered- 6?e-6
6?o+ a1 hi(* ir@6
6?e- Oh ye-6
6Ci#e1ie the $eron 1ith hi(@6
6Peron 1ith hi(<6 I re$eated-
6I A+d)ed the $eron to be 1ith hi(*6 ret+rned the 1at"h(an- 6The
$eron to$$ed* 1hen he to$$ed to (a#e in4+iry o& (e* and the
$eron too# thi 1ay 1hen he too# thi 1ay-6
67hat ort o& $eron@6
The 1at"h(an had not $arti"+larly noti"ed9 he ho+ld ay a 1or#in)
$eron9 to the bet o& hi belie&* he had a d+t/"olored #ind o&
"lothe on* +nder a dar# "oat- The 1at"h(an (ade (ore li)ht o& the
(atter than I did* and nat+rally9 not (y reaon &or
atta"hin) 1ei)ht to it-
7hen I had )ot rid o& hi(* 1hi"h I tho+)ht it 1ell to do 1itho+t
$rolon)in) e,$lanation* (y (ind 1a (+"h tro+bled by thee t1o
"ir"+(tan"e ta#en to)ether- 7herea they 1ere eay o& inno"ent
ol+tion a$art*//a* &or intan"e* o(e diner o+t or diner at ho(e*
1ho had not )one near thi 1at"h(an' )ate* (i)ht ha.e trayed to
(y tair"ae and dro$$ed alee$ there*//and (y na(ele .iitor
(i)ht ha.e bro+)ht o(e one 1ith hi( to ho1 hi( the 1ay*//till*
Aoined* they had an +)ly loo# to one a $rone to ditr+t and &ear
a the "han)e o& a &e1 ho+r had (ade (e-
I li)hted (y &ire* 1hi"h b+rnt 1ith a ra1 $ale &lare at that ti(e
o& the (ornin)* and &ell into a do8e be&ore it- I ee(ed to ha.e
been do8in) a 1hole ni)ht 1hen the "lo"# tr+"# i,- A there 1a
&+ll an ho+r and a hal& bet1een (e and dayli)ht* I do8ed a)ain9
no1* 1a#in) +$ +neaily* 1ith $roli, "on.eration abo+t nothin)*
in (y ear9 no1* (a#in) th+nder o& the 1ind in the "hi(ney9 at
len)th* &allin) o&& into a $ro&o+nd lee$ &ro( 1hi"h the dayli)ht
1o#e (e 1ith a tart-
All thi ti(e I had been able to "onider (y o1n it+ation*
nor "o+ld I do o yet- I had not the $o1er to attend to it- I 1a
)reatly deAe"ted and ditreed* b+t in an in"oherent 1holeale
ort o& 1ay- A to &or(in) any $lan &or the &+t+re* I "o+ld a oon
ha.e &or(ed an ele$hant- 7hen I o$ened the h+tter and loo#ed o+t
at the 1et 1ild (ornin)* all o& a leaden h+e9 1hen I 1al#ed &ro(
roo( to roo(9 1hen I at do1n a)ain hi.erin)* be&ore the &ire*
1aitin) &or (y la+ndre to a$$ear9 I tho+)ht ho1 (ierable I 1a*
b+t hardly #ne1 1hy* or ho1 lon) I had been o* or on 1hat day o&
the 1ee# I (ade the re&le"tion* or e.en 1ho I 1a that (ade it-
At lat* the old 1o(an and the nie"e "a(e in*//the latter 1ith a
head not eaily ditin)+ihable &ro( her d+ty broo(*//and
teti&ied +r$rie at i)ht o& (e and the &ire- To 1ho( I i($arted
ho1 (y +n"le had "o(e in the ni)ht and 1a then alee$* and ho1 the
brea#&at $re$aration 1ere to be (odi&ied a""ordin)ly- Then I
1ahed and dreed 1hile they #no"#ed the &+rnit+re abo+t and (ade
a d+t9 and o* in a ort o& drea( or lee$/1a#in)* I &o+nd (yel&
ittin) by the &ire a)ain* 1aitin) &or/;i(//to "o(e to
:y and by* hi door o$ened and he "a(e o+t- I "o+ld not brin)
(yel& to bear the i)ht o& hi(* and I tho+)ht he had a 1ore loo#
by dayli)ht-
6I do not e.en #no1*6 aid I* $ea#in) lo1 a he too# hi eat at
the table* 6by 1hat na(e to "all yo+- I ha.e )i.en o+t that yo+ are
(y +n"le-6
6That' it* dear boy< Call (e +n"le-6
6?o+ a+(ed o(e na(e* I +$$oe* on board hi$@6
6?e* dear boy- I too# the na(e o& Pro.i-6
6!o yo+ (ean to #ee$ that na(e@6
67hy* ye* dear boy* it' a )ood a another*//+nle yo+'d li#e
67hat i yo+r real na(e@6 I a#ed hi( in a 1hi$er-
6%a)1it"h*6 he an1ered* in the a(e tone9 6"hrien'd Abel-6
67hat 1ere yo+ bro+)ht +$ to be@6
6A 1ar(int* dear boy-6
;e an1ered 4+ite erio+ly* and +ed the 1ord a i& it denoted
o(e $ro&eion-
67hen yo+ "a(e into the Te($le lat ni)ht//6 aid I* $a+in) to
1onder 1hether that "o+ld really ha.e been lat ni)ht* 1hi"h ee(ed
o lon) a)o-
6?e* dear boy@6
67hen yo+ "a(e in at the )ate and a#ed the 1at"h(an the 1ay here*
had yo+ any one 1ith yo+@6
67ith (e@ No* dear boy-6
6:+t there 1a o(e one there@6
6I didn't ta#e $arti"+lar noti"e*6 he aid* d+bio+ly* 6not #no1in)
the 1ay o& the $la"e- :+t I thin# there 1a a $eron* too* "o(e in
alon)er (e-6
6Are yo+ #no1n in Condon@6
6I ho$e not<6 aid he* ) hi ne"# a Aer# 1ith hi &ore&in)er
that (ade (e t+rn hot and i"#-
67ere yo+ #no1n in Condon* on"e@6
6Not and abo.e* dear boy- I 1a in the $"e (otly-6
67ere yo+/tried//in Condon@6
67hi"h ti(e@6 aid he* 1ith a har$ loo#-
6The lat ti(e-6
;e nodded- 65irt #no1ed %r- 0a))er that 1ay- 0a))er 1a &or (e-6
It 1a on (y li$ to a# hi( 1hat he 1a tried &or* b+t he too# +$
a #ni&e* )a.e it a &lo+rih* and 1ith the 1ord* 6And 1hat I done
i 1or#ed o+t and $aid &or<6 &ell to at hi brea#&at-
;e ate in a ra.eno+ 1ay that 1a .ery dia)reeable* and all hi
a"tion 1ere +n"o+th* noiy* and )reedy- So(e o& hi teeth had
&ailed hi( in"e I a1 hi( eat on the (arhe* and a he t+rned hi
&ood in hi (o+th* and t+rned hi head ide1ay to brin) hi
tron)et &an) to bear +$on it* he loo#ed terribly li#e a h+n)ry old
do)- I& I had be)+n 1ith any a$$etite* he 1o+ld ha.e ta#en it a1ay*
and I ho+ld ha.e at (+"h a I did*//re$elled &ro( hi( by an
in+r(o+ntable a.erion* and )loo(ily loo#in) at the "loth-
6I'( a hea.y )r+bber* dear boy*6 he aid* a a $olite #ind o&
a$olo)y 1hen he (ade an end o& hi (eal* 6b+t I al1ay 1a- I& it
had been in (y "ontit+tion to be a li)hter )r+bber* I (i)ht ha'
)ot into li)hter tro+ble- Si(ilarly* I (+t ha.e (y (o#e- 7hen I
1a &irt hired o+t a he$herd t'other ide the 1orld* it' (y
belie& I ho+ld ha' t+rned into a (ollon"olly/(ad hee$ (yel&* i&
I hadn't a had (y (o#e-6
A he aid o* he )ot +$ &ro( table* and $+ttin) hi hand into the
breat o& the $ea/"oat he 1ore* bro+)ht o+t a hort bla"# $i$e* and
a hand&+l o& looe toba""o o& the #ind that i "alled Ne)ro/head-
; &illed hi $i$e* he $+t the +r$l+ toba""o ba"# a)ain* a
i& hi $o"#et 1ere a dra1er- Then* he too# a li.e "oal &ro( the
&ire 1ith the ton)* and li)hted hi $i$e at it* and then t+rned
ro+nd on the hearth/r+) 1ith hi ba"# to the &ire* and 1ent thro+)h
hi &a.orite a"tion o& holdin) o+t both hi hand &or (ine-
6And thi*6 aid he* dandlin) (y hand +$ and do1n in hi* a he
$+&&ed at hi $i$e*//6and thi i the )entle(an 1hat I (ade< The
real )en+ine One< It doe (e )ood &+r to loo# at yo+* Pi$- All I
ti$'late* i* to tand by and loo# at yo+* dear boy<6
I releaed (y hand a oon a I "o+ld* and &o+nd that I 1a
be)innin) lo1ly to ettle do1n to the "onte($lation o& (y
"ondition- 7hat I 1a "hained to* and ho1 hea.ily* be"a(e
intelli)ible to (e* a I heard hi hoare .oi"e* and at loo#in) +$
at hi &+rro1ed bald head 1ith it iron )ray hair at the ide-
6I (+tn't ee (y )entle(an a &ootin) it in the (ire o& the
treet9 there (+tn't be no (+d on hi boot- %y )entle(an (+t
ha.e hore* Pi$< ;ore to ride* and hore to dri.e* and hore
&or hi er.ant to ride and dri.e a 1ell- Shall "olonit ha.e
their hore 2and blood '+n* i& yo+ $leae* )ood Cord<3 and not (y
Condon )entle(an@ No* no- 7e'll ho1 'e( another $air o& hoe than
that* Pi$9 1on't +@6
;e too# o+t o& hi $o"#et a )reat thi"# $o"#et/boo#* b+rtin) 1ith
$a$er* and toed it on the table-
6There' o(ethin) 1orth $endin) in that there boo#* dear boy-
It' yo+rn- All I'.e )ot ain't (ine9 it' yo+rn- !on't yo+ be
a&eerd on it- There' (ore 1here that "o(e &ro(- I'.e "o(e to the
old "o+ntry &+r to ee (y )entle(an $end hi (oney li#e a
)entle(an- That'll be (y $lea+re- %y $lea+re '+ll be &+r to ee
hi( do it- And blat yo+ all<6 he 1o+nd +$* loo#in) ro+nd the roo(
and na$$in) hi &in)er on"e 1ith a lo+d na$* 6blat yo+ e.ery
one* &ro( the A+d)e in hi 1i)* to the "olonit a tirrin) +$ the
d+t* I'll ho1 a better )entle(an than the 1hole #it on yo+ $+t
6Sto$<6 aid I* al(ot in a &ren8y o& &ear and dili#e* 6I 1ant to
$ea# to yo+- I 1ant to #no1 1hat i to be done- I 1ant to #no1 ho1
yo+ are to be #e$t o+t o& dan)er* ho1 lon) yo+ are )oin) to tay*
1hat $roAe"t yo+ ha.e-6
6Coo#'ee here* Pi$*6 aid he* layin) hi hand on (y ar( in a
+ddenly altered and +bd+ed (anner9 6&irt o& all* loo#'ee here- I
&or)ot (yel& hal& a (in+te a)o- 7hat I aid 1a lo19 that' 1hat
it 1a9 lo1- Coo#'ee here* Pi$- Coo# it- I ain't a )oin) to be
65irt*6 I re+(ed* hal& )roanin)* 61hat $re"a+tion "an be ta#en
a)aint yo+r bein) re"o)ni8ed and ei8ed@6
6No* dear boy*6 he aid* in the a(e tone a be&ore* 6that don't )o
&irt- Co1ne )oe &irt- I ain't too# o (any year to (a#e a
)entle(an* not 1itho+t #no1in) 1hat' d+e to hi(- Coo#'ee here*
Pi$- I 1a lo19 that' 1hat I 1a9 lo1- Coo# it* dear boy-6
So(e ene o& the )ri(ly/l+di"ro+ (o.ed (e to a &ret&+l la+)h* a
I re$lied* 6I ha.e loo#ed it- In ;ea.en' na(e* don't har$
+$on it<6
6?e* b+t loo#'ee here*6 he $erited- 6!ear boy* I ain't "o(e o
&+r* not &+r to be lo1- No1* )o on* dear boy- ?o+ 1a a ayin)//6
6;o1 are yo+ to be )+arded &ro( the dan)er yo+ ha.e in"+rred@6
67ell* dear boy* the dan)er ain't o )reat- 7itho+t I 1a in&or(ed
a)en* the dan)er ain't o (+"h to i)ni&y- There' 0a))er* and
there' 7e((i"#* and there' yo+- 7ho ele i there to in&or(@6
6I there no "han"e $eron 1ho (i)ht identi&y yo+ in the treet@6
aid I-
67ell*6 he ret+rned* 6there ain't (any- Nor yet I don't intend to
ad.ertie (yel& in the ne1$a$er by the na(e o& A-%- "o(e ba"#
&ro( :otany :ay9 and year ha.e rolled a1ay* and 1ho' to )ain by
it@ Still* loo#'ee here* Pi$- I& the dan)er had been &i&ty ti(e a
)reat* I ho+ld ha' "o(e to ee yo+* (ind yo+* A+t the a(e-6
6And ho1 lon) do yo+ re(ain@6
6;o1 lon)@6 aid he* ta#in) hi bla"# $i$e &ro( hi (o+th* and
dro$$in) hi Aa1 a he tared at (e- 6I'( not a )oin) ba"#- I'.e
"o(e &or )ood-6
67here are yo+ to li.e@6 aid I- 67hat i to be done 1ith yo+@
7here 1ill yo+ be a&e@6
6!ear boy*6 he ret+rned* 6there' di)+iin) 1i) "an be bo+)ht &or
(oney* and there' hair $o1der* and $e"ta"le* and bla"# "lothe*//
hort and 1hat not- Other ha done it a&e a&ore* and 1hat other
ha done a&ore* other "an do a)en- A to the 1here and ho1 o&* dear boy* )i.e (e yo+r o1n o$inion on it-6
6?o+ ta#e it (oothly no1*6 aid I* 6b+t yo+ 1ere .ery erio+ lat
ni)ht* 1hen yo+ 1ore it 1a !eath-6
6And o I 1ear it i !eath*6 aid he* $+ttin) hi $i$e ba"# in hi
(o+th* 6and !eath by the ro$e* in the o$en treet not &+r &ro(
thi* and it' erio+ that yo+ ho+ld &+lly +ndertand it to be
o- 7hat then* 1hen that' on"e done@ ;ere I a(- To )o ba"# no1
'+d be a bad a to tand )ro+nd//1ore- :eide* Pi$* I'( here*
be"a+e I'.e (eant it by yo+* year and year- A to 1hat I dare*
I'( a old bird no1* a ha dared all (anner o& tra$ in"e &irt he
1a &led)ed* and I'( not a&eerd to $er"h +$on a "are"ro1- I&
there' !eath hid inide o& it* there i* and let hi( "o(e o+t* and
I'll &a"e hi(* and then I'll belie.e in hi( and not a&ore- And no1
let (e ha.e a loo# at (y )entle(an a)en-6
On"e (ore* he too# (e by both hand and +r.eyed (e 1ith an air o&
ad(irin) $ro$rietorhi$B (o#in) 1ith )reat "o($la"en"y all the
It a$$eared to (e that I "o+ld do no better than e"+re hi( o(e
4+iet lod)in) hard by* o& 1hi"h he (i)ht ta#e $oeion 1hen
;erbert ret+rnedB 1ho( I e,$e"ted in t1o or three day- That the
e"ret (+t be "on&ided to ;erbert a a (atter o& +na.oidable
ne"eity* e.en i& I "o+ld ha.e $+t the i((ene relie& I ho+ld
deri.e &ro( harin) it 1ith hi( o+t o& the 4+etion* 1a $lain to
(e- :+t it 1a by no (ean o $lain to %r- Pro.i 2I reol.ed to
"all hi( by that na(e3* 1ho reer.ed hi "onent to ;erbert'
$arti"i$ation +ntil he ho+ld ha.e een hi( and &or(ed a &a.orable
A+d)(ent o& hi $hyio)no(y- 6And e.en then* dear boy*6 aid he*
$+llin) a )reay little "la$ed bla"# Teta(ent o+t o& hi $o"#et*
61e'll ha.e hi( on hi oath-6
To tate that (y terrible $atron "arried thi little bla"# boo#
abo+t the 1orld olely to 1ear $eo$le on in "ae o& e(er)en"y*
1o+ld be to tate 1hat I 4+ite etablihed9 b+t thi I "an
ay* that I #ne1 hi( $+t it to any other +e- The boo# itel&
had the a$$earan"e o& been tolen &ro( o(e "o+rt o&
A+ti"e* and $erha$ hi #no1led)e o& it ante"edent* "o(bined
1ith hi o1n e,$erien"e in that 1ie* )a.e hi( a relian"e on it
$o1er a a ort o& le)al $ell or "har(- On thi &irt o""aion o&
hi $rod+"in) it* I re"alled ho1 he had (ade (e 1ear &idelity in
the "h+r"hyard lon) a)o* and ho1 he had de"ribed hi(el& lat
ni)ht a al1ay 1earin) to hi reol+tion in hi olit+de-
A he 1a at $reent dreed in a ea&arin) lo$ +it* in 1hi"h he
loo#ed a i& he had o(e $arrot and "i)ar to di$oe o&* I ne,t
di"+ed 1ith hi( 1hat dre he ho+ld 1ear- ;e "herihed an
e,traordinary belie& in the .irt+e o& 6hort6 a a di)+ie* and
had in hi o1n (ind #et"hed a dre &or hi(el& that 1o+ld ha.e
(ade hi( o(ethin) bet1een a dean and a dentit- It 1a 1ith
"oniderable di&&i"+lty that I 1on hi( to the a+($tion o& a
dre (ore li#e a $ro$ero+ &ar(er'9 and 1e arran)ed that he
ho+ld "+t hi hair "loe* and 1ear a little $o1der- Catly* a he
had not yet been een by the la+ndre or her nie"e* he 1a to #ee$
hi(el& o+t o& their .ie1 +ntil hi "han)e o& dre 1a (ade-
It 1o+ld ee( a i($le (atter to de"ide on thee $re"a+tion9 b+t
in (y da8ed* not to ay ditra"ted* tate* it too# o lon)* that I
did not )et o+t to &+rther the( +ntil t1o or three in the
a&ternoon- ;e 1a to re(ain h+t +$ in the "ha(ber 1hile I 1a
)one* and 1a on no a""o+nt to o$en the door-
There bein) to (y #no1led)e a re$e"table lod)in)/ho+e in
Ee, Street* the ba"# o& 1hi"h loo#ed into the Te($le* and 1a
al(ot 1ithin hail o& (y 1indo1* I &irt o& all re$aired to that
ho+e* and 1a o &ort+nate a to e"+re the e"ond &loor &or (y
+n"le* %r- Pro.i- I then 1ent &ro( ho$ to ho$* (a#in) +"h
$+r"hae a 1ere ne"eary to the "han)e in hi a$$earan"e- Thi
b+ine trana"ted* I t+rned (y &a"e* on (y o1n a""o+nt* to Cittle
:ritain- %r- 0a))er 1a at hi de#* b+t* eein) (e enter* )ot +$
i((ediately and tood be&ore hi &ire-
6No1* Pi$*6 aid he* 6be "are&+l-6
6I 1ill* ir*6 I ret+rned- 5or* "o(in) alon) I had tho+)ht 1ell o&
1hat I 1a )oin) to ay-
6!on't "o((it yo+rel&*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6and don't "o((it any
one- ?o+ +ndertand//any one- !on't tell (e anythin)B I don't 1ant
to #no1 anythin)9 I a( not "+rio+-6
O& "o+re I a1 that he #ne1 the (an 1a "o(e-
6I (erely 1ant* %r- 0a))er*6 aid I* 6to a+re (yel& that 1hat I
ha.e been told i tr+e- I ha.e no ho$e o& it bein) +ntr+e* b+t at
leat I (ay .eri&y it-6
%r- 0a))er nodded- 6:+t did yo+ ay 'told' or 'in&or(ed'@6 he a#ed
(e* 1ith hi head on one ide* and not loo#in) at (e* b+t loo#in)
in a litenin) 1ay at the &loor- 6Told 1o+ld ee( to i($ly .erbal
"o((+ni"ation- ?o+ "an't ha.e .erbal "o((+ni"ation 1ith a (an in
Ne1 So+th 7ale* yo+ #no1-6
6I 1ill ay* in&or(ed* %r- 0a))er-6
6I ha.e been in&or(ed by a $eron na(ed Abel %a)1it"h* that he i
the bene&a"tor o lon) +n#no1n to (e-6
6That i the (an*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6in Ne1 So+th 7ale-6
6And only he@6 aid I-
6And only he*6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6I a( not o +nreaonable* ir* a to thin# yo+ at all re$onible
&or (y (ita#e and 1ron) "on"l+ion9 b+t I al1ay +$$oed it 1a
%i ;a.iha(-6
6A yo+ ay* Pi$*6 ret+rned %r- 0a))er* t+rnin) hi eye +$on (e
"oolly* and ta#in) a bite at hi &ore&in)er* 6I a( not at all
re$onible &or that-6
6And yet it loo#ed o li#e it* ir*6 I $leaded 1ith a do1n"at
6Not a $arti"le o& e.iden"e* Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* ha#in) hi
head and )atherin) +$ hi #irt- 6Ta#e nothin) on it loo#9 ta#e
e.erythin) on e.iden"e- There' no better r+le-6
6I ha.e no (ore to ay*6 aid I* 1ith a i)h* a&ter tandin) ilent
&or a little 1hile- 6I ha.e .eri&ied (y in&or(ation* and there' an
6And %a)1it"h//in Ne1 So+th 7ale// at lat di"loed
hi(el&*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6yo+ 1ill "o($rehend* Pi$* ho1 ri)idly
thro+)ho+t (y "o((+ni"ation 1ith yo+* I ha.e al1ay adhered to the
tri"t line o& &a"t- There ha been the leat de$art+re &ro(
the tri"t line o& &a"t- ?o+ are 4+ite a1are o& that@6
6>+ite* ir-6
6I "o((+ni"ated to %a)1it"h//in Ne1 So+th 7ale//1hen he &irt
1rote to (e//&ro( Ne1 So+th 7ale//the "a+tion that he (+t not
e,$e"t (e to de.iate &ro( the tri"t line o& &a"t- I alo
"o((+ni"ated to hi( another "a+tion- ;e a$$eared to (e to ha.e
ob"+rely hinted in hi letter at o(e ditant idea he had o&
eein) yo+ in En)land here- I "a+tioned hi( that I (+t hear no
(ore o& that9 that he 1a not at all li#ely to obtain a $ardon9
that he 1a e,$atriated &or the ter( o& hi nat+ral li&e9 and that
hi $reentin) hi(el& in thi "o+ntry 1o+ld be an a"t o& &elony*
renderin) hi( liable to the e,tre(e $enalty o& the la1- I )a.e
%a)1it"h that "a+tion*6 aid %r- 0a))er* loo#in) hard at (e9 6I
1rote it to Ne1 So+th 7ale- ;e )+ided hi(el& by it* no do+bt-6
6No do+bt*6 aid I-
6I ha.e been in&or(ed by 7e((i"#*6 $+r+ed %r- 0a))er* till
loo#in) hard at (e* 6that he ha re"ei.ed a letter* +nder date
Port(o+th* &ro( a "olonit o& the na(e o& P+r.i* or//6
6Or Pro.i*6 I +))eted-
6Or Pro.i//than# yo+* Pi$- Perha$ it i Pro.i@ Perha$ yo+ #no1
it' Pro.i@6
6?e*6 aid I-
6?o+ #no1 it' Pro.i- A letter* +nder date Port(o+th* &ro( a
"olonit o& the na(e o& Pro.i* a#in) &or the $arti"+lar o& yo+r
addre* on behal& o& %a)1it"h- 7e((i"# ent hi( the $arti"+lar* I
+ndertand* by ret+rn o& $ot- Probably it i thro+)h Pro.i that
yo+ ha.e re"ei.ed the e,$lanation o& %a)1it"h//in Ne1 So+th
6It "a(e thro+)h Pro.i*6 I re$lied-
6Good day* Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* o&&erin) hi hand9 6)lad to ha.e
een yo+- In 1ritin) by $ot to %a)1it"h//in Ne1 So+th 7ale//or
in "o((+ni"atin) 1ith hi( thro+)h Pro.i* ha.e the )oodne to
(ention that the $arti"+lar and .o+"her o& o+r lon) a""o+nt hall
be ent to yo+* to)ether 1ith the balan"e9 &or there i till a
balan"e re(ainin)- Good day* Pi$<6
7e hoo# hand* and he loo#ed hard at (e a lon) a he "o+ld ee
(e- I t+rned at the door* and he 1a till loo#in) hard at (e*
1hile the t1o .ile "at on the hel& ee(ed to be tryin) to )et
their eyelid o$en* and to &or"e o+t o& their 1ollen throat* 6O*
1hat a (an he i<6
7e((i"# 1a o+t* and tho+)h he had been at hi de# he "o+ld ha.e
done nothin) &or (e- I 1ent trai)ht ba"# to the Te($le* 1here I
&o+nd the terrible Pro.i drin#in) r+( and 1ater and (o#in)
ne)ro/head* in a&ety-
Ne,t day the "lothe I had ordered all "a(e ho(e* and he $+t the(
on- he $+t on* be"a(e hi( le 2it di(ally ee(ed to (e3
than 1hat he had 1orn be&ore- To (y thin#in)* there 1a o(ethin)
in hi( that (ade it ho$ele to atte($t to di)+ie hi(- The (ore I
dreed hi( and the better I dreed hi(* the (ore he loo#ed li#e
the lo+"hin) &+)iti.e on the (arhe- Thi e&&e"t on (y an,io+
&an"y 1a $artly re&erable* no do+bt* to hi old &a"e and (anner
)ro1in) (ore &a(iliar to (e9 b+t I belie.e too that he dra))ed one
o& hi le) a i& there 1ere till a 1ei)ht o& iron on it* and that
&ro( head to &oot there 1a Con.i"t in the .ery )rain o& the (an-
The in&l+en"e o& hi olitary h+t/li&e 1ere +$on hi( beide* and
)a.e hi( a a.a)e air that no dre "o+ld ta(e9 added to thee
1ere the in&l+en"e o& hi +be4+ent branded li&e a(on) (en* and*
"ro1nin) all* hi "on"io+ne that he 1a dod)in) and hidin) no1-
In all hi 1ay o& ittin) and tandin)* and eatin) and drin#in)*//
o& broodin) abo+t in a hi)h/ho+ldered rel+"tant tyle*//o& ta#in)
o+t hi )reat horn/handled Aa"##ni&e and 1i$in) it on hi le) and
"+ttin) hi &ood*//o& li&tin) li)ht )lae and "+$ to hi li$*
a i& they 1ere "l+(y $anni#in*//o& "ho$$in) a 1ed)e o&& hi
bread* and oa#in) +$ 1ith it the lat &ra)(ent o& )ra.y ro+nd and
ro+nd hi $late* a i& to (a#e the (ot o& an allo1an"e* and then
dryin) hi &in)er/end on it* and then 1allo1in) it*//in thee
1ay and a tho+and other (all na(ele intan"e ariin) e.ery
(in+te in the day* there 1a Prioner* 5elon* :ond(an* $lain a
$lain "o+ld be-
It had been hi o1n idea to 1ear that to+"h o& $o1der* and I had
"on"eded the $o1der a&ter"o(in) the hort- :+t I "an "o($are
the e&&e"t o& it* 1hen on* to nothin) b+t the $robable e&&e"t o&
ro+)e +$on the dead9 o a1&+l 1a the (anner in 1hi"h e.erythin) in
hi( that it 1a (ot deirable to re$re* tarted thro+)h that
thin layer o& $reten"e* and ee(ed to "o(e bla8in) o+t at the "ro1n
o& hi head- It 1a abandoned a oon a tried* and he 1ore hi
)ri88led hair "+t hort-
7ord "annot tell 1hat a ene I had* at the a(e ti(e* o& the
dread&+l (ytery that he 1a to (e- 7hen he &ell alee$ o& an
e.enin)* 1ith hi #notted hand "len"hin) the ide o& the
eay/"hair* and hi bald head tattooed 1ith dee$ 1rin#le &allin)
&or1ard on hi breat* I 1o+ld it and loo# at hi(* 1onderin) 1hat
he had done* and loadin) hi( 1ith all the "ri(e in the Calendar*
+ntil the i($+le 1a $o1er&+l on (e to tart +$ and &ly &ro( hi(-
E.ery ho+r o in"reaed (y abhorren"e o& hi(* that I e.en thin# I
(i)ht ha.e yielded to thi i($+le in the &irt a)onie o& bein) o
ha+nted* not1ithtandin) all he had done &or (e and the ri# he
ran* b+t &or the #no1led)e that ;erbert (+t oon "o(e ba"#- On"e*
I a"t+ally did tart o+t o& bed in the ni)ht* and be)in to dre
(yel& in (y 1ort "lothe* h+rriedly intendin) to lea.e hi( there
1ith e.erythin) ele I $oeed* and enlit &or India a a $ri.ate
I do+bt i& a )hot "o+ld ha.e been (ore terrible to (e* +$ in thoe
lonely roo( in the lon) e.enin) and lon) ni)ht* 1ith the 1ind
and the rain al1ay r+hin) by- A )hot "o+ld not ha.e been ta#en
and han)ed on (y a""o+nt* and the "onideration that he "o+ld be*
and the dread that he 1o+ld be* 1ere no (all addition to (y
horror- 7hen he 1a not alee$* or $layin) a "o($li"ated #ind o&
Patien"e 1ith a ra))ed $a"# o& "ard o& hi o1n*//a )a(e that I a1 be&ore or in"e* and in 1hi"h he re"orded hi 1innin) by
ti"#in) hi Aa"##ni&e into the table*//1hen he 1a not en)a)ed in
either o& thee $+r+it* he 1o+ld a# (e to read to hi(*//65orei)n
lan)+a)e* dear boy<6 7hile I "o($lied* he* not "o($rehendin) a
in)le 1ord* 1o+ld tand be&ore the &ire +r.eyin) (e 1ith the air
o& an E,hibitor* and I 1o+ld ee hi(* bet1een the &in)er o& the
hand 1ith 1hi"h I haded (y &a"e* a$$ealin) in d+(b ho1 to the
&+rnit+re to ta#e noti"e o& (y $ro&i"ien"y- The i(a)inary t+dent
$+r+ed by the (iha$en "reat+re he had i($io+ly (ade* 1a not
(ore 1ret"hed than I* $+r+ed by the "reat+re 1ho had (ade (e* and
re"oilin) &ro( hi( 1ith a tron)er re$+lion* the (ore he ad(ired
(e and the &onder he 1a o& (e-
Thi i 1ritten o&* I a( enible* a i& it had lated a year- It
lated abo+t &i.e day- E,$e"tin) ;erbert all the ti(e* I dared not
)o o+t* e,"e$t 1hen I too# Pro.i &or an airin) a&ter dar#- At
len)th* one e.enin) 1hen dinner 1a and I had dro$$ed into a
l+(ber 4+ite 1orn o+t*//&or (y ni)ht had been a)itated and (y
ret bro#en by &ear&+l drea(*//I 1a ro+ed by the 1el"o(e
&ootte$ on the tair"ae- Pro.i* 1ho had been alee$ too*
ta))ered +$ at the noie I (ade* and in an intant I a1 hi
Aa"##ni&e hinin) in hi hand-
6>+iet< It' ;erbert<6 I aid9 and ;erbert "a(e b+rtin) in* 1ith
the airy &rehne o& i, h+ndred (ile o& 5ran"e +$on hi(-
6;andel* (y dear &ello1* ho1 are yo+* and a)ain ho1 are yo+* and
a)ain ho1 are yo+@ I ee( to ha.e been )one a t1el.e(onth< 7hy* o I
(+t ha.e been* &or yo+ ha.e )ro1n 4+ite thin and $ale< ;andel* (y//
;alloa< I be) yo+r $ardon-6
;e 1a to$$ed in hi r+nnin) on and in hi ha#in) hand 1ith (e*
by eein) Pro.i- Pro.i* re)ardin) hi( 1ith a &i,ed attention* 1a
lo1ly $+ttin) +$ hi Aa"##ni&e* and )ro$in) in another $o"#et &or
o(ethin) ele-
6;erbert* (y dear &riend*6 aid I* h+ttin) the do+ble door* 1hile
;erbert tood tarin) and 1onderin)* 6o(ethin) .ery tran)e ha
ha$$ened- Thi i//a .iitor o& (ine-6
6It' all ri)ht* dear boy<6 aid Pro.i "o(in) &or1ard* 1ith hi
little "la$ed bla"# boo#* and then addrein) hi(el& to ;erbert-
6Ta#e it in yo+r ri)ht hand- Cord tri#e yo+ dead on the $ot* i& yo+ $lit in any 1ay +(< =i it<6
6!o o* a he 1ihe it*6 I aid to ;erbert- So* ;erbert* loo#in)
at (e 1ith a &riendly +neaine and a(a8e(ent* "o($lied* and
Pro.i i((ediately ha#in) hand 1ith hi(* aid* 6No1 yo+'re on
yo+r oath* yo+ #no1- And belie.e (e on (ine* i& Pi$ han't
(a#e a )entle(an on yo+<6
Cha$ter XCI
In .ain ho+ld I atte($t to de"ribe the atonih(ent and di4+iet
o& ;erbert* 1hen he and I and Pro.i at do1n be&ore the &ire* and
I re"o+nted the 1hole o& the e"ret- Eno+)h* that I a1 (y o1n
&eelin) re&le"ted in ;erbert' &a"e* and not leat a(on) the(* (y
re$+)nan"e to1ard the (an 1ho had done o (+"h &or (e-
7hat 1o+ld alone ha.e et a di.iion bet1een that (an and +* i&
there had been no other di.idin) "ir"+(tan"e* 1a hi tri+($h in
(y tory- hi tro+bleo(e ene o& been 6lo1' on one
o""aion in"e hi ret+rn*//on 1hi"h $oint he be)an to hold &orth
to ;erbert* the (o(ent (y re.elation 1a &inihed*//he had no
$er"e$tion o& the $oibility o& (y &indin) any &a+lt 1ith (y )ood
&ort+ne- ;i boat that he had (ade (e a )entle(an* and that he had
"o(e to ee (e +$$ort the "hara"ter on hi a($le reo+r"e* 1a
(ade &or (e 4+ite a (+"h a &or hi(el&- And that it 1a a hi)hly
a)reeable boat to both o& +* and that 1e (+t both be .ery $ro+d
o& it* 1a a "on"l+ion 4+ite etablihed in hi o1n (ind-
6Tho+)h* loo#'ee here* Pi$' "o(rade*6 he aid to ;erbert* a&ter di"o+red &or o(e ti(e* 6I #no1 .ery 1ell that on"e in"e
I "o(e ba"#//&or hal& a (in+te//I'.e been lo1- I aid to Pi$* I
#no1ed a I had been lo1- :+t don't yo+ &ret yo+rel& on that
"ore- I ain't (ade Pi$ a )entle(an* and Pi$ ain't a )oin) to (a#e
yo+ a )entle(an* not &+r (e not to #no1 1hat' d+e to ye both- !ear
boy* and Pi$' "o(rade* yo+ t1o (ay "o+nt +$on (e al1ay a
)en/teel (+88le on- %+88led I ha.e been in"e that hal& a (in+te
1hen I 1a betrayed into lo1ne* (+88led I a( at the $reent ti(e*
(+88led I 1ill be-6
;erbert aid* 6Certainly*6 b+t loo#ed a i& there 1ere no $e"i&i"
"onolation in thi* and re(ained $er$le,ed and di(ayed- 7e 1ere
an,io+ &or the ti(e 1hen he 1o+ld )o to hi lod)in) and lea.e +
to)ether* b+t he 1a e.idently Aealo+ o& + to)ether* and
at late- It 1a (idni)ht be&ore I too# hi( ro+nd to Ee, Street*
and a1 hi( a&ely in at hi o1n dar# door- 7hen it "loed +$on
hi(* I e,$erien"ed the &irt (o(ent o& relie& I had #no1n in"e the
ni)ht o& hi 4+ite &ree &ro( an +neay re(e(bran"e o& the (an on the
tair* I had al1ay loo#ed abo+t (e in ta#in) (y )+et o+t a&ter
dar#* and in brin)in) hi( ba"#9 and I loo#ed abo+t (e no1-
!i&&i"+lt a it i in a lar)e "ity to a.oid the +$i"ion o& bein)
1at"hed* 1hen the (ind i "on"io+ o& dan)er in that re)ard* I
"o+ld not $er+ade (yel& that any o& the $eo$le 1ithin i)ht "ared
abo+t (y (o.e(ent- The &e1 1ho 1ere $ain) $aed on their
e.eral 1ay* and the treet 1a e($ty 1hen I t+rned ba"# into the
Te($le- Nobody had "o(e o+t at the )ate 1ith +* nobody 1ent in at
the )ate 1ith (e- A I "roed by the &o+ntain* I a1 hi li)hted
ba"# 1indo1 loo#in) bri)ht and 4+iet* and* 1hen I tood &or a &e1
(o(ent in the door1ay o& the b+ildin) 1here I li.ed* be&ore )oin)
+$ the tair* Garden Co+rt 1a a till and li&ele a the
tair"ae 1a 1hen I a"ended it-
;erbert re"ei.ed (e 1ith o$en ar(* and I had &elt be&ore o
bleedly 1hat it i to ha.e a &riend- 7hen he had $o#en o(e
o+nd 1ord o& y($athy and en"o+ra)e(ent* 1e at do1n to "onider
the 4+etion* 7hat 1a to be done@
The "hair that Pro.i had o""+$ied till re(ainin) 1here it had
Stood*//&or he had a barra"# 1ay 1ith hi( o& han)in) abo+t one
$ot* in one +nettled (anner* and )oin) thro+)h one ro+nd o&"e 1ith hi $i$e and hi ne)ro/head and hi Aa"##ni&e and
hi $a"# o& "ard* and 1hat not* a i& it 1ere all $+t do1n &or hi(
on a late*//I ay hi "hair re(ainin) 1here it had tood* ;erbert
+n"on"io+ly too# it* b+t ne,t (o(ent tarted o+t o& it* $+hed it
a1ay* and too# another- ;e had no o""aion to ay a&ter that that
he had "on"ei.ed an a.erion &or (y $atron* neither had I o""aion
to "on&e (y o1n- 7e inter"han)ed that "on&iden"e 1itho+t ha$in)
a yllable-
67hat*6 aid I to ;erbert* 1hen he 1a a&e in another "hair*//61hat
i to be done@6
6%y $oor dear ;andel*6 he re$lied* holdin) hi head* 6I a( too
t+nned to thin#-6
6So 1a I* ;erbert* 1hen the blo1 &irt &ell- Still* o(ethin) (+t
be done- ;e i intent +$on .ario+ ne1 e,$ene*//hore* and
"arria)e* and la.ih a$$earan"e o& all #ind- ;e (+t be to$$ed
6?o+ (ean that yo+ "an't a""e$t//6
6;o1 "an I@6 I inter$oed* a ;erbert $a+ed- 6Thin# o& hi(< Coo# at
An in.ol+ntary h+dder $aed both o& +-
6?et I a( a&raid the dread&+l tr+th i* ;erbert* that he i
atta"hed to (e* tron)ly atta"hed to (e- 7a there +"h a
6%y $oor dear ;andel*6 ;erbert re$eated-
6Then*6 aid I* 6a&ter all* to$$in) hort here* ta#in)
another $enny &ro( hi(* thin# 1hat I o1e hi( already< Then a)ainB I
a( hea.ily in debt*//.ery hea.ily &or (e* 1ho ha.e no1 no
e,$e"tation*//and I ha.e been bred to no "allin)* and I a( &it &or
67ell* 1ell* 1ell<6 ;erbert re(ontrated- 6!on't ay &it &or
67hat a( I &it &or@ I #no1 only one thin) that I a( &it &or* and
that i* to )o &or a oldier- And I (i)ht ha.e )one* (y dear
;erbert* b+t &or the $ro$e"t o& ta#in) "o+nel 1ith yo+r
&riendhi$ and a&&e"tion-6
O& "o+re I bro#e do1n thereB and o& "o+re ;erbert* beyond ei8in)
a 1ar( )ri$ o& (y hand* $retended not to #no1 it-
6Anyho1* (y dear ;andel*6 aid he $reently* 6oldierin) 1on't do-
I& yo+ 1ere to reno+n"e thi $atrona)e and thee &a.or* I +$$oe
yo+ 1o+ld do o 1ith o(e &aint ho$e o& one day re$ayin) 1hat yo+
ha.e already had- Not .ery tron)* that ho$e* i& yo+ 1ent
oldierin)< :eide* it' ab+rd- ?o+ 1o+ld be in&initely better in
Clarri#er' ho+e* (all a it i- I a( 1or#in) +$ to1ard a
$artnerhi$* yo+ #no1-6
Poor &ello1< ;e little +$e"ted 1ith 1hoe (oney-
6:+t there i another 4+etion*6 aid ;erbert- 6Thi i an i)norant*
deter(ined (an* 1ho ha lon) had one &i,ed idea- %ore than that* he
ee( to (e 2I (ay (iA+d)e hi(3 to be a (an o& a de$erate and
&ier"e "hara"ter-6
6I #no1 he i*6 I ret+rned- 6Cet (e tell yo+ 1hat e.iden"e I ha.e
een o& it-6 And I told hi( 1hat I had not (entioned in (y
narrati.e* o& that en"o+nter 1ith the other "on.i"t-
6See* then*6 aid ;erbert9 6thin# o& thi< ;e "o(e here at the
$eril o& hi li&e* &or the reali8ation o& hi &i,ed idea- In the
(o(ent o& reali8ation* a&ter all hi toil and 1aitin)* yo+ "+t the
)ro+nd &ro( +nder hi &eet* detroy hi idea* and (a#e hi )ain
1orthle to hi(- !o yo+ ee nothin) that he (i)ht do* +nder the
6I ha.e een it* ;erbert* and drea(ed o& it* in"e the &atal
ni)ht o& hi Nothin) ha been in (y tho+)ht o
ditin"tly a hi $+ttin) hi(el& in the 1ay o& bein) ta#en-6
6Then yo+ (ay rely +$on it*6 aid ;erbert* 6that there 1o+ld be
)reat dan)er o& hi doin) it- That i hi $o1er yo+ a lon) a
he re(ain in En)land* and that 1o+ld be hi re"#le "o+re i& yo+
&oroo# hi(-6
I 1a o tr+"# by the horror o& thi idea* 1hi"h had 1ei)hed +$on
(e &ro( the &irt* and the 1or#in) o+t o& 1hi"h 1o+ld (a#e (e
re)ard (yel&* in o(e ort* a hi (+rderer* that I "o+ld not ret
in (y "hair* b+t be)an $a"in) to and &ro- I aid to ;erbert*
(ean1hile* that e.en i& Pro.i 1ere re"o)ni8ed and ta#en* in $ite
o& hi(el&* I ho+ld be 1ret"hed a the "a+e* inno"ently-
?e9 e.en tho+)h I 1a o 1ret"hed in hi( at lar)e and near
(e* and e.en tho+)h I 1o+ld &ar rather ha.e 1or#ed at the &or)e
all the day o& (y li&e than I 1o+ld ha.e "o(e to thi<
:+t there 1a no o&& the 4+etion* 7hat 1a to be done@
6The &irt and the (ain thin) to be done*6 aid ;erbert* 6i to )et
hi( o+t o& En)land- ?o+ 1ill ha.e to )o 1ith hi(* and then he (ay
be ind+"ed to )o-6
6:+t )et hi( 1here I 1ill* "o+ld I $re.ent hi "o(in) ba"#@6
6%y )ood ;andel* i it not that 1ith Ne1)ate in the ne,t
treet* there (+t be &ar )reater ha8ard in yo+r brea#in) yo+r (ind
to hi( and (a#in) hi( re"#le* here* than ele1here- I& a $rete,t
to )et hi( a1ay "o+ld be (ade o+t o& that other "on.i"t* or o+t o&
anythin) ele in hi li&e* no1-6
6There* a)ain<6 aid I* to$$in) be&ore ;erbert* 1ith (y o$en hand
held o+t* a i& they "ontained the de$eration o& the "ae- 6I #no1
nothin) o& hi li&e- It ha al(ot (ade (e (ad to it here o& a
ni)ht and ee hi( be&ore (e* o bo+nd +$ 1ith (y &ort+ne and
(i&ort+ne* and yet o +n#no1n to (e* e,"e$t a the (ierable
1ret"h 1ho terri&ied (e t1o day in (y "hildhood<6
;erbert )ot +$* and lin#ed hi ar( in (ine* and 1e lo1ly 1al#ed to
and &ro to)ether* t+dyin) the "ar$et-
6;andel*6 aid ;erbert* to$$in)* 6yo+ &eel ""ed that yo+ "an
ta#e no &+rther bene&it &ro( hi(9 do yo+@6
65+lly- S+rely yo+ 1o+ld* too* i& yo+ 1ere in (y $la"e@6
6And yo+ &eel ""ed that yo+ (+t brea# 1ith hi(@6
6;erbert* "an yo+ a# (e@6
6And yo+ ha.e* and are bo+nd to ha.e* that tenderne &or the li&e
he ha ri#ed on yo+r a""o+nt* that yo+ (+t a.e hi(* i& $oible*
&ro( thro1in) it a1ay- Then yo+ (+t )et hi( o+t o& En)land be&ore
yo+ tir a &in)er to e,tri"ate yo+rel&- That done* e,tri"ate
yo+rel&* in ;ea.en' na(e* and 1e'll ee it o+t to)ether* dear old
It 1a a "o(&ort to ha#e hand +$on it* and 1al# +$ and do1n
a)ain* 1ith only that done-
6No1* ;erbert*6 aid I* 61ith re&eren"e to )ainin) o(e #no1led)e
o& hi hitory- There i b+t one 1ay that I #no1 o&- I (+t a# hi(
$oint blan#-6
6?e- A# hi(*6 aid ;erbert* 61hen 1e it at brea#&at in the
(ornin)-6 5or he had aid* on ta#in) lea.e o& ;erbert* that he
1o+ld "o(e to brea#&at 1ith +-
7ith thi $roAe"t &or(ed* 1e 1ent to bed- I had the 1ildet drea(
"on"ernin) hi(* and 1o#e +nre&rehed9 I 1o#e* too* to re" the
&ear 1hi"h I had lot in the ni)ht* o& hi bein) &o+nd o+t a a
ret+rned tran$ort- 7a#in)* I lot that &ear-
;e "a(e ro+nd at the a$$ointed ti(e* too# o+t hi Aa"##ni&e* and
at do1n to hi (eal- ;e 1a &+ll o& $lan 6&or hi )entle(an'
"o(in) o+t tron)* and li#e a )entle(an*6 and +r)ed (e to be)in
$eedily +$on the $o"#et/boo# 1hi"h he had le&t in (y $oeion-
;e "onidered the "ha(ber and hi o1n lod)in) a te($orary
reiden"e* and ad.ied (e to loo# o+t at on"e &or a 6&ahionable
"rib6 near ;yde Par#* in 1hi"h he "o+ld ha.e 6a ha#e/do1n-6 7hen
he had (ade an end o& hi brea#&at* and 1a 1i$in) hi #ni&e on
hi le)* I aid to hi(* 1itho+t a 1ord o& $re&a"e*//
6A&ter yo+ 1ere )one lat ni)ht* I told (y &riend o& the tr+))le
that the oldier &o+nd yo+ en)a)ed in on the (arhe* 1hen 1e "a(e
+$- ?o+ re(e(ber@6
6Re(e(ber<6 aid he- 6I thin# o<6
67e 1ant to #no1 o(ethin) abo+t that (an//and abo+t yo+- It i
tran)e to #no1 no (ore abo+t either* and $arti"+larly yo+* than I
1a able to tell lat ni)ht- I not thi a )ood a ti(e a another
&or o+r #no1in) (ore@6
67ell<6 he aid* a&ter "onideration- 6?o+'re on yo+r oath* yo+
#no1* Pi$' "o(rade@6
6A+redly*6 re$lied ;erbert-
6A to anythin) I ay* yo+ #no1*6 he inited- 6The oath a$$lie to
6I +ndertand it to do o-6
6And loo#'ee here< I done i 1or#ed o+t and $aid &or*6 he
inited a)ain-
6So be it-6
;e too# o+t hi bla"# $i$e and 1a )oin) to &ill it 1ith ne)ro/head*
1hen* loo#in) at the tan)le o& toba""o in hi hand* he ee(ed to
thin# it (i)ht $er$le, the thread o& hi narrati.e- ;e $+t it ba"#
a)ain* t+"# hi $i$e in a b+tton/hole o& hi "oat* $read a hand
on ea"h #nee* and a&ter t+rnin) an an)ry eye on the &ire &or a &e1
ilent (o(ent* loo#ed ro+nd at + and aid 1hat &ollo1-
Cha$ter XCII
6!ear boy and Pi$' "o(rade- I a( not a )oin) &+r to tell yo+ (y
li&e li#e a on)* or a tory/boo#- :+t to )i.e it yo+ hort and
handy* I'll $+t it at on"e into a (o+th&+l o& En)lih- In Aail and
o+t o& Aail* in Aail and o+t o& Aail* in Aail and o+t o& Aail-
There* yo+'.e )ot it- That' (y li&e $retty (+"h* do1n to +"h ti(e
a I )ot hi$$ed o&&* arter Pi$ tood (y &riend-
6I'.e been done e.erythin) to* $retty 1ell//e,"e$t han)ed- I'.e
been lo"#ed +$ a (+"h a a tea/#ittle- I'.e been "arted
here and "arted there* and $+t o+t o& thi to1n* and $+t o+t o& that
to1n* and t+"# in the to"#* and 1hi$$ed and 1orried and dro.e-
I'.e no (ore notion 1here I 1a born than yo+ ha.e//i& o (+"h- I
&irt be"o(e a1are o& (yel& do1n in Ee,* a t+rni$ &or
(y S+((+n had r+n a1ay &ro( (e//a (an//a tin#er//and
he'd too# the &ire 1ith hi(* and le&t (e 1ery "old-
6I #no1'd (y na(e to be %a)1it"h* "hrien'd Abel- ;o1 did I #no1
it@ %+"h a I #no1'd the bird' na(e in the hed)e to be
"ha&&in"h* $arrer* thr+h- I (i)ht ha.e tho+)ht it 1a all lie
to)ether* only a the bird' na(e "o(e o+t tr+e* I +$$oed (ine
6So &+r a I "o+ld &ind* there 1arn't a o+l that ee yo+n) Abel
%a)1it"h* 1ith + little on hi( a in hi(* b+t 1ot "a+)ht &ri)ht at
hi(* and either dro.e hi( o&&* or too# hi( +$- I 1a too# +$* too#
+$* too# +$* to that e,tent that I re)'larly )ro1'd +$ too# +$-
6Thi i the 1ay it 1a* that 1hen I 1a a ra))ed little "reet+r a
(+"h to be $itied a I ee 2not that I loo#ed in the )la*
&or there 1arn't (any inide o& &+rnihed ho+e #no1n to (e3* I
)ot the na(e o& bein) hardened- 6Thi i a terrible hardened one*6
they ay to $rion 1iitor* $i"#in) o+t (e- 6%ay be aid to li.e
in Aail* thi boy- 6Then they loo#ed at (e* and I loo#ed at the(*
and they (ea+red (y head* o(e on 'e(*//they had better a (ea+red
(y to(a"h*//and other on 'e( )i. (e tra"t 1hat I "o+ldn't read*
and (ade (e $ee"he 1hat I "o+ldn't +ndertand- They al1ay 1ent
on a)en (e abo+t the ! :+t 1hat the ! 1a I to do@ I (+t
$+t o(ethin) into (y to(a"h* (+tn't I@//;o1o(* I'( a
)ettin) lo1* and I #no1 1hat' d+e- !ear boy and Pi$' "o(rade*
don't yo+ be a&eerd o& (e bein) lo1-
6Tra($in)* be))in)** 1or#in) o(eti(e 1hen I "o+ld*//
tho+)h that 1arn't a o&ten a yo+ (ay thin#* till yo+ $+t the
4+etion 1hether yo+ 1o+ld ha' been to )i.e (e 1or#
yo+rel.e*//a bit o& a $oa"her* a bit o& a laborer* a bit o& a
1a)oner* a bit o& a hay(a#er* a bit o& a ha1#er* a bit o& (ot
thin) that don't $ay and lead to tro+ble* I )ot to be a (an- A
deertin) oldier in a Tra.eller' Ret* 1hat lay hid +$ to the
"hin +nder a lot o& tat+r* learnt (e to read9 and a tra.ellin)
Giant 1hat i)ned hi na(e at a $enny a ti(e learnt (e to 1rite- I
1arn't lo"#ed +$ a o&ten no1 a &or(erly* b+t I 1ore o+t (y )ood
hare o& #ey/(etal till-
6At E$o( ra"e* a (atter o& t1enty year a)o* I )ot
a"4+ainted 1i' a (an 1hoe #+ll I'd "ra"# 1i' thi $o#er* li#e the
"la1 o& a lobter* i& I'd )ot it on thi hob- ;i ri)ht na(e 1a
Co($eyon9 and that' the (an* dear boy* 1hat yo+ ee (e a $o+ndin)
in the dit"h* a""ordin) to 1hat yo+ tr+ly told yo+r "o(rade arter I
1a )one lat ni)ht-
6;e et +$ &+r a )entle(an* thi Co($eyon* and he'd been to a
$+bli" boardin)/"hool and had learnin)- ;e 1a a (ooth one to
tal#* and 1a a dab at the 1ay o& )entle&ol#- ;e 1a
)ood/loo#in) too- It 1a the ni)ht a&ore the )reat ra"e* 1hen I
&o+nd hi( on the heath* in a booth that I #no1'd on- ;i( and o(e
(ore 1a a ittin) a(on) the table 1hen I 1ent in* and the
landlord 21hi"h had a #no1led)e o& (e* and 1a a $ortin) one3
"alled hi( o+t* and aid* 'I thin# thi i a (an that (i)ht +it
yo+*'//(eanin) I 1a-
6Co($eyon* he loo# at (e .ery noti"in)* and I loo# at hi(- ;e ha
a 1at"h and a "hain and a rin) and a breat/$in and a hando(e +it
o& "lothe-
6'To A+d)e &ro( a$$earan"e* yo+'re o+t o& l+"#*' ay Co($eyon to
6'?e* (ater* and I'.e been in it (+"h-' 2I had "o(e o+t o&
=in)ton 0ail lat on a .a)ran"y "o((ittal- Not b+t 1hat it (i)ht
ha.e been &or o(ethin) ele9 b+t it 1arn't-3
6'C+"# "han)e*' ay Co($eyon9 '$erha$ yo+r i )oin) to "han)e-'
6I ay* 'I ho$e it (ay be o- There' roo(-'
6'7hat "an yo+ do@' ay Co($eyon-
6'Eat and drin#*' I ay9 'i& yo+'ll &ind the (aterial-'
6Co($eyon la+)hed* loo#ed at (e a)ain .ery noti"in)* )i. (e &i.e
hillin)* and a$$ointed (e &or ne,t ni)ht- Sa(e $la"e-
6I 1ent to Co($eyon ne,t ni)ht* a(e $la"e* and Co($eyon too# (e
on to be hi (an and $ardner- And 1hat 1a Co($eyon' b+ine in
