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ELT Network Lesson Plans

Animal Superstitions
July 2004
This lesson provides practise in the first conditional through the subject of superstitions about animals.
Created by: ELT Network Team
Level Pre-intermediate upwards
Class Type Primary
Aim(s) To practise the first conditional
To practise transferring information
Time 30 minutes
Lesson Focus Grammar and reading for information
Assumed Knowledge Basic Internet skills and the students should have seen the first conditional
Mateials!"epaation ! computer between " students# photocopies of the worksheet# cut up strips
of animal names
#e$ site(s) Trivia $suitable for pre-intermediate%
The )og *ause $suitable for upper intermediate and above%
! +ead-in to the topic ,-uperstitions.
" Give worksheets to students
3 -tudents go to the website
/ Teacher cuts up the animal strips and holds them in her hand while students have to come to her and
get one They then click on the appropriate letter and find that animal and read superstitions about it
and write them on their worksheet
0 -tudents then share'check their answers
Follow%up!&ylla$us Fit
-tudents can make a wall display of superstitions
Teacher can play a game where teacher asks a 1uestion about each animal using the first conditional
and students have to give the answer in groups and each group gets a point for the correct answer
-tudents can also work on animals and the character ad2ectives# eg greedy as a pig# strong as a
horse# proud as a peacock

Page ! 3 The British 4ouncil# -pring Gardens "00/
ELT Network Lesson Plans
Animal Superstitions
July 2004
Clic' on t(e given wod and )ind out t(e supestitions elated to t(at wod*
5nimal -uperstition

Page ! 3 The British 4ouncil# -pring Gardens "00/
ELT Network Lesson Plans
Animal Superstitions
July 2004
Page " 3 The British 4ouncil# -pring Gardens "00/

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