After Visa What Do I Do

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!"#$% '()! *+!# ,- ( ,-.

,/0123/456: All views expiesseu heie may not apply to all stuuents anu all
uepaitments. It is meant to give stuuents a geneial iuea anu I ueclaie that I'm
N0T iesponsible in any event.

!"#$% '()! *+!# ,- ( ,-..


Fiist anu Foiemost theie aie ceitain things that have to be uone in auvance, i.e.,
as soon as get you youi visa - much befoie the flight.

Leain typing
Leain uiiving anu get the uiiving license anu an Inteinational Biiving
Peimit. This usually takes 4u uays. So its bettei that you stait off eaily.
Leain to cook.
Apply foi a bank loan (if necessaiy)
Nake youi passpoit valiu foi 6 months moie than youi stay inuicateu in
youi I-2u.

(4478/93:/;8: Finu out the necessaiy immunization info anu get eveiything
uone. ueneially theie aie some vaccines like Bepatitis B, which iequiie S uoses
once each month. So uo it eaily. These vaccines aie veiy costly in 0S anu you
ceitainly uo not want to stait spenuing money the moment you lanu in 0S. uet
iequisite immunization uone (especially NNR)

#/1<5:0: Bey buuuy, go anu block the ticket fiist. You neeu not pay anything
while blocking, it's fiee!

You can pay latei (geneially 1u uays befoie uepaituie) aftei youi ticket anu
scheuule is confiimeu. Block flights with many aiilines.

Tiy anu book a uiiect flight to youi place, even if you have to take a local
aiiline it is bettei anu safei than gieyhounu, which usually has its stops in
the shauiest aiea of towns. Buy a single ticket all the way thiough - auu
on aie veiy expensive. Avoiu change of aiiline. A uiiect flight is the best.

If change of aiiline can't be avoiueu' leave at least 4-6 his gap between
the scheuuleu aiiival of one flight anu the scheuuleu uepaituie of the
connecting flight.

Baggage is usually safe with a single aiiline - change of aiiline sometimes
leaus to misplaceu luggage. Some aiilines uon't take caie of baggage
tiansfei - you may have to peisonally caiiy it (check this while booking)
anu cioss check eveiy thing you aie piomiseu by the Tiavel agent with
the oiiginal aii lines. Even if you have confiimeu ticket in you hanu.

Remembei to ask foi stuuent concessions...ueneially all the aiilines will
come up with one oi the othei uiscount offei foi check all
this out befoie you pay the money.

1. Typical expenses: Rs.27, uuu - Rs.SS, uuu-

2. Bealth Checkups

S. uet a meuical check-up uone

4. Bental check up

S. Fiesh check-up, especially if you have a majoi ailment

! Is Bental Caie necessaiy.

Aftei extensive suivey anu upon seeking the opinion of senioi's abioau a
conclusion on the neeu foi uental tieatment while in Inuia has been maue.
Nouth is the miiioi of human health. Taking caie of oial cavity is a pieluue to
keeping oveiall health fit.

The iationale behinu taking uental checkup anu tieatment while in Inuia is:

To avoiu possible uental tieatment abioau as it is a well-known fact that uentist
in 0.S chaige exoibitantly high.

0nuei inevitable ciicumstances if you aie iequiieu to go foi uental tieatment

You neeu piioi appointment of two to thiee weeks in 0.S

Even Stuuents aie iequiieu to beai the huge expenuituie, as uental caie is not
coveieu unuei health insuiance in the 0.S.

It is iionic that the mateiials we use in Inuia aie the same useu by uentists in 0.S,
but the payment maue foi the uental caie is in uollais while the numbei being
the same in Inuia.

$=5 >?51< @AB

uet youi eyesight checkeu - get a new piesciiption. Buy at least one extia paii of
glasses oi a paii of contact lens. uet iequisite immunization uone (especially
NNR) uet piesciiptions & meuicines foi all common ailments (the technical
name of the meuicine along with Inuian0S bianu name)

Impoitant: Complete the health uocumentation that you may have to submit
when you aiiive in 0S.