1hi"h 1e 1a to )o $ardner@ Co($eyon' b+ine 1a the
1indlin)* hand1ritin) &or)in)* tolen ban#/note $ain)* and
+"h/li#e- All ort o& tra$ a Co($eyon "o+ld et 1ith hi head*
and #ee$ hi o1n le) o+t o& and )et the $ro&it &ro( and let
another (an in &or* 1a Co($eyon' b+ine- ;e'd no (ore heart
than a iron &ile* he 1a a "old a death* and he had the head o&
the ! a&ore (entioned-
6There 1a another in 1ith Co($eyon* a 1a "alled Arth+r*//not a
bein) o "hrien'd* b+t a a +rna(e- ;e 1a in a !e"line* and 1a
a hado1 to loo# at- ;i( and Co($eyon had been in a bad thin) 1ith
a ri"h lady o(e year a&ore* and they'd (ade a $ot o& (oney by it9
b+t Co($eyon betted and )a(ed* and he'd ha.e r+n thro+)h the
#in)' ta,e- So* Arth+r 1a a dyin)* and a dyin) $oor and 1ith the
horror on hi(* and Co($eyon' 1i&e 21hi"h Co($eyon #i"#ed
(otly3 1a a $ity on hi( 1hen he "o+ld* and Co($eyon 1a
a $ity on nothin) and nobody-
6I (i)ht a too# 1arnin) by Arth+r* b+t I didn't9 and I 1on't
$retend I 1a $arti"#'ler//&or 1here '+d be the )ood on it* dear
boy and "o(rade@ So I be)+n 1i' Co($eyon* and a $oor tool I 1a in
hi hand- Arth+r li.ed at the to$ o& Co($eyon' ho+e ni)h
:rent&ord it 1a3* and Co($eyon #e$t a "are&+l a""o+nt a)en hi(
&or board and lod)in)* in "ae he ho+ld )et better to 1or# it
o+t- :+t Arth+r oon ettled the a""o+nt- The e"ond or third ti(e
a I ee hi(* he "o(e a tearin) do1n into Co($eyon' $arlor
late at ni)ht* in only a &lannel )o1n* 1ith hi hair all in a
1eat* and he ay to Co($eyon' 1i&e* 'Sally* he really i
+$tair alon)er (e* no1* and I "an't )et rid o& her- She' all in
1hite*' he ay* '1i' 1hite &lo1er in her hair* and he' a1&+l
(ad* and he' )ot a hro+d han)in) her ar(* and he ay
he'll $+t it on (e at &i.e in the (ornin)-'
6Say Co($eyonB '7hy* yo+ &ool* don't yo+ #no1 he' )ot a
body@ And ho1 ho+ld he be +$ there* 1itho+t "o(in) thro+)h the
door* or in at the 1indo1* and +$ the tair@'
6'I don't #no1 ho1 he' there*' ay Arth+r* hi.erin) dread&+l
1ith the horror* 'b+t he' tandin) in the "orner at the &oot o&
the bed* a1&+l (ad- And 1here her heart' bro#e//yo+ bro#e
it<//there' dro$ o& blood-'
6Co($eyon $o#e hardy* b+t he 1a al1ay a "o1ard- 'Go +$ alon)er
thi dri.ellin) i"# (an*' he ay to hi 1i&e* 'and %a)1it"h* lend
her a hand* 1ill yo+@' :+t he "o(e ni)h hi(el&-
6Co($eyon' 1i&e and (e too# hi( +$ to bed a)en* and he ra.ed (ot
dread&+l- '7hy loo# at her<' he "rie o+t- 'She' a ha#in) the
hro+d at (e< !on't yo+ ee her@ Coo# at her eye< Ain't it a1&+l to
ee her o (ad@' Ne,t he "rie* 'She'll $+t it on (e* and then I'(
done &or< Ta#e it a1ay &ro( her* ta#e it a1ay<' And then he "at"hed
hold o& +* and #e$ on a tal#in) to her* and an1erin) o& her* till
I hal& belie.ed I ee her (yel&-
6Co($eyon' 1i&e* bein) +ed to hi(* )i. hi( o(e li4+or to )et
the horror o&&* and by and by he 4+ieted- 'O* he' )one< ;a her
#ee$er been &or her@' he ay- '?e*' ay Co($eyon' 1i&e- '!id
yo+ tell hi( to lo"# her and bar her in@' '?e-' 'And to ta#e that
+)ly thin) a1ay &ro( her@' '?e* ye* all ri)ht-' '?o+'re a )ood
"reet+r*' he ay* 'don't lea.e (e* yo+ do* and than#
6;e reted $retty 4+iet till it (i)ht 1ant a &e1 (in+te o& &i.e*
and then he tart +$ 1ith a "rea(* and "rea( o+t* ';ere he
i< She' )ot the hro+d a)ain- She' +n&oldin) it- She' "o(in) o+t
o& the "orner- She' "o(in) to the bed- ;old (e* both on yo+//one
o& ea"h ide//don't let her to+"h (e 1ith it- ;ah< he (ied (e
that ti(e- !on't let her thro1 it (y ho+lder- !on't let her
li&t (e +$ to )et it ro+nd (e- She' li&tin) (e +$- =ee$ (e do1n<'
Then he li&ted hi(el& +$ hard* and 1a dead-
6Co($eyon too# it eay a a )ood riddan"e &or both ide- ;i( and
(e 1a oon b+y* and &irt he 1ore (e 2bein) art&+l3 on (y
o1n boo#*//thi here little bla"# boo#* dear boy* 1hat I 1ore yo+r
"o(rade on-
6Not to )o into the thin) that Co($eyon $lanned* and I done//
1hi"h '+d ta#e a 1ee#//I'll i($ly ay to yo+* dear boy* and Pi$'
"o(rade* that that (an )ot (e into +"h net a (ade (e hi bla"#
la.e- I 1a al1ay in debt to hi(* al1ay +nder hi th+(b* al1ay
a 1or#in)* al1ay a )ettin) into dan)er- ;e 1a yo+n)er than (e*
b+t he'd )ot "ra&t* and he'd )ot learnin)* and he"hed (e
&i.e h+ndred ti(e told and no (er"y- %y %ii a I had the hard
ti(e 1i'//Sto$ tho+)h< I ain't bro+)ht her in//6
;e loo#ed abo+t hi( in a "on&+ed 1ay* a i& he had lot hi $la"e
in the boo# o& hi re(e(bran"e9 and he t+rned hi &a"e to the &ire*
and $read hi hand broader on hi #nee* and li&ted the( o&& and
$+t the( on a)ain-
6There ain't no need to )o into it*6 he aid* loo#in) ro+nd on"e
(ore- 6The ti(e 1i' Co($eyon 1a a'(ot a hard a ti(e a I
had9 that aid* all' aid- !id I tell yo+ a I 1a tried* alone*
&or (ide(eanor* 1hile 1ith Co($eyon@6
I an1ered* No-
67ell<6 he aid* 6I 1a* and )ot "on.i"ted- A to too# +$ on
+$i"ion* that 1a t1i"e or three ti(e in the &o+r or &i.e year
that it lated9 b+t e.iden"e 1a 1antin)- At lat* (e and Co($eyon
1a both "o((itted &or &elony*//on a "har)e o& $+ttin) tolen note
in "ir"+lation*//and there 1a other "har)e behind- Co($eyon ay
to (e* 'Se$arate de&en"e* no "o((+ni"ation*' and that 1a all- And
I 1a o (ierable $oor* that I old all the "lothe I had* e,"e$t
1hat h+n) on (y ba"#* a&ore I "o+ld )et 0a))er-
67hen 1e 1a $+t in the do"#* I noti"ed &irt o& all 1hat a
)entle(an Co($eyon loo#ed* 1i' hi "+rly hair and hi bla"#
"lothe and hi 1hite $o"#et/hand#er"her* and 1hat a "o((on ort o&
a 1ret"h I loo#ed- 7hen the $roe"+tion o$ened and the e.iden"e 1a
$+t hort* a&orehand* I noti"ed ho1 hea.y it all bore on (e* and
ho1 li)ht on hi(- 7hen the e.iden"e 1a )i. in the bo,* I noti"ed
ho1 it 1a al1ay (e that had "o(e &or'ard* and "o+ld be 1ore to*
ho1 it 1a al1ay (e that the (oney had been $aid to* ho1 it 1a
al1ay (e that had ee(ed to 1or# the thin) and )et the $ro&it-
:+t 1hen the de&en"e "o(e on* then I ee the $lan $lainer9 &or*
ay the "o+nellor &or Co($eyon* '%y lord and )entle(en* here yo+
ha a&ore yo+* ide by ide* t1o $eron a yo+r eye "an e$arate
1ide9 one* the yo+n)er* 1ell bro+)ht +$* 1ho 1ill be $o#e to a
+"h9 one* the elder* ill bro+)ht +$* 1ho 1ill be $o#e to a +"h9
one* the yo+n)er* eldo( i& een in thee here trana"tion*
and only +$e"ted9 t'other* the elder* al1ay een in 'e( and
al1ay 1i'hi )+ilt bro+)ht ho(e- Can yo+ do+bt* i& there i b+t
one in it* 1hi"h i the one* and* i& there i t1o in it* 1hi"h i
(+"h the 1ort one@' And +"h/li#e- And 1hen it "o(e to "hara"ter*
1arn't it Co($eyon a had been to the "hool* and 1arn't it hi
"hool&ello1 a 1a in thi $oition and in that* and 1arn't it
hi( a had been #no1'd by 1itnee in +"h "l+b and o"ietie*
and no1t to hi diad.anta)e@ And 1arn't it (e a had been tried
a&ore* and a had been #no1'd +$ hill and do1n dale in :ride1ell
and Co"#/D$< And 1hen it "o(e to $ee"h/(a#in)* 1arn't it
Co($eyon a "o+ld $ea# to 'e( 1i' hi &a"e dro$$in) e.ery no1 and
then into hi 1hite $o"#et/hand#er"her*//ah< and 1i' .ere in hi
$ee"h* too*//and 1arn't it (e a "o+ld only ay* 'Gentle(en* thi
(an at (y ide i a (ot $re"io+ ra"al'@ And 1hen the .erdi"t
"o(e* 1arn't it Co($eyon a 1a re"o((ended to (er"y on a""o+nt o&
)ood "hara"ter and bad "o($any* and ) +$ all the in&or(ation
he "o+ld a)en (e* and 1arn't it (e a )ot a 1ord b+t G+ilty@
And 1hen I ay to Co($eyon* 'On"e o+t o& thi "o+rt* I'll (ah
that &a"e o& yo+rn<' ain't it Co($eyon a $ray the 0+d)e to be
$rote"ted* and )et t1o t+rn#ey tood bet1i,t +@ And 1hen 1e're
enten"ed* ain't it hi( a )et e.en year* and (e &o+rteen* and
ain't it hi( a the 0+d)e i orry &or* be"a+e he (i)ht a done o
1ell* and ain't it (e a the 0+d)e $er"ei.e to be a old o&&ender
o& 1iolent $aion* li#ely to "o(e to 1ore@6
;e had 1or#ed hi(el& into a tate o& )reat e,"ite(ent* b+t he
"he"#ed it* too# t1o or three hort breath* 1allo1ed a o&ten*
and tret"hin) o+t hi hand to1ard (e aid* in a rea+rin)
(anner* 6I ain't a )oin) to be lo1* dear boy<6
;e had o heated hi(el& that he too# o+t hi hand#er"hie& and
1i$ed hi &a"e and head and ne"# and hand* be&ore he "o+ld )o on-
6I had aid to Co($eyon that I'd (ah that &a"e o& hi* and I
1ore Cord (ah (ine< to do it- 7e 1a in the a(e $rion/hi$*
b+t I "o+ldn't )et at hi( &or lon)* tho+)h I tried- At lat I "o(e
behind hi( and hit hi( on the "hee# to t+rn hi( ro+nd and )et a
(ahin) one at hi(* 1hen I 1a een and ei8ed- The bla"#/hole o&
that hi$ 1arn't a tron) one* to a A+d)e o& bla"#/hole that "o+ld
1i( and di.e- I e"a$ed to the hore* and I 1a a hidin) a(on) the
)ra.e there* en.yin) the( a 1a in 'e( and all* 1hen I &irt
ee (y boy<6
;e re)arded (e 1ith a loo# o& a&&e"tion that (ade hi( al(ot
abhorrent to (e a)ain* tho+)h I had &elt )reat $ity &or hi(-
6:y (y boy* I 1a )i. to +ndertand a Co($eyon 1a o+t on the(
(arhe too- D$on (y o+l* I hal& belie.e he e"a$ed in hi terror*
to )et 4+it o& (e* not #no1in) it 1a (e a had )ot ahore- I
h+nted hi( do1n- I (ahed hi &a"e- 'And no1*' ay I 'a the
1ort thin) I "an do* "arin) nothin) &or (yel&* I'll dra) yo+
ba"#-' And I'd ha.e 1+( o&&* to1in) hi( by the hair* i& it had
"o(e to that* and I'd a )ot hi( aboard 1itho+t the oldier-
6O& "o+re he'd (+"h the bet o& it to the lat*//hi "hara"ter 1a
o )ood- ;e had e"a$ed 1hen he 1a (ade hal& 1ild by (e and (y
(+rdero+ intention9 and hi $+nih(ent 1a li)ht- I 1a $+t in
iron* bro+)ht to trial a)ain* and ent &or li&e- I didn't to$ &or
li&e* dear boy and Pi$' "o(rade* bein) here-6
6;e 1i$ed hi(el& a)ain* a he had done be&ore* and then lo1ly
too# hi tan)le o& toba""o &ro( hi $o"#et* and $l+"#ed hi $i$e
&ro( hi b+tton/hole* and lo1ly &illed it* and be)an to (o#e-
6I he dead@6 I a#ed* a&ter a ilen"e-
6I 1ho dead* dear boy@6
6;e ho$e I a(* i& he' ali.e* yo+ (ay be +re*6 1ith a &ier"e
loo#- 6I heerd no (ore o& hi(-6
;erbert had been 1ritin) 1ith hi $en"il in the " o& a boo#- ;e
o&tly $+hed the boo# to (e* a Pro.i tood (o#in) 1ith hi
eye on the &ire* and I read in itB//
6?o+n) ;a.iha(' na(e 1a Arth+r- Co($eyon i the (an 1ho
$ro&eed to be %i ;a.iha('
I h+t the boo# and nodded li)htly to ;erbert* and $+t the boo#
by9 b+t 1e neither o& + aid anythin)* and both loo#ed at Pro.i
a he tood (o#in) by the &ire-
Cha$ter XCIII
7hy ho+ld I $a+e to a# ho1 (+"h o& (y hrin#in) &ro( Pro.i
(i)ht be tra"ed to Etella@ 7hy ho+ld I loiter on (y road* to
"o($are the tate o& (ind in 1hi"h I had tried to rid (yel& o& the
tain o& the $rion be&ore (eetin) her at the "oa"h/o&&i"e* 1ith
the tate o& (ind in 1hi"h I no1 re&le"ted on the aby bet1een
Etella in her $ride and bea+ty* and the ret+rned tran$ort 1ho( I
harbored@ The road 1o+ld be none the (oother &or it* the end
1o+ld be none the better &or it* he 1o+ld not be hel$ed* nor I
A ne1 &ear had been en)endered in (y (ind by hi narrati.e9 or
rather* hi narrati.e had )i.en &or( and $+r$oe to the &ear that
1a already there- I& Co($eyon 1ere ali.e and ho+ld di" hi
ret+rn* I "o+ld hardly do+bt the "one4+en"e- That* Co($eyon tood
in (ortal &ear o& hi(* neither o& the t1o "o+ld #no1 (+"h better
than I9 and that any +"h (an a that (an had been de"ribed to
be 1o+ld heitate to releae hi(el& &or )ood &ro( a dreaded ene(y
by the a&e (ean o& be"o(in) an in&or(er 1a "ar"ely to be
i(a)ined- had I breathed* and 1o+ld I breathe//or o I reol.ed
//a 1ord o& Etella to Pro.i- :+t* I aid to ;erbert that* be&ore I
"o+ld )o abroad* I (+t ee both Etella and %i ;a.iha(- Thi
1a 1hen 1e 1ere le&t alone on the ni)ht o& the day 1hen Pro.i
told + hi tory- I reol.ed to )o o+t to Ri"h(ond ne,t day* and I
On (y $reentin) (yel& at %r- :randley'* Etella' (aid 1a
"alled to tell that Etella had )one into the "o+ntry- 7here@ To
Sati ;o+e* a ++al- Not a ++al* I aid* &or he had yet
)one there 1itho+t (e9 1hen 1a he "o(in) ba"#@ There 1a an air
o& reer.ation in the an1er 1hi"h in"reaed (y $er$le,ity* and the
an1er 1a* that her (aid belie.ed he 1a only "o(in) ba"# at all
&or a little 1hile- I "o+ld (a#e nothin) o& thi* e,"e$t that it
1a (eant that I ho+ld (a#e nothin) o& it* and I 1ent ho(e a)ain
in "o($lete di"o(&it+re-
Another ni)ht "on+ltation 1ith ;erbert a&ter Pro.i 1a )one ho(e
2I al1ay too# hi( ho(e* and al1ay loo#ed 1ell abo+t (e3* led +
to the "on"l+ion that nothin) ho+ld be aid abo+t )oin) abroad
+ntil I "a(e ba"# &ro( %i ;a.iha('- In the (ean ti(e* ;erbert
and I 1ere to "onider e$arately 1hat it 1o+ld be bet to ay9
1hether 1e ho+ld any $reten"e o& bein) a&raid that he 1a
+nder +$i"io+ ober.ation9 or 1hether I* 1ho had yet been
abroad* ho+ld $ro$oe an e,$edition- 7e both #ne1 that I had b+t
to $ro$oe anythin)* and he 1o+ld "onent- 7e a)reed that hi
re(ainin) (any day in hi $reent ha8ard 1a not to be tho+)ht o&-
Ne,t day I had the (eanne to &ei)n that I 1a +nder a bindin)
$ro(ie to )o do1n to 0oe9 b+t I 1a "a$able o& al(ot any (eanne
to1ard 0oe or hi na(e- Pro.i 1a to be tri"tly "are&+l 1hile I
1a )one* and ;erbert 1a to ta#e the "har)e o& hi( that I had
ta#en- I 1a to be abent only one ni)ht* and* on (y ret+rn* the
)rati&i"ation o& hi i($atien"e &or (y tartin) a a )entle(an on a
)reater "ale 1a to be be)+n- It o""+rred to (e then* and a I
a&ter1ard &o+nd to ;erbert alo* that he (i)ht be bet )ot a1ay
a"ro the 1ater* on that $reten"e*//a* to (a#e $+r"hae* or the
; th+ "leared the 1ay &or (y e,$edition to %i ;a.iha('* I
et o&& by the early (ornin) "oa"h be&ore it 1a yet li)ht* and 1a
o+t on the o$en "o+ntry road 1hen the day "a(e "ree$in) on* haltin)
and 1hi($erin) and hi.erin)* and 1ra$$ed in $at"he o& "lo+d and
ra) o& (it* li#e a be))ar- 7hen 1e dro.e +$ to the :l+e :oar
a&ter a dri88ly ride* 1ho( ho+ld I ee "o(e o+t +nder the )ate1ay*
tooth$i"# in hand* to loo# at the "oa"h* b+t :entley !r+((le<
A he $retended not to ee (e* I $retended not to ee hi(- It 1a a
.ery la(e $reten"e on both ide9 the la(er* be"a+e 1e both 1ent
into the "o&&ee/roo(* 1here he had A+t &inihed hi brea#&at* and
1here I ordered (ine- It 1a $oiono+ to (e to ee hi( in the
to1n* &or I .ery 1ell #ne1 1hy he had "o(e there-
Pretendin) to read a (eary ne1$a$er lon) o+t o& date* 1hi"h had
nothin) hal& o le)ible in it lo"al ne1* a the &orei)n (atter o&
"o&&ee* $i"#le* &ih a+"e* )ra.y* (elted b+tter* and 1ine 1ith
1hi"h it 1a $rin#led all* a i& it had ta#en the (eale in
a hi)hly irre)+lar &or(* I at at (y table 1hile he tood be&ore
the &ire- :y de)ree it be"a(e an enor(o+ inA+ry to (e that he
tood be&ore the &ire- And I )ot +$* deter(ined to ha.e (y hare o&
it- I had to $+t (y hand behind hi le) &or the $o#er 1hen I 1ent
+$ to the &ire$la"e to tir the &ire* b+t till $retended not to
#no1 hi(-
6I thi a "+t@6 aid %r- !r+((le-
6Oh<6 aid I* $o#er in hand9 6it' yo+* i it@ ;o1 do yo+ do@ I 1a
1onderin) 1ho it 1a* 1ho #e$t the &ire o&&-6
7ith that* I $o#ed tre(endo+ly* and done o* $lanted (yel&
ide by ide 1ith %r- !r+((le* (y ho+lder 4+ared and (y ba"# to
the &ire-
6?o+ ha.e A+t "o(e do1n@6 aid %r- !r+((le* ed)in) (e a little a1ay
1ith hi ho+lder-
6?e*6 aid I* ed)in) hi( a little a1ay 1ith (y ho+lder-
6:eatly $la"e*6 aid !r+((le- 6?o+r $art o& the "o+ntry* I
6?e*6 I aented- 6I a( told it' .ery li#e yo+r Shro$hire-6
6Not in the leat li#e it*6 aid !r+((le-
;ere %r- !r+((le loo#ed at hi boot and I loo#ed at (ine* and then
%r- !r+((le loo#ed at (y boot* and I loo#ed at hi-
6;a.e yo+ been here lon)@6 I a#ed* deter(ined not to yield an in"h
o& the &ire-
6Con) eno+)h to be tired o& it*6 ret+rned !r+((le* $retendin) to
ya1n* b+t e4+ally deter(ined-
6!o yo+ tay here lon)@6
6Can't ay*6 an1ered %r- !r+((le- 6!o yo+@6
6Can't ay*6 aid I-
I &elt here* thro+)h a tin)lin) in (y blood* that i& %r- !r+((le'
ho+lder had "lai(ed another hair' breadth o& roo(* I ho+ld ha.e
Aer#ed hi( into the 1indo19 e4+ally* that i& (y o1n ho+lder had
+r)ed a i(ilar "lai(* %r- !r+((le 1o+ld ha.e Aer#ed (e into the
nearet bo,- ;e 1hitled a little- So did I-
6Car)e tra"t o& (arhe abo+t here* I belie.e@6 aid !r+((le-
6?e- 7hat o& that@6 aid I-
%r- !r+((le loo#ed at (e* and then at (y boot* and then aid* 6Oh<6
and la+)hed-
6Are yo+ a(+ed* %r- !r+((le@6
6No*6 aid he* 6not $arti"+larly- I a( )oin) o+t &or a ride in the
addle- I (ean to e,$lore thoe (arhe &or a(+e(ent-
O+t/o&/the/1ay .illa)e there* they tell (e- C+rio+ little
$+bli"/ho+e//and (ithie//and that- 7aiter<6
6?e* ir-6
6I that hore o& (ine ready@6
6:ro+)ht ro+nd to the door* ir-6
6I ay- Coo# here* yo+ ir- The lady 1on't ride to/day9 the 1eather
1on't do-6
6Eery )ood* ir-6
6And I don't dine* be"a+e I'( )oin) to dine at the lady'-6
6Eery )ood* ir-6
Then* !r+((le )lan"ed at (e* 1ith an inolent tri+($h on hi
)reat/Ao1led &a"e that "+t (e to the heart* d+ll a he 1a* and o
e,a$erated (e* that I &elt in"lined to ta#e hi( in (y ar( 2a the
robber in the tory/boo# i aid to ha.e ta#en the old lady3 and
eat hi( on the &ire-
One thin) 1a (ani&et to both o& +* and that 1a* that +ntil
relie& "a(e* neither o& + "o+ld relin4+ih the &ire- There 1e
tood* 1ell 4+ared +$ be&ore it* ho+lder to ho+lder and &oot to
&oot* 1ith o+r hand behind +* not b+d)in) an in"h- The hore 1a
.iible o+tide in the dri88le at the door* (y brea#&at 1a $+t on
the table* !r+((le' 1a "leared a1ay* the 1aiter in.ited (e to
be)in* I nodded* 1e both tood o+r )ro+nd-
6;a.e yo+ been to the Gro.e in"e@6 aid !r+((le-
6No*6 aid I* 6I had 4+ite eno+)h o& the 5in"he the lat ti(e I
1a there-6
67a that 1hen 1e had a di&&eren"e o& o$inion@6
6?e*6 I re$lied* .ery hortly-
6Co(e* "o(e< They let yo+ o&& eaily eno+)h*6 neered !r+((le- 6?o+
ho+ldn't ha.e lot yo+r te($er-6
6%r- !r+((le*6 aid I* 6yo+ are not "o($etent to )i.e ad.i"e on that
+bAe"t- 7hen I loe (y te($er 2not that I ad(it done o on
that o""aion3* I don't thro1 )lae-6
6I do*6 aid !r+((le-
A&ter )lan"in) at hi( on"e or t1i"e* in an in"reaed tate o&
(o+lderin) &ero"ity* I aid*//
6%r- !r+((le* I did not ee# thi "on.eration* and I don't thin# it
an a)reeable one-6
6I a( +re it' not*6 aid he* +$er"ilio+ly hi ho+lder9 6I
don't thin# anythin) abo+t it-6
6And there&ore*6 I 1ent on* 61ith yo+r lea.e* I 1ill +))et that
1e hold no #ind o& "o((+ni"ation in &+t+re-6
6>+ite (y o$inion*6 aid !r+((le* 6and 1hat I ho+ld ha.e +))eted
(yel&* or done//(ore li#ely//1itho+t +))etin)- :+t don't loe
yo+r te($er- ;a.en't yo+ lot eno+)h 1itho+t that@6
67hat do yo+ (ean* ir@6
67aiter<*6 aid !r+((le* by 1ay o& an1erin) (e-
The 1aiter rea$$eared-
6Coo# here* yo+ ir- ?o+ 4+ite +ndertand that the yo+n) lady don't
ride to/day* and that I dine at the yo+n) lady'@6
6>+ite o* ir<6
7hen the 1aiter had &elt (y &at/"oolin) tea$ot 1ith the $al( o&
hi hand* and had loo#ed i($lorin)ly at (e* and had )one o+t*
!r+((le* "are&+l not to (o.e the ho+lder ne,t (e* too# a "i)ar
&ro( hi $o"#et and bit the end o&&* b+t ho1ed no i)n o&
tirrin)- Cho#in) and boilin) a I 1a* I &elt that 1e "o+ld not )o
a 1ord &+rther* 1itho+t introd+"in) Etella' na(e* 1hi"h I "o+ld
not end+re to hear hi( +tter9 and there&ore I loo#ed tonily at the
o$$oite 1all* a i& there 1ere no one $reent* and &or"ed (yel&
to ilen"e- ;o1 lon) 1e (i)ht ha.e re(ained in thi ridi"+lo+
$oition it i i($oible to ay* b+t &or the in"+rion o& three &ar(er//laid on by the 1aiter* I thin#//1ho "a(e into
the "o&&ee/roo( +nb+ttonin) their )reat/"oat and r+bbin) their
hand* and be&ore 1ho(* a they "har)ed at the &ire* 1e 1ere
obli)ed to )i.e 1ay-
I a1 hi( thro+)h the 1indo1* ei8in) hi hore' (ane* and
(o+ntin) in hi bl+nderin) br+tal (anner* and idlin) and ba"#in)
a1ay- I tho+)ht he 1a )one* 1hen he "a(e ba"#* "allin) &or a li)ht
&or the "i)ar in hi (o+th* 1hi"h he had &or)otten- A (an in a
d+t/"olored dre a$$eared 1ith 1hat 1a 1anted*//I "o+ld not ha.e
aid &ro( 1hereB 1hether &ro( the inn yard* or the treet* or 1here
not*//and a !r+((le leaned do1n &ro( the addle and li)hted hi
"i)ar and la+)hed* 1ith a Aer# o& hi head to1ard the "o&&ee/roo(
1indo1* the lo+"hin) ho+lder and ra))ed hair o& thi (an 1hoe
ba"# 1a to1ard (e re(inded (e o& Orli"#-
Too hea.ily o+t o& ort to "are (+"h at the ti(e 1hether it 1ere
he or no* or a&ter all to to+"h the brea#&at* I 1ahed the 1eather
and the Ao+rney &ro( (y &a"e and hand* and 1ent o+t to the
(e(orable old ho+e that it 1o+ld ha.e been o (+"h the better &or
(e to ha.e entered* to ha.e een-
Cha$ter XCIE
In the roo( 1here the drein)/table tood* and 1here the 1a,/
"andle b+rnt on the 1all* I &o+nd %i ;a.iha( and Etella9 %i
;a.iha( eated on a ettee near the &ire* and Etella on a "+hion
at her &eet- Etella 1a #nittin)* and %i ;a.iha( 1a loo#in)
on- They both raied their eye a I 1ent in* and both a1 an
alteration in (e- I deri.ed that* &ro( the loo# they inter"han)ed-
6And 1hat 1ind*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* 6blo1 yo+ here* Pi$@6
Tho+)h he loo#ed teadily at (e* I a1 that he 1a rather
"on&+ed- Etella* $a+in) a (o(ent in her #nittin) 1ith her eye
+$on (e* and then )oin) on* I &an"ied that I read in the a"tion o&
her &in)er* a $lainly a i& he had told (e in the d+(b al$habet*
that he $er"ei.ed I had di"o.ered (y real bene&a"tor-
6%i ;a.iha(*6 aid I* 6I 1ent to Ri"h(ond yeterday* to $ea# to
Etella9 and &indin) that o(e 1ind had blo1n her here* I
%i ;a.iha( (otionin) to (e &or the third or &o+rth ti(e to it
do1n* I too# the "hair by the drein)/table* 1hi"h I had o&ten
een her o""+$y- 7ith all that r+in at (y &eet and abo+t (e* it
ee(ed a nat+ral $la"e &or (e* that day-
67hat I had to ay to Etella* %i ;a.iha(* I 1ill ay be&ore
yo+* $reently//in a &e1 (o(ent- It 1ill not +r$rie yo+* it
1ill not di$leae yo+- I a( a +nha$$y a yo+ "an ha.e (eant
(e to be-6
%i ;a.iha( "ontin+ed to loo# teadily at (e- I "o+ld ee in the
a"tion o& Etella' &in)er a they 1or#ed that he attended to
1hat I aid9 b+t he did not loo# +$-
6I ha.e &o+nd o+t 1ho (y $atron i- It i not a &ort+nate
di"o.ery* and i not li#ely to enri"h (e in re$+tation*
tation* &ort+ne* anythin)- There are reaon 1hy I (+t ay no
(ore o& that- It i not (y e"ret* b+t another'-6
A I 1a ilent &or a 1hile* loo#in) at Etella and "oniderin) ho1
to )o on* %i ;a.iha( re$eated* 6It i not yo+r e"ret* b+t
another'- 7ell@6
67hen yo+ &irt "a+ed (e to be bro+)ht here* %i ;a.iha(* 1hen I
belon)ed to the .illa)e yonder* that I 1ih I had le&t*
I +$$oe I did really "o(e here* a any other "han"e boy (i)ht
ha.e "o(e*//a a #ind o& er.ant* to )rati&y a 1ant or a 1hi(* and
to be $aid &or it@6
6Ay* Pi$*6 re$lied %i ;a.iha(* teadily noddin) her head9 6yo+
6And that %r- 0a))er//6
6%r- 0a))er*6 aid %i ;a.iha(* ta#in) (e +$ in a &ir( tone* 6had
nothin) to do 1ith it* and #ne1 nothin) o& it- ;i bein) (y la1yer*
and hi bein) the la1yer o& yo+r $atron i a "oin"iden"e- ;e hold
the a(e relation to1ard n+(ber o& $eo$le* and it (i)ht eaily
arie- :e that a it (ay* it did arie* and 1a not bro+)ht abo+t
by any one-6
Any one (i)ht ha.e een in her ha))ard &a"e that there 1a no
+$$reion or e.aion o &ar-
6:+t 1hen I &ell into the (ita#e I ha.e o lon) re(ained in* at
leat yo+ led (e on@6 aid I-
6?e*6 he ret+rned* a)ain noddin) teadily* 6I let yo+ )o on-6
67a that #ind@6
67ho a( I*6 "ried %i ;a.iha(* tri#in) her ti"# +$on the &loor
and &lahin) into 1rath o +ddenly that Etella )lan"ed +$ at her
in +r$rie*//61ho a( I* &or God' a#e* that I ho+ld be #ind@6
It 1a a 1ea# "o($laint to ha.e (ade* and I had not (eant to (a#e
it- I told her o* a he at broodin) a&ter thi o+tb+rt-
67ell* 1ell* 1ell<6 he aid- 67hat ele@6
6I 1a liberally $aid &or (y old attendan"e here*6 I aid* to
oothe her* 6in bein) a$$renti"ed* and I ha.e a#ed thee 4+etion
only &or (y o1n in&or(ation- 7hat &ollo1 ha another 2and I ho$e
(ore diintereted3 $+r$oe- In h+(orin) (y (ita#e* %i
;a.iha(* yo+ $+nihed//$ra"tied on//$erha$ yo+ 1ill +$$ly ter( e,$ree yo+r intention* 1itho+t o&&en"e//yo+r
el&/ee#in) relation@6
6I did- 7hy* they 1o+ld ha.e it o< So 1o+ld yo+- 7hat ha been (y
hitory* that I ho+ld be at the $ain o& entreatin) either the(
or yo+ not to ha.e it o< ?o+ (ade yo+r o1n nare- I (ade
7aitin) +ntil he 1a 4+iet a)ain*//&or thi* too* &lahed o+t o&
her in a 1ild and +dden 1ay*//I 1ent on-
6I ha.e been thro1n a(on) one &a(ily o& yo+r relation* %i
;a.iha(* and ha.e been "ontantly a(on) the( in"e I 1ent to
Condon- I #no1 the( to ha.e been a honetly +nder (y del+ion a I
(yel&- And I ho+ld be &ale and bae i& I did not tell yo+*
1hether it i a""e$table to yo+ or no* and 1hether yo+ are in"lined
to )i.e "reden"e to it or no* that yo+ dee$ly 1ron) both %r- %atthe1
Po"#et and hi on ;erbert* i& yo+ +$$oe the( to be other1ie
than )enero+* +$ri)ht* o$en* and in"a$able o& anythin) dei)nin)
or (ean-6
6They are yo+r &riend*6 aid %i ;a.iha(-
6They (ade the(el.e (y &riend*6 aid I* 61hen they +$$oed (e
to ha.e +$ereded the(9 and 1hen Sarah Po"#et* %i Geor)iana* and
%itre Ca(illa 1ere not (y &riend* I thin#-6
Thi "ontratin) o& the( 1ith the ret ee(ed* I 1a )lad to ee*
to do the( )ood 1ith her- She loo#ed at (e #eenly &or a little
1hile* and then aid 4+ietly*//
67hat do yo+ 1ant &or the(@6
6Only*6 aid I* 6that yo+ 1o+ld not "on&o+nd the( 1ith the other-
They (ay be o& the a(e blood* b+t* belie.e (e* they are not o& the
a(e nat+re-6
Still loo#in) at (e #eenly* %i ;a.iha( re$eated*//
67hat do yo+ 1ant &or the(@6
6I a( not o "+nnin)* yo+ ee*6 I aid* in an1er* "on"io+ that I
reddened a little* 6a that I "o+ld hide &ro( yo+* e.en i& I
deired* that I do 1ant o(ethin)- %i ;a.iha(* i& yo+ 1o+ld
$are the (oney to do (y &riend ;erbert a latin) er.i"e in li&e*
b+t 1hi"h &ro( the nat+re o& the "ae (+t be done 1itho+t hi
#no1led)e* I "o+ld ho1 yo+ ho1-6
67hy (+t it be done 1itho+t hi #no1led)e@6 he a#ed* ettlin)
her hand +$on her ti"#* that he (i)ht re)ard (e the (ore
6:e"a+e*6 aid I* 6I be)an the er.i"e (yel&* (ore than t1o year
a)o* 1itho+t hi #no1led)e* and I don't 1ant to be betrayed- 7hy I
&ail in (y ability to &inih it* I "annot e,$lain- It i a $art o&
the e"ret 1hi"h i another $eron' and not (ine-6
She )rad+ally 1ithdre1 her eye &ro( (e* and t+rned the( on the
&ire- A&ter 1at"hin) it &or 1hat a$$eared in the ilen"e and by the
li)ht o& the lo1ly 1atin) "andle to be a lon) ti(e* he 1a
ro+ed by the "olla$e o& o(e o& the red "oal* and loo#ed to1ard
(e a)ain//at &irt* .a"antly//then* 1ith a )rad+ally
"on"entratin) attention- All thi ti(e Etella #nitted on- 7hen
%i ;a.iha( had &i,ed her attention on (e* he aid* $ea#in) a
i& there had been no la$e in o+r dialo)+e*//
67hat ele@6
6Etella*6 aid I* t+rnin) to her no1* and tryin) to "o((and (y
tre(blin) .oi"e* 6yo+ #no1 I lo.e yo+- ?o+ #no1 that I ha.e lo.ed
yo+ lon) and dearly-6
She raied her eye to (y &a"e* on bein) th+ addreed* and her
&in)er $lied their 1or#* and he loo#ed at (e 1ith an +n(o.ed
"o+ntenan"e- I a1 that %i ;a.iha( )lan"ed &ro( (e to her* and
&ro( her to (e-
6I ho+ld ha.e aid thi ooner* b+t &or (y lon) (ita#e- It
ind+"ed (e to ho$e that %i ;a.iha( (eant + &or one another-
7hile I tho+)ht yo+ "o+ld not hel$ yo+rel&* a it 1ere* I
re&rained &ro( ayin) it- :+t I (+t ay it no1-6 her +n(o.ed "o+ntenan"e* and 1ith her &in)er till
)oin)* Etella hoo# her head-
6I #no1*6 aid I* in an1er to that a"tion*//6I #no1- I ha.e no ho$e
that I hall "all yo+ (ine* Etella- I a( i)norant 1hat (ay
be"o(e o& (e .ery oon* ho1 $oor I (ay be* or 1here I (ay )o-
Still* I lo.e yo+- I ha.e lo.ed yo+ in"e I &irt a1 yo+ in
thi ho+e-6
Coo#in) at (e $er&e"tly +n(o.ed and 1ith her &in)er b+y* he
hoo# her head a)ain-
6It 1o+ld ha.e been "r+el in %i ;a.iha(* horribly "r+el* to
$ra"tie on the +"e$tibility o& a $oor boy* and to tort+re (e
thro+)h all thee year 1ith a .ain ho$e and an idle $+r+it* i&
he had re&le"ted on the )ra.ity o& 1hat he did- :+t I thin# he
did not- I thin# that* in the end+ran"e o& her o1n trial* he &or)ot
(ine* Etella-6
I a1 %i ;a.iha( $+t her hand to her heart and hold it there* a
he at loo#in) by t+rn at Etella and at (e-
6It ee(*6 aid Etella* .ery "al(ly* 6that there are enti(ent*
&an"ie*//I don't #no1 ho1 to "all the(*//1hi"h I a( not able to
"o($rehend- 7hen yo+ ay yo+ lo.e (e* I #no1 1hat yo+ (ean* a a
&or( o& 1ord9 b+t nothin) (ore- ?o+ addre nothin) in (y breat*
yo+ to+"h nothin) there- I don't "are &or 1hat yo+ ay at all- I
ha.e tried to 1arn yo+ o& thi9 no1* ha.e I not@6
I aid in a (ierable (anner* 6?e-6
6?e- :+t yo+ 1o+ld not be 1arned* &or yo+ tho+)ht I did not (ean
it- No1* did yo+ not thin# o@6
6I tho+)ht and ho$ed yo+ "o+ld not (ean it- ?o+* o yo+n)* +ntried*
and bea+ti&+l* Etella< S+rely it i not in Nat+re-6
6It i in (y nat+re*6 he ret+rned- And then he added* 1ith a
tre +$on the 1ord* 6It i in the nat+re &or(ed 1ithin (e- I
(a#e a )reat di&&eren"e bet1een yo+ and all other $eo$le 1hen I ay
o (+"h- I "an do no (ore-6
6I it not tr+e*6 aid I* 6that :entley !r+((le i in to1n here*
and $+r+in) yo+@6
6It i 4+ite tr+e*6 he re$lied* re&errin) to hi( 1ith the
indi&&eren"e o& +tter "onte($t-
6That yo+ en"o+ra)e hi(* and ride o+t 1ith hi(* and that he dine
1ith yo+ thi .ery day@6
She ee(ed a little +r$ried that I ho+ld #no1 it* b+t a)ain
re$lied* 6>+ite tr+e-6
6?o+ "annot lo.e hi(* Etella<6
;er &in)er to$$ed &or the &irt ti(e* a he retorted rather
an)rily* 67hat ha.e I told yo+@ !o yo+ till thin#* in $ite o& it*
that I do not (ean 1hat I ay@6
6?o+ 1o+ld (arry hi(* Etella@6
She loo#ed to1ard %i ;a.iha(* and "onidered &or a (o(ent 1ith
her 1or# in her hand- Then he aid* 67hy not tell yo+ the tr+th@
I a( )oin) to be (arried to hi(-6
I dro$$ed (y &a"e into (y hand* b+t 1a able to "ontrol (yel&
better than I "o+ld ha.e e,$e"ted* "oniderin) 1hat a)ony it )a.e
(e to hear her ay thoe 1ord- 7hen I raied (y &a"e a)ain* there
1a +"h a )hatly loo# +$on %i ;a.iha('* that it i($reed (e*
e.en in (y $aionate h+rry and )rie&-
6Etella* dearet Etella* do not let %i ;a.iha( lead
yo+ into thi &atal te$- P+t (e aide &or*//yo+ ha.e done o*
I 1ell #no1*//b+t beto1 yo+rel& on o(e 1orthier $eron than
!r+((le- %i ;a.iha( )i.e yo+ to hi(* a the )reatet li)ht and
inA+ry that "o+ld be done to the (any &ar better (en 1ho ad(ire
yo+* and to the &e1 1ho tr+ly lo.e yo+- A(on) thoe &e1 there (ay
be one 1ho lo.e yo+ e.en a dearly* tho+)h he ha not lo.ed yo+ a
lon)* a I- Ta#e hi(* and I "an bear it better* &or yo+r a#e<6
%y earnetne a1o#e a 1onder in her that ee(ed a i& it 1o+ld
ha.e been to+"hed 1ith "o($aion* i& he "o+ld ha.e rendered (e at
all intelli)ible to her o1n (ind-
6I a( )oin)*6 he aid a)ain* in a )entler .oi"e* 6to be (arried to
hi(- The $re$aration &or (y (arria)e are (a#in)* and I hall be
(arried oon- 7hy do yo+ inA+rio+ly introd+"e the na(e o& (y
(other by ado$tion@ It i (y o1n a"t-6
6?o+r o1n a"t* Etella* to &lin) yo+rel& a1ay +$on a br+te@6
6On 1ho( ho+ld I &lin) (yel& a1ay@6 he retorted* 1ith a (ile-
6Sho+ld I &lin) (yel& a1ay +$on the (an 1ho 1o+ld the oonet &eel
2i& $eo$le do &eel +"h thin)3 that I too# nothin) to hi(@ There<
It i done- I hall do 1ell eno+)h* and o 1ill (y h+band- A to
leadin) (e into 1hat yo+ "all thi &atal te$* %i ;a.iha( 1o+ld
ha.e had (e 1ait* and not (arry yet9 b+t I a( tired o& the li&e I
ha.e led* 1hi"h ha .ery &e1 "har( &or (e* and I a( 1illin) eno+)h
to "han)e it- Say no (ore- 7e hall +ndertand ea"h other-6
6S+"h a (ean br+te* +"h a t+$id br+te<6 I +r)ed* in de$air-
6!on't be a&raid o& (y bein) a blein) to hi(*6 aid Etella9 6I
hall not be that- Co(e< ;ere i (y hand- !o 1e $art on thi* yo+
.iionary boy//or (an@6
6O Etella<6 I an1ered* a (y bitter tear &ell &at on her hand*
do 1hat I 1o+ld to retrain the(9 6e.en i& I re(ained in En)land
and "o+ld hold (y head +$ 1ith the ret* ho1 "o+ld I ee yo+
!r+((le' 1i&e@6
6Nonene*6 he ret+rned*//6nonene- Thi 1ill $a in no ti(e-6* Etella<6
6?o+ 1ill )et (e o+t o& yo+r tho+)ht in a 1ee#-6
6O+t o& (y tho+)ht< ?o+ are $art o& (y e,iten"e* $art o& (yel&-
?o+ ha.e been in e.ery line I ha.e read in"e I &irt "a(e
here* the ro+)h "o((on boy 1hoe $oor heart yo+ 1o+nded e.en then-
?o+ ha.e been in e.ery $ro$e"t I ha.e een in"e*//on the* on the ail o& the hi$* on the (arhe* in the "lo+d* in
the li)ht* in the dar#ne* in the 1ind* in the 1ood* in the ea*
in the treet- ?o+ ha.e been the e(bodi(ent o& e.ery )ra"e&+l
&an"y that (y (ind ha be"o(e a"4+ainted 1ith- The tone o&
1hi"h the tron)et Condon b+ildin) are (ade are not (ore real*
or (ore i($oible to be di$la"ed by yo+r hand* than yo+r
$reen"e and in&l+en"e ha.e been to (e* there and e.ery1here* and
1ill be- Etella* to the lat ho+r o& (y li&e* yo+ "annot "hooe
b+t re(ain $art o& (y "hara"ter* $art o& the little )ood in (e*
$art o& the :+t* in thi e$aration* I ao"iate yo+ only 1ith
the )ood9 and I 1ill &aith&+lly hold yo+ to that al1ay* &or yo+
(+t ha.e done (e &ar (ore )ood than har(* let (e &eel no1 1hat
har$ ditre I (ay- O God ble yo+* God &or)i.e yo+<6
In 1hat e"tay o& +nha$$ine I )ot thee bro#en 1ord o+t o&
(yel&* I don't #no1- The rha$ody 1elled +$ 1ithin (e* li#e blood
&ro( an in1ard 1o+nd* and )+hed o+t- I held her hand to (y li$
o(e lin)erin) (o(ent* and o I le&t her- :+t a&ter1ard* I
re(e(bered*//and oon a&ter1ard 1ith tron)er reaon*//that 1hile
Etella loo#ed at (e (erely 1ith in"red+lo+ 1onder* the $e"tral
&i)+re o& %i ;a.iha(* her hand till "o.erin) her heart* ee(ed
all reol.ed into a )hatly tare o& $ity and re(ore-
All done* all )one< So (+"h 1a done and )one* that 1hen I 1ent o+t
at the )ate* the li)ht o& the day ee(ed o& a dar#er "olor than
1hen I 1ent in- 5or a 1hile* I hid (yel& a(on) o(e lane and
by/$ath* and then tr+"# o&& to 1al# all the 1ay to Condon- 5or* I
had by that ti(e "o(e to (yel& o &ar a to "onider that I "o+ld
not )o ba"# to the inn and ee !r+((le there9 that I "o+ld not bear
to it +$on the "oa"h and be $o#en to9 that I "o+ld do nothin)
hal& o )ood &or (yel& a tire (yel& o+t-
It 1a $at (idni)ht 1hen I "roed Condon :rid)e- P+r+in) the
narro1 intri"a"ie o& the treet 1hi"h at that ti(e tended
1et1ard near the %iddlee, hore o& the* (y readiet a""e
to the Te($le 1a "loe by the* thro+)h 7hite&riar- I
1a not e,$e"ted till to/(orro19 b+t I had (y #ey* and* i& ;erbert
1ere )one to bed* "o+ld )et to bed (yel& 1itho+t dit+rbin) hi(-
A it eldo( ha$$ened that I "a(e in at that 7hite&riar )ate a&ter
the Te($le 1a "loed* and a I 1a .ery (+ddy and 1eary* I did not
ta#e it ill that the ni)ht/$orter e,a(ined (e 1ith (+"h attention
a he held the )ate a little 1ay o$en &or (e to $a in- To hel$
hi (e(ory I (entioned (y na(e-
6I 1a not 4+ite +re* ir* b+t I tho+)ht o- ;ere' a note* ir-
The (een)er that bro+)ht it* aid 1o+ld yo+ be o )ood a read it
by (y lantern@6
%+"h +r$ried by the re4+et* I too# the note- It 1a dire"ted to
Phili$ Pi$* E4+ire* and on the to$ o& the +$er"ri$tion 1ere the
1ord* 6PCEASE REA! T;IS* ;ERE-6 I o$ened it* the 1at"h(an holdin)
+$ hi li)ht* and read inide* in 7e((i"#' 1ritin)*//
6!ON'T GO ;O%E-6
Cha$ter XCE
T+rnin) &ro( the Te($le )ate a oon a I had read the 1arnin)* I
(ade the bet o& (y 1ay to 5leet Street* and there )ot a late
ha"#ney "hariot and dro.e to the ;+((+( in Co.ent Garden- In thoe
ti(e a bed 1a al1ay to be )ot there at any ho+r o& the ni)ht*
and the "ha(berlain* lettin) (e in at hi ready 1i"#et* li)hted the
"andle ne,t in order on hi hel&* and ho1ed (e trai)ht into the
bedroo( ne,t in order on hi lit- It 1a a ort o& .a+lt on the
)ro+nd &loor at the ba"#* 1ith a de$oti" (onter o& a &o+r/$ot
bedtead in it* traddlin) the 1hole $la"e* $+ttin) one o& hi
arbitrary le) into the &ire$la"e and another into the door1ay*
and 4+ee8in) the 1ret"hed little 1ahin)/tand in 4+ite a !i.inely
Ri)hteo+ (anner-
A I had a#ed &or a ni)ht/li)ht* the "ha(berlain had bro+)ht (e
in* be&ore he le&t (e* the )ood old "ontit+tional r+hli)ht o&
thoe .irt+o+ day-//an obAe"t li#e the )hot o& a 1al#in)/"ane*
1hi"h intantly bro#e it ba"# i& it 1ere to+"hed* 1hi"h nothin)
"o+ld be li)hted at* and 1hi"h 1a $la"ed in olitary
"on&ine(ent at the botto( o& a hi)h tin to1er* $er&orated 1ith
ro+nd hole that (ade a tarin)ly 1ide/a1a#e $attern on the 1all-
7hen I had )ot into bed* and lay there &ootore* 1eary* and
1ret"hed* I &o+nd that I "o+ld no (ore "loe (y o1n eye than I
"o+ld "loe the eye o& thi &oolih Ar)+- And th+* in the )loo(
and death o& the ni)ht* 1e tared at one another-
7hat a dole&+l ni)ht< ;o1 an,io+* ho1 di(al* ho1 lon)< There 1a
an inho$itable (ell in the roo(* o& "old oot and hot d+t9 and*
a I loo#ed +$ into the "orner o& the teter (y head* I
tho+)ht 1hat a n+(ber o& bl+e/bottle &lie &ro( the b+t"her'* and
ear1i) &ro( the (ar#et* and )r+b &ro( the "o+ntry* (+t be
holdin) on +$ there* lyin) by &or ne,t +((er- Thi led (e to
$e"+late 1hether any o& the( t+(bled do1n* and then I &an"ied
that I &elt li)ht &all on (y &a"e*//a dia)reeable t+rn o& tho+)ht*
+))etin) other and (ore obAe"tionable a$$roa"he +$ (y ba"#- 7hen
I had lain a1a#e a little 1hile* thoe e,traordinary .oi"e 1ith
1hi"h ilen"e tee( be)an to (a#e the(el.e a+dible- The "loet
1hi$ered* the &ire$la"e i)hed* the little 1ahin)/tand ti"#ed*
and one )+itar/trin) $layed o""aionally in the "het o& dra1er-
At abo+t the a(e ti(e* the eye on the 1all a"4+ired a ne1
e,$reion* and in e.ery one o& thoe tarin) ro+nd I a1
1ritten* !ON'T GO ;O%E- ni)ht/&an"ie and ni)ht/noie "ro1ded on (e* they
1arded o&& thi !ON'T GO ;O%E- It $laited itel& into I
tho+)ht o&* a a bodily $ain 1o+ld ha.e done- Not lon) be&ore* I
had read in the ne1$a$er* ho1 a )entle(an +n#no1n had "o(e to the
;+((+( in the ni)ht* and had )one to bed* and had detroyed
hi(el&* and had been &o+nd in the (ornin) 1elterin) in blood- It
"a(e into (y head that he (+t ha.e o""+$ied thi .ery .a+lt o&
(ine* and I )ot o+t o& bed to a+re (yel& that there 1ere no red
(ar# abo+t9 then o$ened the door to loo# o+t into the $aa)e*
and "heer (yel& 1ith the "o($anionhi$ o& a ditant li)ht* near
1hi"h I #ne1 the "ha(berlain to be do8in)- :+t all thi ti(e* 1hy I
1a not to )o ho(e* and 1hat had ha$$ened at ho(e* and 1hen I
ho+ld )o ho(e* and 1hether Pro.i 1a a&e at ho(e* 1ere 4+etion
o""+$yin) (y (ind o b+ily* that one (i)ht ha.e +$$oed there
"o+ld be no (ore roo( in it &or any other the(e- E.en 1hen I
tho+)ht o& Etella* and ho1 1e had $arted that day &* and
1hen I re"alled all the "ir"+(tan"e o& o+r $artin)* and all her
loo# and tone* and the a"tion o& her &in)er 1hile he #nitted*//
e.en then I 1a $+r+in)* here and there and e.ery1here* the
"a+tion* !on't )o ho(e- 7hen at lat I do8ed* in heer e,ha+tion o&
(ind and body* it be"a(e a .at hado1y .erb 1hi"h I had to
"onA+)ate- I($erati.e (ood* $reent teneB !o not tho+ )o ho(e* let
hi( not )o ho(e* let + not )o ho(e* do not ye or yo+ )o ho(e* let
not the( )o ho(e- Then $otentiallyB I (ay not and I "annot )o
ho(e9 and I (i)ht not* "o+ld not* 1o+ld not* and ho+ld not )o
ho(e9 +ntil I &elt that I 1a )oin) ditra"ted* and rolled on
the $illo1* and loo#ed at the tarin) ro+nd +$on the 1all a)ain-
I had le&t dire"tion that I 1a to be "alled at e.en9 &or it 1a
$lain that I (+t ee 7e((i"# be&ore eein) any one ele* and
e4+ally $lain that thi 1a a "ae in 1hi"h hi 7al1orth
enti(ent only "o+ld be ta#en- It 1a a relie& to )et o+t o& the
roo( 1here the ni)ht had been o (ierable* and I needed no e"ond
#no"#in) at the door to tartle (e &ro( (y +neay bed-
