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Texas Womans University

KINS 5843 Adapted Physical Activity, Physical Activity and the APENS Theory to Practice
Behavior Intervention Plan ~ Summer II 2014

Behavior Intervention Plan
Teachers Name: Sarah
Student Name: Leslie Date: 6/17/2014
The behavior impeding learning is (describe what it looks like):
Leslie is losing focus during instruction, he will lose eye gaze during instruction and will be
distracted by what is going on around the gym
It impedes learning because:
Leslie cannot practice skills properly and improve them unless he hears the instructions to
know how to correct his performance.
The need for a Behavior Intervention Plan is:
Early stage intervention
Frequency of behavior:
During every Physical Education class
Duration of behavior:
Leslie was observed not listening or being off task, 10-20 times during each 20 minute session
Reported and observed by:
Adapted Physical Education Teacher
What are the predictors for the behavior (situation in which the behavior is likely to occur:
people, time, place, subject, etc.)?
During long verbal instructions
If discussion of proper behavior before class does not occur
If he is not involved during instruction demonstration or in close proximity of APE teacher
What supports the student using the problem behavior?
Lack of visual references
What is missing or needs to be changed in the environment or curriculum?
Shorter more visual instructions and Behavior reference chart
Target Behavior:
Behavioral Goal:
Leslie will maintain eye gaze during instructions and will be observed off task only a
maximum of 5 times during the 20 minute sessions
Who will establish?
APE teacher
Who will monitor?
APE teacher and assistance from Leslies classroom
Functional Factors and New Behaviors to Teach and Support:
Environmental Changes, Teaching Strategies, Necessary Materials:
Post reminders of how to be on task
Create Instruction Picture Cards
Develop a signal between you and the student

Texas Womans University
KINS 5843 Adapted Physical Activity, Physical Activity and the APENS Theory to Practice
Behavior Intervention Plan ~ Summer II 2014

Reinforcement Procedures for Establishing, Maintaining, and Generalizing Behavior:
Leslie will earn predetermined privileges every day he meets his behavior goals
Alternative Behavior the Student Can Do Instead of the Problem Behavior:
Stand close to the teacher
* speak to teacher/pareducators for answers collaborate!

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