Tableau Server On AWS: Quick Start Describes How To Get Started

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Tableau Server on AWS

Build a Cloud
Create your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):
Log in to your AWS console.
Under Compute & Networking, select VPC.
In the upper-right, use the region selector to
choose the location nearest to you.
Click Get started creating a VPC, choosing VPC
with a Single Public Subnet Only.
Confgure Networking & Security
Allow inbound trafc to reach your VPC via three
standard ports:
Select your VPC.
Under Security, select Network ACLs.
- Choose the Inbound tab.
- In the Create a rule drop-down, select HTTP,
add a Rule # and click Add Rule. Repeat for
Repeat with Security Groups selected.
Allocate an AWS EIP Address
Allocate a static, public IP address to your VPC
(which you will later assign to your EC2 instance) by
selecting your VPC, selecting Elastic IPs on the left,
then clicking Allocate New Address.
Launch an EC2 Instance
Switch to your EC2 Dashboard, click Launch
Instance, and follow the prompts. See the Tableau
Server specications for guidance on supported
operating systems. At the Security Group step,
choose Select an existing security group and
select what you congured in step 2, above.
Optional: Install Tableau Worker
If you are running a Tableau Server cluster, install a
Tableau Server Worker.
Explore Views
On Tableau Server, click a view to open it, then explore
the view by ltering data, saving your changes,
advertising it to others, and more. See the Tableau
Server help for tips on other ways to explore Tableau.
Install Tableau Server
Connect to your rst EC2 instance via RDP and install
Tableau Server. If you plan to run a cluster, this will be
your primary Tableau Server.
After you create a Tableau Server administrator
account and sign in, you can add and license users.
In Tableau Server
Optional: Add More EC2 Instances
If you plan to run a single Tableau Server using its
default settings, skip to step 6 below.
To run a Tableau Server cluster, use Active Directory
(AD) with Tableau Server, or both, you need to add
two more EC2 instances:
One to run an AD domain controller and DNS
server. See Directory Services on Amazon EC2
for conguration steps.
One (or more) to run as a Tableau Server
You dont need your own on-premise infrastructure
and server hardware to create an enterprise-level
Tableau Server installation. You can build and scale
Tableau Server in the cloud, using EC2 instances
within Amazon Web Services (AWS). This
Quick Start describes how to get started
with this type of cloud-based deployment.
Before beginning, you should be familiar
with AWS, and have the following:
- AWS account
- AWS access keys
- Tableau Server Setup le
- Tableau Server product key

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