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PART A - ( 10 x 1= 10 marks )
Answer All questions
1. What is specialization?
2. What do you understand by unity of command?
3. What do you mean by business ethics?
4. Define forecastin?
!. Differentiate creati"ity and inno"ation?
#. What is quality of wor$ life?
%. Draw any $ind of oranizational chart?
&. Define the term staffin?
'. What do you mean by liberalization?
1(. Write a short note on reportin.
PART B- (5 x 5= 25 marks)
Answer All questions) choosin either *a+ ,r *b+
11. *a+ -.plain "arious le"els of manaement.
*b+ /anaements as a profession0Discuss.
12. *a+ Describe the features of plannin.
*b+ -laborate the process of decision ma$in.
13. *a+ Discuss the ob1ecti"es of formal and informal oranisation.
*b+ -lucidate merits and demerits of line and staff authority.
14.*a+ Write a note on leadership styles.
*b+ -.plain the importance of communication.
1!.*a+ -numerate new trends in oranizational chane.
*b+ 2llustrate the impact of lobalization.
PART C-(5 x 8 = 0 marks)
Answer All question) choosin either *a+ ,r *b+
1#.*a+ Describe 3ayol4s Administrati"e /anaement theory.
*b+ Discuss in detail the the 5awthorne -.periments.
1%.*a+ 2llustrate "arious $inds of plannin.
*b+ What are the barriers of plannin?
1&.*a+ -.plain different test used in selection process
*b+ -numerate the term departmentation with suitable e.ample.
1'.*a+ What are the essential requirements for effecti"e communication?
*b+ 6ritically analyze the /aslow need theory of moti"ation.
2(.*a+ -.plain "arious techniques of effecti"e controllin.
*b+ 6ritically e"aluate 7lobal theory of manaement.

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