The Catle battle(ent aroe +$on (y .ie1 at ei)ht o'"lo"#- The
little er.ant ha$$enin) to be enterin) the &ortre 1ith t1o hot
roll* I $aed thro+)h the $otern and "roed the dra1brid)e in
her "o($any* and o "a(e 1itho+t anno+n"e(ent into the $reen"e o&
7e((i"# a he 1a (a#in) tea &or hi(el& and the A)ed- An o$en door
a&&orded a $er$e"ti.e .ie1 o& the A)ed in bed-
6;alloa* %r- Pi$<6 aid 7e((i"#- 6?o+ did "o(e ho(e* then@6
6?e*6 I ret+rned9 6b+t I didn't )o ho(e-6
6That' all ri)ht*6 aid he* r+bbin) hi hand- 6I le&t a note &or
yo+ at ea"h o& the Te($le )ate* on the "han"e- 7hi"h )ate did yo+
"o(e to@6
I told hi(-
6I'll )o ro+nd to the other in the "o+re o& the day and detroy
the note*6 aid 7e((i"#9 6it' a )ood r+le to lea.e
do"+(entary e.iden"e i& yo+ "an hel$ it* be"a+e yo+ don't #no1
1hen it (ay be $+t in- I'( )oin) to ta#e a liberty 1ith yo+-
7o+ld yo+ (ind toatin) thi a+a)e &or the A)ed P-@6
I aid I ho+ld be deli)hted to do it-
6Then yo+ "an )o abo+t yo+r 1or#* %ary Anne*6 aid 7e((i"# to the
little er.ant9 61hi"h lea.e + to o+rel.e* don't yo+ ee* %r-
Pi$@6 he added* 1in#in)* a he dia$$eared-
I than#ed hi( &or hi &riendhi$ and "a+tion* and o+r di"o+re
$ro"eeded in a lo1 tone* 1hile I toated the A)ed' a+a)e and he
b+ttered the "r+(b o& the A)ed' roll-
6No1* %r- Pi$* yo+ #no1*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6yo+ and I +ndertand one
another- 7e are in o+r $ri.ate and $eronal "a$a"itie* and 1e ha.e
been en)a)ed in a "on&idential trana"tion be&ore to/day- O&&i"ial
enti(ent are one thin)- 7e are e,tra o&&i"ial-6
I "ordially aented- I 1a o .ery ner.o+* that I had already
li)hted the A)ed' a+a)e li#e a tor"h* and been obli)ed to blo1
it o+t-
6I a""identally heard* yeterday (ornin)*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6bein) in
a "ertain $la"e 1here I on"e too# yo+*//e.en bet1een yo+ and (e*
it' a 1ell not to (ention na(e 1hen a.oidable//6
6%+"h better not*6 aid I- 6I +ndertand yo+-6
6I heard there by "han"e* yeterday (ornin)*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6that a
"ertain $eron not alto)ether o& +n"olonial $+r+it* and not
+n$oeed o& $ortable $ro$erty*//I don't #no1 1ho it (ay really
be*//1e 1on't na(e thi $eron//6
6Not ne"eary*6 aid I-
6//;ad (ade o(e little tir in a "ertain $art o& the 1orld 1here
a )ood (any $eo$le )o* not al1ay in )rati&i"ation o& their o1n
in"lination* and not 4+ite irre$e"ti.e o& the )o.ern(ent
In 1at"hin) hi &a"e* I (ade 4+ite a &ire1or# o& the A)ed'
a+a)e* and )reatly di"o($oed both (y o1n attention and
7e((i"#'9 &or 1hi"h I a$olo)i8ed-
6//:y dia$$earin) &ro( +"h $la"e* and bein) no (ore heard o&
thereabo+t- 5ro( 1hi"h*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6"onAe"t+re had been
raied and theorie &or(ed- I alo heard that yo+ at yo+r "ha(ber
in Garden Co+rt* Te($le* had been 1at"hed* and (i)ht be 1at"hed
6:y 1ho(@6 aid I-
6I 1o+ldn't )o into that*6 aid 7e((i"#** 6it (i)ht "lah
1ith o&&i"ial re$onibilitie- I heard it* a I ha.e in (y ti(e
heard other "+rio+ thin) in the a(e $la"e- I don't tell it yo+
on in&or(ation re"ei.ed- I heard it-6
;e too# the toatin)/&or# and a+a)e &ro( (e a he $o#e* and et
&orth the A)ed' brea#&at neatly on a little tray- to
$la"in) it be&ore hi(* he 1ent into the A)ed' roo( 1ith a "lean
1hite "loth* and tied the a(e +nder the old )entle(an' "hin* and
$ro$$ed hi( +$* and $+t hi ni)ht"a$ on one ide* and )a.e hi(
4+ite a ra#ih air- Then he $la"ed hi brea#&at be&ore hi( 1ith
)reat "are* and aid* 6All ri)ht* ain't yo+* A)ed P-@6 To 1hi"h the
"heer&+l A)ed re$lied* 6All ri)ht* 0ohn* (y boy* all ri)ht<6 A
there ee(ed to be a ta"it +ndertandin) that the A)ed 1a not in a
$reentable tate* and 1a there&ore to be "onidered in.iible* I
(ade a $reten"e o& bein) in "o($lete i)noran"e o& thee
6Thi 1at"hin) o& (e at (y "ha(ber 21hi"h I ha.e on"e had reaon
to +$e"t3*6 I aid to 7e((i"# 1hen he "a(e ba"#* 6i ine$arable
&ro( the $eron to 1ho( yo+ ha.e ad.erted9 i it@6
7e((i"# loo#ed .ery erio+- 6I "o+ldn't +nderta#e to ay that* o&
(y o1n #no1led)e- I (ean* I "o+ldn't +nderta#e to ay it 1a at
&irt- :+t it either i* or it 1ill be* or it' in )reat dan)er o&
A I a1 that he 1a retrained by &ealty to Cittle :ritain &ro(
ayin) a (+"h a he "o+ld* and a I #ne1 1ith than#&+lne to hi(
ho1 &ar o+t o& hi 1ay he 1ent to ay 1hat he did* I "o+ld not
$re hi(- :+t I told hi(* a&ter a little (editation the &ire*
that I 1o+ld li#e to a# hi( a 4+etion* +bAe"t to hi an1erin)
or not an1erin)* a he dee(ed ri)ht* and +re that hi "o+re
1o+ld be ri)ht- ;e $a+ed in hi brea#&at* and "roin) hi ar(*
and $in"hin) hi hirt/lee.e 2hi notion o& in/door "o(&ort 1a to
it 1itho+t any "oat3* he nodded to (e on"e* to $+t (y 4+etion-
6?o+ ha.e heard o& a (an o& bad "hara"ter* 1hoe tr+e na(e i
;e an1ered 1ith one other nod-
6I he
One other nod-
6I he in Condon@6
;e )a.e (e one other nod* "o($reed the $ot/o&&i"e e,"eedin)ly*
)a.e (e one lat nod* and 1ent on 1ith hi brea#&at-
6No1*6 aid 7e((i"#* 64+etionin) bein)*6 1hi"h he e($hai8ed
and re$eated &or (y )+idan"e* 6I "o(e to 1hat I did* a&ter hearin)
1hat I heard- I 1ent to Garden Co+rt to &ind yo+9 not &indin) yo+*
I 1ent to Clarri#er' to &ind %r- ;erbert-6
6And hi( yo+ &o+nd@6 aid I* 1ith )reat an,iety-
6And hi( I &o+nd- 7itho+t (entionin) any na(e or )oin) into any
detail* I )a.e hi( to +ndertand that i& he 1a a1are o& anybody//
To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard//bein) abo+t the "ha(ber* or abo+t the
i((ediate nei)hborhood* he had better )et To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard
o+t o& the 1ay 1hile yo+ 1ere o+t o& the 1ay-6
6;e 1o+ld be )reatly $+88led 1hat to do@6
6;e 1a $+88led 1hat to do9 not the le* be"a+e I )a.e hi( (y
o$inion that it 1a not a&e to try to )et To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard
too &ar o+t o& the 1ay at $reent- %r- Pi$* I'll tell yo+ o(ethin)-
Dnder e,itin) "ir"+(tan"e* there i no $la"e li#e a )reat "ity
1hen yo+ are on"e in it- !on't brea# " too oon- Cie "loe-
7ait till thin) la"#en* be&ore yo+ try the o$en* e.en &or &orei)n
I than#ed hi( &or hi .al+able ad.i"e* and a#ed hi( 1hat ;erbert
had done@
6%r- ;erbert*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6a&ter bein) all o& a hea$ &or hal& an
ho+r* tr+"# o+t a $lan- ;e (entioned to (e a a e"ret* that he i
"o+rtin) a yo+n) lady 1ho ha* a no do+bt yo+ are a1are* a
bedridden Pa- 7hi"h Pa* been in the P+rer line o& li&e*
lie a/bed in a bo1/1indo1 1here he "an ee the hi$ ail +$ and
do1n the ?o+ are a"4+ainted 1ith the yo+n) lady* (ot
6Not $eronally*6 aid I-
The tr+th 1a* that he had obAe"ted to (e a an e,$eni.e
"o($anion 1ho did ;erbert no )ood* and that* 1hen ;erbert had &irt
$ro$oed to $reent (e to her* he had re"ei.ed the $ro$oal 1ith
+"h .ery (oderate 1ar(th* that ;erbert had &elt hi(el& obli)ed to
"on&ide the tate o& the "ae to (e* 1ith a .ie1 to the la$e o& a
little ti(e be&ore I (ade her a"4+aintan"e- 7hen I had be)+n to"e ;erbert' $ro$e"t by tealth* I had been able to bear
thi 1ith "heer&+l $hiloo$hyB he and hi a&&ian"ed* &or their
$art* had nat+rally not been .ery an,io+ to introd+"e a third
$eron into their inter.ie19 and th+* altho+)h I 1a a+red that
I had rien in Clara' etee(* and altho+)h the yo+n) lady and I
had lon) re)+larly inter"han)ed (ea)e and re(e(bran"e by
;erbert* I had een her- ;* I did not tro+ble 7e((i"#
1ith thee $arti"+lar-
6The ho+e 1ith the bo1/1indo1*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6bein) by the* do1n the Pool there bet1een Ci(eho+e and Green1i"h*
and bein) #e$t* it ee(* by a .ery re$e"table 1ido1 1ho ha a
&+rnihed +$$er &loor to let* %r- ;erbert $+t it to (e* 1hat did I
thin# o& that a a te($orary tene(ent &or To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard@
No1* I tho+)ht .ery 1ell o& it* &or three reaon I'll )i.e yo+-
That i to ayB 5irtly- It' alto)ether o+t o& all yo+r beat* and
i 1ell a1ay &ro( the ++al hea$ o& treet )reat and (all-
Se"ondly- 7itho+t )oin) near it yo+rel&* yo+ "o+ld al1ay hear o&
the a&ety o& To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard* thro+)h %r- ;erbert- Thirdly-
A&ter a 1hile and 1hen it (i)ht be $r+dent* i& yo+ ho+ld 1ant to
li$ To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard on board a &orei)n $a"#et/boat* there
he i//ready-6
%+"h "o(&orted by thee "onideration* I than#ed 7e((i"# a)ain and
a)ain* and be))ed hi( to $ro"eed-
67ell* ir< %r- ;erbert thre1 hi(el& into the b+ine 1ith a 1ill*
and by nine o'"lo"# lat ni)ht he ho+ed To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard*//
1hi" it (ay be*//yo+ and I don't 1ant to #no1*//4+ite
+""e&+lly- At the old lod)in) it 1a +ndertood that he 1a
+((oned to !* and* in &a"t* he 1a ta#en do1n the ! road and
"ornered o+t o& it- No1* another )reat ad.anta)e o& all thi i*
that it 1a done 1itho+t yo+* and 1hen* i& any one 1a "on"ernin)
hi(el& abo+t yo+r (o.e(ent* yo+ (+t be #no1n to be o (any
(ile o&& and 4+ite other1ie en)a)ed- Thi di.ert +$i"ion and
"on&+e it9 and &or the a(e reaon I re"o((ended that* e.en i& yo+
"a(e ba"# lat ni)ht* yo+ ho+ld not )o ho(e- It brin) in (ore
"on&+ion* and yo+ 1ant "on&+ion-6
7e((i"#* &inihed hi brea#&at* here loo#ed at hi 1at"h*
and be)an to )et hi "oat on-
6And no1* %r- Pi$*6 aid he* 1ith hi hand till in the lee.e* 6I
ha.e $robably done the (ot I "an do9 b+t i& I "an do (ore*//
&ro( a 7al1orth $oint o& .ie1* and in a tri"tly $ri.ate and
$eronal "a$a"ity*//I hall be )lad to do it- ;ere' the addre-
There "an be no har( in yo+r )oin) here to/ni)ht* and eein) &or
yo+rel& that all i 1ell 1ith To(* 0a"#* or Ri"hard* be&ore yo+ )o
ho(e*//1hi"h i another reaon &or yo+r not )oin) ho(e lat ni)ht-
:+t* a&ter yo+ ha.e )one ho(e* don't )o ba"# here- ?o+ are .ery
1el"o(e* I a( +re* %r- Pi$69 hi hand 1ere no1 o+t o& hi lee.e*
and I 1a ha#in) the(9 6and let (e &inally i($re one i($ortant
$oint +$on yo+-6 ;e laid hi hand +$on (y ho+lder* and added in
a ole(n 1hi$erB 6A.ail yo+rel& o& thi e.enin) to lay hold o&
hi $ortable $ro$erty- ?o+ don't #no1 1hat (ay ha$$en to hi(- !on't
let anythin) ha$$en to the $ortable $ro$erty-6
>+ite de$airin) o& (a#in) (y (ind "lear to 7e((i"# on thi $oint*
I &orbore to try-
6Ti(e' +$*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6and I (+t be o&&- I& yo+ had nothin)
(ore $rein) to do than to #ee$ here till dar#* that' 1hat I
ho+ld ?o+ loo# .ery (+"h 1orried* and it 1o+ld do yo+ )ood
to ha.e a $er&e"tly 4+iet day 1ith the A)ed*//he'll be +$ $reently*
//and a little bit o&//yo+ re(e(ber the $i)@6
6O& "o+re*6 aid I-
67ell9 and a little bit o& hi(- That a+a)e yo+ toated 1a hi*
and he 1a in all re$e"t a &irt/rater- !o try hi(* i& it i only
&or old a"4+aintan"e a#e- Good by* A)ed Parent<6 in a "heery
6All ri)ht* 0ohn9 all ri)ht* (y boy<6 $i$ed the old (an &ro(
I oon &ell alee$ be&ore 7e((i"#' &ire* and the A)ed and I
enAoyed one another' o"iety by &allin) alee$ be&ore it (ore or
le all day- 7e had loin o& $or# &or dinner* and )reen )ro1n on
the etate9 and I nodded at the A)ed 1ith a )ood intention
I &ailed to do it dro1ily- 7hen it 1a 4+ite dar#* I le&t the A)ed
$re$arin) the &ire &or toat9 and I in&erred &ro( the n+(ber o&
tea"+$* a 1ell a &ro( hi )lan"e at the t1o little door in the
1all* that %i S#i&&in 1a e,$e"ted-
Cha$ter XCEI
Ei)ht o'"lo"# had tr+"# be&ore I )ot into the air* that 1a
"ented* not dia)reeably* by the "hi$ and o& the
lon)/hore boat/b+ilder* and (at* oar* and blo"# (a#er- All that
1ater/ide re)ion o& the +$$er and lo1er Pool belo1 :rid)e 1a
+n#no1n )ro+nd to (e9 and 1hen I tr+"# do1n by the* I &o+nd
that the $ot I 1anted 1a not 1here I had +$$oed it to be* and
1a anythin) b+t eay to &ind- It 1a "alled %ill Pond :an#*
Chin#' :ain9 and I had no other )+ide to Chin#' :ain than the
Old Green Co$$er Ro$e/1al#-
It (atter not 1hat tranded hi$ re$airin) in dry do"# I lot
(yel& a(on)* 1hat old h+ll o& hi$ in "o+re o& bein) #no"#ed to
$ie"e* 1hat oo8e and li(e and other dre) o& tide* 1hat yard o&
hi$/b+ilder and hi$/brea#er* 1hat r+ty an"hor blindly bitin)
into the )ro+nd* tho+)h &or year o&& d+ty* 1hat (o+ntaino+ "o+ntry
o& a""+(+lated "a# and ti(ber* ho1 (any ro$e1al# that 1ere not
the Old Green Co$$er- A&ter e.eral ti(e &allin) hort o& (y
detination and a o&ten o.erhootin) it* I "a(e +ne,$e"tedly
ro+nd a "orner* +$on %ill Pond :an#- It 1a a &reh #ind o& $la"e*
all "ir"+(tan"e "onidered* 1here the 1ind &ro( the had
roo( to t+rn itel& ro+nd9 and there 1ere t1o or three tree in it*
and there 1a the t+($ o& a r+ined 1ind(ill* and there 1a the Old
Green Co$$er Ro$e1al#*//1hoe lon) and narro1 .ita I "o+ld tra"e
in the (oonli)ht* alon) a erie o& 1ooden &ra(e et in the
)ro+nd* that loo#ed li#e +$erann+ated hay(a#in)/ra#e 1hi"h had
)ro1n old and lot (ot o& their teeth-
Sele"tin) &ro( the &e1 4+eer ho+e +$on %ill Pond :an# a ho+e
1ith a 1ooden &ront and three torie o& bo1/1indo1 2not
bay/1indo1* 1hi"h i another thin)3* I loo#ed at the $late +$on the
door* and read there* %r- 7hi($le- That bein) the na(e I 1anted* I
#no"#ed* and an elderly 1o(an o& a $leaant and a$$earan"e
re$onded- She 1a i((ediately de$oed** by ;erbert* 1ho
ilently led (e into the $arlor and h+t the door- It 1a an odd
enation to ee hi .ery &a(iliar &a"e etablihed 4+ite at ho(e
in that .ery +n&a(iliar roo( and re)ion9 and I &o+nd (yel& loo#in)
at hi(* (+"h a I loo#ed at the "orner/"+$board 1ith the )la and
"hina* the hell +$on the "hi(ney/$ie"e* and the "olored
en) on the 1all* re$reentin) the death o& Ca$tain Coo#* a
hi$/la+n"h* and hi %aAety =in) Geor)e the Third in a
tate "oa"h(an' 1i)* leather/bree"he* and to$/boot* on the
terra"e at 7indor-
6All i 1ell* ;andel*6 aid ;erbert* 6and he i 4+ite ati&ied*
tho+)h ea)er to ee yo+- %y dear )irl i 1ith her &ather9 and i&
yo+'ll 1ait till he "o(e do1n* I'll (a#e yo+ #no1n to her* and
then 1e'll )o +$ tair- That' her &ather-6
I had be"o(e a1are o& an alar(in) )ro1lin) o.erhead* and had
$robably e,$reed the &a"t in (y "o+ntenan"e-
6I a( a&raid he i a ad old ra"al*6 aid ;erbert* (ilin)* 6b+t I
ha.e een hi(- !on't yo+ (ell r+(@ ;e i al1ay at it-6
6At r+(@6 aid I-
6?e*6 ret+rned ;erbert* 6and yo+ (ay +$$oe ho1 (ild it (a#e hi
)o+t- ;e $erit* too* in #ee$in) all the $ro.iion +$ tair in
hi roo(* and the( o+t- ;e #ee$ the( on hel.e hi
head* and 1ill 1ei)h the( all- ;i roo( (+t be li#e a "handler'
7hile he th+ $o#e* the )ro1lin) noie be"a(e a $rolon)ed roar*
and then died a1ay-
67hat ele "an be the "one4+en"e*6 aid ;erbert* in e,$lanation*
6i& he 1ill "+t the "heee@ A (an 1ith the )o+t in hi ri)ht hand//
and e.ery1here ele//"an't e,$e"t to )et thro+)h a !o+ble
Glo+"eter 1itho+t h+rtin) hi(el&-6
;e ee(ed to ha.e h+rt hi(el& .ery (+"h* &or he )a.e another
&+rio+ roar-
6To ha.e Pro.i &or an +$$er lod)er i 4+ite a )odend to %r-
7hi($le*6 aid ;erbert* 6&or o& "o+re $eo$le in )eneral 1on't
tand that noie- A "+rio+ $la"e* ;andel9 in't it@6
It 1a a "+rio+ $la"e* indeed9 b+t re(ar#ably 1ell #e$t and "lean-
6%r- 7hi($le*6 aid ;erbert* 1hen I told hi( o* 6i the bet o&
ho+e1i.e* and I really do not #no1 1hat (y Clara 1o+ld do 1itho+t
her (otherly hel$- 5or* Clara ha no (other o& her o1n* ;andel* and
no relation in the 1orld b+t old Gr+&&and)ri(-6
6S+rely that' not hi na(e* ;erbert@6
6No* no*6 aid ;erbert* 6that' (y na(e &or hi(- ;i na(e i %r-
:arley- :+t 1hat a blein) it i &or the on o& (y &ather and
(other to lo.e a )irl 1ho ha no relation* and 1ho "an
bother herel& or anybody ele abo+t her &a(ily<6
;erbert had told (e on &or(er o""aion* and no1 re(inded (e* that
he &irt #ne1 %i Clara :arley 1hen he 1a "o($letin) her
ed+"ation at an etablih(ent at ;a((er(ith* and that on her bein)
re"alled ho(e to n+re her &ather* he and he had "on&ided their
a&&e"tion to the (otherly %r- 7hi($le* by 1ho( it had been &otered
and re)+lated 1ith e4+al #indne and di"retion* in"e- It
1a +ndertood that nothin) o& a tender nat+re "o+ld $oibly be
"on&ided to old :arley* by reaon o& hi bein) totally +ne4+al to
the "onideration o& any +bAe"t (ore $y"holo)i"al than Go+t* R+(*
and P+rer' tore-
A 1e 1ere th+ "on.erin) in a lo1 tone 1hile Old :arley'
+tained )ro1l .ibrated in the bea( that "roed the "eilin)* the
roo( door o$ened* and a .ery $retty* li)ht* dar#/eyed )irl o& t1enty
or o "a(e in 1ith a ba#et in her handB 1ho( ;erbert tenderly
relie.ed o& the ba#et* and $reented* bl+hin)* a 6Clara-6 She
really 1a a (ot "har(in) )irl* and (i)ht ha.e $aed &or a
"a$ti.e &airy* 1ho( that tr+"+lent O)re* Old :arley* had $reed
into hi er.i"e-
6Coo# here*6 aid ;erbert* ho1in) (e the ba#et* 1ith a
"o($aionate and tender (ile* a&ter 1e had tal#ed a little9
6here' $oor Clara' +$$er* er.ed o+t e.ery ni)ht- ;ere' her
allo1an"e o& bread* and here' her li"e o& "heee* and here' her
r+(*//1hi"h I drin#- Thi i %r- :arley' brea#&at &or to/(orro1*
er.ed o+t to be "oo#ed- T1o (+tton/"ho$* three $otatoe* o(e
$lit $ea* a little &lo+r* t1o o+n"e o& b+tter* a $in"h o& alt*
and all thi bla"# $e$$er- It' te1ed +$ to)ether* and ta#en hot*
and it' a ni"e thin) &or the )o+t* I ho+ld thin#<6
There 1a o(ethin) o nat+ral and 1innin) in Clara' rei)ned 1ay
o& loo#in) at thee tore in detail* a ;erbert $ointed the( o+t9
and o(ethin) o "on&idin)** and inno"ent in her (odet
(anner o& yieldin) herel& to ;erbert' e(bra"in) ar(9 and
o(ethin) o )entle in her* o (+"h needin) $rote"tion on %ill Pond
:an#* by Chin#' :ain* and the Old Green Co$$er Ro$e1al#* 1ith
Old :arley )ro1lin) in the bea(*//that I 1o+ld not ha.e +ndone the
en)a)e(ent bet1een her and ;erbert &or all the (oney in the
$o"#et/boo# I had o$ened-
I 1a loo#in) at her 1ith $lea+re and ad(iration* 1hen +ddenly
the )ro1l 1elled into a roar a)ain* and a &ri)ht&+l b+($in) noie
1a heard abo.e* a i& a )iant 1ith a 1ooden le) 1ere tryin) to
bore it thro+)h the "eilin) to "o(e at +- D$on thi Clara aid to
;erbert* 6Pa$a 1ant (e* darlin)<6 and ran a1ay-
6There i an +n"on"ionable old har# &or yo+<6 aid ;erbert- 67hat
do yo+ +$$oe he 1ant no1* ;andel@6
6I don't #no1*6 aid I- 6So(ethin) to drin#@6
6That' it<6 "ried ;erbert* a i& I had (ade a )+e o&
e,traordinary (erit- 6;e #ee$ hi )ro) ready (i,ed in a little t+b
on the table- 7ait a (o(ent* and yo+'ll hear Clara li&t hi( +$ to
ta#e o(e- There he )oe<6 Another roar* 1ith a $rolon)ed ha#e
at the end- 6No1*6 aid ;erbert* a it 1a +""eeded by ilen"e*
6he' drin#in)- No1*6 aid ;erbert* a the )ro1l reo+nded in the
bea( on"e (ore* 6he' do1n a)ain on hi ba"#<6
Clara ret+rned oon a&ter1ard* and ;erbert a""o($anied (e
+$ tair to ee o+r "har)e- A 1e $aed %r- :arley' door* he 1a
heard hoarely (+tterin) 1ithin* in a train that roe and &ell
li#e 1ind* the &ollo1in) Re&rain* in 1hi"h I +btit+te )ood 1ihe
&or o(ethin) 4+ite the re.ereB//
6Ahoy< :le yo+r eye* here' old :ill :arley- ;ere' old :ill
:arley* ble yo+r eye- ;ere' old :ill :arley on the &lat o& hi
ba"#* by the Cord- Cyin) on the &lat o& hi ba"# li#e a dri&tin)
old dead &lo+nder* here' yo+r old :ill :arley* ble yo+r eye-
Ahoy< :le yo+-6
In thi train o& "onolation* ;erbert in&or(ed (e the in.iible
:arley 1o+ld "o((+ne 1ith hi(el& by the day and ni)ht to)ether9
O&ten* 1hile it 1a li)ht** at the a(e ti(e* one eye at a
tele"o$e 1hi"h 1a &itted on hi bed &or the "on.enien"e o&
1ee$in) the
In hi t1o "abin roo( at the to$ o& the ho+e* 1hi"h 1ere &reh
and airy* and in 1hi"h %r- :arley 1a le a+dible than belo1* I
&o+nd Pro.i "o(&ortably ettled- ;e e,$reed no alar(* and ee(ed
to &eel none that 1a 1orth (entionin)9 b+t it tr+"# (e that he
1a o&tened*//inde&inably* &or I "o+ld not ha.e aid ho1* and "o+ld a&ter1ard re"all ho1 1hen I tried* b+t "ertainly-
The o$$ort+nity that the day' ret had )i.en (e &or re&le"tion
had re+lted in (y &+lly deter(inin) to ay nothin) to hi(
re$e"tin) Co($eyon- 5or anythin) I #ne1* hi ani(oity to1ard
the (an (i)ht other1ie lead to hi ee#in) hi( o+t and r+hin) on
hi o1n detr+"tion- There&ore* 1hen ;erbert and I at do1n 1ith
hi( by hi &ire* I a#ed hi( &irt o& all 1hether he relied on
7e((i"#' A+d)(ent and o+r"e o& in&or(ation@
6Ay* ay* dear boy<6 he an1ered* 1ith a )ra.e nod* 60a))er #no1-6
6Then* I ha.e tal#ed 1ith 7e((i"#*6 aid I* 6and ha.e "o(e to tell
yo+ 1hat "a+tion he )a.e (e and 1hat ad.i"e-6
Thi I did a""+rately* 1ith the reer.ation A+t (entioned9 and I
told hi( ho1 7e((i"# had heard* in Ne1)ate $rion 21hether &ro(
o&&i"er or $rioner I "o+ld not ay3* that he 1a +nder o(e
+$i"ion* and that (y "ha(ber had been 1at"hed9 ho1 7e((i"# had
re"o((ended hi #ee$in) "loe &or a ti(e* and (y #ee$in) a1ay &ro(
hi(9 and 1hat 7e((i"# had aid abo+t )ettin) hi( abroad- I added*
that o& "o+re* 1hen the ti(e "a(e* I ho+ld )o 1ith hi(* or ho+ld
&ollo1 "loe +$on hi(* a (i)ht be a&et in 7e((i"#' A+d)(ent-
7hat 1a to &ollo1 that I did not to+"h +$on9 neither* indeed* 1a I
at all "lear or "o(&ortable abo+t it in (y o1n (ind* no1 that I a1
hi( in that o&ter "ondition* and in de"lared $eril &or (y a#e- A
to alterin) (y 1ay o& by enlar)in) (y e,$ene* I $+t it to
hi( 1hether in o+r $reent +nettled and di&&i"+lt "ir"+(tan"e*
it 1o+ld not be i($ly ridi"+lo+* i& it 1ere no 1ore@
;e "o+ld not deny thi* and indeed 1a .ery reaonable thro+)ho+t-
;i "o(in) ba"# 1a a .ent+re* he aid* and he had al1ay #no1n it
to be a .ent+re- ;e 1o+ld do nothin) to (a#e it a de$erate
.ent+re* and he had .ery little &ear o& hi a&ety 1ith +"h )ood
;erbert* 1ho had been loo#in) at the &ire and $onderin)* here aid
that o(ethin) had "o(e into hi tho+)ht ariin) o+t o& 7e((i"#'
+))etion* 1hi"h it (i)ht be 1orth 1hile to $+r+e- 67e are both
)ood 1ater(en* ;andel* and "o+ld ta#e hi( do1n the o+rel.e
1hen the ri)ht ti(e "o(e- No boat 1o+ld then be hired &or the
$+r$oe* and no boat(en9 that 1o+ld a.e at leat a "han"e o&
+$i"ion* and any "han"e i 1orth (ind the eaon9
don't yo+ thin# it (i)ht be a )ood thin) i& yo+ be)an at on"e to
#ee$ a boat at the Te($le tair* and 1ere in the habit o& ro1in)
+$ and do1n the ?o+ &all into that habit* and then 1ho
noti"e or (ind@ !o it t1enty or &i&ty ti(e* and there i nothin)
$e"ial in yo+r doin) it the t1enty/&irt or &i&ty/&irt-6
I li#ed thi "he(e* and Pro.i 1a 4+ite elated by it- 7e a)reed
that it ho+ld be "arried into e,e"+tion* and that Pro.i ho+ld re"o)ni8e + i& 1e "a(e belo1 :rid)e* and ro1ed $at %ill Pond
:an#- :+t 1e &+rther a)reed that he ho+ld $+ll do1n the blind in
that $art o& hi 1indo1 1hi"h )a.e +$on the eat* he a1
+ and all 1a ri)ht-
O+r "on&eren"e bein) no1 ended* and e.erythin) arran)ed* I roe to
)o9 re(ar#in) to ;erbert that he and I had better not )o ho(e
to)ether* and that I 1o+ld ta#e hal& an ho+r' tart o& hi(- 6I
don't li#e to lea.e yo+ here*6 I aid to Pro.i* 6tho+)h I "annot
do+bt yo+r bein) a&er here than near (e- Good by<6
6!ear boy*6 he an1ered* "la$in) (y hand* 6I don't #no1 1hen 1e
(ay (eet a)ain* and I don't li#e )ood by- Say )ood ni)ht<6
6Good ni)ht< ;erbert 1ill )o re)+larly bet1een +* and 1hen the
ti(e "o(e yo+ (ay be "ertain I hall be ready- Good ni)ht* )ood
7e tho+)ht it bet that he ho+ld tay in hi o1n roo(9 and 1e
le&t hi( on the landin) o+tide hi door* holdin) a li)ht the
tair/rail to li)ht + do1n tair- Coo#in) ba"# at hi(* I tho+)ht
o& the &irt ni)ht o& hi ret+rn* 1hen o+r $oition 1ere re.ered*
and 1hen I little +$$oed (y heart "o+ld be a hea.y and
an,io+ at $artin) &ro( hi( a it 1a no1-
Old :arley 1a )ro1lin) and 1earin) 1hen 1e re$aed hi door*
1ith no a$$earan"e o& "eaed or o& (eanin) to "eae- 7hen 1e
)ot to the &oot o& the tair* I a#ed ;erbert 1hether he had
$reer.ed the na(e o& Pro.i- ;e re$lied* "ertainly not* and that
the lod)er 1a %r- Ca($bell- ;e alo e,$lained that the +t(ot #no1n
o& %r- Ca($bell there 1a* that he 2;erbert3 had %r- Ca($bell
"oni)ned to hi(* and &elt a tron) $eronal interet in hi bein)
1ell "ared &or* and a e"l+ded li&e- So* 1hen 1e 1ent into
the $arlor 1here %r- 7hi($le and Clara 1ere eated at 1or#* I aid
nothin) o& (y o1n interet in %r- Ca($bell* b+t #e$t it to (yel&-
7hen I had ta#en lea.e o& the $retty* )entle* dar#/eyed )irl* and o&
the (otherly 1o(an 1ho had not o+tli.ed her honet y($athy 1ith a
little a&&air o& tr+e lo.e* I &elt a i& the Old Green Co$$er
Ro$e1al# had )ro1n 4+ite a di&&erent $la"e- Old :arley (i)ht be a
old a the hill* and (i)ht 1ear li#e a 1hole &ield o& troo$er*
b+t there 1ere redee(in) yo+th and tr+t and ho$e eno+)h in
Chin#' :ain to &ill it to And then I tho+)ht o&
Etella* and o& o+r $artin)* and 1ent ho(e .ery adly-
All thin) 1ere a 4+iet in the Te($le a I had een the(- The
1indo1 o& the roo( on that ide* lately o""+$ied by Pro.i* 1ere
dar# and till* and there 1a no lo+n)er in Garden Co+rt- I 1al#ed
$at the &o+ntain t1i"e or thri"e be&ore I de"ended the te$ that
1ere bet1een (e and (y roo(* b+t I 1a 4+ite alone- ;erbert* "o(in)
to (y bedide 1hen he "a(e in*//&or I 1ent trai)ht to bed*
di$irited and &ati)+ed*//(ade the a(e re$ort- O$enin) one o& the
1indo1 a&ter that* he loo#ed o+t into the (oonli)ht* and told (e
that the $a.e(ent 1a a ole(nly e($ty a the $a.e(ent o& any
"athedral at that a(e ho+r-
Ne,t day I et (yel& to )et the boat- It 1a oon done* and the
boat 1a bro+)ht ro+nd to the Te($le tair* and lay 1here I "o+ld
rea"h her 1ithin a (in+te or t1o- Then* I be)an to )o o+t a &or
trainin) and $ra"ti"eB o(eti(e alone* o(eti(e 1ith ;erbert- I
1a o&ten o+t in "old* rain* and leet* b+t nobody too# (+"h note
o& (e a&ter I had been o+t a &e1 ti(e- At &irt* I #e$t abo.e
:la"#&riar :rid)e9 b+t a the ho+r o& the tide "han)ed* I too#
to1ard Condon :rid)e- It 1a Old Condon :rid)e in thoe day* and
at "ertain tate o& the tide there 1a a ra"e and &all o& 1ater
there 1hi"h )a.e it a bad re$+tation- :+t I #ne1 1ell eno+)h ho1 to
6hoot' the brid)e a&ter eein) it done* and o be)an to ro1 abo+t
a(on) the hi$$in) in the Pool* and do1n to Erith- The &irt ti(e I
$aed %ill Pond :an#* ;erbert and I 1ere $+llin) a $air o& oar9
and* both in )oin) and ret+rnin)* 1e a1 the blind to1ard the eat
"o(e do1n- ;erbert 1a rarely there le &re4+ently than three
ti(e in a 1ee#* and he bro+)ht (e a in)le 1ord o&
intelli)en"e that 1a at all alar(in)- Still* I #ne1 that there 1a
"a+e &or alar(* and I "o+ld not )et rid o& the notion o& bein)
1at"hed- On"e re"ei.ed* it i a ha+ntin) idea9 ho1 (any +ndei)nin)
$eron I +$e"ted o& 1at"hin) (e* it 1o+ld be hard to "al"+late-
In hort* I 1a al1ay &+ll o& &ear &or the rah (an 1ho 1a in
hidin)- ;erbert had o(eti(e aid to (e that he &o+nd it $leaant
to tand at one o& o+r 1indo1 a&ter dar#* 1hen the tide 1a
r+nnin) do1n* and to thin# that it 1a &lo1in)* 1ith e.erythin) it
bore* to1ard Clara- :+t I tho+)ht 1ith dread that it 1a &lo1in)
to1ard %a)1it"h* and that any bla"# (ar# on it +r&a"e (i)ht be
hi $+r+er* )oin) 1i&tly* ilently* and +rely* to ta#e hi(-
Cha$ter XCEII
So(e 1ee# $aed 1itho+t brin)in) any "han)e- 7e 1aited &or
7e((i"#* and he (ade no i)n- I& I had #no1n hi( o+t o&
Cittle :ritain* and had enAoyed the $ri.ile)e o& bein) on a
&a(iliar &ootin) at the Catle* I (i)ht ha.e do+bted hi(9 not o
&or a (o(ent* #no1in) hi( a I did-
%y 1orldly a&&air be)an to 1ear a )loo(y a$$earan"e* and I 1a
$reed &or (oney by (ore than one "reditor- E.en I (yel& be)an to
#no1 the 1ant o& (oney 2I (ean o& ready (oney in (y o1n $o"#et3*
and to relie.e it by "on.ertin) o(e eaily $ared arti"le o&
Ae1elery into "ah- :+t I had 4+ite deter(ined that it 1o+ld be a
heartle &ra+d to ta#e (ore (oney &ro( (y $atron in the e,itin)
tate o& (y +n"ertain tho+)ht and $lan- There&ore* I had ent hi(
the +no$ened $o"#et/boo# by ;erbert* to hold in hi o1n #ee$in)*
and I &elt a #ind o& ati&a"tion//1hether it 1a a &ale #ind or
a tr+e* I hardly #no1//in not $ro&ited by hi )eneroity
in"e hi re.elation o& hi(el&-
A the ti(e 1ore on* an i($reion ettled hea.ily +$on (e that
Etella 1a (arried- 5ear&+l o& it "on&ir(ed* tho+)h it 1a
all b+t a "on.i"tion* I a.oided the ne1$a$er* and be))ed ;erbert
2to 1ho( I had "on&ided the "ir"+(tan"e o& o+r lat inter.ie13 to $ea# o& her to (e- 7hy I hoarded +$ thi lat 1ret"hed
little ra) o& the robe o& ho$e that 1a rent and )i.en to the
1ind* ho1 do I #no1@ 7hy did yo+ 1ho read thi* "o((it that not
dii(ilar in"oniten"y o& yo+r o1n lat year* lat (onth* lat
It 1a an +nha$$y li&e that I li.ed9 and it one do(inant an,iety*
to1erin) all it other an,ietie* li#e a hi)h (o+ntain abo.e a
ran)e o& (o+ntain* dia$$eared &ro( (y .ie1- Still* no ne1
"a+e &or &ear aroe- Cet (e tart &ro( (y bed a I 1o+ld* 1ith the
terror &reh +$on (e that he 1a di"o.ered9 let (e it litenin)*
a I 1o+ld 1ith dread* &or ;erbert' ret+rnin) te$ at ni)ht* let
it ho+ld be &leeter than ordinary* and 1in)ed 1ith ne1*//&or
all that* and (+"h (ore to li#e $+r$oe* the ro+nd o& thin) 1ent
on- Conde(ned to ina"tion and a tate o& "ontant retlene and
+$ene* I ro1ed abo+t in (y boat* and 1aited* 1aited* 1aited* a
I bet "o+ld-
There 1ere tate o& the tide 1hen* been do1n the* I
"o+ld not )et ba"# thro+)h the eddy/"ha&ed ar"he and tarlin) o&
old Condon :rid)e9 then* I le&t (y boat at a 1har& near the C+to(
;o+e* to be bro+)ht +$ a&ter1ard to the Te($le tair- I 1a not
a.ere to doin) thi* a it er.ed to (a#e (e and (y boat a
"o((oner in"ident a(on) the 1ater/ide $eo$le there- 5ro( thi
li)ht o""aion $ran) t1o (eetin) that I ha.e no1 to tell o&-
One a&ternoon* late in the (onth o& 5ebr+ary* I "a(e ahore at the
1har& at d+#- I had $+lled do1n a &ar a Green1i"h 1ith the ebb
tide* and had t+rned 1ith the tide- It had been a &ine bri)ht day*
b+t had be"o(e &o))y a the +n dro$$ed* and I had had to &eel (y
1ay ba"# a(on) the hi$$in)* $retty "are&+lly- :oth in )oin) and
ret+rnin)* I had een the i)nal in hi 1indo1* All 1ell-
A it 1a a ra1 e.enin)* and I 1a "old* I tho+)ht I 1o+ld "o(&ort
(yel& 1ith dinner at on"e9 and a I had ho+r o& deAe"tion and
olit+de be&ore (e i& I 1ent ho(e to the Te($le* I tho+)ht I 1o+ld
a&ter1ard )o to the $lay- The theatre 1here %r- 7o$le had a"hie.ed
hi 4+etionable tri+($h 1a in that 1ater/ide nei)hborhood 2it
i no1here no13* and to that theatre I reol.ed to )o- I 1a a1are
that %r- 7o$le had not +""eeded in the !ra(a* b+t* on the
"ontrary* had rather $arta#en o& it de"line- ;e had been o(ino+ly
heard o&* thro+)h the $lay/bill* a a &aith&+l :la"#* in "onne"tion
1ith a little )irl o& noble birth* and a (on#ey- And ;erbert had
een hi( a a $redatory Tartar o& "o(i" $ro$enitie* 1ith a &a"e
li#e a red bri"#* and an o+tra)eo+ hat all bell-
I dined at 1hat ;erbert and I +ed to "all a )eo)ra$hi"al
"ho$/ho+e* 1here there 1ere (a$ o& the 1orld in $orter/$ot ri(
on e.ery hal&/yard o& the table"loth* and "hart o& )ra.y on
e.ery one o& the #ni.e*//to thi day there i "ar"ely a in)le
"ho$/ho+e 1ithin the Cord %ayor' do(inion 1hi"h i not
)eo)ra$hi"al*//and 1ore o+t the ti(e in do8in) "r+(b* tarin)
at )a* and ba#in) in a hot blat o& dinner- :y and by* I ro+ed
(yel&* and 1ent to the $lay-
There* I &o+nd a .irt+o+ boat1ain in ;i %aAety' er.i"e*//a
(ot e,"ellent (an* tho+)h I "o+ld ha.e 1ihed hi tro+er not
4+ite o ti)ht in o(e $la"e* and not 4+ite o looe in other*//
1ho #no"#ed all the little (en' hat their eye* tho+)h he
1a .ery )enero+ and bra.e* and 1ho 1o+ldn't hear o& anybody'
$ayin) ta,e* tho+)h he 1a .ery $atrioti"- ;e had a ba) o& (oney
in hi $o"#et* li#e a $+ddin) in the "loth* and on that $ro$erty
(arried a yo+n) $eron in bed/&+rnit+re* 1ith )reat reAoi"in)9 the
1hole $o$+lation o& Port(o+th 2nine in n+(ber at the lat "en+3
t+rnin) o+t on the bea"h to r+b their o1n hand and ha#e
e.erybody ele'* and in) 65ill* &ill<6 A "ertain
dar#/"o($le,ioned S1ab** 1ho 1o+ldn't &ill* or do anythin)
ele that 1a $ro$oed to hi(* and 1hoe heart 1a o$enly tated
2by the boat1ain3 to be a bla"# a hi &i)+re/head* $ro$oed to
t1o other S1ab to )et all (an#ind into di&&i"+ltie9 1hi"h 1a o
e&&e"t+ally done 2the S1ab &a(ily "oniderable $oliti"al
in&l+en"e3 that it too# hal& the e.enin) to et thin) ri)ht* and
then it 1a only bro+)ht abo+t thro+)h an honet little )ro"er 1ith
a 1hite hat* bla"# )aiter* and red noe* )ettin) into a "lo"#*
1ith a )ridiron* and litenin)* and "o(in) o+t* and #no"#in)
e.erybody do1n &ro( behind 1ith the )ridiron 1ho( he "o+ldn't
"on&+te 1ith 1hat he had o.erheard- Thi led to %r- 7o$le' 21ho
had been heard o& be&ore3 "o(in) in 1ith a tar and )arter
on* a a $leni$otentiary o& )reat $o1er dire"t &ro( the Ad(iralty*
to ay that the S1ab 1ere all to )o to $rion on the $ot* and
that he had bro+)ht the boat1ain do1n the Dnion 0a"#* a a li)ht
a"#no1led)(ent o& hi $+bli" er.i"e- The boat1ain* +n(anned &or
the &irt ti(e* re$e"t&+lly dried hi eye on the 0a"#* and then
"heerin) +$* and addrein) %r- 7o$le a ?o+r ;onor* oli"ited
$er(iion to ta#e hi( by the &in- %r- 7o$le* "on"edin) hi &in 1ith
a )ra"io+ di)nity* 1a i((ediately ho.ed into a d+ty "orner*
1hile e.erybody dan"ed a horn$i$e9 and &ro( that "orner* +r.eyin)
the $+bli" 1ith a di"ontented eye* be"a(e a1are o& (e-
The e"ond $ie"e 1a the lat ne1 )rand "o(i" Chrit(a $anto(i(e*
in the &irt "ene o& 1hi"h* it $ained (e to +$e"t that I
dete"ted %r- 7o$le 1ith red 1orted le) +nder a hi)hly (a)ni&ied
$ho$hori" "o+ntenan"e and a ho"# o& red "+rtain/&rin)e &or hi
hair* en)a)ed in the (an+&a"t+re o& th+nderbolt in a (ine* and
di$layin) )reat "o1ardi"e 1hen hi )i)anti" (ater "a(e ho(e 2.ery
hoare3 to dinner- :+t he $reently $reented hi(el& +nder
1orthier "ir"+(tan"e9 &or* the Geni+ o& ?o+th&+l Co.e bein) in
1ant o& aitan"e*//on a""o+nt o& the $arental br+tality o& an
i)norant &ar(er 1ho o$$oed the "hoi"e o& hi da+)hter' heart* by
$+r$oely &allin) +$on the obAe"t* in a &lo+r/a"#* o+t o& the
&irt/&loor 1indo1*//+((oned a ententio+ En"hanter9 and he*
"o(in) +$ &ro( the anti$ode rather +nteadily* a&ter an a$$arently
.iolent Ao+rney* $ro.ed to be %r- 7o$le in a hi)h/"ro1ned hat* 1ith
a ne"ro(anti" 1or# in one .ol+(e +nder hi ar(- The b+ine o&
thi en"hanter on earth bein) $rin"i$ally to be tal#ed at* +n)
at* b+tted at* dan"ed at* and &lahed at 1ith &ire o& .ario+
"olor* he had a )ood deal o& ti(e on hi hand- And I ober.ed*
1ith )reat +r$rie* that he de.oted it to tarin) in (y dire"tion
a i& he 1ere lot in a(a8e(ent-
There 1a o(ethin) o re(ar#able in the in"reain) )lare o& %r-
7o$le' eye* and he ee(ed to be t+rnin) o (any thin) in
hi (ind and to )ro1 o "on&+ed* that I "o+ld not (a#e it o+t- I
at thin#in) o& it lon) a&ter he had a"ended to the "lo+d in a
lar)e 1at"h/"ae* and till I "o+ld not (a#e it o+t- I 1a till
thin#in) o& it 1hen I "a(e o+t o& the theatre an ho+r a&ter1ard*
and &o+nd hi( 1aitin) &or (e near the door-
6;o1 do yo+ do@6 aid I* ha#in) hand 1ith hi( a 1e t+rned do1n
the treet to)ether- 6I a1 that yo+ a1 (e-6
6Sa1 yo+* %r- Pi$<6 he ret+rned- 6?e* o& "o+re I a1 yo+- :+t 1ho
ele 1a there@6
67ho ele@6
6It i the tran)et thin)*6 aid %r- 7o$le* dri&tin) into hi lot
loo# a)ain9 6and yet I "o+ld 1ear to hi(-6
:e"o(in) alar(ed* I entreated %r- 7o$le to e,$lain hi (eanin)-
67hether I ho+ld ha.e noti"ed hi( at &irt b+t &or yo+r bein)
there*6 aid %r- 7o$le* )oin) on in the a(e lot 1ay* 6I "an't be
$oiti.e9 yet I thin# I ho+ld-6
In.ol+ntarily I loo#ed ro+nd (e* a I 1a a""+to(ed to loo# ro+nd
(e 1hen I 1ent ho(e9 &or thee (yterio+ 1ord )a.e (e a "hill-
6Oh< ;e "an't be in i)ht*6 aid %r- 7o$le- 6;e 1ent o+t be&ore I
1ent o&&- I a1 hi( )o-6
; the reaon that I had &or bein) +$i"io+* I e.en
+$e"ted thi $oor a"tor- I (itr+ted a dei)n to entra$ (e into
o(e ad(iion- There&ore I )lan"ed at hi( a 1e 1al#ed on
to)ether* b+t aid nothin)-
6I had a ridi"+lo+ &an"y that he (+t be 1ith yo+* %r- Pi$* till I
a1 that yo+ 1ere 4+ite +n"on"io+ o& hi(* ittin) behind yo+
there li#e a )hot-6
%y &or(er "hill "re$t (e a)ain* b+t I 1a reol.ed not to
$ea# yet* &or it 1a 4+ite "onitent 1ith hi 1ord that he (i)ht
be et on to ind+"e (e to "onne"t thee re&eren"e 1ith Pro.i- O&
"o+re* I 1a $er&e"tly +re and a&e that Pro.i had not been
6I dare ay yo+ 1onder at (e* %r- Pi$9 indeed* I ee yo+ do- :+t it
i o .ery tran)e< ?o+'ll hardly belie.e 1hat I a( )oin) to tell
yo+- I "o+ld hardly belie.e it (yel&* i& yo+ told (e-6
6Indeed@6 aid I-
6No* indeed- %r- Pi$* yo+ re(e(ber in old ti(e a "ertain Chrit(a
!ay* 1hen yo+ 1ere 4+ite a "hild* and I dined at Gar)ery'* and
o(e oldier "a(e to the door to )et a $air o& hand"+&& (ended@6
6I re(e(ber it .ery 1ell-6
6And yo+ re(e(ber that there 1a a "hae a&ter t1o "on.i"t* and
that 1e Aoined in it* and that Gar)ery too# yo+ on hi ba"#* and
that I too# the lead* and yo+ #e$t +$ 1ith (e a 1ell a yo+ "o+ld@6
6I re(e(ber it all .ery 1ell-6 :etter than he tho+)ht*//e,"e$t the
lat "la+e-
6And yo+ re(e(ber that 1e "a(e +$ 1ith the t1o in a dit"h* and that
there 1a a "+&&le bet1een the(* and that one o& the( had been
e.erely handled and (+"h (a+led abo+t the &a"e by the other@6
6I ee it all be&ore (e-6
6And that the oldier li)hted tor"he* and $+t the t1o in the
"entre* and that 1e 1ent on to ee the lat o& the(* the bla"#
(arhe* 1ith the tor"hli)ht hinin) on their &a"e*//I a(
$arti"+lar abo+t that*//1ith the tor"hli)ht hinin) on their &a"e*
1hen there 1a an o+ter rin) o& dar# ni)ht all abo+t +@6
6?e*6 aid I- 6I re(e(ber all that-6
6Then* %r- Pi$* one o& thoe t1o $rioner at behind yo+ toni)ht- I
a1 hi( yo+r ho+lder-6
6Steady<6 I tho+)ht- I a#ed hi( then* 67hi"h o& the t1o do yo+
+$$oe yo+ a1@6
6The one 1ho had been (a+led*6 he an1ered readily* 6and I'll 1ear
I a1 hi(< The (ore I thin# o& hi(* the (ore "ertain I a( o& hi(-6
6Thi i .ery "+rio+<6 aid I* 1ith the bet a+($tion I "o+ld
$+t on o& it bein) nothin) (ore to (e- 6Eery "+rio+ indeed<6
I "annot e,a))erate the enhan"ed di4+iet into 1hi"h thi
"on.eration thre1 (e* or the $e"ial and $e"+liar terror I &elt at
Co($eyon' been behind (e 6li#e a )hot-6 5or i& he had been o+t o& (y tho+)ht &or a &e1 (o(ent to)ether in"e the
hidin) had be)+n* it 1a in thoe .ery (o(ent 1hen he 1a "loet
to (e9 and to thin# that I ho+ld be o +n"on"io+ and o&& (y
)+ard a&ter all (y "are 1a a i& I had h+t an a.en+e o& a
h+ndred door to #ee$ hi( o+t* and then had &o+nd hi( at (y elbo1-
I "o+ld not do+bt* either* that he 1a there* be"a+e I 1a there*
and that* li)ht an a$$earan"e o& dan)er there (i)ht be
abo+t +* dan)er 1a al1ay near and a"ti.e-
I $+t +"h 4+etion to %r- 7o$le a* 7hen did the (an "o(e in@ ;e
"o+ld not tell (e that9 he a1 (e* and (y ho+lder he a1 the
(an- It 1a not +ntil he had een hi( &or o(e ti(e that he be)an
to identi&y hi(9 b+t he had &ro( the &irt .a)+ely ao"iated hi(
1ith (e* and #no1n hi( a o(eho1 belon)in) to (e in the old
.illa)e ti(e- ;o1 1a he dreed@ Pro$ero+ly* b+t not noti"eably
other1ie9 he tho+)ht* in bla"#- 7a hi &a"e at all di&i)+red@
No* he belie.ed not- I belie.ed not too* &or* altho+)h in (y
broodin) tate I had ta#en no e$e"ial noti"e o& the $eo$le behind
(e* I tho+)ht it li#ely that a &a"e at all di&i)+red 1o+ld ha.e
attra"ted (y attention-
7hen %r- 7o$le had i($arted to (e all that he "o+ld re"all or I
e,tra"t* and 1hen I had treated hi( to a little a$$ro$riate
