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24 pages ` 15 ISSN 0972-3366 FORTNIGHTLY Vol. 15 No.12 Issue Serial # 346 www.milligazette.

com 16-30 June 2014

Elections/Modi 5,8,10,11
Assam refugees 8
Corruption 9
J&K 10 Analysis 11 Special Reports 3,13 Issues 2,11,13
Speaking Out 11 Books 21 Newsmakers 12 International 16-20
Community News 14-15 Islamic Perspectives 20
Our Publications 19 Classifieds 22 Letters 23
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With Mr Ajit Doval poised to take charge as
national security adviser, India has placed its
cards on the table. After a lifetime in the trade,
as intelligence practitioners affectionately call
their craft universally, Mr. Doval cannot be
expected to change his spots. He can therefore
be expected to concentrate on what he is best
at: covert operations.
Breathless biographies in the media suggest
he has had a hand in outmanoeuvring Mizo and
Sikh extremists. He is also credited with Kuka
Parray turning coat in Kashmir. He had a role in
the Kandahar exchange. In retirement, he has
run a well-funded think tank that came up in the
heart of Delhis diplomatic enclave.
What these hagiographies dont tell is also
equally significant. The think tank organised
vimarshas that began with vedic recitations in
Sanskrit. It has been linked with helping organ-
ise the BJP campaign that has swept it to power.
There is little to take amiss in this. Conservative
think tanks can be expected to help steer con-
servative parties to power. That Mr. Doval did
this successfully is to his credit. However, as
any cyber denizen knows, the BJP campaign
gained speed with a cyber disinformation cam-
paign, especially thinly disguised black propa-
ganda directed at discrediting in particular the
Gandhis. This suggests a masterly intelligence
hand well-versed with dirty tricks behind it. By
no means does the needle point to Mr. Doval.
But then the jury needs to stay out longer on
this. And, in all fairness, in contrast to Mr. Amit
Shahs doings in UP, that in one commentators
well argued case, have resulted in the commu-
nal polarisation in UP and Bihar that buoyed the
BJP to power, this is almost benign.
But the main reservation here is on the role
of the top leadership of the intelligence fraternity
in the early and mid-2000s. Since Mr. Doval was
part of this august grouping, he cannot escape
accountability and in that a share of the blame.
The fact is that the nefarious strategy of
painting Indias minority as a fifth column lend-
ing itself to the expansion of the Pakistani proxy
war from Kashmir to the Indian hinterland was
thought up and implemented at a time when Mr.
Doval was in the chair first as Special Director
IB, under the first NDA regime, and later as
Director IB under the first Manmohan Singh
Since IB cannot but know the truth, even if
Mr. Doval did not think up this strategy, to what
extent did he exert to end it in first place and
second to reverse it by putting behind bars the
Hindutva activists, such as Aseemanand, who
participated in it is a moot question.
It bears recall that the strategy was in full
play in the run up to the Shining India cam-
paign of the BJP. The idea was to suggest an
India under siege from an expansion in
Pakistans proxy war and BJP as the only party
capable of pulling it out. Since the unwritten
ceasefire of November 2003, cemented in an
agreement at Islamabad in January 2004, signi-
fied a positive start in J&K, the ISI bogey was
then redirected to place Indias minority on the
defensive. In Gujarat, it is by now well-estab-
lished that the campaign, under the tutelage of
Mr. Amit Shah, was aimed at embellishing the
56 inch chest of the provincial strongman
there: Mr. Modi. Since the strategy was carried
out by Hindutva footsoldiers, including those in
khaki such as Mr. Vanzara, as a masterly black
operation, it also bears an intelligence stamp.
The Gujarat IB head then who went on to hold
Dovals chair later as special director in IB, has
been linked with the operation. Mr. Doval at the
apex of the intelligence community then cannot
but have known of the authorship. That the IB did
not distinguish itself in the period, suggests not
so much incompetence, but, at the least, indif-
ference, and, more dangerously, complicity.
As far as Mr. Dovals intervention in Kashmir
is concerned, media hype has it that it helped
turn round the insurgency. Kuka Parray was the
epitome of a divide and rule initiative in which
the Ikhwan was created to undercut the pro-
Pakistan Hizbul Mujahedeen which by mid-
nineties had successfully displaced the Kashmiri
nationalist JKLF. It cleared the way for the dom-
inance of Pakistani groups such as Lashkar
thereafter. The advantage for India was to dis-
credit the insurgency as externally inspired and
therefore legitimised Indian political inaction.
Further, once the proxy war dimension had been
crucially established, it could be expanded by
intelligence operations that expanded the ISI
footprint into the rest of India. That the shadow
of intelligence operations continues over certain
episodes such as the Ansals Plaza killings and,
more critically, the Parliament attack, is sugges-
tive of an intelligence-led Indian strategy. This
was to enable a shift to a hard line that included
diplomatic coercion through a military mobilisa-
tion in case Pakistan proved unresponsive to
Indias diplomatic initiatives such as the ill-
thought out Lahore peace initiative. In the event,
the intelligence-dominant strategy succeeded,
not only externally but also internally, in boxing
in Pakistan and Indias minority respectively.
Given that the only link between the two, the
external and internal Other created by the
strategy, is Muslimness, it is clear that at heart
the strategy was anti-Muslim. It benefited from
the Islamophobia that marked the times coincid-
ing with the Bush years at the White House.
Such a strategy cannot only have non-state
actors at the core and at helm. It is not one that
was thought up and implemented with such
aplomb without state knowledge. That the state
remained in stupor, in particular its IB, indicates
state inaction at best and state complicity at
worst. Since Mr. Doval is now termed as an
intelligence czar, even if he had nothing to do
with it, it is clear that he as a leader and intelli-
gence legend did have a hand in setting the
internal political and ethical compass of the
institution and indeed can be taken as a protag-
onist in determining its institutional culture. In
this Mr. Doval has failed spectacularly.
This background is necessary to understand
which direction Indian security can now be
expected to head. Mr. Doval was IB head in the
first UPA government. His ambit was likely then
to have been considerably restricted from what
it might have been under a second NDA regime
had the information operation, that the Shining
India campaign essentially was, worked.
Incidentally, it was the NDA that had nominated
Doval to IB directorship by easing out the incum-
bent then, ensuring that he went on premature
leave pending retirement, so that Mr. Doval could
take his place prior to the UPA getting into the
driving seat and upsetting the applecart. In the
event, Mr. Doval was ushered in by the UPA
among its first actions when it came to power.
As an aside, the BJPs election time barbs over
the nomination of the current chief designate by
the previous government is therefore a bit rich,
given its own actions on Mr. Dovals behalf just
recounted. Returning to the point, without the
checks and balances that the UPA placed on him
then, not least in the form of yet another intelli-
gence man, MK Narayanan, in the NSA chair, Mr.
Doval today will have the run of the place.
India by forthrightly nominating Mr. Doval
has thrown down the gauntlet to Pakistan exter-
nally and has sent a message to its minority cur-
rently cowering under majoritarian triumphalism.
The message for Pakistan is that it had better
take Indias hand outstretched at the Rashtrapati
Bhawan forecourt or else India will turn the
tables on the ISI. Afghanistan offers a ready the-
atre for proxy war. If Pakistan hits back in
Kashmir then onus for the fertility of the space
can only be with Indian political inattention over
the past decade. In case Indias intelligence stu-
por on the internal front continues, and indeed it
will since even the Congress when in power
could not turn the tide even by appointing and
giving an extension to a Muslim as IB chief, then
the Hindutva programme for Indias cultural
reset can be expected to proceed without check.
Clearly, Indian security is in for interesting times.
The author, a securty analyst, blogs at
What Mr Doval as NSA means for national security
The fact is that the nefarious strategy of
painting Indias minority as a fifth column
lending itself to the expansion of the Pakistani
proxy war from Kashmir to the Indian
hinterland was thought up and implemented
at a time when Mr. Doval was in the chair
first as Special Director IB, under the first
NDA regime, and later as Director IB under the first
Manmohan Singh tenure.
Since IB cannot but know the truth, even if Mr. Doval did
not think up this strategy, to what extent did he exert to end it
in first place and second to reverse it by putting behind bars
the Hindutva activists, such as Aseemanand, who
participated in it is a moot question.
2 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 ISSUES / OPINION
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It is not understandable as to why the newly-elected government
is in a hurry to implement its controversial agenda although it was
part of the BJP manifesto and the pre-election declarations of the
saffron party leaders. The RSS was waiting for this moment for
more than half a century and now the opportunity has knocked at
its doors. History goes back to over six decades as to how did the
constituent assembly grant special status to Kashmir vide Article
370 of the Constitution of India.
The Constituent Assembly was set up for the purpose of draft-
ing a constitution for India. It existed for almost three years, act-
ing as the first parliament of India after independence in 1947 and
it drafted the constitution of India with the special provision of
Article 370 with reference to Kashmir.
The Assembly was not elected on the basis of universal adult
franchise and only Muslims and Sikhs were given special repre-
sentation as minorities. The assembly had only two Muslim
members in the core committee leading to a dispute about the
proportion of Muslim representation in the constituent assembly.
One of the two was Maulana Abul Kalam Azad whose grand-neice
has just asserted that Muslims are not a minority.
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article
370 of the Constitution, the President, with the concurrence of the
Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir made The
Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1950
which came into force on 26 January, 1950 and was later super-
seded by the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir)
Order, 1954 which came into force on 14 May, 1954. Article 370
specifically mentions that except 1. Defence, 2. Foreign Affairs
and 3. Communications and ancillary matters (matters which
were specified in the Instrument Of Accession, which took place
between Maharaja Hari Singh and the Union of India at the time of
deciding the fate of Kashmir after the partition of India), the
Kashmiris will enjoy the privilege of having their properties only
with them, and no non-Kashmiri could have the right to buy prop-
erty in Kashmir. The head of the Government of Kashmir was to
be called the Prime Minister and the state assembly was to be
called Parliament and the President of Kashmir was also to enjoy
the dignity of a head of state. But we can see that the Prime
Minister of Kashmir has come to be known as the Chief Minister,
and President of Kashmir is now the Governor and its Parliament
is now an assembly.
Article 370 was an agreement between the Kashmiris and the
Union Government of India for granting limited and restricted
autonomy for the state if it were to be part of India.
True, Kashmir is an integral part of India but why should the
fact be sidelined that Kashmir, unlike other states, has diverse cul-
ture, diverse geographical stretches, political inclinations, a differ-
ent history and most of all, unlike other states, shares borders
with another state which is claimant of Kashmir. Those opposing
Article 370, should not overlook these diversities. All these ele-
ments constitute a strong claim of the state to enjoy autonomy
within the Union of India.
Due to the sensitive nature of the issue, all governments have
respected the Article 370. No Union Government in India has tried
to tinker with the Article 370. The 1974 Indira-Sheikh accord
between Sheikh Abdullah and then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
stated, The State of Jammu and Kashmir which is a constituent
unit of the Union of India, shall, in its relation with the Union, con-
tinue to be governed by Article 370 of the Constitution of India.
This clearly states that even a prime minister of the stature of
Indira Gandhi decided not to touch Article 370.
This article specifies that the Indian Parliament needs the
State Governments concurrence for applying Indian laws to the
state. Thus the states residents lived under a separate set of laws,
including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and
fundamental rights, as compared to other Indian citizens. Similar
protections for such unique status exists in the case of Indias trib-
al areas including those in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Nagaland. However, it is only for
the state of Jammu and Kashmir that the accession of the state is
still a matter of dispute between India and Pakistan. It is still on the
agenda of the UN Security Council. The Government of India vide
1974 Indira-Sheikh accord committed itself to keeping the rela-
tionship between the Union and Jammu and Kashmir State within
the ambit of this article .
Some argue that the President may, by public notification
under article 370(3), declare that Article 370 shall cease to be
operative and no recommendation of the Constituent Assembly is
needed as it does not exist any longer. Others say it can be
amended by an Act of Parliament under Article 368 of the
Constitution and the amendment will extend under Article 370(1).
Art. 147 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir states that no
Bill or amendment seeking to make any change in the provisions
of the Constitution of India as applicable in relation to the state,
shall be introduced or moved in either house of the Legislature. As
per Art. 5 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the execu-
tive and legislative powers of the state extend to all matters except
those with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws
for the State under the provisions of the Constitution of India as
applicable in relation to this state.
J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah has said that Article 370
was the only constitutional link between Jammu and Kashmir
and rest of India -- a stand many senior Kashmir politicians,
scholars and historians concur with. He (Omar Abdullah) is
right, said noted Kashmiri legal luminary Syed Tassaduq
Hussein. It means they want to break the constitutional link
between the state and the Union. Even if they want, it wont be
easy. They have to first pass a resolution in Lok Sabha, then in
Rajya Sabha, with two-thirds majority. Then it would come to
Kashmir Assembly where they will need to pass it again with a
two-thirds majority, which is not possible. It will be the demise of
any political party if they dare to do that in Kashmir. Kashmir will
be in flames if they attempt it, Hussein said. PDP chairperson
Mehboobah Mufti has also said that It is an established fact that
Art. 370 has acquired a permanent status in the Constitution of
India, it is not advisable even to open a debate on it keeping in
view its crucial nature in the relationship between the state and the
Union. Keeping all these facts in mind, we have to act wisely to
deal with this delicate issue effectively and wisely.
In the modern age of technology and progress, it will be a folly
to wander into uncharted political waters for encashing irrelevant
issues while people face harsher and more pressing problems.
Not easy to play around with Art. 370
Rising Hindu Militancy
We seem to be breathing in a cauldron of extreme religiosity, a character in Russian
great Maxim Gorkys story ruefully states. The same state of affairs can be likened to that
of Maharashtra, nay of whole India, in the wake of an innocent youths (Mohsin) brutal
killing in Poona, a city of civilised people and one useless octogenarian Delhite Mr Batra
of Shiksha Bachao Andolans religious sallies of the mind.
What happened in Poona following the controversial FB posts is simply reprehensi-
ble. Some dubious Hindu Rashtra Sena and its brainless goons under the leadership of
one Dhananjay Desai went berserk, killing and attacking people from the minority group.
This is indeed disgusting. Ive been reiterating for many years that Hindus have
always been violent like any other community. Just because they didnt get a suitable
opportunity to assert their religious pigheadedness cannot be adduced as their latitudi-
narism and religious all-inclusiveness. Now theyve got it and the reins are in their hands.
I ask these uncultured militant Hindus, what do they know of their great faith and
what do they know of Shivaji, who was never so great a Hindu ruler as to be considered
extra-important by the Mughals in Delhi?
There was a time when court jesters could make fun of the kings and Natya Shastra
mentions this exclusively. Even Shivaji was criticised by his courtier Nanaji More who
wrote parodies on him. Shivaji never excoriated him.
Were living in dangerous times with dangerous people who think themselves to be
the custodians of religion. This frightens me.
The case of Batra is slightly different, but it also falls in the same category of belli-
cose Hinduism. Hes under the impression that god has sent him to save Hinduism from
linguistic and literary adulteration! First, he made Penguin pulp the remaining copies of
the US scholar Wendy Donigers Hinduism and now he wants to purge all textbooks of
Persian, Arabic, Urdu and English words. He takes a scunner to words like Takht
(throne), khatm (end), baadshah (king), adalat (justice, court), to name but a few. To
him, all these words are of MUSLIM origin! Now wholl tell him that no language belongs
to a particular religion? He himself speaks incorrect Hindi of North India like: Aap bolo
instead of Aap kahiye. But these numskulls try to ferret out foreign words that are now
part of our socio-linguistic milieu and cannot be expunged from our collective psyche.
The Hindification and Hinduization are two potential weapons of these belligerent
Hindus, which they wield at will. Its time, we put mockers on these Hindu fanatics to call
ourselves as an all encompassing and advanced-thinking society.
NATIONAL The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 3
Aurangabad: In the intervening night of 3-4
June Daulatabad police re-enacted its bar-
barism seen last March at Mumbra.
In the police attack, 15 Muslims were
badly injured, three got their ankles broken and
one got his leg fractured.
Some 50-60 persons had protested at the
electricity and panchayat offices against long
electricity outages where they damaged some
proper ty and burnt some papers.
After about half an hour, police arrived and
star ted beating anyone they found. Police
forcibly entered into Choti Mandi houses hit-
ting people including women and arresting the
youth. Police took them to the Walog police
station where they were again beaten up mer-
cilessly and were left there crying despite their
injuries and fractures. In the morning they
were taken to a magistrate seeking police
remand. Seeing the injuries, the magistrate
refused police remand and ordered the police
to take them to hospital instead. Eight Hindu
youth too were arrested but they were treated
nicely and taken honorably to the police sta-
In the police beating, both ankles of Shaikh
Imran and Shaikh Raees were broken while
Shaikh Zaheer lost his four teeth due to police
beating. Both legs of Shujauddin got fractured.
Some of the Muslims injured and arrested
had nothing to do with the protest. They were
on the streets for some work or were returning
from their work or some social engagement.
(Translated from Aurangabad Times, 5 June 2014)
Respond now if you care about your
White Paper on Terrorism
The issue of fake terrorism charges and the unjust arrests and defamation of our community,
especially since 2001, is the biggest challenge facing the community ever since. A grand con-
spiracy hatched by the powers that be, IB, Police and media, has sullied and defamed our com-
munity. This campaign has affected our lives, peace of mind and has thwarted our efforts to
progress and educate our children to join the national mainstream.
Our efforts so far to present our case, to bring out our innocence and force the national and
state governments to listen to our grievances have mostly failed. All we have received are a few
words of solace which have no real meaning and have not changed the situation on the ground.
Our children by their thousands are still languishing in jails on the basis of fake confessions
obtained through torture and blackmail.
As a long-term solution and a serious response to this problem thrust upon us, AIMMM
decided last year to bring out a white paper on the Muslim-related terrorism in the country.
The work is going on with all seriousness and many researchers, scholars and journalists are
busy preparing writeups on various aspects of this issue, covering the history, genesis, com-
munalism, vested interests in various related fields, analysis of various laws like TADA, POTA
and UAPA, fake encounters, narco tests, torture, acquittals, IB & Police role, media attitude,
case studies, statewise surveys, SIMI, Indian Mujahidin, Hindutva terror, individual tragedies
of victims, Azamgarh, Bhatkal, Malegaon, Darbhanga modules, some basic documents, etc.,
The target is to bring out this white paper during the next few months and to release it in a
big convention at Delhi as a combined effort of major Muslim and civil rights organisations, and
thereafter present this huge document of over 600 large format pages to politicians, media,
human rights organisations, especially outside the country, in order to enlighten public opinion
at home and abroad as well as to build pressure on our blind and deaf government.
The estimated cost of this white paper is Rs 35 lakh divided as follows: Rs 15 lakh cost of
preparation and payments to contributors plus six months salaries to researchers and experts;
Rs 15 lakh for designing and printing the document in a world-class format; while the grand con-
vention at Delhi will cost at least 5 lakh. Effort will be made to release the White Paper in some
state and world capitals also.
You can help this effort in four ways,
1. To buy copies of the White Paper on Terrorism in advance to help defray part of the huge cost
of research, printing, publication and distribution of at least one thousand complimentary
copies. The estimated price of the white paper is Rs 2000 per copy in India. You may place
an advance order by paying Rs 1000 only per copy in India including postal charges).
Payments for the copies may be made to The Milli Gazette, D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, Jamia
Nagar, New Delhi 110025. Email: Individuals and organisations order-
ing a minimum of 100 copies in advance will be included as Sponsors of the White Paper.
2. Contribute to the cost of the grand convention to be held in Delhi. This should be payable to
the All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, D-250, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New
Delhi-110025. Tel.: 011-26946780 Fax: 011-26947346. Email:
3. Donate your time: If you are a scholar, researcher, journalist: join our team for a few
months working in our Delhi office or from your own home to complete this project - write
to the Editor, MG now at
4. Contact us if you have vital information/documents about this issue.
write with details in the first instance to the Editor at
Basic requirements: good command over English, interest in and knowledge
of Muslim community issues, knowledge of Urdu
Maha Polices dance
macabre in Daulatabad
Some injured Muslim youth in the casualty hall of Ghati Hospital -- Shaikh
Imran (left), Shaikh Raees (middle) and Shaikh Zaheer (top).
Milli Council Executive meets
London: In a display of unity against unbridled
series of rapes and other crimes against women in
India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, more than 400
people of various denominations protested outside
the Indian High Commission here on 4 June.
Protesters included
British Dalit organisations, women rights
organisations, writers, poets and film-makers.
They expressed solidarity with the rape victims
and survivors of Badaun and Bhagana and their
families and expressed their outrage against police
complicity and connivance of the local administra-
tion in these crimes.
There was visible anger on the faces of pro-
testers against Indian governments protection
of the rapists belonging to upper castes and
economically powerful classes. They held plac-
ards reading
- Modi Parliament Day One: Bhagana Rape
Survivors Evicted in Delhi!;
- Is this democracy;
- We remember Bathani Tola, Bathe, Kharlaniji,
Bhagana, BadaunHow many more?
They shouted slogans like UP Government,
Shame! Shame! Modi Government, Shame!
Shame! Freedom Without Fear Platform
spokesperson Sarbjit Johal said: While we are
aware that sexual violence against Dalit and
oppressed caste women and girls is widespread
all over India and has been going on for a long
time, todays eviction and sexual assault on the
Bhagana survivors and their families confirms
our fears that things are getting worse, not bet-
ter. We are also appalled by the news that
Sanjeev Baliyan, who is a main accused in the
Muzaffarnagar riots and mass rapes, has been
rewarded with a ministerial post in Narendra
Modis government. What kind of message does
this give?
A joint letter signed by the representatives of
17 different organisations and addressed to Prime
Minister Narendra Modi was also handed over to
the Indian High Commission in which they
expressed acute concern about the ongoing hor-
rific attacks on Dalit and oppressed caste women
and children across India, including most recently,
the appalling gang-rape and lynching of two girls
aged 14 and 15 in Badaun Only two months ear-
lier, four teenage Dalit girls aged 13-18 were raped
by higher caste landowners in Bhagana in
Haryana, and the survivors are still fighting for the
arrest of the rapists. They also demanded immedi-
ate removal of Sanjeev Baliyan, a main accused in
the Muzaffarnagar riots and mass rapes of Muslim
women in U. P. who has been inducted in the Union
Rapes and crimes in India
outrage South Asians in UK
New Delhi: The Milli Council executive met
here on Sunday, 8 June, at the IOS auditorium.
Members expressed concern over the overall
situation in the country, especially in the state
of Maharashtra. The Council asked PM
Narendra Modi and Home Minister Rajnath
Singh to pay Rs 50 lakh as compensation to
the family of the murdered techie Mohsin
Sadiq as well as to all people similarly affected
by violence. Milli Council asked the Central and
state government to put Hindu Rashtra Sena
leader Dhinanjay Desai on trial and ban his
extremist organisation. Milli Council hoped that
the new government will fulfill its promises to
give equal rights and opportunities to all citi-
zens and to weed out corruption and commu-
nalism and rein in merchants of hate and vio-
lence. Milli Council announced that it will con-
vene a joint meeting of organisations belong-
ing to all schools of thought to plans for a
common minimum programme for the com-
munity. Milli Council has also formed a com-
mittee to work for justice to Assam victims.
The meeting was attended by Council presi-
dent Maulana Abdullah Mugheesi, General
Secretary Dr. Manzoor Alam and others.
4 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 NATIONAL
Joint families are pass
Delhi: The food department recorded about 3 lakh two-
and three-member families. A total of 2.7 lakh five-mem-
ber homes and 1.3 lakh six-member ones applied under
the food security scheme. The institution of the joint fam-
ily is fast losing out to the nuclear mode even in low-
income settlements in the capital. The preference for a
small family comes through in the enrolment figures for
the food security programme launched last September.
Of 16.3 lakh homes applying for new ration cards, 3.7
lakh are four-member families and this group topped the
tally followed closely by two and three-member house-
holds...Big families are certainly on the decline. An analy-
sis of the application data threw up 62,245 seven-mem-
ber families followed by 16,890 eight member house-
holds. There are 6,597 nine-member homes and just
4,971 houses with 10 or more members. The changing
social profile of low-income families also reveals a large
number of people living alone. A total of 187,973 appli-
cations were received in which there was only one bene-
ficiary...(Ambika Pandit,TNN)
Huge animal sacrifice in AP town
Chittoor: More than one lakh animals were sacrificed in
Kuppam town of Andhra Pradesh on 20 May. The occa-
sion was not Eiduz-Zuha or Eid Al Adh-ha but Tirupati
Gangamamba Jatara and the animals sacrificed were, in
addition to cows and buffalos, hens also and other milch
animals too which had stopped producing milk. More
than three lakh devotees from all over Kuppam division
as well as from neighbouring Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
states participated in the procession of the Head of
Goddess Shakti which passed through the streets of this
town. The streets of Kuppam had turned bloody
because of the sacrifice, which was on such a large
scale. The procession started from a local temple at
about 7 in the morning. A fire engine was also deployed
to clean the roads which had turned red because of ani-
mal blood. Thousands of shamianas were put up by the
devotees at the outskirts of the town. Devotees as well
as revellers feasted on cooked meat and liquors.
Life for 17 policemen in Dehradun encounter
New Delhi: A CBI court here on 9 June awarded life impris-
onment to 17 of the 18 policemen convicted of killing
Ranbir Singh, a 22-year-old MBA student, in a fake
shootout in Dehradun in July 2009. On 6 June, the court
had convicted 18 policemen for the cold-blooded murder of
the youth, but acquitted one of them of the murder charge
while convicting him for falsifying records. Jaspal Singh
Gosain, the head operator at city control room, was con-
victed under Section 218 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC)
(public servant framing incorrect record). The 18 policemen
were chargesheeted by the CBI in connection with the
Ranbir Singh murder case. The convicted policemen are
then inspector Santosh Jaiswal, sub-inspectors Gopal Dutt
Bhatt, Rajesh Bisht, Neeraj Kumar, Nitin Chauhan and
Chandra Mohan, constables Ajeet Singh, Satbir Singh, Sunil
Saini, Chander Pal, Saurabh Nautiyal, Nagendra Nath, Vikas
Chandra Baluni, Sanjay Rawat, Mohan Singh Rana, Inder
Bhan Singh and Manoj Kumar besides Gosain. They were
arrested after evidence surfaced that Ranbir Singh, a resi-
dent of Ghaziabad, was allegedly gunned down in cold-
blood by Uttarakhand Police.
Points to ponder
Kasab execution linked to Shindes politics
Shinde was banking on his performance as home min-
ister. He was instrumental in taking a decision on the
execution of Ajmal Kasab. [By this logic, hanging of
Afzal Guru too was part of this same plan] (Prafulla
Marpakwar, Shine blames sabotage for loss, Times
of India, New Delhi, 31 May 2014, p. 13)
[Intellectuals are the first to betray: Lenin]
We still try to comfort ourselves with the thought that
almost seven out of 10 voters didnt cast their lot with
BJP. Comfort cant get colder than this. What we need
is to acknowledge the flaws in our idea of secularism.
Correctly or otherwise, it has been perceived as a hos-
tile attitude to even the most uplifting traditions of
Indias myriad religious and spiritual traditions. And, by
that token, it has been equated with an indulgent attitude
to Muslim extremism. A course correction is in order
-- Dileep Padgaonkar (in his article A missive to dis-
traught liberals Times of India, New Delhi, 31 May
2014, p.22)
In its issue of 12 May, 2014, the Indian Express published an article by
a biased Pakistani of the ilk which is financed by western foundations
and agencies to malign Islam and Muslims. Under the headline of The
Lucknow Connection, the Pakistani writer claimed that Lucknows
Nadwatul Ulama is responsible for the murderous violence against the
Shia in Pakistan. Since that disjointed article was based on lies and
falsehood, I sent the following rejoinder to the editor of the Op-Ed in the
paper on 16 May:
The Lucknow Connection
Under the above headline Khaled Ahmed, a Pakistani journalist, has
offered a disjointed cocktail based on inaccuracies and plain untruth.
The writer traces the anti-Shia violence in Pakistan, not the only violence
in that country, to a madrasa in Lucknow, viz., Darul Uloom Nadwatul
Ulama or Nadwa for short. He claims that Manzur Numani (Manzoor
Nomani - the queer spelling shows that the authors source is not
subcontinental) was head of Nadwa. He also quotes a pseudo-scholar
that Manzoor Nomani was a teacher of Nadwa. Both these claims are
false. Maulana Manzoor Nomani, a well-known scholar of the Deobandi
school of thought, was never the head of Nadwa and never taught there.
But it is correct that he wrote a book against Shia beliefs and it is quite
possible that he was swayed by some Saudis to do so. I can say this
because at that same time I too was approached by a Saudi source to
write such books and to establish a research centre for that purpose in
Delhi for which money was no problem -- I rejected the proposal
Nadwa is known for its enlightened, cautious and middle-of-the-
road approach from its very inception in 1894. It was established as a
middle path between the rigid madrasa system and the Anglophile
Anglo-Mohamedan College of Aligarh.
As an alumnus of Nadwa and as the author of the article on this
institution in the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Islam (Leiden),
I can say that what Mr Khaled Ahmed has tried to ascribe to Nadwa is
totally baseless, malicious with malafide intent, and concocted. Nadwa
cannot be blamed for what Maulana Nomani wrote which, in any case,
was a rehashing of the age-old Sunni polemic against Shiism like Shah
Abdul Azizs Tuhfa Ithna Ashariya written in the early nineteenth
It is questionable that the writings of Nomani led to violence against
Shias in Pakistan if they failed to ignite such violence in his own city of
Lucknow itself. While Pakistan is struggling with all kinds of violence,
the Shia-Sunni front of Lucknow has been more or less peaceful after
the last big riot of 1977. No big Shia-Sunni riot occurred when the said
book was published in late 1980s. Shia-Sunni riots are now a thing of
the past in Lucknow mainly due to the wise leadership of some Shia
clerics like the great mujtahid Maulana Kalbe Abid (d. 1986).
The author, quite strangely and insulting to ones intelligence,
alludes that the acts of charity in Iraq by Lucknow Nawabs in the
eighteenth century have some connection to what is taking place now
in that country as a direct result of the American military intervention.
