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Since discovery of the genetic code housed in DNA in the late 1950's by Drs. Watson and Crick,
we have come to understand that the genes within the human chromosomes (long strands we see
under a light microscope) completely determine how the human body will be built in the womb
and control its further growth and development. Fantastic strides have been made in the past 2
decades at understanding the relationship between genes and cancer. Specifically, cancer is a
disease of the genes, which manifests when the normal genetic control mechanisms over cells go

Molecular Biology is the study of understanding how the genes produce their protein products
and the mechanics of cell division. The Human Genome Project currently underway is seeking to
map the entire human "genome" so that we know what genetic abnormalities ("mutations")
underlie every heredity and spontaneous illness.

We have found many links between abnormal genes and cancer, including the activation of
growth instruction genes ("oncogenes") inappropriately, and disactivation of growth restricting
genes ("suppressor genes") at the wrong times. These mutations can result in a cell losing control
over its division processes- becoming cancerous.

Our In Depth Transcript on Understanding Gene Therapy describes all about how the genes are
now known to work in each human cell, and how distortions of them by chemicals, gene,
heredity or random events can lead to cancer. It discusses the latest advances in using
modifications of genes to treat cancer. These advances will likely underlie our approach to all
cancer therapy in the future. Order today and understand why Gene Therapy offers the most hope
of any cancer therapy for curing currently uncontrollable cancers.

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