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Pressure Drop Onli ne-Calcul ator

Cal cul ation output

Flow medium: Oil 40 C / liquid
Volume flow:: 18 gal/min
Weight density: 1003.5 kg/m
Kinematic Viscosity: 27.6 cSt
Element of pipe: circular
Dimensions of element: Diameter of pipe D: 1.5 in.
Length of pipe L: 10 m
Velocity of flow: 3.27 ft./s
Reynolds number: 1375
Velocity of flow 2: -
Reynolds number 2: -
Flow: laminar
Absolute roughness: 0.015 mm
Pipe friction number: 0.05
Resistance coefficient: 12.22
Resist.coeff.branching pipe:-
Press.drop branch.pipe: -
Pressure drop: 127.02 lbw./sq.ft.
0.88 psi
Note: The pressure drop was calculated by the online calculator of We can not warrant the correctness of this software. The
software is produced carefully. But no computer software is without bugs. Therefore the calculations are your own risk.
Do you know our software SF Pressure Drop 7.x for Wi ndows?
SF Pressure Drop Online-Calculator
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