Khaled Ahmed concludes his piece with a strange assertion that
the Shias of India and Pakistan are rediscovering their faith as a
schism that took place in early Islam and are readying themselves for
a new Armageddon. The last part of this concluding sentence leaves
one flabbergasted. Rediscovery and faith rejuvenation are taking place
in all Muslim communities today and one main reason is the continuous
western assault on Islam and Muslims. But there is no sign of any
Armageddon within the Muslim ranks in India and elsewhere. Shias
and Sunnis are working together all over the world notwithstanding
their differences over approach to the current civil war in Syria. Indian
Muslims reject sectarianism. We believe that any attempt to foment
discord in our ranks is disservice to us and to our country. Pakistanis
should not try to export their civil war to us.
Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan is editor of The Milli Gazette and President of
the All India Muslim Majlis-e Musahwarat.
he rejoinder was not published, hence I sent the following letter
to the editor of the Indian Express by mail and got it hand-
delivered at his office same day:
20 May, 2014
Shekhar Gupta Esq.
Chief Editor, The Indian Express
New Delhi - 110002
Dear Mr. Gupta,
A piece by the Pakistani writer Khaled Ahmad (The Lucknow
Connection) was published in your esteemed newspaper on 12 May.
Since it contained blatant lies and malicious material about an important
seat of Islamic learning in India, I sent a rejoinder to your newspaper on
16 May via email at 1:05 pm. It was emailed directly to your op-ed
editor Ms Vandana Mishra at her email address
( as well as to your usual feedback
email address ( I also sent an sms at the
same time to Ms Vandana Mishra on her mobile phone (#9871396665)
requesting confirmation that the piece was received. I received no reply
to either my email or the sms. I waited until yesterday and again sent an
sms in the morning to Ms. Vandana Mishra and received a reply sms
from her at 10.50 am saying In a meeting. Will get back later today. I
am writing to you since I did not receive any further sms or email.
With an experience of over four decades in journalism, I know it is
not my legal right to get a reply to my email or sms although self-
respecting publications like NYT, WSJ and London Guardian do reply.
But I do know that it is a professional duty of a publication which
publishes slanderous and malicious material to publish a rejoinder if
one comes.
By not quickly publishing my rejoinder to the Pakistani writers
slander you are only helping this malicious lie to gain ground and
become an accepted fact which will, in the long run, tarnish the image
of that institution as well as the community to which it belongs. This is
particularly ominous in the current atmosphere where lies get easily
accepted and circulated when against Muslims. Your own paper has
done a commendable job in exposing some of these lies related to the
war on terror in which thousands of innocent Muslim youth have been
arrested and forced to remain in jails for years before they are acquitted
There is a larger issue
related to the one at hand
here. This larger issue is the
almost total blackout of a 200
million- strong community by
our media, print as well as
electronic. They exist only
when some aberration of a
fatwa or the like crops up. Our
media has no Muslim beat,
Muslim writers and
intellectuals are never invited
to write or are interviewed,
letters by Muslims are seldom
published, reporters rarely
visit Muslim localities unless
there is some extraordinary
incident like the arrest of
Muslim youth. Even in racist
Israel, I know that at least two
prominent Jewish journalists
wilfully live in Arab areas in
order to properly understand
and report the Arab scene in
I think it is your
responsibility as the head of a
media organisation to see
that this blackout comes to an
end so that a large community
of the size of Germany,
France and Spain put
together, has some space in
your publication. Do publish
bad news if there is one, but
also do not ignore when there
are good news and
developments, publish a
paragraph or two when an
important Muslim personality
dies and give space to the
cries and tears of a large
community whose current
position was portrayed, rather
understated, by the Sachar
Committee Report.
My sincere apologise if I
have taken too much of your
previous time.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan
Editor, The Milli Gazette
Mobile: 9811142151
he Editor, like his Op-Ed
editor, did not deign to reply
though a shor t letter was
published on 21 May from
Nadwatul Ulamas PRO refuting
the Pakistani writers claim.
This episode shows the
arrogance which mainstream
media has for its readers,
especially Muslims. A mere 600-
word rejoinder was too much for
this editor who of late has been
almost daily publishing his full-
page trash on the Op-Ed page
which perhaps no Indian
Express reader cares to read.
Since we have utterly failed
on the media front, such
arrogance from those who have
succeeded in this crucial field is
only natural.
The fictitious Lucknow Connection
Indian Exp. letters column, 21 May, 2014
NATIONAL The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 5
The following is the full text of a press
release, minus language mistakes, we
received on 31 May 2014 from Dr Rashid
Shaz, who now teaches English at AMU. It is
a long journey indeed for this thinker from
agitating for Khilafat in early 1990s to falling
in the lap of the Hindutva icon. Equally
strange is Dr Shazs resurrection of the so-
called Milli Parliament which died and lay
buried for some two decades. Intellectuals
are the first to betray, said Lenin, and here is
our super intellectual proving it right a
century later - Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan).
Mr Modis victory is a
welcome development.
Now, for the first time in
independent India,
Muslims are able to see
the stark political realities
that otherwise have been
hidden by the secular
hypocrisy of the Congress, said Prof Rashid
Shaz while addressing a group of students on
the side-lines of a debate at the Aligarh Muslim
University. Prof Shaz, an internationally
acclaimed author known for his reform writings
on Islam and formerly President of the Milli
Parliament, is probably the first Muslim heavy-
weight who has openly asked the Muslim
Indians to welcome and adjust to the new
political reality.
According to Shaz, the Nehruvian
secularism was a mirage, an unending trail of
false hopes and hallow promises. It created a
fear psychosis among Muslims. The Congress
demonised the political other, posing itself as
protector of Muslims - a promise that it never
From communal riots to the illegal ban on
Muslim organizations and from arbitrary arrests
of Muslim youths to the refusal of their demand
for a judicial probe of Batla-House encounter, the
Congress displayed a ruthless insensitivity
towards Muslims. Now, that dark era of pseudo-
secularism is over.
The new political reality may look even more
depressing to many of us, but at least we are
able to see today where we really stand. Those
who believe in the protection of the Congress
and its ilk should know that they are no more in
a position to defend us, but those who believe in
Allah Almighty should know that He is all-
powerful and hence no need to despair.
One of the most positive aspects of the new
political development is the fall of un-Godly
Muslim clergy who worked as middle-men
between the Muslim masses and the ruling elite.
They were the Congress satellites
constantly beaming message of fear and false
hopes. With long flowing beards and empty
rhetoric, they made us believe as if without the
support of their Congressite masters, Islam had
no future in India. They are the criminals of
Islam, working for their political masters yet
posing to be true to their faith.
Now in the new situation the Muslims have
got an opportunity to build a direct bridge with a
party that has no obfuscating mullas and no
middlemen. The BJP does not feel shy of
declaring what it stands for. And this is the first
pre- pre-requisite of a true dialogue.
Mr Modis recent remarks that in his victory
he sees the victory of 1.25 billion Indians and
that he wants to create a 21st century India, are
all indicative of the fact that he is open to a
meaningful dialogue with Muslims.
Mr Modi wants to consolidate what he has
achieved through hard work and determination.
He has been sending feelers for mending, rather
improving his relations with Indias 250 million-
strong Muslims. But are Muslim leaders ready
for a meaningful dialogue? Those accustomed
to receiving only a patting from the Congress
may find it difficult to enter into a bridge-building
dialogue on equal footing. But this is the only
way to survive and prosper. I believe, its a God-
sent opportunity, said Dr Shaz. There is no need
to be apprehensive. The new rulers too are
humans. They have a human heart. There is no
reason then that we cannot reach out to them.
Today, we Muslim Indians may find ourselves in
a crisis but, never mind, a crisis is always full of
new opportunities. It is for us how we make use
of the new situation. (Dr Shaz may be contacted
Dr Shaz asks Muslims to join the Modi bandwagon
Rejoinder to Shaz
Dr. Rashid Shazs statement in the Times of
India and his unwarranted press release on
the present political development has
disappointed all of those who endorse the
constitutive principles of governance in India.
There are three main points in his press-
release. He commended the RSS-led Modi
government, condemned the Congress party
and used insulting words for our religious personalities.
First, Shaz says,Mr. Modis victory is a welcome
development. Now, for the first time in independent India, Muslims
are able to see the stark political realities that otherwise have been
hidden by the secular hypocrisy of the Congress. RSS has
formed its government in India which is certainly not a welcome
development. Sangh Parivar was thoroughly engaged during the
BJP campaign and the ministerial allocation was made after the
approval of the RSS. Stark political reality cannot be presumed on
the basis of unexpected EVM results in the Hindi belt as voters
other than the Caste Hindus are bewildered over the magic of the
EVMs. Even if polarisation is the accepted game of politics today
in India, it is more manufactured than natural as India cannot be
free from its religious and caste prejudices. In fact, Muslim voters
have lost doubly this time as they are under-represented due to the
absence of the proportional representation system and the
magical job accomplished by the EVMs.
Of the 23 cabinet ministers who were sworn in, a staggering
17 have their roots in the RSS and its affiliate organisations. The
second in command to Modi in the cabinet is Rajnath Singh who
will handle the significant home department. Each and every
cabinet level leader who has been sworn in was approved by the
RSS top brass, including a reminder to Modi that the core issues
of Hindutva, for which the cadres worked, would have to be
brought to effect. Mr. Modis victory has resulted into the following
Sanjeev Baliyan, who is an accused in Muzaffarnagar riots
nine months ago, was made minister of state for agriculture and
food processing. Balyan was part of a mahapanchayat held last
year despite prohibitory orders that inflamed tensions. He was
charged by the police with violation of prohibitory orders and
promoting enmity between two communities. Swagat Sabhas of
close to 50 persons each stood every 2 kms to welcome this MoS
-- from Delhi to Muzaffarnagar -- on May 30 to welcome his
cavalcade. The announcer at Khatauli raised slogans of Bharat
Mata ki jai, Gau Mata ki jai to rouse the crowd, while at
Mansoorpur, Har Har Modi, Ghar Ghar Modi filled the air. After
results too, Baliyan had taken out a victory procession in
Muzaffarnagar ignoring prohibitory orders.
Dr. Shaz also asked the Muslim Indians to welcome and
adjust to the new political reality. It is really disgusting on his part
as the role and rights of the citizens in a democratic country
become important when they happen to be a minority under the
kind of a government which has the record of hatred, violence and
discrimination particularly against the Muslim community in the
country with plethora of objectionable statements, instigated riots,
humiliations, threats and role in various bomb-blast cases across
the country. Even the Hobbesian (Leviathan) State had
guaranteed security and dignity of its subjects. Muslims need the
fulfillment of their constitutional rights for which the Republic of
India was created. Muslims cannot accept a State worse than the
colonial masters as they were not so much cruel, dishonest and
violent against their subjects. The citizens are not hosts to
welcome a government but to watch it and to criticize it if it goes
beyond the statutory rim. Muslims cannot object a Hindu brother
showing his choice for Ganga but for a Prime Minister such
preference is anti-constitutional as the country belongs to all
communities and it is not the monopoly of one culture, one
language and one group. India is a plural society in which the
Sangh Parivar is not all but part of the whole.
We must differentiate between Mahatma Gandhi and
Nathuram Godse, between Jawaharlal Nehru and Golwalkar,
between Rahul Gandhi and Varun Gandhi. Both are Hindus. One
followed Hinduism and the other Hindutva.
To Dr. Shaz, Muslim Indians [should] welcome and adjust to
the new political reality. Look at the new realities here. Every
third newly-elected member of Lok Sabha has a criminal
background. An analysis of 541 of the 543 winning candidates by
the National Election Watch (NEW) and Association for
Democratic Reforms shows that 186 or 34% newly elected MPs
have in their election affidavits disclosed criminal cases against
themselves. Of the 186 new members, 112 (21%) have declared
serious criminal cases, including those related to murder, attempt
to murder, causing communal disharmony, kidnapping, crimes
against women, etc. Partywise, the largest numbers 98 or 35% of
the 281 winners from the BJP have in their affidavits declared
criminal cases against themselves.
Dr. Shaz says, Nehruvian secularism was a mirage; an
unending trail of false hopes and hallow promises. It created a fear
psychosis among Muslims. The Congress demonized the
political other, posing itself as protector of Muslims - a promise
that it never kept. This is not a type of criticism to legitimize
Hindutva forces in power. Nehruvian secularism was neither
European nor Leninist in nature but a product of the social
contract reached among all Indians who wanted to live together
after Independence. The relationship between a political party and
the Constitution is highly crucial. The Congress can be rightly
blamed for its failure particularly in the area of reining in
communal forces but the BJP has no harmonisation principles
and policies vis--vis the Constitution of India. One cannot find
anyone in any party other than the BJP who asks voters to shift to
Pakistan if not voting for the BJP; and urging people in Uttar
Pradesh to vote for BJP to take revenge. This is not the culture of
a country run by the present Constitution.
When Chidambram and Shinde earlier spoke of Bhagva
atankwad only the BJP opposed it alongwith the Anti-Corruption
movement started by Ramdev in December 2010 which diverted
the issue of inquiry against Pragya, Purohit and Indresh Kumar.
Now their records would soon be tampered with to erase charges
of terrorism against them like many files on the demolition of the
Babri Mosque disappeared during the previous NDA rule.
Moreover, those who killed hundreds of Muslims, raped their
women and looted and burnt their properties, in addition to bomb
blasts in different parts of the country, would simply be free from
the Rule of Law.
Dr. Shaz needs to be reminded that on this June 1, senior
Gujarat Police officer G L Singhal, 48, who was suspended after
his arrest in February 2013 for his role in the killing of Ishrat
Jahan, was reinstated by the state government. June 15 will mark
10 years since 19-year-old Khalsa college girl Ishrat Jahan, her
associate Pranesh Pillai alias Javed Shaikh, and Pakistani
nationals Jishan Johar and Amjad Ali Akbar Ali Rana, were killed
in a fake police encounter on Ahmedabads outskirts. The four
were branded Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) fidayeen assigned to kill the
then chief minister. As per the charge-sheet filed on 3 July, 2013,
and court records accessed by The Indian Express, a close
scrutiny of the CBIs charges against him shows that Singhal is
accused of being complicit at every stage of the alleged plot to kill
them -- right from the abduction of the victims, their confinement,
planning the murder, execution and planting of weapons on the
victims bodies.
Before his arrest in Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case, Singhal
was a star anti-terror cop in Gujarat. Singhal claimed to have
cracked the Akshardham temple attack case a day after it was
transferred to him in August 2003. (Two fidayeen had killed more
than 30 people on Sept 24, 2002). Last month, the Supreme
Court acquitted all the six arrested and said the police caught
innocent people and got imposed the grievous charges against
them which resulted in their conviction and subsequent
sentencing. Singhal was the investigating officer in the 2002
communal riots revenge case in which there was a trial against 44
accused and in January 2010, the Special Court (POTA) acquitted
22 of them. The other 22 were subsequently released by the High
Court (The Indian Express, 2 June 2014, p.4)
Look at the mind and the language of Shaz in his words: One
of the most positive aspects of the new political development is
the fall of un-Godly Muslim clergy who worked as middlemen
between the Muslim masses and the ruling elite. They were the
Congress satellites constantly beaming message of fear and false
hopes. With long flowing beards and empty rhetoric they made us
believe as if without the support of their Congressite masters,
Islam had no future in India. They are the criminals of Islam,
working for their political masters yet posing to be true to their
faith. Now in the new situation the Muslims have got an
opportunity to build a direct bridge with a party that has no
obfuscating mullas and no middlemen.
He is contemptuous of Muslim ulama directly and he seems
to have no concern for the community. Muslims as members of a
religious community cannot be isolated from their ulama who
were the first to contribute heavily to the freedom struggle against
the colonisers in 1857 and accepted India as their homeland after
partition in 1947. These ulama regularly condemned acts of
terrorism in the country besides providing knowledge on religion,
reading, writing and simple manners of living to most of the
children for whom the bureaucracy hardly cared. What was wrong
with the ulama in saying to use their votes against divisive forces?
Should they have given the call to give support to the BJP? Should
they become the satellites of the BJP? We should not forget the
difference between Gandhi and Godse. Ulamas role is highly
commendable in spreading the message of peace, harmony and
tolerance and the Muslim community has emerged as peaceful
members of the political community in the country as a result of
their efforts. Shaz has no authority and morality to disgrace ulama
as beardy, un-Godly Muslim clergy, criminals of Islam,
obfuscating mullas and middlemen. Such words from his mind
and hand clearly show the make-up he wears.
Let us look at Shazs recommendation in his words: He
(Modi) is open to a meaningful dialogue with Muslims. Mr Modi
wants to consolidate what he has achieved through hard work and
determination. He has been sending feelers for mending, rather
improving his relations with Indias 250 million strong Muslims.
But are Muslim leaders ready for a meaningful dialogue. Those
accustomed to receiving only a patting from the Congress may
find it difficult to enter into a bridge-building dialogue on equal
footing. But this is the only way to survive and prosper. I believe,
its a God-sent opportunity. There is no need to be apprehensive.
The new rulers too are humans. They have a human heart.
Where is the need for dialogue for Muslims in India? Are we
in conflict with our Hindu equals. Not at all. This is what is called
Ganga-Jamni tahzeeb. All of us belong to Adam (peace be upon
him). On the contrary, some of them categorise us as Malechh
and place us outside the putra bhumi and punya bhumi line of
control. They also categorise large numbers of people outside the
Varna system with purity and impurity differentiation. Mahatma
Gandhi had asked the RSS long ago to open its membership to
Muslims but failed to persuade. Dialogue without tolerance is talk-
show on the screen without substance.
Where is the need for dialogue for Muslims in
India? Are we in conflict with our Hindu equals. Not
at all. This is what is called Ganga-Jamni tahzeeb.
All of us belong to Adam (peace be upon him). On
the contrary, some of them categorise us as
Malechh and place us outside the putra bhumi and
punya bhumi line of control. They also categorise
large numbers of people outside the Varna system
with purity and impurity differentiation. Mahatma
Gandhi had asked the RSS long ago to open its
membership to Muslims but failed to persuade.
Dialogue without tolerance is talk-show on the
screen without substance. RSS does not want dia-
logue with Muslims but dominance on its preset
terms. Muslims in India are a big-sized minority
surpassing the size of Caste Hindus. The tragedy is
that one of the two numerical equals has acquired
powers at all levels while the other equal is exclud-
ed and marginalised. Dialogue can be the remedy
for this if it happens within the Sangh Parivar and
BJP to endorse the Constitution and the Rule of
Law and treat all Indians as equals.
Continued on page 21
The results of Parliamentary
Elections were very interest-
ing. With 31% vote share
BJP-Modi won 282 parlia-
mentary seats, Congress
with 19% vote share got 44
seats, BSPpolled 4.1 percent
of votes and drew a total
blank, the Trinamool Congress won 34 seats with
3.8 percent of vote share, Samajwadi Party won
3.4 percent with five MPs, AIADMK with 3.3 got 37
seats, Mamta with 3.8% of vote share got 32 seats
while CPIM with 3.3 percent of vote share got only
nine seats.
We should note that this time around
Congresss 19.3% votes translated into 44 seats
while during the last general elections of 2009,
BJPs 18.5% had fetched it 116 seats. Thats a tale
by itself, the crying need for electoral reforms
which has been pending despite such glaring dis-
parities which weaken the representative charac-
ter of our Parliament. Many social activists have
been asking for these reforms but in vain.
Modi has been of course the flavour of the
season and this time around it is being said that it
was his plank of development which attracted the
voters to him, cutting across the caste and reli-
gious equations. How far is that true? Keeping
aside the fact that Modi was backed to the hilt by
Corporate, money flowed like water and all this
was further aided by the steel-frame of lakhs of
RSS workers who managed the ground level elec-
toral work for BJP. Thus Modi stood on two solid
pillars, Corporate on one side and RSS on the
other. He asserted that though he could not die for
independence he will live for Independent India.
This is again amongst the many falsehoods, which
he has concocted to project his image in the pub-
lic eye. One knows that he belongs to a political
ideology and political stream of RSS-Hindutva
which never was a part of the freedom struggle.
RSS-BJP-Hindutva nationalism is different from
the nationalism of the freedom movement.
Freedom movements nationalism is Indian
Nationalism while Modi parivars Nationalism is
Hindu nationalism, a religious nationalism similar
and parallel to the Muslim nationalism of Jinnah
and Muslim League. From the sidelines, RSS and
its clones kept criticizing the freedom movement
as it was for inclusive Indian nationalism, while
Modis ideological school, RSS is for Hindu nation-
alism. So there is no question of people like him or
his predecessors dying for the freedom of the
There are multiple other factors which helped
him to be the first past the pole -- his aggressive
style, his success in banking upon weaknesses of
Congress, his ability to communicate with masses
supplemented by the lacklustre campaign of
Congress and the Presidential style of electioneer-
ing added weight to Modis success. Congress, of
course, has collected the baggage of corruption
and weak governance. The out of proportion dis-
crediting of Congress begun by Anna movement,
backed by RSS, and then taken forward by
Kejriwal which contributed immensely knocking
Congress out of reckoning. Kejrival in particular
woke up to BJPs corruption a wee bit too late and
with lots of reluctance for reasons beyond compre-
hension. Anna, who at one time was being called
the Second Gandhi, eclipsed into a nonentity
after playing a crucial role for some time. Kejriwal
pursuing his impressive-looking agenda against
corruption went on to transform a social movement
into a political party and in the process raising lots
of question on the nature and potentials of social
movements. Kejrivals AAP definitely split the anti-
Modi votes with great success. AAP put more than
400 candidates and most of them lost their
deposits. Many of these candidates have excellent
reputation and contribution to social issues and are
known for engaging challenges related to social
transformation. After this experience of electoral
battlefield how much will they be able to go back to
their agenda of social change-transformation
through agitations and campaigns will remain to be
Many commentators-leaders, after anointing
Anna as the Second Gandhi are now abusing
Gandhis name yet again by comparing the likes of
Ramdev and Modi to Mahatma Gandhi. One Modi
acolyte went on to say that Modi is better than
Gandhi! What a shame to appropriate the name of
Gandhi, the great unifier of the nation, with those
whose foundations are based on the divisive ideol-
ogy of sectarian nationalism.
Coming to the development agenda, it is true
that after playing his role in Gujarat carnage, Modi
quickly took up the task of propagating the devel-
opment of Gujarat. This make-believe myth of
Gujarats development as such was state govern-
ments generous attitude towards the Corporate
which in turn started clamoring for Modi as PM
right from 2007. While the religious minorities start-
ed being relegated to the second class citizenship
in Gujarat, the myth of Gujarat development start-
ed becoming the part of folklore, for long unchal-
lenged by other parties and scholars studying the
development. When the data from Gujarat started
being analyzed critically, the hoax of development
lay exposed, but by that time it was too late for the
truth of development to be communicated to the
people far and wide. On the surface it appears as
if this was the only agenda around which Modi
campaigned. Thats far from true. Modi as such
used communal and caste card time and again.
This was done with great amount of ease and
shrewdness. He did criticize the export of beef
labeling it Pink Revolution, subtly hinting the link
of meat-beef to Muslim minorities. This converted
an economic issue into a communal one. Modi
spoke regularly against Bangla-speaking Muslims
by saying that the Assam Government is doing
away with Rhinos to accommodate Bangladeshi
infiltrators. He further added that they should be
ready to pack their bags on 16th May when he will
take over as the Prime Minister of the country. The
communal message was loud and clear. BJP
spokesmen have already stated that the Bangla-
speaking Hindus are refugees while the Muslims
are infiltrators.
If one examines the overall scatter of the
areas where BJP has won, a very disturbing fact
comes out. While at surface the plank of develop-
ment ruled the roost, there is definitely the subtle
role played by communal polarization. BJP has
mostly succeeded in areas where communal
polarization has already been accomplished
through communal violence or terrorist violence.
Maharashtra, Gujarat, UP, MP, Bihar, Assam all
these have seen massive communal violence in
the recent past. While the states which have not
come under the sway of BJP-Modi are the ones
which have been relatively free from communal
violence, viz., Tamil Nadu, Bengal and Kerala in
particular. Orissa is a bit of an exception, where
despite the Kandhmal violence, Navin Patnaiks
party is holding its ground.
The socio-political interpretation of the deeper
relations between acts of violence and victory of
RSS-BJP-Modi needs to be grasped at depth --
the polarizing role of communal/terrorist violence
needs a deeper look. While on the surface, the
development myth has won over large sections of
the electorate, it has taken place in areas which
have in past seen bouts of violence.
Most of the inquiry commission reports attrib-
ute violence to the machinations of the RSS and its
While overtly, caste was not used, yet Modi
did exploit the word Neech Rajniti (Low level
Politics) used by Priyanka Gandhi and converted it
in to Neech Jati (low caste), flaunting his caste. At
other occasions he projected his caste, Ghanchi,
to polarize people along caste lines.
What signal has been given by Modis victory?
The message of Mumbai, Gujarat, Muzzafrnagar
and hoards of other such acts have created a deep
sense of insecurity amongst sections of our popu-
lation. Despite Modis brave denials and the strug-
gles of social activists, justice delivery seems to be
very slow, if at all, and it is eluding the victims. The
culprits are claiming they are innocents and that
they have got a clean chit.
While there are many firsts in Modi coming to
power, one first which is not highlighted, is that this
is the first time a person accused of being part of a
huge carnage process is going to have all the
levers of power under his control.
So what are the future prospects for the
India of Gandhi and Nehru, what are the
prospects of the values of Indias Constitution?
Can Modi give up his core agenda of Hindu
Nationalism, which has been the underlying ide-
ology of his politics, or will he deliver a Hindu
nation to his mentors? No prizes for guessing!
Modi Win: Victory of Development or Divisiveness?
6 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 NATIONAL
Recently the Supreme Court examined the
legality of fixing the medium of instruction at the
primary level. In a country, like ours, where
mother tongues are innumerable, whether the
executive can bind the children to a particular
medium of instruction in his primary education
either in his mother tongue or in a particular
regional language? A five-Judge Bench,
speaking through Justice A K Patnaik, had
occasion to examine the validity of such
regulation where the mother tongue of Kannada
language was made mandatory for instruction in
all recognized schools in the State of Karnataka
failing which consequences had to follow by
closing the schools at the level of classes 1 to 4.
The grievance by the concerned parents
was that, being guardians of the children, their
right of choice in relation to education,
including the medium of instruction, is hit by
such regulation. The logic of the state authorities
was that mother tongue gives comfort to the
child at that level, probably with intention to give
feel a good factor to the child and make him feel
at home. The object, that way, may not be
doubted as malafide or otherwise but the
question remains that as to whether that
condition is in conformity with the guaranteed
rights to freedom of speech and expression
which also would include right to choose
medium of speech and expression.
At the same time one must also appreciate
that the state governments are empowered to
legislate and issue regulatory directions in
regard to the medium of instruction in primary
and secondary schools. The situation then
becomes very contradictory and courts are
called upon to resolve the issue by giving
harmonious construction of various provisions.
Ultimately the issue comes about the
freedom of the concerned child to have the
medium of instruction of his choice and whether
a child could exercise his right of freedom
against the comfort of the mother tongue
having been spoken at home? If yes, then which
language would be mother tongue -- the
language one uses the most, one started his
or her verbal contact, one knows the best,
language at home, or more than one language
of these categories, etc.
In our multilingual country, Konkani,
Dhundhari and Sylheti languages are also
mother tongues in some regions where at home
the language would be one and another used
outside the home.
The right to have such freedom is part of
Art. 19 of the Constitution and right to have
choice is also part of Art. 30. This freedom is
a general guarantee to all citizens including
different sectors, religions, minorities and tribals
etc. Going by the logic of the state and following
the regulation, the child wanting to have a
medium of instruction of his choice other than
the mother tongue, his freedom would be
The Cour t took the view that such
restriction shall not work in our constitutional set
up where fundamental rights of the citizens
would get infringed and the court cannot allow
to expand the power of the state or restrict a
fundamental right of freedom to say mother
tongue is the language with which a child is
comfor table, and freedom of speech and
expression includes the right to be educated,
informed and entertained.
The effect of the judgment is that the state
cannot be left with the power to expand or
restrict the fundamental right of freedom of
expression guaranteed under the chapter of
fundamental rights. As far as the comfort of the
child is concerned, the Supreme Court being
conscious of the fact that experts had opined
that children studying in classes 1 to 4 in
primary schools can learn better if they are
taught in their mother tongue, but still the state
cannot make it mandatory for recognition of a
school as to what should be the medium of
instruction in the said school, especially the
schools of minority character protected under
Article 29(1) and 30(1) of the Constitution. The
guardian of a child exercises various powers in
relation to the childs welfare and their
upbringing, acting as a guard to the childs
fundamental rights and hence the choice of
medium of instruction of a child in Primary
School would also fall within the said authority
of the parents and they must be left to decide the
same rather than the state exercising the
custodial power by imposing a par ticular
medium of instruction. On the other hand,
Article 350A of the Constitution placed the state
under a constitutional obligation to provide
adequate facilities for instruction in the mother
tongue at primary stage of education to children
belonging to linguistic minority groups to which
most of the states have not paid adequate
attention. Where children from minority groups
are wishing to adopt their mother tongue at
primary level, many states have either not made
such provisions or the number of teachers are
hardly of any consequence.
The Supreme Court has held that under the
grab of Article 350A, the state cannot compel a
linguistic minority to choose its mother tongue only
as a medium of instructions in primary school.
In the context of India, such an issue also
makes impact in view of the fact that a large
tribal area of the country has unorganized
languages spoken at home in which probably
books are not available and hence that cannot be
medium of instruction. In that context the State
cannot impose a particular language depriving
the freedom of choice and compelling him to
have a particular medium of instruction. The
child and his parent would like to adopt a
medium of instruction other than the local
language to enter a medium which is richer in
contents of literature, science and humanities.
The author is Advocate-on-Record,
Supreme Court of India
...after playing his role in Gujarat carnage, Modi quickly took up the task of
propagating the development of Gujarat. This make-believe myth of
Gujarats development as such was state governments generous attitude
towards the Corporate which in turn started clamoring for Modi as PM right
from 2007. While the religious minorities started being relegated to the
second class citizenship in Gujarat, the myth of Gujarat development started
becoming the part of folklore, for long unchallenged by other parties and
scholars studying the development.
Can the State impose the medium?
Legal Notes
The effect of the judgment is that the state cannot be left with the
power to expand or restrict the fundamental right of freedom of
expression guaranteed under the chapter of fundamental rights.
... the State cannot impose a particular language depriving the
freedom of choice and compelling a child to have a particular
medium of instruction.
