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NASA launches Earth hunter probe (BBC)

A NASA mission searches the sky for Earth like planets with the potential to
host life.
A probe called Kepler was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida. It will orbit
the sun to watch a part of space thought to contain about 100.000 stars like
ours. They’re looking for planets which may host liquid water on their surfaces,
because where there’s liquid water, scientists argue, there’s at least the
potential for life.

Plant diseases threaten woodland (BBC)

In Britain there’re a lot of gardens under threat form two aggressive fungus
which cause a plant disease.
The government has allocated 25 million pounds to solve this problem, which is
spreading across the country.
Forest has already been agree to allow the affected plants to be cut down and

Bionic eye gives blind man sight (BBC)

A blind man of 73 years old can now see flashes of light after being fitted with a
bionic eye.
He says de can now follow white lines on the road, and even sort socks, using
the bionic eye, known as Argus II.
The bionic eye has been developed bye US Company Second Sight. It is
designed to help people, who have been made blind through retinitis
pigmentosa, a group of inherited eye diseases that cause degeneration of the

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