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People is mammal who born with happiness and unhappiness, and it

is also the same animal .But one thing is different from animal ; men

born with a lot of obligation in our life, and it uses a lot time to do it; more

over it look like to measure dimension of wire never stopping .Upon to

now ,there are obligations such as leaning, earning to living ,sociality…etc

.One thing which I very wonder is men good at do strange thing and use

all of the thing that they have to combine together in order to make game

for fun in their live or for use everyday .People get their creativities

,working everyday, or getting from natural to make treatise or book

because they want other people in their time or people next generation

follow and respect what they make .In addition, we can give other reason

because of they are men born before other men ,so they know what is

right or wrong so youth people should follow them can make happiness

and avoid from dangerous thing .What thing that people in old

generation make note to youth people know about them?.Claver ancestor,

they make one kind of wring which use by hand to make something that

they want us to know. There are a lot of kinds writing to make note or

explain about situation from one generation to generation such as write

on the stones, on books, or on SLEK TRA SLEK RITH. All of those kinds of

writing will become good documents for youth people in the further;

writing of all each alphabets are depend on creative countries which get

their imagination during they make all alphabets and spend long time to

make it become system for using in public .If it has one system, it`s easy

for people to read, make relationship, and know about meaning, so it cans

instate of speaking. Also it helps people to give or get advice to people

who learn about letter in one system and can understand about meaning

of writer .Romance country is also the same other countries because they

make system for language to describe and explain about situations that

happen in their country or other .In ancient, Romance was a big country ,

big land, and a lot population in this country; beside this, In order to made

easy for people in Romance , they invented system of Romance language

and got all letter used when they needed. From generation to other,

Romance language always changed extent of using letter and people used

it. Research about Latin can make us know about process of Latin such as

in ancient Latin, present, using Latin, kind or types of Latin, and also user

of Latin in world. A lot of advantages for using Latin can help people to

make their life better in social because they know reasons in different

ways to make people understand clear anything in this world by read any

books of Romance .Many famous scholar also learn about Latin too even

in past or present because books of Latin have any concept of

philosophers in other place combine together write as Latin.

1- Language in Romance ancient

In ancient, Romance, which was a strong country and had big land,

was very good at languages, controlling country, and having good policy.

When they made in first time, they taught all people who lived Romance

knew using of letter such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening;

therefore, all people can transfer news from place to other place. Youth

and old Romance people started to learn Romance alphabets sine before

Christ, and later on people started to learn by them selves. Population in

this country had own languages, so they called their language “LATIN”;

moreover, not for Romance people spoke Latin, other country also spoke

Latin too, because neighbors country near there and other wanted to

make relationship and did business with strong country. Beside this, some

country did not have language to spoke and system for language; as a

consequence, when they spoke for long time, it became their nation

language. Most of people who spoke Latin were soldiers, slaves, displaced

people, and forced resettles. During the time of empire, people spoke

Vulgar Latin, and for writing they used Classical Latin, but Vulgar Latin is

language which is difficult to study and translate it. For falling empire in

15 century, Latin speaking world was fragment in to several independents

state, so all the independents states still spoke Latin.

(http//simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance languages)

2- Speaking Latin in present

Now, most of Indo European language families speak Romance

language like Portuguese, French, Spanish, and other. The generation

always changes, so all country change their sound different from before

but the same meaning, because they get root from Latin. The dialects of

spoken Vulgar Latin diverged in different part of their country; hence, all

of their speaking becoming different languages. This is a sad thing for

Romance that used to have power for every thing and higher than other

countries but becoming low .Romance in their ancient, if they see that

action in present, they will fell so sad and regret strongly. It is a thing to

feel pity for Romance country which used to have respect toward them

but now not. It look like the same person who is richest , have a lot of

thing in their life, and a lot of people respect but become falling down

,so other not respect again.

3- Type of Latin and rate of people speak Latin

Romance languages have many names such as “Romanic language,

Latin language, NeLatin language, or Neo-Latin languages” We can classify

Romance languages in to two parts. The first part is CLASSICAL LATIN, and

the second part is VULGAR LATIN. For VUGAR LATIN, there are many

things in it like: Continental Romance, Sardinian languages, Italo-Western

Romance, Eastern Romance, Western Romance, Ibero-Romance, Gallo

Romance, Occitano Romance, Proto Italian, Balkan Romance, Dalmatian,

Proto Romance, Dalmatian, Proto Romanian, Dalmatian, Albanian words,

Portuguese, Spanish, French, Occitan ,Catalan, Romanian, Aromain. This a

rate of country to use Latin: Spanish (Hispanoshpere) 47% (2nd),

Portuguese (Lusosphere) 26% (6th), French (Francophonie) 11% (11th)

,Italian 9% (18th) ,Romanian 4% (34th) ,Catalan (Catalan countries) 1%

(93rd) ,other 2%.(http//simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance languages)

4- Using Latin

In present, they use Latin for informal contact and use for view

different linguistic such as economic, administrative, military liability,

philosophy, and some time use in formal writing too. In English, there are

many words come from Latin; moreover, they created word or combine

word from with Romance to become new word or we can call innovations

and inventions or diffusion. For example, root: “bio” meaning is life; for

example: biology, biometric, biome, biospheres. Furthermore other

example, root “audi” means hear; for example: audible and astrology.

Root”dic or dict “means to speak example: dictionary, dictator.

