Mo Dals Spec

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English 3

Modal verbs of speculation and deduction

We use the following modal verbs to speculate or make deductions:
We use must when we are sure that something is true (only in the affirmative):
John has 3 Mercedes. He must be rich. (!"#m sure he#s rich.)
Mary studied for $% hours yesterday. She must have been tired afterwards. (!"#m
sure she was tired afterwards.)
&eter is in the sitting room and the '( is on. He must be watching TV. ("#m sure
he#s watching '(.)
Why didn#t you answer the telephone when it rang earlier) I must have been having
a shower at that time.
We use ma# and might when we aren#t certain* when we think something is possible.
+emember that in indirect speech ma# changes to might.
"magine that nobody knows for sure where Mary#s cat is* but everybody makes
&erhaps it#s asleep on Mary#s bed. It ma#!might be aslee$ on Mar#%s bed.
&erhaps it#s chasing a mouse. It ma#!might be chasing a mouse.
&erhaps it#s got lost. It ma#!might have got lost.
,e didn#t obey my orders. &erhaps he wasn#t listening. He ma#!might not have
been listening.
"n the affirmative it is also possible to use could (-.' /can). 'he use of could e0presses more
doubt: the speaker thinks it is possible but more unlikely:
1Where#s 'om)
1Well* "#m really not sure. ,e could be at 'ony#s house.
We use can%t!couldn%t when we think something is impossible* when we are sure something
isn#t true. "n indirect speech you must use the form with couldn%t.
2ou#ve 3ust drunk four glasses of water. ou can%t be thirst#. (!"#m sure you aren#t
"t#s raining now* so Mar# can%t be sunbathing. (!"#m sure she isn#t sunbathing4 it#s
5an#t6couldn#t in the past:
ou couldn%t!can%t have s$o+en to Mrs ,lint #esterda# because she died last wee+.
(!"t#s impossible that you spoke to her.)
-ohn can%t!couldn%t have been running because both his legs are bro+en.
-ote the other uses of could have:
If I%d +nown #our number. I could have $honed #ou. (!"t would have been possible
for me to phone you if "#d known your number. "t wasn#t possible because " didn#t
know your number.)
ou could have left me a note. (!"t was possible for me to leave you a note* but you

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