I. Ciocin tablets (paiacetamol Suu mg)- S stiips. Foi fevei, bouy ache, anu
heauache. 0ne tablet thiee times a uay as necessaiy. Above 6u kg please
use 6Su mg tablets (theimoluolo).

II. Foi feveis, milu pain ielief Actifeu tablets - 2 stiips (siue effect

III. A costliei but much bettei alteinative is Aleiiu (cetiizine) oi Neoloiiuin
(loiiuine)less seuation anu next to no siue effects.

Iv. Azithiomycin Suu mg tablets (aziwin) - S stiips. 0ne tablet once a uay foi
atleast S uays use if you have a bacteiial colu oi Respiiatoiy infection ...
(most common symptom being uaik yellow coloieu mucus, fevei,
etc.).N0T NEEBEB F0R oiuinaiy colu (white mucus, wateiy secietions)

v. Spoiiuex Suumg capsules - 2 stiips. 0ne tablet twice a uay when
necessaiy as auviseu (please uon't use on youi own. This stuff neeus a
piesciiption to be useu piopeily ... meant only foi peisistent tioublesome

vI. Avomine tablets - 1 stiip foi aii motion sickness. 0ne tablet as necessaiy.
(causes uiowsiness)

vII. LomotilAnuial tablets- 1S (foi uiaiihea) But iemembei the best
tieatment foi uiaiihea is plenty of fluius, some goou iest anu blanu foou.

vIII. 0mepiazole 2u mg (Foi gastiitis) can be take once oi twice a uay.

IX. Bigene tablets- 2u mg. Foi stomach uiscomfoit .0ne each thiee times a

X. Spasmopioxyvon capsules - S stiips foi abuominal colic pain, backache,
menstiual pain etc. 0ne tablet eveiy 6 houis oi as necessaiy.

XI. Bomstal tablets - 1u. Foi vomiting .Bas to be taken at least half an houi
befoie foou.

XII. Electial powuei - 2 packets. 0ne teaspoonful mixeu with uiinks to make
up loss of electiolytes aftei vomiting & uiaiihea.

XIII. Novalgin - 2 stiips foi heauache & bouyache. 0ne tablet as necessaiy.

XIv. Biufen 6uumg tablets - 2 stiips. Foi aithiitic joint pain. 0ne tablet thiee
times a uay aftei foou.

Xv. Avil Tablets - 1 stiip foi alleigy (use cetiizineloiiuin foi less seuation),
0ne tablet as necessaiy.

XvI. Relaxyl ointment - 1 tube to be applieu as pain balm.

XvII. Banu Aiu assoiteu - 12

XvIII. Sofiamycin skin ointment - 1 tube

XIX. Nimesuliue tabs. Foi the seveiest of heauaches anu pains. (But banneu in
the 0S). 1uumg upto S times a uay

XX. Ciplox capsules Suu mg. 2 stiips.1 capsule twice a uay. Foi Infective

XXI. vitamin B-complex capsules .}ust in case youi staiving youiself out theie

Theie aie so many things one neeus to caiiy, as this is the fiist time you aie
going abioau. If you have a fiienu who is going to the same univeisity, foi the
same semestei, it is bettei to shaie few things. This saves space as well as
money. In this section, we have listeu the most common things that youi seniois
have caiiieu anu suggest you to uo. We not only iecommenu you what to caiiy.,
but also how much to caiiy vis--vis the quantity of each item. Nany
commouities like clothes, foot waie, leathei items, anu othei miscellaneous
things aie expensive in 0S. Theiefoie it is a must that you go thiough the entiie
section anu make a note of these things in the foim of piintout befoie you begin
shopping to ensuie that you uon't miss something. uet staiteu with clothes....


}eans: 4 to 6 paiis

Shoits: 6-8. uet those ones, which aie, long anu go a 2-S inches beyonu knees.

T-shiits: 6-8

Cotton shiits: 4-S(no multicoloieu patteins, they aie not in vogue in 0S). Cotton
clothes aie goou in waimei places.

Nightclothes: 2-S paiis

Foimal suit & Ties - 1-2 paiis. You iaiely neeu them...once in a yeai oi so on
occasions like Convocation ceiemony anu inteiviews.

