Inward Outward

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Format for Inward Register:

In Bound procedure
To ensure all in coming materials are accounted and reflected in books of accounts.
In bound categorize the following types:

 In Bound from the Factory

 In Bound from ports
 In Bound from Vendors
 In Bound from Stock Transfer notes from other location of ware house
 In Bound from site/return from sales/customers (Reverse Logistics)

Documental References:

From Factory: Modvat/Cenvat Invoice, ( in triplicate ) packing slip, Delivery Note,

Counter Foil of Road Permits if any, Lorry receipt/air way bill/courier Docket

From ports : Customs Import Invoice, shipping clearance Bills, Loading Slip, Packing
slip, Mate’s Reports, Lorry Receipt

From Vendors: Modvat/Cenvat Invoice, Delivery Challan

From Other ware houses: (Internal Stock transfer Note)

Stock transfer Note, packing Slip, Road Permit counter foil if any, Lorry Receipt//air way
bill/courier Docket.

Check list for Documents:

Invoice No and Date o
Cenvat Invoice o
Consignee Name and Address o
Pan No, Tin No o
Quantity of Materials o
Description of Material o
Purchase Order Reference o
Seal and Sign of Authorized signatory o
Lorry receipt/dispatch docket o
Packing slip if any o
Photo of material with vehicle no. y/n
Escort mobile no and name

Inwards procedure flow chart:-

Out Bound procedure:

For all Ware houses


To ensure all out bounds are recorded and accounted in the books of accounts.


Ware House Manager


Out Bound categorize the following Types:

 Sales to Customer

 Non commercial dispatch/site dispatches

 Purchase Returns

 Non Returnable gate pass

 Returnable Gate pass

 Rejection to suppliers

 Stock Transfer Notes to other ware house

Document references for Out-Bound

Sales to Customer: Invoice, Delivery Chalan, packing slip, pick slip, Road Permit if any for
other state. Lorry Receipt/Courier Docket, Airway bill

Site Dispatches: Delivery Chalan, Packing Slip, .Lorry Receipt/Courier Docket, Airway bill

Purchase Return: Invoice, Delivery Chalan, QC Rejection Memo, .Lorry Receipt/Courier

Docket, Airway bill

Non Returnable gate pass: Non returnable Gate pass, delivery Chalan, Lorry
Receipt/Courier Docket, Airway bill

Returnable Gate Pass: Gate Pass, Authorization, Delivery Chalan, Lorry Receipt/Courier
Docket, Airway bill,

Stock Transfer Notes: STNs, Delivery Chalan, Packing Slip, Pick Slip, Lorry
Receipt/Courier Docket, Airway bill

Check List for Out Bound:

Invoice No and Date y/n

Cenvat Invoice y/n
Consignee Name and Address y/n
Pan No, Tin No y/n
Quantity of Materials y/n
Description of Material y/n
Rejection order/ indent y/n
Seal and Sign of Authorized signatory y/n
Lorry receipt/dispatch docket y/n
Packing slip if any y/n
Instructions y/n

Outbound Process (Issue Procedure) Flow chart

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