Root:”vid or vis” meaning is to see examples: video, vision, televisions.

Root”sed, sess, sid” means sit example: sediment, session, possesses,

preside, president, reside, and subside. For developing Latin language,

they also create grammar, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun,

suffixes, prefixes, tense, voice, people, pronunciations, voice and voice.

We can notice Latin by listen sound of CI, CH, DD, DJ, GH, GL, GLI, GN,


TSCH, and TX. For this sound we can notice but for disadvantage is it

use depend on countries or different countries.

5- Cambodia use Latin

We can see some number in Cambodia that are not original

language but we use it instates of small number or just create style to

make our writing to become better or perfect for writer. Moreover, we use

Romance number in some formal because almost 100 years, Cambodia

lived under French, so almost old people can speak and write in French

language until now. We use everyday for writing number like: I, II, III, IV,

V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XX, XXX….etc. This number use very often in

writing, but some time we use it in informal ; furthermore , we use

alphabets for write name as second language such as A , B, C, D, E, F,

G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y,Z. For example:

DOEUN SREY RATH, or DOEUN RITH RATHA…etc. We can see name as

Latin language in curriculum vitae of application form for working or

application form in school. Moreover , school boys or girls who study in

grade 7 to 12 learn about history of different country .One of lesson also

learn about Romance country, but they just know about historical of

Romance like king ,policy, and some situation in this country.

Unfortunately, they don`t know what Latin use for ; however, they use

number , some Latin alphabet ,and call Latin word every day in

Mathematics, Biology, name of medicine and other ….etc.

6- Advantages of Latin

Writing of Latin is letter to difficult to understand or know clear

about meaning, but if we can know or have concept of it, we will see a lot

of idea in books which write in Latin books. We will feel like stay in small

world because the idea in books come from many words from philosopher

even it is one word ,but we can use it a lot of case and right or reasonable

for thousand years . Philosophers or scholars in different place write

books as Latin, they get their knowledge, reasons, and ideology put in one

place or thing to make people know about the thing that they meet

everyday ,it also help them when they can not solve problem by them

selves .Some time , just only one phrase in book that people see , it

solves big problem that they spend a lot years can not and become bigger

and bigger .Writer as philosophers write with words that give advice to

people who read book for happy not for read that do not know about

meaning of it. Scholars get their letter and languages to become creativity

for develop people in their time and in the further; it is so lucky for people

who are population in Romance because it is giant treasure for them and

later generation .For saving Romance language, before they write by hand

but now because of high technology they can spend less time for keeping

books by copy books from machine. For people who have books in their

hand look like they carry demands too but depend on person “How can

they polish gems to make it have value!”

7- Famous person like scholar also learning or speaking


A lot of people which known about the problem, and they give some

words to solve bad situation in social or make people happy by listen for

their speech , so they call them “scholar”. Special thing for scholar is they

are very claver for explore something in the world and can give

information or good reasonable to people .All of them are proud for their

discovering because they can give strange thing from other and can also

help human live in social. Also, scholar in Romance and other people who

study Romance language too can give a lot of definition to make value to

human. Marcus Aurelius, who was born in 121-180, was adopted son of

the Emperor Pius. He becomes emperor of Roman almost 20 years and he

was very work heard to control his country. He also learnt about Latin too

in ancient, so it means people who study lots about Latin and read book

Latin can become good thinker. For example, He gave one word to the

world “the happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thought”

(PHILIP STOKES, Philosophy 100 Essential Thinker, and China: first

American publishes in 2003, page 39) ; it shows many meaning in life if

we want to have happiness should think about what`s good of your

though?.If their heart have peace and think what you can do in present or

further, we can do it very happy by do not stress on it. Other person is Mr.

St Augustine of Hippo was religious scholar and philosopher in North

Africa. He studied many countries like Carthage, Rome, and Milan before

he return to his country. He lived different country, but he wanted to know

about philosophy in Rome too, so it can show what attraction of Latin is

not except famous religious in other country. Latin has good idea, as a

result, many people really want to know concept of Romance. For

achievement in his life, he travelled many country and give one phrase of

religion and philosophy combine together “Rational thought is the servant

of faith: unless thou believe thou shalt not understand” and He compared

many country in different ways to be sure it true or not. (PHILIP STOKES,

Philosophy 100 Essential Thinker, China: first American publish in 2003,

page 44)

In deed, even Romance is up and down , but Latin is Romance

languages still having important for people like to read books and It can

show a lot of ideas and using languages. Latin have many advantages like

showing about concept, relation, and some idea from philosophy to attract

people and also scholar in ancient or present .Even thought time is long,

Romance is still part of speaking for world; not for their nation languages

but they still use it can not stop .Some time we use Latin that we do not

know what language is! Some thing that I wonder and also admire to Latin

is they can make their languages to world even they don`t know or just

know a small part from word that use every day include Cambodia is a

small country which have a lot of alphabets and have own nation

languages use not all yet but still get alphabet, number, and word to use

it. Claver people like scholars still know of Latin in books; even though, it

is old fashion but good meaning. It is also interesting for Cambodian, that

have own language in country, should promote their alphabets become

correct and batter than now because they use many words are wrong in

writing and speaking. The good way for Khmer should strict for system

language and make newer book of system language for present but base

on dictionary of CHOUN NATE.

Doeun sreyrath puc


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