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The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment

By George Leonard ; Plume, 1992


The modern world continuously of excellence and a deeper
bombards people with sense of satisfaction and
promises of immediate fulfillment in their daily lives
fulfillment, instant success, and through the process of mastery.
fast-temporary relief. However, By drawing on his knowledge of
success and fulfillment in life is Zen and his expertise in Aikido,
not to be found in the quick, he outlines a guide to help you
fast-temporary relief, and master anything and become
bottom-line mentality that successful in all areas of your
prevail in society today. It is to life. The practical wisdom found
be found in the long-term, in this book will be of immediate
essentially goalless process of use to those seeking to improve
mastery. This is what best- their career, their relationships,
selling author George Leonard their self-esteem, or to those
shares in this book. who simply yearns for harmony
In Mastery, he shows how
people can attain a higher level read the summary


– Why Resolutions Fail and What to
– The Big Idea Do About It (Dealing with Change and
– The Master's Journey Homeostasis)
– The Three Personality Types that – Mastery and Energy
are Obstacles to Mastery
– The Five Essential Keys to Mastery

Published by, 3001-91, 11010 NW 30th St., Suite 104, Miami, Florida 33172 © 2007 All rights reserved.
No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior notice
The Master's Journey The Three Personality Types that
Mastery isn't so much a goal or a destination. It is are Obstacles to Mastery
more of a process, a journey if you will. There are
different paths to it, but they all lead in the same Not everyone is patient or resolute enough to
general direction. endure the long and arduous path to mastery.
Some people often seek out other paths paths
In addition, mastery isn't just reserved for those that offer them quick and easy pay-offs. In most
talented or gifted individuals, or for those who had cases, the paths that they choose correspond to
an early start. Rather, mastery is for anyone willing their personality types. See if you can find yourself
to embark on this journey and to keep at it. in one of them.

Mastery begins every time you decide to learn a

new skill. This achieves a special poignancy in the The Dabbler
field of sports where mind, body, and spirit come The dabbler is the type of person who starts each
together in graceful and purposeful movements. activity, sport, relationship, or career opportunity
with lots of enthusiasm. He delights so much in the
rituals involved in getting started, in the spiffy
equipment, in the learning of a new lingo, and the
The Mastery Curve shine of newness.
Learning occurs in stages. When you learn a new
skill, you will experience brief spurts of progress, Nevertheless, the dabbler is the kind of person
each of which is followed by a slight fall to a plateau who gets discouraged easily and whose
that is somewhat higher than that which preceded it. enthusiasm quickly vanishes. The dabbler is more
There's really no way around this, so just accept it closely comparable to Carl Jung's concept of the
as it is. “eternal kid” than to being an adventurer or a
connoisseur of novelty. Though the world and the
Those relative brief upward surges are by no means people around him may change, he just stays the
the only time when anything significant or exciting same.
happens. As you gradually hone your skills and
attain a new level of competence, you must not stop
with your practice. You also have to be willing to The Obsessive
spend most of your time on a plateau, and to keep The obsessive is a bottom-line type of person and
on practicing even when you seem to be getting does not settle for anything but the best. All this
nowhere. person cares about are results, and he doesn't
care how to get them as long as he gets them
quick and fast.

Typically, the obsessive starts out strong and are

quite persistent to the point of stubbornness.
ABOUT THE BOOK: Moreover, he pushes himself mercilessly and
would usually turn a deaf ear to pleas of
moderation from friends or concerned individuals.
In whatever they do, the obsessive manages to
make brief spurts of upward progress, which are
often followed by sharp declines.

Author: George Leonard Unlike the dabbler, the obsessive lives for the
Publisher: Plume upward surge, the swelling background music,
Date of Publication: 2002 and the trip to the stars in a relationship.
ISBN : 0 452 26756 0
Relationships are like rollercoaster rides to this
No. of Pages: 176 pages
guy, with stormy separations and steamy
reconciliations. If the relationship eventually fails,

Mastery by George Leonard 2 of 7

both parties get hurt a lot from the experience, it will tell you the ancestry of his art as well as help
with little or no growth or learning to show for it. you gain an insight into that person's character.

