Anushthan-Special Prayer of GAYATRI MATA

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Why ANUSHTHAN -Special way of Worshiping?

There may be many books available on this topic in Inia an abroa! "#t the a#thentic
books with reasonable price are p#blishe from $eeta %ress $orakhp#r& U!%& Inia
only!"#t mostly all the books are written in Hini ' Sanskrit! Altho#gh all the books
p#blishe from $eeta %ress $orakhp#r teaches #s lesson that life affirming spirit#ality
alone can solve all the problems of life of toay an open the oor to a happy& healthy
an harmonio#s life on earth! (early "ook Shakti Upashna )isheshank an Nitya *arm
%oo+a %rakash are the most relevant books p#blishe from $eeta %ress
$orakhp#r&U!%&Inia on the re,#ire topic&tho#gh there are many others too!Nitya *arm
%oo+a %rakash& is written by %armacharya %anit Sri -am "havan .isra /i ' Sri 0al
"ihari .isra /i!In this book there are many #sef#l chapters relating to metho of
%oo+anm!1or specific p#rpose &when more energy is re,#ire to be generate& specific
performance which is known as An#sthan is one specially #ring Navratri!When long
+o#rney is propose to be #nertaken& special foo an ae,#ate money are kept for being
#se in transit! An#sthan& similarly is like +o#rney e2penses! when this energy capital is
acc#m#late! aspirant3s +o#rney thro#gh life becomes easier an smoother! An#sthan is
special or emergency call or invoking of aspirant to seek ivine blessings! The aspirant
thereby& attracts within him& the e2traorinary energy of ivine so#rce! When a tiger
po#nces #pon a eer or a cat attacks a mo#se& they pa#se for a moment& stop breathing&
move back a little& an sharpen all their inner fac#lties an then charge s#enly on their
prey! An athlete in high or long +#mp &stops for a moment &moves back a little an then
leaps #p or forwar!A wrestler also takes a co#nter move an s#enly changes his
strategy!A marksman has also to o the same thing before shooting!In An#shthan same
thing has to be one on spirit#al level!If any calamity has to be averte or some s#ccess
achieve it is one by performance of An#sthan!It is also +#st like cry of baby to here
which mother abanons all work&r#shes an attens to the baby!When h#man eneavo#r
fails&there is no way o#t to avert a crisis! 4arkness prevails all-aro#n& the f#t#re appears
grimly ark& circ#mstances become menacingly averse! In s#ch a plight& it is b#t nat#ral
to become nervo#s!The intellect of s#ch a worrie person oes not work properly! 5n
s#ch occasions&the name of $o or $oess is the only strength! The entire sit#ation is
change by ivine intervention! The intense ark night of calamity s#enly isappears
with the o#t-break of light an a person is able to see the right path!An#sthan er#pts in
the heart in the form of light which enlightens the path!62tra-orinary relief is obtaine
by An#sthan of ivine power of lor $anesh or mother 4#rga or *ali or any form of $o
or $oess b#t with f#ll evotion!1or performance of An#sthan 7omplete %oo+anam are
re,#ire to be one! In the book Nitya *arm %oo+a %rakash the complete metho is given
to perform An#sthan accoringly in abo#t 89 pages an it takes many ho#rs e2cl#ing the
time for chanting the re,#ire n#mbers of mantras an thereafter for performing Havan '
other steps etc!1or this p#rpose all the verses as mentione specially at page No!:98 to
;<; are necessary to be #ttere an all the actions=*riya-yoga> are necessary to be
performe!%lease refer the cite book& if yo# can #nerstan Hini ' Sanskrit!In
concl#ing lines I wish to mention here that every member of this comm#nity an their
relatives m#st chant $ayatri mantra aily in orerly manner an meitation on raiant
S#n $o i!e SA)ITA 46)ATA m#st be one keeping both eyes close! 7hanting of
:;?@@@ $ayatri mantra in <@ consec#tive ays is known as 0A$HU ANUSTHAN which
m#st be performe every year by every member of this comm#nity! It goes witho#t
saying that what sho#l yo# eat ' rink #ring ANUSTHAN perio! The raiant SUN
$54 i!e SA)ITA 46)ATA is ISTA 46)ATA of every member of this ivine
With thanks ' regars&
4hirenra Nath .isra!

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