re&reh(ent* a&ter the &ati)+e o& the e.enin)* 1e $arted- It 1a
bet1een t1el.e and one o'"lo"# 1hen I rea"hed the Te($le* and the
)ate 1ere h+t- No one 1a near (e 1hen I 1ent in and 1ent ho(e-
;erbert had "o(e in* and 1e held a .ery erio+ "o+n"il by the
&ire- :+t there 1a nothin) to be done* to "o((+ni"ate to
7e((i"# 1hat I had that ni)ht &o+nd o+t* and to re(ind hi( that 1e
1aited &or hi hint- A I tho+)ht that I (i)ht "o($ro(ie hi( i& I
1ent too o&ten to the Catle* I (ade thi "o((+ni"ation by letter-
I 1rote it be&ore I 1ent to bed* and 1ent o+t and $oted it9 and
a)ain no one 1a near (e- ;erbert and I a)reed that 1e "o+ld do
nothin) ele b+t be .ery "a+tio+- And 1e 1ere .ery "a+tio+ indeed*
//(ore "a+tio+ than be&ore* i& that 1ere $oible*//and I &or (y
$art 1ent near Chin#' :ain* e,"e$t 1hen I ro1ed by* and
then I only loo#ed at %ill Pond :an# a I loo#ed at anythin) ele-
Cha$ter XCEIII
The e"ond o& the t1o (eetin) re&erred to in the lat "ha$ter

o""+rred abo+t a 1ee# a&ter the &irt- I had a)ain le&t (y boat at
the 1har& belo1 :rid)e9 the ti(e 1a an ho+r earlier in the
a&ternoon9 and* +nde"ided 1here to dine* I had trolled +$ into
Chea$ide* and 1a trollin) alon) it* +rely the (ot +nettled
$eron in all the b+y "on"o+re* 1hen a lar)e hand 1a laid +$on
(y ho+lder by o(e one o.erta#in) (e- It 1a %r- 0a))er' hand*
and he $aed it thro+)h (y ar(-
6A 1e are )oin) in the a(e dire"tion* Pi$* 1e (ay 1al# to)ether-
7here are yo+ bo+nd &or@6
65or the Te($le* I thin#*6 aid I-
6!on't yo+ #no1@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
67ell*6 I ret+rned* )lad &or on"e to )et the better o& hi( in
"ro/e,a(ination* 6I do not #no1* &or I ha.e not (ade +$ (y (ind-6
6?o+ are )oin) to dine@6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6?o+ don't (ind ad(ittin)
that* I +$$oe@6
6No*6 I ret+rned* 6I don't (ind ad(ittin) that-6
6And are not en)a)ed@6
6I don't (ind ad(ittin) alo that I a( not en)a)ed-6
6Then*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6"o(e and dine 1ith (e-6
I 1a )oin) to e,"+e (yel&* 1hen he added* 67e((i"#' "o(in)-6
So I "han)ed (y e,"+e into an a""e$tan"e*//the &e1 1ord I had
+ttered* &or the be)innin) o& either*//and 1e 1ent alon)
Chea$ide and lanted o&& to Cittle :ritain* 1hile the li)ht 1ere
$rin)in) +$ brilliantly in the ho$ 1indo1* and the treet
la($/li)hter* "ar"ely &indin) )ro+nd eno+)h to $lant their
ladder on in the (idt o& the a&ternoon' b+tle* 1ere #i$$in) +$
and do1n and r+nnin) in and o+t* o$enin) (ore red eye in the
)atherin) &o) than (y r+hli)ht to1er at the ;+((+( had o$ened
1hite eye in the )hotly 1all-
At the o&&i"e in Cittle :ritain there 1a the ++al letter/1ritin)*
hand/1ahin)* "andle/n+&&in)* and a&e/lo"#in)* that "loed the
b+ine o& the day- A I tood idle by %r- 0a))er' &ire* it
riin) and &allin) &la(e (ade the t1o "at on the hel& loo# a i&
they 1ere $layin) a diaboli"al )a(e at bo/$ee$ 1ith (e9 1hile the
$air o& "oare* &at o&&i"e "andle that di(ly li)hted %r- 0a))er a
he 1rote in a "orner 1ere de"orated 1ith dirty 1indin)/heet* a
i& in re(e(bran"e o& a hot o& han)ed "lient-
7e 1ent to Gerrard Street* all three to)ether* in a ha"#ney/"oa"hB
And* a oon a 1e )ot there* dinner 1a er.ed- Altho+)h I ho+ld
not ha.e tho+)ht o& (a#in)* in that $la"e* the (ot ditant
re&eren"e by o (+"h a a loo# to 7e((i"#' 7al1orth enti(ent*
yet I ho+ld ha.e had no obAe"tion to "at"hin) hi eye no1 and then
in a &riendly 1ay- :+t it 1a not to be done- ;e t+rned hi eye on
%r- 0a))er he raied the( &ro( the table* and 1a a dry
and ditant to (e a i& there 1ere t1in 7e((i"#* and thi 1a the
1ron) one-
6!id yo+ end that note o& %i ;a.iha(' to %r- Pi$* 7e((i"#@6 %r-
0a))er a#ed* oon a&ter 1e be)an dinner-
6No* ir*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#9 6it 1a )oin) by $ot* 1hen yo+
bro+)ht %r- Pi$ into the o&&i"e- ;ere it i-6 ;e handed it to hi
$rin"i$al intead o& to (e-
6It' a note o& t1o line* Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* handin) it on*
6ent +$ to (e by %i ;a.iha( on a""o+nt o& her not bein) +re
o& yo+r addre- She tell (e that he 1ant to ee yo+ on a little
(atter o& b+ine yo+ (entioned to her- ?o+'ll )o do1n@6
6?e*6 aid I* "atin) (y eye the note* 1hi"h 1a e,a"tly in
thoe ter(-
67hen do yo+ thin# o& )oin) do1n@6
6I ha.e an i($endin) en)a)e(ent*6 aid I* )lan"in) at 7e((i"#* 1ho
1a $+ttin) &ih into the $ot/o&&i"e* 6that render (e rather
+n"ertain o& (y ti(e- At on"e* I thin#-6
6I& %r- Pi$ ha the intention o& )oin) at on"e*6 aid 7e((i"# to %r-
0a))er* 6he needn't 1rite an an1er* yo+ #no1-6
Re" thi a an inti(ation that it 1a bet not to delay* I
ettled that I 1o+ld )o to/(orro1* and aid o- 7e((i"# dran# a
)la o& 1ine* and loo#ed 1ith a )ri(ly ati&ied air at %r- 0a))er*
b+t not at (e-
6So* Pi$< O+r &riend the S$ider*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6ha $layed hi
"ard- ;e ha 1on the $ool-6
It 1a a (+"h a I "o+ld do to aent-
6;ah< ;e i a $ro(iin) &ello1//in hi 1ay//b+t he (ay not ha.e
it all hi o1n 1ay- The tron)er 1ill 1in in the end* b+t the
tron)er ha to be &o+nd o+t &irt- I& he ho+ld t+rn to* and beat
6S+rely*6 I interr+$ted* 1ith a b+rnin) &a"e and heart* 6yo+ do not
erio+ly thin# that he i "o+ndrel eno+)h &or that* %r- 0a))er@6
6I didn't ay o* Pi$- I a( $+ttin) a "ae- I& he ho+ld t+rn to
and beat her* he (ay $oibly )et the tren)th on hi ide9 i& it
ho+ld be a 4+etion o& intelle"t* he "ertainly 1ill not- It 1o+ld
be "han"e 1or# to )i.e an o$inion ho1 a &ello1 o& that ort 1ill
t+rn o+t in +"h "ir"+(tan"e* be"a+e it' a to/+$ bet1een t1o
6%ay I a# 1hat they are@6
6A &ello1 li#e o+r &riend the S$ider*6 an1ered %r- 0a))er* 6either
beat or "rin)e- ;e (ay "rin)e and )ro1l* or "rin)e and not
)ro1l9 b+t he either beat or "rin)e- A# 7e((i"# hi o$inion-6
6Either beat or "rin)e*6 aid 7e((i"#* not at all addrein)
hi(el& to (e-
6So here' to %r- :entley !r+((le*6 aid %r- 0a))er* ta#in) a
de"anter o& "hoi"er 1ine &ro( hi d+(b/1aiter* and &illin) &or ea"h
o& + and &or hi(el&* 6and (ay the 4+etion o& +$re(a"y be
ettled to the lady' ati&a"tion< To the ati&a"tion o& the lady
and the )entle(an* it 1ill be- No1* %olly* %olly* %olly*
%olly* ho1 lo1 yo+ are to/day<6
She 1a at hi elbo1 1hen he addreed her* $+ttin) a dih +$on the
table- A he 1ithdre1 her hand &ro( it* he &ell ba"# a te$ or
t1o* ner.o+ly (+tterin) o(e e,"+e- And a "ertain a"tion o& her
&in)er* a he $o#e* arreted (y attention-
67hat' the (atter@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6Nothin)- Only the +bAe"t 1e 1ere $ea#in) o&*6 aid I* 61a
rather $ain&+l to (e-6
The a"tion o& her &in)er 1a li#e the a"tion o& #nittin)- She
tood loo#in) at her (ater* not +ndertandin) 1hether he 1a &ree
to )o* or 1hether he had (ore to ay to her and 1o+ld "all her ba"#
i& he did )o- ;er loo# 1a .ery intent- S+rely* I had een e,a"tly
+"h eye and +"h hand on a (e(orable o""aion .ery lately<
;e di(ied her* and he )lided o+t o& the roo(- :+t he re(ained
be&ore (e a $lainly a i& he 1ere till there- I loo#ed at thoe
hand* I loo#ed at thoe eye* I loo#ed at that &lo1in) hair9 and I
"o($ared the( 1ith other hand* other eye* other hair* that I #ne1
o&* and 1ith 1hat thoe (i)ht be a&ter t1enty year o& a br+tal
h+band and a tor(y li&e- I loo#ed a)ain at thoe hand and eye
o& the ho+e#ee$er* and tho+)ht o& the ine,$li"able &eelin) that
had "o(e (e 1hen I lat 1al#ed//not alone//in the r+ined
)arden* and thro+)h the deerted bre1ery- I tho+)ht ho1 the a(e
&eelin) had "o(e ba"# 1hen I a1 a &a"e loo#in) at (e* and a hand to (e &ro( a ta)e/"oa"h 1indo19 and ho1 it had "o(e ba"#
a)ain and had &lahed abo+t (e li#e li)htnin)* 1hen I had $aed in
a "arria)e//not alone//thro+)h a +dden )lare o& li)ht in a dar#
treet- I tho+)ht ho1 one lin# o& ao"iation had hel$ed that
identi&i"ation in the theatre* and ho1 +"h a lin#* 1antin) be&ore*
had been ri.eted &or (e no1* 1hen I had $aed by a "han"e 1i&t
&ro( Etella' na(e to the &in)er 1ith their #nittin) a"tion* and
the attenti.e eye- And I &elt abol+tely "ertain that thi 1o(an
1a Etella' (other-
%r- 0a))er had een (e 1ith Etella* and 1a not li#ely to ha.e
(ied the enti(ent I had been at no $ain to "on"eal- ;e nodded
1hen I aid the +bAe"t 1a $ain&+l to (e* "la$$ed (e on the ba"#*
$+t ro+nd the 1ine a)ain* and 1ent on 1ith hi dinner-
Only t1i"e (ore did the ho+e#ee$er rea$$ear* and then her tay in
the roo( 1a .ery hort* and %r- 0a))er 1a har$ 1ith her- :+t her
hand 1ere Etella' hand* and her eye 1ere Etella' eye* and
i& he had rea$$eared a h+ndred ti(e I "o+ld ha.e been neither
(ore +re nor le +re that (y "on.i"tion 1a the tr+th-
It 1a a d+ll e.enin)* &or 7e((i"# dre1 hi 1ine* 1hen it "a(e
ro+nd* 4+ite a a (atter o& b+ine*//A+t a he (i)ht ha.e dra1n
hi alary 1hen that "a(e ro+nd*//and 1ith hi eye on hi "hie&*
at in a tate o& $er$et+al readine &or "ro/e,a(ination- A to
the 4+antity o& 1ine* hi $ot/o&&i"e 1a a indi&&erent and ready
a any other $ot/o&&i"e &or it 4+antity o& letter- 5ro( (y $oint
o& .ie1* he 1a the 1ron) t1in all the ti(e* and only e,ternally
li#e the 7e((i"# o& 7al1orth-
7e too# o+r lea.e early* and le&t to)ether- E.en 1hen 1e 1ere
)ro$in) a(on) %r- 0a))er' to"# o& boot &or o+r hat* I &elt that
the ri)ht t1in 1a on hi 1ay ba"#9 and 1e had not )one hal& a
do8en yard do1n Gerrard Street in the 7al1orth dire"tion* be&ore I
&o+nd that I 1a 1al#in) ar( in ar( 1ith the ri)ht t1in* and that
the 1ron) t1in had e.a$orated into the e.enin) air-
67ell<6 aid 7e((i"#* 6that'< ;e' a 1onder&+l (an* 1itho+t
hi li#ene9 b+t I &eel that I ha.e to "re1 (yel& +$ 1hen
I dine 1ith hi(*//and I dine (ore "o(&ortably +n"re1ed-6
I &elt that thi 1a a )ood tate(ent o& the "ae* and told hi( o-
67o+ldn't ay it to anybody b+t yo+rel&*6 he an1ered- 6I #no1
that 1hat i aid bet1een yo+ and (e )oe no &+rther-6
I a#ed hi( i& he had een %i ;a.iha(' ado$ted da+)hter*
%r- :entley !r+((le- ;e aid no- To a.oid bein) too abr+$t* I then
$o#e o& the A)ed and o& %i S#i&&in- ;e loo#ed rather ly 1hen
I (entioned %i S#i&&in* and to$$ed in the treet to blo1 hi
noe* 1ith a roll o& the head* and a &lo+rih not 4+ite &ree &ro(
latent boat&+lne-
67e((i"#*6 aid I* 6do yo+ re(e(ber tellin) (e* be&ore I &irt 1ent
to %r- 0a))er' $ri.ate ho+e* to noti"e that ho+e#ee$er@6
6!id I@6 he re$lied- 6Ah* I dare ay I did- !e+"e ta#e (e*6 he
added* +ddenly* 6I #no1 I did- I &ind I a( not 4+ite +n"re1ed
6A 1ild beat ta(ed* yo+ "alled her-6
6And 1hat do yo+ "all her@6
6The a(e- ;o1 did %r- 0a))er ta(e her* 7e((i"#@6
6That' hi e"ret- She ha been 1ith hi( (any a lon) year-6
6I 1ih yo+ 1o+ld tell (e her tory- I &eel a $arti"+lar interet
in bein) a"4+ainted 1ith it- ?o+ #no1 that 1hat i aid bet1een yo+
and (e )oe no &+rther-6
67ell<6 7e((i"# re$lied* 6I don't #no1 her tory*//that i* I don't
#no1 all o& it- :+t 1hat I do #no1 I'll tell yo+- 7e are in o+r
$ri.ate and $eronal "a$a"itie* o& "o+re-6
6O& "o+re-6
6A "ore or o o& year a)o* that 1o(an 1a tried at the Old :ailey
&or (+rder* and 1a a"4+itted- She 1a a .ery hando(e yo+n) 1o(an*
and I belie.e had o(e )y$y blood in her- Anyho1* it 1a hot eno+)h
1hen it 1a +$* a yo+ (ay +$$oe-6
6:+t he 1a a"4+itted-6
6%r- 0a))er 1a &or her*6 $+r+ed 7e((i"#* 1ith a loo# &+ll o&
(eanin)* 6and 1or#ed the "ae in a 1ay 4+ite atonihin)- It 1a a
de$erate "ae* and it 1a "o($arati.ely early day 1ith hi( then*
and he 1or#ed it to )eneral ad(iration9 in &a"t* it (ay al(ot be
aid to ha.e (ade hi(- ;e 1or#ed it hi(el& at the $oli"e/o&&i"e*
day a&ter day &or (any day* "ontendin) a)aint e.en a "o((ittal9
and at the trial 1here he "o+ldn't 1or# it hi(el&* at +nder
"o+nel* and//e.ery one #ne1//$+t in all the alt and $e$$er- The
(+rdered $eron 1a a 1o(an*//a 1o(an a )ood ten year older* .ery
(+"h lar)er* and .ery (+"h tron)er- It 1a a "ae o& Aealo+y-
They both led tra($in) li.e* and thi 1o(an in Gerrard Street here
had been (arried .ery yo+n)* the broo(ti"# 2a 1e ay3* to a
tra($in) (an* and 1a a $er&e"t &+ry in $oint o& Aealo+y- The
(+rdered 1o(an*//(ore a (at"h &or the (an* "ertainly* in $oint o&
year//1a &o+nd dead in a barn near ;o+nlo1 ;eath- There had
been a .iolent tr+))le* $erha$ a &i)ht- She 1a br+ied and
"rat"hed and torn* and had been held by the throat* at lat* and
"ho#ed- No1* there 1a no reaonable e.iden"e to i($li"ate any
$eron b+t thi 1o(an* and on the i($robabilitie o& her
been able to do it %r- 0a))er $rin"i$ally reted hi "ae- ?o+ (ay
be +re*6 aid 7e((i"#* to+"hin) (e on the lee.e* 6that he
d1elt +$on the tren)th o& her hand then* tho+)h he o(eti(e doe
I had told 7e((i"# o& hi ho1in) + her 1rit* that day o& the
dinner $arty-
67ell* ir<6 7e((i"# 1ent on9 6it ha$$ened//ha$$ened* don't yo+
ee@//that thi 1o(an 1a o .ery art&+lly dreed &ro( the ti(e
o& her a$$rehenion* that he loo#ed (+"h li)hter than he really
1a9 in $arti"+lar* her lee.e are al1ay re(e(bered to ha.e been
o #il&+lly "ontri.ed that her ar( had 4+ite a deli"ate loo#- She
had only a br+ie or t1o abo+t her*//nothin) &or a tra($*//b+t the
ba"# o& her hand 1ere la"erated* and the 4+etion 1a* 7a it
1ith &in)er/nail@ No1* %r- 0a))er ho1ed that he had tr+))led
thro+)h a )reat lot o& bra(ble 1hi"h 1ere not a hi)h a her &a"e9
b+t 1hi"h he "o+ld not ha.e )ot thro+)h and #e$t her hand o+t o&9
and bit o& thoe bra(ble 1ere a"t+ally &o+nd in her #in and $+t
in e.iden"e* a 1ell a the &a"t that the bra(ble in 4+etion 1ere
&o+nd on e,a(ination to ha.e been bro#en thro+)h* and to ha.e
little hred o& her dre and little $ot o& blood +$on the( here
and there- :+t the boldet $oint he (ade 1a thiB it 1a
atte($ted to be et +$* in $roo& o& her Aealo+y* that he 1a +nder
tron) +$i"ion o&* at abo+t the ti(e o& the (+rder*
&ranti"ally detroyed her "hild by thi (an//o(e three year old
//to re.en)e herel& +$on hi(- %r- 0a))er 1or#ed that in thi 1ayB
67e ay thee are not (ar# o& &in)er/nail* b+t (ar# o& bra(ble*
and 1e ho1 yo+ the bra(ble- ?o+ ay they are (ar# o&
&in)er/nail* and yo+ et +$ the hy$othei that he detroyed her
"hild- ?o+ (+t a""e$t all "one4+en"e o& that hy$othei- 5or
anythin) 1e #no1* he (ay ha.e detroyed her "hild* and the "hild
in "lin)in) to her (ay ha.e "rat"hed her hand- 7hat then@ ?o+ are
not tryin) her &or the (+rder o& her "hild9 1hy don't yo+@ A to
thi "ae* i& yo+ 1ill ha.e "rat"he* 1e ay that* &or anythin) 1e
#no1* yo+ (ay ha.e a""o+nted &or the(* a+(in) &or the a#e o&
ar)+(ent that yo+ ha.e not in.ented the(@6 To +( +$* ir*6 aid
7e((i"#* 6%r- 0a))er 1a alto)ether too (any &or the A+ry* and they
)a.e in-6
6;a he been in hi er.i"e in"e@6
6?e9 b+t not only that*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6he 1ent into hi er.i"e
i((ediately a&ter her a"4+ittal* ta(ed a he i no1- She ha in"e
been ta+)ht one thin) and another in the 1ay o& her d+tie* b+t he
1a ta(ed &ro( the be)innin)-6
6!o yo+ re(e(ber the e, o& the "hild@6
6Said to ha.e been a )irl-6
6?o+ ha.e nothin) (ore to ay to (e to/ni)ht@6
6Nothin)- I )ot yo+r letter and detroyed it- Nothin)-6
7e e,"han)ed a "ordial )ood/ni)ht* and I 1ent ho(e* 1ith ne1 (atter
&or (y tho+)ht* tho+)h 1ith no relie& &ro( the old-
Cha$ter XCIX
P+ttin) %i ;a.iha(' note in (y $o"#et* that it (i)ht er.e a
(y "redential &or o oon rea$$earin) at Sati ;o+e* in "ae her
1ay1ardne ho+ld lead her to e,$re any +r$rie at eein) (e* I
1ent do1n a)ain by the "oa"h ne,t day- :+t I ali)hted at the
;al&1ay ;o+e* and brea#&ated there* and 1al#ed the ret o& the
ditan"e9 &or I o+)ht to )et into the to1n 4+ietly by the
+n&re4+ented 1ay* and to lea.e it in the a(e (anner-
The bet li)ht o& the day 1a )one 1hen I $aed alon) the 4+iet
e"hoin) "o+rt behind the ;i)h Street- The noo# o& r+in 1here the
old (on# had on"e had their re&e"torie and )arden* and 1here the
tron) 1all 1ere no1 $reed into the er.i"e o& h+(ble hed and
table* 1ere al(ot a ilent a the old (on# in their )ra.e-
The "athedral "hi(e had at on"e a adder and a (ore re(ote o+nd
to (e* a I h+rried on a.oidin) ober.ation* than they had had
be&ore9 o* the 1ell o& the old or)an 1a borne to (y ear li#e
&+neral (+i"9 and the roo#* a they ho.ered abo+t the )ray to1er
and 1+n) in the bare hi)h tree o& the $riory )arden* ee(ed to
"all to (e that the $la"e 1a "han)ed* and that Etella 1a )one
o+t o& it &or
An elderly 1o(an* 1ho( I had een be&ore a one o& the er.ant 1ho
li.ed in the +$$le(entary ho+e a"ro the ba"# "o+rtyard* o$ened
the )ate- The li)hted "andle tood in the dar# $aa)e 1ithin* a
o& old* and I too# it +$ and a"ended the tair"ae alone- %i
;a.iha( 1a not in her o1n roo(* b+t 1a in the lar)er roo( a"ro
the landin)- Coo#in) in at the door* a&ter #no"#in) in .ain* I a1
her ittin) on the hearth in a ra))ed "hair* "loe be&ore* and lot
in the "onte($lation o&* the ahy &ire-
!oin) a I had o&ten done* I 1ent in* and tood to+"hin) the old
"hi(ney/$ie"e* 1here he "o+ld ee (e 1hen he raied her eye-
There 1a an air or +tter loneline +$on her* that 1o+ld ha.e
(o.ed (e to $ity tho+)h he had 1il&+lly done (e a dee$er inA+ry
than I "o+ld "har)e her 1ith- A I tood "o($aionatin) her* and
thin#in) ho1* in the $ro)re o& ti(e* I too had "o(e to be a $art o&
the 1re"#ed &ort+ne o& that ho+e* her eye reted on (e- She
tared* and aid in a lo1 .oi"e* 6I it real@6
6It i I* Pi$- %r- 0a))er )a.e (e yo+r note yeterday* and I ha.e
lot no ti(e-6
6Than# yo+- Than# yo+-6
A I bro+)ht another o& the ra))ed "hair to the hearth and at
do1n* I re(ar#ed a ne1 e,$reion on her &a"e* a i& he 1ere
a&raid o& (e-
6I 1ant*6 he aid* 6to $+r+e that +bAe"t yo+ (entioned to (e
1hen yo+ 1ere lat here* and to ho1 yo+ that I a( not all tone-
:+t $erha$ yo+ "an belie.e* no1* that there i anythin)
h+(an in (y heart@6
7hen I aid o(e rea+rin) 1ord* he tret"hed o+t her tre(+lo+
ri)ht hand* a tho+)h he 1a )oin) to to+"h (e9 b+t he re"alled
it a)ain be&ore I +ndertood the a"tion* or #ne1 ho1 to re"ei.e it-
6?o+ aid* $ea#in) &or yo+r &riend* that yo+ "o+ld tell (e ho1 to
do o(ethin) +e&+l and )ood- So(ethin) that yo+ 1o+ld li#e done*
i it not@6
6So(ethin) that I 1o+ld li#e done .ery (+"h-6
67hat i it@6
I be)an e,$lainin) to her that e"ret hitory o& the $artnerhi$- I
had not )ot &ar into it* 1hen I A+d)ed &ro( her loo# that he 1a
thin#in) in a di"+ri.e 1ay o& (e* rather than o& 1hat I aid- It
ee(ed to be o9 &or* 1hen I to$$ed $ea#in)* (any (o(ent $aed
be&ore he ho1ed that he 1a "on"io+ o& the &a"t-
6!o yo+ brea# o&&*6 he a#ed then* 1ith her &or(er air o& bein)
a&raid o& (e* 6be"a+e yo+ hate (e too (+"h to bear to $ea# to
6No* no*6 I an1ered* 6ho1 "an yo+ thin# o* %i ;a.iha(< I
to$$ed be"a+e I tho+)ht yo+ 1ere not &ollo1in) 1hat I aid-6
6Perha$ I 1a not*6 he an1ered* $+ttin) a hand to her head-
6:e)in a)ain* and let (e loo# at o(ethin) ele- Stay< No1 tell
She et her hand +$on her ti"# in the reol+te 1ay that o(eti(e
1a habit+al to her* and loo#ed at the &ire 1ith a tron)
e,$reion o& &or"in) herel& to attend- I 1ent on 1ith (y
e,$lanation* and told her ho1 I had ho$ed to "o($lete the
trana"tion o+t o& (y (ean* b+t ho1 in thi I 1a dia$$ointed-
That $art o& the +bAe"t 2I re(inded her3 in.ol.ed (atter 1hi"h
"o+ld &or( no $art o& (y e,$lanation* &or they 1ere the 1ei)hty
e"ret o& another-
6So<6 aid he* aentin) 1ith her head* b+t not loo#in) at (e-
6And ho1 (+"h (oney i 1antin) to "o($lete the $+r"hae@6
I 1a rather a&raid o& tatin) it* &or it o+nded a lar)e +(-
6Nine h+ndred $o+nd-6
6I& I )i.e yo+ the (oney &or thi $+r$oe* 1ill yo+ #ee$ (y e"ret
a yo+ ha.e #e$t yo+r o1n@6
6>+ite a &aith&+lly-6
6And yo+r (ind 1ill be (ore at ret@6
6%+"h (ore at ret-6
6Are yo+ .ery +nha$$y no1@6
She a#ed thi 4+etion* till 1itho+t loo#in) at (e* b+t in an
+n1onted tone o& y($athy- I "o+ld not re$ly at the (o(ent* &or (y
.oi"e &ailed (e- She $+t her le&t ar( a"ro the head o& her ti"#*
and o&tly laid her &orehead on it-
6I a( &ar &ro( ha$$y* %i ;a.iha(9 b+t I ha.e other "a+e o&
di4+iet than any yo+ #no1 o&- They are the e"ret I ha.e
A&ter a little 1hile* he raied her head* and loo#ed at the &ire
6It i noble in yo+ to tell (e that yo+ ha.e other "a+e o&
+nha$$ine* I it tr+e@6
6Too tr+e-6
6Can I only er.e yo+* Pi$* by yo+r &riend@ Re)ardin) that
a done* i there nothin) I "an do &or yo+ yo+rel&@6
6Nothin)- I than# yo+ &or the 4+etion- I than# yo+ e.en (ore &or
the tone o& the 4+etion- :+t there i nothin)-6
She $reently roe &ro( her eat* and loo#ed abo+t the bli)hted
roo( &or the (ean o& 1ritin)- There 1ere none there* and he too#
&ro( her $o"#et a yello1 et o& i.ory tablet* (o+nted in tarnihed
)old* and 1rote +$on the( 1ith a $en"il in a "ae o& tarnihed )old
that h+n) &ro( her ne"#-
6?o+ are till on &riendly ter( 1ith %r- 0a))er@6
6>+ite- I dined 1ith hi( yeterday-6
6Thi i an a+thority to hi( to $ay yo+ that (oney* to lay o+t at
yo+r irre$onible di"retion &or yo+r &riend- I #ee$ no (oney
here9 b+t i& yo+ 1o+ld rather %r- 0a))er #ne1 nothin) o& the
(atter* I 1ill end it to yo+-6
6Than# yo+* %i ;a.iha(9 I ha.e not the leat obAe"tion to
re" it &ro( hi(-6
She read (e 1hat he had 1ritten9 and it 1a dire"t and "lear* and
e.idently intended to abol.e (e &ro( any +$i"ion o& $ro&itin) by
the re"ei$t o& the (oney- I too# the tablet &ro( her hand* and it
tre(bled a)ain* and it tre(bled (ore a he too# o&& the "hain to
1hi"h the $en"il 1a atta"hed* and $+t it in (ine- All thi he
did 1itho+t loo#in) at (e-
6%y na(e i on the &irt lea&- I& yo+ "an 1rite +nder (y na(e*
6I &or)i.e her*6 tho+)h o lon) a&ter (y bro#en heart i d+t
$ray do it<6
6O %i ;a.iha(*6 aid I* 6I "an do it no1- There ha.e been ore
(ita#e9 and (y li&e ha been a blind and than#le one9 and I
1ant &or)i.ene and dire"tion &ar too (+"h* to be bitter 1ith
She t+rned her &a"e to (e &or the &irt ti(e in"e he had a.erted
it* and* to (y a(a8e(ent* I (ay e.en add to (y terror* dro$$ed on
her #nee at (y &eet9 1ith her &olded hand raied to (e in the
(anner in 1hi"h* 1hen her $oor heart 1a yo+n) and &reh and 1hole*
they (+t o&ten ha.e been raied to hea.en &ro( her (other' ide-
To ee her 1ith her 1hite hair and her 1orn &a"e #neelin) at (y
&eet )a.e (e a ho"# thro+)h all (y &ra(e- I entreated her to
rie* and )ot (y ar( abo+t her to hel$ her +$9 b+t he only
$reed that hand o& (ine 1hi"h 1a nearet to her )ra$* and h+n)
her head it and 1e$t- I had een her hed a tear be&ore*
and* in the ho$e that the relie& (i)ht do her )ood* I bent her
1itho+t $ea#in)- She 1a not #neelin) no1* b+t 1a do1n +$on the
6O<6 he "ried* de$airin)ly- 67hat ha.e I done< 7hat ha.e I done<6
6I& yo+ (ean* %i ;a.iha(* 1hat ha.e yo+ done to inA+re (e* let
(e an1er- Eery little- I ho+ld ha.e lo.ed her +nder any
"ir"+(tan"e- I he (arried@6
It 1a a needle 4+etion* &or a ne1 deolation in the deolate
ho+e had told (e o-
67hat ha.e I done< 7hat ha.e I done<6 She 1r+n) her hand* and
"r+hed her 1hite hair* and ret+rned to thi "ry and
a)ain- 67hat ha.e I done<6
I #ne1 not ho1 to an1er* or ho1 to "o(&ort her- That he had done
a )rie.o+ thin) in ta#in) an i($reionable "hild to (o+ld into
the &or( that her 1ild reent(ent* $+rned a&&e"tion* and 1o+nded
$ride &o+nd .en)ean"e in* I #ne1 &+ll 1ell- :+t that* in h+ttin)
o+t the li)ht o& day* he had h+t o+t in&initely (ore9 that* in
e"l+ion* he had e"l+ded herel& &ro( a tho+and nat+ral and
healin) in&l+en"e9 that* her (ind* broodin) olitary* had )ro1n
dieaed* a all (ind do and (+t and 1ill that re.ere the
a$$ointed order o& their %a#er* I #ne1 e4+ally 1ell- And "o+ld I
loo# +$on her 1itho+t "o($aion* eein) her $+nih(ent in the r+in
he 1a* in her $ro&o+nd +n&itne &or thi earth on 1hi"h he 1a
$la"ed* in the .anity o& orro1 1hi"h had be"o(e a (ater (ania*
li#e the .anity o& $eniten"e* the .anity o& re(ore* the .anity o&
+n1orthine* and other (ontro+ .anitie that ha.e been "+re in
thi 1orld@
6Dntil yo+ $o#e to her the other day* and +ntil I a1 in yo+ a
loo#in)/)la that ho1ed (e 1hat I on"e &elt (yel&* I did not
#no1 1hat I had done- 7hat ha.e I done< 7hat ha.e I done<6 And o
a)ain* t1enty* &i&ty ti(e* 7hat had he done<
6%i ;a.iha(*6 I aid* 1hen her "ry had died a1ay* 6yo+ (ay
di(i (e &ro( yo+r (ind and "on"ien"e- :+t Etella i a
di&&erent "ae* and i& yo+ "an +ndo any "ra$ o& 1hat yo+ ha.e
done a(i in #ee$in) a $art o& her ri)ht nat+re a1ay &ro( her* it
1ill be better to do that than to be(oan the $at thro+)h a
h+ndred year-6
6?e* ye* I #no1 it- :+t* Pi$//(y dear<6 There 1a an earnet
1o(anly "o($aion &or (e in her ne1 a&&e"tion- 6%y dear< :elie.e
thiB 1hen he &irt "a(e to (e* I (eant to a.e her &ro( (iery
li#e (y o1n- At &irt* I (eant no (ore-6
67ell* 1ell<6 aid I- 6I ho$e o-6
6:+t a he )re1* and $ro(ied to be .ery bea+ti&+l* I )rad+ally
did 1ore* and 1ith (y $raie* and 1ith (y Ae1el* and 1ith (y
tea"hin)* and 1ith thi &i)+re o& (yel& al1ay be&ore her* a
1arnin) to ba"# and $oint (y leon* I tole her heart a1ay* and
$+t i"e in it $la"e-6
6:etter*6 I "o+ld not hel$ ayin)* 6to ha.e le&t her a nat+ral
heart* e.en to be br+ied or bro#en-6
7ith that* %i ;a.iha( loo#ed ditra"tedly at (e &or a 1hile* and
then b+rt o+t a)ain* 7hat had he done<
6I& yo+ #ne1 all (y tory*6 he $leaded* 6yo+ 1o+ld ha.e o(e
"o($aion &or (e and a better +ndertandin) o& (e-6
6%i ;a.iha(*6 I an1ered* a deli"ately a I "o+ld* 6I belie.e I
(ay ay that I do #no1 yo+r tory* and ha.e #no1n it in"e I
&irt le&t thi nei)hborhood- It ha in$ired (e 1ith )reat
"o((ieration* and I ho$e I +ndertand it and it in&l+en"e- !oe
1hat ha $aed bet1een + )i.e (e any e,"+e &or a#in) yo+ a
4+etion relati.e to Etella@ Not a he i* b+t a he 1a 1hen
he &irt "a(e here@6
She 1a eated on the )ro+nd* 1ith her ar( on the ra))ed "hair*
and her head leanin) on the(- She loo#ed &+ll at (e 1hen I aid
thi* and re$lied* 6Go on-6
67hoe "hild 1a Etella@6
She hoo# her head-
6?o+ don't #no1@6
She hoo# her head a)ain-
6:+t %r- 0a))er bro+)ht her here* or ent her here@6
6:ro+)ht her here-6
67ill yo+ tell (e ho1 that "a(e abo+t@6
She an1ered in a lo1 1hi$er and 1ith "a+tionB 6I had been h+t +$
in thee roo( a lon) ti(e 2I don't #no1 ho1 lon)9 yo+ #no1 1hat
ti(e the "lo"# #ee$ here3* 1hen I told hi( that I 1anted a little
)irl to rear and lo.e* and a.e &ro( (y &ate- I had &irt een hi(
1hen I ent &or hi( to lay thi $la"e 1ate &or (e9 read o&
hi( in the ne1$a$er* be&ore I and the 1orld $arted- ;e told (e
that he 1o+ld loo# abo+t hi( &or +"h an or$han "hild- One ni)ht he
bro+)ht her here alee$* and I "alled her Etella-6
6%i)ht I a# her a)e then@6
6T1o or three- She herel& #no1 nothin)* b+t that he 1a le&t an
or$han and I ado$ted her-6
So ""ed I 1a o& that 1o(an' bein) her (other* that I 1anted
no e.iden"e to etablih the &a"t in (y o1n (ind- :+t* to any (ind*
I tho+)ht* the "onne"tion here 1a "lear and trai)ht-
7hat (ore "o+ld I ho$e to do by $rolon)in) the inter.ie1@ I had
+""eeded on behal& o& ;erbert* %i ;a.iha( had told (e all he
#ne1 o& Etella* I had aid and done 1hat I "o+ld to eae her (ind-
No (atter 1ith 1hat other 1ord 1e $arted9 1e $arted-
T1ili)ht 1a "loin) in 1hen I 1ent do1n tair into the nat+ral
air- I "alled to the 1o(an 1ho had o$ened the )ate 1hen I entered*
that I 1o+ld not tro+ble her A+t yet* b+t 1o+ld 1al# ro+nd the
$la"e be&ore 5or I had a $reenti(ent that I ho+ld
be there a)ain* and I &elt that the dyin) li)ht 1a +ited to (y
lat .ie1 o& it-
:y the 1ilderne o& "a# that I had 1al#ed on lon) a)o* and on
1hi"h the rain o& year had &allen in"e* rottin) the( in (any
$la"e* and (iniat+re 1a($ and $ool o& 1ater +$on thoe
that tood on end* I (ade (y 1ay to the r+ined )arden- I 1ent all
ro+nd it9 ro+nd by the "orner 1here ;erbert and I had &o+)ht o+r
battle9 ro+nd by the $ath 1here Etella and I had 1al#ed- So "old*
o lonely* o dreary all<
Ta#in) the bre1ery on (y 1ay ba"#* I raied the r+ty lat"h o& a
little door at the )arden end o& it* and 1al#ed thro+)h- I 1a
)oin) o+t at the o$$oite door*//not eay to o$en no1* &or the da($
1ood had tarted and 1elled* and the hin)e 1ere yieldin)* and the
threhold 1a en"+(bered 1ith a )ro1th o& &+n)+*//1hen I t+rned (y
head to loo# ba"#- A "hildih ao"iation re.i.ed 1ith 1onder&+l
&or"e in the (o(ent o& the li)ht a"tion* and I &an"ied that I a1
%i ;a.iha( han)in) to the bea(- So tron) 1a the i($reion*
that I tood +nder the bea( h+dderin) &ro( head to &oot be&ore I
#ne1 it 1a a &an"y*//tho+)h to be +re I 1a there in an intant-
The (o+rn&+lne o& the $la"e and ti(e* and the )reat terror o&
thi ill+ion* tho+)h it 1a b+t (o(entary* "a+ed (e to &eel an
inde"ribable a1e a I "a(e o+t bet1een the o$en 1ooden )ate 1here
I had on"e 1r+n) (y hair a&ter Etella had 1r+n) (y heart- Pain)
on into the &ront "o+rtyard* I heitated 1hether to "all the 1o(an
to let (e o+t at the lo"#ed )ate o& 1hi"h he had the #ey* or &irt
to )o +$ tair and a+re (yel& that %i ;a.iha( 1a a a&e
and 1ell a I had le&t her- I too# the latter "o+re and 1ent +$-
I loo#ed into the roo( 1here I had le&t her* and I a1 her eated
in the ra))ed "hair +$on the hearth "loe to the &ire* 1ith her
ba"# to1ard (e- In the (o(ent 1hen I 1a 1ithdra1in) (y head to )o
4+ietly a1ay* I a1 a )reat &la(in) li)ht $rin) +$- In the a(e
(o(ent I a1 her r+nnin) at (e* hrie#in)* 1ith a 1hirl o& &ire
bla8in) all abo+t her* and oarin) at leat a (any &eet abo.e her
head a he 1a hi)h-
I had a do+ble/"a$ed )reat/"oat on* and (y ar( another thi"#
"oat- That I )ot the( o&&* "loed 1ith her* thre1 her do1n* and )ot
the( her9 that I dra))ed the )reat "loth &ro( the table &or
the a(e $+r$oe* and 1ith it dra))ed do1n the hea$ o& rottenne
in the (idt* and all the +)ly thin) that heltered there9 that 1e
1ere on the )ro+nd tr+))lin) li#e de$erate ene(ie* and that the
"loer I "o.ered her* the (ore 1ildly he hrie#ed and tried to
&ree herel&*//that thi o""+rred I #ne1 thro+)h the re+lt* b+t not
thro+)h anythin) I &elt* or tho+)ht* or #ne1 I did- I #ne1 nothin)
+ntil I #ne1 that 1e 1ere on the &loor by the )reat table* and that
$at"he o& tinder yet ali)ht 1ere &loatin) in the (o#y air* 1hi"h*
a (o(ent a)o* had been her &aded bridal dre-
Then* I loo#ed ro+nd and a1 the dit+rbed beetle and $ider
r+nnin) a1ay the &loor* and the er.ant "o(in) in 1ith
breathle "rie at the door- I till held her &or"ibly do1n 1ith
all (y tren)th* li#e a $rioner 1ho (i)ht e"a$e9 and I do+bt i& I
e.en #ne1 1ho he 1a* or 1hy 1e had tr+))led* or that he had
been in &la(e* or that the &la(e 1ere o+t* +ntil I a1 the
$at"he o& tinder that had been her )ar(ent no lon)er ali)ht b+t
&allin) in a bla"# ho1er aro+nd +-
She 1a inenible* and I 1a a&raid to ha.e her (o.ed* or e.en
to+"hed- Aitan"e 1a ent &or* and I held her +ntil it "a(e* a
i& I +nreaonably &an"ied 2I thin# I did3 that* i& I let her )o* the
&ire 1o+ld brea# o+t a)ain and "on+(e her- 7hen I )ot +$* on the
+r)eon' "o(in) to her 1ith other aid* I 1a atonihed to ee
that both (y hand 1ere b+rnt9 &or* I had no #no1led)e o& it
thro+)h the ene o& &eelin)-
On e,a(ination it 1a $rono+n"ed that he had re"ei.ed erio+
h+rt* b+t that they o& the(el.e 1ere &ar &ro( ho$ele9 the
dan)er lay (ainly in the ner.o+ ho"#- :y the +r)eon'
dire"tion* her bed 1a "arried into that roo( and laid +$on the
)reat table* 1hi"h ha$$ened to be 1ell +ited to the drein) o&
her inA+rie- 7hen I a1 her a)ain* an ho+r a&ter1ard* he lay*
indeed* 1here I had een her tri#e her ti"#* and had heard her ay
that he 1o+ld lie one day-
Tho+)h e.ery .eti)e o& her dre 1a b+rnt* a they told (e* he
till had o(ethin) o& her old )hatly bridal a$$earan"e9 &or* they
had "o.ered her to the throat 1ith 1hite "otton/1ool* and a he
lay 1ith a 1hite heet looely o.erlyin) that* the $hanto( air o&
o(ethin) that had been and 1a "han)ed 1a till +$on her-
I &o+nd* on 4+etionin) the er.ant* that Etella 1a in Pari*
and I )ot a $ro(ie &ro( the +r)eon that he 1o+ld 1rite to her by
the ne,t $ot- %i ;a.iha(' &a(ily I too# +$on (yel&9 intendin)
to "o((+ni"ate 1ith %r- %atthe1 Po"#et only* and lea.e hi( to do a
he li#ed abo+t in&or(in) the ret- Thi I did ne,t day* thro+)h
;erbert* a oon a I ret+rned to to1n-
There 1a a ta)e* that e.enin)* 1hen he $o#e "olle"tedly o& 1hat
had ha$$ened* tho+)h 1ith a "ertain terrible .i.a"ity- To1ard
(idni)ht he be)an to 1ander in her $ee"h9 and a&ter that it
)rad+ally et in that he aid inn+(erable ti(e in a lo1 ole(n
.oi"e* 67hat ha.e I done<6 And then* 67hen he &irt "a(e* I (eant
to a.e her &ro( (iery li#e (ine-6 And then* 6Ta#e the $en"il and
1rite +nder (y na(e* 'I &or)i.e her<'6 She "han)ed the order
o& thee three enten"e* b+t he o(eti(e le&t o+t a 1ord in one
or other o& the(9 $+ttin) in another 1ord* b+t al1ay
a blan# and )oin) on to the ne,t 1ord-
A I "o+ld do no er.i"e there* and a I had* nearer ho(e* that
$rein) reaon &or an,iety and &ear 1hi"h e.en her 1anderin)
"o+ld not dri.e o+t o& (y (ind* I de"ided* in the "o+re o& the
ni)ht that I 1o+ld ret+rn by the early (ornin) "oa"h* 1al#in) on a
(ile or o* and bein) ta#en +$ "lear o& the to1n- At abo+t i,
o'"lo"# o& the (ornin)* there&ore* I leaned her and to+"hed
her li$ 1ith (ine* A+t a they aid* not to$$in) &or bein)
to+"hed* 6Ta#e the $en"il and 1rite +nder (y na(e* 'I &or)i.e
Cha$ter C
%y hand had been dreed t1i"e or thri"e in the ni)ht* and a)ain
in the (ornin)- %y le&t ar( 1a a )ood deal b+rned to the elbo1*
and* le e.erely* a hi)h a the ho+lder9 it 1a .ery $ain&+l*
b+t the &la(e had et in that dire"tion* and I &elt than#&+l it
1a no 1ore- %y ri)ht hand 1a not o badly b+rnt b+t that I "o+ld
(o.e the &in)er- It 1a banda)ed* o& "o+re* b+t (+"h le
in"on.eniently than (y le&t hand and ar(9 thoe I "arried in a
lin)9 and I "o+ld only 1ear (y "oat li#e a "loa#* looe (y
ho+lder and &atened at the ne"#- %y hair had been "a+)ht by the
&ire* b+t not (y head or &a"e-
7hen ;erbert had been do1n to ;a((er(ith and een hi &ather* he
"a(e ba"# to (e at o+r "ha(ber* and de.oted the day to attendin) on
(e- ;e 1a the #indet o& n+re* and at tated ti(e too# o&& the
banda)e* and tee$ed the( in the "oolin) li4+id that 1a #e$t
ready* and $+t the( on a)ain* 1ith a $atient tenderne that I 1a
dee$ly )rate&+l &or-
At &irt* a I lay 4+iet on the o&a* I &o+nd it $ain&+lly
di&&i"+lt* I (i)ht ay i($oible* to )et rid o& the i($reion o&
the )lare o& the &la(e* their h+rry and noie* and the &ier"e
b+rnin) (ell- I& I do8ed &or a (in+te* I 1a a1a#ened by %i
;a.iha(' "rie* and by her r+nnin) at (e 1ith all that hei)ht o&
&ire abo.e her head- Thi $ain o& the (ind 1a (+"h harder to
tri.e a)aint than any bodily $ain I +&&ered9 and ;erbert* eein)
that* did hi +t(ot to hold (y attention en)a)ed-
Neither o& + $o#e o& the boat* b+t 1e both tho+)ht o& it- That
1a (ade a$$arent by o+r a.oidan"e o& the +bAe"t* and by o+r
a)reein)//1itho+t a)ree(ent//to (a#e (y re"o.ery o& the +e o& (y
hand a 4+etion o& o (any ho+r* not o& o (any 1ee#-
%y &irt 4+etion 1hen I a1 ;erbert had been o& "o+re* 1hether
all 1a 1ell do1n the A he re$lied in the a&&ir(ati.e* 1ith
$er&e"t "on&iden"e and "heer&+lne* 1e did not re+(e the +bAe"t
+ntil the day 1a 1earin) a1ay- :+t then* a ;erbert "han)ed the
banda)e* (ore by the li)ht o& the &ire than by the o+ter li)ht* he
1ent ba"# to it $ontaneo+ly-
6I at 1ith Pro.i lat ni)ht* ;andel* t1o )ood ho+r-6
67here 1a Clara@6
6!ear little thin)<6 aid ;erbert- 6She 1a +$ and do1n 1ith
Gr+&&and)ri( all the e.enin)- ;e 1a $er$et+ally $e))in) at the
&loor the (o(ent he le&t hi i)ht- I do+bt i& he "an hold o+t
lon)* tho+)h- 7hat 1ith r+( and $e$$er*//and $e$$er and r+(*//I
ho+ld thin# hi $e))in) (+t be nearly
6And then yo+ 1ill be (arried* ;erbert@6
6;o1 "an I ta#e "are o& the dear "hild other1ie@//Cay yo+r ar(
o+t +$on the ba"# o& the o&a* (y dear boy* and I'll it do1n here*
and )et the banda)e o&& o )rad+ally that yo+ hall not #no1 1hen
it "o(e- I 1a $ea#in) o& Pro.i- !o yo+ #no1* ;andel* he
6I aid to yo+ I tho+)ht he 1a o&tened 1hen I lat a1 hi(-6
6So yo+ did- And o he i- ;e 1a .ery "o((+ni"ati.e lat ni)ht*
and told (e (ore o& hi li&e- ?o+ re(e(ber hi brea#in) o&& here
abo+t o(e 1o(an that he had had )reat tro+ble 1ith-//!id I h+rt
I had tarted* b+t not +nder hi to+"h- ;i 1ord had )i.en (e a
6I had &or)otten that* ;erbert* b+t I re(e(ber it no1 yo+ $ea# o&
67ell< ;e 1ent into that $art o& hi li&e* and a dar# 1ild $art it
i- Shall I tell yo+@ Or 1o+ld it 1orry yo+ A+t no1@6
6Tell (e by all (ean- E.ery 1ord-6
;erbert bent &or1ard to loo# at (e (ore nearly* a i& (y re$ly had
been rather (ore h+rried or (ore ea)er than he "o+ld 4+ite a""o+nt
&or- 6?o+r head i "ool@6 he aid* to+"hin) it-
6>+ite*6 aid I- 6Tell (e 1hat Pro.i aid* (y dear ;erbert-6
6It ee(*6 aid ;erbert* 6//there' a banda)e o&& (ot
"har(in)ly* and no1 "o(e the "ool one*//(a#e yo+ hrin# at &irt*
(y $oor dear &ello1* don't it@ b+t it 1ill be "o(&ortable $reently*
//it ee( that the 1o(an 1a a yo+n) 1o(an* and a Aealo+ 1o(an*
and a re.en)e&+l 1o(an9 re.en)e&+l* ;andel* to the lat de)ree-6
6To 1hat lat de)ree@6
6%+rder-//!oe it tri#e too "old on that eniti.e $la"e@6
6I don't &eel it- ;o1 did he (+rder@ 7ho( did he (+rder@6 67hy*
the deed (ay not ha.e (erited 4+ite o terrible a na(e*6 aid
;erbert* 6b+t* he 1a tried &or it* and %r- 0a))er de&ended her*
and the re$+tation o& that de&en"e &irt (ade hi na(e #no1n to
Pro.i- It 1a another and a tron)er 1o(an 1ho 1a the .i"ti(* and
there had been a tr+))le//in a barn- 7ho be)an it* or ho1 &air it
1a* or ho1 +n&air* (ay be do+bt&+l9 b+t ho1 it ended i "ertainly
not do+bt&+l* &or the .i"ti( 1a &o+nd throttled-6
67a the 1o(an bro+)ht in )+ilty@6
6No9 he 1a a"4+itted-//%y $oor ;andel* I h+rt yo+<6
6It i i($oible to be )entler* ;erbert- ?e@ 7hat ele@6
6Thi a"4+itted yo+n) 1o(an and Pro.i had a little "hild9 a little
"hild o& 1ho( Pro.i 1a e,"eedin)ly &ond- On the e.enin) o& the
.ery ni)ht 1hen the obAe"t o& her Aealo+y 1a tran)led a I tell
yo+* the yo+n) 1o(an $reented herel& be&ore Pro.i &or one
(o(ent* and 1ore that he 1o+ld detroy the "hild 21hi"h 1a in
her $oeion3* and he ho+ld ee it a)ain9 then he
.anihed-//There' the 1ort ar( "o(&ortably in the lin) on"e
(ore* and no1 there re(ain b+t the ri)ht hand* 1hi"h i a &ar
eaier Aob- I "an do it better by thi li)ht than by a tron)er*
&or (y hand i teadiet 1hen I don't ee the $oor blitered
$at"he too ditin"tly-//?o+ don't thin# yo+r breathin) i
a&&e"ted* (y dear boy@ ?o+ ee( to breathe 4+i"#ly-6
6Perha$ I do* ;erbert- !id the 1o(an #ee$ her oath@6
6There "o(e the dar#et $art o& Pro.i' li&e- She did-6
6That i* he ay he did-6
67hy* o& "o+re* (y dear boy*6 ret+rned ;erbert* in a tone o&
+r$rie* and a)ain bendin) &or1ard to )et a nearer loo# at (e- 6;e
ay it all- I ha.e no other in&or(ation-6
6No* to be +re-6
6No1* 1hether*6 $+r+ed ;erbert* 6he had +ed the "hild' (other
ill* or 1hether he had +ed the "hild' (other 1ell* Pro.i doen't
ay9 b+t he had hared o(e &o+r or &i.e year o& the 1ret"hed
li&e he de"ribed to + at thi &ireide* and he ee( to ha.e &elt
$ity &or her* and &orbearan"e to1ard her- There&ore* &earin) he
ho+ld be "alled +$on to de$oe abo+t thi detroyed "hild* and o
be the "a+e o& her death* he hid hi(el& 2(+"h a he )rie.ed &or
the "hild3* #e$t hi(el& dar#* a he ay* o+t o& the 1ay and o+t