Nonetheless, do not go by credentials alone. A

The Hacker first-rate instructor is one who is humble and is
The hacker is an altogether different person able to work enthusiastically and effectively with
from the dabbler and the obsessive. He is the beginners or slow learners and advanced or
type who would be alright staying at the plateau talented students alike. The essence of an
indefinitely after getting the hang out of things. instructor's art lie not so much in his ability to make
He doesn't mind skipping stages essential to advanced or talented students become better at
self-development as long as he can hang out what they do, but in serving as a guide to
with fellow hackers. He does enough just to get beginners and to those who are neither as fast nor
him by and he doesn't really do his job well, all talented as others on the path to mastery.
the while wondering why he keeps getting
passed over for promotions. Knowledge, expertise, technical skill, and
credentials are important indeed; however, these
Additionally, the hacker looks at marriage or merits are quite meaningless without the patience
relationships as a sort of comfortable refuge and empathy that goes with teaching beginners.
from life's uncertainties. He would settle for the For in helping beginners learn a new skill or art is
traditional, static monogamy than one wherein to penetrate not only the core of that skill or art but
both partners get the opportunity to learn and also the process of mastery itself.
grow. This traditional arrangement sometimes
works well enough, but not all the time. When If you can, attend one session first and observe
one partner starts improving and getting better how the teacher interacts with his students. Does
and the other does not, the relationship he instruct with praise or admonition? Does he
eventually breaks up. spend more time with advanced or talented
students than with beginners and slow learners?

Key 2: Practice
The Five Essential Keys to Practice will make you good at anything you do. It
Mastery is best conceived not as something that you do,
but as something that you are. For one who is on
Man is essentially a learning animal. However, the path of mastery, practice is the path upon
learning a new skill to which he is not which you travel. It is the path of mastery itself. It is
genetically predisposed to develop requires comparable to the Chinese word “tao” and the
certain doors to be opened. This is the case Japanese word “do,” both of which mean ”road or
with mastery. path” literally. At the heart of it, mastery is practice,
and mastery is staying on the path despite the
many ups and downs that you'll encounter along
Key 1: Instruction the way.
To become a master yourself, you need to get a
first-rate instruction. There's nothing better A practice can be anything you perform on a
than to be in the hands of a master teacher and regular basis as an integral part of your life. It may
to learn from him on a one-to-one basis or in a be a sport, a career, or even a seemingly simple
small group. activity such as gardening. But a practice is not
merely a way to make a living, or a collection of
But how do you ascertain a master teacher clients or patients. It is more than that. You
from one who is not? Look at his credentials practice not so much to gain rewards in life, but
and lineage. In so doing, you will get to know you practice for practice's own sake. For a master,
who his teacher was, and his teacher's teacher the rewards gained along the way are fine, but
before that and so on. This is very important for they are not the main reason for his journey. And

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ultimately, the master and the master's path will lose perspective. As a result, you become more of a
become one. disciple than a student. Remember, there are no
experts on the path of mastery, only learners, and
A master goes along with the rhetoric of winning, learning is a process that does not end.
but secretly yearns for those games that are
filled with delicious twists and turns, great plays,
close calls, and magical finishes regardless of Key 4: Intentionality
who wins or loses. Furthermore, a master Intentionality is essential in the master's journey. It
devotes himself to a particular art or skill not to is what makes the creation of an idea and
get better at it, but because he just loves to transforming that idea into reality possible. In
practice. And because of this, they definitely particular, intentionality involves envisioning the
tend to get better. Oddly enough, the more they outcome in your mind and doing your best to make
get better, the more they enjoy performing even it happen. This transformation is sort of what the
the basic moves of their art over and over again. process of mastery is all about.
As an old martial arts proverb says: “The master
is the one who stays on the mat five minutes Psychologists in the field of sports know
longer everyday than anybody else.” intentionality more familiarly as the mental game
willpower, attitude, or imaging. Moreover, every
winning athlete and notable sports figures know of
Key 3: Surrender this, for they have experienced firsthand the effect
Surrendering means submitting yourself to your of the mind in upping their performance.
teacher and to the demands of your discipline
willingly. The path of mastery demands nothing Every master is a master of vision, that is, they are
less of you. In addition, surrendering also means quite skillful in making use of the power of their
that you give up your hard-won proficiency in minds in helping them achieve their goals. More
order for you to reach a higher or different level of