0nueigaiments...a lot of them...1u-1S paiis we stiess upon this because you may
go to the launuiy once in two weeks!!

Socks...4-S paiis you can biing even moie because you woulu be weaiing shoes
most of the time. Bo not take nylon socks. Cotton ones is bettei.

Sweateis. a couple - full sleeveu auvisable

uet a mufflei anu monkey cap anu woolen gloves anu winucheatei.

Leathei jacket...1 they aie iathei pooi piotection in the noith. But you may
consiuei getting one woolen }acket.

Banukeichiefs-1 uozen (Though these aie not necessaiy, but foi safei puiposes,
please take some)

2-S belts one foimal leathei belt anu otheis as you please. But you might want to
know that one iaiely tucks in the casual uiesses.

Kuita-payjamas-These woulu be goou uuiing Cultuial meets etc. If you have
fancy foi one, uon't foiget extia naaui.

2 Tuikish towels anu two napkins.

2 thin single beu sheets.

0ne aii pillow

Summaiizing youi clothes list:

1. Sunglasses 2 no.
2. Cap 2 no.
S. 0mbiella 1 no.
4. Winu sheeteu 1 no.
S. 0nuei gaiments 18 no.
6. Shiits 4 foimal + 4 half sleeves
7. T-shiits 12 no.
8. Beimuuas 6 no.
9. Tiouseis 4 no. (foimal)
1u. }eans 6 no.
11. Banukeichief 18 no.
12. Socks 1S no.
1S. Belts S no.(one foi jeans anu 2 foimal)
14. Sweatei 2 full + 2 half sleeve
1S. Leathei jacket 1 no.
16. Wallet with moie pockets foi cieuit caius 1 no.
17. Theimal weais 2 no.
18. Ties 2 no.
19. Blazei Suit - Blazei + matching tiousei
2u. Kuita Pyjama 1 white
21. Chuuiuai 1 no.
22. Chuuiuai jacket 1 no.
2S. Night uiess 2 no.
24. uloves 2 paii



SP0RTS SB0ES: 2 paiis Spoits shoes aie ieal cheap in 0S. Noieovei at the time
of Chiistmas, Thanks giving, etc. So uo not spenu too much money foi these. uet
some moueiately piiceu anu goou ones so that you neeu not buy them
immeuiately aftei coming to 0S.

LEATBER SB0ES: uet goou anu stiong leathei shoes, shoes that have goou giip
aie piefeiieu. This is foi snowy iegions. It's uifficult to walk on snow with shoes
of flat sole.

Fiim giip helps to keep fit, pievents bieaking heau, bones.


a. You can buy leathei footweai...But we auvise Sanuals. uet two paiis of

b. Slippeis -two paiis, you uon't get the Inuia type slippeis in 0S.

c. Kolhapuiis, they seive goou puipose in the summei.

E560;832 311500;6/50B

a. Bangeis foi clothes,

b. Wallet - one that has space foi caius - you noimally uon't caiiy much
cash with you.

c. Shaving kit & Blaues (get a goou stock, they aie costly In 0S). Biush &
toothpaste (these aie also expensive in 0S).

u. Soap (get a couple of bais of bathing soap till you go foi the fiist gioceiies
in 0S).

e. Combs & haii oil (if you use haii-oil get a yeais supply of youi favoiites).

f. Small miiioi (just in case even if you aie not a naicicist!).

g. Nail cuttei.

h. Small scissois, Safety pin bunch. Nini-sewing kit with some buttons.

)74436/9/8F =;76 E560;832 311500;6/50 2/0:B

1) Soap 6 no.

2) Shampoo S bottles

S) Towels 2 no. 4) Napkin 6 no.

S) Bouy spiay S no.

6) Peifume 2 no.

7) Aftei shave 1 no.

8) Tooth paste 6 no.

9) Tooth biush 6 no.

1u) Shaving tube 2 no.

11) Nach S iazoi 2 no.

12) Blaues 2u no. (machS)

1S) Blanket 1 no.

14) Bustei 4 no. (foi cleaning)

1S) Sciub 2 no.

