PM0012 Assignment Spring 2013

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(Spring/Feb 2013)

Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3

Project Management Specialization
PM 0012 Project Finance (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1238)
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages Answer a!! "uestions
Marks !"
#1 $%a!uate the go!&en ru!es o' pro(e)t ris* management 10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s
#2 $,p!ain &i''erent t-pes o' &is)ounte& )ash '!ows 10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s
#3 .hat are the &e)isions to be )onsi&ere& whi!e ma*ing )apita!
10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s
#+ $,p!ain 011 an& .A22
10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s
#3 .hat is sensiti%it- ana!-sis/
10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s
#6 Ana!-se the parametri) )ost estimation 10 mar*s
(300-+00) wor&s

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