NATIONAL The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 7
Bijapur: As Narendra Modi took oath for the post
of Prime Minister in New Delhi on 26 May, thugs
in the saffron ranks felt that they have got their
licence to attack minorities in India. Scores of
Muslims were hurt physically as well as com-
mercially, first in Ahmedabad then in Bijapur the
very same day.
Shortly after the swearing-in ceremony of
Narendra Modi, fierce communal clashes broke
out between Hindus and Muslims in Bijapur
when the victory procession of BJP activists led
by former Union minister Basanagouda Patil
Yatnal, approached Lal Bahaddur Shastri market.
The BJP supporters were playing provocative
songs on loudspeaker which called for the con-
struction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya and slo-
gans of their success and so on. The sloganeer-
ing and hurling abuses at passerby Muslims led
to clashes between two groups.
To know how the BJP revelry took an ugly
turn, a police officer who did not want to be
named said, BJP workers were applying gulaal
[red colour powder] on the faces of the public
and passers-by. Around 7 pm, the rally entered
the sabzi mandi adjacent to LBS market domi-
nated by Muslim businessmen. Violence started
when hundreds of BJP workers in the demon-
stration tried to forcibly smear red and saffron-
colour powder on Muslims to which some ven-
dors objected. In turn, rallyists assaulted some
boys. This led to an argument. The atmosphere
was further inflamed when the coloured powder
fell on some elderly women. Provoked by Yatnal
and his supporters, rallyists misbehaved with a
number of Muslim girls who were standing and
trying to protect their fruit carriers. Enraged
members of the Muslim community retaliated by
throwing fruits at the BJP workers. Soon they
started throwing stones at each other and this
quickly turned into a brawl. A full-fledged riot
broke out within five minutes. BJP hooligans
removed batons off their waving flags and went
on a rampage damaging parked vehicles, stalls,
forcing all shops and businesses in and around
Gandhi Chowk, Kohinoor Lodge near Shivaji cir-
cle, Nehru Market and Basaveshwar Road to
shut down. This went on for some three hours
causing heavy damages and loss to properties
worth lakhs.
Some elderly women at a remote locality
saw a number of these mobsters trying to don
kurtas and skull-caps before entering the com-
motion. This all simply indicates that these goons
had come with a clear intention to start a riot.
According to sources who witnessed the riot, a
mass of BJP supporters were already invited
from the neighbouring district of Sholapur to
spoil the serene atmosphere of the historical city
of Bijapur. Yet others, who have access to Police
officials, said that the department had already a
hint of the approaching menace.
Even as television cameras rolled live, the
market was ransacked, several Muslim shops,
push-carts of poor roadside vegetable and fruit-
vendors, mostly belonging to Baghban commu-
nity, were deliberately damaged and destroyed.
One of the mobile recordings offers a spectacu-
lar demo of unity within fruit merchants. They
stood hand in hand making a human chain to
stop the troublemakers entering their market.
Footage of the mayhem, aired by local tele-
vision channels, show heavily outnumbered
police personnel standing as spectators even as
rioters ran amok. There was too much confu-
sion. I dont know. The footage needs to be ver-
ified, a police officer replied when asked what
Yatnal was doing. The police dispersed the BJP
activists only when the mob attacked the nearby
police station and destroyed valuable public
Dozens of people sustained injuries includ-
ing, two policemen, a woman, a child and a man
who was admitted to the civil hospital, where he
succumbed to his injuries. One can make out
what must have happened by watching a live
video captured by a cellphone. Two boys were
beaten blue and black by 4-5 khaki men. One of
the boys mother scared them away shouting.
The situation was brought under control
after nearly three hours. Security was tightened
in the city following the riot. The city was placed
under prohibitory order (Section 144 (CrPC) for
the next three days. District-in-charge minister
M. B. Patil urged people to maintain peace and
not to listen to any rumours. He said he has
instructed police to take action against people
responsible for the clash and not to arrest or
trouble innocent people.
On Tuesday, 27 May, the minister visited the
vegetable market to assess the situation and
restore peoples confidence. Vendors, mainly
women, poured out their woes to the minister.
After visiting the affected areas and meeting the
victims, the minister held Mr. Yatnal responsible
for creating trouble under the pretext of taking
out a celebratory procession. Denying it was a
communal violence, Mr. Patil said, Mondays
violence in the city appeared to be a planned
event and executed by the former Union Minister
Basanagouda Patil Yatnal and his supporters to
gain political mileage. He is trying to create
divide in the district which is known for social
harmony and religious tolerance. I spoke to the
office-bearers of most merchants and vendors
associations, and none of them believed the vio-
lence was communal. All of them want peace to
prevail and wished to continue their businesses
like a family. He added that a decision on com-
pensation to the victims would be taken soon.
On Friday, 30 May, reserved police in large
numbers were deployed at every nook of the
city while no major organisation came forward to
condemn the violence. Most Muslim elites kept
mum. Instead many reportedly fled from the city
for some days. Only Jamaat-e-Islami said that
ant-social people responsible for the communal
clash should not be spared and this perhaps
sparked the second round of arrests of Muslims.
Most Muslims were taken into custody in the
name of security precautions. Muslims were dis-
mayed because the local umbrella body of all
masaliks, the Muslim Muttahida Council (MMC),
did absolutely nothing. Bijapur market area is full
of rumours that 40-45 Muslim Baghban men
have been abducted while some placed the num-
bers at 120-130.
MLA of Bijapur city, Dr. Maqbool Baghban,
said on his facebook on 27 May, The heinous
incident has left every person of Bijapur, espe-
cially me, in an utter deep shock and great pain.
The courage, determination and patience dis-
played by the people aftermath the situation is
applaudable. I believe incidents such as these
will only strengthen the bonds between the dif-
ferent communities of the city and it is time that
we stand shoulder to shoulder with people of
every section of the society. I personally visited
the spots with I.G.P. Bhaskar Rao and the district
administration and made sure that the miscre-
ants behind this shameful act are brought to jus-
tice. I.G.P. Bhaskar Rao has assured to put those
involved behind bars as they are absconding
Earlier at a press conference, Inspector-
General of Police (Northern Range) Bhaskar Rao
described Mr. Yatnal as the prime culprit and said
the police were on the lookout for him as he was
facing non-bailable cognizable offence. He said
when the police went to arrest Mr. Yatnal, he was
absconding. Mr. Rao said the police had evi-
dence, including video footage, to prove the role
of Mr. Yatnal and his supporters. He will be
arrested if he fails to surrender, Mr. Rao said.
A total of 26 people were arrested and
around 100 were being identified through video
footages. They have been charged under 11 sec-
tions of the IPC, including creating communal
tension, unlawful assembly, destroying public
property and beating police officials.
Nevertheless, Yatnal was traced immediate-
ly the very next day. The police had followed his
trails and ultimately found him hiding in Hotel
Oriental in Kolhapur, about 180 kms northwest to
Bijapur. Yatnal had checked into the hotel under a
fake name. A team led by DSP (Deputy
Superintendent of Police) M.Y. Baladandi tracked
him down. He was caught holed up with three of
his associates Umesh Kore, Parasuram
Kenganal and Yellappa who too were arrested
along with him.
No sooner Yatnal was apprehended, news
was spread by social media causing tension in
the suburban areas of Bijapur. People gathering
near Siddeshwar temple and BLDEA road imme-
diately dispersed when a police van made a
round. The arrest of Yatnal and his associates
was confirmed on 28 May by IGP Bhaskar Rao
who said, The police team arrived from
Kolhapur same day with the accused. They were
produced directly before a magistrate We
dont need their custody right now as we have
enough evidence. The footage of the incident
recorded by the police clearly showed Yatnal
triggered the attack. Yatnal has been booked
under non-bailable sections of the IPC for lead-
ing the mob of BJP activists. Bijapur
Superintendent of Police, Ram Nivas Sepat said
the total number of those arrested has crossed
The IGP admitted the police were slow in
responding after the violence. The footage also
shows that the police did very little to control the
situation in the beginning. The (jurisdictional)
superintendent of police is on leave and the jun-
ior officers failed to tackle the situation, he said.
The former minister and a few of his follow-
ers have been booked under IPC section 295
(insulting a religion or class), 153 A (promoting
enmity between religions), 354 (molestation)
and 353 (attacking a public servant).
As a result of this violence, the city has
grown creepy with fear and grief. Even though
after so many assurances by the higher authori-
ties and ministers appeals for maintaining har-
mony and avoiding rumours, the town is still
haunted by numerous tales.
After Ahmedabad, BJP goons riot in Bijapur
Young techie Mohsin
Shaikh lynched in Pune
Originally from Sholapur, Mohsin was beaten to death by mem-
bers of the extremist right-wing group, Hindu Rashtra Sena when
he was returning home after offering night prayers in a mosque in
Hadapsar area of Pune at 9 pm on 2 June 2014. There was com-
munal tension in the area for the last couple of days after deroga-
tory photographs of Shivaji and Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray
were uploaded on social media. Goons of various Hindutva outfits
vandalised and burnt hundreds of buses, several people arrested
as a result. The violence was seen as a show of muscle power
after the BJP and Shiv Sena win in the elections.
Eyewitnesses said Mohsin was attacked because he was
wearing a skull cap and sported a beard. Initially, it was claimed
that he was attacked as the attackers thought that he had
uploaded the morphed pictures of Bal Thackeray and Shivaji
which were later shared on social networking sites. Later police
revealed that the killers exchanged SMSs announcing "The first
wicket has fallen" after killing Mohsin. According to reports, so far
over 20 people have been arrested in the case and all belong to
the Hindu Rashtra Sena which has a long history of violence in the
region. Reports noted that the group of men had earlier attacked
and injured two Muslim youth at the same spot.
Dhananjay Desai, chief and founder of the Hindu Rashtra
Sena, has been named as an accused in the murder. Later it was
found that he has over 20 cases registered against him and yet he
was roaming around freely.
"I had alerted top cops about radical outfits," said Pune-based
ex-IGP SM Mushrif. The Pune police ignored his warnings against
the radical Hindu outfits.
Keeping alive Narendra Modi's "Action-Reaction" theory, Anil
Shirole, the newly-elected BJP MP from Pune, had the guts to say,
"The people of Pune want peace. What was posted on Facebook
was sad. It was bound to have some repercussions".
It should be noted here that in June 2013 Narendra Modi
wrote "I am proud of the Second All India Hindu Convention being
held". He said this in a letter of support to Hindu Rashtra Sena.
The Maharashtra NCP-Congress government on 6 June
announced a compensation amount of Rs 5 lakh for the family.
Though recently in a fire in a cracker factory compensation was
announced within hours. The Union government has yet to take
cognisance of the ghastly crime let alone announce some com-
pensation to the bereaved family which has lost its bread-winner.
Mr Modi has yet to utter a single word about the ghastly crime by
people in his parivar.
Does the public/media outrage to the murder of Nido Tania
(Northeastern victim of racism in Delhi last January) and that of
Mohsin Sadiq (simply for being a Muslim in Pune) match? Silence
of government and civil society on riots and Muslim techie's mur-
der is ominous, said Dr Zafarul Islam Khan, President of the All
India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat.
Would it be wrong to compare the State's response to Pune
and Manali tragedies where 24 Hyderabad students drowned? --
quick cabinet minister's visit same day, families immediately air-
lifted to ground zero, Himachal High Court sou motto sought sta-
tus report from govt, immediate suspension of officials...etc. etc...
Netizens were found asking what is preventing Maharashtra CM
from visiting Mohsin's family? This is your state, his death is your
responsibility, Mr. Chavan, they asked.
After any crime which has "religion" associated with it, and
the alleged perpetrators are "Muslims", silence of Muslim organi-
sations is questioned. Even if they speak against it, the "civil soci-
ety" preaches that Muslims were not "loud enough" in their con-
demnation. Now after Mangalore, Bijapur and Pune violence, the
civil society is not seeking anyone's condemnation of Hindu
organisations. Not even from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who has very
recently given clean chit to Modi! Is it that the civil society is too
intelligent that they know asking for a condemnation will be a futile
exercise? Or is the "civil society" too afraid that once they ask for
it, their own homes, offices etc will be attacked by the goons who
think their time has finally come?
It took three days for Mumbai-based organizations to hold a
small protest. The organisations included Democratic Youth
Federation of India (DYFI), Students' Federation of India (SFI), All
India Democratic Women's Association, All India Secular Forum,
Communalism Combat, Minorities Federation, Jan Sanskriti
Manch and National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM).
On Jun 5, there was a statement by IT professionals from
Pune on Mohsin Sadiq's lynching. Teesta Setalvad said the politi-
cal climate in the country has contributed to this brutal incident.
On 6 June, Aam Aadmi Party finally issued a statement con-
demning the murder of Mohsin. AAP took out a peace march on
9 June in Mumbai against the violence and asking for Justice for
Mohsin. On 8 June, there was a Peace Prayer and Candle Vigil in
Memory of Mohsin Sadiq Shaikh at Rajghat in New Delhi, organ-
ised by Khudai Khidmatghar.
One netizen said that Mohsin Sheikh already had computer in
one hand and Quran in another. Narendra Modi: we hope you will
follow up on your promise of no tolerance for riots. After Mohsin's
killing, it was reported by Times of India that fear is driving many
in Pune to shun skull caps, Pathani suits, and even breads.
Reports have been coming in about similarities in pattern and
intent between Muzaffarnagar and Pune violence, that all the vio-
lence Pune is seeing was pre-planned. Lalu Prasad Yadav of RJD
said why incidents of factional violence are taking place only in
states due for assembly elections in near future? Since June,
police have registered 187 rioting cases across Maharashtra,
mainly in western Maharashtra, and arrested at least 710 miscre-
ants belonging to various radical Hindu outfits for attacking prop-
erties and members of the minority communities. Perhaps it is in
preparation of the assembly elections. Reports of violence and
small riots are coming from various states.
Asaduddin Owaisi of the All India Majlis-e Ittihadul-Muslimin
offered a monetary help of Rs one lakh to the family. Lucknow-
based charity organisation Aaghaz Foundation has announced a
Rs two lakh educational scholarship in memory of Mohsin. Charity
Alliance has donated Rs 10,000 to the family. Mohsin was the sole
bread-winner of his family and wanted to shift his family from
Sholapur to Pune once he got a job at Wipro, where he had
appeared in an interview for a job and was waiting for a positive
result. (Mazin Khan)
A picture taken by a mobile phone at Mahatma Gandhi Circle area, Bijapur, showing rioters
hardly being controled by the police which looks more like a spectator, giving them a free run.
Adv. Guwahati High Court
The Govt of India, on account of some political expediency, signed
the 1st Bodoland Territorial Council Accord in 1993. The Accord
was revised in 2003 granting a more powerful Autonomous
Bodoland Territorial Areas Districts (BTAD) to fulfill the demands
of armed Bodo terrorists. The militant Bodoland Tigers surren-
dered on 7 February, 2003, and a pact was signed on 10
February, 2003, by BLT chief Hagrama Mohilari, P.K. Dutta, Chief
Secretary of Assam and RCA Jain, Secretary (BM) of Union Home
Ministry. A total of 3082 villages were included in BTAD overrul-
ing the 6th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The action of the
Govt. satisfied only 28 percent of Bodos disregarding the safety
and security of 72% non-Bodos living within BTAD. Surrendered
militants occupied important posts in BTAD, both political and
administrative. They want to retain this position of supremacy at
any cost even by resorting to ethnic cleansing, if necessary. They
did not hesitate to resort to wanton killings of people, serial blasts
and burning down villages to scare away non-Bodo people from
the area so that the Bodos gradually attain the majority with a view
to pave the way for the Bodo State - their ultimate goal.
As part of ethnic cleansing Rajbonshis and others were killed
in 1887, Muslims were killed in 1993, Adivasis were killed in
1996, 1998, Muslims were again killed in 2008 and 2012.
The current brutal killings are a grim reminder of the pogrom
of 2012, in which hundreds were killed, and over 400,000 people
were displaced and sheltered in 273 temporary relief camps. The
violence marked the largest internal displacement of people in
India since the Partition in 1947. Experts agree that the violence
and resulting displacement of indigenous Assamese Muslims is
designed to make them illegal migrants in their own country.
History says that a bulk of these Muslim population were bonafide
residents of the place which was a part of the former undivided
Goalpara. The area was tagged with Assam by the British in the
year 1874 forcing its Bengali-speaking people to be residents of
Assam. However, a portion of these people were residents of the
former East Bengal, a part of ancient Pragjyotishpur, who migrat-
ed to the area during the later part of the British period.
Amalgamation of Surma Valley districts and Goalpara with Assam
in 1874 converted Assam into a Bengali majority state.
Immediate Cause of Presert Tragic Incidents: On 22 April, 2014,
Chandan Brahma, a member of Tarun Gogoi Cabinet and
Bodoland Peoples Front (BPF) candidate for the Kokrajhar Lok
Sabha seat, said in a meeting at Hatiputa village in Chirang district
that there would be an earthquake in the area if BPF candidate
lost the election. Subsequently another prominent BPF leader,
Pramilarani Brahma, a sitting MLA and former Assam minister,
accused the Muslims of BTAD for betraying BPF and voting for a
non-Bodo candidate. She said this while addressing a post-elec-
tion review meeting in BTAD on 30 April. These were the immedi-
ate provocations that sparked off the violent killing of innocent
Muslims living in the area on 1-2 May.
On 1 May, three persons were gunned down at Narsingbari
village in Baksa district and another two children were injured in
the firing. Dhananjay Nath, reporter of Dainik Janashadharan,
was fired at and injured in Kokrajhar. In Sapatgram and Balapara
villages of Gossaigaon, eight people were killed in firing by armed
anti-socials who attacked the inmates at about 11-30pm. Three
more persons were seriously injured in the firing. Members of the
minority cell of BJP who visited the area two days later reported
that a BSF patrolling party that was deployed in the area was
withdrawn just before the massacre took place. Reportedly, the
SDPO of Gossaigaon had misbehaved and tortured relatives of
the victims when he came to take the dead bodies next day.
On 2 May, a group of miscreants of 30-40 people led by
armed miscreants attacked village Kanke Khagrabari which is
adjacent to dense forest near the village Narayanguri on the
opposite bank of the river Beki. As per eye witnesses, the shoot-
ing, killing and arsoning started at about 4 pm when most of the
male members were in the adjacent Narayanguri market. A total
of 65 families were living in the village. The survivors consisting
of mostly women and children jumped into the river Beki and the
gunmen fired at them there too. Some lucky persons could reach
a secure place at Narayanguri, while some died in the river and
some are traceless. The miscreants threw dead bodies of most of
the children into the river Beki. On 3 May, eight dead bodies were
found in Gobardhana village in Baksa district.
Reaction of civil society organisations: Shocked by the wanton
killing of innocent people, including women and children, veteran
intellectual and president Guwahat Nagarik Samaj Dr. Hiren Gohain
convened a meeting of leading citizens and intellectuals of
Guwahati at Guwahati Press Club on 3 May. All present equivocal-
ly condemned the inhuman acts of BTAD and criticized both the
state and Central governments for their failure in protecting life and
properties of citizens.
Delegation meets governor: A joint delegation of All India Milli
Council, Assam Unit, Assam Calamity Relief Foundation, Assam
Jamaat Islami and Majlis-e- Mushawarat under the leadership of
Advocate Hafiz Rashid Ahmed Choudhury met Assam Governor
J.B. Patnaik on 4 May and apprised him of the incidents of BTAD.
The Governor gave a patient hearing to the delegation which also
submitted a memorandum to the Governor and put before him the
following demands:
(i) Honble Governor J.B.Patanaik had ordered complete seizure of
illegal arms possessed by militants of BTAD just after the tragic
turmoil of 2012. Unfortunately, the order has not been executed
sincerely. Peace cannot return to BTAD until and unless all legal
and illegal arms are confiscated. As per media report, some
licenced arms were used in recent mass killing. The delegation
urged the Governor to confiscate both legal and illegal arms pres-
ent in BTAD area immediately.
(ii) The Govt should immediately arrest and prosecute persons
who made provocative speeches to trigger the recent violence as
well as those who instigated Govt personnel to take part in the
slaughter of innocent persons living in the area.
(iii) The CM of Assam has instituted an enquiry by the National
Investigation Agency (NIA) in the matter. But since NIAs jurisdic-
tion covers acts of terrorism alone and they have no brief over the
acts of politicians, it is in all fitness of things that a Special
Investigation Team (SIT) be constituted immediately under the
stewardship of a retired Supreme Court Judge to inquire into the
(iv) Compensation of Rs 10 lakh be given to the next of kin of
those killed in the violence and Rs 5 lakh to those injured in the
(v) Adequate family pension be instituted for women widowed in
the violence and Govt should take the responsibility of bearing the
educational expenses of the children orphaned in the violence.
(vi) Since providing security to the citizens is the responsibility of
the Govt, let the Govt maintain law
and order with full authority. The
Govt ought to establish police
pickets in identified vulnerable
(vii) The impractical proposals for providing arms
to citizens for protecting themselves should be
cancelled forthwith.
(viii) There are more than 10,000 vacancies in the
Police Department lying unfilled in the state. The
Govt should fill up these posts at the earliest on the
basis of its own Population Pattern Representation
Act, 1994, which proposes filling of the posts pro-
portionately from all districts of the state on the
basis of the population pattern of the districts. This
would indeed provide for better policing in the state
in general and in the affected areas of BTAD in par-
(ix) Report of Justice S. Haque Committee pre-
pared after the massacre of Adivasis living in the
former BAC in 1996 should be published. The
enquiry of Justice Mutur B.K.Singh on the inci-
dents of BTAD turmoil of 2012 be expedited as the
Commission reportedly has not yet held a single
sitting during the last 19 months of its formation.
The practice of institution of enquiry commissions
without publishing their reports is just an eye-
Visit of Assam Calamity Relief Foundation: A
fact-finding team of Assam Calamity Relief
Foundation consisting of Hafiz Rashid Ahmed
Choudhury, Vice-President, All India Majlis-e-
Mushawarat, Ali Haidar Laskar (Vice President) and
Inamuddin Ahmed (Treasurer) visited the affected
areas on 10 May. The team met the affected people
of devastated areas and distributed relief materials
(both in cash and kind) to the survivors.
Rotten bodies of victims are being detected in the river and
the number of victims of the Khagrabari massacre reached 36 on
12 May. In one incident, Sayad Ali, who had lost his father and
brother in the violence of 2012, saw his mother, wife and children
being gunned down before his eyes. Today, he is the lone sur-
vivor of his family to tell the gory and tear-jerking tale.
As per the report of the team, the whole village of Nanke
Khagrabari was burnt down except three huts, one school and
one mosque. All the survivors are now living in the relief camp set
up in the adjacent Narayanguri village. Injured persons are being
treated in the adjacent Barpeta Medical College Hospital.
The total death and missing toll in the recent violence of
BTAD rose to 51 on 12 May as more and more dead bodies were
being found, mostly in the river in different areas of the strife-torn
According to media reports, involvement of Forest
Department personnel belonging to former BLT cadre has been
alleged in the firing and killing of innocent people, mostly women
and children. While Police have arrested some personnel, forest
officer Amiya Kumar Bramha, the reported kingpin of the planned
murders, has not been booked till now because of his close prox-
imity to some important political functionaries of BTAD.
Media reports state that there are 1,309 licensed and 5,000
illegal arms are in the hands of people in BTAD and these are
often used in the massacre of common people to perpetuate the
killings which have been going on in the area since early 1990s.
There is nothing noticeable or on record to prove that the
Government is sincere in addressing this issue.
The process of social assimilation is of utmost importance
in which, besides the Govt, the civil society and the media
must play a positive role. The issue need not be looked upon
as a communal or ethnic divide, but as an issue of human
rights. Assam Calamity Relief Foundation extended its support
to the Assam Governors proposal that developmental
schemes at the village level in BTAD should be through Village
Development Councils so that unwarranted intervention of
politicians could be avoided.
Assam Calamity Relief Foundation also appeals to the
people of Assam to maintain peace and harmony in the state
at all cost. The Foundation appreciates the media and the
civil society for the way the issue has been projected and
handled so far, preventing further escalation of the violence
in the area. It is hoped that this will be maintained and
strengthened in the days to come.
A report on BTAD violence in Assam
8 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 NATIONAL
New Delhi: Since the beginning
of the 21st century, an interna-
tional Zionist conspiracy is try-
ing to defame Muslims by
claiming that Islam teaches ter-
rorism, said Maulana Asrarul
Haq Qasmi, M. P. from
Kishanganj and president of the
All India Taaleemi wa-Milli
He said Boko Haram too
seems to be a part of this con-
spiracy. He said anti-Muslim
forces always tried to defame
Islam and this is being done
more actively since the advent
of this century.
Maulana Qasmi said, even
the enemies of Islam know that
there is no room in Islam for
terrorism and violence. Islams
holy book says that unjust mur-
der of one person is tanta-
mount to murdering the whole
humanity. Islam forbids injus-
tice to one and all.
He said these days news
is coming from Nigeria where
an extremist organisation,
Boko Haram, is committing
anti-Islamic activities which are defaming Islam
all over the world. According to media, their lat-
est crime is to kidnap over 200 school girls and
they are talking of selling them or marrying them
off forcibly. The same organisation earlier
attacked a rural area and killed around 300
innocent people including children, women and
elderly. Last year this organisation had attacked
a mall where it identified and spared Muslims
but took non-Muslims hostage who were later
rescued after government intervention.
Maulana Qasmi said these misdeeds are
against the teachings of Islam. If an organisa-
tion is established in the name of Islam, it
should adhere to the teachings of Islam. He said
Boko Haram activities, which came to light since
the last year, cannot be described as Islamic.
He called upon the Muslim world to openly con-
demn the activities of such organisations and to
expose the conspiracies of the anti-Islamic
Maulana Qasmi called for the dissemina-
tion of the message of Islam to all corners of
the world and to make it clear that Islam and
terrorism are two different things and any
organisation committing such crimes in the
name of Islam cannot be Islamic. Muslims
should beware of such organisations which
may secretly be supported by anti-Islamic
Boko Haram causing infamy to Islam and Muslims: Maulana Asrarul Haq
Muslim delegation visiting a burnt village
(above), victims relief camp
NATIONAL The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 9
New Delhi: UPA government had set up a committee headed by JNUs
Prof Amitabh Kundu to review how much Muslims benefited from
implementation of recommendations of Sachar Committee, Rangnath
Commission, Prime Ministers 15-point programme and other
schemes of UPA government for the welfare of Muslims. This com-
mittee was required to submit its report by 15 May 14. The Kundu
Committee could not submit its report by 15 May. The UPA govern-
ment was replaced by the new government of BJP at the centre which
has given it an extension and the Kundu Committee has now been
asked to submit its report by July this year.
Though the Kundu Committee could not submit its report by
15 May, it had submitted its interim report to the UPA government
in March 2014 wherein it had stated that the minorities, particu-
larly Muslims did not benefit much from various welfare schemes
of UPA government and that Muslims are still very backward, from
the point of view of education and health. However this report
praised Gujarats Modi government for better implementation of
PMs 15-point programme and other welfare schemes for
Muslims. On the basis of this interim report Modi now says that
he is the well wisher of Muslims in the true sense.
It must be stated in this connection that Prof Kundu
Committees protem report contradicts various earlier reports
which said that the Modi government had not implemented vari-
ous schemes of UPA government like pre-matric scholarship and
other schemes on the ground that these are discriminatory
because these are meant for Muslims only and not for other
minorities but it had to subsequently implement it after the courts
Anyway, Prof Kundu Committee, referring to the statistics of
National Sample Survey said in its interim report that during the
past 10 years there has been an appreciable reduction in the num-
ber of people living below the poverty line in rural areas of Gujarat,
seeing that whereas the number of such people (living below
poverty line) in 2004-05 was 31 percent, after 7 years i.e. in
2011-12 it had come down to 7 percent. On the other hand, in
urban areas the number of such people (BPL) had been reduced
to 14.6 percent in the same period. The Committee in its interim
report said that in 2011-12 the number or percentage of Muslims
living below the poverty line in urban areas at all India level was
almost double and as compared to the upper caste Hindus, the
number or percentage of such Muslims (BPL) was four times
more. The report said that ever since the government implement-
ed Sachar Committee report i.e. from the year 2006, there was
not much change in the opportunities of employment for Muslims.
During the year 2011-12 the rate of unemployment among edu-
cated Muslims in urban areas was 18 percent and this rate (of
unemployment) among less educated Muslims was much more.
Prof Kundu Committee has recommended in its interim report
that in order to create equality and harmony among the people of all
religions a diversity index should be prepared which may be helpful
in creating opportunities of employment in government and private
companies and in this there should be no separate quota for Muslims.
In this Committees interim report, whereas on one hand reservation
to Muslims in government jobs has been opposed, on the other hand
reservation to Dalit and backward classes of Muslims, like other Dalit
and backward classes (of Hindus) has been supported. It is further
recommended in this interim report that laws on the pattern of SC /
ST law should also be enacted so that they (Muslims) should not
become victims of bias and discrimination.
Supari killers get murder contracts in jail
itself, in complicity with of jail officials
Muzaffarnagar: Jails of UP have become safe havens for criminals
because of widespread corruption and mismanagement prevailing in
the jails of UP and because of this, dangerous and habitual criminals
plan big crimes in jail itself but jail and police authorities remain total-
ly ignorant of criminal plans of these elements. If Anil Dujana gangs
supari killer Prabhas is to be believed, whatever supari has been given
to him so far was given in jails, from where, he procured money,
informers and all kinds of other facilities. In view of these disclosures,
whereas on one side the game or complicity of criminals and jail
employees has been exposed, on the other hand, security arrange-
ments are also being seriously questioned.
Prabhas, who was caught by Muzaffarnagars SOG and intelli-
gence departments team, has made many other startling revelations.
He says that most of the crimes executed after getting supari were in
fact planned in jails themselves, after which when instructions were
given from jail, supari and target was given on the pretext of meeting.
Those who organise contract killings also arrange money outside the
jail, informer is also provided and all information about the target is
provided. For example, after pointing out the place, targeted person is
also indicated. After this, according to Prabhas he himself does the
remaining job. After his revelations when police department started
investigations, many cases were found to be true.
It was found that when Anil Dujana had given him the supari
of Rahul Bawlis murder, he was locked up in jail. According to
him (Prabhas), Anil had given one of his colleagues the contract
for killing Rahul. Before that, when he had murdered Tahseen, at
that time also one Raees Pahelwan had contacted Prabhas
through one of his accomplices who too was locked up in jail. The
third murder was of Rizwan and for his murder also the planning
was done in jail.
