System Changeover Four Possible Approaches

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Implementing the New System

The implementation of the new system occurs when the old system is replaced by the
new one. This is the process of putting the new system into physical operation.
There are four ways of implementing a new system..
Four Possible Approaches for System Changeover
System Changeover -: As name suggest it is the process of changing the old
information system. System changeover is the process of putting the new
information system online and retiring the old system. The four system
changeover approaches description, advantages, disadvantages and the
implications of using each of these approaches at Health Centres to change from
the existing manual system to the new CHS are as follows Strategies for
implementing new systems:
!hen a new CT system has been tested thoroughly by the programmers then it is
ready is be implemented into the wor"ing environment# replacing the original system.
There are four strategies that can be used to do this: direct$ phased$ pilot or parallel
Direct Changeover Technique
n simple words direct cutover approach is a direct approach where old system
is cut and over write by new system. The direct cutover approach causes the
changeover from the old system to the new system to occur immediately when
the new system becomes operational.
This is a least expensive method among all four but involves high risk of data
loss. !ith the direct cutover method# company cannot revert to the old system
as a bac"up option.
%irect cutover involves more ris"s of total system failure and if there is a
system failure in health centre then it will be difficult to store information of
child who visits health centre and this will result in improper storage of data.
&ut as there is lac" of funds# this approach will be a possible option because of
its low cost application among all four approaches.
Direct implementation:
!ith this strategy# the changeover is done in one operation# completely replacing the
old system in one go. This usually ta"es place on a set date# often after a brea" in
production or a holiday period so that time can be used to get the hardware and
software for the new system installed without causing too much disruption.
o The most rapid of all the strategies# provided it wor"s(
o )ess ris" of confusion between old and new systems.
o *ost stressful for the users - the old system has gone so there is no
going bac" if they have difficulties.
o *ost difficult to train staff on as the new system was not in place to
learn on before the change over.
o *ost stressful for the developers - all the data and files from the old
system will have to be converted ready for use on the new one.
o *ost ris"y - if the new system does not wor" properly then there is
nothing to fall bac" on.
Parallel Changeover Technique
+arallel word is use when two things run simultaneously# so here two
operations run simultaneously. The parallel operation changeover method
re,uires that both the old and the new information systems operate fully for a
specified period. !hen users# management# and the T group are satisfied that
the new system operates correctly# the old system is terminate.
+arallel operation is having very low amount of risk as if the new system does
not wor" correctly# the company can use the old system as a backup. &ut it is
the most costly changeover method. %ata have to be input in both systems.
-sers must wor" in both system and result in increased workload and
processing delays.
&ecause of its high cost it would not be a suitable approach for health centre
even though it.s the safest approach as it is having bac" up.
Parallel running implementation:
!ith this strategy# the old and the new system are both used alongside each other#
both being able to operate independently. f all goes well# the old system is stopped
and new system carries on as the only system.
o f there are initial problems with the new system then the old one can
still be used.
o &oth systems can easily be compared.
o 0asy to train staff by letting them learn new s"ills on the parallel
o 0asy to evaluate because the new and old systems are both running.
o 0xpensive - both systems are being run as fully operating versions so
both are doing the same 1ob. This may mean duplication of staff and
o Some ris" - there is a greater chance of confusion or errors if the two
different systems are being run side-by-side.
Pilot Changeover Technique
The pilot operation changeover method involves implementing the complete
new system at a selected location of the company. The group that uses the new
system first is called the pilot site. The old system continues to operate for the
entire organi2ation including the pilot site. After the system proves successful
at the pilot site# it is implemented in the rest of the organi2ation# usually using
direct cutover method. +ilot operation is combination of parallel operation and
direct cutover methods.
+ilot site assure the wor"ing of new system and reduces the risk of system
failure. This is also less expensive than the parallel operation as only at one
section both system wor"s for limited period.
This is less expensive and safer approach as its combination of both direct
cutover and parallel operation. t will save money of health centre and also
"eep their data safe with smooth wor"ing.
Pilot implementation:
!ith this strategy# the new system replaces the old one in one operation but only on a
small scale. 3or example it might be tried out in one branch of the company or in one
location. f successful then the pilot is extended until it eventually replaces the old
system completely.
o 0asy to control# the pilot can be halted at any time.
o 0asy to evaluate because the new and old systems are both running.
o )ow ris"# if a small-scale pilot fails then not too much has been lost.
o 0asy to train staff by letting them learn new s"ills on the pilot system.
o t can be slow to get a pilot to completely replace the old system.
o A pilot may not show up problems that a full-scale implementation
would. This is because a system can wor" well as a small-scale pilot
but has difficulties when it is scaled up to a full operating system with
more realistic volumes of data to be processed.
Phased Changeover Technique
+hased operation wor"s in different phases or stages. mplementation of new
system in modules or stages is phased operation. This is also a combination of
direct cutover and parallel similar to pilot operation. &ut in this approach the
entire system is provided to some users instead a part of system to all users.
n phase operation the ris" of errors or failures is limited to the implemented
module only and also phased operation is less expensive than the full parallel
operation. &ut in some cases# phased operation can cost more than a pilot
approach where the system involves a large number of separate phases.
Health centre involves various phases such as registration# measuring weight#
treatment# vaccination# diagnosis and more. &ecause of the involvement of so
many phases it would be difficult and costly to apply phased operation
Phased implementation:
!ith this strategy# the new brought in in stages 5phases6. f each phase is successful
then the next phase is started# eventually leading to the final phase when the new
system fully replaces the old one.
o 7ery structured# each phase can be fully evaluated before moving onto
the next one.
o )ower ris"# a well planned and controlled introduction of the new
o 0asy to train staff by letting them learn new s"ills on each phase as it is
o Slower than direct implementation.
o Although each phase is easy to evaluate# you have to wait until all the
phases are complete before you can evaluate the whole change over.
3rom the above discussion about all four possible approaches# it is very clear that data
cutover and parallel operation approach alone is not suitable for the CHS because of
drawbac"s li"e high ris" or high cost but the combination of both approaches namely
pilot operation and phased operation approaches is more fruitful.
Still phased operation is not most suitable approach as we "now there are lot of
phases involve in our information system and also lac" of fund is there. So conclusion
is pilot operation is the most recommended approach for the CHS because this
method is cheaper and safer method. Any one of the health centre can implement the
new system and after the system proves successful# it will be used by other health
centres by using direct cutover. n this way it will be implemented under budget and
also there will be low ris" of system failure.


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