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Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin…. That she thought away

1. Where was the poet driving? Who was sitting beside her?
2. What did the poet notice about her mother?
3. Why was her mother’s face looked like that of a corpse?
4. Find words from the passage, which mean Sleep lightly, dead body.
5. How did the mother look? What simile has been used?
6. What did the poet realize? How did she feel?

…… and looked but soon put that thought away and looked out at young
trees sprinting , the merry children spilling out of their homes.

1. What did the poet realize? How did she feel?

2. What did she do then?
3. What did she notice in the world outside?
4. What thought did the poet put away?
5. How did she divert her attention?
6. How is the mother described with a simile? What words is used for

But after the airport’s security check….all I did was smile and smile and
1. What did the poet do after the security check?
2. Why did the poet compare her mother’s face to a late winter’s moon?
3. What is her childhood fear?
4. How do the parting words of the poet and her smile present a contrast to her
real feelings?
5. Did she express her fear? What did she do?
6. Why did she smile and say’ “see you soon , Amma”?

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

1. How did the poet’s mother look the day she drove with the poet to Cochin?
2. What were the poet’s fears as she looked at their mother ?
3. What happy images helped her to ‘put that thought away’?
4. What were the poet’s feelings at the airport? How did she hide them?
5. The poem describes a commonplace experience. But it has deep significance?

Your passion will define your limits…. Strive for more

6. What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
7. Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?
8. Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘spilling out of their
9. Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?
10. What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?
11. Where was the poet going and who was with her?
12. What does the poet’s mother look like? What kind of images ahs the poet used to
signify her ageing decay?
13. What does the poet realize with pain? Why does the poet ‘put that thought away’?
14. Describe the world inside the car and compare it to the activities taking place
15. Why does the poet look outside? What does she see happening outside?
16. How has the poet contrasted the scene inside the car with the activities going on
17. What does the poet do after the security check-up? What does she notice?
18. What is the poet’s familiar ache and why does it return?
19. Why does the poet smile and what does she say while bidding good bye to her
20. What poetic devices have been used by Kamala Das in ‘My mother at 66?

Mr. Lali Mathew M.A. English M.Ed 9810312549, 20310622, 27492907

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