It may be stated in this connection that Muzaffarnagar SOG
and intelligence team had arrested Anil Dujana groups man, a
contract killer who used to murder persons after having been
given the supari, only the previous day. His arrest was considered
a big success of the SOG and intelligence team. A large quantity
of arms, cartridges and a carbine also was recovered from him,
though one of his accomplices had succeeded in escaping. SP
(City), Shravan Kumar Singh had stated in a press conference in
Civil Line thana that the location of Prabhas, the supari killer was
found by SOG in Muzaffarnagar and he was nabbed on
Wednesday night at Muzaffarnagar Bus stand. His accomplice
Minto had succeeded in escaping from that place. A mini carbine,
one rifle, one pistol and dozens of cartridges were recovered from
him. During interrogation he disclosed that he worked for Anil
Dujana group and it was on Anils order that he / they had killed
Rahul Bawli (supari killer and a dangerous criminal) on 2 March
2014 in Badhana area. Prabhas said that Rahul was a member of
Sundarbhai gang who wanted to kill Anil Dujana and once the plan
of killing Anil in the court was finalised but police got wind of this
plan in the nick of time and they got Anils presentation in the
court stopped. Subsequently, on Anils bidding Rahul was mur-
Murder of Rizwan and Tahseen also revealed
Prabhas said that there was enmity between Raees Pahelwan of
Badhana who was locked up in Muzaffarnagar Jail, and Tahseen,
and it was on supari given by Raees, that Tahseen was murdered.
Before this also plans for many murders were made in jail and
implemented too. According to him (Prabhas) during the past
three years till date he has committed more than 7 murders after
getting supari. After these disclosures by Prabhas police adminis-
tration is at its wits end. When he had murdered Tahseen, at that
time also Raees Pahelwan had contacted Prabhas through one of
his accomplices locked up jail. It may be stated that recently on a
phone call made from Muzaffarnagar jail to Baghpat, ransom was
demanded. Under these circumstances jail administration is sus-
pect and is a target of attack. On the threat of death while in police
custody, Prabhas disclosed in the presence of policemen that in
his own village he has strained relations with some persons whom
he has to kill after his release from jail.
The question now arises as to what is to be done under the cir-
cumstances when intelligence, LIU and other secret agencies are
proving unsuccessful in their mission of cracking criminal cases and
many most wanted and big criminals got many murders committed
outside from inside the jail premises itself without the least knowledge
of police?
Corruption in India
Following is the written submission to the
UN Human Rights Council by the the Hong
Kong-based Asian Legal Resource Centre
INDIA: Omnipresent corruption affects all
There is not a single state run institution in India
that has not succumbed to corrupt practices.
Right from the four pillars of democracy - the
executive, the judiciary, the legislature, and the
media - all public institutions in India are riddled
with corruption. Widespread corruption directly
impacts the lives of a majority of Indians.
While corruption affects all, the worst affected are
poor Indians, who comprise 312 million out of a 1.2
billion population. This is because the poor in India
depend mostly on state run schemes like public food
distribution and free medical care, examples of two
programmes mired in corruption.
India is ranked amongst the most corrupt
countries in the world, sharing this dais with
some of the least developed economies. One in
every five poor persons in the world lives in
India; the role of corruption in this statistic is
central. With corruption characterizing the func-
tioning of all aspects of the state, the social con-
sequences are devastating. Yet, Indias national
policy is to have no policy to combat corruption.
Budgetary allocations in India are skewed at
the planning stage itself due to decades of non-
transparent, uncompetitive, and totally corrupt
public procurement policies and practices at the
union and state level. And, even the limited funds
that end up allocated for education, health, enti-
tlement, and subsistence schemes - i. e. pro-
grammes that serve as a lifeline for the poorest
of the poor - are diverted, embezzled, and loot-
ed at various stages of implementation.
National programmes formulated and imple-
mented to address abject poverty like the
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Programme and the National Rural Health
Mission are examples of programmes that have
failed to deliver their mandate due to widespread
corruption in implementation. Both pro-
grammes, if meticulously implemented, have the
potential to address abject poverty and usher a
brighter future for millions of Indians.
Corruption-led failures in their implementation
have contributed to widespread malnutrition and
starvation among Indian children, creating con-
ditions worse than those in some sub Saharan
African countries.
Institutions supposed to address corruption,
such as the judiciary, the prosecution, and the
specialized investigative apparatuses, are all
corrupt. Corruption thrives in a non- transparent
Indian judiciary to such an extent that a substan-
tial number of former Supreme Court judges,
including Chief Justices, have been openly
accused of corruption, with damning documen-
tary evidence available in the public domain. Yet,
virtually none of these judges and their corrupt
actions has been investigated. The morale of the
judiciary is such that former Supreme Court
judges have sold their offices for sexual gratifi-
Even the claims used as qualifiers and excus-
es by those in seats of power, such as only
20 percent of judges of the higher judiciary
in India are corrupt, i. e. that there are only a
few bad apples, implies that the Indian judiciary
is corrupt. The judiciary is an institution to which
absolutes apply; either the judiciary is corrupt or
it is not corrupt. This argument follows from the
fact that the fundamental human rights of an
individual are absolute and are not qualified by
the integrity of a judge or that of an institution
represented by a judge.
The specialized agency constituted to inves-
tigate corruption in India, the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) established by the Delhi
Special Police Establishment Act, 1946, is per-
ceived to be corrupt. Every political party that
has formed a government in India has used the
CBI to settle its vendettas. Corruption in the CBI
exceeds illegal gratification in cash and kind in
return for pursuing or stalling investigations or
proceedings. It consists of a variety of policies,
decisions, action, and inaction that relate to the
discharging of duties of the countrys premier
investigating agency.
Corruption is what decides whether, at the
local level, a police officer should accept a com-
plaint regarding a commission of a crime or not.
Corruption dictates the contours of the investi-
gation in its entirety, in that a crime investigation
is a commodity that can be purchased by the
rich and politically influential. Persons who com-
mit crimes can either escape detection or avoid
punishment by bribing the investigating officer.
Officers are corrupt irrespective of their
rank. Corruption in the police begins with the
induction of the officer; vacancies are filled at
the whims of the ruling political party, with politi-
cians at all levels including ministers and their
cronies demanding and accepting bribes for
such appointments. Once inducted, the officer
begins extorting his beat to pay-off what is, in
essence, an investment.
Similar scenarios, with regional variations, mark
all manners of government appointments in India,
from schoolteachers to doctors, who then find novel
ways for a return on investment. Students have to
bribe their way into colleges. It infects administrative
positions, from the junior most positions to the high-
est posts in government, with transfers and postings
routinely bought and sold. The cumulative social
impact of the decisions made by so many compro-
mised officers on so many citizens is astounding.
Omnipresent corruption in India and the
unwillingness of the Indian state to deal with it is
demonstrated from the fact that around two
thirds of Indian parliamentarians are known to be
extremely corrupt individuals. The newly elected
parliament does not show any change in the
trend. Policies that these parliamentarians create
and the legislations that they pass and stymie
serve to preserve their privilege of being able to
sit in Parliament while being deeply corrupt.
Hence, maintaining the status quo, allowing the
evil of corruption to remain widespread, is the
Indian states policy for dealing with corruption.
Widespread corruption and state policies
being decided to foster corrupt means has
allowed private entities, like business houses
and international corporations, to literally buy the
Indian parliament and Indias bureaucracy, in
order to advance their interests. The immediate
casualty of this is the rights and entitlements of
the Indian people, especially the poor and the
marginalized. Corruption has facilitated wide-
spread and horrendous exploitation of national
resources and has resulted in massive displace-
ment of citizens. It is common to find people so
displaced, for the implementation of a project
that benefits a private entity, being subsequently
displaced three or four times more for other
such projects. This has created millions in India
who remain perpetually displaced and uncom-
pensated, across generations.
The practice of corruption and the con-
cept of democracy are mutually opposing.
Corruption has weakened Indias democracy
and harmed the security of its people. Indians
have witnessed their policy makers sell the
countrys sovereignty and security for private
benefit. It is a shame that none of these crim-
inals have been adequately punished. The
norm is such that the higher the degree of ill-
gotten wealth a person makes through corrupt
means, the lower the possibility of their being
punished for such crimes. Analyzed from this
position, neither does the practice of the rule
of law exist in India, and nor does the country
have the possibility to deal with corruption
appropriately. India has ratified the
International Convention against Corruption
as early as in 2011. However, it is not expect-
ed that India will do anything to combat cor-
ruption anytime in the near future.
The decision to end corruption is a political
one, which India will have to make. While the
ratification of an international convention that
specifically addresses corruption is a positive
step, India, unfortunately, lacks all the other
tools necessary to combat corruption at a
domestic level. That an important country like
India is literally being ruled by corruption and by
corrupt means has had an adverse impact on
the region and the globe. Indias policy commit-
ments in the development and nurturing of uni-
versal human rights norms are deeply and
adversely affected by the Indian states policy of
maintaining an environment for corrupt govern-
ments to thrive at the domestic level. What India
cannot guarantee and fulfill for its own people,
the country cannot contribute in promoting else-
where in the world. ( - 5 June
Kundu Committee gets an extension to present report on how much
Muslims benefited from the Sachar Committees recommendations
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharifs participation in Narendra
Modis oath taking ceremony evoked a mixed response in the
Kashmir valley. While mainstream political parties welcomed the
move, separatists kept their fingers crossed.
Modi was sworn-in as the 15th Prime Minister of the country,
May 26. Heads of the SAARC countries, including Pakistan, were
invited for the oath-ceremony.
Both ruling National Conference and opposition Peoples
Democratic Party (PDP) termed it as a significant and positive
I hope this will mark a new beginning in the ties between the
two countries, tweeted Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, May 24.
Chipping in Member Parliament and PDP president,
Mehbooba Mufti stated that the occasion would introduce a lot of
positivity into the relations of the two neighbouring countries.
Hoping that settlement of Jammu and Kashmir issue would be
the priority of the new government, Democratic Par ty of
Nationalist president Ghulam Hassan Mir, May 26, said that
swearing-in ceremony diplomacy is a good beginning for bring-
ing peace and prosperity in South Asia.
Awami Ittihaad Party president and independent legislator,
Engineer Rashid, May 24, hoped that the same will strengthen the
relations between the two countries. He however, expressed dis-
may over the talks between Modi and Sharif, stating that by ignor-
ing the Kashmir issue, both leaders have white-washed the facts
as peace in the region is subservient to resolution of Kashmir
issue, May 27.
Urging Prime Ministers of both countries to move boldly
towards a final settlement of Kashmir issue Hurriyat (M) chair-
man Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, May 25, said that the same would lead
to peace, prosperity and stability in the region. The spokesperson
of the amalgam, May 28, observed though the cordial relations
between India and Pakistan were imperative for political stability
and economic prosperity of South Asia, these cant be sustainable
without resolving the Kashmir issue.
Hurriyat (G) led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani adopted a wait-and-
watch policy over the visit. JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin
Malik too didnt accord much significance to the visit. According
to him, the event is not as much significant as it is being hyped
to be.
High Court Bar Association General Secretary, Mohammad
Ashraf Bhat, May 26, said that the Association has decided to
write to the heads of SAARC countries, to pressurize India to
grant right of self-determination to people of Kashmir in accor-
dance with Security Council Resolutions.
Meanwhile, All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee asked
the Pakistan Prime Minister to rein in extremist elements and
ensure no damage is caused to Gurudwaras in that country. The
committee chairman Jagmohan Singh Raina, May 25, said that
Sharif should talk about this issue during his visit to India so that
members of Sikh community across the globe are satisfied.
Resentment over raking up Art. 370
Both mainstream political parties and separatists here have
strongly expressed their resentment over the statement made by
Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh that the government at the
Centre is in the process of abrogating Article 370 in Jammu and
A protest led by its provincial president, Nasir Aslam Wani,
was held, here, May 28, by the ruling National Conference, against
Dr. Singhs remarks. Prior to this, party patron Dr Farooq Abdullah
presided over a core-group meeting of the party in which he con-
demned the statement.
The party spokesperson said that being a policy statement of
BJP, same needs to be taken seriously. Its ramifications are known
to all and any such act will put a question mark on the entire
process of accession. He warned any such move will be resis-
ted tooth and nail.
Opposition PDP president and Member Parliament, Mehbooba
Mufti, addressing media, here, May 28, said Dr Singhs com-
ments have potential to divide the state on communal lines.
Stating that Article 370 is an integral part of the Constitution
of India, Prof. Saif-ud-din Soz, president J&K Pradesh Congress
Committee, May 28, said that the Article can neither be amended
nor abrogated by any authority in India, unless the people of state
themselves want it. The Article, he said, has been devised as a
bridge between state and Union of India.
BJP, in a press statement here, May 28, said that Dr. Singh had
only said that discussion on Article 370 is more fruitful, but both
National Conference and PDP try to misinterpret the word discussion
with abolition and try to mislead the people of Kashmir.
He questioned why National Conference has never answered
how they breached Article 370 by extending the term of State
Assembly from five to six years. When Parliament decisions ben-
efit National Conference, PDP or Congress in the state, they use it
for their own benefits, but when benefit for people is announced
they block it so that anti-Centre sentiments are exploited.
Dr. Singh was, May 27, quoted by a New Delhi based news
channel as saying that the Modi-led government was in the
process of repealing Article 370. Later, in the evening, he refut-
ed as having said the same.
Article 370 guarantees special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
The Article specifies that except for Defence, Foreign Affairs,
Communications and ancillary matters (matters specified in the
Instrument of Accession), Indian Parliament needs state govern-
ments concurrence for applying all other laws.
Pertinently, repealing Article 370 after consultation with all
stakeholders was part of BJPs election manifesto.
United Jihad Council chief Syed Sallah-ud-Din, as per local
news gathering agency KNS, May 27, asked the Prime Minister
Narendra Modi to accept the ground realities vis--vis Kashmir
and allow people to decide their future.
JKLF chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik, addressing media
here May 31, announced that the party would model Quit
Kashmir Movement on the pattern of Safar-e-Azadi and
Signature Campaign. Safar-e-Azadi is a campaign meant to
involve people of Kashmir in a dialogue process between India
and Pakistan.
Hurriyat (G) chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani, May 29, said
that the very existence of Article 370 in the Indian constitution is
proof that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed region. He warned
that any attempt to scrap this documentary proof will be resisted,
tooth and nail.
High Court Bar Association, May 29, said the only option
available in case Article 370 is abrogated is the implementation of
UN Security Council Resolutions.
Hurriyat (M) chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, May 28 said,
Whether the Article is there or not it doesnt have any relevance
with the Kashmir dispute.
Amid raging row over Article 370, senior Congress leader
Karan Singh, at New Delhi May 29, appealed to all concerned to
exercise restraint and said that the extremely sensitive issue
needs to be handled in a mature fashion.
Fifth anniversary of Shopian rape-murder
A shutdown was observed, May 30, in south Kashmirs Shopian
district, about 50 kilometres from the city-centre, to commemo-
rate the fifth anniversary of the death of Shopian double rape and
murder case.
The town presented a deserted look with markets and educa-
tional institutions closed and traffic off the roads, owing to a shut-
down call by Hurriyat (G) led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani.
The two Shopian women, Asiya Jan, 17, and her 21-year old
sister-in-law Neelofar, were found dead in a knee-deep stream,
Ranbir Ara, in the district on this day in 2009. The families and
locals alleged that the duo were raped and then murdered by
security forces whereas government termed it as a case of
drowning. An enquiry by Central Bureau of Investigation conclud-
ed that the women died due to drowning.
A sit-in was organized by the family members of victims in the
town, May 29. Shakeel Ahmad Ahanger, brother of Asiya and hus-
band of Neelofar, along with several separatist leaders and
activists, demanded justice. A sit-in was also staged by the
University students here, May 29.
Hurriyat (M) led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, May 29, demanded
that the culprits be brought to justice. Hurriyat (G) chairman Syed
Ali Geelani, May 30, reiterated his demand for investigation of the
case by some independent agency and punishment to culprits.
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10 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 NATIONAL
The old hunters have been
chased out of the jungle by the
new hunters. The new hunters
are more powerful. The jungle
is the same, and the weapons
are the same. However, the
natives of the jungle are cele-
Mohsin Shaikh, a 24-year old from Solapur
district, who worked as an IT manager with a
private firm in Pune, was beaten to death by a
mob. Mohsin was returning home late on
Monday with a friend, Riyaz, after performing
Namaz at a mosque in Hadapsar area on the out-
skirts of Pune. A violent mob attacked him with
stones and hockey sticks around 9 pm. Riyaz
alleged that Moshin was targeted because he
was wearing a skull cap and had a beard.
Mohsin sustained severe injuries to his head and
died early on Tuesday. Two other boys of the
same age, Izaz Yusuf Bagwan and Ameen
Shaikh, are injured and battling for life.
Ever since a Facebook post that contained
morphed pictures with allegedly derogatory ref-
erences to warrior king Shivaji, Shiv Sena leader,
late Bal Thackeray, and others surfaced on
Friday [30 May], several parts of Maharashtra
witnessed violence with shops and public trans-
port buses being damaged. It was reported that
a mob of around 2,000 persons gathered on
Solapur road in Hadapsar after rumours swirled
that a statue of Shivaji has been desecrated and
a girl raped by men of another community.
The mob consisting of supporters of right
wing Hindu nationalist Shiv Sena, BJP and Hindu
Rashtra Sena went on the rampage. In the
unrest, 24 out of 33 police stations were affect-
ed over the weekend. The miscreants pelted
stones at vehicles and damaged 130 govern-
ment buses and 21 private vehicles. Shops were
also torched and religious places of minorities
were damaged.
A rational human being may wonder how a
sentiment attached to someone who is dead
takes away life of another human. But such is
the power of hate generated by blinded love and
nourished by power-hungry politicians. Hate is a
powerful weapon that results into precious
Muzaffarnagar and Assam happened on the
eve of Lok Sabha elections. The BJP swept Lok
Sabha polls in Assam by securing seven of the
14 seats in the state. In UP, out of 80 seats, the
BJP bagged a massive 71 seats. Do you see a
The year before LS elections, 2013, saw
communal rioting in the country jump by nearly
25 per cent, with Uttar Pradesh being the worst
affected with 247 incidents compared to 118 in
2012. Data from the Union home ministry show
that states such as UP, MP, Karnataka,
Rajasthan, Gujarat and Bihar saw a steady rise
in 2013.
Gujarat recorded 68 cases of communal
tension in 2013 in which 10 people died and 57
incidents in 2012 in which five people died.
Karnataka recorded 73 cases in 2013 and 69 in
Communities were polarised before the
elections to vitiate the atmosphere for political
gains. Maharashtra is heading for assembly
elections later this year. So such incidents of
violence are not unexpected.
Rewarding the riot-accused is a symbolic
gesture with dangerous ramifications. We have
seen it in Muzaffarnagar. Tomorrow if the Hindu
Rashtra Sena cadre are felicitated for restoring
the Maratha pride, please dont be surprised.
In 2007, Narendra Modi rewarded riot-
accused Naroda MLA Maya Kodnani with a min-
isterial berth in Gujarat. This year he rewarded
riot-accused Muzaffarnagar MP Sanjeev Baliyan
with a ministerial berth at the Centre. Is this the
Gujarat model people voted for?
Elections, in the times of propaganda, are
the biggest weapons of mass deception. The
greatest achievement of todays neoliberal, neo-
colonial powers is to make the human mind stop
questioning. This is how Orwell ended 1984
where the 99 per cent totally accepted the one
per cent as the ultimate, unquestionable power.
Democracy means rule by people. So peo-
ple elect their representatives to form a govern-
ment. Our brand-new PMs love for democracy
is seen when he puts those who are unelected in
top positions in his government. Nirmala
Sitaraman is unelected but has dual portfolio,
Smriti Irani never won any election in her life but
she is the HRD minister, Arun Jaitely lost elec-
tions but got two top portfolios: defence and
finance. Unelected Ravi Shankar Prasad is the
new law minister.
As every institution of democracy is being
painted saffron, the space for alternative voic-
es is shrinking. The fora of any rational dia-
logue are abused by the saffron army even on
the social media. They get a free run whereas
sensible posts are threatened by miscon-
ceived IT laws.
We have taken it for granted. If we do not
proactively defend our democracy, well lose it.
We need to learn to appreciate what we have
before time makes us appreciate what we had.
How many Mohsins have to die for us to realise
this? (
Mix response to Nawaz Sharif Delhi visit
Trailer of Hindu Nationalism
Rewarding the riot-accused is a symbolic gesture with dangerous
ramifications. We have seen it in Muzaffarnagar. Tomorrow if the
Hindu Rashtra Sena cadre are felicitated for restoring the
Maratha pride, please dont be surprised.
By the time this article reaches you, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi must have been in
his new office for around a month. The 100-
day agenda he talked about within less than
a week of his taking charge as the new
prime minister has yet to be accomplished.
Understandably, Modi is not gifted with
any magic wand to sort out problems facing
this country within 100 days or perhaps
even several years. What is astonishing is that by spelling out
his stand on 100-day agenda, Modi actually extended this fur-
ther. The situation would have been different had he said that
within 100 days of his assuming charge, he would be claim-
ing success in these areas. Instead, he asked various min-
istries to chart out their 100-day agenda by June 6.
Howsoever ambitious may Modi sound about his 100-day
agenda, by June 6, around a week had passed with nothing
substantial having been achieved.
Perhaps, it would have been practical of Modi to identify
basic priorities of common Indians and set a time agenda to
achieve them. Spending more time on identifying priorities is
equivalent to running away from actually resolving the same.
It is indeed a shame that despite Modi carrying with him
the image of a doer, the first and second weeks of June have
sent a totally different message for residents of Delhi. They
were faced with severe power-cuts, lasting several hours. A
few nights passed for many residents without any electricity
supply at all. It is not as if Delhi has never ever faced this
problem. But over the past few years, it was not so severe. A
scarce commodity like water too is out of the reach of most of
Dehites most of the time.
Not surprisingly, common Indians are questioning: cant
Modi handle such minor problems? If he cannot assure ade-
quate power and water supply to residents of the capital city,
who are paying hefty electricity bills and buying water from
private operators, to receive the same, what can be expected
of him? Yes, Modi is probably well aware that this is not a
problem that with his attention cannot be dealt with easily. In
fact, rather than talk of a 100-day agenda, it would be appro-
priate to set out 10-hour or at the most two-day agenda to
solve basic problems such as these being faced by common
After all, Modi has been elected democratically. His first
priority should be to address problems faced by ordinary cit-
izens. Yes, he has talked of his vision of progress and devel-
opment. But, how does he expect common Indians to make
their contribution when they are deprived in the hot summer
heat of basic electricity and water supply? However comput-
er-savvy and Internet-friendly they may be, invertors, UPS
and batteries cannot help them for too long. If Modi has still
not had the time to address these issues, it is time that he did.
Once the monsoon rains are here, the problem may get aggra-
Comparatively, the power-cuts being faced by Delhi-resi-
dents are a minor problem when looked against the back-
ground of a far more serious issue threatening minorities
across the country. Yes, this refers to brutal murder of Mohsin
Sheikh in Pune. To date, Modi failed to condemn this incident.
Has he expressed his sympathy and support for Indian
Muslims with the same secular thrust that he used during
his campaigning to convince them of his secularism and to
win their votes? Or does putting forward a secular face has
little importance for Modi now? Is it so? Well, then he may be
reminded that he is heading the government of a secular,
democratic, socialist republic.
Considering the hype that he raised about his secular
intentions and that Muslims in Gujarat are better-off than
Muslims in other states, now it is Modis responsibility to
ensure them at least security in the country.
Mohsin Sheikh was not victim of any communal riot. He
was brutally killed by Hindu, communal extremists, who
should be labelled as terrorists. This naturally raises a
question: have communal extremists associated with BJP
and Sangh Parivar decided to display their anti-Muslim
bias more brutally simply because now their man heads
the government? Well, it is high time that Modi outlined a
secular agenda for them too and all communal, extrem-
ist elements.
Whatever be the vision of Modis development agenda, it
bears little importance for common Indians if it is going to
spell communal tension, disturbance, aggravated by commu-
nal designs of extremist groups.
Undeniably, Mohsin Sheikhs murder has prompted
Muslims across the country and world to wonder what could
be plans of communal activists linked with Sangh Parivar
regarding them. One murder, at the hands of a group of com-
munal elements, carries a horrific message. The murder did
not take place spontaneously over a sudden fight between two
individuals or groups of different communities. A group of
communal elements together targeted Mohsin Sheikh. In
other words, it was backed by certain planning and probably
a green signal from one of the key leaders of the Parivar. They
celebrated his murder by tweeting that first wicket had
fallen. So what is their message? And what is Modis mes-
sage for them and us?
Speaki ng Out
What is Modis
ANALYSIS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 11
On the surface of it, Modi
has emerged the victor in
the elections. NaMo has
vanquished every other
name - that of individual,
organization or political
party. People may tend to
think that Hindutva, RSS
or BJP have won. But analysts have been quick
to point out that Modi hardly bothers about any
of them. He wants all of them to be nothing more
than his obedient slaves. What is being missed
altogether is that even Modi is not the real victor.
If anyone has won the 2014 WAR, it is the
Corporate India with the backing of the
Corporate International.
It was long back in 1997 when my book,
The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism,
showed how the forces of economics have sub-
jugated every field of human existence, politics
being its main source of monopolization. In the
chapter entitled, State or Estate, I had written,
Democracy literally means a government
by the people, of the people and for the people.
In truth it is a corporatocracy, the government of
the corporate, by the corporate, for the corpo-
rate. The result is that in most of the cases it is
not the best among the people that ascend the
ladder of politics but the ones chosen by the
corporate, who often prove to be the worst for
the people. The irony is that it is the people who
appear to be voting them to power; they have no
option but to elect from among those chosen by
their rich masters.
This election was unique in the sense that
never in the past, the corporate has been as
determined as it was this time to bring one sin-
gle leader to the helm of affairs. Congress and
BJP used to be favourites with Corporate India
but other parties also had some support. This
time, the two other leaders at the national level,
Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal, were per-
ceived as the enemies of the interests of the cor-
porate. The former showed increasing fondness
for Welfare Economics, which the corporate
loves to hate, and the latter challenged the
biggest faces in the corporate India. Modi, on the
other hand, was seen as a true friend, and the
corporate does not disappoint its friends. Money
flowed, media systematically destroyed the
image of all his adversaries, Rahul and Kejriwal
being the favourite targets, and hype was manu-
factured which brought every other factor to
How Modi will address the corporate
demands is the moot question. He cannot ignore
the hopes of the people which have reached
unprecedented heights. The problem is that as
soon as he tries to do something that disfavours
the interests of the market forces, the media will
start questioning his intentions and methods. He
would like to control inflation but any long-term
curb on inflation is not possible without an inter-
vention in the tendency of the market to make
unjustifiable profits. If he tries to put the onus
wholly on the people involved in the production
and supply of the agricultural products, not only
this will yield only a short term reprieve, it will
also make him an unpopular figure in the villages
and smaller towns. If he fails to curb inflation
effectively, the masses will of course become
disenchanted sooner than later.
Once he starts failing on the economic front,
Modi may again look towards the forces of
Hindutva. But the problem with him is that the
hardcore loyalists of BJP are not more than 18
percent in the country. It means that more than
13 percent of the people who voted for him this
time in the hope of better governance may easi-
ly shift their allegiance as soon as the Hindutva
agenda starts coming to the fore.
Modis friends argue that Modi aims for
long innings, and would therefore keep Hindutva
at bay. But the bigger challenge for him is to
keep the corporate at bay. If he ignores them, the
media and market-driven institutions will dump
him. If he ignores the aspirations of the people,
other parties will jump back into reckoning.
History tells us that political parties come
and go and leaders rise and fall, but the graph of
the forces of economics continues to rise. This
will continue till a true leader emerges on the
scene. The sad truth is that the true leaders take
birth only in centuries.
Dr Javed Jamil is a thinker and writer with over a
dozen books including his latest, Muslims Most
Civilised, Yet Not Enough and Muslim Vision of
Secular India: Destination & Road-map. He may be
contacted at:
The Corporate is the only winner
What is being missed altogether is that even Modi is not the real victor.
If anyone has won the 2014 WAR, it is the Corporate India with the
backing of the Corporate International.
Once he starts failing on the economic front, Modi may again look
towards the forces of Hindutva. But the problem with him is that the
hardcore loyalists of BJP are not more than 18 percent in the country.
It means that more than 13 percent of the people who voted for him
this time in the hope of better governance may easily shift their alle-
giance as soon as the Hindutva agenda starts coming to the fore.
esponding to the American engineers claim of possibili-
ty of tampering with the Indian electronic voting machines
(EVMs), the BBC correspondent asked Indias Deputy
Election Commissioner Alok Shukla about the possibility
of hacking an EVM, he said, even getting hold of machines to
tamper with would be very difficult. It is not just the machine, but
the overall administrative safeguards which we use that make it
absolutely impossible for anybody to open the machine. Even
though he assures absolute security of EVMs, the credibility of the
EVMs has come under cloud once again. The Indian democracy
is strongly founded on the fair electoral practices, so even if one
Indian doubts its credibility, then the use of EVMs is to be recon-
The question of tampering with EVMs was an issue discussed
quietly in the political circles after the earlier Assembly elections
and now after the Parliamentary elections.
It is good to know the historic developments of controversies
regarding the use of EVMs. The reliability of the electronic voting
machine became an issue of serious concern worldwide with the
United States contentious presidential election in 2000 where the
disputes reached the Supreme Court. As a follow up of this many
countries including US abandoned the use of electronic machines
in voting. The process of voting is very simple and practical in all
sense possible. It is to be noted that ever since India introduced
EVMs in 50 polling booths of the Parur Assembly Constituency in
Kerala in 1982, the legal battle against these machines reached
Supreme Court. The SC ruled in 1984 that there is no legal sanc-
tioning to conduct voting through EVMs. Therefore in 1989 sec-
tion 61-A was inserted in the Representation of the People Act,
1951 empowering the Commission to use voting machines too.