o& the trial* and 1a only .a)+ely tal#ed o& a a "ertain (an
"alled Abel* o+t o& 1ho( the Aealo+y aroe- A&ter the a"4+ittal
he dia$$eared* and th+ he lot the "hild and the "hild'
6I 1ant to a#//6
6A (o(ent* (y dear boy* and I ha.e done- That )eni+*
Co($eyon* the 1ort o& "o+ndrel a(on) (any "o+ndrel* #no1in)
o& hi #ee$in) o+t o& the 1ay at that ti(e and o& hi reaon &or
doin) o* o& "o+re a&ter1ard held the #no1led)e hi head a
a (ean o& #ee$in) hi( $oorer and 1or#in) hi( harder- It 1a "lear
lat ni)ht that thi barbed the $oint o& Pro.i' ani(oity-6
6I 1ant to #no1*6 aid I* 6and $arti"+larly* ;erbert* 1hether he
told yo+ 1hen thi ha$$ened@6
6Parti"+larly@ Cet (e re(e(ber* then* 1hat he aid a to that- ;i
e,$reion 1a* 'a ro+nd "ore o' year a)o* and a'(ot dire"tly
a&ter I too# +$ 1i' Co($eyon-' ;o1 old 1ere yo+ 1hen yo+ "a(e +$on
hi( in the little "h+r"hyard@6
6I thin# in (y e.enth year-6
6Ay- It had ha$$ened o(e three or &o+r year then* he aid* and
yo+ bro+)ht into hi (ind the little )irl o tra)i"ally lot* 1ho
1o+ld ha.e been abo+t yo+r a)e-6
6;erbert*6 aid I* a&ter a hort ilen"e* in a h+rried 1ay* 6"an
yo+ ee (e bet by the li)ht o& the 1indo1* or the li)ht o& the
6:y the &ireli)ht*6 an1ered ;erbert* "o(in) "loe a)ain-
6Coo# at (e-6
6I do loo# at yo+* (y dear boy-6
6To+"h (e-6
6I do to+"h yo+* (y dear boy-6
6?o+ are not a&raid that I a( in any &* or that (y head i (+"h
diordered by the a""ident o& lat ni)ht@6
6N/no* (y dear boy*6 aid ;erbert* a&ter ta#in) ti(e to e,a(ine (e-
6?o+ are rather e,"ited* b+t yo+ are 4+ite yo+rel&-6
6I #no1 I a( 4+ite (yel&- And the (an 1e ha.e in hidin) do1n the* i Etella' 5ather-6
Cha$ter CI
7hat $+r$oe I had in .ie1 1hen I 1a hot on tra"in) o+t and
$ Etella' $arenta)e* I "annot ay- It 1ill $reently be
een that the 4+etion 1a not be&ore (e in a ditin"t ha$e +ntil
it 1a $+t be&ore (e by a 1ier head than (y o1n-
:+t 1hen ;erbert and I had held o+r (o(ento+ "on.eration* I 1a
ei8ed 1ith a &e.erih "on.i"tion that I o+)ht to h+nt the (atter
do1n*//that I o+)ht not to let it ret* b+t that I o+)ht to ee %r-
0a))er* and "o(e at the bare tr+th- I really do not #no1 1hether I
&elt that I did thi &or Etella' a#e* or 1hether I 1a )lad to
tran&er to the (an in 1hoe $reer.ation I 1a o (+"h "on"erned
o(e ray o& the ro(anti" interet that had o lon) +rro+nded (e-
Perha$ the latter $oibility (ay be the nearer to the tr+th-
Any 1ay* I "o+ld "ar"ely be 1ithheld &ro( )oin) o+t to
Gerrard Street that ni)ht- ;erbert' re$reentation that* i& I did*
I ho+ld $robably be laid +$ and tri"#en +ele* 1hen o+r
&+)iti.e' a&ety 1o+ld de$end +$on (e* alone retrained (y
i($atien"e- On the +ndertandin)* a)ain and a)ain reiterated* that*
"o(e 1hat 1o+ld* I 1a to )o to %r- 0a))er to/(orro1* I at len)th
+b(itted to #ee$ 4+iet* and to ha.e (y h+rt loo#ed a&ter* and to
tay at ho(e- Early ne,t (ornin) 1e 1ent o+t to)ether* and at the
"orner o& Gilt$+r Street by S(ith&ield* I le&t ;erbert to )o hi
1ay into the City* and too# (y 1ay to Cittle :ritain-
There 1ere $eriodi"al o""aion 1hen %r- 0a))er and 7e((i"# 1ent the o&&i"e a""o+nt* and "he"#ed o&& the .o+"her* and $+t all
thin) trai)ht- On thee o""aion* 7e((i"# too# hi boo# and
$a$er into %r- 0a))er' roo(* and one o& the +$/tair "ler# "a(e
do1n into the o+ter o&&i"e- 5indin) +"h "ler# on 7e((i"#' $ot
that (ornin)* I #ne1 1hat 1a )oin) on9 b+t I 1a not orry to
ha.e %r- 0a))er and 7e((i"# to)ether* a 7e((i"# 1o+ld then hear
&or hi(el& that I aid nothin) to "o($ro(ie hi(-
%y a$$earan"e* 1ith (y ar( banda)ed and (y "oat looe (y
ho+lder* &a.ored (y obAe"t- Altho+)h I had ent %r- 0a))er a
brie& a""o+nt o& the a""ident a oon a I had arri.ed in to1n* yet
I had to )i.e hi( all the detail no19 and the $e"iality o& the
o""aion "a+ed o+r tal# to be le dry and hard* and le tri"tly
re)+lated by the r+le o& e.iden"e* than it had been be&ore- 7hile
I de"ribed the diater* %r- 0a))er tood* a""ordin) to hi 1ont*
be&ore the &ire- 7e((i"# leaned ba"# in hi "hair* tarin) at (e*
1ith hi hand in the $o"#et o& hi tro+er* and hi $en $+t
hori8ontally into the $ot- The t1o br+tal "at* al1ay
ine$arable in (y (ind &ro( the o&&i"ial $ro"eedin)* ee(ed to be
"on)eti.ely "oniderin) 1hether they didn't (ell &ire at the
$reent (o(ent-
%y narrati.e &inihed* and their 4+etion e,ha+ted* I then
$rod+"ed %i ;a.iha(' a+thority to re"ei.e the nine h+ndred
$o+nd &or ;erbert- %r- 0a))er' eye retired a little dee$er into
hi head 1hen I handed hi( the tablet* b+t he $reently handed
the( to 7e((i"#* 1ith intr+"tion to dra1 the "he"# &or hi
i)nat+re- 7hile that 1a in "o+re o& bein) done* I loo#ed on at
7e((i"# a he 1rote* and %r- 0a))er* $oiin) and 1ayin) hi(el& on
hi 1ell/$olihed boot* loo#ed on at (e- 6I a( orry* Pi$*6 aid
he* a I $+t the "he"# in (y $o"#et* 1hen he had i)ned it* 6that
1e do nothin) &or yo+-6
6%i ;a.iha( 1a )ood eno+)h to a# (e*6 I ret+rned* 61hether he
"o+ld do nothin) &or (e* and I told her No-6
6E.erybody ho+ld #no1 hi o1n b+ine*6 aid %r- 0a))er- And I
a1 7e((i"#' li$ &or( the 1ord 6$ortable $ro$erty-6
6I ho+ld not ha.e told her No* i& I had been yo+*6 aid %r
0a))er9 6b+t e.ery (an o+)ht to #no1 hi o1n b+ine bet-6
6E.ery (an' b+ine*6 aid 7e((i"#* rather re$roa"h&+lly to1ard
(e* 6i $ortable $ro$erty-6
A I tho+)ht the ti(e 1a no1 "o(e &or $+r+in) the the(e I had at
heart* I aid* t+rnin) on %r- 0a))erB//
6I did a# o(ethin) o& %i ;a.iha(** ir- I a#ed her to
)i.e (e o(e in&or(ation relati.e to her ado$ted da+)hter* and he
)a.e (e all he $oeed-6
6!id he@6 aid %r- 0a))er* bendin) &or1ard to loo# at hi boot
and then trai)htenin) hi(el&- 6;ah< I don't thin# I ho+ld ha.e
done o* i& I had been %i ;a.iha(- :+t he o+)ht to #no1 her o1n
b+ine bet-6
6I #no1 (ore o& the hitory o& %i ;a.iha(' ado$ted "hild than
%i ;a.iha( herel& doe* ir- I #no1 her (other-6
%r- 0a))er loo#ed at (e in4+irin)ly* and re$eated 6%other@6
6I ha.e een her (other 1ithin thee three day-6
6?e@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6And o ha.e yo+* ir- And yo+ ha.e een her till (ore re"ently-6
6?e@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6Perha$ I #no1 (ore o& Etella' hitory than e.en yo+ do*6 aid
I- 6I #no1 her &ather too-6
A "ertain to$ that %r- 0a))er "a(e to in hi (anner//he 1a too
el&/$oeed to "han)e hi (anner* b+t he "o+ld not hel$ it
bein) bro+)ht to an inde&inably attenti.e to$//a+red (e that he
did not #no1 1ho her &ather 1a- Thi I had tron)ly +$e"ted &ro(
Pro.i' a""o+nt 2a ;erbert had re$eated it3 o& hi #e$t
hi(el& dar#9 1hi"h I $ie"ed on to the &a"t that he hi(el& 1a not
%r- 0a))er' "lient +ntil o(e &o+r year later* and 1hen he "o+ld
ha.e no reaon &or "lai(in) hi identity- :+t* I "o+ld not be +re
o& thi +n"on"io+ne on %r- 0a))er' $art be&ore* tho+)h I 1a
4+ite +re o& it no1-
6So< ?o+ #no1 the yo+n) lady' &ather* Pi$@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6?e*6 I re$lied* 6and hi na(e i Pro.i//&ro( Ne1 So+th 7ale-6
E.en %r- 0a))er tarted 1hen I aid thoe 1ord- It 1a the
li)htet tart that "o+ld e"a$e a (an* the (ot "are&+lly
re$reed and the ooner "he"#ed* b+t he did tart* tho+)h he (ade
it a $art o& the a"tion o& ta#in) o+t hi $o"#et/hand#er"hie&- ;o1
7e((i"# re"ei.ed the anno+n"e(ent I a( +nable to ay9 &or I 1a
a&raid to loo# at hi( A+t then* let %r- 0a))er' har$ne ho+ld
dete"t that there had been o(e "o((+ni"ation +n#no1n to hi(
bet1een +-
6And on 1hat e.iden"e* Pi$*6 a#ed %r- 0a))er* .ery "oolly* a he
$a+ed 1ith hi hand#er"hie& hal& 1ay to hi noe* 6doe Pro.i
(a#e thi "lai(@6
6;e doe not (a#e it*6 aid I* 6and ha (ade it* and ha no
#no1led)e or belie& that hi da+)hter i in e,iten"e-6
5or on"e* the $o1er&+l $o"#et/hand#er"hie& &ailed- %y re$ly 1a o
Dne,$e"ted* that %r- 0a))er $+t the hand#er"hie& ba"# into hi
$o"#et 1itho+t "o($letin) the ++al $er&or(an"e* &olded hi ar(*
and loo#ed 1ith tern attention at (e* tho+)h 1ith an i((
Then I told hi( all I #ne1* and ho1 I #ne1 it9 1ith the one
reer.ation that I le&t hi( to in&er that I #ne1 &ro( %i ;a.iha(
1hat I in &a"t #ne1 &ro( 7e((i"#- I 1a .ery "are&+l indeed a to
that- Nor did I loo# to1ard 7e((i"# +ntil I had &inihed all I
had to tell* and had been &or o(e ti(e ilently (eetin) %r-
0a))er' loo#- 7hen I did at lat t+rn (y eye in 7e((i"#'
dire"tion* I &o+nd that he had +n$oted hi $en* and 1a intent
+$on the table be&ore hi(-
6;ah<6 aid %r- 0a))er at lat* a he (o.ed to1ard the $a$er on
the table- 67hat ite( 1a it yo+ 1ere at* 7e((i"#* 1hen %r- Pi$
"a(e in@6
:+t I "o+ld not +b(it to be thro1n o&& in that 1ay* and I (ade a
$aionate* al(ot an indi)nant a$$eal* to hi( to be (ore &ran# and
(anly 1ith (e- I re(inded hi( o& the &ale ho$e into 1hi"h I had
la$ed* the len)th o& ti(e they had lated* and the di"o.ery I had
(adeB and I hinted at the dan)er that 1ei)hed +$on (y $irit- I
re$reented (yel& a bein) +rely 1orthy o& o(e little "on&iden"e
&ro( hi(* in ret+rn &or the "on&iden"e I had A+t no1 i($arted- I
aid that I did not bla(e hi(* or +$e"t hi(* or (itr+t hi(* b+t
I 1anted a+ran"e o& the tr+th &ro( hi(- And i& he a#ed (e 1hy I
1anted it* and 1hy I tho+)ht I had any ri)ht to it* I 1o+ld tell
hi(* little a he "ared &or +"h $oor drea(* that I had lo.ed
Etella dearly and lon)* and that altho+)h I had lot her* and (+t
li.e a berea.ed li&e* "on"erned her 1a till nearer and
dearer to (e than anythin) ele in the 1orld- And eein) that %r-
0a))er tood 4+ite till and ilent* and a$$arently 4+ite
obd+rate* +nder thi a$$eal* I t+rned to 7e((i"#* and aid*
67e((i"#* I #no1 yo+ to be a (an 1ith a )entle heart- I ha.e een
yo+r $leaant ho(e* and yo+r old &ather* and all the inno"ent*
"heer&+l $lay&+l 1ay 1ith 1hi"h yo+ re&reh yo+r b+ine li&e-
And I entreat yo+ to ay a 1ord &or (e to %r- 0a))er* and to
re$reent to hi( that* all "ir"+(tan"e "onidered* he o+)ht to be
(ore o$en 1ith (e<6
I ha.e een t1o (en loo# (ore oddly at one another than %r-
0a))er and 7e((i"# did a&ter thi a$otro$he- At &irt* a
(i) "roed (e that 7e((i"# 1o+ld be intantly di(ied &ro(
hi e($loy(ent9 b+t it (elted a I a1 %r- 0a))er rela, into
o(ethin) li#e a (ile* and 7e((i"# be"o(e bolder-
67hat' all thi@6 aid %r- 0a))er- 6?o+ 1ith an old &ather* and
yo+ 1ith $leaant and $lay&+l 1ay@6
67ell<6 ret+rned 7e((i"#- 6I& I don't brin) 'e( here* 1hat doe it
6Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* layin) hi hand +$on (y ar(* and (ilin)
o$enly* 6thi (an (+t be the (ot "+nnin) i($otor in all Condon-6
6Not a bit o& it*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#* )ro1in) bolder and bolder- 6I
thin# yo+'re another-6
A)ain they e,"han)ed their &or(er odd loo#* ea"h a$$arently till
ditr+t&+l that the other 1a ta#in) hi( in-
6?o+ 1ith a $leaant ho(e@6 aid %r- 0a))er-
6Sin"e it don't inter&ere 1ith b+ine*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#* 6let it
be o- No1* I loo# at yo+* ir* I ho+ldn't 1onder i& yo+ (i)ht be
$lannin) and " to ha.e a $leaant ho(e o& yo+r o1n one o&
thee day* 1hen yo+'re tired o& all thi 1or#-6
%r- 0a))er nodded hi head retro$e"ti.ely t1o or three ti(e* and
a"t+ally dre1 a i)h- 6Pi$*6 aid he* 61e 1on't tal# abo+t '$oor
drea(9' yo+ #no1 (ore abo+t +"h thin) than I* (+"h
&reher e,$erien"e o& that #ind- :+t no1 abo+t thi other (atter-
I'll $+t a "ae to yo+- %ind< I ad(it nothin)-6
;e 1aited &or (e to de"lare that I 4+ite +ndertood that he
e,$rely aid that he ad(itted nothin)-
6No1* Pi$*6 aid %r- 0a))er* 6$+t thi "ae- P+t the "ae that a
1o(an* +nder +"h "ir"+(tan"e a yo+ ha.e (entioned* held her
"hild "on"ealed* and 1a obli)ed to "o((+ni"ate the &a"t to her
le)al ad.ier* on hi re$reentin) to her that he (+t #no1* 1ith
an eye to the latit+de o& hi de&en"e* ho1 the &a"t tood abo+t
that "hild- P+t the "ae that* at the a(e ti(e he held a tr+t to
&ind a "hild &or an e""entri" ri"h lady to ado$t and brin) +$-6
6I &ollo1 yo+* ir-6
6P+t the "ae that he li.ed in an at(o$here o&* and that all
he a1 o& "hildren 1a their bein) )enerated in )reat n+(ber &or
"ertain detr+"tion- P+t the "ae that he o&ten a1 "hildren
ole(nly tried at a "ri(inal bar* 1here they 1ere held +$ to be
een9 $+t the "ae that he habit+ally #ne1 o& their bein)
i($rioned* 1hi$$ed* tran$orted* ne)le"ted* "at o+t* 4+ali&ied in
all 1ay &or the han)(an* and )ro1in) +$ to be han)ed- P+t the "ae
that $retty ni)h all the "hildren he a1 in hi daily b+ine
li&e he had reaon to loo# +$on a o (+"h $a1n* to de.elo$ into
the &ih that 1ere to "o(e to hi net*//to be $roe"+ted* de&ended*
&or1orn* (ade or$han* bede.illed o(eho1-6
6I &ollo1 yo+* ir-6
6P+t the "ae* Pi$* that here 1a one $retty little "hild o+t o&
the hea$ 1ho "o+ld be a.ed9 1ho( the &ather belie.ed dead* and
dared (a#e no tir abo+t9 a to 1ho(* the (other* the le)al
ad.ier had thi $o1erB 6I #no1 1hat yo+ did* and ho1 yo+ did it-
?o+ "a(e o and o* yo+ did +"h and +"h thin) to di.ert +$i"ion-
I ha.e tra"#ed yo+ thro+)h it all* andI tell it yo+ all- Part
1ith the "hild* +nle it ho+ld bene"eary to $rod+"e it to
"lear yo+* and then it hall be $rod+"ed- Gi.e the "hild into
(y hand* and I 1ill do (y bet to brin) yo+ o&&- I& yo+ are
a.ed* yo+r "hild i a.ed too9 i& yo+ are lot* yo+r "hild i
till a.ed-6 P+t the "ae that thi 1a done* and that the
1o(an 1a "leared-6
6I +ndertand yo+ $er&e"tly-6
6:+t that I (a#e no ad(iion@6
6That yo+ (a#e no ad(iion-6 And 7e((i"# re$eated* 6No
6P+t the "ae* Pi$* that $aion and the terror o& death had a
little ha#en the 1o(an' intelle"t* and that 1hen he 1a et at
liberty* he 1a "ared o+t o& the 1ay o& the 1orld* and 1ent to
hi( to be heltered- P+t the "ae that he too# her in* and that he
#e$t do1n the old* 1ild* .iolent nat+re he a1 an in#lin) o&
it brea#in) o+t* by aertin) hi $o1er her in the old 1ay-
!o yo+ "o($rehend the i(a)inary "ae@6
6P+t the "ae that the "hild )re1 +$* and 1a (arried &or (oney-
That the (other 1a till That the &ather 1a till
That the (other and &ather* +n#no1n to one another* 1ere d1ellin)
1ithin o (any (ile* &+rlon)* yard i& yo+ li#e* o& one another-
That the e"ret 1a till a e"ret* e,"e$t that yo+ had )ot 1ind o&
it- P+t that lat "ae to yo+rel& .ery "are&+lly-6
6I do-6
6I a# 7e((i"# to $+t it to hi(el& .ery "are&+lly-6
And 7e((i"# aid* 6I do-6
65or 1hoe a#e 1o+ld yo+ re.eal the e"ret@ 5or the &ather'@ I
thin# he 1o+ld not be (+"h the better &or the (other- 5or the
(other'@ I thin# i& he had done +"h a deed he 1o+ld be a&er
1here he 1a- 5or the da+)hter'@ I thin# it 1o+ld hardly er.e
her to etablih her $arenta)e &or the in&or(ation o& her h+band*
and to dra) her ba"# to di)ra"e* a&ter an e"a$e o& t1enty year*
$retty e"+re to lat &or li&e- :+t add the "ae that yo+ had
lo.ed her* Pi$* and had (ade her the +bAe"t o& thoe '$oor drea('
1hi"h ha.e* at one ti(e or another* been in the head o& (ore (en
than yo+ thin# li#ely* then I tell yo+ that yo+ had better//and
1o+ld (+"h ooner 1hen yo+ had tho+)ht 1ell o& it//"ho$ o&& that
banda)ed le&t hand o& yo+r 1ith yo+r banda)ed ri)ht hand* and then
$a the "ho$$er on to 7e((i"# there* to "+t that o&& too-6
I loo#ed at 7e((i"#* 1hoe &a"e 1a .ery )ra.e- ;e )ra.ely to+"hed
hi li$ 1ith hi &ore&in)er- I did the a(e- %r- 0a))er did the
a(e- 6No1* 7e((i"#*6 aid the latter then* re+(in) hi ++al
(anner* 61hat ite( 1a it yo+ 1ere at 1hen %r- Pi$ "a(e in@6
Standin) by &or a little* 1hile they 1ere at 1or#* I ober.ed that
the odd loo# they had "at at one another 1ere re$eated e.eral
ti(eB 1ith thi di&&eren"e no1* that ea"h o& the( ee(ed
+$i"io+* not to ay "on"io+* o& ho1n hi(el& in a 1ea#
and +n$ro&eional li)ht to the other- 5or thi reaon* I +$$oe*
they 1ere no1 in&le,ible 1ith one another9 %r- 0a))er bein) hi)hly
di"tatorial* and 7e((i"# obtinately A+ti&yin) hi(el&
there 1a the (allet $oint in abeyan"e &or a (o(ent- I had
een the( on +"h ill ter(9 &or )enerally they )ot on .ery 1ell
indeed to)ether-
:+t they 1ere both ha$$ily relie.ed by the o$$ort+ne a$$earan"e o&
%i#e* the "lient 1ith the &+r "a$ and the habit o& 1i$in) hi noe
on hi lee.e* 1ho( I had een on the .ery &irt day o& (y
a$$earan"e 1ithin thoe 1all- Thi* 1ho* either in hi
o1n $eron or in that o& o(e (e(ber o& hi &a(ily* ee(ed to be
al1ay in tro+ble 21hi"h in that $la"e (eant Ne1)ate3* "alled to
anno+n"e that hi eldet da+)hter 1a ta#en +$ on +$i"ion o&
ho$li&tin)- A he i($arted thi (elan"holy "ir"+(tan"e to
7e((i"#* %r- 0a))er tandin) (a)iterially be&ore the &ire and
ta#in) no hare in the $ro"eedin)* %i#e' eye ha$$ened to t1in#le
1ith a tear-
67hat are yo+ abo+t@6 de(anded 7e((i"#* 1ith the +t(ot
indi)nation- 67hat do yo+ "o(e ni.ellin) here &or@6
6I didn't )o to do it* %r- 7e((i"#-6
6?o+ did*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6;o1 dare yo+@ ?o+'re not in a &it tate
to "o(e here* i& yo+ "an't "o(e here 1itho+t $l+tterin) li#e a bad
$en- 7hat do yo+ (ean by it@6
6A (an "an't hel$ hi &eelin)* %r- 7e((i"#*6 $leaded %i#e-
6;i 1hat@6 de(anded 7e((i"#* 4+ite a.a)ely- 6Say that a)ain<6
6No1 loo# here (y (an*6 aid %r- 0a))er*"in) a te$* and
$ointin) to the door- 6Get o+t o& thi o&&i"e- I'll ha.e no
&eelin) here- Get o+t-6
6It er.e yo+ ri)ht*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6Get o+t-6
So* the +n&ort+nate %i#e .ery h+(bly 1ithdre1* and %r- 0a))er and
7e((i"# a$$eared to ha.e re/etablihed their )ood +ndertandin)*
and 1ent to 1or# a)ain 1ith an air o& re&reh(ent +$on the( a i&
they had A+t had l+n"h-
Cha$ter CII
5ro( Cittle :ritain I 1ent* 1ith (y "he"# in (y $o"#et* to %i
S#i&&in' brother* the a""o+ntant9 and %i S#i&&in' brother*
the a""o+ntant* )oin) trai)ht to Clarri#er' and brin)in)
Clarri#er to (e* I had the )reat ati&a"tion o& "on"l+din) that
arran)e(ent- It 1a the only )ood thin) I had done* and the only
"o($leted thin) I had done* in"e I 1a &irt a$$ried o& (y )reat
Clarri#er in&or(in) (e on that o""aion that the a&&air o& the
;o+e 1ere teadily $ro)rein)* that he 1o+ld no1 be able to
etablih a (all bran"h/ho+e in the Eat 1hi"h 1a (+"h 1anted
&or the e,tenion o& the b+ine* and that ;erbert in hi ne1
$artnerhi$ "a$a"ity 1o+ld )o o+t and ta#e "har)e o& it* I &o+nd
that I (+t ha.e $re$ared &or a e$aration &ro( (y &riend* e.en
tho+)h (y o1n a&&air had been (ore ettled- And no1* indeed* I &elt
a i& (y lat an"hor 1ere looenin) it hold* and I ho+ld oon be 1ith the 1ind and 1a.e-
:+t there 1a re"o($ene in the Aoy 1ith 1hi"h ;erbert 1o+ld "o(e
ho(e o& a ni)ht and tell (e o& thee "han)e* little i(a)inin) that
he told (e no ne1* and 1o+ld #et"h airy $i"t+re o& hi(el&
"ond+"tin) Clara :arley to the land o& the Arabian Ni)ht* and o&
(e )oin) o+t to Aoin the( 21ith a " o& "a(el* I belie.e3*
and o& o+r all )oin) +$ the Nile and eein) 1onder- 7itho+t bein)
an)+ine a to (y o1n $art in thoe bri)ht $lan* I &elt that
;erbert' 1ay 1a "learin) &at* and that old :ill :arley had b+t
to ti"# to hi $e$$er and r+(* and hi da+)hter 1o+ld oon be
ha$$ily $ro.ided &or-
7e had no1 )ot into the (onth o& %ar"h- %y le&t ar(* tho+)h it
$reented no bad y($to(* too#* in the nat+ral "o+re* o lon) to
heal that I 1a till +nable to )et a "oat on- %y ri)ht ar( 1a
tolerably retored9 di&i)+red* b+t &airly er.i"eable-
On a %onday (ornin)* 1hen ;erbert and I 1ere at brea#&at* I
re"ei.ed the &ollo1in) letter &ro( 7e((i"# by the $ot-
67al1orth- :+rn thi a oon a read- Early in the 1ee#* or ay
7edneday* yo+ (i)ht do 1hat yo+ #no1 o&* i& yo+ &elt di$oed to
try it- No1 b+rn-6
7hen I had ho1n thi to ;erbert and had $+t it in the &ire//b+t
not be&ore 1e had both )ot it by heart//1e "onidered 1hat to do-
5or* o& "o+re (y bein) diabled "o+ld no1 be no lon)er #e$t o+t o&
6I ha.e tho+)ht it a)ain and a)ain*6 aid ;erbert* 6and I
thin# I #no1 a better "o+re than ta#in) a Tha(e 1ater(an- Ta#e
Starto$- A )ood &ello1* a #illed hand* &ond o& +* and
enth+iati" and honorable-6
I had tho+)ht o& hi( (ore than on"e-
6:+t ho1 (+"h 1o+ld yo+ tell hi(* ;erbert@6
6It i ne"eary to tell hi( .ery little- Cet hi( +$$oe it a (ere
&rea#* b+t a e"ret one* +ntil the (ornin) "o(eB then let hi( #no1
that there i +r)ent reaon &or yo+r )ettin) Pro.i aboard and
a1ay- ?o+ )o 1ith hi(@6
6No do+bt-6
It had ee(ed to (e* in the (any an,io+ "onideration I had )i.en
the $oint* al(ot indi&&erent 1hat $ort 1e (ade &or*//;a(b+r)*
Rotterda(* Ant1er$*//the $la"e i)ni&ied little* o that he 1a
o+t o& En)land- Any &orei)n tea(er that &ell in o+r 1ay and 1o+ld
ta#e + +$ 1o+ld do- I had al1ay $ro$oed to (yel& to )et hi(
1ell do1n the in the boat9 "ertainly 1ell beyond Gra.eend*
1hi"h 1a a "riti"al $la"e &or ear"h or in4+iry i& +$i"ion 1ere
a&oot- A &orei)n tea(er 1o+ld lea.e Condon at abo+t the ti(e o&
hi)h/1ater* o+r $lan 1o+ld be to )et do1n the by a $
ebb/tide* and lie by in o(e 4+iet $ot +ntil 1e "o+ld $+ll o&& to
one- The ti(e 1hen one 1o+ld be d+e 1here 1e lay* that
(i)ht be* "o+ld be "al"+lated $retty nearly* i& 1e (ade in4+irie
;erbert aented to all thi* and 1e 1ent o+t i((ediately a&ter
brea#&at to $+r+e o+r in.eti)ation- 7e &o+nd that a tea(er &or
;a(b+r) 1a li#ely to +it o+r $+r$oe bet* and 1e dire"ted o+r
tho+)ht "hie&ly to that .eel- :+t 1e noted do1n 1hat other
&orei)n tea(er 1o+ld lea.e Condon 1ith the a(e tide* and 1e
ati&ied o+rel.e that 1e #ne1 the b+ild and "olor o& ea"h- 7e
then e$arated &or a &e1 ho+rB I* to )et at on"e +"h $a$ort a
1ere ne"eary9 ;erbert* to ee Starto$ at hi lod)in)- 7e both
did 1hat 1e had to do 1itho+t any hindran"e* and 1hen 1e (et a)ain
at one o'"lo"# re$orted it done- I* &or (y $art* 1a $re$ared 1ith
$a$ort9 ;erbert had een Starto$* and he 1a (ore than ready to
Thoe t1o ho+ld $+ll a $air o& oar* 1e ettled* and I 1o+ld
teer9 o+r "har)e 1o+ld be itter* and #ee$ 4+iet9 a $eed 1a not
o+r obAe"t* 1e ho+ld (a#e 1ay eno+)h- 7e arran)ed that ;erbert
ho+ld not "o(e ho(e to dinner be&ore )oin) to %ill Pond :an# that
e.enin)9 that he ho+ld not )o there at all to/(orro1 e.enin)*
T+eday9 that he ho+ld $re$are Pro.i to "o(e do1n to o(e tair
hard by the ho+e* on 7edneday* 1hen he a1 + a$$roa"h* and not
ooner9 that all the arran)e(ent 1ith hi( ho+ld be "on"l+ded that
%onday ni)ht9 and that he ho+ld be "o((+ni"ated 1ith no (ore in
any 1ay* +ntil 1e too# hi( on board-
Thee $re"a+tion 1ell +ndertood by both o& +* I 1ent ho(e-
On o$enin) the o+ter door o& o+r "ha(ber 1ith (y #ey* I &o+nd a
letter in the bo,* dire"ted to (e9 a .ery dirty letter* tho+)h not
ill/1ritten- It had been deli.ered by hand 2o& "o+re* in"e I le&t
ho(e3* and it "ontent 1ere theeB//
6I& yo+ are not a&raid to "o(e to the old (arhe to/ni)ht or
to(orro1 ni)ht at nine* and to "o(e to the little l+i"e/ho+e by
the li(e#iln* yo+ had better "o(e- I& yo+ 1ant in&or(ation
re)ardin) yo+r +n"le Pro.i* yo+ had (+"h better "o(e and tell no
one* and loe no ti(e- ?o+ (+t "o(e alone- :rin) thi 1ith yo+-6
I had had load eno+)h +$on (y (ind be&ore the re"ei$t o& thi
tran)e letter- 7hat to do no1* I "o+ld not tell- And the 1ort
1a* that I (+t de"ide 4+i"#ly* or I ho+ld (i the a&ternoon
"oa"h* 1hi"h 1o+ld ta#e (e do1n in ti(e &or to/ni)ht- To/(orro1
ni)ht I "o+ld not thin# o& )oin)* &or it 1o+ld be too "loe +$on
the ti(e o& the &li)ht- And a)ain* &or anythin) I #ne1* the
$ro&&ered in&or(ation (i)ht ha.e o(e i($ortant bearin) on the
&li)ht itel&-
I& I had had a($le ti(e &or "onideration* I belie.e I ho+ld till
ha.e )one- ; hardly any ti(e &or "onideration*//(y 1at"h
ho1in) (e that the "oa"h tarted 1ithin hal& an ho+r*//I reol.ed
to )o- I ho+ld "ertainly not ha.e )one* b+t &or the re&eren"e to
(y Dn"le Pro.i- That* "o(in) on 7e((i"#' letter and the (ornin)'
b+y $re$aration* t+rned the "ale-
It i o di&&i"+lt to be"o(e "learly $oeed o& the "ontent o&
al(ot any letter* in a .iolent h+rry* that I had to read thi
(yterio+ e$itle a)ain t1i"e* be&ore it inA+n"tion to (e to be
e"ret )ot (e"hani"ally into (y (ind- ?ieldin) to it in the a(e
(e"hani"al #ind o& 1ay* I le&t a note in $en"il &or ;erbert*
tellin) hi( that a I ho+ld be o oon )oin) a1ay* I #ne1 not &or
ho1 lon)* I had de"ided to h+rry do1n and ba"#* to a"ertain &or
(yel& ho1 %i ;a.iha( 1a &arin)- I had then barely ti(e to )et
(y )reat/"oat* lo"# +$ the "ha(ber* and (a#e &or the "oa"h/o&&i"e
by the hort by/1ay- I& I had ta#en a ha"#ney/"hariot and )one by
the treet* I ho+ld ha.e (ied (y ai(9 )oin) a I did* I "a+)ht
the "oa"h A+t a it "a(e o+t o& the yard- I 1a the only inide
$aen)er* Aoltin) a1ay #nee/dee$ in tra1* 1hen I "a(e to (yel&-
5or I really had not been (yel& in"e the re"ei$t o& the letter9
it had o be1ildered (e* en+in) on the h+rry o& the (ornin)- The
(ornin) h+rry and &l+tter had been )reat9 &or* lon) and an,io+ly
a I had 1aited &or 7e((i"#* hi hint had "o(e li#e a +r$rie at
lat- And no1 I be)an to 1onder at (yel& &or bein) in the "oa"h*
and to do+bt 1hether I had +&&i"ient reaon &or bein) there* and
to "onider 1hether I ho+ld )et o+t $reently and )o ba"#* and to
ar)+e a)aint heedin) an anony(o+ "o((+ni"ation* and* in
hort* to $a thro+)h all thoe $hae o& "ontradi"tion and
inde"iion to 1hi"h I +$$oe .ery &e1 h+rried $eo$le are
tran)er- Still* the re&eren"e to Pro.i by na(e (atered
e.erythin)- I reaoned a I had reaoned already 1itho+t #no1in) it*
//i& that be reaonin)*//in "ae any har( ho+ld be&all hi( thro+)h
(y not )oin)* ho1 "o+ld I &or)i.e (yel&<
It 1a dar# be&ore 1e )ot do1n* and the Ao+rney ee(ed lon) and
dreary to (e* 1ho "o+ld ee little o& it inide* and 1ho "o+ld not
)o o+tide in (y diabled tate- A.oidin) the :l+e :oar* I $+t +$
at an inn o& (inor re$+tation do1n the to1n* and ordered o(e
dinner- 7hile it 1a $re$arin)* I 1ent to Sati ;o+e and in4+ired
&or %i ;a.iha(9 he 1a till .ery ill* tho+)h "onidered
o(ethin) better-
%y inn had on"e been a $art o& an an"ient e""leiati"al ho+e* and
I dined in a little o"ta)onal "o((on/roo(* li#e a &ont- A I 1a
not able to "+t (y dinner* the old landlord 1ith a hinin) bald
head did it &or (e- Thi brin)in) + into "on.eration* he 1a o
)ood a to entertain (e 1ith (y o1n tory*//o& "o+re 1ith the
$o$+lar &eat+re that P+(ble"hoo# 1a (y earliet bene&a"tor and the
&o+nder o& (y &ort+ne-
6!o yo+ #no1 the yo+n) (an@6 aid I-
6=no1 hi(<6 re$eated the landlord- in"e he 1a//no hei)ht
at all-6
6!oe he "o(e ba"# to thi nei)hborhood@6
6Ay* he "o(e ba"#*6 aid the landlord* 6to hi )reat &riend* no1
and a)ain* and )i.e the "old ho+lder to the (an that (ade hi(-6
67hat (an i that@6
6;i( that I $ea# o&*6 aid the landlord- 6%r- P+(ble"hoo#-6
6I he +n)rate&+l to no one ele@6
6No do+bt he 1o+ld be* i& he "o+ld*6 ret+rned the landlord* 6b+t he
"an't- And 1hy@ :e"a+e P+(ble"hoo# done e.erythin) &or hi(-6
6!oe P+(ble"hoo# ay o@6
6Say o<6 re$lied the landlord- 6;e han't no "all to ay o-6
6:+t doe he ay o@6
6It 1o+ld t+rn a (an' blood to 1hite 1ine 1ine)ar to hear hi( tell
o& it* ir*6 aid the landlord-
I tho+)ht* 6?et 0oe* dear 0oe* yo+ tell o& it- Con)/+&&erin)
and 0oe* yo+ "o($lain- Nor yo+* 1eet/te($ered :iddy<6
6?o+r a$$etite' been to+"hed li#e by yo+r a""ident*6 aid the
landlord* )lan"in) at the banda)ed ar( +nder (y "oat- 6Try a
tenderer bit-6
6No* than# yo+*6 I re$lied* t+rnin) &ro( the table to brood the
&ire- 6I "an eat no (ore- Pleae ta#e it a1ay-6
I had been tr+"# at o #eenly* &or (y than#lene to 0oe*
a thro+)h the bra8en i($otor P+(ble"hoo#- The &aler he* the
tr+er 0oe9 the (eaner he* the nobler 0oe-
%y heart 1a dee$ly and (ot deer.edly h+(bled a I (+ed the
&ire &or an ho+r or (ore- The tri#in) o& the "lo"# aro+ed (e* b+t
not &ro( (y deAe"tion or re(ore* and I )ot +$ and had (y "oat
&atened ro+nd (y ne"#* and 1ent o+t- I had $ o+)ht in (y
$o"#et &or the letter* that I (i)ht re&er to it a)ain9 b+t I "o+ld
not &ind it* and 1a +neay to thin# that it (+t ha.e been dro$$ed
in the tra1 o& the "oa"h- I #ne1 .ery 1ell** that the
a$$ointed $la"e 1a the little l+i"e/ho+e by the li(e#iln on the
(arhe* and the ho+r nine- To1ard the (arhe I no1 1ent
trai)ht* no ti(e to $are-
Cha$ter CIII
It 1a a dar# ni)ht* tho+)h the &+ll (oon roe a I le&t the
en"loed land* and $aed o+t +$on the (arhe- :eyond their dar#
line there 1a a ribbon o& "lear #y* hardly broad eno+)h to hold
the red lar)e (oon- In a &e1 (in+te he had a"ended o+t o& that
"lear &ield* in a(on) the $iled (o+ntain o& "lo+d-
There 1a a (elan"holy 1ind* and the (arhe 1ere .ery di(al- A
tran)er 1o+ld ha.e &o+nd the( in+$$ortable* and e.en to (e they
1ere o o$$rei.e that I heitated* hal& in"lined to )o ba"#- :+t
I #ne1 the( 1ell* and "o+ld ha.e &o+nd (y 1ay on a &ar dar#er
ni)ht* and had no e,"+e &or ret+rnin)* bein) there- So*
"o(e there a)aint (y in"lination* I 1ent on a)aint it-
The dire"tion that I too# 1a not that in 1hi"h (y old ho(e lay*
nor that in 1hi"h 1e had $+r+ed the "on.i"t- %y ba"# 1a t+rned
to1ard the ditant ;+l# a I 1al#ed on* and* tho+)h I "o+ld ee
the old li)ht a1ay on the $it o& and* I a1 the( (y
ho+lder- I #ne1 the li(e#iln a 1ell a I #ne1 the old :attery*
b+t they 1ere (ile a$art9 o that* i& a li)ht had been b+rnin) at
ea"h $oint that ni)ht* there 1o+ld ha.e been a lon) tri$ o& the
blan# hori8on bet1een the t1o bri)ht $e"#-
At &irt* I had to h+t o(e )ate a&ter (e* and no1 and then to
tand till 1hile the "attle that 1ere lyin) in the ban#ed/+$
$ath1ay aroe and bl+ndered do1n a(on) the )ra and reed- :+t
a&ter a little 1hile I ee(ed to ha.e the 1hole &lat to (yel&-
It 1a another hal&/ho+r be&ore I dre1 near to the #iln- The li(e
1a b+rnin) 1ith a l+))ih ti&lin) (ell* b+t the &ire 1ere (ade
+$ and le&t* and no 1or#(en 1ere .iible- ;ard by 1a a (all
tone/4+arry- It lay dire"tly in (y 1ay* and had been 1or#ed that
day* a I a1 by the tool and barro1 that 1ere lyin) abo+t-
Co(in) +$ a)ain to the (arh le.el o+t o& thi e,"a.ation*//&or the
r+de $ath lay thro+)h it*//I a1 a li)ht in the old l+i"e/ho+e- I
4+i"#ened (y $a"e* and #no"#ed at the door 1ith (y hand- 7aitin)
&or o(e re$ly* I loo#ed abo+t (e* noti"in) ho1 the l+i"e 1a
abandoned and bro#en* and ho1 the ho+e//o& 1ood 1ith a tiled roo&
//1o+ld not be $roo& a)aint the 1eather (+"h lon)er* i& it 1ere o
e.en no1* and ho1 the (+d and oo8e 1ere "oated 1ith li(e* and ho1
the "ho#in) .a$or o& the #iln "re$t in a )hotly 1ay to1ard (e-
Still there 1a no an1er* and I #no"#ed a)ain- No an1er till*
and I tried the lat"h-
It roe +nder (y hand* and the door yielded- Coo#in) in* I a1 a
li)hted "andle on a table* a ben"h* and a (attre on a tr+"#le
bedtead- A there 1a a lo&t abo.e* I "alled* 6I there any one
here@6 b+t no .oi"e an1ered- Then I loo#ed at (y 1at"h* and*
&indin) that it 1a $at nine* "alled a)ain* 6I there any one
here@6 There bein) till no an1er* I 1ent o+t at the door*
irreol+te 1hat to do-
It 1a be)innin) to rain &at- Seein) nothin) a.e 1hat I had een
already* I t+rned ba"# into the ho+e* and tood A+t 1ithin the
helter o& the door1ay* loo#in) o+t into the ni)ht- 7hile I 1a
"oniderin) that o(e one (+t ha.e been there lately and (+t oon
be "o(in) ba"#* or the "andle 1o+ld not be b+rnin)* it "a(e into (y
head to loo# i& the 1i"# 1ere lon)- I t+rned ro+nd to do o* and
had ta#en +$ the "andle in (y hand* 1hen it 1a e,tin)+ihed by
o(e .iolent ho"#9 and the ne,t thin) I "o($rehended 1a* that I
had been "a+)ht in a tron) r+nnin) nooe* thro1n (y head &ro(
6No1*6 aid a +$$reed .oi"e 1ith an oath* 6I'.e )ot yo+<6
67hat i thi@6 I "ried* tr+))lin)- 67ho i it@ ;el$* hel$* hel$<6
Not only 1ere (y ar( $+lled "loe to (y ide* b+t the $re+re on
(y bad ar( "a+ed (e e,4+iite $ain- So(eti(e* a tron) (an'
hand* o(eti(e a tron) (an' breat* 1a et a)aint (y (o+th to
deaden (y "rie* and 1ith a hot breath al1ay "loe to (e* I
tr+))led ine&&e"t+ally in the dar#* 1hile I 1a &atened ti)ht to
the 1all- 6And no1*6 aid the +$$reed .oi"e 1ith another oath*
6"all o+t a)ain* and I'll (a#e hort 1or# o& yo+<6
5aint and i"# 1ith the $ain o& (y inA+red ar(* be1ildered by the
+r$rie* and yet "on"io+ ho1 eaily thi threat "o+ld be $+t in
e,e"+tion* I deited* and tried to eae (y ar( 1ere it o
little- :+t* it 1a bo+nd too ti)ht &or that- I &elt a i&*
been b+rnt be&ore* it 1ere no1 bein) boiled-
The +dden e,"l+ion o& the ni)ht* and the +btit+tion o& bla"#
dar#ne in it $la"e* 1arned (e that the (an had "loed a h+tter-
A&ter )ro$in) abo+t &or a little* he &o+nd the &lint and teel he
1anted* and be)an to tri#e a li)ht- I trained (y i)ht +$on the
$ar# that &ell a(on) the tinder* and +$on 1hi"h he breathed and
breathed* (at"h in hand* b+t I "o+ld only ee hi li$* and the
bl+e $oint o& the (at"h9 e.en thoe b+t &it&+lly- The tinder 1a
da($*//no 1onder there*//and one a&ter another the $ar# died o+t-
The (an 1a in no h+rry* and tr+"# a)ain 1ith the &lint and teel-
A the $ar# &ell thi"# and bri)ht abo+t hi(* I "o+ld ee hi
hand* and to+"he o& hi &a"e* and "o+ld (a#e o+t that he 1a
eated and bendin) the table9 b+t nothin) (ore- Preently I
a1 hi bl+e li$ a)ain* breathin) on the tinder* and then a &lare
o& li)ht &lahed +$* and ho1ed (e Orli"#-
7ho( I had loo#ed &or* I don't #no1- I had not loo#ed &or hi(-
Seein) hi(* I &elt that I 1a in a dan)ero+ trait indeed* and I
#e$t (y eye +$on hi(-
;e li)hted the "andle &ro( the &larin) (at"h 1ith )reat
deliberation* and dro$$ed the (at"h* and trod it o+t- Then he $+t
the "andle a1ay &ro( hi( on the table* o that he "o+ld ee (e* and
at 1ith hi ar( &olded on the table and loo#ed at (e- I (ade o+t
that I 1a &atened to a to+t $er$endi"+lar ladder a &e1 in"he
&ro( the 1all*//a &i,t+re there*//the (ean o& a"ent to the lo&t
6No1*6 aid he* 1hen 1e had +r.eyed one another &or o(e ti(e*
6I'.e )ot yo+-6
6Dnbind (e- Cet (e )o<6
6Ah<6 he ret+rned* 6I'll let yo+ )o- I'll let yo+ )o to the (oon*
I'll let yo+ )o to the tar- All in )ood ti(e-6
67hy ha.e yo+ l+red (e here@6
6!on't yo+ #no1@6 aid he* 1ith a deadly loo#-
67hy ha.e yo+ et +$on (e in the dar#@6
6:e"a+e I (ean to do it all (yel&- One #ee$ a e"ret better than
t1o- O yo+ ene(y* yo+ ene(y<6
;i enAoy(ent o& the $e"ta"le I &+rnihed* a he at 1ith hi ar(
&olded on the table* ha#in) hi head at (e and h+))in) hi(el&*
had a (ali)nity in it that (ade (e tre(ble- A I 1at"hed hi( in
ilen"e* he $+t hi hand into the "orner at hi ide* and too# +$ a
)+n 1ith a bra/bo+nd to"#-
6!o yo+ #no1 thi@6 aid he* (a#in) a i& he 1o+ld ta#e ai( at (e-
6!o yo+ #no1 1here yo+ a1 it a&ore@ S$ea#* 1ol&<6
6?e*6 I an1ered-
6?o+ "ot (e that $la"e- ?o+ did- S$ea#<6
67hat ele "o+ld I do@6
6?o+ did that* and that 1o+ld be eno+)h* 1itho+t (ore- ;o1 dared
yo+ to "o(e bet1i,t (e and a yo+n) 1o(an I li#ed@6
67hen did I@6
67hen didn't yo+@ It 1a yo+ a al1ay )i.e Old Orli"# a bad na(e
to her-6
6?o+ )a.e it to yo+rel&9 yo+ )ained it &or yo+rel&- I "o+ld ha.e
done yo+ no har(* i& yo+ had done yo+rel& none-6
6?o+'re a liar- And yo+'ll ta#e any $ain* and $end any (oney* to
dri.e (e o+t o& thi "o+ntry* 1ill yo+@6 aid he* re$eatin) (y
1ord to :iddy in the lat inter.ie1 I had 1ith her- 6No1* I'll
tell yo+ a $ie"e o& in&or(ation- It 1a o 1ell 1orth yo+r
1hile to )et (e o+t o& thi "o+ntry a it i to/ni)ht- Ah< I& it
1a all yo+r (oney t1enty ti(e told* to the lat bra &arden<6 A
he hoo# hi hea.y hand at (e* 1ith hi (o+th narlin) li#e a
ti)er'* I &elt that it 1a tr+e-
67hat are yo+ )oin) to do to (e@6
6I'( a )oin)*6 aid he* brin)in) hi &it do1n +$on the table 1ith a
hea.y blo1* and riin) a the blo1 &ell to )i.e it )reater &or"e*//
6I'( a )oin) to ha.e yo+r li&e<6
;e leaned &or1ard tarin) at (e* lo1ly +n"len"hed hi hand and
dre1 it a"ro hi (o+th a i& hi (o+th 1atered &or (e* and at
do1n a)ain-
6?o+ 1a al1ay in Old Orli"#' 1ay in"e yo+ 1a a "hild- ?o+
)oe o+t o& hi 1ay thi $reent ni)ht- ;e'll ha.e no (ore on yo+-
?o+'re dead-6
I &elt that I had "o(e to the brin# o& (y )ra.e- 5or a (o(ent I
loo#ed 1ildly ro+nd (y tra$ &or any "han"e o& e"a$e9 b+t there 1a
6%ore than that*6 aid he* &oldin) hi ar( on the table a)ain* 6I
1on't ha.e a ra) o& yo+* I 1on't ha.e a bone o& yo+* le&t on earth-
I'll $+t yo+r body in the #iln*//I'd "arry t1o +"h to it* on (y
Sho+lder*//and* let $eo$le +$$oe 1hat they (ay o& yo+* they
hall #no1 nothin)-6
%y (ind* 1ith in"on" ra$idity &ollo1ed o+t all the
"one4+en"e o& +"h a death- Etella' &ather 1o+ld belie.e I had
deerted hi(* 1o+ld be ta#en* 1o+ld die a""+in) (e9 e.en ;erbert
1o+ld do+bt (e* 1hen he "o($ared the letter I had le&t &or hi(
1ith the &a"t that I had "alled at %i ;a.iha(' )ate &or only a
(o(ent9 0oe and :iddy 1o+ld #no1 ho1 orry I had been that
ni)ht* none 1o+ld #no1 1hat I had +&&ered* ho1 tr+e I had
(eant to be* 1hat an a)ony I had $aed thro+)h- The death "loe
be&ore (e 1a terrible* b+t &ar (ore terrible than death 1a the
dread o& bein) (ire(e(bered a&ter death- And o 4+i"# 1ere (y
tho+)ht* that I a1 (yel& de$ied by +nborn )eneration*//
Etella' "hildren* and their "hildren*//1hile the 1ret"h' 1ord
1ere yet on hi li$-
6No1* 1ol&*6 aid he* 6a&ore I #ill yo+ li#e any other beat*//
1hi"h i 1ot I (ean to do and 1ot I ha.e tied yo+ +$ &or*//I'll
ha.e a )ood loo# at yo+ and a )ood )oad at yo+- O yo+ ene(y<6
It had $aed thro+)h (y tho+)ht to "ry o+t &or hel$ a)ain9 tho+)h
&e1 "o+ld #no1 better than I* the olitary nat+re o& the $ot* and
the ho$elene o& aid- :+t a he at )loatin) (e* I 1a
+$$orted by a "orn&+l detetation o& hi( that ealed (y li$-
Abo.e all thin)* I reol.ed that I 1o+ld not entreat hi(* and that
I 1o+ld die (a#in) o(e lat $oor reitan"e to hi(- So&tened a (y
tho+)ht o& all the ret o& (en 1ere in that dire e,tre(ity9 h+(bly
beee"hin) $ardon* a I did* o& ;ea.en9 (elted at heart* a I 1a*
by the tho+)ht that I had ta#en no &are1ell* and no1
"o+ld ta#e &are1ell o& thoe 1ho 1ere dear to (e* or "o+ld e,$lain
(yel& to the(* or a# &or their "o($aion on (y (ierable error*//
till* i& I "o+ld ha.e #illed hi(* e.en in dyin)* I 1o+ld ha.e done
;e had been drin#in)* and hi eye 1ere red and bloodhot- Aro+nd
hi ne"# 1a l+n) a tin bottle* a I had o&ten een hi (eat and
drin# l+n) abo+t hi( in other day- ;e bro+)ht the bottle to hi
li$* and too# a &iery drin# &ro( it9 and I (elt the tron)
$irit that I a1 &lah into hi &a"e-
67ol&<6 aid he* &oldin) hi ar( a)ain* 6Old Orli"#' a )oin) to
tell yo+ o(ethin#- It 1a yo+ a did &or yo+r hre1 iter-6
A)ain (y (ind* 1ith it &or(er in"on" ra$idity* had
e,ha+ted the 1hole +bAe"t o& the atta"# +$on (y iter* her
illne* and her death* be&ore hi lo1 and heitatin) $ee"h had
&or(ed thee 1ord-
6It 1a yo+* .illain*6 aid I-
6I tell yo+ it 1a yo+r doin)*//I tell yo+ it 1a done thro+)h
yo+*6 he retorted* "at"hin) +$ the )+n* and (a#in) a blo1 1ith the
to"# at the .a"ant air bet1een +- 6I "o(e +$on her &ro( behind*
a I "o(e +$on yo+ to/ni)ht- I )i.' it her< I le&t her &or dead*
and i& there had been a li(e#iln a ni)h her a there i no1 ni)h
yo+* he ho+ldn't ha.e "o(e to li&e a)ain- :+t it 1arn't Old
Orli"# a did it9 it 1a yo+- ?o+ 1a &a.ored* and he 1a b+llied
and beat- Old Orli"# b+llied and beat* eh@ No1 yo+ $ay &or it- ?o+
done it9 no1 yo+ $ay &or it-6
;e dran# a)ain* and be"a(e (ore &ero"io+- I a1 by hi tiltin) o&
the bottle that there 1a no )reat 4+antity le&t in it- I
ditin"tly +ndertood that he 1a 1or#in) hi(el& +$ 1ith it
"ontent to (a#e an end o& (e- I #ne1 that e.ery dro$ it held 1a
