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(Spring/Feb 2013)

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3

Project Management Specialization
PM 0010 Introduction to Project Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1236)
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages Answer a!! "uestions
#1 Summarise the pro$e%t management pro%esses in&o!&e' in the monitoring
an' %ontro! pro%ess group
#2 (!u%i'ate the importan%e o) %ommuni%ation in *ro$e%t +anagement
Marks 6!
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's
#3 .ist the pro$e%t management pro%esses in&o!&e' in the p!anning pro%ess
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's
#- (/p!ain the t0pes o) %ontra%ts that are entere' into in pro$e%t pro%urement
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's
#1 2rite short notes on 3ota! #ua!it0 +anagement (3#+)
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's
#6 4es%ribe the &arious supports that the pro$e%t management s0stem
10 mar,s
(300--00) wor's

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