In 1990, the reliability of the EVM was questioned by a major-
ity of the political parties. Therefore, the Parliament appointed
Electoral Reforms Committee which studied technicalities of
EVMs and cleared the way for their use in elections. After this, the
fundamental question of tampering with EVMs reached the High
Courts of Madras, Karnataka, Kerala and Delhi and the matter also
came up in Supreme Court but after getting details from the
designers and technicians of EVMs, the Courts dismissed the
The recently concluded general elections have presented
many miracles such as parties like BSP, DMK and Congress party
failing to open account almost in seven states, the poor perform-
ance of parties like Communist parties, JDU, YSR, RJD etc. and
the extreme performance of AIDMK, TMC, BJD, LJP and BJP are
some of them. There are also many media reports regarding the
malfunctioning of EVMs. It has raised many questions in the
minds of technicians, leaders and intellectuals such as: can EVMs
be controlled from elsewhere?, can manufacturers or technicians
manipulate technologies to influence the voting against the will of
the voter?, if not the political parties, can the corporate barons
play a role with the EVM technology to get those parties elected
to power whom they support?
We do not know whether there is an iota of truth in the doubts
of people but as long as people believe that technology can be
manipulated, the use of technology in voting will always remain a
big question mark against the Indian democracy. Therefore, we
need to re-introduce the paper ballet voting system. People
around the world believe that it is fair, free and transparent.
Transparency is maintained, any possible dispute regarding even
a single vote can be sorted out immediately to the utmost satis-
faction of the voter, candidates and political parties. Each action
of a poll duty officer can be monitored by the other officer. The
observers can detect and report any error. This level of trans-
parency and errorlessness is arguably so high in paper ballot vot-
ing. It is sure that it takes time for counting and transportation of
ballots or their preservation after counting but can we not devel-
op technologies for the same? The strength of the democracy lies
in the faith of people in the very process, so we need to serious-
ly think of paper ballot voting once again in order to strengthen our
democracy. (
Is the EVM hacking peoples faith in Indian Democracy?
12 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 NEWSMAKERS
known as Ramji Wale Baba, a spiritual per-
sonality who spent a life of celibacy through-
out died in Noorpur near Bijnor on 30 May at
the age of 107 years. Born in a village of
Assam in 1907 he came to Bijnor about half a
century ago and began to live in a small
monastry in a jungle near Ramji Wala village.
In course of time he came to be known as a
saint possessing spiritual knowledge and
power and people from far off places, includ-
ing influential and top personalities, used to
come him for removing their difficulties and
problems through prayers and spiritual power.
He is alleged to spend most of his time in
prayers to God.
QAIYYUM, Jamat-e
Islami leader, former
general secretary of
AIM Majlis
Mushawarat, Patron
of Students Islamic
Organisation of India,
convener of Maharashtras Movement of
Peace & Justice etc died in Aurangabad on 3
June. He spread the message of Islam
through Tabligh in cities, towns and villages
and was a leader of Islamic movement. He
never cared about posts and instead of taking
any thing from Islamic movement he gave
whatever he could for the cause of Islam. He
belonged to Marathwadas city of Jalna.
SIDDIQUE MUJIBI, a senior Urdu poet died in
Ranchis Apollo Hospital after a brief illness at
the age of about 83 years. He was also Vice
President of Bihar Urdu Academy. His anthol-
ogy of poems titled Shajar-e Mamnooa
(Prohibited Tree) was published in 1966. He
leaves behind four sons and two daughters.
The news was heart-breaking for me as the
Bangladesh media outlets reported that Mahbubul
Alam, former editor of The Independent passed
away in a hospital in Dhaka on 6 June at the age
of 78. The veteran journalist of Bangladesh start-
ed his career with Associated
Press of Pakistan in 1957 and
retired as the editor of The
Independent last year after
serving the prominent English
daily published from Dhaka
for 18 long years. Mahbub
bhai, as he was popularly
known among Dhaka-based
journalists, also edited the
weekly Dialogue, Bangladesh
Sangbad Sangstha and The
New Nation in different time
periods. He was also involved
with the Bangladesh Press
Council, Press Institute of Bangladesh, National
Press Club, Newspaper Owners' Association of
Bangladesh etc.
A tireless preacher of democracy and free
thinking, Mahbub bhai also lectured on various
Bangladesh affairs in different universities of USA.
Hailed from Munsiganj, Alam completed his
Masters in Political Science from Dhaka University.
Besides journalism, he served the Bangladesh
government in various capacities from an adviser
to the caretaker government, spokesperson to
Bangladesh foreign ministry to press counselor to
an ambassador to Bhutan.
Bangladesh President Abdul Hamid, Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina, BNP Chairperson Khaleda
Zia, Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury among
others expressed their grief in separate condo-
lence messages at the demise of Mahbub bhai,
who left behind three daughters, now living in
America, and many well wishers.
It was in 2001, when I first met Mahbubul bhai
in the office of The Independent. In fact, he was
the first Bangladeshi editor, whom I came to know
and occasionally talked to him
from my home city
(Guwahati). At that time, the
Internet communication facili-
ty was not mush popular in
Assam and Guwahati had
hardly five Internet cafes.
Sitting in a Guwahati internet
caf one day, I browsed the e-
mail contacts of The
Independent and sent a mail
addressed to the editor with
an interest to write for his
newspaper from Assam. I
also wanted the contact num-
bers of Dr Muhammad Yunus, the creator of
Grameen Bank of Bangladesh. At that time, Prof
Yunus, who pioneered the concept of micro-
finance and social business, was not much popu-
lar in our region. Two or three days later, I got an
email from the office of The Independent, where it
was said that its editor Mahbubul Alam welcomes
me to Dhaka any time. Moreover, the mail men-
tioned three telephone numbers of the Grameen
Bank headquartered at Mirpur in Dhaka.
Till then I had not applied for visa to visit
Bangladesh. And I had no idea about the hurdles
of getting visa for an Indian journalist to visit
Bangladesh. Soon I travelled to Agartala, the cap-
ital of Tripura, which is adjacent to Akhaura local-
ity of Bangladesh.
With some troubles I got the visa for probably
a week from the Bangladesh consulate in
Agartala. And accordingly I entered Bangladesh
through the Akhaura check post. After one hour of
cycle rickshaw and three hours of passenger train
journey I finally arrived in Kamalapur railway sta-
tion of Dhaka.
Getting inside a budget hotel near the railway
station, I called the office of The Independent to
put me to the editor. Soon a spongy voice wel-
comed me. It was Mahbubul Alam, "Oh, you have
arrived. Are you coming to my office now?"
It was already 8 pm (Bangladesh is ahead of
India with 30 minutes). Moreover, I had no idea
about the city. But contrary to my hesitations,
Mahbub bhai made it easy with his warm accent,
"You can come now. I am relatively free at this
Following his advice, I took a rickshaw from
the front of the hotel and after 20 minutes of ride
in the crowded Dhaka city, I finally arrived in
Karwan Bazar locality, where the office of The
Independent was located at that time. Later the
office was shifted to Tejgaon locality.
The lady receptionist smiled at me and guided
me to the editor's chamber. As I opened the door,
I saw a clean-shaven gentleman on the chair, who
had a series of questions for me, ranging from the
black magic of Mayang to lush-green tea gardens
of Assam to insurgent outfits of northeast India.
That was the beginning and we maintained our
warm relationship for all these years. Whenever I
visited Dhaka, I made it sure that I would have a
cup of tea with Mahbub bhai. Even I used to write
articles for his newspaper from Guwahati for
some years.
Once more I may visit Dhaka, but my stay in
the noisy capital will never be the same. This time
I would miss the soft-spoken gentleman there.
Good bye my beloved editor and friend in a foreign
city. May the Almighty keep your soul in compete
rest and peace!
INAMULLAH KHAN, a student of Sunway Public School, Rampur not only
passed in first Division in (Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
which is all India level examination, but also secured 96% (A-1 Grade)
aggregate marks. Earlier, he had won Gold Medal in Science Olympiads
English category. Another students (Ms) RAMSHA KAUSAR D/o
Muhammad Rehan of Queen Mary School near Tees Hazari (new Delhi)
secured an aggregate of more than 94% marks in 10th clas examination.
She secured 100% marks in Urdu and Social sciences The results of 10th
class and 12th class (CBSE) were declared last week. Whereas the results
of Urdu medium schools of Delhi were, on the whole, quite encouraging and
in most cases results of Urdu medium schools were more than 85%, in 3 or
4 schools it was cent per cent, those of non-Urdu medium schools were far
better. A very large number of students of these school had secured total
marks between 95 and 99 percent. The aggregate marks of the student who
had topped in the All India CBSE Examination was 99.6 percent. These
results also showed that girl students are more serious and hard working in
their studies as for the past many years girls on the whole are excelling their
male counterparts in these local as well as All India examinations.
Prof KHALID MAHMOOD, poet, author, critic, translator
and a senior teacher in Jamia Millia Islamias Department
of Urdu has been appointed new Vice Chairman of Delhi
Urdu Aacdemy by Delhis Lt Governor Najeeb Jung in his
capacity as Chairman in place of Prof Akkhtarul Wasey
who was appointed Commissioner of Linguistic Minorities
in December 2013. An author of about a dozen books on
research and creative literature, he is also the Honorary Director of Maktaba
Jamia Ltd. The post of Delhi Urdu Academys Vice Chairman was lying
vacant since December 2013 when the then Vice Chairman Prof Akhtarul
Wasey was appointed as Commissioner of Linguistic Minorities, Govt of
India. Prof Khalid Mahmood has also been honoured with many Awards of
Sahitya Academy, MP Urdu Academy etc
Twelve years old MUHAMMAD INSAAN ALI, son of a
poor fisherman saved three children from drowning in
river Ganga at the risk of his own life at Mokama in
Patna district of Bihar. He was fishing on the bank of
the river when he heard shrieks of four children for
help, three of whom were girls who had stepped into
the river to bathe but had gone too far in the deep
waters and began to drown. Since there was no body else there, Insaan,
unable to decide what to do, jumped intothe river. He swam fast, rescued
12-year old Muskan, 8-year old Khushboo and 9-year old Raja and safely
brought them to the sore one by one but unfortunately could not save 10-
year old Naghma. By the time he reached her she had drowned. Her body
was fished out subsequently by police with the help of divers. Local officers
said that Insaans name would be recommended for National Bravery Award
for his exemplary courage and work.
HUMA KHATOON of Purnia district of Bihar who appeared
for State Intermediate examination this year (2014) has
topped in the whole of Bihar state. Studying for more than
8 hours daily and without any coaching or guidance and
entirely of her own efforts, Huma studied in her villages
primary school. District Magistrate of Purnia District,
Sanjay Kumar Agarwal along with other officers and lead-
ers personally visited her house to congratulate her and her parents for her
great success which, he said that she will be made a role model for Muslim
girls. He offered her sweets, a cheque of Rs 5000 and a medal and said that
she will be honoured with Purnia Gaurav Award
KAMRAAN GHANI, Bureau Chief of Urdu Net, Japan for India has been
appointed Honorary Editor of this newspaper for India in recognition of his
efficient services. Kamraan Ghani, a young journalist has been working
since long for Urdu net and has greatly helped in popularising Urdu net
Japan among Indian readers. The newspaper Urdu Net Japan, published
from Koshi Gaaya city is thte most popular on-line Urdu daily which is read
in more than 50 countries.
ZUBAIR SHAAD, who appeared for 2-year Diploma Course in Urdu journal-
ism and mass communication examination which was started for the first
time by Jamia Urdu, Aligarh secured first position in this examination.
Dr RAZI HAIDAR who had done MA and M Phil in Persian from JNU; IMRAN
CHAUDHARY, a research scholar in Jamia Millia Islamias Department of
research scholar in Delhi Universitys Department of Arabic were conferred
PhD Degree by JNU, Jamia Millia Islamia University, Osmania University and
Delhi University repectively on different subjects pertaining to Urdu, Persian
and Arabic literature, criticism, comparative study etc. Whereas achieve-
ments of these people are laudable, it is desirable that Muslim scholars also
break new grounds and enter new fields of natural, physical, medical, posi-
tive, normative and other sciences etc like Physics, Chemistry, Botany,
Biology Economics, social sciences, anthropology, electrical, electronic and
technogical sciences etc because its is extremely rare to find Muslim schol-
ars writing their research papers and theses on non-traditional subjects like
University of Rajasthan awarded PhD degree awarded to MRS NAJMA
ISMAIL in Plant Biotechnology for her work on "In-vitro plant regeneration
and bio-chemical studies in clitoria ternatea L."
SHAKIR, a visually-challenged student, passed his
M.Ed from University of Pondichery. He hails from
Bihar. Earlier he passed his BA from AMU in 2012.
He was able to continue his education with gener-
ous help extended by worldofaligs, Prof Qamar
Farooqi Scholarship sponsored by Dr Najma
Qamar of Los Angeles and Masood Zuberi of
Qatar. All members of Shakir's family are blind. His
younger brother is studying in AMU Blind School
(Dr Mohsin Raza)
WASIQUR RAHMAN, an alumnus of AMU, is the topper of
Bihar Medical Exam conducted by Bihar Combined
Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) this
year. Wasiqur had passed his 10+2 examination in 2014
with 91 percent marks from AMU. He belongs to
Muzaffarpur where his father Saud Azam Rahmani is Block
Agriculture Officer. His mother Jahana Khatoon is Head Miss in a Middle
School of Bihar government. Wasiqur wishes to become a cardiologist.
Aligarian DR. SARFRAZ AHMAD has been elected as the 25th President of
the Association of Scientists of Indian Origin in America (ASIOA) for a 2-
years term. ASIOA promotes fellowship among scientists of Indian origin liv-
ing in North America, acts as a scientific and educational society, opens
channels of communication among all scientists, and acts as a fraternal
organization and charitable association. Dr. Ahmad is working as Director of
Clinical Research at Gynecologic Oncology Department of Florida Hospital
Cancer Institute (FHCI), Orlando. (Zafar Iqbal, Ph.D.).
Why was Jawed
Usmani sacked?
The sacking of
Mr Jawed
Usmani, IAS,
from the post of
Chief Secretary,
Uttar Pradesh,
has come as a
rude shock to
all. This is a
man who had
served quite
ably and loyally as Mulayam government's
Chief Secretary earlier too. For some time
he had also served in the PMO,
Government of India. In
2012, he was made to leave his lucrative
post at the World Bank to serve as Chief
Secretary of the government headed by
Mulayam's son. It was not because Usmani
was a Muslim or controller of UP's Muslim
electorate. It was simply because he was
the most trusted and loyal officer of
Mulayam. The Sanghis have a right to
allege that he was appointed to this post to
"appease" the Muslims. But the truth is that
Mr Usmani himself is a nominal or heredi-
tary Muslim. He has nothing to do with the
Muslim community or its travails. He's quite
innocent on this count.
Then why has he been sacked summarily
and so unceremoniously? Be sure he is not
personally accountable for the recent gang-
rape and murder of two dalit girls in the
Badaun district. The direct responsibility for
this crime falls on the shoulders of the UP
home minister, home secretary, and the
police hierarchy. Why have they not been
sacked? If he has been sacked on moral
grounds, it is precipitous. Prime moral
responsibility rests in the first place with the
illustrious son. If he has moral courage he
should resign on moral grounds.
In my humble opinion the event has been
used as a convenient excuse to get rid of a
nominally nominal Muslim officer just to
propitiate and appease the new god
installed in New Delhi. Three cheers to Raj
Guru's astute secularism.
Professor of Political Science (Retired)
Aligarh Muslim University (BAZMeQALAM)
Communal Interpretation of Indian History
SPECIAL REPORT The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 13
Communal interpretation works both ways. It is
both a product and the generator of communal-
ism. Unity of thought among Hindu and Muslim
communal historians along with the British
imperialist school did not end with the creation
of Pakistan, they still practise communal histori-
Prof. Refaqat Ali Khan, former Professor and
Head of the Department of History and Dean,
Faculty of Humanities and Languages, Jamia
Millia Islamia and currently the Vice-Chairman of
the Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) made
these observations while delivering the Sixth
Qazi Mujahidul Islam Memorial Lecture on
Communal Interpretation of Indian History: A
Review, organised by the IOS at the Conference
Hall here on 24 May, 2014.
He sought to explain that communal histori-
ans used history in several ways with one cen-
tral theme that the Hindus and Muslims could
not and did not live together in peace under one
judicial, political and social system. Choice of
words was different but both the Hindu and
Muslim communalists spoke the same language
and some Europeans, whom many of us called
the imperialist school, were not different, he
said. He pointed out that communal historians
had a hostile attitude towards Indian National
Congress. Some Muslim leaders thought that the
Congress was bent upon setting up caste-Hindu
Raj in India and wanted even during the British
rule to dominate Muslims. Hindu communal
leaders also projected an anti-Hindu image of
the Congress.
Prof. Khan argued that the history of a divid-
ed people was a product of the divide-and-rule
policy of the British Government, which still con-
tinues among historians as a hangover.
He divided the historians of the Indian sub-
continent into four groups: 1. western/imperial-
ist, 2. Muslim communal historians, 3. Hindu
communal historians; and 4. nationalist histori-
He held that there was now a fifth group of
new historians who did not regard a religious
community as a monolithic unit without internal
tensions. Their community consideration was
based on occupations/profession and not on
He said that the impact of communal histo-
riography was so complete that the nationalist
leaders, including a mass leader like Gandhiji,
recognised the presence of separate communi-
ties in historical times and stressed the need for
unity among them as they had done in medieval
Nationalist historians projected Akbars
Sulh-e-kul while the communalist Hindus and
Muslims chose Aurangzeb to project their point
of view. He maintained that the British through
their historians like Elliot wanted the Hindus to
feel that the white man had liberated them from
the cruel, burdensome and agonising slavery,
which was inflicted upon them by the barbarian
and savage Muslims.
The nationalist and Marxist scholars had
extensively quoted from Elliots Preface to
establish that communal historiography was
planned by the British, fertilised by the commu-
nalist writers and harvested by the economic
interests at the cost of the poor people of both
the communities.
Referring to several myths in the Indian his-
tory propounded and cherished by communal
historians, he said that Hindu communal and the
nationalist historians drew great inspiration
equally from the greatness of Indias ancient
past with one difference -- the communalists
were inspired by the ancient period, the Hindu
kings and chieftains of medieval period like Rana
Pratap and Shivaji whereas the nationalists were
as much proud of Akbar as they were of Ashoka.
Commenting on some characteristics of the
Hindu communal historiography, he said that
they claimed the ancient period of Indian history
was most glorious. Even the negative elements
were either praised or ignored. Like an arithmeti-
cal formula, they had made Indian culture equal
to ancient culture and the latter to the Gupta cul-
ture which was the golden age of Indian histo-
ry. The medieval period was said to be full of
political and religious persecutions whereas
there was total tolerance and peace in ancient
Prof. Refaqat Ali Khan said that GD Birla,
founder of the Birla industrial and commercial
empire, through his rich charitable Krishanpan
Trust with the blessings of the then central min-
ister, KM Munshi, and the intellectual participa-
tion of the deadly communal historian, RC
Mazumdar, assisted the publication of several
volumes, called History and Culture of Indian
People, which were popularly known as Vidya
Bhavan series. It was a typical model of commu-
nal historiography.
He opined that pre-independence communal
historiography was half-baked history, but the
post-independence historiography, including the
secular one, was fully mature and evenly baked.
Examples of persecution and intolerance
were exceptions rather than a rule in a largely
rural society and toleration was universal except
in circumstances when the source of livelihood
of a group, caste or class got tolerance in
ancient and intolerance in medieval India was
communal historiography. We have been victims
of this kind of historiography. Tolerance was the
point of Ashokas state policy which he followed
almost till the end of his life. However, towards
the end of his reign, he pursued a pro-Buddhist
policy to the extent that Ajivikas and Jains, who
hitherto enjoyed patronage and freedom, were
harassed. Finally, Ashoka started suppressing
dissenting Buddhist monks and nuns by with-
drawing state support and expelling them from
Sangha. Narendra Gupta, one of the last kings of
Gupta dynasty, raided Magadh and cut down the
much respected Bodhi tree at Gaya and wrecked
Buddhist foundations wherever he could.
Referring to the communal bias of the emi-
nent historian Jadunath Sarkar against
Aurangzeb, Prof. Khan said that he wrote about
his demolition of temples in the books while his
reference to Kailash temple at Ellora found a
place only in a footnote. When Hindu and
Muslim rulers needed money they plundered the
temples because these had immense wealth.
Mosques, on the other hand, had nothing except
the brick or stone walls and thus a mosque
never attracted the attention of invaders except
when it housed enemies. He remarked that
intolerance, oppression, devastation are cruel-
ty of Muslim monarchs, especially their intol-
erance and violence towards their Hindu sub-
jects were so extremely and passionately prop-
agated that the RSS chief, Madhavrao Sedashiv
Golwalkar had no hesitation in calling the whole
Muslim community, including the ar tisans,
workers and peasants as murdering hordes,
murderous bands, despoilers, free boot-
ers, the enemy, the force of destruction,
old invaders and foes, and our old and bitter
He lamented that prestigious publishing
houses were also bringing out communal histo-
ries, not because they had joined any anti-
Muslim gang, but to make money. Unfortunately,
there was a large market for anti-Muslim and
anti-Islamic literature. One such book was
Laines Shivaji: Hindu King in Islamic India
published by the Oxford University Press. The
very title of the book smelt foul. The author of the
book chose Hindu Marathi authors to project his
mission to demonstrate Hindu prejudices and
hatred against Muslims and Islam.
Prof. Refaqat Ali Khan laid stress on a
positive interpretation of history to project the
positive role of Indian Muslims in the coun-
trys history. The fact of history was Indias
deep-rooted belief in unity in diversity which is
the backbone of Indian civilisation. This was
on account of the strength of all communities,
including Hindus and Muslims. Hindus and
Muslims had been living together in spite of
conflicts for several centuries, he said. He
likened the noted writer Nirad C. Chaudharis
comment in his book, Autobiography of an
Unknown Indian, that it was from the end of
1906 that we became conscious of a new kind
of hatred for Muslims to Rabindra Nath
Tagores observation in his Bengali novel
Ghare Baire (Home and Outside). He noted
that the distor tion of history by communal
historians of any kind, including the scholars
of the West, was a challenge to objective and
positive understanding of history. He conclud-
ed by saying that communal history generated
communalism and communalism encouraged
communal history. Both provided sustenance
to each other.
Tamil Actress Monika
converts to Islam
Chennai: The popular
Tamil film actress
Monika, known for
her films like Azhagi
and Silanthi, has con-
verted to Islam and
her new name is M G
Rahima. The actress
has acted in more
than 70 films as hero-
ine and child artist.
Monikas parents are Christians and the actress
said she will no longer act in films.
She held a press meet at RKV Studio where
she said, I didnt convert for the reason of love or
money; am not such a person. I like Islamic prin-
ciples and thats why I converted... I really thank
my dad who gave me full support. I have changed
my name to M. G. Raheema (M - Maruthi Raj
(father), G-Gracy (mother)). Hereafter I wont act
in the film, it gives some pain but I dont change
my mind. The actress has issued her new photo
graphs in Islamic Abaya. Earlier, the Oscar winner
musician AR Rahman and popular musician Yuvan
Shankar Raja had also embraced Islam.
Conference on Quality Education
New Delhi: The President, Jamaat-e Islami Hind Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umri, while deliver-
ing the inaugural address of a Conference on Quality Education here on 25 May, said that edu-
cation is the way which leads to development and without which individuals as well as nations
are doomed to regression. He told the participants that Islam has laid down the foundation of
the knowledge on recognition of Almighty God and without which there can be no perception of
JIHs Education Secretary Mohammad Ashfaq elaborated the meaning of a part of the
verse No. 28 of the chapter No. 35 (Surah Al-Fatir which says: It is only those who have knowl-
edge among His slaves that fear Allah). He said, there is adequate number of buildings for our
Educational Institutions but Quality Education is still a mirage. Teaching has become an art in
the modern age which necessitates that our teachers should be made aware of it. The aim
behind education is not confined to the recognition of letters and numbers but also to acquire
the knowledge about the Creator of this world. Dr. Ejaz Maseeh, Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia,
delivered a lecture on Defining & Ensuring Quality Education in the field of Education. He said
Quality Education is synonym to conscious and planned efforts which require struggle, serious-
ness and expertise. Student, Environment, Teachers, Syllabus and Assessment etc are the vital
elements which play important role in uplifting the standard of Education. During the two-day
conference experts from across the country spoke on various issues of imparting quality edu-
cation using modern ideas and gadgets.
Committee I
versus Committee II
Prof Rafaqat Husain speaking
Mohammad Ashfaq
ETEs Coaching Classes
New Delhi: Delhi Urdu Academy, like every year, in view of
preparing interested students for competitive examinations,
has star ted free coaching classes in ETE Jamia Millia Islamia.
According to Delhi Urdu Academys secretary Anees Azmi, free
coaching classes will be star ted (in fact, have already been
star ted) in Delh Urdu Academys Qamar Raees Silver Jubilee
Auditorium, Urdu Academy, Delhi from 17 May 2014 (at 9 in
the morning) for those boy and girl students of Urdu of Delhi
Urdu Academy who are desirous of taking admission in Jamia
Millias ETE (Urdu course) for the academic year 2014-15. He
(Anees Azmi) has made an appeal to such students to join
Urdu Academys coaching classes. Interested students can
obtain admission forms from 12 May 2014 onwards from Urdu
Academys office, CPO Building, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi (from
10.30 am to 5 pm) on any day (except holidays) or can down-
load it from Delhi Urdu Academys website urduacademydel- Last date for submitting the forms is 16 May 14.
Students (boy and girls) interested in admission in B.Ed can
also take advantage of these classes.
Court seeks explanation on invoking TADA against Tunda
New Delhi: Patiala House Courts Justice Jai Bharat Parashar said
in a case against Lashkar-e Taiyyabas alleged member Abul
Karim Tunda that in the first instance this matter does not come
under TADA and said that his case comes under Explosive
Materials Act. Justice Parashar also asked Tundas lawyer if his
client (Tunda) wants to confess this mistake or criminal act. In
reply to this question by the judge, the lawyer said that there is no
proof (of Tundas involvement) in this case and hence he wants to
fight the case.
Tundas lawyer M S Khan said in his argument that there are
no proofs against Tunda and hence his client wanted to take the
case further. Official prosecutor Rajiv Mohan said that those
arrested in this case have, in their confessional statements made
statements against Tunda. It was further stated on behalf of
Special Cell that 40 kilos of explosive substances were recovered
from the residence of Tundas brother in 1994 and they have
obtained confessional statements of 4 accused persons who in
their statements said that it was on Tundas instructions that they
had hatched the criminal conspiracy. Next date of the hearing of
this case has been fixed for 28 May.
25 lakh children work as labourers in Kashmir
Srinagar: In spite of many strict laws existing against child labour
in Kashmir, the number of minor children, i.e., less than 14 years
of age, working as labourers is increasing. According to a report
on child labour in J&K: social, economic and ethical dimension
there are 2.5 lakh child labourers in Kashmir, majority of whom
work in the handicrafts sector, automobile workshops, brick kilns,
agriculture and as domestic servants in homes. According to per-
sons who studied their problems and carried out research on
them, it (child labour) is because of poverty, distress and illitera-
cy. Thousands of children even below 14 years of age can be seen
working as vendors, bus conductors, and in the carpet weaving
factories and in workshops. The existence of Child Labour Act and
other laws regarding prevention of child labour appear not to be
effective at all because child labour is quite common everywhere.
Moreover, there is no social security system nor any NGOs work-
ing against child labour and government also appears to be indif-
ferent and oblivious of taking serious and punitive action in pre-
venting this. The lives of innumerable children is ruined because
of the poverty and misery of parents. According to Prof BA
Dabla, the growth of child labour is not because of pover ty and
illiteracy alone. It is also because of apathy of the government
because it does not take serious action to control this vice and
impor tant social issues are being neglected. He says that
unlike other states of India, there are no good NGOs in J&K
which can raise their voice against child labour. Although the
Depar tment of Labour and Employment claims to make serious
effor ts to strictly implement laws against child labour and says
that every month we conduct inspections in all districts of
Kashmir to see children working as labourers and come across
violation of such laws. In such cases they take action against
the proprietors and employers but almost in all cases they
come with proofs showing that the children are above 14 years
and in this way they dodge the laws. As regards children work-
ing as domestic help, an officer of the labour department says that
they can enter shops and establishments to detect child labour but
cannot enter homes to locate children working as domestic help
or servants. According to the concerned department 2713 inspec-
tions were carried out in different parts of the Valley till the end of
January 2014. Out of these inspections 44 prosecutions have
been conducted but only 3 persons have been convicted, he said.
Haryana govt invites applications for minority scholarships
Chandigarh: Haryana governemnt has invited applications from
students of government-approved schools and educational institu-
tions belonging to minority communities: Muslims, Christians,
Sikhs, Buddhists and Parsis for pre-matric scholarlships for the
year 2014-15. Such applications should reach the government by
or before 31 August 2014. According to a spokesman of the
department of social justice and empowerment, under this plan
students of 6th to 10th classes, from hostels as well as day schol-
ars will get a scholarship of Rs 500 per month as admission fees.
Similarly, towards tuition fees, they will be given Rs 300 and Rs
350 respectively per year. The spokesman further said that during
one academic year, maintenance allowance will be given for ten
months and for students of 1st to 5th classes, 100 rupees per
month and for hostel students and day scholars of 6th to 10th
classes a maximum of Rs 600 and Rs 100 per month as scholar-
ship will be given.
Shikhar promoting skill development in girls in Mewat
New Delhi: Noted social and educational and development organ-
isation Shikhar which has been working to develop competitive
spirit for examinations among boys and girls in Delhi is also work-
ing to develop skill or hunar in girls in the Mewat region of Haryana
in order to make them self dependent. Under this scheme about
150 girls were given certificates on 28 May by Noh (Mewat)s
Maryam Skill Development Centre and Womens Empowerment
after completing courses in cutting, tailoring, dress making and
the beautician course. While distributing certificates, Mirza Saqib
Baig, Director of Alback (P) Ltd, Delhi who was the special guest
on this occasion, said that nothwithstanding the fact that educa-
tional drop-out rate of girls in the region was rather high, girls of
the region are quite capable and ambitious and they aspire to
move forward. Hence they had decided to impart computer edu-
cation to girls of the region so that they are able to keep them-
selves abreast of modern technology and times and move forward
on the road to progress. Maryam Skill Development Centre and
Womens Empowerment was started by Shikhar in April 2013
where, in addition to the above mentioned courses, other courses
like hand embroidery, art of mehdi application etc are also taught.