a dro$ o& (y li&e- I #ne1 that 1hen I 1a "han)ed into a $art o&
the .a$or that had "re$t to1ard (e b+t a little 1hile be&ore*
li#e (y o1n 1arnin) )hot* he 1o+ld do a he had done in (y
iter' "ae*//(a#e all hate to the to1n* and be een lo+"hin)
abo+t there drin#in) at the aleho+e- %y ra$id (ind $+r+ed hi(
to the to1n* (ade a $i"t+re o& the treet 1ith hi( in it* and
"ontrated it li)ht and li&e 1ith the lonely (arh and the 1hite
.a$or "ree$in) it* into 1hi"h I ho+ld ha.e diol.ed-
It 1a not only that I "o+ld ha.e +((ed +$ year and year and
year 1hile he aid a do8en 1ord* b+t that 1hat he did ay
$reented $i"t+re to (e* and not (ere 1ord- In the e,"ited and
e,alted tate o& (y brain* I "o+ld not thin# o& a $la"e 1itho+t
eein) it* or o& $eron 1itho+t eein) the(- It i i($oible to
o.ertate the .i.idne o& thee i(a)e* and yet I 1a o intent*
all the ti(e* +$on hi( hi(el&*//1ho 1o+ld not be intent on the
ti)er "ro+"hin) to $rin)<//that I #ne1 o& the li)htet a"tion o&
hi &in)er-
7hen he had dr+n# thi e"ond ti(e* he roe &ro( the ben"h on 1hi"h
he at* and $+hed the table aide- Then* he too# +$ the "andle*
and* hadin) it 1ith hi (+rdero+ hand o a to thro1 it li)ht on
(e* tood be&ore (e* loo#in) at (e and enAoyin) the i)ht-
67ol&* I'll tell yo+ o(ethin) (ore- It 1a Old Orli"# a yo+
t+(bled on yo+r tair that ni)ht-6
I a1 the tair"ae 1ith it e,tin)+ihed la($- I a1 the hado1
o& the hea.y tair/rail* thro1n by the 1at"h(an' lantern on the
1all- I a1 the roo( that I 1a to ee a)ain9 here* a door
hal& o$en9 there* a door "loed9 all the arti"le o& &+rnit+re
6And 1hy 1a Old Orli"# there@ I'll tell yo+ o(ethin) (ore* 1ol&-
?o+ and her ha.e $retty 1ell h+nted (e o+t o& thi "o+ntry* o &ar
a )ettin) a eay in it )oe* and I'.e too# +$ 1ith ne1
"o($anion* and ne1 (ater- So(e o& 'e( 1rite (y letter 1hen I
1ant 'e( 1rote*//do yo+ (ind@//1rite (y letter* 1ol&< They
1rite &i&ty hand9 they're not li#e nea#in) yo+* a 1rite b+t
one- I'.e had a &ir( (ind and a &ir( 1ill to ha.e yo+r li&e* in"e
yo+ 1a do1n here at yo+r iter' b+ryin)- I han't een a 1ay to
)et yo+ a&e* and I'.e loo#ed arter yo+ to #no1 yo+r in and o+t-
5or* ay Old Orli"# to hi(el&* 'So(eho1 or another I'll ha.e
hi(<' 7hat< 7hen I loo# &or yo+* I &ind yo+r +n"le Pro.i* eh@6
%ill Pond :an#* and Chin#' :ain* and the Old Green Co$$er
Ro$e1al#* all o "lear and $lain< Pro.i in hi roo(* the i)nal
1hoe +e 1a* $retty Clara* the )ood (otherly 1o(an* old :ill
:arley on hi ba"#* all dri&tin) by* a on the 1i&t trea( o& (y
li&e &at r+nnin) o+t to ea<
6?o+ 1ith a +n"le too< 7hy* I #no1'd yo+ at Gar)ery' 1hen yo+ 1a
o (all a 1ol& that I "o+ld ha.e too# yo+r 1ea8en bet1i,t thi
&in)er and th+(b and "h+"#ed yo+ a1ay dead 2a I'd tho+)ht o'
doin)* odd ti(e* 1hen I ee yo+ loiterin) a(on)t the $ollard on
a S+nday3* and yo+ hadn't &o+nd no +n"le then- No* not yo+< :+t
1hen Old Orli"# "o(e &or to hear that yo+r +n"le Pro.i had
(ot li#e 1ore the le)/iron 1ot Old Orli"# had $i"#ed +$* &iled
a+nder* on thee (ehe o (any year a)o* and 1ot he #e$ by
hi( till he dro$$ed yo+r iter 1ith it* li#e a b+llo"#* a he
(ean to dro$ yo+//hey@//1hen he "o(e &or to hear that//hey@6
In hi a.a)e ta+ntin)* he &lared the "andle o "loe at (e that I
t+rned (y &a"e aide to a.e it &ro( the &la(e-
6Ah<6 he "ried* la+)hin)* a&ter doin) it a)ain* 6the b+rnt "hild
dread the &ire< Old Orli"# #no1ed yo+ 1a b+rnt* Old Orli"# #no1ed
yo+ 1a (+))lin) yo+r +n"le Pro.i a1ay* Old Orli"#' a (at"h &or
yo+ and #no1'd yo+'d "o(e to/ni)ht< No1 I'll tell yo+ o(ethin)
(ore* 1ol&* and thi end it- There' the( that' a )ood a (at"h
&or yo+r +n"le Pro.i a Old Orli"# ha been &or yo+- Cet hi( '1are
the(* 1hen he' lot hi ne..y< Cet hi( '1are the(* 1hen no (an
"an't &ind a ra) o& hi dear relation' "lothe* nor yet a bone o&
hi body- There' the( that "an't and that 1on't ha.e %a)1it"h*//
ye* I #no1 the na(e<//ali.e in the a(e land 1ith the(* and
that' had +"h +re in&or(ation o& hi( 1hen he 1a ali.e in
another land* a that he "o+ldn't and ho+ldn't lea.e it +nbe#no1n
and $+t the( in dan)er- P'ra$ it' the( that 1rite &i&ty hand*
and that' not li#e nea#in) yo+ a 1rite b+t one- '7are
Co($eyon* %a)1it"h* and the )allo1<6
;e &lared the "andle at (e a)ain* (o#in) (y &a"e and hair* and &or
an intant blindin) (e* and t+rned hi $o1er&+l ba"# a he re$la"ed
the li)ht on the table- I had tho+)ht a $rayer* and had been 1ith
0oe and :iddy and ;erbert* be&ore he t+rned to1ard (e a)ain-
There 1a a "lear $a"e o& a &e1 &eet bet1een the table and the
o$$oite 1all- 7ithin thi $a"e* he no1 lo+"hed ba"#1ard and
&or1ard- ;i )reat tren)th ee(ed to it tron)er +$on hi( than be&ore* a he did thi 1ith hi hand han)in) looe and hea.y
at hi ide* and 1ith hi eye "o1lin) at (e- I had no )rain o&
ho$e le&t- 7ild a (y in1ard h+rry 1a* and 1onder&+l the &or"e o&
the $i"t+re that r+hed by (e intead o& tho+)ht* I "o+ld yet
"learly +ndertand that* +nle he had reol.ed that I 1a 1ithin a
&e1 (o(ent o& +rely $erihin) o+t o& all h+(an #no1led)e* he
1o+ld ha.e told (e 1hat he had told-
O& a +dden* he to$$ed* too# the "or# o+t o& hi bottle* and
toed it a1ay- Ci)ht a it 1a* I heard it &all li#e a $l+((et- ;e
1allo1ed lo1ly* tiltin) +$ the bottle by little and little* and
no1 he loo#ed at (e no (ore- The lat &e1 dro$ o& li4+or he $o+red
into the $al( o& hi hand* and li"#ed +$- Then* 1ith a +dden h+rry
o& .iolen"e and 1earin) horribly* he thre1 the bottle &ro( hi(*
and too$ed9 and I a1 in hi hand a tone/ha((er 1ith a lon) hea.y
The reol+tion I had (ade did not deert (e* &or* 1itho+t +tterin)
one .ain 1ord o& a$$eal to hi(* I ho+ted o+t 1ith all (y (i)ht*
and tr+))led 1ith all (y (i)ht- It 1a only (y head and (y le)
that I "o+ld (o.e* b+t to that e,tent I tr+))led 1ith all the
&or"e* +ntil then +n#no1n* that 1a 1ithin (e- In the a(e intant
I heard re$oni.e ho+t* a1 &i)+re and a )lea( o& li)ht dah in
at the door* heard .oi"e and t+(+lt* and a1 Orli"# e(er)e &ro( a
tr+))le o& (en* a i& it 1ere t+(blin) 1ater* "lear the table at a
lea$* and &ly o+t into the ni)ht-
A&ter a blan#* I &o+nd that I 1a lyin) +nbo+nd* on the &loor* in
the a(e $la"e* 1ith (y head on o(e one' #nee- %y eye 1ere &i,ed
on the ladder a)aint the 1all* 1hen I "a(e to (yel&*//had o$ened
on it be&ore (y (ind a1 it*//and th+ a I re"o.ered
"on"io+ne* I #ne1 that I 1a in the $la"e 1here I had lot it-
Too indi&&erent at &irt* e.en to loo# ro+nd and a"ertain 1ho
+$$orted (e* I 1a lyin) loo#in) at the ladder* 1hen there "a(e
bet1een (e and it a &a"e- The &a"e o& Trabb' boy<
6I thin# he' all ri)ht<6 aid Trabb' boy* in a ober .oi"e9 6b+t
ain't he A+t $ale tho+)h<6
At thee 1ord* the &a"e o& hi( 1ho +$$orted (e loo#ed into
(ine* and I a1 (y +$$orter to be//
6;erbert< Great ;ea.en<6
6So&tly*6 aid ;erbert- 6Gently* ;andel- !on't be too ea)er-6
6And o+r old "o(rade* Starto$<6 I "ried* a he too bent (e-
6Re(e(ber 1hat he i )oin) to ait + in*6 aid ;erbert* 6and be
The all+ion (ade (e $rin) +$9 tho+)h I dro$$ed a)ain &ro( the
$ain in (y ar(- 6The ti(e ha not )one by* ;erbert* ha it@ 7hat
ni)ht i to/ni)ht@ ;o1 lon) ha.e I been here@6 5or* I had a tran)e
and tron) (i) that I had been lyin) there a lon) ti(e / a
day and a ni)ht*//t1o day and ni)ht*//(ore-
6The ti(e ha not )one by- It i till %onday ni)ht-6
6Than# God<6
6And yo+ ha.e all to/(orro1* T+eday* to ret in*6 aid ;erbert-
6:+t yo+ "an't hel$ )roanin)* (y dear ;andel- 7hat h+rt ha.e yo+
)ot@ Can yo+ tand@6
6?e* ye*6 aid I* 6I "an 1al#- I ha.e no h+rt b+t in thi
throbbin) ar(-6
They laid it bare* and did 1hat they "o+ld- It 1a .iolently
1ollen and in&la(ed* and I "o+ld "ar"ely end+re to ha.e it
to+"hed- :+t* they tore +$ their hand#er"hie& to (a#e &reh
banda)e* and "are&+lly re$la"ed it in the lin)* +ntil 1e "o+ld
)et to the to1n and obtain o(e "oolin) lotion to $+t +$on it- In a
little 1hile 1e had h+t the door o& the dar# and e($ty
l+i"e/ho+e* and 1ere $ain) thro+)h the 4+arry on o+r 1ay ba"#-
Trabb' boy//Trabb' yo+n) (an no1//1ent be&ore + 1ith
a lantern* 1hi"h 1a the li)ht I had een "o(e in at the door- :+t*
the (oon 1a a )ood t1o ho+r hi)her than 1hen I had lat een the
#y* and the ni)ht* tho+)h rainy* 1a (+"h li)hter- The 1hite .a$or
o& the #iln 1a $ain) &ro( + a 1e 1ent by* and a I had
tho+)ht a $rayer be&ore* I tho+)ht a than#) no1-
Entreatin) ;erbert to tell (e ho1 he had "o(e to (y re"+e*//1hi"h
at &irt he had &latly re&+ed to do* b+t had inited on (y
re(ainin) 4+iet*//I learnt that I had in (y h+rry dro$$ed the
letter* o$en* in o+r "ha(ber* 1here he* "o(in) ho(e to brin) 1ith
hi( Starto$ 1ho( he had (et in the treet on hi 1ay to (e* &o+nd
it* .ery oon a&ter I 1a )one- It tone (ade hi( +neay* and the
(ore o be"a+e o& the in"oniten"y bet1een it and the haty
letter I had le&t &or hi(- ;i +neaine in"reain) intead o&
+bidin)* a&ter a 4+arter o& an ho+r' "onideration* he et o&&
&or the "oa"h/o&&i"e 1ith Starto$* 1ho .ol+nteered hi "o($any* to
(a#e in4+iry 1hen the ne,t "oa"h 1ent do1n- 5indin) that the
a&ternoon "oa"h 1a )one* and &indin) that hi +neaine )re1 into
$oiti.e alar(* a obta"le "a(e in hi 1ay* he reol.ed to &ollo1
in a $ot/"haie- So he and Starto$ arri.ed at the :l+e :oar*
&+lly e,$e"tin) there to &ind (e* or tidin) o& (e9 b+t* &indin)
neither* 1ent on to %i ;a.iha('* 1here they lot (e- ;ere+$on
they 1ent ba"# to the hotel 2do+btle at abo+t the ti(e 1hen I 1a
hearin) the $o$+lar lo"al .erion o& (y o1n tory3 to re&reh
the(el.e and to )et o(e one to )+ide the( o+t +$on the (arhe-
A(on) the lo+n)er +nder the :oar' ar"h1ay ha$$ened to be Trabb'
:oy*//tr+e to hi an"ient habit o& ha$$enin) to be e.ery1here 1here
he had no b+ine*//and Trabb' boy had een (e $ain) &ro( %i
;a.iha(' in the dire"tion o& (y dinin)/$la"e- Th+ Trabb' boy
be"a(e their )+ide* and 1ith hi( they 1ent o+t to the l+i"e/ho+e*
tho+)h by the to1n 1ay to the (arhe* 1hi"h I had a.oided- No1* a
they 1ent alon)* ;erbert re&le"ted* that I (i)ht* a&ter all* ha.e
been bro+)ht there on o(e )en+ine and er.i"eable errand tendin)
to Pro.i' a&ety* and* bethin#in) hi(el& that in that "ae
interr+$tion (+t be (i"hie.o+* le&t hi )+ide and Starto$ on the
ed)e o& the 4+arry* and 1ent on by hi(el&* and tole ro+nd the
ho+e t1o or three ti(e* endea.o+rin) to a"ertain 1hether all 1a
ri)ht 1ithin- A he "o+ld hear nothin) b+t inditin"t o+nd o& one
dee$ ro+)h .oi"e 2thi 1a 1hile (y (ind 1a o b+y3* he e.en at
lat be)an to do+bt 1hether I 1a there* 1hen +ddenly I "ried o+t
lo+dly* and he an1ered the "rie* and r+hed in* "loely &ollo1ed
by the other t1o-
7hen I told ;erbert 1hat had $aed 1ithin the ho+e* he 1a &or
o+r i((ediately )oin) be&ore a (a)itrate in the to1n* late at
ni)ht a it 1a* and )ettin) o+t a 1arrant- :+t* I had already
"onidered that +"h a "o+re* by detainin) + there* or bindin) +
to "o(e ba"#* (i)ht be &atal to Pro.i- There 1a no )ainayin)
thi di&&i"+lty* and 1e relin4+ihed all tho+)ht o& $+r+in)
Orli"# at that ti(e- 5or the $reent* +nder the "ir"+(tan"e* 1e
dee(ed it $r+dent to (a#e rather li)ht o& the (atter to Trabb'
boy9 1ho* I a( ""ed* 1o+ld ha.e been (+"h a&&e"ted by
dia$$oint(ent* i& he had #no1n that hi inter.ention a.ed (e &ro(
the li(e#iln- Not that Trabb' boy 1a o& a (ali)nant nat+re* b+t
that he had too (+"h $are .i.a"ity* and that it 1a in hi
"ontit+tion to 1ant .ariety and e,"ite(ent at anybody' e,$ene-
7hen 1e $arted* I $reented hi( 1ith t1o )+inea 21hi"h ee(ed to
(eet hi .ie13* and told hi( that I 1a orry to ha.e had an
ill o$inion o& hi( 21hi"h (ade no i($reion on hi( at all3-
7edneday bein) o "loe +$on +* 1e deter(ined to )o ba"# to
Condon that ni)ht* three in the $ot/"haie9 the rather* a 1e
ho+ld then be "lear a1ay be&ore the ni)ht' ad.ent+re be)an to be
tal#ed o&- ;erbert )ot a lar)e bottle o& t+&& &or (y ar(9 and by
dint o& thi t+&& dro$$ed it all the ni)ht thro+)h* I
1a A+t able to bear it $ain on the Ao+rney- It 1a dayli)ht 1hen
1e rea"hed the Te($le* and I 1ent at on"e to bed* and lay in bed
all day-
%y terror* a I lay there* o& &allin) ill* and bein) +n&itted &or
to(orro1* 1a o beettin)* that I 1onder it did not diable (e o&
itel&- It 1o+ld ha.e done o* $retty +rely* in "onA+n"tion 1ith
the (ental 1ear and tear I had +&&ered* b+t &or the +nnat+ral
train +$on (e that to/(orro1 1a- So an,io+ly loo#ed &or1ard to*
"har)ed 1ith +"h "one4+en"e* it re+lt o i($enetrably hidden*
tho+)h o near-
No $re"a+tion "o+ld ha.e been (ore than o+r re&rainin) &ro(
"o((+ni"ation 1ith hi( that day9 yet thi a)ain in"reaed (y
retlene- I tarted at e.ery &ootte$ and e.ery o+nd* that he 1a di"o.ered and ta#en* and thi 1a the
(een)er to tell (e o- I $er+aded (yel& that I #ne1 he 1a
ta#en9 that there 1a o(ethin) (ore +$on (y (ind than a &ear or a
$reenti(ent9 that the &a"t had o""+rred* and I had a (yterio+
#no1led)e o& it- A the day 1ore on* and no ill ne1 "a(e* a the
day "loed in and dar#ne &ell* (y o.erhado1in) dread o& bein)
diabled by illne be&ore to/(orro1 (ornin) alto)ether (atered
(e- %y b+rnin) ar( throbbed* and (y b+rnin) head throbbed* and I
&an"ied I 1a be)innin) to 1ander- I "o+nted +$ to hi)h n+(ber* to
(a#e +re o& (yel&* and re$eated $aa)e that I #ne1 in $roe and
.ere- It ha$$ened o(eti(e that in the (ere e"a$e o& a &ati)+ed
(ind* I do8ed &or o(e (o(ent or &or)ot9 then I 1o+ld ay to
(yel& 1ith a tart* 6No1 it ha "o(e* and I a( t+rnin) delirio+<6
They #e$t (e .ery 4+iet all day* and #e$t (y ar( "ontantly
dreed* and )a.e (e "oolin) drin#- I &ell alee$* I
a1o#e 1ith the notion I had had in the l+i"e/ho+e* that a lon)
ti(e had ela$ed and the o$$ort+nity to a.e hi( 1a )one- Abo+t
(idni)ht I )ot o+t o& bed and 1ent to ;erbert* 1ith the "on.i"tion
that I had been alee$ &or &o+r/and/t1enty ho+r* and that
7edneday 1a $at- It 1a the lat el&/e,ha+tin) e&&ort o& (y
&ret&+lne* &or a&ter that I le$t o+ndly-
7edneday (ornin) 1a da1nin) 1hen I loo#ed o+t o& 1indo1- The
1in#in) li)ht +$on the brid)e 1ere already $ale* the "o(in) +n
1a li#e a (arh o& &ire on the hori8on- The* till dar# and
(yterio+* 1a $anned by brid)e that 1ere t+rnin) "oldly )ray*
1ith here and there at to$ a 1ar( to+"h &ro( the b+rnin) in the
#y- A I loo#ed alon) the "l+tered roo&* 1ith "h+r"h/to1er and
$ire hootin) into the +n++ally "lear air* the +n roe +$* and
a .eil ee(ed to be dra1n &ro( the* and (illion o& $ar#le
b+rt o+t +$on it 1ater- 5ro( (e too* a .eil ee(ed to be dra1n*
and I &elt tron) and 1ell-
;erbert lay alee$ in hi bed* and o+r old &ello1/t+dent lay
alee$ on the o&a- I "o+ld not dre (yel& 1itho+t hel$9 b+t I
(ade +$ the &ire* 1hi"h 1a till b+rnin)* and )ot o(e "o&&ee
ready &or the(- In )ood ti(e they too tarted +$ tron) and 1ell*
and 1e ad(itted the har$ (ornin) air at the 1indo1* and loo#ed at
the tide that 1a till &lo1in) to1ard +-
67hen it t+rn at nine o'"lo"#*6 aid ;erbert* "heer&+lly* 6loo#
o+t &or +* and tand ready* yo+ there at %ill Pond :an#<6
Cha$ter CIE
It 1a one o& thoe %ar"h day 1hen the +n hine hot and the 1ind
blo1 "oldB 1hen it i +((er in the li)ht* and 1inter in the
hade- 7e had o+t $ea/"oat 1ith +* and I too# a ba)- O& all (y
1orldly $oeion I too# no (ore than the &e1 ne"earie that
&illed the ba)- 7here I (i)ht )o* 1hat I (i)ht do* or 1hen I (i)ht
ret+rn* 1ere 4+etion +tterly +n#no1n to (e9 nor did I .e, (y (ind
1ith the(* &or it 1a 1holly et on Pro.i' a&ety- I only
1ondered &or the $ain) (o(ent* a I to$$ed at the door and
loo#ed ba"#* +nder 1hat altered "ir"+(tan"e I ho+ld ne,t ee
thoe roo(* i&
7e loitered do1n to the Te($le tair* and tood loiterin) there*
a i& 1e 1ere not 4+ite de"ided to )o +$on the 1ater at all- O&
"o+re* I had ta#en "are that the boat ho+ld be ready and
e.erythin) in order- A&ter a little ho1 o& inde"iion* 1hi"h there
1ere none to ee b+t the t1o or three a($hibio+ "reat+re
belon)in) to o+r Te($le tair* 1e 1ent on board and "at o&&9
;erbert in the bo1* I teerin)- It 1a then abo+t hi)h/1ater*//
hal&/$at ei)ht-
O+r $lan 1a thi- The tide* be)innin) to r+n do1n at nine* and
bein) 1ith + +ntil three* 1e intended till to "ree$ on a&ter it
had t+rned* and ro1 a)aint it +ntil dar#- 7e ho+ld then be 1ell
in thoe lon) rea"he belo1 Gra.eend* bet1een =ent and Ee,*
1here the i broad and olitary* 1here the 1ater/ide
inhabitant are .ery &e1* and 1here lone $+bli"/ho+e are
"attered here and there* o& 1hi"h 1e "o+ld "hooe one &or a
retin)/$la"e- There* 1e (eant to lie by all ni)ht- The tea(er
&or ;a(b+r) and the tea(er &or Rotterda( 1o+ld tart &ro( Condon
at abo+t nine on Th+rday (ornin)- 7e ho+ld #no1 at 1hat ti(e to
e,$e"t the(* a""ordin) to 1here 1e 1ere* and 1o+ld hail the &irt9
o that* i& by any a""ident 1e 1ere not ta#en abroad* 1e ho+ld ha.e
another "han"e- 7e #ne1 the ditin)+ihin) (ar# o& ea"h .eel-
The relie& o& bein) at lat en)a)ed in the e,e"+tion o& the
$+r$oe 1a o )reat to (e that I &elt it di&&i"+lt to reali8e the
"ondition in 1hi"h I had been a &e1 ho+r be&ore- The "ri$ air*
the +nli)ht* the (o.e(ent on the* and the (
itel&*//the road that ran 1ith +* ee(in) to y($athi8e 1ith +*
ani(ate +* and en"o+ra)e + on*//&rehened (e 1ith ne1 ho$e- I
&elt (orti&ied to be o& o little +e in the boat9 b+t* there 1ere
&e1 better oar(en than (y t1o &riend* and they ro1ed 1ith a
teady tro#e that 1a to lat all day-
At that ti(e* the tea(/tra&&i" on the Tha(e 1a &ar belo1 it
$reent e,tent* and 1ater(en' boat 1ere &ar (ore n+(ero+- O&
bar)e* ailin) "ollier* and "oatin)/trader* there 1ere $erha$*
a (any a no19 b+t o& tea(/hi$* )reat and (all* not a tithe
or a t1entieth $art o (any- Early a it 1a* there 1ere $lenty o&
"+ller )oin) here and there that (ornin)* and $lenty o& bar)e
dro$$in) do1n 1ith the tide9 the na.i)ation o& the bet1een
brid)e* in an o$en boat* 1a a (+"h eaier and "o((oner (atter in
thoe day than it i in thee9 and 1e 1ent ahead a(on) (any #i&&
and 1herrie bri#ly-
Old Condon :rid)e 1a oon $aed* and old :illin))ate %ar#et 1ith
it oyter/boat and !+t"h(en* and the 7hite To1er and Traitor'
Gate* and 1e 1ere in a(on) the tier o& hi$$in)- ;ere 1ere the
Ceith* Aberdeen* and Gla)o1 tea(er* loadin) and +nloadin) )ood*
and loo#in) i((enely hi)h o+t o& the 1ater a 1e $aed alon)ide9
here* 1ere "ollier by the "ore and "ore* 1ith the "oal/1hi$$er
$l+n)in) o&& ta)e on de"#* a "o+nter1ei)ht to (ea+re o& "oal
1in)in) +$* 1hi"h 1ere then rattled the ide into bar)e9
here* at her (oorin) 1a to/(orro1' tea(er &or Rotterda(* o&
1hi"h 1e too# )ood noti"e9 and here to/(orro1' &or ;a(b+r)* +nder
1hoe bo1$rit 1e "roed- And no1 I* ittin) in the tern* "o+ld
ee* 1ith a &ater beatin) heart* %ill Pond :an# and %ill Pond
6I he there@6 aid ;erbert-
6Not yet-6
6Ri)ht< ;e 1a not to "o(e do1n till he a1 +- Can yo+ ee hi
6Not 1ell &ro( here9 b+t I thin# I ee it-//No1 I ee hi(< P+ll
both- Eay* ;erbert- Oar<6
7e to+"hed the tair li)htly &or a in)le (o(ent* and he 1a on
board* and 1e 1ere o&& a)ain- ;e had a boat/"loa# 1ith hi(* and a
bla"# "an.a ba)9 and he loo#ed a li#e a$ilot a (y heart
"o+ld ha.e 1ihed-
6!ear boy<6 he aid* $+ttin) hi ar( on (y ho+lder* a he too# hi
eat- 65aith&+l dear boy* 1ell done- Than#ye* than#ye<6
A)ain a(on) the tier o& hi$$in)* in and o+t* a.oidin) r+ty
"hain/"able &rayed he($en ha1er and bobbin) b+oy* in#in) &or
the (o(ent &loatin) bro#en ba#et* "atterin) &loatin) "hi$ o&
1ood and* " &loatin) "+( o& "oal* in and o+t* +nder
the &i)+re/head o& the 0ohn o& S+nderland (a#in) a $ee"h to the
1ind 2a i done by (any 0ohn3* and the :ety o& ?ar(o+th 1ith a
&ir( &or(ality o& boo( and her #nobby eye tartin) t1o in"he o+t
o& her head9 in and o+t* ha((er )oin) in hi$/b+ilder' yard* a1
)oin) at ti(ber* "lahin) en)ine )oin) at thin) +n#no1n* $+($
)oin) in lea#y hi$* "a$tan )oin)* hi$ )oin) o+t to ea* and
+nintelli)ible ea/"reat+re roarin) "+re the b+l1ar# at
re$ondent li)hter(en* in and o+t*//o+t at lat +$on the "learer* 1here the hi$' boy (i)ht ta#e their &ender in* no lon)er
&ihin) in tro+bled 1ater 1ith the( the ide* and 1here the
&etooned ail (i)ht &ly o+t to the 1ind-
At the Stair 1here 1e had ta#en hi( abroad* and in"e* I had
loo#ed 1arily &or any to#en o& o+r bein) +$e"ted- I had een
none- 7e "ertainly had not been* and at that ti(e a "ertainly 1e
1ere not either attended or &ollo1ed by any boat- I& 1e had been
1aited on by any boat* I ho+ld ha.e r+n in to hore* and ha.e
obli)ed her to )o on* or to (a#e her $+r$oe e.ident- :+t 1e held
o+r o1n 1itho+t any a$$earan"e o& (oletation-
;e had hi boat/"loa# on hi(* and loo#ed* a I ha.e aid* a nat+ral
$art o& the "ene- It 1a re(ar#able 2b+t $erha$ the 1ret"hed li&e
he had led a""o+nted &or it3 that he 1a the leat an,io+ o& any
o& +- ;e 1a not indi&&erent* &or he told (e that he ho$ed to li.e
to ee hi )entle(an one o& the bet o& )entle(en in a &orei)n
"o+ntry9 he 1a not di$oed to be $ai.e or rei)ned* a I
+ndertood it9 b+t he had no notion o& (eetin) dan)er hal& 1ay-
7hen it "a(e +$on hi(* he "on&ronted it* b+t it (+t "o(e be&ore he
tro+bled hi(el&-
6I& yo+ #no1ed* dear boy*6 he aid to (e* 61hat it i to it here
alon)er (y dear boy and ha.e (y (o#e* arter been day by day
bet1i,t &o+r 1all* yo+'d en.y (e- :+t yo+ don't #no1 1hat it i-6
6I thin# I #no1 the deli)ht o& &reedo(*6 I an1ered-
6Ah*6 aid he* ha#in) hi head )ra.ely- 6:+t yo+ don't #no1 it
e4+al to (e- ?o+ (+t ha.e been +nder lo"# and #ey* dear boy* to
#no1 it e4+al to (e*//b+t I ain't a )oin) to be lo1-6
It o""+rred to (e a in"onitent* that* &or any (aterin) idea* he
ho+ld ha.e endan)ered hi &reedo(* and e.en hi li&e- :+t I
re&le"ted that $erha$ &reedo( 1itho+t dan)er 1a too (+"h a$art
&ro( all the habit o& hi e,iten"e to be to hi( 1hat it 1o+ld be
to another (an- I 1a not &ar o+t* in"e he aid* a&ter (o#in) a
6?o+ ee* dear boy* 1hen I 1a yonder* t'other ide the 1orld*
I 1a al1ay a loo#in) to thi ide9 and it "o(e &lat to be there*
&or all I 1a a )ro1in) ri"h- E.erybody #no1ed %a)1it"h* and
%a)1it"h "o+ld "o(e* and %a)1it"h "o+ld )o* and nobody' head 1o+ld
be tro+bled abo+t hi(- They ain't o eay "on"ernin) (e here* dear
boy*//1o+ldn't be* leat1ie* i& they #no1ed 1here I 1a-6
6I& all )oe 1ell*6 aid I* 6yo+ 1ill be $er&e"tly &ree and a&e
a)ain 1ithin a &e1 ho+r-6
67ell*6 he ret+rned* dra1in) a lon) breath* 6I ho$e o-6
6And thin# o@6
;e di$$ed hi hand in the 1ater the boat' )+n1ale* and aid*
(ilin) 1ith that o&tened air +$on hi( 1hi"h 1a not ne1 to (eB//
6Ay* I '$oe I thin# o* dear boy- 7e'd be $+88led to be (ore
4+iet and eay/)oin) than 1e are at $reent- :+t//it' a &lo1in)
o o&t and $leaant thro+)h the 1ater* $'ra$* a (a#e (e thin#
it//I 1a a thin#in) thro+)h (y (o#e A+t then* that 1e "an no
(ore ee to the botto( o& the ne,t &e1 ho+r than 1e "an ee to
the botto( o& thi 1hat I "at"he hold o&- Nor yet 1e "an't
no (ore hold their tide than I "an hold thi- And it' r+n thro+)h
(y &in)er and )one* yo+ ee<6 holdin) +$ hi dri$$in) hand-
6:+t &or yo+r &a"e I ho+ld thin# yo+ 1ere a little de$ondent*6
aid I-
6Not a bit on it* dear boy< It "o(e o& &lo1in) on o 4+iet* and o&
that there ri$$lin) at the boat' head (a#in) a ort o& a S+nday
t+ne- %aybe I'( a )ro1in) a tri&le old beide-6
;e $+t hi $i$e ba"# in hi (o+th 1ith an +ndit+rbed e,$reion o&
&a"e* and at a "o($oed and "ontented a i& 1e 1ere already o+t
o& En)land- ?et he 1a a +b(ii.e to a 1ord o& ad.i"e a i& he
had been in "ontant terror9 &or* 1hen 1e ran ahore to )et o(e
bottle o& beer into the boat* and he 1a te$$in) o+t* I hinted
that I tho+)ht he 1o+ld be a&et 1here he 1a* and he aid- 6!o
yo+* dear boy@6 and 4+ietly at do1n a)ain-
The air &elt "old +$on the* b+t it 1a a bri)ht day* and the
+nhine 1a .ery "heerin)- The tide ran tron)* I too# "are to
loe none o& it* and o+r teady tro#e "arried + on thoro+)hly
1ell- :y i($er"e$tible de)ree* a the tide ran o+t* 1e lot (ore
and (ore o& the nearer 1ood and hill* and dro$$ed lo1er and lo1er
bet1een the (+ddy ban#* b+t the tide 1a yet 1ith + 1hen 1e 1ere
o&& Gra.eend- A o+r "har)e 1a 1ra$$ed in hi "loa#* I $+r$oely
$aed 1ithin a boat or t1o' len)th o& the &loatin) C+to( ;o+e*
and o o+t to "at"h the trea(* alon)ide o& t1o e(i)rant hi$*
and +nder the bo1 o& a lar)e tran$ort 1ith troo$ on the
&ore"atle loo#in) do1n at +- And oon the tide be)an to la"#en*
and the "ra&t lyin) at an"hor to 1in)* and $reently they had all
1+n) ro+nd* and the hi$ that 1ere ta#in) ad.anta)e o& the ne1
tide to )et +$ to the Pool be)an to "ro1d +$on + in a &leet* and
1e #e$t +nder the hore* a (+"h o+t o& the tren)th o& the tide
no1 a 1e "o+ld* tandin) "are&+lly o&& &ro( lo1 hallo1 and
O+r oar(en 1ere o &reh* by dint o& o""aionally let her
dri.e 1ith the tide &or a (in+te or t1o* that a 4+arter o& an
ho+r' ret $ro.ed &+ll a (+"h a they 1anted- 7e )ot ahore a(on)
o(e li$$ery tone 1hile 1e ate and dran# 1hat 1e had 1ith +*
and loo#ed abo+t- It 1a li#e (y o1n (arh "o+ntry* &lat and
(onotono+* and 1ith a di( hori8on9 1hile the 1indin) t+rned
and t+rned* and the )reat &loatin) b+oy +$on it t+rned and t+rned*
and e.erythin) ele ee(ed tranded and till- 5or no1 the lat
o& the &leet o& hi$ 1a ro+nd the lat lo1 $oint 1e had headed9
and the lat )reen bar)e* tra1/laden* 1ith a bro1n ail* had
&ollo1ed9 and o(e ballat/li)hter* ha$ed li#e a "hild' &irt
r+de i(itation o& a boat* lay lo1 in the (+d9 and a little 4+at
hoal/li)htho+e on o$en $ile tood "ri$$led in the (+d on tilt
and "r+t"he9 and li(y ta#e t+"# o+t o& the (+d* and li(y
tone t+"# o+t o& the (+d* and red land(ar# and tide(ar# t+"#
o+t o& the (+d* and an old landin)/ta)e and an old roo&le b+ildin)
li$$ed into the (+d* and all abo+t + 1a ta)nation and (+d-
7e $+hed o&& a)ain* and (ade 1hat 1ay 1e "o+ld- It 1a (+"h harder
1or# no1* b+t ;erbert and Starto$ $ere.ered* and ro1ed and ro1ed
and ro1ed +ntil the +n 1ent do1n- :y that ti(e the had
li&ted + a little* o that 1e "o+ld ee abo.e the ban#- There 1a
the red +n* on the lo1 le.el o& the hore* in a $+r$le ha8e* &at
dee$enin) into bla"#9 and there 1a the olitary &lat (arh9 and
&ar a1ay there 1ere the riin) )ro+nd* bet1een 1hi"h and + there
ee(ed to be no li&e* a.e here and there in the &ore)ro+nd a
(elan"holy )+ll-
A the ni)ht 1a &at &allin)* and a the (oon* bein) $at the
&+ll* 1o+ld not rie early* 1e held a little "o+n"il9 a hort one*
&or "learly o+r "o+re 1a to lie by at the &irt lonely ta.ern 1e
"o+ld &ind- So* they $lied their oar on"e (ore* and I loo#ed o+t
&or anythin) li#e a ho+e- Th+ 1e held on* $ea#in) little* &or
&o+r or &i.e d+ll (ile- It 1a .ery "old* and* a "ollier "o(in) by
+* 1ith her )alley/&ire (o#in) and &larin)* loo#ed li#e a
"o(&ortable ho(e- The ni)ht 1a a dar# by thi ti(e a it 1o+ld be
+ntil (ornin)9 and 1hat li)ht 1e had* ee(ed to "o(e (ore &ro( the than the #y* a the oar in their di$$in) tr+"# at a &e1
re&le"ted tar-
At thi di(al ti(e 1e 1ere e.idently all $oeed by the idea that
1e 1ere &ollo1ed- A the tide (ade* it &la$$ed hea.ily at irre)+lar a)aint the hore9 and +"h a o+nd "a(e* one or
other o& + 1a +re to tart* and loo# in that dire"tion- ;ere and
there* the et o& the "+rrent had 1orn do1n the ban# into a little
"ree#* and 1e 1ere all +$i"io+ o& +"h $la"e* and eyed the(
ner.o+ly- So(eti(e* 67hat 1a that ri$$le@6 one o& + 1o+ld ay
in a lo1 .oi"e- Or another* 6I that a boat yonder@6 And
a&ter1ard 1e 1o+ld &all into a dead ilen"e* and I 1o+ld it
i($atiently thin#in) 1ith 1hat an +n++al a(o+nt o& noie the oar
1or#ed in the tho1el-
At len)th 1e de"ried a li)ht and a roo&* and $reently a&ter1ard
ran alon)ide a little "a+e1ay (ade o& tone that had been $i"#ed
+$ hard by- the ret in the boat* I te$$ed ahore* and
&o+nd the li)ht to be in a 1indo1 o& a $+bli"/ho+e- It 1a a dirty
$la"e eno+)h* and I dare ay not +n#no1n to (+))lin) ad.ent+rer9
b+t there 1a a )ood &ire in the #it"hen* and there 1ere e)) and
ba"on to eat* and .ario+ li4+or to drin#- Alo* there 1ere t1o
do+ble/bedded roo(*//6+"h a they 1ere*6 the landlord aid- No
other "o($any 1a in the ho+e than the landlord* hi 1i&e* and a
)ri88led (ale "reat+re* the 60a"#6 o& the little "a+e1ay* 1ho 1a
a li(y and (eary a i& he had been lo1/1ater (ar# too-
7ith thi aitant* I 1ent do1n to the boat a)ain* and 1e all "a(e
ahore* and bro+)ht o+t the oar* and r+dder and boat/hoo#* and
all ele* and ha+led her +$ &or the ni)ht- 7e (ade a .ery )ood (eal
by the #it"hen &ire* and then a$$ortioned the bedroo(B ;erbert and
Starto$ 1ere to o""+$y one9 I and o+r "har)e the other- 7e &o+nd
the air a "are&+lly e,"l+ded &ro( both* a i& air 1ere &atal to
li&e9 and there 1ere (ore dirty "lothe and bandbo,e +nder the
bed than I ho+ld ha.e tho+)ht the &a(ily $oeed- :+t 1e
"onidered o+rel.e 1ell o&&* not1ithtandin)* &or a (ore olitary
$la"e 1e "o+ld not ha.e &o+nd-
7hile 1e 1ere "o(&ortin) o+rel.e by the &ire a&ter o+r (eal* the
0a"#//1ho 1a ittin) in a "orner* and 1ho had a bloated $air o&
hoe on* 1hi"h he had e,hibited 1hile 1e 1ere eatin) o+r e)) and
ba"on* a interetin) reli" that he had ta#en a &e1 day a)o &ro(
the &eet o& a dro1ned ea(an 1ahed ahore//a#ed (e i& 1e had
een a &o+r/oared )alley )oin) +$ 1ith the tide@ 7hen I told hi(
No* he aid he (+t ha.e )one do1n then* and yet he 6too# +$
too*6 1hen he le&t there-
6They (+t ha' tho+)ht better on't &or o(e reaon or another*6
aid the 0a"#* 6and )one do1n-6
6A &o+r/oared )alley* did yo+ ay@6 aid I-
6A &o+r*6 aid the 0a"#* 6and t1o itter-6
6!id they "o(e ahore here@6
6They $+t in 1ith a tone t1o/)allon Aar &or o(e beer- I'd
ha' been )lad to $ion the beer (yel&*6 aid the 0a"#* 6or $+t o(e
rattlin) $hyi" in it-6
6I #no1 1hy*6 aid the 0a"#- ;e $o#e in a l+hy .oi"e* a i& (+"h
(+d had 1ahed into hi throat-
6;e thin#*6 aid the landlord* a 1ea#ly (editati.e (an 1ith a $ale
eye* 1ho ee(ed to rely )reatly on hi 0a"#*//6he thin# they 1a*
1hat they 1an't-6
6I #no1 1hat I thin#*6 ober.ed the 0a"#-
6?o+ thin# C+t+( 'D* 0a"#@6 aid the landlord-
6I do*6 aid the 0a"#-
6Then yo+'re 1ron)* 0a"#-6
6A% I<6
In the in&inite (eanin) o& hi re$ly and hi bo+ndle "on&iden"e
in hi .ie1* the 0a"# too# one o& hi bloated hoe o&&* loo#ed
into it* #no"#ed a &e1 tone o+t o& it on the #it"hen &loor* and
$+t it on a)ain- ;e did thi 1ith the air o& a 0a"# 1ho 1a o
ri)ht that he "o+ld a&&ord to do anythin)-
67hy* 1hat do yo+ (a#e o+t that they done 1ith their b+tton then*
0a"#@6 a#ed the landlord* .a"illatin) 1ea#ly-
6!one 1ith their b+tton@6 ret+rned the 0a"#- 6Ch+"#ed 'e(
o.erboard- S1allered 'e(- So1ed 'e(* to "o(e +$ (all alad- !one
1ith their b+tton<6
6!on't be "hee#y* 0a"#*6 re(ontrated the landlord* in a (elan"holy
and $atheti" 1ay-
6A C+t+( 'D o&&i"er #no1 1hat to do 1ith hi :+tton*6 aid the
0a"#* re$eatin) the obno,io+ 1ord 1ith the )reatet "onte($t*
61hen they "o(e bet1i,t hi( and hi o1n li)ht- A &o+r and t1o
itter don't )o han)in) and ho.erin)* +$ 1ith one tide and do1n
1ith another* and both 1ith and a)aint another* 1itho+t there
bein) C+t+( 'D at the botto( o& it-6 Sayin) 1hi"h he 1ent o+t in
didain9 and the landlord* no one to re$ly +$on* &o+nd it
i($ra"ti"able to $+r+e the +bAe"t-
Thi dialo)+e (ade + all +neay* and (e .ery +neay- The di(al
1ind 1a (+tterin) ro+nd the ho+e* the tide 1a &la$$in) at the
hore* and I had a &eelin) that 1e 1ere "a)ed and threatened- A
&o+r/oared )alley ho.erin) abo+t in o +n++al a 1ay a to attra"t
thi noti"e 1a an +)ly "ir"+(tan"e that I "o+ld not )et rid o&-
7hen I had ind+"ed Pro.i to )o +$ to bed* I 1ent o+tide 1ith (y
t1o "o($anion 2Starto$ by thi ti(e #ne1 the tate o& the "ae3*
and held another "o+n"il- 7hether 1e ho+ld re(ain at the ho+e
+ntil near the tea(er' ti(e* 1hi"h 1o+ld be abo+t one in the
a&ternoon* or 1hether 1e ho+ld $+t o&& early in the (ornin)* 1a
the 4+etion 1e di"+ed- On the 1hole 1e dee(ed it the better
"o+re to lie 1here 1e 1ere* +ntil 1ithin an ho+r or o o& the
tea(er' ti(e* and then to )et o+t in her tra"#* and dri&t eaily
1ith the tide- ; ettled to do thi* 1e ret+rned into the
ho+e and 1ent to bed-
I lay do1n 1ith the )reater $art o& (y "lothe on* and le$t 1ell
&or a &e1 ho+r- 7hen I a1o#e* the 1ind had rien* and the i)n o&
the ho+e 2the Shi$3 1a "rea#in) and ban)in) abo+t* 1ith noie
that tartled (e- Riin) o&tly* &or (y "har)e lay &at alee$* I
loo#ed o+t o& the 1indo1- It "o((anded the "a+e1ay 1here 1e had
ha+led +$ o+r boat* and* a (y eye ada$ted the(el.e to the li)ht
o& the "lo+ded (oon* I a1 t1o (en loo#in) into her- They $aed by
+nder the 1indo1* loo#in) at nothin) ele* and they did not )o do1n
to the landin)/$la"e 1hi"h I "o+ld di"ern to be e($ty* b+t tr+"#
a"ro the (arh in the dire"tion o& the Nore-
%y &irt i($+le 1a to "all +$ ;erbert* and ho1 hi( the t1o (en
)oin) a1ay- :+t re&le"tin)* be&ore I )ot into hi roo(* 1hi"h 1a
at the ba"# o& the ho+e and adAoined (ine* that he and Starto$ had
had a harder day than I* and 1ere &ati)+ed* I &orbore- Goin) ba"#
to (y 1indo1* I "o+ld ee the t1o (en ( the (arh- In
that li)ht** I oon lot the(* and* &eelin) .ery "old* lay
do1n to thin# o& the (atter* and &ell alee$ a)ain-
7e 1ere +$ early- A 1e 1al#ed to and &ro* all &o+r to)ether*
be&ore brea#&at* I dee(ed it ri)ht to re"o+nt 1hat I had een-
A)ain o+r "har)e 1a the leat an,io+ o& the $arty- It 1a .ery
li#ely that the (en belon)ed to the C+to( ;o+e* he aid 4+ietly*
and that they had no tho+)ht o& +- I tried to $er+ade (yel& that
it 1a o*//a* indeed* it (i)ht eaily be- ;* I $ro$oed
that he and I ho+ld 1al# a1ay to)ether to a ditant $oint 1e "o+ld
ee* and that the boat ho+ld ta#e + aboard there* or a near
there a (i)ht $ro.e &eaible* at abo+t noon- Thi bein) "onidered
a )ood $re"a+tion* oon a&ter brea#&at he and I et &orth* 1itho+t
ayin) anythin) at the ta.ern-
;e (o#ed hi $i$e a 1e 1ent alon)* and o(eti(e to$$ed to "la$
(e on the ho+lder- One 1o+ld ha.e +$$oed that it 1a I 1ho 1a
in dan)er* not he* and that he 1a rea+rin) (e- 7e $o#e .ery
little- A 1e a$$roa"hed the $oint* I be))ed hi( to re(ain in a
heltered $la"e* 1hile I 1ent on to re"onnoitre9 &or it 1a
to1ard it that the (en had $aed in the ni)ht- ;e "o($lied* and I
1ent on alone- There 1a no boat o&& the $oint* nor any boat dra1n
+$ any1here near it* nor 1ere there any i)n o& the (en
e(bar#ed there- :+t* to be +re* the tide 1a hi)h* and there (i)ht
ha.e been o(e &oot$int +nder 1ater-
7hen he loo#ed o+t &ro( hi helter in the ditan"e* and a1 that I
1a.ed (y hat to hi( to "o(e +$* he reAoined (e* and there 1e
1aited9 o(eti(e lyin) on the ban#* 1ra$$ed in o+r "oat* and
o(eti(e ( abo+t to 1ar( o+rel.e* +ntil 1e a1 o+r boat
"o(in) ro+nd- 7e )ot aboard eaily* and ro1ed o+t into the tra"# o&
the tea(er- :y that ti(e it 1anted b+t ten (in+te o& one o'"lo"#*
and 1e be)an to loo# o+t &or her (o#e-
:+t* it 1a hal&/$at one be&ore 1e a1 her (o#e* and oon
a&ter1ard 1e a1 behind it the (o#e o& another tea(er- A they
1ere "o(in) on at &+ll $eed* 1e )ot the t1o ba) ready* and too#
that o$$ort+nity o& ayin) )ood by to ;erbert and Starto$- 7e had
all ha#en hand "ordially* and neither ;erbert' eye nor (ine
1ere 4+ite dry* 1hen I a1 a &o+r/oared )alley hoot o+t &ro( +nder
the ban# b+t a little 1ay ahead o& +* and ro1 o+t into the a(e
A tret"h o& hore had been a yet bet1een + and the tea(er'
(o#e* by reaon o& the bend and 1ind o& the ri.er9 b+t no1 he 1a
.iible* "o(in) head on- I "alled to ;erbert and Starto$ to #ee$
be&ore the tide* that he (i)ht ee + lyin) by &or her* and I
adA+red Pro.i to it 4+ite till* 1ra$$ed in hi "loa#- ;e
an1ered "heerily* 6Tr+t to (e* dear boy*6 and at li#e a tat+e-
%eanti(e the )alley* 1hi"h 1a .ery #il&+lly handled* had "roed
+* let + "o(e +$ 1ith her* and &allen alon)ide- A+t
roo( eno+)h &or the $lay o& the oar* he #e$t alon)ide* dri&tin)
1hen 1e dri&ted* and $+llin) a tro#e or t1o 1hen 1e $+lled- O& the
t1o itter one held the r+dder/line* and loo#ed at + attenti.ely*
//a did all the ro1er9 the other itter 1a 1ra$$ed +$* (+"h a
Pro.i 1a* and ee(ed to hrin#* and 1hi$er o(e intr+"tion to
the teerer a he loo#ed at +- Not a 1ord 1a $o#en in either
Starto$ "o+ld (a#e o+t* a&ter a &e1 (in+te* 1hi"h tea(er 1a
&irt* and )a.e (e the 1ord 6;a(b+r)*6 in a lo1 .oi"e* a 1e at
&a"e to &a"e- She 1a nearin) + .ery &at* and the beatin) o& her
$eddle )re1 lo+der and lo+der- I &elt a i& her hado1 1ere
abol+tely +$on +* 1hen the )alley hailed +- I an1ered-
6?o+ ha.e a ret+rned Tran$ort there*6 aid the (an 1ho held the
line- 6That' the (an* 1ra$$ed in the "loa#- ;i na(e i Abel
%a)1it"h* other1ie Pro.i- I a$$rehend that (an* and "all +$on hi(
to +rrender* and yo+ to ait-6
At the a(e (o(ent* 1itho+t ) any a+dible dire"tion to hi
"re1* he ran the )alley abroad o& +- They had $+lled one +dden
tro#e ahead* had )ot their oar in* had r+n ath1art +* and 1ere
holdin) on to o+r )+n1ale* be&ore 1e #ne1 1hat they 1ere doin)-
Thi "a+ed )reat "on&+ion on board the tea(er* and I heard the(
"allin) to +* and heard the order )i.en to to$ the $addle* and
heard the( to$* b+t &elt her do1n +$on + irreitibly- In
the a(e (o(ent* I a1 the teer(an o& the )alley lay hi hand on
hi $rioner' ho+lder* and a1 that both boat 1ere 1in)in)
ro+nd 1ith the &or"e o& the tide* and a1 that all hand on board
the tea(er 1ere r+nnin) &or1ard 4+ite &ranti"ally- Still* in the
a(e (o(ent* I a1 the $rioner tart +$* lean a"ro hi "a$tor*
and $+ll the "loa# &ro( the ne"# o& the hrin#in) itter in the
)alley- Still in the a(e (o(ent* I a1 that the &a"e di"loed*
1a the &a"e o& the other "on.i"t o& lon) a)o- Still* in the a(e
(o(ent* I a1 the &a"e tilt ba"#1ard 1ith a 1hite terror on it that
I hall &or)et* and heard a )reat "ry on board the tea(er*
and a lo+d $lah in the 1ater* and &elt the boat in# &ro( +nder
It 1a b+t &or an intant that I ee(ed to tr+))le 1ith a tho+and
(ill/1eir and a tho+and &lahe o& li)ht9 that intant $at* I
1a ta#en on board the )alley- ;erbert 1a there* and Starto$ 1a
there9 b+t o+r boat 1a )one* and the t1o "on.i"t 1ere )one-
7hat 1ith the "rie aboard the tea(er* and the &+rio+ blo1in) o&&
o& her tea(* and her on* and o+r on* I "o+ld not
at &irt ditin)+ih #y &ro( 1ater or hore &ro( hore9 b+t the
"re1 o& the )alley ri)hted her 1ith )reat $eed* and* $+llin)
"ertain 1i&t tron) tro#e ahead* lay +$on their oar* e.ery (an
loo#in) ilently and ea)erly at the 1ater atern- Preently a dar#
obAe"t 1a een in it* bearin) to1ard + on the tide- No (an
$o#e* b+t the teer(an held +$ hi hand* and all o&tly ba"#ed
1ater* and #e$t the boat trai)ht and tr+e be&ore it- A it "a(e
nearer* I a1 it to be %a)1it"h* 1i((in)* b+t not 1i((in) &reely-
;e 1a ta#en on board* and intantly (ana"led at the 1rit and
The )alley 1a #e$t teady* and the ilent* ea)er loo#/o+t at the
1ater 1a re+(ed- :+t* the Rotterda( tea(er no1 "a(e +$* and
a$$arently not +ndertandin) 1hat had ha$$ened* "a(e on at $eed-
:y the ti(e he had been hailed and to$$ed* both tea(er 1ere
dri&tin) a1ay &ro( +* and 1e 1ere riin) and &allin) in a tro+bled
1a#e o& 1ater- The loo#/o+t 1a #e$t* lon) a&ter all 1a till
a)ain and the t1o tea(er 1ere )one9 b+t e.erybody #ne1 that it
1a ho$ele no1-
At len)th 1e )a.e it +$* and $+lled +nder the hore to1ard the
ta.ern 1e had lately le&t* 1here 1e 1ere re"ei.ed 1ith no little