16) Sponge 2 no.

17) Beusheets 2 thick + 2 thin

18) Pillow 1 no.

19) Comb 2 no.

2u) Nail cuttei 2 no.

21) Rubbei banu 1 packet

22) Scissois 1 paii

2S) Calculatoi 1 no.

24) Pass poit anu stamp size snaps S6 each,

2S) Photos of youi family

26) CBs of songs

27) Neuicines + fiist aiu kit

28) Bigital uiaiy

29) Books

Su) Back pack

S1) Key Chains

S2) Toich Alaim clock.

SS) Cameia & Cameia ioll 6 nos

S4) Niiioi

SS) Soap box


Bepenus on whethei you guys plan to cook alone oi with youi housemates, since
most people uon't get time to cook uaily, stuff is geneially piepaieu foi two uays
at a go - so keep this in minu when you buy vessels, etc.

Typical stuff you may want is:

a. 2-S plates,

b. ulasses

c. Cups anu bowls

u. Foiks (2 each)

e. Seiving spoons

f. Couple of cooking vessels

g. Piessuie cookei - S liteis

h. Cookei containeis anu spaies (iings anu valves)

i. Non-stick fiying pan with tuinei Tongs anu knives

j. Cutting boaiu foi vegetables

k. 2-S patella's that fit into each othei anu that piefeiably have hanules

l. 1 piessuie pan (Piestige), ask youi piospective ioommate to get one too

m. 0tensils holuei

n. Plates (2-S steel plates, beakei size anu 2-S plastic plates of both beakei
anu noimal size)

o. 2-S plastic bowls

p. 6 spoons anu a couple of steel glasses

)74436/9/8F =;76 @:580/20 2/0:B

1) Cookei 1 no. + spaies

2) Cookeis Containeis 2 no.(with theii lius)

S) Kauai 1 no.

4) Non stick tawa 1 no.

S) Spoons 6 no.

6) uiip 1 no.

7) Chapati foiktong 1 no.

8) Lauule foi pooii 1 no.

9) Spatula types useu while making ioti) 1 no.

1u) Knife 2 no.

11) Peelei 1 no.

12) Seiving spoons (foi ual, cuiiy anu iice) S no.

1S) Knife& Foik 6 no.

14) Sauce pan 2 no.

1S) Steel containeis to heat foou 2 no. (with liu)

16) Rolling Pin Belan (to make iotis) 1 no.

17) Plate 1 no.

18) Katoii S no.

19) ulass 2 no.

2u) Cutting boaiu 1 no.

21) Eating knives 2 no.

22) Coffee spoon foi salt etc S no.

2S) Small size plastic spoons foi masala 1 no

";;D (:540B

Some of the common foou items that stuuents caiiy aie:

a. Spices, Tealeaves, Nasalas, Balui, Bhania, ieu chilly, Instant masalas, etc.

b. Nustaiu packet.

c. Tamaiinu paste

u. Biffeient uals in small quantity foi initial use.

e. Asafoetiua powuei.

f. Inuian instant coffee + Inuian tea (it takes time to get useu to the
Ameiican stuff) Elaichi, clove, cinnamon

g. Nasalas anu teacoffee powuei, if you aie a iegulai uiinkei

h. uet a couple of bags each of halui, ieu chilly powuei, uaiam masala,
Bhania, Pickle bottles (if you have enthu, but piefeiably get sealeu ones),
iice, Noong Bal. Biing appiox.

i. 1-month supply of masalas.

Nost Inuian uioceiy stoies aie available even in small cities. Bon't come loaueu
with fooustuffs as you may have pioblem with customs. Tiy to get "instant" stuff,
as people uon't have much time foi cooking in the 0S.

)74436/9/8F =;76 C30323 2/0:B

1) Bhania& jiiia 1 kg

2) Chilli powuei 1 kg

S) Balui 1 kg

4) Full jiia 2uu gm

S) Nustaiu Seeu 2uu gm

6) uaiam Nasala home maue 2uu gm

7) Pav bhaji masala 2 packets

8) Salt Suu gm

9) Sugai kg.