So far more than 500 girls have completed these courses and
some of them have even opened their own boutiques or shops.
Some girls have also become professional instructors for make-
up and mehdi application jobs in marriages. According to Centre
Incharge Umreen, all kinds of training imparted in the centre are
free and no fee is charged. Shikhars general secretary
Muhammad Nadeem Akhtar said that this region is extremely
backward economically. Hence their plan is that women and girls
who make durries (cotton carpets) should be made to knit durries
so that they may become self dependent, and since marketing of
these durees will be difficult for them, their marketing will be
arranged by Shikhar. He fur ther said that by the end of next
month (June) computer education will also be star ted and ini-
tially ten laptops will be arranged for, but since electricity is not
available all the time, back-up arrangements will have to be
made. Subsequently, number of computers will be increased in
accordance with need.
Hearing of Dhule riots case by the Commision
Mumbai: Hearing of the case of communal riots that had erupted
in the Muslim majority city Dhule of Maharashtra last year was
taken up by one man Justice Malte Commisison on 30 May. In
these riots 7 persons (all Muslim youth) were killed in police firing
after which the government had appointed Malte Commisison to
look into the riots and the role of the police. The first witness in this
case was Muhammad Shaban who while deposing before the
Commisison said that he too was a victim of police violence in the
riots though he had nothing to do with these riots and was in no
way involved in it. On the day of hearing (on 30 May) lawyers of
the saffron party, advocates Mehta and Gujarati had expressed
their inability to be present before the Commission on personal
grounds. In their absence the government lawyer Shishir Hiray,
while pleading in the case accused him (Shaban) of filing a false
affidavit because he was in no way injured in these riots. He
(Shishir) asked Shoban to present his identity card before the
Commission because he (Shishir) doubted that this Shaban was
not the same Shaban who had filed the affidavit. On the other
hand Jamiatul Ulama (Arshad Madni)s lawyers, advocates Neyaz
Ahmad Lodhi, Nihal Ansari, S. M. Hanafi and (Ms) Irfana Hamdani
told Justice Malte that (witness) Muhammad Shaban has no iden-
tity card of any kind but if some time is given, he will soon pres-
ent his identity card before the Commission. The Commisison
accepted the request of Jamiat advocates and postponed the
hearing till 2 June.
College of Islamic Sciences inaugurated in Indore
Indore: A conference sponsored by Keralas Jamia Markaz Al
Saqafat Al Suniya, Calicut which has been organising such con-
ferences in different states all over the country for the promotion
of education among Muslims was held at Bajrana in Indore. In this
conference an educational institution named Taiyyaba
Educomplex, under the Jamia was also inaugurated by Dr Abdul
Hakeem Azhari. Speaking on this occasion he impressed upon
Muslims the need to develop a liking and interest in the acquisition
of religious and modern education and said that education is the
most valuable asset and weapon of Muslims which should be pro-
moted and strengthened for the achievement of our rights. He also
laid emphasis on the promotion of their mutual unity, brotherhood
and love because disunity and division of Muslims will be harmful
for their religion and millat. On this occasion he (Dr Azhari) also
announced the establishment of College of Islamic Science,
Taiyyaba Public School, Madni Hostel for the orphans here
(Indore) from the next academic year. It may also be stated in this
connection that in Indore work for educational progress and other
welfare activities for Muslims is going on a fast track under the
supervision of Sheikh Abu Bakar Ahmad.
Namaz offerd in a temple in Bhopal
Bhopal: A lecture on Building of Time: Islamic Viewpoint was
held in Bhopals Shaktipeeth locality on 15 May in which the
speakers were Syed Abdullah Tariq of Rampur (UP)s World
Organisation of Religious Knowledge and Vireshwar Upadhya, rep-
resentative of Shantiganj Haridwar. The lecture was held in Gayitri
Mandir premises. As the lecture was in progress, there was a call
for Maghrib Namaz from a nearby mosque. At this, many Muslims
attending this lecture came out of the lecture hall and offered
Namaz in the mandir premises but no one among the organisers
of the lecture nor those among the audience raised an eye brow
and objected to the Namaz being held in the mandir premises.
Rather, the organisers and many among the audience appreciated
this. During the lecture the speakers stressed the point that though
our religions are different, we are all human beings and on the
basis of humanism it is the responsibility of all of us to respect
each others religion and should neither say nor do any thing which
may create ill feeling among others. It was also pointed out that
India is a country with a composite culture and people have been
living here in peace and understanding since long and should con-
tinue to live like this. Hence it becomes all the more necessary to
do every thing possible to maintain and promote the feeling of
mutual understanding and brotherhood because all religions teach
this. The speakers also stressed the point that inter-religious dia-
logues should continue to be held to remove mutual misunder-
standings so that people could come closer to each other.
Muslim habitations are being uprooted in Gol Gujral (Jammu)
Srinagar: According to Zahid Ali (advocate), spokesman of
Jamaat-e Islami, J&K Jammu Development Authority in a
planned manner is targeting Muslim populated Gol Gujral
(Jammu) and uprooting poor Muslims of this area. Their hous-
es are being demolished but non-Muslims who also are living
in this area have not been touched. This discriminatory attitude
of JDA shows that under a planned conspiracy Muslims of
Jammu, par ticularly of Jammu district are being evicted from
this area and for this, government machinery is being misused.
He also repor ted that in Jammu region thousands, nay lakhs of
persons from outside J&K have occupied governemnt lands
and are building houses and other make-shift bulidngs on the
occupied lands and no steps are being taken by the govern-
ment to evict them, though all these activities are in open vio-
lation of all laws of the state (of J&K) and also in violation of
Ar t 370 of the Constitution.
Six raped in Delhi every single day
New Delhi: Delhi Police figures show that the city is unsafe for
women. Data of the first four months of 2014 show that an
average of six rapes and 14 molestation cases have been
repor ted every day...According to a recent compilation of data
by Delhi Police, 616 rapes and 1,336 molestation cases were
registered between January 1 and April 30 -- a 36% increase in
rape cases compared to around 450 cases registered in the
same period last year. (TNN)
New Delhi: Jamia Hamdard University has asked Unani institu-
tions working in its campus, DSRU (Drugs Standardisation
Research Unit) and LRIUM (Literary Research Institute of Unani
Medicines) to vacate the campus within three days, failing which
all their properties and goods will be thrown out. On the other
hand, Director General of CCRUM said "we are shifting these
institutions to Ghaziabad where these will function very efficient-
ly". It may be stated in this connection that in 1982 Hakeem Abdul
Hameed, founder of Jamia Hamdard had informed the central
government that for mutual cooperation LRIUM is accommodat-
ed in the Jamia Hamdard Campus. This proposal was subse-
quently approved in Jamia Hamdards Governing Council and
Hakeem Abdul Hameed was also a member of the Governing
Council. Subsequently, LRIUM was given 150 sq yards of land in
Jamia Hamdard Campus and DSRU was given 100 sq yard of
land in this campus. During this period the government had been
giving different projects to Jamia Hamdard. Both these institu-
tions also benefited from these projects.
General Secretary of CCRUMs Scientists Welfare
Association, Dr Saghir Ahmad Sidiqi said in this connection that
during this period the government gave Rs 2.4 crores for UPC
and Rs 350 crores to EMR. He further said that on 28 January
2014 Jamia Hamdard wrote a letter to these institutions asking
them to shift to other rooms in the campus. For this CCRUM
(which is a governemnt institution) approved Rs 5 lakh for build-
ing the room and when it was completed, in another letter dated
21 May 2014 Jamia (Hamdard) asked it to vacate the campus. It
was also written in this letter that if the campus was not vacated
within three days, goods and other movable property would be
thrown out. Dr Saghir Ahmad also said that CCRUMs Director
General Prof Shakir Jameel asked DSRU Incharge on 30 May to
be prepared to vacate Jamia Campus and as soon as the con-
cerned file is received from the Joint Secretary, they would get it
shifted to Ghaziabad. But the same night Prof Shakir Jameel said
to the Incharge over the phone that they wouldt give any thing in
writing but they should leave the campus by next morning and
hand over the keys to Jamia by Sunday evening. He said that if
the campus, had to be vacated, what was the need of spending
Rs 5 lakh on building the new room?
On the other hand CCRUMs DG Prof Shakir Jameel said that
they are not turning them out. There was our another institution
in Ghaziabad where they were shifting them on one floor where
these institutions would function in a better way. They have not
compelled them to vacate the campus. All these accusations are
baseless and a proper order to this effect has been issued on 31
May. (N. A. Ansari)
Jamia Hamdard orders Unani institutions
to vacate campus
14 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 COMMUNITY NEWS
Embezzlement of poor investors' money
by Habib Investment Ltd
New Delhi: M/s Habib Investment Ltd and M/s Habib Mercantile
Bank Ltd were registered in 1995 and 1996 respectively under
Companies Act on the promise of good returns on their invest-
ments. These companies had collected money from unsuspect-
ing common people under different schemes. The authorities of
these companies were relatives of each other. Chief Mg Director
of these companies was Mujibur Rahman. Among other directors
were his wife Shaista Nusrat, Abdur Rahman (father), Mrs Aziz
Fatema (mother) and Afzaal. Unsuspecting people had invested
their lifes savings in the projects of these companies. After col-
lecting big amounts these cheats suddenly fled on 14 March 1999
without leaving any address or information. When the people who
had invested their savings in the companies came to know that
they had been cheated, an FIR was lodged against them on 29
May 1999. They were no doubt, found, and arrested but released
on bail after some time. On courts order their different properties
in Jaffarabad, Chauhan Baangar, Shahdra, Sahibabad etc were
attached. When the case lingered on for long, on investors com-
plaints, Delhi High Court directed the lower court on 8 October
2004 to speed up the trial and obtain maximum number of wit-
nesses. Finally, as many as 329 witnesses were procured. In spite
of the High Courts order to speed up the case only 21 witnessed
had testified and the last witness, Anjum (21st witness) had tes-
tified on 22 February 2007. After that neither any witness was
called nor any hearing took place till now though one date after
another was fixed. This case is pending in the court of Additional
Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Tees Hazari. Those who lodged
the FIR on behalf of investors are Muhammad Shafaat Khan (now
deceased), Laeeq Ahmad who had filed a PIL in the Supreme
Court in response to which the apex court directed that the
attached properties of accused persons should be sold and the
sale proceeds may be distributed among the investors. According
to one of the affected persons, Muhammad Nasir, on the courts
order the properties at Jaffarbad (trans-Jamuna locality) House
No. C-1048, Gali No. 34 and House No. 469 in Gali NO. 21 were
sold at Rs 37.75 lakh but the entire amount is being paid to
lawyers as their fees and nothing could be given to the investors.
In addition to these, other properties at Sahibabad and other
places could not be sold because no buyers wanted to purchase
them at the fixed circle rates. Hence application has been made to
the court to obtain its approval for selling these properties at
lower rates but though several months have passed, no decision
has been taken by the court on this matter. This shows that the
court is working at snails pace and it is feared that no invester
will get back his money (whatever the amount). It is also found
that no action is being taken against the accused persons who
deliberately do not attend court on dates of hearing of the case.
Out of the total number of 19 accused person in this case 7 are
those accused persons who did not present themselves in court
on any of the past dates (about 60) fixed for hearing of this case.
Among these are Faheem Ahmad, Anees Shahzad, Ahmad
Naeem, Khairun Nisa, Rahmatun Nisa, Yaasmin Bano and Nikhat
Parveen. In addition to these, one accused person and one
investor have died. He said that because of not a single hearing in
the court during the past 4 years, the poor investers have become
disappointed and now they have threatened that if no action is
taken on this case very soon, they will be compelled to resort to
a sit-in at Jantar mantar.
Survey of Waqf properties started in UP after 28 years
Agra: State government of UP, in response to various requests of
trustees of local Waqf properties after continued occupation of
Waqf lands and properties one after the other by the land mafia,
has initiated action by appointing a Waqf Survey Commissioner
who has started identifying and inspecting Waqf properties in the
whole state from 15 May. District Waqf officers and employees
have also been included for this survey work. The Waqf
Commissioner is expected to submit his report by 5 November
this year. Since these Waqf properties were being illegally occu-
pied by the land mafia and other unscrupulous people for the past
many years and a number of buildings were constructed on many
of these lands but no action was taken against the land mafias
and others. According to government sources about 50 thousand
Waqf properties will be surveyed. Giving information about these
lands and properties, the Districts Chief Inspector of Waqf Mobin
Husain said that because of carelessness of district authorities
(and also because of complicity and some acts of unscrupulous
Waqfs own officers) the land mafia has become very bold and
along with other people large number of Waqf properties are
under occupation by unauthorised people. He hoped that with the
authority and cooperation of Waqf Commissioner, large number of
Waqf lands and properties can now be freed from illegal occupa-
tion. He said that the survey work regarding Waqf properties is
being done in the state after about 28 years. He said that the total
number of Waqf lands and properties in this state is 1,24,720 of
which the number of such properties of Sunni sect is 1,19,451
whereas the number of those of Shia Waqf is 5,269.
Three mosques and Gandhijis statue damaged in Mangalore
Mangalore: BJP activists while celebrating Narendra Modi becom-
ing prime minister and local BJP candidate Nalin Kumars victory
in Parliamentary election indulged in subversive and mischievous
activities and attacked three mosques at different places in
Mangalore. First they entered the citys Kambla Betu mosque,
stoning inside the mosque and smashed three windows of the
mosque and damaged a built-up platform used for religious func-
tions in the mosque while raising slogan of har har modi. They
also burst fire crackers inside the mosque This happened on
16 May around 12.30 pm when counting of votes was going on.
In this case 9 persons were identified and cases registered
against them. They were Ram Das, Sunit, Ganesh, Ganga Dhar,
Nanda Kumar, Harish, Vasant and Jagdish. From there they went
to Jama Masjid Mohiuddin. According to a Hindi news portal a
reliable source said that BJP activists in dozens came on motor
cycles and entered Shanti Gora mosque. They parked their motor
cycles inside the mosque campus and indulged in similar mis-
chievous acts. The same hooliganism was repeated at another
mosque. All this sent a wave of fear among Muslims who shut
themselves up in their houses. Many Muslims described these
activities of BJP activists as a trailer of things to come under BJP
rule. Yet another such incident was reported from district Kolar
where BJP activists insulted and damaged a statue of Gandhiji
when a minor case of rioting and violence in Kolars Robert Sone
Ped area erupted, where an 8-ft statue of Gandhiji was damaged.
Deputy Police Supdt V. Vivekanand said that for this subversive
act one 62-year old Manogar was identified who, according to
him is mentally deranged. He was a former employee of a Public
sector company Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. Manogar himself went
to the police station where he confessed his crime after which he
was arrested. According to TV camera footage both legs of this
statue were broken (not mentioned of which material it was
made). Kolars Mayor Bhagat Vatsal said that now a bronze stat-
ue of Gandhiji will be erected at this plce.
Madrasas of W. Bengal free from linguistic and religious bias
Kolkata: Results of class X of West Bengal Madrasa Board examina-
tion were declared on 21 May. A total of 60743 boy and girls had
appeared in this examination this year of whom 29803 i.e. about 49
percent are girl students. A Hindu girl, 15-year old Maoo Haldar of
Madrasa Siddiqia High Madrasa secured 6th position in the entire
state. Daughter of a farmer of Bankorah districts village, she said that
after reading in a primary school upto 5th class she took admission
in this madrasa because High School was 8 kms away from her vil-
lage and it was not possible to go to school and come back daily. She
secured 719 marks out of 800 which is about 80 percent. She said
that in addition to her there are about a dozen Hindu boy and girl stu-
dents in this madrasa. She aspires to become a doctor but also wants
to complete 12th class in the same madrasa because she takes great
interest in Arabic and Islamic education. A teacher of this madrasa
said that the High School being far away and there being no proper
arrangements for transportation, non-Muslim children in large num-
bers take admission in nearby madrasas and their parents also, in
spite of knowing that Arabic and Islamic education is imparted in
these madrasas, willingly get their children admitted in these
madrasas. He also says that madrasas of West Bengal are free from
any kind of linguistic and religious bias and Ms Haldars securing
80% marks and 6th position in the whole of West Bengal is proof of
this. He said that another interesting and surprising thing is that more
girls than boys seek admission in madrasas and the student who
secured maximum marks in West Bengal Madrasa Board is also a
girl. Moreover, according to W B Madrasa Board examination result,
among the top ten students who secured maximum marks, 8 are girl
students. Secretary of Madrasa Board, Noorus Salam says it needs
to be seriously pondered upon as to why girl students prefer
madrasas and pay more attention to their admission in West Bengal
Madrasa Education Board? He said that the educational syllabus of
West Bengal Madrasa Education Board is modern where Arabic and
Islamic Studies are additional subjects and a large number of non-
Muslim boy and girl students receive education in High Madrasas.
Interim relief to Khalid Mujahids family members
Lucknow: UP High Courts two-judge bench of Justices Imteyaz
Murtaza and Ashok Pal Singh, in response to the writ petition filed
for providing justice to Khlaid Mujahid who died while in police
custody, in their verdict on 21 April 2014 ordered handing over the
interim relief amount of Rs 6 lakh to his family members and, a
further hearing of this case was fixed on 7 July. In the writ petition
a compensation of Rs 20 lakh was demanded to be paid to his
family. However, on the basis of enquiry report of Chief Judicial
Magistrate that was submitted in the court, it (court) described
Khalid Mujahids death as natural. High courts senior lawyer
Farman Naqvi while pleading before the court said that regarding
Khalid Mujahids death in police custody under mysterious cir-
cumstances, FIR was filed against many police personnel but
there was no worthwhile progress in the investigation. The
Additional Director General of Police had also ordered another
enquiry by local police. In addition to this, the state government
had ordered a CBI enquiry into this case but there was no worth-
while progress in any of these inquiries. Police is trying to dilly
dally in this case by referring to different enquiry reports. Farman
Naqvi said that since the police personnel are complicit in his
(Khalid Mujahids) murder, police is trying to suppress the facts
as well as the reports. He said that Nimesh Commission in its
report had declared Khlaid Mujahid innocent and those who had
falsely implicated him in a bomb blast case themselves got him
killed. He demanded that both Khalids fake arrest and his unnat-
ural death should be jointly inquired into. Another affidavit will be
filed by the applicants in response to CJM Faizabads report.
Punjab Waqf Board did not open even a single school
Jallundhar: Punjab Waqf Board has not opened even a single Muslim
School during 67 years of independence of the country for providing
religious education to children from Muslim society with the result
that Muslim children are deprived of religious and Islamic education.
It may be mentioned that after partition of the country Punjab Waqf
Board was set up to solve the problems and remove the difficulties of
Muslim children but this Board did not take any suitable step for
imparting education, particularly religious and Islamic education to
Muslim children. There are about 26 lakh Muslims in different cities,
towns and villages of Punjab but there is not a single Islamic school
in this state. In order to impart Urdu and religious education to Muslim
children (boys and girls) about 75 madrasas have been set up at a
private level but all expenses of these madrasas have to be borne by
Muslims themselves. Chief Executive Officer of Punjab Waqf Board
Zulfiqar Ali said that the state Waqf Board had decided to open Islamic
schools in Jullundhar and Ludhiana for which a proposal had also
been approved but since no land was available to open these
schools, the proposal was postponed. He however said that Punjab
Waqf Board is planning to open such schools soon in all districts of
Punjab. Leaders of All Punjab Jamat-e Islami, Abid Husain Salmani
and S. S. Hasan said that they had requested Izhar Alam, President of
Punjab Waqf Board to get Islamic schools opened in Jullundhar but
so far no steps have been taken in this direction. Muhammad Kaleem
Azad, Muhammad Alauddin and Maulana Habibur Rahman of Punjab
Muslim Front had made a demand to Waqf Boards President to open
Islamic schools in all districts of Punjab. He said that in case of non
availability of land, Islamic schools can be opened in Jullundhars
Ashok Nagar, Bilal Masjid Nakodar Chowks Baba Qadiris land and
Eidgah also. All members of Jamat-e Islami have decided to demand
Punjabs chief minister Prakash Singh Badal and Waqf Boards
President Izhar Alam to open Islamic schools in the whole of Punjab,
in the meeting of All Punjab Jamat-e Islamis meeting that is sched-
uled to be held in (Jullundhar) on (2 June). They have also stated that
Salmani Conference is going to be held in Delhi on 8 June in which
Salmani delegates and workers from all over the country will take part
in which problems relating to education along with other problems
will be discussed.
Book on writing Kashmiri in Roman script released
Jammu: A book on scientific modification of English alphabets
for writing Kashmiri language was released recently in Jammu.
The book titled Rationalised Roman for Kashmiri, written by
Dr R. L. Bhat explains how to write Kashmiri language on a
computer using Microsoft word or typewriter without the need
of any special fonts. He said that displaced Kashmiri Pundit
community and people had been facing difficulty in preserving
the attachment of younger generation to their mother tongue.
This necessitated the development of suitable modification for
writing Kashmiri in the scripts with which the younger genera-
tion is conversant. He said that the beauty of RRK
(Rationalised Roman for Kashmiri) scheme is that it can be
used for writing Urdu, Hindi and other languages also. Dr R. L.
Shant, a poet who also spoke on this occasion, said that RRK
is also relevant in preserving the language (Kashmiri) and also
for those who have to quote Kashmiri Urdu or Hindi words and
sentences in their papers etc.
New Delhi: After years of persistent demands by Delhi Waqf
Board to the central government to transfer back its 123 proper-
ties, consisting mostly of mosques, graveyards and dargah to it,
central government through its notification of 3 March, 2014,
just one day before the announcement of general elections in the
country, had transferred these properties to Delhi Waqf Board.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad had filed a petition in 1984 against trans-
fer of these properties, as recommended by Burney Committee
appointed by (late) President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad. Ever since
that time this matter i.e. 123 Waqf properties, was pending in
Delhi High court. In 2011 VHPs petition was dismissed by Delhi
High Court. But when the central government finally transferred
these 123 Waqf properties through its notification on 3 March
2014 to Delhi Waqf Board, VHP again woke up and again filed a
case against the central governments transfer of these proper-
ties which were occupied till that time by the DDA, Delhi govern-
ments Land and Building Department and central government, in
Delhi High Court. This case was to be taken up for hearing on
15 May by Delhi High Courts Justice B D Ahmad (who is the son
of (late) President of India, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad) but he refused
to hear this case on account of his fathers association with
these properties and transferred this case to another court (lest
he may be accused by VHP and others of partiality and
favouritism). After transfer to an other court this case will be
taken up for hearing on 21 May. There are 15 parties, including
VHP, which are involved in this case. Other parties are the central
government, DDA, Land and Development Office and Delhi Waqf
VHP, in its petition, has stated that all these 123 properties
belong to the government (and not to Delhi Waqf Board) which
the former British government had acquired at the time of devel-
oping and building New Delhi as its capital. It also warned that if
these properties are transferred to Delhi Waqf Board, its conse-
quences would not be good. It also argued that if these 123 prop-
erties are transferred to Delhi Waqf Board, on what ground gov-
ernment refuses to hand over Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi to
Hindus? Delhi Waqf Baords argument is that all these 123 prop-
erties are included in Waqf Boards records since long. As
regards VHPs contention that these were acquired by the former
British government, Delhi Waqf Board argues that acquisition of
these properties by British government was on paper only and
these were not physically occupied by it. Moreover, the British
government, at the time of its intended acquisition, had declared
compensation but the Waqf Board had not claimed it but com-
pensation amounts are even now with the district judge. (N. A.
Case of 123 Waqf properties still in court
COMMUNITY NEWS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 15
Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the former head of the military that overthrew
Egypt's legitimately elected president Mohammed Morsi in a 2013
coup d'tat, is almost certain to win a landslide victory in today's
presidential election. Sisi's victory, however, won't be due to a
groundswell of popular support. In fact, a Pew Research poll con-
ducted in April found that only a narrow majority of Egyptians
support him. [1] Instead, Sisi will win because he has banned the
main opposition, the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization from
which the legitimate president, Morsi, sprang. Just as important-
ly, Morsi supporters are boycotting the vote, reasoning that they
already have a legitimate president, even if he has been illegally
locked away in the regime's prisons. [2] So, with the only sub-
stantial opposition viciously suppressed, and Morsi supporters
staying away from the polls, a Sisi landslide victory is a virtual
certainty. But it will confer no legitimacy on the Egyptian strong-
Under Sisi's leadership, the military government has massa-
cred thousands of demonstrators who took to the streets in
protest against the coup. It has also jailed tens of thousands of
other Morsi supporters, banned demonstrations, and discouraged
dissent by locking up journalists who oppose the military take-
If you've forgotten how closely Sisi cleaves to the model of
the brutal authoritarian tyrant that Western governments and
media profess to abominate, think back to last summer. Here are
New York Times reporters Kareem Fahim and Mayy el Sheik
describing one Sisi-led massacre:
The Egyptian authorities unleashed a ferocious attack on
Islamist protesters early Saturday, killing at least 72 people in the
second mass killing of demonstrators in three weeks and the
deadliest attackby the security services since Egypt's uprising in
early 2011.
The tactics - many were killed with gunshot wounds to the
head or the chest - suggested that Egypt's security services felt
no need to show any restraint.
In the attack on Saturday, civilians joined riot police officers in
firing live ammunition at the protesters as they marched toward a
bridge over the Nile. By early morning, the numbers of wounded
people had overwhelmed doctors at a nearby field hospital. [3]
Carried out by Muamar Gadaffi, a brutal crackdown on this
scale would have been enough to raise alarms of an impending
genocide and calls for humanitarian intervention. When it happens
in Egypt, it's mentioned in the back pages of some (though not all
or even most) newspapers and forgotten the next day.
In October, "Clashes between protesters and security
forcesleft at least 51 people dead and more than 246
injuredas supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi
rallied to press for his reinstatement despite a months-long crack-
down on their ranks. Activists from Mr. Morsi's Muslim
Brotherhood said the police used live ammunition to subdue the
pro-Morsi crowds." [4] By the end of October, an estimated 1,000
Morsi supporters had been shot dead by security forces and
6,000 herded into prisons. [5] Today, it's acknowledged that the
regime has "killed more than a thousand of Mr. Morsi's sup-
porters at street protests and jailed tens of thousands of others."
Sadly, the crackdown isn't limited to pumping live ammunition
into the skulls of the ousted president's backers. In March, an
Egyptian court sentenced hundreds of Morsi supporters to death,
finding them all guilty of killing a single police officer at a demon-
stration. The judgment was so flagrantly political that it moved the
United Nations high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay,
to denounce it. "The mass imposition of the death penalty after a
trial rife with procedural irregularities is in breach of international
human rights law," the commissioner concluded. [7] This evident
repression of Morsi supporters was duly noted by some Western
media, though never denounced as an outrage, and quickly for-
gotten. We needn't wonder how the same event would have been
treated had it occurred in Syria.
Egypt's military government also launched an assault on jour-
nalists who failed to toe the regime's line on theappropriate atti-
tude to the Muslim Brotherhood-now banned as a "terrorist"
organization. (Additionally, the April 6 movement, considered the
most effective left-leaning protest group, has been outlawed on
espionage charges. [8]) A reporter who steps over the line is
liable to be tossed into jail and tried with crimes against the state,
a fate that befell 20 Al-Jazeera employees. [9] The jailing of jour-
nalists for what they report by a state that isn't an ally of
Washington would be thoroughly denounced by Western officials
and deplored by Western media. Carried out by Egypt's military
rulers, it's quietly noted, then forgotten.What, then, accounts for
the blatant double-standard?
As the Wall Street Journal's Adam Entous explains,
"Washington has long viewed its military ties with Cairo, backed
by more than $40 billion in military aid since 1948 along with
annual military exercises and extensive officer exchanges, as an
anchor of one of its most important relationships in the Arab
world." [10] Which is to say that Egypt-or more specifically, its
military-does Washington's bidding. Notably, Syria, North Korea,
Venezuela and Zimbabwe, reject US domination and pursue inde-
pendent paths. When the leaders of these countries use their
state's repressive apparatus to quell opposition (often encouraged
by dollops of "pro- democracy" funding funnelled by Western
governments to opposition forces through NGOs), they are demo-
Apart from underpinning Egypt's role as an agent of US influ-
ence in the Arab world, Washington's military aid program to the
country-surpassed only by aid to Israel-is a source of handsome
profits to US military contractors. Every year US taxpayers fork
over $1.3 billion to the Egyptian military to submit large orders for
weaponry and equipment to US arms manufacturers. [11] In con-
crete terms, the bullets Egyptian soldiers used to mow down
Morsi supporters were purchased by US taxpayers.
Adding to Cairo's value as a US ally is that fact that it grants
the Pentagon virtual carte- blanche access to its territory.
Most nations, including many close allies of the United
States, require up to a week's notice before American warplanes
are allowed to cross their territory. Not Egypt, which offers near
-automatic approval for military overflightsAmerican war-
ships are also allowed to cut to the front of the line through the
Suez Canal in times of crisis, even when oil tankers are stacked
up like cars on an interstate highway at rush hour. [12]
Accordingly, Sisi's brutal rise to power is tolerated by Western
governments and his undemocratic and illiberal methods passed
over in near silence by the Western media, because he can be
counted on to maintain Egypt as a reliable agent of US influence
in the Arab world, provide valuable services to the US military,
and fatten the bottom lines of US arms manufacturers with
weapons orders. None of this is to say that Morsi wouldn't have
performed the same valuable services. The reality of US domina-
tion would have structured the decision- making environment to
hem Morsi in and limit his room for manoeuvre. But it's doubtful
he could have been counted on to be as reliable a servant as Sisi,
who trained at the US Army War College, and has extensive con-
nections to the US military. Hence, rather than denouncing Sisi,
Western politicians and media mobilize the energies of social jus-
tice-advocates against countries whose leaders reject the interna-
tional dictatorship of the United States and refuse to provide valu-
able services to the Pentagon, not against those that do.
Caught up in mass media-manipulated campaigns of indigna-
tion against targets of US imperialist designs, the beautiful souls
of the left ignore the deplorable activities of the West's faithful
local agents in the Arab world, from the hereditary tyrannies of the
Gulf states to the blood-stained US-backed strongman in Cairo,
while at the same time protesting the resistance of the Syrian gov-
ernment and its Hezbollah ally against Western efforts to crush an
independent Arab political project. Immersed in a fantasy world
structured by the mass media's promotion of Western foreign pol-
icy agendas, they line up with the US-aligned Arab royal dictator-
ships against the only organized Arab forces prepared to resist
domination by the United States and its Zionist client.