+r$rie- ;ere I 1a able to )et o(e "o(&ort &or %a)1it"h*//
Pro.i no lon)er*//1ho had re"ei.ed o(e .ery e.ere inA+ry in the
Chet* and a dee$ "+t in the head-
;e told (e that he belie.ed hi(el& to ha.e )one +nder the #eel o&
the tea(er* and to ha.e been tr+"# on the head in riin)- The
inA+ry to hi "het 21hi"h rendered hi breathin) e,tre(ely
$ain&+l3 he tho+)ht he had re"ei.ed a)aint the ide o& the )alley-
;e added that he did not $retend to ay 1hat he (i)ht or (i)ht not
ha.e done to Co($eyon* b+t that* in the (o(ent o& hi layin) hi
hand on hi "loa# to identi&y hi(* that .illain had ta))ered +$
and ta))ered ba"#* and they had both )one o.erboard to)ether* 1hen
the +dden 1ren"hin) o& hi( 2%a)1it"h3 o+t o& o+r boat* and the
endea.or o& hi "a$tor to #ee$ hi( in it* had "a$i8ed +- ;e told
(e in a 1hi$er that they had )one do1n &ier"ely lo"#ed in ea"h
other' ar(* and that there had been a tr+))le +nder 1ater* and
that he had dien)a)ed hi(el&* tr+"# o+t* and 1+( a1ay-
I had any reaon to do+bt the e,a"t tr+th o& 1hat he th+
told (e- The o&&i"er 1ho teered the )alley )a.e the a(e a""o+nt
o& their )oin) o.erboard-
7hen I a#ed thi o&&i"er' $er(iion to "han)e the $rioner' 1et
"lothe by $+r"hain) any $are )ar(ent I "o+ld )et at the
$+bli"/ho+e* he )a.e it readilyB (erely that he (+t
ta#e "har)e o& e.erythin) hi $rioner had abo+t hi(- So the
$o"#et/boo# 1hi"h had on"e been in (y hand $aed into the
o&&i"er'- ;e &+rther )a.e (e lea.e to a""o($any the $rioner to
Condon9 b+t de"lined to a""ord that )ra"e to (y t1o &riend-
The 0a"# at the Shi$ 1a intr+"ted 1here the dro1ned (an had )one
do1n* and +ndertoo# to ear"h &or the body in the $la"e 1here it
1a li#eliet to "o(e ahore- ;i interet in it re"o.ery ee(ed
to (e to be (+"h hei)htened 1hen he heard that it had to"#in) on-
Probably* it too# abo+t a do8en dro1ned (en to &it hi( o+t
"o($letely9 and that (ay ha.e been the reaon 1hy the di&&erent
arti"le o& hi dre 1ere in .ario+ ta)e o& de"ay-
7e re(ained at the $+bli"/ho+e +ntil the tide t+rned* and then
%a)1it"h 1a "arried do1n to the )alley and $+t on board- ;erbert
and Starto$ 1ere to )et to Condon by land* a oon a they "o+ld-
7e had a dole&+l $artin)* and 1hen I too# (y $la"e by %a)1it"h'
ide* I &elt that that 1a (y $la"e hen"e&orth 1hile he li.ed-
5or no1* (y re$+)nan"e to hi( had all (elted a1ay9 and in the
;+nted* 1o+nded* ha"#led "reat+re 1ho held (y hand in hi* I only
a1 a (an 1ho had (eant to be (y bene&a"tor* and 1ho had &elt
a&&e"tionately* )rate&+lly* and )enero+ly* to1ard (e 1ith )reat
"ontan"y thro+)h a erie o& year- I only a1 in hi( a (+"h
better (an than I had been to 0oe-
;i breathin) be"a(e (ore di&&i"+lt and $ain&+l a the ni)ht dre1
on* and o&ten he "o+ld not re$re a )roan- I tried to ret hi( on
the ar( I "o+ld +e* in any eay $oition9 b+t it 1a dread&+l to
thin# that I "o+ld not be orry at heart &or hi bein) badly h+rt*
in"e it 1a +n4+etionably bet that he ho+ld die- That there
1ere* till* $eo$le eno+)h 1ho 1ere able and 1illin) to
identi&y hi(* I "o+ld not do+bt- That he 1o+ld be leniently
treated* I "o+ld not ho$e- ;e 1ho had been $reented in the 1ort
li)ht at hi trial* 1ho had in"e bro#en $rion and had been tried
a)ain* 1ho had ret+rned &ro( tran$ortation +nder a li&e enten"e*
and 1ho had o""aioned the death o& the (an 1ho 1a the "a+e o&
hi arret-
A 1e ret+rned to1ard the ettin) +n 1e had yeterday le&t behind
+* and a the trea( o& o+r ho$e ee(ed all r+nnin) ba"#* I told
hi( ho1 )rie.ed I 1a to thin# that he had "o(e ho(e &or (y a#e-
6!ear boy*6 he an1ered* 6I'( 4+ite "ontent to ta#e (y "han"e- I'.e
een (y boy* and he "an be a )entle(an 1itho+t (e-6
No- I had tho+)ht abo+t that* 1hile 1e had been there ide by ide-
No- A$art &ro( any in"lination o& (y o1n* I +ndertood 7e((i"#'
hint no1- I &orea1 that* bein) "on.i"ted* hi $oeion 1o+ld be
&or&eited to the Cro1n-
6Coo#ee here* dear boy*6 aid he 6It' bet a a )entle(an ho+ld
not be #no1ed to belon) to (e no1- Only "o(e to ee (e a i& yo+
"o(e by "han"e alon)er 7e((i"#- Sit 1here I "an ee yo+ 1hen I a(
1ore to* &or the lat o' (any ti(e* and I don't a# no (ore-6
6I 1ill tir &ro( yo+r ide*6 aid I* 61hen I a( +&&ered to
be near yo+- Pleae God* I 1ill be a tr+e to yo+ a yo+ ha.e been
to (e<6
I &elt hi hand tre(ble a it held (ine* and he t+rned hi &a"e
a1ay a he lay in the botto( o& the boat* and I heard that old
o+nd in hi throat*//o&tened no1* li#e all the ret o& hi(- It
1a a )ood thin) that he had to+"hed thi $oint* &or it $+t into (y
(ind 1hat I (i)ht not other1ie ha.e tho+)ht o& +ntil too late*//
that he need #no1 ho1 hi ho$e o& enri"hin) (e had $erihed-
Cha$ter CE
;e 1a ta#en to the Poli"e Co+rt ne,t day* and 1o+ld ha.e been
i((ediately "o((itted &or trial* b+t that it 1a ne"eary to end
do1n &or an old o&&i"er o& the $rion/hi$ &ro( 1hi"h he had on"e
e"a$ed* to $ea# to hi identity- Nobody do+bted it9 b+t
Co($eyon* 1ho had (eant to de$oe to it* 1a t+(blin) on the
tide* dead* and it ha$$ened that there 1a not at that ti(e any
$rion o&&i"er in Condon 1ho "o+ld )i.e the re4+ired e.iden"e- I
had )one dire"t to %r- 0a))er at hi $ri.ate ho+e* on (y ni)ht* to retain hi aitan"e* and %r- 0a))er on the
$rioner' behal& 1o+ld ad(it nothin)- It 1a the ole reo+r"e9
&or he told (e that the "ae (+t be in &i.e (in+te 1hen the
1itne 1a there* and that no $o1er on earth "o+ld $re.ent it
)oin) a)aint +-
I i($arted to %r- 0a))er (y dei)n o& #ee$in) hi( in i)noran"e o&
the &ate o& hi 1ealth- %r- 0a))er 1a 4+er+lo+ and an)ry 1ith (e
&or 6let it li$ thro+)h (y &in)er*6 and aid 1e (+t
(e(oriali8e by and by* and try at all e.ent &or o(e o& it- :+t
he did not "on"eal &ro( (e that* altho+)h there (i)ht be (any "ae
in 1hi"h the &or&eit+re 1o+ld not be e,a"ted* there 1ere no
"ir"+(tan"e in thi "ae to (a#e it one o& the(- I +ndertood
that .ery 1ell- I 1a not related to the o+tla1* or "onne"ted 1ith
hi( by any re"o)ni8able tie9 he had $+t hi hand to no 1ritin) or
ettle(ent in (y &a.or be&ore hi a$$rehenion* and to do o no1
1o+ld be idle- I had no "lai(* and I &inally reol.ed* and
a&ter1ard abided by the reol+tion* that (y heart ho+ld be
i"#ened 1ith the ho$ele ta# o& atte($tin) to etablih one-
There a$$eared to be reaon &or +$$oin) that the dro1ned in&or(er
had ho$ed &or a re1ard o+t o& thi &or&eit+re* and had obtained
o(e a""+rate #no1led)e o& %a)1it"h' a&&air- 7hen hi body 1a
&o+nd* (any (ile &ro( the "ene o& hi death* and o horribly
di&i)+red that he 1a only re"o)ni8able by the "ontent o& hi
$o"#et* note 1ere till le)ible* &olded in a "ae he "arried-
A(on) thee 1ere the na(e o& a ban#in)/ho+e in Ne1 So+th 7ale*
1here a +( o& (oney 1a* and the dei)nation o& "ertain land o&
"oniderable .al+e- :oth thee head o& in&or(ation 1ere in a lit
that %a)1it"h* 1hile in $rion* )a.e to %r- 0a))er* o& the
$oeion he +$$oed I ho+ld inherit- ;i i)noran"e* $oor
&ello1* at lat er.ed hi(9 he (itr+ted b+t that (y
inheritan"e 1a 4+ite a&e* 1ith %r- 0a))er' aid-
A&ter three day' delay* d+rin) 1hi"h the "ro1n $roe"+tion tood &or the $rod+"tion o& the 1itne &ro( the $rion/hi$* the
1itne "a(e* and "o($leted the eay "ae- ;e 1a "o((itted to ta#e
hi trial at the ne,t Seion* 1hi"h 1o+ld "o(e on in a (onth-
It 1a at thi dar# ti(e o& (y li&e that ;erbert ret+rned ho(e one
e.enin)* a )ood deal "at do1n* and aid*//
6%y dear ;andel* I &ear I hall oon ha.e to lea.e yo+-6
;i $artner $re$ared (e &or that* I 1a le +r$ried than
he tho+)ht-
67e hall loe a &ine o$$ort+nity i& I $+t o&& )oin) to Cairo* and
I a( .ery (+"h a&raid I (+t )o* ;andel* 1hen yo+ (ot need (e-6
6;erbert* I hall al1ay need yo+* be"a+e I hall al1ay lo.e yo+9
b+t (y need i no )reater no1 than at another ti(e-6
6?o+ 1ill be o lonely-6
6I ha.e not lei+re to thin# o& that*6 aid I- 6?o+ #no1 that I a(
al1ay 1ith hi( to the &+ll e,tent o& the ti(e allo1ed* and that I
ho+ld be 1ith hi( all day lon)* i& I "o+ld- And 1hen I "o(e a1ay
&ro( hi(* yo+ #no1 that (y tho+)ht are 1ith hi(-6
The dread&+l "ondition to 1hi"h he 1a bro+)ht* 1a o a$$allin) to
both o& +* that 1e "o+ld not re&er to it in $lainer 1ord-
6%y dear &ello1*6 aid ;erbert* 6let the near $ro$e"t o& o+r
e$aration//&or* it i .ery near//be (y A+ti&i"ation &or
tro+blin) yo+ abo+t yo+rel&- ;a.e yo+ tho+)ht o& yo+r &+t+re@6
6No* &or I ha.e been a&raid to thin# o& any &+t+re-6
6:+t yo+r "annot be di(ied9 indeed* (y dear dear ;andel* it
(+t not be di(ied- I 1ih yo+ 1o+ld enter on it no1* a &ar a
a &e1 &riendly 1ord )o* 1ith (e-6
6I 1ill*6 aid I-
6In thi bran"h ho+e o& o+r* ;andel* 1e (+t ha.e a//6
I a1 that hi deli"a"y 1a a.oidin) the ri)ht 1ord* o I aid* 6A
6A "ler#- And I ho$e it i not at all +nli#ely that he (ay e,$and
2a a "ler# o& yo+r a"4+aintan"e ha e,$anded3 into a $artner- No1*
;andel*//in hort* (y dear boy* 1ill yo+ "o(e to (e@6
There 1a o(ethin) "har(in)ly "ordial and en)a)in) in the (anner
in 1hi"h a&ter ayin) 6No1* ;andel*6 a i& it 1ere the )ra.e
be)innin) o& a $ortento+ b+ine e,ordi+(* he had +ddenly )i.en
+$ that tone* tret"hed o+t hi honet hand* and $o#en li#e a
6Clara and I ha.e tal#ed abo+t it a)ain and a)ain*6 ;erbert
$+r+ed* 6and the dear little thin) be))ed (e only thi e.enin)*
1ith tear in her eye* to ay to yo+ that* i& yo+ 1ill li.e 1ith +
1hen 1e "o(e to)ether* he 1ill do her bet to (a#e yo+ ha$$y* and
to ""e her h+band' &riend that he i her &riend too- 7e
ho+ld )et on o 1ell* ;andel<6
I than#ed her heartily* and I than#ed hi( heartily* b+t aid I
"o+ld not yet (a#e +re o& Aoinin) hi( a he o #indly o&&ered-
5irtly* (y (ind 1a too $reo""+$ied to be able to ta#e in the
+bAe"t "learly- Se"ondly*//?e< Se"ondly* there 1a a .a)+e
o(ethin) lin)erin) in (y tho+)ht that 1ill "o(e o+t .ery near the
end o& thi li)ht narrati.e-
6:+t i& yo+ tho+)ht* ;erbert* that yo+ "o+ld* 1itho+t doin) any
inA+ry to yo+r b+ine* lea.e the 4+etion o$en &or a little
65or any 1hile*6 "ried ;erbert- 6Si, (onth* a year<6
6Not o lon) a that*6 aid I- 6T1o or three (onth at (ot-6
;erbert 1a hi)hly deli)hted 1hen 1e hoo# hand on thi
arran)e(ent* and aid he "o+ld no1 ta#e "o+ra)e to tell (e that he
belie.ed he (+t )o a1ay at the end o& the 1ee#-
6And Clara@6 aid I-
6The dear little thin)*6 ret+rned ;erbert* 6hold d+ti&+lly to her
&ather a lon) a he lat9 b+t he 1on't lat lon)- %r- 7hi($le
"on&ide to (e that he i "ertainly )oin)-6
6Not to ay an +n&eelin) thin)*6 aid I* 6he "annot do better than
6I a( a&raid that (+t be ad(itted*6 aid ;erbert9 6and then I
hall "o(e ba"# &or the dear little thin)* and the dear little
thin) and I 1ill 1al# 4+ietly into the nearet "h+r"h- Re(e(ber<
The bleed darlin) "o(e o& no &a(ily* (y dear ;andel* and
loo#ed into the red boo#* and han't a notion abo+t her )rand$a$a-
7hat a &ort+ne &or the on o& (y (other<6
On the Sat+rday in that a(e 1ee#* I too# (y lea.e o& ;erbert*//
&+ll o& bri)ht ho$e* b+t ad and orry to lea.e (e*//a he at on
one o& the ea$ort (ail "oa"he- I 1ent into a "o&&ee/ho+e to
1rite a little note to Clara* tellin) her he had )one o&&* endin)
hi lo.e to her and a)ain* and then 1ent to (y lonely
ho(e*//i& it deer.ed the na(e9 &or it 1a no1 no ho(e to (e* and I
had no ho(e any1here-
On the tair I en"o+ntered 7e((i"#* 1ho 1a "o(in) do1n* a&ter an
+n+""e&+l a$$li"ation o& hi #n+"#le to (y door- I had not een
hi( alone in"e the diatro+ i+e o& the atte($ted &li)ht9 and
he had "o(e* in hi $ri.ate and $eronal "a$a"ity* to ay a &e1
1ord o& e,$lanation in re&eren"e to that &ail+re-
6The late Co($eyon*6 aid 7e((i"#* 6had by little and little )ot
at the botto( o& hal& o& the re)+lar b+ine no1 trana"ted9 and
it 1a &ro( the tal# o& o(e o& hi $eo$le in tro+ble 2o(e o& hi
$eo$le bein) al1ay in tro+ble3 that I heard 1hat I did- I #e$t (y
ear o$en* ee(in) to ha.e the( h+t* +ntil I heard that he 1a
abent* and I tho+)ht that 1o+ld be the bet ti(e &or (a#in) the
atte($t- I "an only +$$oe no1* that it 1a a $art o& hi $oli"y*
a a .ery " (an* habit+ally to de"ei.e hi o1n intr+(ent-
?o+ don't bla(e (e* I ho$e* %r- Pi$@ I a( +re I tried to er.e yo+*
1ith all (y heart-6
6I a( a +re o& that* 7e((i"#* a yo+ "an be* and I than# yo+ (ot
earnetly &or all yo+r interet and &riendhi$-6
6Than# yo+* than# yo+ .ery (+"h- It' a bad Aob*6 aid 7e((i"#*
"rat"hin) hi head* 6and I a+re yo+ I ha.en't been o "+t +$ &or
a lon) ti(e- 7hat I loo# at i the a"ri&i"e o& o (+"h $ortable
$ro$erty- !ear (e<6
67hat I thin# o&* 7e((i"#* i the $oor o1ner o& the $ro$erty-6
6?e* to be +re*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6O& "o+re* there "an be no
obAe"tion to yo+r bein) orry &or hi(* and I'd $+t do1n a
&i.e/$o+nd note (yel& to )et hi( o+t o& it- :+t 1hat I loo# at i
thi- The late Co($eyon been be&orehand 1ith hi( in
intelli)en"e o& hi ret+rn* and bein) o deter(ined to brin) hi( to
boo#* I do not thin# he "o+ld ha.e been a.ed- 7herea* the
$ortable $ro$erty "ertainly "o+ld ha.e been a.ed- That' the
di&&eren"e bet1een the $ro$erty and the o1ner* don't yo+ ee@6
I in.ited 7e((i"# to "o(e +$ tair* and re&reh hi(el& 1ith a
)la o& )ro) be&ore 1al#in) to 7al1orth- ;e a""e$ted the
in.itation- 7hile he 1a drin#in) hi (oderate allo1an"e* he aid*
1ith nothin) to lead +$ to it* and a&ter a$$eared rather
67hat do yo+ thin# o& (y (eanin) to ta#e a holiday on %onday* %r-
67hy* I +$$oe yo+ ha.e not done +"h a thin) thee t1el.e
6Thee t1el.e year* (ore li#ely*6 aid 7e((i"#- 6?e- I'( )oin) to
ta#e a holiday- %ore than that9 I'( )oin) to ta#e a 1al#- %ore than
that9 I'( )oin) to a# yo+ to ta#e a 1al# 1ith (e-6
I 1a abo+t to e,"+e (yel&* a bein) b+t a bad "o($anion A+t
then* 1hen 7e((i"# anti"i$ated (e-
6I #no1 yo+r en)a)e(ent*6 aid he* 6and I #no1 yo+ are o+t o&
ort* %r- Pi$- :+t i& yo+ "o+ld obli)e (e* I ho+ld ta#e it a a
#indne- It ain't a lon) 1al#* and it' an early one- Say it (i)ht
o""+$y yo+ 2in"l+din) brea#&at on the 1al#3 &ro( ei)ht to t1el.e-
Co+ldn't yo+ tret"h a $oint and (ana)e it@6
;e had done o (+"h &or (e at .ario+ ti(e* that thi 1a .ery
little to do &or hi(- I aid I "o+ld (ana)e it*//1o+ld (ana)e it*//
and he 1a o .ery (+"h $leaed by (y a"4+ie"en"e* that I 1a
$leaed too- At hi $arti"+lar re4+et* I a$$ointed to "all &or hi(
at the Catle at hal& $at ei)ht on %onday (ornin)* and o 1e
$arted &or the ti(e-
P+n"t+al to (y a$$oint(ent* I ran) at the Catle )ate on the %onday
(ornin)* and 1a re"ei.ed by 7e((i"# hi(el&* 1ho tr+"# (e a
loo#in) ti)hter than ++al* and a lee#er hat on- 7ithin*
there 1ere t1o )lae o& r+( and (il# $re$ared* and t1o bi"+it-
The A)ed (+t ha.e been tirrin) 1ith the lar#* &or* )lan"in) into
the $er$e"ti.e o& hi bedroo(* I ober.ed that hi bed 1a e($ty-
7hen 1e had &orti&ied o+rel.e 1ith the r+( and (il# and bi"+it*
and 1ere )oin) o+t &or the 1al# 1ith that trainin) $re$aration on
+* I 1a "oniderably +r$ried to ee 7e((i"# ta#e +$ a
&ihin)/rod* and $+t it hi ho+lder- 67hy* 1e are not )oin)
&ihin)<6 aid I- 6No*6 ret+rned 7e((i"#* 6b+t I li#e to 1al# 1ith
I tho+)ht thi odd9* I aid nothin)* and 1e et o&&- 7e
1ent to1ard Ca(ber1ell Green* and 1hen 1e 1ere thereabo+t*
7e((i"# aid +ddenly*//
6;alloa< ;ere' a "h+r"h<6
There 1a nothin) .ery +r$riin) in that9 b+t a)ain* I 1a rather
+r$ried* 1hen he aid* a i& he 1ere ani(ated by a brilliant
6Cet' )o in<6
7e 1ent in* 7e((i"# hi &ihin)/rod in the $or"h* and
loo#ed all ro+nd- In the (ean ti(e* 7e((i"# 1a into hi
"oat/$o"#et* and )ettin) o(ethin) o+t o& $a$er there-
6;alloa<6 aid he- 6;ere' a "o+$le o& $air o& )lo.e< Cet' $+t
'e( on<6
A the )lo.e 1ere 1hite #id )lo.e* and a the $ot/o&&i"e 1a
1idened to it +t(ot e,tent* I no1 be)an to ha.e (y tron)
+$i"ion- They 1ere tren)thened into "ertainty 1hen I beheld the
A)ed enter at a ide door* e"ortin) a lady-
6;alloa<6 aid 7e((i"#- 6;ere' %i S#i&&in< Cet' ha.e a
That di"reet da(el 1a attired a ++al* e,"e$t that he 1a no1
en)a)ed in +btit+tin) &or her )reen #id )lo.e a $air o& 1hite-
The A)ed 1a li#e1ie o""+$ied in $re$arin) a i(ilar a"ri&i"e &or
the altar o& ;y(en- The old )entle(an** e,$erien"ed o (+"h
di&&i"+lty in )ettin) hi )lo.e on* that 7e((i"# &o+nd it
ne"eary to $+t hi( 1ith hi ba"# a)aint a $illar* and then to
)et behind the $illar hi(el& and $+ll a1ay at the(* 1hile I &or (y
$art held the old )entle(an ro+nd the 1ait* that he (i)ht $reent
and e4+al and a&e reitan"e- :y dint o& thi in)enio+ "he(e*
hi )lo.e 1ere )ot on to $er&e"tion-
The "ler# and "ler)y(an then a$$earin)* 1e 1ere ran)ed in order at
thoe &atal rail- Tr+e to hi notion o& ee(in) to do it all
1itho+t $re$aration* I heard 7e((i"# ay to hi(el&* a he too#
o(ethin) o+t o& hi 1ait"oat/$o"#et be&ore the er.i"e be)an*
6;alloa< ;ere' a rin)<6
I a"ted in the "a$a"ity o& ba"#er* or bet/(an* to the bride)roo(9
1hile a little li($ $e1/o$ener in a o&t bonnet li#e a baby'* (ade
a &eint o& bein) the boo( &riend o& %i S#i&&in- The
re$onibility o& ) the lady a1ay de.ol.ed +$on the A)ed*
1hi"h led to the "ler)y(an' bein) +nintentionally "andali8ed* and
it ha$$ened th+- 7hen he aid* 67ho )i.eth thi 1o(an to be
(arried to thi (an@6 the old )entle(en* not in the leat #no1in)
1hat $oint o& the "ere(ony 1e had arri.ed at* tood (ot a(iably
bea(in) at the ten "o((and(ent- D$on 1hi"h* the "ler)y(an aid
a)ain* 67;O )i.eth thi 1o(an to be (arried to thi (an@6 The old
)entle(an bein) till in a tate o& (ot eti(able +n"on"io+ne*
the bride)roo( "ried o+t in hi a""+to(ed .oi"e* 6No1 A)ed P- yo+
#no19 1ho )i.eth@6 To 1hi"h the A)ed re$lied 1ith )reat bri#ne*
be&ore ayin) that he )a.e* 6All ri)ht* 0ohn* all ri)ht* (y boy<6
And the "ler)y(an "a(e to o )loo(y a $a+e +$on it* that I had
do+bt &or the (o(ent 1hether 1e ho+ld )et "o($letely (arried that
It 1a "o($letely done** and 1hen 1e 1ere )oin) o+t o&
"h+r"h 7e((i"# too# the " o&& the &ont* and $+t hi 1hite
)lo.e in it* and $+t the " on a)ain- %r- 7e((i"#* (ore heed&+l
o& the &+t+re* $+t her 1hite )lo.e in her $o"#et and a+(ed her
)reen- 6No1* %r- Pi$*6 aid 7e((i"#* tri+($hantly ho+lderin) the
&ihin)/rod a 1e "a(e o+t* 6let (e a# yo+ 1hether anybody 1o+ld
+$$oe thi to be a 1eddin)/$arty<6
:rea#&at had been ordered at a $leaant little ta.ern* a (ile or
o a1ay +$on the riin) )ro+nd beyond the )reen9 and there 1a a
ba)atelle board in the roo(* in "ae 1e ho+ld deire to +nbend o+r
(ind a&ter the ole(nity- It 1a $leaant to ober.e that %r-
7e((i"# no lon)er +n1o+nd 7e((i"#' ar( 1hen it ada$ted itel& to
her &i)+re* b+t at in a hi)h/ba"#ed "hair a)aint the 1all* li#e a
.iolon"ello in it "ae* and +b(itted to be e(bra"ed a that
(elodio+ intr+(ent (i)ht ha.e done-
7e had an e,"ellent brea#&at* and 1hen any one de"lined anythin)
on table* 7e((i"# aid* 6Pro.ided by "ontra"t* yo+ #no19 don't be
a&raid o& it<6 I dran# to the ne1 "o+$le* dran# to the A)ed* dran#
to the Catle* al+ted the bride at $artin)* and (ade (yel& a
a)reeable a I "o+ld-
7e((i"# "a(e do1n to the door 1ith (e* and I a)ain hoo# hand 1ith
hi(* and 1ihed hi( Aoy-
6Than#ee<6 aid 7e((i"#* r+bbin) hi hand- 6She' +"h a (ana)er
o& &o1l* yo+ ha.e no idea- ?o+ hall ha.e o(e e))* and A+d)e &or
yo+rel&- I ay* %r- Pi$<6 "allin) (e ba"#* and $ea#in) lo1- 6Thi
i alto)ether a 7al1orth enti(ent* $leae-6
6I +ndertand- Not to be (entioned in Cittle :ritain*6 aid I-
7e((i"# nodded- 6A&ter 1hat yo+ let o+t the other day* %r- 0a))er
(ay a 1ell not #no1 o& it- ;e (i)ht thin# (y brain 1a o&tenin)*
or o(ethin) o& the #ind-6
Cha$ter CEI
;e lay in $rion .ery ill* d+rin) the 1hole bet1een hi
"o((ittal &or trial and the "o(in) ro+nd o& the Seion- ;e had
bro#en t1o rib* they had 1o+nded one o& hi l+n)* and he breathed
1ith )reat $ain and di&&i"+lty* 1hi"h in"reaed daily- It 1a a
"one4+en"e o& hi h+rt that he $o#e o lo1 a to be "ar"ely
a+dible9 there&ore he $o#e .ery little- :+t he 1a ready to
liten to (e9 and it be"a(e the &irt d+ty o& (y li&e to ay to
hi(* and read to hi(* 1hat I #ne1 he o+)ht to hear-
:ein) &ar too ill to re(ain in the "o((on $rion* he 1a re(o.ed*
a&ter the &irt day or o* into the in&ir(ary- Thi )a.e (e
o$$ort+nitie o& bein) 1ith hi( that I "o+ld not other1ie ha.e
had- And b+t &or hi illne he 1o+ld ha.e been $+t in iron* &or
he 1a re)arded a a deter(ined $rion/brea#er* and I #no1 not 1hat
Altho+)h I a1 hi( e.ery day* it 1a &or only a hort ti(e9 hen"e*
the re)+larly re"+rrin) $a"e o& o+r e$aration 1ere lon) eno+)h
to re"ord on hi &a"e any li)ht "han)e that o""+rred in hi
$hyi"al tate- I do not re"olle"t that I on"e a1 any "han)e in it
&or the better9 he 1ated* and be"a(e lo1ly 1ea#er and 1ore* day
by day* &ro( the day 1hen the $rion door "loed +$on hi(-
The #ind o& +b(iion or rei)nation that he ho1ed 1a that o& a
(an 1ho 1a tired o+t- I o(eti(e deri.ed an i($reion* &ro( hi
(anner or &ro( a 1hi$ered 1ord or t1o 1hi"h e"a$ed hi(* that he
$ondered the 4+etion 1hether he (i)ht ha.e been a better (an
+nder better "ir"+(tan"e- :+t he A+ti&ied hi(el& by a
hint tendin) that 1ay* or tried to bend the $at o+t o& it eternal
It ha$$ened on t1o or three o""aion in (y $reen"e* that hi
de$erate re$+tation 1a all+ded to by one or other o& the $eo$le
in attendan"e on hi(- A (ile "roed hi &a"e then* and he t+rned
hi eye on (e 1ith a tr+t&+l loo#* a i& he 1ere "on&ident that I
had een o(e (all redee(in) to+"h in hi(* e.en o lon) a)o a 1hen
I 1a a little "hild- A to all the ret* he 1a h+(ble and
"ontrite* and I #ne1 hi( "o($lain-
7hen the Seion "a(e ro+nd* %r- 0a))er "a+ed an a$$li"ation to
be (ade &or the $ot$one(ent o& hi trial +ntil the &ollo1in)
Seion- It 1a (ade 1ith the a+ran"e that he "o+ld
not li.e o lon)* and 1a re&+ed- The trial "a(e on at on"e* and*
1hen he 1a $+t to the bar* he 1a eated in a "hair- No obAe"tion
1a (ade to (y )ettin) "loe to the do"#* on the o+tide o& it* and
holdin) the hand that he tret"hed &orth to (e-
The trial 1a .ery hort and .ery "lear- S+"h thin) a "o+ld be
aid &or hi( 1ere aid*//ho1 he had ta#en to ind+trio+ habit*
and had thri.en la1&+lly and re$+tably- :+t nothin) "o+ld +nay
the &a"t that he had ret+rned* and 1a there in $reen"e o& the
0+d)e and 0+ry- It 1a i($oible to try hi( &or that* and do
other1ie than &ind hi( )+ilty-
At that ti(e* it 1a the "+to( 2a I learnt &ro( (y terrible
e,$erien"e o& that Seion3 to de.ote a "on"l+din) day to the
$ain) o& Senten"e* and to (a#e a &inihin) e&&e"t 1ith the
Senten"e o& !eath- :+t &or the indelible $i"t+re that (y
re(e(bran"e no1 hold be&ore (e* I "o+ld "ar"ely belie.e* e.en a
I 1rite thee 1ord* that I a1 t1o/and/thirty (en and 1o(en $+t
be&ore the 0+d)e to re"ei.e that enten"e to)ether- 5ore(ot a(on)
the t1o/and/thirty 1a he9 eated* that he (i)ht )et breath eno+)h
to #ee$ li&e in hi(-
The 1hole "ene tart o+t a)ain in the "olor o& the
(o(ent* do1n to the dro$ o& A$ril rain on the 1indo1 o& the
"o+rt* )litterin) in the ray o& A$ril +n- Penned in the do"#* a
I a)ain tood o+tide it at the "orner 1ith hi hand in (ine* 1ere
the t1o/and/thirty (en and 1o(en9 o(e de&iant* o(e tri"#en 1ith
terror* o(e obbin) and 1ee$in)* o(e "o.erin) their &a"e* o(e
tarin) )loo(ily abo+t- There had been hrie# &ro( a(on) the 1o(en
"on.i"t9 b+t they had been tilled*and a h+h had +""eeded- The
heri&& 1ith their )reat "hain and noe)ay* other "i.i" )e1)a1
and (onter* "rier* +her* a )reat )allery &+ll o& $eo$le*//a
lar)e theatri"al a+dien"e*//loo#ed on* a the t1o/and/thirty and
the 0+d)e 1ere ole(nly "on&ronted- Then the 0+d)e addreed the(-
A(on) the 1ret"hed "reat+re be&ore hi( 1ho( he (+t in)le o+t &or
$e"ial addre 1a one 1ho al(ot &ro( hi in&an"y had been an
o&&ender a)aint the la19 1ho* a&ter re$eated i($rion(ent and
$+nih(ent* had been at len)th enten"ed to e,ile &or a ter( o&
year9 and 1ho* +nder "ir"+(tan"e o& )reat .iolen"e and darin)*
had (ade hi e"a$e and been re/enten"ed to e,ile &or li&e- That
(ierable (an 1o+ld ee( &or a ti(e to ha.e be"o(e ""ed o& hi
error* 1hen &ar re(o.ed &ro( the "ene o& hi old o&&en"e* and
to ha.e li.ed a $ea"eable and honet li&e- :+t in a &atal (o(ent*
yieldin) to thoe $ro$enitie and $aion* the ind+l)en"e o&
1hi"h had o lon) rendered hi( a "o+r)e to o"iety* he had 4+itted
hi ha.en o& ret and re$entan"e* and had "o(e ba"# to the "o+ntry
1here he 1a $ro"ribed- :ein) here $reently deno+n"ed* he had &or
a ti(e +""eeded in e.adin) the o&&i"er o& 0+ti"e* b+t bein) at
len)th ei8ed 1hile in the a"t o& &li)ht* he had reited the(* and
had//he bet #ne1 1hether by e,$re dei)n* or in the blindne
o& hi hardihood//"a+ed the death o& hi deno+n"er* to 1ho( hi
1hole "areer 1a #no1n- The a$$ointed $+nih(ent &or hi ret+rn to
the land that had "at hi( o+t* bein) !eath* and hi "ae bein)
thi a))ra.ated "ae* he (+t $re$are hi(el& to !ie-
The +n 1a tri#in) in at the )reat 1indo1 o& the "o+rt* thro+)h
the )litterin) dro$ o& rain +$on the )la* and it (ade a broad
ha&t o& li)ht bet1een the t1o/and/thirty and the 0+d)e* lin#in)
both to)ether* and $erha$ re(indin) o(e a(on) the a+dien"e ho1
both 1ere $ain) on* 1ith abol+te e4+ality* to the )reater
0+d)(ent that #no1eth all thin)* and "annot err- Riin) &or a
(o(ent* a ditin"t $e"# o& &a"e in thi 1ay o& li)ht* the $rioner
aid* 6%y Cord* I ha.e re"ei.ed (y enten"e o& !eath &ro( the
Al(i)hty* b+t I bo1 to yo+r*6 and at do1n a)ain- There 1a o(e
h+hin)* and the 0+d)e 1ent on 1ith 1hat he had to ay to the ret-
Then they 1ere all &or(ally doo(ed* and o(e o& the( 1ere
+$$orted o+t* and o(e o& the( a+ntered o+t 1ith a ha))ard loo#
o& bra.ery* and a &e1 nodded to the )allery* and t1o or three hoo#
hand* and other 1ent o+t "he1in) the &ra)(ent o& herb they had
ta#en &ro( the 1eet herb lyin) abo+t- ;e 1ent lat o& all*
be"a+e o& to be hel$ed &ro( hi "hair* and to )o .ery
lo1ly9 and he held (y hand 1hile all the other 1ere re(o.ed* and
1hile the a+dien"e )ot +$ 2$+ttin) their dree ri)ht* a they
(i)ht at "h+r"h or ele1here3* and $ointed do1n at thi "ri(inal or
at that* and (ot o& all at hi( and (e-
I earnetly ho$ed and $rayed that he (i)ht die be&ore the
Re"order' Re$ort 1a (ade9 b+t* in the dread o& hi lin)erin) on*
I be)an that ni)ht to 1rite o+t a $etition to the ;o(e Se"retary o&
State* ettin) &orth (y #no1led)e o& hi(* and ho1 it 1a that he
had "o(e ba"# &or (y a#e- I 1rote it a &er.ently and $atheti"ally
a I "o+ld9 and 1hen I had &inihed it and ent it in* I 1rote o+t
other $etition to +"h (en in a+thority a I ho$ed 1ere the (ot
(er"i&+l* and dre1 +$ one to the Cro1n itel&- 5or e.eral day and
ni)ht a&ter he 1a enten"ed I too# no ret e,"e$t 1hen I &ell
alee$ in (y "hair* b+t 1a 1holly aborbed in thee a$$eal- And
a&ter I had ent the( in* I "o+ld not #ee$ a1ay &ro( the $la"e
1here they 1ere* b+t &elt a i& they 1ere (ore ho$e&+l and le
de$erate 1hen I 1a near the(- In thi +nreaonable retlene
and $ain o& (ind I 1o+ld roa( the treet o& an e.enin)* 1anderin)
by thoe o&&i"e and ho+e 1here I had le&t the $etition- To the
$reent ho+r* the 1eary 1etern treet o& Condon on a "old* d+ty
$rin) ni)ht* 1ith their ran)e o& tern* h+t/+$ (anion* and their
lon) ro1 o& la($* are (elan"holy to (e &ro( thi ao"iation-
The daily .iit I "o+ld (a#e hi( 1ere hortened no1* and he 1a
(ore tri"tly #e$t- Seein)* or &an"yin)* that I 1a +$e"ted o& an
intention o& "arryin) $oion to hi(* I a#ed to be ear"hed be&ore
I at do1n at hi bedide* and told the o&&i"er 1ho 1a al1ay
there* that I 1a 1illin) to do anythin) that 1o+ld a+re hi( o&
the in)lene o& (y dei)n- Nobody 1a hard 1ith hi( or 1ith (e-
There 1a d+ty to be done* and it 1a done* b+t not harhly- The
o&&i"er al1ay )a.e (e the a+ran"e that he 1a 1ore* and o(e
other i"# $rioner in the roo(* and o(e other $rioner 1ho
attended on the( a i"# n+re* 2(ale&a"tor* b+t not in"a$able o&
#indne* God be than#ed<3 al1ay Aoined in the a(e re$ort-
A the day 1ent on* I noti"ed (ore and (ore that he 1o+ld lie
$la"idly loo#in) at the 1hite "eilin)* 1ith an aben"e o& li)ht in
hi &a"e +ntil o(e 1ord o& (ine bri)htened it &or an intant* and
then it 1o+ld +bide a)ain- So(eti(e he 1a al(ot or 4+ite
+nable to $ea#* then he 1o+ld an1er (e 1ith li)ht $re+re on
(y hand* and I )re1 to +ndertand hi (eanin) .ery 1ell-
The n+(ber o& the day had rien to ten* 1hen I a1 a )reater
"han)e in hi( than I had een yet- ;i eye 1ere t+rned to1ard the
door* and li)hted +$ a I entered-
6!ear boy*6 he aid* a I at do1n by hi bedB 6I tho+)ht yo+ 1a
late- :+t I #no1ed yo+ "o+ldn't be that-6
6It i A+t the ti(e*6 aid I- 6I 1aited &or it at the )ate-6
6?o+ al1ay 1ait at the )ate9 don't yo+* dear boy@6
6?e- Not to loe a (o(ent o& the ti(e-6
6Than#'ee dear boy* than#'ee- God ble yo+< ?o+'.e deerted
(e* dear boy-6
I $reed hi hand in ilen"e* &or I "o+ld not &or)et that I had
on"e (eant to deert hi(-
6And 1hat' the bet o& all*6 he aid* 6yo+'.e been (ore
"o(&ortable alon)er (e* in"e I 1a +nder a dar# "lo+d* than 1hen
the +n hone- That' bet o& all-6
;e lay on hi ba"#* breathin) 1ith )reat di&&i"+lty- !o 1hat he
1o+ld* and lo.e (e tho+)h he did* the li)ht le&t hi &a"e and
a)ain* and a &il( "a(e the $la"id loo# at the 1hite "eilin)-
6Are yo+ in (+"h $ain to/day@6
6I don't "o($lain o& none* dear boy-6
6?o+ do "o($lain-6
;e had $o#en hi lat 1ord- ;e (iled* and I +ndertood hi to+"h
to (ean that he 1ihed to li&t (y hand* and lay it on hi breat- I
laid it there* and he (iled a)ain* and $+t both hi hand +$on it-
The allotted ti(e ran o+t* 1hile 1e 1ere th+9 b+t* loo#in) ro+nd*
I &o+nd the )o.ernor o& the $rion tandin) near (e* and he
1hi$ered* 6?o+ needn't )o yet-6 I than#ed hi( )rate&+lly* and
a#ed* 6%i)ht I $ea# to hi(* i& he "an hear (e@6
The )o.ernor te$$ed aide* and be"#oned the o&&i"er a1ay- The
"han)e* tho+)h it 1a (ade 1itho+t noie* dre1 ba"# the &il( &ro(
the $la"id loo# at the 1hite "eilin)* and he loo#ed (ot
a&&e"tionately at (e-
6!ear %a)1it"h* I (+t tell yo+ no1* at lat- ?o+ +ndertand 1hat I
A )entle $re+re on (y hand-
6?o+ had a "hild on"e* 1ho( yo+ lo.ed and lot-6
A tron)er $re+re on (y hand-
6She li.ed* and &o+nd $o1er&+l &riend- She i no1- She i a
lady and .ery bea+ti&+l- And I lo.e her<6
7ith a lat &aint e&&ort* 1hi"h 1o+ld ha.e been $o1erle b+t &or
(y yieldin) to it and aitin) it* he raied (y hand to hi li$-
Then* he )ently let it in# +$on hi breat a)ain* 1ith hi o1n
hand lyin) on it- The $la"id loo# at the 1hite "eilin) "a(e ba"#*
and $aed a1ay* and hi head dro$$ed 4+ietly on hi breat-
%ind&+l* then* o& 1hat 1e had read to)ether* I tho+)ht o& the t1o
(en 1ho 1ent +$ into the Te($le to $ray* and I #ne1 there 1ere no
better 1ord that I "o+ld ay beide hi bed* than 6O Cord* be
(er"i&+l to hi( a inner<6
Cha$ter CEII
No1 that I 1a le&t 1holly to (yel&* I )a.e noti"e o& (y intention
to 4+it the "ha(ber in the Te($le a oon a (y tenan"y "o+ld
le)ally deter(ine* and in the (ean1hile to +nderlet the(- At on"e I
$+t bill +$ in the 1indo19 &or* I 1a in debt* and had "ar"ely
any (oney* and be)an to be erio+ly alar(ed by the tate o& (y
a&&air- I o+)ht rather to 1rite that I ho+ld ha.e been alar(ed i&
I had had ener)y and "on"entration eno+)h to hel$ (e to the "lear
$er"e$tion o& any tr+th beyond the &a"t that I 1a &allin) .ery
ill- The late tre +$on (e had enabled (e to $+t o&& illne* b+t
not to $+t it a1ay9 I #ne1 that it 1a "o(in) on (e no1* and I #ne1
.ery little ele* and 1a e.en "arele a to that-
5or a day or t1o* I lay on the o&a* or on the &loor*//any1here*
a""ordin) a I ha$$ened to in# do1n*//1ith a hea.y head and a"hin)
li(b* and no $+r$oe* and no $o1er- Then there "a(e* one ni)ht
1hi"h a$$eared o& )reat d+ration* and 1hi"h tee(ed 1ith an,iety and
horror9 and 1hen in the (ornin) I tried to it +$ in (y bed and
thin# o& it* I &o+nd I "o+ld not do o-
7hether I really had been do1n in Garden Co+rt in the dead o& the
ni)ht* )ro$in) abo+t &or the boat that I +$$oed to be there9
1hether I had t1o or three ti(e "o(e to (yel& on the tair"ae
1ith )reat terror* not #no1in) ho1 I had )ot o+t o& bed9 1hether I
had &o+nd (yel& li)htin) the la($* $oeed by the idea that he
1a "o(in) +$ the tair* and that the li)ht 1ere blo1n o+t9
1hether I had been ine,$reibly haraed by the ditra"ted
tal#in)* la+)hin)* and )roanin) o& o(e one* and had hal&
+$e"ted thoe o+nd to be o& (y o1n (a#in)9 1hether there had
been a "loed iron &+rna"e in a dar# "orner o& the roo(* and a
.oi"e had "alled o+t* and a)ain* that %i ;a.iha( 1a
"on+(in) 1ithin it*//thee 1ere thin) that I tried to ettle 1ith
(yel& and )et into o(e order* a I lay that (ornin) on (y bed-
:+t the .a$or o& a li(e#iln 1o+ld "o(e bet1een (e and the(*
diorderin) the( all* and it 1a thro+)h the .a$or at lat that I
a1 t1o (en loo#in) at (e-
67hat do yo+ 1ant@6 I a#ed* tartin)9 6I don't #no1 yo+-6
67ell* ir*6 ret+rned one o& the(* bendin) do1n and to+"hin) (e on
the ho+lder* 6thi i a (atter that yo+'ll oon arran)e* I dare
ay* b+t yo+'re arreted-6
67hat i the debt@6
6;+ndred and t1enty/three $o+nd* &i&teen* i,- 0e1eller' a""o+nt*
I thin#-6
67hat i to be done@6
6?o+ had better "o(e to (y ho+e*6 aid the (an- 6I #ee$ a .ery
ni"e ho+e-6
I (ade o(e atte($t to )et +$ and dre (yel&- 7hen I ne,t
attended to the(* they 1ere tandin) a little o&& &ro( the bed*
loo#in) at (e- I till lay there-
6?o+ ee (y tate*6 aid I- 6I 1o+ld "o(e 1ith yo+ i& I "o+ld9 b+t
indeed I a( 4+ite +nable- I& yo+ ta#e (e &ro( here* I thin# I hall
die by the 1ay-6
Perha$ they re$lied* or ar)+ed the $oint* or tried to en"o+ra)e (e
to belie.e that I 1a better than I tho+)ht- 5ora(+"h a they han)
in (y (e(ory by only thi one lender thread* I don't #no1 1hat
they did* e,"e$t that they &orbore to re(o.e (e-
That I had a & and 1a a.oided* that I +&&ered )reatly* that I
o&ten lot (y reaon* that the ti(e ee(ed inter(inable* that I
"on&o+nded i($oible e,iten"e 1ith (y o1n identity9 that I 1a a
bri"# in the ho+e/1all* and yet entreatin) to be releaed &ro( the
)iddy $la"e 1here the b+ilder had et (e9 that I 1a a teel bea(
o& a .at en)ine* "lahin) and 1hirlin) a )+l&* and yet that I
i($lored in (y o1n $eron to ha.e the en)ine to$$ed* and (y $art
in it ha((ered o&&9 that I $aed thro+)h thee $hae o& dieae*
I #no1 o& (y o1n re(e(bran"e* and did in o(e ort #no1 at the
ti(e- That I o(eti(e tr+))led 1ith real $eo$le* in the belie&
that they 1ere (+rderer* and that I 1o+ld all at on"e "o($rehend
that they (eant to do (e )ood* and 1o+ld then in# e,ha+ted in
their ar(* and +&&er the( to lay (e do1n* I alo #ne1 at the
ti(e- :+t* abo.e all* I #ne1 that there 1a a "ontant tenden"y in
all thee $eo$le*//1ho* 1hen I 1a .ery ill* 1o+ld $reent all
#ind o& e,traordinary tran&or(ation o& the h+(an &a"e* and 1o+ld
be (+"h dilated in i8e*//abo.e all* I ay* I #ne1 that there 1a
an e,traordinary tenden"y in all thee $eo$le* ooner or later* to
ettle do1n into the li#ene o& 0oe-
A&ter I had t+rned the 1ort $oint o& (y illne* I be)an to noti"e
that 1hile all it other &eat+re "han)ed* thi one "onitent
&eat+re did not "han)e- "a(e abo+t (e* till ettled do1n
into 0oe- I o$ened (y eye in the ni)ht* and I a1* in the )reat
"hair at the bedide* 0oe- I o$ened (y eye in the day* and*
ittin) on the 1indo1/eat* (o#in) hi $i$e in the haded o$en
1indo1* till I a1 0oe- I a#ed &or "oolin) drin#* and the dear
hand that )a.e it (e 1a 0oe'- I an# ba"# on (y $illo1 a&ter
drin#in)* and the &a"e that loo#ed o ho$e&+lly and tenderly +$on
(e 1a the &a"e o& 0oe-
At lat* one day* I too# "o+ra)e* and aid* 6I it 0oe@6
And the dear old ho(e/.oi"e an1ered* 67hi"h it air* old "ha$-6
6O 0oe* yo+ brea# (y heart< Coo# an)ry at (e* 0oe- Stri#e (e* 0oe-
Tell (e o& (y in)ratit+de- !on't be o )ood to (e<6
5or 0oe had a"t+ally laid hi head do1n on the $illo1 at (y ide*
and $+t hi ar( ro+nd (y ne"#* in hi Aoy that I #ne1 hi(-
67hi"h dear old Pi$* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* 6yo+ and (e 1a
&riend- And 1hen yo+'re 1ell eno+)h to )o o+t &or a ride//1hat
A&ter 1hi"h* 0oe 1ithdre1 to the 1indo1* and tood 1ith hi ba"#
to1ard (e* 1i$in) hi eye- And a (y e,tre(e 1ea#ne $re.ented
(e &ro( )ettin) +$ and )oin) to hi(* I lay there* $enitently
1hi$erin)* 6O God ble hi(< O God ble thi )entle Chritian
0oe' eye 1ere red 1hen I ne,t &o+nd hi( beide (e9 b+t I 1a
holdin) hi hand* and 1e both &elt ha$$y-
6;o1 lon)* dear 0oe@6
67hi"h yo+ (eanteray* Pi$* ho1 lon) ha.e yo+r illne lated* dear
old "ha$@6
6?e* 0oe-6
6It' the end o& %ay* Pi$- To/(orro1 i the &irt o& 0+ne-6
6And ha.e yo+ been here all that ti(e* dear 0oe@6
6Pretty ni)h* old "ha$- 5or* a I ay to :iddy 1hen the ne1 o&
yo+r bein) ill 1ere bro+)ht by letter* 1hi"h it 1ere bro+)ht by the
$ot* and bein) &or(erly in)le he i no1 (arried tho+)h +nder$aid
&or a deal o& 1al#in) and hoe/leather* b+t 1ealth 1ere not a
obAe"t on hi $art* and (arria)e 1ere the )reat 1ih o& hi hart//6
6It i o deli)ht&+l to hear yo+* 0oe< :+t I interr+$t yo+ in 1hat
yo+ aid to :iddy-6
67hi"h it 1ere*6 aid 0oe* 6that ho1 yo+ (i)ht be a(on)t
tran)er* and that ho1 yo+ and (e been &riend* a
1iit at +"h a (o(ent (i)ht not $ro.e +na""e$tabobble- And :iddy*
her 1ord 1ere* 'Go to hi(* 1itho+t lo o& ti(e-' That*6 aid 0oe*
+((in) +$ 1ith hi A+di"ial air* 61ere the 1ord o& :iddy- 'Go to
hi(*' :iddy ay* '1itho+t lo o& ti(e-' In hort* I ho+ldn't
)reatly de"ei.e yo+*6 0oe added* a&ter a little )ra.e re&le"tion*
6i& I re$reented to yo+ that the 1ord o& that yo+n) 1o(an 1ere*
'1itho+t a (in+te' lo o& ti(e-'6
There 0oe "+t hi(el& hort* and in&or(ed (e that I 1a to be
tal#ed to in )reat (oderation* and that I 1a to ta#e a little
no+rih(ent at tated &re4+ent ti(e* 1hether I &elt in"lined &or
it or not* and that I 1a to +b(it (yel& to all hi order- So I
#ied hi hand* and lay 4+iet* 1hile he $ro"eeded to indite a note
to :iddy* 1ith (y lo.e in it-
E.idently :iddy had ta+)ht 0oe to 1rite- A I lay in bed loo#in)
at hi(* it (ade (e* in (y 1ea# tate* "ry a)ain 1ith $lea+re to
ee the $ride 1ith 1hi"h he et abo+t hi letter- %y bedtead*
di.eted o& it "+rtain* had been re(o.ed* 1ith (e +$on it* into
the ittin)/roo(* a the airiet and lar)et* and the "ar$et had
been ta#en a1ay* and the roo( #e$t al1ay &reh and 1holeo(e ni)ht
and day- At (y o1n 1ritin)/table* $+hed into a "orner and "+(bered
1ith little bottle* 0oe no1 at do1n to hi )reat 1or#* &irt
"hooin) a $en &ro( the $en/tray a i& it 1ere a "het o& lar)e
tool* and t+"#in) +$ hi lee.e a i& he 1ere )oin) to 1ield a
"ro1/bar or led)eha((er- It 1a ne"eary &or 0oe to hold on
hea.ily to the table 1ith hi le&t elbo1* and to )et hi ri)ht le)
1ell o+t behind hi(* be&ore he "o+ld be)in9 and 1hen he did be)in
he (ade e.ery do1n/tro#e o lo1ly that it (i)ht ha.e been i,
&eet lon)* 1hile at e.ery +$/tro#e I "o+ld hear hi $en
$l+tterin) e,teni.ely- ;e had a "+rio+ idea that the in#tand
1a on the ide o& hi( 1here it 1a not* and "ontantly di$$ed hi
$en into $a"e* and ee(ed 4+ite ati&ied 1ith the re+lt-
O""aionally* he 1a tri$$ed +$ by o(e ortho)ra$hi"al
t+(blin)/blo"#9 b+t on the 1hole he )ot on .ery 1ell indeed9 and
1hen he had i)ned hi na(e* and had re(o.ed a &inihin) blot &ro(
the $a$er to the "ro1n o& hi head 1ith hi t1o &ore&in)er* he )ot
+$ and ho.ered abo+t the table* tryin) the e&&e"t o& hi
$er&or(an"e &ro( .ario+ $oint o& .ie1* a it lay there* 1ith
+nbo+nded ati&a"tion-