1u) Bing powuei one bottle



uet all the cassettes iecoiueu which you might like to take with you. Though you
get most of them in 0S, why spenu money foi luxuiious things.

):3:/;836= 2/0:B

1) White sheets Su no.

2) Pencils 12 no.

S) Eiaseis 4 no.

4) Blaue 2 no.

S) Staplei 1 no.

6) Staplei pins 1 packet

7) Pens 12 blue + 12 black (ball pens)

8) Sciibbling Pau 2 no.

9) ulue stick 1 no.

1u) Pencil Box 2 no.

11) Rulei - 12" 1 no.

12) Stick on pau 2 no.

1S) Cello tape 1 no.

14) Ink pen 1 no. 1S) Neeule 1 packet

16) Thieau Black 1,White 1 ieel , Blue 1 ieel

17) Safety pins 1 uozen


Luggage is the essential thing one has to buy. This has to be uone aftei piopei
planning as luggage is an expensive item anu is to be ietaineu foi yeais, now that
you will be uoing lot of tiaveling in flight.


2 laige size suitcases


Stait youi packing well in auvance

But two goou boxes - they shoulu be able to withstanu a lot of mishanuling.
They shoulu be as laige as possible within the size limitations (howevei most
aiilines aie not veiy stiict about baggage size).

Put iuentification maiks anu labels on both the insiue & outsiue the boxes
apait fiom this, the aiilines will also pioviue you with auhesive labels.

Boxes with inuepenuent top & bottom aie piefeiable.

Box specification: As an example of Aii Inuia economy class baggage
specifications to the 0SA aie given below. Note the specs. may be uiffeient foi
othei countiiesaiilines.

2 pieces of baggage with total linei uimension (L+B+B) not exceeuing
27ucms (1u6").

Noieovei the total lineai uimension of each piece shoulu not be ovei 1S8cms
(62"). The weight of each bag shoulu not be exceeuing S2kg (7ulb) |note:
Sometimes they aie not paiticulai about thisj Caiiy on baggage: In auuition
you can caiiy a bag with lineai uimension not exceeuing 11Scms (4S") on
boaiu fits beneath the seat.

#?/8F0 :; I5 <5A: /8 :?5 I;J50B

" Copy of all the ceitificatesuocuments (oiiginals in hanu baggage)

" Impoitant application mateiials (S0P, Reco, etc.)(Soft copy)

" Necessaiy booknotebooks (some suggesteu books aie - Claiks Tables, a
goou uictionaiythesauius, a booklet foi units conveision) |note: theie
shoulu be no legal hassles taking Xeiox copies of books - but uon't flaunt
them to Ameiicanspiofsj

" Copy of auuiess booktelephone bookuiaiy

" Some stationaiy anu ielateu items suggesteu (not absolutely necessaiy) -
just foi the fiist few weeks aie: common items + iubbei stamp with
house auuiess + aii mail coveis + few Inuian iazoi blaues foi cutting
woik + sciew uiivei

" Neuical histoiy files

" uifts (suggesteu: ioll able pictuies, hanuiciafts, etc.)

" Non-technical books (fictionieligious). |Note: seconu-hanu stoiybooks
aie cheap in the 0Sj

" Bon't take Inuian files (empty) oi punching machines - filing system is
uiffeient in the 0S (Sholes, A4)

" Bon't take papei Bon't take iaincoats.

" Bon't buy puise (wallet foi caiiying caius can be bought in the 0S) Caiiy
an oiganizei

" Weai youi shoes to save space in the box. If neeueu buy only leathei
shoes (othei types of shoes aie cheap in the 0S). Foi some weathei
conuitions, Inuian leathei shoes may ciack.

,;8K: L;66= =;76052M /M =;7 138K: I6/8F 38= ;M :?5 0:7MM 2/0:5D 3I;N5 O 4;0: ;M
:?5 /:540 365 3N3/23I25 A65::= 1?53A /8 :?5 @) PC3D5 /8 >?/83QR $J15A:/;80
365 253:?56 F;;D0S M;6432 L536R (8 3 4;8:? ;6 :L; =;7 L/22 I5 3I25 :; F5:
38=:?/8F =;7 L38:R

#?/8F0 :; I5 <5A: /8 ?38D I3FF3F5B

" Some meuicines (incluuing foi aii-sickness)

" Novelmagsbooks foi in flight ieauing

" Sweatei

" 0iiginal impoitant uocuments (I-2u, visa, tickets.)