Whenever you learn a new skill, it is unavoidable

for you to look clumsy and foolish. However, this ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
is quite natural. A certain degree of indignity is
always involved in any kind of significant George Leonard is an
learning. There is simply no way around it. A aikido black belt and
beginner who stands rigid and defiant will only d e v e l o p e r o f a
end up not learning anything at all. psychophysical system
called Leonard Energy
Training. Former senior
Likewise, a beginner who does not persevere
editor of Look Magazine, he
and endure the drudgery and the endless is currently a consulting
repetitions involved in mastering any skill or art editor to Esquire. He is also
has little chance of success. Even so, there is a a past-president of the
big difference between mindless and mindful Association for Humanistic Psychology and author of
repetition. For one, there is much satisfaction to numerous books including Education and Ecstasy,
be gained from doing repetitions mindfully. The Silent Pulse, The Ultimate Athlete, The
Surprisingly, you will discover an endless stream Transformation, and Walking on the Edge of the
of subtle variations on already familiar themes. World.

George Leonard has spent much of his life seeking to

Nevertheless, surrendering does not mean that master the ancient and demanding martial art of
you give up your own physical or moral center or aikido, in which flaws are magnified and the quick fix
just passively accepting your teacher's is impossible. He soon learned that mastery is a
teachings. You must maintain a balance journey, and that the master must have the courage to
between yourself and your teacher. If you risk failure.
become too close to your teacher, you tend to

Mastery by George Leonard 4 of 7

often than not, the effectiveness of a technique challenge lies in staying on it. Also, there will be
depends largely on the vividness of their image of times when you will revert to your old ways. This is
themselves executing that particular technique. In really unavoidable. Everyone experiences some
aikido for instance, many aikido-ka will testify that the sort of resistance to change, even if the change is
imaged technique is considerably more effective for their own good or benefit. This resistance to
than a technique done through brute force alone. change, this tendency toward a state of
equilibrium or the existing state of affairs, is called
Key 5: The Edge
Masters are, without a doubt, people dedicated to the You can see homeostasis at work in all self-
fundamentals of their art. They are zealots of practice regulating systems, from a bacterium to an
and connoisseurs of the incremental step, yet they individual to an organization. It applies to
are also people who defy limits, take risks for the sake psychological states and behaviors as well as to
of improving their skills further, and even become physical functioning. It works to keep things as
obsessive at times in their pursuit of higher they are. This is actually good if the changes that
performance. are happening will not really benefit the individual
or group.
This human desire for self-transcendence of going
further and beyond what everyone else have done This only becomes a problem when preserving
before is natural. It is part of what makes you human. the status quo is not anymore beneficial to the
For these people, the admonitions of critics about any individual or to the group. Remember,
attendant dangers in what they are doing are already homeostasis resists all changes. It does not
moot; instead, they just push their minds and bodies distinguish between good changes or bad
to the limits and continuously press on the edges of changes.
what others have deemed as possible.
However, change is inevitable. It is the only thing
However, “playing the edge” is a balancing act of that we could be certain of. The impact of change
sorts. You need to be aware of those instances when becomes more pronounced as you begin to
you are pushing yourself beyond your limits. embark on the path of mastery. To help you on
Ironically though, it is within this same awareness your journey, take note of the following five
that you also deliberately decide to challenge those guidelines.
limits and commit yourself to attaining the
1. Be aware of the way homeostasis
This may seem a foolhardy endeavor for some; works.
others may see it as a heroic struggle against Expect resistance and backlash. When the alarm
mediocrity. Perhaps the one is more correct than the bells start ringing, it does not necessarily mean
other, or perhaps both are correct in their that you have made a bad decision, or that you are
assessment. Nonetheless, masters have this foolish, going the wrong way. In fact, you can take these
yet heroic desire to go beyond the possible and do signals as indications that your life is definitely
the impossible. Despite all that, you should have changing. However, do not disregard these
many years of instruction, practice, surrender, and warning completely. It might also mean that you
intentionality before you should attempt playing with have started something that is not right for you. In
the edge. any case, only you can decide. Just don't panic or
give up at the first sign of trouble.

