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1. Why did you become a teacher?

2. Which school was your first school?
3. How did you feel on the first day of being a teacher?
4. When did you started to teach?
5. What was the biggest change in school life from the beginning of your career to
6. now?
7. What maes a good teacher?
!. What are you going to miss the most about "#$?
%. What are you &'( going to miss?
1). What is your fa*ourite sub+ect to teach?
11. What do you lo*e about being a teacher?
12. What are your interests?
13. How would one of your students describe you?
14. What are your ,lans after your retirement?
15. What was your biggest goal as a teacher?
16. How many years ha*e you been teaching?
17. (ell us about your colleagues in "#$?
1!. What is your ,roudest moment in "#$?
1%. What matters to you the -'$( in life?
2). .ny ad*ice for all the students of "#$?
21. What you would ha*e been if you did not become a teacher?

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