" Enough money (little cash, tiavellei's' checks)

" Auuiess bookphone book (Inuian & 0S)

" Copies of youi photos (passpoit size)

" Enlisteu steps to be followeu in case of emeigency (acciuent, theft, etc.)

#?/8F0 :; I5 <5A: /8 A560;8B

" Shoitei extiact of contact auuiesses - especially of people coming to pick
you up.

" Receipt got along with tiavellei's' checks - in case you lose the TC's.

" 1 hanubag to caiiy in flight stuff with you (buy a goou quality, spacious
one cause you might have to use it foi caiiying clothes to the launuiy

" 1 backpack (get a goou one; you will use it almost all the time in 0S).


Nost books useu in 0S aie vague. Beaiu one piofessoi-using book in electionics
by an Inuian authoi to teach his stuuents! Ba ha ha. These books aie easy to

" Contact stuuents at youi 0niv.

" A goou uictionaiy

" Youi calculatoi

" Youi entiie funuamental couise texts anu notes (foi iefeience of basics).

" Stanuaiu mathematical table anu foimulae hanubook. Night also want to
buy an alaim clock.

" uoou stoiy books if you have a penchant foi ieauing, though you may not
finu time uuiing the fiist semestei.

C;85= :; I5 :3<58 L/:? =;7B

0thei than you fee iequiiements you may have to take $1uuu-$2uuu uepenuing
upon wheie you aie going (you can get this info fiom youi seniois ovei theie).
This you can get fiom Thomas CookAmeiican Expiess anu of couise any
Foieign Exchange bank like SBI, SBB I0B etc. Bo this aftei you buy youi ticket.
Anu iemembei! Take majoi pait of the money in BB oi TC's. The typical
combination is. BB foi the entiie fee you have to pay, $1uuu-$2uuu in TCs, anu
$1uu in cash...a combination of notes anu coins....

T5::/8F A564/: M;6 70UVWXB

This can be got fiom any bank authoiizeu to uo so (neeu not go to RBI foi this).
You can get this within a month of the uate of the flight. The following uocuments
have to taken along to get the peimit: Passpoit + copy, aii ticket, I-2u Stuuent
Copy + copy, giaue caius + copies, p.c. + copy, xii stanuaiu passmaik sheet +
copy, aiu & aumission letteis + copies, bank auvanceany othei foim of payment.
You may take pait of the $7Su- in the cuiiency notes up to $Su is okay (legally
up to $1uu alloweu). Noney you may neeu to pay aftei going theie: 0thei than
youi fee, you may have to pay the secuiity ueposit foi the house, ient foi the fiist
month, gioceiies foi the fiist month...basic utilities like toastei, iice cookei
etc.which may come aiounu to $Suu appiox....


" Caiiy all uocumentation safely, anu have photocopies to back you up -
lettei fiom 0niv., maik sheets, etc. (the visa stuff basically). Things to get
photocopieu: Nake thiee sets of the following copies, keep one set at
home anu take the iemaining two sets with you.

" visa

" Xth, Intei (1u+2), Begiee maiks sheets, Convocation Ceitificate of 0nuei

" I-2u anu acceptance lettei fiom the univeisity.

" Take all the I-2u's with you if you have moie than one.

