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What is Integrity all about?

Our Business Principles for Integrity state that:

We do not offer or accept gifts, hospitality or other types of incentives which may
reward or influence a business decision.
We avoid or declare any conflict of interest which may lead to divided personal
We act honestly. We dont abuse our position or contacts to benefit ourselves or third
parties. At an institutional level, were politically neutral. We dont take a position,
directly or indirectly, for or against any political parties.
We do not make donations of any type, either in cash or in kind, to political parties,
organizations, factions, movements, bodies, of either a public or private nature, whose
activity is clearly linked with political activity.
Gifts and hospitality
As youve just seen, theres more to bribery and corruption than you might have first
thought. Gifts and hospitality are a part of everyday business life and how you
respond to them is crucial.

Accepting and offering gifts and hospitality may sometimes cause a dilemma between
maintaining good business relations and threatening our integrity and reputation.

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