Fie Leslie

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MOBILITEE Assessment Report (FIE)


Adapted Phys!a" Ed#!aton FIE Report
X Initial Evaluation
Special Request by the ARD/IEP
Name$ Leslie ID$ DOB$
E%amner$ Saah !atin S!hoo"$ Denton "i#h School
So#r!es o& Data (Forma" and In&orma" Meas#res) E'a"#aton Dates
$% Po&ect !'(ILI)EE *+ohn ,ossett- $./$0 1/$$/23$4
2% In5omal 'bsevation 6uin# Summe School APE class 1/$3/23$4
X (ase6 on the evaluation- the stu6ent 6emonstates a nee6 5o a6apte6 physical e6ucation in o6e to
ma7e appopiate e6ucation po#ess% 8es 9o
LEARNIN( COMPETENCIES$ Sten#ths an6 :ea7nesses
Phys!a" and Motor Ftness$
)a*"e to r#n and !han+e dre!ton &or ,-se!. !ontn#o#s
)attempt to per&orm a+"ty /tho#t 'er*a" !#es0 !orre!tons or phys!a" assstan!e
F#ndamenta" Motor S1""s and Patterns$
)a*"e to !at!h a 23 *a"" tossed &rom a dstan!e o& 2&t. #sn+ a !"ap and s4#ee5e arm mo'ement
)a*"e to str1e a so&t*a"" at /ast he+ht0 s#spend &rom a 6&t. strn+ atta!hed to a 6&t. st!1
)a*"e to 1!1 a statonary standard s5e so!!er *a"" #sn+ a r#nnn+ approa!h
)attempt to thro/ a tenns *a"" at a /a"" &rom 72&t. dstan!e #sn+ a mat#re pattern
In&orma" O*ser'atons$
Les"e s 'ery a!t'e and !an per&orm most &tness and motor s1""s /th "tt"e assstan!e. He has +ood o*8e!t
!ontro" s1"" and "1e to mo'e and part!pate n APE.
APE ser'!es re!ommended to mpro'e &tness0 motor and o*8e!t !ontro" s1""s to mastery "e'e". ('e "ots o&
's#a" demonstratons and *rea1do/n s1""s nto sma""er !omponents (tas1 ana"yss). In!"#de *a"an!e s1""s
to /or1 on !oordnaton.
Re!ommendatons &or Instr#!tona" Settn+$
:or1 n sma"" +ro#ps /th mnma" 'er*a" nstr#!ton. ;eep e4#pment to a mnm#m to pre'ent
dstra!tons. ;eep a!t'tes mo'n+ to mantan &o!#s and mot'aton.
Saah E% !atin A6apte6 Physical E6ucato
Si#natue o5 Evaluato Position
./34 APE - $

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