Not to (a#e 0oe +neay by tal#in) too (+"h* e.en i& I had been able
to tal# (+"h* I de&erred a#in) hi( abo+t %i ;a.iha( +ntil ne,t
day- ;e hoo# hi head 1hen I then a#ed hi( i& he had re"o.ered-
6I he dead* 0oe@6
67hy yo+ ee* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* in a tone o& re(ontran"e* and
by 1ay o& )ettin) at it by de)ree* 6I 1o+ldn't )o o &ar a to ay
that* &or that' a deal to ay9 b+t he ain't//6* 0oe@6
6That' ni)her 1here it i*6 aid 0oe9 6he ain't
6!id he lin)er lon)* 0oe@6
6Arter yo+ 1a too# ill* $retty (+"h abo+t 1hat yo+ (i)ht "all 2i&
yo+ 1a $+t to it3 a 1ee#*6 aid 0oe9 till deter(ined* on (y
a""o+nt* to "o(e at e.erythin) by de)ree-
6!ear 0oe* ha.e yo+ heard 1hat be"o(e o& her $ro$erty@6
67ell* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* 6it do a$$ear that he had ettled the
(ot o& it* 1hi"h I (eanteray tied it +$* on %i Etella- :+t he
had 1rote o+t a little "oddlehell in her o1n hand a day or t1o
a&ore the a""ident* a "ool &o+r tho+and to %r- %atthe1
Po"#et- And 1hy* do yo+ +$$oe* abo.e all thin)* Pi$* he le&t
that "ool &o+r tho+and +nto hi(@ ':e"a+e o& Pi$' a""o+nt o& hi(*
the aid %atthe1-' I a( told by :iddy* that air the 1ritin)*6 aid
0oe* re$eatin) the le)al t+rn a i& it did hi( in&inite )ood*
'a""o+nt o& hi( the aid %atthe1-' And a "ool &o+r tho+and* Pi$<6
I di"o.ered &ro( 1ho( 0oe deri.ed the "on.entional
te($erat+re o& the &o+r tho+and $o+nd9 b+t it a$$eared to (a#e
the +( o& (oney (ore to hi(* and he had a (ani&et relih in
initin) on it bein) "ool-
Thi a""o+nt )a.e (e )reat Aoy* a it $er&e"ted the only )ood thin)
I had done- I a#ed 0oe 1hether he had heard i& any o& the other
relation had any le)a"ie@
6%i Sarah*6 aid 0oe* 6he ha.e t1enty/&i.e $o+nd $eranni+( &+r
to b+y $ill* on a""o+nt o& bein) bilio+- %i Geor)iana* he ha.e
t1enty $o+nd do1n- %r-//1hat' the na(e o& the( 1ild beat 1ith
h+($* old "ha$@6
6Ca(el@6 aid I* 1onderin) 1hy he "o+ld $oibly 1ant to #no1-
0oe nodded- 6%r- Ca(el*6 by 1hi"h I $reently +ndertood he (eant
Ca(illa* 6he ha.e &i.e $o+nd &+r to b+y r+hli)ht to $+t her in
$irit 1hen he 1a#e +$ in the ni)ht-6
The a""+ra"y o& thee re"ital 1a +&&i"iently to (e* to
)i.e (e )reat "on&iden"e in 0oe' in&or(ation- 6And no1*6 aid 0oe*
6yo+ ain't that tron) yet* old "ha$* that yo+ "an ta#e in (ore nor
one additional ho.el&+l to/day- Old Orli"# he' been a
b+tin' o$en a d1ellin)/o+e-6
67hoe@6 aid I-
6Not* I )rant yo+* b+t 1hat hi (anner i )i.en to bl+tero+*6
aid 0oe* a$olo)eti"ally9 6till* a En)lih(an' o+e i hi
Catle* and "atle (+t not be b+ted '"e$t 1hen done in 1ar ti(e-
And 1ot+(e'er the &ailin) on hi $art* he 1ere a "orn and
eed(an in hi hart-6
6I it P+(ble"hoo#' ho+e that ha been bro#en into* then@6
6That' it* Pi$*6 aid 0oe9 6and they too# hi till* and they too#
hi "ah/bo,* and they drin#ed hi 1ine* and they $artoo# o& hi
1ittle* and they la$$ed hi &a"e* and they $+lled hi noe* and
they tied hi( +$ to hi bed$+t* and they )i.' hi( a do8en* and
they t+&&ed hi (o+th &+ll o& &lo1erin) ann+al to $re1ent hi
"ryin) o+t- :+t he #no1ed Orli"#* and Orli"#' in the "o+nty
:y thee a$$roa"he 1e arri.ed at +nretri"ted "on.eration- I 1a
lo1 to )ain tren)th* b+t I did lo1ly and +rely be"o(e le
1ea#* and 0oe tayed 1ith (e* and I &an"ied I 1a little Pi$ a)ain-
5or the tenderne o& 0oe 1a o bea+ti&+lly $ro$ortioned to (y
need* that I 1a li#e a "hild in hi hand- ;e 1o+ld it and tal#
to (e in the old "on&iden"e* and 1ith the old i($li"ity* and in
the old +naerti.e $rote"tin) 1ay* o that I 1o+ld hal& belie.e
that all (y li&e in"e the day o& the old #it"hen 1a one o& the
(ental tro+ble o& the & that 1a )one- ;e did e.erythin) &or
(e e,"e$t the ho+ehold 1or#* &or 1hi"h he had en)a)ed a .ery
de"ent 1o(an* a&ter $ayin) o&& the la+ndre on hi &irt
67hi"h I do a+re yo+* Pi$*6 he 1o+ld o&ten ay* in e,$lanation o&
that liberty9 6I &o+nd her a ta$$in) the $are bed* li#e a "a# o&
beer* and dra1in) o&& the &eather in a b+"#et* &or ale- 7hi"h he
1o+ld ha.e ta$$ed yo+rn ne,t* and dra1'd it o&& 1ith yo+ a layin)
on it* and 1a then a "arryin) a1ay the "oal )radi1ally in the
o+$/t+reen and 1e)etable/dihe* and the 1ine and $irit in yo+r
7ellin)ton boot-6
7e loo#ed &or1ard to the day 1hen I ho+ld )o o+t &or a ride* a 1e
had on"e loo#ed &or1ard to the day o& (y a$$renti"ehi$- And 1hen
the day "a(e* and an o$en "arria)e 1a )ot into the Cane* 0oe
1ra$$ed (e +$* too# (e in hi ar(* "arried (e do1n to it* and $+t
(e in* a i& I 1ere till the (all hel$le "reat+re to 1ho( he
had o ab+ndantly )i.en o& the 1ealth o& hi )reat nat+re-
And 0oe )ot in beide (e* and 1e dro.e a1ay to)ether into the
"o+ntry* 1here the ri"h +((er )ro1th 1a already on the tree and
on the )ra* and 1eet +((er "ent &illed all the air- The day
ha$$ened to be S+nday* and 1hen I loo#ed on the lo.eline aro+nd
(e* and tho+)ht ho1 it had )ro1n and "han)ed* and ho1 the little
1ild/&lo1er had been &or(in)* and the .oi"e o& the bird had been
tren)thenin)* by day and by ni)ht* +nder the +n and +nder the
tar* 1hile $oor I lay b+rnin) and toin) on (y bed* the (ere
re(e(bran"e o& b+rned and toed there "a(e li#e a "he"#
+$on (y $ea"e- :+t 1hen I heard the S+nday bell* and loo#ed
aro+nd a little (ore +$on the o+t$read bea+ty* I &elt that I 1a
not nearly than#&+l eno+)h*//that I 1a too 1ea# yet to be e.en
that*//and I laid (y head on 0oe' ho+lder* a I had laid it lon)
a)o 1hen he had ta#en (e to the 5air or 1here not* and it 1a too
(+"h &or (y yo+n) ene-
%ore "o($o+re "a(e to (e a&ter a 1hile* and 1e tal#ed a 1e +ed
to tal#* lyin) on the )ra at the old :attery- There 1a no "han)e in 0oe- E,a"tly 1hat he had been in (y eye then* he 1a
in (y eye till9 A+t a i($ly &aith&+l* and a i($ly ri)ht-
7hen 1e )ot ba"# a)ain* and he li&ted (e o+t* and "arried (e//o
eaily<//a"ro the "o+rt and +$ the tair* I tho+)ht o& that
e.ent&+l Chrit(a !ay 1hen he had "arried (e the (arhe- 7e
had not yet (ade any all+ion to (y "han)e o& &ort+ne* nor did I
#no1 ho1 (+"h o& (y late hitory he 1a a"4+ainted 1ith- I 1a o
do+bt&+l o& (yel& no1* and $+t o (+"h tr+t in hi(* that I "o+ld
not ati&y (yel& 1hether I o+)ht to re&er to it 1hen he did not-
6;a.e yo+ heard* 0oe*6 I a#ed hi( that e.enin)* +$on &+rther
"onideration* a he (o#ed hi $i$e at the 1indo1* 61ho (y $atron
6I heerd*6 ret+rned 0oe* 6a it 1ere not %i ;a.iha(* old "ha$-6
6!id yo+ hear 1ho it 1a* 0oe@6
67ell< I heerd a it 1ere a $eron 1hat ent the $eron 1hat
)i.' yo+ the ban#/note at the 0olly :ar)e(en* Pi$-6
6So it 1a-6
6Atonihin)<6 aid 0oe* in the $la"idet 1ay-
6!id yo+ hear that he 1a dead* 0oe@6 I $reently a#ed* 1ith
in"reain) di&&iden"e-
67hi"h@ ;i( a ent the ban#/note* Pi$@6
6I thin#*6 aid 0oe* a&ter (editatin) a lon) ti(e* and loo#in)
rather at the 1indo1/eat* 6a I did hear tell that ho1
he 1ere o(ethin) or another in a )eneral 1ay in that dire"tion-6
6!id yo+ hear anythin) o& hi "ir"+(tan"e* 0oe@6
6Not $arti"#ler* Pi$-6
6I& yo+ 1o+ld li#e to hear* 0oe//6 I 1a be)innin)* 1hen 0oe )ot +$
and "a(e to (y o&a-
6Coo#ee here* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* bendin) (e- the bet
o& &riend9 ain't +* Pi$@6
I 1a aha(ed to an1er hi(-
67ery )ood* then*6 aid 0oe* a i& I had an1ered9 6that' all
ri)ht9 that' a)reed +$on- Then 1hy )o into +bAe"t* old "ha$*
1hi"h a bet1i,t t1o e"h (+t be &or onne"eary@ There'
+bAe"t eno+)h a bet1i,t t1o e"h* 1itho+t onne"eary one-
Cord< To thin# o& yo+r $oor iter and her Ra($a)e< And don't yo+
re(e(ber Ti"#ler@6
6I do indeed* 0oe-6
6Coo#ee here* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe- 6I done 1hat I "o+ld to #ee$ yo+
and Ti"#ler in +nder* b+t (y $o1er 1ere not al1ay &+lly e4+al to
(y in"lination- 5or 1hen yo+r $oor iter had a (ind to dro$ into
yo+* it 1ere not o (+"h*6 aid 0oe* in hi &a.orite ar)+(entati.e
1ay* 6that he dro$$ed into (e too* i& I $+t (yel& in o$$oition
to her* b+t that he dro$$ed into yo+ al1ay hea.ier &or it- I
noti"ed that- It ain't a )rab at a (an' 1hi#er* not yet a ha#e
or t1o o& a (an 2to 1hi"h yo+r iter 1a 4+ite 1el"o(e3* that '+d
$+t a (an o&& &ro( )ettin) a little "hild o+t o& $+nih(ent- :+t
1hen that little "hild i dro$$ed into hea.ier &or that )rab o&
1hi#er or ha#in)* then that (an naterally +$ and ay to hi(el&*
'7here i the )ood a yo+ are a doin)@ I )rant yo+ I ee the 'ar(*'
ay the (an* 'b+t I don't ee the )ood- I "all +$on yo+* ir*
there&ore* to $int o+t the )ood-'6
6The (an ay@6 I ober.ed* a 0oe 1aited &or (e to $ea#-
6The (an ay*6 0oe aented- 6I he ri)ht* that (an@6
6!ear 0oe* he i al1ay ri)ht-6
67ell* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe* 6then abide by yo+r 1ord- I& he'
al1ay ri)ht 21hi"h in )eneral he' (ore li#ely 1ron)3* he' ri)ht
1hen he ay thiB S+$$oin) yo+ #e$ any little (atter to
yo+rel&* 1hen yo+ 1a a little "hild* yo+ #e$ it (otly be"a+e
yo+ #no1'd a 0- Gar)ery' $o1er to $art yo+ and Ti"#ler in
+nder 1ere not &+lly e4+al to hi in"lination- Theer&ore* thin#
no (ore o& it a bet1i,t t1o e"h* and do not let + $a re(ar#
+$on onne"eary +bAe"t- :iddy )i.' herel& a deal o' tro+ble
1ith (e a&ore I le&t 2&or I a( al(ot a1&+l d+ll3* a I ho+ld .ie1
it in thi li)ht* and* .ie1in) it in thi li)ht* a I ho+ld o $+t
it- :oth o& 1hi"h*6 aid 0oe* 4+ite "har(ed 1ith hi lo)i"al
arran)e(ent* 6bein) done* no1 thi to yo+ a tr+e &riend* ay-
Na(ely- ?o+ (+tn't )o a o.erdoin) on it* b+t yo+ (+t ha.e yo+r
+$$er and yo+r 1ine and 1ater* and yo+ (+t be $+t bet1i,t the
The deli"a"y 1ith 1hi"h 0oe di(ied thi the(e* and the 1eet
ta"t and #indne 1ith 1hi"h :iddy//1ho 1ith her 1o(an' 1it had
&o+nd (e o+t o oon//had $re$ared hi( &or it* (ade a dee$
i($reion on (y (ind- :+t 1hether 0oe #ne1 ho1 $oor I 1a* and ho1
(y )reat e,$e"tation had all diol.ed* li#e o+r o1n (arh (it
be&ore the +n* I "o+ld not +ndertand-
Another thin) in 0oe that I "o+ld not +ndertand 1hen it &irt
be)an to de.elo$ itel&* b+t 1hi"h I oon arri.ed at a orro1&+l
"o($rehenion o&* 1a thiB A I be"a(e tron)er and better* 0oe
be"a(e a little le eay 1ith (e- In (y 1ea#ne and entire
de$enden"e on hi(* the dear &ello1 had &allen into the old tone*
and "alled (e by the old na(e* the dear 6old Pi$* old "ha$*6 that
no1 1ere (+i" in (y ear- I too had &allen into the old 1ay* only
ha$$y and than#&+l that he let (e- :+t* i($er"e$tibly* tho+)h I
held by the( &at* 0oe' hold +$on the( be)an to la"#en9 and
1herea I 1ondered at thi* at &irt* I oon be)an to +ndertand
that the "a+e o& it 1a in (e* and that the &a+lt o& it 1a all
Ah< ;ad I )i.en 0oe no reaon to do+bt (y "ontan"y* and to thin#
that in $ro$erity I ho+ld )ro1 "old to hi( and "at hi( o&&@ ;ad
I )i.en 0oe' inno"ent heart no "a+e to &eel intin"ti.ely that a
I )ot tron)er* hi hold +$on (e 1o+ld be 1ea#er* and that he had
better looen it in ti(e and let (e )o* be&ore I $l+"#ed (yel&
It 1a on the third or &o+rth o""aion o& (y )oin) o+t 1al#in) in
the Te($le Garden leanin) on 0oe' ar(* that I a1 thi "han)e in
hi( .ery $lainly- 7e had been ittin) in the bri)ht 1ar( +nli)ht*
loo#in) at the* and I "han"ed to ay a 1e )ot +$*//
6See* 0oe< I "an 1al# 4+ite tron)ly- No1* yo+ hall ee (e 1al#
ba"# by (yel&-6
67hi"h do not o.erdo it* Pi$*6 aid 0oe9 6b+t I hall be ha$$y &+r
to ee yo+ able* ir-6
The lat 1ord )rated on (e9 b+t ho1 "o+ld I re(ontrate< I 1al#ed
no &+rther than the )ate o& the )arden* and then $retended to be
1ea#er than I 1a* and a#ed 0oe &or hi ar(- 0oe )a.e it (e* b+t
1a tho+)ht&+l-
I* &or (y $art* 1a tho+)ht&+l too9 &or* ho1 bet to "he"# thi
)ro1in) "han)e in 0oe 1a a )reat $er$le,ity to (y re(ore&+l
tho+)ht- That I 1a aha(ed to tell hi( e,a"tly ho1 I 1a $la"ed*
and 1hat I had "o(e do1n to* I do not ee# to "on"eal9 b+t I ho$e
(y rel+"tan"e 1a not 4+ite an +n1orthy one- ;e 1o+ld 1ant to hel$
(e o+t o& hi little* I #ne1* and I #ne1 that he o+)ht not
to hel$ (e* and that I (+t not +&&er hi( to do it-
It 1a a tho+)ht&+l e.enin) 1ith both o& +- :+t* be&ore 1e 1ent to
bed* I had reol.ed that I 1o+ld 1ait to/(orro1*//to/(orro1
bein) S+nday*//and 1o+ld be)in (y ne1 "o+re 1ith the ne1 1ee#- On
%onday (ornin) I 1o+ld $ea# to 0oe abo+t thi "han)e* I 1o+ld lay
aide thi lat .eti)e o& reer.e* I 1o+ld tell hi( 1hat I had in
(y tho+)ht 2that Se"ondly* not yet arri.ed at3* and 1hy I had not
de"ided to )o o+t to ;erbert* and then the "han)e 1o+ld be
"on4+ered &or A I "leared* 0oe "leared* and it ee(ed a
tho+)h he had y($atheti"ally arri.ed at a reol+tion too-
7e had a 4+iet day on the S+nday* and 1e rode o+t into the "o+ntry*
and then 1al#ed in the &ield-
6I &eel than#&+l that I ha.e been ill* 0oe*6 I aid-
6!ear old Pi$* old "ha$* yo+'re a'(ot "o(e ro+nd* ir-6
6It ha been a (e(orable ti(e &or (e* 0oe-6
6Ci#e1ay &or (yel&* ir*6 0oe ret+rned-
67e ha.e had a ti(e to)ether* 0oe* that I "an &or)et- There
1ere day on"e* I #no1* that I did &or a 1hile &or)et9 b+t I
hall &or)et thee-6
6Pi$*6 aid 0oe* a$$earin) a little h+rried and tro+bled* 6there
ha been lar#- And* dear ir* 1hat ha.e been bet1i,t +//ha.e
At ni)ht* 1hen I had )one to bed* 0oe "a(e into (y roo(* a he had
done all thro+)h (y re"o.ery- ;e a#ed (e i& I &elt +re that I 1a
a 1ell a in the (ornin)@
6?e* dear 0oe* 4+ite-6
6And are al1ay a )ettin) tron)er* old "ha$@6
6?e* dear 0oe* teadily-6
0oe $atted the "o.erlet on (y ho+lder 1ith hi )reat )ood hand*
and aid* in 1hat I tho+)ht a h+#y .oi"e* 6Good ni)ht<6
7hen I )ot +$ in the (ornin)* re&rehed and tron)er yet* I 1a
&+ll o& (y reol+tion to tell 0oe all* 1itho+t delay- I 1o+ld tell
hi( be&ore brea#&at- I 1o+ld dre at on"e and )o to hi roo( and
+r$rie hi(9 &or* it 1a the &irt day I had been +$ early- I 1ent
to hi roo(* and he 1a not there- Not only 1a he not there* b+t
hi bo, 1a )one-
I h+rried then to the brea#&at/table* and on it &o+nd a letter-
Thee 1ere it brie& "ontentB//
6Not 1ih&+l to intr+de I ha.e de$art+red &+r yo+ are 1ell a)ain
dear Pi$ and 1ill do better 1itho+t 0O-
6P-S- the bet o& &riend-6
En"loed in the letter 1a a re"ei$t &or the debt and "ot on
1hi"h I had been arreted- !o1n to that (o(ent* I had .ainly
+$$oed that (y "reditor had 1ithdra1n* or +$ended $ro"eedin)
+ntil I ho+ld be 4+ite re"o.ered- I had drea(ed o& 0oe' $aid the (oney9 b+t 0oe had $aid it* and the re"ei$t 1a in
hi na(e-
7hat re(ained &or (e no1* b+t to &ollo1 hi( to the dear old &or)e*
and there to ha.e o+t (y di"lo+re to hi(* and (y $enitent
re(ontran"e 1ith hi(* and there to relie.e (y (ind and heart o&
that reer.ed Se"ondly* 1hi"h had be)+n a a .a)+e o(ethin)
lin)erin) in (y tho+)ht* and had &or(ed into a ettled $+r$oe@
The $+r$oe 1a* that I 1o+ld )o to :iddy* that I 1o+ld ho1 her
ho1 h+(bled and re$entant I "a(e ba"#* that I 1o+ld tell her ho1 I
had lot all I on"e ho$ed &or* that I 1o+ld re(ind her o& o+r old
"on&iden"e in (y &irt +nha$$y ti(e- Then I 1o+ld ay to her*
6:iddy* I thin# yo+ on"e li#ed (e .ery 1ell* 1hen (y errant heart*
e.en 1hile it trayed a1ay &ro( yo+* 1a 4+ieter and better 1ith
yo+ than it ha been in"e- I& yo+ "an li#e (e only hal& a
1ell on"e (ore* i& yo+ "an ta#e (e 1ith all (y &a+lt and
dia$$oint(ent on (y head* i& yo+ "an re"ei.e (e li#e a &or)i.en
"hild 2and indeed I a( a orry* :iddy* and ha.e a (+"h need o& a
h+hin) .oi"e and a oothin) hand3* I ho$e I a( a little 1orthier
o& yo+ that I 1a*//not (+"h* b+t a little- And* :iddy* it hall
ret 1ith yo+ to ay 1hether I hall 1or# at the &or)e 1ith 0oe* or
1hether I hall try &or any di&&erent o""+$ation do1n in thi
"o+ntry* or 1hether 1e hall )o a1ay to a ditant $la"e 1here an
o$$ort+nity a1ait (e 1hi"h I et aide* 1hen it 1a o&&ered* +ntil
I #ne1 yo+r an1er- And no1* dear :iddy* i& yo+ "an tell (e that
yo+ 1ill )o thro+)h the 1orld 1ith (e* yo+ 1ill +rely (a#e it a
better 1orld &or (e* and (e a better (an &or it* and I 1ill try
hard to (a#e it a better 1orld &or yo+-6
S+"h 1a (y $+r$oe- A&ter three day (ore o& re"o.ery* I 1ent do1n
to the old $la"e to $+t it in e,e"+tion- And ho1 I $ed in it i
all I ha.e le&t to tell-
Cha$ter CEIII
The tidin) o& (y hi)h &ort+ne had a hea.y &all had )ot
do1n to (y nati.e $la"e and it nei)hborhood be&ore I )ot there-
I &o+nd the :l+e :oar in $oeion o& the intelli)en"e* and I
&o+nd that it (ade a )reat "han)e in the :oar' de(eano+r- 7herea
the :oar had "+lti.ated (y )ood o$inion 1ith 1ar( aid+ity 1hen I
1a "o(in) into $ro$erty* the :oar 1a e,"eedin)ly "ool on the
+bAe"t no1 that I 1a )oin) o+t o& $ro$erty-
It 1a e.enin) 1hen I arri.ed* (+"h &ati)+ed by the Ao+rney I had
o o&ten (ade o eaily- The :oar "o+ld not $+t (e into (y ++al
bedroo(* 1hi"h 1a en)a)ed 2$robably by o(e one 1ho had
e,$e"tation3* and "o+ld only ai)n (e a .ery indi&&erent "ha(ber
a(on) the $i)eon and $ot/"haie +$ the yard- :+t I had a o+nd
a lee$ in that lod)in) a in the (ot +$erior a""o((odation the
:oar "o+ld ha.e )i.en (e* and the 4+ality o& (y drea( 1a abo+t
the a(e a in the bet bedroo(-
Early in the (ornin)* 1hile (y brea#&at 1a )ettin) ready* I
trolled ro+nd by Sati ;o+e- There 1ere $rinted bill on the
)ate and on bit o& "ar$et han)in) o+t o& the 1indo1* anno+n"in)
a ale by a+"tion o& the ;o+ehold 5+rnit+re and E&&e"t* ne,t
1ee#- The ;o+e itel& 1a to be old a old b+ildin) (aterial* and
$+lled do1n- COT 1 1a (ar#ed in 1hite1ahed #no"#/#nee letter on
the bre1 ho+e9 COT G on that $art o& the (ain b+ildin) 1hi"h had
been o lon) h+t +$- Other lot 1ere (ar#ed o&& on other $art o&
the tr+"t+re* and the i.y had been torn do1n to (a#e roo( &or the
in"ri$tion* and (+"h o& it trailed lo1 in the d+t and 1a
1ithered already- Ste$$in) in &or a (o(ent at the o$en )ate* and
loo#in) aro+nd (e 1ith the +n"o(&ortable air o& a tran)er 1ho had
no b+ine there* I a1 the a+"tioneer' "ler# 1al#in) on the
"a# and tellin) the( o&& &or the in&or(ation o& a "atalo)+e/
"o($iler* $en in hand* 1ho (ade a te($orary de# o& the 1heeled
"hair I had o o&ten $+hed alon) to the t+ne o& Old Cle(-
7hen I )ot ba"# to (y brea#&at in the :oar' "o&&ee/roo(* I &o+nd
%r- P+(ble"hoo# "on.erin) 1ith the landlord- %r- P+(ble"hoo# 2not
i($ro.ed in a$$earan"e by hi late no"t+rnal ad.ent+re3 1a 1aitin)
&or (e* and addreed (e in the &ollo1in) ter(B//
6?o+n) (an* I a( orry to ee yo+ bro+)ht lo1- :+t 1hat ele "o+ld
be e,$e"ted< 1hat ele "o+ld be e,$e"ted<6
A he e,tended hi hand 1ith a (a)ni&i"ently &or) air* and a
I 1a bro#en by illne and +n&it to 4+arrel* I too# it-
67illia(*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo# to the 1aiter* 6$+t a (+&&in on
table- And ha it "o(e to thi< ;a it "o(e to thi<6
I &ro1nin)ly at do1n to (y brea#&at- %r- P+(ble"hoo# tood (e
and $o+red o+t (y tea//be&ore I "o+ld to+"h the tea$ot//1ith the
air o& a bene&a"tor 1ho 1a reol.ed to be tr+e to the lat-
67illia(*6 aid %r- P+(ble"hoo#* (o+rn&+lly* 6$+t the alt on- In
ha$$ier ti(e*6 addrein) (e* 6I thin# yo+ too# +)ar@ And did yo+
ta#e (il#@ ?o+ did- S+)ar and (il#- 7illia(* brin) a 1ater"re-6
6Than# yo+*6 aid I* hortly* 6b+t I don't eat 1ater"ree-6
6?o+ don't eat 'e(*6 ret+rned %r- P+(ble"hoo#* i)hin) and noddin)
hi head e.eral ti(e* a i& he (i)ht ha.e e,$e"ted that* and a
i& abtinen"e &ro( 1ater"ree 1ere "onitent 1ith (y do1n&all-
6Tr+e- The i($le &r+it o& the earth- No- ?o+ needn't brin) any*
I 1ent on 1ith (y brea#&at* and %r- P+(ble"hoo# "ontin+ed to tand (e* tarin) &ihily and breathin) noiily* a he al1ay did-
6Cittle (ore than #in and bone<6 (+ed %r- P+(ble"hoo#* alo+d- 6And
yet 1hen he 1ent &ro( here 2I (ay ay 1ith (y blein)3* and I
$read a&ore hi( (y h+(ble tore* li#e the :ee* he 1a a $l+($ a
a Pea"h<6
Thi re(inded (e o& the 1onder&+l di&&eren"e bet1een the er.ile
(anner in 1hi"h he had o&&ered hi hand in (y ne1 $ro$erity*
ayin)* 6%ay I@6 and the otentatio+ "le(en"y 1ith 1hi"h he had
A+t no1 e,hibited the a(e &at &i.e &in)er-
6;ah<6 he 1ent on* handin) (e the bread and b+tter- 6And air yo+
a )oin) to 0oe$h@6
6In hea.en' na(e*6 aid I* &irin) in $ite o& (yel&* 61hat doe
it (atter to yo+ 1here I a( )oin)@ Cea.e that tea$ot alone-6
It 1a the 1ort "o+re I "o+ld ha.e ta#en* be"a+e it )a.e
P+(ble"hoo# the o$$ort+nity he 1anted-
6?e* yo+n) (an*6 aid he* releain) the handle o& the arti"le in
4+etion* retirin) a te$ or t1o &ro( (y table* and $ea#in) &or
the behoo& o& the landlord and 1aiter at the door* 6I 1ill lea.e
that tea$ot alone- ?o+ are ri)ht* yo+n) (an- 5or on"e yo+ are
ri)ht- I &or)it (yel& 1hen I ta#e +"h an interet in yo+r
brea#&at* a to 1ih yo+r &ra(e* e,ha+ted by the debilitatin)
e&&e"t o& $rodi)y)ality* to be ti(ilated by the 'oleo(e
no+rih(ent o& yo+r &ore&ather- And yet*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#*
t+rnin) to the landlord and 1aiter* and $ointin) (e o+t at ar('
len)th* 6thi i hi( a I $orted 1ith in hi day o& ha$$y
in&an"y< Tell (e not it "annot be9 I tell yo+ thi i hi(<6
A lo1 (+r(+r &ro( the t1o re$lied- The 1aiter a$$eared to be
$arti"+larly a&&e"ted-
6Thi i hi(*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#* 6a I ha.e rode in (y hay/"art-
Thi i hi( a I ha.e een bro+)ht +$ by hand- Thi i hi( +ntoe
the iter o& 1hi"h I 1a +n"le by (arria)e* a her na(e 1a
Geor)iana %'ria &ro( her o1n (other* let hi( deny it i& he "an<6
The 1aiter ee(ed ""ed that I "o+ld not deny it* and that it
)a.e the "ae a bla"# loo#-
6?o+n) (an*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#* "re1in) hi head at (e in the old
&ahion* 6yo+ air a )oin) to 0oe$h- 7hat doe it (atter to (e* yo+
a# (e* 1here yo+ air a )oin)@ I ay to yo+* Sir* yo+ air a )oin)
to 0oe$h-6
The 1aiter "o+)hed* a i& he (odetly in.ited (e to )et that-
6No1*6 aid P+(ble"hoo#* and all thi 1ith a (ot e,a$eratin) air
o& ayin) in the "a+e o& .irt+e 1hat 1a $er&e"tly ""in) and
"on"l+i.e* 6I 1ill tell yo+ 1hat to ay to 0oe$h- ;ere i S4+ire
o& the :oar $reent* #no1n and re$e"ted in thi to1n* and here i
7illia(* 1hi"h hi &ather' na(e 1a Pot#in i& I do not de"ei.e
6?o+ do not* ir*6 aid 7illia(-
6In their $reen"e*6 $+r+ed P+(ble"hoo#* 6I 1ill tell yo+* yo+n)
(an* 1hat to ay to 0oe$h- Say yo+* 60oe$h* I ha.e thi day een
(y earliet bene&a"tor and the &o+nder o& (y &ort+n'- I 1ill na(e
no na(e* 0oe$h* b+t o they are $leaed to "all hi( +$ to1n* and
I ha.e een that (an-6
6I 1ear I don't ee hi( here*6 aid I-
6Say that li#e1ie*6 retorted P+(ble"hoo#- 6Say yo+ aid that* and
e.en 0oe$h 1ill $robably betray +r$rie-6
6There yo+ 4+ite (ita#e hi(*6 aid I- 6I #no1 better-6
6Say yo+*6 P+(ble"hoo# 1ent on* 6'0oe$h* I ha.e een that (an* and
that (an bear yo+ no (ali"e and bear (e no (ali"e- ;e #no1 yo+r
"hara"ter* 0oe$h* and i 1ell a"4+ainted 1ith yo+r $i)/headedne
and i)noran"e9 and he #no1 (y "hara"ter* 0oe$h* and he #no1 (y
1ant o& )ratitoode- ?e* 0oe$h*' ay yo+*6 here P+(ble"hoo# hoo#
hi head and hand at (e* 6'he #no1 (y total de&i"ien"y o& "o((on
h+(an )ratitoode- ;e #no1 it* 0oe$h* a none "an- ?o+ do not #no1
it* 0oe$h* no "all to #no1 it* b+t that (an do-'6
7indy don#ey a he 1a* it really a(a8ed (e that he "o+ld ha.e the
&a"e to tal# th+ to (ine-
6Say yo+* '0oe$h* he )a.e (e a little (ea)e* 1hi"h I 1ill no1
re$eat- It 1a that* in (y bein) bro+)ht lo1* he a1 the &in)er o&
Pro.iden"e- ;e #no1ed that &in)er 1hen he a1 0oe$h* and he
a1 it $lain- It $inted o+t thi 1ritin)* 0oe$h- Re1ard o&
in)ratitoode to hi earliet bene&a"tor* and &o+nder o& &ort+n'-
:+t that (an aid he did not re$ent o& 1hat he had done* 0oe$h-
Not at all- It 1a ri)ht to do it* it 1a #ind to do it* it 1a
bene.olent to do it* and he 1o+ld do it a)ain-'6
6It' $ity*6 aid I* "orn&+lly* a I &inihed (y interr+$ted
brea#&at* 6that the (an did not ay 1hat he had done and 1o+ld do
6S4+ire o& the :oar<6 P+(ble"hoo# 1a no1 addrein) the landlord*
6and 7illia(< I ha.e no obAe"tion to yo+r (entionin)* either
+$ to1n or do1n to1n* i& +"h ho+ld be yo+r 1ihe* that it 1a
ri)ht to do it* #ind to do it* bene.olent to do it* and that I
1o+ld do it a)ain-6
7ith thoe 1ord the I($otor hoo# the( both by the hand* 1ith an
air* and le&t the ho+e9 (e (+"h (ore atonihed than
deli)hted by the .irt+e o& that a(e inde&inite 6it-6 6I 1a not
lon) a&ter hi( in the ho+e too* and 1hen I 1ent do1n the
;i)h Street I a1 hi( holdin) &orth 2no do+bt to the a(e e&&e"t3
at hi ho$ door to a ele"t )ro+$* 1ho honored (e 1ith .ery
+n&a.orable )lan"e a I $aed on the o$$oite ide o& the 1ay-
:+t* it 1a only the $leaanter to t+rn to :iddy and to 0oe* 1hoe
)reat &orbearan"e hone (ore bri)htly than be&ore* i& that "o+ld
be* "ontrated 1ith thi bra8en $retender- I 1ent to1ard the(
lo1ly* &or (y li(b 1ere 1ea#* b+t 1ith a ene o& in"reain)
relie& a I dre1 nearer to the(* and a ene o& arro)an"e
and +ntr+th&+lne &+rther and &+rther behind-
The 0+ne 1eather 1a deli"io+- The #y 1a bl+e* the lar# 1ere
oarin) hi)h the )reen "orn* I tho+)ht all that "o+ntryide
(ore bea+ti&+l and $ea"e&+l by &ar than I had #no1n it to be
yet- %any $leaant $i"t+re o& the li&e that I 1o+ld lead there*
and o& the "han)e &or the better that 1o+ld "o(e (y "hara"ter
1hen I had a )+idin) $irit at (y ide 1hoe i($le &aith and "lear
ho(e 1ido( I had $ro.ed* be)+iled (y 1ay- They a1a#ened a tender
e(otion in (e9 &or (y heart 1a o&tened by (y ret+rn* and +"h a
"han)e had "o(e to $a* that I &elt li#e one 1ho 1a toilin) ho(e
bare&oot &ro( ditant tra.el* and 1hoe 1anderin) had lated (any
The "hoolho+e 1here :iddy 1a (itre I had een9 b+t*
the little ro+ndabo+t lane by 1hi"h I entered the .illa)e* &or
4+ietne' a#e* too# (e $at it- I 1a dia$$ointed to &ind that
the day 1a a holiday9 no "hildren 1ere there* and :iddy' ho+e
1a "loed- So(e ho$e&+l notion o& eein) her* b+ily en)a)ed in her
daily d+tie* be&ore he a1 (e* had been in (y (ind and 1a
:+t the &or)e 1a a .ery hort ditan"e o&&* and I 1ent to1ard it
+nder the 1eet )reen li(e* litenin) &or the "lin# o& 0oe'
ha((er- Con) a&ter I o+)ht to ha.e heard it* and lon) a&ter I had
&an"ied I heard it and &o+nd it b+t a &an"y* all 1a till- The
li(e 1ere there* and the 1hite thorn 1ere there* and the
"hetn+t/tree 1ere there* and their lea.e r+tled har(onio+ly
1hen I to$$ed to liten9 b+t* the "lin# o& 0oe' ha((er 1a not in
the (id+((er 1ind-
Al(ot &earin)* 1itho+t #no1in) 1hy* to "o(e in .ie1 o& the &or)e*
I a1 it at lat* and a1 that it 1a "loed- No )lea( o& &ire* no
)litterin) ho1er o& $ar#* no roar o& bello19 all h+t +$* and
:+t the ho+e 1a not deerted* and the bet $arlor ee(ed to be
in +e* &or there 1ere 1hite "+rtain &l+tterin) in it 1indo1* and
the 1indo1 1a o$en and )ay 1ith &lo1er- I 1ent o&tly to1ard it*
(eanin) to $ee$ the &lo1er* 1hen 0oe and :iddy tood be&ore
(e* ar( in ar(-
At &irt :iddy )a.e a "ry* a i& he tho+)ht it 1a (y a$$arition*
b+t in another (o(ent he 1a in (y e(bra"e- I 1e$t to ee her* and
he 1e$t to ee (e9 I* be"a+e he loo#ed o &reh and $leaant9
he* be"a+e I loo#ed o 1orn and 1hite-
6:+t dear :iddy* ho1 (art yo+ are<6
6?e* dear Pi$-6
6And 0oe* ho1 (art yo+ are<6
6?e* dear old Pi$* old "ha$-6
I loo#ed at both o& the(* &ro( one to the other* and then//
6It' (y 1eddin)/day<6 "ried :iddy* in a b+rt o& ha$$ine* 6and I
a( (arried to 0oe<6
They had ta#en (e into the #it"hen* and I had laid (y head do1n on
the old deal table- :iddy held one o& (y hand to her li$* and
0oe' retorin) to+"h 1a on (y ho+lder- 67hi"h he 1arn't tron)
eno+)h* (y dear* &+r to be +r$ried*6 aid 0oe- And :iddy aid* 6I
o+)ht to ha.e tho+)ht o& it* dear 0oe* b+t I 1a too ha$$y-6 They
1ere both o o.erAoyed to ee (e* o $ro+d to ee (e* o to+"hed by
(y "o(in) to the(* o deli)hted that I ho+ld ha.e "o(e by a""ident
to (a#e their day "o($lete<
%y &irt tho+)ht 1a one o& )reat than#&+lne that I had
breathed thi lat ba&&led ho$e to 0oe- ;o1 o&ten* 1hile he 1a
1ith (e in (y illne* had it rien to (y li$< ;o1 irre.o"able
1o+ld ha.e been hi #no1led)e o& it* i& he had re(ained 1ith (e b+t
another ho+r<
6!ear :iddy*6 aid I* 6yo+ ha.e the bet h+band in the 1hole
1orld* and i& yo+ "o+ld ha.e een hi( by (y bed yo+ 1o+ld ha.e//
:+t no* yo+ "o+ldn't lo.e hi( better than yo+ do-6
6No* I "o+ldn't indeed*6 aid :iddy-
6And* dear 0oe* yo+ ha.e the bet 1i&e in the 1hole 1orld* and he
1ill (a#e yo+ a ha$$y a e.en yo+ deer.e to be* yo+ dear* )ood*
noble 0oe<6
0oe loo#ed at (e 1ith a 4+i.erin) li$* and &airly $+t hi lee.e
be&ore hi eye-
6And 0oe and :iddy both* a yo+ ha.e been to "h+r"h to/day* and are
in "harity and lo.e 1ith all (an#ind* re"ei.e (y h+(ble than# &or
all yo+ ha.e done &or (e* and all I ha.e o ill re$aid< And 1hen I
ay that I a( )oin) a1ay 1ithin the ho+r* &or I a( oon )oin)
abroad* and that I hall ret +ntil I ha.e 1or#ed &or the
(oney 1ith 1hi"h yo+ ha.e #e$t (e o+t o& $rion* and ha.e ent it
to yo+* don't thin#* dear 0oe and :iddy* that i& I "o+ld re$ay it a
tho+and ti(e* I +$$oe I "o+ld "an"el a &arthin) o& the
debt I o1e yo+* or that I 1o+ld do o i& I "o+ld<6
They 1ere both (elted by thee 1ord* and both entreated (e to ay
no (ore-
6:+t I (+t ay (ore- !ear 0oe* I ho$e yo+ 1ill ha.e "hildren to
lo.e* and that o(e little &ello1 1ill it in thi "hi(ney/"orner
o& a 1inter ni)ht* 1ho (ay re(ind yo+ o& another little &ello1 )one
o+t o& it &or !on't tell hi(* 0oe* that I 1a than#le9
don't tell hi(* :iddy* that I 1a +n)enero+ and +nA+t9 only tell
hi( that I honored yo+ both* be"a+e yo+ 1ere both o )ood and
tr+e* and that* a yo+r "hild* I aid it 1o+ld be nat+ral to hi( to
)ro1 +$ a (+"h better (an than I did-6
6I ain't a )oin)*6 aid 0oe* &ro( behind hi lee.e* 6to tell hi(
nothin# o' that nat+r* Pi$- Nor :iddy ain't- Nor yet no one ain't-6
6And no1* tho+)h I #no1 yo+ ha.e already done it in yo+r o1n #ind
heart* $ray tell (e* both* that yo+ &or)i.e (e< Pray let (e hear
yo+ ay the 1ord* that I (ay "arry the o+nd o& the( a1ay 1ith (e*
and then I hall be able to belie.e that yo+ "an tr+t (e* and
thin# better o& (e* in the ti(e to "o(e<6
6O dear old Pi$* old "ha$*6 aid 0oe- 6God #no1 a I &or)i.e yo+*
i& I ha.e anythin# to &or)i.e<6
6A(en< And God #no1 I do<6 e"hoed :iddy-
No1 let (e )o +$ and loo# at (y old little roo(* and ret there a &e1
(in+te by (yel&- And then* 1hen I ha.e eaten and dr+n# 1ith yo+*
)o 1ith (e a &ar a the &in)er/$ot* dear 0oe and :iddy* be&ore 1e
ay )ood by<6
I old all I had* and $+t aide a (+"h a I "o+ld* &or a
"o($oition 1ith (y "reditor*//1ho )a.e (e a($le ti(e to $ay the(
in &+ll*//and I 1ent o+t and Aoined ;erbert- 7ithin a (onth* I had
4+itted En)land* and 1ithin t1o (onth I 1a "ler# to Clarri#er and
Co-* and 1ithin &o+r (onth I a+(ed (y &irt +ndi.ided
re$onibility- 5or the bea( a"ro the $arlor "eilin) at %ill
Pond :an# had then "eaed to tre(ble +nder old :ill :arley'
)ro1l and 1a at $ea"e* and ;erbert had )one a1ay to (arry Clara*
and I 1a le&t in ole "har)e o& the Eatern :ran"h +ntil he
bro+)ht her ba"#-
%any a year 1ent ro+nd be&ore I 1a a $artner in the ;o+e9 b+t
I li.ed ha$$ily 1ith ;erbert and hi 1i&e* and li.ed &r+)ally* and
$aid (y debt* and (aintained a "ontant "orre$onden"e 1ith :iddy
and 0oe- It 1a not +ntil I be"a(e third in the 5ir(* that
Clarri#er betrayed (e to ;erbert9 b+t he then de"lared that the
e"ret o& ;erbert' $artnerhi$ had been lon) eno+)h +$on hi
"on"ien"e* and he (+t tell it- So he told it* and ;erbert 1a a
(+"h (o.ed a a(a8ed* and the dear &ello1 and I 1ere not the 1ore
&riend &or the lon) "on"eal(ent- I (+t not lea.e it to be
+$$oed that 1e 1ere a )reat ;o+e* or that 1e (ade (int o&
(oney- 7e 1ere not in a )rand 1ay o& b+ine* b+t 1e had a )ood
na(e* and 1or#ed &or o+r $ro&it* and did .ery 1ell- 7e o1ed o
(+"h to ;erbert' "heer&+l ind+try and readine* that I
o&ten 1ondered ho1 I had "on"ei.ed that old idea o& hi ina$tit+de*
+ntil I 1a one day enli)htened by the re&le"tion* that $erha$ the
ina$tit+de had been in hi( at all* b+t had been in (e-
Cha$ter CIX
5or ele.en year* I had not een 0oe nor :iddy 1ith (y bodily
Eye*//tho+)h they had both been o&ten be&ore (y &an"y in the
Eat*//1hen* +$on an e.enin) in !e"e(ber* an ho+r or t1o a&ter dar#*
I laid (y hand o&tly on the lat"h o& the old #it"hen door- I
to+"hed it o o&tly that I 1a not heard* and loo#ed in +neen-
There* (o#in) hi $i$e in the old $la"e by the #it"hen &ireli)ht*
a hale and a tron) a* tho+)h a little )ray* at 0oe9 and
there* &en"ed into the "orner 1ith 0oe' le)* and ittin) on (y o1n
little tool loo#in) at the &ire* 1a//I a)ain<
67e )i.' hi( the na(e o& Pi$ &or yo+r a#e* dear old "ha$*6 aid
0oe* deli)hted* 1hen I too# another tool by the "hild' ide 2b+t I
did not r+($le hi hair3* 6and 1e ho$ed he (i)ht )ro1 a little bit
li#e yo+* and 1e thin# he do-6
I tho+)ht o too* and I too# hi( o+t &or a 1al# ne,t (ornin)* and
1e tal#ed i((enely* +ndertandin) one another to $er&e"tion- And I
too# hi( do1n to the "h+r"hyard* and et hi( on a "ertain to(btone
there* and he ho1ed (e &ro( that ele.ation 1hi"h tone 1a a"red
to the (e(ory o& Phili$ Pirri$* late o& thi Parih* and Alo
Geor)iana* 7i&e o& the Abo.e-
6:iddy*6 aid I* 1hen I tal#ed 1ith her a&ter dinner* a her little
)irl lay lee$in) in her la$* 6yo+ (+t )i.e Pi$ to (e one o&
thee day9 or lend hi(* at all e.ent-6
6No* no*6 aid :iddy* )ently- 6?o+ (+t (arry-6
6So ;erbert and Clara ay* b+t I don't thin# I hall* :iddy- I ha.e
o ettled do1n in their ho(e* that it' not at all li#ely- I a(
already 4+ite an old ba"helor-6
:iddy loo#ed do1n at her "hild* and $+t it little hand to her
li$* and then $+t the )ood (atronly hand 1ith 1hi"h he had
to+"hed it into (ine- There 1a o(ethin) in the a"tion* and in the
li)ht $re+re o& :iddy' 1eddin)/rin)* that had a .ery $retty
elo4+en"e in it-
6!ear Pi$*6 aid :iddy* 6yo+ are +re yo+ don't &ret &or her@6
6O no*//I thin# not* :iddy-6
6Tell (e a an old* old &riend- ;a.e yo+ 4+ite &or)otten her@
6%y dear :iddy* I ha.e &or)otten nothin) in (y li&e that had a
&ore(ot $la"e there* and little that had any $la"e there- :+t
that $oor drea(* a I on"e +ed to "all it* ha all )one by* :iddy*//
all )one by<6
Ne.erthele* I #ne1* 1hile I aid thoe 1ord* that I e"retly
intended to re.iit the ite o& the old ho+e that e.enin)* alone*
&or her a#e- ?e* e.en o- 5or Etella' a#e-
I had heard o& her a leadin) a (ot +nha$$y li&e* and a bein)
e$arated &ro( her h+band* 1ho had +ed her 1ith )reat "r+elty*
and 1ho had be"o(e 4+ite reno1ned a a "o($o+nd o& $ride* a.ari"e*
br+tality* and (eanne- And I had heard o& the death o& her
h+band* &ro( an a""ident "one4+ent on hi ill/treat(ent o& a
hore- Thi releae had be&allen her o(e t1o year be&ore9 &or
anythin) I #ne1* he 1a (arried a)ain-
The early dinner ho+r at 0oe'* le&t (e ab+ndan"e o& ti(e* 1itho+t
h+rryin) (y tal# 1ith :iddy* to 1al# to the old $ot be&ore
dar#- :+t* 1hat 1ith loiterin) on the 1ay to loo# at old obAe"t
and to thin# o& old ti(e* the day had 4+ite de"lined 1hen I "a(e
to the $la"e-
There 1a no ho+e no1* no bre1ery* no b+ildin) le&t* b+t
the 1all o& the old )arden- The "leared $a"e had been en"loed
1ith a ro+)h &en"e* and loo#in) it* I a1 that o(e o& the
old i.y had tr+"# root ane1* and 1a )ro1in) )reen on lo1 4+iet
(o+nd o& r+in- A )ate in the &en"e tandin) aAar* I $+hed it
o$en* and 1ent in-
A "old il.ery (it had .eiled the a&ternoon* and the (oon 1a not
yet +$ to "atter it- :+t* the tar 1ere hinin) beyond the (it*
and the (oon 1a "o(in)* and the e.enin) 1a not dar#- I "o+ld
tra"e o+t 1here e.ery $art o& the old ho+e had been* and 1here the
bre1ery had been* and 1here the )ate* and 1here the "a#- I had
done o* and 1a loo#in) alon) the deolate )arden 1al#* 1hen I
beheld a olitary &i)+re in it-
The &i)+re ho1ed itel& a1are o& (e* a I"ed- It had been
( to1ard (e* b+t it tood till- A I dre1 nearer* I a1 it
to be the &i)+re o& a 1o(an- A I dre1 nearer yet* it 1a abo+t to
t+rn a1ay* 1hen it to$$ed* and let (e "o(e +$ 1ith it- Then* it
&altered* a i& (+"h +r$ried* and +ttered (y na(e* and I "ried
6I a( )reatly "han)ed- I 1onder yo+ #no1 (e-6
The &rehne o& her bea+ty 1a indeed )one* b+t it inde"ribable
(aAety and it inde"ribable "har( re(ained- Thoe attra"tion in
it* I had een be&ore9 1hat I had een be&ore* 1a the
addened* o&tened li)ht o& the on"e $ro+d eye9 1hat I had
&elt be&ore 1a the &riendly to+"h o& the on"e inenible hand-
7e at do1n on a ben"h that 1a near* and I aid* 6A&ter o (any
year* it i tran)e that 1e ho+ld th+ (eet a)ain* Etella* here
1here o+r &irt (eetin) 1a< !o yo+ o&ten "o(e ba"#@6
6I ha.e been here in"e-6
6Nor I-6
The (oon be)an to rie* and I tho+)ht o& the $la"id loo# at the
1hite "eilin)* 1hi"h had $aed a1ay- The (oon be)an to rie* and I
tho+)ht o& the $re+re on (y hand 1hen I had $o#en the lat 1ord
he had heard on earth-
Etella 1a the ne,t to brea# the ilen"e that en+ed bet1een +-
6I ha.e .ery o&ten ho$ed and intended to "o(e ba"#* b+t ha.e been
$re.ented by (any "ir"+(tan"e- Poor* $oor old $la"e<6
The il.ery (it 1a to+"hed 1ith the &irt ray o& the (oonli)ht*
and the a(e ray to+"hed the tear that dro$$ed &ro( her eye- Not
#no1in) that I a1 the(* and ettin) herel& to )et the better o&
the(* he aid 4+ietly*//
67ere yo+ 1onderin)* a yo+ 1al#ed alon)* ho1 it "a(e to be le&t in
thi "ondition@6
6?e* Etella-6
6The )ro+nd belon) to (e- It i the only $oeion I ha.e not
relin4+ihed- E.erythin) ele ha )one &ro( (e* little by little*
b+t I ha.e #e$t thi- It 1a the +bAe"t o& the only deter(ined
reitan"e I (ade in all the 1ret"hed year-6
6I it to be b+ilt on@6
6At lat* it i- I "a(e here to ta#e lea.e o& it be&ore it "han)e-
And yo+*6 he aid* in a .oi"e o& to+"hin) interet to a 1anderer*//
6yo+ li.e abroad till@6
6And do 1ell* I a( +re@6
6I 1or# $retty hard &or a +&&i"ient* and there&ore//ye* I
do 1ell-6
6I ha.e o&ten tho+)ht o& yo+*6 aid Etella-
6;a.e yo+@6
6O& late* .ery o&ten- There 1a a lon) hard ti(e 1hen I #e$t &ar
&ro( (e the re(e(bran"e o& 1hat I had thro1n a1ay 1hen I 1a
4+ite i)norant o& it 1orth- :+t in"e (y d+ty ha not been
in"o($atible 1ith the ad(iion o& that re(e(bran"e* I ha.e )i.en
it a $la"e in (y heart-6
6?o+ ha.e al1ay held yo+r $la"e in (y heart*6 I an1ered-
And 1e 1ere ilent a)ain +ntil he $o#e-
6I little tho+)ht*6 aid Etella* 6that I ho+ld ta#e lea.e o& yo+
in ta#in) lea.e o& thi $ot- I a( .ery )lad to do o-6
6Glad to $art a)ain* Etella@ To (e* $artin) i a $ain&+l thin)- To
(e* the re(e(bran"e o& o+r lat $artin) ha been (o+rn&+l and
6:+t yo+ aid to (e*6 ret+rned Etella* .ery earnetly* 'God ble
yo+* God &or)i.e yo+<' And i& yo+ "o+ld ay that to (e then* yo+
1ill not heitate to ay that to (e no1*//no1* 1hen +&&erin) ha
been tron)er than all other tea"hin)* and ha ta+)ht (e to
+ndertand 1hat yo+r heart +ed to be- I ha.e been bent and bro#en*
b+t//I ho$e//into a better ha$e- :e a "oniderate and )ood to
(e a yo+ 1ere* and tell (e 1e are &riend-6
67e are &riend*6 aid I* riin) and bendin) her* a he roe
&ro( the ben"h-
6And 1ill "ontin+e &riend a$art*6 aid Etella-
I too# her hand in (ine* and 1e 1ent o+t o& the r+ined $la"e9 and*
a the (ornin) (it had rien lon) a)o 1hen I &irt le&t the
&or)e* o the e.enin) (it 1ere riin) no1* and in all the broad
e,$ane o& tran4+il li)ht they ho1ed to (e* I a1 no hado1 o&
another $artin) &ro( her-
End o& ProAe"t G+tenber) Ete,t o& Great E,$e"tation* by Charle !i"#en

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