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Roger Simon

Austin, TX
The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX
Master of Science, Information Stuies, !"A #.$% August &'%(
)ocus* +a, +i-raries . Archival Stuies
The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX
/.0. ,ith honors, !"A #.1$ May %223
4e, 5or6 University 4e, 5or6, 45
M.A. in 7inema Stuies May %2$8
Rice University 9ouston, TX
:.A. in Art 9istory . Math Science May %2$(
Tarlton Law Library, the University of Teas at A!stin Austin, TX
Intern (Capstone Project)
U;ating the li-rary<s Silver !avel A,ars ,e-site &'%( =summer>
U;ating the li-rary<s 0ata-ase ,e-;age
?x;erience in reference an circulation
A!stin "istory Center Austin, TX
"rocessing of collections /une &'%#@ /uly &'%(
7reating an encoing of fining ais
4ame &'%#@&'%( Aolunteer of the 5ear
Teas #esleyan University $%hool of Law )ort Borth, TX
Legal Writing Professor &''&@&'%&
Taught legal ,riting, research, an analysis
0evelo;e legal memorana, trial -riefs, an a;;ellate -riefs as
,riting assignments
0evelo;e research assignments
0evelo;e citation exams
$e%on& Co!rt of A''eals )ort Borth, TX
Law Clerk &''( . &''$
Assiste Custices in rafting o;inions
Unite& $tates Distri%t Co!rt, Northern Distri%t of Teas )ort Borth, TX
Law Clerk &''#
Assiste feeral magistrate Cuge in rafting o;inions
Teas Co!rt of Cri(inal A''eals Austin, TX
Staff Attorney & riefing Attorney %22$@&''&
Assiste Cuges in rafting o;inions
A''li%ations* Microsoft Bor, Microsoft ?xcel, Microsoft "o,er;oint
Ar%hivin** ?ncoe Archival 0escri;tion =?A0>
X+L A!thorin* $oftware* ?itiX, oXygen, . 4oteTa-
E&itin* an& Proofrea&in** ?itor anDor ;roofreaer for multi;le ;u-lications, incluing the
!arrant County ar ulletin =&''3@&'%&>

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