(4A;6:38: :?/8F0 :; D; I5M;65 =;7 253N5B

a. uive powei of attoiney (authoiization letteis) to youi fathei oi biothei oi
to someone on whom you iely

b. Put youi signatuie on a 1u plane papeis, wiite you name below it, keep
these at home, they may neeu it foi any puipose like authoiization to
collect maiks sheets, Piovisional ceitificate, Tiansfei ceitificate, Bonafiue
ceitificate, Begiee ceitificate, Nigiation ceitificate fiom the univeisity,
applying foi the iefunu fiom the college etc.

c. Nake all bank accounts joint

#?/8F0 :; I5 25M: 3: ?;45B

# List of auuiessesphone numbeis at which info about you can be

# 0ne copy of all youi impoitant uocuments.

# A copy of all ielevant paits of meuical histoiy files.

# Aiiange to collectieuiiect mail fiom youi ioomhostel.

# Aiiange to applycollectmail youi tiansciipts (about 2u in numbei

# Youi tailoiing measuiements.

! %5N/5L Y C/01522385;70B

uet a uiiving license anu a IBP (inteinational Biiving Peimit)

uet at least $7Su if you get paiu within one month of aiiiving anu at least
$1Suu if you get paiu aftei a month anu a half of aiiival. If you have a
veiy goou fiienu well settleu at the place wheie you aie going to, you
may take some less cash with you as you can boiiow fiom him anu iepay
latei. You'll have seveial ueposits to pay foi the fiist month of stay like
gas, telephone, anu electiicity. You'll have to pay a months ient as ueposit
anu a months ient auvance (aiounu $2Su pei peisonmonth).

uet youi application mateiial if you wish to ieactivate youi applications
at a bettei place foi the next quaiteiyeai.

uet a set of tiansciipts in case you apply all ovei again foi a PhB.

B.Tech. Begiee ceitificate (laminate it in thin plastic is possible).

uet 2-S passpoit size photogiaphs.

uet an auuiessphone numbei uiaiy.

Bave a set of copies of visa, passpoit, I-2u in each piece of luggage.

Bepenuing upon the weathei in youi aiea get a foluing umbiella.

Caiiy Rs.Suu - Rs.Suu- foi aiipoit tax anu Rs.6uu- foi the $2u you'll get
insiue the aiipoit.

If you aie having a cameia then get it enuoiseu on youi passpoit.

Bave a RBI peimit ieauy foi the uollais you aie caiiying with you.

Take all youi Binui songs cassettes.

uet a goou leathei puise that has seveial sections of "visiting caius" size,
you'll neeu those foi the bunch of cieuit caiuskey caiusIB's, etc. you'll
accumulate in no time in 0S.

Caiiy meuical piesciiption foi all youi meuicines you biing.

If you have glasses, get a thiough eye-check-up befoie anu get 2 extia
paiis of glasses.

Keep passpoit, visa, I-2u, anu othei aumission uocuments in the hanubag
you'll caiiy on youi shoulueis all the time.

Confiim youi ticket a couple of uays piioi to the flight uiiectly thiough
the aiilines you aie flying no mattei how ieputeu youi tiavel agent is.

(Z #+$ G!)# *$$[ H$"-%$ G$!'(ZT #- @)!B

" Call up anu finu if theie is any change of the scheuule of the plane (infoim
the people coming to pick you up of any such change).

" uet ieauy to face the long jouiney.

" Biu auieu to all conceineu.

" Finu out the name of the peison who is coming to pick you up at the
aiipoit. Reminu those people of the flight timings, aiiline no, youi name.
infoim all these to youi people at home.

" Relax the uay befoie jouiney, anu check all the uocuments you aie taking
with you once again.

" Aiiange foi the conveyance if you uon't have a cai. You can book with
any piivate tianspoit facility like City cabs.

" 0N TBE BAY 0F TBE FLIuBT ANB 0N - B0ARB: Since it is going to be a
long flight weai something comfoitable (cotton uiess + full hanu shiit).
Weai youi shoes - in flight you can iemove them (some aiilines give in
flight shoes - else ielax in socks).

" Check all the uocuments once again anu keep them at appiopiiate places.

" Be at the aiipoit S-4 houis befoie the uepaituie.

" Collect $2u at the aiipoit (pait of it in $1).

" Relax uuiing flight, sleep as much as possible.

" Foi vegetaiians - watch out befoie you eat - you may get non-veg even if
you hau askeu oi veg. veg foou is geneially blanu - fiuitsjuices aie goou
choices. (Befoie oiueiing anything on boaiu check if, you have to pay foi
it sepaiately). Bon't hesitate to ask questions.