While dispassionately documenting Sisi's affronts against lib-
eral democratic ideals, the Western media have not demonized
him, as they invariably do leaders of governments who refuse to
act as ductile agents of US power. Even so, Sisi's actions would
certainly warrant the same media treatment meted out to the
West's favorite international villains were he standing on his feet
against US domination, rather than kneeling before it as a loyal
servant. If Western conceptions of democracy and human rights
mean anything, Sisi would long ago have occupied center stage
in the West's pantheon of demons. That he is allowed to fly under
the radar-despite cancelling democracy, murdering protesters,
executing political opponents, and jailing journalists-reveals much
about US foreign policy, the Western media that support it, and
social-justice advocates who are deceived by it.
1. "One Year after Morsi's Ouster, Divides Persist on El-Sisi, Muslim
Brotherhood," Pew Research Global Attitude Project, May 22, 2014.
2. David D. Kirkpatrick, "In Egyptian Town, Cheers for Sisi but Murmurs of
Discontent," The New York Times, May 25, 2014.
3. Kareem Fahim and Mayy el Sheik, "Crackdown in Egypt kills Islamists
as they protest", The New York Times, July 27, 2013/
4. Matt Bradley, "Egyptian clashes leave at least 51 dead", The Wall Street
Journal, October 6, 2013.
5. Tamer El-Ghobashy and Matt Bradely, "Egypt arrests Brotherhood offi-
cial ahead of Morsi trial", The Wall Street Journal, Oct 30, 2013.
6. David. D. Kirkpatrick, "Egypt's new strongman, Sisi knows best", The
New York Times, May 24, 2014.
7. Nick Cumming-Bruce, "U. N. expresses alarm over Egyptian death sen-
tences", The New York Times, March 25, 2014.
8. David D. Kirkpatrick, "Uproar in Egypt after judge sentences more than
680 to death", The New York Times, April 28, 2014.
9. Tamer El-Ghobashy, "Egypt to charge Al Jazeera journalists", The Wall
Street Journal, January 28, 2013.
10. Adam Entous, "U. S. defense chief mans hot line to Cairo", The Wall
Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal, July 10, 2013.
11. Eric Schmitt, "Cairo military firmly hooked to U. S. lifeline", The New
York Times, August 20, 2013.
12. Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt, "Ties with Egypt army constrain
Washington", The New York Times, August 16, 2013.
16 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 INTERNATIONAL
Egypts Illegitimate President
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Sadly, the crackdown isn't limited to pump-
ing live ammunition into the skulls of the
ousted president's backers. In March, an
Egyptian court sentenced hundreds of
Morsi supporters to death, finding them all
guilty of killing a single police officer at a
demonstration. The judgment was so fla-
grantly political that it moved the United
Nations high commissioner for human
rights, Navi Pillay, to denounce it. "The
mass imposition of the death penalty after
a trial rife with procedural irregularities is
in breach of international human rights
law," the commissioner concluded.
Trigger-Happy: Israel's Use of
Excessive Force in the West Bank
Amnesty International has called for an arms embargo of Israel.
In a 74-page report, the human rights group wants the U. S., the
European Union, and other countries to impose the embargo
against Israel and it would continue until the Israelis stop violat-
ing international human rights law against the Palestinians. The
report states that without international pressure, Israeli human
rights violations will likely continue. Philip Luther, director of the
Middle East and North African Program at Amnesty International
believes too much Palestinian blood has been spilled. The long-
standing pattern of Israeli violence must be broken. The report,
entitled "Trigger-Happy: Israel's Use of Excessive Force in the
West Bank," states the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has killed at
least 22 Palestinians between January 2011 and December
2013. None of the dead Palestinians posed a threat to the IDF.
Killing them amounted to nothing short of war crimes. Luther
condemns IDF soldiers of routinely firing live ammunition.
Besides the 22 Palestinians killed, 261 were injured, 67 of the
wounded were children. Rubber bullets coated with metal and
teargas injured a further 8,000 civilians. The impunity for which
IDF soldiers strike suggest they have orders from superiors to
carry out these aggressive acts against unarmed civilians. The
report calls for the Israelis "to open independent, impartial, trans-
parent, prompt investigations" of IDF treatment of Palestinians.
Israelis must stop using live ammunition and metal-coated rub-
ber bullets, except in cases where it protects lives. There must be
a suspension of tear gas due to the harmful chemicals causing
ailments such as breathing difficulties, vomiting, and skin blis-
ters. Furthermore, victims of human rights violations are entitled
to justice, truth, and reparations. Amnesty International has
called for an arms embargo of Israel until the human rights vio-
lations committed against Palestinians stops.
Israeli Foreign Minister Spokesman Yigal Palmor considers the
report biased and depriving. He defends Israel's right to protect
itself. He says representatives of Amnesty International failed to
ask for an Israeli response or comments to the claims made in
the report. Last year, there were 5,000 Palestinian rock attacks
against Israelis, half of which occurred on main roads. The
abduction and murder of ONE Israeli soldier took place.
(Adapted from
calls-for-an-arms-embargo- of-israel/)
Continuous Egyptian protest against the military govt since 3 July
2013 -- longest mass protest in history (Al Jazeera)
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INTERNATIONAL The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 17
Following is an English translation of the full
text of leaked letter from President Mohammed
Morsi to the people of Egypt:
O steadfast and revolutionary people of Egypt,
God has willed that our blessed revolution, the 25
January Revolution, will face difficulties all the way
to the end. Yet, God has chosen true revolutionar-
ies for this revolution, men and women, who are
the pride of Egypt and the rest of the world.
O free revolutionaries,
Continue along the path of your pure and peaceful
revolution with the steadfastness of mountains
and the will power of thunder.
Your revolution will triumph very soon. This is my
absolute conviction in God. You are backed by the
overwhelming majority of the people, who expect
you to set the revolutionary stage for them so that
you may soon hear their thunderous roar after the
world heard their deafening silence during the far-
cical swearing in of the coup-leader. For such a
farce, the coup regime needed an absent-minded
people but they dealt them a blow with their vigi-
lance and humiliated them.
So, come together and do not disunite lest you fail
and lose your vigour.
God bears witness that I have spared no effort in
resisting corruption and crime, at times through
the law and at others through revolutionary
means. I was right at times and wrong at others;
but I have never betrayed your trust and I shall
never do so. I have spent the years of my life con-
fronting their crimes and I shall continue to do so
for the rest of my life.
O revolutionary youth of Egypt! You have aston-
ished the world with your revolution. You are the
today and the tomorrow, the present and the
future. Indeed, you are the homeland. The revolu-
tion depends on you and I trust that you will raise
its banner and deliver it to its glory.
Defend the revolution and be patient, O heroes. By
God, I am envisioning you as the forthcoming
generation of fathers telling your children how
patient you had been and how much you endured
in order for your revolution to succeed.
The free peoples of the world have not recognised
this criminal coup regime because the Egyptians
have continued their revolution while adhering to
its innovative peacefulness. Not a single free per-
son in the entire world will recognise the false-
hoods that emanate from this coups falsehood.
Last but not least, I would like to say to my great
people: keep your eyes on your revolution and its
highest goals. Neither the blood of the martyrs;
nor the cries of the wounded; nor the sacrifices of
the detainees; will ever be in vain so long as this
revolution is looked after by men who care for it,
raise its flag, believe in its principles and rally
around it until it accomplishes all its objectives.
I know that the path is tough. Yet, I truly believe in
the goodness of your souls and the justness of
your cause. I am also fully confident that the
Almighty God will grant you victory.
May God protect you for your homeland and your
nation, and may you always be revolutionaries.
Dr Mohammed Morsi
President, Arab Republic of Egypt
Full text of leaked letter from President Mohammed Morsi
Did you know that 85 to 90 percent of wars casualties are non-com-
batant civilians? That is the conclusion reached by a nine-person
research team in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public
Health. The deaths of soldiers who are fighting the war are a small part
of the human and economic cost. Clearly, wars do not protect the lives
of civilians. The notion that soldiers are dying for us is false. Non-com-
batants are the main victims of war. Keep that in mind for July 4th,
which is arriving in six weeks.
July 4th is Americas most important national holiday celebrating
American independence from Great Britain. On July 4th, 1776,
Americas Founding Fathers declared that the Thirteen Colonies were
no longer colonies but an independent country in which the Rights of
Englishmen would prevail for all citizens and not only for King Georges
In this American assertion of self-determination citizens of Great
Britain were not allowed to vote. Therefore, according to Washingtons
position on the votes in Crimea and in eastern Ukraine-the former
Russian territories of Donetsk and Luhansk-Americas Declaration of
Independence was illegitimate and illegal.
On July 4th all across America there will be patriotic speeches
about our soldiers who gave their lives for their country. To an informed
person these speeches are curious. I am hard pressed to think of any
examples of our soldiers giving their lives for our country. US Marine
General Smedley Butler had the same problem. He said that his
Marines gave their lives for United Fruit Companys control of Central
America. War is a racket, said General Butler, pointing out that US
participation in World War I produced 21,000 new American million-
aires and billionaires. When General Butler said war is a racket, he
meant that war is a racket for a few people getting rich on the backs of
millions of dead people. According to the article in the American
Journal of Public Health, during the 20th century 190 million deaths
could be directly and indirectly related to war. 190 million is 60 million
more than the entire US population in the year that I was born.
The only war fought on US territory was the war against Southern
Secession. In this war Irish immigrants fresh off the boat gave their lives
for American Empire. As soon as the South was conquered, the Union
forces were set loose on the Plains Indians and destroyed them as well.
Empire over life. That has always been Washingtons guiding principle.
Americas wars have always been fought elsewhere-Cuba,
Haiti, Mexico, Philippines, Japan, Germany, Korea, Vietnam,
Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Somalia. Washington
even attacks countries with which the US is not at war, such as
Pakistan and Yemen, and engages in proxy wars. The article cited
above reports: The United States launched 201 overseas military
operations between the end of World War II and 2001, and since
then, others, including Afghanistan and Iraq.
Not a single one of these wars and military operations had anything
whatsoever to do with defending the US population from foreign
threats. Not even Japan and Germany posed a threat to the US. Neither
country had any prospect of invading the US and neither country had
any such war plans.
Lets assume Japan had conquered China, Burma, and Indonesia.
With such a vast territory to occupy, Japan could not have spared a sin-
gle division with which to invade the US, and, of course, any invasion
fleet would never have made it across the Pacific. Just as was the fate
of the Japanese fleet at Midway, an invasion fleet would have been sit-
ting ducks for the US Navy.
Assume Germany had extended its conquests over Europe to
Great Britain, Russia and North Africa. Germany would have been
unable to successfully occupy such a vast territory and could not have
spared a single soldier to send to invade America. Even the US super-
power was unable to successfully occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, coun-
tries with small land areas and populations in comparison.
Except for its wars against the South, the Plains Indians, Haiti,
Spain, Panama, Grenada, and Mexico, the US has never won a war.
The Southern Confederates, usually outnumbered, often defeated the
Union generals. Japan was defeated by its own lack of military
resources. Germany was defeated by the Soviet Union. The allied inva-
sion of Normandy did not occur until June 6, 1944, by which time the
Red Army had ground up the Wehrmacht.
When the allies landed in Normandy, three-fourths of the German
Army was on the Russian front. The allied invasion was greatly helped
by Germanys shortage of fuel for mobilized units. If Hitler had not
allowed hubris to lead him into invading the Soviet Union and, instead,
just sat on his European conquests, no allied invasion would have been
possible. Today Germany would rule all of Europe, including the UK.
The US would have no European Empire with which to threaten Russia,
China, and the Middle East.
In Korea in the 1950s, General Douglas MacArthur, victorious over
Japan, was fought to a standstill by third world China. In Vietnam
American technological superiority was defeated by a third world army.
The US rolled up mighty Grenada in the 1980s, but lost its proxy war
against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.
Currently Washington is at work overturning President Reagans
accomplishment of ending the Cold War. Washington orchestrated a
coup that overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and installed a
stooge government. Washingtons stooges began issuing threats
against Russia and the Russian speaking population in Ukraine. These
threats resulted in those parts of Ukraine that were formerly part of
Russia declaring their independence. Washington blames Russia, not
itself, and is stirring the pot, demonizing Russia and recreating the Cold
War with military deployments in the Baltics and Eastern Europe.
Washington needs to reinvent the Cold War in order to justify the hun-
dreds of billions of dollars that Washington annually feeds the
military/security complex, some of which recycles in political campaign
donations. In contrast to Washingtons propaganda, an honest view of
the events in Ukraine can be found here:
In the 21st century Americans worst enemies are not al Qaeda,
Iran, Russia, and China. Americas worst enemies are our own presi-
dents who have declared repeatedly that the orchestrated war on ter-
ror gives them the right to set aside the civil liberties guaranteed to
every citizen by the US Constitution. Presidential disrespect for the US
Constitution is so extreme that Obama has nominated David Barron to
the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Barron is the Justice (sic)
Department official who wrote the memos fabricating a legal justifica-
tion for the Office of President to murder US citizens without due
process of law.
ate-keep-assassination-memo-nominee- david-barron-off-the-federal-
bench? akid=10688.1090360. wP_x-
Having stripped US citizens of their civil liberties, executive branch
agencies are now stocking up vast amounts of ammunition, and the
Department of Agriculture has placed an order for submachine guns.
The Department for Homeland Security has acquired 2,717 mine-
resistant armored personnel carriers. Congress and the media are not
interested in why the executive branch is arming itself so heavily
against the American people.
During the entirely of the 21st century-indeed, dating from the
Clinton regime at the end of the 20th century-the executive branch has
declared its independence from law (both domestic and international)
and from the Constitution, Congress, and the Judiciary. The executive
branch, with the help of the Republican Federalist Society, has estab-
lished that the office of the executive is a tyranny unaccountable to law,
domestic or international, as long as the executive declares a state of
war, even a war that is not conducted against another country or coun-
tries but a vague, undefined or ill-defined war against a vague stateless
enemy such as al Qaeda, with which the US is currently allied against
Syria. Al Qaeda now has a dual role. Al Qaeda is Washingtons agent
for overthrowing the elected Assad government in Syria and al Qaeda
is the evil force against which US civil liberties must be sacrificed.
The illegitimate power asserted by the Office of the President is not
only a threat to every American but also to every living being on planet
earth. As the article cited above reports: Approximately 17,300
nuclear weapons are presently deployed in at least 9 countries, many
of which can be launched and reach their targets within 45 minutes.
It only takes one fool-and Washington has thousands of fools-and
all life on earth terminates in 45 minutes. The neoconservative belief
that the United States is the exceptional, indispensable country chosen
by history to rule the earth is a belief full of the arrogance and hubris
that lead to war. Keep your likely fate in mind as you watch the military
bands and marches on July 4th and listen to the hot air of militarism.
Construction of homes for Muzaffarnagar Riot Victims
(24th May 2014) by Charity Alliance
Work in Progress, Land filling of the plot. Around 3ft mud was
filled to make it in level of road.
We appeal to come forward to make this project possible. We
plan to build some 60 self-contained small houses but our
funds after buying the land scarcely suffice for 30 houses.
President Morsi in court cage
Black Agenda Report
NATOs aggression against Libya begat the sub-Saharan chaos
that justified the French and U. S. occupation of Mali and Niger.
Militarily, Africa is fast becoming an American continent. Barack
Obama, who has been president for all but the first year of
AFRICOMs existence, has succeeded in integrating U. S. fighting
units, bases, training regimens, equipment and financing into the
military structures of all but a handful of African nations. The great
pan-Africanist and former Ghanaian president Kwame Nkrumahs
dream of a militarily united Africa has been all but realized - with
Americans and Europeans in charge. Under the guise of human-
itarian intervention, Obama has vastly expanded Bill Clinton and
George Bushs African footprints, so that only a few patches on
the continental map lie outside Washingtons sphere of opera-
tions. Eritrea and Zimbabwe are the notable exceptions - and,
therefore, future targets.
Africa is occupied territory. The African Union doesnt even
pretend to be in charge of its own nominal peace-keeping mis-
sions, which are little more than opportunities for African militaries
to get paid for doing the Wests bidding. China and Brazil may be
garnering the lions share of trade with Africa, but the men with the
guns are loyal to AFRICOM - the sugar daddy to the continents
military class. U. S. troops now sleep in African barracks, broth-
ers in arms with African officers who can determine who will sleep
next week in the presidential mansion.
The pace of U. S. penetration of West Africa has quickened
dramatically since 2011, when Obama bombed Muammar
Gaddafis Libyan government out of existence, setting a flood of
jihadists and weapons streaming east to Syria and south to desta-
bilize the nations of the Sahel. Chaos ensued - beautiful chaos, if
you are a U. S. military planner seeking justification for ever- larg-
er missions. NATOs aggression against Libya begat the sub-
Saharan chaos that justified the French and U. S. occupation of
Mali and Niger. Hyperactive North African jihadists, empowered by
American bombs, weapons and money, trained and outfitted their
brethren on the continent, including elements of Nigerias Boko
Haram. The Hausa-speaking Islamic warriors then bequeathed
AFRICOM a priceless gift: nearly 300 schoolgirls in need of rescu-
ing, perfect fodder for humanitarian intervention.
Nobody had to ask twice that Obama Do something!
The heads of Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Benin and Cameroon were
summoned to Paris (pretending it was their idea) where they
declared total war on Boko Haram, as observers from the U.
S., France, Britain and the European Union (Africas past and
future stakeholders) looked on. French President Francois
Hollande said a global and regional action plan would come out
of the conference. The heads of Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Benin and
Cameroon were summoned to Paris where they declared total
war on Boko Haram.
Of course, the five African states have neither the money,
training, equipment nor intelligence gathering capacity for such a
plan. It will be a Euro-American plan for the defense and security
of West Africa - against other Africans. Immediately, the U. S. sent
80 troops to Chad (whose military has long been a mercenary
asset of France) to open up a new drone base, joining previously
existing U. S. drone fields in Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia,
Somalia, the Seychelles Islands, Djibouti (home to a huge French
and American base), and CIA sites that need not be disclosed.
The new West African security grouping became an instant
imprint of NATO, an appendage to be shaped by imperial military
planners to confront enemies chosen by Washington and Paris.
What a miracle of humanitarian military momentum! The girls had
only been missing for a month, and might not be rescued alive,
but five neighboring African countries - one of them the biggest
economy on the continent - had already been dragooned into a
NATO-dominated military alliance with other subordinate African
It soon turned out that AFRICOM already had a special rela-
tionship with the Nigerian military that was not announced until
after the schoolgirls abduction. AFRICOM will train a battalion of
Nigerian Rangers in counterinsurgency warfare, the first time that
the Command has provided full spectrum training to Africans on
such a scale.
With the American public in a Save our girls interventionist
frame of mind, operations that were secret suddenly became pub-
lic. The New York Times reveals that the U. S. has been running a
secret program to train counterterrorism battalions for Niger and
Mauritania. Elite Green Berets and Delta Force killers are instruct-
ing handpicked commandos in counterinsurgency in Mali, as well.
The identity of one Times source leaves little doubt that the previ-
ously secret operations are designed to blanket the region with U.
S. trained death squads. Michael Sheehan was until last year in
charge of Special Operations at the Pentagon - Death Squads
Central - where he pushed for more Special Ops trainers for
African armies. Sheehan now holds the distinguished chair at
West Points Combating Terrorism Center. In the 1980s, he was a
Special Forces commander in Latin America - which can only
mean death squads. AFRICOM will train a battalion of Nigerian
Rangers in counterinsurgency warfare.
U. S. Army Special Forces have always been political killers,
most often operating with the CIA. The Phoenix Program, in
Vietnam, which murdered between 26,000 and 41,000 people and
tortured many more, was a CIA-Special Forces war crime. From
1975 to deep into the 80s, the CIA and its Special Forces muscle
provided technical support and weapons to killers for Operation
Condor, the death squads run by a consortium of military govern-
ments in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil,
believed responsible for 60,000 murders. Sheehan was probably
involved in Operation Condor and its Central American compo-
nent, Operation Charly, and has perfected the art of political mur-
der, ever since. If he is happy and feeling vindicated by events in
Africa, then U. S.-trained death squads are about to proliferate in
that part of the world. There is no question that Obama is enam-
ored of Special Ops, since small unit murders by professional
killers at midnight look less like war - and can, if convenient, be
blamed on
(other) terrorists. However, history - recent history - proves
the U. S. can get away with almost limitless carnage in Africa.
Ethiopias 2006 invasion of Somalia, backed by U. S. forces on
land, air and sea, resulted in the worst humanitarian crisis in
Africa at the time, worse than Darfur, according to UN
observers, with hundreds of thousands dead. The U. S. then with-
held food aid to starve out Somali Shabaab fighters, leading to
even more catastrophic loss of life. But, most Americans are
oblivious to such crimes against Black humanity. U. S. ally
Ethiopia commits genocide against ethnic Somalis in its Ogaden
region with absolute impunity, and bars the international media
from the region. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama - each of
them with help from Susan Rice - have collectively killed six mil-
lion Congolese since 1996. The greatest genocide since World
War Two was the premeditated result of the chaos deliberately
imposed on mineral-rich Congo by the U. S. and its henchmen in
neighboring Rwanda and Uganda. Paul Kagame, the current leader
of Rwanda, shot down a plane with two presidents aboard in
1994, sparking the mass killings that brought Kagame to power
and started neighboring Congo on the road to hell. America cele-
brates Kagame as a hero, although the Tutsi tribal dictator sends
death squads all over the world to snuff out those who oppose
The U. S. can get away with almost limitless carnage in
Africa. Ugandan leader Yoweri Museveni, a friend of the U. S.
since Ronald Reagan, committed genocidal acts against his rivals
from the Acholi tribe, throwing them into concentration camps.
Joseph Kony was one of these Acholis, who apparently went
crazy. Kony hasnt been a threat to Uganda or any other country
in the region for years, but President Obama used a supposed
sighting of remnants of his Lords Resistance Army to send 100
Green Berets to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda,
Rwanda, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan. Just last
month, Obama sent 150 more troops and four aircraft to central
Africa, again claiming that Kony was lurking, somewhere.
Actually, the American troops were deployed near South
Sudan, which the U. S, Britain and Israel had destabilized for
decades in an effort to split it off from the larger nation of Sudan.
South Sudan became independent, but it remained unstable - not
a nation, but a place with oil that the U. S. coveted. Many tens of
thousands more are certain to die in fighting in South Sudan, but
few Americans will blame their own country.
As the carnage in Congo demonstrates, whole populations
can be made to disappear in Africa without most people in the
West noticing. The death squads the Americans are training in
Nigeria, Niger, Mauretania and Mali, and those that will soon be
stalking victims in Cameroon and Benin, will not be limited to
hunting Boko Haram. Death squads are, by definition, destabiliz-
ing; they poison the political and social environment beyond
repair, as Central Americans who lived through the 80s can attest.
Yet, that is U. S. imperialisms preferred method of conquest in the
non-white world. Its what the Americans actually do, when folks
demand that they Do something. (
Boko Haram a Blessing for Imperialism in Africa
18 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 INTERNATIONAL
The pace of U. S. penetration of West Africa has quickened dramatically since 2011,
when Obama bombed Muammar Gaddafis Libyan government out of existence, setting a
flood of jihadists and weapons streaming east to Syria and south to destabilize the
nations of the Sahel. Chaos ensued - beautiful chaos, if you are a U. S. military planner
seeking justification for ever- larger missions. NATOs aggression against Libya begat
the sub-Saharan chaos that justified the French and U. S. occupation of Mali and Niger.
Hyperactive North African jihadists, empowered by American bombs, weapons and
money, trained and outfitted their brethren on the continent, including elements of
Nigerias Boko Haram. The Hausa-speaking Islamic warriors then bequeathed AFRICOM
a priceless gift: nearly 300 schoolgirls in need of rescuing, perfect fodder for
humanitarian intervention.
A Surveillance
State Beyond
A White House lawyer seems determined to
demolish our civil liberties. In the past several
months, we have been provided with instructive
lessons on the nature of state power and the
forces that drive state policy. And on a closely
related matter: the subtle, differentiated concept
of transparency.
The source of the instruction, of course, is
the trove of documents about the National
Security Agency surveillance system released
by the courageous fighter for freedom Edward J.
Snowden, expertly summarized and analyzed by
his collaborator Glenn Greenwald in his new
book, No Place to Hide.
The documents unveil a remarkable project
to expose to state scrutiny vital information
about every person who falls within the grasp of
the colossus - in principle, every person linked
to the modern electronic society.
Nothing so ambitious was imagined by the
dystopian prophets of grim totalitarian worlds
ahead.It is of no slight import that the project is
being executed in one of the freest countries in
the world, and in radical violation of the U. S.
Constitutions Bill of Rights, which protects citi-
zens from unreasonable searches and
seizures, and guarantees the privacy of their
persons, houses, papers and effects. Much as
government lawyers may try, there is no way to
reconcile these principles with the assault on the
population revealed in the Snowden documents.
It is also well to remember that defense of
the fundamental right to privacy helped to spark
the American Revolution. In the 18th century, the
tyrant was the British government, which
claimed the right to intrude freely into the homes
and personal lives of American colonists. Today
it is American citizens own government that
abrogates to itself this authority.
Britain retains the stance that drove the
colonists to rebellion, though on a more restrict-
ed scale, as power has shifted in world affairs.
The British government has called on the NSA
to analyse and retain any British citizens
mobile phone and fax numbers, emails and IP
addresses, swept up by its dragnet, The
Guardian reports, working from documents pro-
vided by Snowden.
British citizens (like other international cus-
tomers) will also doubtless be pleased to learn
that the NSA routinely receives or intercepts
routers, servers and other computer network
devices exported from the United States so that
it can implant surveillance tools, as Greenwald
reports in his book.
As the colossus fulfills its visions, in princi-
ple every keystroke might be sent to President
Obamas huge and expanding databases in Utah.
In other ways too, the constitutional lawyer
in the White House seems determined to demol-
ish the foundations of our civil liberties. The prin-
ciple of the presumption of innocence, which
dates back to Magna Carta 800 years ago, has
long been dismissed to oblivion.
Recently The New York Times reported the
anguish of a federal judge who had to decide
whether to allow the force-feeding of a Syrian
prisoner who is on a hunger strike to protest his
imprisonment. No anguish was expressed
over the fact that he has been held without trial
for 12 years in Guantanamo, one of many vic-
tims of the leader of the Free World, who claims
the right to hold prisoners without charges and
to subject them to torture.
These exposures lead us to inquire into state
policy more generally and the factors that drive
it. The received standard version is that the pri-
mary goal of policy is security and defense
against enemies. The doctrine at once suggests
a few questions: security for whom, and defense
against which enemies? The answers are high-
lighted dramatically by the Snowden revelations.
Policy must assure the security of state
authority and concentrations of domestic power,
defending them from a frightening enemy: the
domestic population, which can become a great
danger if not controlled.
It has long been understood that information
about the enemy makes a critical contribution to
controlling it. In that regard, Obama has a series
of distinguished predecessors, though his con-
tributions have reached unprecedented levels, as
we have learned from the work of Snowden,
Greenwald and a few others.
To defend state power and private econom-
ic power from the domestic enemy, those two
entities must be concealed - while in sharp con-
trast, the enemy must be fully exposed to state
The principle was lucidly explained by the
policy intellectual Samuel P. Huntington, who
instructed us that Power remains strong when
it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it
begins to evaporate. Huntington added a crucial
illustration. In his words, you may have to sell
[intervention or other military action] in such a
way as to create the misimpression that it is the
Soviet Union that you are fighting. That is what
the United States has been doing ever since the
Truman Doctrine at the outset of the Cold War.
Huntingtons insight into state power and
policy was both accurate and prescient. As he
wrote these words in 1981, the Reagan admin-
istration was launching its war on terror - which
quickly became a murderous and brutal terrorist
war, primarily in Central America, but extending
well beyond to southern Africa, Asia and the
Middle East. From that day forward, in order to
carry out violence and subversion abroad, or
repression and violation of fundamental rights at
home, state power has regularly sought to cre-
ate the misimpression that it is terrorists that we
are fighting, though there are other options: drug
lords, mad mullahs seeking nuclear weapons,
and other ogres said to be seeking to attack and
destroy us.
Throughout, the basic principle remains:
Power must not be exposed to the sunlight.
Edward Snowden has become the most wanted
criminal in the world for failing to comprehend
this essential maxim. In brief, there must be
complete transparency for the population, but
none for the powers that must defend them-
selves from this fearsome internal enemy.
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20 The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES
ne of the most enduring (and incorrect) accusations
made about the Ottoman Empire is that it was intellectu-
ally stagnant. Orientalist historians claim that the
Ottomans saw science and religion as mutually exclusive
and incompatible, unlike earlier Muslim dynasties. While this
accusation may be true for some periods in the Ottoman history,
there were many examples of Ottoman scientific and intellectual
progress. One notable example is the attempts at human flight
made by a pair of brothers in the 1600s in Istanbul.
The idea of humans having the ability to fly is an enchanting
one. For thousands of years, people from all corners of the world
have attempted to defy gravity and soar like birds. Abbas ibn
Firnas, a Spanish Muslim inventor of the 9th century managed to
achieve un-powered glider flight in Cordoba in the 800s by build-
ing a set of wings covered in birds feathers.
While his attempt was successful, his inability to slow down
led to a disastrous crash landing that probably discouraged fur-
ther attempts by enterprising inventors like him.
In the 1600s, another brave man attempted to succeed where
Abbas ibn Firnas failed. Hezarafen Ahmed elebi was a polymath
who lived in Istanbul during the height of the Ottoman Empire.
In1630, he built a set of glider wings that he could attach to his
body. According to the Ottoman historian and traveler, Evliya
elebi, Hezarafen jumped from the top of the Galata Tower in
Istanbul with his wings and managed to glide across the
Bosphorus strait to Dogancilara Square - about two miles away.
Because of the height of the tower and its position on top of a hill,
Hezarafen had the necessary altitude to make a successful cross-
ing of the Bosphorus.
Since the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul separates the conti-
nents of Europe and Asia, Hezarafen Ahmed elebis flight can be
considered as the first intercontinental human flight in history. He
was rewarded for his achievement by Sultan Murad IV with gold
coins, but was later exiled after numerous advisors of the sultan
convinced him that Hezarafen was a threat to the sultanate.
