Sol Int Progresstest 8 Key

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Answer key: Progress tests

1 has been built
2 was started
3 was still being painted
4 was delayed
5 was finally finished
6 was opened
7 was designed
8 will be used
9 has been needed
10 will be welcomedis
welcomedhas been welcomed
1 nobody
2 somewhere
3 !othing
4 anybody
5 anywhere
1 " wonder why she was late for
class this morning#
2 $an you remember where you
put the car %eys&
3 'a(e you any idea if he too% the
train or the bus to )ondon&
4 *id you notice if she was wearing
a watch&
5 $an you tell me where you+(e
wor%ed before&
1 cab
2 platform
3 trac%
4 carriage
5 customs

1 about
2 on
3 on
4 at
5 to
1 , 2 * 3 - 4 $ 5 .
1 . 2 $ 3 , 4 . 5 .
(ontent )ma*"mum 4 +o"nts,
1 mar% for each point# 1 mar% for
general content#
/ a mar% if part of a point is
included but not de(eloped#
-orm )ma*"mum 2 +o"nts,
2 mar%s for correct postcard
1 mar% if only part of format is
0 mar%s if format is not used at
$ange )ma*"mum 2 +o"nts,
2 mar%s for using a good range of
(ocabulary and structures#
1 mar% for using a reasonable
range of (ocabulary and
0 mar%s for using a poor range of
(ocabulary and structures#
Accuracy )ma*"mum 2 +o"nts,
2 mar%s for accuracy o(er 800
1 mar% for accuracy between 70
and 800
P.otoco+"able 1 23ford 4ni(ersity 5ress 6olutions "ntermediate 7ests 1

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