2. Be willing to negotiate with your

Why Resolutions Fail and What to Do resistance to change.
About It (Dealing with Change and If you do run into resistance, negotiation is the
Homeostasis) best way to deal with it. You should not back off,
nor should you bull your way through it. Use
It's easy to get on the path of mastery. The real resistance as your best possible guide toward

Mastery by George Leonard 5 of 7

performance. If need be, take one step back for
every two steps forward, sometimes vice-versa. You 1. Maintain physical fitness.
should also stay alert as you plod your way forward. People who feel good about themselves and who
Simply pushing your way through without giving are in touch with nature and their own bodies are
heed to those warning signals only increase the more likely to use their energy for the good of the
chances of backsliding. world and its people.

3. Develop a support system. 2. Acknowledge the negative, but

It helps to have other people whom you can share accentuate the positive.
the joys and perils of the change you are making. Try Acknowledging the negative things in your life
to involve people who have undergone or are going mean that you are facing up to the truth and
through a similar experience as you right now. They moving on. Denial only inhibits energy, while
are the best kinds of people who can brace you up realistic acknowledgment of the truth releases it.
when you start backsliding or encourage you to go Numerous studies show that people with a
on when you feel like giving up. positive outlook on life suffers less from sickness.
What's more, these people have more energy.

4. Follow a regular practice.

Applying the principles of mastery to your profession 3. Try telling the truth.
or to your life will become much easier if you have Lies and secrets are poisons to any organization.
been practicing some worthwhile activity on a more When people are truthful to their fellows, mistakes
or less regular basis. Any regular practice regimen are minimized and productivity intensifies.
will provide you with a sort of stable base on which
you can gain stability and comfort in times of
4. Honor, but don't indulge your dark side.
There are times when expressing your anger is
the right thing to do. There will also be times when
5. Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. you can put that fervid energy to good use. For
To learn is to change, and since learning does not instance, you can channel that energy in
really end, so does change. The lifelong learner is accomplishing a project that you are working on.
one who has learned to deal with homeostasis.

5. Set your priorities.

With the endless possibilities that society offers
Mastery and Energy today, it is not surprising that some become
You may have learned from high school physics that riddled with indecisions of all sorts. The problem
kinetic energy is measured in terms of motion. The with indecision is that it often leads to inaction,
same thing is true of human energy. If people were which may result in low energy, depression, and
machines, they would be the kind that would more despair. Thus, you need to set priorities and focus
likely wear out from lack of use instead of overuse. your energy on one goal at a time. Priorities may
change, but by making a conscious effort to clarify
Humans gain energy from using energy. More often your goal, you won't get lost ever again.
than not, the best remedy for physical weariness is
thirty minutes of aerobic exercise. Similarly, mental
and spiritual lethargy can often be cured by taking 6. Make commitments and take action.
decisive action. The master's journey is ultimately goalless.
However, there are interim goals along the way
The following guidelines will help you get started: that you should take care of. For instance, when
you have something important to do, then you

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should do it posthaste. More importantly, make
sure that you keep on moving and that you have
spent enough time planning your moves.

7. Get on the path of mastery and stay on it.

There's nothing like embarking on the path of
mastery to lead you to an energetic life. When you
take the path of mastery, you will learn to put things
in perspective. You will also learn to keep the flow of
energy going. Remember, people whose energies
are flowing freely don't need to take drugs or go to
extremes just to feel alive.

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