Perhaps inspired
by the achieve-
ment of
H e z a r a f e n
Ahmed elebi,
his brother,
Laragi Hassan
elebi also
sought to defy
gravity and
reach the skies.
In 1633, he built
a rocket made
for a human
passenger. The rocket was powered by over 300 pounds of gun-
powder. According to Evliya elebi, to celebrate the birth of Sultan
Murads daughter, Laragi elebi tested his rocket at the shore of
the Bosphorus, near the sultans residence, Topkapi Palace.
After numerous assistants lit the fuses for his one of a kind
rocket, Lagari soared up about 300 meters into the air. When his
rocket ran out of fuel, he opened a pair of wings he fashioned for
himself, and gently managed to glide down to the Bosporus, and
then swim to the shore. Like his brother, he was rewarded for his
achievement with a pouch of gold, and was also made a cavalry
officer in the Sipahi corps of the Ottoman Empire. He is said to
have died soon afterwards in a battle in the Crimea.
al-Hassani, Salim. 1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of
Muslim Civilization. Washington D. C.: National Geographic
Society, 2012. Print.
Morgan, M. (2007). Lost History. Washington D. C.: National
Geographic Society.
Muslims, the Pioneers of Aviation
She lived in a conservative protes-
tant family and even thought to
become a nun, but she has now
converted to Islam after discover-
ing that it ensures an equilibrium
between matter and spirit and that
its secret lies in diversity and
embracing life in its totality.
Dutch painter Francies Van
Everdingen says that power of
Islam lies in its diversity and
embracing the human life in its
entirety. She said she converted to
Islam because it beautifully spans
over the spiritual and the worldly.
The Dutch TV recently screened a docu-
mentary on Muslim converts including Sufis and
salafis. Painter Everdingen is at ease with both.
She tries through her paintings and films to
understand diversity as a path leading to unity.
Speaking to Al
(Arabic), Everdingen said she
belongs to Almas rural region
which divides the Catholic south
from the Protestant north in the
Describing the reasons why
she converted from
Protestantism to Islam,
Everdingen said she learnt paint-
ing in order to reach the sources
following branches. Diversity and
exploration of details led her to
the idea of unity of God (Tawhid).
She said, I am convinced that Islam alone
enjoyed unmatched diversity which is the secret
of its power and appeal.
Everdingen used to visit church from time to
time but, she says, trinity never appealed to her
and she never accepted the divinity of Jesus
which is what clergy teach people in the church-
Everdingen said, after graduation she went
for further studies in the US and kept reading
books and speaking to Muslims about issues
whose answers she failed to find in Christianity.
She said it was strange that she spoke
about such issues because she was born in a
Protestant family and even thought of becoming
a nun.
Everdingen says that Islam has provided
her with spiritual peace and has allowed her to
become disinterested in materialism and to lead
a meaningful life.
Studies undertaken by anthropologists in
European universities and research centres
conclude that most Europeans who converted to
Islam had rejected trinity or were somehow con-
nected to Muslims or they faced a direct chal-
lenge which led them to search for truth.
Speaking about her
paintings, Everdingen said
Islam has articulated her
interest and has led her to desist from certain
kinds of paintings. It has deepened her relation-
ship with God and what He has endowed Nature
Everdingen said her understanding of diver-
sity has allowed her to engage in contacts with
various kinds of Muslims in the Netherlands. My
relationship is not limited to Salafi and Sufi or
Dutch and Moroccan or Turkish as all of them
constitute a unity.
It is not exactly known how many Dutch
people have converted to Islam, because Dutch
law does not allow census on the basis of reli-
gion. But organisations in contact with Muslim
converts say that they exceed 15,000. Out of
the 16.5 million population of the Nertherland,
about one million are Muslims, 80 percent of
whom belong to Turkish and Moroccan origins.
(Translated from Arabic by
Zafarul-Islam Khan)
Diversity of Islam led me to embrace it: Dutch painter
Laragi Hassan elebi soaring in a rocket
Hezarafen Ahmed elebi, how he tried to fly over the Bosphorus (right)
BOOKS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 21
Book: A Tribute Volume for Dr.Asghar Ali Engineer
Striving for Peace and Harmony
Editors: Ram Puniyani, Irfan Engineer
Publishers: Bhashya Prakashan, Mumbai
Year: 2014
ISBN No. 978-93-83206-29-2
Price: Rs.350
Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer (Born: March 10, 1939, died May 14,
2013 at the age of 74) was a major champion of human rights in
recent times. His area of work spanned from the struggle for
reform in Bohra community, investigations and analysis of com-
munal violence, striving for communal amity and interpretation of
Islam. In all these major areas his contributions have been
immense. He was a scholar activist who contributed in a prolific
manner on all these topics. His contributions are a landmark in
these areas of activism and scholarship.
During the process he was instrumental in forming various
organizations, including Centre for Study of Society and
Secularism, of which he was the founding chairman. He authored
and edited over 70 books. He was a recipient of many awards for
his work; the major ones being the National Communal Award
and the Right Livelihood Award (Alternate Nobel Prize) in 1997
and 2004 respectively.
This volume is a compilation of tributes written by his
close friends, associates and those admiring his work. It
captures facets of his commitment, dedication and striving
for the causes he espoused. Many of the articles capture
the modest, humane, and extremely friendly nature of Dr.
Contributors to the volume are Ram Puniyani, Irfan
Engineer, Vinod Mubayi, Harsh Mander, Hilal Ahmed, Uday
Mehta, Shaukat Ajmeri, Javed Anand, Dr. Ranu Jain. Prof.
M.Hasan, Dr.Ishtiaq Ahmed, Zakia Soman, L.S. Hardenia,
Anand Patwardhan, Sumanto Al Qurtuby, Jyoti Punwani,
Swami Agnivesh, Azher Hussain, Meena Menon, Qutub
Jahan, Syed Ali Mujtaba, Pritam K. Rohila, Zahir
Janmohamed, Maqbool Ahmed Siraj, Seema Chishti, Zarina
Patel, Asad Bin Saif, Farzana Versey, Ramu Ramanathan and
Neha Dabhade.
The book has been compiled by Ram Puniyani and Irfan
Engineer. Puniyani is author, activist, recipient of the National
Communal Harmony Award. He has written and edited sever-
al books on the issues related to the threat of communal poli-
tics and the politics behind the phenomenon of terrorist vio-
lence; while Engineer is a human rights activist, Director of
Centre for Study of Society and Secularism. He writes on the
issues of communal violence, rights or religious minorities,
and communal harmony.
Tribute to Asghar Ali Engineer
Who Killed
available in
Punjabi too
Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face
of Terrorism in India by SM Mushrif,
Former IG Maharasthra has now
been translated in Punjabi. While
unearthing the conspiracy behind
the murder of Karkare, this book
takes a hard look at some of the
major incidents attributed to Islamic
terrorism in India and finds them
baseless. This myth-shattering book
is now available in nine languages .
This book was orignally published in
English and its translations were
done in Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Tamil,
Malayalam and Kannada.
The Punjabi edition, Karkare da
katal kaun?, in 367 pages, is priced
at Rs 300.
For Punjabi edition please contact:
Chak Staran Parkashan
Near Devi Mandir Road,
Old Rajpura, Dist. Patiala
Punjab 140401
Tel. 01762-233223, 9872241223
Old News: Who Killed Karkare? has
entered the list of seditious literature
in Punjab! http://archive.indianex- t-
exper t-on-material-found-at-bara-
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To order please see page 19 of this issue
RSS does not want dialogue with Muslims but dominance on its
preset terms. Muslims in India are a big-sized minority surpassing the
size of Caste Hindus. The tragedy is that one of the two numerical equals
has acquired powers at all levels while the other equal is excluded and
marginalised. Dialogue can be the remedy for this if it happens within the
Sangh Parivar and BJP to endorse the Constitution and the Rule of Law
and treat all Indians as equals. The national government led by any
political par ty must follow the Constitution and must not use
Establishment agencies in the interest of a party or a community.
Dr. Shaz says that "Mr Modi wants to consolidate what he has
achieved through hard work and determination." Everybody knows the
record of the Gujarat government in the last thirteen years vis--vis
Muslims. Where is the hard-work and achievement in the case of even
those Muslims who were murdered and humiliated in 2002 and after.
Shaz says that "this is the only way to survive and prosper. I believe, its
a God-sent opportunity." Prosperity is not based on survival but a
dignified life and the constitutionality of the State system in which
Muslims are full and equal members of the political community. The
magical EVM result itself is a God-sent opportunity for the BJP to make a
shift from Hegdewar-Golwalkar to Gandhi-Nehru tradition. It is not a God-
sent opportunity but a challenge to the constitutional State and the Indian
Republic based on the social contract concluded in the Constituent
Assembly of India and the process of federal nation-building resting upon
our willingness for power-sharing and adequate representation to
minorities in the country.
Political analysis without understanding the purpose of the "State,"
"Politics" and the factor of "legitimacy" of the national Government in the
eyes of the largest Muslim minority community in a multicultural setting
is adulation with ignorance. Politics is neither inter-faith dialogue (as part
of the US public diplomacy in collaboration with Saudi Intelligence) nor
translating the wrong as the right nor seeking power by all means but to
seek legitimacy on the basis of the citizens approval. Politically, India is
a Constitutional State as a Federal Nation which requires different
communities to be civic and democratic in substance for the purpose of
nation-building. One nation, one culture and one language idiom is not
compatible with the constitutional values against which the BJP has
struggled all its political history. Those who have built their political
careers on hatred and violence against Muslims, mosques and madarsas,
denying rights and justice to thousands of victims mainly women and
children, have loyalty to a particular ideology rather than endorsing the
Rule of Law as the rule of governance.
Muslims in India basically need to be full and equal members of the
political community for which they always tried to seek their
constitutional rights. But the Sangh Parivar and the BJP have historically
and ideologically been opposed to it. Constitutional values certify the
group rights of the minorities under Article 30 and dignified life under
Parts III and IV of the Constitution along with affirmative action policies
under Articles 15 (4), 16 (4), 46, 340, etc in addition to the federal
autonomy for J&K and North-Eastern states.
India has certainly entered into a turbulent phase of its constitutional
existence which will not last long.
Dr Arshi Khan is associate professor in the department of political science,
AMU. He may be contacted at
Contd. from page 5
Aligarh: AMU Vice Chancellor, Zameer Uddin Shah, released a
book, "Concept of War and Peace in Islam and Christianity" at the
Arts Faculty lounge here on 7 June. The book has been authored
by Dr Rehan Akhtar of the Department of Theology.
Addressing the function, Shah said he has spent forty golden
years of his life in the army and found that the best way to defeat
an enemy is to bring him to peace. He said that earlier wars were
won by physical might but now these are won by strategic and
diplomatic means, which employ objective mental prowess. He
urged students to use the same to bring about revolution in edu-
Professor Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Dean, Faculty of Theology,
said that an educational institution is recognized by its research
calibre. Commenting on the book, Professor Zafarul Islam of the
Department of Islamic Studies, said that from the very beginning
human beings are involved in the search for peace. Dr Tauqir Alam
Falahi, Department of Sunni Theology and Dr Abu Sufian Islahi of
the Department of Arabic also addressed the function.
AMU Vice Chancellor and others releasing the book of Dr. Rehan Akhtar Qasmi (third from right)
Book on war and peace in Islam and Christianity
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A mistake which never was
This letter is referring to the article on page 21 of Milli Gazette of 16-31
May 2014 (Books) where in it is said "that all trees in the earth were pen
and seven oceans turned as ink, the words of ALLAH would not be
exhausted. It is mentioned, as the Qur'an, 31-28. It is not correct. In
Surah 18-Aayat 109 reveals the abovementioned fact. The Qur'an 31-28
says the creation and resurrection of mankind. Please issue a
corrigendum in this regard in the next issue of MG.
M. A. Khan, Triandrum
MG: Our reference is correct though it is ayah no. 27 instead of 28
(Surah Luqman ) in the editions available in the Subcontinent. The
same meaning is also mentioned in ayah 109 of Surah al-Kahf whcih
you mention.
Rashid Shazs statement
I am happy that Dr. Shaz has discovered that the new rulers are human
and have a human heart. This applies to Modi, Amit Shah and the new
Muzaffarnagar MP, who instigated the last round of killings only eight
months ago. May be we should now fall in line behind this President of
the Milli Parliament and all march to Modi's residence and offer our
unconditional surrender and total loyalty to Modi.
Prof. J.S.Bandukwala, Baroda
Prof. Rashid Shaz's endorsement of Modi is borne of his frustration with
the religious establishment that is rightly or wrongly credited/accused of
leading Muslim voters down a visible cliff. That is not a very healthy way
of reprimanding our own people. Like a jilted lover, going out and
shacking up with the enemy. There was never a handicap or legal
disability for Muslims to build their own institutions and have their own
political party/parties. Kejriwal has finally proved that it can be done, if the
leader can build up trust. Even Muslims too can do it, though there has
never been a general consensus that Muslim should participate in Indian
democracy, not as vote-bank, not as king-makers, but to be the king. Just
because we lost to the British a century and half back, should not make
us zombies. If we are being treated as second class citizens, it is
apparent that we chose to be second class citizens.
Ghulam Muhammed Siddiqui, (IDRAAK/ Mashwara) Mumbai - 400 050
Mushawarat Golden Jubilee
The best way for the Muslim minority community in India to safeguard
their just and legitimate rights - especially with an avowed rabidly
communal Prime Minister - is by strengthen the one and only Muslim
umbrella organisation viz. The Majlis -e Mushawarat. Hence it is
imperative on the part of Muslim individuals and organisations to see that
the Golden Jubilee Celebration is a grand success
S. M. Pasha, Convener, All India forum of Muslim journalists, Chennai
Media's double standards
Every media (Print / Electronic) gave prime importance to the "CBI giving
clean chit to Amit Shah in Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case" news. But
same media avoids Muslim's innocence even in case of the Muslims
youth who languished years in jails and come out clean of cooked-up
terror charges. This is media's sheer anti-Muslim character: when police
arrests any Muslim on terror charges, media given prime importance but
their innocence is blacked out by same media when they are acquitted by
courts. The Indian media is dominated by saffron brains and that is why
weaker sections voice is strangulated and injustices continue.
S. Haque, Patna
Muslim techie beaten to death in Pune
This is a very serious matter. Authorities in Pune and in New Delhi must
see that the seven accused , belonging to Hindu Rashtra Sena, must be
proceeded according to law. Muslims in India are passing through deep
unease. I hope political considerations do not lead to a weakening of the
Dr. J. S. Bandukwala, Vadodara, Gujarat
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani, Rajkot, Gujarat
Shazia Resignation from AAP
Shazia has been very ambitious and self centred so called Muslim Face
of AAP although she was not. After Parliamentary Elections she could
sense that AAP is passing through difficult time so she decided to part
company with AAP. Now she will do the same as discredited Mufti
Shamoon Kazmi ,the worst face of Muslims, has done , Very soon she
will be joining BJP. After all BJP needs some Muslim faces. Her
resignation at the time when Keriwal is fighting a battle of morality and is
behind the bar just for speaking the truth, calling Gadkari one of the most
Bharasts. If he is not Bharust then why was he removed from President-
ship of BJP. Shazia should know that there are already many self centred
Muslims in Que to gain favour of Modi.. Kejriwal is fighting for the
corruption free system and shall finally win the war against corrupts. I
appeal to all supporters of AAP to have patience as the future is always
with truth. Kejriwal is great . We should not forget that only 60% of the
total voters have casted their vote and out of the total vote casted Modi
share has been only 35%, meaning there by that Majority( 65%) of Indian
population rejected him which includes both Muslims and Non- Muslims:
Shazia has been very ambitious and self centred so called Muslim Face
of AAP although she was not. After Parliamentary Elections she could
sense that AAP is passing through difficult time so she decided to part
company with AAP. Now she will do the same as discredited Mufti
Shamoon Kazmi ,the worst face of Muslims, has done , Very soon she
will be joining BJP. After all BJP needs some Muslim faces. Her
resignation at the time when Keriwal is fighting a battle of morality and is
behind the bar just for speaking the truth, calling Gadkari one of the most
Bharasts. If he is not Bharust then why was he removed from President-
ship of BJP. Shazia should know that there are already many self centered
Muslims in Que to gain favor of Modi.. Kejriwal is fighting for the
corruption free system and shall finally win the war against corrupts. I
appeal to all supporters of AAP to have patience as the future is always
with truth. Kejriwal is great . We should not forget that only 60% of the
total voters have casted their vote and out of the total vote casted Modi
share has been only 35%, meaning there by that Majority( 65%) of Indian
population rejected him which includes both Muslims ans Non- Muslims.
Prof. Shamim Ahmad
Rape of democracy
With the heady media coverage of Modi coming to power, it took
sometime for the media to reflect on the import of Supreme Court verdict
on the Akshardham attack case, which appears to be a fake case in a
series of terror attacks apparently organized by Sangh Parivar, to stage a
take over of democratic India through terror and subterfuge. Enormous
efforts were made to first create a communal atmosphere targeting
innocent Muslims as terror accused and at the same time to hide the fact
of who was really involved in these terror attacks. When ever the word
'Hindutva terror' in contrast to Muslim terror appeared in media, a big hue
and cry was manufactured to scare off writers who were convinced that
other than Muslims were involved. The first casualty of this cover-up was
the most elaborate murder conspiracy resulting in wanton assassination
of SIT Chief Hemant Karkare, who had iron clad proof of those involved
in the series of terror attacks and who was reportedly threatened by
criminals if he dared to disclose the truth. The atmosphere of blame on
Muslims was meant to consolidate Hindu vote in favour of Modi and BJP.
As days pass, more and more details will emerge, as to how India's
elections were sabotage in more than one way. Times of India has taken
full fortnight to come out an opinion piece on Supreme Court's verdict on
Akshardham case, with open question on Modi's role in sanctioning
prosecution of innocent Muslims dragged in the case. Others like Bobby
Naqvi of GULF NEWS has enumerated the entire series of terror attacks
as a precursor to Modi victory.
ideology-1.1338302). The open question is how Election Commission
and other judiciary authorities will deal with this public rape of democracy
in India. As matters stand only a massive people's movement will move
the mountain.
Ghulam Muhammed, Mumbai
Modis ministers
All the Modi ministers seems easy going type they don't want any KASHT
in life they are seen sitting on chairs and chitchatting They are all well off
take for example Uma Harati she has failed as CM of Rajasthan Again she
been given ministry you will see that she will fail again Modi will replace
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hydersbad
CBI, EC.... DM, intelligence alert
BJP & other saffron groups branded CBI as Congress Bureau of
Investigation. On 8 May, BJP PM-candidate Modi charged that EC is not
fair and and senior leader of BJP Arun Jaitley demanded removal of DMs
and ECs unfair for election purpose due to threat perception BJP senior
leaders, that fake threat perception was used to scuttle Modi's campaign.
They demanded the proof of threat alert. The same bunch used
intelligence alerts generated by home department intelligence and sent
to Gujarat government that terrorists were expected to enter Gujarat
with a mission to target Modi. Then Ishrat Jahan and others were killed in
proven fake encounters.
S. Haque, Patna
Sirajuddin Quraishi's interview in TOI
The interview of Sirajuddin Quraishi with the Times of India, was in poor
taste. He appears desperate to please Modi. Is it connected to Modi's
strong language against the export of buffalo meat ? Sadly so learned a
man as Dr. Javed Jamil is also going the way of Sirajuddin .Why do our
rich and ambitious Muslims crawl before powerful leaders ? Atleast they
must maintain some dignity.
Dr. J. S. Bandukwala, Vadodara, Gujarat
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani, Rajkot, Gujarat
Kashmiri migrants and riot migrants
Central and state government give Rs. 6000 per month to every Kashmiri
migrant and the government is considering to provide Rs. 10,000 per
month raising 4000 more and state government has sent the proposal to
central government. In Gujrat after 2002 pogrom, lakhs of Muslims
migrated to safer places to save their lives. Still at least 15,000 families
could not go back to their original homes. Similarly 30,000 Muslim
families effected in Muzaffarnagar anti-Muslim riot victims are living in
shelters and lakhs of Muslims migrated to save their lives due to
Kokrajhar Bodo terrorists attack in which 45 innocent Muslims were
killed. For these riots victims who migrated from their home to save their
lives, why the same monetary help yardstick is not applied? Let justice-
loving person file a PIL to provide justice.
S. Haque, Patna
Work hard your ideals are good Kejriwal you will be the next prime
minister of India take good persons in the party and make contacts to the
Aam Admi dr AHMaqdoomi Hyderabad 09/06 On the day of oath taking
ceremony of the Modi government a major accident of rail occured and
40 persons died On the same day one plane crashed and a young piolet
died .since then daily number of accidents are taking place .Tufan .rains
and winds destroyed properties houses food grains electric poles etc
Dalit girls inBadayun gang raped killed and hanged on the trees After this
merciless crime same type of crime took place Media did not give the
detaild yesterday 24 students of Hyd Engineering college drowned in the
river Only 5 dead bodies could be recovered AChain puller snatched the
chain of a lady MP This shows some Bhagwans are not happy with the
Modi regime only the perfect jotishi will reveal the fact
A H Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
How to put an end to horrendous rapes
Horrendous rapes in Delhi are really a shame to India. The need of the
hour is to undertake effective and stern measures to protect women. This
is possible when the following stern measures are undertaken: 1. Police
should register complaints of rapes without any delay and the number of
women cops should be increased to 20% of the police force. 2. Fast track
courts should be set-up to deal with rape cases and other sexual offences
speedingly. Preferably there should be daily trial hearings. 3. There should
be increase in the number of police patrolling vans. 4. There should be
comprehensive verification of drivers who take students to schools and
colleges. 5. Finally harsher and deterrent punishment should be given to
the rapists. Such a harsher and deterrent punishment as suggested by
The Times of India is chemical castration of the rapist.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP, Delhi - 110091
Qudsia Bagh to become Aggarwal Park!
Infront the gate of Qudsia Mosque, some people have constructed illegal
temple by the name of Pracheen Baba Paataaleshwer Mandir. I am a
witness that few years before there was no such construction. By chance
last year when i was walking through that area i was shocked to see an
illegal mandir construction rightly near infront of Qudsia Masjid gate. Who
allowed this illegal construction? it should be investigated and illegal
temple should be demolished by ASI & MCD to restore the legal status of
Qudsia Mosque and Quadsia Park, near ISBT, Kasmiri Gate, Delhi.
Similarly, there are recently constructed mandirs near Safdarjung's Tomb
(maqbra), New Delhi; and near Chaar Minaar, Hydrabad, Andhra Pradesh.
Dr. Usman Ahmed (Comment on MG website)
Is Hindustan land of rioters?
In Singapore, riot erupted in little India area. A bus was torched and a
police van was overturned, ambulance van was damaged and fought with
police. 33-year-old Indian Ramlingam Sakhiwel accepted his crime of
riotering in court (Press Trust / 8/05/14). In India, 73000 riots killed lakhs
of innocent people and many lakhs of houses were destroyed. In one day
three thousand Sikhs were killed in Delhi. Narendra Modis lieutenant Amit
Shah branded Azamgarh as den of terrorists (07/05/14). BJP senior
leader V. K. Malhotra called Jamia Nagar Den of Terrorists. Saffron
Brigade targets AMU as "atankwadion ki paathshala etc. If this argument
is correct and saffron brigade extract benefits from this argument, then
are they proud to be Hindustani rioters and Hindustan is a land of rioters?
S. Haque, Patna
Guess who came to dinner
Kokilaben Ambani also at President's dinner after three generations of
Ambani family privileged to be invited on oath-taking ceremony of Prime
Minister Corporate influencing by India's richest Ambani family at
Rashtrapati Bhawan is evident from presence of Kokilaben Ambani even
at dinner hosted by President Pranab Mukerji on 26.05.2014 in honour of
new Prime Minister, his ministerial colleagues, visiting foreign dihnitories
and some others, after complete three generations of Ambani family were
seen attending oath- taking ceremony of Prime Minister Narender Modi at
a time when list of 4000-odd privileged ones had to be miserly selected
out of too many aspirants eager to attend the historic event. Presence of
Mukesh and Anil Ambani could be justified because of their influencing
role as India's leading industrialists. But giving too much importance to
Ambani family by Rashtrapati Bhawan is not proper and needs to be
avoided at least for future. Rashtrapati Bhawan should give clarification
on over-importance provided to one single (Ambani) family at such
important events.
Madhu Agrawal, Chandni Chowk, Delhi
They are jewels - Take care of them
Mozzamil Khalil son of a loco pilot, Central Railway, Nagpur, student of
Central India Public School, Kamptee (sub-urban of Nagpur) emerged as
topper in Xth class examination with 99% marks in recently declared
CBSE examination result of Nagpur Division (Chennai Region). In another
eent the life of laughter of an employee at the meet shop Miss A. R.
Noorjahan has been tumultuous celebrations as being proud of receiving
SIX GOLD MEDALS as an Organic Chemistry Post-graduate topper at
Bangalore University. For five years long Noorjahan laboured hard day
after day while her father Abdul Rafique toiled to bring few thousand
rupees at home. It is to be noted that after possessing diploma in
education she started working as a teacher but could not resist the
yearning for higher studies and joined a college to complete B. Sc. By
meeting financial requirements through tuitions and UGC scholarship.
Similarly in Nagpur Division of CBSE, near about more than 30 Muslim
students successful scored marks each more than 90 to 95%. In Xth and
XIIth examinations respectively which is an encouraging sing prevalent in
almost all the Indian states as far Muslim students are concerned.
However, no centralised co-ordination committee or organisation or the
non-availability or state level similar organisations run by members of
Ummah minimise the scope of success because of various reasons. It is
therefore necessary that the community and its well-wishers should
come out from the net of regionalism and must work jointly at National
level for the budding.
Faheemuddin, Nagpur - 13
Shazia Ilmis resignation must be condemned!
Rising Sun is worshiped and sinking ship is deserted at the earliest. This
is what Shazia Ilmi did, but she forgot that such sayings are not
applicable to founder members of any party or organization! What a pity!
Shazia has no patience or too eager to enjoy if any benefits were
proposed to her by any body, It cannot be said that if she had any
temptations and offers from any side? Even if it there is nothing like this
she ought to have waited for Kejrewal. Needless to say that BJP &
Congress have joined hands against AAP, as AAP is dead against
Corruptions, Communalism and Capitalism, hallmarks of both the
Rasheed Ansari
Rashtriya Hindu Andolan and Hindu Janjagruti Samitis campaign
While we should condemn these Hindutva outfits for flexing their
majoritarian muscles in the wake of BJP's election victory, we must also
admit that disturbing the sleep of non-Muslims in pluralistic societies is
not in the best Islamic tradition. By resisting sensible changes that
progressive Muslims themselves should have proposed, we have yielded
the higher moral ground to fascist organizations like the RSS, VHP and
Rashtriya Hindu Andolan. Prayers should be private, unobtrusive and
quiet. Both Muslims and Hindus tend to be noisy in their religious rituals,
but Muslims disturb the sleep of others on a daily basis.
Ghulam Mohiyuddin, New York 12804
Murder of the Muslim techie
A Muslim youth was killed mercilessly by Hindu Rashtra Sena .He was
innocent he did nothing on face book but killed him by accusing him .Now
the Raj Dharm be followed and all the killers be hanged If it is not fulfilled
The God of All gods will retaliate in His own way See the different
calamities coming across one by one
AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
Election (?) results
Can Muslims in India, who do not have one unanimous leader, say
anything except "Innaa Lillaah... regarding the last L. S. election (?)
S. Akhtar, Khanpur, Gujarat
REJOINDERS/OPINION/LETTERS The Milli Gazette, 16-30 June 2014 23
The Milli Gazette, P.O. Box 9701, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025 Email: Read more letters on MG website
Utter indifference of Poona citizens
One is appalled by the rank indifference of Poonas intellectual citizens
to the ghastly murder of the innocent youth, Mohsin, at Hadapsar. This
type of inertia was never expected from the people of this city whore
known to be non-communal and sagacious. The just elected BJP MP
Shirole said that the outcome was natural! Imagine, an elected MP
makes such irresponsible statement! The Times of Inda (June 7) carried
a news item on the front page that the retired IG Mr S M Mushrif had
warned Meeran Borwankar and Gulbrao Pol (two commissioners of
Poona) that shady activities by Hindu outfits were brewing in the city. But
these two high-ranking HINDU officers didnt pay heed to the warning of
a Muslim former IG. How can we remain insouciant to such things and
let them take place as if nothing has happened? How long can we con-
tinue to deceive ourselves? Isnt it an ostrich mentality of Hindus in
particular? Can this question be answered truthfully by the sage and
sane citizens of this great city? (SP)
RNI No. DELENG/2000/930 REGISTERED DL(S)-01/3215/2012-14
The Milli Gazette
D-84 Abul Fazl Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi 110025 India Tel.: 011-26947483, 0-9818120669 Email:
24 The Milli Gazette,16-30 June 2014
Printed, published and owned by Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan and printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd., D-160B, Sector-7, Noida, U.P. and published at D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, New Delhi 110025.
Editor: Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan
With best compliments from Kaleem Kawaja , Washington DC




















G.M. Banatwalla Saheb
M.Com., B.Ed., LL.B.
Born: 15 August 1933; Died: 25 June 2008
Former Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)
Former President, Indian Union Muslim League
with profound reverence and respect from:
Farooq Abdul Gaffar Bawani
Bawani Mansion, Bhidbhanjan Street No. 1
Rajkot-360001 (Gujarat) Mobile +91-98791-88179
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E-mail: Visit us:
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Avkar Clinic, Opp. Anjuman School,
Machchhipith, Mandvi-Kutch 370465
Mobile +91-9898991220 Email:
Dr M. Rafi M. Vahora
Piles-fistula specialist, Proctocare Hospital and Reaserch Center,
C-1st floor, Kolsawala House, Near Lucky Restaurant- Lal Darwaja,
Ahmedabad-380001 Gujarat Email:
Mobile 09824017754 Consulting timing: 12 noon - 3:00 pm
In loving memory of

These are verses of the Quran, a book that makes (things) clear;
A guide: and glad tidings for the believers. Those who establish
regular prayers and give in regular charity, and are sure of the
Hereafter. Quran 27:1-3
Registered trust
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See page 17 inside.

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