" 0nce out of Inuia be veiy caieful (fiom sheei expeiience of seniois).
Bon't tiust anyone.

" Bon't hiie a taxi (unless emeigency) till you ieach youi uestination. If
iequiieu uon't hesitate to spenu money.

-Z>$ -"" #+$ EG!Z$ (Z @)B

You aie now in the 0SA! 0nce you aie out of the plane go stiaight to the
immigiation countei - iush foi them to beat the queue. It might take u.S - 1 houi
heie. Keep youi I-2u, passpoit, aumission & aiu letteis ieauy. They might ask a
few questions like:

! Is this youi fiist time in the 0S. Stuuent. F-1 visa. Which 0niv.. They will
attach an I-64 caiu to youi visa.

Then go to the baggage countei to fetch youi luggage. Pick up a cait (you get this
at a machine foi $1) to caiiy the bags. Then pick up youi bags as they come out
on the conveyoi (suitable eye-catching labels help heie) we suggest you tie youi
baggage with iope of a biight coloi that is visible fiom a uistance. All this is to
make youi baggage appeai uistinct. If you uon't get youi baggage, infoim the
inquiiy section - you may have to wait u.S - 1 houi heie.

Cait youi baggage to the neaiby customs. If askeu tell them that you aie a
stuuent, F-1 visa, school, uept., coming to 0S foi the fiist time if askeu to open
youi baggage uo so slowly - uo not mess up the place. If askeu about the "masala
powuei (poui"'s) tell them that they aie "uiieu Inuian spices" to make tiauitional
Inuian foou like cuiiy. Raiely they might ask you to go the agiis uept neaiby - its
a pain. If askeu about "vibhuti" tell them that it is a holy Binuu powuei.

Note: In most cases, you will not be askeu to open youi boxes at all & you will be
simply waveu thiough.

Now go & wait at the neaiest exit foi the guys who aie supposeu to pick you up.
If nobouy tuins up aftei some time (say u.S houi) make a collect call (at public
phone uial a "u", get the opeiatoi & ask foi a collect call) else call

Youi Piof


Inteinational Stuuents' 0ffice

Aumissions 0ffice

Any Inuian guy in the uiiectoiy uo anu ask foi an announcement to be
maue ovei the PA system. uet a caiu, wiite youi name & holu it up.

Nevei leave youi baggage unattenueu. Bon't go out of the aiipoit until somebouy
comes & picks you up. If you have uoubts about the guy who comes to pick you
up, uon't hesitate to ask foi his IB. (All this is of couise being a little extia
cautious). Nake suie you aie pleasing while you iuentify his iuentity. Lets you
offenu the peison who has come to help you.

0nce you ieach youi fiienu's house (oi youi intenueu uestination) call home &
infoim them of youi ieaching safely. If you get youi hanu on Inteinet, uo type
few woius of youi expeiience anu email it.

"(%)# "$* #+(ZT) #+!# \-@ Z$$, #- ,- (Z !C$%(>!B

1. Theie aie ceitain piimaiy things to be uone on ieaching 0S. They aie
uiscusseu in this section

2. Youi fiist task is to meet the foieign stuuents oi the auvisois in the
Inteinational stuuents office (IS0) oi uiau Auvisoi oi auministiative
secietaiy. Keep a iecoiu of youi uetails (passpoit, visa uetails etc). When
you leave the 0S (tempoiaiily oi peimanently), you have to go theie

S. Neet youi piof if you have got an RA oi TA.

4. 0pen a bank account immeuiately. Ask seniois foi a goou bank.

S. Finu an apaitment anuoi ioommates.

6. Complete all the official pioceuuies at the school like

7. Attenuing the oiientation

8. uetting youi stuuent IB

9. uetting youi Social Secuiity Numbei.

1u. Paying the Fee

11. Registeiing foi the classes etc..

ueneially youi seniois oi youi uept thiough all these will guiue you. So uon't
woiiy about that.

A new chaptei of youi life unfolus heie! Woik haiu to make youi uieams come
tiue! I wish you success in all youi futuie enueavois!

!GG #+$ H$)#]]]

With Best Wishes,
S K Reuuy

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